. ft r ' 7 hi ' ; ' ' ' 0 ' ' 1 . . ; - ' , ' : l ... . - i - i - - It i eve wis u awwn from Uwa. which however wis and i in lhmlva. un th id ulanr af i ri'iaTity do mponse ia the heart ol jha citUen, an t which will t evade 1 with liit! reiwrtw. ." ". --'Th wUlom of ilinii a-penany area in gracing Ui o cnwteiisnc. 4 jjgspsjj )"pnn n. sAUSBunv, noWArf county n. c monp ay jrly , 1 Vi ,.x. -5--- S3 'a ; : it ' ."; 4 rwbla.v if ij - - Tr res2'iV CAROpSliH It frbtM otrt a tree at To Dlliri pet. 1 11-' i MiJ ; il , ' ttmt.mlikim the irttr. At IWr tri jMfi.i WM-ti A ftif ' rfTtrw- i tUcrifdxin Ul HYloiiHijfvf mUu . , . X ttiiure la of tht'TJ'fircf J - , to titcotUinue, om mom 9yer i f ' f4 tfpatrf will tpwltrtd at J " $ngafrment. '. , ' r ro prKrif tit liJtrnt u5. mrtntk fd per gfti$.' , - :-JkJvertiiirg Hh umr ntr -jiff t fw cdirtmi 1 nke Editor ' li" pod' fold W lAt Irili W li'tU- ' 'V? Tiitte UtrntjudlU ftnctly tJ. 1 ' lUHui tc. J . . 4 ritj cnebr)tit, wl tb ' matt b, ttitl f thmt kptiuef amuuntM. tnnuilly, l a kirn mm thajf too. iiillrU if 4htH M. oj (ha wb beitf ma will baaf oianul who My, iliat, Uen I nm loult my wwt o liH body I tti tjff !, wry T- 7 SFBECJl QF v MttJ McbUFl'in, OPS. CAROLINA - 0 ikt bill jrpo$ig. a reduction oftht ,t.dJitt 6.importK DcliWvi; i ikt Ifoute rf JUprtMiCatittt, M"i, Mr. Mctfciff rdaeaBjBui:tpwjwa air, t aubnil atpUnatio, ta t thnirfi ilrondT BTwntei. in a differ al fyrm, uf tb ewa awl fwinciyU wbirb flndmd tb t6nimite of Way a and mtana ' lo raudrl h prawJbt bill aa aaa'ijunmf m of fhojriat iubject ofjba UrifT. I mut WatarTiailie pdtiet, canilSBy acknowl- - Im that I - bav oot tha leart rlimmer -.of Imm ibarmar- Kjt I mar rtior-al - tia tnw, or which aay human being ean - aulTmw ivtbb' Ha'l, will indue the ma junfy to adol the moaw now pfoxd, or any- taer- maaiure fouadpd on aioiilar - -amoripbja.NBrrl -am-nlaclaut!jr compel!: lo fp " Arther, although 1 kivobwa dijxed to 8ojm even againat . w UmI aowav awridaotial .-Ciaiviiioace f cireunntaiice -wght jfet tntnrn to incliaa tba bearta W im majunjy io tice. ind thair doliberat'wna t aome auvitlte axpcriajca ofetory day aare ren dert J it more anJ mora apparent (bat all uct eDectatiooa ara utiarly aain and aa liwva.". Aa'Ta'any adjuatmanr bT thia gt ajiwatioa, therfre, whica iball gire f..ihfVruili ouUifl mind, and raatora r lb.brokir biruayay of thia 0nion,M my final hopa ia flt daapair." , UoJer thae eircnraatancM) it may aaain aingular, but it ia naTarthaiou'true. that ia nrocialy VciOwl da not hoe V Woduo aoovic c iioo upoa In imnaa - oi iBia -cmrimiuee, will itm adjmlad tera.lliat 1 am mora particularly anxioufc toaet forth, in thft-dearat and . looei diatinct.manuor, -"-epirinctpUa which -will gtnaro me, and, "aa I ? believe -thoea fbe are aasnciatod - kh whpaa wall MJlha Statea wt in com- J ""'wwlepTeaef fraat. "contest .for our . u nation hla Vaii w'atUinpt to put by', to evada, or to ""IlJU.er.-withj; thla'quMtTon.'.lt cart no Ion 4r,be.di82Uieed,that Vhere doee exist, un jiur th uniuat and. oppreasivo legislation 6f Con'jreaa, and , without any agency of - provtdAQce to ttut eiuei, a raaicai noeun trofinte?siU hetweeji the twa "rreat eub. (liiiona of thia confederacy. And if the power of the maiorityV and not their acnae rju9ticnU to dacida tha present contro versy, it will be impoaaible eter to recon- : die these eonflictin? interests. ' fluch he the caae, Ood only koowa what ia to be tha end of thia treat political drama, V (Wthuig la certaia ( aa tventful political , ara la at hand, and whether it ahalt be eif - Jialiaed by he civil triumph, or by the ca- tastfophe of eonatitutwnaJ liberty, hiatory Will record that triumph oxihaj.5atftt:o. poc, ana powoniv will prvauuiwcuugineui on tbe aatttora of it. That''inT,Tiewi and ' Brinctplea may W " iohdeiptood and appreciated by that august tribunal, , and 4tha record. which, history 4 hall make op, may preeent tbe fjrue iasue hetween the two preat contending partita, thef oppreaaorl and the oppreesed, I will attempt, befura I take mv aeat, to demon - strata- how crievioua aretha-wrongawo ' and eacred are the righu for which we are eontenmr. , But," loTore P proceed to examine the tqualitv and 'eroaa injaatica of thia combi red nrent"ot tat!Oiojrfi4 protactr68,"I .a fhall asR tha attention of tho eomraiyee Jo tflof expoaitioo of tnf f iewa aa to tbe amoant f rernoua. which, twdor. existing atrcttmdtancea. I deim it xsedieht to 'nro ?T tldVtoy defriy injj thf neccssaf y ,an4itt; ' ( per, expensea at uua uovernioenw ;S ....tbitefc c Uerioa Jto "which w turn retort BMao i nt mrense -wjpenainrres ot a rormer )rioo,t. wnicn au.i- nvisi .acanaweoge ui lurmsh a "proper 5 wm forrach a.calcula twn Inrl 831, Turarmywar reduced S? -war to. a Ipeace establ whnient. Jonr the wear following thia reduction to he tloae of Mr. Monroa'a administration in 1824. inclueite. 1 hare- waJa a cajcula I woof (be average etncnWof thia. Gov the, eapenrMure 1 that aJftruuitrrtnn. fciir, Mr Monroe'e adiuiiiiatnatioQ wav .de- nonced ' by urge party tn thia cenalry fat thia extrtYairaace, t ft wm acrud f preparing lb way: r a grant and ep!. did 9Vf rnuKtil, iuataad ofrvsar Jinj tkoe principlea 'of conomy laid down .by the fttlvara of our political church I did not think to then, aaa I do M th.uH m now l and I lhall hail the day bu the prwent or any., future adininiatntiuiu,8lill bring bacl the - expeoae t the Uevernment to the . anutul aun of tea nulliuia which J believa to be an ample, proviiion fr a!l IbeextfeociMoT the country, tsut, mr, to far frota witting to diaomntle mr Cr tifcatione, auilnr the navy t rot upm the ducka, aial the nation entirely de feneelm. aa ha bii aujroatcd in a re port recently offered to the llituaei am far jnaintaipf all, Jhe inntitutiooi (t,Uie cwor try on a rvapectabl fooling, and am wil Unr, and have ever boen willing, to raive whatever amount of revenue may be nece aary fr that . parpof, thoogh fain a war that tha . bjirthen will be vtr oneqnaJly dUrifaMtaf wvaaj by llie x.iM. Tbe eaaential intitutiona of the country art the army, tbe navy, and the civil ea labliabment. These I neard aa inditfpon table;! bold them to hanocfwary at all timea, in. peace aad in. aar i ha I full re eoffni'te the truth of the maxim, that the mynJ VXfW, P"5c.!f 9M9$n.: paree1 ior war. Vow, air, during the laat three year of Mr. Moaroe'a admiuUtra. lion, it waa denounced, aa I have aaid, for ita extravagance ; and yet the total annual expenditura for - th armyrtht navy,nd that " avr-rage. "T1e revenue from thin ana-out of rmixWu, at 14 per cent, duty, wwid be tonwrning than niue imiluMiM ui nolUrt lint we are' mnui ring what will be tli" amount of the r ', foar or five war hfKt. ftr at! the urpia hfcUJw Mhkoaind.t. and I jthM iijwy le the dtitabie import, under hU tilt till not a . mti -it Dt KYI tuan eiuiy miuwruu , Bra will x at Irani fi'iaa millinui nrfw, annualTy applied to1 trie payment of the , xla- ing uuuaa, luat will o eianngagealrem that oliicct, and will U applicable to other purpart, Jtja a rraonahle vwpfh aition that thia amount, at Irani, will be applied to the purclinte of foreign importe, in aildition ta the turn now thua applied. Xemnitus to thie yirw of the auitject, inditing all proper allowajtcra, it t-ilowi ihatlbe amount of the import lr conanm- plion will be more, than eighty millicnia tha very firat year Ilia I2J per crnt. euty Kora into operation j and, fntm llie tinlive. al pr"grca of pnpulutiuo and wealth, that amount ntuit lucrease coosidcrably every year afterward. We WI hare, then, an income of ten tnillitHiafrom the import; and even il. we eatiroate the toenne from the piblto landa at one-halt ita prvwtit amount, that' arvl 1m bank divideouj will yield two ruilhona more. Having ahowa that only 8 milliena will be required tha oruWry aud prinen ent expenaea of tbe Government, it ful'on a that, with a revenue or twelve rulli.m, there will be an annual aurptua of fuar mil tiona applicable to penaioua dt other objocta of a cunlingent nature. . Ia praiieating tbia brief view of the fu- ture jrrpme ajidfxpe.wlilura of the Gov, eriimenl, I will take occawoo to remark, thatif I ihould ever retura lo thia body, 1 intend to propose a general tyvtero ot re treachmeut and economy ; a ayatem ast fnonded on an indiserrrninaf hoatllity te the-civil liit, amounted, during those yean j our existing etablwhineun, but on a deep to leaa than aeven milliona of dollars. 1 conviction that thoee ntbblithmenta can rtnriit it. air. omnhaticallvwthat. when! be amiuUiueU ia purity and vkor.wily by UtoT army wai more efficient, 'it rank bct-1 the oUenranoe "f a atrictiuf judicioua tcr filled, and ita otficerttuinuinerouaand competent aa they now are, the anuual ax penw of the governiwrnt f r tcae three ohjecta was lea than seven millions of dol lars. When you add to this the expendi ture of . the .udian department, and for and liberal economy. I am fullyeatiafied thai, without rehjc ing either the artnyr the nayjf, e,nd.wUhy , but Injuriously curtailing the salaries of any of the olRoera of (Jovernmont, a savint may be efToctod of at leaM one other ohjecUaf a miaceilinnoiiakind, eachi balf AjntUioa of d.4kri - WulnHit going amounting to a little upwards of a half a j into detail, k will barely auggpt, that million, it will he fwnd, that, exclusive oft the Treasury Dpartim-at aloue openi a rasw wxttnaditurwi MtM w whick NtiwacnraMn retrwm ptwotuoa, tk whole avWap wxpnadituret of the L mted otata, during taose years, amounted to but Utile mora than . 88,000, U00. - . .. Aaauming tine as abasia, and I am eat iahed that the amount will be more than tofficient . capecilillf . as our foitificatiotit are nearly completed, and fhope never hereafter"'' to"" rnor? than 1300,000 an- may be employed with very grtt advan tage to tbe country, Bir, under the coru plicatud .ayjiein of high minimum duties, the expensoe of collecting the public rev enue have increased eeorimwly within the liMit tcnyeari. . At a formi'rJpcrii3,.wheo out revenue from thejmpoaU waa eual the whole aunuai x- nually expemled upon litem and n the improv'enien'l :of -"our '-navy yard alto are nearly completed ; I afhrm that more than eight millions of dollar .will not be annu ally - requirrJ - tor ltjetvf a perutaaent nature. ' !fhea''ai io'peniontl shall conCittny. view, in tn nrst place, to tne law as they now aland, and not aa it haa been pro, posed to .extend them. During the three years I v have mentioned, the pension list was very Jarge ; ainca then, however the number of pensioner has been rapidly diminished by death. 8e that, whereas, in 1829, the turn expended on this object was nearly two million, it it now lust than ao milhon, notwithstanding the great number of pensioners since put upon tbe roll,Hby epcinl,acts of. .Ctngress, nod the relaxed rules of the .War department. It may fetrly be presumed, calculating upon the probable mortality among men ; none of them leas than seventy years ol age, that in the course or some f ve years, thia branch-of expenditure will be reduced to a very considerable snm. ' WWtilASCwln paying off the public debt, there will be a large surplus, uoi lese man eigm or ren minions, of the income -f the-year -18Mr heeanse tha income of that will principally do rived from utiet which accruea' during tne present year, unucr me existing unn. Moreover, aa the proposed reduction.of the duties will be gradual md I am willing to make k still more o, by extendina tbe iaobvioaa that the. rorpfui revenue ; must be considen um .during aJLthese years, and that 4m 4ufTMyancy w a ravnue--dtin wd from average bittM of 13 per' cent.; will not be brought to the test irt lew than MtJLl'J'it w'Vuppose that ith'o oerwior bilL now pendinj, ahould beeonw a law, St pot probahithat the I whole pcoaiou-esUbliJibmeat, Jixir or. pva yeai hence, will jwquir an axpoiKlitura of more than twa roUUon" But . bellhal as it 'may, eight roillons Will be amply auf- wr that tow wtltrhtiiljirrB. owana.ainer-ooiews.;. H r.. ? The next innhiry ia , order, is, what"' a mouut af revenue a dulVof 121 per'cenL i jiootvwi all importa will bring iuto tha jTreaeiirry we assumeft th;1asi .njf our eetc mate, the fverage amount ,ot tbe fnaKhandtae ' imported ' for consumption duritts fe tasf even:yer,,we fhall have To what it is now penue of collcclinjt iL did not amount to more thiiu t700,DU0.IISowair, it hi nwellH up to nearly double that amount. .The proposod .reduction of the diitwi willoihU. tiw dfiitt to-disptmae with the rreater part of that ho-4 of cos. tom-house offii-ers wrjich(il qionf .'.'darleu T our coast; ana in mi item atone teverai hundred .thousand dyllara may be aniiuatly. saved. -Upcn the whole, sir, I . am. well satisfied that the amount el revenue which this hill will nrodure. with that derived from other sou ire, will be amply sufficient for all the exigencie ot tne country, ana that considering it as a mere revenue mea sure, bo one can Justly take an exception toll. . I will hare remark, sir, that the people of the aoyth, ( whet hnr , correctly , jot not, I will hereafter consider,) are firmly impres sed with the belief, that under auj system of duties, while the revenue is derived al most exclusively from import, their pro. portion of the burthens imposed by roer- al-taxation, will be much greater than It ought to be according to the principle of the constitution wliich regulates the a p. portionment of direct taxes. Under these circumctaruies, they think they have Tight to insist that ?h aggregate burthen of taxation, shalrbe at liht as . powihlo, and that not' a 'dollar shall be expended by the Government that can be avoided by a rigid economy. . ; ....j?" : - Havin? new disposed of these prclimin anr questions, I shall proceed to consider htrwrihr-mstCG JhiH hara been dictated !y a due regard to the prin. ciplas of jaitii'.a and equality vx tbanscai efteratMwf thierovrnrnetit ad luittei. free of duti nearly all ot which ara the imports and consumption ot the will be suhjeeted . la .tha moderate and equal duty of 121 par cent Now, ir. 1 dasira to know whotner anr otjjuciion xan be .justly ureal .against -thia" scheme, on the score of ioequajity t Regarding it aa .a tjahafuro Mtfno of tha" TffiMo'a w f Wat i1erhst4r witr :t 'm$mi-&wW due ahare oftbe puhlia burthen T I ''put the question cmrihatically, and dcaire that it may ha lairlv: met and fully 'answered is there a. manufacturing Stale, or k man- f(t ol ttn'nn rtcliandi wuy brKvi ii' J into two (rcat claaxm.' The ftmt cn aiittt jfjf arttc.lwi wh.ch i ara exclusively producfldin F,QkKl(l N coqnfrif'; lW ttHuai-Lnf atirWa partly tH-mluctri a bo.l,aJ artly ia the Umiwd Fi,it-. I'ha.f Uitf alt Usually .iwUUrlfca lnprotl1d,'atl4 TWTlai jnr (li protected eta of artid, fvow, aa Iha Crmer ola-a eur)prisiRg teat, roAhr, I!ki, alnei, and a varittty of ether Hiiporta, 1 wiu aaeunv, ha front tha), oee half of the federal re WMU will be ittlected, though," la pulrtt 4 tact, it w.ji j be mare correct to aay ooa third only . - A to this portion of tha revanua, De one haa ever pictMtde J that the burthen i not qually civrut'! .yr the uuivn In proportion fcliiBVuiuiaid'' of Hie arti cln froin wfcK'S il ia derived. It muM be apparent thnt the n-orrttfafturlng 8tkta have no groHU or alh ging thai the uu- liea upon a.IU, H"i, tea, and coffee, ex rx'-1 them ti aa unequal ar ppriive burthen. VFill a 'liury voice be raised to dcrvMiace thin part of Ibt lull uinfer con- aeration T Axaurrdly there will not. What, then re mum? What ia the ub- rn rifcoiTiplaintl?ain4 tbi bill", aijd" who are Uity by whom tiiu C'jioplaint 4a wauaT Thn part of tht mil hib it bbnexioua to th't denunciation of the - manufacturing fat1, i that ahith impoert a duty of 1 "i J per cent. aiJojvra.MijAp,! xiliiwnufactf r, on ire and inm inaiiufactvre, aod on all tbe other article that fall within the trope .f the protecting evitcm. Ye, air. this 1 the amrct of tne eoiuplaiuta aeainvt the propowd mea aure." Aiklho, do j ai aupp" i7lrt "the person thf maka them. tf an Impai tiJTJreur ner, m Arrived in mr rountry, ahould inrurmd that 1 T ' v deep and threnleiiing excitajuuiit tx ft. J in relation to thia part -of the aropu. eJ tarifl, oe would very naturally aupwn, thai, at the eicilvmont waa agaiitM a iax hill, tt was tb initiation of those who were culled upon to pay the (axea, or up. 4mi whnso rnxluctmne the duliet wer pro. .... 1 pnecd to bt levied. xjpoo neing uuorinu hat tbt proluctions ollhe s .uthera Blte Pirnul ad Ike exchange! for thia clasa of, tmporu, ft wuuiijj iak it lor grauiou nut thee ctatet werw cjauiolou againM so unequal a acbeaio of taxation. , Hut bow ould this tmpirtjal pmi&iZJtf JistnuLth- d, on discovering that (he etciteinent waa confined to that part of the Union which paid M) part nf tbe taxes in question ; and the ctuswe-f the cxciteincal wa that the taxes pmpiMed were hH fHy tr- fiftjry in teadvf 12) per ceiK. upm tiio value f thaiwporUll In other word,- how (rreet would be tbe attomahmFol of tlji impar tial M lxker on frotil Europe, wltfn he earned that the complaint " uaiint "fhe propoawt tfuty xm coiTTHi, wrwiHOTVtna Din- ex jnanulaeturos pfureeq exciutivriy irom thfldomestic.m3Ohfaclrcrtt!tlhei,ter articles, on whom the duty would npnrstr not aa a burthen, but aa a bounty. He would bo apt to ewJaim,1 W bat an X- traorditiferv peopld the America?ia must bel Irf Ewepe venerrtT'rrimakcn by"lui cdmpIahiU oi'eppTa wIoTpay the taxw. Here, the. fJdiun siems likely to be 'ahuken lo ite' very" f iuiidati6n, by the clamor of those who receive them n Europe 'the people cry out , that the taxes are lea high hare, tlvy teem to be regarded aa a great Wessins, and tha cry ia, that they are about to be reduce! too low."-- ... Sir. in the spirit al peace and harmo ny aud, I wul add, m the, spirit of mag nammity, the people af the axuh aow aav to you " We know that it ia very uonqua) and oppressive upon as,- that the produc tion of our industry should pay even lit per cent, to support the government, while the very tame productions of yoir nidus. try pay no contribution at all ; but receive on tha contrary, a beneficial bounty from tha tax leviexHrpon our production. - But if you will limit the burthen to tha neoc- sary expense of the Governmenf. jve are wining to tuomu 10 11 as a revenue roeaw ure.uneqiial as it obviously -la, 'aad will cheerfully consider the pecuniary lota we shaft sustain a a peace onerms at tna shrine e( the Union.? r, And what o the people (' the north y tothif genaroua ti liberal overture I ; .- - K. . iZ$TW-mi sot oia te yfwr torme. We kavQi calculated the vlut MUhia tax upon youf produchonr; anJ we have a. certatuen mat a triDuio 01 lat per cenu ia not enough to keep up" aur ' eatahlwh menu lathe bigbaUte af profit and -proa perity which we. desire., VTt cannot let y ou off with a laat tribute than 44 per t., anl H toiiewa that you will nave to pay bargain with. veaJiir the adiuatnwntMi thidiuVultyr Ydu admit that one half oIlhMibiir to -perfiTli(y JjM ahd.enimlj thai I lnraa which hjvie ball ff tht "f-d. aval revawio fr.m w Inr, si lk A and phr on-ffotectrd artM Ha. Trie eiyw pS'V" ' if vMt a-VMiitla'tfit kdWted cni l - the other hulf of tbrt bill; thm ih'rh the remaining aalf f fhe revenue 6on protected articl'New air, la lender coomdetatiop of tlie f pitaaive opifatjfie ol tins part af the tax 111 ipn ttia maoa. factoring Fiabt, I will agree tUika H nut altngelber,. and rkise tU remaining hair of the revtitoe, by tfrirnrg tae ouiwa a vnprotiirtod arlirles, or by dirael taxes. ila bargain, air r " wai ivr nor repli the gentleman, tpa would M to fiiiitely 'aorae than the bill ia it now tanl 1 Sir, in that cii the tariff Stat would le a1 their pretottion, and have to pay their qiota f the increased duties on unprotecled articlr, or U the direct Int pemdeal wnrreaa, uy ina oiu ia iu protent farm, they certainly have aprotec. tint; bountv of 124 per ecnt." The truth i. Mr. Clwirman,' that tha mauiifacturing' State would not agree to atnk oat thwrlulirtt-inj tPTO. Eyeti if ll.wera dcmoritratel )bal the Goverament did nut need a dollar of the revenue derived from Ihit anuree, or if the touthetA State would. agree to raiee Ihit hall of the public revraue ly direel taxa tion ainodV theim lvis, still tha aaanufao luring 8tatet wduld but accede to tuck a proposition. ; And what, sir I ak for 00 idle purpose ooe Kill loci prove 1 be coinjneJlo pay a larger proportion of pahltc tmrtueos, ty inu oia, inoa; jusuy tt.w - trrrTXi SifriasL'uaea Cftftnot knvey, nor irae tflnatioa conoaiva i any-thihg"tSaYtwild exhibit tha horrible enormity of this sys- - a 1, r r -1 ' I" The plahrand naked nuettinrr it prraen ted to thetnwill you be ' aitfWd to ad 1 juattbia umlrover.by JeiAg iliedo- 1 1 rely from on hair or tha burtnei) at me ledeial frenaerTtvinf only joor due propaaitiQa of the oilier , ball i and .they. indignantly tpurnmg the oiior, reply mat they wilf not ' " V. Can any powei1 of human reaaonint mere clearly demonstrate thai thty M, aad know that they arill pay no part of the duties propoaod to be levied on the entire hi- of protected articlo! Tbt matter it aUolutoly too plain for argument, and It eme palpably to thttt tba peoplwof tha uth, charged with disloyalty to the Union, azree that a tribute of 111. per cenUabnuld be loviad upoa Iheir produc. tirma) for the Ajuhtn (mrpoea af eberuig the mauurarfurera from ao mnca taxation, andiriving them to much Ixwutyj while the Uoiwi-lomg -'people of tna north kre reaolved t put the Unin itaeirioeinnlin cut j(ipiirdv, unlet thuir brethcra of the sHith a ill iujr thcmaelve ta absolute vaitafaffe"; by consenting to bnnv toi the mercenary 'attar of Ihia irmrtafucturing idol tli re lime thl proposed aowuut af iije iriuuiBx ina!anoesfaiea and rixlim bar brt n tar. , , riei awy by roera name, and br per miMed Ik holier dictate of eomnK 0 rna J lo be overVhelned by on ol the mo"it r. ' rant jftlpoKtiir and 'daluaW n that hJ 4 ei-r -nftf a i i.taeuan 14 . t 1 auica ihefarkest davax BAtrv .it ia a W fo- siorj, ir, at antl-apcial, and I. will mdJ, aa . , antl-ebriatiani at thtt which imliiced an ! , f eminent juriat of XInu'aiid to fiprena tha opieioa, tlutt tvary aubjaat wha held fef. ' ' t taia religieut pMii.n, wA eefirrr.a ttr j 1-.. .. - tha fstabliehad faith, should U rfflri , -ia law a an kbea enemy. ';"' . V 4 r. 1m ua took, tlm,1nU tha wtie efr. - aaf by whir b thiagrral public enemy, ' firtiga indutrtry, ia to in'' our a-ffu! thofe? by pouring ia a r. I kia toriit of ferOigir mauuajriurea, that will w-fp way, witb irraitiU4'CK-e, all our do-- mettro aahlishm)N,' leaving tt ! - deeolsW, witlwul a vedae or aaamorUl ,' tf it pn ent proaperity ! I ' - ' v, - Let aa ascertain tbe trae aprinya ttt ' ' r . fioo let u traca out the Dpwration bite it delaib.and e wlm ara the otfoa f which Ihla trourgtag flAod al foreign man ' ufactiirea will gH into ear happy amintryi And aow, air, mark by1 lire plain a tale? tlu ' fondly cheri"led tleluoiia will bar s. . mi'la t9 vaniik 1 arTirm, then, and wilt " 4 Uard lb whole cuatest upoo Ilia troth iX tbe prdpovtioa, tbt (JreiT 'manufaeiure ,;' never can- corn Tnl'ji ;V.Pt,,4 . K'Mei. and be bretifcit lot comp-UJa with do , , f rw.tic tnanufactarea, until thdy ha ' ceased to be thai production of foreip ' industry, ami have, become the produc.' tint ol American industry. It if ia thr very oaturo of thinp, -TirnUrpcounMr cially. and politically impciUa that tbejf' i- Accardin to aay poor powers nf gnaxy.-- i, there are but three anode in which 'ereiga tnanufacturat ran be brought kuw tbia country (or consumption. The first' it, by gratuitous donation tha econd, If robjery and pluuder; and tha third, by 1 purchase. Tht wit of man eta tcartalV davita any thr:mole,'. New, air, a tor-T voluafary and gratoitoua dooatient Ireoa fireign GoVerniatnlt or foreign qnanufn tortrt 1 admit that the would M tat aKf . if Lhl iu& tha aaadea oTacoai itaoa to tha'" interest of tha domectia Dianufacrurerks t would abaolutelt I4roy the ntiiav . I , valu of all tlieir inveelmenta in builninir It imi-l beebvimjt.irir.that xitaial it the pecuniary iotereM luvolved in this rmitrnvfh97Th'y arequite socondary when compared with the pnnciplca in volved in iL j- -- It true character and trnportanca ican, npt be aee.n uwtil we qiitimr ifj h4 pwy aa a-iwetion. f intoreatHirtt a r tfreetfoa of right and luntice" It i iuHiH-e and net interest .that eonaaaraiea tua atrugglotor men and of nafioos. 11 will not uof ibere- fttra, to show ma, however clearly, , tluu the postage ot thia biH wjIV destroy your interest and deolat your country, aa (he existing n'stern haa destroy! and dula fed mine. I am not now pontideriitg your interests, hut your nahi ; I am not going to try this question by tbe barbarian teat of power and numbers, but by Uia princl plat of eternal jmttY'-''- . . . . 1 . And in thia aacred forum, 1 pot these ueationa to every manufacturer in the Union: What imustice will tht bill in flict upon you t What right of your will it violate T What particle of your pttitier ty will it confiscate, and to whom will it unlawfully or wrongfully transfer jtr.. I bei, ir, that the question oiay not be evaded yempty aad unmeaning geoenu a .1 . . ta a - 1 mee(- rniuaw.. tncy . wu,,. oa., opeoiy-. ana puny met, ana oianneny anawerea. 1 an roit, air; that ttifbifl," ahottld it palCwin do very great damage to the mauumetu ring States, but it will be, in legal phrase ology, damage without injury, uiilci they will how that tome legal or moral right will be violated. ' ' Let iw TO trretieThrrTier ahadow of graund tor alleging t hai uch is ine tact ; and, in give the inquiry -a prac tical form, I will ft ret ask, a,iraal mode. and bf ieW-jeer, will "tn nortL'ro wanmactortTw barlnjtrwff oy th of thia bill t Tbey ar ready to. Inform u in reply, ar bava beai jt m thouiaiid time echoed and re-echoed from vry source, in cvcry.lorm and in every ouar tor tf tha Union, that they ara waging I great MtierTal contest in favor n(domt$tie nduttr) and HfMvUi and piachinery, and thty would doublfeta prtaca uvmcat aloqut-ot and movmg ear hnoo to prevt that it would be otiarly rainou to in wealths the ounty la ob laia'iaaiiufacluhMi Ibr itotMug.-. - '- put the oiauutacturera are perfectly a. curefrim any Jtner n thia acor. ;;Tba timer will ' never arise when inieaimiary' . zeal will to-trarfrferrel -front 4nUa:iaii lnf'i."""?r- commerce, and when the Clly or thi pW."if lJl": tanlliropy af- f 'teign Tnanufacurr will T rlilZ toduo themto deluge xmr laud with' Ibeir -r t ' goodt by .fhi process. ,;-'-''' l hpnr-f rrr 1; fcavo tdoTnticn eenfi turtt, wbicb dtwryes to Jered iajhat, by purclias. dene in the pruience, to tay .aething tf - -r-ri uio. uuuor aiio, tuivruy 01 nif vern "- -, v- went, to apfV)o that it powerf tsjj Vff--v.v-:i be' prostituted to rapine atid plunder, 'tha ' J eoriifl.' involved, and th true point of the eontrd- yerty.' rtow, if, I wm put tin matter to a yery. plainjesfi f If my. yiewiitM.:ft(t correct, tha whole tariff question can be aim settbtd Ketwsen the autlfimAllThh; tifaeturui tiOttoty fttimy, yniowF:--yil1 'tiy?: k, eW,) who, a I u.loeritand, is one of the largest roanufn ;'arr in th Uoited: State," and 4 myejf i I turfll li'thi fentjernaal theo, jbjfQdnpiMlw with tb domestic against th foreign bel ligerent, i' :;r .M'f, ' ; -i S'' .A -Nowviir, Aa tliialdet of a contest Va. iween domettic and foreiun bdurtry ia th lurking fallacy whkh r bee - at th very touiKHrtonH-tito ftmtrtcait wyitemj, I a licit the calm and dinpawionate attention of the Committee to a plain and tractuiul anatyiiivbyjbhlch I lhiult it will pa clear- liere, then, we come to the real point f ' the jofflrove'rayr VTbea ibreign niand icll " ' -' " turoakre purrliaael and brought inter &: --'- - V- Uuflca oUtt for contuiiiftion, lliey murf. , be d purchased ! with the production of th domestic industry of th United State. It i ebviouv, therefore, thai there can lk. - , no, poseible conflict betureon foreiirn and . . domestic industry in our own market,", 1 hewever .it iaay - ptj tif fcreijtr market J but that tha, reaf contest ia between opa t i i, L branch of domtstic inds1ry and another, . ' I the cat w are considering", it it a con-' test between, th domestic nroducer of iha . ' . . 1 . . r . . . - : t , article which 11 xchangu4 for th fwetgQ rpniiuiaciura, ami ui uoraesuc manuiac , turer. -:- . . " ' .--i. -:' 4 a ' ." .l . if, fcrexarapw,theoUon planter of tin c outhjreml biacotton to Liverpool, ex r- ejiangn 11 lorjnannjtures, ana Dnnginai. iuto liin United fttato, I beg to know wli. ther they weald not be, to all intent amj purposes, aa truly and exclusively (he pro j ductioua of . domestic industry, a the, ; would be aacredly and exclusively th pro s peny or inepianier ix 11 he Dad a lawful titlt to bis cotton, be must have tha very - sama tula to thanaAulaarev fra jbttl'fib tamed for it. If the former wa eioluaiya :tt.,Lc, lyth prwiiuctionjof Jitar inloajrrjra.1 'iiiinb7 toltwr KTpraeiaelf (a the unft f!-" "'" sense and t theame exteaU -It mul&r, H "I lUcviacntiyjfrvmthereciproiyty.dfaiu-"-, rnerci, being an, xchanj-e of equivabiir, -that each aatioa re ccimi aa- muea-- -Cuuraeinentto ita own industry aa it sivot , to tha- toduatry of any othat. ' Whan planter- exchapgea hi eettoev tor fcreipj niauu Atcturv theea mamifactar beCoina the ptoduction of . dotneatid industry, Jhf , V; . it '-.a. ... ,t tt i a i( the plantor were gittadwith th V power of neeroroancy, nil conJd trana- " -'-'-, muti hirittott into Moufacmrw f Hi-ro ujuxu oi nia-wauo -ia xnia Cttse, inry-- dtiuhtnh planter would be datiouiicftd fof Tj!-'.' .' dealing wthi the devil, pracitfly for th v k iidia reaeon thai he it aow denoueeedanl : prftpribeJ tor, dealing with England r an! ; that i, because , nianufacturea could he. and eqiiitawy- urn to ita atiar 1 v : ''"W jxttUjons a I ua eaanuoo uii wnvr vJl7 1991 19 HiIiwr vw - 17 omyvifwa ur 14 $aia met' wropy, ablaiacfl and gold by Uja lJ)r tf. ,. &'

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