av rcn!crn Carolinutiu por.Titr. i i Y . lri aiT!rv- T art k tr tka m bet anta tkay lea 4 - I r"-vl reward for their lWbor."-For kew eta , 4 ParaJiaa aWest tt i r tH aaaa&nn'a1 aWM fiwAcntff Im a wky, 7 Can d kara S4 loglaf f igb, jri";!',, ' ; tfastti la ay pat turtle airf i ' ' Beat, wkte ke khf M rke trtaatrv, 4 7" fJfH5f an nil npiawl eifhr, , 7 ! -; .1dif Iheitoaasfllf, - ; ' - - Eva, tit BHHhvf at ear rata, , , aitoa1afo,, , '"! rke featHwoniaf Vow f -Haa ta tarW a ftcaf bfhf--- Wawtaakase Jdaf feafiafi , &aa,al!atcrfta:Ulrt:fat tfa. fl-t tha apt!! eHahu - ". fp?y,ff ke Vrioff together . v f.W a4tg an ansa alx JraaaM Is bia sice, kee rani rsetatWIe part gta, " Khethar irva or Am relia,., . - ' ff jnwta will anile the loaia t V la kaf Ika verl af tapid abates the Vet f aWWbra, yew ey ktErve, Tnw tf eaa deceive j CopMtoilUtWUIlay,- . , lUa k'ua aot, ye wildeae cay i Traal kiamaiaMm, yaa atay ta!) -. fy kli cUtk and ksacVe awcC, f ' . sVrrtsai air and lanfald eye, traatkljif short and frcwutnt lift, WWiWr ke ba f4m st I "J' If ota tka lyaataaat -sU.- Adieu. r. a. ppfir lit. In brct,afatt loilcite chintt dfniief pa, tad TutkWH ftr, JJ. Murniag riJiag drut Ir(xk coal, t'wta tnd pun. IJ. Diaocr drti Jren coat nd; ahoci. iih. FUdrti, ith pumf' word Ignif'ing thc aa thin aa jxper, TrauUof atrman Trinci." UJ'l Jnfij.lhtr ii g moil coo. luraite acnuodrcl in ihU rreion called TAw. lie U at the bottom of a!) mil chief, and delights in abuiingtht good viopU whom he hippem to fall to wiitu . No icindal it ottered, but They'tt girrn at the author; They aid 0 and to, Two jouog piopi cioaotboi attach. otW iwaUt frieodlf -nnuDrrj ib& TJirij talc tip thciubjrfr, and forthwith the two r prooouoced to be togagrd aod if a marriage duet aot tniue, why Thru f he or h ii a faithJcM wretch, and hat brglto terrible promiiet A merchant can't look aobar a few raid' Dtca but They tay he it going to fail, and all hit creditor! are tet on. with a hue and cry and forty hum bailijfi tt boot, beciuie They aay he it in. tolvent. He it a real vidian, aod ought to U hung without benefit of clergy ; ilii Old They tav. American Standard. Ad nngliihman and lady recently travelling in Scotland, and having a ttroog daaire t tec Sir Walter Scott, tent him a note cxpreiaive of their with tn have an interview with 44 the Lion of the Nurth." Sir Wilter aent an ijiroedutc answer, obierving th4t the tiotf wat iteo' (6 ihe"Woit advan tage at hiar0.t hours, and weald ITWIa aa aiaar are ahWtoa a ZTWtn la mtt. f-WU ari??taatWa aauUkfwkl TcrjLBapuy to aea thrm that day it ytaa K."Thaa,ftBjUMif. taika IV dinner. They went accordingly, and, TkjVtreweabir,tka rU4 er kkat, i i needleai to tdd, were tnoit hut- Ofaliiaacaaauaeead Uio aMkiuf, pitably entertained. Wt appravt of ika all but IIice4ritiRf . .a 1 " "71 Tj-r, i nawieo waawwwawJwBwaBBaMBBwIMi C1....., .l , , belore the lookina t an dulv nr. mr.,! r- " lor tne aocrtioa of hii, ngr, he ) by pror Jamatioo de tlare the fjet, mJ the dutirt row ply able by the vetielt of that kingilam, hill be 'levied and paid, at If ihil act had aot beca patted. ftikef af Itit ITmm wf RrrrwntitlrelL Tka rriWirtoftl. Uni(l aistt aa . . ... rMlciil af tha taaata. , Appravrd a J, IMJ. " - . ANDREW JACK60N. .ZMictminaseThelm7My, I've jit done opening . Editor of the American Farmer an- y' ""h lt.b, 4 Well, tarniiD -swuncea who pecuiitf gratificition, I w" " ooy, run and rub it on a brick -- Me, Si. , 4!f ACT ta carta! Jht linlu af fteorf ett, ia ilia Dmtic of Culuaikia. -Be.lt marled hylht Umale and Itoute of Kepretrnttttitet of the VnU ted Sitatet of America in Congrcn ammlled. That the lirn.in of Oeor iowu; ia die DUulct hi Ct;lu tnbii, W, and they are hereby, extended, to at to include ihe pirt or I met of und called 'Pretty Protpect," reeendy purchased by the Corporation of the aid town, at a. lite for thcii PoorV houaei beginning, for the laid piece of ground, at a ttooe marked number four, citended tt the end of four bun drcd and tevtnty.ilx poIet"o the firat lice of a tract of Ijnd, called. the ' Rock of Dunbartooj" laid ttooe alu tlaoding on the weitero boundary line of lot numbered two hundred and aixty, of Beatty ai d HakiVa aJJi tion to said town and running thence, north, icventy-cight drgrcet, rait thirty. eight poleij tnUlh e'lRhty de grtei, eait three pole ; south, tig,, tejopolci, touth twelve degreet, eait nine plca aouth eleven degrrea, wct twelve polei j iou:htventytwo degreei, wet twcnty.three plei, io it eaid rt iie of the Rtk of Dunbirton," iheoce, with uid line, to in brrrnnrn"." : Sit. 2. .indie it further enacted, Tht all the ughti, pfw?rt, and priv-i!:g-, ffrttofore tjru.ttd b ItW to the said Crpirti'n, aad which are at this time cl iimcd and exercised by hew, may and shall fw xmied atvd rnjoved by them, wi hh the bounds aod I'urilts sri ( rth and detcribed in the fiit eriiori of this jt, offirers, procei, and mtkoiby whiil uid Corporation It now, or may here after be, empowered to collect any other taictf and to pay over laid money,, whea to collected at afore, aid, to the Treaiury of tha Uoited Etatci, ia the Manner, and within the timei, priicribed by the acts to which thtt act ia a lupplementi and that. Jo default made by the laid Corporation. either in collecting or paying over at aforeiiid, that then, and in tuchciie. tb I'rcsuJcot of the United Htatct may proceed to exerciie the powen j i t i . i uunu m, biiu cunicrrau wo, n.m, m . J ... .1. - -l I . ' ... ana vy me eaia liim lection. Sic. S Jlnd be it further enacted. That the Common Council of-JLlaa aodtta thall have the power to appoint one or" more Inspectori of Tobacco for the town of Alexandria t aod the aid Inipectort ihall take an oath be. fore a Justic of the Peace of the Coun ty of Alexiodria, or- tha Mayor of tne corporation, lor the laithlui dn. ihsrge of the dutiet of ofTice of Inipcc tor, certificate of which he shall re turn to the Clerk of the Common Council: Aud the aaid Cam moo Council shall have power to past all needful laws for the due ind proper inspection of I obacco, and for tte u. lating tha conduct of the slid fospec t ri And the aaid Common Coun. cil shall have power to remove, for just cauae, any Inipectator, and ap- p tot toother io hit place. Fic. 3. .Ind fe it further enacted. That this net shall commence and bo i force from the passage thereof. Approved, M ); 2 J, 18 it. aa. SI. An at mtktna: eppfopris'toM to Tta ImlUn Df p.rtmsm for ibe year ana thouwnj etftit rmnd i-d nd tlitriy two. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ihute of Rcpresentativct of the ( ni- ted Stake of America in Congress v N OTIC 13 ; TO GOLD U.V;... q-MIE SUUECUIBCU. would in. X furm those engaged in the Gold Mining business, that he his oa hand' tt hit quarry', trven miles B'HitH j4 baliiburyy a few Lraitus bed tiiones, rniir. tt .re at Liberty H, !, f. Q. formerly Jn the su'ijcribera o( j. pany, 8n 1 no in in si I ft, . Tlise Ijuil fine,! wiih very little cut will stura ia g k1 tf'nn 2Q to j3 J,t: f W-J", and other attii!ile lh't thy rth. . . ... j: i r rut lup Ih Rimini ln..n.a WVirk 1. ' " i::. t ir v.: pr; ir .mi . rmw,w "Tel" Poln ' S. feitera U..1. tone cutting hufiftf ia all its Lrtn.l chti,, ENOCH E.PJM.ird. The Kd;wr of The Mioert Firmeri Journal.; Jt requritec) to publish the above 4 weeks, aod for-! ward bit account to thia oftVe. se..'nAa j .it . UJ,.MIMLJ "-'-f.r i, 1 1 Vrf. I t . Hon oi initrepuhiie, . " The Watcree CnA how pi .,:,- Doatt of six waorj .a-Ucoiui4rt already taken,- whiuh-will open its Gatet for more than threc'timrs tK.st weight within the term of 19 umi,:(i,. Merchandize will thru te ttin,-l . j from the'Chirlesttm Fture" tn ti,,. TV flT f P V T I (2 3 w,k orh Vf Cmdeu, at 0 cu! lv LXXJUrj.-, loer 100 lbt. 30 fier astk ffJ .. rpIlfSubieriber having ukenj out The adyinugee resulting from a 4ettert of administration on' the leohnectiomf thit tfmJ. sviih r.,.: esiate of John Cowan, dee'd. will e. til to Charlotte,. Plisbury, or aoy poie to-public etle at the late dwel. com roercial, teat norjh of'tUii and ling house of laid Cowan oo the Hlh, wetUf iUa Yadkln,,qo;re tut a am. diy of June next all rhe jeronal gle glsnce to be teized tate belonging lo tald f cfee'd. cone'uN -Toit place ' ia beyondth"reach cf ing of Xteroes, slock of all kinds, fever, la a vlch neighborhood, at the household tf kitchen furniture, farm- high Water mark of Wi tree and Cu ingutentili, and many other article! tawbaBoat landing," good roudi rQ. of personal property. Termt will be aecting it with all the N. r.aMera made known on the dsy of isle'. ' ; Trade j cotton tny be odvant neoui. TknM ksVinccUima aaataat tha sstata. sv I. !,,), . ... .;.nt . f J rrqiictied ta prtHM lham wiihin lbs tie ar . ,u ,t a.bedblt. davio cOWan, jjmr. r of tne tmHer plaotcri (fur ur, MatSth,l 3(38 p... tain, reisons) do ' oot , wish t. vis nvt. firm heretofore eiitinr under the name of Jinks I Laaa U ditolfrd by aiuiutl twwnt ' Co. Is this day But one ewaijeraiioo could injj thia 'Sale, via, the ill health of t ubscriher-which ordert him dircc' into quiet quartci,. I,. .A young nun witha yualifir tlOJlXMZi well-'ricminendrj ri. (. emrct to meet with all irirn narmn , 'IMinauoscnwr navmg at tne M4y there. , ' h, J. McDOAUUCk". term .1 iredall rjountv Ujurtob-I Stalm It W. LO V0rAto(ti. ay'5!.rim tijf V NOT I C E tained letters of Administration oa the Estate of Aleundrr fJrav, i StaIesvUle,'func t '1832. ; sy a " - tha inuodoctloa f Drw and moat D, nd y goih, if ever wu do the A" ACT ,nr ,Pr"lf :rA"Ilepl0', t the ke ifyou .h.nV grind it." ZtWStS viwmiffl ufnoait it aeemed, -ues . tthiiuble, very f,r superior to any Retort A hdy who wai blessed ind of spiosge, when prepared as 'th a ton, noted for hit fickle-mind. -, tod-to anxkind of, vegetable -doen, ai one 4iy.leciuitDg hia un usuauyeaueaareeni. It is extreme, on that falling, td advising him te IT tender, and of fine rich flivaur. aettle dowi- to mt active pursui , It ia easily grown, even more so than 'nd give op changi'.g from one voca! . -.aay,oio f egetawe, -patth a rod ' w aaother. 'Remember,- laid c-ntrct, fter givinr dnr ru.tice by ---:''r"mr9mwumml9UH,w9 meoio adage, 44 that a pvfblic advertwement, for improvi... jamiiy of tea peraoaa for a month, aod rolling none gtthen oo mos- the avenue, io the city of tfshi,.on ihil reauinna onlv an r ...j iv.. ..... .... I. . , . 7 . . ?. r . v. ..I IT IJIID. Ifl.lH, 1.1. 1 T UUI UUEB DIM IH. K. m .hra. - . . . . . i: , r ----7 ,,. . -- umi iioi con.'ibv 33 Mjlvsnls Arcoue. Iditrs with wstr. frtoi die wetter ps'e to :he ( snitol with itgging. Be tt enacted by the Senate and Iloure of Represent utiles of the Uni. ted Stidci ot 'America, its Con frits assembled. That the Commissioner of the Pubiii Buildings be, and he nereby, authorized and directed to !S?l?A"?lK.k P.'"01 P" !,p " iower atand a poorUay thereof fortv.five feet io width! wkb Cf bblc or pebble tenet, or with Tk t-LI' r:r-r-f i-- - pounaea none upon the McAdsm "v.r.II.J1 1 r' .'uino-' L A. fM dvored to prove to pl"i or in any other pertnaneo' man ;.- kviu produce in abuBdanca of iced fwr Ichabce of obuio.op- honey . . " " ., .... : : & " : , ,JV! Jdooof.thl.,,ge. Dr.- Jof.oaoD,that an athie.l may be oer, a. the Pretident of the Duited ' IT "tbZwK sJS-ie,UWLUW!!. VC" ,mtt0'rSood moral character. 4Si," St.tel may direct f and also, for the r "'W ?' Mhea a man reject, ruion, nnd co'veringwith the best :Z rZ iXttJSSJt'S f " ; W hi' r"Cre.tor, vel to be obtained, thr.idewav. of rrXrSl1!'!1! W.frMt .hth.rtcJo:?cTuaia ii fn ihi taTCwenue. aod-for propeTruTteri T V'wl laUiasV -fxrtn. that riie i.-i.u.llr aerd np, U".fX iSj?, an 'QOAa ntbDr our most va Uable I ru-Mftrit n. f ir . . I I .i..' . n- TJ r -j.-v. . r.j.i ih iqr Vline WIIIOOWM la ik . I .k.u Kklrh minuM ika .nm .f thousand dollar a jt herfhyappropria. tetf, to be paid out or any Money in the Treaiury, Bt oth?rwii ppropri (ten. 810. t. And be it further enacted. init, under the tf int direction - r. -... U zt." ' ' -tore appeari to be attended with no A vi .1 5T'Pltgfc!epreieatat a . fro.,; and trawl rttowiS I! ' : Jlny ther plant .howanygn, ,! ZmJAa19 . ... . . utioto. It however a touK Proe"? h the thread of his argu. !ti . 6 tha gentleman - ia atnnnJ .:. u:. as prescribed io the first tection, the foU lowing- turns be, and the tame are hereby, respectively, appropriated, to be pid out of any miner In the Trea. I : - ury not otherwise innronriated. for aee. ia not tn. w . . - i i r n . ,.4l,Jiat.ieea.alcoIaed;hat every r"101191:' P1""?0" to plant wiU yield from one to two profeMed ,Dtff ,ak" 0 5rr, d. J. . 10 P'PL" ?m sjuiris oi grain. . very rich around ,wfn muff ukinir w s s a a .L "i i . . than on oowg ! hu nose. rcaurwill ke t omd.,-.; I "T. i bi. Vile of rotted atahl. I:.k I IM,W lor warn of materUtii. I. . . wa wr ,u lime earth oa the eorface, ia not c.-t" iK,a ivr n. '; in auth a :! I the fountain, on. anuara nnmKrr nan ndl kni,. .t a r... i. -u . " I dent a hnn.a nrt r.nkli the nlarita rennir ma.. . . faooori aV,.: r'",,r nice aalcul.,. " " - dent's house and public ..ficea. and .Zm...hA al!i3il.. iM..J .. J?' I .wwnww. .mwikmmJw waervpira and 'ht hDr e thoWd teye ,dd . . , wn. , aocy wnuumui aamuy on a Visit to dollars. r-jL..T...-..-lft acra if grooad..-... aoww at t different -timer during the aummer, to aa w ensure a eunfilv till irmter.. AU thai It ranuia i. V.w ihH furnish the American I .e. ir jriASK lotrr . "; Peed Store with a godd iup-eedthaenauinwfali; i:Thetetfet of q ' LondSh daltif: 7 .;SjuCj.-w2adU t further enncttd. That the Commissioner of-lhe Public liuildioes tt hereby authorized and directed to contract forth purchase, jfmuta faying vi . ejeiiexa ntg ging htkr-from nhe wettern gate to the Capitol i and loFihla pun pose, the aum of seven thousand one nunarcaana two doliart oe, and the tarae ia herebv. anorpnristed ti -h. :..iPiTO'aluaeM4tlill-.siaBi ,u lha-.Teu.n. -- ..... .-.. . , . - rT. . , .-.i r- -' LflT- j. j V . fteee'"5 f ai LAWS OF THE TJ. STATrc rv.ftototherwi Pfropriated ,:-r ?--yy.- engyoathe Wlawa-iw w ... .7 PWW.)r?s,8n-. 4 waaawiaaiy J5 I , . a T" am,Dsuw-eie- .rr - l"' d . the only pertbo who Mn iX" -Su , , ' ' " :TS!fW th5Eht atiCheti. or ?Jfl ter fi sac ureasti - mf K iv:-. .:.t I no. Si. an alt to amend aa act, entitle As aot to cu wg iitt parere j t several carport, V8 f In Dirtri of Obrwnbis.' . ' I t frwcf : by th'$mtfi$ - f fhevo!eleg,0de, WWte ahirt,. twer0 . V7 I aut of America in c urV.Cr.7Il 1.7 ' r... " ' ol! . ' ' " j vui ihm: k a ntnr tw. a . r a m. wasakr idj i w r abiiiii vt liux iir. atnn ir i tw.t.m, r wvaaava-I UKSrilLDlPtl. 1'ht.t " . I - f a -f Mmwyi cm a . a -t. . . . ' - . puniest ne weara blacVooe 9Afn and i-" . ' pw.aei nanuaer I nntrmhr.,t tl . . f---"i. u piirni .inmm.,1 .i. . . i- wii. puwerca tacoueri. aniill.. .1.- , v .vt.. . anm oe nerealirr i.;.j .. .1 , r . Virion! i fi If I - !. .tJ i.i - : .trowse.ra V .vt. T : DC nerealier I l. ... - r..-WSSBai-' -MM . : ' a ' ---- viaviCllUu I wv n t Vi as afaa k lha nu. a - . I " . . . - --..j. vhvvi gel m wunout Li ' ,7 " . . --..j, in i - . v sjr cuit ii inp ratii ai nna lewe-rablacW aid:.aSi of tttetif 1 aZa : . i. IN PURSlANCE of an act ariemblcd. That the following mmi L. Tk.ul .k. oi.. jI at the prelent tession of Coiii ir be; i.d they are hereby, approprtated ito hire at public Vendue, at the Store .fapr0T,D? renni tvcu Avcn . or me maian uepartment tor the of William llargrave, in the lower I ,v v inc ,,,DSCn ' rear one thousand eighi hundred and erfd of Iredell county, all the nejrroei rec!iv PfOT0si1 ihe i'l, belonging to the Estate ..fwaid dee'd. V.',. lor execute (consuiing of men, women and chiU lhe WWpWrtdol.forT-aaid Av, dren) for the balance of the year. nuc or "!? p,rt lhereVf not U" th ' TeTmt of hirelng wilt be made known oe-fourth, via tThturr.cc t - u on that day. regulated .bjr removing the turpi Allthoie having demandt aga'mtt ""rVrV0 the Estate are hereby notified to pre- yed ?I,J1'1, '7 ,11 hammtrc; tent them, legally authenticated for ,l0"" IH-'m- ,p,nth settlement, wiiaia'thc time prescribed HfUX ,Frm,t'h by law or this notice will be plesd in rmg of two wchet diameter, a lae. bar of their recovery. Alio, all those of three inchet thickn.s, to be apre.. indebted to taid E.ate bynoteuroth. "d weiJ f..-.ao4.nJ Mh.-i erwise, are herehr requested to come 'WPUhe im Jh&llWiQ. T' forward nH m.k ..i.l.m.ni .. . nd each, w.eU. rotlc'J j the u lc- i. :-4..i k. . yt are to be covered 'uh a coat A JOS. R. MrKINLET. ATmr May 28f 1 831. Star pr.t?. 1 p thirty.two, viz: For the pay of the Superintendent of Ii dan AflYin tt St. Louii, aod the saveral Indian Agents, as established bv law, including an Agent for the Kansas, agreeably to a treats with that tribe of June third, eighteen hub. dred and twenty. five, thirty.two thou sand dollars. F'ir the pay of Sub-agenti, as es tablished by law. nineteen thousand dollars. For preicBta to Indiana, aa author, ized by the act one thousaud eight hundred and two, fifteen thousand dollars. For he pay of Indian interpreters and translators, employed in the sev eral lupeaiQieDdcQciea and agenci entyone thousand five hundred and twenty-five dullau. Far the py of gun smithi and black. STOP T f Y bov DAVE, occasionaUy cal cCr CLEM, about 28 yeara of I Ivejin'g?OT(j bicfard fur rt amithi, andtheir at.i.tanti, employed : !"l.,4T or )7 W Mrilki within the aeveral auDerinteodenci.a ! bu,,, dar.k comPled, broad The jointer. oflJjc-lawt of the I. be'tt gravel tine Inches thkk;t Jt ii estimated that there wiJLbe Ibum i. . Mj4rdaofpiyingr5341 of gravcL ting, and 384 cubic y ards of eauh t remove Th?. proposal! will ttute t1 price per tqaarr yard for paving ar.i auperinteodeociei ana agenctet, under treaty provisiofil ana tne orderi orthe War Depart mcntj eighteen-thousand three hun dred and forty dollara. iwjron, iteel, coaL and other ex. peiaet ' attertdina-the euriiraitht and ouckamrtna' ahops, hvethooiiad four hundred and twenty aix dollara Por expenae of transportation and distribution of Indian annuities, nine thouaaod nine hundred and fifty nine aoiiari. For expense of provisions for Ind an at the distribution of annuities. L'I " J. . i . . wnue on vuiti ot Dusioest with the different tupetintendenta and aentt ana wnen - assembled on- oublie bust. nets, eleven thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars. For expeoie of building housct for odi aa agents, bUclumitha'iho'ps, aud a - . - tor repairs ol the tame, waeo ream red, iu the . Several agencies, tcven thouiand dallart. Far contingenciet of the Indian de. partmentj twenty " thouiand doliart : Provided, in no case ihall any money hereby appropriated be uied for the purpose of awarding lodiafli for let Utng dupnlet arhoog them.selvei. " Sec. 8. And beit further enacted, That there be appropriated, out of any mwney in the Tretturr not otherwite appropriated, the sum of five thouiand aesen.hundred and fiftj dHartr fat defraying the expenses of conducting a-depuUiioo of4adinaf rn the head watcra of the Missouri to Washinetoo vyf ano: -vrom thepce-to their Ow country t Vorfzcrf, That no co ajpen- tation beyond thelr-actoal expentei 'ceahaHlaUowed any 'Jodlai Agent fiibagent-for servicet when doina dutr under the order of their government, detached f tom their agency and ' bound ary . of the trtbe. to which ,lhe Ir4 Agents ' -i6fce."3i And bti further tnacted. That there ahall be. and herebr is. appropriated, out bf any money id the,' Treasury not mhefcwits tppropriated, i the Bum of five thouaiod dollars, to e expenaed under thr direction- of lace, with tear or scars on or about I c(.,.. .L. ... Vyy-Uhgfc ay traested tu insert thir-mmca 4 ' time i or a little oeiow, hit eyebrowtoo hit jtod forward theif iiccourts -for pay- - - -I whip. Said boy runaway on the 21st May last. ;. He had ow aa. .od pairef. ysrn paatolxioa and tbirt, ; He -car. rted off one old .narrow -brim bell, crown fur hat, cap of Russia Drill very lie-fct brown color, I thiok he had two fushioosble made co.tts of home tpun Janet, one blue mixed, the other black I one round coat of dark Calient three pair of pantaloon', one of fine sattin snuff colotj emm of arrtped bed- ticking, the other of blue mixed home ment. - J. ELGAR. " Comtolsiioner.'of Wblic puilJingi. 'tPahtritfoneftv,$fn$is;w - - SlaterofdN'ortbCaroIina, - - Mo$Tu-aaT aeaTf:v : ' Xufitritf Ciurl tf UvMaixk lawn, 1 Si t; SautJIoaaat'i.'V.v ... --.:. ' rfoaTS)aa want as. j ;. t appearing to the tattsfactioi u the Court that the defendant Jo'natl i x Morgan la oot ao Inhabitant of t,.... tpun Jnea"raeyerat ahim and treatrf t-:tfOT".wdw,Tt": two pair of thoet. Nothing further puoncat.on ne made lor uireo m m. , recollected. j in the Wetttro iaroUoian,-printed b. I have no knowledre where aaid Salisbury, ahd id the -North Carolina boy hat gone, of iotendt going. , A Journal, printed at Fayf tteville, th; t reasohaWerewarc! win'Hri nn'metaid boy wext SupertoTiXkiurt of L-w, to apprehending and ennflniog ao that I get him again. 2W HENRY GARNER- Randolph evn A" t: hint 4, 1833. Runawmj be held for the county oTMontgomerv at ute vouri-uouse jB Sjwrenccvi. r, on the first ..Monday - io'September next, ind anier'taid "fetTtioa pr it wilt be heard ex'iJartef andf iudentci.; - f Ttifii avartnat him mm mniniA. - : AN the- lOtwof September t 0r L w f. 'y r t 9 Uat, freamv plantation WmiMFjfquhaTIaiUrT, CJ-rk cf Jones county, two negroes, one I " our Superior. C'"url " ti)flicer ti c named WASHINGTON, about M7 yeara of aire, a vanr brtrbt rnulatto, on one V his hands 4 rini ha will ebanp-a hia name and endeavor to pais for a free man. The other named JOHN, a common mulatto, about 30 years of age, vary intrllignt i ke will probably piilsTthe sefvahrof WashinrtoaT'ikl ebanre bia msm, A reward of is Dollar win k anven . . . . ... "7 torine detircryof eluusr In any jaR, Su.cetJHieffl, rat Monday in March, AD- 1 -and .f tha-AmrricaaIndfpclfrc.; lejjfith... r a itr nxisxisi,. MICE AW. 86.50. .. 1 333 CHARLES TOyiiand HUEIU li ". .-TH K STEAM 10 AT ; "MACON e1 - SUnXl &tX.- ALfllS M havii.tr been JJLAMAB-: . IOTbe Geortian, Savannah the Tele in running th-ren Charleston and Che eope, Cohimbiv S. Ci and . Richrhpni Enoufc riW e,Hiog ii Gco.ToWn on he? way i .? JS"?"? and down, wiir "resume her Ttini ia Ihe wmi iwimu, whi una rurwaru mcir accounn io I . r r J .,' . i ;eonrio( a icw gjjsanj is inienoco io j continued in tha trade the efiiUK Her exceeding light draft of Water drawing: wbenule-l only about U.ir ' a half feet water will enable her to rea; li Cberaw at all timet e.ce:)U' an'unn av timcLmfortahi. t thfmodttha of ill mon low liter, when her rari-o l ems a aay ana mgnt, lor uie priTjiejfe or tne i ugnicnew it (Daxxpence or coat WAGGONKRV - Driving ta FayrttevMe, VfJTlLCflndit to their adranue, to stop k v v thn' Warm Yuri, whero averr con vanienpe is provided for Man and Hone, ta nuke Tard, thf uaof a food house, Pre, water, aiic soeiter, AtUcJied to tne TrL are a Uroeera fiftrr aetliol ot aaid act. br inw- thereof, for, the purpoiei and objects dsigoatec w ajJ"aci, kf aigaif; fV..f.4f. C .aval i tr lull .i. aa- -- fc.-.- ' i J aw. . . n as. I ' V VfHf ' ST" V f ' Tt- i . V I Q i F: and delivery of corn, or other oro- visions. for the use bf the iSerninbte ladwtsai.wlvirf-Iita account bf the failure of their cropt "' aycrc ui v4gBI ma litS VCaTa wonaryjasa Hon for Boirders ani Let!jrer j ia a piatn, cheap, wbuUaaroo tod eomfortablf I' 4 w ,.'" aaat avaetvaaar a wa (i: JriWta'Vir xaurarass V i4VfJyr,' datiooa for a few pissenrers . 'i.t i ;;-.:.';.'i:';'i'.;.a;.:w,, J,. B. C. TO CLERKS OF r OUkT. :. AlHWt HECORD-pOOK, r,m'8im 'tjui-ta ftffiae -'taper,'!', b t...i j V

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