7r Ostein Caruliiitan, ,4W.:.i ".'..-.Mil cf vmum of Mr,!"'' J. o mif' ... n... u Srrtsry oflhi ..... am, ril.ni a Vt '' . . . , a t .1 -.-.l-a. W flit . ! ,kf.W r.r.fl.1,1. (B tt lew - T lui ' - inl. proc;tliiig of this 1 w,n"if,,,"l,,"rtl,7 'j..rJi eteirinUt irrolr f in 4 -fy,.fMii.dJ(;ll.tifIif,nd , 4; tM J.luM a.aMMa.1 ryru!y Jivec-i ""r-JZ . tri inf"pH"i .... ------ . -TlbuV evt'nli'HiW : ut.W Pruf, and .Wrtary, lot --a.i h thry tuv du barged erf T ' . ... . r j . . . , " V V ,Jj"e Witl. " ,". 1 . .... .Mr.' Whitine ,i.a ..j,n(un Bra dut 10 Ml ncv. ....,111 lltf - -- ..fit,:. nWii fuf In? 1 .:.(..n:t n ami its trinity, ffiM kin Um und H,ia!iljr h.cU they have -evinced toward the member, of lb con- ''. (Hi W 5Tr, Bai&C ' , .Srt,Th the profctJinyi f.rtl.ii Dotation U finfJ. by mcBJT m tlieir own trptf Iwnfl wrmnz, m ui r will i:c hi the rt' J til llP .J-i-.. iluai umi Uth.UlilnKf v ,it.a.. IVw dioJ ithirt 01 I"" in.-..- - .11 f tl. crtj- r""a,H' ifliiricttriktic, 1 can lak 'h cl(. 'fttlNltxl by ry wi-l iu.eo r j.ii.di ol tiimnr..lur it ifihl, woom UUV'I"" " i ill ..t.,.n..a fcf fli allllMHtl :.j...f ...fttKrliHv in t'ltiur e?;ti -AtW ,wr, b-tecr, tbkCthii rlairot4on. jiituiKfl tU'ttiiu-jlr i'not fully njn r J) tjalKirillK 0 U t Ul , "n- ;!jlliliupiavK-m Jubw spared .r tt9 cbaiye, by tle upcr-tiMU of Van uuk fi"4iij'ig' eauafi. Jri itiia cla ..mat La r-iiltt J whatwr teftH 1 irorm can a mn Ulieved to bar eotJrilw td M rtii fdi-pjaitioJ 1 WrJ tU rigMf0 Congft-aa ahall W h6(t etiOirvffat td. iz. inA -of iba 'i'eaie, fif qjnt thus CTT-aM wlwnUiiily or w'liitW elal, and lW ptmi Mercisa l Uttipw tl.ai.Sv. Il ia tbo Utmost im- til ..i&rju hidiihp;iial kcpffitcrt a l A k- fla 4 - A utl, m motion of Mr. PwdHon, tb jflytuiioa tlia JjiMintad, tit . i.;.O.O.0;a-r- ih( rut v f oIK xitt ADvtiluxa. Two pavs later' from can a. ...... ififiifiyitignrf the mt! Sunday Eefmn, Jl otiick. r, AvahaT) Stiat comfnJ with an Inflli- r-nt teuaintanrr, ho arr ld Uia mora, j "" Mil fn tha atPtmUalf Uio kil 3Iatilienl( WM. ToiJax onti tl-lStb; y J; n . a iiav tier ih n our accoupt injblwu. - : j r- - Tory detailed account of tbe atttte ol ' 'LllJbii:!''? J? ,h ,im9 f f5f)fc'' lI ;!Z 43abM ibat jWreai Jai TaW crcok'n rT7ZJ pViU rtaTtrof llarroC; tmmb;o ( , , .aunranU lln on mo wnarrn, unn aualiy larpe, and maaji fi lum entirely .-.fWQhytnH, front QMwa on Mftliiea. about 00 awf((raiil;'lii4j'!Iv r i dath'of cUolora an the pawapa np. v - -" ,, 8,, LawrWa."! U1y of thf Late ' .anufcyhboaia wh'cU.trrivt'l on J.ur nijht, had each about 000 atriii;nuiU aud y? or ais pVathaan board of acb. Tiiii cFewa 4aotna of l! boatv bad re. . ..." . l J f 11.. I. L .'X . p Vr A) .alirlil, Hi t9'a m iLiHiin nn.i l:v ,;pvfn report. IWnJay, 4t:waa .-f'-Vtnitfljj; Uial ihftrf-.wtTe 't'mm aevfrrty T " iioAn' hvndrad dtfutba by cb-iloraw.. in K i tr H. tha ilitwaia Vaa nureadinsf in all i of tha city, but arevaiW pft ajonj or otlmr Mf in cMbmij. A k 01 tmw, and in in.pairl atate ' Ihn funo m 7tRa"af,lti-frncrnltyT Hi-ntRo. Idn-t v taUoputie dunnineDti asdaawr- 0X14J dtaoaiii. . Thia itate of tha ayatfm nwy hara ben prod'icrd aortly by lU Um cofltima-d ia Rufnco'of a trioaichmoU, and partly by thai elPU of" a "lew eu'rttui"'dlcr'ltoa worn t'j ItBVfl Wn rwiui.te. ' Our ship Ik t - i t Jm " IT" -thfliwharfai, and in the Faujtbmirra; was ? t jS -..ianirely coufite ? " . V liCanaJiana. f Tlera nad not bttnjk r ae . a ktVt er, and bratber 13 U, 1i. Vif rXir..-:y,iiQuflboc, aut tbaxwiae of hi dcati ii -afrila aubjut'i aaiitpateX'tf ,reiptcla . ,11 -iblo Inhabitant! vera' '.eating tlio' placo . . y afVwidViaa' eiMgri(d ar riving' lVT K-eo9'Kti j'withjnil . Ukvana, kml vithoul , Ibfnt r thay were auJJarmf much bitsi- .:.... vev waa In n krntai tnnra aiiieniied bd tbnra wuifoata cxpectatioa that the banks would Cioan ; T? : j; T tMrtlt " a. i nai mHaa tuirar t' HI I Liiwi W'" tv. a.r. y 41 anions tjmiarabt. '. At St. Jiihn'a, ?i . . .i - jii.. . -. . milca troin literati taaatn inai ana or two xmigrantq bad died, airf thiawaa disputed. Thx ntfaniboat in which be took pasflg at St. Johns, had about fiftv emigrants pii txxi rd. She wns vbted by the authorities' bf PUtahori and of Burlmf ton, an(Vnoeini "irriints auffemJ to fimd.- At- Wbit HaH ."iM hont r,mnind'tKwt VnilffrfiM th - J " .Town. 1 lie auuionties, a hit, iiiucb oe- ; ; (tnlion, aiifE'red the cabin pawengfrt to .r.-4,...jjWj,.wt 9idvradtbf'fimgraHcto-ittt I" If r Tin CwiaIafIT'TKr,at'" iknUn:iKft 2 v T 4mc ia obVrycd at Wljite Hall, aiid not aa einigrant 1 MiiftrM to lahd, but am all "4"; p(;Vto' Caia(R.7'Itt 'br6!ta!ncd r"? i llfrwfiih' vho' whole1 linn, that no,mt5nim . y.j., inirnn fnwn Cannila.nnd i the b6ali tavo delcrnuned toot l Irmg (.roviaiona, htn we tvfl Manila, (owing, probably, to eircunjataacra.' which could not hare- bett -f r-nt) vera .of. rut her arrHtfai14u''tyul aaiwd (urvjoualy met with dillktjliy inobumm a wllicieul tipple of Sjtfh food.. ju w I he Wi(erior quamy 01 ui prwr wn.ua .ita bici wir abiua fe.ffcucrally.iur. msiteJ, tn-uilouUIIy the very bcaL prtt plicIiiVtic ajjainst acu'rvy. naif all. Iopin' hLTUrit'Fera. rerfnil tne also td remark, .0 ... . . ... ... .. in tin. p!ace,iral the aaiiy wiowanco 01 arJut spiriu, given aa it jjjenerafly, M, at lw draushtt, and wrwn an f nintjrjitoraacb, before tneula, prwlucw, C-if tii iiioiiiienf, hii.jj'mrtric e!tcieiiKnt(jnbib ia neeea arily fullowed byfciiirreHfKMidol deliittty. (fthnoa wlw are. willing to rcbnquUh thoif ratioua tif aroVnt spirit w-re per triittfd to drink it, nut ptetioui to but dur. infofinttrdiutelfifier ilieir meaU, it woulef, no iltMitiljCiMitrihme tnore'to the purpoo i.f an. ogfteaUe ami healthy atunulua, anOt,lho mcreuaed ckciieuwiit, uiaicoJ of linj t rans f V rrcj Ja JJie bniu would bn epwled in ih tliktioiu- J f The nobualtliy iluto of the atmoipht-re pfevioihty 4bUioid,t WflflW jbttcw wilt ever extetai upon the ureau, wnore tnero rf'nfither unhealthy ettHiation nor duw, or any change at tfniperatfire at night. I mit iiiJucutf aluti.lu bikth-tt;ih cFq. flora ' aMieara cotnnKly withtii tbr or ' '? ' . t... fl 4 ' at . if. r-1... lUe report that srTemi ennirrami which Lad previously arrived at fort 'Mward, t lia f f r- nMii.Mil (laarl ili.aJ f il.ev akiTa. v' , " -. ih Ut) VJ J n liaaMA uiv-Ta vi'itiv V 'l- f t ra,n aj bcruoved U bo greatly exagjsrut ad. fntt, at tt afprorta tn fa tntreti wnrea njr ryardy ,ailt;r ail bt. eiht ayal'Mttrtha tinw oftxpoadwto itrHit. rwpkrjr;.),W) l(M-rMMf tp lav pamle the lie fiopi the bcaliby, and wn Cinlld tnduam belief that 1he-Trtnca-wae tvr coinuiuiuoiitcd from one perwn to notbar, riihrr on board tlte ship, or on ahora at Manilla, where thepoor and des titnte pre falling by thounumls. " - Tha attack oi the cliotcra was seldom mawrh proedtHi by pKiuouitury aythptouia. ltrwai urgorutly ajinounced by an iiuma. liato proMtratiim of all the lH)wer of lifq. ri . r- 11. t . 1 'j . tra pnueut, unavtc; iv wntivav 'i ia ii-ehuiis would lay down uumi dk, and cry out with pain In it . . . . . ... - L a pmeuou ny a puui in ine awmacn untf heail, ia wnnio by a iiumbncwt and aonse of (ormicatioa 111 the .extreuutiee, folk.wi.1 by apaaina, full vomiting and de ioctKius .of a copious watery secretion, first at long wtcrvai&r but sooa namranj inff pain 111 inn Pimniicu, srea iiunn, hit- ", ...... cottiin2 Bironizinj cramps n dcatlMike ay sweat cold extremUiea-wppfeirti of urine dark livid akin loai of pulse, and the nnnd in despair. i I Inmost caoa.rafteMlte6liTlim continued commonly Crfltir. three" ioai WW the iumi andlvoidiltoyaljal. and tiw patint waif loft from pain but ex. .frigate Congrttt,i1ht Ck( aai, in i. . . . j ... . 1 . C. 8. N.v4t. Rij'nttvovi, Xruf rortri3rin,l33.' ,a ' fr: In aiwer to tha renin" with Tuli I am Wi.trcd. profxwing certains j, innnirita ' rpectiajr tha . diaeane called I Asiatic tlholara,'? whica " prevaiJod on 'ScWrliHlJtitikifeitn in iuo wjiuifsaB aeaw, hi iacemutr, .ew, ' I bo; leave to aubinit the ollowtn H iarti. fxnrar.siw of niv viewr and tmht I liMls iu rv.-nrj t that disease, "a It i.''4jr.t (111,;. r inv olmrrvafirn; ' ifr ' Tl"? fit1" af earance bf fh.jC.iolcra on t. S fcrterd tht; t'onr.ro.'W, v. a on the third day ift'cr.we liad anchored' at .uujilla, -ilia ,rra wem h'T" rerorry ?,r bi, no- . 1 . 1.' I, h ,. l.iAht M II . iKin-r avi . lliTiriii . - - U-r, aija oy nw p( - riwad the vomittnji a v- nl and opin.n, i, " K11 ,,; twenty f-mr bra provwis w.w ac tmmt of the l-aJ-vtni5ht have contmu. ,4 iha bdiary and other, creunn-, poambly bare pnrvoia 1 wa7ofna eflct altar. Thoae of Jhe aick Ho were under the InflorwMM mareury U-aH tin di.a-. In P n"r,fmPV wnnatioiH we C4l In lh mp-r. Intrfl thin teroiKi fluid, and a ln;ht cram- - i.-.-t .A.rr.ilmn.-- Thfa waa n ip. riii'.i'-. - , waranraofbtla in tha du.Jmiuia, wlikh Un-d if..Kh inflamed. The pr.,l pw .! through thobilwry duct. Tha i.rrvaaalho hrrr anj ri fflfna tninka er aurchard with "Uj tWn and nearly UK H f.ini'!"''';'yhe ' .... i a. . r a m alotnach lahiUtaU aUgni p wpwma w w uamination. ' r ' Tka iUim e noVntly a mTJ unman. Bsc able in Aia, than K baa jet Uu in Kumpe, where ibe aj miiioms wmg nm .li t. rL-actii aimuea, and an inWnatory dialings ia prmJited.' The inatmeid iiiu-t n-ea-arily be adapt. 4 l- t'" ?rad of th dte, i avJvawrw. ini.f .nrt trt lU eittOiuJiaacea- of the -tYL. .a alva btsl douc at the tnvw , bed-ide ot the patifnt. J ,av here endeavored to present, 00 the apcnfic points of Muiry, tne brt in formation l am nx-K-ed oH if U can be madn to aerve. 111 aor ilcirfe, la promote the beuevolwd object pruP"d, U will U highly fratifvuij; in, ir, wiiD great rcpc.i Your obrJinit vant, ' D."S."EDtt'ARD3rw;ttT. To the Hon. La-vi Woonat ar, I . ,b Scrrtar)i pf the A'ary,1 Washing) 'From lbe N7Y.J -umal of Commerce. CHLORIDE OF SODA.- This valuaWe diai'irV''"r ."' ill found nf ner trr -tW pffl otl4 gar, and eapefially if we ahoii.'! fce invad ad tiv thedweaae which threa'nu tia. . V,'e have Wore na a certiticate sngned bv aev eral foavvtable "rentlm,nt' atatrnj- that ipocjrina of tlieartirte-iaontclrW ayl J. Uonton, wall slr-ei, cro inim on e. nerinniiit ite be almost, three Uim a ai atrong a that from France faid be of tlwmanufacHJrjiul h iai arni(jneA4ne mnoner of uainj it, (i. e. the couceAtratod uhition,) ia dwe riked aa Adliiwa ; -To prevent "iidecliun r m Cholfrt Mar bus, Small Pox, Yellow Fevtr, Typhus Fever, Ate spnnkl tlte leviU UilutcU a. round tha bed aud 011 tha floor, p.aoe aoina iii ahallow pans in tho sick roona," and r new frenwiitly ; souk tba linen of tha pn t'ijQt m it, and nn out, betom sending to wah. Ihhtian 1 1 portion by moajure of the chloride, to 60 parU water! , 1. nnr.fv aiiartinMuU of the ici. bos pital warda, priaubs, poor bouaca. i!p, gtuo and. starch ruaiiuiuctortca cjrwdod rortaig, 4ic ftefpriiikJa'tli flooraiitb thu diluM liquid expose the same in .hallow horn vewB&s. inoitflen'cbths with it, and bangA''n P.J rooni in- thorn twice a day. or ofteney, accord inir to tlie rV?miivcnfofthii idaee.- W uiion'i 1 liart chlmder tV 0 "parta-watcr, To punrv- air between det-ks. Ppnnkle tho docks during the dav, and during jhe j.igwpcu3 rHrwir'halkbunielTuB oTthe roiulloi7..IuiwI blf oud huliJp To remove tha 'corrupt small of,?ilKC water, and tweatroy it in eupar e.up hrovr onw .or two buckf ti tutt ttown tne miinp wen until ino -iiu wcto'iiiu. Dilution I part .cblormjW;na water. t It "ry 1! u , ! I inilrlrt ', " "" I . 1 .1 I w ill l rv "oite to ni ..l,ra ol Ifi.i ai L n'i l iipn' ill Hi" p-'aerof r iont ni I. luatcr of hrtJ an 1 ... ,lBi,nf.r BIk iiHsarid l- g' 1 4iu tli diia ny 11" "r" !l ll "It ivM'l spun I ,f thl pwrlMf.whii-h, on rum I 1 ... -..i,.,! t. ir. .-mpt-mi-, ' la mv. Ih .t rv'iWK bw av'r-Jf .Y... .in. .-Mt valne. , Aferpr--" . . .i..t.J m,.ra tor .11.. .-v "M .. that epwaro. t 09 iiunoa. " . , .r a prerrt t.ipw'"y w wlraarnaliiuafrttliiM , W-nrr.J,i. ' iw ,j. -adof .'Ht, abnn to tha ad..pti of Iha troatmoat,) 1 ehal ' mill,.ir . prtmJ8 the fow t once dfrribe it. The u-il ar n.ut I ia r.,K. k rvr? in. hut drr Hftnrn-la, Ih Will llll II Hi , , , water'n-rttl-s td thn fi. anl mo-tard P-Hjltirea to li ht and other parts of, tba body anVtd by cramp, toil u main be ai!mi"irel every lir id half tnmV lr .crXl watt-r. naulv earbonrt of an-la Ul.l dria x xiimaioa . I'ir, t". g "."?.. riary mirwI"Va-' fraWia lbwtvf mnn fltaaawdotv fitrtrvf'nt ai.Ia,' draugl.t, will. In moatMaea, q-nel it -. wIk-hUwiU rtlair"-'--S """"V -Utpoonwl ofth cai botiate of a.da aliotM be diaantvavf in half a tiHlU 1 and given In ainh qoantitiei as tK patient can retain, fr6m li-a rpoonfui and np- ,.1. rtnt.lt ih. tomat h ia sairicieiiilv in rM-fiive the tmwdor. In ca' f the rhoWa, howevrr the meet Unce a-m watcbfubVaa and atwirtlon t the petpta .r H-ouin-i Tho success of thi. trt nr.it, whuh in nwny '."" " i-'-(ectly aorpriaing, iikIucs me to Me that . ... k... aa laBnati Wfai V allJffliiru ihrii " "It ' .....I am the aaxlurn. ami i,.nd bv anv ratrm-atr-r. price Sure,yrtl UI corner n "-jr"'. . . ...1,:.' t-..-,u r..nilv -.ha U..Kv la out) icaiwn. I anoiii im aiiiiiiiiB- can aiTrJ it onght to hu'" "o V. No time should le M in arnding ,.n..ui..tv fit lafrS bv ita publication. bave the l..l, - Mrvdnt, IIKKT "Ar.a.isi-i-1-, 1W..OIM Pieei, Brunt omar,, Jf"f2- .1 . '; T. 8. W have, nappiiyr-w canes remaining the paticn'a, whilat euwring V, ... J I. I ..f t - m an -alitor water aa comnum . i in quantiti.-; not XCoding a wiwglaw full at a lima. Ircmely e'liaustod, Jiko on in thelasit step of a tymia fever, and ganerally aur". iyed but a few hours. - During illneaajliej mind bwaro cWprefau; and Uurmif tne lust stage of tba disease, the patient al thouh fre tront pami seldom expwsied eaaotV'-tlwVnc'Waa , purftTifft.rbut tfrr"tyMc"ra'wia ,lMi until dfalth,'bj' indiasotutil spasini - . From the moment M ntiack, there waa acver eufficicnf raactioa to indicate deple tion, tit iht.i-tmtibtt iatir treatraent.-' Venesection waa practised- in one caee, dectned" t:';mtairorahr? W t1trir. e4 tba immediate extinction f life. most of the severe cawss,' ave- proved tho total metficiency-of H hnnia aid. Wo amnloved stimulant, and ejaodynes of al muit e,venr description, nd m every vari ety of doer bitter, alkalies varm uuth., steam doj aa amoracattona, mciiona, and every nnlisiT'''lie0 .aVlneatikej. tMiei etTectaal remedy wajnonea-piy. en m full oViaoo and repeated aQer vry paroxyant, Or. antil ,tl, sytem Tiecainf! rpcoiniwad famili "'MuTik.lphuriaha.i; BrKnat.c !'" rffcartAem, .(im,., comr-""' V,K,ur one wrt i m end nurk up carefu ly. .B ia.Uirtiift-An:uu:ite ' He k. j-t in nr.,.,,..- - , - S. ndviTi". f,r opiurn tw"in ivir gruina camphor ori dncl.ni! apint ol ali.c and niTeoi'fiia umuuk tu lualu id p"J-'r ' c oituaieilwC "prtdtflff: fo'tVntyfucrpil'M' 7" ,?-: .,.4. (layitra TilH "f Inndannm an mnfC, tiw ture of aaaPrlida two eunrvi Mi t for kpjtiv liaCire Jwi. o' b- tr vp-ipn 11IU with a wine Kla- full of iliut sisreh, ami Mum it, wht-u ii.j. cf.'d, by prwKur lroww itli a warm cloth aa Uig aj prtaainit'., , . 5. . n Mii.ljir.t t-miltu-iM Have alwsv at k.n.i C.i, iM-i.a ol iSowdirrfl nnHiard A f-urthol tluV spread over p"trig-p"j' ticm will be iutfi'-ifnl for one imticut. fl. If.it Air Hath the Umrd have ap- nfwfd f a hot air bath f a.mle n strictiofl, whh may be seen at the blin.l tor nvdiral aid. ft.it whn th- ill a Idrnlv ill a violent lorin, rn the timewbieh aaw T-taai'-a waa- wa - , . . . , . . n-u- 1....... ik.rMl of mintt nn lr(orfl Such Bl'l Cn ofl U ...J.. il.a I Tl... rm al rnrfl known I'V auiKi' M was reliev. weknrs., a contracted ghatly counten ' S who did no, take give two pilk So. 2, and rejeat one eve bVaidJewhodid, inuk- ry half honrif th firat twa fad to rcbevt .Ain. The mixt'uiei, 2 be vomited. Bui after the von,,,nS tJTJIAN' REM ED FOH CII0LEH pi.- R-aal Ifurk rv. of the 10th of Number, gives the following recipe for Asiatic Cholera : . JVWrreiad. Od. m vnm-ra haaljeen prerahn at Aim l-a aoma wks past and ofVJW perwan aii. ..c.,. if a v medic ne: ann 01 uiw im... bert 1C3 recovered tha medicine dird, I a im-iI of 69 deaths. The Xl Bjy vwai ai ----- I oum e Sal Ammonia i.ou3uur; 8 do. uosJackod Lime ; 1 quart boiling water. Tblwiat article,!? b finely, pow dered and put into a large bottle, Ito a low ofelfcrveaeuce.) and the wuter adJel as hot aa ran be given witn aai'-iv m m o'i lie. The mixturejo be frequently ahak en, and in Ihe course of three dayi. or sooner, U wjll I fit for ue. Tho liquid Id" bo decapted from the sediment, and H ecnrwd from ettaraaJ air , ,t Manner of vring it. mm eracnm -.V nrtneaaurei di utod with thro hlmes th qwntity 4 water, ia ados for a -own up pernio ; a iw aropa 01 ofpepperimiit make it more. palaUahle- IVkflwa fiev ttrttl dulAO. IS CltiClClia, vw L.- ...vn.-U ihe uWase. '1 o allay me t- or prtoijuing In audi raea. tho fri nd will, withwit drdav. give a table ;wonful oflhe inixturrj .v.' 1 . wiih niiiv -drona of laud-mum, in i..ir. wi.u. nf foil of cold waler. Fcl llllll fl TW 111" ( low thi with a t ilde ap-ambil ooca-ioitall ..f.-m r.ir.t and a r. ors'.mn-'ly sm red wine, rtriwat two aiootifuls o the mixture. v;tti, thirty dr-jii of hunlanum r ki.K honr'tf lhe"fili.l' doclfjit td 1 liever If-llia mixture bfomiled, then relieve. n? mt rramrw C-fle. tho mixture or PII rmr-t not Im rrated willioul'invdiral ad iro. The Clvater. No. 4, should be re. wrted to alao'lRim firdt. and I'-peatod An,tk if wni iH'tn lOt'tl. Virv w aa aa - ( "N.' B ""Tbl drvmtof ftie rmtur. Lu. rl.ntim. p-ills-a-nl t'lvMrr. flil-t liol I e ceeVd.- Forchthlnm f I'm rleou, half the doies menii-rtiod. and f.r children of seven ...u. tViirtli ia a.ilHrirnt Tl.e hot nir bath, or, if it i not at han drv heat over tlie hole body in any suaiio. a..ka i,v l,M UankoU and hot DtlcK and, aalt, ef battles of hot water, t?gtW ,r ttith'mnatanl rubtiri2 of the' vihoh Wv,houl! likewise be reaiwted to fruni thMrrat. "W"mw.ard miltices tdieuld, .. ,v',il.Ie. t lnplicd over the bcllv and on the soles ami edlvea, and kept ou t'iir the patient cutnptainaof-theamwt- tliimt whicWrerta on the jj ge o. "' the, me.re. baVe Ih-.i iH TOtnitwir. water HI winch mint baa UDjr.JflJH!W js ... - - . - , rT-t . - --r--- 11 -HU'V " 100 .uuili... - - t , f.. ,M,mftumtV wi i. Mdtif.iiaitbir.. We ueaunvm ... yeTU$Z warda. board tbink it nee-wy to withniiieofwaer. ; .iw.'.M.. inaf 'where tbts dwm. lWnnarvdrvea. I DCilOVC, inw WVITI I": .:."- ? tee' tli U wthin tee fireti.aeooiiJ. J" r ( ' . ' ! 1 it'.' t.,1 !l' rl f" 1. D 1. ; - 1 1' id '"; v. i,. n .1 .- Cf4e,u il' i ) '."I have In- Tlte M"d f ll0 ,tlu1Hl . 1 ! I 1 mi'ed. Two pills nt Cfni..'. 1 1 1 1 , every nail hour, ii.a nr.i u M i all thfta l'- lr I Li ln of 1 1 , i... f. Mirth for rhildrerf of 7. D n t i 1 thedWMa prear.riV''J nd li.p li. i, !',.. voinitinf aml"rani eta!, ui.lr - ha iModiearaJi't..' .1,. . , Inject thTre-tea tpwipfula 'fa win. uaalul of thin warm grtMi.id Vwtaia a ' ' Jpng ta pwii.ie pre.tjrt t ,,w wjih a, . , wartu ctrfh. lrmi reiniaMl rTj aiiiB idiritely, but -etN-rw,Niinr.;r " ; ; iu ut in-" ir rynion-n pi 411 OflBV 1. L-1.1 x..'. a a .... a 1 . ...h K k.m .. j. . - .(a r"iii - .1 i' " i ia Fipi.ia'1 'iit i-rrffja. , fhiai iailiickly oYrpiirtJtit unuliiccs, f 1 woirn Jjiy fif" una on fiiej Dflir, an ' otliersng tke aota end calyr'a.. Kemor. ,' wlK-n.tbfl natieut ewiflaiui qnl;l Of J!ij", . " txtrvtfnm the loputit iururl't i ' a ''. , f nu; ..1-l. ....... . r.. ..i la ' . ivrifv ii.-i n itii-w iirtiiiiiQvaa iniin ia, r . puraon an 1 dwnllmgv- . - - ' Avoid ail ehanccaofJ-fiHg'tliiljcJ, tnl.: keep the b'in'y wBrhi. particufiilyiha ah" ' macli,' lima ls, and fi-Hi . ' ',V Avoid placing the feet opon tbr Ce'.d Workmen, otlid tt wo'ut 'in cofJ ri l" damp rlaecwouldde well lo tnjir ,Vid, Aba'JW.froio ileeping vitk the wyidowt , oH-iu ;' ; - , i"; Itctfirn. bom-; at Bn early hour, in order. -s ' teawid tbe-eoid -and damp of the Bi"hi4-- ' , , r,. . A vot'rj aj much a poabiblo exceaaira L : t tiur. ' a- " harrver may be lhj weltj.er of lli " eao, do not go too lightly claJ. .-,-' SobrietTcanriTithertiwaltitt- bended cnnarqunnily avoid alt exceVasj ' oreatrnguJ dniifcinrffor it haebi-ea obr ervrd rbut Droniards- itid IVbauc he4 ' have been m t expuscd to the attack of meataoiipi; eaf aa 'liltJe aa Ktiaiblu of' r hitfc ufz rie . and iJt.mitVaiid.abatai. entirely f.-om he vy pasrry. .' - Abtdun Irooi undrcascd rood, of CverJ.'-X dMCription. . t ' 1 1Z.- " -ji All cold drir.R taliori it hen & ytrvm in ;., tailed, are at all fjmi-s danjjerotrx. Tl . wAtnr irs'rd M il-evoraVe oui;hf tdb clfa"' Filiofvd waJe-ia-betleT- rM any-kf Inatetul of drinking it pure, it vrrruldj k4 v -( better to mii.4t with two apoouiula cf. hrandy or abtinthe f a 4nt Wttet ' lightly tnfxed with vine U equally;, U ;.v The excrsiive nl of strong lirtnora h'J v:ry perrjU'iuuSj and takiugunuii;cdbraa.f .f uv wKM Htatmy M qiiaii'. au. - rarauH! . a ho have conlrar tod the habit nf doing aw, kliouIuVat iuaat, first a fiT of bread.""; TU atije-htioia:4ply driuliifl'. white wm fntm. AH beer aud cidtr-of lad quAliy . 6ugh , to lie avoldiid.:.--.""---"'-'.--"- Kv-err frwn--wrhe. CJa. birotcjf eui iienlv aiU-cted by jull jwius m the limlaa." To disinfect clothea, linefl,4ic.en)ecially of oerwnsaick with coutagtoiis dtseasea it is oulv necessary to dip the article in to the liquid, Mi d they may be withdrawn complttrh disinfected ; or stand a shallow .. . I. V .1... . .1... VtMStH, Willi ine aoiuiuiu, ia uw pn-w . mm coutaiMhe clotiies. II meeaae ee ma n.ni Ini them lie in the hntttd a eoiiple . . . -- . . of rronrs bflVfefvWg'-a9iWe 1 1 part Clll.'raU" vv ... . Te disinlact wwers, c9.poos, pnviea &e. Throw down a quantity at clean wa ter, and then a jkhI tuil ot tne iiquta; u not aulucuint, repeat alter iu er ia m'n- utes. Iir empty uig very lout aewara, each laborer should have a pail full beside hinVin. new jurt then moisten -aponge itkth,Jiquid, oi. wa-u round.Mw mouth and nostnle. Dihuitn : Hall piut -luide to one pail water. vv- Tti diainfect d4d bodies for ' the Use tif furors, coroners, and uiiderUkersvi. Wash tha corpso occasionally with' the liquid; wran t ia a abeet well weiica wuu tne taoTulionr&nd Wrinkle around oHem DtJ. ulioa . 1 part chloride to 0U parte warter. o onriiv aiauiea couiamiuaioir wun in i ash uie walu, rack,' or third hour, fromtlieeownencemeulol the attack, has it i A ..ar,il ail iirr REPORT lb0 very generally ioi.m u-.u. Of FMurfh Board of lUnlt on f e with the ether nod, oj F'r. '"v .T " i.;, .treadv mentioned. VI. Bv following thc--io rules, and ta- a- J ' Ckohra, Nov. 18,1631. Tta Edinburgh Board of Health having maturely comioVred what ateps should be taken for checking the Epidomic Cholnra, iftt ahould-lppearin thia city, are pfojun- tKni iha, nmner time is now arrived for kinit prompt adrnntage m in pr-.-w... . .k- rwiiit. tlir board are Iliaot: i .i . I ' ... . cuuvinced that in many ca -a it I UI tie .1,-oir.wl .i the oulsU But, af thi same rtiiiH.nrA of the inhabUttuU. tllV uawaa.a- ------ . . . It IM 00-iriI ro rauwn;u mm ia -aw e.S nun. spontaneously from hidden cure .hem al home, where they can aj ease may anew "p- . . m. ong nt command. cause i and that H may aiao occwufi.w. iri r , -- .,;,.. . rircumstances not vcv a.-niv-i i in iiuspiiaii.ow) r ... . tagiouam circum -iunli. iK.i one. alll be nearevcry man's tamed. tint tney i .uw- aam..- ...v..-,,. . - - it. ScShat, when it does become con- habitation ; and c" uaJ u j:.:..:k.i ;i t.u oi.a nuHv nt t he hopoiiais ami wiu., manner u very mutu .uhihmi.i. i . . .,., Bn aYfentlWl be paid teieaiaii , t'W ty itnta . - a. . '.I.Jl.i . li " r al ...nuiuinns. WOrlll1lT diaeaee aopearinn here, not to oe mwieo tnemscives oi I . : ,' .' nature, the inevitable tendency factious diseases. mangrrSf &c. with the solution ; sprinkle the floor, and riuae, after th lapse of n hour with clean water Diw.txKu part Thlorida te 60 part water. .cc .. . To. fumigate ompleMy a build'n? r apaciciu paftnnt da and 2 parts water, ami l part auipnurie acid and Itrrfattr walet remove- every 1iy mg lliini Jaol td fce datroy ed; ; t apertures, anqjpour n wy ul""" gSE" hdf, b Hlill Se-vkaUe tendency o treutmei than in any other way V that limy must nut forgot, tint f vrry mimije s : ";' -v- "jr- --7 7 vl'8 tj t;3i ;f fti ijcst vUiw4ivli;j: if trsj- ..(sfjct..l fiicistilio- - -::..'.. . : ,;V . , . : j"?. ' Ti ' : :, j ."-i-.r- If' 'Vy v "f-.-A "i '..i1'.,;r..,;:.:i.-;-..-. 'ii' ' M " .11' T-t- f J-R-- of May 4th coutawa a lor,tf hicb the julJi2;V of treatment, wnien tne wrwer awe w have been tiHbertp almost uuCiilinj in tk ur jcat c&otora t-f . ' Tn iSn K.lilnf of tht Ttcei. . V i l5iM.4-The : treatment M the xhotera which ha h;if-n so. strikingly siircewiful fh Veittvainnein rnms,. paving aireagy ai tractfld contiidcrablo nuUte anention, Haetn t. retttiest of ydn t -giva, the re t'twite ptiblicity; thtough yUUridebv eif' cuUKd ioU;aiJ. to a wiMorea eMPpa I (.prod to tho hospilah, rather thnn try to heavuieid or giddiness of the Wl. fccl, heart burtu-cholic, slituilJ taiinediatcry ap-.l: ply to a pITyaician, or to the- aekt BdrciA -de ScconrK' i'',',,'-';r-:i."' Tfr'Thp! siflUaa ly.u loMajjdtak Rion of pejijt.rmiit and ttjwerj of AalTiial. trcf, and heut hiipwif by "every1 posaibia. mnuns. V"' ' ' a V" a -a - IV pa red cholernf aolntions being net; -vcrnaliy ri cixiiinendeas a uneful prccau, ti'i against inturtion of any kind, it m-iy b ikairable lo give, the lollowirtg tcceip , for making them: . Tuke one oh nee of dry chlorate-ofliine,' , nnd one quart of water ; pour a euflnfie quantity on the podVr V make' k iate ; pusie, and thnndilutn it wjth tbetrenaia . d. r, atrani otfthe solution, aud jU'op " glass or earthen Vessel! well atoppeH portiontif thw solution abivuld M poure into a shallow bowl, and placed in vr , room in the house. -t . .... . . :1 The chlorate cf rrlaia nearly aa go'-r. itiaio lMae4i) tne anae jBWtVuWIr.i. proportion of.on otmce of chlorate te jtaV- or twelve ounces of water. Jlnd thy therefore iutreat the inhab- honrsol the day aud iiigh-t. ine o-'aiQ .'...-i. .k--u.Vt ''nf HilcV'.ianroi stint mr uttioklT" availin'' a ni tLUinouriin. ait ' ." !"- j i . .. . . , j i - . delay W highly dnngerous. VII. The moment the disease ia smspen 1 tn have appeared, informatiomnnst be ted M.t.l ha tn leave the sick helplcas, and thouTlnWnduTta otbera,lVhich is more pressingly reqinreu in"rtiia'flieaBe'tha'.Hi any owe. 11 r.nnrLnneei hfll shown, mat ine ..111 Arf.' - s I wii Hi li.' "IT" ' , , mnrt .amial nrecBUtion for escaping the William O. Cunningham, tan, it;, i. ihrietv : that Intdxicatwu uu- rui, t hn Hoard, at the City - namoer. ring the prevalence ot the epuietmc is ai- jt utahUsh ttseu in moat wire to be Pdlbwed by an attack; and cfeul ai-iMia-atKi'teJ . to' dripking AreiB ; M1irt,v8rv--inoriuiui Uulorejhait molrAuectiotakf ini pine, ifioit of each-new case death hkaly to sink under it. a In like manner or j specifying the name, rest . - . , .i..l; . - , . I.. Mr . tpuff allnnllnn Ift ..Dergnnai victmouwoi I Ana , n- imn nvmcm. umo in ,; and- eentilatioii of dwelling honses,to ,nJ(i.a f event. The ooard onx tot Elothing. ; toregidariry.ir.lourl fr r ,wticUuUty m liitt jrespect irs for sleep, to keep a touch as poaii-1 frou) very nodical Tirrsofi,' ' within doors t mght,Md to taking! u-.' lULimli are here amvi . ' ..s '"".. v an.-1 1'.--: m . EnniliniCili VI -amfw t food feetore going out iitthe mooing, may mj;,rm4t 10( of mediccl persons be relied en a imporfme of tecun-j Bnd othcrf m tn country who may be p- 'J :-.-A ;i - Vii 1 1 p ed tofor til JUclearecomincuucu ir ' im --t-- 7 1 fjie board. ' - t '- tela .halt be opener '1 1; r that atatimw -snauoe, cawoii , rpre, 7 7" 7. jviV .u . -i us.il- ..'a. tiwrk Ktaj'medie net and I nrniri tn atf-v-e gl--udulf iipli. na be nroeured t M ter; tf Ahi fail (n , relieve, repeat two "a, "IT"-. ... i e.ir.-.. hoar.orttie-flayt that." .if neceasary hour hie ui Wt be proeured aH ter; tf - thl foil (a I relieve, repeat two i,i-iMjugitLiitt tary, "ill night' watchmen verv half hour. 1 .5 4cte? jalf rT,-W ifaWfWl , KU'.liafa,1VUI"i4rMW.W- i- '-i IHOIILY '''IMPORTANT.;. MINISTRY-ORE TEXCllt VAa.it.ai ...f J ,I.,li,4ias.fti,ui.', ..Fr-r--TBff-'-Jt jayr-ff) ,r- .1.- ..1 th hti Marmora, Cajitain Lor-, from Liverpool bit the 1B; Mav, the Uaitora ot themirw " , miiror have received itcMicr'. """a pniters 10 iari'iiii in.' est 'impvrtance.1 oe.iwns ""f'.::r.lltff.. t create: Feer-Tho, rey; haWredalV Englaa? tLA.i'J. of exchemennd m the tan jm dorv-Timof. the J.lttt. OR Jl-pVOIXftOllWrr will not aUei(it t deaxlH!!. which every where aeems w " u tb fe extracts wnicV?! J give, and tbe.moee-vnt if ""JT r4 la Birminguam atone spe. - . -ii s.w ri--' 1 broughJUJO paper.,: t5 8' fPiL list report in Loroloti, Ma7i'(, fj. CoiM of Choler. -a. ..iv,. ArM.ittffvrtSi remain 7ft,..'. : it. .V.,,tt;v,5,;,.T::.r....&.; . ' s, -iaat -fib-ay 83,-t t T 4 - V'-H-..' .' "'-.,. .'' - ' -.-W .-., .J M.s'"''?l - .... .... ' ' j-1':-. ... -- ' -fc ..... .''-.r .-.'if'" '?v::..;.2 ,' "- .'t' T'.'trw, vv;i'"'--'

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