hrcstr.rn Carolinian; ---.""" ' y,CT"-r;,T ;ADUKV JACKSOJsY A. J " ' fCT Y en part of lb Terms of our paper i mutt particularly tail the attention of our .uWri'ierrf'Thos wh psy ui within three pon it, i from the t'm of ibcilig shall W tbtir kpipvr. I 10 , duller i,Tbos' who do 4 e,s'y within thst lime will,!) chirgeg1 (a l4Mktt and filiyj cents. - from Uill rul w'e'wul aot deport la my trutanee, ''.','.,; j ' ' 1 t '' 57 There wiU be no ball at lit Calawhs f) jinngv apti imv wi rwy ew viH m (if if T .'.'-o-i'-''.''"-'-1' r- Kf" Vtttte been rescued 0 lay.' th sjure win "9 o'ccimj si 16 rWseni PX 8 a. Titbnrv, this day (Ssturdsy)st futir o'clock, for the puepose of mkmj arrangementi for, th eeUVation of the fourth of July. ; Notice will b given by tbe ringing of the Bcu. x . .-, Umoow ' v 'Mi-'. .' We bare been reluctantly compelled to V Ur the publication ol the proceedings of several ,J.tVon tad Bsibour.'tneetings. UthisBUtS. JnJcrJ we cannot fn4 '00 la furbllht Uvir, Utn kcli) Ui S'oto'ond ?irginl, Too 6't9 rnATtnitoa. for tht pttrpmo of om!p' linK pr-' luit wl Vc tru'dwi wilt re in th city pr.R!r'i(h (tliidi. Monday. Wo . rfiei iHaI Xtik if ooUMr fMUl0" f.rf(itK t iLt eonteotlnn, but out titttro . , tt Mtrrd b fcjoBte1ro vtnt f fmndhip ,f'jMr. wbor-.W It Trv ftInTie pe "oHo of orilf to ! ir ,jjntiimoui ii tbeirwprpfjafkioplod t'.t.yjon.'nldi'tri. Brjrn.'--ttt,5t 'PP (h i'S' VI f ro Wollwd, ht inr of tw-ir. Vn Buren meiv bdbreiJW to Ct well eoi"r. rd Ut, they tid iwnted tbt rnr 3?lf' 9M Bf onr .Sti -to or nir tBcai," u, dMfiti'Tromnrrh flitrf he "rf!nrMii a; rVrtfc Curol'in. to trd 'ti'TJl. orhoif knowobei woj Ui ph Tun Fn th Aw-rieoii pe opto Vice. i . i i . - -' - , (bit we r miitkkea, nd thil Mr. " Bwn A J SpiWYm,'! one of tw four 'drli frjrn North CtritniirVi '0011 uooe ibriDH-lrmi thi rlfKt to pfe1f to oM of tb pml of iVn S'ktai, tbo-Tirtlrf Juff tor of fiVw.TofV'i o him, lio futcnJ orK Ui f 1Hff"f j-tB rbe wntwhff appaifd tlif tipmi)l!rvi irr.'o b MioonurJ ! ijr. to the min, who MteaiDtedLto dirtdo th hifvlStattttriii during tlTo'UtiWk Otroto. fat in oTmo'iiioo to Ju then. ItdeV,IrMdi- J "bXmo, wlif Iu.lfl21dfe'ed tbi Jlw Prtjr tod cleoHd Mr- AdvM W Uir!n thviletipii Woro MpYMgioJl ll,t ulf and yiibjei o.a pttjorit)rf tbopeopU . u lie it...i. :'- . T..t. .ii iorn of origtoated one fclf oftbe ten ti-inn'tlri ind siluirtntetWtUlreMrci?. tx',c J igarnot tb poople'iCMditlktetodiMro f. c nl! hit dooa am tbu-all tk oauaeo " f uf i. li'n to oriMt or ad divid tt Jk- ft'O fjrty ind bring confiuiof Into th dminli tr.iion of tbt VoTrpnutit r-to At iT of flii 4, Ur. BroVbriihrMWdju4ontHro or h .m Cfn. ?iankri ind Tbii, -U. Hybtrt, tLf Fyettf),ille printer er mborized to fo by mQ or lot of men that we now renein. 6nr) ;U td yuk the people of N. C Will tV v o-mrnt lo Vnfciid f Will tbef be Wd t t'ie jf.rt.. Aird BriM Cf' ti.. ' ' VVbut miktiil mora knjirop( fur Vr. Drove lo ' etteodod tbit CMicut, ie that he b prtjud. ' i .'.LlAt.'lli. . i- iuci.hju,i iwuni wuuoiu prooMUiiy bt toHd-trdeelde 4s Mi ttfrseh H t Stnitor. it it noi ganertllr belTeredjbet tho election of ice Prendent- will derolw on th Senete t vniiooe oi owr oewrni iwiay i lolgfdhimjeltoVeir'Bureo! Who then U .r;jste f the ItepreeentniM or the people who , rhide him their Rreieriuiire. . leouriimple "feotioniof RepubliciDiim we nlweyt thouvht J the Repreerittire- WM b wmnt of the peo. pie, but it leeftiithit, lo three etuauing tiror e, .-the thing bti been reverted nd the people ire y iwve w toe Kepreientetire. We bop oilieri in Uke cfrendjW ? Bothe tJe.od ? -" . nruwn ana tWt ,the will kert their wmmMf'hteieK ening their own rrrMninpt We re gratified ta tre thai our other Sen. - tor Mr. Manguni "hei'krpt himiflf out of tbp . . .....,.,0 , wno-inat ne mi etood . eloof worn Yin Jurtn ioprentione and cao, . . A. ... ft. .tr 4 ... -"rt " n eierated bit mind Above th n.r rtirtlln. r . i ... -' . . .fata .A fir and nunly stand under the Ben, Berof thtt Ciin:iia;n ' 1 1. u: . . t , By reet euredxth Nqrtb 6aolioA wiff eue- , I"t f i S.uM Crina-!n Another bert of .- lk a ' I .. r " p.jicr u 90 launa ootnmunicaiion over, ie?i,fnatnr of 4 North Carolinian" n which Writer uplaiu the point of .diflerme be. eB the. two eartfet In South Ceroliihvine I'nwn and Nall.g-ation" bArtiet. Th writer b h J rood opportunitiei of understanding the 'J "t on which he writer, and therefcr .tut It V, may be received with gmt confidence. T',e n.ncb.Jijn toJe,iWnVfce ther-eWw-"7 t u makSoutw Cerolint f not ' up an 1 d.uded e many hereabout "Kern - and hr:e6nie9uetlr , , k and con ttol, tly other -thal'on the r , v i e 5. n-u'fed almoH t0 a n,,,. tff(jnrt , -he came of flwtbero epprtaiioB f , -'-T'coniy 3iJTer ,;toth neM ;., r f Mry tu b t.kf n U lbro it tfTi-The "Unt"" puty'erf fureatlint n&riithnicoareiMMale flr to Coirrre the sttrnittire, ei:bcr to re wf the TirilT or to divi le the Stetei while the "nwllifieiHon party" ULirlrf'mg the Nmd edr'tard by JrlTrnon, and riaintained el Ike tmt ducirU btr Virgioie U kef tUaolulioM of V. ' - The tbnje auhjet Ii rmiivriiily worthy the eerloue eoodrratMHt of ercry man in the South. we iprit tb eajer'e atteettonto M, TTj Tarl.-Tht diieuieidn fli'ii more louequrKion ie no pfrrening in the llouaf of Repreerntelivee. t wae commenced on the bill reported by Mr, MeltoSe front the ion. mitee of waye and an end line tbf r- jcUoe oflW 111, it eoaliiMMd .Wbtt pen. Jr . ,Llii-i a . : ir ) .. .. k. ..... pir, wcuiiste 1 0111 propoted, aner tne par inent of In fierkemd deM-te rrdufe lb tIrtTT3'Ae the '(umSu) emJof love. OA lb people to tu th wight he adrquatr to pay all lb currant and ordinary eipnti of govt rnineot, end alwaye' irrp In lb treaann eoB two or tL ntilRnna, fat any et' ioiilm artdenanda. ; Ce any thing ha winre . renn. able than what i prop'wed In hi bill i What weuhj ibe people of Kcb Caroline eay if the IcgUlituf hid titled lb litre 'ao high ai to bring into tli Trcaaury ton r three fhuedred (bouaand dollart when only an hunderd Ihou. ead to neceaiary t pay all the eipenari of the Stat ? H ie certain they would not Auietl euBm'tt it tbe fmpowtion, end yet 11 doing oree than thiit Ten or elevrn millioni ie amply aulRetent te pay t1 th etpenire of government, yrtPongrtH it reining out of 'be prop! erery year bv indirect latei iwmry Jtvr tuition f Otltart f That ietrlveor fifteen million niore han 1 nreerv ind m-ha! ii thie don for t Why ully and wholly to en rich the nuMnurtureri ikt ftnk out of the pometi of the urnwri ike 3ntA 'The people nny Me what hop of relief ther bt from eagrcae, mbe they be inal ibie bill wu jtjrcted by a vote of it tr 41. , JThw U A proaocet that the Tariff ill unoVr ge any autenal modification at tbe preacat are eion. Even if Mr. McLane'e or Mr. Adam't bill , ahould pate, eao it be considered 1 Inodlflcatioji, or re ducUua of the lex on the people. -.Tb'r oillt propose no relief lohbe south, MMtr to the great na of tbe peopU in any part of th Union 1 Tbey propose like Mr. Clay't to redoce tbe t.I on silks, wines, tpket a Io. artidee ovntly used by the rich and hut Utile used by the common maM of eifiscni Another object in passing a bin of ibis sort,.bj to do vbst it called throwing tb Tub at the wfaale-tbit n, co amuse the people while the burden is flied heavier and heavier on their necks. If the people are to be eroted in this way they are. rapidly becoming t tai)acts for clonics, not independent States. A ' ,' rrjiirrXcToM iiirixo. a pubr.c dio. per wi given to our dittinguiihed countryman vVasbiogton Irving, In Nev-York on tbe .10th ult. W regret our ant of room to ive oar reader any portion of the proceedings of Ibis grand litersiy. feetival. ' Ms. Irving- hat been sbient from this country fur evneen yer, and has now re'uroed u enjoy lb bitter end of h' day "in hie o'er 0 , hie native htnd." We hop ha may End his labors in the issuve of bt. rster duly patroniaed by -his teflow cltlxent Tbe CharlottevUle V. Convention was tw a -hate of in proceeding! yet. . Cenefal Bumpter recently died In 8. CsrolL M, covered wkb yeart and with honor: -. j 0 AfXT GLOB R '-i f.XTR I ; - .... iunef. hatrpast 10 w'cIih . P. M. . tittWWTf.UjGESCB .BY FXPREgS fRetd-TUt IEAT OF WAR . Mr. Mills has just arrived a this place by ex preet from Galena, which t place be led oa tbe 2ld day fMay,and his account! ar of very distressing - character, la th late skirmiib ttpon lycamore Creek, on the Htb ult. our Ion Ss reported officially is 13 killed and 12 woan. ded. The killed - were treated with the ama! Indian barbarities, ' - ' , On tbe rucceedlnf day, a email party of rpies were attacked at the head of the Buffalo Grove, distant about 33 mile from the teen of th skir. ' mieh vookenof,thit tnf tferfr nnmber was killed;1 On the lath, the small settlement at the moutb of Plum River, only DO miles from Calient, tru atUcted and retreated to a, which tbey bad erected. After an hour tneifectual Iring, tb IiKiisMriiredi andet rb pproach of night tb inhabitants made their way to Ga lena in a canoe. The mails bad been interceD: ted, tad every reason etlctedtbat a drove of cattle' intended fr tne garrison at Prairie du Chien had been token by tbe Indians Tba in habitAjita of the whole frontier had retired to the towns, or where the settlement vu luffl. cient'y strong, had fortified themselves in-block houses. ; . .. Jn short, that whole section of tb onuntr we pervaded y a general Sentiment or alarm. M Galena, civil process bad been suspended by military order from the commanding offi cer of the militia in that district, and Stockades endbLock hntiftjreieretyg Jfatiha .pr. lion ana aetence m ine own . - trA ta waera eaw,iia, COXCEnTvfMUStC. Ther wal a Concert of Music held at BufTaloe Chureh meeting house Ctbarrua Couotv on the 9th. inai, it being- the dose of Mr. JUmseyi , 9inSg8choo at said .plaai. .tbA.-acholart with a retpeetibl number of his seholare in sited front Union Church Rowan County met tt Mr. Ctinet, from whence they marched in Droeereloo to the Church, headed bv Musicians from Concord, and from the neighborhood of Ibe t nurcn, tngetner with Mr. Ramsey, playing 00 Phitei and violin. After th eingen and musicians wer seated in the gallery, and th large and respectable audience had taken their teats, the oerformanea wai introduced by singing a prayer in .be Ger man unguage, men a prayer was addressed to a throne of grace by tbe Bev; Henry Graber pastor of that congregation, after which he de. hvered in address on the subject of Christian sssnrance, eil in th German laniruae, followed breuaMti'"T;M toft'fcWertd; do Oratiw e trn? rreedorn end indeprndene of America, Joljoa-ed by instro mental musiw Then Frederic PTHnrf ie detiv ered an Oration on the subject of female Edu cation, toPowed by instrumental music- Then JUmsey commenced with bis aingert by I aingi'ip " wrman f-arujUage hrrt tor SCOtf idaWe length of timertienonchided with E-ijUshiiinginy. TSa- peirnijCA u plea. tg el ln'"mif, d ' i(hl 'af.rilauilrd f' (be bir ""'! mannvr In tnh t(ra distil, Ii en remarked br e dWiinf memhrr of id ronifrrita'ion, that he nevf 1 bed heard t be'trr prrt"unr.anc in U retan iniHie at no pier that be evrr tilted the ttniitd power and nehdy of voices oirh. lb amiad nf vlnltne en rhe dR7rni pine iJ mw ii V'fMv cliarniir f ind dri(hting t the nui irl rar, aM chi-rrln, ena a 'Imaliaf t !Im rne'emplatinf tnlnd, reviving -.d tuVlguraUrig t the anticipating epirit. - ., Brgin,!y aoul, th'eiahed htf , Let each earepturrd tboiignt ebrf7 7 ' And praii th' alntighty new, - ' ' 'r'" lt nr'aVi) and TarilH andicae and elicT In one harmonioei concert jW, , . ' To ewell th glorltNii thente, Tr inftW, eaicb the Jojftjt emd", ' II lul all ilt' enWtSf iheovge afvnd .""'If we-jdrmte nverj- $f?ZZZ?!7ZZ Let all vti nil the realm above. iitn rvvrtasi eiring. . ,.,.,. The writer wwigratulstee hie brethren of th Lu'bers Chureh f North Csrolina of bieh be to a member) a 1th the pUasieg and ealuaUe imptovement iliet is making in the tiltjriiioo nf taerrit vocal muilc; bj'U in rh Brrmenid tr gliefc Laneuaires 1 tld hones that they will prest ii. so laudable a purwiit. Mr. Hameey hs tbe reeneet of bit artiotirt ind the enngr. gallon in general for th able and masterly men ner in wbl-h he diarhereet Hie duty as a Tenrbrr TfiO eaorltent perf'inritnce of leered mtttie on the violin in ireordine with vocal shiiio rendere hi lesching mere plreaiag and interrs'lr.g. Much crerlil ie due lo ihos gen tlemen nho awietf d nlih ine'nimenis! nxiiic for tbe elerant and mtaterty manner In which they performed on their Inttrumenta ,P Nlf.L CRt. ' Of T'l. SierciS iif the Pfinle RchoiJ Vn Itaiesville, -rill be rrsumed on the nut Mnndsy in July. We ennatder it unnecessary n eiate. that in thia tchonl ia taiirbt every im pnrtant brancK of female Education, both use. ful ami emamrntal , ' ' ' A Milaie - jtveoh, !! omWRI, Im been emplo"H 'o ineirwel ibe rino.l'orte. -Ti: Wf foUomt - Trrrioa 10 dollar r. Xeseion of 5 months. No eitra charaei for the Omsmsnial Branch' rs, muai$ exepted. ; For instruction in music, 20 doll. BiwrJinr esn be obtained in food bousea, at tbe lowrve'of 0,75 per month. 3'30 M. A. C ALT) WELL. T F.SPECTFULLY informi hit cut- tnmer nrj the public t large, that he if now aod opeoiog t hit Store, Cocky Mount, 14 milei West of Sthibury," h handsome ortrient of c v t 1. e n r, 0c. R. lected by himiclf ia New York and FhiLdelphia, from the latest importt tiotii t aod If quitity,'yar!ety d neat oen of itvle, reduced price.!, tfc c(oe atteniiurs 10 dusidcss, o any iniurcr. meat to purchasers, he hopea tr"mef it a liberal share of their patronage ,;y -Ljunk-l&tJirliUr- - .$bUJ9pd iiUTCtrrmMG'.! , 3on . 6aTtr - riXTOULD ; rerpeetfully . V V . iofortn his old cu- tomert, and the . public generally, that he has com menced tfie butchering busmen in.thii place - He will hav beef itrs jnarkct on TuetdlT, Thursday; j.nd Saturday leasafi, or at abjT other ttm 6 to aisit the cbflVf riicYof1 hi 1 cuitomerii" (0 Any perion havingbeeves f r tale can obtain'' the highest pricet for them, in C4tb, by applring to the aab criber. J. 1. SflAVER, Jane 16A 1832. ?8tf '. HOUSE LOT FO? SALE. , ...DweJliag Jhoua w4U vry e. xVretsar out buildings, 00 oae of the most eligible Iota id town for sale, For terms, apply to the subscriber; JUST RECEIVED BY tbe Saliaburyv Auiiliarj Tract . Society a' and for aale at ' their Repoiitory, (at M. Brownw Siora,) the following Books, yit J " r ; 85 Copies Bister's Saint's Rest. . 37 Si f Dwleidrc Kiseli froirresar -J 37 ' " rurwasions to Early Piety.4va , S5 r - Bunysnl fllgrira'l ffogreta. "J 37 $P IS Setmont to the aged. 10 rm- fHIUP L. SINK .tee'sCr h-Jnui Uth t83t- ttJa . riillUSti iantngt. purcoase " - t - nave in uppunuoKy oy applying ai v self it these prices for C ASH alene. until the bunoesi shall D5. closed,.: ... THOSE indebted ti the Firm- are requested - to! naaltr immediate pay ment. 1 - ' 5t29 " JYcw iGoodsJ TTkANTSL ZX- CRESS jurt reeeiing iiaiaUH and winter supply of Goops, which with hit former stock, comprises every article usually kept in a Country retail store, which, be will 'sett low for csh of on a short credit to punctual dealers. The public ar respectfully requested to call and junce for themselves. , sndTiir Wana;-warranted tr be mide of the best materials, and w superior style of work manship. Hsvmg a very large stock of Tin ware a .band and being detef mined td U at reduced price jherchant would do Well to call on him and get tbeir tjippM ' Cf Old Coppe-, Pewtei, feathe.rsf Tallow, Bdetwax, an4 WeoU t&Xca A eisbinre,- a- U4i i, - Uoods ATTENTION:! . - . , , . JJ -. .. Jl.. ,, r.-i I f J J , 'e-a.-'lrT .1 i ll - f OU see Iter thy 3 l Al HANDED t m. Psmd al lha Caurt-lluuv. Wrdnr day th founh.(July acn. at.Un.. f'cKki 4. M.' ' -4' " T 1 ' 4x f oatAwTeariUftft' 'ti V.- t." afl ihoMfcitinrmuiVMa tritl klex ;ATTIiiTIONX; TQIIiBjjBridc to the Towuf 1 Sapsbury' on theib joLJuly ntit at 10 Vdotk, equipped In the Uniform of tbf Company. Theie who do oot attend, equipped may rest asm red that the law will be enforced agiitMt Ibem, in By order f th Cptsln, J. OWENS, 1, 8. June IS, If 32. 3t30 Chtaptr xan ?4vtY COMKBur BARGAINS!! cov? an inicixs nESPECTrl'LLY inform their cuatomer nd the ptibjic sLlrge, tfiu thVy hve received, and art now 'piping, at their Store, IS miles, tTesjjuf fW"bury, a tpler.did sssort mr-rlt. QLk&aple and , Tntf -J)ry Goods, UvM- Ware, Groecriet, Croc-, kery', HxthtSimnctt, Short, V Scut, lery, &c detrAd by one of the Frrrn, with gr'et .rare, aod .bought exdu. sirrly foffih In rhiTadelphra and N.' Y .rk, add wall be sold at reduced pri tet. Prsbis deirous of purchasing bxrgaras,vo(ild do well to call and ex amine their stock before they buy. 'For' the coceuragement heretofore reteftfcdr tiey return their sincere thanks' to the genernus citizens " of Rowa,o and its vicinity, and hope by strict Bttentioafao bmioesi, and sell ing Gpodl at reduced prices, to merit a cosmnnanr e of the- same; -'-Jun9lithM2. 6t330. Sl'ltlN&y SUMMKlt jtj;o DS. tKtwowawwiving and wpwnmg V geweraMausUi asewortwispi f - v-- jjM the'quaificAUona which axe requi. SPJlLYa SOMMKk 0 OODS, selected with great care worn tbe markers of Nrw.York and nitadtlphnrof me latest tmpar. tation. Thejr Meek eoneieti in part of -Superfine Blue sad Black cloths . Do. Brosrw o Brown olive do, . '.Li- f, - . j. MMaT UrTWI 1 ' TFT, i i Fancy Caasimeree, Setrinetta k black lastings, wsrM dv, BrnehriiM si Circassians, - rWwk . do'tf Miaed Ensinella, :., - - Yefl-rw Ssnkeed and linen chocks. . - t Trenthind WTitIlrVrj;rrr: Heatce wnnerw.-nnir hnen,-"-: . . ., A, fngHah aiatt(j; Geriaaa if IrVdr Bnena," - Linwn Tsble aniLtowel duper, tf."; - CtYKOJl JSSOHTMK YT Of'" Marw'ilte's, arid Yel'; Uis VeatiAgs, a cnzjiT rxRiUTT or riCf r Prints, 04nKms and Mualine, Tickinga, Bhrwehed and Brown, Sheetings d Shirtings -- :-f . . I furniture dimity And Cottoa fringe Bfaek Ifli t ilk, .. m , - - lonachew tfwarsinet do. v ' -Blue black silk cambists, Cha. gee dn Natilet, i . - v Milanese andde Romania Csnse, f dng-ee, Isg And haadaas Usudkcrchiefs, Crimson Ponge .' do. t fancy Gae end Crao do. Scarls, ailk ssUin, and rich figured Vesting, : Bilk and cotton Hosiery. 7 : faney bonnet, belt and SP t'bbons, -. ' 'Silk aprons, ',' - Lino cembris handkeecbiefa, baa, le. Oisaond Straw Bnata, .foliebf,jV.4. ."l,-ii ' -; Belgtoiv d fr.dw,Wmtosfhsta, r legbbh bonaeta, fur and wool ' do.- y "r v- J QAtLiT TAfLtlTT Of; 'i V UtfaTuOrkSclioolBoka, . Sbeea, Morocco (km, -. , : . . -HaTdrateendCulmry, - Glass ind Crockery-ware, Ce. Uc t Carpenter't.TootA, oontistinf iewry artW ttidc usif 6y .yarpenioa iA.taia.part wf tbe Country, BadleHt Trtmmmgs.r-S1 v ... -.r- Plated, pram Jipan,and PnoCe'l menie, . llarueia lauunting, eosch friugo and Uca,- twdssorrment oT Groceries, Vt Ut "ALL of which, they are determined to eetl as tow a good can be had tn this part of the COflriiry., , runsmaewt. wua wen w rmn tna tee our stock lnd.bes"iric1efore.. they Ui 4!."'W--MtateMVi!le! the fuUiitor their very iiVrsJ patroosge heretofore, Ind bop o'v -atnet atteniioa. ta-husineav ' sad sell ins; goods cheap, to merit continuance of the same. , . ... . mr' , Suh.h,i"9,pm2Sth 183 J. . j.. nVYiW VaAftlllUaVftV Hcnjaratn rraley, nVINtl just received (he latest New.York snd Pluladulphia fashions, together with Minister's fashions of London, and having made smnjremernta to receive then regularly, ss they change, and having five or sit first .rate WorkTcii in his employment, wilf b nahled ehe'ipVand" iii A supet'iof styli br'workmanstiip. i Any person wishing to learn; the itSeW-York snd Philadelphia fatent Right mod of cutting gnrmeiitscan be taught by Hi aubscriber, in Saiibury, AH Tsilors would, do well to a 'n t p'.v therrrar.lvel wilh K ghlS SS almost all tiie principal Tailors tn the United States, use one eg the ether, ar balk . ;. :.f ' ' .'NB.;V,'CIIHP &'2)!B3iIiA3!LB''' ttl'lll.Vtl AV.M.MKIV C. OUMJi T IP, .qfcs-rirwre ire a-rw eeivlng direct iiom New.f ark and Pladlphia, a r hat.'timme sasirimsnt nf Itprtnf nJ fitswi GaaaV S'l'C d with grea' esre from the 1st eat imp-rrta' tons whkh they r Met i mined to Sri at low for raaA as gob f lha aitir qoslity ran h MmfM ia this see'loa of tba country. Per. a wisbtna; .So purebasa, .cheap and fisml tlttk will plats gtva as t celt, a na pains will b spsred- In grvinf frSrral ealiafaetion, " W rctvrA emr sine re thank! lo the publi for Ih liberal eaoourafrmvM Ihal we has iweeivsd tine w has b in hnrneas la thie pUe. ,' ;P.'; "tnt kinds of eoaair nrodiioa W'JI be take ia isobaf of fwo js . - " 6130. JOiIT H. nr.,T, . AMPHEW HUNT, i W.e, K C. Mi 10. It31- ; IVKW SPUING iSncn.iEtjjthoir.v- REIPECTfULLY Inform hi oustonwn, stid the pobli as large, that a Is wow receiving end apning at hi liar ia teliabory, a iplcadid aanrtmeirt f aoo.ri $ ; trlnetedb-hWnwilfi Ml LA MUM! I and A7;f.f0rir from the latest Importa'ioa for 1833, and whioh he offers I purchasers as to? a anv GOODS of lb asm 0ialily can be biwgtit in this market. He hopes from his a. lenliowMbueineaa, the quality of bis GOODS, and the extreme lownesi of hie prinea, lo mer it a continuane at palroiae o libsrall be mwe J lowardi Kim, end for which he sow n tarns his gratetul tbinki, Anoor ht assortment win he found ad that to NBW U FAR! f ION A IILB, eompriaing every article that U Lsiatry kept 4a Storee., ",'' 'r-l ! N. B. AN kinds of wastry- swdue taka in eaakanae for Goods. ' i3. .'AUiiisr. -Ma,rts 10A TAILORING! IMRAGK II. BRARD, mWPLXtnair.kfflW Jhe.'.publla that he baa recently reeeived, and wiU eontln ar tw rweesvw regwtorlvt ss Ibwy are aoslished. ih Londea end New York fstbions, from A. f.Saffuexa, ttt Jew York. Therefor, ha Is prepared to'eoeommodate his customers in a seat and faabioaabl Style. ' for durabilitv, last end faabioi. his' work far aurp stars say daw In this County. -A very important Mast tq the customer ia. that ha euu out f Vw eloth itd tnei tees trimmings tbsa siir Tail in the place i which to worthy of oonidraUMi. N. B.. All garment made by th subscriber wiD be warranted to St. - ' Utf . nOUCI H. BIARD.. THE 8ALI8BUUY JT.1LE ACJtpESlY. f pjfE oeit FessuTn' will co'mmencf oo the first Mwtjajr in July, The subscriber ioforma jihe public, that ho has -emnleved a An aasisian'. Mr.'J.iUES W, HARMS, who re qui- Tii ft. 1 Board -msioding room rent, washing', fuel, lighu, dc.vsjc.) can be cbtaiijeri, io. reapectAblelam.v iliea, it R4J per Seiiion. 4tS0 "tlaJf hrEditor'of the ColumblA XMescope, will-please give the-above ilnsmtoot snrl fonrirtf hit! iccount. ZSaUtluryVJune CLQOH A wATcn-MAinnu fwiliC subseribsr having .1.- purchased thelnter est of Jamet B. Hampton, ia th Watch makers Shop, will Kill carry on tbe bust- ess ia th earn place, in all its various branches, Watehss At Clocks rrDiir. ad. sod Warranted to ncrfiTm well for Twelve Months. for jhe encouragement . heretofore 1 mk. ...I km ih. im i.nm me . v . thanks, and hope by attention lo the business, to merit a continuane of their support. ' w oasfnary rmrerwn DJ. , T 4J , HAVING qualified it Admiaiitr top on the Estate of Charles L. Bowers, dee'd., air persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make pavment, by Monday the 2nd day of July i "sad all persons having claims sgaiost the Estate, are requested to prt;ieBt'theni'ibr payment withio the smc time, or thil NOTICE will b plead in. bar of their recovery -RRis.1 ttntv a t rv 'a4 . I June rth. an: 3(29 LAND FOit SALrt Oii : j here "are de-i t V I rf siroua f eHnri. the tract of lands' formerly iowtied: byy AltPiO lIUll dec'tJ. -10 miles West of fialibury, containing 6(X)- Acres."There- lay goodiliH-seat oa the land; '.Those wishiiig to purchase the land4, cab call aod aee it by applying to James C. McConnatigbty, in the neighborhood, A reasonable credit will be given.4 '' - ' J, C; MrCONNAUGIIEY, tv: -;: ; WILLI VM McKOT. SatisMryi May uth. 8 c30 t d. WILL practise in the Courts of tins County ty, DaviiWm, tli'ck!i'(.hu,L' & Cal jnui. HisoiuCe it S tew douts bu'v jliC..tnirl.l!oile ltttbrr 8ift, IL1 . V it. 1 111 Ml PI AT t C r every J k-U. iii, nca'ly I'r'nited, ftuJ (n ?tt V IlOdT AND SlKMi kkiui:. t IVickian irn n EHPEcrrrUt lav mdt tod lh pfll'ti' hat k S.l opened full soaortmeni of Cera . ROOTS U SHOES of all deieripilnns, whtb war selected by hint ' t KH in Hew Yorfcand In rrwark, ify. U and which he wnU Warrant la W of lh bt "i fnahlv. If any work, which be call, should rip, H Will be repairwd gratist but aa ont N nether work wiB be repaired without fy. , HIS etov la toar door south f Ibe Court Hous. a lb fcam' Uwt. edUiaing the Af- - . . nncry ttor, wbre b will kea oonrrantly on hnd a aajortmept of BOOTS snd S HSEJ.l.J'P tf his own, as wall nJSaCiitta.'mtttuAurt.; TTI JaIilairU!ljremna. so A t miv j',. hoes snd boot! at elf time, when ordered, -.-. which wiU soabl him to keep ap euppry, . . that la euetemers eaB they wIU aot be dhv " v appointed. ' . ' ....' All Ardrrs from a dlataae, erthor whotosalof at retail, will be petatlv atUadad Hw r RaaalsetiirAeoars shoe for Uboring hands a and Witt fumlah planters Willi an quantity theymlf waAt,whKa8heaf thhAwst ma- . leriela, and made, aot by boys ineprtnae4 In the husinese, but by loqrneymear Wbersj -'1 8ve or more plantem Jlvlrts; wot of the County. . , ehall nh and order aot less lbs SO psir nf - ' , 1 ihoe each, h wiU bsve the-eavre as , . their house. An ibaa be Warranted to o eui , of In beat mateeisb, . ' '' ItZf Tae JOURrtEVXE Bitts dJ wiUlndimnWitmt'lormtbarplls; Tfrr EBP.N EX U DICKSOX, A,Awrw,JprIlo.l83J. s CO OR T OF FORTUM J2V New' t or. , Jliyt J IM.V ; TO MY PATRON'S If NORTH CAROLINA. - T rtt'MMiecethlnMunirgemlyaTtTdV -titthed th enabllsbment, owntinwaf ...k ankriMtoe. and tcbayWr etta lomer tontinu t iswtA f Amdse as P" ly as ewlUd U Seem, that ;h b .ad God oss be determined thai tebuytor abail be - mU he to." Witbia a few wk th sont of C.pii.b scattered from the Court sy fsrwss Tkmsrtf th United BtAtes, Wed. oilVprisewf8.o''0-WX last week th Iwa ipiiai at 'Tn .Ti u very lottery the whole ikwt J. .). tbw Cpi tal of R100O, wai sent by Vrttee I. a r ttemsn ia North Carolina-tho 81000 ibvbediitruildiAeAasAui that the ar entirety to numerous I faenwej Inin adverlisemeAt. Tho Ue-Terl ilotursaa . bright U a ctoaa, and the PPPw (unity consequently of "Tj . toon Pest eweyi those wsshwg Ttckots eaij rZZ wTlJLi k. Utiae throe rh tbe imA Witn panes , - . ; . u- SSW?SSsr . .. f - r., ity, Sna in remitted e aaj the postage J I. retard to puncW.ty, tnleprty. ron ..lii..". i k... ihattrisilsee ofreferringt U eat bjsueaa to this eity-f tbrm b vry .1 14 . r Vale U Heine tVrtTals i- Charfcaton S. CaUoi, BichmunJ rin!Mtlmor. MaryUnd, and sVugumaamJ Ivanaah Owrgto. Tai .towtef mast t . Ila-it clasaeear th aeat- w oroer, 4u oraw.... oartinoes w be publud weekly.. , . jb Cf A etots the tlew.York Loteritt wift.5.-; be draww-every Wednesday ih'ougbmrt tbei. .af. "Tickeu from tV w id, Mk -ina the latiar smoont will ts iur of a CbsftC ( la any lottery. - AtWrcsa. tflo airegu1" UeetiSed by ttietste dtr" 1 .. . New York and Maniand.-n -H..- iunall-Clsaa 19. CAPi' t 00, 1 FxitiO, i.Qf w tft .m ro ot t joa.20 drawn warn. A pscksg of SO tfclitee " V-i" :rVi rS pwrtnt. , - -i,"';, f)i9"-f W at rtated to draw, at least , 38.28 . - A ertifictte' of A package rot ,: , ' June 20-CUi SOCAP f 10,000, 3.76 3 of IlilOO, dot 500, Id of 300, Ac ke. Ticket'' f3." OS Nov lottery IQ drawn ballots..: - . A paekagof33 Whole toet, less -J . fperieet., . - V v 57,7f V ' Warranted 10 draw, at KSft . . . '. iS.S0 J ;'A MHwWeel ap ackac (bf'-4.;. 47 30 : June 27 Claw SI Another brilliant ai-d no. vcl affair CAP. f 10,000, 30.000, 1.000, 3.0OO 3.000. 10 of 1.000. 10 of 800,, 10 of 600. OJHKV, S5T 100. S6 ot 70, oWO, 113 ol 4d, 1,184 of , . , ,, UiO, 1st Beawn number, 20, L540, 3d drawn number, 118, 4,620, 5d 4tiitnd5thdraButrk bees, f 19, f OO wf IIO-M No. LotUry-I r J rwn ballot. Tickets 10. - v:;,.: s A eacksgeofSs wiioiaseott, , - . ,.: 1 ner cenU'. V' v tt 4;. .: 09,W ! ..v ?f.:'AJ-r: WarraDtcd lo draw, at'lesst . : aT . e . " 1 .a T ' iViwy , A eertificate of a psckags for: lOS.nO ' ,f ., -Trrrmr-vemtttlng 1105,- be entitled 4 - r eertificsu fur a packege of Whole .ticket -tr, -.t-- . . A. tat wawt -1- - AV - i July 1 l-CUaa 33- Po. v drawn eauouiv four orp9.TW-Tiekeli f 5T ft' L -a. J. mtm ATftfi TsAlsAffai Ml- . Illfntfl pn f tv i ivm.w -wt, - -V r--iT.-;;.- .'l have esUbQshet aa office at Baltimore K-' MJ, fbtthe lalp of ticket, In All the Lotteries- -fc . : mansged by Messrs. Yates fc JUcIntyre, whirls ---:-;.-f-f-' WiU b uuuer the direction of at. Dauiel 1. '.-.xl' ' Barnard, whe fw "some year I'SM Asa bets' r y employ sAthat city. vr- . -- -yyi?f ---. There ar frequently brilliant lotteries drawai . i "X is other Steles, which are. well worthy the. sW j, tention efadveatarerli theeebeme imd draw- -j ine will be found m my prer. Mv eoitthernj-j-.jjS; friendt will now be casbied to receive UieieV, tickets four dsys sooner , than from New-Yo'fc .; ', ' X' ' Tbe drawinrs will he fi)rardrd from that'eity at usual. Tliepolsre in most cakrt If b" , , less than from Nsw-Vork : but when New-YnHk ' " .' . fitketi are wante 1 It nitfM r.p ai w, II p" a. t send orders direct to the old luckv (u' y i refun, unless there be no time, or Ibe tu '.', ' . required sooner than they could be sent tr , that Cl'y. Awrei ANj'uony H. scnryi r,;, ; ( tr f The v.-vVJ S .e r ". v Baltunote once every turn dt r for M.iivle' 1. irgi' is, I'i i m C ' .', O.. a. i Pet '" t i ! .!) r ii 1 ' tiuinf aJ- J to A. II. M I i," J . e 'e.VJL The Wsjhit',"on Uul. Trb ri' Ir' T a J t ' , c " y tl J I y .Li t- ' . - w - 4 ... .. ., , r

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