: 4 . ii i V A A'.i. A k 4T por.Tnr. 10 CAROLINE, lC0i:?irBl1f tLt. ' T'RT. Whrn I w"M ' "If .uh fee area h ' know ! Whirl! " " When I a' M ,t"MI TbM n e', m n u aC Withl the mw0 aliada ikdraan, Of pccpinf wul-likt young Boot a M 'twill brhrWet soon. Of e"f rv wtai ibM lent "Trey, ' ChMinf .'as Art's f'onm aweyi " Of, it 'h wrWi rr;KK!eiTt ;;, ai i bf r W Aif tht clou ef fair e4 ' A iplrif, ntn l"J separate, fa which admiration! eya Wd rrerfwl t loproeeh too nigk) ( A ertanrre.tireled. by ?" ', fVVWn wblk WXiif wrong eooU dwell, And fWl sad '' a ' th 1lnl.rm iSfi(ri h' liP4 cograa, tika Araihota thrwigh the sea, licaBng It fcoa'alB purity. ' ty to, abuser ehang of JtfM '"' j As noMe bnJ, still mn k!y brigM, ! Tk kri'st lb LrJ 4wr abot AH eer'blt p"'' w 1 - Am) thaw' kal Rank reetinet. If ben wl'k bk pwu! Coriln lt I . Hi row, loo. Itifh-breil H.uly wcti. " , ' WonA-f if, ht !!' o fif, - To (Wik wrr thin bird eft dr j WoJef imH "f. whilt ery rei " f wttcliM '" tbro bright bitb krrn, 9i keut,kn not hre ti rtft," Vut, diti'f d, itiby i1" fin llulioC tbet bnutiful tnJ n f i id vi At Moonr.. ';wa twi.awa-tHn..r- ,. -.yai-.-A-.l.P.iw JAWSOFTIIE U. STATES ' ruwl & the firtt Settion of the I'xrrntyhtwnd Cvngnii aa. Jl. JiX ACT f thiam i. rf'Mrnt ofbe Cnf tad.Sta'Mtiidirect Jrwufcraof pproprution iatbe ftanTaemre, nucr ccrtaia circntn i . ' ..ftanera: i ; 'Jtc U enacted ly the Senate end . '.' ww . r n i , . r m l . I ' . I .7'W WJTOwittWB yj t ut- , ted fitatrn o f America in Congrm ' i - Mssembfed, Ttl po the. application ...... - -0f ectttaty of the-Nar, the rreaidcttt of the: United fiutct ihail fcaye authority, whrncver in hia opin ont the .otjitr?M?n contingeoetea oT -the public aervice mar require it, to x)irtt that a sari of ie mcer appro. n'twuieJ Iwf a particuLr tranch f the hranch of the i d aervice t in which shua tr arfctic J,' aiiJ if iheir ippYu.it rtlottf'tiali be lata BefSTe Cnojtrtwbe.' . . . fore iu adjournmeot, if then in tea ';"ry liiiai J during the firat week of the ' - V"e tt eouiu(j irion,1f auchtfabarcr 4 ;..-,V be made la the recen of Congreu. ; t . Thia Act ahall continue ia fvwrce un :.. - til the JJaie aL Uu next cawb -of "Conjjreii aod no Ion per, - ( " , --: A b rf.PH ENSON , vprae.rjWB(NH.f.ltireatotMiwftlv,l y r. caliioun, Viea-rrMiilentofilie tloited Siitti in J " , S - freaidcat nf th Senate AppMt. ll J.1M : , : ANDREW JACKSOX. ' ' ' ' No. 59. ' . JN ACrtn anthtirjijiht I.erli1iitiire of tht . . Ctn' of Indithi lo Mli and convey certain linda f ranted ta it'uLStataur tba utt of tha - feopm ttierKii, iiuuseoj Kenmemaiive ot the uni j : " . . . . . . . ted SiatcLof-.Ama.iett in. .Congress utttiuiHcu. inai me L.fgiwiure oi me Btate oi Indiana be. anu it hereby au lh riled to ell and convey, in tuch ;iptinnert' andnB chr"con;ditlontyat a7J Legislature ahall by law direct t "the toHowing deicrtbed tracts of land heretofore granted and tet apart for the ucof i.id State, namely : aec . tiom numbered thirteeo progreasively to.thirty-aix, ioduiive ) teetion thir teen excepted, in townahip numbered two, north of range two, treat r and tetrimj numbered r1MWiwfiltlifiS- alreasively arcj WilJjUaif e'.itt iOWOihip . ne north of range two, wettV and rtne nrnntieatt quarter of ifcuoo oum bered fourteen, in township ieven, aorih of range t,wo west and the A worthweat qmrter of trrtion number. d twen -v-vi, in t.nihip one, north of rf ge ve, weat, in the Vmcennea; district jikwKe, i.etton .fifteen, in to-vnihiu twoinorihi secti n twenty ight, in tonhip three north il rauge four, east t and fracti onal aee. 7 - tionrTM'Tibrri nJnrty:pBffnon-;;; ahip ninr, niirth nf ,ange two east ol ; the Jtffcrionville"Uuuitl t and t an. " . , -t , .- . v pljr th p'ocetdt of Mid talc, lj '"" ptirpur of frtueit'tnrH Pfoti'lflt That the IjrgiiUture hU not tulho- in of th m l u d at price than nut at wnicrt tnt pu jnt jnrli are "l1 t private eotrr. Appmri-d.Jul 3. 1 81 J. ' a. 6U. A!t AC f to iiihori ilia aurvcrlni tad Utrinf hii a r d frn Dairuii to tba atou'k o Ortnd Rier ot Uk M.cbipi, i tb a Tarriiorr, and for th aunr. J of Cal If fnacWi M Senate and limit of Repreientatlcti of tht uni " . . . a t te! Slant of Antrim in Conzmt aitelnbled. That the Treaident of the United Statee be, and he it hereby, MtHrrrtfd li appoint three . commit ainuf n, (who ahalj eiplorf. aurvey, fod nlart, in Ha-oa fiijbU ..courae, aroadfmm Detroit. weitwartJIy, by wiy'oT rrawaiieetfrj the wnarh nt Grand Itittr, in the Territory of Mj- chigm and aaid commiaaionera ni make out accurate pUie of auch ear accompanied with firld notea, and rmifv and traoimit the aame to the frtaident of the LVi'ed fiiatea who. if he epprote of aaid aurvey hall cauae the plttt thereof to be de poaired n the of&ce of the treatury of ibe United tftatca, and the aaid road thall be conaidcred aa eatabliahed and accepted t Provided, That aaid com. mniiooere anaii ne oiiinterraica per no, not reidente of any couoty throuch which aaid rod may pat Eia. a. .11 be it further enacte'i, Thit thejaid comonUaiooera ahll each, be entitled to receive three dot fart; ard their atietott ooe dolla and tf'V teote, fr each and ever dv ihey ahall be .nece iiarilv empluyed in the aur eying, f tploring, and making of aaid roa-f, and makiufr thnr rti,,r lhereof Provided tSew b le e x? ne three ihuuaaod and five hundred doL lara. ' Fac. S. Jlnd be it further rnnctcd, Thaf fir The purpiit of c"mpn;nif)t the aaid comminionera and their a. aiataua, there ah'lbc, and ii hereby appropriated, theaum of three thou aaiid ft huo'Jrd dUlara, to be piid out (j( any rnorieya in tht Trcaiury not otherwise appropriated. Pic. 4. And be it further enaeted, Thar the President of the Untd Sutea be, and he it hereby, auth -rit-ed to came to be made, an accurate ind mtnore rtirvey of-the eiontrr br tween the watertof St. Andrew'a biy, and the river and bay of Chatuhoo chie, and betwreo.reniac' la bay and lion Fecour, aUjng the noihern tot oi the Gulf of Mexico, with a view to aiterr tain tht practicability and coit of Canal to connect aaid have nd ri vera, with notea,-'pinna "onuervVt'iont, and opioione, of the enginrera on each df aaid parta deignted, with eitimatei of the eoat of each, and, for the pur. poae of rarrving into effect the foreg", tng proviaiona, the aun of ibxeethotj. und dollart be, and the aame it here. bvr"apprJprlaid, to be paid out of any money in the Trcitury not other. ie appropriated, Apirvrd. )ny A, 1812. AS ACT tn-.aolbnrie lha iurre"nf rA m ,104 road Iran L I U)ii.c Bay. in Ut J r. Murjr of Michigan, to intcriect tlto Chica" ""u He it enndrd 0TfheJSMaier''dM ted States 'orilmerica tx Con-arris assembled. That the President of the United States be, and he it hereby, authorised to appoint three Commit lioners, who ahall explore, aurvey, and mark, in the most eligible course, a road from La PUinance Bay, io the Territory rf Michigan, to ioiencct, at tome suitable point, the road from Detroit to Chicago, catablinhed under the provisions of the act of the third of March, onnhuusand eight hundred and twenty-five f and aaid Commia aionera sh.Il make out accurate plats of such surveys, accompanied with fiekJ noles, and certify and transmit the same to tnercl!'cterrrtrf l)(;r United States, who, if he approve of said surveys" shall C auifc ! the plats thereof to be deposited in the i m:e of the .Treasurer of the-United Statesjand rtreaTu roatt'lilian' K' ' eooatJere'ai established and accepted: Provided, That aaid Commissionert shall be disinterested p ertonsnot rtsiJents of iTircodrjnei'orm'ocroe'or LawrtBcc; in aa'ld Territory. - - 8ic. S. :And be it further enacted. That Ihe" laid Commissioners shall, each, be entitled to receive three dol lars, and their assistants one. dollar and fifty cents, for each and every day they shall be necessarily employed in thetiYreer1rt: of said road, and making their returns thereof i Provided, that the whole eipefwelwesH4llo exceed A4 torn of five hun.irecl dollars. " 8bt. S, And be it further enacted. That for the put pose of compensating the-said commihsi nera and their a aistan'a ard fr openingand justing said mad, thee shall be, and is here, by, appropriated, the turn of : fifteen th juiand d'-llara, to be paid dutbf any mftoey In the Treasury, Tnot otherwise appmpriatedjj - to 1)e expended, under Oie-dire' fjon ol the rrcaident ol thr Vai'ed JStatea, fbt; ih purposes afors- r . ... a - ft'cntcni Carolinian- id i Prnrlded. koufttr, That the I money applied to the maiing of laid road, ahall be laid out futt.ln making och parta of it from La I'laitaoce (jy,tothe erottingol tn river uaum at or near Tecumten, at nave nw heretofore been Improved and the retldue, if any , upon aach jiartt ot it at in the judgement of the tuperin tendent, the public' good may moil rrauirtV Approved, July 4, ISJ1. AM ACT for b lotl .tj'itnl .f ili clfiia Kit Ian4tm in ut ttO Uml Uilf.t w the luict of louiui. lie it enacted lit the Senate and mute of. Rrpretentttlctt of the Unv ted Slatct of .1mnfctn Congrestr: ,"6 pm."'""T"" aarmwea, I nat any pcraont, cutrn. TPtiadrwithtrrtKr bmitaof atowvH. eaaiern Jandiliairiei.jdjtJEitojl Lou. liana, agreeably to the proviiioni of the laws heretofore enacted for the adjuttmeot of land claims in that part of the Territory of Orleans or State of Liuiaaioa, but whoae titles have not been heretofore confirmed, anav, at any time prior to the first day of July, o6e thousand eight hundred and thirty .three, preitnt their claims, together with f the written evidence and other.testipiony in support of tha same to the RgUter and Receiver of the land offue It New Orleans i and it ahall he the duty ol the said Register and Receiver to record, in a book to be kept (or tht purpose, the notice of every claim e preferred, togetnfr with the evidence or which tcrvice ihry shall receive a compensation from the claimant!, at the rate of twenty, five cent! for rvery hundred words. f'tc. 2. And be it further enacted, That he uiJ Urg'iMer and Receiver hall, at or before the, beginning i f te next tewonof - Congrest therrsf. Iff, -maki Ulb-CfLciljy.f iheTrea surv a report t,f the claimt wKidb may hafe been preferred before them, together iih tcatimooy. their opinion ol the validity r.f the claims, and soch other information respecting them tvmt7 be-in their fdsseision j which report shall, by the Secretary of tht Tteasury, belaid before Coo gresi as s on as praticable, with hi opinion touching the validity rf the rtipective chims provided. That no e Itim shall be thrrein recommended f a confirmation, for more than the q. irJ.ifytont ajnr dn a leagy.e squire, 8fc. I. And be it further enacted, That the a ties f land in the said sou theattern district, by public auct'n.n or private entry, balt be tiiapended until after the first day of July, one thousand eight hunJreJ aod thirty, thire. Sec. 4. Aid It U further enacted, That all prrsona who, before the first Monday in November, one thousand eight hundred and, thirty, held lands in the laid siutheaitent district, by claimt, unconfirmed, but which were embraced in the principles of the pre vious laws for the adjustment of claims in that parto'f the Treasury of Orleans or State of Louisiana, w hich lands may have heen fold at thc public--aale whlcli took place at New Orleans on the . first. Monday of November, one ihmand eight hundred and thirty, under the PrrafcfemV proclamation of the filth of June, jone thousand eicht hitnrrred 'aAt:thfrT9rniaVTair''tS:ein: stives' of thla act as hongh their landi td; ootLceaioTJ anihe ; aaid Tleg A- . - - u aic report of the cases of this class , and if it shall tppear to the Secretary of the Treasury that all oi any of the claims contained therein, although unconfirmed, are embraced in the in tent and meaning of the previous laws for tbe adjustment of Jand cluimt at aforesaid, he ia hereby authorised to repay to the persons, or the legal re. presentative f the persons who pur. chased, such' sum or sums as they '" " .t jjiu ior lanot oi mis aes. crip ion, bought by them at the laid public sale. Sec. a. And be it further enacted, i nat in addition to the compendium hereioLefote provided, the" aaid Rego liter ana Keceiver shall receive, for act," the sum of Hv6 btlhdrrd dollars each, tp be pa,id by the Secretary of tne l reasury out of any moneys in tne Atcatury not otlter wme appropri atra Approved, July 4, 13JV CHARLESTON and CllERAW, THE STEAM BOVT MACON f CW,-s?V. HAM baving been aiiil t '-v . una 'CfiCtd. last summer, "K Oct en Cliarleston and Ch iJnddown, will resume her Tripi in the aswaiXltUlawrfW.U btaiwiewtwh- continued' in ."(tTn wi su iu me trade, the ensuing sea k ',.',. drawing when loaded only about four snd a hair feet water will enable her to reach Cheraw at al timet except, an unrom mon low tier, when her cara wilt be lightened 1 1 ibe Expenee of Bni.f, . i. B CLOGjf. CharUtton Sept. it, i3l. IV. R, she bat corhrwrtable dsliont far t ftw naMtnirert. accomo- 9H i. B. C. liter and Keceiver aha I make a ai-nai-.r" PROPOXATE I" OR carrying the Mili uf the IV 1 iudHateafsir two yean, from the firtt dv of January, 1 83 J, l h Stat day of Decemhrr, f34 0,1 lh.e blowing P''" roa, fJor,h Carol!, r. -ill be received at thu office on- til the iccond day of November oett, incljiire to be decided on the 9th day of UoTtmher, . iir. From Columbia to flpring field, in Tyrrcl County, and back once ai aat k . , m ' fjegve Columbia every. Monday " at 6 a. fa. arrive at Springfield tame day ny o ji, Leave Hpringfield every Saturday i .. t arrive at Columbia lame ' g From K',niton to Treoton, CO miles and batk Ofta .ekf- Ltv Kilutoa .eVerwJVtc!n?icJjy j 12 noon, arrive at Trenton aame day fv A P. M. Ltaee1 Treoton every Thursday at A. M. arrive at Ktosioo aame day bv 12 noon. , 2119. From Greenville to Stanton hure. SO milei tnd back, once a wetk Leave Greenville every Wedoeiday at 9 A. M. arrive at Stanlonburg tame a. kv r P. Kf . - Ltave Stantonburg every Thuric!y at 5 A. M. arrive at Greeoville lame d.y bv 2 P. M. 2190. From Gravelly Hill by LaW and Taylor'e Bridge to Clintuo and back, once a week. Leave Gravelly Hill every Thurs day at 6 A M, arrive at Clinton same day by 3 I M. . . lave Clinton every Friday at A M. arrive at uravelly 11.11 sam day by J P M. 2191. From Bedford ly Ehnec Springs to Warrenton, 28 milea and back, once a week. -I,eaVe Bedford every Thursday T A M, arrive at .Warrenton same da by 3 P. M. p Leave W arrenton every Tuesday 8 A. arrive at Bedford same day bv 4 P. M. 219J. Bv Hillsboro' bv Picket O Mill, Tha. Benchairs, Heifer's Store Rich'd. Ilullock's and Potter's Bridg to Oxford, 40 mild aod back, once week. Leare Hillsboro every Tuesday a G A M. arrive at Oxford samo day by 6 P. M. Leave Oxford evevyWdntday- l 6 A. M. arrive at Ilillsboro saru day by 6 P. M 2193. From BLkely by Stokesburgh to uermantown and back, once wre"k. . ' - Leav Rlakely every Monday at P. l. arrive at day by 5 P. M. (acrmautdwo aame f. ' Iave Gcrmantnwn every Monday atCA. M. arrive at ElaLclv aame dav by 10 A. M. 21P4. From' Rxb6ro' by Hue Vooda.to Black Walnut, Va , 22 miles and back, once a week. - Leave Roxboro every Thursday at 7 A. M. arrive at Blak Walnut aatnc day by I P M.J Leave Bluk Walnut every Thuri day t 3 1-2 P M, rive at Uoxboro same day hy J P. M. 2195.' . From Leasurgh bv Ilichtow en to Caswell c. h.f IS milea and back, oAce a week. T J" Leave Leasburgh . vety itfedoet- day at-6 A; AI. arrive at Clswell x J -" "v-w n.. -u. im h .v. a.. ar mw I - - Leave C nwell e. h. every SVecTnes day at It A. M.. arrive at Leasburgh aame uay by 3 r. M. r 2195. From Uoekford by Juddivilje to Bower't Store and back, once a wetk. , . Lea ve Hdckford every .Thursday at 3 V.- M. arrive at Bower a Store next day by 6 P. M. Leave Bowers Store every Wed nesday at 9 A M, arrive at Rockford next day by 12 noon. 2197. From Concord by Mill Grove and Hickory Grove to Bcatty's Ford and back,, once a week. Leave -Concord every Wednesday at fl A. Mr arrive at t BeaMy'a Ford lame Uay by 6 r. M. CLeaveTity?aTor3very Thurs day at C A. M. arrive at Concord s .me day by 6 P. M 5193. FroinXawj-enceville to. Wades bora,' SO - mitcngd back", "one week. Leave Lawrenceville every Fridav at 6 A. ;M. arrive at Wadesborough same aay by 3 r. M. Leave Wadesboro' every Thursday t f A. M.arri've at Lawrsncevillc tame day by 4 P, M, ' JSOTES. ba Pott Matter General mervet the tight tt expedite the fnails, and to aliriir.l u ll JJ2UZ 'ure M ,ny time during tba continuance a if I km akWw. . ' - Bt . --'Jt 'i .. a ofthe contract, by eriyingian adequate compensation, never exceeding t lrwra- ia ano ranee, ror an extra eXpeue which such alteration may require. 2. Seven mirutea' ahall ba " allnw.rt fr Opening and closing, the mails, ta each office, whera no particular- itmt shall ba tneciSed: hut ih P. M..,-. Gene-al reserves (ohimself th. right of extending (h tim. :-...,-(, 7. S. " - I nil saal taa ai.iM..a.i Jl t . tirlDC at mv noint af rr ,h- ,i ' - wwvs v icii uiuiuici iipia v in aaw w 0 r Muit Jfa i Ti'iffl in any ennirc, mm caniri'.iui h.llfmfclt firt d'lUrt. If i ho deUf ihtll tontinua bavond the iine f'-r the .piriuie of an penflhu m .il, the , liurc tha'il ba aiuil to iwict the amouni allowed foretrryins tht roil ont lilp f it ahall ba mida to apptr that tht am i wit nccttlohed'bv unavuldabla accl dent, efwhbh the rottmtaier Oeninl thill ba the judge, Jta furfclturt nu? be reduced to the amount ot pay tor t trip j but lo no ctia can Ibat amount be remit td.The fotfciiuret art otharwUt un conditional, and will in ell cam bt co 4. Periont who mike propoi!! win nift thalr nrietabv tht veaii paimenu tobtmide quarterly (In the mnthi of May,Ad(tuait November ana reoruary, ont month af;r tba eapUatlon of each 1 . t t . f . II.. .K .11 j. riont oui a ireo wnno (jti ..-.. i.. .m.Jna.d in eirr the mail. ' l."'Pf rt WW tlwuraTOttwliat rite perim proTiaset to carry the mH it-1 borst coach, t 3 btrtt tuge, ei inner w'ue. ' ''.'" t If tht persotv olTirlng propotals wlihei tht or vili-et of csrryiax newspa fieri n'it of tht mail, ht must statt It in t.U bid i cihirwiso ha cannot tniy Ibat privilege. " I. ProDOtltbnt for ny improve mtnti in transporting tht mai'i t to the Manner of carr Ine. increa$ tf trhtdithn, txtmiion of routes, frequency wf trlpt, or anv other Improvement!, ire Invltcq to be listed In the proposaltt and will ut dulr considered. 9. The number of the route, ind its beginning snd termination, si sdveriited, should he staled in every MJ and tne propo4ii, mint be teald, directed lo the 'General f.itt unice, ofu.e ol .Mall on ttictn i" snihSupertcrlocd " 'roioiaa." "The following it a proper form for a ptopotal t " wit awry tie mi'l, o'itu-bltf h aditrltme:ntnt, on route .V) - from to for the yearly (am nentntion tf it jl.'a't " lie mutt ttstt the place cf bit resi dence i and if riot a contractor, Ii; mas areomptny hia bid with niikfactoryri commt ndations. ... lO. Tbe dittancet. as stated, art. csd mated, and may not be entirely correct but if any errors have occurred in rcla lion to themi' no fncreste of rompenst linn will be allowed on that account. The contractor will inform himself on that point. II. The rottmatter General reserves the riht of annulling any contract when ever repeated failures to arrive witbintbe contract time shall occur; or whenever one failure shall happen amounting to the l.t,iuui .out bxamt.ax i jJirtcjjqn I wnicti ne may give sosn not oc promptly obeyed- 13. No bid shll bt withdrawn after the time for receiving it has expired ( and should any person refute to take a con tract at bit bid, bt shsii iorteii aii OlUi AM.-t. ,1.-1 k. . a mm k.-i. mm.l W I W ml Tm" ..,., .j K.i.f ...nn.it.u c .n i at ft s v n jf 1 1 a 'aav ivii sail I uamiga that may result iron, bis failure to eomply. ' " - t, ' 13. No contract nor bid cm be trim fened. without the speci.il and written approbation of the Postomitr Gcnatal t and an assignment of a contract, or bid, without consent, first obttioed in writing, shall forfeit it. This rule will never be departed from. '-'. . . ! Mf rontractor or bisagent-iolt the Post Office llw' or thull transmit com mercial lntelijr?nrr by express more ra pidly ihan tha mail, his contract shall be forfeited ( and, in all cases when a con iractofhaUuo a stage, or oilier vehicle more rapidly or more frcqtiently loan be ll required by contract to carry th tnait, be shall at the- aam-iieraated ecleri If aod frequency lo tht mail, unlets the post master Genetal tlull otherwise di tees- and wubotU iiuj:cai?pfcompensa tion. 15. Tba Posmatter General reserves he rishtjf curtailing or of.diseantinuinK any route, when, lo his opinion, the pub lic interest shall require it ; and iu such esse the contract alia II ceiie, io far as re lates lo the part. curtailed, or to tbe whole if discontinued an allowance of one month's extra pay being made to the con tractor. 16 All eontrsrti for mutes embraced in this advertisement shall commence on the first diy uf January nextt aoJ cootin ue two yeats. Decisions on bids will be made known on the 9th day of November nrx. WILLIAM T. BARRY, -----post Master General. ? T I It 7 JuTyU, 1832. for purpotes therein mentioned, I will ael' for ci:h, on Tburttlaythe-SOthrlnst, aTthe dwelling hmise of HUSKY LEAZER, tie loUommjr property ia - .Three head of horses. Fire or more head of cattle. A Slock of hogs., f Farming Utensils and Two trari ol" land lyi.( in the ewnnty oi nvtn " ,he "earl warrrt of r,M!t Creetvone Uihir,T about 500 acres dcended to rhe Hein .1 I 1 a CW W t n a aa mt w m ' . m . . at Law of JOHN LEAZER San. dee'd adjoin ing the ian.it of acob Oeer,Cpf,ParkaXbi Rumnle and others. The other heW lhs nn. divided half of a tract containing about 50 acres sdfoining the lands of Dan'l. Overcaah. Dan'l. Coleman. Philip Rumple and nthera. ...".-. DWi Ex. COLEMAN Tnutet. AigwlM laiJf. : 3t33 ; XOTJCE. ' k few reams of writing paper for tale at thit A OITice, at g 2 50 per ream.' a few reams at r of wrapping, at ibaW Uu 47 P'wJa S-iVpTmiV Vtpfiisi rvf AmmA of Tt-iibt n NRW PAIVCY . rMCKnrru u:Air,Y SPRWd U "SUMMER coons y 'a-Lot-d cith fw,t ear froq, milk,H ' J.w-York ad fb.ladclybis ef tK. raiiofit. 1 hair tw.rt. n pu j r "i"" '. ami ur rHtmi !. Broari fc Kr'twa vine ii, lJo., InvMiUa tJrea-..'4la-.,-..-. laney ra-imerei, Saltlntltt k klarkWrfi. Mrri.4 d ,'., Brocb.Ua, and ciri " strata du'a., Mid trmlnetta, Yallow Nanke a snd tint cbtckt, French snd plaid rtiittiryro. , Mealcaa mis'ure, Crm Mn. Linen TabU and tiiwat dianrr. Ue. , 1 . .0 VA I'- J WTMK 'fT or -WMrailltt.a VclMtia Vaaiiairi, .-.s;:rrr.rv , Friiilt, Uinfhami and Mutlint, . TickiKt, Blrarbed a.vd llron.' ' nnreuiix arviiinninf H , FirniiaraViiaitrand Cotloa fruieea. Black .ltaHaa Bilk, ' , . V Yeeaclipw (Vtarttitet do. " lllue black ailk cat bU.ii, Ch. frna d Naples, t !;,anese and de Romania C.,int ' foniree, fif and bandana HandktretltA" Crimson Pongea ' . du, ' Fancy Oaoae and Crape do. . ararts, silk Mttln, and rick tgvni vtstl tU 1 ilk and cotton U.firry. (i A QK&ATrAM&TTtfRlCa. Fancy bonnet, belt snd eap ribboot, flilk sprons, ' Linen cantbrie kandke rcbiefa, faaa, Ut, Diamond Straw Bonnets, foliah do. do. Bel(iaa do. doH P.lm laf hall. ' Lrbura bonnris, fur and waul da. A cuttr VAMF.TT Ot j l atin and Crrrk Aclioul lixiki, . Mhoes, Marorra aSina, . - ,.. Ilar4lare and Cutlciy, Cla and Crockery-ware, Ue. Ue. AGEALH.iL JSSQH TMfJiT Op Carnen'tr'a Toola, eoiiaiaiiiiir o(,trp cle mad. of bj Carp trt e;t Tu hi put of the C001117, tiller' Trimminpa, l'lated, ftraat Jappan, and Prince's frtf ' Harnett mountinf, eoaeh frii.fp ij lf-. ' A f ootfawwtmrrrf of Omeeriei, UcUt. ALL if which, they are determiurd ta atiirurmili can be had bt ltif part sf ttw ' emtniry. Purcbaarrt will do well to eal iU 's see our stock snd bear price! befurttbrf-. IT. it. L- are a;raieful to the PuUW lhir -ry l.iral nalroo.f ketrloftre, tn " hope bv atrict atten'ion tu biuinrai, and wl " infr (roodi cheap, lo merit a cunliauanea af lha aame. 21tf ia'iitr-. April ltll.jm!l -WaateiL rpiIE subscriber respectfully aoiitr x es his old customer! and frieoda. that he still cwlnu're'io lake U ' for which, be - will gie CASII-at . SALT in exchange, at hia nld stand,' 4'38 GEORGK TOCIES. ; Salitlurii, X. L: Aufurt i,t. 8JJ. n ;.7o v a J. rnAKKisskinm. iiJ would reawaMr .'. " ti form 'heir fHeaos aai - tlx pubVte KtnmUr, Ikst r ibey have removed ibeir EfiT.inr.isrLiin.Tt to their new SUop tvo doors below the rcaideuce f Dr. Fernud, d. Water JtrnWl whera thev are always ready lo attend laths . calls of Iheir friends, jn.the Ene.f BaH?ff-; suetj la the makiiij and repairing of Canute! Gi. Snlkevs tVc. """ ' TheblrekswilliVu4iet Uaiilleoatinaea in all its Ttrtous bW)nts;"by'JOH.'r ftlBV' VEB, atjiia aLfatand. . . AldL."" t New Goods I VF ANZEL ZZ CRESS iijii.tteee.wnt tilimlail and winter supply of UooM, with hia former stock, comprises every sroclt usually kept in a Country retail atorc, tkick at will tell low for cash or on a abort credit tf punctual dealer. The public are retpec''J requei'.ed to cat! and judge'for fbemtclvw.' " Hi alto eovtinoe the mannfacture of SnUi andTis Waait, warranted to be made of the beat materials and In a superior style of a") manthip. Having a very lara atoek of Tit ware on hand and being determined to wH -at reduced prices merchants ,would do tr Call on bim and get their supply. h-jT Old Coppe-, Pea tei. Feathers' TaDotV Odeswas, and Wool, taken in exchange.... -600 , . ; ' Runaway, ON the 10th of Bepremorr lart.frommvilanUtia - Jane .minim laMttnH" named WA9HIJt wf a - 27 yeara of age, a very M" mulatto, on one -of b M" there is a scar tjceaaioned byi and endeavor t paw fort freawarfellg - 1 irifitt " . .,iaim. about r. irin h will enanire m year of age, very intelligent 1 he '"JrT' past as the tenant ot siiin(rtoB, .,t his name. - A re wan! of 8wrawilUe fJZ for the delivery of either In aiiyja'd. 'f can g,t the.n. - ; October 15A. V4-1'-,) ICTThe Georgian, Savannah 1 the J cone; Columbia, 8. C.i and Ktchmond rer. are rehtiested U pubHsh the abovtjrtJ , irjfil fotibid, and then forward their WAGGONKUS, IHriLL find it to their advantayei t0Lr TT "the ffan M where every vem&tsca isprovided for Maaand I terse, 10 "7 j , tbem comfortable, at themoderste charf cents a day and night, for the jrmlejr . Yard, the u.e of a good hotwe, are, '''at shelter. Attached to the Yard, and Provision Store, Bread Shop "? . "Tt tionary, and a Iloua for Boarders ana in a, plain, cheap, wholetome andeoniwr., tlvl,,,.rive"ew7e rWI. ttl 21 -:-r' t every description, ewatly FnJsts, keptconiily for sale at tlui iaf. '- v it -: A-.-'. i f 'I

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