T , (, . - V "i p r r ) ) : niL cut sAi)i:n. ; t ' Ai4 wiMy y a J. ft the how u I I " fl wukVJ lb karn, ..d lb pnrr fume, Ud d ttif aalinel M dam I ' 77. TV tt1vMU4 and the'srine wi lrrig' aSA,!-!, yowtLAd, fcer fTWM btu,7" U(,r b .rf cih bad b rw'i hu, Vt tr pal ir it atlewt, !), tad gray, aW Iiwoi'd U bwVd. hot bad mi1 lo say,- Bat It qtufrd lb wW till bi 1 f rf W fcril, aW arry Um heart, ibo'lla loci 'ere wbitr. gh Ssveoiag HIV, sad th pWr KooU, Hitll aiaf n! ciuak, and tmplf bood, ' Iw1Wi ainf twb.ew trf tiwrn Mr Iut w r& lueUj m wfy way, H; heart - said lie, - frh sod JIV Joi llj,)tu(Vrliifourt),Ubrift)t? "TB'isd tymUd, tad kckvltoui MtHc ' 1 mr br gloiaWg check the wbilo, . Sir pdgriiB, yt tarry sartber day, . - TU tlouda r Jl dark o'er tba loaetoase , - Yea 6a r Waasy, fOW Wki ar vim,, Rboa tarry day, aad aaotber nlgM." -t :. ' ' . fJr Mr, VI vert a koigbt, and young . .Twtrr vsiatogt'ntey that nelodxmi tnngvj But t mi lnfr, vktt VMiy 1 wt W tock iVm few; Gib f hm . Tour brd U fret, and )rur jubtrt brif hi. But I tut Mil tTf tmUt aif bt.. . '. fur I hart kN wiodcflnf lon ad for.1 tPtyf rK bf-lr lw(buUi(I is Mercd vari Mjr bsdr U Kt d vIKwi ! foil, iid (9 real In lit aml , rfct a. Jlr. out aaib 'a bflfbr,' . tVBdrakirrftdbidfTaalri(bt, 'QK Dlwr, I Ifiadcad yai eaM, WH lidlap lata rVaiajba kly tnoik i"-! lord of ifi taiFe, annr baad'. Hat luIWvdlba ertala iba llolr Luid. dW wrlf. o ibriaa I Jail ka lla Viahi. ' a - . Wba lUAt abn bring or av tbtanl bnigbt!' : -r.. . V ltd lote xa tie ir,.f iha'pafater aawd, " ' A Hiitning btbept b egverrd brad. ' -. ,'ia'lKrt.ukiiaaiialafrua.' -.-7 ,t ; f t rrftl.d If (ha Mramt 1',' JS - .WbaaWw la tbia baa abal 'aaaat t torn. rr Tbr tM 'jwy I . Wi atoah atd baod, , 'hd b brd of tfio caatla provdhr Mood. V- V'a. A V ' irartti aprf of lb vbola a-W aartfc, la lt.i attiaa but, bf bU fe. bcartb ! Dett hdrtTtmrloti tllywir1Ttf biftrM. I U tany a dy, and aa4ber alfM I , i ' m mvmmmammmmmmmmm i; t A ow naaunthr aincr a'titllut tRo. itcr-.the lord of I poultry yard, f )xtr-ft milee irona towo lell by ac t ,-'S- CiuVr.1 ato t well,' tbe depth, of which ; i r ;"U aivemy Jvft feeu" There bei'nr no ; w;irrVh.,remaT6ra inlaaTeV o bis i, . aumu'is uiu icw (uji aince wnca r7': he perched upoo the baket let down toplx him-with water aijj-foo " V'r7tkn ww drawa op and ret.red to - tv "7j t it waa onaervea -:..-rv.-.tha4 xiuriog hk.Jmprlioome.oi ha en. " "17 trrtaioed oo clear idea of thel6thUg -Vzv'pf and jenerallf uttered Mi iafu- tatiytcr-trre morning ' nboOT Mltttlty j-HahrDnhr-fceame of thrr vertical iuo ?PP h apirita--a heartilj-and li ;o Mh 'egaloed bia ancient do " l.v.jalQLQo.apped n'n Yingacrpwed me c Georgia Vonituutionaust 3 " . - Pccirrt ceaale loe of amokiog . V - a well knowa to hi aiaociatea bpt f. : aS f oag atudrnt of. hit cMlegf find . ; rf iO a mt : rlifficnitr to bring a fellow tt Uepao totha belief 'fii, laid him , " , ."Sr Dew AldricK waa tmokirig at thar. tlme (aoot tea o" tncrn-xnr'morainf!:.; Away.rwent . the Utter to the deanery hen be- T ,ljgidaalttedta the Dean In hit atudy - ,b be related the occasion of V his iait. " T" Deai'v instead ef being d icou- , - cerrrd, replied In perfect good hutnot i A -You.see yaur friend , has lost his as?r, ".forl am oof smoking, but pd ''T Ij tiling my pipt.V-' 4-:-: ;The ' rriocess'.Tietori tma goes ; tease to be 19 daily an-object of ia? I tete t to jhe Engliah t at preaent. : .The John Cull , aaya, .we may veil vnr ti state, mat mere u every proa . tbt'ky, tobtjievethat tbx tountry will 7ii "j:wyixjcirJippaTeat v- - Bald Mr, 8. to iC the other' morn iPK. 'i bought a abad and hung it up Vail in the market houae, think. ; ii$ aeod f r It after breakfast j bwt ' aoTiebody tan? in thMneart time and ; f;i6ok HlolW?That' aaid Mrv . vmrm if.ll ' !--! your affjira, my friend." IrnK WlillamaTws issued Brorjo. " laH for publishing m this city, or NeW W-At '-Vi- iij A i , .1 T'fk, 'a 44 tcrl joursl, to Jbe entl' tied "The Tailors' Mawzine Thf : work ia intended -to supply the trade witb reports of the fashions, ' with di V vlg'amsj whole length figures, and ' other pictorial illustrations. It will .TitlniVvto , tn rh.e.'toplca," interestlag to those 2 - fof 4hom'it is imposed to get It up. .L-.' an fticn will be $J pr annum, a t!i r -I rnirj V ill atxr-r fj'.re ih . i a nun oi mrre kndwlitlgf, 'i.iinj 1:4 niort lu're than ui j j!it!..a H'jI J altho iph the Utter i mtt iniicllj' w much tit more !ua bU, . . : " ' It hai !o'ririrlit"ilfClJoSeWia that the animal kingdom hai autTcrcd ;rMl anrrtality tioce ihf prealtD ft( the cholera io that iurtrr, Vt 4H!tUr f CtH ad tiarra, in parlu lar, rivr been foui d ajead, and theac prcira have coitiCqitetitly brcn bao iihd fron) all Bohemian Idllci, . ' NRTt f h brareit of the brarr,M fogg t f hundred batttra for FiiOCe, riinnrird a ainale eror io, the hundred and iitv t arVrntrrp, . to d the daihtf a uaitor, Wid rtceii'ea.a pttao of iO.fxX)!. : MlCi-AEL AlS'niCLO, full of the grvt iH 'jMimi'lrai of hi ort, lied rer much alon, and nrr uf. fercd a'da? to paaa ithut kindling ?ii chisel erpencil.' Whm aomtper e;'0 reproached Una wiih livioj o metanchftly ard a l'rff a life, In an. iwrr?d( Art it a j:louf thinm it rrqairra the wholfiaind efttire iu." . B'vml , er opti ma of Vrauviua He ner Jly alight, occurred, about te middlr; 'f-Dembrr Uat. The K plea 0f tt, f the Tth pf Jutuiry, aay .'In the afternoon of the 22nd f DrceanlxT and the lollowiog nigH. the ah ksfrons the mountai became much nvre frequent and perceptible, md were felt in all the neighbors; country,'. and hollow rotnogs were feard every moment Of the 3rd inst, ihe lava from, the mouth vf the crater'had become twrnty.five feet broad, t It ia a curious circumstance, hat the irit substaoces of which the lavs cnoalated h are, itr cooling, been formed into three' arches tike a bridge under which the current which no issues from it runs. . On the tans dry-thrlava-had reached tht-4ate-of the olcan-e, keeping the direciioo of the hermitage of St. r3aviourt"rrir.nlng orer the Id beds formed in 1767 and .1779, and 1822. j- d encumbering the platua cUed- Guvstrc l a greatest extent is a quarter of a mile, and its depth about fifteen feet.- The moon, tain throws up at intervals of about 9 minutes each a largeauaotity of red hot- stones, which fall back' into the crater." 1 " - Song QtheJThams.TkmoTitt the m at enlivening things at a aca port, we must enumerate. , 'the tor.g of the negrdca at they pull up and have urthecaygfineVir; that impreaaioo on the atranger who heara-4t fbr-the trat time, md'we f p. prebend it setdena of e er cease s by frequent repetitioflf .enliveoing -the spirits inf riateners, . An bid" oegro is paid by the day elllir by the conaignef or the" laborer them8ehes,tr) cheer the. orh bv giving out 1 1 line at a time which if repeated: u sv grand chorus. while the hnUtinr rna on, -and has a mftat trseflif efcctln hastening the ofvl erations. Jre have often tried to get hold of the words used nn these occa sions lor the benefit of juveniu poets, who might thus turn their talents to he of liult) consequence, however, what form -of words U made use of. Sometimes it is ; 7; Ob I it8allr-ham-hiinii" but more generally bears some alius . . - 1 , - -1 - - iob.io 01a rwginny, ana tne nsppv daves of alaverv or corn husking. The following ia lather above the ordinary character of these .metrical ballads t- , f Mawmy SallyV atougbtfr!.'... 1- Loaa hi ahoe ia an old canoe , Dal", ray half TuQ of irater, Tr And den aha knew not what to do. f . . ? Jiffirerir jirv-fco." Yhen the fast cash or bale of the car. go ia' ready to come out, the master of , tha song department, descends to the bold with a straw" fools cup and ribbon,1 and mounting or the top. Is raiscllo'He!dcl!amIC mM'rrfttveiffgTwRO to adjqura to the ' treating shop, to spend their bard earnings to the song Of" r' '. - - ' " ' ' "Fadr aa a Corramantce, Moder wosa Mingo, J Blacl iPiocaninny Bueera wan tea o dam sell a wis; fete, b Jingo 7 Jiggery jig. A desire to say things which no one, ever said, m kes same people; say thing which no one ought to say, ... V Pet mor 'rtuously than jr either act or think; ; ;- Government, in church and stste, is of God 1 forms of government, in church and state, are. of men. The man who is not iateUigible yjatea few things, against thee. I am not intcUigenltJXm may dependupn not q -lite f his opinion. I am afraid this, as'upoiictut that will never da1the clauw w-wld e,a4f have BsU Tew Ctive yoo,:::r.ry:"":.i7 against tber," : r Frtnch rtthoi.ttx oUrr.rJ, - l OUlll CIIIKM. I VZ sijo,,(ii in .'a.e of'tU pcr. .fhe fulUf iug, is an f"ct from ruqdirr,) that .he F'ch ha I a oisn-dhe new hUtorical romvice, which nrr of aavioff the rrminnest thinri 1 mentioned Uat wek. It is from the far suixrior M the K'lfh, In looking oer a French' paper of 1 hia week, we-were- strurk -wHhja piece "of p4hohtch"w,tHink it UOe atMinaMa out ( France. A fire has taken place h Brest, which dcaut vedj the tulle a.rirvtt and did ramaidera Lie tlitnageAaccauot ot. ihie ap. peared in all the Taria pJprr, in the shape of a letter frdm Bft, which toociudes in the following burat, after detailing alt the ' deatruuion 0 the boildingsi , f Toil - pour lea pertes en material dc hjtiafs. flu, appfadr.plus. lard c'ombie fd'armes a)ut der..ites,"I emir ti$ne en y pensant.n 'TH MfitrV' f rdt tthi, k IT the de. struct n j)( bombs aud hoMZm muurn over' it demolition of .iu.10. cmt cannon, and rtfuses cona l t'on for the fate of defunct bayoncs an l 'u! rrd consigned to an earlv grave ! N"w, wh'n we r.anii Jer wht ia the ue and ' i'j'Cf of ih-se iitruTie.nti, can we r'frin fro-n smiling over thi .!Lrnl'.'.nAt?S -bursty rf wor l.Tplfjf xuntrrjtion, before. the maater and maim, wn, and d-strov, it ihie re. eiifarion f , nr, aa ihe sorig io PvrJ Vu'ejn b;; It ' - iZ ., .Ar end Ii irr. And wliat lliua''' Ihe deity H (nrf and hr Swarf f i f writ'f fr.m Brrt i p..v bfedi'Jif, brrauxe the bomb he!l sirovtil, 'inh' ti' having fpc dot i - a middle oj a iqoare, and U 'g ii l sirm, smashed !r'd:c t yit.ii, jmd apih braioa upoo the t;r.und - becautd the cannon perihed in it prime,' without hav ing ipr fa w (y thr up;h e Jumns of infantry er iquadrona of cavalry be cause 'he musket was lost with u hivma; killed its man. and the nikr wiTKout having been blooded by be V g 'orust through the body of some opposing granaaier. These, certain lv, are matters te make the: sensitive heart af any Christian gentleman drop tears I blood: OrtginaJ Anecdote. k member of our legislature, fr m oor of the inte. Wa.dwa, fewn the earea f buaine at home, grew thin and poor io thr Calvla Edaon sense oT the wordOn ... . nirarnvsi at tne metropolis, the goid fare 0 a good Boston landlord. and the relaxation .(roan buaioeaa, feverv oour snowa u IS no great aflair to tar yen or nay in the House of Rrpresrn. tatives) caused him to grow fleshy and corpulent tn such a decreJe as almost to excite the surprise of his brother legislators. Burprue tarned to ladgh teris the most caching of all laugh tef 1 end.it waa ao jo thia case, when some incorrigible wag . wrote with chalk upon upon the back of the mem. b'vfreat. V Fatted at the ex. pciur vt vie v(f. j oia uriat tx- . i L - ClA.i. H ri i f pi .nation of hi sudden - rotundity of cotenancedguarer,e'"Hn7 member .in question- unco-sci6utv Carritd with-hinvntarlv a whole dar much .to . the . amusement of his brethren "at the einense nf the state.' Lowell Jour, Exiraettfrom a Modern Dictionary. - Tra rrdltin.-. i. UWi.m K in - oo his head, who stalks about the stage, and gets into a violent passion for so much a night. Critic A. lage dog, that goes un chained, and barks at every thing he dee ont etmprener-d. ' Impossibility Breakfast on board a S'rumbo it without sausages f clrm, ttf .. 9ntnkan .jcriodical lilcrafau X prsotr hrraubscribes to a journal, and stops it in a few months without paying bis subscrip tions - - - our hwnhle servant term appfied by f he writer of a letter to himself,' which- wulj be the greatest insult 'f .ipplied by another. - Esqi e Every body, yet nobody: rquil tu general. T?v. k !t,lv JurtTtUt prisoners in a box to try one or more at a bar. Young attorney A useless mem ber? f society, who often goes where he has no business to befbecause he has DoualWeMwhc State's adviceA wretch who is pardoned . for comrades. being baser than his Tongue. k little horse, rhich is Continually running away. - r ' JlfeoscAoi'. Ingratitude to hen anysense that T Iters from our own fVwfltftUoetected imitation. UikbrtUa.kn article which by the morality of aocietv, you msv steal from friend or fne, and which for the same reason, you should not lend to cither. Bacoa asys, If St. John were to rrite an epistle to the church' of Eng land as he ndid , to. that, of Aia, H :tA surely contain thi aie: pen 01 bamuei i nnvn New Y rk, lormtrly a d'atiuguahtd Bftcmbct f our Bar j a genileman wall knoni;Mhf 4iterary-fonioef our c untry, from hit previous writ, trigs. - Ilia Ut work, we belUve, was the Life of Webatf r.' . ' JLIuaiakrn from a" iceutln 'th? JTr path'un Mduu'ain. ' where Pulawaki and hiraei vant were in search of some Jewrls hidden by the former, hen he add "her Polish painota had fled there for safety t , 1 0-ie evening as Carjoa was kind- toml briiught 'witV ThT'os,' ihiyTieird a confusion of sounds the cr? f'a m Trrnf the' ho wf of 1 wolf Jihey Lame Anm4n 1 rag of the voutain iuat eneatn them, CaHfH sprang up ' . a . a ,d ran to the plats irom wnence tnr snds iaaucd. A great wolf in tn -gotiles of his rivenous hunger,' hav iVitrd a hlf-nakrd man to devour r j((i...ihev were then i i the struggl for life. Thev had but a few moment servant arrived to the assistance of il rir fc'lowmau j hut before they could rccht' e scene of combat, the wolf 1st. quivering in the -gonies of death the k nife Irom the girdle of the ragged man had been plunged iito the entrails of the monster, and had reached his heart The man was c vered with-blood,- but not much of it had flown from his own veins, but fr m the vitals of the - wolf. H' ma. ted hair,-wild lok, and tattered g.rments bespoke 'he maniac. ' 'Diet tyrant, dieT he exclaimed f 'There, there ia Po:oin iki, dead. Base traitor! thou hast di served ihy fate 1 go howl with the damned, thotr ftase destroyer of thy CObntry t OiTSod let the curse of pa triots ring in thv ears forever ! Did I not keep thee from the halls of legia. la t ion while I could stand j and when the tripple cord that strangled . 1 j 1 through all thy miscreant hosts I and now hou hast c me here to hunt me among rocks.' The mannc turned hii face to aee who ame near htm. and P lawaki beheld he Cuuntenance of the great patriot. Rev ten, who hd lost his mind at the fall of his country. The maniac continued, ' and who are you "that" come to assist tne assassins of Poland! I am seeking Pulawski's hones, to make of them charm to call murdered Liberty baek to life, and io give her gastly check some blood color once more." "Liberty is in her winding-sheet ! is there no spell to raise her f I will pluck her from the loweat depths of yon horrid chasm!' and before they had time to secure him, Re y ton h o dashed himself from the precipice into the immense-abyss, down which reason - sbuddredto look." . Inquirer, A UvetyThought. To whatstrance aad unexperd xrircvmstc ia-th l.z rz, t,;:'; z::vw members of the ETM.g.iw success in life of. some .men- owing lpr"'i')trl I On the side of M ont St. Angelo, in,' the; the kingdom of Naples, ia a-little caa-4 - '-v- tie, pert hed B rock It xe tn eagle's nest. This rest is the residence of a nabob. .. lie waa a common aailor of Castellamsre, who was-throwo. in consequence of his adventurous dis position, otMhe shores of Hindosun, where, assisted by the recollections of his vout i, he hit urton the means of making a large fortune. It is the usage of the . wood-cutters n Mount St. Angelo, to attach their faggota to a long cable, and thus make them slide dowa from the top of the tnntintaio to the water-side. Our adventurer, at a critical moment, recommended a sim ilar mods of tfahsporting his cannon to a rajah tn whose service he had en gaged. - The experiment was com pletely successful : a brilliant victory was the result and a crore of rupees rewarded the ingenuity of the Italian. It is observsble that Pharaoh, tyrant and persecutor as he was, never com pelled the Hebrews to forsake the re. Iigton of their fathers, . and to adopt that .ol" theEgy ptians. Such .1 m served for Christians. ----- jQld Bailey Ft. A man tried for stealing a pair of boots from a shop doorinHoifcoro, with" which he-ran imfJwige to witness, who Aad pursued and seized the pruner. KWbi't did - he aay -whro you -caught him f Witness My Lordt he said that he tO"k thenots in joke.' Judge "And pray how fordid he carry the jokef 7 . frtftfs- About lorty yards, pleas your Lnrdship." - - -7' -. . , ; A publican appeared to give the pri- ner a character and. on examina tion, it appeared that he had no fur ther knowledge of him than that he had- frequented Ms house for thriast six weeks. Witness- I always con sidered the prisoner at . the bar, my lord, as a fair and honest mia Judge That is, you mean to say that he drank his beer fairly, and paid for, it hoi.estlv .' WUnOS Eaucd 10, any tur( T I . Vtttvcr'u Uc tt si'in.n sj sv.umei -jrlilUKPHY -fl'lttKtfl. for ttta niroMa fclifrr) b Jj iiuwd u"'l l''m Py tJ'nii'1' TiibitC, fi..i.ll UUxmt 1.1 psifona, aad lb pMt SI tarsi. !' I' ,rrn.'",5'11Vhlf M laliMjrjr, r': ,.!'" A NKWs F.ASUIONAIH.K, unA YantVfttV ot wfyrinjg'ty numinrr (joods rOA ZS32, : J FOH CV1.S7, Stir ceu" with " the grr -teat t car e, f-om ie 'atrr 'mprt ti"tr," v-j 'PIIILADELrillA .:siiVV, .VUkU, itUwith particular nStieiitt to the variety of tste exhibited in t those Cities. THt spletidid any W 0 awn men t, ibt aaoommwa wvoew ol bi priors, oniitd to ev ery other MOraMry k ComawxlaHoa, hold mm Io purcLaawm a saor than or uinaiy epportuni. i ur purcauing oa la noil rcasoioi a ad auitabb) urata. , IIB hope by porfeol adhere oca to botiaett, 10 laaJtr taall, vhu may iaor hlas nb thir patroiage, audi a.i.aadatH.aa aa ahall SMot Us contkuuaik e. aify. .ni 14.1133. KOTICE. 1 hereby fe lo the public, that tb part. oortMn. herelofoe, eiltaing- by Hie naow of Smith tt Co. U tb' day uiKilrd, the afroaaat of sUi MHaorahip hanog 1 airrd bMig ainoa. Vnftet ia also gWea thai . II. Smith will aot hold bi'vatlfr'apowstbletAie ane dek", berraflrc, eontraetad' tn the aame of said nartnrohip, aad that be win" eontinae to work at hi irod la tho ban funeorly oe. eu.'icd b ih Srw of OMth U Co. JOHM H. SMITH. Krangelical Lutheran fynod. eal Luthrran Svnod of .North Carolina and adjacent States, will com. menee their sessions on the 17th day of May next, at S . Paul's Church, Lincoln iCounty. N. - C. , The Rev. Clerpv of that body and their Respec tive Deputies, or any person having business tn transact coming within the jurisdiction of the synod, will be 6 good a to attend. HENRY GRAEBER, Sec'y. April 4AJ839. 5t3 . 'T'HE subscriljctf siilt continues t -'-make the above Achines and keeps a supply " roosUni 00 hand which he will sell low for 4 ish or on credit to punctual 'dealers, lie like wise intends, to keep on hnd a good supply ol COTTON GINS, and he wiiralso fcpair the samcTTorrtefl.. ' r2tf 'Erp. MrTrHELLT- Snlithurif. Mauii. a-- , V 13 JUJ.UJ i-l t. itr it t f. n - 6th of January, laat, there sTlettef Mailed at Mount Ptsgah P, 0. at the end of thfc route $50, U. S. bill No. 768, the right hand end of which is signed by S. Cheves President which ia- now in the pos. ression of the said Flowers. Also th sight hand end of a SlOO bill U. 8 Paper No. 3960 the left hand e- d of which, is signed by, W. - Mcllvaine Casbr. which -is also in the hands of said Flowers. The above mentioned Btter has been taken out of jht Mail leag bv some means supposed by slipping the strap which confines.it. A certain boy named Alfred Wallis who waa mail carrier at the time and who has since absconded ia supposed to be guilty of the offence, . The said Wsliiais complexion-and stout of his age, - A reward of 250 will be given for his apprehension sod prosecution to con. viction. . , W. KERR, P. Jtf, &taitviltn MaHk 7A 1831 Iwtf ... .:. I AVAWAY from the house of Mr. John - Walker, Esq. a negro man named JIM, belongingto William C. Kirktand liv- sJo.t. lng Vo South Carolina, 1 1 Barn welt; District. JIM it SI years old, about 6 feet S inches high, a little yellow cast. "An per. son apprehending the said negrp and lodging him in jail, so that I get him again, shall receive a reward - ol ten dollars. Any information concerning him, may be directed to Beauford's bridge Barnwell Disrict, S. C. - ; rtLiAM c. kiriland: a April 1 6, 1 832, 6t34 ; .TT4lVIa AT li.W. W.TTTILL practise in the Courts of this County f V ' t, Davidaoa, atecklenhurjf at Cabarrus. His aific ia a lew doors bclo tbe Cotiit-IliKtje- N . 213J, directed to Robert Duns- fiftf. SI V-1 fl 1 1 - way Lancaster. and signed by George Flowers; which 17 NA'AY on lhr :,b!r'r said letter contained the one half of a i Tuesday the 10th iost. I 1U)UT AND .M,ue KTmiV f I iimum r,',lr',,,l"'llte f'l.'i'.A V J''' 'h O!"-'.,.) a ' . - - Ml rKi src.tft. 'ftoryi'SU r;-:r)t'S " ! ' ' v "' '"' to b a ,m hJ V i. w.b bo aells, ajjH,j r. i .albe t,p,Hti gratil but m JJ N..nWa urk ill b repaired wiibMi IIH M .jr d.a aonih of ih Fl H.m., iha .i, 3,f,el ,,11,. ,y 22 oibatay tin,!! b m.iH k.p tJf; oj hMkd m om.l nl B(X f lnA HQri of h.t ooa. aa well a. Nurth,,, ml MebMaiadi oerMgnU ao a lo rre,i bM sad boot at all rinea,- bea alla l-cb MUXm s. bW, 4 VwZS?i that who ewriuswrs sa1 tbey a b d2 AH oroVra from 4Wane4,a;tbrf wboULr rttaiL will be ouieiiun uiaa .- .. aaiNifM-turraootrse ts lot Uhimg fcaaa,. aod will foeaisti ptr vitn sny qutoi,,; rley may wasi, whh sh.H be a sbJ sirt ? leWaKaod asa!a, , mrt by boS Inexrert-nei ' M Ihe baataess, bat he iooroeym,. " sJ"'ai brier tt of 4 mm, . wll aait aod irt not Ina this W i Mwrh, b will bava tbra delivered at tbir h.awes.. AH hD b varra.iied to b Jar of th( Ixal ma'rriaaj. -. . O-.Taa JOUBNglMtM oswasM C will Ind iatmMlia'o eitirdmairM M' ' i',. m ?lf F.BKNUCK OlCXtOM Sahtbrf, April 14, 183 -r ' v tlLWsKurOJr. and CHEmirli T.IF. m.M B04T MACON AI T. J. C.tlJtA. HAkfaavinibtea "Kced last snmmer. in luii-.i r. "n Charlestoa end Cba. ; raw calling at Geo. Town oa aot w -and down, will resume her Trips ia the course of s few fays and l Intended is be ' Continued in the trsdr lbs ensuing sea-V" son. . . . . ' t .; Her exceeding light draft! of Wst'tit' drawing whoa loaded only about four il a half foal waiar will enable bar to rcb Chersw st aM limes excapi, an uneora-' . men losyiivtr, when her cargo will, toy lightened t tbe Expenre of Bou" 4 ' ' J. Br TLOGIL ii. Chartttion Sefi r J 6 v 1 1 J I, , N- B- Sbe has comfortaW actonor dations for a few pisseogtrs JliI State, of North-Caroina,, . atooraoaiaat co.arf. "r . JuffiJ.tiitLsLLaAJbak tern, 1833- . taxtf Moaao J -i- Joaaraaa atoaaaa.J f . , . It appearing 10 the satisfaction ol the Courtthattha dertadaaJunwthan.v Morgan Is not ,Sa-inhabitant of this Btitr , : it is therefore ordered, that publi al'on he made' for three mntht in the'Westrrn Caroliniauj' printed at ' 6aliaburyf and in the North Carolioa-, Journal, printed at Tyetteville,1hat the said J loathan Morgan jifpetr st ;: the nexvSuperiorCour e X?w,.tci, be hrlil for the county bf M ntg"mcrr, at the CHirt-IIouse in La renceviJlef on tha. first. Mor.diy in September -next; and answer 'said prtiiion ot it; wjj oe heard ex pajlejan'd - judgment granted agaln4-hm prb7Jr.b fr''" Wimras, Farq'ihar Mamo, 'Cferi"of' our Superior C"UfJLlLOflScf:t-J',e firat Maucbtin March, A. D. r TIodlhACAScrloHA indepne2j the 56th., FAR. MARTIN. ... raj,Apy.3,3pt ,,,v IM bound Bov, named ' about iwtlve vears old, sou of Thos. Kielor, of York District, who went . iff in compiiiv with him, and since J rrsturned. Said boy ;made bis way actoss the Jatawrui, and-apivei v ti have gone to CabarruS county, Jf. C He will hsrdlv 'undertake to change his namtr but U he should, he may be easily known by hisdress, a.d a burnt place on the top of his head there being no hairon the spot, or vert thin. - He wore off a leather cap cotton doth roundabout, and is a pret ty smart, active lad- . ' - ' . lsiritt-e4rWnbosrewarttiva hi delivery to me i and 25 for the con viction of any.onewho may have h; f bored or employed him and I I diatinctlv forwarn all persons agiinfl Yorkville April Uth 1832. if f 9 last, from my plsr.ut.oaja '' I L Jones e-nfv, two Tr0'l0: "J &aineiSHmmNf 5iH17. munhto, oa one of .bi w ft I there a aear ees.oned br , -. , gin 1 be wilt ehsnga hj and ene't. for. free ., Ttejlg natnod JOHN, a comoion '-Lbiy vears of age,:eey Intelliirerrt, be wdT protaJJ Oct!r I6th. ' r ' V m0ifM, taT1.e Georgian, tamwhl 'hf i WahnsA - iwe, are qVi ftW-T?-, t everv Heacrmtioo. w-j ptCbnitinUl t; -JW.f,!liBl.iWl

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