0 . iJSij J.' i'. !- c -yk , in t x&i .m. .ii i i i - i . . ". . v., " ' - J)r, t'hanninr. . - a . SAlJSnUBV. HOWAN. COUNTS N. C.:..MbM)AY JCLV n VOl,. AM , 77 O O V" i X tv n'rv'Tjirrirrormi.v i' ,UitlirJ ntrt a trrrk nl Two ) Hurt ir L'mJlxtiil "-i'hi ihrrr mrmlk j r 1V0 "T""""' " ' j w - rr? A Uihin 1 lf3 Ifif 1. It' f of tt t .. Z .' .: , ... . i . f ii trim ijif.i.W; iin, vnf m-tk 8iVwc tin' CJ71. ntijtuf year, till Ac cunutU.nl u u Ail P-r n t-rzeur'n nl? ttlret v'u. 'jrtrri U tht CurjUitUn, rull iiicf tj AH Vttirt ti!l-iirl In t'f r.ljnr Hig If post . cr tin 'J will ! 'f it- t,ihl fu. tT TU Irrmi v. .11 bn stj idly tvl- I'NITnD STATF.S' HANK fit-itf T; l'llCSIDLXT V. S. fintyifi rrtc baik im. 10 tuc 8X- ' ATf WITH Mi OBJ IX Till .VS. v Jt' $1 nnle ; 'IT.e Ull 1 1 nvntilV aii'l conlint!?"' ft- let, (iiliil- J "un mrto iiMorfwrat. (Iip iiiWiiuJ lu tlia U.iali uf ti.c I'uiU.l live." pf1 'iiIl-'Mo iiiu 011 llic iili J?y, ie-.l:it. IJ4V111.' cotHifJi'n'd it With Un' iiin:i n'jarif tn thn pruif iIci i-r (In C' iitiMlion, w'iirli flic (luv. wni culi'UI.lfCcI In ''dirn, uli'l I'tiiiio lt roni'liiniin 111. t it '.iijli! mt t Iffotnr a lav hfre. 1 lil'i ' lurii it K the ioniilc, in Lickit '.I. I! . jfii t"ii wii'i iny tioji cii'Hin. A UJukot iii 1 uii' -Ui.iiiM is, in iiianv 1 ii-i-dil to the pcopir. IiUerliir.ir. tliii :iuini'n, aii'l ili-oiilv uiiiirc-wfil mill Ii- !c!ii t' t'mt hhu'i (" 1 lie power mid hv tho existing lank, ire u i.tiiPi'in''.! uv 1 tie v. miviuuiion, hud- t it. . f v .-. ..- 1 Tenive -f the riltt- of tho Ftate, nnH 4iiiirriui l the hliertic? uf Too iicuplc, I .Imi'i'.itmti'm, to eiill tli rs!t"iition ot Cmcr-'H to tii prnt'tiriiliilitv of ornniz- jtijan Rutituinn rrfmhining fill 1n advan- Uf iuJ obi 1111115 thee objection. 1 iVpfly regret tlwt, in jlvjact toforo me, cjb u -rceive n'nwol thoM imiliticatioiu of I'm; lunk charier v hieh are lui-rnirx', in Diy opinion, to make if couipatihln with j:HKvr with sound policy, or uith the (nstitutiiin of our country. Tlio present corporate UxJv.dcnominar- Nlw I'lesid: nt, Directors, mid Gminiiy of the Clilkof U10 lutted Mates, will have itvj, tit time this acl ii mteniknl ti Itike cfleel, tweuty vcars. U enrayg ail antkaritv of- the (Jem-ral (JavernmcuL' r ... . , ,i ..j fi nrwMtirv I'liiioeTire. At:nti.s( a mono - r ii' " - . . " . r " v-.. TLx iw-m. nr;vilen( . .nJ iar Lcst,7w. i Bi.lu i.r I lir luri inn noil i!iiim'-.tie. rvi'hllli'lc. 1 e.l tm,m 0 it.ft'orliTlanl- rT.aiier hut . .1.- ...1 c.i,.i-i. c..!..,iiiiifeUiift-biUilc t.Lo-4ernelsni1.-mtJi iuciuuiui" U". iiiuu ut iuiMnin nimnr- .nt mi .uwl.-kl lrt J... Lin. . en. 7 I ....... , I h (ftmnntmu.!-. tlm result in ttm coiwul- . . . . . . 1 .oi,.., n.-.i ilm ,ai::,-i .if il.n Ai-ifrlual ..ri of inc. iriwratioii could nut ba certainly i Xire.!!i tttlheti.no of M. Tim act before me propose another gratuity to tne holders at the same i-tctli, and in many rasea to tlw aamo men, of ot leant seven milli. imre u.lhw rlmmtion fitids no liioloy in nrrv unccrtaintv ns to tlwj effw l of I'll- act. On nil hamJj it is cenec3t:d that its passage will iucrca-e, at leant twen. ty ur thirtv per cent, more, tho .market lice uf the stock, subject to the payment of the annuity ofSJUU.OyO per ycarvaccii.j red by the act ; thus adding, in a moment one fourth to its par value. ' It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the kountv ef our povcrnment. More than tiht bullions of tho stock of (his bonk present dullars. For these gratuities to foreign ers, and to sotno of our own opulent citi tens, Cm act secures uo equivaleut what- ver, 1 hcv tiro the certain g:uns oflh8 tiM stockliul juryjuulcr tha,operal ion et'tliU aol, .alter 'nmkinj full alloiv.uico rihe paytpent iif tU-i tonus.'" .. . .. ? " hvcTy iwaiopoly, and all escluvrprivi ile,, ire granted at Jbo expense of the pntltc,which osrjhl to receive a fair eqniva tour. Tho many millions which this act proposes to bestow, U the 8loekhohksra of itihrec'Jt uiiLjiX.tltiieaiftUuaw-lUAiMHM H-ani people. It is due i'ieja Ihcreiorfi, lheir' UoveTtnu(juiSfiU,,iMO ?Xcluidrewivikm4Uut 4 Jiov--ahuult ten exactforTfve; rth iu one d market. The value of the Wir!U!Kdy,i this case, may be correc! certa,iiel. Tlie tweiity. eight millions of tock would probably be at an advance of fifty per .ceiit, an4 . cpxamamli, iB .markel M least forty lw;miilisI'rftMiWV'-w' f ,0 lhe.pny men of the .present bonus., ; Tbe present rhm ohWrnnriorKilVf there n seventeen millions - of dollars, and Ja i the act proboacs to sell for Ihrac pil "'" piyahle in- fJU'ei intjiiial iastilmertts AnH''neaii rupuWie popoaca virtually to K'spccUvely mailii payubxut ono !aca tlifike tbem a present of so-no millions of tmilv,' ahall nevertheless ho received by MorklnM.r can hn :w cluiin In I'm) rvrn rurjwrntiKn Im nj'ivd iln moiKip 4y iliirin l!iu fxiril tiMil,i!cil ti ilm oh HHUti.cmltuxl. )( , imi4 kW iiii'iif : out ifj . .m!p pUh-.U, iuiJ liU4 y-itw tdlltf- fK?o;,lo U10 fn!l murkii VuU - rr - t - VH,; .; ,.n . ... . I.oliTri'x riuli and a.ll tLn iiu..,i .....i.. . miiiiimioi nock, liicurjurutifi thi ur. cl:er wif'i all the powers 1111 r.il- iwr-trrd m lit! net, Oiwl Hjl(,n lli. v. ... . ...1 ... ..' .. pinn.'iin ii;kih itii mlri mt itho trr miry Cut tl;i m t ilo'; n ,i permit t-onwlili.m lu tin. im-cIuuo- i4'. i!h. t4vmJy,- II llii to Ii:! pr(4iriit(iil on t!i itmhoiiik U'ca, lli il (lio prriif nf.iiTifiiIiirri 1 hVv prowripi;..' rijihl ri'it only illicfiv.r,lxit 0 thft !,imty i.f t! (l.ivuniuirnt. It upborn li.ot moro lliu'i afmrili part cf I Ii i stcck i lii l'I hy rorvii;iRn, dnJ the trMm i ii'M liy ;i fi'w liniulri'il iifiiiir own riiiz rliii -fiy of tho lirlnMt ell. I'or llifir lilirfit d.ini tin nrt rxcluile fho'hiili America 1 pi (il from rompHiii mi in tin- Hin lu.'lC Ol llilS IHOII'ip 'V, Mil l lftt of it Cir many tniUionn I-n it is wurtir. Thin ccri the Icm e xcu ihl , b..can uiitft f our rintii, fHif ttw 1ockfini1. t-i, (icti!iiiiH'd Ih it thii iliwr of conifvti- I lion iiii'.it 'l ojx-ii' (I, 1111J oi!;liMl lo'l..!; 1 ' n ch.irf'T on lc mi i:nu ti Itin5 liiViiablc to the Govtirntrwnt nui! c uintrv. Hut tlii proposition, iilthoiih tmh ly men wh(o OBHrvjnte wiiilth llicvcl to he equal toiillllie priutjjt.nA;ii (ij ti; exi?i,i biink, has Ih-oii iu-i aiiJoliiiii tin: t..iti,.i' ..r j.hw ( ...... ....(. i 1 , . ... . .. . .1 ' ', , 1 iiu ii.iiri iwHowi-o on i;ip icw wi)( nnvc fcn fortunate cnoiiti to MTurA'tliettock', fluJ at thin ni uiK iit wifl'l the power ol jOImi uMuhi iHMihrtimi l-rnrrrmt TwTffewrtr-'rrrtre- trfniT'tTic Stl'.ire'ifl'Tr.-cVTr ir enve the- jU'Aico" nr policy or tlu cofime. It our fiovernmeiit nui.t wll r.ionojtoliex, it w ould wem to 1 e its duty 1 1 tike notli in lesi thnn their full v.iluc : a:iil if nto ttie muiit ho made unci in fifteen or twen ty year, let (hen, n ! Ic hcstoivcj on the subject of u fi.rnij'u (i-ivomtnnf, nor up on a dosinatedor l!iviredi1njMjiuJ jtje.nju '6ririiwTi counlr'. " It 'J- Uit justie and rooJ policy, ft far ni tho nature of the CJ5C Mill adiiiil. ,,Uvulun.tur. LmH our own f How citizens, and let each in his turn enjoy no i'nuiu!itK to prurii liy wr bmmtv. - In the bmrin;" of tho act ln-forc me ujcri these poiata, 1 find ample rcav.ns why it GtiltilJ uot ticeuiiio it law. -ft ha lieen orgM ns an argument in la tr ofrechartcriiijj the preienl bank, that calling in it Inana trill produce prent em-barra-siiicnt and (ii stress, Tho time allow, ed ta clow it. concerns is amjde ; and if it has been well managed its pressure, will be liIit arvl heavy only in its ni'imim- Oiput has been bad- -iftlfor,it shali ,ho n,n!l W u wotilj funusu a .je, newiii'r a iiourr whieli luw u ?cn 80 olivi- abused. Hill will there rvr he n """J tirmj when Uii reason will t! Jess power- 1 1 1 rul f To adtrmwlerfjn! it torc, M l) ad ... '. ... , I -iviaauu vuuau iiuuii iu.12 n.i ir ri-oi 11.1 1 ...,'--.. I. m!fN A- ll.:. ?i .' J. . in 1 . 1 1 linrl holli tt'illt iiminl tuilili.ial i-ukur. ui:' ",w,"7 "V", r""v" r'" er, ana ei.joyinr imiueiise 1 rcuniary u vutrfues, iroin liietr tonuecUou mm tlio Uovornmcnt. 1 lie nioamcauona 01 uie existing char ter, proposed by thin nc(f, ihm n4 ue.h, in my view, asma!;o' it consistent will the rijlits ofth ctftti nrTurj-fibWiDitf tW peejde. The qualilieation of the rijht a the bank to hold rrnl estate, iTift limitation i.f iU power to c.ilahli!i branches, and the novnor reserved to Lonrcs to toium tiie circulation of small notes, are restriction compartivelv, of Jittlo V3luoiriinport.uice. AIT thevihjectioteablo principles of the ex isting corporation, -a ad most of its odious features, aro retaiayd witiiout alleviation- The IohtiIv section provides ' that the notes er wl f two aaiil CftrpornUoi.1..Bj. c;3rv"i-".' air''. -.u.'l": a"-r'-Jii,',,r"". 1. ."'"It: " i ' the said corporation at thebmki or at any of the offices of di-iunt-oruT Uuponite thereol, if tenncrod in; liquidation or pay ment 4 any balance or tmlauces duo to said eotwralieiTfTOf to "Sirch offtcs '-oraiih' count- had depo.-litgjm fan) 'vgtheT juc'or poratcn uaou. . :; y. . : This proyiaiori' secures .to the State banks a Icijal privilege iu the Canlt of the United Stntcs,.v.hich is withheld from all private titizen If a State bank i a '..Phil, n li.ti.iit rwi tiro bank ijT tho Cnitcd St&teSft ariil have notes iie4, by. jtiia.Stt;iEjii4- MiTBrallClirlt ' f tta pay tlw debt with thosio notes : but if a ruerchahtmiamc, or other niivuto citizon ba 111 liJ .sircuirt- discount, orend them to St Louis to be esl.ed,;Tli,,.b State banks, though not - unj'ji.t ia itso.f,U most odious ; because it dies not measure out equal jum.co to ttio mii ana tne low, llilR'l-;i('T thyiwrtfisW is , practkal effect, it is a bond of uuioa among the oankinsf establishmonts of the nation, erecting hem into aa interest Wp ardtn front that pfihe copWTW.t rt twr- cessurv tendency is !o,Hiute-.the Bunk ofl any ma-ur 'which may lhjii;ht ton. ducivo l llniir common intcret. ' Tha iiMitlj i of tim act rerg(i' re priiieiph a J f worm tutwliocy Han nv prov;.Moii 14 tin-jroerrl Ciiarter. ... il iriiil art n arinUuiiy repoil l tho Si tn tarv ! I Ml . ., ' 1 1 tWi'f Morv the unniea if all nhcklii l'liT whi are iv4 rvi lent cita"o i.ftlm t'liil-, ,cd.li'JajU,ljUc pj'irirjfi ..uf-.tb 'IYe-.tri-r !' Vtr fttste ah-ill mik'J nt, Ir mnint In mcli Treasurer, u lint cl stm khsld'-r ri idni in, or ca'wnt, of, -urli iuif, with tho jiinoui.t of tock owned b) eitrh." ' Altfii)tih L'lia provinion, taken in ron i x-i-n wilh a (h-ctfiuo of t!m Siijiremo Court. 'lalc to lax the bu'ikin iintitutini en at- ' by tin ceiporaiion, under the name of Uhin i s, ihrouhiMit the t;,ion, it is evi denty inteiidril to bo coustnjej aa a eon. ceaiiou of tlmirTiht.totax t'mt porfion of lh at(wk which Miay tc hcjd by their own citiz" r.s and rcuijuiu. . lu t!u lijjUi, if thii act Incomes a law, it will be under. hIoimI by I lie Statu.", who Mil) probacy proceml to l-vy a lux cpnl t that paid up, "l the atiM:k f Imnk iuenrpoialeil bv tlemuelvea. I;i anme iftaten that lix U now 011c per ?r.t;, eltlicr mi H'm- c;iUil or oil tho hare.- ; mi J that nwy be assume as thu aiiHMiui whmh all citizen or re . in lent MtiH'MiulJcri would bfl taxed Umlef tin: oi"r.iti'in of thi art. Aa it is wily thu Mock luhl in tha States, !! not th , rmp'.oytj within thein, which would l.: uhj tI to taxation, und ns tho uamei o! l'in;igii ia.!vio1ifuri urcuot ti le repTirt'ir to.t.i.) 'I reagiirera of liie States, it is .,l,n ous that the NliK k bel'l hy thein . will l? e-vejupi froin 1 1 1 i -t burden. "Their unu ual profits will, therefore, bo one Lr - i or, nndastli3aimudlt!ivld'iidiol thelau!. miiy ! anfi'lv estiuiiite I nt seven percent uiu siocu w in no wortQ ten cir nueea jk enl. more ti f.reigrM-rs than to citi' n f ho Tnilcd Stale. To npiiriviate tV i f- tin lecta wlik'.li thu (Mate of thinjrs will pnKlnee. I wf rmtntake a trilif review of the uni'i-u. 1 tiuus, and. pjcut cwUiUou uf tlte l4Xuik Tffrr,'tr"wf the I oiled SlHtca. ry il.ifuni. iils aubinitle-I to fonTe?s nt . ' ' I "' ill II Mil 1 li'' 1st ol Jan., Ib.i ot the tenty-eiht mil li'ins c' privute atock i?i the cornorntion, ! ?9,.lt3.o00 were held bv foreigners. motlv of Lit. Ili'ittain. Thj amount oft.wk tif-1-1 in the nine weslero & s'Hith western Stat i i 10,200, fc in the. four southern States is 1.023,1 00, and in'the erk-m rmJ mid dlo States about 51 3w?2,0iitl. The profit n( the bank in I SCI, os aiioivn in a atnte. ment t.i.Coiiresa, wore about ?3,l.j3y539; of litis Jhcri neeniad ia tho ".nitre wecm JBtates .alrmt -$J HOiS, ia the f-mr teuth. or Nftk-a ttbiut S3o'2,50T, nn'l in'the tiiil.' I." nrol ea iteni ?t.ntes, n!., out SUlG0,0;i. sjittw yt-w-k is held in W-wi.4Hii-oV eus that the debt of the people ia thut sec tion to tlio lunik is p' ineip iity a rWittO the eastern and foreign stockiiolders ; l!ial ; the bitTt):! ti-7 pay upoil It, ix curried into ilia Jc&sXa n-AmiMiHul irrriy rwp "351 .1 J . t . -i . TUttn II rirnln ill I Ii.ii i- i-iirrnn.-v u-Ki.U . -...w... and otcawoiml -'Ustl.re.ni, To meet - this h Jidt'ii, und eipinhze the exchange opera- ii'iusoi ui'j name, I no amount 14 hiiocic hawn rromtlmsc uUilcs tl rough its branch es within the last two years. as shown by it.s oilieiiil rejKirts, was about 0,000,000. siore than' a rrnlf mioion of thu amoint douamit-stop iaXUe ewte-r.i SMe, lntn ses on to huroiif, to nav diviJcnru of the loreigi'fit.KWjiilders. In the 'pntVeiple'-rf taxation recognized by tuts act, toy wes. tern States fi.id jio a lequate coinpensation lor this perpetuiii burdou on their industry, aud drain of their currency. The branch bank ot Mobile made, last year, $93,110 ; yet, under tho provisions oi' this act , the State of Alabama can raioe no ro vomio from tho profitahlo operations be cause not a slmro of tho stock ia Itold bv linVfirTijjf' eltiZvUr''Sii:sai isijTjt" 14- SourinfeinlT.0 to tba l-ranchys at JS'atches and St. Louis; and such, in n greater or less degree, is the condition of every western Slate. The tetidcnry of the pbw of ta-xation which this ad pnip weswill ia- to place thrf whole lJtitvHl taicjirf the snmeielaireOoIlori irrncu me wesierii .JTaics noTnf tolhji 6asternr resident errAbldewrWt 1. I- . , 1 ... . L. a T . bank is made worth tenor ' fifteen por ceiiiHr laUyc, judiciHl.flid exocutivo more to foreigners than to renikailvntW of it will inevitably leave the coumry. . i Thus will thi prevision, in its pradlicauis iicihing in prcoedcuLibortfon. v hidi. tout hero and western State, of the means i f raising a reveuuo from the extension of MIMtKi'4aa- tutiuu Jt .will nuxU the Amoriean peopfc tlebtors lo-aljartninsienriy A hw Ws4emomt due to litis bank, and sond across the Atlun tic froin lo.to.x.jiijttins of specie; e vcrv year.o i pay the Junk dividend, In anotherof its, bearings this provision is fraught iwilh danger. Of the twenty, five- directors of thin bank, five are chosen ly the Government, and twenty by the citizen stockholders From ' all , roictLjn these elections the foreign stockholders are excf uileil -tie-i6lia.I(j pi oportiou, tlnerefore, as the stock is trarwferod to'fur eijoTKoldcri',- the.extfpt $.mtvj lilbj,! choice of dirt'cton ia ru nailed. .Already iaUinoat third if Iho atia k"4n ..Mii '"!, tlilj tint repSeiid Ml fe!eei.1lSr t Manitaiitiy piri-i i;; out r.ailry, and llea tu.1 will acii-lornH IU d.'iwrluro. iM'ceinlv fi! . . U', iiitu tlia hinds of a 'vw nt Un tckliol .-rs, mi. Cm e4ia.f wild Which Iiiu iliji;ct , weilf 1 In oee.oiniibsb"d. wauM l e u I, to rJi I iiM.indvea fro;ii ur to eur, nid without repofHi Li'ilv : .iMr l. in 111.. tin; u lii. In coil- Cirfs'i iui I'm! J i.'io'f ilio' i-it"'iice of l-iiia,4-- i ts :;ieai 1 uL, tu i.ur ti"i, -r ' f i ,' Ii III' '1 I I I ' I ' : I V tTTCoi',!'!'; yr" t1jCf iilf elid lt Ttill- i ii (1 ivin i'ilr.1.n 'I a 1' ird :i 11 r. pon-i:i; ! i 1 j I ; f 'I'- HO ! . '.' '"of hbertv un! .'i 1 in a iit.K t'l it. in ii-, iii!ii:e hi t'v 1 1 'IV -iiitf : ' Ix aintH e Coiii'flil hi u !!. id- i- s -,.,! ! I . I ! It . t! '.S i t' , in ii- j;. i '' U e t tin1 over I . MmI tiori nfii ... w4 tja ui.uMiidufia wi a wlf.-K-t ' " i' -l' ii I'JMM!. ;ir..- i ,.i i X-jt in am. '.t r..'i i-i f. rr i-i'-nrof- w iT.ner; i i; i : ...r l UM-n i.i i.ou:.i oo (jinn w iiei. iikll'lfiej i. tMiMfrwiTI ff Ih IsiCit ( and fir the (. .. w if j Tboir.to.v. ev r thev liii .iit i .- t ! il . .i'.'U" I. ii i; this iiiouoilv i;ry lilleen or 1 II V". irt:d !iy tn!n..I-.'.i:i i,.;.;!,i .:...n i.i ? puarjs put $Hi ,w ,.rh n r;tfu lei.tuiujiur c r-'l ii"' " - --I'liie i:ii;i., . j i i:.,w..,ji- iIkh.-!-' . a ii'.iin jiUUUl.tui.-. irs, or previ.v.t n ii it cannot lx' !.. o,:r to fuel iu, i:ifi ii; i-, SliouM i!i'. ' "'. pi.ss into I .'i 1. . I I ! . i 'I its il"" ,1 i,.' H -ni-.! 1-e i;ui 1' I'.'l i.i.m'eeun Iwswm. itlVn'vi' e- n i-'iir v i :i t; t - f )C rourse -i i a'mest w 1 ! . . t ! .1 foreign ' pj...''-. 1 1 whoe lit'.r-:'. l 1. r, in !e m':i'.' thn -"i d ui'. ii- ' 1 in rill nfih'' In. .;,'!' i. ooti fV'tiir.'lling 'Hir c t.i-T.r , t''ri i h'i 1- no no I '.u. ; ukuILi . .li 'iii'1- i' ii r; Ti'-y, tcc;:mii' our iibiic jnoiiLVi, .'lii.! If, 1 n.; lhoie-''ii'ii ot -.r cif.r-Jiis vi d-. .it-iii :ioe, it wul-i '.r m iv i.-i iii'i'i'.b!.; and l.ii: i t:5.ti 'ho ! oava! a;.d l.i.iI.uv' jiowci jfiho fociay. lyuMMuitMmun mmn HiiriewriitaTrTwrirrBtrltiT rTMrf -n tl W('MmT'ins Ir t apTUI'fcrTtirir Unlimiwa - " :1 -cm that cmil,-J in their ovw han'Ia by pn!y aiMili iuiluenet aa the fcn' of llwif prnul ne.MitrolUbl by vtf other p 4 million 4l ' l.t tt- r.'lti-ii li I" mt l'L. 'I'iiiirrt I r-f 'i..-.iii.. au .1..- I .1 . . k . 1 T I . L. l.a - ' ,v 1 .- - iinipr uiKiioui iom mat wnirir jtti uinwrnj. w w i!-i,irr.tfi: if h r.re.id.i,t mid oir-Mtora! Hut in Ihoca rflio.1 mon.thf5uiirrmn i:.in.itiitin. Yal ibia art dt-cLirea. tliat li ' i:.i.-t h vi a ban w.nt ''i.MitruthT-TTirf"BTIirtsrW nnif'pr atocitii.'iiiiiJ, tiLty C',in.,i;.r',:;.oit.u.-m.Tfv ia wJcr leuWe the- bank to pe't tii4snti4-rritwWMis!- public VI' iiT!ie".i-.'irts tteil It H!;.:iil.l I ;';. j dulii's h-tsim-j Irtjt jtliji aCtU 8((MUlf aml America -Hef-H-r- '-r.rft . nre-rfir,' coViVrHolioiml. or unhr.-rvmru 1, SomV isud. i.'.1!. :; -, Who at lea-l . Uf ! -i ! Ineoittv f . enr government, .n:d rini; t .vyvoii it i limes o d iiiu illl V- iift.i ual. '" - ll.lllt IS llolUOt: InTTicnCur: HiWTeglirf f:rWmlJ ',--: -:'-f;riKlrr5nr!trt:Jaf myrftbe uowera.uid link 1 1 1 fc-r-! grni'-(i oy tiii.-i n l.:i:i'!.e, million. 1 1- oliiaiiM'.I. in' t iii-1 ; liar v I .r ,.f I- :' - iea.l ImiiK . nvv im-!i fiiui! t!ic slock of t 1 1 ciiit;ii.iit must I!l jio-au , mal Ml which it lUil-ii:U.i-.i.,m i's-eriv'if iu timei ii cmer n. ' it h'icI rutin r um uiider penalty i4'.a.biilti!e.iviJl;(e...J..-. -If is liiaiatoin. il l y th-.1 'advis-at.-s of lh" bank, that its tonsiitutroHality, in alliis filatures; ought to bo considi ) ';d on .tiied by pioredeiii, and by Ilio duciijion of the Supremo Couit. Tot'iiscouelusioulcun: not assent. Mere prcccdiait is a danger ous sourcn of natliority, and fchauW not bo regarded ns deciding questions ofconstitu tiotial powcr, except whore the acquics ceatiaot44o joI i4 tlio-ls i-an be cojjsidy this benig the eBo on tin rihject, an ar gument agaiutt the bunk lu-ght ho' baced on precedent. One Cong rosi, 1701, de cider! in favor of a bunk; another, ia 1311, decided -agninst U.040 Congrc-s, in I8t5- liCCuloJ. against-ii -iarik j-aiwrJier -' n 1 l j r ' ' .XV . : iii loio, iieci'ica m iiai.tvnr.i 1 nor to rue prcaeuCCuugro . . .1 1 7 ... ' rirni 'C'XiMrt.''tTtn T''n'J??r' It.1 uti.i-.iu'.!, ,1 . ions against the bank have been, (.rubaUy, to those in its favor, as f-jiir t J one- -Thoro weigh in tivor of the acLbcfui a mc. rlif Iha opimn-of-4! -jweme1 .-Cenit ')"" 1 oiigtiTW tc aa . . flfiiritioattf. rrewt, the Executive, and the Court, must cacii tor itxclf be puded by its own pn5. ion of the Const ittifiot). - Encji public cfijf- ccr who lRe an eatii to aupport the Conrt stitution, swears that he will support it as covered the Ivltolertid'liif ''S aeit iliCiingress Iitf-awiitewta'-tti.tl'.-f fit sy-k -ia tiiiarit. rolatkin-lsi'theltiielyet -nd-, ttiirr sue stood bv others. It ii fts much the duty of the House of Represcntatiwof the lnnte. arf td docjtfe up. on the constitutionality o( iiny bill or re solution which mav iii rseJTo Iheiii tor Jwssag 4r Annrotraj, Bf Hfapftiut Sii- prma Judgea, when it may b brought iH'foro tliiou f.r julu i d ilcciaioo. TIk epuiinit f tin j ldge hoa no li-rf inthorj. ty oier l,oni(r;ja limn Hie opium Xn limn llieoiruiionof Loa. 'rtf baa over the.iud e. t mud Oil that rwirtbtj IWiiVon jnjitiri(k.it U Vifli;TMvMilaiiiQ''' iii H tm kltaWter, " Tim iuihoiuy i.f th Soi.roiiw CsmjH must , eer thu Diatrkt of Colnrab. Iw eW,;- - not(!iererori', lc jsro.itted tocofitml Ue ' t U-L4iiuiH-r wnew-tctiniri Court hava nl dtnM- that all the foa. ! M." " 1 lu" "'T"1'""" coiiipatiiiiec.xwtiiigUinlia.rM)f criW0lnr Ptnua wib wjih i the canntiiutiou, ...Il i Uuc, that lh- cajilala-erdinj in the wholo lit mtt cm.it huve i I, !mt the law incorjioratinj liona( Uolliirs,. Comtitutioo.. iltfi the binkvtri'TbriilurhHiHT exi-rci. . t Iarea, ilut CrtoirrpM tkall hava power O p oiv..r byi'oiiteftw. !uf tukiii? iuto view i.iu wlh.le lyiyw of the c,.,tirr, awl the r',..s ,iii by n liich thi-y hire'coinfl to that 'i.i iv.i.m, I mi lenrtiiiid them to have de .'i"! limt, tuiixnui'li a La'.k ii an a p. .': in .1 nienn forenrrvintr iiJoi lTI rt iln- "'i;'.'' i i. l J powers tithe Ai-nrr.. Gov. t j fume. !, t hen-lore, lh law UKUifporatinf ! i' 1 1 lecirdanci with that provijiHi of ; ' ' -t.Min.ii wiiicfi ti leiarea thai t on- Z' -li!l i'iv owor "to make all lawa I inc. aitail bo mTf nmh proper- for 1 ri iii;i ! i,r powc.-a into execution. iJ-.w- wii.(hmI thsrmwltc. 4hat IU won! " 't -.v., .., m ;; coiistitututinn, moma "rfr;- t-rpiiMtfntfiSflut -'eoi'MTlei ; to, ivl ih-a a bank' in a convenient, a itt - w - fi! nn.l rtaenri.il intlnnneut in the nro- , . i -- -ii hi- O verniiii!ut a liscal opera. Iii .''-, hh-v cum lu le tbot, t "iiHe one ..... . - . I . il l.-.t ' (. milii'i the discretion of Con- r-5 tin-', that, the actio Mlcor'orerl l!.i i 7T V.fo Uu11h StntVa lit a "law i idu in puKaanco wf the ftitatititttn. X-C-jm y iiwy," .lirf Ui bew "fa -nft ..-.u!..LuJ, uiid in really caculatcd lu eftVct ' "I t! biei tsentrUHtod to the (Jovero. to tindertkc ber! lu iwitiirn into the I . . . f iu . .. " I ni ofitu necensity, would be to pusa the :i ! hu h ciicuuiierilH's (he judical depart ' or nt, and to tread on luialutue greund." I i,i' nr i iw 1 1 ! ln.rft mlii-iiuis! ili.. j ' 'I"- v muiiiii.ur ftftftft t ui crce of its iii trcfi nt its iipce.vuti. iny vlvui-1 i i ie i:..iai;s oi a uanMii HHtilullon, is a .e -iion ex'-lusivi Iv foT legislative c .rwid- i"r 1 1 ri. A bank .is e msijtuliooa!;'bul it ia. - ! f 'Miice i t tin !i'"i-.:aturf to 1 i-teroiion Mn.nlier llii-ior t!iat particular po.wer, priv. ttrge. er cxemntion. ia ' ucui.irv am i.ro. LymC tutwite the banlt trr-44s-tliir'j tFs Hmi'.il ) the (J.ivcrilliienl. HlM from llieir ilc. 1 inn there is no appeal to th Courts 4 "c-tire. Indertho deeuin of the Su. I r. i ie Court, thercforo.it is the exclusive r iviiice efthe Corljross and the Presi- iileut to decide, whether the particular fen.' irw and pro- jii''Miand ihcrtrfore.'-uriconstitiitloual. ut corauieiitiuif on the reneral -.hi; -ipV-j nfiirnM-i-Ly tlm Supreiuft Cmirty Mi - Mr rxnii,j:-.rt tiie details ot this act. 111 rf.jn.sf-.: iv nl'iiied, and an notiJ Jih. - r.re. 1. Tie nrceary to attain tb , .iiiu v o'im-iiuvuiiv. uoi . JUSll. J by the Of.nv.ltuu.ni. ' The m initial. LitS iocorioration, ti m Sirens t.s, t:...:4 other Irnuk shall . Mild hUiies, .Cui in the continuance of t'rf(r5iioriTbr:ic!.yerf'ned,C;r wliicli t'-.e fiii'Ji of the C' lied Sliite ia jteyeby p'edfyvrrlifiyTrContrresa oiay rennw i V;s:iiiT" chsi: tor (i'.r banks -.wilkin the lijstiM 1 Columbia, oit inei-ensin? the Cipiia! thcio..!, and may, also, entablish ain other l uot or baiikfitv said District, wi-capit:ik not exceeding, iu tliS whole, i.xamJifomrnfTbilhirs, if they shall dcein it c.xp'idiiuzt." This proviiuojij.sroijjiiued wHeB'lcCffine, fiilveu years l.,1.K -.-.ftl. '.. If Congress possesses tlm power to cs- i.ttbt. J ii 1 ' lithJish ono bank, they bad power to ei j tai.iisii mom man One, ii, in their opinion, tw o or more banks had been " necessary" te facilitate the enecurjbn of thejowers itslfignTotl'lotlipni laiilio Ctmetitution.'' If t .... . ..-'- - .... ?i5iJTah67rrwa power j t . to T!me, and at anr time when the inter esfs of ihe coufitry. Or (he emergoneies ef the -Government might make it expedient. U was posscKsed by one Congress as well es ..iUiexanJ'i by all. aad 'yliho at every session.- Hut the Con rcsscf 1316 have taken it away from . . tuftl AllJfcOft..rft IT, lu-Airitr-t-tl-llj Kitit rtA -yft.... '.JtVMIWVUllJl.Jl.Mll!-. ."for fiftoeyera moroif . It "t!irmTtlV Mr - .-i - . . . . to barter away, or divest themselves "of. .any srf" ihevwert stpd Jit thftrby the Constitution, to be exerciaetl forthe'nib. mr goM. it is not l nccexmry " to the efficiency of the bsik,iioiF is it proper" eeasors... ITicy may preptrriy " use tho discretion vested in them, but they may not limit the discretion of Ihejr suipees sors. j This restrict tea on thelristlvesiatKl Krant of monopoly to the baok.is iJiwe fore acojtittitlouaJ. x: - " : -'. k utay ..lamwnwi n(e power to P?taCTIJi:'XllH'!.U I .' - . . " t ' la tnotber point f view, ihii 'proyU i aion la o!pttlli atlompt oan r-1 Hi' ' Conatiiutien Jiy aa act of :kc I'ti's.'- Tb f ontitutto declarca lliat itnil.- Ltfrcaa ahall bairA i6wr''to xaci4 iclu- - - - 1 atituiiooal pwer, tberrtl.ra, to futuhiiali ' j' tmnki in tbn Dwtricf n CVdiiBbiativ. Irfi r OaitfreM hall not mcreaaa tb apital f exarcma excluive legifUiHio over thif diatrkt "in oil ct$ rkuitfitter," ami thi act declare titer ahall tvt. Which is the wtpreme law of the land ! Thi pro vision cannot b w acYlrl'J,' or prA per" or. itoWiiiiiiWJV'i-iuileaa tl aU '-. fturdity be admitil, Ihul nlenevtr it It ' ncceasary and. proper" in tli 0(aidoit tf m Congress, ov have rijrht to barte barter away one portion uf the powera veateo; iu thein by the CfM.atilutioo m a tueana of tvrtfing iht mt. " thi two nubjectf only doea tbe conMitti lion teeojniso in C'oere tba power t$ grant extlusivo privilegea on rnonopidiea. It ileclarca lhal " " Congr""' hll power to promote the progits of ar.i' nca and useful arts, by securing, or hu itrsj times, to authors and invetilort, the exclu sive right to their reseetiva writings anij iliseoveriea." Out of lb ejpre dclega tIatj pfpnwtr, ha grown our jawi Lo(pa; teiita ami copy" righla. As the conatint lion expressly delegate to Congress tlK Pwtt -to grarrt rTcbrire -tiTtnleges hjT ' the to caaea, as tbo imnuis of executing lb BubHtantive power " to promote Ilia pro crew of ac.ienre-and naeful arta, it U eon- i . . ...i .1 r l e . . iwriii wiiu llio lair nuea ui ceoairuneoi to coni'liule, limt aueh a power wa not intciHkd to be ranted aa a nieana of a. ciinpluUui j auy utbur oud. - Ou very r auliecl wliiel conHwiihin h scope oVtongrcsaionar power, tlierts is an over living diacrvtiiui iii tho asaj of prpef means, which. . latum .. Imj. -rtutrktcd . or abolished without an aiimiidiiicnt of lli constitution. EciL wLj'f Pi thorcf.iro, whieh ltenita, by-jranla of rrMioojKilies, or rale f exhlusiv'e privilegao' lor a jimiioa time, or a time wit man uinif, to restrie.t 01 extinguish its own discretion in the' choice of menus to axecuto itn tleU gatod pciwera, is equivalent to a legialatiy amendmrnt ta the constitution, ai:4 plpi bly imcuuatitutiortnl, rf ' . " Tnia act authorixes "and encouragtti-tranf-fcrs of jt.,itPcJt :tQu ,loreincr and , grants them au exelnptrnrrlrorn atrlstata and wai iotwl ?witrtfrr. lSo jar t'roin being' " ttfrrfmirf ami yroprr'1 thai ilia hk -sltould posters this power",; to nmke it.B,. .Iii anil efficient ngoot of the tlovernmsut in its iiacai oporaimtK, n is cuicuiuted la c'ouvert tt) Itauk-rif the .UniteiSUitea-iiilft - ; a oreignrfouk.. 'if. impoy itajur, mooii)-";;.' W i tiujo of pna ;saxii-- rttheiitethTaUgU'eiery-HWtioii" of" tho! r- 'v in. irvvi . ---- The several Ftates reserved the jower at the formation of the cohbtitution, tyi giilate and control titles kiid transfers' f v, real property, and most, if not all o'Fthnm. - .have la w draqwlifi jug aJieng from ae. X . ; quiring or holding lands within their liirt, ' Use . Bui Ibis act b dwegsrd of 'flie,xin- " doubted righRif- the States in prescribe. . sucli" dimjiwlifications, grvea to ' aliens, .' stockholders in thin bank, an inJcrfXt and title, as members of tho corporation, to aJJ the real projierty it niny acqtiira withm any of the Stales of Ihis tnion. r Tbie privilege granted to aliens is not ".lieceiyiS' ra" to enable the bank to porfonn its ipub. lie duties, nor in any senw "p-o;r, be' catise it is vitally subversive ol the r ighfi of the States. - . ' , ' t . t The Government oftlie United Stat4 iroviriio eonsiiimrouut 410 wcr to purchase -lands within the States excent "for the" erection of fiifts, magazines, arsenals,- i0OCK yn. nn otner neeujul liuijdings,". ! wt Ten for these "tbjtcti ohly " by t&fr !con!nl of the legislature of (1.8 Statrf Iri Z which the safne shall be." By makintr Til ' : 1 li aj ' - " granting to the corporation the owr lto .. . . . sume power not granted in tho corerfittf. tiod, and grajiif to others what they rlo not" themselves possese. It is ool nerr.sor 9 . the receiving, tjkeepiris:, orfrannnin I, " the 5bank should poatiess' (his power, and it ' ' is not proper that Congress should thi ' eniargyije ptff Merited la- tbein- vi ZZ-?4 U1U EUU3UIUUOII. ' Tho "old Bank of tne United States 5m, dollars, which was fouml fully sufficient to enable it; 4th desiputcK and ,ifctv. to nor. form all the .unctions required of it by, th"' , Government. The capital of the pruuer , bnnk is thirty -five millions of dollars, et . ' least twenty-lour tnfire tliaw e.e.riep.; . '. has proved to be ncctfMrv to enable , ' , f , ' licit. Mi.in.ft.:i....vi:. i- .f.l n - 1 ' P'iiuiiui,-iiuouc miiciioja.vt -iiw - . IfWw- dob whiiitixjKted dtujojlh u. rioil of the old bank end on the astal.lrt.i- ment of tjie newliBa; feet-n tieaily paij 4Tt ' nf'l I- i2 "itiSK-'

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