A Sk. 7 w (mMMm&imo L- . 'M 2 ' ' ' S ir. I ktinningt ' , BLISBL'ttV, ROWAN COUNTV, N. C-.M)1y-Si;iTSMnrW3?. " vol.;x!ii.:....no. w T K RMS. . u jjuiloirr it rr ut 7'am Drfliirt pre iM..rtaal ff1 rr-ttl, if pniil rtf OSS fii'J, ' Iht J'!i' i"'i d'urrrHoH. V. iI'm !'" wiM V rcctitt4 fir a Un lit than one f( ttr, - ".rirr ''' f 77 ('Mr u Ifiii ji'wi'intt, 'u' 7oy 'A'' m''" ri'"" """ "''',' c c(""u'lrrt'l at " is'W'if ' A.ij p "'""'''i? lo'eent suit rrHirrs t l! ' CifW,,((.., ihull haee a tctnth i"f tfviris. . . X ln riiiit'; nt It'" usual rates. JiVr aillnqir V to the FA! tor ,n. '". .(Or TUse term will be strictly ad-h-redl". ihisuu i mi; Umrisii lloK-c or COM MONS. A gentlemen in this place hxs received ry "IimI"" S ial'or" nf Mill June, hii li lir has been IT""1 n" l'n frfttn whwh -wt- rrmktrthirf lNorntrH !i art, prfWingn nhorl "Uilrliofu (li;!wtc Hiilili II"Uf.' of Ctuiiinoti, m the r.. 'j !i.ii t'i I'iiuxu. mini a iniMin-am, j lu'iiiili.-, LliKHly tyrunt, I lie Km. p., ,r ni Ktwiii im U f WtlL.Jitt,Nic- bulss bn conNnMl lt-'uu. - I'd. WriTCix t'i. Tolap.. Oil TtigrVjv - Mri.Cj f g il " i'V'd fr III1 prixliirtimi 'f 0 t ijTyHtii 4iirMt- ui.iiiili.iu rcgclin Pi;uiil, Jiitoil I'luSOlb lYlirimry Ust.mnl of orauic uiiio wliirli wfiiuinuii!dii. kftft a tiMititlu'ncii ciiniiiK'iif on the tn-n- P rr t --. u ofl?l 1,1'V tWtcriiii of RipIi.Tic con I....1H, tlio Iitdopciidciicii of Tolaiid wm uaraiilfca, ir. rcru-ctini ui imi i 0.,jjr aoineof the atrocitieijutely rpc l'int& t naTTounrryTw',"'"" It a of course known to tli hoiw, that cf the twentj f ri''iK,ral Oirwcra who U-ea "Bmsntwl - m rotaiwi.-oot more tVinfmr had nuirird to' tlinr homes, J ,!,,, ,S "irvst 3: t-''ir' I' ;-; fi.r, i v J iiceii" "i'iicii.-.'' i- mm uMj ... v r ,tlieM of 1'idnnd. wero alo included in the iimv. ml vet it waf also equally well known That tli' v wfro nmrched ip coluinn pf ten, and liv lOgctlicr by bura of iron, W th remotciit purtof Silioria. That "as rti trentmont wfiich thry ttcpttcJ mt 4belunJ f iba clcDieutNichulaaVThe BiibtcT Dt-Fnhmd ,fH,otinterH no tttr treatment tbty were banished and do. K,vled."Tho viitfiino of 0110 "Polish P xicco w as Binned Ky Nicholm on U10 fen-1 1 fml of hii patron saint and what was tkt jentrnce ? That he ahould he bnnit.li ed taiberia, and 1 lint. ..he f hold J proceed thither on foot. -Thnt dm uinent was still exulittice that docunwmt, whicU, en MiienTtmihnilliwtrittwt-IViiiiMt ahoald : sureli atoii wtt:-coinjnoo aoiainrii jo.ofe "bfrla nod iiho'uV! encounter not only the, privatiuiiK of tWJreaJWiJIiuaTjuf iha m'spry of a journey, thither on foot. Tlie Princess, his mother, immediately on -luixiuuj the sentence, proceeded to St. .I'elenburjr, in the Iiojk or procurTiig some Biiligiilion of it ; and w hat was the eondi ti'.u upon which the !iiiieror njjreed that there should Ik some mitigation T J he tumlitlou ay i)U tlA lVio.aliiU4bofc, Uwjh lpirindevo?o knowledge that hohnd been led into the rebellion hy the losa of reason consequent on the dpath of hi wife, To this he ro plied, that he was a Pole ; and that no con. ti leralion should induce bun to neknow. !ge that be had ever devoted himself to ' Hie cau of Poland from any other unlive than a deliberate conviction of the justice of her cause ; and that that convklion was adopted under circumstances which w'd for erermulerit-impoaaiWetUut'licahouJJadiiHt Hie inflnence of any other sentinMmt than a tasthig; but the unfiirtunate Prince was ubjflcted to all the rigours of his sen tence. Ho would mention another case. " pnsSsioii Ofall infants ho tyj;ht' Ijo left without parents ; a grandfather was about to be robbed of a child, a female, not above "gbt year of he ws aewnty he tad been a follow soldier of Kosciusko : he .!SwsteiL with more than Roman heroism, yd even Uussiao brutality was arrested - 1'he il?pfti8mof Nicholas had not been . tanfiued witbin.t.he boundaries of his own - Syfnijiioha"-- tiiiiiiiix 1.1 ii.il iv 11. r f - TIi Kussiao ' Minister in Dresden demanded aatlie had been arrested in eoflsequciieeV id.bis papers were4aken fromliiin. i, He ould hka tukViw if the lact were so I the treaty of Vienna, the Kir.gofllan. er was not bound tyi'delivcr up anyper ho was not charged with some crime 'd indisputably,, uot the slighteit chargb preferred asauibt him. It was evident from I he whole couJueTTa ItasiM, tlmiit was meant to dt natwna PolaujI altogether j and that euo, of rmi2 aense cit tlie injuries mtlicteU upon We country on tneirozrn nauas 01 me iue, fe j, h0,r 4;,r R.jk-rWndLsJwIw t!T ohjfrtD prnKoJ by fl.o ilctnHioq of. on til r!hl BnJ thi liilu tiii. Ilw 1'uIk.Ii riaiiw, w;u llir r-itliMiliiii . w:mira 1 1 Uyd o Cmd B ,. ,.j,m t., lliiHr..j.rti,funivi!ri.ii.iro wl.amtu'NhiH' kuisJ-.m nf I'olund, Ihthmw. Ird b4oK Micotiilcd llic rfioi.m. I!,. i.iti?btyy tnrt.tt-fti.4MU trrgt - iiicfttK fiiicrrj iuli Ly ll.e t' of ii'im.i ; and im'w uitc mil.t ilirwfr' fiilcrci! inli wlu-netvr lliu luli cwitui Jtiig jlnrti'M w fit. ' llo Iioppj llmt llii t'mfp m not di!nnt wlii'ii tin Crown t( I'ldunl woul I lx? do i-larod in l''K ndi'tit, and mIicii tli.it cimu try would Ixi iliii' d in nij'-li tiiln.ilu.il it In enuliln drr I fulfil ln r dnti: ani'int hn grent fi nily f thi .Statca if Kur..io. In llio cniicr8li,Mi of Mk h u iii'iiliuii hi lliul, kfl find thn iitixfiicti(u t. tliink Ihin' didnopii4t iprniid opinion, nilu r in llmt Mimiic or in lln i.:iii hi ut l.ir-i. Ii hnd Ihwii TOiitcndisI, on llr ut ! lli j!.n M-rr f Uyiiin, tlml llir I'ol. h.i I f..if. it 'd llirir ri'lil. a fn i: coimiiiiiliwi : it wi ll mi.'lit it ho Ktiii ili.it f lie .'ii,it 1 4' Sc,i1hikI,iiUt tiii'nt!iilif I ; 1 I li.ifoil cd all t ii f I tu M'rvpiin or .iticiil IiIh rt . Iir I Vt .ttiiNtTov. wliiln d liiiiui t iuii- lr" mfij any atatiuiWut of llio cni:Jii't of Hnliind in reniK-t tn the lulu event in IV InjuVtd MlikLlii! wax -jjuI called Ly Mi. I'erpuMon'fc Hiicceh, f It b-mn l I t wv, that tint (i.tverniiii'iit wim liv noin-'im l.tiul to the obliirntioni of the Tnaty of Vienna No n.a.i cimld cntert iin a di.u'.t, llmt Greet Diilnin jHiMn-tsod a lull riht to ex prru a drilled opinion iiwmi lUu prforui a7ic oftlie-iioif piMlilWianiee of thn-rpn laH5ni contained Tn rTiaf f7rTT' Never Ihelesa, it could WZ.rt;Ai'4h.' f "eng.- Intil bj under no peculiar .obliotlon, tnii J viimlly and imlepenilently ol tlie other emit nw ting pnrtHi, to aditjtt fneaiur t direct interfenmeo by force. IiiqIIuhiou tu the ciuc of Tour, he miid . . IfoTinderMood Tour to lie a auliiert ci- iiier 01 rrusMti or of fcavmy ran I tlc re fore the Hanoverian (lovtrunieijl, arre.il in him, wero merely performing a duty trWchlt iriirtthr-nbTo XaWrmT' ffim not conceive it to bo his duty to make auy further olMservatioos; ami 4he more wr,m he hndnlrea,rly sal,! h did m intend to re" fura the p!nr.r which werfl moved fir. f.'.r! Monrrm v-.','(1f tt, i,i,i it-ility v ...i-w. tn .u--a fiuut iiuilIiiiHj ror Nkholai, Bod the natural desire h! felt ttivicly with aporoWfouiLVtwuliicl I of quo with whose fi ienJahip he bad-been honoured. Heeimld not, however, with all Iiia kindly. fix-ling toward tho llnipo rorrapprovo of hi conduct towards the Poles. - Lord Slorpeth'a K;ech is gi veil at (trcale t icngt h inlhe . Ckconicle, than iu the other journals, though wo must con few not mora intplligildyr Th fullowing u the peroration literatim "If the design rs on foot( and in aeiTve progrew to aunihilntd'tlio Pojlih nation, name, conatitution, lunjrnage nil but her immortal neiory the "IihmT of CaJners and Tiginuodn, uf Sabitisli, and TtHihiv- fheHttttad fli'bt rtsl.-,icd-rhfl-4orwiif Muhoniedan invaniou. and aecured iba Jil. erlK-s anil relinion of Kurope; if her princes; and nobler, and atooiors, sunt fouwuttj. t the uunnons, the mines, tliegravea of &i berin ; if her noble ladies travel to the foot of the Throne and I am told their very presence b Vf aot- tUIJ. iuta OibftJ'tivities of the enpi(nl and sat not iir paruon, out tor ity upon uiose wnoac fault if was to act with eonseientious and in the cause of their cuuntiy, while they thought they Imd one and that cuit ts de nied them; h wbilo in confiscation and exile, they teach the course of her Czartor i. kys anu her Sangouches, her rising and spirited youth are daily drafted to swell tho ranks of the Russian armier and pre pare new Te Deumn for future triumphs over the freedom of the world; if, further oh, crowning horror I let it be well at tested heforawo, credit it cliiklren are carriejliTio lose tho memory of their no- much compromising ourselves, say that a cam is made out for the enerwtic inter- viFhtion of England and of Kurope; we ... . .m' . . may, gininm mur.n nrcsiimin,?. aua. , mai whatever beenmes ; of lhat. tnteTOnti(n, (treat room fried for the rightpoiis rctri- imtfwtkllefvflii r "Aftor a few words from Sir fltoanr iVAHncDr-rt and Lord E8I?iuto!I, in support of the motion, and in deprecation of the cruelties of Russia, Mr. O'Co.tvem. Lord Morpeth had spoken of the gratifi. cation i fcU.ii bing kt.Kwiv,toiJioJ3i. poror of KtisHia, and in having vituted hia chained of such acquaintance. If the Em peror of Russia had been a smaller and tuvtro inagiiincant ; pertwti, : it would bav beep considcrea aofsgraco to hoidrany communication; but because he had a horde ot three Of ftfur hundred thmreand barlwrians at his back; was thjat a reaon whv mankind should not treat him as he deserved, and execrate him on account ol his crimes ! The llarbarian conouer'had yi(UUlt;u IUU ucui icjjaiuiiii; imc auii.. 111 manner such ft no treaty was ever vio lated before. The miscreant barbarian bad viglHtcd all comjmcWhad tramuled hid, W LHwirm for, frrw;W tim per r. 1..1....1 :. r .r : ... "j "-i.v wiiii irmmoh f It vrni a fUlicifWIi 1104.1441111111141) ""Klt fif" TlflfUlvl (' 4H4wy. . Jw.4 Mr. r.viw. sir. (J. KMi.nr, Mr. Piuott, m Mr. Itrrit vi:N, rondi'lnm-d U10 cou lik l ofKawia ill strong t?'rmi. Kir HoMinr Isi.lm i..j.viel to the t wii larrnmre cniiil.ii il 01 ....j.t.;..,. .1 ... 1 . -r l.i.iiMT.ir . , Ho ui Kurpri tcd thnt f. r;:,, u ,. 0t1r.1UtjK-1T1.i1ry pp nili-, nr. 1 iheoth'T nHmlfM of hn Mnjt'i t; .viT.iiii'oii, shin!dhne'i:T reI.(.'viii nioinh ntiopr.. ceed it Ii k !i language - -.( f tim if-llrar, htar!' uwl ' Su fcrrd " ...'.. ,,,...,1,1 wilhi.Ul ll'dn:. Ilts r.M.l.... -n.; iut g.i.igo lo Imi u inotit iinpropi'r 11 u oi' t!i frt'riloru ..f it. Imd; in 1I1.1I li.uit, .ir U 4 it ufurftardi said, il ai hi'lm) an h.iii..i on (In) kuhjt'il I w hirh huwover ho wHili reserve. I.01J I'iiLaimrox anid, tif rr nt:y -r gri ttel Mr. D'Coum-ir n-.iae; bit be did not conceive he h id any rig'it, or llmt it his duty, to itifirnii)t lom. . . --Mr. - Uk' m.sr r - prrtVttv -mmnrrl with Mr. O'Conm ll, thai llm Kmiieror ol' UusMia Mas a ii.i.reanl. -Mr. HofE a 'iwod with Mr. Reaumml It wa complained lint the Euitwror if Kimsia was called a imsrreanl ; whv he would call bun a moirtrr in Jmrrmn form. If h imew Ingtwgl7-w4tirrrlre-rmdh,heri' qh.inrrtf v - nrrh"nrd fifth' monfTifronxlyctpriM 'birjefNl:V(i.Mi:iiA Iwtull u it. Ho woo h rrd that it (Ub 4 r-rt f limits fhituhl vculuroJn rbUaysfli-) addit'K.s a Minintt-r of the Crown, and aU liiw why t tmotirsxl-tujch Intttfime to lie used there. Why, it was not 111 his jtowor to oreveut il. ,r c'ir IL Lsulu " I ahlwW.mfH4ies?? Mr. HiSK--"I ak whai went th words to wijjcli the hououutlo meuibur ulludedr' '" Sir Ronr.tT Imclu " I stated the word Mr". litXM1 And I repeal if, the word w too weak ta ei press my feeliii'.-a of de testatloirat lhe'1vartarilius eiecised "to wards Poland. I would nV, are the nc- et nrlt of llio"contiirt of Pitsniri untruly or uiiautrstitta T,nr.aiiy iUu-i'uS ,i. the Mcmltcr for Kerry be untrue, lot sime mfflrhf-r sarid'lijin his place and deny it. If true, 1 dc any man poitsetwinir the feel ings 6f a Briton, whether the lanunge was not weak when compared to iuclv atrocity that provoked it,- . . 31 r. Wit full convinced, .that -4y m b 'J, '.ir. .. - . - -...-...-.-'- 4". .. ' a debate at the proWnf, they wore, fuming a powerful moral barriur lo tho encroach UH'iit J" Russia. 'jriLj; Mr. DAaio jtmliflod i'ir Robert Inglis Tii d4,precaTOg :lhoaeutiiiiiifif such Iprms as " mim roant" to the Emperor of Kum. lie thought niimcten wr.uld have done well to ataud lorwurd and ex press. Iheif owiHoo.ftf the initrftjiriety -of iirit twaasojojnv llaadnulUtd Iho Pol Uli fcbellMM o Ktttuat f)'htwai-; J enpf cialiy as tho man deputed in rv-igii ovir. iuiii.iiaa ooea .oconveu, ,ol ma uiijMritti crowa of Uumiu for roinpcteney. 11a did not, however, sco the necessity of Ens hind's sully ing fitrlh asagetiernr irdretwr idruiwvai!njbciilijJiJ in li-- putcs with every nation that commute! an act of iujiutico."" However, ho thought Government right inprcisinz upon Hus.sin the fu!filiiat f th TrcntT of Vienna; and I ho hoiied nui' h from the prudeneo Bivl L .. . ,v .. ...I , - nrinncss 01 tlie .ooie iim aioui to- pro ceed to St. Petersburg fir that purpose. Mr. SiiEit said, Mr. Baring would have members - "Mince their worl, , " And rnoilify damnation with a phrase,! He should, however, give the allowatice which he so freely look. -He should par dou another for pf iikiflg' -'"of miscreant on a ihroue, who descrilc l liiii fellow-'cTfi zeiiias " blackuarfls iu the .slreels." sudden ndopled so meek a t'lruin iuitjieak ing of the Emperor Nicholas ? When Mr. Sheil saw a man di'lognting I - I - .. -- ...I. .. .1... - - .T .. fttoiiJiii.ti4 w.f wiioin iriv.pj'n 11 yi .is-srw ('"""'Kl Musi !Vyeifisinigrtett-ibere- was a mete'inpnctiosis among despots lo tread the he- rt of Poland out ; when he saw him betraying a nation of heroes into submis sion, and then transporting them to Sibe ria ; shaving olT the gray hairmrbkis with the blood of flu rope 'e saviours in Uieir Miim&n&RSiMb Wo men sparing neither' age nor sex, and (rusting the hand of aruthless. anil,lIerod like infiwiicide into ihe craJi of Polish and loavihg himUlf nothingjrfadd lo dam nation, ho would not cull him ' cu'tci-cant," the worJ was poor and ifKoameaurat wtth binftraayv.-ut.eciaLul VvWi.t Uoh art worse tlian words can givo .thoo out J" '.j. Sir Hubert Peel , deprecated tlie una of insulting language towards Ihe Lmperor, dstcuilmg to produce that, irritation which sooAcn led to war, betw(en states. He denied that those who used it had any right to cull" themselves advocates of the Poles I the Poles bad nercr. in the great est heatoi their strti'-aVj with Russia, in didjedinsucli Billingttto oratory. Sirlout ojfit; bt Us IurJt'ipy w tbc hole It ils-ii rotirlti l' hy suitrmtiui; the addi I ion-of a copy ..f ti. poh.i, Couititutioti lo I lie P'per rnoM'd f'TbHh as n; re. rrf.t Frn-whe-Hiirtitt nn4 A'nVt, - .A7mii7AJ Siilon lU-htt.k new fenifdy lr imprrrrment luis Uhii iIom pred by tho lrili irU. i rei-civti (lie iiec'Hiitt via ' AuhtrHiUr-lMil the tw art tjid Mt a Ls rtui'itu p lint, and untie and Im uliticiuay ctiaMo ouu to :rfv the lo ry if il should le il.ul.lf.!. Ilalilat in 11 r'l.iruiiiig liosp:f:ih!e plnrr. Its liaiittt is llssouati.-J Willi Hii'lV pleasing recollection, that'll im ver (,U to extort 1111.1I11 r glass fr-.m the h dile whjtli, lining hern ji'iged, was going to "p ms lli0 uiht in the c.:!ui.:l. Cut only siiv " II.illilx ami it is like "iten frH.;iim !' o-it ll.t-ithe cork, m. I down goas s LumjH'r to tin- ' he.ilili of nil gMl lium-s I r liiifj in the la-t chapter an adventure with on Irifh (Suuifiitii in, wb-iM enrgo my riht l.-fi'u,ih.! r.iot.ui roiiver te!t'll,f pr ifit.ililo u-hs t.i'liium lfaiid his coii.itiv. Another ofliiesu ves-w-ls li-id LiM.i ilUU-ot iu wilb . by wiwi tti'.iur cruiner., mii .. raiiiMiuidor of hi Ma- jesly S sliMiJt Ihe J.ll.lill!lllllg..lirjluu.li:. "IsiTiir,,!" lWui: thirty or IjiIv ht ui Jlt - l-r. l ins In up In own co:up.imeii, anu li:iJoer tli i surplus lo the admiral Short sighhtl iii..iluls wb nil an, and raptains of men i,f wur tiro 11 it i-euijil from hii iini, imperii iioii! II .w niiirii, also, drops Ix linfii the. cup imd the lip ! trailer two very reiiv lrili "iris ol'lhe Ix-tlef sort stf 4mr-rttitn ; iImv werw gtntij a jiniu iheir fritou at PlaJiiXtlpbu. . -Tiic lis 11 mi of the one Ju ly, mid of tits other Maria. " No sooner were tim poor !rih tneii infuniK d of their :hnng') ofdtiiu Uoll, thun they Si t up a bawl loud eUHUl'll riir-mnsn me sr.'iiy inoiisiers ul (iioovep SceH4liir dark es veins. I hey rent I lift btwrttfnfthf' kind hrnrtod girls ami when tie Uiormivli Jxus itf the mnle waif joined ami. cinuren, it would have nniieOr oneus nunseu turn Murnrnyn gas, " im, Miss Judy J Oht Miiw Matiul Would joij be so cruel as to sea us poor crenturs dragged lo a innn of war, and not (or to tluud anake ytorl-iuiM I-,-,A word In iH4tl(-H-) mMynir own pretiy rreHHfis, no doubt he wmild It-t ns off.'1 Tho young ladies,- thotigh"" doubt ing the' powers of Iheirowu l.isniiatuHi, rMoNel lo make the cipcriiwnt. Ko begging the Lieuten an ol the sloop 10 Kfyet ie.nt ft Damage on board to speak w ith the- eaittaiu, Hie y ad tied riTOnliroatterof Awry .tonhclf 'tfrtitU and ekippiid jiito the bout like a cofiple,f mouiiiam kids, caring neillicr for the et posura oi tueuswlves nor thetonwy !' Um salt watery whii h, ihoiigh it timk tho curls out onSt'Tr biiir, ad.k-d a lib mss ofttii-tf checks, which, pcrhap.s, ciaitributed in no nuitill degree to the success of Ihuir pro joci-- '- "' ' "-"S' 'tH'Wia.vwMJicihin ; in iha aigbt il pellicout al sea thai .iteerjaila ,lo jml a rtiiwn inlaaLg"i tmosMMf s ffvvtttl he fee rUihUvwuidrijtttawJTErQrjIOa'j 4 mr4 ilho-humrmog'Wnl,. Hnty wtm re ceived by the cuplaiu. Anil pray, youtig ladies, said he, what may Iibvq procured nm the honor of this visit. Il was to beg gjof 'your honor, sanl, Jiiily. i.:-1 . -;n .m i t.. . . r. - t -- liir 1 like the look f him. 1'l.itirn d by this litila jihot of . Maria's, she C'i;plain said that nothing ever gave him more pUHtmtrv llian to oUige. lhohuIic4 aud if tho favor they intended loa.sk was not ut lerly imtompatible with his duty, that be would grunt ;il Well, thcii, suid Judj, will your honor give me buck Pat l'lanna pan, that you have pressed jus! now T The Captain shook bis heath He's no sailor, your honor cut a.pojr bng trotter anu 5i will nover slo -vou aliv- fool. - The Caiitnin naaiu shfMik his head. Ask "me- M.;.:J-'..,.i..u - .rf-tti' t-.v.'ni"'..:..-;V" any- iiimgewB, num ue, - mjo i wm givu u to you. well, then, saiu iiiaria, give us .Hi-, come, I sluiid iihiii irifles- now a-duys ; I II give you a kiss, if you'll giv me Pat Flammgan. And I another, saidiMaria, for Kelim. fiJtA luiil 1i if:tii ill CKIJ ofbimi hw head ' turned like a do ynric in Tit InilooT wind rtirntltT T to be?in withitltiosl lble2iil hu pimir danced in hit yes, sild Die ludies saw at once that the day was, their own. Such is the power of Itoauty, that this lord of ho ocean was tain to strike to it. Judy Inula kiss on. .his right cheek f Ma ria matched Hon hisrell ; the eapiuni was the -happiest, of tnortalt. When wn, said he, yt'sj i Tiiiveyour wifi,"l."i1tn your It is sail ye are alier making ; sua do y mane, to take alf liiese pnaty ciaturs away 6thtr.maD..J am rt iotg.t' relate how nmiiy kisses these vely girls bestowed on this envied Cnptiiin. If auchf are Cap Iqins perrjiiisitos, wh.d wmild nut be a Captain ! Suffice to wy, they released the whole of their countrymen, and retur ned on hoard in triuumh. The Lord Chancellor used to gin, he'ijw.iys Imiulied" at the settlement of pirnnotiey J ss Incites were "eneralty 'kicked -nut of it, or kissed liaU Ul U I T "t 11' I - , m - .... - - ciHirse of Ins . legal praclKi, nevir saw a t apt am of a man o( war kiwi-Tout of for ly men by two pretlv Irish eirle. Aflr ihis, who Mould uot"sh'ou. "M Erin go brag'i !'t "prim liipsic (iaeiin stiil'rliat iliq opinion is guiiiiug gmud at Vienna llmt the Cholera is ciitisolt lelluiic, and crea ted by iifpluiic j pours which are formed in the earth, and lirl couiiiiiiuieated lo III') water, it wuwiii4 lo this, it irtsnid, that at Vieiiim iho Cholera first brol.n out in the t in, whim the wells and fountains urn il.-i ihir than in the suburb. In the wmne iiiiiiinrr the l.irt isarroimted for f hut tlm Cin(t:rii ofleu nflarki tnaity perms in one house, whilst m others il attains no Ixuly. Tho wilier uf the killer is in. I wit untied with the telluric miasma. In nm si (iii nee of this bypilhesis, many rs rin Irmk Ixtiled water, tliry consider this as a preservative Bgui'wl the disease. I'roni this upN.sition it i prolsiblw bus arisen the ienerul!y prevailing btdief anxHig the iKtopbt lliul ihe wells havo bf.CH poisotiiul. In won't pi n e the p ultry and pigmum drffi in frreatnumhrrs. A nHirishty lias hU Ihhti renmrkeil nmoii'i Ihn fish in sev erttf rtvers. N'miHTwi fttetv morroyr r, prtive that tlie Cholera folo- the fouric uf river, ami break out th icily in the nfuthlMirhood of wnter. There in certainly no end In the variou theories w hith the Choh ru senilis likely to engender il iniht h a grulificalim lo see any two of them assimilate sumi iij nil' VtltVLI.AH OF MK. HF.MVliF.li ro tors cojisrurrcjirs; or mt - TtiU CoHgrtuiowl liislrUt nf A. C. trashl'HfttOIl CtttJ, J"h 1 7, 132. rLL0w.tTiz.is : ........ tVjjroshssjust closfsl one of tlm long. fiM nl lahorifHii, slid iiionI lif.hlv pi. rtofwWsivmi,"nror Hat 1wt" tii'tif fir mnny years past, or that w ill prolmhly be hdil for inaiiy years to come. I prut.c to abmtt to you a brief review oTlhtriiiusl promiumit Miltjects which have engaged our atloiiiion. - -' ' ' -: k- - Bahrtrf" in tho Titasiiryon 1st . January. 1S3I, wua C(J,Ol 133 I k ruceipls into the Treau ry during the .ear 181, ' were frnt ctistonj or du. . , . lies on mipirt, . 21,221,411 1'rom'tho ofVlhe JIi-t-w tuids,"" "? . r" . . " . 8,?I0,15 IVmt divitlendsonbink st-tck, 490,001) From.iti'lemnityiiiid;.rthel)au. L isli treaty, and incidental ns ' ; Making ii sgorcgnle of ;I4,.MI,HIUI -Th ejtpenditurer fir tW year 131, VIE! j Civil list fortii-n "iiitcrcfairsp, ami rrscrllai!(.fflicr;v.' J"V-3JIC l.fUOJ i .'unary irrt'i",T'r"nnn7nirH, . pr-anrj internal improyeineiil l .0,0 13,239 Jj itiavai service, . luciuiiiug us graduul iuiproVeinent, - 3,.1H,HS Tne pibfic debt, . .18,171,374 .iiiiM ssirw inn s-mtii ft T I If 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rva - for tin. year 1931, ." . SOaMio And leaving in llio treasury on .: 1st January, 153 , -. - 1,502,914 r,.'., , .. 'the.vcuuc PBIIT. i 2. Z. Tlie public ilebl was, on 1st Jan- uary, "IflfTl, " 3(1,122,530 There was paid, during tho lust ' year, ..... .10,17-1,317 Ijfiaving the nmout of the pub. " , ..; liofkbt, on lstJau'y. 19J2, 2t,o22,500 Tho; inipnrtut"oriaofjhe. J.iKt year as well astlio sale's of the. puidlaiJauils, went much larger than had been anticipated. Lho.m:iiipUiutu.lh loi-e, uuusuullyiage, aiul uuyo euuuled ilia adniitusf fa'liou to uiscliarge a liiucli larger aipount of the public debt than had been expected. For tho snme reason, under tuu pruoent able manngenient of our limin res: aft shall lie nhN.u-iththe fpreintjaiul ticcrnwj rJtrticsotthi prct yirilprJis itdjfchargtrthir-wholr debt.---Thi "willTlaro our conhtry free from a tiAli'mul debt, and ought, thorefore, lo relieve the pdopl from an uimuul burthen (flaxes, of twelve mil. lions of dollars. ; This glorious event, so gratifying to every trui) patriot, hav lcen hsiked towith peculiar interest amj ansiety iiy"tIiopetfdffif ttOfimlTnd'by-tifw more so, than those whom I nWaddress. tfSTw31ifSI-"l1snh national jubilee, w hen the shackles thrown around our commerce, should be knockod .off; bn alaaoainipiwcJ upon ,tles.nejpr. pto should he reduced ; when Iha poor iiian7Kir wll asrthT.riiA,?hourd fmve cause-J lo rejoice ; when the farmer and the mer chant, as well tin tho mechanic, should leel his industry, and enterprise,, jftimnlated and encouraged by ou increase, in the price ot the products of his labor, and a decrease Id tbe pnecof hd ncoossafics and coiiveuiences ot Jile; atitr wtiwi um versa! 'peace and pro"peritytmili js'r va-le our border. That period liaa nr-1 rived. Tkewnioml4tUmnfnbtem. ilJcrrJ 0i fxiil of.' And lot iu,aii( whrtljrr llm lyo'isblo b"Pf' Bn'' ' w fulions of ihn s6pb'i liave l-t"i frair.Ui"" " whetln-r emigres hare relieved lJi A'CmI .... ui-TTor'tTw jijiWnroW"tfifsw;lMirtheiV- "'T ' " wlnrn'jjnre'v-aa wrll as i'h jHf U Hmt J.,: : fiee instilotions Jiimaiideil at tur bambjl -On tho contrury, we have ubii.jt!ej lo s , arrniigemfuil of U iJirill, by which tbtf . -heavy taxes heretofore imposed Upon, tbf ' mTio...iirirts of lif", and upon the jre' Issly of Ihe (stople are to br corllinvJ- ear,to lieperiwlttalml; Si by wiieli,tbe ss nlo of the south are lo bo MiDresst! sJ ' ' ijrrwtid to tl.o du, I K-ttr ftre"er,t.) protarf V ' enrich Ihe espilKltls, and nmuuhicturfM of mow fiiore.l refimis. .This brings o , . " ... .1 . i.. - .! r - ' t 17 ino toiisiaLTjiii r( m r TBI fitirtt. S, x ' Muehof our time and aftr'tition iSaWii given to this great anl interesting Wibjfrlc It is known lhat "tnosl ff Hi revpiiin t rnmed (or Mis sutHi- ol tho 1 cdeml Lo. ernment, isderivml from laxes Inul up ' . . iroods iuiMirted from foreign COU'itrifV . . ' 'Hiese duties enhance the price of sitrh . gtstds, ami ultimntely fell wi thrswi-wiVi . ciMimiiiHi lliem. Tho TariJfis, tliercfire,.:, system rf indtrsTtlsxafliri.lt tins" lav; come sytein f heavy taiutionillut.a .' ; a svstniiiftf Utialion nmroly.-tii people, f ; in no portion ol I lie Union, haye ever coin. . plaiiw'd. Of the heavy borthena laid up. on us, to supply (be necessary wants it the eovimuwmt, ws do noCeompUiii. ft is the heavy burthens laid upon, us HtS lint1' upsirt 4 -ioflhi- insisifucOaes...xii'.- -w Inch we have alwayi complained, and allien- ! koow- w shall 4vMr , t.-v . Coii4aiit.aa louaas ai'ula auaik hi )ibt eiiy warms our boftoinw. A ' nioflorattf revenue duty Tuid uiwnitlieT tVeign srticlp,i necrnnly piihanees tli price of I ho do- ' mest e a rt ic bt, pree we'i ?' !?!! 4l" ref, nml to iha same siiHsant, that il d.1 llio Pm'ign aili' U. W sot aidythcra fnr prtV' thit duty fo'r revenue "upon " ftrigii article, but we necessarily iy (ha wme. fljunyf. imy tut .u-nUtrtiu, .tipuu. the sToiisnii article. A revenue July, i theroforo bwcwr snetlerate, mut aflord . S- fiasoualilc. prutcUiuu to the. .mimuCirv lure of tlip ai.ut.try. - Of this .inrideut.il ; protection, we da nut coiiii..io, while I' dms laid Htft rVMiiiiO m.ii.Jvr If l' j-mtTtniiVtrwrrs fltnrHrr inHer if, w rejr-n til. In' the party history (I our poveru tiKtil, lUei duties wera tuoderaty; ss.-l.?. ejeeeding t J percent., and always fii; !,. er upon the luxuries of life than u;on tlis neep-jsarirs nf life ; becaitstr; thi. fon(v r . ?f,?H!f.l',HB!nerttbjt;t orui'Siitml), T.jftocb taoiJtinund to. be ibt put :L 'rI.?r,,"?wIr''V'btl"ntil iHlwiica ihn nation ha3 ju t enu-rgod from a slion I'ul sapewive ssi twwwitftwrrr the laureU of victory but hnW wiut hoavy iiatioijaj delirTo tlisChar thi debt, became aCouce uu olject of dmj) Soljcirutle. iTJlli abtipalrjuiji - of llmt vv- -They therefore increased the duties to an avera'tf about VI3 pes Stul. with a ro. vwlon tlmfit the.jauLsiftbrsw'csfH, thi-y " ttTint.Pbii K!ncet -bill ' al i 1 1 n mt i mm i ! , V-' hrghct-jBulics Vpoa: the -luxuries oi lit'ul ivt les, iHiwcvor, than,thrsj' years, -th imuiulactMring interest becahie too stroitg -firlhe ugricullurul; and, jnitetid of di.ii iuishuig tho: Us, as' the nulitsml dcl-t diniiuiooed, they have ltierrQecd the to- Ami now that it is paid off. and it has the revenue ui.jke country bow ins... it beca done f .JJy continuing, aiid, in aoma iinanees, incrunsing the iire.s.ia hihui.d oppressive duties lipon tho neceasario.s n ' lite, and remove altogether Ihe taxes 1'roui ... Iha luxuries of lift?, and such as does not ' conio iu competition with .their luanufuc- lures. tVhilo tho ta npou salt has been conl inued jt 1 Oft ' jter cent., that . p o grties;fig3,;xaibiii3, macaronis," and neb J -'I'M'iyMJWJiieil nltogotlior - S lull.' tho duty upon mur and inolnssen ItaeJ' bocn continued at lp por cent., thnt .ttnotf iTfl)iief .tca,aiWIltwe4i4ntytwPtf - - ...-. . 1". f a 1 . ' " ir.Jwmoyeaj..', AM.bila...aars . woolluo and cotton g o , and Iron' hum been contii.uod at f.oiii-40 to 100 per conf., silka aiid wines, u ail d sci iptions, are ad ....... t. C f - . ' r. . miueu nt-iiirv iree oi iiuiy, ouch a v. bsjxsry rc.y?r;,c x?lltliataJoLid-i,w.- tlw tniniortal Vshincon;;:arHl his rr-mt-1 - compeers, who achieved eur liberties, uuj -laid the foundation rf our goverament. 1 l, mompts from tasatkm such articles as n.o -consumed by the wealthy and luxurious, while it lays ueavy ami oppressive bur, Ihens upon the necmaries of life, and sm h as are consumed by the poor and middli aho.ca,of. aociety and.. tUaiasiane,..- tn raiso a revenue, nut avowedly to nro. tectther wcalthjr'-niiuiulact'urers f rtlro x totally incensibtent with the eternal prim i. pies tu justice, ami me spiril ot a rert r government : and if I Imd twd alone, a 1 , certain thai it' was W be the lunt tHilit!.-. .1 act iifniy ifei abould havo gloried iu fti- corotng my vote Bgamst it. t ; f . Siich v modification is tho very r.4Uy- of the friendgjof t!m "American System, more properly calbtd the Chinese ij sti m. It basjong ls;en their object to throw tho whole btrrihrit tif taxation upon guchartUT. cles frwii abroad as como into cotnpetitaon 1 with their manuCietures, whi h are tin ro. foro called tho " protected armies ? whiie 0 J :mmm i