' 'a ' -, , j Y 'fir 'JkOU LIU . i. .. ...... -j ' ti is ven wi to ab-Min frAm lsw, which however via and good in ltsrttsslvY have) th emblaiKt f iawpality Which find m rpons in the heart l - lit ciluon, aJ which will b v-sded with littl re mint ". " : . t i li'i i i'xn oi irmmii'in n iany setin in gramng iswa oo conacinnca. . ; , , , . . ........... . 4 '. ---- .4 M JrtMnrii tntA mllarfirugtl or M;,. iirjf 11 a! the Dlitor'nlitcrtt'O jlfailur I nviiff tie t-titnr of t Jtu butinur, out mutk btfori tkt ttpi. 'ration of yf, wiUhe eoifJtrti dt e "t hf 'tnggtHt . ' v. V , 'Anf ptrtv' procuring ii? rfmtt $nb ' T "jefihtn to tht Carolinian Mkall kiit ror paper gratiiJ " '' , . " , 5 XJvtTliftiNf at the 1 UHual ritof. . Ittkrt aJJrturi to fie, Dlltor 'iw4 be tnut txiid or thej trill ru( be at- - CO Thea term vill bet1 atrictly aJ hrt$ I .' ' - V - - ' ' I i 'Hi , , IxmiSAL IMI'UOVIDIEXT. - ; . - . y - -- y ,r pF.ccii of mil iulu 1 rtf f Ileprtttntvllfft-Sihf. -TAfcMJirituw if Mr.-VrIa5ckr a. Xif R uj)roptitia fur.lwtenwl liirroa rtits certah tpvtrs, , bay, Urboura, " aVc ti"g UJHl:r 'CutuuJrriuiou in yvnr " fivrtb Crotitia, aSlraJ an atneodwenl to j cow m afmr tlif itetn. Tor fmoUJ$ oo 7 truftiotn 1 at Ocraeacka inlet, Thaaaieod- x, Cient ia aa MWwa i M For tha reaorml of '1 ' the roaJ ahol - below thetown'or W an- . . 1n:-t.in7 NwlV Carolina." and a W of ' eiumpf which oUrtmct le, patttgt ftf lt acl in lha nvar.M ; ; ' ,y', Mr.' Halt. In explanation of hia ttoend Tintut, aail, that ba did Dot rUfi to impose iino "membcra oTthatllou i iieT-iaw LTSfrypRfi thai a dt hot " foel biiawlf at tcr. but ho -wuiMit to put it luto tba pow ' " V gf tboM.vho did feal tbomaelvM at lib ,' artv b anplr tbs' public motof to ancb ; ft "purj)sci, lo apjiy it whtfolt woulJ ba of j ! rxrw ua 10 aanja in an caaaiiimnia uiu : . trtiItv lo put it In tha power of ktmk t " ben wbo aeoroed : M doairoua of giving 'nnimtUvg hi.c.$!WWillnui joraa it, -7 nhcra itrouid bo attondod with practical s tttJuy." Ttila wbjott wAarom iunatyr '. jjj tuclttoo, u iuucV-ntiUod to aa ep- proprutioB u any itom ib tha bHfc-'-Tb cboaft rwhiuh bo aludod,Va known to , ' T'to be ah impediment to teawli roingto or '1 ? froin'-Waabihgtoq, loadd,'-iud they had . ; !;wnilly to lay below this skoal and Ugh :'r tt by ;pV7' " j r !Jlr HT beUcwe4 tha romoval of thisob 4 VCWclioA uorot) .mclicaUe, but, at a , ompraUlfipeoa,aidod by tb nachtDticniployed t tha lalihai ho : waaVMiipolfod tobelifcveljloaafTvTba ,Il)joct via, eBording; to tha 4octitMrf 'Kit' iWieoieii. a mock nutiormJ as any of lh ? ' TWurlu tiprop.riatod for iav this bill. , It ha oil the attributoa of nationality claimed for 1 Wrkaff this clwjactur. It is aabntruc f 1 tion to corarssreo, it is withi a collection V oittrict, near a custom .house, and, there V' accortlini to th tat- deotrine that, j Wtiatevcr it wunuLacotieciion umrici do 1 'jtwnc ualioual.' aud, therefore, constitu ' tionul, is of consequence entitled to an ap-'-L. jiropriatioflcTb stumpo alluded to, though rt1 -tlioir removal is not altogether as impor- ..." taut as th rf moval of th shod, are yel j,' aatiiled,-ipo)i the principles already ata '. ' ted, t to Jo considered as good national ' " ttuuus aS a"o 1 iu th Union, He afain i v-repeitod, he would not deceive gentlemen J" i-.n' i(tkiaaBmiwtniint ni HmiMat in. V lo the i bill, which he" thooirhl. unon their town principles; il ought to bo,ha ahould slil r?CWabnged r6 .Vote against the bill. , Mr. II.' itlwineu -ouera 10 preservo meir consisien ' tr he meant to preserve his but ths iWho. voted for ny similar object, bs con- ilriiAl liAiinfl tA - vnla C.vr ikid. , . , V -Aftef pome rcpurki from Messrs, ' Xr tier, and lkxanlerof Virginia, uV Hall ' observed, be presumed," from th manner .'v tn which- the gentleman," (Mr, Archer,) ..taJaaked" manertiwns,Qd fronTlhOiT , ' pression of Ins countenance, ne did pot ro- " ) )u,,ra an answer to them all, which, ia , ; need he couItTnot give, because they for- i jnoU kf ring as long as his arm, and many ' f : f thim be could not ;' recollect. But h $ ould answer the first which he did recol- .-. lect; awlsay thal.lhero really was such ,,'ilace as he had mentioned.- He hadsta.- ..l tlie town "of Wfehlngtoi and -iurroand-,y.jhig cijuiib'ond, though the vuhjnct bad 'jsmedLjwmvappearanc of jokei yet nil xru joae, ana no Knew it lo be V the wish, as it would bo to tha mss people to Jav'. the obstructiou re- ... , - - w. JWta. , and he Yhimsoin woiiM . . vw lor u aa,any item in th bill, or any ; ling of the, kind. (MK Alexander,) by a7 , of explanation, -that it was not th V -fwash which h wa utMleriitood fo allude ;. to when . in eonversadonVae aaidilhad .,- .ytwv.& NortB ; Crliiu3g;Tpa':rBk'tkMi to ?- . only say, ihaU did J , , ? itnr much good or bam , rv w "t permanently, nor did ; . uisvq , lvhel cprpa ef wgUiwricvs. ?rs3 ajr.,. what w we, da ears, with luo wnoio purM of uncM rn could pcrwmcntly remove th obttfuctian toth Mvisnliiw nl tonuntrcoiif North (V !iti, God BnJ , wiliue, ha tlKOghl, W! tn thir loodua operuaii ot Craling aiMtoalwlruttion, drtcmunedptftty tkx- ly . Iliut OMrtal man ahould M bav aay modus ' eptrandi by ' which, tdct lually to remove then). JI ktd dcirJ lo avoid )ing wiy (king at pmeut oo this sub ject, bocauoa ho knew it to bo a favorite project with hi colleague, (Mr. rP".) but aj it had been mcniuxjcu, andba bad bn drwn into roiuark relative to it, bo would aay that.ifany otio would couleioplato with proper 011(4111011,1110 eloumuU which enter into thaHrmatioa of tbeoo oUtut tioiis, the would see the futility of wiutiag piwiey ojilhav.V,henloq faturdiiy tha 7 lb, tan 111 tuliptcl caino tip in the Jlouao, Mr. Hall objected to the appropri ation fvt (Xracork, but previouo to givinr hia , reasons for ao doing, aaid, ho wished to uaJi some txphuutliuns in relation to tM aineudaMDt bo hod prsvioualy oumi-oo (n committee, and , slioidd again oiler in the llouee. II then went into ttirhi- plaaations as the cae required, aiiniliir to tbeoo already stated, and called uoo the celleacue (Mr. Spaurht,), to aay of Jiis stateiBotits were not correct. Sir, said he, 1 know my - colUaguo to be in poommnoa oTsucainiurfiation as- will auttain me in what 1 have said in regard to this subject. He is 1 swift witness in this co. I f Cera. JIr..SpcighlaLeL.. what " ho meant y a switt witnoss 7J . - 31 rf H. said, he meant a jptod- wirnoss cooipetoni-witoooo wtneo hanag fun kaowlodge oilbo subject and bo pro tested agaiust iu being rapposod that ho intended any Iking hi the slightest dagree unkind to bis colleague, who being not hicllagwe,but his neighbor, ho ntwutd be sorry to aay any thing in the least unkind, and disclaimed it but he again called on him to aay if his statements wrre not fur red i to which MrJSpeight npddud ajwnl. Mr. Halt the said, his'wbpxt iuealhngon hiacuIUaguo was lo hw- to geatlowaoi that what b had said was true, and that I the information was clearly such as to place the subject on the same footing with ! other items ; nor could he so with what propriety gentlemen could vote for the ether items and reject this. Sir, said Mr. II., I will now irtate mv reasons for oppos imm tb)4 appropriation for the iwab. ' f am' omt certain that if any1 one wilt took ' kt 5hia mkrtar in a philosophio point of view if they wilt cownder.tho rsal.cauiic of the lt ruction to th eommorc of North Carolina, thsy will porcoive that the idea efTectaallV orroinovinji thei MiiitoJitueirts r U Hiio. -iii suppoMu dt piuiooopner I. I . ! t k ll 1. and mariner that Ik trd4.wtfdjjyluu w.- -.- - T , r - . . joino" mituent iu pioducing thl'gulT stream.' oe this as it may, very tew ma nners who traven the coast of North Carolina, are ignorant that th gulf stream is one of the principal causes chj3aubletidod to apply another dredging machine . llt-irl.tT.t"? .. I . 'l.l- atructiooa, whicnTio think of overcomin?, ptirtnanentlyV by.the ploughing aiaehino, commonly called tha dredging machine, 1 about a spacious as to talk or quench ing the nut with a squirt cun. They had aa well get a school of ahovelnosed sharks to root away tha sand. It is known that th gulf stream sweeps along our coast at the rate of about three and a half mil an hour, bringing with it, from the Capos of rlonda, aa it approaches more or less near the shore, according to its projection or incurvature, aa Innuendo mass of float intf sand. " As it approaches the project ing points of the coast of North Carolina, during th prevalence of east winds, it is piessed by the ocean mora ia shore, pro ducing a counter current or eddy, in Which th sand is whirled round & thrown into fhe mouths ef our inlets and in heavy easterly storms thrown in immense masse within th sotted, and forms Ihaf u-regalar siorucircular depogite Jtnown by Jh nam of th awash, consulting almost wholly of! sand. i.-i.j. -jl. f - It vs believed that the gulf stream, pla ced before the outlet of' our rivers; U the principal primary cause of that deposit? ofaBd";Blong bui coaStTwlicfi forms a barrier . Utweenth; Atlantic. .'and tha sound through which thi breaks naU.ii lets, are made, and -continually modified, by the battling of lb winds- and these mighty waters. And new let m auk, does aay on really believ Jhat we stand any chanc to make a permanent removal of tliis depositee while . the causes which placed it .. there remaitui, - and that, too, with thi dredeine machine t Even sup posing it jaay be cotrtfmmgh an4paft eft !. : 1- I. - . .1 I it removed, 1 what is to prevent the same operation from filtingf it up;. Sir; If Cotic gross a re "really ' jn earnest about remov. ing-ttio ostwetiona to ur commerce, tot theni make P an appropriation to remove the gulf streanAicross th Atlanti pass a law to atop the storm which .besot this coast i and then blow ' tip the banks i we shall then haV, good outlet to th ocean. I hare had soirje knowledge of these storms fine a specimeq of storms ai is known. It Has,' yu know, Sir, been doubted by oomo of ourpeoplo, whetherieyiikd bot tcn..Jlaiid than We "bav in thiscountry but I m cuite. certain, if they huye better thunder, they bav ao better fetofms than we hav about Cape Uatteras and Ocracock, Nw, Sir, toJte 6AUS0UUY ROWAN COUNTV, N. C.-MONDAV gaiunt thek elements I To boar me it, l"t ne quota from a rp"r cf th cu giin'iir iijKr kindred work, the tf ItLra led Nag p ' H4, r"l(oaacie lutt b trwctfiir iriaaw'-ty't'i ' aairreemTnUr Tbo C4lowin jp eamrc t is from the report of CapU lUrtmin Huche, of the Ti graphical nngineer, dated February 13, 1839 f : : It is impoaibl to enter upon tb dis ctuMMtuftko prppoMod pmject, involving such important consounco to tn popu bm and productive portions of (he couiw try, watered by the Iloanok river, with out fueliuj dw ply Htuiblo of lb dilllcul tios iu tflocting dcairublo aa object, and Ihe drgreeof uncertainly attending tb reult of any operation, where the cause to be governed area iitfuu'te and power. lul. This iaapareut evaa lo the moot unpractised ia th protesaioa o rngiior ing, whrver tbo eoure of a'ir, in her mariae oMratioits.is u bo governed. In dued, ther i probully no subject within thirrsug of science whr ao much Is deduced from hj pot hoU, and Ure, no cenarily.in the reulu, there issolittto coruiuty. Nor can wo from lb eauMs already put in practice, adJucu the evf oWe of nwM of any eeme of operaltoaw having in iw auch imprevmenla, inas nuich u every ckm is of a new character. This would appear to bo I he fact, when we bear in miud, that probably in no os inlanre, wber operatiius have been car tuul on fur ihu improkoittoitL of . batLours. inlla,Ac., ItovoTOTulisineHho expecta tion niMrtauied. In eanreMing than rpinirn, I am iiapolWid only by the desire of impreMing upon lue conviction 01 iuc sanguine, the dj(r.rultio which belong to hydrograpical iiiiprovedienta, wiihout par ticular reference to tha subject of lias re 0011." Sir, it will be anen tbal this reasoning is intended to apply, not alone to ags Head, to all marine olMtructiun and itn prwvemcntSi aBd is poculiary spplicable to the swaih. Now let u hnar what the re port of th 8erotary-of War. moW tba nesHion, tells us. 1 be repon, in reunion to Ocracock Inlet, saya : " The dredging machinery domrnod to improve the chan nel of this lulet.Jiai been applied to that objct, on the' part called th Flounder lue during all favorable weather, since me beginaing of 1630, and about lU.uuu cu bic varda hav.heeu . excavated. ... Th ea- eineor report that, so far as a cooctuaion may be drawn from eofcrrorion, daring a short period, it is in frvor of. the final sue ccti of tha experiment. It w found that. in fonseuenc ef th exposed situation ot ( the n ace of onoTahons, not more tnan about IM working day in a year can no . . .. . . - ... yooji would be "requirod to complete the proposed excavation, in order 10 auorn, in this case, an opportunity of making a fa.ir experiments as practicable, : it j in- of greatertpo we r ia aid of tb on now on olovod " cVci-r With . te, buth.autliori ties, in addition to what I have myself shown, shall I not be borne out in my opinion of III utter futility of such enter prise! Th Secretary of war tells us that the aflair at Ocracock is an experiment. ThisM 'believe., will b th Third I am told the fourth, appropriatio for that ob- iect. W bav now bean making th ap plications for something little less than three years. I think, and.. the Socraiary tells us it will take . tea years more j this ia tailed an experiment T It ia an expori ment with a yengeancetATnineen years experiment, at th rat of twenty or thirty thousand dollar, a yar, for what, by their own showing, . and th . leist ac ouaintane with th nature of th obstruc- tioas. can produce "notbing- but wast of money and evnuWdiwpioinlmeiiU -1 hav been informed by many respectable persons livio n tbe banks and ether pla ce not remote that - th who! affair was viewed a a ; mere idle wast'" f money, But. as recants the mud shoal belvw Wash iJigtoii, I cannot oe what is the dlfferenc if one.ii an obstruction at tba upper part of the same body of. water, waere it is cat led "Pamlico 'river, and the other at the luerlpart,mberit i' called Famtieo sound, both obstruct navigation and Com' mercer" In "explanation" of a "remakTroro Mr. Speight, .tliat . hia information was drawn from pitots,-who"Wer witerested, Mr. 1L said, it was not, alon from pilots but from many other respectable people aa well as resbeetable peopl of ihia class whose ;in!ona'tiojLj peivl haps, tttr than others - The final u5 t. t 1 .L - .L. eeso'f th swash ( doubtiiu the shoal near, WasJmgsuiscaawoutd probably attend that, with means properly applied, - When the bill was about to have its third; reading, an , incidental debate arose for a few minute, on a "qiiestKin to recon aider th vot, ordering it to be eaged and read . third time, tbemotion for 're consideration being rejected, the question .1 rii imi r '. " 1 Upon ine passage 91 in out wiuui up 1 , . Mr. .Hall said, ,th debale which bad just occurred waat fctm wholly 'vnlooked far&'tl bd b'ni of billst not to discuM . th details or prin ciples, that hanng usual! bcon done pre vioury. ". It was, noweter hi purpose to give bis fiewsgooera!y,!,,o thyi nbjeetj j Jirf H catcxed : ja thetrtubje'et,' l) Dom a 10 as ociaus ami prmctiiie vm would Uka oceaxion to say tltat be l.ad Uxl against feronxidsraiio befaiwn p brlicvnd, end urtdarstaod. that ita olt v-3& draw a dinlimtion letwofm wmos if 0) itrma, Wh a iioW riliirf oiil a ..... - . Cn 01 incm. 110 tjicia 10 in is course, Cause be viewed all tbo various portions of the bills, so fare principle was concer ned as standing precisely upon the Mm fcetina. If our part was couatilutional. they were all ao. and he winked that no invidious dintinctious sluxitd be nuulo.' lis was not one of ikoo who Ulieved mea svr was either conatitutional oreipcdient wrery bocauHO weut into .th Stale or Diatrirt to which h bclonil, while a uirasur, of exactly tk same nature else where, was neither tonirtitutional or expe dieul. It will be recollected, that when th details of this bill were under cotuid- oration, I took some part in the debate, but cotiflood my remark only to one or tw, itomi of appropriation for North Car olina, I did so, be4ue I was better ac quainted with them than with umal otheri, and also, brcauw, after orixinr those in my own immediate viriuity, which I fell it my duty to do, I could, with proprioty, and with ckxincr hands, oppuNo others .f iBHiar character elw where." Mr. Speak er, no 00 ran susnoae that. 1 can uti- friendly lo the coinoxrcial prooixrity ot North Carolina, ur from n this surely is jotiioxaiMoiif my. oppuaition.l appro- pnafms for inipnvouMiiia of this cbarao. Ur, kilioppoM l,rni for the-reason, that noloidv do not tool mklf at libcrlv, bccoix! 1 think Cwcrem has tuA conl 1 lutiual aulhorilv, but bocaue I U-lievt lhymut ultimati-ly tail in producing auv subuntial bontfit. Tbe item of appro- priaion for the Smi'h was n.4, an i-noinwl lo luve been suppo-nid: ihu oolv 000 to rhih 1 1 had objection. In pniTiph- I am squally oppoaed to I hut for rleartru; auy obsTuctions blow Wilmington, syial iiitcsw thniirtofCngresa are attemlodwtlh bettir succoos than thone mJde brtlf Stai authoritiis If is not likely thi y wi! ba nry bosmliotat, tor I have- niweprtiW from reectalile authority, that so far from th applications made by the State alkoritie,havieg boon very beneficial, it was believed, that they kaJ rai her don irf lry-'-certainlv no great good. A a to inprovemenU of a similar character with fjooe of Nprh Carolina, and the greater part of the bill cwoi4o approbations lor similar purposes,) th remark of the Eagineer't report which I read on a for mer eeaioni will jply tn trcm general. v, and h it meet, wilit the .approbatioo of the House, I will again road the part of Ih Report to which 1 tJtude.'" llrore Mr. ti. read what appears aa an extract from a Jgrtsf jiptBachn, ilrwarfy giM$4 A 4 ie, to sustain me in th description which 1 gar of th obstructions lo the nsvigation of North Carolina. I will read thejnlttrtving, - Injhe K'?'01!'. North Carolina, by John Lawson, aurreyor general ol" North Carolina," London, (709 we h,T pae 61 a'geiioral deaeriptioti of the coaat, in the Mlowing worda, "Thin part of North Carolina 1 faced with a chain of sand banks, which daiul it from the violence and insults of theAtlaatie ocean ; by whichttarrier a' vast sound is hemmed tn, which fronts the mouth of i the navigable and pleasant rivers of this fertile country, and into which theyJiP eorir themselves. Through tbe same are inlets. of. several depLbaoL water. Some of their channels admit only of sloops brigantines, email barks an ketche and futh ire Currituck, Roanoke, and Qp the mini above Uatteras : whilst others can receive ships of burden, as Ocracock, Top. sails Inlet and Cape rear, as appear by by my chart. I believe it is well under stood that since this period both Roanoke and Currituck inlets bav been rendered useless by being filled up with sand. Mr. Sneaker, while I, in common with my colleagues, and with our constituents gen erally, lament th txistenc 1 theo, as l think, irremediable obstructions to our commerce, yet I am somewhat consoled, Ihatm this as frt. almost, all otUer causes, there is not to be found unmixed good or evil These very obstructions placed in the way ructione placed in the wy ofnxxomnieMe3oub.Wyi poiui u ticw yjt jvi . vdHlny. - tin ddly fhe best and cheapest fortiucationa against in vasion from a foreign poweril being out of the question for a vessel of! war of any magnitude to come wrthin our waters ; and I do not., agree with those whi ialk about th degraded "state? of ;ana .Jaxouna, troni c. mess causes, ana bo therfur solicit siaY as I thisk, use lessly, from tlte General Ooreinment, to remove thorn, And. i4 1 cannot but fool that North Carolina is qmte as much da traded Jbjr begging . for the crum and drippings from this Uoverameiit, as irom natural cause- beyond : human control. But Sir, let us rejurn t this bill Which, with one exception, is certainly th most extraordinary act of legislation peculiar to this aessionl, : Sir, it puts me nior in mind of what I have oAen seen at log- 'rollihg ia th country in which I live it puts me avar-' "Sm jf a bt boap ?pif of tegsroll from tl;iarta"c ;;tt;-Iw ground by th mutual aid of the log rot krs; than 'any tbiogW And i one Sir, I think th best thing w conM do witb it, w ould be t treat tt'a w do tbe , -- ' . . , '-1 ' ' Ipja u&s t bdujefl fljs&&0wi qitoKin&uU UtiiiUton wndjr circanlj(j:a5 1 bfl cxehslTf foCi j JIINE.1 to and turn it ap, W do so however, oithtlie toganot prciuly fbr th ipe reanit , ' would, ibis strange affair w Vum j)rn..lieris . t fir y. a re;, u tl"H4v:fbd in. tl way t iel thnf sthing ia wrirt um Ioso it U great poaitiv vit. . Thro appropriatiorui amount to th enormous sum of absut a 'million and a quarter, for purpose, aa characterised by scientific engineors, of at least doubtful , character moat of them cmiag under th; deaerfp tion to which tbe term bvdrograjihlcal his been applied. This bill proaenis, in rpi tome, a fuir rample of lit whole system of intermdLiniprevemenuv. of which . we hav Bince16'i4 had om experience. It is a ytm of iniquity, one in which from the very Dature of things, justice and eriuily cannot, bo don 1 it is another part or th general svslent of . tnnnferriiig the property vi one t of me' to other without any equivalent.- the Tariff, lutern&J IuirnvemmU, pensions, kct &C Tbe proaonl bill, nd the mam moth pension bill, naatted through this Hnua a short time sinCe, are instances of the moat extraordinary outrage upon the peaple of Iheir kind. With these bunging upon the Treasury, bow are w lo pay the debt? Ti U not known to Wi Civorilo ob ' ject of the F.xecotive, and 'till more, do not lb peoplo geaerally look to th ex- j lincliou of tha public debt U a political lubilcel How then can. we reconcil it to uuraelves 10 vut fur euvh enormities? The system of, internal improvsmeat and tW aritfsvsiani, rompoae the notable and Jar Lined .4cni fystem. They are wor thy of each other, par nobile, no, air, net par nabUr, but pr ignnbile, not frclrvm, but eJewomrin not a nohUpair o brothers, Uit au ignoble ir 4 devi! 1 Was not the devil, the author of all evil ! Tbe bree- der of discord and suffering lo ur first paretilaf Can any thing be more iu char-; Screr ? To what. Sir, do we owe our pre. arnt ' political division' and discord, ikreoteiiiitg the ni(wt calamitous cons quences,but to that most unfiirtttnatr and iorqortnw 'Wtewrief re?islarll "which' commeuced aoon after the dose of tht war. Which ba been called or known by the name of h new departure in poli tics. Sir, it was new a moat unfortu nate departure from all those fixed princi Ele upon which we hail so happily acted retofor And what ntheconseonence? To what a sttt ef ifchtz have we comet Are we not aow Blandim upon the 'verv Lrink of polilica perdition 1 is not'Jia membenncnt, and disunion talked of," and' discussed In. this IJuuMr,' in every group of member a common subject out .of dc4irs,and "in th oewsjiaperst Aud to what but this demoniacal system oflogis- tatwnv; wratnbting fFonyaiid invest is it attributable 7 Who is so blind as hot tooew that unless w speedily return to sound principles, ruin must coin 1 - Mr. Speaker." tliewbule nf iuiiuu bail, out some of it part are, if possible wws than other ;,iodiretly th power to erect toll gatee, is .asserted, whethar intended or not, and though the appropri ation have been said to be lo finish works already begun, upon Inspection, this will be conn not to be wholly correct, and even it true, it would net alter the principles. If you begin in error it will not become right by keeping in the sain course, and as the saving is, u throwing good mouey after bad." Wo alo have thirty thousand doUars iWatM-veyv whieh the vitiation ot an worts 01 tnu kina, and aner once csnuneticod, you are told if you do not go on, all the mouey you have applied will be thrown away, and this, by some, is held a sufficient reason fur throwing away thou sands and millions. Is it possible the po pie w ho furnish thisV'moncv can longer be willing to tie taxed for jucU purpose mil soi Cod beTp them f V -?,"; ' This aurveying or engineering, a it baa. been called, I well recollect, th com- mencanient of this, business as a systenf prolesaedry debated, on the ground of try mg th . principle of a system ef internal iniprovemcnts Borne three pr foutypars ago, wHio" the present out were th then ins, I recollect frequently to have beard cb.re niinerinff tb neo- ny. wow 1 oir, wnetner ini was s or not, it is not necessary for me to say bnt this I will say.tbnt I do not-wish that aay war shall have . it in his power: whether deservedly or not, to say of us, the parties here what was said of the pohucal par ties ttlglaniii,'., rZ.i- i What, this rogje loses, that rogue win, Tbey ar both bird of a foathor;, 00 here damn tne outs, and damn the ins, And damn them ail together. - - I hope arid desire the parties bore may never justly be subjected to any soch wit and sarcaimwould to - God biry could have, but one parry on great party all the members of which, instead of scrambling for place and public money. shonid be tound vicing with each other ia disinterested effbrta to promote the public good. Viewiag the whol of this bUt; is. .. . 1. .. ...... -. i 1 diymimify ana couecuveiy, a improfr, IjcXjiiiM--- vjpw'SiSr'sani ground, one part with another, it would be 1 difficult to; give a preference to any on item ever another. " It was, I tbink, some years iince, that upun the Maysville road bill, 1 took the liberty of addressing IVOL,., VmNO aBBTsaaJaf KUnrt norpewhal similar.- I eoasidVrtV ', asset ttrey tjnvn tnsrit th mum late, ana I tnusi taiellv vciah, thiswaw-iB aaf .rtatfr-aiilcbV W ;!, Wttr? prikcipln, I hav said they ar th s mis as 10 iso eaiem, 01 miscniw ia tnucu ' - j t) worst. T recollect taking ccaira in ) . u . t. . - . L . . .L . . f - .l: . .1.. .. . . e . , - 1 1 iiij ih(h m mo auiijaci, u sy, issi a, , would a soon hav voted for it as for aay , measure of a similar cliaradcr avo I my . . -own district 1 thisl will repeal, and shoulir . ' I evr break thrmrgb tb rule; which the, ' Constitution hai, a I believe, prescribed, , ' me, and sbould sVr uls lor any one in. ject of this character, I ahould foot myself tn benor.boiand to vnt fo every feasabl 1 on of siaular character from fastmV Sjuoddy to llorida, and from lb Atlantis' rentier to th confute of tk far West.- If I was to sjtond an opinion, on the prsc tical utility of th several ol jett of ini-' provemeot proposed in th bill, I am oof quit certain that I should not fsel boeuJ to iay, that probably inor good bad beta or might bo stone by epprppriati'ons f tb removal of casual oUtructions ia tbe We tern waters, usually termed plantar an4 sawyers which J( undcrilani ar formed of tree tailing Into th river by Jh giv ing way.of th laiikf from being wasaei by frequent freshes, than . any others. I consider, them, kowwer, no nipr era ill wl to be called national tha ny other.obr " ' ject. I should lik to know when thry began to- natfouar,1f thy "a'rt ao7wnil)r standing as they grew on the bank, after falling in th water, or not until they M com fixed in tbe hand and mud at th but . "i loin of th river, which I suppoa con. stityM, IbooiJphuitcra, autl thai up adj. -down motion, cautd bj the jiressur f . the current; eoosttute then sawyers.- . With regard la the nationality, and there , fore coiiatitutionajity of tbo gret Cumber. . LuuT road, becMUss it gees 10 part f 'act " " ' eral Stales; why, Hr, upon thai priuciple every road or path n every Kiat majp becorwidero3 liatiunal ; T becou cTcry path or pritate'load communictea with some other, which lead to any and alj others in th tuion, and therefore the are alt and each hatiouat,lf anv one be. Perbsj, however, the rtai thing which give nationality to all things of Ibis char, acter. is he Mtfiunal mewrken Vi.. .. -b fakerfrourof th XaJiowlJfrepnrjtti ButfMr. Fpeake'r, enouuh iu rubitioa U tbo details wtliiraiTairt a lew Words 'tip. n on Ine cansti'Mtional priucipl ana 1 , bav - djoo.- 1 am sorry to have intruded e ' long upon th lioi and pa tionc jof th . Uou, butlioj ,fvri-fow criiiiioi " alIu a4iciooiiiJi ratiun'o past forbear, aooe : for it will be il.itif-d, tlmt 1 haw - "Hut ottedtrespaafm thi ww havar V-?'r"'-'t '.7 . lor yara contented myself with being ia ouw dugree a tner looker n ia VntL and as a farther contidratio f r trnpa3av nl.ea.l.,uroe?h wui aw IA Uouaav that this n th last time I will ever open my. ijpe.far u at.prei suojeci o ins imsruai iniprovcuient Jur--ther than to say Nor TLia; pnvilge I aliaD (till claim, so long as 1 ba v th boa . or of being a me raber of tliis body. Mr. opemier, when (be subject of inter nal improvement was broached and first diseussed as a system, lik tbe Dank que. lion, 11 was ought lor and claimed to. baj. found in some half doveerof the granted power,' enumerate iu the Constitution t and lib that tor thie reason wis erttilled ti."-.' tne character .of a vagtaut ower liie power. However, 4o regulate eens merce, seem to b in th latr tiniss pru cipally reliadoni this, and a branch of' tin power the Dower to place custom Sa"?! 4h4, dewgnatft by lawr ollectioa,-- - or revenue tfieli ictav , This latter branchv of tb pe carrie its own tSohfemnatioa Uwn its face 1 bocaus, by placing custom ? ' bouses andoVgn.ahng districUi Coiigresa "'; could assum indenjiitoiy th jurisdicUoa;,,... vr alt subject of Internal improxemeut X. from the sea coast to the very source of.-4 our rivers, aome having already' extended " But tne difhcuJty does not nd here. What has happened, may posfibly b again 4armttrWrfnnjr iVitort and uiturnai taxes, -tlie State were laid off inte aollcUoo or wwimiitm. And thus, upon th principle asserted, ' Cjjngress could assume jurisdiction "oTvt every thing of a local 'character in tba - - country.--!-s- Tliei gnerat powr to regulate c?Th?:zl inecej-thrcf6pB; ''if'tlilipowwpsicuIaiA. ly relied on It ioem to have been- tha 2T4 intention of our predocewri W ielit and " establish as a fundamental principle inour , ' . political uutituttonl that thi Stat Gverafl menls, and rsderal Oovernment, "ehVuli b coiwwered a. distiOot ' and separata. affencieiestablidlied bv the roele for difierent purpost:. . Tb - 011 aal lOtb " i f aineudraents, and the second paragrBpU - oi in) om amcio 01 tn veonaiiiution; wut, ; upon Ai6 considtiration, satisiy an reJ ? tablished. lathis viewl am suMa'inedl- i '4. dotlniie'fbrfly. bufte4R-om:iIie' Coosiif 35 tatfon; bf no leas authority " than th SipT F preane Courtr--tbat all the powr of th VT, geheialgoyernAientr ar penary of fult , m; powers over tb subjects committed tyfi-- I th CoiWtitutios f o its maogement.t. Thi " boing the case, all will admit that they:, : thew-l-J -As A . jA ! '0 vt fajs-xv-' ...

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