- of o. , -.fj.llial lh7 can.! U ww ut wuU Hm pmrrff Ihe ."tt fm tnenta. To ! datniw lra l.nJ down. wbn;b I Ihiniu InrorttrovrrtiUe, TV Otb enwdiwnt ytiMTh mi. th Constitution ol certain "1 T, his. shall lb construed to deay or v sptng oi'wfi jcrJ byJh opW. - -fhbt "Th porert 4 dileinltd to f f ' lb 1'a.ted Hut by lh Constitution, nor V - j,ro,,frtw it iU frlates, r rervd la tin HiaU rpecnveiy, or 10 in pw ' - , " . p!e.M The to arm:Mmntastila clear- jT f J th principle f spratio-f lb-" y t tra f rautwl and retained. I ft scoou f 4 paragraph of tbt fllb articl of ibe Coasti -(utioaituithcM vrdt '" .-rt' 7 ,J" ' 'TV Corttfituliorj, ww! tb law of tht r?,ij V Toiled Elate wftirh jha!l U mad in pur. i T rxiwl ltMM! and ftit'lruia: mad, or f th failed Stales, hall be th supreme law f th land J and th Judge in every fetal shall b bound thereby, any thing - iaj iba Cunatifutio or lava of any But lo tht cbofrarj joffjlhetapding. To aba the pertiwnry mar clearly f lha doctrin f hav laid dowt lo the t'uh'mtie, I will quoit Iht laflgog ol - aha ttupnma Court ta tht casrvf Oibbons . 0 don. A Hading to Iba power lo reg - - ltt ewnmerc, lb Chief Jatti in de livering lb opinion of tb eoart eaya : - We ara now arrived at tb enquiry, hal U Ihi power f Il is ib town to regulate,' that is, ta premribi tb rule by Which commerce is to be governed This powtr like all otktr$ vted ia Coogr, la eooiplttt io ilaelf. "it has alwaya bn Vtdervtood, that lb overeirnty of Cou fraae, though limited to apeciM objcl, ' M pleoary a to Ibeaa objocts." This doe tnn can only mean tbat th powers jnn (kd to Correal by lbs peoal ia lb coo-. ii(utioar full or plonary powers ever aub)eia committed lo rte afney, and tonseauenf) eicjuiv ' poware., Tba .jwwi aovireigaif . if aied tq .Conjrejf J as ii aoioniniea oaa pmb, vouiq d im Jroper. onjreaa is tot tba sovereign ' power of tbscoontry, but uijency with J)9irtriila-W-C-WV partkulu ubjects. . Its powers aj delrg&ted only, they are tiflreforaf aeeewuty eubordin t, and not sovereign powers. Wo all ajgre that th aoverain power isJn be r 'peopla, if this be so, taniuff never alionia ' teJ, tbey atul retain it. 1 be contlitntiaa t 'Itself is aa act of funda mental Irgitlation vf this wry sovereignty; dclegnting through thie power of attorrtr yxSfTSOfitfcry power of legUIntion, asraed on UT uatuia to M nol only dtdeatad but limited and ennmeraiao. A sain lit court says: A If power t1 rwtftef a -ptrtiovfir thiniji Implies th icWr power, A grant of the - wholn ia incompatible with ihe existence right ia another to any part of h."1 1 In langnig i apjiropriat and clear, fnd, Ukeo in connexion with tb evident , as and meaning of thflJbtegoing ,P tbmitosr jwtabUsbaa the principle, thai .--i . oiibef govern ment can interera with tb . ppMPnaw and eoaituUonal power oj '-r::.:.1t olher.r Let th ranpftulataS..; Alt the -i';--power veUed in Congreas. ar plenary . oiare they ara then of naccawty ejtolu. r -frv-powem"-And, if they cannot "in. ... , .. -cmniarie or o mao concurrent, or con rwirt with jh jKtwere H h fttjijlt ' fures nd it foljows. a uutUjtjgi course. - ' wai within loeir proper sphere of action, . ' hea eonfinad I tbir proper ,and coasti -.vr --- --'.ttinl purpoeeet lb power of th Slate . : '. ..crteramants ar qully plooary and i fliiaive Both ir M t the irpMj)f rflaiin . .-ssesttwrswhe -at out of - it;;'Mkirninetihn. i'jpv-w P h fotwgoJag' fV trine tb power to " regnwt (oraintr with wreigii nation, -'-a-' mona th several Stale and with th t jtiu'm lKaa.W kina. lik mil Ka Mhu iu... . ati tutionaT powtr or congron, a full pow. ' " r over th subject, must b exclusive and - 1 tiannot be oarticioated.' Thi bain- truo. It otterly preclude 1b idea of tbe right uf ' ; .wngreaa io en .i in wnoie or 10 part, by r. tpoanaofasyiternofintsrnallmprtvement. j r . unia in junaoicuonai luuit M a Slate .. . .? . . . Mb Slat governmant Oadoubtedljr bar. . .; "log th right. Tbo only work or edifi. "f tz 1nthe charactaf: of Improvement f lnch congrees i. authoniml to erect or ... lubricate within any of the States, arepro. tevtidtfd :lft to tht: Jotter partof thaStb ' . 1 ' aectiorf-,! the tint article f th constitu '.jpSSfloiCr fn order to enable congrcy lo erect " j fceedful building for th operations of the 1 fenislativt-and executive departments, and ; ; - that th federal government might hav a '. .;,..- Jecjl babitatKA as well as a name, ir was ! $ provided that con 5 ret should hav power ; J, to, 9iKn.4Jtclvtb&r.h(tixm-tM caiea wbatevef, over" inch district, (nof rTwicwinr ten milo square) -ar'aiav" bv ' . cession of particular State aad tb acres- tanc of congress become Usoatf tbe """""BBPB'WfJl lfasjij- wftw Uaaiassi.Bj FV.tIIUVl wItX f ,i ,-i xercise filJk authority over all placet pur. chased by the consent of the jgislatui : ir.-."tf th tkatt iCitbtck tht tamo ahall be, . for th trtction fortsi magajinBSTioclt. i-V'W- ffd araeaalt-tnd other cedlul build. ; - ing.n Th eootro) of those subject iJ anurcly la cooyreui.theT-ar 4he-onty ! fTwtleVf in the cKracftf rftBiprvelnordi est edifice within a Stat. wbieL Congme-. Das ih power to make and not even these without th pre-vequsjt,; of wqiiiring,; tb , whole and exclusive eovemmeat, by nun bait and eeasion over the olacea wher recteif ; with which placoa after this, the 7"J autboritim of the State in vi hicb: they may Tlty" tw canniit iuierfart in any way. there a great miatoke in supposing that the improycrjumt of drivers bay inlets, and fc arb" rs, an J wakinfroads m& eanala in ! " i'." " tho-States, stand on tha taunr.fotiof t' - They are no who ptovided forr either 1 ''i&4m(yt H indireirt ji nCuoitfkiitwnv! .l..-'--..Jl.. 'eoy-on; .auppuao-i'tbat- ibe. iuit yould er could cede to tb General Gov. " ' I : enmienr, th rivers, bavs, 'and all tbe pub. ' i'iK yi)e h wavs fi -which commerce ia car. Hfitl ,1 . If Hk4 would, b left what fhry be utterly -l"rt." Tin (' i-ii;t(.a vf North t'arulin eprf'!y jy: 1M prrprijf of Ih o.l in a fr Uuv. rrmtHiiii, ktngooe of Ihe ersnlal rij'i of ibetojladiv UxJyoflh prnp! it U oefury la order t avoid tutir di Citet, fh.it tha limit of ili flutahoulJ i carleiitaJ iitb precMM'. . Then, after dVcnUng V botindarf line on ib smith t ) i , Tlrfuf e all the ttrritdritt, sea, mater$, l karlort, with lUir appurttoanca, Jyiflf Hween th abov doar.ribed llii,4c. audi th southern line f Virginia, ar th right and pro- a of lbpoptoof Ihi 6al to b held i m ia full $o9trtigntt'm I beliov air, no part of these tiling ka beeo. partfd with or ceJed, nor aouli they bejriibaiU at VivlntK of h Federal Cnatitulifl, unbW fr such purpoa, a bav buon prcviA'd for in the liaaruirieiTlt Congress baa power to-toiU xis, Vb yardstaVo, wilbid a Huts, only upon lb same princi ple thai it could build Am Capitol, lb E eculive Department, vy Tard and otb er needful building In tfi District of Col. umbia, not becauw) Congrees had the right (olcgUlale, but lecaus having flrtl obuined, by tb method pointed out ifl tb Constitution by eMion and purchase from Maryland and Virginia, full jwwr over lb Divlrkl, it coulJ then, and nol till then, plac or erect any uch iifiprove pient u it mirjil think proper. And so of tli other subject ueutioiied. It will be seerj io tba law, nrst and second vol. uaes, that immediately after the Govern ment went iitt v(KralHn, proviiioa wtu made for Ilia cewii of light bouet ,wiib tb Mine view as seemed to hav bmin applied to the subjects mentioned, and what then wto doomed to b tlie construc tion, may be learned from the practic of th Goveruaneut in regard to light bouses, a acted a than and woe, as will ap near bv tba folluwini extract from Oor- don s digest of Hi laws i o light nou . . . . . ......... ahall be built on any sit previous to ces lonftlturMdicuoa over in aameiome UnHed 8ufe &C! "If any aersM ar parvrns within any fort, dock yard, aavy vard. arneual. aruwv or sue azuie, tb sit whereof is celled loand utxltf the ju riUhon of tbe' UnTTeJ"Slalft, f oh the site o any light houn or oifier nrtdul bvildinr b'wzni W th ruled states, th sit whereof is ceded," Ax. It bo thueaeen that au these object were claaeed together, and tb earn requisite occosury to enabl Longroe to eroct them t even it admitted, that light-house are heedful building in aid of coninerc ortho" navy", Congress crldiiot " rnali them within th jurisdictional limita of State, without first obtaining exclusive overnnant ever 4b ala or sites a in case of forte, dock-yards, c. with which they have ben clashed. . Mr. Speaker, t have thought proper thua I allude lo lighl-houMs, because they aoem to have b"n a sort of stumb. lji.!'g .Win4 kin4if''.U!lying p-int lb frmnda ol internal improvement or WaJjookor f'ac to hang a doubt on and particularly to call tbo attention of a Iriend woo I ae acraaa lb way, la th aubjecTaa h and myself bavcf frequently in a sort of Committee of the Wholeoa the state of lb Union, had this witb -ether suhjeeta, and particularry tb Union itself, under constds ration- But-1 UUuJi they bdOcwjuITlOIiiSuIsT the ganeral class of objecta, Known aa in. ternal improvamenla. .But tbey seem by many to be cenaiuered as a sort of .toon. crel, or thin of doubtful character. Jf gentlemen pleas the y may transider them a t kind ol political toophy tea, om. ponding to Iha'r 'diwUllttT"! iiitcrnie'dlate class" of beings which form tha connectiiig link between the animal and vegetable kiugdom 1 lut -gentlemen consider. them aa lb internkdiate link between the two govemmental authorities; make them po litical toouhyte. Sir. Speaker, the power lo regulate commerce, like that to regulate tbe uutil, so far as relate I our public highway Uia way 00, .which commerce ia car lied on, and the ini IranHported. i mere. ly a right to pass over tnein. 1 he power la rfculate commerce, and the mail, 1 a power over subject and vehicle, and does not aflect the highways, longre legi. ktoa over both then subjects, so as to proscribe: tht. Jeenl rules by. they ' air to b governed T and when the judicial power u required to act upon eases originating under these laws, in coo ncxion with either of tb subjects, tbe led oral courts take cognisance of these cases. But doe it not occur to the roost twin farmed, that any other cases, origoaUng on those public highways, than such as are connected' with tht mail or with na vv ration and commerce, refer themselves to the jurisdiction of the Stat tribunal If amend, or abohib our public highways Within the States, none of which have been ceded to it, doe not even a blind man tea that thCousequsncenHist ao6niiri'en. tjre obliteration ef alt the jwwer, of the State authorities, and in that case our ays torn al fwerMtnent desiroVed- by- eea ao1idAflotft;ar,f- It must, I think, b perfectly plaii ac cordtRg :to the fore ffoine feasooinif that the exercise byCongress of the power to max intenml improveroBntsroitner roadit aad canalsj, or Jhose upon, water, courses, harbours, bays &e. ia entirely unauthoix ed by th Cortatitutioii,: ll Congreas has not tUis' power tbea It has not the right to do to in any way or by any means, and ofeours it cannot do it by th use of mc ney 4f it haa not the pewer, then it has not the right to use the moan to arriv at th end. , j ''ieicomtuA any purpose mcaas ia th use ar power dt aco -real practical.-power. - Evea the r osneot of a , State would not give the power. - The wtmwnir of a - Stat could n more give Congreas a right to do that wbjeh. ft badctUj 'jrigW toMw.Upde j iLia I cm! I -fit lo'dn an ut.lj-f-i: 'ir-r t.i ..t. 1 the rrra'jiion f eommerf r or h g) rule lo euttle the fJ x ( iatercoore. andifUab tb ryM to mak lb ways ot) which tmwr? ti car rind erw fl3 fcat would tfteerni reaxonaslB that il abould make lb yehirlesj for, acard ing 10 (he docfrlo asrjmed, that Congress bit aigbt fe d whatever-will (acibtat rommerce, and if a power to, regulal is a power to tnaks, then Cong r has U power to nuke or caua to b made, every thing ' having any rehlioa lo.comroetc not only tb way hot vehicle -auch ,U merchant vessels, canal boats, cart, dray, pud wheelbarrow, morchanti ware.boucf kais, iO. and uudut lb power to regu late com mere among ike State, Jtfa. e Hity, they could mk waffl"eedaV, taru and uy tbio lswci.a4 tbe re ial artding wniea lauiuiaiea commerce mors that article, tb oJiMge ef which, coo. dilute eamret in it oiosf wfr"A ( nification Cynere may appropriai m ney 10 make or encourage Iho making Jnf every thing which u pought nd sold, an tiling whichanter into commercial ex cbaug, either foreign ordomettbv Bui if lb j(BprveBiuU tif.'lb public high way art regulation of commerce, w ith in th meaning of tb constitution, what will gentlemen do with that part of it whkh says u No preference ball te giv en, by any regulation of commerce ot rev enue, t the ports of one tte over those of another." Whenever half a milliot is riven to improve or maks port or bar bora in one Slate, il mini, to comply with th instrament, be giveu lo all having aa) port or harbor. This, Mr. Speaker, i nirely a most ex traordinary power. In addition to the authorities already riven, (bowing tb ex- clutve and plenary nature of the power to regulate commerce, with foreign nation among the sevsrel stales, oa vnta th ludian tribes, the f dlowinc ia also fliveti. frcro tb opiuiou of one of ili merabtr of tbe nupreme Court, ia the case of Oilbooe Speaking ot (hi same power, vs. Qden, he aay s udsinc Jhe po wr (opre scrilie tbe limits to ita freedom, nece wari ly implies the power to determine hat remain unrewt rained, it follow tba( tba power mud be exelmipe The m idea i expraed by Justice Baldwp in th case of the Indian Tassels, as ma be aeon in Poior's R'-porta-The ChiefJus- lice in Giblvios va, Ogden,'pakin( of iBspeciion laws, say .'; They form a xr lion of that imroenae maa of bgialaon, which embraces errry iking within the territory of a State not t-urrtnderid to the General Gevermoenf -all '-which af be most advanlaeoualy executed by tbe State themei'lve. inspection laws, par. antine btwa, s well as laws for rtgvlaing th inter na I commerce of a State, '.flow h't me aak. are not all the riven, bavt. harWi, roads, canals, dte witbin ajStata. iucludsd witbin tbe territorial, and, juris. L tcuwuii iiiiuia i in ovaia r nt,ianpi the tegwlatioo over them a part ef that im roimtiiutl.Mi, (livi'lul a ri men. mast of legialation 1 wbih the CJucfLre-election of Oen. Andrew Jacksoa . a Justiee says embraces retry tAing- withi President, but .opposed lo the election of the State not aurrenderad lo tb General Government? - Have all oar public hirh ways ; have any of then been aurrepderecl t the General Govarnmenl I Hav ven Xags-be4d and thttWBhrplcet already alluded to in thi discussion T And jt not, let me ask by wnat authority doei Qp. grei Interfere with' the rights of the States with the rights and property of 111a priipio ui i-vuiiii vBruiiiia, wiinoui airv sort of jiihcatioo-gtLinst the C4nttil. llon"of Iht.Voiied 3j&Ya,'ad'an8t''..'tet exprcsaclaim of tut pcoplt of North .Car. olina, in their declaration ef rights, which u a part of the Constitution, of the Stats, reserving this very right and power to themselves T The words of thi dec Ian, lion are . " That the people of thi Stats ought te have the tote and txcluntt right of regulating the internal government and . police thereof." From th doctrine "of plenary ana sxeiuaiva power which 1 wave . 1 . ...... -i advocated, and which I think' correct, Congress either ha the a hole power of j iweriiai unprvvcuwui, or no pair o( it. This all pervading power, the rWulatieq of Commerce, is a broad mantle which htdeth a multitude of our political Bins. af t Jeado tw- taiag oTa - most strange andfautatstic character, I have said that commerce, in its most confined sense, is an exchange of equivalents in thi 1 am again borne out by the high authority upon which 1 have so frequently jlraWd for aid. From one of tht opinion delivered. in th case of Gibbons vs. CMee, wa have the following : " Commerce, id its ampleaf 1 signincaiiun, means an exenange oigeoasj but ia the advancement of society, labor,' tramportntiorr. tntellrgenctr cart "and" W ttout mediums of txchangt bocome votfi- moditi, and enter into .commerce i thJ subject, tbo- vehicle, the agent, and thnir . . . .1 . . - various operations, bocomeihe object, efUhould be reflected to the first offict in th commercial f rxiJafioi. T Mr. Speaker, I bava been astonished at the xtent, aniAi tude, and variety of tetiod assumed" under this power SirriheHtdbrwinir ee ntenc will olwloeta'WibatlVeutdrt. to pronouiKM neithef yourself nor any njemoor of tbu oody, would haw dreamedToft-Pif.; 11 is a ciaim tor vongress, 01 a most m. ular faculty. ' Nothing jnoreor leas, Sir, than under the power of regelating tcoro. mercft , vongress may .00 what nj, Spnaxer t Tottcouli foi gueia in ' 'fir, night, -Sir . Nothing; more 0 ' leas than propairate seaman the things ' amonffl 0 then spoken of, si' subject of commercial regulation, are ship-huilding, Ilia carrying irmue, ami propagation oi-seamen, ccc. vc NowSivtof afittl nhilolsgy i I believe st'WH ffMMid Wiwh" exarfijriTrfg" tuir' IHc nohtriea, (hat the w6rf propaf; Inearis to cootinu by suctesaivt generations. NoWjSir.I bentve rt ha .been tottled ong aince. by tb metaphysico metaphvsT leal philosophers, that there ia to auch tHuu a tauiTooJ MQtratJon, It ill ;eoratjonj . Jrial lliitfef rt L wre.jiirOri J uJ lliu, U'k!i t lU per lo re'ilai cmuerre, Con r Ima l!i rwer". urtriiioi ally, 1j jf'n.fdt Kiioert. This i t!t roiike. uneiKpllid lriiietlit Conjrea can ile, orj nialre, of ra'iM to bo made, any ibini.ffiii1 Oiliiv lo rominerrei Imt, 8r,l Hid fM know thai Cwnjiwaa had the nghl o recumtt any out corarco w lweeii"tlii t. H. and fittfn eali.m, am ong the saveitjl Biales, and with tht In dia tliUs. Mr. r'ptakfT.tlJ! Tarilf ha of.g been, and J'iKtly, a aubjocl of eouipluint. It ha daacryed quit aa auch a ha been said of if. Yrt, J mdat U permitted to tell th frV-ndseftfta" Right, of the rights' of the people ? aad to tell lh pepln tbem. whUuit a yiiia.p(JAriial Improve, meal carried o by lh General Govern- Uieal.wilbiii lh Hum, atrtk tame 4h 1 " - m fejtly at th yitarjf JhsoyereiiiTjrr th . Slates tht sovereignty ot wie pno ple for they are th 8tat llian even that canker ot our peace and harmony,' lb TariffilsrlC Tb term lutornal Improv. meat, 1 moat comprehrnstv. It . not oeeew arily confined to tbe making or im- proving public highway j but, by the la cility of construction, may be mad to ap ply to every possibl relation or maa to man, and thus plac all th private a well a public e 00c em of th people under th management ot this Government acting as oo gnal consolidated power upon the tommuinty. To tbe union ol these Iwo agents, Hi Tariff and Internal Improv. merit, th one lb plunderer, lh other the receiver, of lb mneyofj the people, we must ewe, if no interposition can be had, to redeem u from thi moot, unholy alii, ance, what, ar, it makea my heart aick even to think oft Mr. Speaker, tmwt it be T A re we, like all other Empires, lo hav our rise, pregreja, and falllTo run our brief raee, too, in lee than titty year " There i the moral ef all human tale Ti but th same rah ere I of lh past First freedom, and then glory ; when that tails, WeaJlh, vice, swrvrffori-barbariiirn at lJaji. .. ... Mr. FpeakBr, we, th representatives of (be poo.pl of Ihia country, and the peo. pie thermerves, are under a moat awfui reaoansibilily I- Ar we not btoked t a the guardians, not only of crar own politi cal and civil rights, but as the guardiana of tbo rights and libertioa of the human re ? Snail we, fnithler to ourselves,and lo maokind, in oor disgraceful scramMin for money and place, forget the trust re peeed in us T Sir, if this 11 lo be the ease,. if the idea of self-government ia a dream r- - 1 .1 , " J 1 11 11 man ia ever 10 d mo aupe 01 nis it-new man to be robbed, and cheated, and trampled 00 ! why, ail I have to say, i Then, let this world be, and continue at ill One wid den of thieves, or what you will Another tticefrv the At a wealing of those friendly to the present administration, and in favor of the Martin van Burew a Vice Frewrlent held in the Court House in: Winton. Hert: ford county, N. C. on the. 30th May past, for the traroos of apoointinc delegate to fhff-StttrConireTitton to be assembled'tn Raleigh on the 1 8th JumvGesv Bridges . Montgomery was called to th Chair, and Jojia A. Anderson appointed Becre tswr "Oil Jaoiior, k committed was appoihted, RayneLRosctn C. Borland. Kinsey Jot- daalnd David Ci Crow, to, draft nsolu. lions exprejRite f the sense of the meet ing, who, having retired a short time, re ported the following; which were adopted; Whereas, from tht political aspect of tht times, a crisis 1 approaching in tht political history of thi country, which is to teit tho permanency of our institutions and which will require that th Chief Magistrate of tho nation mould, in an em ment deyree. pcrsa those dualities which Mrv' Jeflbrson recommondea asthe f rite. rton of htness for office" honesty, capa bility and faithfulness to Constitution:" and whereas w believe that Gen. Andrew Jackson.' wdffing from thefeadin? me sure of hiitdminrstratjohhax earnest that he ia endowed with those e. sential requisites f and whereas we lur. tber believe that, owing to his extensive popularity, he is more capable of concea tralinir public" tenttment.tbrogghourtb Upioay,and thereby' harmonizing those vmnoui cwiniciuig inieresu wnicn are ots, feting Jhe couh Reeolvei, therefore., Thot we entertain great t confidence i the integrity of his political measures ,' and that we consider it of the most vital importanct that he Republic. 1 Whereat- wt hcliev that -the office of fice President is oc of thtgTtatesl nmwtotnrvvtrtare otecrtrj; tnq which should be filled by a inan in all re flect competent to discharge the duties of " JPfelidpfit n"MrT. hereM , Wf,fiiftfiQi behevtrthatltht-Tarifri' a question of more importanct to tht south than any other which is agitating the country f that itj,is directly contrary tc thaf; spirif o( eompromit which adopted the constitu. tion; that U imposes a heavy" tax on southern industry, for the solo benefit of northern capitalist J that U is hi fact the secret source of that distress which per tade the ttmxmanift'r--: Tl.4-'.'V-r Resolved, therefore. That.we will sup. Moi ot thTarifrland oppoiiWa)ut1iern ioterests' 0 .v---'' YVhreatrwt . believe, from : the "re cent demonstration1 "of public aenjiment throughout the Union, that it is" impossi- bi to ijj,tp ItcJ ,fr tt-jf, ospjthfl ttrt pytieiiniy b farthox l&zl from j i ... fir Vi-e J'r-, !. i.f ; ...i 1 i tr rf-n.vit llil Ii" p1 ity'i" f.f the - . i khmiM iiufeiult vr lo ril-rl ',m Iv aarnlir tf their jnl ri-'ht j an.l v.iif we view Martin t an lirnn , trie i who was chielly iiixirtiuiKiitul in nou ? upn 0 lh InrifJ of H.H a he prn i li.LMlifiatof -of. Ui rupime. ht t!i'' lw hist oflksrs of Ilia .j;overtment ( tb prime mover of Iho . diwwluiioo of the .aft tahinel and 11 pmn whoe politi eat - intrigue are entirely urwuifed to the pWif y Ibis government I r- UeiotrLlherrfore, That wview with indignation ib Ul aoimnittoa of Martin Van Buren in lUHUnore as an attempt to palm upon ri a high UrilT Vice President, ant as an tirrt lo mtrodnro that syatem o petty preserirHiorrthat prevriila in Sf York, and which should be frowned Uoh by every patiut who is. 4xioua louitaii th honor and dignity of hi country, ' ' ' ' And whrreas 'Weonidof th - CorTvefi. lion 1 b held in RtIHgh OA thef lb ISth June text, for . lh pnrpose ol nominating some suitable person for ' th V w Preai dency, to ht run on tht Jackson pectoral Ticket for tlie State- of North Carolina, as lh most tlTvctuul means of uniting the public asntimnt of th Stat i -; - Rttoltet, there fort Tliat art highly a p prove of aaid convention, and that we will us our best exertions to carry it nomina tion into ffeeL ' -tv-r ; Rttoltxdi That. . -be tppoinled delegate lo reprepresent the connly of Hertford in said convention, and thai they be instructed to tote for some maa. who it opposed to th Tariff. 'and whose political principle ltd intereat ec cord with our. - , . , , ' - . Reioleed. Thai the chairman ' of th meeting be authorised lo call a meeting of those friendly to the measure hereby , re commended, whenever, in bi opinion, tb inwrwMsef our cause may rqwr n Uetoletd, That tbe proceeding of this meeting b signed by th chairman aad Secretary, and that the.. Editor of tb Winder Herald, Halifax Advocate"", North Carolina Star, and United Statea T!e graph be requested to, give them publica. non. - - .0-meMo, Bridgaer 4.-WoMgomery Fliha H. Sbarpe and Kenneth Rayner were appointed delegates to represent ,th cointy oi tiertloro in the abov mention d Stato Conveptien, te be anembled 00 the IMi June next. ' i On motion, the thanks of tht meeting were accorded to the chairman " and Sec. retary ; when on motim, the meeting ad journM. B. J. MONTGOMERY. CAW Johw A. AtDBiiow, Secretary. ' fWheo th question. w put on th ad option of the second resolution, an imiflec tual motion was mad to strike tut thai and all th following re eolations, and sub- stmrt the following : - - -- Retolred, That we disapprove of the proposed Stato tonventioq ia Ralegh oi tlie I8tb - Jun neat, and -Uliev ihal-U had its ongut lit efpoaitioa to Oen. Jack' son,; .. '..'"' . --" SttaJeed, That we will not, ia a quiz otw attempt to elect' t Viet President of ; oar own peculiar opinion, run the riaque w eieciuig May ana cergeant.j R'Prf Committer on Afaniarfirrf. .. .Fa"3ava JaiZ7lefora'ibtHaderi Ihia I)ocmentrdjawirirpvwcw Adam. . 1 he doctrine - which tt avows, :TfP"l- to. tht. powtr of the. OeflraI Government over lb subieets of Manu. petur,. art.ych J oJRepUuIiciuj can su ascribe to, hey;: eoataiit jhe eulatp sence- of fexfcjmlim. ThtJ Construct ion which he place oa Uiat claust of tht con- titutiottwhich confer on Congren'i tht power to lay and collect taxes, duties" 6tc, dec. would, if It wer Irue; deslroy all the limitation of power eonlamed In that instrument. If Would effectually destroy tneconstitutiet a a grant of limited pow era. - AcCordiag to -tuch a construction, Congress would bay lh. right lo do any and every tkinjv which i f.not expressly proaiifetf in fhe Constitution a doetrini fraugbt with. the. wosL..d4upcrous con&e. quonces. ..-i -t JWtroWh COMMUNIOATIUN ;.Tt "-Union party and tion partyTof South Carolina. In what is it that thes two parties dif. fer from each other ? Truly it is astonish. ing how little the pointa of difference be tween them art understood out of South Carolina. Do they diffori regard? th Tariin No : Both pirtiet finite in their zeWag&u'Uje unconstitutipruij.anAruuioua t theAoulh, and both agree that it cannot be bornehut oilier ami mat speeoiiy wo. , t . .. .- . - About what is it,- theni that they differ t The aoswef t9haVthy only differ isTb the meant necessary to accomplish this ob ject , The Cnion party" is for throwing .'off th laruTin oneway, and he JVuIlifica. tjorrpartjr is for dornif tt nrtnother"wayi .TS Jl hat arethes different WaVt- We eiu only ascertain them from the dectara'ionj of ih tc.adefs of tho t w6'parti,s, and from the Resolutions adopted at . their public meetings..,. , J'rV"' ''vf xjt im aa to. the y moo party :.Tbt dif, fcrence ftelwecri the mearu proposed 0 be, pursued by tho two parties It ttrikmgly illustrated in an answer recently given b.y a member of Congres frm,. South Carg. lina (of the Union party) to a question put to him by a citizen jf North! Carolinar y -Qursfioii. In what is it that yrarty (the Union party) differ from the Nullifv ; 'vtnwer.-iTlie "answer is thiiihey (the Nallificatirta prt) )afe fir rewrtinj'teth Jiry box , Wc (tho. Union ' party yar for resortihfr'td tlie cartouche. pat:.i;: . ,t ! That this is the true difference between ! ' i r I I,. . . .. . : i i. .Ii -if i .In " I ( i I; ll fiotll llif I...il ..it n rn i ! i 1 1 4 ' i f tli" 1 1 lir! I in So,, ;.rr t, !r...f. 'fill! " ft' il !('- I ..l-li in i- III (4 t !l ."XMiliif. and Auti-Tanif iui'i :f,"eodily ti: vrtw, and that tl.u -t.-iitoj ahull ,rt. emptdrily prujn ! Chh-n - the aliens (ivi!, of reM l ofiliu nstririive ayattrq 1 orthtsocoiiti'iii if h.t Siiuitcrn Sialea This then ia the plan of tha f ,r H ( mor )f0M!rIy llio 'ditunum p.irly,' ' v S'ow,that is the. plan of the Nullifies ' lion pny,.', ; ,v . lx This purty ' .hMi,'tVa ilm Peder,! ' Unioii i ikiUiinii iimrg inr Lh illin t coufetleraev 'f..iiuvi-rri.'n .&'iatrt't-i. 4 I.m l I ft.-!. .... ... :..t.. . me wnivn arncKj t-i i!u eor.Mlracr and that each Hiale U dtniirt Ji V thereto f (bat the . biales in Hieir1' jjov reign ennncify, b-ing purtiea t tl.li C(im. ' pact, $ re tlie natural and Icitimat ludgtt of what fJia coostitufiou requireiand what . in conMitution forbi'Je. " r ' U lh wordVof .Cbancellof tl,l ' "that where" independent rftatn r..r. . compacl.tuch nol only mdy, but mutt dt ter. nuue irb ime meaning. or tl, cm-ir; o faf a it is to be cjuicd i.rt0 ni: rt ,, itself; or witbin ita own territory;",,,,! if Jhe Slater can or mut deitrmuw hii the ctuwtitution or comuttct n-mu, do, then a a nuceary coni qy; ,;... also can, or tntut dcttriniri wlmt t!, Con. t.tution or Compact dots n4 n ire it to do or auhm.l to i-or, w oXm mtt ,u .-u.7 ine.omieaasparti-s V, (W compact, r iwo-WJ. 1. , To thing that the contitut,on rtquif ,anj ' Ctmdly, to rea,.,t the di,, of every thii,, ot requiredor Hrrfhor'.j Ly tWrm.-.tii JT ion. and -of. ihu,, St,visn p,rt,.-s t, lb erigmj eorapact, tSry arethr ntvrd thfiribuwaofth Reiiublic. - aia .Look uig on th Th i-i (T onldestrtctive o the; pe0pr of Ctrolioa. but At 2 .'.I .. hficaUon party fconbind Ifr.Tit 1. the duty" of lh State) w ,u aviVere ign capacity L l&fV'VWsW b-W paaUd a W . wnicn you have no riuht to rum 1 u.l 1 so rmmiii ins ntii lBererore.rrtu,.r.i.-:: . ' "1.. . -h lira pariie.4 lOtlK? fom. pacVWB aay.That tbia'Ta f8 -nuil ,ud r void m , our BttonMp wiird.,reffarr Tt. -iVW? t Vona. by aey f - ure, lh. Statebu, JJ btUonUy . ma aotercign State jtaclf, ui kolmn ton- an act of Copgrea.; then three alteroavci . tlst. Either lo Mrwilh :Ji.. l act, and thus restore. harmony :,T' aecondlv, Ul ' a'convaiiii n ui kuA ' " and tubmil fht qucsiloq to Wion. such having been the the constihition was fraoWt m. .k . ly. Wake u of -jihvsicaf fiTc,q'corrl Roulh &rolirra or lh nuljifyi Stte!uu.' submission' Id the hncoiistii Ull'onal law . '-M't&t""' therxr Bltemativi5' ta Wil he rihl-i-the i!otKili.,i;i,".mi .v Kuot .wiH U preserved.--f tft ir?opr tbt srrdMd alWreativo.VllMilnn'.f;.,,. ill be-amended.- fclenrlv Mofin'mV ,i. " powrf ICongress'- tn ihet dtii,fT.l 3') B.ttlnoirt right WU, if Iherv ahnnM mfi,lt.l.. .1 .f t " alternafivevtheir corhe W 'Iht'ZarrV Whtt IH...or-.jtiali ta-Wag tM is ' the first v- - 7 , v: '. NoW, tfttr thi imp1e exBsura'of t , r- ".iir pnniesin south fjarolmn. wsk every rtflectin. taart this ,...'. - niainai rw wn m & ar . lion wbjch Of tEt plan leadamorn di. rfctly to iitunicmHUtf iW Unio party, or of the Nullification fJartv.Tb : answer u plaio. - v, i . . A Wotleman,who has recentlv 1 rai-elltvl "l ' mrouer, whtcfu o we upper cmmtiea if) v Sovrth Carlina;Ymarked thai the pt'oplcV " 6T$outh,r Caroliri wert tinW almost, ta T a man against the Tariff, and that thW oruy differed a to tht mrftqt ,whe 7rw ? mi a more moderate and ns 1 cifid remedy. -From all I can aeebr bear , ?ucn appears to oe the Only difference; . Th " Umm varNi tr 'rdtherrth dii ; iftto party are faJlig offerery i&f, whil? I tht Nullifiors are. every day 'gaining, J strength, tod, if 0 judge jfrom the re. hrH.9L .rjnthtL.' .oael4aomt:ti-' Union bapera, Ihey intend now tri msk w iimner opposition, out tt stand by ana 5 , ter Wf .Tilau.. orullification- lake itH - courser Till brief skftfeh nffli Rfofn ' f iMnrrt " ir) uf Sister Starerf Souths! irnr. Mr, 7 Craige. i presented, to your readers.--, names, hut see clearly the, approacbinj crisis, res, --agreat," and momentous t' eusiftrM rtfufly.vaopioacJiing . lima tlial a A. .1... jj J:ii:.t. ' iy set flimaeii to wern to unoerstana clear. . ly,'and distinctly the great principlei that arjjinvolved in, th contest, now goingjitt; ' ,twa fAmif.Ti ." li. 1. .HC . . . ; Tht people '6r N6rh Carolina ougrit-, . aot, nay cannot - b iddillerent to tht ttt , tude of South Carotina.' The movement,; , t r) 8. C whatever it may be,.fr6m the ,ir- m. r. -r.:. 1.-. , f nsaiMauro jiii m birvuiniiaiiis, ilium ( feet. North Carolina, altogether as miich ' as jf wt jbomposedaa htegraTpart tf'thajt , State d not to bt nr in tht first insfanct. but t)rt6iiaiy i the ewqaeace---LLl eyerv ioieligent r man " then turn 7hi , sitenttorf to thrTafif tt ?' erations, and let him not turn h mind from the subject until he- fully dndrratandl . i'.;nv-!. qux9 CaquwaS ; m.B..roHw!iurcltad Ao;while tb Kullijtcation pajto-" waa for Irt-ing a more modenife'and oA ..J-VA'