h ! t , a f 1 mi ,f If. f . ?,- ! . : e - it . - Yiv;f'.r.r.ian . I , -' .Tlir orM f hare notJ-een. . . . , . TW VttlJ net . Tt afa'l tWa dwwy I Vf'Hl p hath ef baee, ! K eark hh hi w4 off". . ttwi Wrf "; nae.aritt -, Aad s-er rkee the Mat af tpriaf , ' '"rlJ w o aw iei i ' -. Wi rrvtK' VWUld, . A never 4 m amfl toeet, -- ! th hatT Me VImm4mm mUL Tha ImkI afrVy tnd rifwn J4 there la &e dU aduat aaaae, ' . .Tke tear efaorree Jk4k..J.y -Tiaaot refreshed by vernal skewers . Jl sever the mi W pel, i Fa ikew are kaewa ha rrrin boon. ?e Aw fait wwVj la sryt Wight, . Wirh pwr radiance all Jta awe 1 -7h etree ef aaereeiad light ' Ww ratmtl k A the treel hoane. . There, fare that aseruUa amy M ate Tm gkwtoas M Ik eye te trace, lad c4d twrtm avejawy, Meve wkh anekj era. la Vtlt rh atulaeambie tro --.r- . Way seek to vie tbefairsbode, Md trai h of Ma watar amoDf bit paticatft-ATbataff aJIktaM car en, a r praar Um ih . Vto fa vrbtraWA fftal ouaila farvitiilf tftatKa koarf, Is ih Bid,i of ick l pUla einu op, antf aVntwqvtf aoqitirtd tb tit. Ok, . BviUwf, aii," aaiarit itr, only h . doctor am UUiato hi auunt tktt ' - Fin. --WH-n Lor4 Broaitbim i - - 4h dUUf UV 1m King at Bribto ha '; " apolof rcd, )a HJaibg to bit Mttir a . . fWf of aoanc ? try ajotorlont aiiminal, d v - , i - L L - . . lif turtd, aad who ai ccordin)y ff. . H iokA tk a. M ... u r.. i L .-1 RotuelnGrainV penca wiA ""ug ta'pw'cKiu aBuoiibcr of f arda of f td( ttckiag, b called at a atore, th Vr'thiot had bul ooe piece, aod it Jqektd jjai one yard pf the quantity Lj- hrpmhaaerJtf bivajoitauch i JMmbef tf afdf Mi ftfeuf 'feat. Joj the atore, when tha aercbaat aniJ te C -fried i piece to h a huie the day . fraimi thai eoaubed jutt abaut tbe 11 .naiatitr wanted, the bicce ther men lookior -at would inawer h'taptirpoae a pa would carrjrjt to the . Ivm, nd brine; back the"ot!jerXiil aun- d, (we sad the" etort fia tb anerciiaM'a ow-a mouth) rtv'imo yard, ttejefelHMjMec -put-it rtqd .tfioootli jott aod. jae i 'jnoat ti i puCiae. rond It v'fcf ad itwmd with. it,rmeefofti:it '.tffto mf euatomer, wheft tt held oat . wanted which, in'contideratio bf tie weiiiag foe mo t v'wf kmaej f ttfj geoerooaly fate him (" ;X)rr Reee neqtionr OBftHhe rtnoet extraordinary facte on record, .that, aomc jreara ago, io the examiaa. coo of an EwpUaa mummr. which o d probably beeo preaerved I0O0 Yeara. there wae found ta one of the hada bnlbcor eot,"which,'w tiQT 4etAtn ground, aod Veretatedaafreah . fail it bad beea recently traniplai.lt d. vptq (twu looking terr aour 4nd blue M a loos; bill from Madam tJaradaa Cariooa, enlarged, not ion. "tracted, by Jier Lidyahlp. W By love, are totanm with tne," laid br ladjrahip 'io a tone of bewiichlng foftneaa, that you look to crota f" " Oh , ajid hia lord, abip; I feet at thia moment oa ire fiesm m trif than ter l- 1 coWfI never knew a ecotding neraaa tnc waa aaie to govern a lm. 09lt 39 rorera thenitelvtar. :.UW.Jhew,M ITmr fhm (IS lh,v .u.m Mh.n 'l - Thoet w hot gotera well are generally .ea(m. Theyf art prompt lad rcaolute, : put iietd aar miioV , " ; -r:- r? at ' ' ;4V sTw frT:emWralatanjdlaa tt the window of a cIubrooat Ltke outer day, f I beevteol a teanmiiuiogpanin breath ""nn, iv aai caa iim teiiow oe 4fc-:la.iol. barry abolasJtedtni ot kog tght aod r!B'flit(i etU-ft lire iffueotty bappeoa t4t the fea'turee H f the dead retaia their entire form" aod individual likeacse for .many yeara af ter their boriat. - Experienee, howev- tr haa proved riUt aa ak ...ex'ooaortto tb.ai'C for.-aaioutea,'' daatre ffarrja; ts daet igate; The followlag cireomia:ea occmd at tke dielo terment of the body of Robert Burn. fur the purpoie ef tt'm; e n'.ombed !itni4!k a .;ltnJi I onooummt, A rrport bad been apiead thst the prljaciple eoS.ti aa maJe of o, a hope entertained that it woul-i be poaeitle to traonpo it from the Oorth to tke cut corner ef ff. Mich axl'a without ctpeoio it, or diatorb ingtkeeacred depoaite it coetaioed. Cut thii hope proved fJUcioai, , (Ja tcaiiri the roflio; It wn found to be (ompoicd of the cummoo tnater'uli, aod ready to yield to the atighcM.pre eurc aod the lid removed, t tptte cie wae uofoldtd, whUh cooiderin the fame of the mighiy dead, bit tarWTerwIloeiledbyrirtoe'W man bdo. There were the ren'aSne of the fveat poet, oalT ppetraiKe nearly COIIW n riiiming nriuu tficea It vliantf or rattier eiViblrttsg thefeaiurei cfone who had newly luok into the aleep of death tb Kato i ii II Covered with hair aod the teeth peifectly firm aod white. The eccae waa to ivpoaing thit moat of the woikmeo ituod bare aod uncov. ered, aa br. Cregorjr did at the ex. honeiion of the remain of the illue trioua hero of Baooociburn aod at the eame time flt their frarara thrill iogwlih lone uod finable eoK-tioo, aa the gat'd on. the eihee of him whnee lame ia at wide at thie world iteejf. Bul that effect wat oi'imeata- rt wheo they proceeded to intert a hell or caie below the coffin the head iepaxiedironithc,-ifttokraod. the whole body with the cicepuoo of ih bocea'erumhlrd into dust. m if t 7 1 1 1 i I I LAWS OF THE U. STATKS foirrc at Ihe firtf Jiwcn of, tit Twenty-Second Congress. ver " , .,"'!. t nadfcdiMi iblrtt AJ ACT makinf lpproprtatjwia uiUra, m4 wbtr tiimltr oh year ttiauiauj ih bnJi(i and lbif iw-ia':f!'jjr;.-?tt2iiaEK'' Beit rnacteil by the Sninte nd llMte of Represpttifivcs of the Uni ted Stair x of America in Cangrm cusembled, T'ut the asm of three huvjrtd ati-j thirty ii thouaand four hundred and five dolUra be, and the same hereby, appropriated,-out pf ajt'y moLey to ih Treaaurr not other wiae appttipriaud, 4ot the payment f the. anouitif due t- the vanoui Io- dian "tiOd indrao tribee hereinafter tmt n,t wodf ,Jonu.ii)g - he . euro- of t e o ryrnrurrthouaaod - fi? e h undrcd dpn.rat' ;eilputa?ed for edacation jjbt Inouo youthi-teniy.five thooaadd four huodred ' and acventy dollar. 1 T itipulated for the 'expenae of black-imUtts,,- gad emith, " mjUer, mill. fffht. afrrieulturitts, and Uborera ejpplaicjLgjJoJimicrvIcc arnt-for faraiahing salt, tobacco, troo aod Meet et Cieterai aod our tjiouiatd hrce huncfred aod'aikt doflarifoif: eipcrt-l jaea of transportation aod distribution Tof cehaiMnuitici'-. indiigtkuttu'ril. inapierocoia, uui umcrwiae proviaca for, for the -aervice of the year one thousand elghr hundred . aod. thirty. two, thatia toy i - . r -i , To the AVyandot tribti, five thousand nine hundred dollar. To the WTauoIunaee, and Del. aware tribet, One thoutaod dollar',"- ,To the ShaWaoee tribe, three thou. and dollar, and ixty dolUra for fur oishing ee!C ' , 'T - I. To the Shawanee and Seneqa tribe. of LeWittown, one thouaand dollar. To the Delaware tribe, eix thousand five hundred dollar, and one hundred dollar for furnishing ta.lt. To the Wca tribe, three thousand dollars. ! To theTiaukethaw tribe, eight huo dred dollars. vT?r? To the Kaskatkias tribe, one thou sand dollars. s To the Oitowa tribe, five thouaand three hundred dollars, r 'i,K.'. t . - ti 4 two cnousana nve jjuuareo. ooiiars, and -fiTteea - hundred dollarl for the expeosea of blacksmiths' teola and ricultural tmplcmeats. r To the Chippewa tribe, three thou iao4ight.huodred dollars fjalso, -oee thousand dollara tor thel Dwroaeif edocatioD, "and t wo thouaand -dollar tor toe porcaase .01 rarmioir' ocensiit aod tattle, - and -the I aimploy neaJol. peramtf to aid thera lOfffCaitawr" tawatantie tribes, tixtecn taoueand dotlars.-and onebundred aad tweotyr five dollaraTor fuaiahing salt, ' To the Pottawatamie triber atxtCco thousand three huodred dollara, and one . hundred1 dollars to .Topeniben principal chief tso. three thousaod dolhn i for,the puisflof educatUa, nd tw thousand i fiver hundred now. twenty dollars, for expense of blacks emitbo, miller iud grTcalturiu and r fuoUftWfi salt", tobacco, iroa. and ' To the r itf3vifme (iile of liar on, four hundred dollar. ' . To the Chccti Uite, tfiy thoif. and, nirie hunJrta ana twtnty.tve dollar! i to MuihuUtutbe, a chief one hundred aad fifty do!Ur, and to Ro bert Cole, a chief one hundred and Hfiy dollar aln, twelve thoaaaod five hundred dollar for purpoac of edacation. and two thouaand nine hen dred aod fifty-five dollar for expente of blicktmitha and millwright, and for faroUhing iron end tetl, To .the Eeel rivel tribe, ooe thou, and one hundred dollar. ",-r To the Bit Nitloo, New York, four tf;Vwow4 &ktdr4..duUAirAaad two hundred dolUi to the Young King, a chief of the Bcneea njtion,,, To the fleocca tribe, fit York, alx thouaand dollar.'- "r--r-r Twthe Creek tribe, thirty-four thouaand five hundrtd dollar. , To the Cherokee tribe, teo thouaand dollar alo twothouiaud dollar for purpose of education, '' To the Chick'aiaw tribe, twenty three thousand dollar.- -To the Sc tribr, three thoaiand dolLrtt- v - . ... , To the flc and Fox tribe, two thouaand dollar. Tu the Sic, F" nd Iiy tribe three thouaand dollar, for expenses of blacksmith and agticulturiatt, aod furnishing farmiog uteoila and cattle. To the Fox tiibc, three thouaod dolUra. ( ""To the" low y tribe,"lhree thousand dollar i lis nine hundred dollars for tipcusr of blukimith, aod furnish iug agricultural tools. .To the Otage tribe, eight thouaand five hundred dollars. 'Jo tht S'-nr'ca trib,of Leiitowo, oar thouatnd dollar To the Q up tw u.br, (Ao thouaind lollars. T" tb' lC-:tnp7'i y tixs of IHinoi., f ' ill iu tr i l j' ri. T ' V"n-i Indian, five ihou- jj'uJd ..Uaivr" j',ti ue thousand ' d"l lr ii4T(o.ra of eduratioa, and onr :i (.j.i'nl dollars for the expenae tf I ii'in 4nd blacksmith. " To fe Miami tribe, twenty.flve ib uad dollars i dto two thouaanrl A Alu for he aupporf of the poor and t -o ih.iuiand end twenty HolUra for eipeniea of bljckimirh, and for for riahing aalt, iroo,atccl aad tobacco. To the Winaebsgo tribe'tighteeri thouaand dollar i alao three thousand aeveo hundred and ninety dollar for expeqtea of blaiktmoha and agrieul tttriata, an J fur fufhUtng aIt' and tobacco. -; 'To the 1Cat tribe, three thouaand ffvetioodred 4olUw?v?--'! To .he Chriatun Indian, four hua dred d illira, ;-.-To he Si-mz tribe, of .MTiippf, two thouutjd dollar auo, one thou aandjeven; hundred d jtlare for expen. aea Of black ireith, and farnishipg a ricultural toola. To the Yaneton and Santie band, thiecCthooaand . dollars f alio, one thouaanaf four hundred dollar for ex ptnsea..of blacksmith and furnishing agricultural tools.. To. the Omaha Uibe. two thousand fit honored dollar. Valsono-hoa snd five hundred dollars for expenses of blaCVarAUh.'ahd fur'uIablo'gVgrrCul- turai tooiSf To the Sac tribe of Missouri river. five hundred dollars t also, nine hun dred dollara for expenses of black smith, a and furnishing agricultural ioplw--L ...l..-.i..,.,,. For purposes of education of Sacs, Foxes and others, as stipulated for by the . treaty nf fifteenth July, one thou saod eight hundred and thirty, three thoasand dollars j and To Little Billy of the Seneca tribe. of New. York, for the term of his na. tural life, 'an annuity of fifty dollar. "To , Anderson, - three hundred and sixty dollars, and to Lapahnilhe, one huodred and forty dollar, chiefs of the Delaware nation,- agreeably to an understanding of the commissioners w ho negotiated the trtaty of oneibOii sand eight hundred and eighteen. I- or expenses of transportation and distribution of annuities tq the Win. nrhirrrw. f7hrnnBrta Vlrinw.a anit KV.i-.jv.--rr-.-.--m-m- i Mdf.ia)ti:tbaagricuL tural implements, and tools, not otherwise- provided ..for, the sunt of "four thousaod " three hundred and sixty dollars. .- r f jr , Si e. 9. Ami be it further enacted. That ?wMmmrm)fmt'if provide for the pavmentof-auy of the aonui tief vhdshipuIaTioni herein mention edr4all be, aad the aame is hereby, Speaker of tjie Bmu of Kepre-nttires. I. V. VALHOuN r Tioe-frewiant :of the 'Viftitt- ttatei "4 i T -J;. ,rresid't oftM Senata. " Approved, M.v Jl, t83S. T Approve ta J-- iNnaFaW Jackson." AK ACT euthoriaing the Keerets7 f the i i Ttaaaary to permit a wharf vto a built oeor tht-We-orilia . tijrht4ioaa,: aa fwajfar4 point, l tk 8tat otCamieetWt. . lie it enacted bgtht jtennti &nd tfouso of Rhrctentdtivesofthe Uni' 'mrirmlkJ. Tliat 'he Fti'crrtary of tht Trrasurv la hrreby authorized to per mlt a wharf tobe builiaaar the ight of the licht-hnuM, on Stratford point, tk Kiiti of Connecticut, and to aaa fw r" r. , grant the use of audi land belooging to the (tailed Bute a may be re. quired, for that purpoaet Trovilti, The 0e ef each wharf ahall -continue only o long a, h the opinion of the Secretary of the Treaauiv, it doe not interfere with the iotcrctte of the United 8tate. Apfvd,Jua 1I.II3J. AM ACT ta eraU tke of&oa at urrrf of J'mH'C Unds f' "1" rerriiwt af Arkansas,, lit it enacted ly ViTSbihte Uni Itoute of teTirenentnlirii of the Vnt- (fd fi filri of "America iii C'ohtrttt asitmUfd, -That a- surveyor- foe-ibe Territory of Arkanaat ahall be ap jioinud, who ahall have the same au thority, and perform the tame duties respecting the, public lands and pri. rate land claims la the Territory of Arkansas at sre now vested in, aod required of, the surveyor of the linds of the United State in Missouri aod Illinois. Six. 2. And be U further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the survey or fur Missouri and Illinois to deliver lo the surveyor for the Territorr'of Arkaossi, all the map, papers, re cords, and document raining to the public lands and private land cl 'ims in Ark mtas, which may be to hia office and io-every tratr-wtere' It ahall be impracticable 1o make a arparation of uch maps; paper, records, and doc. omenta, without injury, it shall be his duty to cause copies thereof, certified bvbjm, to be furnisSe J to the sur veyor of Arkansas, which copies ahall be "f the eame validity as the origioals, Sac t. Jlni le it further enacted. Thttthe surveyor of Arkansas, to be appointed -in-pursuance- of -thie -art, shs'l esf iblith hi office at such place asthe President of the Uoited States mat deem most expedient for the P'idiic srrvice and tnat he snail be al lowed an anna d salary of fifteen han dred dollara, end that he he author .-d to employ ooe akillful draughts min and two clerks, whose aggregate compensation ahall not exceed eigh teen hundred dollare per annurrt. .Approved, June li. I833r- NOTICE. T I WtubderMirned 5lntj been'so A pointed Range r of RoWan County, hereby fore waras all persons from keeping Strays and not entering; the aame coder the penalty of the Law within thviime prescribed. 1 will kaap the Book my self about 9 miles from Salisbury at my res idence. . '::-,i.'.3:34 , WOODSON MONROE. 825 REWARD. VS Sunday night the (Oth insl., ray V7 S lore wa broken opoo and robbed ef-inndry-artrelest - Alao,-on the same gat. was stolen ontofia ratable a Bay HORSE, with lonf mam and tail, Bftcen and a half kanda high, e small star in his fore-htad, several saddle'-marks on his bek,'ind tit years old last spms--jSor picion has rested on a man wbo Colts from his own repoit, hss been a driver of akaw.weggona foe several' yeara.' ale appears to ba about 23 or. 3 xyears old. iaeSiO ftubaa high, light kair aallot compleciion, fuILfaccd. and puff noaed. Had on a white bat with black crape on it i alio, a brown dress-cost, . velvet collar, pantaloons the same colour the above reward will.be paid for the thief aod horao or either of them. - - Cheater D C. Juno.Ji, 3t3J HOUSE LOT FOR SALE. A Dwelling house, with every ne ceasary out building, on one of the most eligible lot in town for tale. For terms, apply to the subscriber. 4t3t WILLIAM J. POLK. Runaway ON the tOtk of September last, from my "plantation in - Jones eounly, two nerroes, one fnamed WASHINGTON, about f 27 yeara of see, a very brieht ' mulatto, on one of hia hanas there is a tear occasioned by a fioi be will chansre hia name f ilJ eAdeaWlo piwiToTITrrnW:-TfnSfhi-T named JOHN, a -aomwon- flHiiaMraOsat - 3 years of spe, very intelliirent t ha will nrokaUv paas u the servant of Waahington, and change. oia nana..- a reward of a Uoiiars will ba given lor the delivery of either In any jail, an (hat I oin get the.. JAMU LAMAR. 'tteJar lea. 2tf . fCrTha Oeintiarv 8avarwht1!aW- cope, loiumDia, 9. u. t and Kicnmond Enqui rer, are requested to publish the above weekly until forpld, and then forward their aecounrt to - a. LAMAR VAG(HNKU& - urmngto t amtevme. . . . . .... WILL, find it to their adtoaiage, 0 Stop at the' rTafa Tant, ,wkere ''every "co venieoce ia providad for Man and Horae.to make tbeitaotHDfgrtable, at tbembderate chnrx of 31 centsa day jajKtJi'ght, for the privilego ut the Yard, the uia of xaod house, Sre, water, anal abetter. - Attached to the Yard, " Oroeera and Proviaioa) ttora, Bread Shop and Contec tionary, and a Houa fur Boardera and Ledgers ia a plain, cheap, wholesomo ad comfortable av'sat aacKrtoa, r , NI'IIVIWCV sritisfi a smniKit " ooi)s. iMCKri-rru r.iu'tr.Y a Ut now raneiving sad opening a toerat J. aaaortt of ' SPRlXa W SUMMER GOODS, ulaalad with rreal esra trr thf markrlS of Stw Teak aad 'biliUl4ia M uta men lapor- lationa. Their ttovh eenMu la part f Sopertlna Blue and Black etotht ' Do Brawn t Brvn oHra do. . a Do. iaiMble Orera da."' Taney CiaMfaerca, $tinetlak klk1aJlinga, Merma d i's, Broche'tM and eircaattans, rlmwa do't, Mi.td r.rminatte, UTallo Ntnktaa and tinea eAeektV. . ""Fetich aad plaid lHillin(rv-, s Strsleaa mlttare, Crs liuen, j CxlahoMna,Xlrajn.cy. Int Wmnt,. , Linen Table and towel ditncr. Us. J C LA A UJLJlSXOk IMkrXT-Cr- ' Maraa,ills, an.l Velentia Vttl.nrs s' A gsx.it hmr.Tr or rAX$r rinfa, OtnrhanM and MihU, y ' " "' -Tkklnf s, Ble a;hfd and Hrown, T thetrlngt 'and hininf 1 f irnilurt dimity and Cuttoa fr'uigrl, Black. HalUn Silk, attache U sarsinef do. nine black aitb etmblais, , Ch. eroaU N spirt, Uilanna aad dt Kamanla Gagvs . Foncnt. Bag and batHls" lUndkercbiefi, CtUtuon f one ee do. , fancy Oanae and Crape do. , rtrH, slk saltin, and rich ftgurcd Vetting, Silk and eton lliniary, J GRrjlTtAHlZTT4klCli ftney bonnet, belt and cap ribbon v , ' Bilk apront, ( Linm csmbrie hindk'rehUfa, rant, Oe. Iiiamond Straw Uonnett, follsh du. ia. - Blr- do. .(W-falm leaf Ufa; Lcgbom bonnets, fur snd wool do. .A GBK.tr VARJttr OF -Latin and Greek School Books, Bbnes, Maroneo skins, -Hardware and Cnttery, G!ae and Crockery-waro, Oe. tic- Carn.aur's Taola, aoMittinR of ovary arik cie msd sm of by Carpenters in this part of tha Coont-y, Ha(ter;s Trimmings, Plated, Brats Jappan, snd frlnee't martle, Harnfi nvmnlihg, enicS fringe and lar.e, A rood aranrtmf nt of Groceriea, Oe. Ut. ALL of which, they are determined to aeD aa low at rood can be bad in thia part of tbe eaualjy.. Purchases wiU do well to call and see our Hock 'aod bear prices before they btrv. TLitJd era grateful to tha Public for tbeirvery Tiberal ptlromre heretofuir, and hope bv strict attention to badneta, and aril lnr gords cheap, ta merit a continuance of tbe same. .Ill Saiaa-av428A till - Johtil r'6iivviT: TXTOUUJ.rerpectfully Y V inform his old cus tomers, aod the public generally, thtt he hss com meuced the butchering business ia this place, He will have beef in market on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, in each, week, during the season, or at any other time to auit the convenience of his customer. (TT? Aov person baviog beeves for sale can obtain the highest prices for them, ia cash, by applying tw tha sab- scrioerr- - J. It SlIAVERr June M lsai. - 2Stf 3 J jI5 ft J . IVBEkY fid. T ESPECTFULLY informs his cus- I" ;tomeri aodHepublicratriaKgel, that ne t .pow.rvtr.g and fpening at hi Store, Rocky Mount, 14 miles lVe$tofjUshunr,.a- baodsome: tortment of n h y g o ons:i; CUTLERY, Uc'. Selected by himself in New York aod Philadelphia, from the latest importa- tiona f and if quality r variety. d neat tvese af atyie, reduced prices, f.,cloa attention to business, be any Induce- ment to purchasers, lie hopes to mcr it a liberal share of their patronseiT j June Wh, 9S2. 3mt39rO. NEW SPKIilfCi .UT- AND 8UHMBU GOODS, RESPP-CirvJLLY informe hie cuaiomert, and the public at large, that be is ncVw recrivkft and opening at bu) Store in Salisbury, a splendid assortment of , -.- g,o ojy. s a aeWed by himself in fmLAnKlPRt and A'ET-rORC from the latest importations for 1812, and whiih he offers to purchaser aa low a anv GOODS af tha tame quality can be btmirbt m this market. He hope from hi at tcntiaa !0 business, the quality af his GOODS, sodtheesii f nie lowne-ft of his prices, o"m wer it a omtinuano a fiairwaga i.DlatUy- oea- toweatowirtiriim, and torwmcn ne sow re turna bis grateful thanks, - . Among bu assortment fill ba found an tnat it NEW & FASHIONABLE. oomprising every article that ia oiually kept io N.- B. ATI kinds of oouotry prodnoa 4akaa in exchange for GoocV Iiu7 : Safjthvg.-Mej the im - ;.-- TAILOKIiGJ ItOttACEJlIfBEAIlft; rnf.SFECTFL'LLY informs the, publio that imlA ke has recently rcteived, and will eontin- aa to receive regularly, aa they are publiabed. the Loadoo and new York taabioaa, from A. P. Saruaxs. of New. York. Therefore, he ia prapaced to accommodate bit cutlpmers "m a aeat and latbioaabio stylo.' For durability, taste sod fashion, hi work far turpaaeea any dente la thia County- A very imporunt object to tof euatomec ia, max ne etna nut or teat cloth and Wtt trimmlftr thai any" Tailor ia the placet which at worthy of ooaatderairon. ' N. BV AO ganaeaia mad by the eubeuiher wiB be warrtottd to fit. 1 f-' x ' 14tf - tt9UC2 ?. IUt5a r , f N a letter rrccivci L, i Apr,l,J,t D'Ct. B-nith re. I , -jueafs iri ma respitu presented to hU former patron, and the citizens of Ilawan in general, an j to inform, them that he expects to reieh .home lotime'lo resume hia 3 practice of, Medicine, by the (utt cT Anrjsf, oraooner, -i 4 V C"" lie will occupy hit room on' Ua!a FirettTiear the Btore of Mrtui llackctt (f Lemly. X 2Jtl ' Ncwy Goods ! XTiAmZZ It ClWiSS rteaivir. "" i& in rait a.'d winlar Auily iif (ioiils, aV.ic ' ' whb hai frmr stock, eomprir-et ter aniL ' . unufl, ka'pt in a Coa-itry raiail atitrt, which a will, sail low. for aU or-oa-aalwrt f04 aa-i. . pnnotusi dealer. Th poWie are respretnallf T rtrjiicri'd lo tall and Judga tor tkateivcv na cmiBura luwmanaiacura or Brn.l aadTia Wake, wvranted to ba ltd tVu.a ' beat matsmrt, and la a aff atylf . ,, anaMhip. Having a my lara aiork af Tio ware oa hand and being datermnvd la aril k 1 at rednaed prieet snarchen wsuM do Wcg ta Oattwnhrmamtjrattl.ti supply. , ,. - fCT Old Crie-, Ptwtei, rtaiharV TbJIowC Betwai, and Waul. Ukea ia eichanee. .609, .". - . ' ' . CllA R I E& TOX anil .C1IKRA ,r m. a m Mini .A i jiir. oii.iii.pv.ii aiaLurs . ' . i '. - I AIT. JVC. CRAU II AM bavin beat JLifnKed. Isst summer. ' in tunning oatneen Charleston snd Cha. ", raw calling st Oso.Towb'n her ' up snd dowa, will resume herTrici ra th. i eonrseef a fe dtytand-rrimmfJrdT9tf continued int tbe trade the eosuingaeo son. ' i " ",. 1 Her exceeding light drsft of'VTtts drawing whea loaded only about bur and ah slf feet wster" will enable lef to reath vnci.w ai, axr pi, aa oncora : mon low ilver, when her Csrgo' WUlba,". lightened it ibe Expeace of Boat. ' J -J. B. CLOOlf. . n. Dbehsi com'ortable iCwme' dations for e f pitscngeri Jif ' n a mt A ? a -mr FROM the eV.beeriter,'VMhe SOdA , day of Mav last an indented ap prentice to the Blacksmith trade, jf the. name, of JOEL SMARTT t ha-.', perhaps mar call himself MORIS "He is about 15 vesri of agr, about too- feet 3 br 4 nifttr hrgti;'rfre'"lia!lr' when he left, a white pair oi pant. loons and blue and white check 'waisiaH cast, A'l persons are herebv forw' warned from harboriog or employing said boyr rjmler the- penalty of tha faw "3tjf j.' - JESSE DEADMAN. ' JimeiSth 1832. . I FROM thf ; Bubecrrheri on.' the 5th dav ' r.f April ;iaaT,it BAYii AREv-abmiti sxrf n yeara ota. tnia iprihg.,01, cprna. - a a a . . s. . " " saa-"awawaapaw - 1 V - --- av-- moo site, with on bind foot white. ' not recollected -which, belrevcd to haveaalTodWrUFC aod rote very jvell - The laat nfor"T; mation bad from' her wae at Col, EcU iy 'e plantation, oh thoflooth iYadkitaT- It is supposed that she will make net, ay-:twerd'. was lately brought from there Any, person who may Aake, ut eald aaareg - niay direict information to Mocksvill rost OIRce where thef afiaii rcceiva , a reasonable reward,' and ' all expear act paid by' T "" ' "f '., ' JACOB CURNATZAIav JfVwawCawrfeit UiA IS3t aTT0 W.N E,V-T LAW.-t WILL praetia in the Courts of flue Ctan7 , tr. Davhlsna. Meeklenborx A Cabarrqfci Hit oflioe ia a te w Hoots below the (XMirt-Hotwt Ortatae StA, 18317" OJft ' ' . - LAirJSOTICErt oaTOTt Cikkiii'i wilt trotfiti tarn b he 'county conns of Rowsn. He may, II limes, be fotjnd, st the ofiise w tta- Carcnnian. 4 MoaTO'iMaaf cotfirt- Superior Cmnrt tf Lan, Mrk Hm. "s3-; BatLf Moaoa " -i , . -a P(lliMfflw Joeavaaa MonaanvJ -t.T lfTrmrirtnttttbIIat1 the Coori inanae aetwaartt uv - Morr;an Is not an inhabHanl of Jhv Stntc, it ta therefore ordered, t tW, publication he made, for hrWmW', in the Western Carolioiari, printed oureai; printed "fTytflc the aaid Jonathan Morg appe"' the MiCtrlSimhtrrm' J&e field for tno-county f s"11"" ", ' I. . .. . f ' If ll.,mirV. un iiiw a t r. .? aei..iiid.:iaAwf t(i. KiS&M. will be. heard es partowndttdgnuj on ma artt onoy y granted agninst him pro contesso. ' T; our 'Superior trt'afT?; W.-rwr. I7rdnhae MirilO. Ivt" r t And of the f American lPJfl! PB1GB AOT. 459.50, 'Mr 1 rr avery deaerWio, nnt e l V eeplcxaoauoiij tog a at yrrj-r- ti-iiiiaiii W.iiitija . a i r' F0V '- :'.', ..' : --'4. -.-

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