Western Carolinian. ritr jcari'ia eat mam. :7V a, ma:. (?;. PRKMttr.ST, J F TkNr..:il. , 4" rillLIP P. BAHDOUll " or Vlttcm. , M a Indebted 10 Hi ,e-itcnree of WK y TTrt; f T -.err r4't J peTttfutaTt of ;i rh-rt'ronjn ermv Q'wntf.f .' ." til. a,X iy uiii t-a,,. Wade -r ni Iviih f. H-ntt , P -T"in, rn, uutni, , w nitaerr IM, 1 4.A 1'jKiam, 48 The bring ( ci''1! "f 'he Hrriff wet give . i,i p.'., mking 'J". T1' fwe f"'l'MHi, V vr w'iin one of helng tied Utt yes'. ' HKt'if MtiKn VV. Sell. 5(17, J fW.T. if . rtt" ftnt'tmrn hemg iM Th t'umty Cjurl, of euuee, mutt dec'.) the eua lr. 1 nrre-nH a. errnn r th clnerat "i"r. -rti.fi tf i'niil in any county in Ibw State, or tl.cwbere. Tlir ELECT ilY.t A wi a 'I ili rrtgrne ar meeive.l, we a i!t prraenl I" on' "ad e-rrnn ''' f I1 eemee (,f M llie'iarmhere Wl, from each ermntv in the i. vVeaee'hei there ar a great nuirbe vf new mnht. which i the eee evrrv vear, It'H hio in office U out of the princlplci ol our giiicrntnrnt. V iiwi'l.a'a" Imp the poverfiit iiifliirw nf I tlmVi in Kentucky, the Jutkn cnn.lieW (nr tlir cifll . of (livernor, it elrr'el. All the ff'mnt !wic nM yet Seen received, hut llif re riTia m no doubt of the turce.t of Mr. Oretlli i'l. Thit rivet t stronger a-vumre tint in No, yrmh-r, the Stale will go for Jatlrnn tgainat Tlirrlerliift, iu Alraki. art jt aver, n,1 thr rriii i fr at rrcf ird, ahow that not . im JWiJ" m kaa claoidl. TK teite inrnt In Alaham aptiniT rtdf r rem uf plunder, li (rrp and atron(. In Oaoann, there aeft to be a general fitmti ff the fieon? iri'irt t!ie tvireti." Crrat meetinpt hav brn heU in many of the rouniira, and nihf trt im'xU (rllinf up, ahen lT igamai tfie TanlT lit Thit fat M it ihnuH be i for, if the Mf t d,0 nt riiie thtir voiera, - in vaittmtT aar MeihHen of Cnngrcaa rrmon. ' ftnte.falt, pWtJ tad be t The tmrif ma. ... Jn'f nueh at tbem, aad MV.vhy daa make . JOJntiak font jiattf MelMnit teeia tnka tat. iiflr4 iltll the TairniJ.-nl"i "ofi(r' they ' ,thirk tU nont -r tttufied, Jong will wy kep tho ta on t , , ; CUTTjn .ttETt.YO ' . T'rmal notice, hat! 3ce-KiB-.l'1 .iettral. r::.rck in the TattkU IrCatawn Journal," Uial CUj mrrtimr, wvnfi be held in ihia place , on Tueaday of August Court i but when Tue. day came, no ineetinjjjlooklaqe 5tU were the Clay men fronr everu pert of the County, (nut verr manv to: be aure.) waiting fo thn llx-ir (i-al favor of lluir favorite, and of the Tariff, but tbey had tp go home without doing ta. Nar, wu any cxplanalioa Riven why the ', mret'rg did not Uke place. That teemed ta ' e a TBtratery- known ony to a few.- It wit low.er.er. rnpected that thett wtt tome good . reaton fur il, and that, it wot'4 ahow ittcK be fore the week wat out, Accordingly, the efia now epf-treat, and tlt-4ok aeltetne is la;d npm. The Clay men, fining that thty woulJ cut rather Mull (ipiire, aimplr at Clug men, hoped by cnint; cut .VufifieolUn, end Jt:Uin,n to entrap lUe people into their chemf. JJut btfnre now. and tltey know, that thete Cray . TarWTtrtj (open, and dicguiaed) Tike the boy . . in the rhtf , are rather loo muiU given to ra'ia. In? (Ue alarmt, to be alfttyt beliered. Tte artieme, it too ahallow. Tnrte men, attended the .luti-Tarif Jacbnn mretina; held in the Court ilouae on Thunday v f Court, with a pre-concerted plan to break " it up if lley ccmlJ, anJ in Caae they could not, tlieo by lBK Tfeechet to.keep it until in the niRiit, with the hope i tut the people would get i:jS4fcAAiLft.Cbt ia tlwi. dof-toHewe,-tliey were defeated l their own violence, open-' theeyee of ihe people, -mml thefrvemeii of R-'wtn, gave them a moat glqnoui defeat. What next Now omra the' neft maneuver ivh; in catl a mting of off penttu in favor f ' cdiic! rtff the Tariff and ejaint " MM sea. rinrtrd iliwiiitn jM and the paper containing 'M notice it ilgncd 5y every icadiog Cay man -tinhe cotifcy; and bn Tew otheis : who; eiYhef (n account of iackaoa't veiaoa Me banV, have Woma lisafTeted tejhe old Patriot, or, who f'om torn nth-r ue have joined them lei vet Ja the tt,,g and Tar'f. party. Ta f , in Evour of a rtluclien of the . Tariff I ( Really when did they become converted, we oiM name men on. that itt, who are .?hole 'g Tirilf.!). fi "who, hiKi' that t, Sa'iint, int, and bthr lut i'iet, aid 5n" :et!etheb4rd.'riaof the Smk aboul 1 mil If, they rel!y, are in uvor of a J m PnjMilhtf Jl to breaUnp ..a-raeea wlktta ttlt anJ viobJct wato get P memorial! t0 Confreea, H in plain, manly, but 'wtctfal lahgiiag.e,'' petitionief Congreaato iiethe dutistV The anawer ia clear -if rey! a iStiTni a'l, it U aucta onala w ' wMe.-'.-.frfaawntee4 for, that.w , -for reducii-xi f the dutiet en liOe, e mml!, and in tU oilier Uinrt nf l,f eaed the ricS , while 04 4r., , ,w;, mrlat ""' rariM. WW Kwdn rJt " " lie mrtnt4nt of h($ -net at art ",J kf P?ttf:a ra!ly, they wUh nut, they Hn invlteall tp..J to NB!I (I. raiioe ami DiauBwe," i0 et l-flcally, a 1 1. ' a I. a a. ..M. rj anaiww an.Uae !-toe mah to, te lake the iwkwa aan la with. If ihev had i".!;'."! "I 'b' lertd-ieing the taiea, it wohm have Co mt nrartr the anaik. With what ert ofa f.v, eae'eny man who 'apt. it truth, ac cuae tU meeilnc, heM oa Thure.Lv i.l ll.mrt. with bring it rtvnrW "Net. I fl-f ioa vr Oit.ihioa r XV u it hi Mr I'rS u lreat f-Nn, Far be capreaalr pronmineed " f)Ahen ma.U, rre amtjMrt-t il " ,.a r.w,"'VMta4.JBR'at.Jiaefia I ot ( it nt ibcm, fur tbM fwoUi'ioM Wv rr"aw' ainrWt;i (J ,;r,aa, aaVinr f.,f " -pminiioa end Ji.fiinion." to vttwt XZtfitflti liti rTTiTTn our !iV reatT 0 then U Ued, we hive breome a miteiable af o,,(e. The r"Ural Canatitutioa HtrH and our hill of rljhu, hii'b drrtir that the people anaJI have Ihe right to ecnihle tojelh. er ta eunaull o' (.uhiie aT.irs and rtrtrjai luf reitreater C'levaaecat but ahrn the atopl f Kowan, Meet ntrtfltr t etftite th'w tif,;. lege, achemre are ftwrned to I rut an.! ler IhiaTai'a, tin a to dt uour.ee iben ai w mitt the tVn. . Will ihe fricn ft of friial ;.i.t il,. ...I fricnda of Ihe I'-wn, a ill the Jekwn party, be lap.ifrM up.m by ttieh ahall it aHifi :ea ilietr "iy m Tun V.. t to cjII a meeting Ivr rrJum.f lit Tanfl !-Vlal alaU weaistbaar off The Cirrelar ..f Mr. Rcnchcr.wy be l..dt thla wek fie'ier, and we ref..mmeni it to the attentive ptrutil of h a contthurnte anj te M olhert. Il it a moti eicellent a.Mrrtt, triltef lib perapicuit), andg oit aiib the tpirit ol patriot urn. Mr. Ittnchcr ehoma nj-wt eonehiaively that Ihe people of Ibe V. Slaltt pay a Iraat CO mil. liont of dnllart to erwrrl the manuracture. nfihe North f No wou lrr theae monopo'irt fi ', , n wonder Ihe 8 uth it Jtchnir f - It ta a fact;- thit every member' of CongveM from Worth Cwolina, ( well at from the other Soatbern Sta rt eiept l.ouiiiana.) ia decideiUy tftirnt the . Tariff ayatem, ai4 iait oa i rfi rhictton y anJTetTTiere io North Carolina, in Ihe midat of ail the auflerinn of the South. we Bnd a narv who with to aee the bnrderj ootiooH on thepeordej who wiah to tee taiet on tma collected out of '.he pockett of the people of Narth Carolina, to be cliatrihyted at bountiet to the rich mamifeuri g jb5IaJ UnlarHl stalrt. ' Nor, are they content nuictlv te entertain theae prinetpteii bet when the people meet in peaceable aatembly ta tiWMCongreaa te twaVe the ta.it, thete men etub-regeiber lor the pur. poae", of.duturbtlng their aelibevetvawa, ibd breaking up "(be meeting and, thca"hieper abniand laugh at the diaordrrtbey eccaaioaed amrti.g Ihe Jackson, AntUTariff men 1 Bot,-the people mil undcraUwl ell b.ete thlngt after a while. Recent teeonnie from Rurnpe, rook e little like war. . The Cholera, bat broken out in Peril wprtt. than ever. On. i Hun afJ.iV there were no leet thin VOJ rwi'ufc ""The Kirtftir Spain, wat aaid to be aerioutly inditpoaed, in consequence of which live whole court wat ia great alarm. If be had died 30 yeare agn, it would have a blearing t) mankind, and to poor hpaia ia particular. -" ", "' A violent lMiirrectton bid broken out in Davaria, aad the fepolt "of Auftrk, Ttuwa, PfMtMa kfit h b raid have fjrmed a kague te put down liitra! priMcifik ia Europe. . ...: TBK .VW.1.V r,t The Indian war may be aaid to be at an end. Blaek-llawk't army hit been broken up, --kill. ed, and captured. Tntxaovs Before the recent raJne net id, Ihe. proapeet of cropa In thit part oflhe?miry yrttditcour ap'mg beyond all former eimplet. The alarm became genera) that there would bi an entire failure of the corn crop tod to great Wat the alarm for a time, you could not buy a buahel of corn at scarcely any price. But now, bow changed it the protpect : The raint came the com took a new Mart, and now we have the promiee of a mast abundant crop. That it may be truly aaid . ' In danger'a dark extremity "" MI l5rK3drri7ronf TCcawiTTITEr -rGOM UUSICATION'S. roe rns wciTaaa CAauLiaua. Silt. Crif2r, In the latt "Cerorma Watshmaa" I ob nre a perverted and mott ndieul'iu report af I lit paiieeailinea af Ihe Antt'Tarilf meeting of the 23rd. The EUitor-bt made an e'lemjii arridToiiTeV'erico'irageJ i which Eillowrd tome timiUr tttempii of hit on lh day of the meetiog. Mr. Jonet nn- able to tuv.ain himtelfby argument in bit de fence of the Tariff, betook lii.nielf to anecdote, he told eeeeral without being able Io. move tlie gravity of the hiniae i hie latt however we mutt io candour eav, Wattacce.'ded bye general roar of laughter ; but we think it illiberal in Mr. J. to arrogate to himtef th entire eredituf ar.u vin the meetin?. When in our nriinion at leaal SOe nun mmjl l atinuulcil to the oprrrtune i unuiinci nf . .i.i:.l.i-r.. it.. ,nm i Ml a i.-a'ier . Temperantt SanXy, The " Watchman" amongtt other ibinge it very careful that the pubfte thould know that te played rather a cmpieuouv part wn that riy m Da pub- are pleat- Li w Me that there U litiit'danger o of the yen. tlemant nwdetty keeping hint ia lha-hade4tj- it i rroubleatMjic virtue to an Editor.' , We could, however, have borne with the gen- llemana Cfotiem, and even the many. Bruit, tli'mtra be baa aaid would have been tolerable, bad be have eoufloed Umtelf to the truth, and giveQ a plain intelligible hatory of the meeting. tV'hv did be not do tbie? Obviout'v in mr opinion, becaute, be knew that an ruteltigenti end unprejudiced commumtv mutt frown upon t& attrmpti tiMit wet j made b,v hixtelf atd hk eo a Ij tfa ta let! iht porvMri nf a l e mrtunf talUd k a an l tap-eiahle wi'W'w r of il.t e. iie of K . aiMl. he inea. ''?' f. by an etcriioa af h 7 ""cwe.ie U 'rrt Ike oteervMMri at ht ri. UrarVo, i tblee.raeartafce, ao ditcrtd.l.'.le la i n iw ait bariv. ill I., m - . . " ,r ' a )ctm ajta eM waanj f th 'in at he Mil he . wnf d. l he aat ailtnd the rat awelin,. o, 4 k J-( f 9tt ie thit le h., ami ta aty bw..lV. rrptiii, ia (4 Inta the C. IIuum 1 ,,".' h bare d..e be Wotita in aU p-a'Vihiy have been ehaaen en 'IK, t1' acepie4 af the appoint"' Bh eetreme rvlucie) end have a. I at np, porttiniiy of t lWmu g ii, p,,, of Ruaa wi'hout going nw la any riot to daedr. rvs i..e o .1 aot a.i ,H parnwe lie maa hold ..,. If el.mfyet,ah4e. k lathe in'r'lti. get la.it tla imrteMioa tU earaia ia.lividneh) waaiMawfyTlir4t4a4iir,n.a.iua P'Vf r . J.'fJu4keu.Ul.aWJe.ofih. (.te.TinJ lt'vrnt' itrr ,,,(4,,,. , 51''?ajjreeedad ataMkaMiu a, m''!'14,'f'rl', rxt erttt al l HUrfWiKlonra i.i Ik. c...,. mJ u... ... WwwiHrnta a 1 e'aWi'wh wTh.U t oiia' e rtue in llt fIM Uml. p. ft in hi. m ohj8tH,heerr.ra hiatrtrne aiill f.inheN e- Wce to tm'xrru the r.mr.t .M f il.. ..... 5T ptH.ng a I'nng of r-luiiie denize em a.iUn.aiio., aa prrl.Jj t4 M-, r.t'.ert .ot tl.e 1. Tk wat a Up.iv hlra, and if a'lfihat. mi!.l L.ta .A.m..! a.. hie ered.1 an Mr. J't lavantiia, but bv rvfrmite oUmi pfo.eer'.lngt f wenlng U A hwa. ufart wi'lorrtalh.ll....K.nl.,l I k air. J-.-. Wht, M lw aeeUiv of hit airti noll.r.ra i..n revlmiaf , iKrre anr 'hio U Iho rr,-inPl,aaTa irH of ihn Car.J,a fa'rety ai he wo-iU rail k. I. il,.re a wan i"Sal;.'m. ;,n,,,TOn,,ilop, t hla. ll e autl flerf ht)-, F.4-re w-Hftrrf He nr.-. Uitliecmltknr.henxaliL.'inrlt. in hit adJmM U at if tvery mat. o.nar. ehUi U N.th Ca4llla were la a uU.i.. lie would V no. IVn Wine- ihe ea. are oblird to tiy. 'hat bit r4..iia erw eatirvly aeUrd tor aod afteianaahle. and llw ad m Mr a of 'hem wwj' J lave heea an ad-tueue that null. final I. in tlG tJli na-roTw T'tit.ne eere oT Mr J .W rn . luct throughout tl,k ,a. h. that he it a T.r ft ile. U knew thai tba4aM e air nfnp. prtaUm, avu'.d be aUr eaanuned ard rvt. nl-lie te the tlTrot it awut l.ee anon the mimk nf the people ahea pmpV,!, nmlrteto!. and viewed in itt eated deform iv 1 and e frieod la Ihe mvem, be bent hit whale pa.'ei to prevent Ua tUmiraiimi. Every prvnn he hear J Mr. J't rpterh. mut be continced, thai he Ua thorough-paced Tariff man, ami for the i.rt irmaWon of ihote who did not bear him, I wil tay.'hal evrry irmiarnt advanerd hv him. I eea prmtww mni th rfeparl of a Tariff com. muite. uua uue hlKmWvtwt ear that r .ir.fiiu 10 ,n. Thrill a fnead to a airre hat it rr-luding-ax a eatal vwwt- igt--oU we aiaaiM kaw i ua j je ruiu-ira. I aiwa pteee ia Haiwmyt paper t!gneJ by Deputy ther'.ff," i mn A. Memory about Mr. Fithera' epcech, and about pouring oil aa the prnplt of Sou'b CniRna. Now I heard erwAtrr very nUin, that the Deputy either knoaa no thing a Boat the matter, or la trjlnfpo ta'ae. atH. What Mr. r.ther aaid. eat that If the people of North Caro'i-va would attodfor ward am! prearnt d'zmSd. but reipeotrtjLaia. aMrwVieJCoapMattiWar -awet, at flaw, it ould not only have greet weigh.! with that body, but it migM . Ckt ail pour J . en tire avee, hava a leadeaey to calm the agHatiom further Sown in Sju'b Caroliaa, ia Georgia, and ia Alabama Bill the Deputy fancied that ibia idae abowt trl wat ffuIT.fiie'ioo 'and Die- tin'or,' truly be baa amoiAtroiia Jear of.". h.t'itUn " and well he may. Lit the . people "XuUtd' hire'in atyle at the - lant ehyejjoit, The tort of "Nu'Iificaiioa the people gtv him at the polei, ia the anlv tort iha J.n aun i in K.aan are it) favor of, and yet Ihe Cfuy-Tnfi men wouM a ib to make m bslieveottujaUc, but the people know them, and tome of oe know the. Ucpui, . . .... HO MAS' T0OJL . tflutctioai (n art'thmrtfr. - . By Sckawt Jalaetee JW bie papilat but any peraor. may work the auma.thit can, and all who arc alilUJ in Source ae rcjjueWd ta work tltentt. The revenue of ihe Onrernment raited by taxea cut of the pockcta of the people ia SS miV tioaijtuaulkrv-ajinuatli: ae-thcranbuuttt. but i qiiIv, requirt about 10 nuUiow of lhitu aup. port Oovernmetit, eliicb ol covrve. rravet a turphit of 18 aailliont of dollart every year. QvCeTioa. How many (our borte waggonet each loaded with tftrcv UmtanJ wrifhl uf hard dorian will it Uke to haul the whole 18 million from th Suik le rtt XnA every lxern dollart, will weiph one pound t QctsTica. How long would it take David I Caklwcn, II. C. Joaea, and Saml, SiUimen, (the tradera of the Tatiff party la Salisbutj) to count theae IS million! if plated bvfot a Ihcm iu 1rtitftto1iaTrr-& and how long, would it take BamL KiL'iman ra eaunt ibe.bo! ( $naUavkVaopte(I) by blmteifj QeatTie. If tttae 18 mijliont" of dollart were laid touching each other in a airtight line, bow many milca would I hey enetd t Vale iy lA Eiiiff. Some acbular will pleate ftirniah theartyrerv ff B',mif j!tr. ,', ' ' ""'""TWek'.'fr'Imi the Weir.. ;"7 ... The Editora of the New York J mmaiof Com merce have been farorcd witb the following i x trad of a letter, dated ....;.pfJ;mt-i(,irjt touit, Ang.-v. "Thetlea-nboet tVarrior, Captain Thrork- mniiori, arrived thit maming (Aug, 9.) at St. ouia, and reports that on Iter wy from St. Peter'l ! rtiiie da Chiea, arilb eiatnea -4; .';- troopaaivl one officer on boonl, he enso imer- e " "ie 01 " u.ec iu a aaiaaa crow uiig tba MUgNainaw.jiai.jaj The Warrior, on coming un with them, imme diately " ran Int. tod run down' aeeernl of their rafla. and drowned, ttiot, and took privm- et; about tler rnmlred IrUiant. ' tJeneralt Dodge and Henry came op i amediately to whom the Vrrioe rave eo her friaone-e. ' s Maakiro, ki. tu county, a TtHUMwy the 17th ma', by Jease W. Ualtoa, Eq. Mr. Jobs Eetcbie to ai'ua Ann) Cauble, , DIED, In thi Town, on Saturdar tbit 25tS nit." Mr. TAMlH.b. U.i.VPTti., i tbc34adyeerl La age.- M-il, M, 0.1 f ,50 w 9.00 4.1 - ;Jd ta so . 9,1. It I 4io a . . il , a . 51 a. in ,V le 10 lata Vt If Sugar -' Uad ftiHtih CaroGaa money dlrrmint 8 lt HI I io li , ClItUAW Aug. SJ, IHU I enfr, frar-"fat. . S3 r'r" : ai Jga ir- IB. 14 A . - kl l ft IS 3f I J 4d f 1 10 5J JJ ( oioe C'ira c-e foo (fn M 1 atari b.b. m. Wig.) bll. --., 'U (in bit k) . b.-N. igar : H'hiakrW ' rl. Wheal -twin. FAVETir.VIM.K, Brtnlr. rpe per gtl, - U I'eacli, -nnta Aoa. 40 ta it TJa Jo W) r.J..lj gt. jr 70 la fJ 4 .0 ie $ T ia9 134 la U 30 ta M W Ki oo 7 -yVl dm Cn:in, Fuftjr lk'At 4 new. Vt lWw aaa Ruv7orbn uilVr V.i'at P.te.d bt -mrf 'PIIK Ua ea over the SALISBURY -TUtt Kr i frt u iice on" ibi e . 1 T urn inttt.y to is itrernher -t, anj 00tioud,hrc dya. . First Jav, eavjaul Uetar pufae Svt ond div, IWJ mile bU. puree ft I? J Third day, Handy Cp Puree, ihret ixai 10 b vc, lor tnetntrance mooev oune preteoniff juya. dee lor anv hrrac. T He guveraed by tb rule oliUe nieer.;Urk;t Cotirse. 9A7 PIIK undrraigncd having rt:stab M. f. l lao irt r nancu nimacii in ma lurmrr line of baiaeat( with cyuteoWa and ep? J( U.gtarae tWliiw rmH.if1air pf Mm. chandiie and 1'ioduce, flera his act. vicra 10 the PuUic, Factor aoJ For a aa. traruiDg Ageut. Jlia.rxieeutee eur rcaondeLce in all the Jluropean and Amtrican Markets. . sad i'nrj eincn weotal cqae.iotance with the Trade" o( F'tievi!lc:prticulwly.:,w4tb. the jCottua Tf ade,alLrd advantage which beJBattcri btfliseJLftilli Iwht-lTunitetl to strict atteiition, tcrure tJ hi in a lemuiittlt p.iH..n nf buaineee ; TPr ciallv the commaodtof hie old friend- aa T cui'o VrV,.'-.--i- 44 1 1 1 f DUNClSfTnOMPO" - book t if Ivn sine hmifGffi?e nre iparticulurln Mutter' large Diction aru anii the 2, vol. pfMurpnu t ff jwiis. In which btmk it mitten thr name of A. R. Rujfia Ftn. ' AuRiist aTTrJTi; Di7. Jl. BLUtfEXAU TV jTOST Respectfully informs, hia IV J. friends and the putUi!rr'ei:aliy that he has -removed his Olfi e to LEXINOTCKN. C. ber ht has recommenced the practice of triCBl. -aJJlt may u ull at th a.i f. 2Jear.avlI.ftQ.t.y,2t. ilmita ,...,..;... . 3t40 Pii. DH- .IStiaULSMITlL- IN j letter . received by J, frienif." rt iitfl L fjrla ii7 ?-f f ' wm--ajawaaj..-.. -mr-Mtatva.V rt Hrnilh v iueata- tnat tita reaneets- be presented to bis former psirons, :ahd the ciliZena of Rowan io geneul, and to iof.rm. them that, he expects . to reach home in ' time trestyne hia practice of Medicine, by-ThXTirit o -ill. ftcctipy : hislTOOfft pa.-MaLp Fhreet near the btore ol Mcsars. nrcireirri9 rawK tJ3 V PtMmfot Divorce. zzaitHxaiitU:) fmVlf- defendwt W 11X1 AM HEtL wilt fake JV wtie that the Uepueiiion of DaMKI. WHITE wittV Taken on ltlight6 day, of Sep. Mrmbee rei'. at ZicharUh tteed's Store, t'nton Dnlrtct, State of Sontb Carohoa, to be had ad . . ...i.-ir .j v.i s t..4 avioeaca oa km w,. m -.w.f.r .ut above mentioned ee. and thaton Saturday, ihe hAeenlh dvo SerKambee neat, the oen eiiioiti of Hannah Arnold and oUiOa wiH be U-T, ken at the fiouee ol iaaae Jackton, in the ' iy af Kandolph, ritate of North Carolina, to ttj bad at evidence on wetiaii at u.c rwutioneMDv the trial el the aocve eaure.' 34g$ SUJfDl'DV ' rmtmi In it J . . . ' flt. ccta (era ota . - . ure Cffee" -Rait " 7 " ' " T " ' Iran - M imnri 1 1 , ' 1 "rwe Tallaw rbme llrudy -Wbitkey' Kaile ' . LA 11 i J If a. lilW OO US.- 4 now receiving auj ujiculog a general d m. aurvonmcnl of , SMtXCi y SUMMER GOODS eh-rird with graal.eare from Ihe maiktte af mew Tor and Philadelphia of the Mt Impar .a ioiia. Tneir ejorh torho)t. in part or Siioerfine U'ireand Dlark tlotha Ihi, llroaq t. Brown otlvt d'l, , thl. iaViailila iirrtm iln. I'aney Cawimeiee, Saltinrtta k blark lavtingt, 'nw a r-a., BroctH-iM aiwt circattiaat, llraan dn't-. Mited Ernunrtte. . -Veil JW .Vanbera and Horn eheckC bleak an aiiaiure, I) rata linen. Z mttlai'tta, Urrmaa ttjxl.h fjieae, JJl' hte an. towel .luprr, tfe. mi t. k.i t..isn h nn: rf or Mrwillrv, tn.1 Velevit Vralingt, a um tr r.tmt rr or r.ivcr f riiita, fmelHae and Medina, Th ainra, Blrartird and llron, blira'ing and hirtlue, . ': F tmiiure it. mil y ami Cotlea (iingee,- Blark " Italian " Bilk,". V " neeru hew U aarainel iln. IMoe blark tilh eambleta, -I nt. grede Nailra, ' MiUna and da Romania Cant, fnngee, Big end bandana llamUtrcbk.fi, ' Crimea Pongee do. ' rFncy tiauaeaaj Crape 7 do. ' " Iwara. a. Ik tahin. ami rich figurci! Vttllngv, Slk and cotton I loaiery, i ,J VHF.Xr VJHlKTT f HICtt fancy bonnet, beh aad tap ribbona, R.ik aprona, ' Uiiea eambrie btmikerebUfi, lane, Uc Diamuiid Htrtw Uoiiuata, p.ilieh diy di. "Belgian di. do,'Tftm leaf hate, eghora boanela, fur awl wool ila, - - -- 4iMK.tr r.iMKtror '"-'' liln and (iret k Svhoul Books H'lart, Morocco k ilia, . . . . 1 1 aril aar aad Culltry. Wtm ad Ci-krry.are, Ux tfe, A CMKHII. AHSOHIMKXTOr nrpBiert Ta.Ua, eonaiating of every arti cl nude Uf af by C'erpcaitre u Ibia part of the Country, SaJler a Tri nminge, Plated, tiraaa Jtppan, and Piince't mettle, tUrueat mountiog, coach fringe and lace, A good artnrt meat of tiroer rice, iff. Ut. U.f whieh. tbey art Htetevmtiifd to aet at low etgoode can be bail in thit part of ihe enrmrry - -ParetiaatrrwUI dj well U call aad tea urn Aiuck baJ bear phece before tbey TL L L are iriieful to the PutLTTdr ilMtrvery liberal patronage htretofore, tn.l hope bvatriet attention to builnraa. and aril ing gofdt cbrau, to nuiht a oontinuanee of Ibt tame. ltf SVy. Afirll itk 1 311 T! jbscrtber has declined re i)ifC. SptriiUoui, Liquor a. . hI ail, thi rclore. whu are ' indebted to him, are requested to nwks payment by the Imtf.of October 'thout fuf-. ia..w, -,.. q tre U. All thoae who L ti com ply . with tins notice nay' elnect to compty witn ine law, :. .., , 3i4A : SIMUKL FRALEY. . ia j k l v a u us wussr rpnc eubsciU ifr br tespccU L VP - .Dl f illv Iniorma ihe V j " I V Ifihabitaois ol Ro- f; I StKwaiaodwing xlJ j. CouutieSf thatht inakinir ouaii ffbtiatness-to all its va. ttottt branchea, Tfe"ti"3wTrT'rutliTf thrtJouTtitloilWXherVTinaprepar. ea to Uo all kinds oi woig .ia bu hoe of busineas on the "shortest njtice and on the tb'jst accomodatiog terms. His work shall be done sulntaotul and In a woik-m'n-HkeanrreTT'Ai hshai a good supply of the best ma teriaUon hand, and at he harworVed ai the outincts for tnt last twelve years, with the extepiioo of the. last three,, he feel od delicacy in pronoun ling his work as good at any in the State, lie dow has and will continue to hi've a fj od supply of work on hand. bi-h will enable him to atieud to all orders from a distance promptly," . SalisbttrjfiJlugiVid, 183. SAMUEL FRALEY, nrmwmmmrmitctnron tn&ti notice find alt ttttlnjU " trdart wiUteptMClMUyMtmUedior 33:f. . ' S. F. VP. TMIX C. MlUiLt, fllllE Olowlo-Regiments f the X Tlh Brigade of the N. C. Militia, will.parade for review and inspection at the following times and - places t The 63 or first Rowan Regiment; will parade in the I owq of '.Salisbury on Monday the 24ih Siptembrfjthe 83:h Reglmenrif George Ellers,' oii" Tueai ibay thSt and the 87 jl?-atl 1 ed rick'a on Wedhesdar the 26th. ' -The ROWAN TROOPERS' ; ate Commanded to parade (p Sails burv, on the teth; : SeptembWywith the 63rd Reg, V- ' -:--r'"4:41 , ' trali IK KERR. u R;I.LAVLANOri'-lfc.Ci - 1MYV WOTICK- n -v '.7'. : '.; :. '-"r JauTD'T:itatot wilt .tiractht taw l the couiny courts ol Uowan. Ha mif-ti air time, be rjun;!, at Hie olhca ol the tefcljnisf). 600 - Tllf! aubtcribeiB rrtrat rriprttlulf iuforrrt the eitin ofuliaburjTe and tht public fifrjerallyt that thf have bUfthaafd tfie 11 tk uf " ' o u o li ft hefe-ms'in ta the lte im of KXLES & MKEXAX all of evhiih they we Jticrmioed ell at the V. AUUraAttKlaVUIolrCfV ynir roitK : . Pricea. IJ strict atirnuoa to bual ocas, with a erith to be accomodating weahIf feel prnttful for th pafr.Hj- - aie'of our ( leo J a, jioJ the people)' al Lre -at tb til atanl.- J2tf Salisbury, July fi 1133 DUTCH Ml iSG It 3on . iSUuVtr'-J. WOULD rwrpeftfutf (ufurm hia old cut tomcra.'.and ; the rublio - ecnerallrfthwt ha haacom menced the butchering Lutineai ta this lace, lie teill hate beef in market on Tursday, Thursday, tnd Si.tf.rday moroinca, in each week (luring the teasun, or at any other lime' to suit the convenience of hia etistorhe'rb . ' (ty Any person having beeves fur ' ale can obtain the highest price's fit - them, iu Caih, by f.'dvia to 4he nub -suibcr. Jr I. SHAVER. m a x wx win v;ia. at the conifrn or Tnn . fnitni' irotToi VVVUIMIUV4UI S r& LPatltlE KubteriUer anaewnees ! iKe J io the former frieode af laa tlaial that the will be bappy ta eoeXrm modal e all be may fcvoe her with their patronage, bbo aa. ' auret tbrm ihal fcer beat citone aball be need ta render pleatant IhaenltHalnmaat of all auob aa m talL-ilea labia mM k mrpphed wrtb Thar - - -heat ihal the country alTvrJaaaJ bee flat wiib ne ciiuiccvi uquura. - - 'fowiiho a.!vantaget which thit tnl aTtnla, loffaihae WMh nn tinceaaing rllorl -I'lcaaa, the flatter a heraelf, Iba the wi.1 be abuj ' to render to all tb uott ample aaualactiua. . MART AU.r.M0NfJ." . Ir3 Tie ffict f Oe AerfAem U WArne fri wrrkli Lin Viura, a'ae tAot eMe Caerwv ana UKCMn urn, ij ar lAe iaioaaiial, Akevar 7 lJJ. - 6i4l aV:ir nhsnKUYi TXITIIajlew tih more tfiWent "YV-prowcttuoo of their bualueta, tha fiai i.nime hatt aaitwflvherJ a" " , " , llavinu procured tha beat M.u frottl tui Noriiod employed a Woikman wko corats well recommended, the 'aia" prepared to fiecuif oo moderat ictrot, -alt otdcra in ihit line. ; " - . N Account Uookv Records, kci :tiieV aijdmade 4der t and' every "kind of "7 Bmdlntmmp!lr Tieui4 In the tjJsi end Devest manner, ou iesrnalde ie. .Da, -V .Sif J. QXLV.X u snv naa. - v ' . .... -vr j. joiix: 0 -' - nrf!meu Cotrrtsof Ibia Crer . . - nrdon, .kle.a.rg k Vb7nJ Uia office ie a lew doera below tha Coou t I vBVrnr'. -TfRisskSHAvnt: -wij 4SBU - ranir..:u- loferm-their tritaja anj" Ihe publio generally, Ihtt tbey have rtmovtd thtir I ' ' r , a... i. im -W- JX&RiAGtrjujrryv to the eir new8hop two doors betow the fame reamence ar ur. rerraud, an Wtter 8tef. arhnm In., .pa ... . ... ii Va. . . . . " auena te the) oaltaof their frmnda, in their line of Rllaineas, such aa the making .,.4 repairing; of Carries Cig. Sulkeys Uo. . . .. . Jbb,Uekmi,h1kM,ine'atineoniinoe4 ,"'i,u,!Vloubrnc.h. r JOHN I. $HA ' v tit, at hit ohlatand. V Kht i 3)A!TP n enrsa b ju,t receWn l.!l e,uj winter e,ippv of Ui.,.W, whicri Wttff ttnr rTme'etei eonnri ld.. ialy.kpt m. Ceuatry rejtatil store, a hich W " punctual dealere. Ihe huhl.o ..-...r .t . requeated to sail and Jude W thernaelve - ' Jla alio couthiuea the m.nufacture nf Smt s r and Tin W.as, Warranted i k. j. li.' beat materitla, end in a euperlor etvh nr.,v :; ware on hand and bemr Ai...:-j . .; St rediicediince, iiieharrtavw,trf7t,. . . ir . :- Citt ontSiiS sfid gcTBieir aupply, -ICT Old Cu.pe-, Pewter, Feathert' Tallow. Daeewat, and Wool, taken ia aacUrige. . THE KTRAM tm. . . - - .m m.uu.l . XPtTj. c. gra. .i HAM bavinr beeri" etiiteJ lati kuinn... .;: ?t3i aO "'"lilfW CbarUatoo.ai-tCK-1. raw calling a C0. Towo M fcer ' end down, will rsme htt Tt,p, courssofa few ajy,. IttH5tldea hm continued in th. trad. th .ottine ,, drawing wben baded on.f .bot four and w-iMcwt. w.ter win analda b.r to react . ,Ww nvcr, arneri bet esrgo in b0 !litbiKpencsofcL. -, ,;, ,. -J. U. CLUOIf. "v :" Chatletttm XAr-o in. la'. e mfortable actomo- dtlo1vf.ir pfw imaieiieers. ,aj ' r