i r i vsiu ,,..... ; '" , , ill i.c i.t ', 6 i f.h, M , t f .e lit prraetil (Teat. .rtii, C-mntrt men, keif '. ' 1., Hi " vii' ' a n., (m I ft '' ,... I I r I ! i rr aT.r tol m ,t ,, I ti,. w" h J i.'e - i W f '", "t wlie M- i!,,v at 'eh l " in , VVii' mtrf I lot II1 jitr-ei i w.ll lf efaitt j ttifli h'-furr' . ... .,a'ari a it j oi,eaiTf - .j H.a l.r.i bo Ff UlwL ... '., .....- Jit oh ihe penplei. fray tbre taret Ma r a"" ' nintw. hiflini.lc, but. t 4 n er vr! , ihaf Jit jhr In U. m,&tgttt ' t'"!" try at dw"1 1 - !' i fr.(iiuun t PvtM, "jLm.r L"J frutiecatw, at rl 'he kh, -' jii Maiatrv , i'r "' ni'B'Ci wl er t ZJ. gM'U '"jf wp' , 1.4 t .mmittti well ateWpf tat thil Aim- nr. re Ami li form Mmic i.n unf It "m-T " .... t- , 7. -.rM .') -". r""'; Of ncrri'f In if jwt- . " - fV HI .hr Ittrrmi' . '''r bf.nit HUbeii W 1n" "f ,0""- ,t . ... .f. (. M I4th. . .A.Jltrfwtlr.nrr. lba! Mr laimUae of , !,., arranremrM ,ro" I.r lAwn. alill etmlmMea a' t H'RW- .UbHabmer.t ."T " "t-t.i tin. -We eaamyl prdic Vp eaawi Pf"Jic a. 1 a new a m'ir..f"- li. -i::,!, k'.a t flora iccra w' " . .. i;iWWd, bat .he ffl.r '- TLHruui-' ;- . v. M,i ,1m Sir nht. reel paii prr"" """" " " "-"?. V,oi'MTt.trtf W ...ihrra of Iba rrfotal af ibe Hme to create rU:?r. 'ti.-U ..t ' .k Uaer'eMMia and alrrlrant feature lorvn-n w t-r-- - 3 (He S.-jinM & wd) from Sir nnb"1! re.d-r. Ihai M lb'"-' (ba downfall ofn admiJaratlMi opiw-l tba wiahee and oplnf nf bo M-irl. tiMear IrvUitaiff bit for ba rltk of k- Tba.1 1 pi. ' al(,aST''rVa(!r veo'o fo aft VnirtW a abtaln-W U eH ilnaV Putil: iawq t' ttletne4 tbal Ihe butinraa of the emjnwe eannoi oe rul web bw r admiialeaim. caTieil on Qtmrnm ; or"mVtW to rrarm lAmv arhn WiAatrl ubf arm v nn v ' trf ir waa ala oVolarecf br Mr. Hu-ne, anrt ine atWJaraauO wm recaivru wuna'iuiLtucrraa-uiaa.. t)li- arw 'arnt i4v BnlborH-i ! OihtU b'li Ut- J-rr, b ilt Jo C0N"f Rftli -tttm. TtatrbfyUboaWiaa.d-.bt tbr '1hi iWooJdbeikiliaSadlfitn Itie MWMw m " W abauKl. wr tt it aa b kaa bean' eirwhled. ia order b4 lb . .Lu a-a aM UtUd bw.tfeeit fiwtt,Hwarj freaii'-ant nf the Cmineil IM Hi'l, . fir Bnbert Pf'l. f.ord Vbarncl.ffe, K r nf AVrd-et, ..Urd EII-.rio'e, Cotmaander-ht -Chief Horn Sccrelarjr PaynHtiter of the Foreei Foeil 8ecreta-y B iH nf Cnnttnl IUr of H.aJT". tama. Priry Sral u. r.,,kr , Pit-a. Lord of tlta Admiralty iw vr tturkinrhaiulfd Uewlra-at of Irdaiidl- r hirSrarVtt, itrie OrnerJ fiir.Fdtd. .?t?tfi bolirrtor General F irfof Wblo, twd Cbateetlor Sir Inlin ti-ach,1 DitW S'n. TT ItanKiirn. ScereHfT Mr. Her a, epretirjr-o' ar. LoMv.a, May Ttvimr .-Tbiit I afirrwn. about PMt fi" -ti'elocb, .ra ttil erowd Of p-nple oweoioica in me wriKn. hot'im & of the Hiniie f C.imoni and Palace The Diikerw Cumberland, Ihe Uaiinii . . . a. . .a. I ..... Ti int. tali if i m waw the llorao Uuiras ere fij'lwr,! h anrnb fJbeteeo,50!)iid 300 .T Triwu andlWyi" nnlWitufTKV- trtnct to th H'Wdiui ih ihfttil wm ; v Irrmendiiut,' trtife. M ' Hijbma, w 4 k'wl Mtftre4 mittncr. mad hia nbedirne to the amilanta." Thr Vere foUowei by the nub fc-Xhrntiph the f ark ai faf ao Pf. tmri Palace Ma Royaj tie1 iiaa a UMaiiu of t.mutamlvrr tiirnfd bar k. at a briaV trnl, ln- ere thrr aiis-htrd Herw thev'w'ere araiii anailed tfc , drafeRipa; f ellt nd biawa, which eoofirilietl " , teeeriT nmiitVti, "jfttt a TormiiUblrforee the -tiolinif H-ared the etreot and reatfirt-d or'8ef.. ?t' Ht,ii,-r, fr4neeVVe hare little to any Si lli! it-eik' on rontlnental lopSoi Ihert bw evrr oho etrjmttarice arhicf at lo preaeni ' :c-iiji. dman,la attention, and thai to the dreadj i -. fulli:tartv4 ttjt tnnJlxe mid.iiqraaTrtVtartlimTrnCT teptotJtpt5 .iAidie.a'0wi-ii..n-nriiiiia.B r . r - aMnlndt Iktno..., rllar Mivanieaev. aH tU.1 BaaaLt1. . 'I .1 -S -a. . f Lt POtll '-i;ndrwtf 1ltin,nlWl'f bia re- S. .cv. ry, demand tbe formatuM. or a new uJ. lrf t iud it it a a littla. Jlrkinj? ;tieafi. -ltrnyanvabwr1t eVrd ? tbif wtMHXer. thai frt France ile . tmrtT r beinjr failed "-Mtaby .?itta 1i"rfct.i t form adtatatafatuHi v Of eoaiiibm with be remnant of the freent. bbould a -A'aHuaata and !. cabinet rat v'" ofli-'e tero, we foraee. tbe probable fatal h-:.-?'-. IJttht fhictf will enao's' -.-v t-- -The nwa of Mtrndaf. nlpht ptoreedirri ..Si!m'?$ijflii!9$ thn freatea eoncrrit'nn iia "fn' ISSr.- 8f; .f ri ttl of mrttef timfitii' .IeMt-rWf gnfotmfd. V-,!' M'Hii9- Ci.0v 'TaaTra, airf jr. -Vntfgt, fintr if patttehini, with a atranjr ala-.- " 't,t'Tiii1 board, hare beerrnrderedJa pern w - fsd o tba Tajfua, to deoiahd jrW the trrant Oa Iniuff hi ItMvaf d; .. I I ... 4iiwt,..n n,, ngmrrmi.l, ..!, f.rf tr. b ilupil in r ,i,., 'nf ir. la (b tiuwM f uj, UMM ib r. r'T inn rriiiwt io llir ll. -ftrint i,f tffjf. t-f thfMHb ht II.hi. gf liito lh lUf.rf-m Hill, hieb b. Wn w by t trr JmJ H. 'V f ib Hukt of CiMnntAht, vlik b tu rt l).lrrj b (n lrrMi-,il .j irll)r ef 1M iM iKfl b,! adunrlt k bi) m4mhw fufM bUI aeeWl,Y bl P'"t. Mrev ir lb irit a. ih .Juiif iv itvUUrf MM htttm4 O it rwr)f TI'H 1hH,-r!,rt l,rftf..rT..I--M Hj b riinn-Urjf bir Hirtf lup tni coui li lhir power prooifr t ciyin)f f rffV'krM b! (if rrtrm. and Until that M , ' llniiw Of rMHt. t'riihf. V. i. Vfod pr-nfMl pHiiKiti horn Vn. tk t, ffnl ( rnrix nq i.( ilili Tni of llli "n.tiii.lrft anfl Hirif rigitUm. Thr pHirtna hl lirB tiriic'! by uir.l of 3t.UXJ prvia ia Hie tuiinw vf Ihrra buur, ai il bnntiriii (u luwn in il Minn o a ue.iti'ainafi i tuarn in 1 toiirt b a ilrptiialnNt ill pvp wit Ail ihf iriirvjjti J i4M ir Hit Iff tf.rnt hi k 4 kremt ttw He .p puHrd Ilia peiilio-i miici. f arn yi'x'Mk, ilc rl.,i u iK.i ,f II., K.nir Uiidd or K i.roiil. la ilia rifjfbn.iK",t' fan' ion iiia (A (anf tuVa" l-fi i lliat lit. t r-t tlirtaitnrj anb a mi'iia'r) wbo IT lit u1 In apilr of Ihr oui e will, and Ilia' Kb a ifia cam tbai.ka wuuld b nurred fur dMtvH ifia! ) iniLfmtitt of Iba baopW aiccdrd tbrir alarm. Mr. Jaitya molt tonfiillf iq ponr the ptff- ft r4 fbr pr'rimr arrl wnlle b rt-imri! a ea ia k ILmh. ba oauU a.af 4rftaal hi Kift car tMlt.iif In ihe a of aunply umil H peo ple ara in (iua. aai.n ff ll.rir J.il rijibta, h Ml olhrr wirdf wn'il ibr rrfrm bill acm. d. Mf. Warhynon and Mr U.llot. I..inj tpir km ab'Mil tbe t op'-ar of ilr anp-'lira. Mr O'CiMint I a a'cJ Ibal be bal brn honor r3 bv a rrquart, madr bjr ibe ck-b-iaiaa who brought lb. .Maiuliralrr etiliun, bh lit did moat unrea'red'r. He at the aaiwe nnr luim.alaJ ll.at hl J ircnrrd a MmiLar pu- Birmingham, airnrd by upwab a.-atow b awajwli- praaawi o turnt d Corrcajioadeiiba of lli N. T. JoPrnil of Coiav , MaicwitrsMM ) May I6 h. IH33. lt.etwrd I kimI )ou two LandY. Hi whird ar poated all abMit 'hit ton. and umilir one are lo ko , . Hmrr arca lo.er town and jiUaXt m tfUiid i. ...a. . ' .11 . I . i innrro n ia nnpla'i'i. io iiraccm no 1 elcrament eiuta in tl.e auhj. ci of mora, i.. ia.,1. ar...f... u .u.m a.. '"r'-TT '"1: frr.'iMofth retm-f thrWblf 'M(a . . , - . - l. latrv. larce nuoiberi nnmrdwieiy aiaemotrtl ia tba principal eirttti afd rjuana hik rert to their rngt in yariona aaya. Yrerda larje number of ery reapectaW pcranaaa aen.bletl, bt previoiw appointment, and paerd a number of rca-'lutiona ct,rierivc of tbair dia laliifa-tion at tbe eonducf of bi Wjrar n thil affiif- 0 rf the r9'larrli wtiK.l. war carried b lb- rrn-aaaioa, rrprrae(e4 Vbe $aitn ib inverted piotore, with iDpr .p.-iatr wmrtoa. The people feel that lh y bae been inatihet) 4beir torbearsjioe outraged, aivd Ibrir confldencw betrayed. Tb - of feetiaf ia imilar all oer tba lmnm and n ta i,;n ltvai the wattow win waon sot aaooet time i Ujn-ee, oiaia . btt Ibtf ba0 beretiYore , iikcJ M t boaf Dut waicn tey aow nrmara i hf ( h, mutt bare lia Ail, JU aWi m aarf aartriij- ffctT w Ha f i t ...a. V I I i.-. L 11. . l 1 Dale UMUDie-iv'l a u wyaa nua of for omt craiuriei ptat. TVaiS, d aaareiiaa Tbi BoTwignmonjcrt Tr.rwJrTTonUfi firm rht rrfm whkb tha hir M.nrera pro. twaird. tbrt maat m cuav4 lo Oie efiaf4- which the tnwfilo ill domaud, W a ere il- nrfto" bi-rrilf fth"t'"iw fwrettd' I ba WHOLE LQAP. The wroiil ortnglaiku, Iralai d. and ScnC land, mutt now be redea d-'-fraorably if po-.iible.buf at all ttfi'i redraaed Wo mim atop tbe auppliei of iba batioa tbii it tba remedy. COUm JMTBCUt baa for fbo prraent pnail-4 oyer iha ' ViICE0FTEM T POl'l MILUONS. deaiajKjioe BttPHAI,. t .Tha KiaK baa rrfua d to auppcit hia patriot mj Un.lfi'rv and tbey bare rirned. What it to U (low now? Ijtt the people pi tition the t 'iiinnont to rr fine the auppliea, and Wt them Farm Aociitiont (iledred todieeoaiiaue Ihe uae if all laird coe mod h ir a. Tbeo are the pvaoabke meaa ok dratrorinf Iha B.4Urh-mimrnnr dmninalioB. ft WU ilepmd fpm tht tWere wiatArr aairr 1 aanattMi MMd M Faarr lafvf faV awuaurea nrrd re reearira la. nianv m awiiuwii- . u "... ... v.ii.a r ' iiKii at the Kinfrdom olBirana, but liWy. op prart traTvr(ttf, ami 1h"ki'Tf -Hmrdmiata-re-prrenitd at hiring placed hia army on tbe aead rtubliihmrt. Tlx beajtb a iba luk He Rertlnla'd; had imppV'A. ' - raa Tii tiitiii CAKouauo. TS'pifeeiir Igi.'lai trreti -pr jrty W-tik Mtthanicd rr. f r-ibably.urina; o other tquiJ cH"d of 'tme. haee maay and mtcb atanoli!-nri'of miva in ine uicim aria, oen made, aa witbia tbatpoflKiQ whicli baa ctapwd of the preatnt, Cr.itirYi The invent ir apim ofihe tim't,.hi tterted or. alurort teety ftnrnoaev to which the indnatry of "n could bo pmaibly applied. It ia Mtr far ,fron Krict truth to athrm bat Iba improvem-nt in tbe meftil ertt which bare boon nude iib Iba .. On, otba irrioctpaX obFrisfiToil tB initenuittr of tbe day baa ben employed ia, ta apply with iba reioeat pcmible effcU.ot with the leart powibla V, tba power af tb a. chanical aifenn, to ,auch purpoaei a we may ptpaea."'. Thie jphjiiCl. to 8,1aJMnMj JlMjCT, attained with eonaiderabte tueceaf-wbile in atbara. by reaton of .ariat of obi iclea, little or no improremeot baa been eUectrd.,": It ii 6b yioui that iny improvement of ih'ri kind, I trI 0ibl. A model eSiiibitinJ a decided imprwre. nvnt to the appficatioa of watt power t .a? cbinery, it aow in gpetatioa at 4LincoVtoa in Ihi'a " It ' mor invamina of Ut. " li; Pwfe.Tba prtnciple a which H to eanatracted il Wliered. U ba' ftew;.? WitkqMt outa it it rfifficuU to efiaeeif1 any diitinet Idea of; , tba irtii t wheal is ahat called a reactioa- iVOeria . UO. ara'rr jiiwnii tpav . tiwm m. bit' or brtowthrVufH eyBndiwiaJ wbe, and, bj Uirc forcefl to whetl . , ( ;n H kll WU -h.l IS pa, r f biTt brrLtniflatl4 OA tinf VtfT'rt, In I ',rf k tl'ml tpjilird. H h 1il W l mil it.minl.mf tk w'hrr, , a IkM f ia iranWakri r ft ft iff' fiaranl, tbal a liftlfl Mf. f'l Invra'tit, tire i lb 'Pif of lb rcwlum abrr I fa lb pnmrt "Mai ! b? Iha aHia ( ( ic anUrr kprU ll ' anall liU thm, allail' bir 'wria brad aattf MiftUirnt onr fn an b'lW-A'l bA iowr tia'trf,"U,'l)9",ji4y! ?f a" ftTc'-ab1 ablln lij'0 r f a var-abol ia only rfiMbW ba J m ajadcr afio btri . - -f Il ia o;"l fit ai vVa art fawitiar hh ff. Waf bia UaaMiua) U iJl.mtoim ra'u, apria'lf ba ?fa m( ( eooal fa, ar.r ntiurf baa no tiwi'l' I bifla, f bi-i wairr fa'U. A b4 if war a:rtlciiil only ft a HtxIrabM hrl, may b a.aiU l ll lo avr moro piar haa fr b obtalnr ! b (Ihi r),liri iim nf tb qnani itf of a I'f in an nvarahiil ajbrrl iha' H, nr haa I uhle I be power got p by nbrrl of tba oM irlan. - - Il may be mrn'UiWil ll U' f. wbrl la ivli-vrt) l i faBa of aay bcibi from ait mrbra utr fry, an. I npoa'iK Tb prtpiibj i '" ''nr'jf i appbeali to ! an M wall '' maclnrrr. n mn(ii-inTi, u ,-.. " pa'enl rfhta Unt-nlian lmHralrly. A mr Ml detrriirfimi wl't tt an ril.ibly be pe-a-ned io tha pulbe i a 'id ant ana ba taken to etjiibil cmrliiaively in uli'i'y. X. ntr ji titi aatr ruaivn. JI'LYt, 112. rot PtmsinKtrt or Trira:t. ,. - aiaaaa -..; J,,. fUli p t, Rarbnurla now fairly before tba aMBna-of tti Uirt te. a a ean-tldata fbT tbe:Viee-Preidency. On the Sral pafe of thri week 'a paper will be fuunj iba preere.'iuae af the Virftia and North Carei'uu Ataio Conrerf time, at raekf which ba waanoaainolcdfoC th ofR. e of Vice freaidrat. WiH oot ibe people of -fca Wtitera Biatea, who artto,ualtyopprew-d b the reatrtctfarr ay em wiib tboec of the South, unite with them ia upport ine, for tbe aecoad office ia their Jift, ttie laJ ruled adaocaU ofSoulb'rn f rinciflaa, anif one wlioiawrrnuooaiy oppoatd lo that ayttem wbTch il darlv prrown more and more opnrcraiye u on Ik Uimmj men of ibe bnitea li r JACKSON U TATE RICH ri MtEnNtt We bo4 our Rowao readcra wilt not forfet tba Jackoqad 3ut ft ghti n.eetinr , lo ba baU J l PWai tki 4tb of Julrt hflt tl ""I wt" wl a eoatcateai to a Utav attro taace - ffe nndeeotaid that araefemti ore mftrg for the C tt EBRATIOff of tbe 4ih at MockreiHa, by' tbe aveeabera of ar. etal auliti coaapaainv wbeta, aa donbt, wren other partona . wiH atteaj. K tbe arranee aqiVKHbir larartrr wW made befW r a tu known iUt i!Akao V toWS'if-Mi" meeiint; waa to ba held ia tbii plare, an doabi, man peranoa wiQ fo there, who aouU oWtr lie bate attended krre i an J aa that will eerrahihx be a rrrV titrmertwr aat rrwctiiihl mlbif of dui Mow Citwav iriii lee Wh- tWw W-TweieJ..'faJaai ihemarbea. and appoint Taro of tba r!eb-fael on tbe part of Rowan, who are ta meet thoael on ibe part of Davidaoa U Monirpmerv. M a I bope they will da. j There are ta be five deleraioa from earb eoantv, and 'her are to meat ajtb M floating Sprifig" io Dvidana.aoant an iba 6'' Satur day io Aogwat. When and where there dele gate iSrtnjha three count;e fill owminate fit perto taae placed aa tboalocioeal (T'nkrt .IcdgtU ta tola fur "Jack too aad Bar bour." Thomii L. Hybert, ttnrney anJCuana.tlor tt Law. Co-Editor af tbe North Carolina Jmf nai. printed and published in iha town of Fay ettville N- Carabnaa ba braa aoawted amoea; ruas tliii State. We learn that lhe.t;et.tlemaq neer had the boaor of an tppiiintment it del at aeveral Van Buren meeting! (8 or ten men I torathrr.-aMle, Praawlent at a Mr. Seen lary. a. ii or right Tor tba committee of aijfilanoe and eortapottdace) an4 Uml therefore he dinot itrTbe- Conwtitw with hia preaeoco. h ia to be hoped that tlioee wbo hae dana brother nytnirruielwjunim .jftiyliig Him be biiltb preemption to gota Boltimore, BTa delrjite wkboiit' Itavisf been appolm ?d, wiD torrect (he miitake, for he eartaiulyjdid not go. Uf (fraaw) a aWWpt8aw L? to hf WJtZLto w&ak at- war ill Ka aawaa Ihatt Bkaa I'linlmrwa ttmei BWaavHa L per, it will ha teca that the Cholera ha made jia a(ipcaranea aalb aowinenit of Arie .y iia.a ween no neeoiint nowayer, o l ua ap pearance in tbe U. 8.' ' . ! . a'-J-SL . qq, -..v,a.nr.j...aa.M. " S'uiot the fatetc aawaT wUisIt p?etri In tit. we Dare area papery ooniaiqinr, cow wao umj i44k toa wat anablo to form a Tor Cabinet, 'oct that Bart OatT bid beea faU nai aa ruua. We andentand 4hat tti catnwtaneaineitt of our. tolverarMr,-wcn wm tbradaf tba 3tt jhe. wa Baore aotnarly Uei4e4 tbtatt at, ' treat enmbera , having bee attracted by Ibe OraJtiavi a:'a1r.fiiatttBfc v.Tbare re aow wi let a ilj ttuilfpi twirfrfitT, .v-iV-' Tbe annul nurtin of tl.a " ,'.r'li CmI!1 I .aiiiuia uf r.l.ii 'iniiH wat ltj at I'liaawi ua the t , H Inft. Tlie fi'al anHiJ a.M'l waa4!iiril bv Alml M UfJ. of Oiaftn. rl'jf t'iti Con j ran, we liie nothing thii week wonly of the rfadaf'i a'tei'io". ' 5 - t a- t . .. t . aia- " 'oi Popiill. atiit " A Rwaa V ter" birr been eirtvulrd (Vina rht Wri-k'i pM-r, frit Want of room. , 1 (icy ahaJ kit a place la oar ,.:;(V . . . ' ,v KM, r?i?T.iC7Yf7. THE C'liifpa'ufVaharrul Coant are re- fneted fn mee .nCi,nrrt1 jf W Ifllh Juty ni, rr the furpnae ( lra.eac'rr bwnneaa of ibeXap. frit ind failkln Mail M.d Oompa n. tt la b"pej that til Inreretted In tbia work willeWa ta aaiiie prompt aitemion, . Ia-kra. a aixaai ai U home of Jolm liiyCiaiCprJiDtJ ibirripliaa rrrrablf ! K-l of Ineirrpmatinn. . ioni pfiirrn. r.wwer.aie' f. BVHHIf Ull I , f .Wne.rVie ' mm4 0, Cf.tfr r. ' p.t ftin fTf7- ,r iiiiHk, .i kAtn cr llV.tftia.t; v- if KMX, I aaa ST.Itr. RIGHT Mninf. We hive beea reimeaterl by t namher nwr moat rapeeta!le ciiitent,ta aay that a pub- be meetinr vill h held in,(b Ct. H-mi in nar rHnt on rue 41 '4 itfyntY, fnrrhe pitme-r nf anpolnlinf IK Irjfa'ea no llw part of t'lwari to md oVlrralra from ibe :oamie, ol laHtaon ami M.m'ro-Ktry to miminl- h-r thit (.Hteintaomtfll paraoa at el.ct'r on ihe niaia Ritflil i'-aet." lo vote t' !' kMin for Preaideot and P. t. ttarbaur aa Vke-Preai drnt. AI! ihnfrienda nf Jackann aad Ba-bour, are leeaxcthiNr rrqiiraicd ta flya ihtir aiiend anca. CP.LPHT A 770 V .V -r hi VOOLN-TOK.--- Prfinif ROfltRI Fta will Helper an On aiian in the liwnot Lineolninn no Ilia 4ih at July. 1 hro will be a ball aUlUo kuom ( Mr. Mr Bee, nn the rveninf tt the aame il ";; iVOTICE. N' aa . .irned hainp Item ap X pointed Render of Rowan Conn'. beaahf totawanuatlpcrratiaa from keeping Stray tnd not eaiviti ihe it me nndt-r the penally of ihe Law within ihe time prctciiOriL I will ki ' p the Book m itH ahnat I mi lei from SaliihU'tr at my rea Jrnca: S4 i WOODSON MONROE $25 REWARD. GN J'O'.rfav ntjthi lyxr I0:h irrai., my Store wat broken open androbbr, i.f " ty"iV(Trfinli In i -Alwr cnthe namr iiigS wa atolclt out tf my liable 'a 1) HORSE, with Ion main and nil, fllletu and a half htndi hh, a trrull ttar in hi tonXui, at rtllj Jsl! i . mt, ffi'h htk, ind mi year old la spring. Sut uitiibn bit H n" mm who talK himtelf JONS SiitTfi, and, who, frdrn'hit own ttpoJ. hat been drivrr of tbow wiggont fur iieral yean. He ppftiralo be about 13 ir 34 yeart n!d, i (ret rO tnrhri hii? h, light hair,' tallow rnrek. full .)?, "4 pu noe4 .ftjit on a white hat wlitt blifh rrape Qtttt I altoy brflwq tjiettfoa velvet cnl? pantaloont tbe lime cobur'he boe reward wilf V paid for tba tbt'af and fonv'it''Tf tWnir- v 'V'- r;D?BARDF.LAT.r.V ""uVaji. IBM.".' 3:3a WISMWL SMITH. N "A letter irece ivrd bys A. frifnd jltcd at.farit. io April Tatty - Dociv Smith re- jiteata. tftat -hia J-ctpctt- be fpTf ICHIKI WTTIW WtnTT TTttrOOS. V O tfatiXraA. Howao lf .&WJ&JL to JtD.r.'fiTl them list He eipectl to reieVKufne ID line Id retume hit nrat t'ce of Medicine, by the firtt of Aue,l''oi,,"",,r' lje will occupy-hi room on Ilfaln Si refit, near the ' Store nf . leur . COM lyBny iriBQAiySM '4 COWAN 4 JIKIX9 - ItsPECTFl'LLY lororm thrir fcuttomera and the public at large, that they ruve received, nd are now opening,:, at their 6tore... 1 miles, ment of . Staple. jnd Focy Gooit: Hard'Wart, GrocericStCroc tery, &C .y selected by voe of thr Firm, vtthrgrat care, aad bought ' e J i lu tively for cash ia Philadelphia and N. Y-irk, and will be sold at reduced pri cei,Pirsooe deViroo of .porchak'ng bargaiii,wouj(J do welJ to fill and ex recciveOj' they reiurn - rseir ttixere thadks io. the ? teticroai m "titens ?f Uowao and, ha ricioity, and hope by sinct attention o buttnett, and ell jPg Goade at reduced prlccavJa AtcU - . 1 r a continoance of the same TTVATTIEL IJ CUSS i jut' recelin il .m fail aiuLwwiat ippiv of Ooouav which withbi forme uwilly kept in a Country retail ttam. bich he wilL kU tow for eb of po a thort credit to punctual dealer?' The public ir rrptctfuly rtanrrtrd t call and indii f tbwott-le ; Hi ln cntitinuei the manafaeture 'of Stills and Tia Waas, aarrauted ta h made of Ute beat material, and io auperior ityle of work- maiuliip. ' Having a very kti atoek af Tin ware on "hind and be'mu' determined to tell it at Mdiiee'd" price rherchant would da well to caff on bint and get their anppl . . 7 4'- - fC7" Old Coppe', PetetFetthen Tallow, lUtawat, aa4 wl, taen 4 exfW(V i"-"t 1 1 i aMaawa r;:r,v vxrwi Hi'iiiNt; tMUMtiitii' . ir.wKiyftti r.iiur. r k UP, now rereiviHg taj aening t (enrral a BV aMrt(tu I.I of SPMXa. if SUMMER GOODS, aelerled Willi great " from Ihe markttl of lw Turk ind Pti.la.lriiaflba latral Inpor. ta'Kina Their wtrk eofiiata In part of bwnwvfina RaoafMf Rlack elulba . ,' . . lo, Hrcnan t. B'own aliva do, I !,". jnvblMa Mrjrv.s'Z:dat,n , Fancy Ctmmerr, Saitinelta k bWI Itwinga, Menne d ia., RrolirlUf and ciitaatiant, ' llroa dii'l 1itrd f.rminett Trllnw .Vanhern tnd rtnwr cbefikt, French ami plaid Ihllliiig, , . ,Mr llrj.ij!irtXiMaiJif n, . 4.giii(bhaaiw.i'a. W.a-'1. 4f ri'h hnn Linen Tabit and 1'ivel dianwe, (. j nvr:irr.itioriT.itr.vT or Mtrwilloa. and Vlm(i Vewipj, ' ... . a 'gkhit r.iHitTr or rxsvr ' Print, Uinrham aid miraiina,--- i ----. Tarkinr. Rleref d Rrawav : Shea'lnf(a toil ShiningH Furnlio-w itimity tnd Cotton frln , B'ark lutian Silk, t , eeftrha U aarainel ifo, ' i Hint black ejk (ttibltU, ' ') j Ctia. gna d Kaplrt, '' Milan and dt Romaili Onii, fiHtK, tag and bandana Handkerchief, Criinaon Pnnge ' do. Fancy Canaa and Cnft do. Jirar'i.a.lk aaliin, and rich figarcd vcetlrgt. Bilk "d entlnn Hnirr. : ,. CAT(LrMAT7TjrfCnT fanry bonnet, bah and cap ribbon, Silk a prone, Linen caoVirla bantlkerehWfa, fan, fe. tliamtnd Straw Bannt!, P.iliah tin. dn. Rrltfian dn. dn. Palm leafhita, Leghorn bonnrla furtnd wool do. Latin and Greek School Book, K'.nea, Merocre) akina, 'A tlardaareand Cnllery, , , Otiil end Crock ery-warei, (.' (. i-,-4 O M t 1 L A MOM I M KT OF Carpenter! TmJa, ermiitirg of ry art, cia made u of by Carpentar ia tbi part of lb ComiH-v, atler:i Trinimiii)r, Pnttrd, Bran Japona, ind Prince mettle, Hame nvnjmmr, enacb frinf a and lace, -A eiHid'a-wirtment of Gruceftoi lit. UC" ALL of which, tbey ere detorimd t aefl aiJvw f fvodt can b had In tbi Bart of thr ciMiuiry. . PurcliaarN will do well to CaU and 1- fc. S L . . aft tee our eiuc aou oaar prtea oaforo tucy IL & L T fateful to tb Publie far heir vrr liberal patronar heretofore, and bnpe o atria atiemiot ta. boilntaa. aad.eU i ng goedi cntap, ta merit a eanlmuanea at tat ume. i 2IU aWfi I1?.- nvw II K H h iH I - - awA -i aofortabit.ola.cuv tomen, aad the public - gcor.ralljr.lhat be hat com menctd the butchering Buaioei io thil place He will have beef In market oa Tueidar, Thundavattd Saturday mornings, in each, week,-durinp; the ectm, or at any other - time tQ-at.it tba crmveoieote of htircuttomer"; (tj Any penoo havinpj beevet f ir tale co tibtaio the highest price for ticm4 ia ctsh.Jby ipplv ini? to th'e aub. acrxber, j,.'. Ji L-5IlAYIl7ir O tECTFULLY " timers and the poblic r large ,: thit he is ftrtw rectiving and- opettinr at hit Store, ttncir aljunt, 14 mifas rrtt of Sjliibarr, a hatidtonae aa sortmenrof - - .'. ff It Y'O ;007w4 UA R n-W ll li C U T L n n Yruc. g. letted by himself io New York and Philadelphia, from the latrst importav nook 1 snd if quMitV, variety 4Ar,et ne;?f 'styley jredueed priera tj dpe tientuio to Dusineis, oe- any inuuea mentto purchaaara,4ae.iopt-a to. mer it a "tihffa't hir of their j)iron3t,'ir JuneWl, 1833. 3mt39D. lltiHACK.ll. Bfiiltl).. rF ESFTCTFULLT Inform Iha huhllr that OJ he hatTeCenily reeeired, and will eontin- ticaewiwai(wJarrreb the Loadpn ana nw Tirk,Jtaihivnt, Prom. A. F. Sarueatof New Turk. Therefore.' he to preptrtd 10 aceommodite hit euatamar in a neat and laililonilrta tyle. For durability, ttte and faahinn, bit wurk far Mrpiaaei any done In thin County.- A reimport nt object ia the euitomer to, that ha euitut of b-et cloth tnd uaet leai trimming than aityTailr in thcantba i which it worthy of eoniidereiiea. BJIU garmenta auule by tba tubacriber wilihe warranted to Rt; tf?;---r atry,i3i3. , :r; ? ' ' '"" : rANnsunuiujooaosr 1 jiicrtjiuti rino irk wy ESPECTFUl.Lt lnfurraa Lii eiufunitr. Slav and the pubha at ', that he ia now recfiyiiir a .id apwninrat bia Store in Baltaburv. a ipleuiiid irtmCTK a':---'vWi'.i -''- elected flrwtntett w rat LA mi mi. f and XFtyTQ HK from tb latest faportatiuo ftt IRja, tnd wbiea lie oHer to purehatere aa low laanv, goous -or the me - tjwtlity a hr bought ia thit market. He hopet from bit it- tenUm to buunon, th quality at hit GOODS, tnd the e Vm lowneaaof hit tiricw, t-nW it t contrnuanc et pttromge to ilberallr bet- toweJ towardi him, and rut wUictj Ji tow re turn bit grateful thank. h 1 Among hit, aaaorteient will be found a" fjjat it NKVtf FASUIONABLB, compriaihg every article that iaa.ually kept' in Btorea . r H, B. . All kinibafeauaary proiluea taken 'in eac'une Mr Hooda - . . . 14137 n t: t I KH h hllAVl X VTU w.rtil.l r, - Ig if , I iim Ibriefritni a tvl the pi'l-l1 fatiy, ll.at a i V - ily rtn,ne ibrir CAtHUGt-MAKlvQ" ;.v7vijs7.i;.v7V in ibrlmew aip twadoor ImIow iba Umt raaldent-e f Or. Ferrnd. an Water itrrtr, here the ar tlwtil rratv to lte"d to the ealltof ihcir ftiamtt, in Iheif Una of Uirf. or) aa the making and repairing uf Ceevugi 01.1. "iitkry'-. - - e tty Tb hia aemi'k kaainei I nifl e.Httlnudl m all H vanoo brtnehea, hy iOIIM . SMAW f k, at bit ol'lrtml 0 ; Kf ' (TllN C. TAUMr li, CLOCK A V7AT0nIIiUrXIt Lav a f ' TflP. tnhtrrihe ha(i - piirchteed tb inter a, at of Jn llamneoaa. y la th Waieb krrt Up,' V, WiH wiB Ty tba baU . aeae U the tame pUre, b a all ; It talou brilrbet, " Watrbee k I Wthl (! - ea, tml Warrartl iprrfnrm rB fo Twla Monthl,Fir lb encouragement heretofore- -reeeiyed if the- rm, I return my tinear , tlmnkt. and bop by aitentia la iba bviaa , to merit S eentmutnr of their tupport. .Watwey .U.I'rAP'h I83J. Ulf ' . VJUULnatO.Y and VHZRAW. . THE STEAM BOAT MACON . , UT. JC. OR A 1 .. HAM having bt' V t - a-,Wa-.m "r-l -d.lttl tu mmer, , m ruHi.i n u. i f n Lbarlet'on and -h-rw calling ai Geo, Town on her wiy vji . tnd down, will resume her Trips la the ' . rotinc of a few diyt and it islanded tote' continued Iq th IrtJe ibe ntuln eg . Heritreeding light drift tf WsTerT" " drtwlng wbca loaded only sboyt four ind'" half feat water will enable htf lo ricb ' rerwiriiirilnieieacept,-iir-ttnftirr--t1. rnort low ilrrr, abee her firg6ITI b' : " " " lighteaed itb Ciprace of Boat. v J. B.CLO0lt, -t Clu'ht 8rft. 36.1131. f N. B. Sbeha comfonable cionrJ' . t a trarbtrt fort lopaiara.lJJiJJl, PJ. C. . aw. -.-RA-IVAW-A'r-f ER0l the a Jjacriber, on the 30tr ,day of May last ao mdeoted a- prentice to the Rlttktmtth trdej by" th name of JOZL 8MARTT hejV" pcrhipt msj; ; call himself JfttRL." 11 if abrnie t weare'of aft, abwul four feet 3 r A IrichesT hgh.T' He, had oo when he left, a white pair of pants loons and blue, ind white check waist cowte- AU' peraowfe au' berabw- fwrin j warned from harboriog or enaplovloj' taid- boy r-under iha, paoaltv of tho Uw--i . ' 'St3! . . JTRSP. nr l mi 1 v. r Juneiith tl33.1 0 .'.; ; v - , w avaa-aavii'aatitf f aw a a at r araiUh. w-'"-''ar-' VvZ FJlOr-ihev BuIscrlhe? , - jTT " ha lih1 -U Aptl :Hjj LLiXul DAY iiAIlt,'ai.Hnr - - -: 3tT.tlUtitcfolj jhi sprt. .of"c6m , ' moir ir- with: oneu hindJ aot whtif -zrr".;1 n'-t-rcollc'td ; which. brliewed- Jl97-rT"!T hve,a Sob her-left shoulder.' tact and trots aery well, a The last Infori niauow bad trotq he was at Lol. Ky--' ly'a puntattoni onhA.&)ula. Yadkin;, It Usappoaed that the will "make hPj war tow arris AV Tennettee as tna was 1 itcly brvueht from f .erV -'AftP persoa wbo rosy -take up trtrrtj: may direct io for olatioii to ; M k 1 Pott Office where they shall rcCe jflj c s reasonable reward, sod all txytK, . . a . . &a. 1(1 VaiU Uf V. . . , . , . aj. JACOB COIl?ATZAI, V AeaM LMnry , am J liA IBJ3 . - V 3r J! ph. aa f ,';.',niraiiaii cwvTv j.- - auprriae Cetrt lfLw Manh Una, 1 83y. 61X1 Moaoas i.. . . .. . JeiaTaaa Honeia.J , .' It appearing to the aatisfaction of the Court thsthB defeadai t Jooittham r Morraa la not aa inhabitant "tt"thttl"T publication he made lor three tnoptM r jj" in the Western Carolinian, printed af Ballabur fl and Id WNortti CarHfnai Journal, printed at FsycttcVille.Hhafc the said jnathao .ilorgaiv t appea at the next Superior Uourt c-r Law.ta be held for the county of Montgomery, at th tart-llouie In Lawreocatdle. on the,rgt lorqay in Kepttrhbcp .. neit,' andfweriaid fetifjoB br it will hheard e graoica agintT nitrt pro coRito, WlTMSSsr Faiqahaf Martin, Wk )f - o..' a ne f . r our puprnw vun ai yiQCtt tnej firt Monday io.March, A, D.183S. and-tf theAmerieari lrlerrrriMent the 56fh. - FAtt. MAraTINC4 7- TKlC-AVWSl?:SO.l$tM& i : .lTTMUVfc AT UW. lkTW-t jwaifltoe in the Cmirtrrjf ..j, Countyi t T "ty, Uavidirmr afectlenbtirg'it Cabirrut Hi office i a few doort below tb CowrtJlonal: Ort.Ae SA. 18.11 9'f .. . '": . .f ...... ..... - . : V. ,. a;V. WSito" CtAto ' firfttittlav IrjF the county Court ol Rowan- H t,,.v, at til timet, bo fund,tJha offKt of tha Carolihinn. . , o.' PJ uljsk mucus, OF ai art desripti6,tiy Printed, IpS kep tiW.itaBt.ly fog tJest ttlicgs . ' i. - " 9 , 4 'A a-i-. I. tr T . a a . ' f . I '- ' - "' ' - . i mi- - -."7-..-, a' ,t, TV ;':..'' :...f'VnS:r::':fc'''i J :.5'':."',.-r4 , i-'?. . ' ... ' .v,q.a.aoi.a;-.J... jt..,,k,..'?,.-.J..-.--:v- " " vV ;