- Mo HIM Tfc'J ril. V.'r tV "i4" H""""" lr-..' I l.y Mrr- A '.' f 11 )'i1!ilr'-. , " ' 'f'mT. la ru.igl.KK.-.! f.r la ! h h , f ik' d m fi.leiMir Un'ii'.:,'ln Mr. !',,.. .M lU.V-) . Prch-wy. .w ,,.,, (, .urfrrttrrrwl by ' . ; r r.rdifl ptie -r the ny-ib J ; "Urt9trrnHhm etrcet" that fetW , ! Ol, with some fow of ibe votes gien by Li.n mi III fctwaJS fcirilf bill lf i v-Vri'-h he mm i Imili be said 1 Usw ef V" l!l .ifrflj.a ulior.5 Jj; will be par . ' , ' " t me d that we, on this vf asien.VsiJ"' give j i..tp.'.eof Ul, did irrtiyiiU permit, be almoet in-kniiiUly extended. I'.iH f f the itlucKifi nfib dary en lm. 'A 1, 4 ll Senate. Tk 2, U7, ta the efttim of fct mrnrkJ in reply i . .tiMr."Swm.of Font"! Carolina, , Mr. V, I . . JWM, thai a duty ef W I p" t , l had been impod byine State jf Ne. i. . .York; HI ooo of waft "employed y i iW to maks those narfgeble eoniiuuiika- t . finns betwega llt f real western UU and , ,jfct AtUart , t, . J . - AndewnHniiKwl that tb Cencral Ci-( WnnO'i wf'w to aid th8ul i , flhi jinr4ciii of lhciwJ' warlm' At the - very tiir) of onkitij lhi ooipUint hi . dci;iv4rt iim of 4M,00(r, ahnu- iJlr, frow Ui Juty oo ialisf it orli'in, . nrNMsipally by the coawjowr.' .Mr. Vi 0. " titrtlior mi4t , V " w 4: ' kwn that tl pric W nlt " JcjwruJ priiK-ipklly Bp"0 it ImiwfKirUti-rt hirh, fruio Oi tery nulur of 0 irticli1, Irnkei it cowt Try tih to th eowHjnuir nwr oTtlifoutitry. n-lorrvij in llt 5ilur from Veruoi.t f r rorrectfVNM of hi Ut! wot, llittl In that Stat the prka of will to th Co sumcr" hJ been rluci"f mrt than fi'ty ' ' Jr ecnU,iiK the ooniUition of tbfl New T'J6r' tirisU, and through thHfBvuh; TU gaiiif , ws the eite will til ibe cou0 try UxkWin;? mi hike Chnmplain, r on -like Crit f'"1' the Kiltie firilifr t, in- ; ' rtofiii' tbtaie)"if OBIflWirJ-' tfi -Mine s ; . ' flcct, though not to It great an extfof, ' ' 1 ia nrmlnrrd ! ninV nllirr Aarf fif lli t'nion. . Such ii now the caee :bul what l tfl 'nJiljoa of thing when the 'p. . . J5ia(e of OT.io km, ' to lu r l.ih hiinnr' un. n - ' - gfTinkn to fff-ct. hv hT on rwanff. and . vl.ick are rapiilfy progreiwng to the accom r!ihin"tit, are completed i vhf t ! ' -', f - t iiilHgee ? flow enji j ed iu 'fliTa reajieet iy f ..i" .riiiot, will , te cpiu'Doit ta raorf,ifot Lvy I1 W'wtem jmtil, tltere . i.. . .re, to the justice anreamlr of tlie Sen .1 . . ainj wittier tlrfi Cift that Now York had V i. "i"r urk) piriMMW4, and und-r twh eircmn- ' erfajire, itnpotied a duty mjkmi anlt, manu. , , --Ttictfir ia that 'talep wai jlist cuiwe ofi m,u.j .u. MMicniUwAnA... An iifhaM .m M.kl Ia maim m t . ' v tvJverw indueiKe Uwmlliej qnettion be. ' j. " . fere tli tieiiate. ' lie ahod whether, if. . f the FJTra flwernment btid rrfuwd - - t i -t. -i t . . t y iir mi -1 f niii;iii ikw ry ! 4 - ' icr LeiahOurt to coiipple thut Ftate id the T r..- Bijeotip . uec,iry.." i her roTemtiii- ' .ylbieBttfK 4ttdwjit-'hlto the e'ly ay "".,, 1 "ric.itiif iJv.lt. wlicli t"u!JJU ruardod . -.,4 4! kjcroj y tlifl wlnle Lniuiipn orccunt JiIteJlle J fireat tausw iawlitli it had We :i t fjeurred. lis requiuKul. tfonc,tiv.V rnnsiilcr " uLi'lKcr -aiirh It . rntirM tvmilit ' 'viin lliuf iiikf rrnrJ. Cr fli iniliviiltitl ' i'lt'-'tcst of the Siutw,omponn)r the con -..- .--f, (ivmrr1 which it wnt the Una ftoncV- of! - I'' r" nu uuvcrniDTui ai an iioiea iu !..! I!,. I .ii.iMr Imiuit lis. I Ln. " ,4'?.i-')U,i be but we anitwerto that quest inn. '-I . . ., T, so nr ir-i;n i:ira,m:ig aa arguincn.i in ja. i j - Vur f Ilia bii:, il Ihere- te reaeoa vV njipre . ,:-.iV3n-i- end tiwt. tfm menu under consideration rr-- i.t H Me!f nhitnlJ cons: t it on ohyictiori " ,C' 7Mr. V. B. 'n;.!, it VittlJ- tfre liiiu f r. fVasnra ti ktiv tiiat thre wai no ma a to 1 ' ho;ii lie'cb'ul.l, 'with great aafutfi make ' ff- i V-ftw irpca! i1 b half of tho m ngl.U of f fh fKtt'. he repreirtte-!, thait'tlia wor. M. ? ' thy S-'uatQr from Sotfffi Carofira. The vr?i' " "tHt I'''""' ienim-nti "which 'had ' -' Ji.i'(JiMir!diinjHi(i'ii:d llie public rotiree tiiirient gtiarantff-, thnt ht apprnl wxjtild, at lrart, nifct wit!, ilia rnfwt f4vomhecin. 'f'ratiin -Nor cmU ho dofjve him te'.f iit bulieving that the first and, hnty intpreifw whirh thie cirruimtanre had f r.Hlucod, wtm' !, n a ninmnit's refht tiutt. btV.Wii'vcJ, a J the dwdtul -, t j, jt, own proper nirrits., J ' j raid, ' enlarge tipnii t!ie topi Jlfl mi -lit, he tric which had l':cn urjed atist tlte bill, But. if the . presct.t jf rf-ii iy lepred etnte of the tieiiolfr .:.:! the oi!.er VeuHolbmlSfT afioae alreatty advaiK-eif, -were ijiX auTft . " w 'ttl'-ter gent!eitili from .Anther, ex - - ;t' ' Jri'-i!ita upi.(i the public revtimp, aoth---''. fir.'Hat he ewl jny, would produce thnt , iv. ; -x '&r!.s t. ' ' ' vF:b. 5, 1S27, Theniie!tion wn taken ,,V , tti!i-j.st tit ye: and nsy MrVan B : i-ii wiil Is t'mi a f.itirjg.agaVt U J ' f. " Tea Mewril , Beni-i t3ill, . Br jicn, Hr-.-H UwctUi;e(aHd'Hr ( ' r.it.ii, IMnarda, Ihrri-n, -llavne, Ki, . - J.iii;'!.t Macont.; McKinlw; Randlh,l !i V'"u .n, V.liiiryJ I. ' , nry 'Its Ti. Cajtin, .liuleican. Jiase, Chivton, - Di-kers(o, Ill.llLlV. II. iiiiii.iy, llciiilntkvi, llolmMi. Johnnvji. Ky., J..hns,.n, La., Kane, Mark, Nolle, Ki'-'v. U.il.hms P Sjrird, Scv. " in r, Tkou.rm, V i-I'linN 21, ' l -ir t', h h,i,i L.e p. isiti,)ij Jo rui'i ivi.j an e n, V(i i,x en tlw iu-M -eiit.ll nr'i, Ik i f roM..).,,.,)!. tc uill .-v..a.it wv-ie lm kc.viiiHM.tn of M. Van in nlalionjo the oC'mn policy of .. : Id J'ifrlS2T, there waaa tariT w, ti.-I held in A'h.i iy, at whit h he w,u prp ri't '' fnc) 'us tjeiH.h 01 that ore - f tn- hi'" ;i a ti " wrrtt wrtu ;; . . fi.Ticio' 41 shot tvj jteopje efth" iit I t e ev-r I pl-.f-ii'i a '-iv i, .n to lM.i U t I'.n fj i hi .ul!;il t. -li.'n Ufir it.i'Tf.i. ' h rouiii.. :irB hyerlfjllf J'J'liM'7 tl. d.(fi-j!r be n.coViK-rr I io e.i'ka ormjj to MliJy hiir.pl".f the prupae'y of hj jmrt ijmtin '''!" pnx eoJi"f ''f the nuftiiijf end atr a eh'Mt eiordium, is liirh h ! mn hat luucJ tKW vote wa Ukro to lay the tur.fi li.l or the preriowi 'iori ew jhe ta1U4 entere et mm o i.o Lieauljecl and in jcb' teii.led o eveM roleiuna f a Ue i-sn. pa li, idaratci th" uttra prntaajw rye Im thrmi-jhoi.t. He laid l t , Trery Jiwnr, whi tier j.i dotni:il wm in th Hal or. tie weat, ia the oorth er the aoutb, wUtd them (i. f. duuieelic inaQuiautaree.) eucrtW.Thry weif eJ ly evoovefej witl lie erdtare antf pnpt! iiy of the cwmtry, rendering Jebr produe. tat ctuAling. Itid diiUjiiinvj aeabh, eflnrd invhaneat, if wit lucrative emphiymeitf, rawi-j tip 'wfthio inuree tint aunm of Iraiej emk-tK-e, and of-eciing home markit lor the, pndu:tiJi of oar ajrfruJroro. At mu h they had beeu retrdoJ and atrad.ly enrootagfd ly thff Htute aod the nation almoHaiuce the undatioa of the fovern umtl.? .j,X ' :3. .... . , -i - fa regard-to It tjtla quettioa of protce. tion? there if, irf line State,' with the t- eepiiun illie portiiuof inhaliUnt of jr chuTty,eia Ulrtr ot avwre linnfU eitent, no divrraity of opiirnxu 'Hie puli fy of intending a fair and reannable pr tertion to the doiuentie inililHtry of the eounfry, through lugialatiVe ciia-timutf, ia, aiKl has Pr aiarry yeart Ipen, the ea tahliaWl axntiinent of tho Slit. I'jion lliiit KilyTt Jhe fKiUonmTwLtt Lad e eedod him, had, he aejd, made very wiui hlfl, and, wr the mo part; judicioua re. nirk( but Jiere, at leaf, they Hated to a by jrnie ((ueKtioru But a to the extent to which that prol-v-tuxi Might to go, and t lie v beat an-aiiaof anplyTnt it,-we IifC f amonjfaMiraolvei,ane ahmild prohttlly e.. tume to do ao at kaia; there were difP-r eot raterewe, or divemtiee or opinion iwaigut jiil'pon t.li j.neial aiihiect, the cutjmejt ol the Slate now ii, and Ions hat lfMi in aeeordanre with llie -act f the gwernment. Lr eaid he, to Kerrfriekv.. ; With Peanjvania,!ie ocrupied 'the front rank among th' protecting States. Her chi ton and reprenentativea have atood ahoul der t f hou!df j,, and cnended manfully whenever titer eoiilil be cful. Kvea Uipottj tka ail" Ua of meaim, there waa ant herrtoftre any 4t verity jf aentuncut la be foj-dJ Bmwg rtera.JT- - How changed the eccncl.That State ia now literally in a blaze ef coutrovemy upo thil jruhjectVl Al the last "Ksiuo, her reprewntation waa divuied opan the ueatiuo'taTiiierwiMffMni oill.''1lfeo, who bad an their live beei I he umjoviating ad rocate of prptpctieu, Lund aucb ioupera. ble ohjecti. ma to the bill at to eonatroin thera to Vote agaimrt it. The electiona are a luud, and a torrent -of crimination and recrimination Upm the-euhject n de-kiiy-the-Statov-Thoae W!w r" opfKwed arc accused'of irofiiig anit thr far men' till,' andtf 4rting lUir-princ'i. pre, At: Whilston the other hand, the ihjeet.ia cloaely Io)e! into, (he amount of capita invested in thte bdtinea in Ken tnckyi ami of the tine weof raised aacer talntd,"audihi pr-nt,-a.Hf. prormbly, the future advantagev oT theipwn State toe trasted with thoae .of New . England, the bill of the at aesjifoa ia coifed the apecil. Iktura . bill t and theyawtdertake U -abow, that the-objet of the bill waa to ptlmper tlut atready .overgrown wealth or tlie eai. tern irmnufcicturer, by heapinf late chitf ly Uo!i"th ponrer ck,' w hi Vear -the wer. ,oJleM.iJtlK)li.4kell iKfflfj prineiplcthey.diULt a, to tie bent iw.iik of Mipporting it, anj these, being embittered by pcrioiwl and political cVitc-ntioii,' are r luconiing" every day awl iiiTebiratr7lv' y - S -? Xhi euperor tvdvaniagej of New York fur tho porsuit of commerce are felt by ajl, ami alj point to hf m the great rim. mrrcial.e aiporiu w. i . tl)a-.Luiua.'.V Sue. is rapidly enffruasiaf the conimerce-'of the nation, and hef advancctnent w without a parrallcl in the world." Ha id the' time had been wheu there a'e jftufurtui.atcly a ort of rivatry botween the city and chju try, which beget jealousies injurious to both ; but ho thauked God that thotw aa. KiV h'oring? "had gifen'phice 1 t)f hert ttf a tetter ' and higher erinracter. their citizen of the State, wherever iiiuiitcdi fglt, protid,' and justjy tyo, of the pre-emi. the Jstute, auu to increase its fame. But whj- didhbsptiVofthe tfi'ty of Xjbw Y6rk; it commercial advantages and Consequent iH.'ncfita aloiw-C Nelh,iily.. yrere. hcTTad. yuuta gee reflected back npott;lher. State,' hut 'innumerable otlror places po-iessed fliea-a aLb, aa-I proapireJ under their, bea iga intluence. ; lie acd the meeting 'to cast tlieir eyca for a tnonient on the , map yf the State, to trace tjie ilvmmhinir citum and villages .which crowded the baiiki ef tho IludMin from its source to its Conner ioir .with tho 'ocean to those on the Mo hawk oud lakes ; to rest their attention for a thoinct ... NewljughPooukwp!litf; Catisktll, Alliany",, Troy, .I'tiear AuiHirn, Geneva, Roche-tor, bii'Iafoi 4"C. dtc. "and answer him whether greaters projierity had been witnetflod. by our olJc-1 inhjibi tunts, than was to be aetMt at tho present dayr-Cast your rps,'aiJ" he, Wr'thU guud .cityj look hiio veiy.-coriif r irf it, and li t any nmn, if lie can.e.ill to mind the period .'whei Le kniw,.or had heard, tlwt it had Any thijj like such prosperity. Go, anid he, into Ike Country biok at ev. ery village and eei ry faun, and auy whelk er the inarch of iui'noveiiieut wm any v t ri arrt'te 1. . j . , "Hi k:iew that tho wool prowew- liad iii'i' time win, a uvxi mnrki t -iaifvTtfttit Tpsl,' f.'g'in fead UatKlf tT I, . .1.1 t;irn Hill lUt.t i n hand. It knf. H't tli fiirm'fi Ii .11 n. il i,liln.ed L"M-I pfK-fS v r un I pr-t- iui, auo n cfxi'.i - . II. .1 i Hi.!-' IIimI ' .1 I.) iwilrt ho..!d not U any f..ull "'-y v kot vbtained but it t noverthulca Uf, .hat the atteutive' oWttr cwild Wita?-e every where thrwighoul the Htate the au.lWvofprwperitf d plenty. II tin, te ked, ior"."' im"g"","iB-, er-ie it rtltty rraUr)ing, eooaouo-s, ckeermg ml.ty. . 1U put it e tae aowi. edge aii iibemtioa ol every man..uo htard him, whrthcr there Wa tuyituing morecertnin thao there is ne tpf on God earth rrnre pnpen.us and happy taaq (hi rotate ftf Nw Yurkl If there ws a dd. za of the 5tate who doukd it. k-f hi a travel, an4 he will be convinced of his er ror; and if he ean deiir V wilnv- pto tnrcjjftS.erene, H hrtn pantfirough l7otJihern Etaiea, .dVhkh mgi bhae here beeo said end if he Jid H?t r?tU01 eaiiAed with the superior proeperity - of hie owe flute, he, Mr. B., would acknowl edge his iutupachy to jadge ia thu. mil ter. .' ' He owe.1 many thanks Ij the meetim; (uf the very kind aMoQf'iotM with which he had been lintenod tr by eentlemen, be. twi many of whom and himselC there had, vprnt reiMie mattery beea airtrtMice of opinion of loif itandin. Ilia aifuatiou in r'Tereuce to t.io won) jrrowiug interert wae welfkoowo to DKwt d them. II had, at present, invoMtiid more than 120,000 in sheep, and larms devoted, and which ho meant to devote, to lh.it bu'iuexa. 4,. - .'.i Such wa the langnse of Mr.' van ftiire 0. lie bore witnta to projieritr of New-Ynrk.-and ahw to the reveree of tie- efaithem lecture.' Yet aw did lie act" He had 470,OiK) invented m trowing wool How did lie vot f II wat dtetjuctly un derstood that uiilee the bilk wkich, bad paaaed tha House caJi-le amBdod 4 as to give an jncrraae of Ibe duty on arlKjo inaiiufielured if wncl, e.piat to the duty imrKxaid upon iV"0l, it 'vaild bavelieen re- ecleo by th vi' ol ri ,v '-"S1""" .. i k.i i?..- r. auiB'ors, (o na1"!"" ,.,,ijuik,,v,w.f"j Mr. Van Buren ..fd for the pmponiH-m ilCreaain the vfutiea upon woollen goods. We pive a few of the questions on the UriiTof 182fl, with .Vr. V. votcaXl.lt ie now n'niverMally adiniitrd, thnt thn most odimi featiirre in ih nreacnt tariff, are minimum eatablilied by il. The three firt eueHin ahow what they are, and hw Mr. V. B. voted no them. On the q'Ktin ti a?roe to the fourth amendment in I ha tJLwing worda : . "Section 3, line IS, afler ,yird7jriKl out the words, lhr shall be levfed,Col lcted ind paid, twenty cents on every square yard,' and iuaert, ! ahall be deemed i . . ... . . .. .. ....... to have coal .hfly ceau Jhe aquare .yard, and be charged thereon with a dutv ol forty per centum ad valorem, until the thirtieth day ef Juno eighteen hundred and twenty -nina, and. from .thaUirne, a dutv of forty-five per centum ad valo,nem." It wai detei mined In tha aJnriaatiV-e, yeaa 24,. nays 22.;. - . :L .mtYUL Eurenjotuig waniui yos On the quention t agree to thaHiT amendment, in Ihefillowing wards : . "Action line W,aiuir;ywtfjtriU ont the word, lliere hall be levied, col fctediod- patd, a duty of forty-centa n every square yan, and in!rt, shall be deemed Jo hare coat one dollar (lie square yard, nd be charged tISereon with a duty of Hal t per cciUiim a3 talnrem, tmlil Uie thirtieth June, eigraeen .hundred and twefltr mnej and frnm thar time,-1 duty of lorty-five per centum- ad yalorem.-- ll wnsdeteri"vned in the allirraafive j ycastfrDdvrta.-..." T- vr- ."-Mflan ciiren voting wna tnoyeas. - i4he- et-v' agrees the eixth ameiulnwntr4n the.f.JlqiTbtf words Sectioff?, line 65, after yard,' strike out the words f there, shall be levied, eol. Uwfet. and naid. a duly of ene d.dlsr on . 1 no in."'--' evetr l"are yard,' and insert 's shall-teBecas 4t, jrould beunpopuiar.i. New .' . . I I. y. I Vv.vlr i An ma I ft. ,--.a..ll 1.-.. ileemea to nave cost two aounrs ana nuy cents the square yard, and M charged with a dutv t hereon of f irtv ncr cerium ad .j-aJorgmi. until the thirtieth day Df June, eighteen Tiondrod and twentjr-nme.ind froar that time a duty o forty-nva per eentiin tad vaioiceW'v - r f " ' i It was determined in the affirmative ; veae X4, navs a. 1 c : ,r Sir. Van tturen young wun tneyeas. On the question to agree to the seventh ameBdmcflitt iMWfcikiujf .of di il: Stclion 2; line 44, at Ute end thereof insert, until, the thirtieth day or June, cishteen' hundred and ' twenty .nine, and cruiuiiv uu lanHcnHc't v i . It was drtteriiiined In the normative; , Jlr. Yan Buren votini with tha y'aas. v xQn the qtnatiottt4 arc to-Hie eighth amHlmentjivttwjMiewing woc.i t- insert,nntil the thirtieth" my - ot June, eighteen htmdreJ and Iwentyune, and from, that time a duly of fifty per centum ad -vaiawp.-.. It wai determined in the aJfirmatiTe f yeas 24, nays 29. . w l.-'fi'v. r Mr Van Bureh et!og, with On the question te agree t the math trtiffiiidinetit tetbt fiitlowmx votitif - :p Section 5?, line 01, at the end thereof insert, 'and on woollen blankets afier fha- thirtieth day jof June," eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, forty per centum ad va lorem. f U ' : : Tie Sonfs 1 beina equilly divided ; yeas 23,naysl3,'' The Vice- Tiesident detonmned tlie question in the negative I Mr. Van Buren young wita tue yeas. , ; Va the q'tio.Mi-m to ajree to the tenth amendment ill the Pillowing words 1 ''5eeiiiin t, line 01, at the end thereof mrt, 'mi clot Itim reaJv nuule, fifty per ce!ttiiij si viii ren. ll Was lrttniaiinei! in iV.a'Bi-miiTire 7JtU?5tjays8-:- ' r !r. Van Puree vwtsn wil.'i the j .11 l)j i i. l. tV lr. ( 1. . . 1 l- ni.i' l),e f. '1 "' li "f the biit, ly U gr!u.il w,pn tra ulthe d..lr en auli. , i wt Jr!orminai;llhei)',ptivei yc in. 2 1 ""V . 0,1 motion by Mr, I)K:kern, farther mend. the bill by iiwertlng aj the end of the t e.llnwin line ef tue seataal mcIiuo, tl.e let-r --"And on oo!1co blanketa, ifter' the 30th day of lone, I WSJ, forty pfr cet.lu.a al vs'prein." - The rVuate being equally dividsd; yei J3,iiavi 28. " The' Vr President : drtermined the naewtiun in the negative Mr. Van Purcn voting wiA the yeas and - 0-1 the queMKW of ordering tlt till t a tbr).J?-int 'tt..w.iirf',,4. - lit. Van Curcn voting with llnyeas. ,. shOiO.O;Om 4 Xjjuiimeni eA Tariff-ThelAlbany Argus prates upon- tho suhjeel of adjtwling the tarnT. and denmuioes thoaewhuarl opKed Mr. McLene'e project, as wan ling in patrwtin. Th' tune has gone by when the people ef any section will permit Mr. Mcluiie, "or any one clae, tu think forlhemon this tuhjocU The a.1, vocatee of free trade tictieve that th-i tin A acts a tfi oppreive tat upon their indu try ; that it U unconstitutional j snd that it is.their duty to inirt 00 its repeal. More ; they are resolved not to submit. The Arjus admits lAat the duties levied by lie UruTare a lai upon the induftry of the cHMtry 1 an I iiuiU that Mr. ilc. Lane's bill abotild b: npprwed snd adop ted, betau) it redueee tho taves. On the other Lanl'tlie'oT.j,cnoii' to it Is, that it doee not go far en mh. If it should be adiited becaue it reduces ihi Mjii s, it is sufficient olyecli.m to it that it does not go far enough. I fit ahptild be adop ted because it redurri the ti1e7itUiuf Hcieiit objection to ft tlmt it ikais not re. (luce the taxes down to the revenue point. j We object to it because It propoeee to levy 'and Collect more taxes than are wanted for the - tue of- f overnmcat. Une would mippoee that to thone who recommend the bill because it reduces the taxes, it should he a suAcient obj ction to show, that it proposes to levy and collect ten -millim beyond the wants of the government. Vet, rich bcinjj the fact, the Argiw, which re commends the bill upon the ground of a reduction of the late, denounces as ultra, abd e bargee political and corrupj mottvrv to thone, who 1nx1.1t that the bill goes net go frr.eiwnigh.becausejtkavee aurpju rev mue of ten millions. . . Tue Argue concedes the ground of the areument, and yet donounccs thoe who insist mvm carrrinr out its prtnciplee. If 1 il ie well to repeat tair - miUkme of taxee, surely it ie better to rejieal fourteen mill ions 1 and. if the A.rgul claims credit for a bill which proposes to repeal four mill ions, surely we should not be condemned when we insist upon a repeal of fourteen, especially when we show thnt the Treas ury doeenot reqeire that any of these tax es shall T'he impowed.;: 80 much for the c5tri cf jj, . .!,t.1?e, easy to Tee t&at I no Argus is apprehensive of the e fleet which an ad mission that the friends of Mr. Tan Buren are 'yHirnTe"'reduce.'U).e dulics en Vwl and salt," will have on the political calcula tions of Mr. Van Buren and hil party. The people of New York are inttrttttd in keeping tip the duties on wool and upon salt, and - therefore it is wrong to urge lhcUr f frfaclinni ' . j .'':.1":z-.-jr? -v. If the A reus advocates their repeal, then will Mr Van Buren lose Ibe voles of the iwple, end the Argus and tha figged: icy lose theif poiitkal asceodency. Or in oilier worui aitlmtrgh the Argus is inla vor ofajipeal of a part of the taxes, it andlheDartv cannot afford (o advocate a repeal of the taxes upon wool or upon salt, York to do so ! . Or, to reduce the matter to" plain English,, the people are required to pay ten millions of useless tait$, that Martin Van Buren and the Ar'Hi may reap the spocd'yictoTy'? 'To this we can only ay, that tre cava afford if. It will not be done. Tlie system ia broke, and Mr. Van Burea with it TA frw cauHt of Ugh wages in this cava- v-C'-f X'f vtv- "e "-.'"T " -The ;;matinWtirefWay.-'Wi-t: ties 00 foreign- commoditiea are reduced, they cannot carry on their trades. If yOu wage axft tnaiuan. 1 w w wifl oniy rer son that can be assigned t for, it is' very Hranilbst, that, if no- wagei were to be pmd, goods could, made as cheap in this country as in Vny ojtherV.5.:.f iXJ . Now, if wages would be toe high to en trades, could this ane from any,other possible cause than; that laborers could find employment in some other pursuit ? Iftbey could not do this, tliey would eon. tinue at their old trades, rather t!n starve; and, lhereforet .when the manufacture sjy.ibnt wages would be too high," it whol ly contradicts tKe assertions of the politi cal arithmeticians that people would! itc4 be able to find employment." f-" The truth is, that, in the United States, where there a thousand mllTions of acres of vacant land far sale at a dollar and guartcr an acre, wagea, far caiituries to come, cannot fje. as low as in those old countries where all the lands are occupied or held at a high price. The worst pos3i ble thing that can befal a man, in this blessed !.l.andc js,ihaUie adilt have to ?o and jive ia the country. If he has f.tly dollars, he can buy $ tract f land of forty seres, with an undisputed title; anil, by inJustry, sohriety,Tind economy, can, in a ff w year, render himself, as hundreds ol tH'iwnds have already done in the West, f-r a i i t.'. . l' i I-. . Ii I 1 ,t !.Lt lu . '., h- I 4.1 I.' I i" ! riK his hvin-;, by n V il. h, tii"' " nil turon-'h the Wr.Hrii coiMiiy; 'i I l.o It prudent, he f 1n.1t f.-I, 1 1 a f vear 10 save en'SiU H buy a t it Ol LihI. ' Knowinj this to le a far I, when. ever we bear of the ' fnlsmity that )e pre dieted ia relation Jo. tUoea who r)' N dMMMwmd front- f vry-w canny 4ndp thinking wha a dreadiul r s'linitV it H f 'f a man to be converted "from a slgve Co a freeman, from a eahaod depen'ii-id drudge, who Is obliged to eoto the tick1'! of lm emjiloyer, te , a hea rty aaucy I ree holderr lv asks, ne mio how he alafl vote, and w ho ia beholden to aft man but himself foe hia daily bread! . Han. Con, Allleugh thefiii of lh Carel'Tietl tins' neither iw-d; nor 'fecrifed'a; Iltgtflnmtiic'i-llrff 1C.;titi; share of the loaves and fihesof the (Sen. eral- (.overarnont, it cantwif but be grate M to her flriigs to observe that the" tab en 1 1 and patriotism of amno, of her. emit are known and appreciated alroad. , ri te rt in the I'mli-d btatee' Telegraph and Cliarleston teirier have recent lj placed (lie name of William CuttM, lU.'lcfoir thepuhlie as a suiiuUa, camlidale for Ihu Vice Presi.kncy, and portrayed lit flat tar ing language hi qnaliticiilioiKi fir tliat.oq any otner oinee wuntn tlie gilt 01 trio pcoi pie 1 and sve iWrve that a writer ia the last Petersburg Meicngor has recommen ded for that ollice, in terms no less compli mentary, the Hon.. George E. Bmlgtr, Ral. Slur,'' Xtcltrnbuf Dtcliiratiofi'tflultpth. denec.u there were any further evj deeee weivtieg to estaWjsrfthe ntcT'rt-irJtmKlSaTre the j,ron J..., he the people of Mecklenbu rg county, in this Nate, were I no first to make a declaration 6f InilMinili'nce, the following-extract from the uroclamatiiHi of the Royal Gov troox of the then Colony f North Cardi tin, who bad tied from his government and taken refuse on board one of the King's ships, would be conclusive. It js copied from " The RemembraiK,o,n. vol. t, ,'p, iw!), puhlithed by J. Almon, Imdon, 177. Extract rioltl'a ProcraTi(i(Hm"lrJoiTaH Martin, Royal-Governor of Nortt Car olina, dated, " on lioard of his ."ajqi ty'iship Cruizer, in Cape Fear river, this nth dsy of August, anno domiui, 1775.' " And whereas, I nave also Been a most infamous publication in theC'tpo .Fuar Mercury, importing to. bo 1 set of Re. sohres of a set of I'enple, styling them. selves a t emmittce for Jhe county of Mecilonburg, moat traiuouslv .declaring the entire drssolution of the Laws, Gov. ernment, aud Constitution of this country, and setting op a system of rule and regu lation, repugnant to the laws, and subi er uve ol his Majesty's fJoveruihciit." (r7 During the troubles that succeed, edtho passage of the Alien and Sedition Laws, (here wore maoy intelligent writers who labored in the public Journals to ex. plain tha character of the Coaptation, gnd toVnlihtca Ui P.pio Upon the subject uf their invaded tUu? ? tlorttntiu" "Franklin M CWiiie.abdlinatiy o'th ere who would do honor to any age, step. pea lortu to arrest, by tneir powerful ap- peals, the. current ol Federal omirpationa. And at a subsequent period,' whea the pub. lie mind waa excited by the decisions of the Pupreina Court, in, the. eases of Mc Culioch again 4he State of Maryland, and the jt'ohens agnin.-it X'-rij. . wasa ofiajent was agaia brought wLitt the newspapers whtMe retietlnee sway put- to night the technicalities of -Law and the snphlHtrica of mifju'dguijj." iwsaypi Cut avowed by the same trifMniat tn Mhe ' case of Wurccstoraios! the iState ol Geor giaend when the Constitution is attack ed by rerrjr department of the Federal Government, we scarcely see a solitary article front the pen! of Plrinioni upon these important topics.' Is it thai the ta knits of the State have diminished, or that tliev. h&y'S'beenJiUshed into ailcnCe by the powvr or the patrouage of the Federal the affirmation of either. Though Pendleton, and - Wythe, and ' Thompson, aud Roane, and Giles, and Taylor, are no more, still have we many who would not sink in a comparison with them. .But they are silent. . We cannot call upon them by name, but we would speak to ont and a; way is hay wha tDA IfafmaJ 1709, in the ancient metropolis of the State, made gray haired, men to wondor at the hold ftght'-M!tesy 417-11 -ha aikal: jielJb.th4f:ir(wlrtrjr. of man4 1 lews liindling theme than the 1njgfih'of SMAr'Andtiang they taot open a hair T Will he remain sHent while Pprf is not nnly-forgettin'r,' '''burtraYnpl- ins upon Right t r We would hope not-J pt&IJtfaheUj'ju:gacii rule me Qrut tntemtt qrt- buL.we .solemnly,, be lieve that unless there be la decided and powerfal eiToM to prevent it, the liberties of the eewitry will ,be- Iost "The erisis demands the best exertions of the best nranrand .f ? ' i (f' -; A i One1lat front his inspiring horn, . J swortliAthousand peXi f.u;'':gt 'Reform J?i?f.M)nthe Tth of Ms?, iTSefttt i6T1nhirhot,aflabJ,iii which- oner, Reform Bill came up on its second read-1 ing in the House or boras, when a motion for postponing the consideration of the clause under consideration, whichif. ad opted, WM considered,, by Earl Grya nearly fatat o.the bilj,wasjcarried, hyia vote of 151 to IQ. To overcome' this majority, would require tho creation of a list of Peers, i-. v-- e-. A QncirionCatinot the people of the We'sterniountrv prcewe':--tUtMhT-..F-- Tde-PaWf?;?uVifi?n Westt D". theyjlut perceive tliat 'whilst '"i- I "I . I the whole efTiris of theTariff Party are ilire;hd to fwecf ea;aio4-toa.tie if t :r, V '-I ''-' r !' IV BT, II- l- 't 1 rc-.p. Ur tit -if r:n:i iliate v , ' hilt tin) IV-" Tni'le h.fiy wi lv bpoad, I.U i J, and ir ma) V . lioii .tfmiint d iii lfji opinion v ' jreatcrthe iVcv.l iin of industry inotlttil tie brt..!. r inn-t be t'i tltafpiticss onioyed by the Anif-ri' ily. - , Jfninivt CqhA'iA , , w , , X; , -, .r-, At the ilmner whicli wuk rwccuilj . toon? dialinuiiil "tjoimfrynita Wj ton Irving, after the remnvul of lit" fcllewU4o(f -war givn tMr illustrious y.'ji,it,,tl,rjcei liia sittittwA litjftfl , Jt (it -""" Mr.'Jiviwtf wai greatly igitatw U warm r hertr Willi iniwli he ni Imll,! lie .b5e.rvidwtbat !.e believed most t hearer were aninuhte f hi Mat. w unuied lopiiWic eiiijakii2t tail lie-h lie sfautiii 1 in llw feelioas of human nati), if ha was not roused ih - jt n i t edr, 1y ;fh present ,eiMi. Allcr; renowej Cb-erii)r He Woceediid in, as hearly 'as ean Wre0."; ColpH:te.lt the fullnwing 'words i " J hid oiytelC, afier long absence of sevt nt.H ti years, surrounded by the Jriends" of iny yduth, by those wfiohi'i in m.earlv day, I 'wb accn.tloidud lo I00E tip to with vene ration j by .e'hera whom, thiajgh persoruil." ly now to me, l recognize "nsjhfl sons "cd (lie patrmrchs nf my natfvjs city The manner m which J hi.ve been received 1j uappicsi moment i my lite. 1 wfwt . - - . . . has renilored 'it more prjieitant is. thil I had been led, at tunes, te d nihf rnv tntU ' tng in the aHUcuens'of my 'counti vnien--Burnnirsandrtggsti''s "ftlid-TJacloiI ' here'jlr. I. betraye.1 mh,rnx.ti'n)'that . aleence had imnarred thnrCkihd ,ar.a' thaOhey enlisidered nie'alieiiat d jn heart from myCoUiiiry.".-Gentleirien, Jtwa'fdo proud to vindicate mvself from s3ci a, charge nor should have alluded to m at thil tjnw', if fire ytM iuVTiYioiiVie re-, ' ecption I have met with on afl W since aty landing, and theswwpoirerih'T' friti- -monial ot egard hereaTjred me; had n proiwd that my tniHgivings wre greedy, less. (Cheers and, clapping there j f.'r, , ' runted the speaker for jl fow mu',a4..a.'A isvercexlaiidyi-did a snaiitMnrn If - hv native plaae after so Jon-, on ab-nra"ua." " ' der happier i'spicee. Oa'my ai'f -j.' cliangee U uc( bu tliey ate the dwuies) . o rapid impaovrmrjsf'-aad gTOH'i.T pros perity ievea thg a aj.ttenanees of nv.old associates an l.t iwusujaii; have append tqfi tdJir4 by H JaiHeW. Z years, hmlgji perhaps, it was the gtnr of ancient frC'uilshi and bearVelt wsfcome ' ' burning from tl J thnt preveajod me fr-na . Iseeini the nxaars uf time. X X. . Af to mviaura-cirv. tronf tho time I approactao thVcoUitf Tod imlieetimHSs of , It?. 'W&gMWUyiA-, MC raraav,', descried Jhc land, wheo.j' thousand il , . et alldescriptinna jnlenni.r' alon (Hi tor j fzon, and all standing to or fnau onu point, n- laKnarut rKlit wa B.,.tn1',it.-;.l,.,.l... I .. ' r. . .iw w . v .14- ir OO. U'lV.J of a vast cnmniereial empvriiimAs I saibxl np oufaettfttr brr "wtth frhcait iwellin tithold Ttcxillec'liondand dvliiht. fill ass'teiatiena, I wai aslonislied, to its once wildjeafxiits brihtem'njt;il t (7pu- kws villageeand -rbhrpifcV,Tin"li Trrnr"; inj city extandine itaedf -sfr'-shrr.rhts-1 - lludktliajsflred with gren((eji U'ijd- ingr probably to Brooklyn and Gj-tjtui. uut now snail, l. describe rny e..nns, htArof elty ;rWii ' mrte"itjsnVry aoinnin, etretchm; 7", ;wtyfeasreitWhetf glorlouaHwhuie liglitin-u( the uliea. -and domes, (jme funiHar to memory,it!i ersnevs sn l U:ikmn, and Wamin u;ia fibrc.H'of;haiit4 ofrcry nation, t ii i l. . injjt " fa' m thqcyn cduid f each. " 1 1 . gtjzedl with admiratiou bfion matiy a fnx fair city and Itately harldr, hut - my -. f . muationPwaa cold tn-l," inoffcctu'B7' was" a stranrand had'nonrope,rtvia - heeoil.-:-; lleroi- howewrnr hearttVrV- bed with prfde and. joy a i .'adunreJ I. had a birthright jn the brilliafit scece be. . tore" me : ? ', . V. ', y'-' . " Thi ft mp ovn jny mtuf ltnd.K rl "," Mr. IrvinJ was here jiitorrnptej by im- -mense-applaoser-Whea thetihejriu"' hid sulrwidodf he wont on ks follow ;-' It has. been 1 astied, 1 "Can I be content o I ii'o ja ; . thil eou'ntry ,Whcveasksf "tTiaf'tiej-" X tion must haya hut an inadequate" idea of ii o.essmgsunu ueiinnis, riiaiscniKj )uiriBf puily come from countries lowerln with' douhl L ' . . ... - . ana aanger, wiiere the riobinuij iryniwo s -and the poof man1 trownwhere1 all :re t come foom l'9eylb a cvsunfrywherVa'l 'r is hfo and aniriiation whefe'l lieir ebi ; evervside the loiihd of exultafiob f where 1 every ne speaks of the pait with triumph, the present with delight, 'tho future, witii ; growing, and 'tonfideitt anticipalionv . thisnot aTcoinm " one may""" rejcii Jive, ji-tliitipot 4' city ijr f which one tvaayJtt''pnadto.'be received of enjoyments have. 1iy. rroneiht W l(i tef I comefrbm csmle1ctiga'eiJtTo'it' briHiant sunshine and In-'iirm'i nuityI I ' may b happy to fix his destiny,, and em- - bitidoif io8mle7.WfvJuii3 a. nnnoT hurst of applause, wbo!iMr-.lrviii$ quick- ly resumed I; f as asked- how bang I - -mean to jrenam sWwfTriey. know bntV little of my hait or by feelings who can.- , ask tnethitqunstinc I answerf as lonj t, as ' 1. liyeT The' root now. runa wito bravos, haadkorchit f were waved 00 ". ery iiide, three3rheers', B'jniii arid again,. ana ptanoit upon ptauqii ioiiowin m i - .J ..V" V f BT i Ii . i ' . ..l..,lwt T toast with which MrIrvirtff concI'i'l', eiul-J be heard.. " lj wfl aslollows" O.if. City ilsy God cjiUmis ti ff atcr, iV ; J . - ' -ipr-..-. J

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