i i I ! , i , nt'i, ,' irriw !- . . I- i ,". t tVi Utiitt ! th J tf 1 1." " nM'''!' the lint' Il'lfl loaned li.. .U ( ill 1C 'l f ' rmbf r prvinly, od ldua t. II June mi, at paid of bf " 6tfU ftm . Wt-Jih, eUnintd M l United ?W Erase h R..uh tl New fork, accompanied ritH th foll'ing remarks, contained it - ltpr 1 ih frtMt.iooi of bank. LtJ . I- York, March 1 UK. l32t and found i,jK-, 9, lii'i' AltU.ti U loan to V U th &mk of tii tailed r Irofa awine cbarrter 1 tnade Bm latmrits allowing tlf ce"ity of accommodation OOT M.nincm, " an rf our ability to tnt our payments, ' tic-re no N no doubt Ui lbt tho enemies ' tf ibe bank, M a!our piitk ni opponent, f ndmof t, f iv faF! coloring t i -bub traiwaclion.- IV foan, lhwsrb ,ltie w st iVTT Vo" t r. ft tTglVtaT;j"TJnpnf the ration oo ia. pn u. ..u This, it no oalr our (My. hut our darfw, 'to prevent, IT posaibi; tad,' therefore, wi!i some litil lncoyioc lo oursehr we hav eW arrMfenaU to pay th nrrfi of 113.00!) to lb. cour of ft few Tho tJOC of th fMwdfrtl of Ik ... . ipbu4 the chancier of th? va .moms li aim. and the eirmiwUncw wbich todurad him to h Mtwd ih tb Men . Tiy. todtnnkjtht(lriiicej wbich logtthtr with til tk ttiJony wmI cone 'fmnkaet on lhn vuMect, wiU b tnuxl io th mmrt markodKo. f. : : a ! that erubjom ft if tUtad. by th ftniuii.or of VVbb and Nob, that thy tu i u -1 1! -- . t .'i '' I Ah' r ! t,!.V), nj i &iv Mhiiif f tb first 15,000 dollar a Ur mad by tb Frewdent of lb, bank to Uurrowu that feurrow mad tbem be- - -limtfmrtr 115,000 -wroaii4 t , KoahbV bit Cither, atid that ha bad hi jkt!,f pr ut la rrf o ibai'Uaiwue t . ticn. lad (r wbkh ioaa Noah allow! furrow 9 par eeoU, and did not rcm tt tf fcr aoni nondia after . gimf hi VoUtitbat the not wr diaeooid by th bank,, id ibir haiaM. .without .their MmwMgt, and paid ofia the cam way. at win tmwaf by tb tenimony pi inr. -' 'Jltor, rnnite to publication ia th Jattcr part of 1829, fkoraU to tha tablih- i. U"d,,i fhranche thai alwrtly there!Vr J il ftunmenrtui ila rmrMMiliilB to th batik. "d waforiiitocH month warmly oppo . id tn it i and that, on or abotit tha f fh tf Jlnri!, leaiat cnangea itacounw in mtot ta tt baulk Ctmoetted yttk thia "fact, k Vu-tTmiaindoo the parTfif ooOf the Isd- 1 Mort; that bcfr tha finrt Ub wa noo- otiatad h Mid a eotivraaUoo Mfith . ' genllaaian. fhruugh wpom tit kwa waa " tuhHMfofudinr f whtfthf iotiittee Iikiw Wba Burrr.V io Vhidi Jtav Bur ' .. . rw, or iha ditort, (on 61 whom, -.Z-L..'..:!, lVe3h,had axpraaaed bunatjlfiU laror of,a """7" ""BiiMiifie'd rechlrter,) to advocate an uncom I . -t: :diti.IiM rettftwalr-r" but ' txpwsvi great . -itatitioti at lanunff that one waa in -i; i':r-achartrr ttodr any ctrcumtaa Theomnjitteawill-atale they ' - tl jua to obtoiij tha ieatimoir of Bun 3. . .w T'loa but.wen wiabt to do u.. ' A aupas : : : f:-':- a wiuf iatued for, bira aud aeot to New j, ' 1fork,1o Which tha mafihal returned b ' ' f c wiw'u.)t (o ba ftKind. It wa then ent to ' r'.'"'. TVaJiiflfitiKl ' city, : ino! "th; Sereeant-at ,' '.- A " rnsJ th aaaw rf lura. Tha "iUar- - 'lmt of Pcnn)-fTaniwai Jirectefc'hyHlw ; T, '?.t T Cbarrmaa.lo mai Ind continu a aearch i ' 1.' "o la ' Philwfclphiaip having T icard oilai eipecled arrival in that place 1 f";' i flat the martial reported to tha t'hatr ' " , ' m thal' lie lirtau,:ihIitMl . fcas'-itffived ttat p!Ce$ a Thuraiay " ' fi 5tt iiiilaiit f but h wM h t U to ff ,;v' the 'brveea Bccauaa b could tot be J o an inquiry whether thr were any ! flldflr iiutuik'eaofno'oa being diaopuntsd '- Jlir t'i accomnMxlatioa ot any merchant ani triMior. at 1,3. 3, i, atwj 0 yeara cred '" '. ,'. it, vnlea to aacure a debt la jeopardy. -. fltfr prcaoatad to (lie committee four ' ""Other caeta. . - . ' "" ' . wtha saer, April Uiacfwnrnittce, Dy V4 'iwrtlutioiicalled fjf tlm jullowins atata- . ' lion'a to aasiat .them in. the'elwidatioir f - vrtain ikcta which toad appeared in other 7 ocument, Vi2l " - ) "lf? A tabular atatwnent bowing -th tpirreRate amount of note diaccjnted and anil due the bank, drawn and endorsed by fcon-reaident of ihiladetphia which will De louna marked A - 2d."rTh ;iwitfl" amount of rood J.., lotus ofTorad fr diacount, and rejected by " ' tL w warn f ij anu cnuorscn iy nnn " 4ientt -i4 Philadvlpttia, on tha following I days reupbctivcty t, 0th af Augu.st( 10th v . December, 1831 ) 3d January t 1 0th Fab' - Miry; 2d and 14th f March, 1832; 2ith ' 8optmber, and 15th October, 1880. Tliat -alatemeot, marked KL ' will how -. the utew diaiBiuited j but'" the - 4en o(4h-banl'tBte Cbeir inability, to -iicrimtnat between thoao tbat' ars good W Mbrwiae. - -31, The ajjregate amount afaotea'dl- CTi on paraonal aecunty, and mad . paible mor than aix month after data, - w'lK-h appear to be only f Mir 'in unmber, V' u tha . case cXL VV...WabbJindJOI. ' . 4th. Th azer rate of note now due - the banV,dirounted for firm or th prU m a nria, without the nam at sone pennn not Ulonjrin to the firm, i draw- r or eidoreer, distiuguiahmg' ia each of " toe atme rtarenwnta the tnuiimt liwicd to wraler of Congress, m-anticipatin t if tbfif p-iy members before t!n j "W tiie rneral apnropriuti..n lull." "3 J. And tlw amount of money dua the ITiiifed ' State", an-l nrtdepoaite io the bank, aftpr ' n-J'i' . f?Hefrnn the aum thus advanc ed tn J' e 1, hrm -Uiirted ""tata art i " oV-h K'A Usl'y, tft- ment in tfo ritrt" '' 5 lv Ui.iit iu aim or taya hya ffiamjuip c Canjrcii of n' rrsi i,i f Din it mii I " I H, I r , irvit rrndr red t the liiik, Bfing the oMture of the wrvifte, Fir the iiilortnv Uufi 'Hijbysl:y Ihttit inquiriea, wa paper tun i kr J (,', Crsidn thrae, tlvr r wer fur nihr. the ifufrmriiia of loan mad to -I(tr or puMiiber of newspaper. If hicb it will apper, that fh acciMnmo- o.ii i ma io inoMt ne euiior weraupwaraa of II 0,000 previous Ui th institution of Ilui iti'iuiry. .xX ' Th varioo reports which have, tor a long period pat, cbargd th bank "with too iretpicnt intereourae with brokar, and alMoTattdiJ favoritism to certain indiv4dt ua,a well a tli. larg tranaaction 5-' f which exhibited themaelve uiwn manv doeumeota-eaJIed for: br the committee. induced them to iamin partlcularlv tb accounts of tha firms of which Me. fhom. a Biddl wa and i th chief partner with -"Fowr ulijou f investigation presented UnJvffJajdttUocJa.Uu(i...liaiwc. Uou with th Laab fs-wr-' flat. Tb allowing and paying intcreat ta thoia on depoaitea," ' " " . 24. Relate to certata loans opon tb pladga of atock, and tha diarounting of a . l m at' . .V note mao io i. ima by the preajffent of other, without the knowledge af the board, aad on part of them, th pbdee of Wk, without intereaL-TTb e ininittre I woaid rchir for th particular of theae two charge tatb papers tnarkd No. 13. The third aitbject ia the aurf unt of die. count mad T. Kiddle, aoi the rate of lutarart. Th document uurkod No, 14 14 will ahow the amount withe 1 6th of tacb nxxitb from the ISrth day of Bptem her, 1830, to thai lSlli of February, 1932 JSy Una, tt appear,, that on the 15th of October, 1630, lie had diaountHi upward Wai.uu.wu, ar.4 ba at no time ante baaieaa Uua $460,000, -The Committee doubt th polic of aucb large aocoumo daUouaio mdiauhwlao frioa, at airy time aa it deprivu the batik af the powr o( fulfilling ona of the great object of itt in alitutioo, w hich ia to f iitute trade by kna in lima of preeaura, and it may be proper to add, that ib .m large loan, at a low rate of iiitere ri, a a wbea money in plenty, art uaually f Jlnwadby overtrading, which produce pecuniary eioliarrwment and genaral diMrea..,. . . . r By a Utament entitled M Remittanre to Europe,4 marked. No. IS, it appear that the furaignpurchaa of foreign bill wnre nade ol pomaa Ciddi and Lv, drawn by thetn.yiz 1J31.- Of. 14, 1 bill (JO day sight, t a premium ot lui wr ceuta. S32.3U9 68 iOetr 14, i What 75 to90 and . - i , - 105 day a, and at a premium - - Of 10 percent. . - - "115,111 11 Oct. 22, IS hill at 40 to 13? days, and at a premium t - U par eeou.,, , . 502,000 00 Dec. 10, 9 mliaatiOto 110 day, and at a premium of 10 percent. 1832. . jOOJj oO Feb. 14, 8 bill at.50.toJtL day, and at a premiura of Al pi Cl, .,-f -A-119,000 00 . $1,704,000 70 By the foregoing atattment, it appear that the bank purchaaod, between the 14tb of Ocfober,l83l, and the 14th February, 1932, of T. Biddl and Co, foreign bills to the amount of f 1,724,000 70. -;;- VVrth regard to the larg Joana, th commute refer to th atateiuunt marked No. iy,bywhlch lt ippeara thut.rou the 0th of.April, 1S32, the t4al amount of diacouwUon lull and note at th bank, in Philadelphia,- waa - t7,03,07 52. Of that aum RMre than two-third wer loan dta ninetynine jwraounj to wit, $5,43 V lll..Jlort,lhau 13,000,003, wjr u,Uw hand of twentyeven iadividuala ; and a.ityWVvmttcMf-lr( m" th hind of one persoiv Tbe committee have al ready expressed their conviction that these jarc accommodation, to a few individu. als, are injurious t trade generally, and they will add, that they ought always to be mad by cither the board of directors, or the committee empowered by them for that purpose. Fjr bjT explanation of tnia suojoci, a papera oumoerea io anu 19 ..,.,b.. ; Properly connected with thia subject i Ik accommodation extended by the bank to individual on the pledge of atock. In ill tha monthly-, statement of th condition of th bajuY, prior 16 .the fin of March last, there was no column ehowio? these loans, la that month, for the first time, ao far a the committee can ' discover," a new column i exhibited,- entitled "Idow on ether $tockttn. and which appeared, at that ' timev'tif tabm-miimiiM.IM- fh line called "billi discounted on ptr tonal teevritj." This charge was made in eonaequen ;eof call for stock loans,, by tha House A of Representative. A atato ment of the same waa called for, marked No. 22, which exhibita a liat of stocks pled J a......i..ti Than! rj almnnu Tjt.... wv4BvBnsBMvoywex"arw wwfw v wfiviww-TTww? vm Stock, Arcade stock, Rail road and ca nal atock, Coal aompanv- atock, real e- tate in Louisiana, etc. Ace, amounting to to the sum of 81,71 9,207 34. The varioua transactiona ia specie, by the bank, has been a subject of special no tice bv the eotnnutteo, and various state ments, callod fur to ahow. the -magnitude f hcm. Tho first ' statement, marked No. -21, shows the afoountdof anecio exported by tha bank of the United States, dty-ing the vrar 1931 1 ' . . W To London, in Mexican'coirf1$233l 000 00 J o PatU, in Mexican --r' coin, , " , 620, 000 ' " to Paris, an gold, 417,000 ; . lto.y ia mixed hul ' C lion,' 180,000 1,047,000,00 r " " 1,302,000 CD 21. The amount' of specie exported tine 1SI9, aii'Il ba lounilintllSataJCiOCUl (fc $b i wV-pj. ffclwvv..fAlii v,ip mimkm Hit viSfWhti ww JinWt aSMtin 2.f.!il,3.7 CI 2,2i7,aoi nu C 1,1,753 69 Ol thia amount, there waa in fold, , In bullion, la silver, 2,317,027 60 5'JO,7I7,00 1,971,11100 4 l,ft35,733&0 3.L,.Th amount purchased inc lt2, marked No. 23, ahow i (K mlvrr, 6 W.WO.00 gfddcoin, .1796 00 gold bullion. 439,000 00 1,001,450 eo 4th. The amoiinrnf ipecie sold eiitce 117, marked No. 21, ahow .- -it be m lt3. 194.910 Of which thr waa, Amtie . , . ' Bntuihc Feeacb ' - ' ' ' jturnlf h-.4 131 J5..-. Silver. " ,057,fel 50 .- .5.194,010 2 5th. The amount 'of speci drawn from each f the sou thorn and western ollicea, since 1820, lo the Bank fd tha United State and New York, marked, N. 23, ahow the total amount to be 123,023,387 01 of which w.twa.ooi 07 ha been drawn tu tho place r- since the first of Januarf, 1928, $70, 925 00007. ; flth. Th amount of specie, (in the same statu ment,) sent to the Southern and wea. tern branches, since 1919' i $890,472 10 Tb premium received on the pect Jd, ia ' 07,140 58 The premiura paid on the pci purchased, is 19,171 93 ft OHM Tl TTh' profit wer mad on the aiiecie exported, the committee did not call for document to enable them to ascertain ; it must, however, from tho great quantity nt away, have b?ii considerable. The committee called for a statement of all th speci .imported by the bank from abroad, sinre 1910; but, a none was re tunie.', they presume none was imported. ,. Vbtf prorwrtioa of the. gold imported waa American omn thu comn'ittee have nit bt-iore them the meatia to determine : it tu experted t hare ten given Tn the tbt(not't ; hot hi kKkmg into them the Jd "exported is without a oVaerwtnry name; it ih Ulieved, however, the amount is considerable. -1 nvuia UiU subject joinutely the etHiimittfi nod that large amounts of the spoeie hav.i boen dmwo from th office at Now Qrl-an. Of this there can be no Complaint ; it i the principal depot for r. 4uma of .eut'df.sIuppedAo.Siexico, which are almtwt rxclusividv paid for m specie and it cannot bexpflodjhat it. will .re nam there. Uut the comTjttee suggest whether the withdrawal of the specit flim mst of the other port of the country, and substituting paper io. its stead, mknt pot be highly injurious to those sections of country subject to its operation .The subject of the bank's furnishing bill of exchange for tho trade of India, China, and South America, ha been brought to the attention, of the committee by docu ment marked No. 26 ; and having been so surongty deKnhed afTording great ad vantage to the country, in the triennial report of September lart, aa economts ing" the specie of the country The com Biittee have felt if a duty to atamine and presenf the" subject to Ui dorisideratiol of Congreas and the commercial community, believing, as they do, that than is some thing delusive Ju th oratia...,,Tbe jrf. yu,!t f th"'ir examination has led them to the Conviction that thia tiew "method "ofi dealing in bill of Exchange does not " economise" the specie of the conn try at all. It is a universal law of drawing, that funds must either go .before or follow after the draft to honor it at maturity; and whether it goes directly or circuitoasly, (he funds to discharge it must, sooner or later, arrive at the place of-, payment. These bills are to be paid in England ; but they go ro-md the Capo of Good Hope before they reach their place of destina tion. Instead, therefore, of sending the specie directly to , India and China, as formerly, who does not perceive that it must now be sent to England, the country upon which these bills are drawn, there to.moet them, upon their arrival at the place wher they are to be paid f The bank consequently becomes the shipper of thejrwcie,, merchant ir6 purchaae his merchandise in tho East Indies It is siaelv and ourolv nothing but a change of the destination of the specie, with only the advantage of its going to London. r - The mode in which these bills .are drawn and dispoaccTof to. t lie purchasers. lavidtf loiva-iuoMtii w-ruiu-aa-wiU-b seen by a copy of the obligation taken by ilie'Unk, marked No. 27, the committee consider of doubtful utility to the country. The legitimate object of bants, the com mittee believe to be, the granting facili ties., not loaning capital. The supplying of bills appear even much mora objec tionaWe than" Icraniag capital,' fbr-lt Mi couragna an uperation. which, commences and ends without the emnlovmeut of aav i . w capital whatcycr, and h similar in their character to feapondentia securities. I he buyer is enabled, within the term of credit, to make the voyage, dispose of hi goods. and obtaiH from tho proceeds the funds to moot but obligation, and the bank to trans mit the" same to the place upon which their bill are , drawn, which are at six months aight,) long bef r they become due. It would seem to produce a greater To HnUnd, To France, 'export of specie eventuaKy, -then would iotherwi aie placo if. the operations j were commenced -with specie, and' not njir-iwith bills fuahased in thmnner de. for too intjogtfc relppg un.oa I'.i .Id rrWFurres, antj!! t4 en- I. . - . .. I t . t . . ,'.(' M iie IO su'.ii ao eiui in ' aot woald eoaibine in the r.f&ti much of the predoc of th country wharasa relying upon n, xteniv credit, h ha arUvry thing on th suecaaa of the en. temrise. It is a sfecio of spcnlatioa in trad leading to great risks, and certainly termioaUag in "overtrading th evila of wbich th country is wow solaly etp. rtf ncing, . By loan of a similar charac. ter by insurance oinuiei "providing fond, fosuradt rs to t'hin, Oovtromeiil has snstaiiMd mor Io than in any other branches of trad. Th iaereas of the number of hranrbea atablisbed since 1932, cannot b ped 6vfW iiMW f ttrioinmiltoe, ind da serves, as a sourc f xicnding tb iuflu. nc oflh bank, th moat erious tooaid. ration. ' - 7 , . - " In aome ft w instanrea wherMwbnui. ! max ajlhan aled lor by thi omnmunU tv( ad may tv ta nmi them aa profitable to th tank f but, in moat oi tn ease, the com mine doubt whether they were called for from public utility, and tlieir establishment wul, in th cud, not only prov unprofitabl to tha bank, but very injur o to th eommanitie among which I bey ar located. Mr. Cbev, in a letter of th 27th of May, 1919, to Mr. Crawford, then Socretiry of th Treawry, says, MI am perfectly satisfied that, with I the presast organization of tb bank, it can never M managed wen. it s saw too Masjf branchft, and the director ar frequently governed by individual and local interest aad feelings. For a time we must bear with the branches, but I hope they will be reduced." Again, in the same letter, h observes, " the real and original evil under which tna-Sutntry iuUruig ia overbankiog. I hi lea'ts to excess in trading, manuiact uringi building f and the history of tho ill judged enterprises which have been un t .ken in these several concern, would grve a lully history of all the distresses of thia country,, excepting a little agricultural dis tress growing out of th inordinate expec Utioiia which the other excited. These opinions fully accord with the view of the committee, and they consider them aa pe culiarly applicable to the. present time, as exhibitiiiir similar cause now operating with extended force, from which similar uWt must follow, augmented in propor (ion to the increase of it branches The stockholders, at th triennial meet ing on th 1st of October, If 22, rocom mended a withdrawal of some of the bran cues lliea exiating, injheae words; Ja taking into view the business of the bank, as connected with its other, the commit too think it right to recommend to the continued attention of the. president. and directors the , ucceaaity, of withdrawing those branches which are found to be nn profitable, and transferring their funds to the offices wbich shall ieein to require ad ditional capital." Since thia period too have been discontinued, and nine other hwvt been established,, as per triennial re port of 1831. These opinions of Mr. Clteves, in which the committee have con curred, were approved by .thO. stockhold ers, as wilt appear by the following extract from thia sam report in 1822.. lhcy aay, " they take great pleasure in unanimously declaring that tin circumstances of the bank-folly realize their anticatioo aa expressed at their last meeting in regard to tha president, (Air. Cbey,) who, by .hi talents, disinterestedness, and assiduity, has placed its affair, in an attitude so safe and prosperous thsMhe burthen of duty devolving upon his successor will b com pararirery; hzZitT ' ... .The coiriuuUeo. (aanct but think that, bad Ibe succeeding direction of the bank beri guided snore W the- opuuon-aad wishes of ibe atockholders, aa then expre. sed, and gone on gradually growing with the growth, and increasing with the nat ural want or the country, great sutTennjS (3d the community would have been avoided! In the year 1919, great abuses existed in the branches, of which Mr. Cheves peaks without reserve, in his last -Tepnrt to th stockholders, as well aiu hi cor. ireapoudence with Mr- Crawford, and upon casting tho .eye over the monthly tate inents, it ia remarkable to obsenye what louse have taken place at the branches compared with the mother bank. For in stance: on the 1st of January last, the Joes of the mother-bankoa a capital -of sixteen millions and a half was, in round numbers, $323,000 ; that ot the Baltimore branch was. $1,062,000, on a capita! of one million and a bait, so that it lost mor than it ; capital. That of the Norfolk branch was $229,000 on a capital of 500,. 000, losing nearly one half of its capital, and so with all the rest of the branches, their losses ar out of all proportion to their capital, and ten times greater than the mother bank, according to the amount F4?Wlf r6ripaJjVJ Cftjpfttalttl !' TlWaW'OWxWj however were principdly "incurred prior to ,1819,"" The proper inference to be drawji from these, facta is, that tho worst of mismanagement has existed ia the bran-chei."-"" iv . The " Contingent Fund! has claimed the attention of the committee, Tb ob- jettfor. wmh.krWas.iguuiUy craaiedr and the original amount provided, togeth er with IK additional appropriation which have been made to it, and the 'manner in which the sdme have been applied at dif ferent periods, will all he explained in tha following documents, . . Tho report of tha hoard of directors, in July, 1921, published in th gazette at that time, marked, No. 29; the report of the stockholders at the triennial meeting in October, 1822 ; th report of tho Divi dend Committee, on tho 18th January, 1832, marked No. 20; a statement of die particulars of the debts, "considered lost,' marked No. 30 ; a statement of the sus pended debt and real estate, with tha pro- wasWMt t .l.ll. i ,lil ! " Conlin.-mt J ." It a of I ' f.i. .1' I 1 i. 83 ; iiu l t'k tit t J 'j, JaoOr) niafli' d f 't. .' .' i bank stw k, n..i ' vidnd report t and July, 1930, J i s'.ry Toil.' iu July, 1 i.l, the commitM marked No. 31. rrfrt fiif the particular ot th sublet 1 which they reluia, ia connection with tU Tontingtnt iund." , .. - " Th eommitteS ' lJ it their duty new to giv their view a to th riui of the present dUfl'miirthe trading cmmnnlity and which th Hr may greatly increase. It is a ackho&ledd prihxli.I thatuk causa in ati caa-a, proouc ua oueci ; and is' in 1919 caorractioo followed tit expamuoti of 1917 and i19, so If the sam roto mnat cotrtractimr follow th 1m mens axpanon of 1930 and 1881, and hit effect and consequence succeeed. T illustrat more tUarly the poaitiim, sod bring- it hom40 th luioda of ry onf tl Hlowiwg tab! of th . ato bank during oim of tb montnsof lllf and '19 andl83f nd 32, nrt her rrtbltcd,-em' bracing items from which direct calks up on the vault proceed, and the immediate mean which remain to meet them, vu Th first art tho depoaitea, circulation and debt abroad, not on permanent loan. Tha aecoud th specie, funded debt, and note of other banks, th ainount of each will b found under their proper head at th varioo period mentiooM. - Tkt fa. bit mil b give to-wtorrov.) ' Th preceding table ahow that, at no period in 1919, whn the bank wa very near suspending payment, waa it loss sble to extend relief to suffering community as at the preseot moment, la April of that year the month in which its difficulties wer the greatest, its means of specie, notes of oth er banks, and funded debt (which could have been hi rued into specie or note of other banks) amounted to upwards of ten million of dollar ; and the whol demand which could come month, of circulation, depoaitea, and debts owiar ah' aid, amounted only to about fourtean millions. But tb commit! foel bound, in candor to state, that thi was af ter a number of month of constant coo. traction, not only by the bank of th Uni ted Hute. but also by most of the other banking institution of th country, where a general exhaustion had been produced. It was mi the Dth April, 1919, that Mr Crawford, then flc rotary of the Treasury, writes to Mr. Chev thus! " It is even doubtful whether it is practicable, with all th exertions which it i in your power to make, to continue specie payments through the year. under the same date, he say s: : MyjuTipressiori jalhat tha aafoty of th bank can only be effected by withdrawing nearly too whole of it papers in circula tion. If th bank doe thi. all other sol vsnlbank wjy be epmpeed k to do the same. Whe4.Jhi w. fectcd, gold and silver will bo" introduced in' the country, and make a subataritial port of the circu lation, aud enable the hanking in&iitutions gradually to resume their accustomed op eration. Whilst this is effecting, th community, in JI its relations, will b greatly distreped. . Considering th ex tent of the suffering, it i greatly to be de sired that aomo good may result from it. The commute believ that the course of operation by th bank, durini? th year i 630 .n4 1931 have been- nearly of similar character to those of th y ear 1817 and 1 81 8-- OraAi i smd notes, pava-4 oi at distant oHicesew then iroehr dis counted at th hanlLPllhe 1'uited JJiales, sod the different olfic as. Banknotes were issued by th bank, without regard to the want of the community, or the effect up on the circulating medium, which became depreciated, drtving- the precious metals from thoiountry, and, i until tha reaction had operated to check them, led to extrav agant speculalion,," -which ended in ruin t and relief was not obtained until tho circu lation ot the bank of the United State had been reduced to about l.OOO.OOOfof doll ars, Before thia was accomplished, the expedient was resorted to. of curtailing loans ; and, . while they were doing that, they rontinued'the issue of the bank notes, thereby ramimrmg --t he vil which they were striving to avert. What is the stato of the bank now ! .... , On the first of March, (sae monthly statement marked No. 33.) the bank had $6,800,000 specie, $2,840,000 notes of other banks, and of funded debt none H I making an aggregate of $9,610,000, to meet its. circulation of $23,717,000, de positee $17,030,000, and foreign dflbts owlhg $I,B76,OO0rVnalcing an aggregate of $42,643,000 ; and this evil exists while a reaction or contraction is operating to a considerable extent."".' ' , .' , . , This contraction commenced on the 7th of October last, and is evidenced by the following-circular, which indicates, be yond all doubt, that the Bank had over traded. ' " - ' . CIRCULAR. I r ark a ...I ... Sis, t-Tbe unusually heavy -reimburse meuts of six million of funded debt, wbich was on thoIst inst., advertised by the Go vernment to take place on the first and and second days of Jan. next, but which, according to subsequent notice from th Treasury Department, under yesterday' detev may.'rt-trppears; bcilemanded of the bank, by the public creditors, at any peri- lod of the present quarterns, calculated to press very inconveniently upon the parent bank, and the upon office at New. York; the more eo, from our uncertainty a to the time .when, the necessary provision must be rrmtte, ind iromths prevailing ac tive demand for money. ' Be pleased, therefor, ao to shape your business, im mediately, as thay without denying reas onable accommodation to your own cuato mere, or sacrificing, the interest of your nice, you may throw, as early as; possi ble, a large amount of available means in to our hands in Philadelphia and New Yprk and at the same time abstain, as far MfracuW,f;oirj tJawyuooa u$x D.Vi-?J" v"-i loj-rjuJJ. mthouf ihe seiulbloaB "'"I duft, . i i. A I'- k V, i i url HiiliLbi.. ; "i -'y C ' rt;..i? k,.,l, , thlN r u ,t i be pr x urad. :iy acf n Cities neare. re.; to thein. ' n,"'g , , I am res-rx'ctfollv. ant, . r you' obedient .r, W. McfLVAlNT Aiir , , , th c,.;t 0 aar oi See the 1st of SeptemberUa7th7h.i ' 1 m"l4 U mean lo nMSt mamh which m.y come upon it t'-JI'f.wholCnf tha fonuH debt which it ; tweeo tha specie it then "beld,4,-'"!;- an .". "Tr"" V1 1ht amauat it u., Making m, .gjreu, aiminutii 1. mean, to tnoet il momentary inc. the 1st of September, of 8 243 5S. demaial have mcreasad AtohTS " mi th emulation, dpate, aadfor debt, the aggregate of which waTiT 1st September $08,433,758 B7?,3 " IW 1st AprU $42,050,630 18. Ths ai, ore and the effoet appear to be. mmiZ -to tho, preceding lS! 1.e discounting of domwtic bill. 6't payable at distant branch, th Ung on tho U of April,-per st.tem.oi, $20,834,749 T79. '22 for cnruhfl at th. wwmt. brancha? and th eurtailmg at tha prmcipal olW m tb AliantHj cilie, aiid at th. Banks th Umted tftaithwiinaojircf which"!!" tbB.nk ofth. United Stele. Iw. of March, $Ml0'5O8 37, atth, oS -ol Nw York, between the 4th dy o(jZ nary and the 28th day of March, a tTiil 303 43 ; at the offici of bS tho5th oy.rfJaiiur, ndth 9th dlf -of March, to $167,800 (Md that too. on discount line 'ofleai tha, two anTi half millions ol dollar.;) at the ofBcaafV Baltimor, hetweea tho Ifiiti of Jsnusrr nd th 2d day of April, tl39.74l 61, and ' on a duKount lino of little more tbanivw millions of dollar, as will b soea by the -wokly tatemout of those ofBc and Iko Bonk oftho United Stat, marked N. 36, Th moat reaaarakt feature which pr. ents itself to tho view of ihe committse, wmnccted wilB tlie present situatioa of th bank, and the cours of operation up. on it sine the Isf of September hut. is the increas."in the circulation of it notes, which amounted a-tho 1st ot Septembsr to $22947-62ra4 on tho-lst April to $23,717'41I ImaUag.the ihcu of $UIX93 fiX-During thi rid t bank Undertook to check th xportatiot - ' of soecie by supplying- bills at such a ran 7 1 as left no inducement for. individuals to amp it f to do whichr they exhausted a - th fund which they could procure fro ovary ourcmT Over $3,000,000 wer r. mitted, aa nef statement murkad Ka. I A ' and still left (hem With a. ieht of asor thaa .Z $100,000 in Europ itUii period. Th caus wkfcVled to thi oessity still yst exist, with an incrcad io fh extent af tha increas of circulaiiofl, and but-f w decline in tha ri40 of 'pecie ia Europ, 1 would still continue tn b 9trtti.T- Tut Pbis. -The 1aniniaire used -w- GoV." Mitler in " refatiod to the RichmnM J Enquirer i not only just and tru wfiea applied to that M apostate but applieal '7 with equal projiriaty to many of tb pa pers published id tb United States. Mant of them besides the Enquirer ar not H am imated by one pure principle of patriotism or publio virtue, but prostituted to powat and servile fdllowets of men,' ths editor- dare not (fari qua seniiat) M speack ha - he thinks," but echoe the eentrmwu j hi idol, excuse hi. vices and deleTldi hi follies. It i. humiliating to obsftrrs tha motives which actuate bira s governed by no fixed principle of public policy, but -vacilating from One principle to nothe and followiog his idol through all hi intrij ; Cat and inconsistent manoeuvre aa cap! . rice, ambition. eorniDtioo or interest sur- . gests, he attempt to defend all reconcik ail aad with Words of learned length and thunder ins- aouud" . cries, should you refuse 1? . make yourself like him a tool and a spaniel, s O. horrible I most horrible: v vim m not for Jackson I vou are oppost . to Van Buren ! yon would not tak VIVA,!.... HI", VU.I J " . ' . ..j if ..mi in vour waff Bofore mv God. I micht not this believe. : ..:.(. . .. - .l Of mine own eve.; Or perhaps tho whole of thin iplultennj Eroceedatrom me iuci-ii you nan e considered an Adams man of y having neglected to inform the public thai ; he (Mr. Adams) has recently " got i hat ' or having done so take me uw-v to saV that it is not exactly their Pr- man touck orUkomUn go! U hnmiliat'inirT And is it not Droirnani wi tho most fearful consequences, to see , whose duty it is, and whose aim it sbouio be, to enlighten the public mind ,n?'" j the public morals and inculcate a r virtae an eotmitutiowl hbsTtyr,,"li!' ing their time and tajonta tosuchemite'nr tibl. and unworthy purposes t .Nl"nS themselves instruments for any use in tw hands of demagogue, snd wevomV make like thomselvsthoso from whom W receive their bread and to whowjii; should render something in return, r" . , servile adulation to men flwH""' qucntlv are advocaU'ng policy tlv r tbvf ihU aad.bcsi iatercaa - d; --' rr - 1 ' - 1 ' , ' ; ,