Ur stent. Vjinoliman. -f M it tu rm,.tn. jt ai'ST o; 183?, ... .-.i-ii.t VI ANDHliW JACKSON , .?'. t ""t V fc been r" id to announe Arehi- J C. Car tr, f-J esndidaie 10 repre- . . . r.L.. ..... i,t that I 0'7 I nuwan, in .. kiwi VI in ns. itoiiv", 'b rrCTtmlriw llr. It )tri C"iii1 Mob plate, oa ilua.Uy and fuee- i t tke p'rf'ir Jn manlinilnf ilw? jrratit ri'l' wt f i HiuKiij lit ercitei afftit ffinl -nit ft Jl day of exawiMtioit jj ;f itJr prufialtney b ny criterion by .- .worth t jndfaof tboj'ialiri:tioni of ihe in nit tor end Inairujire, iby certainly rank -'aniimfihe " mot abU it1 e n npTith I uflny, ' rbieli n b ever folic to tut lot of the cUt jroiof U'il p'C to poter. Indeed, wt aprit in tb bound of truth when we y lbre U not better lntitutine in ib State ;1um il K whether w Widr the faciliiUl of tbe ttuJent M obttlnirirM accurate knob Jjfe of the oWul, (atonamepul brancbe of eo td uctnm. ' Wf.hiirx th rchool may b plr.d apon D,ch i fiotlnf M to Mkl M a permaor t n. ' Aa opinio il oe part of hr gantry, that our Town to unhealthy, which tbperted afainat Jh Kbool, Jllit Cpil'l"B l not fainded in facl. True Ihere ha' been ftmt twhne iir Ib't plao duryievth. Sprint 'jiO(c. but il CaMui b aacribwd lul Ualtaift'.. The dilcM 8erlr FcVtrJ m fJ4 ! e7 eiiHi of hj Uo toa,dV M pfC till It be orr ftT lik h. .Hi- of Virginia. lb axMt khli Btrt - r i ( . tjittd & ai. .The exl l.tsion f iB emrinence eome litre a (Hob.-r, aiwl we unilrrttand lhat tbit trtnrr. icot ha been mtdo to throw out of tbe a'ttiun Aiifi'i and 3 ptenber, tbe loo wM aiikly fjombe w iti tetr. -'J MT.yvnJ springs. Vtt are hippy In baring it io oir power lo aftie that Ibere are, at prraent, a lif een. eoma of eititori at thie deliflhlfuj unnr re IreaU. Thla la a iTab tuliSe k. Tbor mga, are jtuiediaa hifb nftd IteaL'by Country, Uiey . oeeteta mute minerai Atwtoieey-ernioh fare-' lt"?fTJoI To Ke t71i!' 6erTTro"the "!tra". Ijil, and Ur. inwn'ee ht apared paint lo i Wt eatabfithitenl in an prior etyle. It km ta irig loo much to eay. that lber U. not Ovo:fTeeabk retreat from iko kjckle a--p.fr-rrftfce lew eeontTir,' Uo"iia In Ike Me Sooth, weetera eouatry. '.And W there- t eeH eneowragemeitt mf lot W Td wo. f ICT The Tet Southern mail brnocHl to nor of mqnev enetoted W la old nooiber of the r fhrlrian Jldrocabl, nd dirrnted to " 5tlbu--ry, lf.-C. There weaetietbing wriiletj f I the ptper which wWd lead to a diacoren trom Vhom tbe mortee wt tent or to whom it Wat directed, Tbe money u io a very mutilated :- .W.ba weid tbo firtt aumbef ef'tU ft.Carolia Wttohiwnj" ir oew 1Bprr' fetibtiTh .Tiio11ita41IlaiiaitoaCXie rbAiu-e lrm eb' tfinirif "TiMi!! rackton i upon lb tubjscl of ibv. Vioo- PreeU ikucy be it tilent, " ' In tndlher column of our paper will be Cxind the prnip'Ctui of a new work lo be pnMiihed i the city off biUdclpbra, by Cuso tUovae, - fyq. the prctenable FJilor of tlie Darner of lb Conritiifion. We regret to fee a notice in liia Uat piper lhat he intend discontinuing 1he- pttalioai ioa it ltTlitr work, after .ibje eiu piiMioer oflito prtant year, nich will be in December next. We inritet'ie rnort terioii attention of e"e ry .trade r to the Speeih of Genlrfleynevwhicb will be found in lo davt paper. '; It i aa able refutation of the tale, that the late nolifiotioa f 'be Tariff affordf the people of the South jftdhtaatial rel.ef. . be people can are what lliat mod ficatioq it, and how wucb it Irefena -4ka Wdrna wndet Wch "tbej, kaee TfroaneA ' Hr the laal nine year. ' -MIien'Tr.e'farifrof 1816 waa laid the fov ernment bad an enormout debt to pay a'd iberrfore U h neCeatary t l'ej8 WlKe goyj etnotent ta out ul diet and the TanlfnuKht tb'r'tHrfto be teducrd to the revenue itindariL "Il hat been the policy of lb advocate of toe American Sytten" in ibia tection of coun try to mi repreaent ouyriew upon th nib J$gj5XJttmt. ..taking off the to. tiea entirelv t r uy we' want Ihe dutie rrJi. tej la iAe re win ' a(a-i we want enough loparthe eTpentc of tli i government and '"tftleoV a viOwien -eurpiot tbo Treatury to iw exinunffeot ripen tea nn no morfij nn it 9 if doctline an and tbiaoaout iiaibetnouT -eioctrlncr" inrwt.'3rti,?!j?v!W One remarkable circumefanee bu crown cot tf lb aeuitono of tW laf redttrtirniif yt TfriflT, il i thiei Whila tbo earrAttijrrrcaerta. jWu come In rrtv free. thoe of th I AWn come in "4itfrNuj W fo ievtwVtAb ' llMlLl!!,'.- JliJ ...j.a L Jf 1J .! ' yr ,,7 uiu fici m wit- tariii ' p ae di'tje it will bo' renumbered Were made tbe on prttte4 article and the are the ar, tide flr ahich A'trrters pntductt art etchaor. Wrtih jnea4 mki& ib dutiei rer in. ed and theee art th article for Which oAuAem pruduct are eicbanged. 1e th'to not Vt'MluMM diiaiit)iruoa I Uth'u our boa primt of Mr. V, H. ht'v. i UnKifc i,ro. pff ib d a enn out i(i.l, f.ir Tr.(r. ti,i ; h.i i,w , , pr, j,, rAabl t d J out ipc weulj bt pUc t fxm , lt m.b enn'iim pn i.M'ib Ci r b.iniJ,J ,Ho. bpocrilicl eoifi mniiiiM.w ttpo, !btn.tyc tft. TittllT, Mfh liJin.lrJ la Ibt k ft by tkt Ol..b, Wt -rr.ly ttprd tny ofm Vn Buff.'t f,im.Ji ill no deny rint U it frUn4 of III Tii(r, lU JtffrrmniM. let tf knnrn?n Th,T.tltt ictii-, lU rtNiil'riiflhru "off t he -litfc'ir. iimJ enmti mil f. '. Ttrifl iqa. W i1mhiI4 lit to know. nAiI J'Im wi retdefof ibe fct six 4vJ ibm eg tint! belnf UccitJ by nn enemy In diiM," 4tto ue tcftn or puir. jJmjrflii ma eliH,) btt -l.rftKd llt. ir e-KimnH i cit owlw, in (bich, ifitf gii'mg bit'orji tf the projrrettof tb; Tt'ifT lt from IBM to thi pretent litre, ihry nion their efTorti to lit l'ir bu!n Mht(net ! llm 111 m-rrt wl.kh tilcrdcil llicm. tml eonetudt by ) ing ibtl thry l te d all (hry can tml ttuil bey llir rt'oft bare tbe iulJot in ibe prople to b dUp-jOcd of ti they think . r-c-..- . ... - KJ William K. Ilmlon, of Wake CrtURty, a rlerriiili.litMir Jtcktun-min, baa come tu' witb lrg letter In the Maleigh pa per 4 iie-4 nuoncing Crni. Jttkeoft for hie Bank Veto. Tina il nut mure llian M ttirb di in hrarl ibo hey ore afraid to da to piililicly, ami ye Ibty accute llioe alio prtfrr tbe coniiitution and the eouirny to Mariin Van f jren, itb being hoaule IoGmiI. JvUob. It U tax thulluw an artifieo oat in be ttiroagh by tbe ItepubU can frkndi of thTreiiilcBl. We rrpret to tee Octailtd acronnt of l dwgeaeefol eet tthieti weetrrrtd In the' "Srri ate' ami in bich Mei.ry Clay and Thomn it. I Uoaton otre ooaeerned, owg the roumlt ( to paper, tor our part v preier tnroouig a veil over ay auchumligaified tranMctioo. : Pot Matter in the adjoining eonniie wilt confer a favor upon lit by arndmg ut the elrr Ttion rrriiriii"Tromnieir rttpective Counliet, at early a i practicable. VNoef tbb aiktTns Miirrjar. , ,.,3-UE tiSM.XWt &fLU--- The cditcr of the Patriot lua, in bio Rttnr- rlat 'a 'paper, put fi.nh a comparaiivo Matemmt of the eaiAmg ltr.lt and the a-w bill, whtei it to calculated lo delude Ihe public, if impli citly brlievtd, that I cannot forbrar lo ttate rime faett in rltion to mcli por'iont of ibe BiH a from rxpenence I am ar (iiuliitcd with. -Uf coortw lchallrn(e eon-rkd!rtii,n. . . Lnderthe euttilir l a.-ifT, p'uim cniting 33 ccntl.pcf auare.rail. jv Juiy- of 14 jtiJv-a.c)JilU.iUatU.gHerWttt oleVlU anu l'i montha. Cover tbe oew Tariff, fLun cotiiag LU orn't (according to the new tatur .l tterlinr money enacted by ih new bill) wdl bar to pay a da- ty ot I7 cett eaU laata. . 4. . . v , ' Uridir'tho tlirting Tariff.' plain eottinr 5) cut per njnare yard pay a dorr of 32 cent with a ireilii to Ui troportcr of 0, 10 and 13 month. Under U new Tariff lb eam artklo at the aa,me price will rlay Ifctt. car aWn. Good Otilr' Welch pliui laaC f.TT Cfi V,l prnea; per yard of 31 tnohr width, and (the ponoa.i atiiiig Witaej fr,4. they, yard a laty of livt. perjuare yard. LiWTer ibe near bill, ibe tame article al ilie tarn price avlll pay nearly 13 ou.aiihe (ollow. ing oakuUtioB will ibow t . J, -- ets. ma. t 151 pence at 4fl0 ctt. per I. 31 00 Ih.JgMlhbciiig 33 Tncbta, tdil-A Cbarge, in England, 4S Date JO per cent on 35,16 eti. -i ir. ' Moreover, I appeal to anr merchant if Ihe auttllutio of caH fitehe rrrrlit H-enrTiirr i lowed 1 ! AIT aictt of Ai'f -tjpef CbOI ' .mor...ta theiluty.- - The new bill nmndr that woollen wSirh hal not eiceed 35 cenit per if'ira j'aid, lia!l pay only i per rent. . To tuch at are uninlntro ed, Ibi may appear gtrat toncrriion, but to every merchant wbo kno tbe current "price of Good at the preaeij diyitUpetfeUy aleae lhat tbia To w dutyj dead tetter and UuU ao cloth, which a humane and eonacirntloui mai ler, (and euch I am proud lo acknowledge ii th5 coaracler of ino Canilma rtanter.) would five to Irw netrree ean ne imported Under tl niiriimumoiaJ cent, which in reality only 32 3 8 cen'a, in comrquence of the enactroent by th new bill, that the pound tierling tliall be rained a. 480 'cent. Under the witting TrilT;. CJlon good 50 ting however little, are deemed to have cot; 35, centi nd cl'kfgrd withr25 pet iieoLilu'y. Under th.e oew- Dill, Ibe tame eoormou du ty ii kept up on all emton xood that are dved colored, or printer; but on mch at art not, tlirre it Hut mientv reduction, Ihevare to he. deem ed tu have coat 30. cent am! charged with 85 J)Cr iCT(, ., Awii-ff r -.v'.-l Oh blankcla, -by . the ne.jr. Dill, Ihe duty fi reduced trom A3 per cent to per cent tint i at ill a verv hear tea oo an article w hich tt almoet at murh neeeiar of life aiilioJirfad we ear, oucn nowever a uo not exceed 73 HttN are to pay out 5 per. cent. Thi It like tho prt cent riof-tin tlothn onTy' tarttalif mg tie by holding out to ui what w eannot reach) for every QTt n hiuiwa tnaw: etlean be bad at Hut price trteptr- hibiet. ' O-i t1annel,by the new Bil), the duly will be 16 cent, which ii at treat 10(Jt per cent no the fimnal worn Ry the poor, and about 33 per cent mrthe fine- Welch flannel worn by the waitlrpWe "w more cbtejly at thi cfnit when w ar threki. ened with an invaton by the Cholera, and there i but one opinion among Phyiician with re gard 10 t hi juettimable art tela a a prevent' five wr dieie fipecwrr among-tiitr poor itia liJofing cuc,rl.n pme of Ih prjncipal cit ir of Kiirope' not only when; the Cholera had actually arrived JhifWa arMiwa. t ther bar been Cooimittrt lo d'tiribote graiokou' ry '0 tbe poor, a liberal aupoly ul 0nnrU - Query. Ii it for ttijp fwii kftilfe that Coiigrea Oiaiiituiiit a uut of 103 per cent on flannel? "''.' '; '.-' , By the new Tariff, there U a duty of 30 per cent on KilnarnncK cap and oonnett, By the e Bill, ' the duty" on theae riklc will1e 53 per eeut. .- ..." - On cu'ton baeinp, . the chance of duty by tbe new Dill, Will 111 reality be n tnereaac io- tead of leiluctioiv lor I- am credibly in lorn e.d, that at lea tbrea 6iirtb of the tapping imported into tu Vuiltd atatea. pay duty equal to about 3 cent, wbtrft by,.llie new Bill the duty on all btggmg will be three and half cnt. ' - ihhiij v uw aiw nuturiaii aruu.ra of. hardwire ot Vronmonge7, acl) u tract diajna On many of- th afloat Important artic'r of U. i i aid !,!.., tU, tw U an ,,.!.' ; till rtimaa oJiLlo ka II k .. II ll i . I .1 I.. .... J ,,,r,MM'"' " pttwiii iin'y,r ijrresiit l u., ar'ir.l, ( ill i,,,, i0 . rke jul. In Hpialt-t lullr 19.1 pre twnl, tin t tM,,r, hu, aiJ hnr U 'rtf, hriliMirjraf., .Uii, Hr.l, ,clir rl l4. Il'''" " r,,lt,,u' obatevtr by ih New Nnt fa J-articUt of ir,vrf Cltet, I k . 1 - . I mm . . " w a cuiinion in n to j act een. ooi ANIVH-UHIXII. THE CI10!.F.HA Th'. rro(.r.. of Ihl dlveair, in New Vik, dunnn-the l wetk, het been truly appUini;t but mm Ii I. -. .1 .if.. 'IV. I f.aa. w4 orMtrfiftr J 6r iU Ootrrff ;r H4 wed as UWimi, iipto' Ubfufi "M "f v r' - . m July IF, II. 19, to, tl, si, Tol.lt. Add number prtvioutly rV- polled, MJJ 0'nilToil, 263i1 HOT In FbiUilelpiii no ce tl Chnler hi ri reporied by the Hoard of Health inct the'lfih In.t. until ye'erdjy, when 'fiocatewa repoited. Th general nealth of ihe city In at good ali uiuilly tlpcrienred l thlt icaton of Ih year ; iid, wliilu e hiV no raen to expert n ttf mpilon from Ihecatimiiy with whlcl Mir ai tr Tlry, not a hundred piilnrdi tans and wjih jhich.tbi UtLUf unintenupifd Witt rcour, i tfTiiriul, the opinion i cMteriainad, by om of cur .P.e,.! tJliftliilbl.lb.divci mjr poni'dy picami iitelfia iiitaVcd lorm. J he whole tomroumty, almoi, ha pMf d thoub bt ar clld 4b prrmonlioir ly u.niom. Wuhin the lU L!lf -wt t t-atteJy -4MUit)ttilrraf capcd Trom cvpeiicncine; airnell'. Ttngemnt of the ttnmich or bowel nd durhxrj and crdinjry cholera mor but have Very eiictitivcty piev.iltd, at 'hey appciir.. 10 T.br?. (Joae.yciy-Jhcf a pievioutly 10 th viii of the Malignant t'hulcr Ba inrr Coniiiuiiun. " ' INFt'ENCt of tbe TAKIt'F UPON WAGES; From ihe Xtw Jmej ( h'.tiif'i. There U one f.cL whuli jkmonvirair eitctly trie amount of beneBt derived, by the Hmrnrymen mechirrlci. from Ihe altli every addition which hat from lim j 10 time been nude 10 Ihe Tariff duuek, there hat been general and ettcntiel reduction of journey me u' wage in tii ty ra"rwh whfnechanhm' BenVBtted bf lUoae rlutiev Thi fict caaootbe eawLad by equivocation, or explained away by nphittgr, and atandf 1 living evident of the orrer fntiijllf j vt ihote: enof rntrtif dil tiet.a ih it onernivtb ' re ewicemedi Tni 1 eduction ef rgct the moil rt tin. dwt not aOVcl the above, mrntiontd ln.liiiioHat-e)r, n fhiUdrlphit, of terrapin hi.harooa.Un.at.Mi and I ictve it to otberi, fio-rV Jcte ami Djhwire. II ksyt noree.(le io ".r- he be.t and tHe.ne.t. ii tatr. Peth. i3 . ; ra 303 S3 ' tl 100" SI I. -0. 9 19 wU , .-231 f-( 1500 iti turl feoot4ptmw- o(fV-Tnrrnleplora-j4rslrr.rr' pokfhe'rrittrntmtnf Tttr ble one which remit from in undue ara leciluo tif otM.iru4et-M have pnt wl .ill jtit hers J for, With!cvery incretie of wtntf i it artdcfj hductrnentt to i,he rpi tali.t 10 whhdt-aw hit noan from unpro- teciedobjiiJrilljnvMtJhtrii-iJiexr hetides profit, they can realize bouuiie of frorn3J lo 3Q per centum. The op "djriTijlaTiriut tfrwo lo'ellier, bf a Is treahfhc'fttif blrtr ent1'iliena3.' tTfiah, WW inttant, ti f aitempti al Ctfrn': petition on the pari ef-th operative, who are obliged to tuccurali to the tyran ny ofilie mooopoliaing enpitali3ttor ieek Mimo oilier mean of aupport. Iherc m hundred! in thlt place, who can bear rettfmcmjr tu ttieso tOThv"l'"'T'''-.,r. ..... mmtmmmm - TIIE AMERICAN SYSTEM" I founded in ib mot deep rrjoieeVtel fithtie. ;l It trjiiiiJHjntJr aqrj Chrutlcn, and it it hdstile to th litdlgcnce of thoto febling of u nive rt I benevolence Sc good will to- man, w hich form one of (he chief beuict of the ChrUtwn clipcna ilon.r Thoutindt of piou men; who b hor reveivR sod retalialiun in individual life yet Aontenance auch policy in Gov etnreoHi became thef erroneously fan cy it to be. conibtent with national inter en iq mettreHciio.n ltr restriciionr"; Tt).)oAidpeifctu2ad the dactribes of univertul philosophy,' reconcilb.e.jipr principle ami clearly ihow, that, to fir fi6nl 1tf'be1r1tind-,'Mlti;r W . "prbkBt ' iheirnportHiion of foreign Rodjbli?!.W0t., fofclgri hBitonirprohibit the importation of our, the vbnailiin Injunction of tm o : ingthe;bther t h olTTotrrrwTOTa ea the one, and of giving lb cjo.k tobirr who taVea the coal, i the liu and pto Ber court lo be puraued, erven regarded 1 aa a uicia iiustnuu ui nirt-. ; .j-t " Ea. Con. a . ..... Tie Turtlt Syirr-w An Intelligent Ci 3untncewho ik meiican Induatry, pa maoe ut Ihe fol j lotiniT'lBSgSiildnT- II bit bbseifecL.; t.ht ..!!; I) l w ior' of t b ju F erj wcoii sidu 1 eroble q'laotiiy of Rreen turtle i impor fed frum the D'4hmllanda and the 5VI tmliewto be- eonveTted irtt vthe turtle oup and aa the dtlty upon that commodity ii but la per Centum, he think that t sufficient protection it fiot afforded to th growth of anapping tur lift. lie think it could be.demonstra ted that snapping .turtle could be lahed in ;reatrtumber in th pond and miil dm which exist tlifotifthout th eou try,if auffi :ient encouragement we re f f.Adcd, hy Ihe prohtUittoti of preen lur tie. lie. think that it t would be pretty difficult to tmuggle Rrecn turtle t.arrHj :- - . 1 ; .'. Uitt.k-ltia Uef.l 01 lurO toup would not . rr.'.'tr.l nlih lbs lmli!.m nnU i . " ! t!l be'.d. ,ut t brixi, tiut mttit.lMe tut tie of t'lin ki.id, ha enIJ(jr thict n.ip prt nli be ifoiitile.J In irlce, hkh fttil.l 'imu'u tui gient amnnri' oftbt anittlrtirt In lur'ry nion;it thu th of penp!a ?ho wr.tilj fatbtf catch niplng IuhIc lbn wo'ki lie I tUo 'dril.lrdlr nnnur J to the in', I nnlnln, e ouhi torn courg ibi 5ofj iohannvh icrrtpin for Ibtl, by o dotngi keep all our mo nry In th 8uttn he when wo tt f.irelti terrtpln, (! droincj u' a ara ' " " - i. f r.li.r 1 tV.V 'tfmr"l,wVtrZui WrVid" Vppririo til o.W.iiV(tf loutiil r re nt rri7n wnfintPTtjwitf ot flofTlf tile tunlct ihtwld nut b aneoure CH by du'lrtt wtll I Ihe growth H occoont end we can are no itaioa why I ho growth of cooft tkina thould npt b (ncour.f d; at wtW at thw grow i a of od. . There U no argument tbt 1 i) 1 not apply lo ihe o'her j and, if the toi ttituilijrt.r rihno extend tu h prolec linn be placed upon Mr. A 'ani'a ground of te "fommon ilrfcore," we would thoutand timet prefer being rlrfendirl agalntt an il by 04pjing turtle and raccoon, than by thct p. Dan C. SOVEREIGN TT OF THE STATES. rr,m tin ,'rm UnmuLrt Pulri. The fedeial paper ar 4 irrl i h the cry " of Dalronti e ot ihe . Pre tide nt" Power of the Pretlder." fc. - - - We hop ihe will allow M Edward Everett, a number of Conirfeaa from MmaxhutrtiV be good authority on lbi ul.ject. The foilowirtt: it n ei tract from hi errh in Ciwjirt Mrch 9t -UJftj , on Mr. -WMhiffia't-TrrrrtofttTon lo -amrrid the Con'tU'ution. We with Ibe oppotiiiMn pipca would copy it. Sir, th Prt T.ft nt ha h i power' bf i llJlure lo err t'e ii fluenrj! I Jla.cjtuSoJior. itTT IT , V tt i .t . r-t i nuiK oi nimtait in tnai way. i n oniy power hici hemtt)J.idtohva,wii.-h habtnluir,hihi( . uni of a nalute lo con. fcr personal infljeme.it that of negativing a law peitdby lest than two thitda otCon-frt.- Atto palroTiege, .'he Cannot 'p point to tn.bfTue of one hundred dolrart per annum, mitbnut the content of thir teen aovereign Sinr. II cannot treat with foreign Tower,' lo build . liirhi hntMeona dc.toUie Vock, without the rjtifisatlon of aixteen indrpemlent ?taiet No lir, ttton,-." ino xccutivo it not V i' "here wa a time rhrn it wat net. ther harety r.or :ieon lrveU fthe State ovemgn ami nidrirtJcm . Wr could talk of the ' riht of hcS4w--wiihOut ih threat of ivn(j fitir Car nailed to the pillory," "lluirnew." ik Clay parly deny thai the -State tie 'aov rreipn and indepepdcntl-jru -f jt ft noaaene wU 4hem-o.-TiVf-r ant dearoccv, by the - yfp4$of erttly a Coloniet. We have right io ptetume party ih lg:5 nat tint cjy(i jijf errta? chsrigi. t- "hat w Utefiy in IB it', I t tc'aan, In ttictcjiiew't, now. - From tin Journal of Cmieret, puiw TRurni t on ink rr.QPL'.. I. The laXet, now. Uvird Oil Ihe Oeor pie of tbe United Site exceed by about of the ksovernment, - j. .. r.. : -' L a.' i bene 'uxc are a cliiellr exacted rjpol lh anitlei "m6iFneieirf -fcr the comfort end health of the poorf trttcK cheup waoJ!cn,-olr iron, iugart r,c,J bile the luxurietor ihe richr-tieii e winet, p4ci, tltkt, kc ) ar oiom tt cniptrd frum taxation. 3. . The propoed removal of all dp'.U On artlfTe'noi produced or mnnufst'turcd "m ihit eoiiotry, without any reduction on other arliclcti will tull letve an arguing turptu retenut. of about.H5!0I0OO.0i)0, and will eauta that revenue lo tat wholly colicclcd by taxet on the ncccaaarict and Comfot t of the poor, ' - 4. - The effect-of the pretent, nd of :h p'oponed American Sytcm of jrf I latlitii iastfon. rtnireioia ;l ncr wtll he, :hal every h-luttriou mechanic doct pay, and I to be docned to .pay, fiotn ht bird earned wag;e, into an over flowing treatury, an anngpl auritment on bit clothing, food, and tool, nearly, if not fully, equal la ih hJ amoont fair! bv the wealthiettof f1t fellow citizen. . Can tbeteTSuin truth bedltprovea r even denied. 'And r the firemen of A'tfCrlC-ld be. tnhiflhu iruntbli'rd VT J i KUtl LAll r y , TtrtfirCts, aa h jurisdiction iff the Evan, Luther ' an General Synoi of the U.S. rfirtiSritttr-Thartroj whbrn worship, and who it holy and jjit at aif times, tdminitter the ffir- of ihe world, in tuch manner a ia bei calcula- ftmife and to retcue.tmner from e'er oal de at h r" 'You are are thai a dr e nd ful pestilence, ihe Xoolcra, haein tivetyacotieijed -inahy-M obe, 'and, that not withttannR the At- rihtlcjrlceaff it hai'Vommenced It ravapea on the v rv border of our beloved country, When It i Temeoabered, that Ood Jebo vaU benevolent as be ia holy and jutt.'and that not a ntr can fall from out headtwi'.hout hi knowledge, It mutt be dmiited that tba Atialic Choler, now; deroyini3;mny Wveiijnthe citifi of Qieber and Montreal, i icnt a ttit titrroerit for our in,'1o rout, the peo- phi gerierlly..io remember their creator,' and io'wo"rhipKi(n, who' l'tthlt, t V'e dt noi fi el rliitHiint, uturerrtiirl '. ! tlarm our fellow ft ,n tt, lb 'apidiiy whioh chaiacieilar tl.a nrch of It.e Ch.Jora,!!' ,nful IJ, bl ihou -and inkln uddcrilv Into Ih prae, niijrprrd-.iho roiivirilon thkl JeUt Chil.t, UfJtvrrnV Hr'tirit fjT rt rr, it 'he rh,viliian f.f ihe body atwall t'alha but; and ih( h cn ti.i.nrmh dciLr at ion ihoutund hl fall It thy aide, aiifj ten thoiMtnd at thy right html, byt if hl hoi rem rtlrjh ibae ,H ImprT ot in 'Mia our bretherett In faith. dout oily, humbly,' tlnce rely and with twtolti Ion, by ih grar of (iod, io an arntnd mr.nl o(htiria'nl lift, to fly lo Mtthroh 'f irar, that he triay avert h awfu ca, ytijIrnm wir r,Jjndi.Tcrll. Ai-r vt r, nrit ftnly by thr,lf -ur .pi.ig. Jiiettdt, hut by ih fact that nrn";iarait ' ' threatened,"" DW bui'i an altar onto th Xo-d, ind Offered tiurnf offt ring and pear i offering. So ih t'lr wa cmrcatrd lor the land, and 'Iiut, - aJaiedfrotn lteLM nd..itjheL'iri' hand ndw thonaned. mat it cannot tve f Ur It hi car heavy, tht if?hni hoar T' . . W rccommerd lo all our mtnU'ert. hen, orHbt Lord'a ".). ihey meat their Moved people In ihe tnc!Uary, lo tlTr up prayer lo God, lhat he nay aantiif r hi t'ipentiioiia to I heir aoul, and cutrd and protect Ihe United St t!lrit Ih drtolation nd adl'ttin d v.t'ailon of Ih Cholera. And at it it lb j duty of our Ken ber, ilgidly to attend tort Motional fie'cita In their ft ml lit, we do etrnetily rrrommend, lhat they vrry p.rtlrularly "invoke Ood, holt ol' iiiftiiitay nicrty, to exrel th awful dfteaie from the world., or, if in hit 'V-ivdum I; mut vitlt . ut. and our bmlMt tlie, thai ourtouUhe prepcrtd to meet the judge nf the world, without fear and trembling. Commeiutino yoti, end all dear to you, o the graclnua protection of Ood, our unl, Jitlpl ara beloved .btftbjto, . your affectionate hrvvhrr in Chrltt, 1 DAVID V. dCIIAEFi ER, t ----- Prctidcnt ol the Ee. Loth, Ueb Synnd. ; . r f -:v 'V : - l rederlrk, (lid ) June 93, 1133. .lMllKKTS. HAUattUUY Cotton in Ked "Do. cta ft oum Carolina money Uiaconni ' ,r t ta 11 ..(iRorla- . a,, , . ... t3 - i II WC,J 'u!)icribcrTCpcufjnf" , mMi . .. hit bid cut tamer and friend,' ihAthe lulllcoruirmri to take io l frif which hd ilH give rCASr or SALT in cichange, t hu oM atandf - - 438 "GEORflt-VOLEftr-T Mhhn, x r. .tufi.i hi' int . T UNAWAT;frorrv'0t . tt'Verilef ? Jatr bound fVirl, bv the name of Mary jf iodv, iB.H.rjTJ feart" of ae four feet and a htlf high. - The above? reward will be given for the apprr"henion and tic. livcrv.of 4id Girl to ate in thi eoun ty, about, 12 mile outh of Raliibory, b'uf bo'txpentea will be patdf ZKUZABnTII STlttEWALT.' J:.1itgltxl UtK 183-J w FiJlO. BslatcShlc. TXT ILL be old at the Court-HouM , V. U, in Sal'uburjr on Thursday the 23"rd Aui?ut, Icinj Thqradav of -the County-- Court Sundry articles, of Aarinn apparrl, tome VALTjAKLE BOOKS, a patient leaver WATCir, i first tatexVJOLlN, all feslonginj i iq ihe fittateof Dtnl. r4'it'8'1 Mett? dcri'd.. Term made kn-wn at tale.', .IU'M ACNAMA11A Muff. .Tupvfi mil nn. 236 hnndlbrSalc:!!:: ,,MV i PJ HE Kuhacriberl are de. airou of atllipe the iract of L.nd, formerly own -"ed by Almand Hail, deCV. fVtWesl f Balisbury, conta'iTL. ing 600 acre. , There 19 a grod Mill cat oil the land. Those wishing t? purchase the land, cari call and ee it bv 1 aPDlvine to Jamea C MtCon, t eaioMablrcredit wilt be Jlven. , - .f V" , .. C. irCONNAUGIIEY,;.., wiLU AM McGOY. T 'Sal'uhury Jar d. ;-V ; 8t4g jj THE undersigned bavin a; befli ap pointed Httncer of Rowan County, hereby forewarn- all ' person from keeping Buray and not entering tne aarrie under the 'penalty f the ! within th?" time precnbed;; ' 1 ill keep the bpojt'inyeolf at toy residence in S.liabury. V ' - ,v ' $ ,v W; WOODSON; M0M10E. ';$alUtury ant UU yJ, A. , lJ3. ' tjto lu 9,00 Corn - 40 Oat - " SO r Huifr . '. r""llill;i Cuflee . 11130 , H ' ftt.J3 ' . Jroa - - - --- - 4 to --Mntnrte -' - -.ir-r rt " I HerawaX - 18 . -I -TaHow - " - 1 " I" " goo xitz WbUkey St a 30 " Naila ' - ' lo 10 Laf Sugar 19 ' 20 ' I Cild . ! IB - I'lMIT.iTUS ' ' Of 1MB ' - -""MunlVAy Journal or routiaiL i:copoMrt pIIAT ite for ihe aiodj tfdi lineal tccnomy, a-ki lenre, i , t, Krdually extendinff in the If. ti.aue. . i every where exhibiud, by the t. ' : teniinn devoted 'lo that Iranch of 1f ' ; , which relate tr commercial rcatria . . tioDt, by the number rf L tcraiy Io. , tiiutioul in "which Pnfeaaorahtp ' t a .aataia ... ' T t Wa. w at. - J-J .t T " t a - , r few vear, no Icia Irian fotir erliib.h rUjft treaVic OBIUlcaVCc'criomt k. I ...I 1!. L. J .! . ur u xw puuiianca in iota courtier. or old, Tw therifiHl ta K)inir later to, ihU Utta ouj;hi io be cenihU rjred ao object well worthw-ol' tKw - regard of all iho wlo detjrr to T. ," the Ie'r,t!on ofh eouniry. wlicth- , er io Wall tT Congren, or lo thote of our Btate Goferomeota. e .ru dueled with witdpm aod tkilh fog3 i J: . i .t..w nuMiiu i nmrc uciPiniu DBIV:I - iatiott It a complicated itlcocf, frujja, ; . rlnr atudy aod rtfiectioo. abd bot a' gift of iniuiiion. ' giot U I'ohtiaial Economy limited lit imp! queitioo of a TariBT bf Da-;, tlet, at rnloy pernio have hitiilf' , tuppoirj, i range th whole field.1 of ioeitigatKin which rclairt b Pbru . ulalion, o fntrrn.il Improvement!, tJ '' . Currency, lo Coitytgrj lo Bniing, lo"; l!ch4uge, to finaoirtf to the A Jairi titration of th rooawi""id"i& maty other public concern etpccU Ally thou which art connected witli ' a a .. . mw m - Agriculture, tyommfrcf, knd , m-nnt facturet and touchea aa clotclv tin. on all the purtutlt of life, bot eicrptl f the nun. I.Ie hut imnnrianl u nl IJft- NBV V,ffmntHr hat rt n B-W'Kfr-iritr-"" Ir entitled the cience which trichea ' we ruira o niaav juiniiirr, a wen aa rowTninir-J, propertii aod happy ' UnlorMuatdy, ta the U. ctta, dr. c uoiitan-ca .have. oHulM . t-eart. xor ... currcd, to create t prejudice arjaintt 1 ini tclvoce and, cootceitiently, - ti - - . prcucbt that general atlcution lo its'' " itndy which it importance merit. J Suth prrjudice, bower, muat, ooru-1 tr or later, be dupttted- aod the day - ik, probably, not very diitant, whci Polnical wi)omy-W4U.-bMm -- ; wair6w-of-rfttUr-dtKaH f -bePfc- 1 it i, eminently idapled to prwt-OW . ' the wclfiir of the human yaiv .Il can hardly be doubted, that," ; I the rainc of thie prtjutiice t'faimTv:'Jhi' h'i'c reil'deereer ft limited oumbeV lift European woili on Tolitical EconVi.----- my, which have, been republished . "" " m tht country.; Tbe :I-ngii.:lJrri. haa produced ranrj-i eoiotyjro cJna;.wprklaj.pvpliUf in anall volume, upoti the vanom 'i branchea of the atience. which rlnnr recrvm4re tho tToztn ir tWetltj'f individual, perhap in the U Stttet, ' w who have atanding order abroad for-' theirs- tranm iasifmrIinyr thetoT- wmli are of hioher order. rft ei tain matter a ygtM trii.AawUaal reader a tw an English one --but ;Ti4irr3 puWisbrfiOff i tt putihiiiiU beuuie. I .aul&ci 'numbe-jf-of -ubj icribcr canii9t,t44TJyli..rund f -:.-- : warranttheltxpeniei .9 puyication. Ziz: It ta mainly with a vic of lavior be fori the Ame rieao Tedple, tha claia " of work to whif allude'thst th,'i publication no -ii trd to the commu' " tiity ha been projecled j and Ja tt.-? ry'v: pectrully, inviting for it. the patron - - ge bf ur fcllow-citiieDa wr'ubmib to jhe A thef folhiwinj - r . ir- Th MmtJ tf iu$Hitral Ecmtrng will b;, ' " pubrwhed monthly, and i!l Contain, it .!. 1 m,mtMmmmm 'IIO'navM aw.tam.- hrinlvrf iirwilt niM mi-w'mj.. j ' ' . . f the quality and eue Mully ewiploytd tw th ;' r Revla, intxinf a aeam aquuai volume 01 y ria.M. laeliulii.a? ah Index. - St il eatd eiOaa .n.-. r uvuragt, becauar, in vome eate, Ibe ItngthW. T J a publication anay occupy rrmrw nan wi PK t. a id, rather lhan to divide it into Iww. eresM f ' ' at attmherof ptge wilt be iitedt In ahith cate, - tl.. tntlowinr Dublicatioa will edotain a Icaa ; 2, If will b elut if deotei lo auch forelrn pamphlet, treaUtea, leeturea, and other public . , atioi'.t, upod the srlou branchea "Of Political 5 Economy, a rriy bo dittinoi,hed for thwir tu. fbook,' aw anabl the -A oMmoaw reader to L. ..nn.fiL.aJ ...Ih .n h. llr.nrtn, '.- work which my appear abroad. . -' fi-rl he witijei t waMung, vorrr ney, wng Finance, will receive particular attention in th -telectioni t and a an earneat of thia, promise, "" , the Ediiorlintendt to rive, In4he earlleat mime'. ; . ber bl be Jmtrnl, th eelrbrated Report of , , the bullion CoBimiUae,,mid to FfJ(iie'it in ' rV' th year 1810-th manterlj wort of Mr. Bu. ;. - ; k'reaon. ntit1ed "The Quetlioneoncerni g the ; " Oi-preciation of otir Currency, a'a'ad ano ; amiawdV' pubhthed In lhat yia- nd ' : : Henry Fatneir recent work on Financi! Rg. 1 1 . - ,r Original article, Itet urea, and Rw.-vy,--. 1.-.. of work on political eeonomyAff KfenoO, yf. uilaMautl froi Bart naUtica. or .;aiool. view, wttl oooitit utw a portion of it, eon' t-nta. ; . S., Tbe nrat no. wii appear an nrn osy , eXiuly ru.xtsa ia nn rowrpe ysu .oa.coit.. pleteft in l)ecMnber. Tb price will be RJ rr pr ann. payatit en tna receipt 01 me nrat wo, v. and anOUtny iircaierif uvj ...j i.v .un. tiiMit will b received tor a ka terjw than o" year,- 5 : The jwnfiL will be transmitted to aitucru . pen, ot retiding in Hu!edetphie,by mail, and .11 nn t.a. 1 kiai 11 ha ivwid bv tli.1T); txtrbt 1.5 pn tofttfr nc!mt.f Ave dlart end. krwnrWt. --i frnu conwunioaiiun tr, wr j aru U patfroeMe ret ho o.adft dlro. 10 iho , ttbativit..tt0.wiu b tf Oiwible ft '4-eaa.e ..n.fiii.a.iiit aFkiau tv. ii.ai1. and will !-'r. ! Ward reneipt therefor, ft r r?;.f:.y;eV to ihf. 'at,le.tP.'d;'iw...''-i; t N04UkC;li., 7 (