.7,w'i r"sT Vr- r-r-' ..'.y ; ' f ''.. , ' ' 'O. ;. ' O .::!y:.;;.( . J' ' '(! WIS t a!il i- trorn laws, wbii.1i howefxr Vie jm J good N i!,(n.l. hava ih mMr.r ..fl,...,....!:... The -ihifji of whifb Cnd'no rei-pnst in the heart ol t he c.t.wn, and wbitk will be evaded iih !,liU remorse. "- " . ' . " .. fir, I 'kuniiiitf. - -gi.li je a mtjcii'Jy e.-.-n iu framing la we m emm-U-nro, , . , r M 4 HU y W,' 1 ; - , r. lU'f'U . ' 1 , V. , y7T 7 , " "" 5 "MM1 ;' - I, " ' a ' - ' awsaBBtaeai BWassTaaawBTeeejajD-Bti MaMMnMiMa (VOL., AllL:....NO;r.bJ. -1 -' -... i ,-,., . r7. : : : 1 1 i i . - , 3m VMm(.S.tiAR0iltVUX it wibUtktd uner amok ul Tiea I) Ma ft .... -l-'4i!'aCrfi J Ctrt mmnlV f 'n , . . lc tJittHhmsJ -tmil nil arrtaraftt urt - F'tntiti it lit rJilir'k dZwiAan., nethtrtont'yar, , , , V fitriltertlo ths CrMiuant WAuff. itrMH P'lni r rru'n, . . ' AuvurriHiiij; at (do ustrnl ratniu. , ,v " J " " All lrltfr$ t aJJrrufi! lit the rl,'Lr '' mud be pott'iuid or jhey killnii te U. t ... i.ji. i . . . tr TJtfw'tcnni will bo africt!. J. -J u, , ; ',' . - i ' ' ' . " . - Crtw,rt.Hi,'wtidi a'wmtlrd in C!ti city rulifirttian to ay (, dirt frieiiJa oUiftit cars, w.il litiJ mud q cheer gnd enCourt go ibeiti tit tbt charnclertoaii proceed rxiiuiwxi,' iciat a-mora Vrfy nfmen, a ia fjluut, iwaiv' Af"iitlinf nf uf i.cait a Urea imnihcr .4 I . r-Ovation totht f,i,t j rv .-..r iir'iii- it:. ::. j J... l - - r ni iur vnirv alia wacmrw auacn! Cluri. of olibtrtoi., never eharwtariz I hriHiona aivj. a.Urwia ol the vmriiinj y wiu .iica aiianco .1119 w fmiK id r liHFe IliBtjf wu E up hy 'Uba dmaiTtaU JurkKon raan, with a aorrrt de- i ' ' A rj prrinn procttrin tli hfnfnt ttb- f. lt'iis, ii Wiv Jkfl" Mi IW.od that! IV'f U,.f mti j mriAi sHt .j .f.... Knncth Bay nor, of Hertford. . j, j A jaiaaa m.tt i -ia m n ra i ina bum. iMjiimm , U Cttof In'wfitinjMr. Cklhoono MMra. AJariKl Hiirgrant," : hrywrtl ihow an itoSftUwu .aijoiiwH m' regard for Ganar al Jickwifi, ana fixad mtrMe to umtD in i "t - for .W1i i,i - U...t those: eahou)I treBiblt Pr tue GcncrnJ a auc?l r in inia &WU. ami no wuut all his real rH'- ie.ylc ifr, the Noitlodubitable evidence -ll.-..: tl2 ! rftt t- .t- jua a targq mnjociy oi uie pwpie oi .orui Cardwa : wiiKimrport JudBv; Harbour, re rwrtnin npTSI "ui difiTy, frpm alniosf eve- ryqimTtei, But, Ii ourselves, and in !-- behnlof tbo-booest and iodopeiKkHit yetw manry of the country-, tee indignnnHy're. ' IMt roaniBUvre It emUrant t!w Admini a 'i4ttnn ailafnjhtitV thp- intertstsf tfM K vaiHoun. itHfl not Mc Ualhoun openly jdeoianxt thnf lid unul.t nnt narn.it'" liu .ucciarua umi tie wouni ooi narnui " ln.s Same tu be brHihtf rward, were the prMpecl of bl bH.-tWfrtaio )' And 'ia ,. Dot ibis fact, of iiwil, sufficient te nuil lite . eaJatitny lo the couiiter t We have bo ul terio?. oDjettiTto accomplish -not!iin to jconcea!,' and havn, tl "tore, (ipculy ' ewed all the roan t,ftt gweni u. - We ere for General Jacliami for Iho Tres- rMeatyZ aJjd"wjB It JiinciTy ' undertKd f thnt-viitllbnarrtrtrrt himtQ faeor the " frefenttons nfang man. We- are ITr Phillip I. JJarbour, (who was appointed a Judge of t!ie ly uited State' Courts by ..lien- Jackson ! aeciviiie lie hold thft dm rTWitulfon: sacred, and strenuously contends -hat the trovnmmetit ought lo follow strict- 77l by ehle U, treasure a4 ilo, V waaestaWished mr will we forsake 4tiii to giv(' place to any inJivi4uul who mnM trnn-nemt the ttrtjit "oFtTio"niiF"an'J "tll dgttned lami-ii.ftrks.. We have a 7"VI wlirarel the answer of one ol the tt-i HiMf fireyc. ti the question p tioomlod at the' entertainment given liy enaoder,vi." that "the most; perfect popular troVnnmenf is that where the laws . Ar Mora reverenced, and have more au thority than the orator. Mquy 'able and lnlerostini; speeches f Ja ero, di liver.d' in the Convention, ia w'okb It wa eolemnlv' declared that- Ks ohnrt m Mit uie :. it was not Called lo mivo Jh$V)j. Is'itM ftpp,TOttrai-rritutitjB.TrrAm)j--f)ri m'?rroi,lo-!fpb;-U rJiTtf, arnwnuor, tho"li-iiirjMitio orpawer on' Uie j f Kdjr-TOnib,'fltra erMenvTrtaf tfj Pro' P-tof ,(Ie Feder-ilUovonnnentj aad JU DOMllM.ltT "ill1 (liMI-tJ.Vb nr4k ' l t m'. m,. I ' .i. pii canuid.t4lfwf the Ytctf Prcsuieneff "ii? is speciaiiy)-,orpoaoi to tliafvalibtle r and hnvy irystcm-er fixation ,the "tarllT, 43 tFd) as every specie ol eneroachment on v.the nshts of the WNrole. -Notrin m ta. -ken of theniecbes,aod we expect tJT jt i !5 4p luisncu.' 4 . ; " . Kwera! letters" wiirCi receied by" the -'CoDvcirfjon,, from tJilforent part or ' tbe ' iW regret that Wfl ar4ina(T M aC Male, hut jha iwc-ij! !iJ tioC hn liu . o-t:. auJ ,lpiiiit fi.Jy)ifp, but lUt fiurlxjur Vaa tatlr.fbuit ( i!u-v J'Juiuttfot.'iriva1JiiC.rniaii-a varibtta Unl Jid,; HitlhAtt arc nilitaing attalbe IiUrtv ofaaviTi'' lu fiii lnaixlj in NtrfB-Ciiroliiia.aad all ocr '0 L'moo, bn au 9ot mUdm (da f mhm tiHio cundKlttfaa, Tif Kladixt in ar.y di. t!.Hjr w t Mly rfppesprKrd; nd tltiu thrjr ;nive r iu)ii.nK ii(xJ iu .lhc twinlie to the arertJ.MfifrprWitid Strict vi hold pulilic mnatinjjaiia tarly'ia pruf tioable, and ntHk a election of auilaUn riiK fuf nk etnra, r4 tnnounca tlmir miiKC!t t!a CanlralJiJclcrta and JUriur Coiih -niNe irthieir, by-vboia 1ho. Ticket will UjjO'iIuJk'J a a-on a eoiupklcJ, It U inioriant that tliia duty UfaJlnndud to m hlioul K:lav,aii(l w ba ni duU t!it people will U prompt ia thu execution ftfir c . CO.VTCNTlOf. -.At 'Cmwention; of Hztii.. arfu. t.r.wi ir.i.i.,. . f .i.: iitu ir I reHont and V tea Vrdt tt rf tha LTiitei 15tatfc, I in and fcol.v pursii. ,-:hJwrtt,Prft',i,i" Mice, at th.Cry(Ra, lt if char. .f"" ;'n: Ud to order by DJ- " 'u i. tuutryi oi ouw uaaovrr, aiu me Couveiitioa -raiiijxd by tie appuiutatut of the f Ilowinir oflioara I Soc'rr. -V rVM motion f WinxUoa.ilia names , 9? r.0" ..,JH iJ& PPr lerlifJarm-a fl. M'hvo ..Isauf.wl UMliam A. Rhxtnt --' Chowan Jaum Jrm.Vll CVmibcrland-Atexanrfpr M'XoiJ, Ed ward i lhW, tVarron Wiiifdow . ' Tui7nnbJo-.lj R. lKyd r OTJrion, L. G. WaUon, tiiiwfur(fAi Pai- tbal - HalLftS-WtlLa Alaton,'wht II. Eu Itydo nenijin'm Sander ienoir iwac uroom Manio JiHMtali J. Williamt New UanoT.T EJard B. Dudley - Jt'nrl ha mpluu .Ki!rick LL 4aryTlt rod 1VWV ... ' -: Orange-r-IIugh Wadiloll, WalLtr An dron ..-.'.-...' " Pasqiiotank John B Muse PtriilmontJcsKa M's-Vri" ' r " M'i rren )o1in fl. 'T.xim, 'tttc!'ia7.T Pa "iU.foa.;. ol'noon 4i. WxJ, iVMihsiuei ,T. tireon " Wak Thenpliiln !!mtfr, James Ire doll, C'harle. Manly, Johnson Pidbee, William K. Lawrence: y -11 M. TlktiMit prewnted to the Conrention the following communication from John C. Corhain, alWate fifm llieeouBiy ofPi't ; which was re.id, and ordered to bo outered on the j-mrmit : ; Greenrilk, 3th June, J932. Preaidefft tvl the Ccmverrtii.n r - "- 'r- Puab Sir, I regret that tto extreme ill health of my fimily h.is prcventeil my attondinjr your mettting, and request (il it is consistent wirhthe rules by which you mayie resulat ed) ihut idv t jtc i. ref or (b?d r Phillip Peiitfl.'ton Jgarboer, if V4r- Rim, as "Vice President efthe Uiutcd States : a man whwe p ditiesi talents and 5,rJiIe,if !? .T, ttoir. ' Iff TMiort, the hopes of the Soutn rent, biwii him, end b finger of Provi 4me poitHs 4 btm ehe-iivkitiBi des- lined I? save our tits'acted Country from ajurcby nit. wiiwf-y - - Very respectfiillv, yours, Ax." "I 1 ,- JtyHNt-CrGtRttA! "' On motion of Wglkpr- Anderson, of 0 ange, Tt was ' Rc$olcedt That a eommitte of five persohi l 'apptiinted to draft and report resolutions, expressive of the sense ol this jonrention upon tbe nomitfntipji of .inifivrj". uals to the .office f Preiitent ; and Vice JVcsidant 0f the Uniteil States- : t sicenijorm an liJi"totwl ajeiuuer til that comraiftce. W bprntpom rhe fJIowju, person were fipneinterf, Ztg: , v J n a leer Anderson. nrnniiTH jut oaru sawison, t o arrfii, .. William A Blount, of JEVifort i Edward B. Dudley, iofS flarnover fsaao CrftonLijf JUnoie LJHu rrcuiiJonr Iredoll ;. - fj Oirmotion ofiMrf Lloyd, the com-nittee apporrtdil to a rair resolutions were or iereu to prepare anJ report to - the Convention aq address to Ihe cli aens ot North Caro-4 J 'pl R. Lli.vJ,o'f ranomb . i-o.iei 0 JirJ., ot UranviiU ", , W'illia AlMoa.'vl ffuliU Y " 9 , "Edrd J. link of CiimU.rlinl! . nUy;jm,t;io, int. -TJe" CogvtfiHHn ii pormmtit ti ad Tlja folijwm additjmial. Dtifgatot ip prtdjil JMk tl.ry xlat . . . ; Lwt.TliornKv(J'U.it.t' Jiojh 8. Jviw, u Wrra j , ilium D, Art'i, oi Noitliainploit , , Mr Andcmn front tba roimmtwrfsp pouted ftt ilml purww-. ifportv'l llit W-" (juin jirraitttto aiidjrrhilirti i ' . at wlilcli wa Uttm atrivodrTUra itex paJwnl tfiHl tie iiii"oi , of NCrtlt tVoIi lidjltould iMTttiii1 rlia woiM tlprit). Ciidot- "uihmi wbicb lin y tlol tlifl'ni U'M culled ti act, aud, contklinc is tht tuiim. cpr''ioii . tlmr UMiliiiMxiU wliit.b Ma, Lin pia.lo in every ctuHi of (ha f!aii, your ftiitimiUeo racomiiH-n-l ti tlia a.'Kir'tKui of ihi CAtivuution v tlit Mluwuij llctolki, Tlinl oratoful fir iltocmin. ent srvirm ucner&l Andrew Jarna.uiui frujored o . bia CJuntry j bcimmj- that l 1 . " . T ., patriotic . si'uumtits which we rave ncretidVremaiiii"ted, we reaxiuiuieud hi in to the people .fthif btate to b-i aupinrtcd al the next aleclioo fir the oHice cf Presi- J?eioTaro',Tliurtbia tS-nvenflori re"ehr41 !l.,..jrr?jt ' J c'C nAvinzUm llib'rfHUI 01 IQer ,eottuiueon,iiuuTcrwti) ef ilia principle, of JlW CuusUlulioa.' juidi odimis for the inequality of the burdens whice it impnuea on the planting States of our country. WJTIal wewtwdf r this funda. mimtaf.qucstioa as tbe "pro'uoiiieiif test" To iM 1 le 11 in the sHleetionof a candidate I if tbe Vice Presidency r.Tbai wcrat'WJra itlicietit evidenee.that Mr. Hergnaht; Mr. li!kms aud Jlr. an liurwk, who bate. been bmp inated by thoir respective friends tor trie office ol Vice PrenMb-irf; ell decHeeiy ia lavor of contmuinz the eilious wVHfein f taxation, under which we are suuT-riitg', and ihat the liHitbem r"tiites. eaoiv-i erow. from ftiH khVtltifiirbul uniform and eneri jltelic atfr-wtpts H fix it iijv.n u forever as thesHtlerf prdicrnf Ihecmmtryi - KeIcedt That . wejegird al) rwHtitii. tiaual elfHriivJi-av.'rt w taii.ua aa issue, a a sacred duty we owe to oursJves, lo our country, and to our postorlly. ReinJetil, -Tli-i, iu crodbriuity with, these aenijuifius, aiid Miifiditiif i'i tbe uui iorntiM dMimtt itl3 ItizKlMpvn ciides -we. advocate bv mjwvtul from PHILIP PEXDLETO.N BAUBpUR, of Viriiilia, aud ,1 the -;eiidVal iutrJjty'l ahility of his (lersonnl and piditical cimr aftefwe'nomlfillfa 'tiS'rmmff to the :i'titiiporr 1 6f-ihfreen'l oP"NHb CsjotinafACtbe next Vice Pivdidotit,- And f he rptestinn bein tnkett im the resolutions aepamtvly, the saiuo were mi animouslv adopted. - -rrAlston; one of tV Vice Pr-ideril', havujaken t,lio chair, t r. Ire Ifl'rrmn the sameeomniittee. rotmrted an h .reus totbecitiaeMofNorih Carolina, which being read, the same, was unanimously d- i On tjnation of Mr. Blount,, lain roiK, 1 nnoi lor, James" Iredoll, Charlos .Miinlv,Coorgo W.? Haywo.dr Alexander"-J, Lawrem-e, Johnston Husbfte,' Allen Rojerat jrl'lio. 111 as J. Leruay, William iC Jliatorw bu reH Rogwra, ' William R. Pool RoI)art Cannon, John Boll. tioo the tHowing eonimunication irom Messrs. "Arlitch-'fVtlliant-P-W'u;h aad 8.-F Patterson f AV-ilkee J which was? reed end-ordered W be entered -oe ihe jourrials : . F 7eWVIRw'iie ' . . -: T 11832. To Ilia Precidenjl and mcmliers oT the , Stale Cen ven tijwi which is toefcsemble in Raleigh on 18thInstint : Inasmuch aa no demonstration of public sentinieut in this part of the State ' thn sulyect of the Convention to? be held at ttaleigb for Lhft.Sf:lection of alcandidate for the Vice Presidency of the.U. S. nas beet- made in -regular nicetiiiL's of poe- pteyTrc hav aatlme4 (ha( nlsx"pWak2oa: 01 our inoiviuimi ojikiioiiv. in n-iureoco 10 riiu object aCyjMir Jdeeting mhi' jtoibe-uneccrptabtot- "W ietkie that Urn pea- a-pter hw hattfthe utmost coniUtJiictfTft Uif inteffritvv ability and experience of Philip P. Barbour, and that his purity of charac ter and noble aeal in 'support of tlie fayour ite politicu doetriQef the South rfcave traxte theitVrniei4sadniiraiion..i tllis noioinutiim for the iee Presidaneyweud meet with the 'Maifv eoocorfencc f the Ifric'ndTof the "Admiiiiration,' and hi b iho only name wethluk that art hind the party innly mother. It i,triRirr im If wiih' tlpriJpi.-.ofthi. '4. ll.n iSTJ. IiP '-f,r Wr"rt- 7 r'"""1 lW Vf .ny o7,t ca.Jid,ta we -4SSk3 .T" ,f "5 l"t and coritmumir t- rept Hut wli-. Ii.. . ,, ' , ' . PT"i'r m j. 1 ' .-..r.;..M"l ,wW'IWwltodKHiJ. we can. "'" " ." W"RV l" "J I not f,ra m.n. k-i,ni- , and . compose a CciUral Ciretq)onditi!.('"in ruittee; William Polk", " Thoo'pbilua Hun- tHa Tariff wuuld In; a ittlpuUc rtlafll. of llm jiit repenuiiiii of ttto'Sitbam oj-iotntio Ut tlinl m-aiiinj, aim) rakulul 'd to tariht; iuifii'ra of thi-jr wul'i x- flTlUU ft rOl'J'Vn !ialiuujLu4 UHQ owf'lt- aVrj aoJ pfuijiori'r. vi ... , Uifl ailt'iiCe a .itita peopla In tW. rrn cmuiil'- ou tlii uljwt hu.i int U.V nrcild by thir oppnibnii'Mt of tha da aini itlta Jitlinior .Cowvtjraiou, an.l i tw aiKi-iKe U ttfir iitfjuicafi'iira ,itj (oe pfoetl'diolftfthHt body. (t If, bc'i'Trd Ly tit t)iat aMbinj but ibn Hnt of an u! terrimivo wilhorar'nilamontr uatfmi'fl mi 0lltd uj(0'itiftt fo'tka oliMrlion ol Mr Van Ilitren to tlm Viro Tri'ii denrv. Tbo frimla 4 tb- mnt liiwfitmf jn tra art nit i'wmtHiLita ttf llii ttmt amiioiia furlwa wngtnj fiam. ni eiut racivT, im uitorHata, tuo ooticv ana Ciforiie pnneinJna if tit Hyiith. - V( tho ontim fa M"cii oiw who, b C'Mi'ri bi'ed to arrumulate pt)r!inf and rive n-mKeJ Id wihW the ' irn iencA r oiricial F'r"l!nf i'i 'be iw'tiwivo view of jut .Itn'H'iTwmrht, Vm4 arctiotm f jelitiW Iioatila.tii the bii cuiu ol - j..w.i , .. .. . .' ;.i - " . 1F" 'T"I D 1 n11lWrmv rhtnrtoiw j jlV; V-Iii lk the Iwrtrvif ad we have been nrmptnd by no other 'mc- "vejn").. desire, to prjioote JUo ereal cause m wjneb the whole Southern Cun JrV U Jlow enaainNt. . Tliat -it fnav rfli. HMinyjriiimpn, is our noH arwt de- we; nnifin(ar ab-irr.r..ia:'!f;;;1r.r,: ly Coiidurted. we lave but little reajLu, m le the hope that your A lilierationi may e mirnymtous, and produlive.t tnucb rnmt TW eotl'ltrv. .--we rwimm; wttb ionside rations of the uifnest .repectj rymr m.it obedient f rvanl - -a t jw.-iwt". 1 A.' MITCH FLL. 8. F. PATTERSQX. K- OrftiioJIoB 5f MrTAPVeaC " , JUJcfilt ThalllK! Rhxtriral Diricts he callod oyer by the Soeretary, and tYit the.Oi;fp-jatec from ech .JLstrirt whui. 1 rv-notetl iit t'mvctition uSitli... exiiwfu4 -m.rreed tmon . tn ' Rfoefor - r i Hereupon the tol'owin? porstma were I MM .. 1 A . jiamea and atprovedi -J-b-strir Anhald MTltjffi of Moore v .jyiimia:vu iruiiod. of .wi'i 10 ' ' Willi Abnon, uf Halifax 'S-m- G'eeje-7. Ootluw'.ni Bortie,""" l"J Charles P. J-iJiii.voe. i.fChuwftn 3 S Jm3r iTark r"f Ctkrecoino .Ti 1 .:' 'taT - room, of fenoir f 13 u J,, Owpii. of Fladr - -Mr. U-nd ititruducstt-tlie .idlowiuff aniinouslv adoiited 1 . a. '..;..,.,. ..... 'Wh'efa,"fiwin5; to the shortness iot ihe many of (ho counties are not represented; Rrmlceclf Tliat it be ree,rnmendd to tho FJeeprHrDistncln not Wirontet- lo have moetit. ja for the purpose of nominal- ing FJ'Hldrs pledged lo the supjiort oi AXDKRW JrKOx iw I rsi(l iil, - al PruLLif P, B tBBotTB as Vicfc President aud-that ho Central Corrvsponding Com-inilUt-bo reiuM"d to-wrresmrtjd with such-count mj awl U give such aid as may lie iien inert necessary in .completing the Electoral Ticket. , ' r Renolrcd further. That said committee be requosfej to pubiuh ia all tlie patera ol'! tins city the ticket ol Doctors, as Boon as the same may be complof od j arid - said committee have power to; Kill vacancies on said ticket "that may occur by death or otherwise.- - ' -- On motion oTr. TTrooin. , ztJtctohfi. That the Ccut nit. Committee be i,ejruited to cjjrrdwwud . ith lheav eral geutlemarv recominennod to Ihis CToa- venuon, ttiHi sucii astuuy oeiioreaitor ro- ported to thorn, as Eltfetwrs,' to ascentvin jf urej win (jiuuga iiiliiii:i,us tu, Tuia .ior I AtldreadcaoaAreairlro n ir-.--. ii..... . i M tiiey wiu pleage. tnemseiyes ra. rota for P. Barbuur as Ykir President t and if any onff'or iiiofe ''oflTionl'refueonft'eteTlbal said eouimittee have authority Jo suhti.J tolethe name or names of auchther per son or persona eVtey may deem proper, Thi Cotrveiitio then aijowrnod- to 4 Jtt!&i$ afitrnoon,'June v Tb CNivutioa hiet pttrsusmt t ad- On ;iPofon of 3Ir Cnximy J Resolml. That the QeSfal Committee Save. 5,Q()0 ftlpieii of the' proccedinjt and j uiuiKoa ui imm vwivemion puiuisiieii utiu disfributoil amonc tbtl 'icpuiitiea tt ibis State. 4';iv.i - On motion of Mr. Blount( ' . . , Remilpedi That it e recommended to fhje difiererit C?'unttf ? of tbi Slates todiold meetings and appoint Ctiminittees of Vigt lance and Coin. sfKnidenct', arid to report the sanie o tbq Ceiural Committee.' ' Tbe Fri'iodi-M preseutod to fh Conven tion the pKyJinfs amf, address ef the -.w. iiniiki'Tju aiifi i riiH f!H in . - , " 1 '-aaisBBBiiBaaBeBttBsaBeBBeBaaiaaBaBj - -- - - UuUie-Jjf tiuLYuta- l'eid.iiMy.i" whieb was rend, and, ujkih notion 0f Mr. Lloyil H-omlt J nat the tbaidii of il. a fH'tnyrit "I, l VirKt! .Lharirfnlbi "!l,Tw.'!,n t'T'MW lKdirtrc.i ii f-rtiiii! ig eopl ter-pTweedinr i'fTO a Copy 1.1 to pMotiJuij.! 11, l4 CmfCn li.Ki bo foraar.M iu n-uira to ie i'rei. Jit aii'l Vr Pr.-sidflnt tbi.rof. ' Rrlrt4 Jurtiir, 'Irmi copies 'i'tU prts-r. uiojs 01 tins Vonveuu-m tsj lorwonl ed tj L.ciuikl A.iufi-w .J kn and Pmlip P. ilarbiHir, of ViriMi;,t,-T. in motion 'of Mr. 'Hale. ' '' . ;Jert'rre, That tiwiliauki of tins Con riwt Au,kr fur the usu jut iLii li.iii o ,ne Uovcriiuii iif Jynmo during tue sutu tins t'u n otion. t- ' ' . . . Oil in.-iniut,! IIKvard D.'OudJcv,-"'' lUtrtril mnniwiulf, That ii liiaul of this Coovonlion ,i loiiJertjd te thy I'i, ...1... . 1 . , 1 . 1 . . . , n, P. ,.,r , ui;oiny ana kOll.tV Willi wbtelj ho im pitwdttd yvcr iu dclibtii. OuimHionof W'Jna AhiotL tuflrtd, iliatl'ie thanks of thia Con vcntiou bn l.-ndi red . tl.o fwfoinries f ,t icir wti,m flurioff ihe actMiiMi thereof, i Amotion of Mr. G'fliien, . ' t!fntxit 'i'hnt when this' Convention !,.,!l71llCii'!ioiuiL."a4lH: t the xri.tr of uie i.iitur, . , - . . . .. Mr. PreM.bnit Iredi ll Kaviiig-.''refurne, nis Uinuks on motion, of Mr. M'Neill,' lbs v-nvcmu n a-fjoiiriW,--'.. f - JA.MM IREDCtL, Clir. j iin.iu, inr. rr, ;.Yi .V . . ta,.' -Scretiaic. K'UA Rl.r. MlMt ..XiAunxB iVijtitovr, YlirCij Altf)T TS VILLlTtX. " ' t. ,. T utJa, Sunt 12. - .The members of the CoiivenliiHi SviH in. blodift tbe-Ki-pid church, aiij were uiuca-tjryf 1 nomas W, f. Vs. f Albemarle, about' half iml.1 ono o'cloek. - - ' . If.l!aiiVsVj tlufeff-iie from Lvncliburir. . in,!tinteJ J sin?. It .(j iiokou mC ib counivoi urunswH-k, wliOwuHiAniupiuar 'J il'??") I'residciil lf Hiolcpftjuiiiua pro Al,. Ohvlson bavins been conducted to the chair v Mr. tlilmcr, adre! the convention m a hande-nne and api reurihti! waiiuer, re turnm his thanks lor the- boa- cnffrrHj upon ftini.eiM brif.lv.exol tin 113 th oIijcmH a.111 iho principles, r.tlie pCJPtetion -iC wJiich tiidiouvetitiojibad On -nttitHMt if Mr- 'Oilmer.-i fidwant Bnwduk,' ir'nr.:CurteijwrrV' was unani-mnu4-appbu.lco5ccrjtiiry lo'ibo lion. t. " vv-rsr ,- ;. t ;r On mottotf ri r. JJauett, of Siwifsvl- ine lown u regMepinj ttf open .the.Ule Jfyji!- .thejeouveouoa; with prayer.--. . , . . ' r - Oar indtiou of Mr. Siioerof nJifixi It 'rcirulai i,-ie mtnptod tor tuo govermouut of the convention ' .' ''.' 'On motion ef Mr. PcD.lIcton, of Culpop pprrit was "-ry -,, ?y.& Rtoletdr That tho editors of newsna- pers bo permitted to lake, seats wilhirt the bar of Jbe eouvaution --- " " vOn motion of Mr. tiilmer, it waa Resolved, That a committoe. tiMSonsist ortou.- jbapiH.iitHI. .Tbx iJM.baiirry. fball' report ! to the convention such mea sures aa may be - dtliued iroper jfor ita consideration. ' Hi is resolution was then modified so as to make' the committee consist of ne del gate from each county, town, or borough, represonteq ro tne eiMivenngn;; InTpiirsunnce of which resolution, the chiir aamod the following gentlemen to arlet James U. liruoe, of Halifax ; Wnj. Bi- Bauk. xf LyntbbnfTlf6hirir. Lee, ef Oraojre f ' John "8."' 1'endlel'in.1 bf Culpepper fVV'ra N. Whiting, of Norfolk: Meorgo w, jiatisctt, ol hKltsylvsniur Nichr Pu'ndetr .tlsuujw-itoJliL uarruil, OI f IHianiMHirgW i .. . . . man was added, i : . TlifMiitioholM KyuMctti;. mat .when tne. con vout ion fj.Hirn to-day: it bo until tu-mbrro'w atll 'clock, and eu his motion, the convention idjmjrnod.vv:Y "rYv- ; K S'j'Uii V?'W'tiyi tne l9.- Tb4 Convention Wf pursuant te al tourftmeHK aiid-haififiir bevu callod ta order by Mt uaoksf from Ly neh bur", tag pliWM ed bypmyer y tlie Rev.. Mr. Bowmaa.; i UAIN y h(Jin,ofiJinswit;k, htng beep I'IJI'L;'; rjjaj.or -Albemarlej C!oflyiiou4i'rA',t?s.v4iww Mr. BasisetL of Spottsvlyaiiia. nominat ed Williwu P. Taylor, of Carolins,Vyiofr president of jh Coaventioii, which notnin atiftg waa unaoiinously agreed toY '1 he Chair being taken, jii -addition to these K attendance, on yesterday, dele, gates reported ihemsvlves from tha coun ties of Amherst and Caroline. ,, I . Mr. Oilmcr, from the eorcmitteS appom. tad ou j'aaUrdayotadetbe . following ra. Rnmlrrii mitnimmittg; Tlil4 r"i;oio mend Andrew Jackauu, ofTenneasne, as a, f aiidi.lata for re-eleclien lo . the ofTn:a oi PrJMdiul.M'4U-X44t.i(iila-i; fcur yaawffow aiul aftt tli 4ib dsy iniardv 'iiL.:ra..:."' ... , ,.'4 ? .KiMolfid' i'naiilmmilit ,T)wl w rerotn roend ffty'Hji iVndletoti fUiUidr,' of Vr. ' . ; " s iins. b tandiilate fr tha bfiioe of Vira-, . Prasidt'iit dunna Ihe ram peri.l. ' ; VVhjrea, weareo4irii'euf thai iheeb'Q., " torj niHninl-d bv l b-i'nl.ilivt cnuni a Imcti aweniMed in Rkbmoud during the Li-4 winter, Will' Cl Jxnilid -te '(,i tl, , ' Voto of tho ( K-rforsI oll ef (his Hint IU siii li jww iis as iiiajr rr Jwi've a. mnj inn iy i.f ilw iiiiiiij(is of the pootilu of Vifciu . ia, theffW; ' ' , . , fiVWeeif, Thai we rccoininriiij the ad. nptj.iji ef Ihe name l.i.ki'l loil.o pctiile tf . JOl.wia,. n.it we rccounnoiiil. Id thl ; peojilo of Virqiidij wh. are n W CivraL!e to the election ol Phi! p p. ribour. aa We 're li te ot ef tl.e L'i,it, d i" :., f to en. ' - Uirse his name cm the tu U t ;r Lull it m. w,nm bv tne cl' dofjl Jw of the Jai ' ; eiioU ul the kyUI.ture ai an instmcti.-'i RtfolMtL 'I'bni tbt coinftiiiwoners, wh may be appointed by the I.ecutive of th.9 . 5!ate, tn stiiniitend the eppma'-btnrlec tion of Preii.In.r and ""Viro PrcsTJoiiti bo." rw-pefitfuliy r-io-sld te report to the Eav' eeutive, J,. in-tly, ti rmiels-r of lot'sfSf ----- , rorabje fo Philip P. Barbmr, as Vice " " President, Hnerd either by fftsrn'tarv ition of the votes ou bis ballot, or by any " . other Ifit'.dligiLIe JeMgition,?. wbith , Jio aotnrs nfdr edo.it at the noils 4ut - houui it lie SNCurlained, tliat ihq omtniH " aionera in any county, town, or liorJuh. tftTiM "or 'faTlo coio'd.v' h itli tbTareiuei-V ', hen ihe Committee ot ii'ilanee n.n.iiik.' , . . led by this Convention, f..r suce eounhv- wu.or boMOjh.is tlmrgml with tU.du ..''",' . Iv of atUikliiig ihe poll, and asrcrlainiif".".- ''""' in v .fhir pniiiliyralAi'-'iiaerijiia: a-i- '-practi.-alilo, the elate if tbt mte in, tWr. tf t v"' said County, town, or borpughend making l report t hei-enf ss-eoon ir posiibf to iLo? f1- Contral Standiuif Committee. ' . '. ''-' J Jfrfre,-Thifttr Centraf Stnjiilinr"'" ' vwmmiy; oo .appniniee, wuose uuty t , bell tt7 ftpp-ntiteommitiecsof vtjjTUittavT-- rr uui corrr Kl-vtenee,iiirricbof the coun, .' ie. tpmis, or boroughs, at niv not be reprj-MMledjn. this convention, ii ho shall'-. bsve power to call amither tuetimg ii"th . be appointed, t.ii )iiIJ Ovy-lUM i't.'p'repeti- r.-'r1 Iu 4oVir-and do all other a'-ts whirb u)av.u ""." "t" be' deemed nee-. ary niufj rr :,o pror""5'"''" Biota iho object ol tuis i;ou,-,u. ,4tfsuixa, - 4 uui n 'U.M im' .ul ibt. ; .. jr.: fi i t rrr ioa tWLUJui or riUKt to aut lao w.11-,1 - mnjojrily.of tUs peui.l- iflUc.iUum fairiy- - - - - oxpres$d artha pollatbo tentral coiu ? mittM be fcntlidrisod M Dominate aome . ' J . - fleofiW,.'niaf a ftotnmiftee be hoi. ju. " , edMtSspare en addre. lo tlia ptupiu x - lW.fWiot?fthe .yemmi'leeAhayl i ' ' been read; the resolution!! emitiu'tire' jn" fit ' a"; sfti faepefatfl1y"pTCpti"d h th. cuv' ,""v- aiiiion, auo earn unammooMy a'iopi. - . r . lie ..cbair appoirted tha fodtiv on - ueuu:4..axcDiainiltceiapuraaj'ce ef tlte'; at . resolution- via MtMsnT. Gilmer. Banks, Bruce, pendlotoo,; 'and Lee : aui ' ' t5n motion ef ; , ; ? ., , . , fr. Penrlfetnn, the Prasident and Vigi roaidont were wdikd thrrrto, ' --On-tnotiontf MnG iltncr.it Vat ' f-IIrscVrof:'Tnbe'ivea',ioiiprofeLJ' ' to the appointment of conimit'tees of.Vig- v .Y ilancein tlie dilfcrent CouDttej, towns, atj " ' ' boroughs in tbe common wealth. , llie discbarge of this duty, however. . . wa4 deferred, . at the ;' ugei-f ' 'n 'f t be. Ii Z Chair. to give to the Biembtm, an .mpporw Uiiuty fr e"iiltBtMm initmg''lbam Ivc? 7'vv who were requested, aa soon as prnetica f tojiand I jrt thehames atjcU.pi.raoiiM, lUsxa;" iW cdunl'os,' tujvi.s ami boryughs of tha T 3iate , as Ibey might Ihiuk jroj te pt upon tne saidcommuteca. r -r . l)it motton,-it was ,, -. . .. JCiorcd.jriiatbj!n Iho convention.; adjourned to-uay, it oe Ml ovnu rovy, () o'clock, and on- motion -nf Mr. Uitilus, ttj conveution aJjourbeit accordiwply. IMUKROAX, 41KB 1,. . , ( ' . Theronvtutionaietatten oVbiclCanl-V id Atinitl tit. Mutt.. ,k.. O ... t. . A i. was oned by prayer by tbi Reyftrcni rt uilnicr,, from $ tho committee no..- :i. pomted yesterday to prepare na ndJr jji, ' to the people f .Virginia, ri ported the '' samo, which was read tt the convention,, and unaninlonsly adopted. -- 4 Ou moiiotj orfur. Sia....ff, efll.il.fax, itJ : r waa " - v - 4 ' 1 , J - LVwi That tha Central Cemiriilfce ; - -apK)iiitd by tbe convention Im authori- d 7 " " tu priscura ibirpublicatioti of a uniiy ro-'-j pica of (he, pwgdins and tdjn s u the "'' conypwion a they eholl d-am expo Vnt j " , and that each -mcm!x:r. of Iho convention ' ' ; cvnUibuto tho sum of $5 to ilefray lm ex pansca of tht printing and circulauug tha V ' 8ainn. t .Y fOtt motiao. of Mr Lee, of Ornget it, . ! was . r J , - - lifraoIi-cTbnt U ree omroendotl to. ' '. Y tVsjo.--ctmitiea that have a, p iuted dtlo ' galea to lit Convention,' v,f-o iiavu fuiM v r. , " . V a . 1 bsh the addrse in tdjay's paper, .' It shall lien ; and, uponotio; the f.slowinj gcnV pressed Pon our.felfow citua- bi :.tht 'the Cimvcutio.i hvId at Ctartottwyille, in Vir. tad ou yesterday .""made tbe . follewiuj ra- to attend nnd al to cu-h .S ileno wns Ppcanne"japt.. t. . wr9 l-led t t! Yy ,. ; iAblmv Umu bae retcUdck- y, ' '! ' : ' -j. . , . e. r ?" v , -' -.. f -". -v . - v. , ? V'" '