r- ii:: tl.t, u tint 3 iulhUJ utoite brjtd i . VII i ieta: Wgrijtri. tftfrf rt.Tir iw ftfnM liick."Bfr ; "oott pul' I i'.il i Pf K!lA1 c toict oi iJ-a cvi- Cunfw, 7- Alifa umoJiiu- .Willi W -aiiti ail lful,ly nvrthn, hmm prol&'rt aTabil mti BiW Jhc pirtf flic aosi 'llMliji'T iniHie jiisTli'fif1 nro a ffM-rira" cir risli idlj? am ong as intwJ,'1'' iuJoiiea- . . " . pes- ti t f i ri i, I ii i i i a. i on vm:sini;,r, . 'iMJKinV JACKSON.. ron ricn-viwsiiir.xT. , nil y r iw n a n c o uu la ftirnil of liberty i-i-l.q'jl rlhis w,l ,,. ht'v 'ed la fettHti i 61 fc r iTi "X .' 5 1 l'r,j ."-""T. ."'va ,i S..M tall.'. fl T.."T jtlTl'M , riT,n 7 . , tlifl 9?n iim r in mclicig lirlj (it , niHiUuf lh0 tipl Htl Ilia, mrc'tiif lo lk o tb Tutt-lnf of Cxrt I eon rj'ieir of Lith, Bisny prtrni (ram vtrimit prt of lli e Wi'itf ittetidjtl ! Ihtt dir. li, c oiil lnf.ri J rf IhtJr n.l:V upon frcif Tui. I I iilin (ht (ikIi mfkUkt " tt't&, tl I'UiiriDii tml AlUitl Chtirm Jt iliemcr'i'if ofili4'b lulj1, on Tiir1ty, j.ui MP f- no'lcr fiifur'-liif tt.e peojifc lliut lL : tuWl-tl rtMU-tt LiU in. Ilmmliy, I, Oi Thu'llif btecn '.btkmuft ne n! ihAU.V, tli Court Ij ntiril tml girr up i. Cju'1 tfum lotbr pfpt, J it m filM 1 1 prffl rjinj iiti ilia mart rctpec'iblj me fmni ill pr Hi comity. At will be urn ry th o!Tr-'l em,ni ilie tnetlii t or. ; gi'-'t--i! b); .'"g.. n'n.y.'bjLjcu'tJa.,iJi. ciiir, ilM.TrciiiiJr reri f our moil Initlli- ftn nJ rpfeib'e e'uirni it Awitttr.l I Sf tfr'an-. Ncarcit 't (hi rree'ln orftnitrc!, brn (ni'Ii l a report. WTitcu wis 'jiii-U nUoul our i jilie 3)nri)inp, Umt ll.ey bml re-cf hftnrit (Jjii to l!.k up lb Hceiiiift hy llimwln); (iMf'.ion umi'uK l1i f1riu!i - ii.t .u lu lite I ulT, b mci iOii'j lo it hhe lie """Tf mm! tf-i!rrtrd lhi Ilie mt!inr IV '"T m .iwuia wn rrniiw, I'mj. 'o open Ibe prnceedirgt of tlie nii ciinj; in tf linn, by I public tddrot on tb tnl'jgcl pf ihe TirilTt but before the meeting t or Cii.iited, tnd be fir Mr. Iiinr.t eou'J (ret rrtdy tr toinmence bit tuilre.t, Mr. Hamilton C. Jiwi, the Kdjtor ofjlieXtdra lit'JI Jtpet ; reer n!'y commenotd in ibi ple, fff .aH of fered t tiring of remluiiont, upon which be ilhe4, '? .bH tb pu!b -ttprrttuttt.aS Mtf h icniimen't nH the opii.ion of lb -flinf. The Editor of :! pt?r promptly -obU :l4 I lltU imWiette ami iniicnrwi ia. lerfcrene with thr? prectdinut of tl. mtttmifj b oie, Wb, rs brrev'rd In be t f!jV'!. I If o,l n'opon, fritnJ of tne Tariff, and wbo w ttim thr-Ut furtfard n a tool of tba Tariff patty about SalitVurv. After tome obanratbnt. Oa -rt prt of kfr. ortrt, lit withdrew M tt tolu- ii.t fr th pwuni. wbtn Mr. Fisnm amt trt'uUt tb cbeeiinf of lUe a-jdience and ad nrtrtei the mf elinf 1i"an able' and ?JVcibU 'petsb; flf irt trauf and a I'Jt in"li.Kili,' "in wrb lie t i)W; tucu'icl but p iin'rd review of ti e 5l.'!!'..''lJI,t .rf..inp.T"lT. poRcy . Li Con frrr. ftptM, w ith R'fat kbiiitv, ilt (froii Jn. fin'Oy tml iuiupiiiiriktife1ipipeuiiin upon I lie Siu'lirn iieonlc. and concluded bran ebuuaM ippetltw tit pennle pretent tb uute'tiriipr. foiii'" tq the Tariff. -41 took h i sett iftiidl I d' ol applauic rrrim every part of t!w Kuumt f-'pt.the. Jeaia ln jUm. UwrVars-ticb ; ,.".'.e. .1 'J"!"t7ietll . -Mnntjmeoseaj .of tb i?"i or flie "pretpnl TirifT 'Si I'rm." .Tbeae t'-ninif, bq', tvidentl wrilhinf under :lb tnd afverhjjif.Mr. Funia'i renayka and pUinly eiMhitinj ttie de'ntt m-irliflcitinn at Ibr I )ir(t wjlll which Mr- Vttn' i..1.I,.m t derived b Ihe who'e a.l-m!i!aje. Mf. Fmheii, af.er ai interval of a few win. "jent ,-uinred t-vrjl ret ilul'mnf, -tibich be rT-ed fuf Hie adopiTurT of'lbe meetliif?. "vhen Mr. Fienr.n bad taken hit teat, and or. ' ' r tord, Mr. II. C. Jones now, a second! co , .. ..,W. .-.-.:.ii ...-!L"i "'".r:-r:"-.' V-"" ' V "T7-- mihii tren are.Lat'.vaiwM "Mvntaas tits ippraraw and ow,i4 tflu'iont. !fe commrnccd.a "onj; and l.ibor td .UfL.ncp of ihe Tariff" System of pmerlion In one l.iea'b be would ray ha wished to lee i Muced a liulr mnr, and in Ihe neit, nold di'ic all the atale and rant ar?nmenti used i"rfteAln tlie Nurihern TarKT" papers in favor n dmetai prttltion to VMrrn ttonu . . ' . .. wyrf, - Amttng otlTera, be asserted that the Ji" ha t mule gnt,: thenptr, and 'tbit Jhe Jem miiiuraotuferVeould tell their efotbt. .C "it ehfart at fneToreiijn i'r tlcV-t ha1ieT we icd tn Me Frvtn anic't, , " enntiimed the Ul. of an hour in readine from iu'r. Tialwr" Mvtn-tneT.rfi: on the erowinn of wool and thf in'ro f -llmilifaniuri!t into Niirlh Prirnl'inB 1 tbit at dona wilh vi.-w nf Imirin tt,.l . - r "M'rjtipf Ji-ad been Wonsiatent U for lite pur rweuf efeming j prf jmJice atTaiVit ttim, oa lm "AJ.-et; Aft erhnWdii.ju alnnn in tb'tt manner for Win linur, be liroiijf bf -hli U"orw tojutlwe it down under a maU f-nt fl uirirb of jip fr ra th TjrifT.iM ;ii;,. mini t i.r, ch lie nrnnitu... h.rfl k. ...W.if.T l,r " 'ft iicm m nrf ritiivr , tB Wlliui Fitlicr im. .... .; i i. .k. M. nd qndig ii6ea courts which had been 'dtowarhjov, p-c1i of about an hourt length, in which Milled mors ability and- etoq-ience than kve ever before heard; , At moment 'eftlred the Tyranny of our opprrttor. ard r, m ."ain of the moit biting and poignant v flt"'er"""ed tli sharaeter and nwtivetof tTOonpRged 'JiadsTbm of bit Beaulu r-"eTnen Portrayed' the aituatlon of rb ercr lUUUia aid tUtif fi:il rs " " "'.iil.-r country, i :!,, ijfi, ,,!.,,, i lo.ar.l, ,!. N,.r.U, ... ,. JuU. ...,,,, j,,,, e.,fc,.M(r ,nhlli,y lMt, al. he r,c(.r, .n,!.rUl,or(ljfMl -J t (Hi .UIIUU jUa I- iWatrt J- I "."ucu.iin.cncf.JtMi. .t t. ., ... - m r tti.w ;i '77 w-si 4. An,,, f,w J .... ... .p,,Jff() t"jfei!if r f.bom v.r tt-. fioa,'' . W"' P''inal ..krcnioo entuij, ,i(Wr,n brpeled i ha lilting BMrbim. I.!,K rcnctbubw-m.;?. a,ilrt0P,,I1.i ... .... CttdwtH, lUmilios f. ;nr ..d hi of ih. el. (IJ4 ll.aJ jDWI.HMi..hil..f... .4 wiiui in Or.(.d Jury of lb County ,nd mJ p.rttrud rcprcKWoM of .h .ftb. Juflrl , M, ,hecr if peculuft De.-ctd Ihr Jiirv in .,...... . . . IJv .tlrti.lt to .11 who .mdmuml h. "per. cuicJ nun f I! w lb Editor r.f ik .n... . . lb P.ditor fjfM . .... k.. k. .li ... - f"i"r " mo mi ouieci oi con.l.Bl lwti tbepublio. . 'But IC return lo lb, j Coi)rt.ouie 1Mi. 11i!.l t I . r- """e'l with aiueb mt. HCti"y.er.cd out for oil ppo,ed !o mef. ,,J tog n4. lb frJeifdi -erWe'C ui'" "' ' "mi to quit the nil Court lluui?, hereupon Mr. linticr tcLJ. i mc rro niemil oflhe t'niun, of lib. erly and e(Ji rihia, ; ,le rt..nbutf" lamfl 1 1. a T A' a.. ..r,mrn open In dugnl.ed leave it Mtoonttlhry pirate ,,m ,-r0rdinr;ly out awrebed Dirid V. Caldacll, ll.e two ytnkte lawyer. and lu.nt five or tit olbcr.,-and at thev L ft ih r ....ii - .t?:-?r.. rrrrrrr'ta uuup voter were beard t . rttl.lm, - LC f THE TOitlRa (M, .Tb.aMHtW.Bal..iM --w, VII a?1 . I a. . . . -nruua back and remained. 8M" "' eP,ra!il" ,' Il4ce, M i uu frP"a IHe .dnwifla of l,i' fetoni'- " ",,'i9D' iiont, ana taey were carried by general accla WW7 K . . . ""UJ, " ""otion a at n,aJH i w"J.Utn and tlie C'aalrmii! furqully adjourned Ui meciinf, flSorll; tttr tb Chairmas and ouny of lb people sad left tb vJowrt.niHr H. C'.lon'tt, wi.a i Kiw whole mailer an tot a icb con pieuouifijure, got tired cfhitjmalljM.iiLrMny in tue uuurt yam, ra'orncd iuta t!. Court. Hpw, Btaci Qpoa one of theiencbel BOd read iwore.io kiBi.-.or.c in favor of the I'uioa and lb Wbn.asalrul. --y twewarej" vhk h i ".I 'a'. . . rwwiuiiiTfti were uncti npti br I lie remaininf vulcetat nan were in favour of VICWAB BLOODSHED ii. ttlSLXmS" r TO:Tur: runurl ;.l bave lboustif h twvuij Jtrutto birbTfhr" thw JHiWierrrdL and mbutt hittory rf rte .meeting belli bere ca4'itWfndav wrnrSn Hie uccurrcnen on iho oceation j- and tbo' evert iriend of lb rieorrte. of enat ri";hti and or lib. erty iruat rejo.ee the main retult, vet whs iJbM wboiU.4.4 b iworwhtw-d'irrnrted wilh th otitrapeoui conduct of one rnrmirl ... inu nuino oreaa up lb meeting Who are Ihey who have in this manner at tempted lo trample on the rirfitt nf th rm. He ' -TI.ey are noj wnly TatifT men, either open or d united, but tUey ar CUy -meir and Federalittt of that tcho.il, who, during Ihe late rciutcu iu rrjiiic at ui victonei of our 'netogefup in AntiTariir meiin)t thah i.iiy tti to wora in citTeat it if they could, bv ei'rola'lnir report that it was to be a mettinir lor nuirifica'iun and disVinion, They did Ihii ioo in tne very rce or th adc'ret to the peo ple, and of tt.e public notice, which tta'ed that th e object pf Ihe merlin? vat to memorialize Conpren, and rccommrmt the aarne to lb peo ple of other rounti. ti but when Ihey found notwithlttndin thit tcheme, and rmtwillntta. ding tb mimake about the Tay of the meeting, i hat there would be a n("!pjrou,.nd l-etn! b'cjmf'eTinif.ThVy then eoncerted a scheme to Jtrealr. It Hy.fcfir,t would oe y-w etmctw Mr Fmikafrom delivering his address, at it evident from th first movement they made at tne meeung. .... . :JCh,dwuwaa,KA ir.emtt.slr.st-at. the meeting, or break it' up, thei, tn TniiVe peerh tfier irrrrh imfTn;,;!.! ...d il.lia..rT mil the patience of Ihe people from dilator, who bad to ride home, and who wn.iM have to leave the meeting" to do Acf.nrdiit;ly, no tnoner hid Ihe Chairman taken hit teat, ll.tn they thrust fbtwnrd Hamilton C. Junes, ' the mitrab! tool ol tb organised faction, lo com mence the wurk ' of confusion. Afterwards when be propotrd hit renlutiona. he tnok at f long at lie could find any thing to is and, for the pnrnwe of cowu rreater part of a long report lo the lerishtHire After htm cam .Richmond -M- Peaao. whn: Mfltni while he w tendlda!S "Tur ine legiskturr, wihi;d.lo pat for a AfiVron. bat Trntr is anvwn ncic iu ue a rguuranai oi ine irt soi t, a bit'er enemy of CienU Jaekann; a friend of Mr. Clay and as advoct'e of (he Tar. iff. , lie wtsjo have been Mowed bv a Van keefwyer from the famous city of itaMfordi Vet, the people of liowan were lo have lu-ard a lecture from a ttuifford Politician. .Ha UouW oilier were ready Cut and dried to com in with tpeechet if needed, but from )bf bundle of pitrt in Mr. rearton't hands, it was evider' he could have kept ihe meeting until night him. self. From the frantic and antic Bctiuirti of ill other Yankee la wrer no dyubt he waarely to givr ald and r.amfnrtMt ne4- Si' ' ' z Now, F. How Citi nr. what si the object of Ibn Jun'o io trjinjto brt".!: op this meet- ff 'cstmi ,,( ... II.. n.wrr IV i '.in. it,,. ... tm.nlr In ii... , ii '. I i.h tit t,..,t,l. wl-r.tl.,.,,1 - - . , Him, p ,lm n m,M rt ,h, peul, f l!tt:r ,bcui. -f.l b. Mr. r.J.. r, hI .i, j, H.rr, , , ' 'N icd .pi..,.it)rtM f,um '" ptiHioa Cjngret fur But tfcnlt GU Jfi .!... .; . lnfir ll.. br0f i?1MW fjttr, ,j up kii lll4 ri ...J , y, bK,, , in numifi - It it IIM.L M I . m .', - nnpifHnf , I.if m lr brHff -j .rr in rec ll hfj, L.n U l.t h.. fi, I . ,0" of il.ii p.(r In t,e. LT; flf '? P'k,a ...J .1,, ii tm,n ". r wr .nd ihri, i,..,rM hPitirwrt,nintri U pfi.3n: tui c er l.uo. m. n.. ..... ...i ... . - Kv HIU'I Wl ,0 b.ml 8!ikbr, und Ihey Jeit rminrit lo i.itre nn p,;,,, ,0 .)1)t 1( (1)-rB . fl'Urs'j the Km n tt ... .L. i. by Ju.!n M.r.io , ,,1,1,. ij u, e, cl.Vfc'i. i,, bed. m,tl;nVr. mf , ,,U.n , ..Hl.hrn i rr',,,1,, M ,.ejTf rri; keUW , ..r,MHr.,-rt n. f ." I'btl on Ui..t H, it,Pd,l f tb. U.J b f .r Ihr J.mi,:,., f ,. lrou-lA! ll.e Um l.lm If & . b.MH n.rr ! fiitvrior r.tfiH. T. i.:.i . r.i . I drn ip tm ort.nnil .... I dfn ip mt oft.nml i nt kimnti 1.1 m i i .... .... . ; nnlttcd bv' t.irv . f the freewnuf.JL ncrj:tT- .klivrrrd In Hi cheet.W he peorb-. Thr, men unllg o Irv in on ll fMhrhilli in ,,l t.. of ibrm bvii.f been f)B,hrd. ll.rv rmmr.l lb- remaning one n lun.n Cwiniv. but 'lirv "r d-tri-irr.) in llifif CkkuUliuo! lor Ihe frremcntn lfc:jB kltoytr verdict in uur i'.r, tii-."nmn'frl.iberefrpU.,inf u.d..wnU ti.w m an, thrv renrf J to iLiatlier jiImi. wbitJi wt-tn"r rf in7..f.,, u.TTT a"ttl"fi1ipt an'i,tfr when Ihey f ainj Mr, romr ttirtf iffi; Biggham wMldaot w Hiry acenrjimlv pul mil t protneeliti u df lltr rolort frnr ll.e " Curtlm II at(kma." and ihe liiri'nr wattn b H. C. J.we. ib.- tin hrolh-rof J. Martin It one whn had erv much cireultta bil pant and to induce my rubacr). nerl In abandon me.; They bate Te,l. d in pottuailiiiB a Urn nf m awaaeriawrsw rmfmlin. ur I tin- ppers,hu'w berel h.v.foM one I Have gt'irrd threr. I u III inentina a small inoidml whirh oreurred a tew .Uvtn toihe thtl t'.e people begin to underaUnd ibehrm trfafr. trrutKin againat me. A man earn to mr r.e-vnna. told m be wkhed id n.r f... 1,1. ...i. l uric a wi mm in iiii () liar wn ntwak w.uaw a. criiition tr.io tutcon'mne tin paper. -lie did to i whereupon Hire of th men nrrnittwho awvtr bad taken my paper befor beeam ut. teribm on tb rmi. la eoncbnioii I wy to my tuoteribVVrilia' Ihe r?dfrlitt. l!i!av, and the Tarifl pgrty in 8 .l.?bury bav nroicribed me ard wiu ,n.r. 1 na4itJJo- pull dnwavy rwptr 1f TTirf ran. vim-r pntin i"""jcv i tppaaio tu tvee. peopf,T ajipeat tn the Jickwn tlien, f a;ieat lo the n-nnhlieni in Itswan and out of it', and ( nU the frier dt of Smithrrn rijfhts tu mi'.iii me irL.Ml eantclt,' where inch t x'.rauniiLry and unrelrntinr meant re ned tu hrrtti mr ana my paper Uuwn CUIIFON CUAIUE. T-J Ott TfrHnv, ltt ,e Court nr., eli;ilL.ia.JtC'udinra wlih ihe niovia "Hi of ihe acf. of atternhly fiving then- i ciin ol sherilT tr thr people, io tajic" tbeJwBda-f.Fkblihg aa eterted "frreTiTf 6f Thrrcouniy, for 1'ir ntnwreart b.r m.jil: if 2S voir, over hoihbia comprtliori Meters Mrro ney & Fn"ry. Btlo'e however i iking rce"Goi,'d TMeti t. Frlev If TtliioDt. 1 Mrr.irrfi rti. t. Win: M i'. . Ion', I'q.obrctcrt, upon the groundi Ilia ihe re'urns fur two of the etrciions had "V.I .UUIIIbl ...IIIBIII J Craw not been directed to tbe "clerk of the nitrtb tar VttH ."leerterf tn thn VnuniuPtrt Gburi." A voti bcinrr taken upon the oh jerion vru ;ic I here aojeard three iti iOf .W ifu- i!jec"ior anritTrvrrtf ttfth a Ifainst It ' MrfSljtcr v therefute de dared duly elected sheriff of litis count) for the two ensuing rem- ' . ..afbs)k- We .hve iuv etn ano iii., rfyins a intit for a nub'le meriino invitlne all hnte " m Lvor 6f rraiitrtloit of iht .TarijrsjpjjrjjipedJtt: ituiiiSfioir and dinutiiou.' : lo- Mendi-Mh$ paper is attrfled brttre'my Htperlffiftiira ta-'genia ol fffrTfTti of 'ihn f TrffF ih. 1 "f ? ..Alt ,,.'em 'T protective lys'ertv, that it the system, whkh Jase i6 7aifT to ipiir -m'wrr into the pooke sof tbemanof-cinrrr. 1; rJ thdt P.vid I . Ujlell went be foYe the Rraud Jiitf. & by chargin ihe enentieaof theTri(tLj being dinunion (ti. infJured them to agree !p the cdl.. , D.i these men mean bv ti'irtjr ihe words 4 IfBflilirBtion & disunion" id.chrge the unti-Tariff mirlirwr hrld h.pa atrk r r ..i,:r;l?.i .j j:. i. " ' T'- ' ?r?7ml'- them i J hey attempted to mike..iitir ?,""irE01 lMrnVetTug.. but Jlry-Fr"rer; with .atrtt n.fj prqrripiiieta put-it-'-dowri ,. ,v Cfn the 10th of! Angutt ther were 4i new fhe lltK new and 12 death, cn t!ie f2t"n S3 ef easel and 1 death., In New; fork the disease is abstinf. In-Pbiladelpnist oii ibe Vtn mil. tutr trcr 154 new eaaviatid 48 deatbs. - . . Th Tank of- Mscon, C.eo. hst failed frrf a eotMHlrrahlewmoitnrA-'Oiir frienilt In the coun try ihould b eautieui bear tbey rejciv such Cumin nan. imp. Hi l.'irruUrt our Hrpr-rhi!rr, Ur. Itn c'irr. but nn.f r.Mim ), iirevrnir.l u (r.nn Hub t I i . ' i. f it jrel. A ch Imwrrrr tt lux f"om i!IUr U b. fwo.(r'rlrn. IC Thrr ! I,, tn one ni nrrimler ii. eisib en; u tu suit, i ic w.cr i t '. i by iji i hirii nf tVilfrlii "ciuniy, AllCil ll.n lllCIVN,fc.. wm ,(i!lc4 to .tb. h.r, ni J, R. heajie, rtpumeJ SeereUry v. Clemn, r-x, titJxnL'tl th mMttinjr coiwidorih'e leOfi In ftr wli.chlb f'llu. ;ei'IuJuii r WMcmtMiuirir liptrdl Jitulttdf TW- iiw wt.w4irYnniFy tmiror of Im .lo , in mnnp Ii l-b 0nl. ANDKFJf Jt('kHUu u4.J4u. id th (inini:ri.i ,p of llnl Uureriuncnl tine h!i pn.iinlmcnt Id flU. tint lnvc full wMifi.trne Hi hi ubilt-y. Inr(fy d pMriot inn.' n. ll.nl will iiimi ti h1 u U bun uui.le mrine la fr,ure Ui rc-tlw'bm M I be pit iiib nty of lb l oili J Sttt(, tt tb cuuin i l. rllin. ' ' ' . " ' e-W.L TH w erm Mllt.lf fEXPIT. TOX UUHIOUfl, nf t.riti. l!'lil, biwh mi.Jr!. iK'nomb't t"l innriilio r.ii i cj, i.. beneein' bun in Iw lu h will n..rt bim foe thf k FrUnef ol tb UniitJ isn't l l Ilie entum rl'r'Ui. Unt'vtJ. Tltti the eht )nrt f ibi meptin niMiiitl Gv illelt l in Wet lbe 1 l'K' Irum Ll'.C.In tml Mertli-nmirRrnMnuenj Cuul ll.Hur. In CUilntie.b'n I int Ijv Hit "H I "Mar lit .rl" ol gH..ii"K We perwm l.lrcmr Tor in imihi on tut Rfpublictn liclel la iulifur IScnl. hSDUtW lCKtlN. PreWtnt M r. .r.' wAl-uyilf, Vli r.l't lit. t ri. r.J, 1 h,t the riediiiB nf tbU lot, linr be publiitted In ll Wetru Ctrultuitu. Tuc ctitirmtn ip4.ii.ed I II.il. iuUD lUHkHlIT, Jtrol UHlllllltl, Jit YoBkO. n u t it m All, 5 ! Tb mectlug i,U utidd. ... j, Ai(i;il!tttl.l HOUSTON, C'm. A letter frm hijjMy rytpfcti'itf r-urcr, publitK'd in l!)c Nbuniil Ua zrttr, iuvi , " Will J-ou he Implicitly Bfo'tl Jv mf VftO nd Vour friend i t voo I wi, ('litmiii vur trrn.rt, anJ al:.t I . . .. .-,.."....-.-.1- ttlVfe foTto mf direci .oni namely - 'TAte one ounce uf cm,h.or u.k ". .)- tole it in hall a pint ol aicohol j ol ihia a.duti'n, wh eh in n u'iiity twill irrve a multitude of occuttions, the doae it only three drop onjljlumhjif ful of water the aucaf to make it campnor over a U'pe apace oi tuc tt mach. Here it no nostrum, no trick of erhpyriciim. I: it aimplei ot Irt nrithi aimpltfit) offciid for it ib rfTictuil. Take tQ other .1fj- - - CITZfiX kiui if Ulc I- to ba aavej l lliit trtatntrnt, touih nothing in the thane, of oiiiuill it i t'te aoupidir oi carnphof, antTwouU dcatroy ita tfTica- cv. " IJ i not stager at my tt34 Li .j L .jfr rt rr 'r (T tn 171 1 J fWTirs n rf i rsn i tfuttTfYCtjiiffTPi'f;) refit ml 'he m pattkulnrtij Walklft Uirpe Dirlwn- ary awl Ibt.lrw; of Slurpnt's rc vbrtt. in whirh A&jtoriAi n(tmefJl-il: Jtujjiz ft-fr :.'7T sr',"""e : ii A'u csiai Si firM 8 J 2 . " TOST Rcapectfully lnf.rma his IV J. Inenda and the puMit trnerallv irenia remnvea his Uiueti, LEXIN3T0N. N. C. where he ha rr-ttimnvenced tTe pruutt4f fllfciiir," jSaitrarrs, mJ fi'arjtr StrttUS. t' IN i. V e allbaattfit ol M.?ri. Ilcnly 8c Hunt. . 3 0 Ptti). the 12ih day of f epirmher nrif , I wil " W let? art tne hintse m Henry U item.!, dee'.l, in Rowan County, N. C. npn a Crcrtr lif tweti'e uii.nlhn all the personal pmprlv" hy'o-ijyug, loxbe Estate'of id lluaenrsnCiHiwt'ing uf ' 'tt . ir-, , - ' . n; .. t.., if. sun .-.I ...... j. Eight Negroe. "d o'li artkbiVlhiaale lo continue from dav to dav. until finished, other trmiw-asft-atJrrjotit.' tt:ra;oT'ssi" ami all prryint hating Clu'ms aft.ln.i if,', r.i.i- re (aired tu preten" them, legally authenti cated within t lie lime iimitrd b aaf attembtv ntherwh tins notice will be plead in bar of thrir recovery. A. UOJliVlA-f Wr. vTjr-?pA, 1532. Iw iU.trij Urll Petition for Divorce. rTPIil rt Uetind. ..t WILD A M u wilt tnke -A-rmtn!rrttrat -the '"tr.TpoS;wh''f 'Da"STKL W It IT1C" Wilt 5r? fatten 65 the r w hi h day of Sen. aiMnber ee at Tsrtiarlah lle--d'i Sturim),Jii,I L-i"i,i.t, ,11 .uutil .vivii-i. IU 09 IIKU evidence on beliail of th Petitioner iq the above mentioned case, -and that un 8,ufd-'y, the fifteenth i dinf Sep'ejnber peit. ihe ttp titionii 'of Hannah" Arnold and olhert wi.T a la- kt a at the hiniaa of fnac Jacksnn, in tl.e coun ty of Raml'dph, Rial of North Cauli .a. to be had aa evidence on behalf of ibe rdiii'mer, tin th trial nt ihr ario"B ctuse. . .1:40 ; LB the eminiy count ol Rowan, lie iny,s. all times befauti'J, st tbo tffifie of th Carcflniati. - , 0aj, . .a X r a Vx u .1 r t f r 5 r j r i rl 1J r f a 1 1 c oi'Tiiny.v.MlUiu, Sa!i!jurpt 1 032. fpiir r.illowiutj ll',-0.menta if the ill pariile ,ir rrvicvr aud impirtii.t! tin fnllnwins timei and rd.io.i nt "win? timn and n .icrai The CJ or f.ut Ijuwan lr?iinriit, will hp.,1. Sm . I. . 'r'.. . . i, . r. .us i,mni, Diiituury on Monday the Frpir mlcr, thr fltyh llre'twiene at O'orgr Klfrra, on Tu.. day the 3 Jth. mU ihe 8f h tt lied lick on Wriinradar the 26th, , The 'JU)VANTUO()PK!li(" art? (Jomms-ttfrrf ttf psride 1,. ' rf'.lUt iic n Di'Picmiirr. wuh the Clid. Hm,,i. -'x - I. order of tW nriemtitr.r.n. mil, , w. If. KVJUl. U. M. CI. A Via AND. AU..t..Onnn " - - -' ' a rrt yfu'iiii: rpilh SubtrrilKt rui declined r. tiilmtr Bijultubua LJauura.' ..! all, thrrelorr, vhcj are indebted Jo him, are fedueued iO uUke liavmeui ly the first of October -aithout fur. ther notice, at l it circumttancea re-1 q lire it. AH those whu L t-. corn ply with tlils notice tnav einect i. fiiii.pTj' wufTine faw, , 3uo HAMijELrn.any.- .Ittnustith 1832. utrk:ss. rpiIK Hubacri. - bcr rripect- l .lly informs ihe intii'bitanti olRu 3r wan and aJuiiuinc jCBlfiiiiei7 that he , m ,iu, a.iin. -L. . . ... , lueitceu tne ui. rfiakinit bualnetB In all ii v.i rioui brauchei, a few do-.r S uth of the Court.J-nne1J,ttjiB..fw FiTib"'J ill kinds of woik in his linr of bmiDcaa n ihe ih()rtistr P . lice and rtT t"ieJ rrioi't ' cc m6datinir term lis woik ahull be 1W with read.neia and in a wotk-mio-like manner. A a haa a Rood auppl1 of the best ma. tcrult on hand, and as he hai wotked at helbuMjrijorhe-Jm-4weUr yra WiiaiUc- eicepttofl of the law three, lie lecli no delicacy lo pronoun ci..g hia wot k as raud . avJ thr Siat'e. " lie now has and will continue tohave sf.irtdsuppltroftvork on hand hi. h taifi enable him 0 attend to all orders from a rlltnce promptly. .'iifgUU a3f,.I8W. 33-f. ' SAMUEL Tit ALEt. .V. 17. lie if aim rrpiir Gins on short notice ani all distant orders will f punctually atloidei to. -, " . SF. Wi ca of the t;t) mn Arn.v. cnu into kffhct thb convention wirii FRANCE : a i is? ".i nit mo y.v auuuiLiieu.iiLi Vur f,.r ,1, Lruri U, iii.iiuui,u,uii, vi I nr ui , BIICDUCU crct3, v of Hat ,-,d - havi.g T- tairteU that w full meeting of the fioaiil an probablv be f ffected Lefore the. 3d Monday (if SVptembtr nea ,io co. . irqticr.ee of the recent enactment of L'ilii --"'h k !i the Cdmiuustou hailuued, and the di.tif.t residences of the other C.immiaaioocrs" named therein i it tens .Qrdcrci That the jnecVug x,f; h lioard ataod adj .urnrd to the 3d M n dov ofSe-ptember next at b.x.d. ai ih.a iIactvf::A oil that the Sect etary rt a.ise puwic notice hereol to be gtvedin the Journnla authorized Iq publish he Ijwb of the United ates, aud in those nrarrst the renideocea the several Commisaiiiners . . I . . . , . - L '!) orden -t--r '' i JOHN eV Frost,' . .The papers authotixed to nuMisH the Liws of the. United States will ptiblitii Hie abovai'''ndtTce is often,- nfl their papera muy ue usued for , the first week afief its reception, and then . r--,i t - . once a wcck mi cite De st tncetin Jug. irSi'mr. Lund ibr Sale I 'piin Subsfibers are de . sirous of stlling . th f net of Ind, formerly own. dby Almand Hall, dee'd: 6 m lii'sWeat of Salitjburv, eontttrrr- mg COu &ntinz rUer a rrMi Ijf Mr?ilrrtlhe iind. Tfio Wianit to bv pp7ing to James C. JlcCon. oaughey..tn the nnghborhood. " A reasonable credit will be jr,ive,' - j. c. McoxNAUnimy, . WILLI AM-McCOY. !uiHbury Junr.?t. f 9tX$- tp0j;rkh vacuums.: A LAllrtltltF.i:tUrKnOOk.containIriir trw J. j quire of fine Paper, well hound and f.tty rnretl, fir- Apply tsrmis'Oir.co. . nn,;irc ntc:rsf OP every descripl'mji; 'netttv Printrl, itr.tjjV kept coiutAtiily fjr saja it t&'i oH,ce- , - TT in r list;,! V I It! sii'isciihna t . r .!. r' inlulin thr rill ' f .'; ill .h -ml tlir? pn'.itc if t t-i.v, It .tt I a . . hsite pun? an d i1 r m tit i f 0 u o li . Mnnr'iifr to the- l.i'e t'tn f ki lns u Mi:i:x.ix, all of whi.h ihey are J. it rmiord aril nl the - , VUili.miU.VUlA "U- ; jsntv yajuc rieri, y atrict attention' to Inrat. with w'wfl f lie Betrnn'I.I.iVin- W4rtah .ll fc4'atcui"?ir - jr.tr-'. i age ofuur ftUndt, ar4 the 'nrntile ; lrge at the o! ! sta -r'. 3 2i I x jo.--.Air urn:. - John a. caw:, Satisfuri, Juhj G 1833 I ESITXTFUfXY inform bi. rus 1 tomers and the public at'lari;. thar. be U now rrctlv'n-j and .ipn.in j at his Store, Rocky M unt,?U n,i!r H'eat of 8-Iikbury,' a, handiome a. sortmeni of . : s . t) (I V COO f) C, c if r j ; n v, r i Svlrcted by himself in IVcw Vmk and hil ulclplua; from the latest imnoriu- ions t and If Quality, variety tt i mt. oeia of style, red jcttf prices, & close- attention to Dt1sinw.br fir.3r itiJucc ment to purchasers, he hon-a t- trier it a liberal ahire of tScir patrnnnr. june loin,. laji. amtj'jru. TIIEtubscriber would rtapcctfull Inform 1.5s Id cdtomera sad tlia public grnrrally, thai he has commcn. era butchering tn this pUct and that ho ilt S.....I. V ;-- b-iuLii.uo iu nutLiicr an iirinir th 1U have be in marki t iu-muar, itconciuay and i ru v. ir i... nr. i t 1!V'V,6 xtth. virieBk'-. febm t40 nd a half lo J I-2eenta j)cr pound.. " fie would remind th ie wh haVo beeves to sell that he will rive tho highest' fish pike for them i his re idence. 9 milee onh of S .Hsburr. on pW rfttrtl IradinrfnTtfrTmY. i .ti icaeaviiie j mraytiie aua A ilkrkfjo. ro-PislurB(a will be furrisripj tie wdrotenr Km7r:cTl" i t Li " h'uei ' S3 f . , rnTnrtj, pwixk. -.n.N&ltt.Y LUO'V.VU...; ATTaC flutNBi opMi33 tuLacricr snfiouners tst tf.aV pub "f"aml U lb aubli t;Brr.1y, ard hrr friri'da 0 lb furmer fri. .ids of lh II.Mrl that eh will b hanpv la accommadata a'l hi . miy famr ber wilh their r-air,maa. h a. l.-ra lli.il ,li .1 k.a k. . ff l . . ....... . . - " t'w mtrmn oc ur(l it, rtMMlrr p'eattnt Ti entertalgtiiient ofail tuoltaw ma v rati."' fL'r iiihl'a a'ill h. im.i.i.1 .1 bst that the einintry afl jrds, and her Bae wit a lb clMicat liniiorsr "".. ""' r Prows tb many BdrSntagrVaLIe', H i. stand . alfjrila, toge-hrr a'tlhsi lliifBawiig 1 flu I Hi tdt-ase, aU fl itler, hrrstlf. Hut ) ai l ha bl to render all tjio, saott ample rtiTtrfe;4o:J" iMAltC.AU.a;MOVJt w-aw.-K .-. . - - ' a-i rlL , , v-hrrn mwh uoo, u a. im ... - ZMUVQllKUlJKUti- 3om t rtiacr lOtt-TtrrJTCTrfal! inform his old cut. turners, and tha public ' gfterallv. thathe ha rum. rrlrnrrrl lh hull l.rrinn I, ,.:. ., , V.. . '----1 - - - !J'-"l"is tn inn piace. ne win nave oetl, in natket on Teda--, Thursday, anjSairtiay ittor.oDgf in esch- weclt; during'the season, or at any titFer time to s,jic the tonvenienceof his customcra. . tT Any pcriro having beevca f ,r -aale can obtain the .highest prices foe." them, in cash, by Brp'vinr to the sub. June i 67A 1P33. . ;: .:. . ., isif ITU - view to the ttifira , IT, ienr .proftccu'jioftof aJierr busincSiltia" piintr jfo If jylnfr procured the beat Mitrii,l frorrt f lie -Xortr ul -plyf d a "r 61 i m . n fL'tlft rAMil ti tl I . i. .. . fc m 1 " " mw' ' . ttiev ai e prepwed lo aaeeuie on moUcriia let m.r all order in this line. - v: .iAccouot Book, lleeord', -M, ruled and made to order r and evwry fund of Binding prornpily executed In iho best' ant! neatest oiaoner, on trssonahlB icrm. 1 35-f ' ). OALE3 U SO.V. Raleigh, duf, J, 1822. w.j, oroiTjcs TTA3VUrEX .1 l.laJW tst wr v'it f ' : 1 - . k .. w. a mh'- " r ":. "' twat s'wwty- Hit ofTlc is a frw dnort below lb Court-Hunte'; vcttoir ota, ihii. r 1. in .I'm., .ui. . 1 1. w '; -PKMALFs SKATIXARY. nnilE e.-rciaes will 1Je reumi3 orj the first dnv df-Ktoherr Ii0'a,l can be obtained irt the best families at 87 rf month, The price of tui. ! nrrf !4es -810' jrj, Drawitfai and JVi' tire, 810 iU'snc du, p'lui ia ativarire. ' ' ; " . ,i rf.njcottrell: 1335. - V 4.44 r.t i WW

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