I 1 (umm I I f I I o It Uwn m to ab.ii from Uw, wLirh bw wie end Rood in themselves, htvt lb iemU;uica Tl wnd r of leri-datoat is eapncially Ma ia grafting' law on conscience. f -- - ualily which finJ an hwpdna ia the heart of the citiaon, and which will be evade t with remorse. pk(asissaW tkUi'ON -UA!!K.1 Salisbury. Mvw cottstyys. c ...misdiy jitnr 4. mi. r-n U LJU.h gh Record The Immense earn which ptrr fonnei. vn with the gennrnf go?of neswU ne here. fore e')' ,n continuing 10 Ptt Ine - mthnt 'atoWir" ha'- ki 1 itlwntJf-Ml yMfiHWilly miibuW notwithstanding tlm inenualitv of the burden. Wr value For the HilUboroufch Recorder. . th nni wr too highly to complain' even of thin, cortly Dricirt and though torn iiwi ridual among a may occasionally excite the ire of eu north ni brother - by- ap wearing to recollect that they are enriched - while wa are empovensaoq mj lis opera liaac vet tlie jtreat ma of ua are too "rood republican to aay aught at being plundered by the majority and acquits- lllg IM iuv propnanum (iiai mv nuijurr j rnutijulo, wemuet of eourae ; by alt the Aprored rule of logic, acquieace in its corrall that if the majoril aay ao, we the minority must pay all, the rpoiuci and anything more that u (bought good (jt the geiinntl welfare. All Ibti ia (food ..tfjMiblkan doctrine and een were I-eo iiwed I ehaul J- - be efraid to controfert tt i fur tluwgb we are tbe-Treeet people en the earth, we rouat (ale care to uy what it agreeable to that t abaouite efaov ereieru; the maioritr. L I cowe now, Mr. ' Editor, to apeak of '. . pUMoru of wtiich we may cemplaid; Ibr IhoU'ha (actomtii inajonJy fXagrewi LaVe impoerd them eo n, it u a txm- - -ua truth that tbu)nairity ie-eompoeod uiutereet entirely u veree, but eoalec ing in thia particular instance te effret - certain earptMee and thait even under (bia compact the peraona benefited are but 4 ery ainall portion of the people of thaae Umtud fltatea. I may then like honeat - "t'rn5 Kitmer, cry, aJood and apare not, . without couiproinitting pry repnbliceo prin ' cipleel Tin- tariff i a aubiect which few imfte fe urrlviatand, eTehtf the"bo tly of the people) and yet diverted .or ite - iard name aad the aundry myatificatioiM which iu advocates hare thrown around it, it is eauUoct whkn wery eitizeo, new. ' "ref unlearned,' tmj at easily comprehend ' aa the very first and simplest rule of ari thmetic. And) hen we remember that this maiical word, Jike the "open sesame"; - of the I orry Thieves, unlocks our co&ra 'tad ca rrio off aunually " our tuiUiooa to 'that boume whence so few (as I have 4 ahowu) of tuck travellers ever return to ' it beeomee something more' than-a v.. privilege to understand it sacred duty to ourselves, te our chitdren.'and te oer : ' country. ;' f-'v- '--;. : . '.. .. That I may not eonlbund Vie Onder- - Wanding, whieh it shall now be my object r..o instruct, I wiH at present confine my explanations of the tariff to its operations upon on single article, and thus illustrate Z its jreuerat influence on all ; and u no for- -r" wign cemnwdity enters more- mvenally Trrrrinto tht coowroptiooof .ouf cititenlithaa 'Zpigar IjriM take that article tor my e- - iiiple, and show what the TaruTho to do pirith augur. f eMigna a ctaia auut ef joouey to be paid to the government by the person who r - brings this article, from a foreign country I into our country I and aa the person who - -. brings it, trade for profit, he makes the -.. - conaumeror the person who use the su. - a gar, pay him back both what the, auger cost him at first and the duty a it is call TfU, togWneritrrceTtair both, which advance constitutes bis profit. ,; Let ua now - then proceed to our caJcu- ' " 'IhIiom to try and discover bow this tariff on sugar affoct ua, the people of North Carolina. From various statements which I have before me, and which are from au thentic documents presented to Congress, " it appears that the price of good brown au gar in the West Indies, ineluduig the cost ; ol treight to this country varies from 1 : . a S cent per pound j the largest of these ' turns we will aasume in our calculation, -f' 1hat'Boebjectionam aeore. -As aooa, M; bit cargo arrives at :-i.Kew York, the importer must comply with fhe demand of the unit, which exacts 3 ,TJ cents additional Ibr every pound of hiaim- ft porta lion, thus enhancing the cost exactly " 100 per cent, or making it double. r :The merchant whose siigar .has nowrf cost bim r eents7naSisi'a profit il Ihi lam ttl bis sale to the orth Laroiina retailor, and the retailer, in hie turn most make asmall . . . profit on the consumer, ' ee, that by, the time the sugar is in the Carolina consum er's coflbe or tea, it has cost him at the ... .- very lowest! 9 cents..; .Had it apt been' for the tariff, the importer would lmJm -t; toyed but naif the capital ha did" employ; . and the joint profits ol himself and (he ro lailer beia the Hinc per cent. a . above, the price of suar to us here would be but " V 5 cents a pwndr witnouran . any but the benefkiarrcs of the tanff. v Thiaclparloss of 3 cents' in the pound - Vf rniy seem but a aotall .; matter ta . ' the list of national grievances but if we continue the cculatloa' and find out how much money is annually lost to ouratate ly the tariffs influence oq Jhis single ar " tide, it may appear a more serious matter. Happily wa are here furmsW with date, . uica. win ettWe to nak.0 tma caicwa. tion sinirularly accurate. , "The consurap 'ton of suiyar in the United States' " aayt a late celebrated memorial (o Centrress, is ' about 150,000,000 pounds a' year." A Vf;mplt nit: f tkrw wjjl ajiow our proportion of this to be about 8,dO(V uuti It, per aniitim, coding ua the annual urn of tMMQ dJUra. A we have a I. ready .seen fhat.the infbrrn:e of tlit twuT is exactly to d-wble the cost of this erfkle, it j At oftce manifest thai we pay 420,000 umiart innuanjrTfli me MriTi.r the prrvi " g oi purcnaMnir int wuioKt nesnarv luxury at a ftir price from the Cur pro. vwr mm lnamr, . This then, in termt fuited to the com. prehension of all, is the meaning, of thii wnj varui, w wu, a certain sum wtuca we must pay for the liberryrof- trading with the prodecers of articles we eUad in w j and In the lilary . instaares of sugar, the people of North Carolina W the yearly sum of 110,000 dollars for Una privilege; the article itself having cost them besides a sum of the seme smouhl." But the inquiry will namrallv be mide. "lorwaose benefit ts this heay Ux im. posed P and we am prepared to answer it. A revenue duty of 13 or 20 per ceuU wiitild add about I cent to tbe cost of su ffer te the irnporter,Jand on the prineia already expIur.oJ,'mais tint cost of sugar to aa about 0 ccuta a pound t thtw leavmjj 4 cents a pound, or about 330,000 dollars yearly from the whole' stale for the benefit, of some "body else. And let it be her remembered that government will enee derive ne bescfitt.ali-frem this duty. . at the domestic supply, hsmuuling already to '0, third of. the demand.) ia rapidly inereatio?. and ia a few veers must ex. elude all foreign product'iuni' Then the additional coat ofsuiptr resulting from the provisions of the Tariff will be wholly for the benefit of tbe domestic producers; but at our remarks now have nothing to do with conjecture, wa speak, only, of .what .'we know to be ti case at the present mo. lo resume then we pay every year ver and above the fair value of the anar we use and a reesmiable revonuejf the manly -aod cKvsIrous spirit xtflhalJ auijr on iif ine sum or soo.uw aoars ioi the benefit of certain individuals engaged in ine cum ration at swr in our owe coun-; oar citirens, to wish to ese them in tire at toV.'Wne then tre .these mdividoaW torritiidefaomffit io Those at the whom we pay so brce a bounty T Are they poor, and need assistance in their eo terprizeat They are undeniably the wealtlMeet class in our community. Are they so nuuicrou that the bounty when divided between them is a trifle I Con grass has saved as tbe trouble of ascertain; ing their number, and fwnd it. to be, in cluding alt classes,' even those owning un Cultivated sugarplantatiow, to. blvfven hundred. Dere tiien ia a fact which a tariff man must be sanguine ioJeeY 'nof lb shrink but by cultivating kind aad amicable foet from seeing exposed to an indignant peo-; incs-'by resteririg (he coofklence Which plerf-WHhe-peopleo( iNorta-Car(4ia,-ibaeien who get no bounty on our corn, our wheat cnir cotton, or oar tobacco, mutt cultivate : of which can be affected by Adhering li our worn find gullied fields, to pay out of .Me term of Ike Constitution. - When eo our dearly -ined rueaere pronto- the ani preut a bleiwing ciiT" be secured by a pro nual sum of 8Sr),000 dollars to seven hnn tw en simple,-and" by an art eojuit, dred cultivators of the lutsriairt lew- fitodeViwhat. tnost ww thihli thiie,- who for the of the Mississippi, or to each individual of, take of amassing a ; few paltry pence, are them oOOooJIarav wUheut any equivaJonti -U-.t; Tt fcverr "Tliat these 'si-Vcd' huiiuVoJ :'f'M""',n''n'-'' planterapick the p.K:keUof all theinUbiLi s ,ictmn. ntaof thiscountrj in like mannerii loal.ke Yltw ,b, h WM pubilhd) extent ia peruana noueot our concern, ana certain! no consolation to ua. I will make no calculation or what the amount of plunder i r my reader can easily do it if he i nut already tin at the cootempiav tion of such oppression, hrmigbly con vinced of tho enormous injustice and folly ef the so ealled American system. - So much, Mr. Editor for the tariff and a . m -I sugar. My reader must rememaertnai I have selected, for tbe sake of tlluatrauon, but a vogla item, and that all the most necessary articlee are-burdened with like impeettiona, to wit, iron, aalt motas sea, crockery ware, glatt, hardwire, tin, paper, books, spirits, oil) CoTtbus ami wod Una, ox- Ate. constituting almost all tbe articles we bare to purchase. Mr. Clay, in hi aehen c comproause, proposes to allow (he farmer, as an indemnification for theae taiea, -'ta import 'free of duty or nearly so, dirk daggert rattan and tpau Utt with sundry others, which a farmer is content' to keen out of reach of, aad rarelr indeed dreams ctpdinir money . PtIBLf g&vff An iitJinutei CnernmenifXery faw person could bemade toi believe that in this country thereTexists a party ansolute In mvor of a ietpdie Goveratneht. artle not, reader, at the term detjtotic t for. althcUirh it ha itoririn ia two Greek wwrds,whicfrtfgnify hndlng tSftt'i is looked upon u a very harmless measure whan sonlied to tvimi the hands, , These oriirinal word, however, before they reach our hngoage, -combine to the fbrnutioa of. a Greek : verb,, which signifies te ruie, or have dominion, and .which hat bees usually tnnWtA to siraifv that sort of aovernment which if axpreed by the terma tie tolo ne jubeo, (a I will eo t order.) Such a Government, it it manifest, differ, etiaen tially from a' constitutional Goverameut, which beingfounded upoa a chartered grant require that those who exercrse authority, ehould'do tt in conformity with "tba term of the grant. . . Tt isnof necesajry thel a Government, to be despotic, should be in Jhf hands "f one individual , A triumvirate, may eter- cyfandeo, lastly may a democracy' b'woi.. bea,witmwsed. Jt remained, howertr.foT the present age, and f tr the American .. ConftM. .,T - efllr to, the world the pheoormiiKm in 'politu-b lhai'a cunatilututiij .C.iromayU a W IX)liniTaiJ ' vrf mw li" ia ilia rri' 1'h doctrines now held by a larjro portion of our public men warrant this assertion. I They hold there is no limit te the power of a ruxjnruy oi ingress, except that which is impoeed by their avitions of what tbe general "welfare moy requirer" llnee, al though it ia declared that M tlie power nut dfdsgated to the United Slate by the cmh stitution, nor prolubited by it to the Slates, are resmed to tbe Slates respectively, or to tie Teople," they have tUaa'riag to ertf tlwl, either ia the form of the spe. cifio grants, or under the general head ol all powers necessary to carry inioefloot those' grants, aa unlimited power has beeo conierred. Shall (his parly eoniinue (or a few years longer in the ascendency, this Conft-dera- cv oannotftand, JThedrdful rewilts to Miich such dortnne must inevitulily lean, " Ji viable, (q large and enlintened portKmoTllie people, tole hazarJud ;Tnd, hum this time forth, we may rt assured that the people, of the South will waich the government at Washington with a ye louajtyeand-statkl prepared to seiia axuie favorable occasion for takinz. their leave of a copartnership ia whkb ire terms of tbe compact have been, in their opinion, so repeatedly and unmttifiaWr viulated. It is true that the dispoHitisa to " let them go" seems te be gaming rrouiil at the B'rth,wiih those who have been calculating the value of the Union, and fancy a balance would be struck in their favor 4ty such an event. Others, again, are not in thia mood. They do not winn that the South should ro. They cherish too monv recollections acction of courttry, upon all (he occasions which ha ve ratted forth tbe palrioluwa of) North! who hold dear the principles of lib erty f would regret to se their hopes ef restoration te freedom, now trampled un der foot by the American System., cut off! by the severance of the couuecti.ni which I it i yet hoped may prove tbe tncanf of) eflorting 4rgneral rersoe ration. They say No, the Federal Union must be pre-served--not, indeed," by compiilwon, by force, by the esrd-or ; they aremnabte to conceive how a free noopla can be teld ; together by sheding each othet't blood lost, and fey making M the inter-j est of the parties - to continue united all wiiling to soe tlie Union dtoivel T I. - . - .-..V . .,.-. n - .... iinc- n tbj New York Journal of Commerce, in which the argument of tbe orator were shown to be both unsound and inconsistent. It is too long lor entire tnsertiea to urpspertutvj snaoHneaof tbe pleasantry and good.husnor with which it is written, we. give the following ei tract : ' 1 ' - Mr. Clay Manifests great anxiety for rke miudle eastern States, and thinka they would be utterly ruined but for hia system In reference to them be say t M Ad poor people, destitute if wealth Pt of exchan geable cemmdtiitie, have nothing to pur chase foreign fabrics. To them, they are edually beyond their reach, whether they coat a dollar or a guinea." ' Ala 1 poor Pennsylvania I poor New York 1 poor New Lngland J a can tell MrtVlay on one product at the however, of wnica he I not perhsp aware. ' throne f f lea keee, ir. A better, a more profitable, a more marketable crop, was never reaped. Bonaoarte said he had a ' revenue of men. We grow intellect, enterprise, ingenuity, Mdm3Utry dertwsainto Xhuul icUaiind the rock to garden. . Miserable as N. England is, she never asked protection until the day! of (he Americla Byiiteui.TTe vr before were her sons humbled to cry " help.' Did Mr. Clay ever ker bevond tbe Allep hanies, of such aj)lace a Nantuckat t -a sand b-aff Cap G00V just in-tba Jauing of the Atlantic. 'Not aeabbage will trow from afT its. native produclivsncss. AV'hal must such a place be withouf preteetioa WJiere, waere shall it (Ind any thing to buy the smallest comfort T " Suppose, instead of being settled by tbe Cffins and the Bar ken, the Macy and the MitchmK aan tueket had been first possessed' by the AmericantSyatem. Would that ; have made it rick t . Can the American Sys tem catch whales t Can it draw up Le viathan, and make him into sperm candles? What a beautiful sight, t sea Nantucket cultivated, by tfiTariffr ltftr.u:c","uVfan,i4,ht 4tU' ThR f j A. . irufoMrv onrvutfa. , SuI)Orl til lite company ail"'. Lji wu. .It iw 4 amn ' rat-,er-taficuKe, and therefore k. RrltUW Gdonial flvstems. and all oth ''d down oorinlver pronged fyik I it.. ..t. Tea the bill of fare, and deoaxted t?T f rw yn ----r : - I , . . . cpnJi o -wjini tuXBip iQ NanteUrta .luvte, But, being Free ithnrt a soil, or any other advantage it berime the weslihi etpolin America; Keceijlyanattemii its beiia made to fiit;lttsa Ibcae fearle froemen . with a bu bear about the olive oU.dutyU'iat.;4B.ilw!y alwutoliiJ 9l. L.in7-!CJW. mlWO fontitJUO.iMihey new are.rrr. . - Tbe most ofK nire feature of all, in"this biQg spterh, is lit gross personal abue. We should nee led our duty if we passed this by and tailed to mute our voice with tb universal reprobation which the attack of Mr. Gallatin, Mr. Smith, and Mr. 8r cbet, have received. The two first are gentlemen venerable n age and. in. pubJjc service. In both fhess wwpectt," at Wat, they a re l lie seniors of Mr. Cly,aidupoo all the recognized civilitiet of gentleman, ly intercourse, entitled to his kindness and repvr:i Neither had given the slightest cause for the rude attack which wa made upon them both; Mr. Sarcbot is a blacksmith, a man of sound sense, a matter-uf-uu-t ' character, who is not convinced, by all tbe flummery about iron, lliuUIio" iron 'duty "is not ojiprcaMuYe to the blacksmiths' and all workers or osCrt of Iroti, and niinout to the mannfaO' tura of hardware, lie hat riven the American System - some blows upwn bis anvil, which it cmld poorly reaist. As MrClny.arM.tniwer.hjm,eiilier.lniii (acts or argumeats, he resort to the law of a certain code, id that ce cuede "Snt (roviilsd, and fait to abusing Mr. rkrehd. V'e shall leave him io the hands of the bladuinith. Upon his ami), and under hi hammer, the iron ribs of the American System will crack hke the bones of a rat la the jawi .of " aTlerrior.' Upon the whole matter, .we say, il these are tbe msnoeri of the American System, we are still for free impotlution ,of the foreign commodity .IVa.beg lhaU wherev.ot.wt may go. we may net be slit up totbeoV. tnestic manufacture,' Cut Mr. Clay I ee ry polite ta-ibr. Irish, - He say tOf all foreigners, none amalgamate themselves so. . oiiicklr with our people a the Eme rald lx!e. Ta seine eftba visions that have passed throug my imagination, I have sup-' pound that Ireland was, originally, part and parcel of this continent, and that, by tome extraordinary convulsion of nature, if wat -iom- from - America, and drifting across the ocean, wat placed in the unfortunate- vicinity of G. Britian. The same t.pen-hejrtedseas-tht tan5 genereuehos-piialit-r-tb tame careless, and uncatcuta ting induTerence aeoul -tumaa lifo char acterite the inhabitantt of both countries. Kentucky he bsea sometimes callul the Ireland rof America.! Hr. Clay nwv aay that till lb cos come tome it will oot conciliate tlie Inh : they are ail tor Jacktja. "-.r,.., -,Z .11 im-w From too ewbern Spectator. - A II A PPY; PAY; I NEW YORK We are, of the number ol hose,-who bthve that Aristippus was a much -wiser man thsn Koi telusj hal be at a bettor pfiilosopher ..w:jgunf bj (fit ilitn.if ev ery uay Tiro, son mat neuxpenencca more tree enjoyment id the parade . of a Court, the solitude of his caves If wa4 ta tho midst of meditation like tknoA thai mrtk wM Ullfrarmit fin Aurtlifilt tbe Rambler, that admirable proriucjioa of tb,tel. tnprBjuit.f hen we uppjt tfi uisiurv 01 aviivu Huir m Mirvuu tiw a - ti. .1 I . 1 i " If sr , c nuuiy hand rod years, thought I, had okp. ed since that miirhtv aotenUTe had prov ed the vanity -of our kopcM of happinesa, aud thai real enjoyment was entirely in desendeut of the moat Imposiug circum staneea, which flatter only to delude and ducsivi I'resumptuous mortal, if pccar: ed to nie ou reflection, to think that ten successive happy days could be allotted to man doubt loss bis experiment had sue coeded, bad be limited tbe time to a mo ment, an hour, or a day. ' ' ' It waa with a view to ascertain the truth. of thia eonjectarelhat wo set apart a ay u which we resolved to be fisppy. ' The tan had not yet rested Ions upon the tall spire of the churches before we found ourselves in (he open -air - The morning fct th mot quiet of ill time" itt monuog w iu umw qmm w ... The bustle and busy ;stir had not yet com monce'd,'and for what we knew, most :'ef the innnense throng which fill the ttreon of thieacliv metropolis, were still repos ing in the arms of sleep. ; These great tho roughfare Broad street, Pearl si. and Broadway, aoeined, at if they belonged to aetiy that wf jSesemdTof inhabirsntftf - Uradually however, tbe brokers, the money-changers, the clerks, the porters, e id emne anus began to make their apt ptarance, and not without being . a little jstrt led, we arrived at Dulwonico'a, where we intended to lake a deieune a la (our chattel-We met there fiene of tlioee gay and lively fair ones, so eommon to be at Ike Parisian EestauTaats., The visiters on the contrary appeared to be mostly (A the clas of invalids, who were consulting measures of prudence and temperance, rather thau seeking afr.tha comfortable wa soon squar. aomcwhat A few kmrt were then taken ep hi Mr nig to and lro without any tteady tmr poo in yiew-pliMr oftener takee w by eurpreseaad it ia ditSetdt toarrrre at it by any settlod calculation., j . - . ' -"-Sf SMSS) W SStf - -" SIMirm "Wly. '.'.Room t ioi.!. such went Ike aeticet in the form of handbills, that were posted up every where that we wcoUOna would mppose that New Tork loaf ittjwpulation, or one half of it at lai,err sprintf- A d.nnit'ilialej Frenehmaa ia Broadway, bad -aUe caught the ssiril 4 .lis tiusss. aad ia imitatioa of bis neighbor, a bill wu io like manner nut m bis flour, wilk the tdlawing outice i " Le premier atoge a nwr. i was aiinoei seiiee wnn in determination to take this portunitr, to make an fciepectiuo) sT a good many dwell. in't, andof llieir inmate, hotbue ap cartd accesaibla to rWctatcwe but was deterred from il by the sppmhsisuon, that my tisions of bsppinese miM be Jepar diced at what I miglrt unserve). My mind accordingly being cbtmrd, 1 was tempted to ruler one of those elegant eon veyaiKceTaLii h mtwely We sea iilt part of the ciry, and a hick led to Broadway ne rnrormdcrBbie porta pf ire allracttntt, 1 he pessengur in the w General t ash). I "j iitcit am ajreraws spoair ance,- and I wa uiurh eorertaiued la a ridn to a distant pmcLof tha city 4. stopping here and theret i (end miv and tokain iniwM ... " 1. . J . I : t t . : 1 1 i i other travrllera. u mv return, whilst walking in the aetghbrn-heod of Park Row my attention was called to a vehicle, sisa Uar to . Jbe one 1 bad just left, eilAMtr k not quite so handsome. It was marked - I he Gener4 .Calee." Dry Dot! and Wall at. ; ()a observing 1 rntmher of person Irn- tenng ir, I conceived there might be some specist Wet in view, 00 without asking ourstbns I determined to join lhero. We soon JouaHw wives aJvanc ing town rds tba esenr-eiaa A the town, and I was not long W leaning -that tha party was bound tea ship yard, oa tbe east rurr, to tee a ship unrh,rtyjjea we arriitd the workmen were busy with alelge ham mers, and tlie shore which upheld th ship oa the stocks, werefjllinr on either aids, and the Drpliees" awxa glided into aer proper eiemear. j M Fair a the besora of the awan, V That rises graceful e'er tba ware," : After this 1 diiwted' m tmirse t the tame tonreyanra bach into Broadway, wutco cannot tw ucwluerlang tf pleasure it our object. I Soon )nrcetvod a anmber '. well urcs.if,' gentael pvrsooa euteriug builduv at tlie corner of Broadway and Chausber-at..-11iate!f Limi ahsKand ascraii4dThat an (X-aiMa-wa about te be delivered before the Historical Society Wo" bad beer seated but-a-httle , while whsa a gentleman with tpocUclca am, made his appeeranee, and read a long ad drcs Wu cootifulKioj, tftW. and legiaU. tion, and before he got tbiougb viaitad all pana 01 ine world, ine Uratma was a jiiodwie.'but fctrf audieiiee shbatj hi diSApnunled or attl euCckail ' aautsed. aa elderly man, dressed ta black, irot up af- . I - S" w terwrds f aroduceda SMMMber of old bone and manuscripts) told severaf auceuWti snawca u a coiiecrioa or ancient roust, aud exuibitod the signature 0 the Grand Sultan, oa a piece of parchment. I never knew before, that the Grand sultan, made the urge ffoti rfoa to his name' ol ' any man in the world." When I dotcanded from thia buikUug, Broadway wore a dJ ferent apect (mm vhal I bad seen beibre. It waa a perfoct picture ot variety," and furnished me aa excellent opportunity ef seeing at a glance, the ranout stylet of beauty, fathi.m, dress, c which are all wtir deserving Id be noticed. It atrock me very forcibly that a vreat manr incK. viduals appeared thera with the bpe of being admired, and tha contrast waa not at all inobviou betweea tha smirkhig icouiitenance of some tricky dsndy or dan dtzcue, and (he stem and rigid feature or otfcor passeugera, who were evidently the victiaaa f carevw who acre eagerly beat ujiQaaao pursuits w gain. tott are uaoensciout ef the Upsft ef time when promenading" ia Broad ay; it U to silentty 'Wnrew ywy wy tha objecto wawh meet your attention. It wat therefore futt . .It three o'clock wliei I had reached tha City Hotel, wuera 1 Intend to dine. I ne dinner hour X leaked apoa as deciJodly the' happiest of. all tbe twenty -fouriB j la dfd the kuig ol hours, aad tt is some thing to see a long table litre bouncing round w ber, prestflei war host or pout. try and turkiesand where tiie porcelain plate are flanked oa either aide, by ast of cellery, defanten and wine classes. All ffiima and fat animate appear best en tU table."' Whr a seaU-dT perceived wiih a little sunirise. that tbe cmirmamls aratad ine, were many of thera, collected from almost eviry part e tfie'tmld. : Ffe?a, Dutch, English, GermaiM, Pole and Rus sians, and however nations may differ from one 'another in lafisru, customs and institutions," they a'J agree in this particular, that thay are equally iVvoted M the- pwrnsnre f pahuav . At a ha ul, tf you are at a kw haw to spend tout time after dinner, yQ have only to go in- to tUe oar, where all manner of haiiuiwll and advertismwrnts are scattered abait bv careful to apon strangre ahera an.ue aieutsaretebe had. 1 took up a Mil pna.phlHI purporting to be w account of " IH tiTill'l colltcti of psintin;, end dHernunsdto go aud i ut It wa -0,4diiTirtiH to Bod here they wtratf -bibited, aa It wa iare afarHld plarw, wbere 1 bad heard the hiMwrieal epeeali, -and seen tba Button's Bignatare. Tba elite, it aeem pay kind aore la tha afleronoa than in lha morning, and I waa not a lull gratified ill . Imling thie to be tree, acting the per sow who were already ia tbe rooms whe I arrived. - These pauitwg are icll worth ei'uig, and are mock admired by eonnoi. seers, They are abuut thirty h number, fcr artiSU of the French, Dutch, Italia eudSpeoMih stbuuia. Their very aamea aiw a , m) fitment recomrnemlatroa. La Bear, GirwdeV, Claude Lor rain, Velas. qwrt, tVe. There is oaa Raphael, awl 11 Mavillo'. The Ut are admiraUe. It wa well aih dark wleo this exeur. ei.Mi was eompbted, and i round myself' among tha Ust U those who still lingtrrd ' to admire thf imitaiw and vreative pnwaj of one of the most Cur.ioutii'g ol tlie Int. "'"' The alreeta were now b ginning to he) BgUled" ap. "The argM - aU ay eeetsa asa, iha aaost iutcrosUng tma to poj throak crly The Illumined shop- the lofir ha at tamp tba incrtasaj crowd of people, auke averything tnortr" hvely and thrwrluf. - I wa aie. wn the beautiful traiMparaifcie which I brhrkj ia varwwi nlaceav and with the ingenious; contrivance which are retorted to, to act evory thing off to gr -r advantage, fn withstanduig tba oppueing darkness, f taw a number of r u rnoring ia tha di- - . rartioacf Frankf rt at. ind eornei t'at 11 W a m m O - - f - wu te see tk planitartuuk A 51 r, K) le, 10 . which i exhibited a vWw of tha giat comet that is expected to visit a ht.y. s I hope to tee thi"ce! ".al Wonder, in the board and opcA Jartvtrm,.1.4r;!'r goui to ituped tr-.krtiii-tal pa nuiiiuXta. : tared by Mr. Kjle. r - - t: la paring along I noticed a Caere, tha top of which wee eumounted by a Irons. ., paretrt tiga,M Theatre KichmomJ uui- I entered and took a seat, thd with fw 0 there drivta to the urq.r end tij VsrirH street. W hen we bud arrived it sfpear. , ed as if we had been brouU to'a pitla resjdeocev Such it wa (uiHi km whea it w the celebrated teat of. CoL Hurt, hot now fit ted up with elteratifua aad adthUou to iu i.rsoat asca, Tl charming Mi? P. -wede-ber drJmt - ipon the boards and everyone was flt l ,t t a with hi r. " What the i-iu-e ., I '4 not learn, as it h nuch mora polite n w to go to tha Theatre quite Uw, ocly to sea the actor and tu IN acting, -t , - - 4-, When the aanrtc'rotts were at la?t or er and I fUtuJ eayseif duwrting say c.'U.-a'J . back agaia to the luwer part of tbe c.ty, truwd or iDwiUU 7tu?U4 Bpua i. y mind ta reveruiig to lbs acene f-nua. vl with the history of Klc b un lid IU. .. . , It waa formerly a WW einiornce, ro:,' it is oy wth (he grounf,' ica ii the ca,t of proud vd dgwf,d ktwptul.'y, and h?w many of tbe oVpaud. n vcliuii n. ary worthier wc3" avea.blitl. U!,i.. 'a preciacttand eat in hoanrab! fsilow iir with ite former prprietorl lie i eti.i t toongst as, but the glory r( the nn, en t the glory of the tncuuNon are charged. It wa there tM ia I76 an attimt vi tnada by tho i;t . ! VeruhKiit "iuCh. t take ouMVsv):'V a rbol leader, , he waaetykj, iy niixi." piioa wi;h 1,:, food, at a dinner party, but waa fin'? enough discovered to be prevrtitd. i . -suing those rejection I found tlmt I t 1 wannered akme into tho Park- it re late. The crowds had diurnrd f Broad way, and a solitary Wfikimiun calling? peat 18 o'clock," from (he s t psftreo al the Vtty lulh It wa thin t arousing from my everio, and poiKloi on the manner in which the day had 1 1 !peut, that it had pasa)J away tn fnv amuse meat, aroduct of ao sol id s tagea to mvaelf-'f no rood to nmnKi aa then for the first time that I L to feel hnhappy, I fell, air, a cur1 sensatioa ebont the epigastric rn -1. nd I J experienced that ' vnta.Ky .c tnTnrinrsjjftf tj yr'lryfcich 'piAk-'" f ery miwrablo. But tax lookinc ro I perceived alight "itifn tinLlms" in t distance I fWlowe.1 if, and o u l s myself ia a sous; sublan attMuii apar'n where a good plate of u v u't4 arid a ' of Kircliwaster,wtra ihj nxm rf duv mttfpoa letviug I coinplinifntrd t!.- 1 IjofdoiMWltchoJc Pay.- - i f h't ' ana the excellence of his own r.lisi m in sitting up at to late ta hour, nr. ! hi rest lor tbe benefit or hi fellow lurca, and I tvM, not havn hewn ml,., aa to tha diaiijte rented goodncm t f t!. tniar, for oa bis runup his hr I re, telu 1J on tbe posterior side cf!.i 1 1 the argtui ef beheyd!nr dsu . r . 1 1 dime;idionsof aa oyer eT-clf ' Such are the brief, albeit, u:. ; : reJ'.i r f a day of b(j;,;,v."!3.i ,, " T ', S'r 7(-ror 1 n a f ' lie turn I s..;i. ir vaj a- Ij it trenil! "'1, yrew pale, and - imn.o fuiC" 1 b" P' infer putinp.ln-K .1 ' "ni.uVrl, 7"h- Uu'y grew ftb t '

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