nrcslm CttvoTuw:ii. r : r ? r, fiH a ria or. rr.crin.n. tVbo lay drunk in an orchard. 8 x b ihoH Spta Ikafrberryl iMr, hj tkrir MtU'i Mtk tk fOIller! Uul, In r,,iauVMBsiiWveVafer1etp. . - IV t, Mature tbe witty ka aa Sura, ' Or tr aidal plf kr icarnr fat JU'itpU e iskle greet thlf levM rrtari, , Or luwat its kwld te give thaw tick a abare.' .Of cf:4 it. floppy t their pinrW fiW, ; K,v 14 tV I mlt tfceiy 'rr ki'iftrtt, a?io- bo'J tkrir dm beoatb tbe ataxia , .. t:tw-.w--. - vL- ,: tart BWI f erkke oaka Miiim dlr-rj ' Of f rtadl korat kVf. korfiheir cling bead 1 tlr frl avMqtwtuca, m inctHinl wlag, ' t)Uni t.t quiet of tbear brwly bed. .. .V .,, l: m Xbi stater bead tkgewio ' Ud a( i' iMtri of the esnb brawn mar - Awa iJikt this inaVhable bour, " ' Tfc pwba of tVr5' g leJbuMa As jiij. ; fur be (9 total akstloenee prey, 1 Wed tildifci cepbuatd t'tt reaife'd i - LcO ayl of dmijc'.n, Hu ceoA dm kt"f, KafMng took bailud. full ) t fewf if Vrirfctr fti. WW a, Tnt r"-r traatpareat rl n wtfatvy brar i I" M i ;. i i !':. ri i r-. A oitfc lvkit." ti;., .k-' i. tpitrj b0 (! t)irnt km Prtf trio hpr,V 'nia. ind wrirn lh pn who tpetk VJir-r.- kn til li mini blmlf Utrftfitfkt-m A trJferBi5nr hU fM pffrt ihe fciir ., Mi IomIi imnur ?ur ffin, lor V Ho o; td ;h rro)orr' "And pri how oV h rtw to Mfpfnt frofpiv im long lik. M WU, ihot. tkui1y d'n'MC t ithi rto l ui to Mi AW 4o ordered T i-o 1 " ' Hrrt tK Bfcnth(knf of CKtnd, ikd M'rolf r if ko kiK-"hro fct d'fcrr I kin lAo n,V rrptlrdikt linR, f r I fcoo OtJiKou 1U M (Btoltn ih TowtP of Loedon. Tko iodifduv . (frt lmmHUtfjr conduct! thither.' (J IT MO VI - w - - .-.-l-;:.fu.l.lt1oi.Iotc,rn U?:! I! thru ttiHf krl ikt duk Tm ItrAvn kln Anra ki1 mil) -- M eontrlttff to lif h k'd time. fCinal CompiA td ra'ue, dmio, 6r im rrtmei Drown, p you: wtntr d rnoi. ftinrM tffd thin I ef bftunt ywi to-rorrr on -t WtfffW- w4Km I .. ' C WkiU drlo tnt preiehlne Pe I " ftetd rrou'f of Hh ooer.thf; prertn t'.:TTTf V'HjoiJ.i d(rf)tfro bad tontbr4 kf.fji !.k ..TT.i.VojiTro S j"' put t ' : WtftWd it '.' jpwC 1 iiSd f I I. I. A poor cimmTT kn oeioif dettJ , )n tke ct of ibotxing t butcher bird, . .Ukf Mori t junk. '"So folk) ttM Mitfisnoi, you ,tbtA fit to hv j ihfm llcfHi; do J-ou dn no, J tour botior crirj I'lf BrT-ftdor' i " , ..rj K i liceqio'toV io -'kiyln' '' b titnritd, bim Kid t' ttS f srf, - . 4k bird mot being iW.tlit j&aa " j 'tftthtrtt$S'.'?Y'''ST f O 4 r ;rv tAWS OF THE U STATES tw-t at the fir$t Session of the 1 ""Ndr i ' Ao ACT f cttirif h the oiprttio of ti'y f Ykohluf um n the richti orte wtmtmf. - yo Cml Urny jm tut other purpwc. V , WHCBCAi. it i reprweo.' td thic the Mror, Bord :of jM- derroto nd B 'rd of Cothnpoo CoUociTof Xh$ Ifry of Vihii,gtmr. lfr r-rcWerf, ord are -now -eg. .tlasite eVnrr o" nil the stock uf t!r WoshtDnan ranai company god are 4c.lF6ujr lh"t "ttetmirr-proptny , ""thl prirl-cf. and toiruiuie$ i.. .. 'AJIU, f..:l nowcr.ot anr bolt, if'ow,, or fihrr f if r cril. on an? .... r..t .,.,1 ,,.rki fcf ihe i.l.l Con.. lore.,d lor a pitt.te ihroogB trthtr " i 4.f.l ndifl tn l"a, or aiopg "r aiirioaltl.uth fniUie ptopeny .( the United Hntr1i:l r Unded abU oa free of whirfju n"d toll. t - r.. . j . i-a KtC. I. JIM Of ujurvitr manci. paar, audio h Id, uif, pttupjf.i rrpair tU aami', from time Ui timf it orcatioo way rrq1rr, d a to ;hrmihall ire mrlfKdicnt tfOvi'hJ, Tbal llid cin-d iball finiihrd end cgrafletcfl, 01 tnr ureamn vri-ii and iolh manner and within tl time hrretoafier prctcriocd, aoJ ot otherwiif, . - v. FC t, Mi U Ufurllitr.tnfrjrca, That the laid canal ah ill te fi.hed in luch rnnotr that tKe width thereof, from Ftveitteenth trert mt tJ Hxib rr.i writ, at the water itne, ahtl o --' F . ci ayuui, H i h atrert weM to B aueel nv -ieH.'at tbwiir- iiue Itrrrl Vutk t thr binn at the Tir. ;nr i Ir-inn and. laiio to L ..tth, ttt, af the water, i. j fr rr. I.' iirtet toutft to Pi atreet Miuih; fori). five (ret, at, the water iioe t -nd f'ona L reet aoU'.h to ihr ttu ri.! 1 1 the Eitr" braoci., one hutjdreJ atd Cwtj,ty feet, at the .ttr liies a..d the a-ia ra'.ai, l!.fi.rhr.tit ita whol Irngib and f,rraflth af-jie-aid, ahH h-e a depth rf at It v Jmr fet water atalluinti Thtr. ull !s-bc mnde ly theaaid M 'V r, idcrme andComtnon C un ci'.ir ei., three h .aira attached t th taidcio.l, whih haU be y tnem krpt io -repair, of the Mlowiog di. Uierj8t'Pfc.that j ojy i o the ctcio terminatloo of the -d cna, atleatt - ne hjrdred and bfty feet - ile and five thoutand five r.uudrcd and v feet luon ooe t the EitlcflJ brirchjiat tha aera terity' -lion of the laid etia!, of at la .el ori hundred and tweoiy fret U widih od ail hundred and oioety fetth lengthj aiid c&eat he Yrgioi aveoue, l at lcakt eighty feet W width: and one haoured lectin length ; each oi ta(ieah.ll,at, through out its length and' wTJrtira'dtpth ftf wattf eaual t.i that hereby lequired in ihc aji.l eanal. Aad hi t'ldci if the""iid caoal aoi3 baalni abah be ae cured by wlla of atooe orother ma., where oeceasary, ofautcicoi atr-i.gtb awi Hig&t5jW ilfcrTtKe ue of Vteam'VtawtU "therein ail, which wrlk hereby reqaired to be done and finiihed in. the manner aforetaid by ike Ltl Aav il March in the year one thouasnd eight hunJretl and "tluf't) three, ur in deceit thereof, una uci, anil all the right, a-id prioilcgra thee bf g'aneed.ahill teat? a-'d drt.-rmine. ' git . 3.' And be il further enacted, That all auoh. pr. viin, in v lur mer law," ia repaired the Wghi :gton Thai the a4d .1ajro'r,- AHrrmeny a-d C ommon Cuteti, ahaii, irom time to tjmf, erect and' keep ill repair,, all inch bridge or brUgei 0er the aaid cand, in each and etrery atreet eroa jog the same, at the coneo'wnee of the trihabilaou of the city my reriuire which bridge ah.ll be erected at least eight fret biire high wjter, Mtd of rAri.tiadrednjdLl.fY -Mi, Itamlu Uta tdih.tIautfBj.!'ur leer, ;TLTMTnunh e-p mai-rff not, loaded f ag-ms. ,- - v Pre .' 0: And I furihrr mactcd, t'fett ' ru ., ,k. .!,! Munr. A lilrrmen. and Common C''i'Clt, shall, annually, io the Ynooth oUatjuirf, Jay brfure Con. Kress a true at itemeiit of the capital ioveated Lv them in the purchaae, completioo, aod improvement, cf the aa'id e.nil and worktfwith tht amoynt kpt u?uu. ATTENTION ! Kif-fftith streets l'ih shall be Irft tip lr ever as public street, and .objected to the same rubs, ng uUiiotn", and erdiraitecif as hsll and may rTct tljt other itreets aad aven. ties in aaid city and that ail tht atreeta of 'id city running north and aouth, aod all avrouel ' Uh, by eontiou'mg thr' ume, . shall. eiten.l thr, t gh s''d Mall, and ucr run. nine estwrdly would ill likr JT; J' ner iotersret the lamr, ah -H a b manner, be opetwd and and aubic led as oforrt ' Hie. 1 f . And If ilfvrttfrrnacttd; that a map i t plat r,t tile , id ian l, qmrea, siren, -aeid tnwe'at mJdr an.l crenarrd bt F. C. D' Kr .if , UiN itiitt EialeaLjrvrr"rj'L.!!, . 'J v taurit en Mt H' aJ.p.'. ,1 Y(t a rrbr COMMA l r. V t pa'WIa at the ;urt-1 1 ; on Vcilnrf 'ha Kounk nf July beat, at Uo o'eluck, a. m r . -k . , 'rj order of r tin., . ' Gr.OHi.K M. MrRW,f, A S. H. A1 ih,'Mi(rl"il"'s itl !', WaabintlOfl, d itcd Dfiembrr twoy sever!," one 'ttW'Ustld eight hO"di- nd tKirty)ie, marked A, be, a.'l the' same is hereby, oiHried nd rl reeled to be recorded io kic Hici ol the C,""'i,ll"nfr "I'Pa'Hic ips, and lo in il e ffCcr l aaidlSor veyor ci tne aam m 'ti oiiiipii j and shall be held and hemid a nOi-, catinir enrrre U' the saia lands i d l . -.. i i 1 smiarrs, siren, a-.u .;-, ,,rmt sabibinni the same, j brc. J. .7rc ftr it further enacted, YOU wjII para le in the Town of HJ'mbury, on the 4th of.July jnrxt at 10 o'clock, eqjipjed In the ii'iilorm ol the company. Tb"e. who d not attend, equipiied may rst jMi,r! that the law will be enforced proVeba Ioar"of "wef .groondt nlong or near the aaid canal," shall remain in full fiee,-aiiil ue'ITiVorv o. the aaUAIarorJllJ:.mea, nd Commnn Coacif vTVtftrfr-Thaif n r Itmds -r that purposeTahair ?be braised by rprry." . ' 'Bccr4r Ami be U farther enacted. That for and :t" tonsid. ration of - the etpcnuei jwhich have been,' and. will he Inertrrid Ufinirrng tiir said canal ndvni a"d of scurutg fha sides thtrtcif, nU i the' .tp--o fet-erec- , , 1 hi i. rr 5-1 i riT f na r,iiuif i wm KAuc ua SoaspUtieg the whole wnk according t$ the proviJro of this act, ai d ol keeping the name in repair, tLtLuding the etentc of draining or otherwise iinpjiiving or dryithe low and wet grounds iitrmg and near the said Ca9.1l, .he aiTd Maj oriTAIdcrmen, and Cr?m. mca Coyacil, are hereby Vaul.10j.i2ed ttrrolleet, on all artkWa and maxeriala laodid on each iid of ht :l nal and, from pn board any bo.t, kow, or ojher vrasel, r w .ter craft, or pla ced on either side, of the lid caoal or haiiw for the purpose ofbeing takeo therefrom by any boatacow, ur otler vessel, or water" craft," wharfage, ac- hJT5uo'0 m:lv nm t,me to time ordain and establish: r fowled. That the laid rates, shall, jrt-iro. time hereafter, and in no particuTar exceed .hoI charged on the aam a,rticlea by the owners of private wharvea in the said city. And it shall aod may be -lawful for kheaaid Mjiiyr.AIdermen. and fommnn- Council, ta demand and Tcceive, at the most convenient place or plate for all articles carried brthr flnwing rates t that ia to say: for each uoloadd .boat, soow or o.h- r.t essel or water crafr, twenty fivo vemfi for eaett-Jrrel Hour beet. 'jr.' pons, twj cents t r eacn oarrei tif" whisky brjndv'or apiritaom tl- qrors,-oi any acacrpiiont ;nree ceais; bir c.uhr hfimhead or prprs aix cents 1 and upon all other articles, pacsges or of it said Company-W-vcstcd iHitMna.fvlitita,,nt4 cxaxdiijs aientf, them fur the use and benefit of said city t . ... tie if enacted by the Senate and Z-IUUse of Reptiatntsdiw oflu Vni- tei-iitaUtf.rifrifa in Congrcm ' assembled, That u the right, -ttv'e - ii'ercat. prowertyand estate, tithar ": $v- i law .rrqui' f of the, Wabingtoti Canl ', be, and .the same T V'e herebv , f strd in the aaid Miyor . f aldermen, ondOvrnmon Councillor , th-flsa gforrtaidi and thithesaid fur each ton t ad adiarj,hat rate fur any article or qa tntity weighing less this one too. - Aad said Myor,rAH dermcn and : Coovmon Council, shall lTl;ave the exclusive rightta esub- 4iUi a packet boat or bottr-on iheid canal for the conveyance of rMiseri per I and nojthef b,M oYtwatfor tbut burpoac. except such as are es ftahlwhed or perrriiaf ,bv" ihim, skall be allowed to convey pasienccr on ! aaid c'aoal tor hire. .Tie flls the hcjebj gratci ibtU be damjadbl cf their annual eiDend turcs and re 11 in a iinnrnv asm urairiianur anil . . . . . a .. 10 .how the dear nett ' 7. ' 0 v Ifv order of IV Csninn. nr fi. bv them sa received on such in- b,Unn the saroe . '. J. OWENS,'". ; r , .rl if .1 .nv time" th. n.t htr.. M. . or tr immer tnnarn, JllVf ,6 , m . 3,30 ...c. .U..11 u f.H .k.,.. .; iThat il ry pM.pnel t. r or prKt-r., per centum on tl.e capital ,n- ol .ny lot. ..ow Irng nortbonB V7sD?J3Si5 ' , . . annih hrlwrrn aifl Slit anI - " mm wm- -mm vested it shall he lawiuiior ilirm to L ,j mill .- f tl,. r-.-Ve a.n-l In iucrrate the said rates ff toll and war. 1 rria, snau. injn.iy m, H,;,, ,,,H itr rr, 0l, the c.,. her, or llirir, 'estf anu ii-iemon to y,,n,n ,1, Jul M n.nml.r il u i.c-etuar e hange said lot f r in I'eqavd q'lan-' tm'.ie. ihaf in -Mi .r'lo 1 i tmjfht e.rrjr im titv or the bn,1s hrrrin an n rcrn- f-ot J ' - i;Wia. b-tk uaa. " ' , ... , ! hi "d orrmwii'St. t,ovrrl to the S- I Mayor, JJ-jarrl ( A M,ulc ,t.,.Tt ,q,,,iO!, I.n been ff A'dr'men, and I' ard l Cammon I m;.lot,l i i, n-, ii.r f,,. 1 ,. QiMincd, situaud on ihr oMth side of j . 7T'lJN'. M follows l A i'retta- uth, ndimmrdiatelv north ! Trmo r ,l.lin ,-r. s.aion uf r monih f hla htsr fit r.-or: thmraafd f- t.-ti I - -.ucUjc fcr ;bc Oriatd'aj Br.irh hall be the duty ( the ssi I May .r, K rd f aldermen, and Rnard of Ci mmon C'Jnncil, on such intention and desire bring madi known to them and upon a canvtvance in due form -tf law, cler . f i'lcumbr'ani es helnit marlrm thm tor the Wi lands in aj-.h m nner asf '-y may judge suJuient t'i prfiduc,,i .per c ntum per annum on the said investment ; a-d shiHjfd it happen at any time the neft proceed! af-resaid shU e eed a rate of, ten per centum per an. nam, -they shall -w f educe tbcaaii rafa aa not 10 produce a greater neit pr ,fil that of the aa'd ratr. oitrn per Ciitum. I i estimating the arn'mn of capital invented, toe proceeds of alf of the rial etta'e hrtby grsntrd to the said Mivt r, Aldermen, and T J ACMamQO CountiL 10 a d them in the .'f" : I eaeci'tion of the wards he irimr fur in'rirtHii m mn', 20 ilolli. B ii'itiuif rin l, liiiin,-H in fiod li,uar, at kc low r' of t.VS rer mo' ilu 3 29 M CUDWKI.L T TIIK .HA 1.18 BIT UY m.jiAu:dLUDicurl IfE neir SrSsM will commence ct the firat M nday in July. The subscriber inform the public, tha' he ha r-mplovcd as an asiisiani, Mr. XlMES IV. HARMS, who luMam . fur moral chancier, and jme.Mra ohalLbave-nude anv.iubstdii- r''s :the q labncatioos which are reqat. tial tmpti'Vements on the said lardsarife. held by hint or them is afaresaid, to N. 13 Board (including room make a fair -iiid eauitajle allow.nce rent, -ashinj, luel, lights, i-c. et-c.) on VaTd 'iufende of emtWet;'tf-hfti4'-in.npeitM'i thrr in land or in m-nev, as m i b' ilu'i, n pi-r S stion. AuO j i .l . ..... . . ! nniu'DT .ittjnxi it' i I Ttrrrn on ncmccn me - ym im . ui v i tvsuciv jibLUUiii . proviaiona in i ati, in inc ouiuiun ( ; . . t, . , . ,, Yt . a . .u f raided; : Mild proprietors sh.U i. .ilu of the Secretary of the Treasury olj ' '. . ,K i t . , , known meh inrenti-n to the r.."' .M i the United Stuet, for the ti-nr being,' , r... . . ., , ... , i j i or. Board of Aldermen, an t ard who is hereby au:hori2rd aud rrqitr V' ' . ' , iT .mt'fr , ,h...r 'f Common- Ciuhcii, n or bel-re tver, in hie .opinion, . the aame shall have betn so completed and upon obiaioia S4ch cerudc4tc, aud deps- stitTcr the same with the clerk of the warda herrbv rentiir ed. .hall not 1e inc'uded. but the! heia D.v ucn Pr"Pr" lor r prapn- aniount of sales of ihe said property, I etor t0 t"nve.v and iB" ' lhe showing what pan thereof shall have F?Vmr, nr proprietors a cor. . kem anl.l. A at what price each oari of! responding quantity on the square I .i. :j .k .11 k ... ...M immediately noith and fronting n A i r r.i. :j i.. itrret aouth. And in rase such pro man MTm niri u inc iih lununi rcuiiri Sec. f. Vlrrd beit furiKa eiwcicd, That the s tid Mayr, Aldermcu, und C isimett Counsil, shall not begin to Uollrcf whaaroi -tulla, u. ul -the said canal and works shall have been wholly completed, according to the the. first day of August n i . (ffi T Editor of the Columbia T: bsrope, will please give the atwe i inseruons and forward his account. SaJmhuri.' June 9A !B3J. HOUSE LOT circuit cnurt tor :ihe-District of ; Co lumbia, in the couflty-iif Wastjiagwo, to be by him rccordd, it lhall and miy he Ijwfulf ia and:Jor the said Mavor, Aldermen, d- Comman Coun ill. to commence the collection of the said wharfage and uil!. - And. such ritht to colUct thel sail Titei of-toll srtil ; wbarfa v.?h4l'-eer- wnentevei thTjJTrrd"canirlThall b4 so out of repair nh to Impede the ond eowvtoiBt iae heref by vessels or crlt drswiog four feet water, so I'ig as the tame shall so remain out of repair or ob structed w , , 'Jv Situ 8. And in order to aid thr said M vnr, Aldermen, and Common Councd, ir fulfilling- the objects and thcr .enacted, That all the right, t tie property, intetest, , and estate, in Uw or equity, of the United 6tates, f, In, and to, that part of the public reser vation in tne city of "Washington, known and designated s the. Mull, which tis bounded, as follow ? lying between Sixth' and fifteenth streets Brc. i:And be it further enacted That the said Mjyn; B ard of-Alder men, and Boaf4o Common-Ctwocil be, and they aiherebf, authur zedj . .DVUing house. itH every te and lay putina.fllvtdej;XVr-war . oneof vhe aaid land, roflvemi-ajaTca- .ti;c mo hgible Ms t tjwoJjf sale; ted bv srirtue of tiiie act, int lou , ytr tcrms, appU' to the withJaneys . .i tQgthr;n. shail ae HUJIAM mf a..d nrnnre." and ro nisnose of ; . , .. , . and aell the a, me." or a-i much'ii.crewf TVt! XV. , C f 1 13 1 as thjtUremakuneXchaDeed aajif 'Isaid and also-- aU-ch lota they "5 -JJ JaiJ J JiAJk-U - ahatt receive in e'xehbngtaifa'teia, lktll2S Ht& ; r3SiM.lia iV1 aiauth times and. upon such terms as .-rv,' A n , , trtieVanr ' 1 : j j i n f, fXt'tE "iihscribera are no reerivine cii-ae' meftrwd Bourd of CmtrM-Cu.-;Il-r.(n) N,w-York ,nd nrMpW nrv eil, shall seem meet j aod to execine, i.nid4.,m. rumm .if sprUf ami Summ Or ca-l?e to be executed, good and GU !eetd with p-eat cari fr-'in tie lateit sufficient deeds of conveysnce to the i-nnsrtatiors which thev are .tetei T-ined to well . ' i talo lor eaA a tt di)ft)unam quality e ptliCba-rth'-reor. J he loorht to thh aee'r-Ja of iheottPtry. Pee. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted ms wiahitg to pnhaaeHeaik and fmxi That tue proceeds arising from said : C",,u " st nn paint wHI . , , ,iv . ... ,- i be inarorl ii (fiei' ir reneral iaiiafiotion. Wi salea ahall tMitd oott.e.S.,'wndr ,h Pbi for i which hall be . applied by tha aaid liixril ennotirapemenl that o hVe received MVor. Board of Aldermen, and " we hae kcn in bmiaett in thi plr. n i t f- : c r.,;i ... S. Muitkmdaof erebniible eooairv Board of Comro m Council, to pay prnju. wi, b, ukea in exchange forrooi. ana extmguisn any urui nuiui uas j ,t , rir price. Seen, or mv be, contracted, cither in f and on .bcbaJfr.!d.jrL'..triiat..o..thc benefit of the . United States be, and the same,, arc h,reby,Teted5o the said Mavoi, Aldermen, and Common Council,- in fee; for tl)e potpoae, and tlie-oy iheftt,ro1dzippliedIatijie purposea aforesaid, or ao much there, oflks thev shall deem- it a'dvisabU to sell Xoffthe- said - rjvrpoaeif-til tha saidyesidue to hold. and. useor the benefit and convenience of the s rid oty. W&steffAwC That, the said Mayor, AUler oxca, mi Common Cuncd, shdl t,i tje auihor ized k't occupy, nor permit others to occupv more ' than forty feet for ihe purpose of r landing on either jiide of tbd-ci.-ejtteeiitng Jrom.lhe saitf Eistem brancp to seventeenth stretet upon the plan of th city, o fi$c. 10. And be it further enacted, That 4 street belaid ut"alangthe entire ea gh'u' said tan'al, on the a uihVi thefei f, flf tl t wldth'nl eiat feetj bejf eeft 1 iU ixlh tzfy the purchase of the Wshngton City Canal, or the shares of Stockholders 6i30 JOHN II. HENI.V, . ;.L. ANPKKW IiCTIT. ltTin?1iiLX C. frtIO, Iftl?. ' m',A f-vnol nr in thr cnmnlrrton nl i W V PI T1?1I A XCV. r.( an rt n...l wesf, anT eStelidtfmnY Citratf.f;r; rVirnrtlnen-enWWirfv lWfrrKrtLhnMrtiKrt m,B; .,..L: .llCt. f.. ..t.W .U- "" . . .. - I " tWUIUIHlim Hl'VMI iw. ' .'u.i. w , - continuation oi a street north, pd all that p.rt of the aaid Mall extending from R-atreet .eauth, , three hundred and aixty fee, 'to A street south, and lying between ixth and Fifteenth streets, and estate, which is now, or ought to ht,If ested tnanv trustees com'flShlOon,PntrlC jc.tont for, inir aaid purchase and completion, and i Vr improxing P3nnsylviini.t Avenue. Yhtt not be ,pplicabl Iff ny tlier. and for oihef purpotefj theitreribeT objector purpose until aaid debta be i will reerive proposal util the First extiogtiished. ' -; - i day -gf Jy. next,- for executing lSes. 15. And be it farther enactedi workt provided for on said Ave. That nothing, in this act contained ! nue, or any part thereof not lesa than ooe-tourtp, via : i tie bum re to- he rcguIatc(Lhy'.rcrn,oving theT liiVpTus hall beiicldiit deemed, in any man. ............. - per-r)rwas t rmpitir-er nrro-awy nr irate rlcrhra or tnteresis. or in aov i earth-.the centre way then to be na. manner ttf affect the same beyond the ved 45 feet in width with hammered mere . tktnsfca of toe richts , of the stone on .the McAdimY plan, the stone Uni-ed States tT)"said Mayor, Board i to be bioken ns io paw through " of Aldermen, aod h Board ol Comtnon 4. -itrt.v 1 of three inches thkkoesa tp be spread SicTtf?A,7a: IcTfTarlhFf tnnctrd, That the . f ral acts pascal on. the first dav.juf IayV njiexhoi(iand e'gH hunclred and two tbe-aixteeetb" --day of "February,- one thousand feigth -hyRreinsJ.nlne,, Jhe. jixth day of Myi one thousand tTg'ht hundred "and twelye i:nd.ih ucotltihh1w(. My, one thousand eight hundred and- I venty-aix, mo . relation to the WashifigtOQ Caoal Company, shall be. and the same ire hereby repealed, except as hereto before provided.'" - -A.STF.PlirNSONk " 7. Speaker of tbe Hoae uf Hpr., niatif es. ; CALUOUN, -LVice-Psidenf of tli Vnit S.,,. &4 . " t i frrwdrnt of thtr St,.)- ' " JApprovd, M- 31, 1832. ,j V ' 1 x'nonrtr 1 a rxrcrVt ringed two inches diameter,-a layer remove . 1 na 4ruposala w ul state the price per square yard for paving add gravelling, and per cublc'yafd for re moving the earth. !" The Priotera-of tie lawCihclk Starrs, io the several State art: re quested to insert this' notlce, . V times and fdrward, their accounts r for, par. mentrr rrfri "J." ewaic 5 d' mmisaioner nf Public Baildinrs. 1 tfi&uLStontjtyi May if, v HOOT ANH :!: ' ' n Y I I . 1 I : t 1 kV Mil,., I, I.,, n tt I ltl pl)l.f,; h i,iii I 4 full a",ui in ul lei,, ' - . tleinaft'a s1 JfUtf , ' ' j . hoots ejsi:i:s, tst dee'!1i'"'a, wki-t wrreli -ru it bft,i;n. tul i Nrar V ,i.ail i Na'.'.N. J, ? iHl wbirb tii WrriHl-lo bt ,! thr brt q ialiiy. II sny w xb, wblc'i t tuDa. n-,!. '. rin, h will be repirrd grain bet 10 U'licf a Siutiira iwrk i In'k i pty)t . ' . . lilt ltiirIS tiiwe drtara loil'b W.lhr t otiri . H'MitA, tha ' Meel r 'Jthiinf the a. p. . i, It.Mr, tibrre b iU "rp cunU.aly ' on blii'l III aarurf hMit at U0 I 9 and SHOKt.' . Miiiowa, f Wall M Krtritirra. tnainil.ytuf. ' II baa ma la arryttrnxhls so is to ftriti , ihori and lMta at all iiwli t heir onWrJ, t' t when rtttMWera M-tfir .U ayt be 4 . All ord r fioni a dNsnrr; f librf t.lcijle i' r rrlai!, U ba nt UmWi scntd! id. Ha 7 " O'ltuUcturMeoajsa aboea to. Uborlnf birl,, ivl wiU- furaih latu'S With Ky r)i4atitny "i " iVy a- asm, wlncbl'nM brnf lh bet tpa. -r , : teruK sad mat, ant by Iroys lnit)etfnc,4 "-7 " Kill bii4i. but If JoufiHira4 Wbrrf . Av iirmwr plantrts, hriH of ft ebfttttf, halt unila ami ordrr nut kaa tfl'sa ?t' tr of , ' Hhitra.ea., bo nW br llwaa dtUvtrtdtt Sticir hiHta.s. All liU be wanintedjo bv uf ,l Cr Tua JotillNtnif.?! laoeiaataas K a ill Bnd i n cTiti'e siflutbiT' be i,.ir,Ti,(; iw ?ff fnr."r.ri: tcKon. iff4-f. anild. IN?. ' COUIt r.OF Ft)M'V. 3.v r r, New Voax, M,.V IBiC'.j ' 4A' ttV'dATROKj IM ' - . ...K.ORTU..CAJtQUN,A:';. TIIK frrj ritre'. tJint kaa omuMil dialio. . (jinihrd tin. iblhm,i conlinu,'.' nb onaba'.liX inlri.diir, at i Acborbr'l oaa.' ' iwrra tomuiiie la rra? A tht ItaArrmt prvltuo. "ut a rear tnd d it srmt that tha bfiod Ww,U-r r t.m detrrniti.ed tlii Schiolrr alial) b "a? ' ' L be i."..'V(ititn a tew weeks ihe Sfnount af Cpttftit roatitrt d fnin t lis I'rvrf y VW Io .rioua par's ul lite Unit, d tttalea, i jiim'ial''4' I. Ut. Our pnte iA .IV,QIQ, one of ft.-oXW, , nt of f,,S.O00, twa M rjl'V, l ti flrlrrf laat r k the 2nd Canilal -I f4 '70, and m T -: tret ! loner- the wkolo itcjin 5, .1, 30, il tipnal m r)Z,""U, waa rM ty Irltrr to a ca s . in Nuiih Carolina ihe SiOOO and iCtO - a- bc tiai r 4iula4 iwawch a Vn ,daxiQ' , yr. . , . . . . , .... ... ... .. . . : ' ituii 1 IK", a rm rntrm,iw iW iHMncrvi, i owtuwia . . in an adrertitrmrnt. 1h NtO-Vrfk lothrlro ' .i ' i i ' i win auon Da nruugm to a cutao, ana tow anpor. tuiiitj cunacqnetrtjy df obtaining a -capital aill tooq' pau awayV Oioie aiililiijf Tlcketrca'- end' the' moTeybr- brrir Hirr,b tbtv aaail, -uh perfect eaMy, Snd tha'a 'wt'l be'. .' nr.'mipily trtn,aiibed bf the reitp port. . Mf ' ', ruai.ioirri will bt ar in mind that whtn 10 IS reniljte tojrrjhe pirvtage need Hut'bff psjdit In r"rard in punctuality, Intrgmrrand mtto"5' mbilil, I baec'ina putilcf ut icIVrm f io the. firat bnusci in tbn city nong thrm thar rerf , raiir'.lkl(? nmiihrpr,. Vrtarft Yafri'fi Urtik. !'r r Cf aih -J t - V". Tr, " Vt trr. alaa in Charli.t iii s, Carolina, Hicimoiia , VirK'ilni, Ekltimert U.ry m1, ai! Ailircir a and Sv nii,b Georaia. I be fulkinv n,oat brtl. ' , ' , : .. - . . i. - .1 - nam ciaatsi arc uir urai m orner, ina oraw. . , inift or bl:U WlH epor'Blrr forwaT-.ted fr -Hi, bv mr ppr thi" Litter' Hera! iT Wutcb r' coinfe to br putitllUed wrtly." " v . -; i .-j--LAxla ot thJ! Nrw.y.tfk, LoUaeirJ will . ,, be draw anafr lditla , UVvUftiioiit "llrtu'.' yaar. tkkrti frvm M 10. aa tbose wbo rt. , mil tha jatUr amount wdl oa aura of i CbiuCB, in inji knterr. AtMte - -,T?T, TT -H'ho Bjerorr'y rt"rwrrt bj- theWit u Srw Ymk ld slrrlnd. I,- U'gttw pnar $l-f.S0Oric!tets II. : v . Julv H'U.a-23-f Vt Jft u.ia-fi Valiiil"" Four'.rilOjOtTO.TreUtafJ 4 H . ? riT OFFICE AT jiAlrTIJIOfmr J l bafjrttibriihed " .a .'bfllai 'af Rl.:nvra, V Mil., ttr 44 iii4 trj,,, -U4uav JUi(riJ lUruCrdbt Wc.Sr.'Yk . McTnHrK 'iriiicltV '' ttr und.tbe'c?jTmiu7rjf,tc:J;r b If 'if'-..':l'' r.. .. w :.: . i .ntnj, m., fH-w MIH y cinnluy m that city". .,..,.-. .iVJ:.' . ' Tirure are Iroaiflir.lltatJotWs1 in uthcr States, whicbaro well .worthy tbe, at. , tcntion uf iittiturert the acliaaie at.di draw".. ' ina will brfiuud in tpv paper. Jlly tiiiUiern" i ' Irtrnda will now bo ei ablcd to rocciee tbrir ' .... licketa faurU aonntr "tbart from NrW-Tj-k. Trie drawinRi Wirt beTorrcTl! fOrt 1BT "cjrf ;7 aivsual. The ptiiie in nmat caiti will bo r Icua than froli Nf w Vrk ; but wben Nw tor tickrtaar wanted k. niM i well paliwpVV v, la krnd ord'-rs dirt Ot to tbe old lUckf CatfV ff' ' ria.-4lapletit'Ba timO. orAhatieb 4! t(i.ired aitonrr tbaa thaf Ciuld. ba Sent Woa 1 tbalcitv.rt,rira ' AN I HOMY II. snilTLKIt, .' ! . Bdtifmr Ml, of '. VT The Maryttnd 8tte" f-btteVy fwitt keV drawn in Baltimnnt io wvwrr-.saTtniffbtv-Or-----ilera fur Maryland, Mrinia, tiunn CJiud, Vtvt, i Delaware tickeK will reerive liitmHiaio slleV'," 5 - -laMiare,ai,v-- -"Tki ir..t,i..i, rTk!n,. Creasjitn 9Uf Jitjtaleigh, W illlilraaf hp.i- af T ' ' E Sub,Lr"'" 1 ufii bervre,fdr-.Vius: J sircus of Ibtg v ..f. . to!i"thetraftT)fJand,'-i -w formerly , owned by L Alm3ot'.TJlS.V?t' decMlQ milra.Wsi of SaHbury,- containing .600. aaealliThejre.i!t2 good Mil Usea t- -n the -land j Those . ..... wishintr to purch tae the Jand. cao ealf-r-- wdMitt'r-lr'by'ppl5'tngit4,'Jame',Ci."''' McCormtrfbeyja-lhe neighborhood 4 A reasonable crdit will be clvf r5 j;C. RtoCOXN.tlTGllti'a, 1 ' ' - 11 im r nd well rnlldr- a -aecond -nd third ayer of tbe same thickness to bV put no,' and each welf rolled t the Side ways sre to be covered with i coarof best'gravet nloe"' inches- thiik.- H u .', m-t.r1 tkat tkr iviM k. Lm 6 "WlIJ'fLU fia.l it to tticiir ailrarvtagi-, to stf J .TT;. the -Htipn - Una', wbir every cw. vonience is pro ided for Man- and Horse, to , , tht-m.eomlbrtsb!ei at thmnrferikt ehsrjrowt -ernta a day and niifht, for the Jimvdepe ' Yard, the jfl of a e-oud houir. fire. Kter;sna shettw.-Tinschd to- the Yard, are Vf:rS and frorwion Store Bread Show and t-ows" , tionary, and a Houi fur luardcry and 1m1" in a plain, cbcap, wnuleaume and conuoni"' , Uvtr. 'irrri;' Ap-it. itt lOt oui.tT i)i:i:n$fi Of evi-fjf daaenpitou.. oeatly f nnted, sow . . kejtcegrady fisJsJ" tbtjofltt V umpyr & V . v-tH. -sr. ; '" '''-..- ,'',,';,';i-i',";::'-'-l V I I I , i i , j s - I I ' i t a d g ' t C e ii a il B tl "1 " - "ii ;Hjbi Yt i of ipi 2 J? te " :ii VOi , wl tin . tri th, itt atr ' 'otK "Ire : . j ...fqtj Twd ' aha ... f M I am tT( ViJi fj At ' it pen tun -twn the io i "lion " ffni mtkyfmm.MLS.

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