-J v t? l ( ' y ,' , ' f f t ) ' ; ' be citizen, tni wtttcir Will t-3 fTl 1 I fHtl Eftlc KoUrcT i e.;ltntry fJXTial'T e.P1T li frraHUijf U wl Con tenet, ,.- . . . , , . , 1 1 I l in i mm i i ii.i i i . .. .... r ' ' SALISDUUV, llOWAN 'COUXTV. N, C.....M0I) VV. I I I I Mill aj 1 1 I, , I, ,i , .I,, . V, .nut J Z Vvi-i I lie jt$ri'SfiPaptftirlil in. iltniil Jlr mit'tr't Aiit rfiiofT.- ' ' , 1-tfrifUtoi wil tW rtoctrtd far a lru Aii of ycft trill, bi cvh.n nnhrnt fifbt ,'i MMa'tli jit gut"' - r U'irrt ojdnniml ti the flitter rii h )iist I'Lulor. thftf u-ill not Le at. ib ;..''. -v. ' ?: ' I ,g A fnc'util. ofUie Trifniti of tho" pw'nj A lmu-irnU.;ii, uiidrojposl lo th -nice ti ci of t!.o U.n.-MiBTiii Yx?r.rBur.ir as -' ... w tiiS f Mh,t.r Mny, tyi. tJ. A. KnoDr.i, a lAilll to t H'l Chair, td L. Turtui ai jKHiilfd St-CtelaryTio' etjrpl ( (ho inoctiiilipfiug h'oa'tXpliUW'li a'cofa. iiuV s ;imitm iif, larrit' tJ Mhoon,, H.id.'rof Sjuwy, S. W ohb, Btd Wil'iaiV B. Ki:. alij.V4julJriJl' f "4uMmui ipri:AV t4'(lo aenatt .of tM BK-pfinff ho, afti'l KaTiaTetireJ fnr a ilwrt Uiiv, retunjoiwid nportcd" bH fal. luaiaj preamble ani rfsuiutjona which vera iinuiiinKmsty aJupfinl;?. i'f i Whihea, it ia el H tinieS direbTe to rrtf:m a, rcjrh unauimity in7aj ihflj .icn! U in AJinmutmlHHi w Ui (rov nmriiPj t as powible ;,and,ai, thia.'liiiM when such jrnrral dioflteoj "prcTlil " nionj; the pfiiplp., it id particularly J be cViiredi Aid whereat tin "great exertioaa ,i aklii top Jia iiftnij th CAMiOiyMitUn Van liuren,a Vicv Presidcut, ia cal(u!a ted to divida and titracl .the pnrt'y, .,. crrehenMion- the threatciiirw a-pecj fj11) f"1" f cr cauulry, and thatil'O.e t.pioion of fmJcnl inay comb.no on ?nv ndivid. tin mcetiiW Martin V. DuAaiiaii coutri aetrtiowataefl th u'r ci the butd more Ihiamif 4W ird;T!ualrFu ai7wtul-v ,in ul , , - Mwore hwl- wtary. A cpmrtimit. rro(?uce it. v T "C" 7'" a' " "tl.V addll. tee tppointed fa the purpow, cona'atinj ' Krfrei,That thfiineetinTiew with Jarnrt Mebane, AndersoiiTT. iXf llonry Gibba, Benjnmin Foremnn, ilan. kik! nnJ mnrtifiratifm tU in&iiMtmn Vif : Blaflffttrt fend ioMpb Alltfon. 'vquirea; be ister 24itL Rilev MurrTi' and John B. our vonoralla Preaident; io laenrd to Mr.Trel,,ctca attend the convenuon to be Van Huren, aad that ma eflyru to elevate Mm to the, Vice Premdenry ajaiiiat tlie L'lcs of a'larye majority oi the , people, r.itLt wittiour aoa decided diaapproba tion. -, ' i" V ;" "' -UftIn&t That wVview itb ind!j.a. 'ti.m the cursn puraVBd tylli-Trtlzawi of Mr,' Van- lluren, id , donouuoiag' the t ' nuia of tha ll. 8. til aterriinj; one of Vx.ix put iaiporttuit CotiiirtutioijuJ . privi it :'i .- . 1 jv t. llachcd, TJmt Ve" apnrovavf flie Con-j niioa to be bel at ualirigh in June next, ir the purpoee of. nominating , a anitaUa person tn atandidnte to t -nrr on jhe Ja k.-ua Tkte( fur be Tice ! Presidency, mid d! j (o fam an eleclo'ral tu.ket for the 'eft, Thnt Jaa-, C. Mhoon, Georga ' umI Lewi TLomiMua U4r., 1 0,:; lo np'.'t.iti d dclesatea Tor ihia .couuty to ". Jhatwe rpcomiopdil lethal ''0IIV-",.ll!l ltj U -ri.r. P, Barbor,f Va i ji Msou cmiucutly "qualified for-1 Vce , lV-M.i.::!f. , , V v"' .;,0' nn:iim. it waa ' , , J' - ' ''',XMhorfotloing persona fi;;ioint(!d coimnlttoc jofcorpespoodence, vt.: Ir. Jrthrt Vr VVard,.Thpitiai JBond, Opore J, Out fa V,- Cullio . Cnpchart," Jaa. G. Mlio4Mi,'I.wis Uimd Thonia Ruffin, Rii h'd. O. Bntiain, Ja. T.ond.li M. Jeg-I ;s, VVn u 15. Kinr, T. J. Pugh,- Tbt ""am II-zckiuh Thompson, r.K. Pugh yeritfon, . ,fy xaHcua af Jlaleih, and 1 i Bond,; Tboma. Raynerr WilUam j against ,tlio will (a. they. boJieveJof tha i ;t) ,l-? A JihV", mid LewiaXhomjaaftJ Rreai tnajonty, of the good people of thia On jnotioTv Resoled, that - tl procco-. State j That : the meeting, believing that ofjjiis meetinjf be aigned by the ,tbe present TartiTof dutie bbaxa onenms- Cluii man pnd Feerehry, and" published y upon Soulhor iiitenits, and that the i.i tUn ''AraJjJnofre tatf anil luttt'iok Still ' 1 . jt ., Ibauknfiw.JI art I 4iiiiri4 iU.aW , zyy ; EA. RirODnSkO' j - - f . -f1l -liVOaAiE.V. Xt"a nvrttn of the citizen of Oranjrf port tho-aame -That ."" tbjr. disnrprweoi tVintriremnrcnedat the Court Uwise in Tlhe political course pursuod by the honor U.!!a"rt$ghf Martin-Van Bar- u, auli f t.a BuM.- - aiwa1ilypyeviou. oicf n motion, 'i inatioo to the JVe Pr- '-iy I v ti 11 Dj-rV,h Sf oiitiBery -iftailli;l Torli5 'tifiwre -;Civm ji f JUt t'. ; hthh ; th:iirvnd CoUhildtdpokte of tha toi.t'.it u t be held tt AAr thewganizatioh of 4he meeting, P. jRali ih o i the lkt'i ( 'ant, aid pou.t H Mansim, eqvaddFe8ised the chairjiQ ' A rcluhald 1, i , Uv dtr M'Aeil, f cililo and !oqti?rit mariner, on tia poWan J5 rilit and arrcn V inflow, jiticnl'j qitPfctiote which mow adgifoU the iF'). Oi'Vgatca t!.n-t' j'TL t lhy have pu!ilicf tnliid, -callinJV tponallwho trtf'tcotifiileace in t!; ? li.tinty, ability niul abm to pfp-rve the 4nterrity of thjB-! patriotism of our il.unui. in.d f flow iou, p6n the prjwiplea inwliichr it wa",jen 1. P Harbour, of V trnii.-i.niil t! Uaiou eonceiyi)l,.to8jund;i!rth in. defence tft'wo pnrwipjos, aud by unitiy of action to c'ye force to tmUioi tipiuftoni, . He denied' ''.ti be-.n r jirtttl(!iii .ib.l1itkatcaiormll "jbei ' - eoritmed into disloyally to'lhe uuiofl j eWI M ?r.irv7tUaJLath a" spirit CQSt;ffit. j r.'M'?":ia'lj:fl uarltif .Hw j(.ifW ern.ix i.f. w'vJI muT th 'riitcllh UK!Liri2H Win into toer x uid urJ ft,-i1wtio) tovmmp e u.j.-ctrfi!llr..-tiV uuii y, sua t4i our f rrai purpoM inouia ...:..wi:,,.. nn, njwp'Wirt! wiibU ftrtW in 5UUi1!,0(!n(.lun.,,M.ll.,4, ttlilI1,,rt th f.Lv. uwiuriT on mq u;'!;cr u ito uriji. t ill in. i T-- 1 Tlio ianw jtiilcmnn tiffivptiite'J in the Jin wmiia iuiLmi mia rufululiuiis bicl fpt-dkrtre witjftli ronmik which U had jurt ba J (he hmar lu ilrc (0 lite nio; tiny! Ilwjr were acorJinly prtmutcJ by. Ilia chair foll.iwi J ? ! Heo!r(d.'riii an ariunt loyalJy to f!i4 iolitltutliin hrxJ Uui6d 1 thea i(aUf baa aJwaya cliaractPriaid .North Carolina. nwi a 1 du penou mow iuaa me pnwnuur ti-iira nf m rm.x . Kirh im. i.n.l K'mkM'lba auction of any portioo of tho; miopia of ibcaa atatits ( thu't w cotuidi-r i lji8 oUila.oXa ucb a ?aiwn, and m alirrf aVvoti; iotlwamW could hiT' , Mr1 1 Burt11 ?J lru?lfiJIt IIS ihlld lfnit lit Mtltafnal fiklklai art. I'liillip P. UurlKHir, K. C. Prtcard ifljrwl Liiiiiu .nJ D..r; tm. ' 3.Jltiole,l That we, ftillelinir with Cm.lneH 10 Iho hope, that tha wisdom and patriotiani of eonsitaa mav yal remova Urr a fdithhil aud coorMmx , people, 1 - bunhmi unequal' in iu wrthim uiwoual in iu weight 1 vtt we look with pain and anxiety t the untnral eoaartjuoncca of " a bopt to long dafcr teJ." t u Km iminrul 4. ifraMfftf jfluUwa cherUh unimpair- it Mwlul.n. in l..trii;U.n fi,m.m. Fl.llll'W.C- and ability of tha presunt President of t lie United State, and that we will co-jrate with hi fricwla if hi re-election. ... . li Retoletd, That.it is eipeilientat llni time hi time5 to pledge ourwlve. to aiinpoi t jiypartuIuriiidiyidiiAl C.r the yic. pre- idency.aa wa fear that a divUion of the an wdency friend of flii Pieii dent bia election. . ' .ta P--..I J . f.. I. i- I ...1 .!..! u. Kiwi, t ua u in aiwmijr uumn-u held Vat Raltbh oa the 18tb Jcfne next, " to select aome auiutble pcrsooaa can- didate Ux the rice prenlencr to be placed' on the ticltet' with ' President Jackson," I . ' it ' . suii in roiirrwcui m bbiu. cuavcutioa iuo me noiniiiaua oj nr. van linreii ly tha Wtxhe of the people of thia country. r Baltimore Convmitiow j which were unan- 8. RtoIoed, Tliat on the 4th day of imously adopted. -BeojHmin Saundt-Mon, July next a meeting of the ci(izii of thia ,Eq. waa cIkmoo Deleatea to the Raleigh county be called in the town of Hilltlioro.,. Cmycntiun. ; 1 1 t . to consider of the ooiniuitioa of an uloctor .. .AnoUt-r mwtim was hold in said coun fur.thia district; . . " Curriturk Dwlrict, on the lwt nnt Kwhtd Tbnt th 1 thank of this penjaniiii Forcmun', iji ip the Cbair, meeting be proxentaJ lo the chairman for and Ik. Woa D. liodrra, Secretory,) the propriety 'and courtesy. wi(.h wbith he. at . which resolution were iinnnlihcusly bu prwkW.-.' ;;.:-; adopted, &voral4o to the election of Judge Jft, jJeaofpfdV-Thnt the foiieoing pro-. Barbour to tbe Vicn Presidency j unfavof reedingtf be aignedbyj tha chairman. and able to that of Mr.. Van D'irvn to'that df stcrelary, and that a copy lie fuminhed to flea ; aiid.apiiroyinff of the Riilniffh Con- the editors of the HiHsbommih, Becordif,. lUiCi-'h btarfcand JtntitutionaUt . iliat. doaii i of those V;' '! rin j their publicatien , in each JuiimalM. . ; V W, MONTCOMttiCiairawaLC 8.ixru. CuiLD, Secretary. :, ..I.tQciiBsiiAxn.- A inoctirar of the fiemlof Jackson and! Barbour . waa held at Fayettaville on tlie - 4th instant? when the Hon. Henry Potter! waa - called Jo the J Chair,- and Ji hn W, Uuske appotBted Secretary. Reaolutiona1 wert adopted declaring that the State , ofi North Carolsna Jiai port th BOiot of art h Carolsna Jiaa been pledged to un-J we caiumore won would deprecato, tha lectioifof any indV yijlual to thejli ice Presidency w'lio Jtas ai. ded urid agisted in fositenmjihe yetem upon the oouio, and whoeenlinii to np ttl ay recouiiuend to tha id Corventmn this nonniwtio'i to, lie k i I -ry ; ,'wid tint t! a V V .li j t tr . ! rawornnw - i. J "An bil . J . I. '-1 1 1. J ;'t ofiJo, a b. ift thU , J. '-, 1m I U4rn On.fl'-- ' - -i Vlu,.. ; ,i. u ii- . . ! ...j. a rt!i..k. r,:-...n- . . .1 1 IIWIHIIJ IV IIM HVKUI lUWNIIIIIU Ul J. 1 . T. llm PmiJnliitt ehiir-witt lupiorl no Wlior unj forbctf uny pWgo Pw Any iiiiuimiiim- until fn rMuil of lh ttaili. '11 "! t'onntion U juwvvl. mil. rccom- rwi'luic lUnrV jIonr. Emu m t caO'liJ. tie lorKlMcJor in Iho -iliilritt. Joni'lik rUiaV, N'jilan A. Siodnuri,. J. W. By mim, Wnu T.Udin Dc J. II. lUwkuu Mil it 111. tcciiclter, were aKa- od to ecMifcf with delpsiitcrfrom thi tb- r cwuntir of th district A 0o iHi;tiun t"f fundiduii for Ekctor ta WpbccJ tw jtho Jackam Tukct. "Al meeting f tha filraoni of Portitii !D0,, fc'u l,r,forJ 00 3! "w,'!f 1 Uom" M caJled ,n "ZlT T 7 r1?. r,'' laa tivowMe to tlM rleoli.ia of Cu.. k. 11 ani rhiUip P BarbiHir to .1.1... , ir. .. w' 1 1a".'1 ,cw 1 ncy J nad f hr rerr at th. efforta D.oW Jftimpw-npoii 1 iU SoHh,4 r.Att---. w 1 :aidrif, whoia wh'de ptiMic career prove, conclusively, that bo lit no oue ficlinor prinnplii with uh, and thai lo tlia eu-luiuou vl ouor who are equally t. .. .. . . . ., '3l!el n P"'MIH.' a P-CflfH, irv Kiwho h.ii. ajuI I. .1 H r.iU iL.. 1 iiu.w b.wm hviuij liM in on inn mi) iN-nin for tiMi aume grfiat principle fn'f'wfiTch wa contend which wera adoptud by a largo nmjorily tAi Jtmx W'ilroa, Ji.fiah, t,ran'"!T "" Hillary If. hiire, rnjri. ore crtt,,cd Wfge .to the Raleigh Convention. A cnr larire meetinir Uie frir.U i.r .L. ' .. 111 . .. ' ' me auiniuiiratii.n WO lltlU HI the curt H'Hi on t raoizedy E. to the the 21'tli ultiintf j which waa or- uiDX.UoniawmfljuiukriwMfc the Chair, and appointins R. M. Janper, 'E)r., reported muduliona fa vorabl te the election of Gen. JarLjum and Jude mrbour tothe Pretidenry and Vice Preiidnnry : annrohatorv uf tha Ra. loijh.Can vent ion ; and disapproLaK.ry of . I . .' . ' m w. - . vention t to which Spiers S Smith and - . f - ....... ....I Benj. fo1CMrsqr;.. trcre anMiiuted' Dulegate. - - , . ' f'i''i JS.:. At meeting of the citizens of (J niifortl county, friendly, to t"ie administration" of A.NUKCW JACIwSOX.'he d at the 'curt house in Greensboro., on Saturduy. ika SOtb iiwtaut r-the puppowjofijf.Ttiixia.-: tmj a suitable, person for .Elector for. the Fductotal "District composed of iho ooun. lie of CJiaihaiJjijRandolph and Guilfrd. Hi tneetiiig ' wai.;- organized by callin" Henry lluiiiphrev, r.a. to the Chair, and annoiuiinif r. n. u. ii. Kim Nnv. Kf.-'v. .-'John Pick, Ej. hiilmiitted Urn f.J. lowin j resolutions, w liich wero unaui mouily adopted.' 1 j .. ; t'lUtoked, That we hare entire cmfi. deoce jn the patriotism, tirmncin and in tegrity of ANDREW JAClvSONtand in theiViiiJoM 4tF -tit imranMre4 hise'lmin htratioa and that "tho unbaring 'oppiwi. i ton with which bo is ris,ai':il, ouht to renew our tli'.rta to re-elect him to the dL'tinpii.'.hcd ofiictf.he now ' :; " " J.'tWrr., 'iliat we highly-opprova of tlie norninaii m, hldy n.mlc by a jm!.!ic nicftiiTj in Iv.'indoljili county, of JOHN aim .. Uf Iv-'j. ftKli'l'tiJf l-.l' t diStric t, and vvjiIi j ! a,uio c , .r i i . iiuiuuialiou. . 1 tH.i sietj lit tl f,l fin f, i i. J i rr"iry tin : to and iLfc rau e t! c iw v, 1 1, be published m tin? : Gren-Uoru' P.ilnot. 'f"f i 1 1 i n t f -'Oi liwtiiif) ,i Dr. L A. Mr! if.:-, t!ir II. Ill l . I r. , 1 i i a V.-i. P. . r't T ) c 1 t ' 1 i t 1 ' I. ' 'yvfJ .1 I II I 1' f . (, I. ' 1 I . f v m . t " ' i 'i iX 4Y i.';fnfnrw;i calle.m lf)i l.aTra'iMlt I lie C.lill'lt .f tl.H ifLrt.lii... J ll.. a'.'. iMb M Chair, and mi nvition. Duct. - ' .--'a-" "i" ii Jii w B. Kla.W-, Tli-im i Watla, lwin h ttt mW i Jvi J .Lat fnm wet p. Boimod a Con.mittoe t reihitiiiti uxpr.mailaifthe J.nw f ti,i- inefiin.-- aii-r rwoniif i.r a h-w tn -Kits Hie com. Diitfee returned with tho t'olhminjPmm: and R-olurnm: Wtiich, invpil ben aarwly auiw4 by- lit ;IV Rmiihwick aerw adoptoij t f . .- ;.. -Pursuant te wit jcf fivort,' srei.."lht ci'i f'u iX Marlia pooitv ciaamiji it I privi and a right guaranty.' J tfiljy l!i? Cob fitulHinani Ja jd; 'ttujiCjuiOry, aud aaaxiioueU by fcinj f''mn ami cuintunl arTj, o meeting iSt eonfuriiiff' brother W' subjuct tnucbuif our own n7t that at our couutiy'r wi-ir-rr, bav t!ii tiny, Bicl Tor fa miqioae of feUpnMti iu (ins, u wa coiMidrr, k'siiliimle way. oiir drci. dddioppryliifiu of the prei:iitlarilK k:liovin ii wo d Jluit it origin, waa-kw bait tea that fta lenilcnry i ait tnimritjii. hitrtjaTand Ufiiialural drttnootiitn-of the (r l -"- 1 - capimi aim wu-try m tue ctmiKry--4l it f iMitmuime, if poit'd iu, will arjomit la lh notl cruul aal lyraNnl oppmaaioim and ita end will berhe total dciKrucMi.a of t'virtJial;ro?jnty if iho SoutL-iL tuially, o Mir b bned Inion lOellr.'.Wa furtlH-fVhevb! tbe tariff propnerd by tae SJocMarv of i he TreanHnr. to lake eloct in lSW though apparently affrdmg i paitLi and totnpr.rary relief, will Hi the end acarct-ly provo ksa injurious and op nrcMivu lo Ilia treat airi ullural laleret rf thr Tirt; a! "we telicve" thai iiHbe1 i rcaaflrj Report, tha; scale af rvdikition ami exctnptiuu of ilutie i,vt been ton much omfififd "le article nted enly by the weal (by ami tbe few, while (W of prima tie. comity to lb poorer and far more mrmm ou eiajofthe peotde, are subject l ill to an exurualdBl uuty wra tluly-wbjclt. -wa wn, wv tx'ing riveted on tia by .the BiU accwopanyin- the Re pert boing paaaod in t law, will brconio s Uitjtwt and opppe. iia aa tout of IMS. That the occasion and coapromivo- leog .and aotioovly looked fatf (urn out to be a cotrplcta usui: pafTiiu oa tlie part ufthe north, Vtlie right of protecting their manufactBrora by imput-t daUe which, oiled granted by the SjuiIi, the fricud ci" tUaiirotevtjyesytteRi iH ,. itai tw extend and enlarge to conr plete prohibition ; wbilo, ou tho 'other' hand, the cunressiooy made to tbe South by the North, tor tin nruioaed aurreoder ttfhor liberty and fbruM prosperity,' are but the reurution of a part and that a very "snwll pi .ftaa unjftsty uiicoiititituti.i.1, opprcaaiveiwl tyraiucal exatioiia of the tariir ut 182H : Aud, wheree further, we lee in aome oi tha public priiiivHiaV the friends f iheiiparessivein rtcuiarirue on tbe fluors of Curi(ivs, tint thia syntcni cannot be o olwiyxiotw u the people of the S.iuth SoiUheio KcprcaeutaliTf lwoit4;jtiiiie them beliove that it may iio fanner bo a a matter of duubt what Iho actual ta'te"tf oar TaIiuiralen tlilii subTeci'i ; ' " ;; ,Rjnold, That I bo ihlS-na.t couniies ii thutalo be rcfjucirfeJ o j.iu w ith 'us in culliii meetings of tlwHr enizens for th': purpose ot etjiresaing the t feelings vpon t;.i sulijcct, J . - - - Uk united ftfihrr ; Thai s!i.iM the pro- 'Q'fi'M -tf the l'oiv-.i-fiatea. not nufi burnjduciioa otttie lanli as my stem rfasoiiaWj and just, we prnpoc thai , - . TT X'lTloin tate cppoir.t time dcHiau to met in Conyentton ot R.d- 4'lrMopdMf in Sovuiul next. (orllirt purple of taLhjg tie mailer iuU cotiiuucralion..:,!... - '- - - ' - Kticlred further, Tint the Pole to tho FUte OuivwitiiMi ta beeoiiriitd on tbe injtant.'at Raleijh, be r'iiMHt.l todra.v tip a preamble an i reIiHivii ex prowi vuurfiui filn rtjIatimTto the Tarilf ol lti'tff Bnd the proposed- tariir to a!secfRjct ia 1SJ33U" " - Resulted further. That we do m cor. flialiy approve of the print ii-b-a'advocntcd by our &oBator,the lion. Wittta P. Mav. q t. iu bis late.sj!! ajjaiiwt tha pro. tct tire Fystern. , ' , ; u -thi t.'wlion, Ordered Ihiif tho Chairmna and f?oc rotarv sign the proceedings oftbi Mi'Pti;rrraud forward a copy to tha rlitr if the li-Htnolie Advocate and rcyut iu puhlica t ion i, ". ,..',.7'- ....... " ""A n 1 ou" tooTJimTITiFTwflin a'lTiunledi J.JjVU.UKn,ai'm. H'ui.IAlf PUDE, .V,,.W'. JktUaa and.Barb.ir JLcti: -i''. -j -' Vou'i'j. ... . . - i r. . I s "fc . ' nr. " " iti"T tue iiiiii- it i nn". !" a. Mourn. ,1 tl ' l Ct Jl 10 M llM I. I'ir : J ! (,t'iV 1 Ai', A Jl.' . I l I'm i.ir ja jli Jl i Jl I L' po Hi , ' I f I i a) ' ll Jll i -. ( 1 1 1 i; ui t J. l it 1 1 VVl v it ( It ii.':; i tslade Uj:p ....... .. r :. , - r .r f ii ; , I !. J, . I lot , t '. ,,r, a,, n. li ! rf Ui v. 1 ill UlluWiliMf re-..JJfeil. J 4. ti I Siy the chair f rc :.: i i r i n " , ili.f j i af Mr. l-'i.MiiS. tiHsi:iu'k, ; ti'J l y tl-9 tiiiannti.iiM vuce of; V'r ' Ti .t t i ' y i , . i v if tin- i . i in! .1 1 h i i i' ;!!v T t ( I I (I I ii v ll t - H t if!.". -fl r I i r r . ' mill. 1 4 I?. Ii 'If ivc-i u ' rnmtmi t l,...l I . . .. ,.1 . urui mi in ii mm uill II .A I. II Jiiw..r i.!m moan lo nrnr kmi thi Vote of thi- F.uta. i'e holipy) i,ii h.Hirxt Rii.l nnl.'.i iul that fn wT di inuc!i li bring tw" b4i It to litepriiKifiuoi ia.!iuiitoo ana J.U;r on. - - ' . ' Kt'tdhrtht. 'T)ifli we rree'ilr ap prove ol Ibe gtWo Convention, lo held in jiu.eh on Iho I9ih ,ntant, f t th rmrpowiif rcromtiii'iiirinj le the people a Priiiiilctit a.y Vita 1'itji.lent. ll'iryiii it iiie only eonivtiniMlfj'iif aiceaiioiBir I bo umw voice oi mo poopie, wb.cU is lb WrV 1 l I.. r ..I mm t ; , -.rw.n.uri-iT, j nui mroa lien'ratc be apiioudcJ to' attend miJ ai.u....l. Vi Kalcl;n. nh k pomtjte- initincti j to ipjiort lieu. .bBsw Jifk.,i r(1f Pre. Klot.1 lad r. Biwfra!. for 'k Pnwi. donl but ahmilj it apar Ihnl P. Baf btmr will imt M ahlo io taJa Iill":ir1a munh-rof lilactoml ypa ia carry blia into t!a Hcnate ay one of the hi?bi. thrn and ia that caae, jhoj jU alvajhiiirrip- purl tnaWiaom-aijMM lb-y-irrtr b bt?ye w aiM cwitribute most to eiir jkHiUi. ern Imeroat. , A . flcorW A'TAcr, Tliat we 8'ithor ur iirgnrw v k in concert Willi !:. kerl)ifewt rVwn hiath?torall)trirt lo make mc nf eoiae person to nm ele toT 6n1he"TTcll atSclnd Ty'tiioaKl coflvenltott al ff abjigli. . i ! HtJ)xdf tinker Ttiijt wo Jl.pprovc of Iho Baltimore Crinventlotj, anJ tio nut fuicercti believe that nO'jrood rnn rxi5i li!y roultruuj aikb lanctiopi (M nrj-'h barm nmy) ami we a .republicam iM -i owraelrea to, jmf forth all our ,trcnjtti m ojuMifilion to if. - . - KwlefdfurMer, That we llicvo th said convem'toii wg j ifii n ipjbr tlieet pre purpoaef upiortiiiJ' men & not menmrea.V-".'r -, t)a aiolirtft; i, V;n;.m, r. Sn.iili. wick and William T-lf z were" appointed nile4ntia'r1o attcad the Couveiitino at Uab'igHi' ; " -i v - ; ; ; , 0.motionrdpred llmt U ohnirmtn and ocrtlat,y'T,'ii the proccediDm of iM mactiii? snd fnard enpy in tho C'.tnr of tha BoAjroaa AdVucat ami rcquot its publication. ;, '; ? - ' On motion, the mMi"- ,f!rr!rtV i:-r- jo. Jr-,HU.IJ ite, LA':; -. W'tliMX utt, VcVtt. X y ... . -w f - r -'' :0;0.0:0:-ur ;v-. ; 'iTl JNWa.'ion. f )u' tt.e 4th 'Hw? be f ind Iho f-mccr-ihi ;3 of the 1. Convention As. cvrrv ore i'.. ait ,!.t uaj exported' Martui 3"aa Biircn'Lart.-ci-ivi'.i the Caltiinoio noini t.iii.ia -I'lcri l ii', there caa be no turpi ino or disnppoiiitnr'i;t and the mwiHoftw jll st.iiid jut a !t J;.! before. -Mn; Van Eurmi .cannot, in thi very nature of thittf, uitita tfm hot. partj'-tlie South will not auppnrt hi. u, t' i West wiil not -Tcuavlvau4a-w-i; -t and f Barbour ahouU 1 u iili li iwh, a 1 VatflKiremhMWil nVlhn Sf nato, 'bo H.'ll Ihj 'dcfr-nfi -if. " Vn tl.ii f.tVr Lm.t. if Imur ?!rmij rearh.lh1,'.! natcwu l,in i,.. witlr va ix, wliLtiirr wa. khull iirio t".. r.'uiin i-f Mr. Urlnair, hi,.' uli-nm ti c Preaiil'iil f our '.fioir or it!i;in.!,.o -.n prineij.! i ha wful .in,ia ,Vi wm!.! prob.i1i!y. be ih'li tilc-l, tv u Ai.r.ii ui' aid. iViiii-ipV, pi'ilii y, britci'." !, altdictaio to u 'hat wo hilJ suppoit a 9'ih.;ri n "Plifl niot pimiii2 fstt j if them;: : ..... CiHidiiij; is thn fl;:.i.-y 'lit!";ipt to f'u ,-,v u uifHHlli!ti ! siifi. oi,.rr l;ii.,i.;ij.i! i Dfsi'ii in l uien. Wfrot.n v ii t ai, appointed f .r ihe ii.rpH f .'Miii'..i'ifipr him f-u.d now to oii" i too io-i leiice ol voti.i;'4Tl f.r .Hubour! and V j fjr Johnm ! ! juit I imt tliy nnbt f"i v i in their n.lln'siim t.j tliD iiinriei.iu tha o. i muinootilt'TliC' Worl;y-g.''i!!.',iten w.Ii find il iiw.fl.-i.ii ry to 'pk anmo iimttuctioiiH from KiiKiorli'iult, In ;,ro iLey can woik ilio wu'ei willi any thinj like success. y, : v. ('-rJ- r-l r. ... The B,h with greiit 8!uie(y and nuf-.f llt;lc c riot if'j, w pMiiHciuiia of the ir!.'rf-i of the tSijrttt Caroiiun brunch of thin iii .iit; Our rcailerr, we tru-,t, will Mtitly it Villi care, and then lay it i;.,i,! unlit tin y i fUMJWKlt tllIIIIKflVfloi t'.P l'ir!f.;.... I, dff 1' to ihe Ntitrr t rite. TIii.no biiliiio brave wiil i! is.S :'u, coiiNtitata "a po'i'i'Ni! ' r:;;.!iy, V..,i v. .i.U a al.ull b'aru tint t!u; i ii.it :,!... i iuioiia -of Mr. Von T in ;i m.; i ,.,-:.A u all tiui- and pf-cisely adupted to the diveisif,i-, hi. trresN o t!i:s rri, f' !(" jrv. J r ., Ih" Ji'0 i'f v ii ';; iii) f.i.ov, Cut, ii'" ! r t' n 1 .,ii i, k h . 1 j k , i !, - ,.1 1 ,a I i i f i , i . - , i I III i' ) Out it f i ii'ii "i ' I tl - con ii , , , j t !I i t (I i i" Lri 'i r w '! h . ' - t' ' , ( - 'i ; - 'in I'f rii it ' ii i i, 1 1 ; !(' 1 ll 1 1 '4 . I V. i, 1 1 I 1 . i u r n", f " . lis t i ; i i i t .ii" 'r.i a id. i 4 i - .. VOL. Mil ..0 - ' . . 1 ' - i jr. 'Vr.V. r.M; li.'Lt hnvf iti ' . .i Intgrrvif. All :it.rit 4 a' a,i.l'pm'il . ik I Ui! t Ir rui . J V, i.j ;o win m i . i i ii, w lb pruUnU 'pJ i.t . ( "i. n I .riii V t4 ba road. Tbe t r --. all tr . i tt licinj ia every i !. "v 'iTUEBJLTJXoZi: At).VV.)i We dunii ado.ro tl.- - urn, .4"N jtj CiiHipw"!, fr I'lf ot v..o t.f i r ?, i 00 tbelVri. ia tltouof l"fr ; -.4 Vifat iV.iut ..;-Hl..K';H I v t-Irf be ndieiiuM I i 1 cji 1 , 1.1 r I.. 'a public si ti a.r.l. wkrse r;x i3 ,. ". are at Siakn. Wl n i i.i il. ir 1 i . they are liaU lo uiai.v i-!' i - . IT. jiyn toil Lneat poT 1 i.J.Ki kt lliey iorferail -t l'i'.if ; f ruiitiiwi iey act ;ru- 1.1 n i:,? of tlie rjrctke I 'riV . ' ; . ! popular . ii ' t t , r.u.ti ; . unpnr.c pb d p .f .1 at a . . i" ',. o 'a t! . I' I ." If. t'i' - i..i -r' i - ir- .1 ' " front Canrwr i t'- - ,-; :, Wf W''' rTTC't f) ill !: ' "I . f.r t!.o b. t f ti t. .: ... u'.ir ii.iliviilai i.t' ' t'i" i, z" ''i-'a n '. ; i - .; ; Lviivpiilum I it a . ; iT.Mnr ' fr t-." nfvf ' - ltrft and pn r ' 1 i, e . tveure any ct- 1 ' ' " ' ; or, e eo tt j-ro!!!." V s t ' I l a? (III i JU tl ;.""'H.I ; 4l ll.- ( i. tcr anJ eouJ.n t, nt !'. , r the nirmbeni which ft : r & I iwinii 'rir-r Trtvrr trv r t ! 'i' r f"-i t' : ' - " . rurii' "I o 'm , -ti !,i, f -i 1 1 i f f.i'v V nr. '! I - U.O t; ! r e. r, I.i ' :Nl I. and riH'tH "I"1 '.tti 1 t on, Mr. Vaa I'.aHww tm . ftiilifsnt bee t' n r wa ci'iii;. if J, i! . ! th y c upon a ffT"rF 1 -i ti ueutA, i-"l 4-;-t"d in rft,m!i' r fnw . it ; . . "r,ii J f r I.. ,rri 'l I I' rnr.l ! 1 1 i' m.J - ii. a U i Penn) Ivniii vi'IJh- r '- Poorde told t' ..t lU V I .: 1. 1 , r 1 1 - ' t . t . c tbo f iii.T r.:: ! lk- Si .". NVwfl!.. '! tlt. 1'." ill ul k .' h ,-. ' eiHbst be warm - luipnAti.K ..u, t,J i t'e r.vc'i . J '..: irfclrCiit a --'I I a' ' ; 1 1! ',l i..i : . b- v, t. I fi,r ?!r, V : ni'r- r t'" coal. .. .i lr f H ai of I""- . "i ' ! r d u.i ..(8 v t'e i j 1 1 i . r . J r r t.v r...- 1 r , -' I - 'J L t!,. r"' .t a ..i 1 1 I- '.; mm .: Malth pim:d i4- ii I '-.l. p;. I t t ! t M ' A. . . : y rv ' r i.u.ir? ' aihi'.t' ; '. .rif.le.i, it, nr;'nnu.i i, ii-1 a- fi-liucd ta f. I .Jl CTfCrt t . .,,: t'-1 c' ..!.'ii.: t i vi n. ,i i V. ! i I t V " K 1 1. . I IS- 1- ;fV ? Ti 1 "tLrt " ' sv i . ... I . . .. i"rf'll th" V-d i'.- nvit.-.t th. c ji I.I i At .1: 1 My !l ! I ' At l'U,.V,' 4 'o" a ' t " '