' JVcsterh Carotin inn. i i r t i r i 1 r la ta 4 A" af ll t e id rlieil :bej :hj tlx !k i 1 if it ? 'it- n t li T ffb alii ! lot rf I if' ef . well bio io fit 1832. ANDItrjlCKSON F-TSKMtiK. . ,v .ruiLiP p. JnninoK or vmomi, 'v It t meeting Neli-ga'e f 'he t"rii1 of jltkso Barbour1, at Chfrlotte, tt August rart, the nlK, Cabarrn County, utedtbe following peron committee rigitaace a4 anrreeoundeoca Tt thai Coun' rill Drn Cinno,, MJ- M"' 8,i" fj DtniH Cot-man, Col. George Barnhardt ud LeVi Hope, Esq THE COVTttlT. r.tiar AenrJ of the omanerity of the Utarni ti"i we ui'rt " "1 u-tt W ha aen the contrail drawn by iL . .1 . . .1 - ileiia-xkbiit they were from the South j,,pl the picture drawn by a Niwthcrn man illlix ft"" acceplaDic to me I ariiutea araonn M..ThTylIH''re it. i..k. taar 18211 a larira Tariff meeting aai kdlln Alhanv. New Voik, Matii m Br i. atienile! it, and made a rpeerh, in which i..,ir.ted the condition of New York with r v.. :U( of the South : " lu.-OK TiiiiHtToaa." - la the CMi-M of Ilia a'lorrh he laid " the .a've oh!crer ctill witnea throii;rhMir VS a''- (N'ew Y'r' )V'r nid-a tf prosperity iJ plenty. I ihU, he nk'd, a picture of Im rmatHHtr or I it rtaliH i -UrAlitvJilR... Comol di hrt chrerii n a'itv. Ha put it to the lo..dfe abI obHerration of every man, who ei, him, whether tli're waa any tliin(f more ttfain. 'Inn that lher aria no spot on Gnd't h. nire prniperout and happy than tbe State of New-York . NnV t.OOK .TTHH." H cnn'i"Me.i!. "If there tin citiin of I, 9lMe. who dauhted it, h-t him travel and "f 1 ' '" rt vA n r-e J of Tiia 'error 'f'A i 4 'if ft ' nai, ' w : irt r, fiictirt tf ihi reftri: Ut ''"? Xtuthrrn Sutn, if which IM h- hf '"n onil if ht ijij rrfurn Httfifil I. lite tnptrhr -eif if hit im Sa7r, he f tfr- Van Btir'tn) euhT actnireilgf hi rant if capiat" fj'i'lg tn A.'t milter." It t;n be recollected, Mr. Van Burin, had been irffrrfif he had no (jreat while befure. 'fraV rfleil into Georgia, and im'at Ieat lour of the Sea hern plater. It vaa after '.hit jt-urney, he role! f"f the Tariff of 1328, to make the north (rll'-nor protperoua, at the eapenao or me )9.k. u nw Mtniton aritb bit owm ! aiut ot-tic voted for a HaAlDRl to mak a !eft,ndy? it wnte j.a tcj lo vote I and, now, we are reipectfulTy inn. for hint. . . Jtdt aHtm, a new riaa. . ISe . old , Fedaral . partjr. are, making ihi moat indefatigable, .ser timt fn ajtread their peniicloui doctrine.' Ha i been detected in alt tbeir old way, they Ure retorted, to anolbetpUil-.Tbey.know Ue grraf body of the people are oppoaed io la r ariff, and 4)i'ly o to violent measure get n"foT U. J.ftiey areln flivor of the Jar. f,b ord rto. make their plan tucceed. Umv too prettnd to be oppoaed to it, but they Utteare at the eame time to denounce a 'I tW who are in favor of taking a mrUrott Htmd arainef avatcm: at beWir- ta': favor af Krmt iaure'They nope In Itiia way, Wi ,a . - - o . B -LI If II.. . . M. tpMi Ibem their old Federal notiona. They hire been at work in this count)-, and is wvcrai othen that we know of. VVe bare txpoaed mt of them, and we fear, we will ahortly be under tbe neceaaisy of expoaiof olhera. MR. CALHOUN'S LETTER. The " Pendleton Meuenger," of the 15th onuim a correapanJenee between Sor. SawurViWiiand M. Citnotrw, on the tabjeet "'' relaiion be:ween a SM;.a'id the Genera Oiftsiaeai. Mr. Calhoun'jletter U very long, far u we can judge from a baity glance '. written with very great ability. Gov. lumilton, of it, that Mr. Calhoun bai Ptaented the atibjoct " in a light approaching nearly to demonitration a any auhject which hwe to moral and not mathematical reaton- "ft will permit.' aon aa we get through ' with pubKahiog araeHofCongreae, we propone laying thia a "TrodiietTon before our reader, and if any wawert appear to H. we will aelect tbe ablett pwe wrHtfcn one, and a1o' give it to eori nnen, that they may aee both aide, and ,nA . - ---i ,-t-.m...., ..... ..... hate received lettera from tbe count ie rf . Bummhe and RutherfinL which "ln the moat confident termaof tbe aoo- f the Jackaoa and Barbour ticket, in thoae "nt. "tktin', loat We understand that at eol- of about 130 pemna, reeently, at Capt. a Vl! .StMJtM. groatod, in Cabarruaoounty. there nly about 3 men for Cfay ,-all the rert i " w Jatkaon, rerret ,,. j.,..:..,i e ,. v.i:i. tj ; B,ne'' of the Conatitution, not to pub. ',,aT'r Jowntlof PoritltSal tcanxtrnf f ork ia a irreat eVaideraaiM. in thia Coun. j.i..- I V onueal Economy ia ik aubjecU which t I-'e aitdentood. - VbT wU-WM ,hed or. pP H eion of the Legislature of Tennes- Q'rX he purpoaef eleetinir-ir Senator in ;Cr . Mr Qrtt hote term f rviee haa tMr,,ndj jd tbe Hon. John H. Ea- -MwuHwiei. . wa Dare Bot,ncard the The following w.ie H lptHit the Tunf w cop from the Oif ird Eumiiier fur lit especial benrf.1 of vim of our Tariff friend. In ihm West. Wince ye "tinting herim who sre attempting to palm off your "Jamme?" upon the People. Thl will tnulertlmJ nt, mn- U Tkt (Af TWVlf aa antiJaruT meetlng b ealltd, attend it, and kick up t row, pronounce those ehe participate in the procee ding to be millilUre, dieunionist end traitors. . Tate especial cere to traduce and vilify wn candidate fur public favor, who declares himeell ia favor of State Right andotithrn principle ii you are n-ierrra rn the principle avowed end prsotiocd m W.-V), est! Jefferson "i "fool,' Madison a kr.e, end set forth your own eon. miction of JeffcmmirMohi')ofti and tTedlaoa'i report, . - - V the same of itiatinguUhed souther ntri. lot Jm prracnt4ftn fraopW'fir tha'eeeond opposed" to Jackson, friendly to Calhoun and Clay, nullifiere end 'speckled politician!. ' Hold frequent meetings to denounce soo'.hern men and southern measure.- Do theae thinpi and vou will toon receive an omi -Tariff diplama, rrmnofacrnred at Heri tor J, aud ornamented with a black cockade." MEMORIAL TO CONOnESS. Tlie two TarifT paper in Ihi place, came out laat week, and arriooaly admoniahed the people afrainat tigninK the mimirial In Congreaa aak- inK for a reduction of the Tariff taxea j i n or der, that our readeri, out of the emmty may aee. the mefriul that i o much objected .to by three men, wei will here lav it before tbem. Our rtndera in the Ccnnly will have an oppor- 'unit'tr ofaeeinr the memorial, and the addrea of the Committee of Ten, in the hand of the Committee of Five. The memorial lain the folowinP word, ll wit : Th Mtmirialif the freemen tf firman Tawn. ry, in the State of .V. Can Una, tn the Huniruhli Ctnjrciitfth U- S. mut, ttijieclfulty . repre ien'1 i -THAT the conttitntion of the U. S., and of our own tate, aecurn tout tha riUtto pt.ti tion for redreaa of grievance, whenever we feel opprcaaed In. the eierciao of t hi rig!i; weiireKnt otirv-lvei beforeoiir.hjinoraWbii; dy lo eomnlain uf the unequal, and unjurt op eration of the act of ConretK, uaually called the Tanjf act. ' We believe that the aole ohject of (jovern. meiit iato prxmote the happineaa of the peo ple nndt-r it, not of a pan, but of the whole people. Toer.able the eivernment to dn thia, the people are alav willinift contribute a pr'ion ofthcir earni'ii; fur I' iitpport but.' when the ejover'wneii', cotli-cii .more taie out of the pocket of the people, than what ia rea aoiaLlyfiecjaiy fiir M4ipiurt, thai iuatant it depart from it duty, it ovuntep it limit, anil bnmeuijtit, and opprrmve. If thia i-riociple be right, and we believe tha' no Renublican, will deny i'. then it mint follow that Conprea ia aet'inf ijti, in collecting off of tbe. pciilu. aotaiaily Own taxlve 4t fourteen million of dollar more than what 1 wanted fur the legitimate cxpciiaci of tbe goreran inrnt. .. U., bo .ett,ttndwatooaV4f if mr nt i conducteil with proper economy, tLll Ten rnjlhon of Dollar pn year, i more than (uHlctent to meet all nect ary eapenditurea. Why, then, will Congreaa, by a Svatera of Ta riff taaation, go every year to collect from the bard earwi.g. 0f the people, at the loweet eatimate twenty rara wMmm of dolUrv-We' think it onjuat, and ormreaaive and wa therAea tierciae tha right of freeman, to aomplain of it. la the .next pJcet we -cam plain, tkattbrae taxea are unluat and opprewuve, not only be- eauae they are not needed for the aupport of goveromcnV but Jikewiae.bccauae. lajr fall imr ouatlv on difTerent- Dart of the' eountrv. : ll now. evidenC-that tbe mala burthen if the Tariff evatem of taxation fall on tbe Southern or planting atale i According o a document furniabrd by order of your own Ho norable bodv, it appear' that tbe whole of the domeatt expert from the conntry, per annum, amount t jbut,Mminipni.jBf d.oIIairibi amount, the Southern Bie'e fumiah about ST million and the r at of the aVatee only about 13 milliona, that it, the Soul bent State, com- priting o'iIv about one third of the population M uw vogniryl..c,H...r .-or, lu orc.go coun. , a . 1 . a II.. a a .. a" I trwt, nearly met oi tne wiioie amo-i.it itM 'ft4 f erpwrt; and, yettfte fAe'li irgolrig 'down" Kill, growing poorer and poorer, while the Tariff 3'atea, are increasing in protperty, and daily growing richer, and richer. now ia tins to oe accounted lorr we antwer, that it i in consequence of tbe " protective s tern," which enable the people of the Tariff States, to ruhitihde tbemtelvet in place of tbe South, and to appropriate to Iheir own usee, the fruits of Southern labor. This avrtetn for ce the Southern people to buy AariAern man u fact urea, ia many iuetancet, at sricea double aa high aa tbe aame arUolea could be .had for, if the Tantt wa down to a revenue point : By cutting up our trade, it alto force the Southern people to take leas price for their ataples, than could be had if trade wis left free. In the third place, we object to the patent Tariff acts, beoauae we believe them to be in violation of the Federal Constitution. That Congreaa have the right to lay taxes for the supKrt of government, no one will deny, but We do deny that thef have tbe power to impose taxet on one class of citizens, for the purpose of enriching another.. When the free people of the several sover eign State of Ihia confederacy, adopted the Conatitution, they never dreamt that they were giving power to Congress to tax the farmers, mechanics, and otberiaborert, frr the pvxpm of distributing bounties to the class of manu facturers. voted than the tartner and mecnaric r Cor.greaa baa notHng of it own i--all be lone to the people, and therefore, it i impoa tibia for Congrearto give bounties to One claas of people, without taking the precise amount from other craese. We believe that Congress have no right tinder the Comtitailrtn to do thi but that we all have equal rtgnttand suouid re ceive equal protection. In the next place, we object to thi system becauae, Jay ita great in iuatioe, it baa a tendency jo weaken the attachment of tbe people to the Union. We yield to none in our sincere, and atdent attachment TO fh Uuloti of theie State! We wou'd consider the disaolutiocf this Union, as one of tbe greatest evils that could befall t eejrf HthtUutf tw eAernes, and we depre cate every encroachmerrt; whether on the part of Congress, orof the State, that j;oes to weaken the Union. - ' We sincerely believe thai the only way le preeerve, ana maiDiain um union, ai iur rat Stateaon the one hand, and the Federal Go vnrnment on the other, each to keep within tbe Kmit of their respective powers, and neither le encroach oa the rights of tbe ether. We believe that Congress oversteps its limits. when they undertake to' regulate, the labor of the people, when they a every other class of r it uens for the avowed purpose of enabling tbe manufacturer to make greater profit,, and grow richer, Wt therefore, the Frcaaiea of Bo wan, (or thragatnat ume i K raut te Taylor i Le'Ur fran . ..' . , . . ..... v , ' ake of ihn body atre I.... .. 1 i . riuno io iann 'J.nA ' T ' mm m' """ ,ana nrraaary forth aiippnrt of Govern. irient.alaa ih.. m u ...... J'CU or lantim, M o make the tatr light l"-t " 7 ",rn M "r, iron, ? """Ucn r4t of aoune and itI'ina qoal'tie. theaa brim riri a.l. tar In MM f k 0hi-Hiwl 'tltt "O lar aa mi h ...J .J r... , 2 1 . .. .. " " re"""'i "IJal .a - myww mm mmnww. 'II1TFW ant nilTlPB nil IMh aalil.a trnl . T ' ' ilka, and avtina.Jewelrr and fefr.l pn bitiirlcrfcfrifeV'heai beine artinlra thai m m. m ri nranri ra to nm tmi k.,. ..u i I ii i . " . r-- "."cZr ' MW With Mil nubtt rrvtit !afc ak I F . . - IWm hanphwia nrwHer)) nfiiv r,,iH - . "'jrjTX.vw .iuc.iXcnrrmL k HT-tnf pririie'iiitliiii ,nf igi rum luty bound, will every pray, fcc. " '' Union, of Iiii'im anil tkt Mii.l ",l.. .i f .. tf m - . ' - - .,-i- vmnnmio nil pnn uni irrpil m 'a. nmt rn cifull. .b k..ui. v.l.i.i . . . ... . . . - , . UUke.l,eMa(,eriumjJ5,irdr,ilWr. lrtM klHw, , of L'irkj.w in honea i Tl.a followinf remarka. front "Ihr Bmwr a.airice' the Keffl utlnn i Of diatii.Jrit'llied Im ihi Cinniturttn," tt the 19'h Srpt ixihliihed fFmt& mr, of -'dlev and Slia.k, in full i. PbiladcU. wiU -,h- thawH&ll'i:!! ome men at the North, who bare an idea , of M tinililHliinal reitrainl." FotTon W. Ca. ' rnnt -rat itarn op vita i OMTimTiow. The Cietxive Viner if the. Federal Uivernmeni. The extreme ignorance which prevail, Nor; of Uie Potomac, in reference tn the principle of our Conitilutinn, i (hewn in no'hinir more palpably than in the common eonreraiilon of the rtay, winch relate to the eooie which lb I Fau..i:u nJ....ai -I I.I . f 11 t- ment of that inj-m-tion which .tel.re that the t t'reiidrnt Mahall take care that the law hi V faithfullr executed," in caae South Carolina! houkl rmtn-nmce the Protective Tariff Law. null ami void within her liihitf. Ttiera mrr mme people who aiippme that the .Preaidentl ...!.! I . . .1... a.... ,fiiu 'iij kt'iij vi iivj aaiim mat oimv, upon hi own reaponaibility, or call out the militia, without the authority of Congreaa. But let u hear wlut tbe Constitution ay on lbia ubirett .".Congreaa ahall have power Tn pmvi.le for calling forth the militia tl r rrrufr tte lawi fi the I nun, tuppreaa inaurrcctutua, and fcpetj invaalnn Here it ia manifeit that Cnncrrn afane hi power to pmmU forfaiting fuub-tha miUtia tol ex-cute the laa of Hie Inmni and that, on acq irnily, the President could not move In-the matter, wiibou! the authority of that bodv. It wtild aeem, Im), that no aprr.ie ol militaev force could he emploved, ( exiculi thi law. but that if the militia. In the Convention which formed the Conati lulion, Mr. Palter"""., of New Jeraey, offerrd. on the 15th Jnne, 1787, a tit of prnpoaition a to the formation and power of the new Go vernment, amongst which was one in the fol lewttnrwordi-f --'"'-'-- - - " And if on Stale, or any body of men in any State, fhall oppoa- or prevent the carrying into rX-iciltl n och rl or treatiea, the Federal Kxaxutiva aiiaU- ba auUw.a. 4 aoead forth thi biweri if the infeileruleil Stain orlL.inucb tliereoi aa mav do neceaaarv 10 emorce anu compel an obedience t auch acta, or an obaer vance of uch Ireatie." Theee propoaiiinna were referred, on tbe amerlay, to a tJntnmitreW a" Whnh, he Cuairmao w wkicJ), mi um Ulh of Juae, re- nnrted " rtiat the Committee, baring pat tome time in the comideration of the penpoatrlone Nibmitted to the Hnuaa by tbe lion, Mr. fa tar ton, and of the retulutlima heretofore' reported troi a which I rom a Commltt-alaai VVaiuathatiTiirr volet, had been to then .l.rr,d. we.e pre- pared to report thereon, and bad directed him to report to tbe Houae; that the omnkte do not agrew talbejiropoaitMma nffertd by tbe Hon- Mr. Patterroa i and that they agai aub mit the reaolotion fir.iifrly rcpunul (o tbe contideralioa. of the Houae,'. ' Amonit the reanlotiotM tbua reported, there wa none recommending tbe: eiriploiiueni Gt arte to carry into execution the law of the rederal Uuoaniaim t joe tftrre apr-, ia tbe Comti'ution, any reCerec.ee whatever to any a;her military power than thai of the militia. -L ut wwr nippoee The ea 6T a"cJD ,g out of the militia no execute the law In Sooth Carolina. -By the-Conatitution it it declared that to the State respectively ia reamed he right of appointment of the oflicen." Now, ,f h. mi,lt;, - ....oiin, bc wder. , t cle ,b,t they would nut ob.y, ttt. mk h tkat t -at reailt, There muat be, amongtt all the State poaae ing a eimilar internal ig aii itim, a K-llowahip of feeling, which would compel them, nileui tw lint, to make a common cauae upan auch aa oc eaaion. Suppoee Penntylvania were called upon, would alte obey ) Her paltry interett in a few iron mine would certainly not be worth the lacriftce aha would eiiierience by a war Dirt uppoae aha obeyed. Would her mditia be per mittt,T to jurch through Virginia and North Carolina t :'v'We inurehend out. They might go by'wwtef f ut eotrtd tfcey tandf -Not Wty easily, we thinks but even if they could, Penn- ylvania would not undertake thi cruaade alone Sh would want-help-. Would the militia of New England obeyf Unquestionably not.-. Ther found conttitutional authority rifS-:ieiit to aatiafy them, duriny the hut war with England, that the Federal Uovernmeiu bad no power to order tbe mditia beyond the limit of the State, to repel the Invaaion of a foreign enemf i and surely they would not riak their iair fame be fare all the world, by marching again their aretaerw, tor exerciatng uie aame ngnt or strict ly construing the Conatitution, which they on that occasion displayed. Upon the whole, there are difflcultiei in the way of praceailing In ouch a bustneva, which are not eaaily to be aurmoun. 'tet. t we would, thfrefore. recommend ibi Conaoliilation Party lo look well before they lean. One Mae (tap may ntaoa affair in such "nt u re as to render a reirograue movement impossible. Tit ntan must have Tired lo tittle DurDoae. who doe not perceive that a Confed eraton of State can only be held together by it. I?.. ,.r rfcl.l,ln Af mil-M.rin'frtp-aial Am union founded on fme is sn impossible thing on this side of the Atlsntic. To be lure, tucb little State a Delaware might he swallowed up at a breakfaat. by ber overgrown neighbor! but so lone a treat in1 ere s are eonmm to a num ber of contiguous States, it need never tn be ex pected that tbey will permit thenelr to be kept down u eolonie or yaaaa's . It k prepos terous to think of it' The "graiiiJ preservative principle of oar gniee was me veneration with whie"! it a been so long regtrded. It is too pafmtetw toe hat. of late yean, Been greeny icasenea an tnrougu the Southern countryi and we are fully of opin ion that nothing can restore it, but a retura of the Uirvernment to ue piain ana maniiesi im port of the Const iiuii-w, whioh guarantiee to every cbia -o theeaa tfempljmtntt as much as it doe UM frtelnmef ipmen. The following ta a table of (he content of the September number of the Sporting Maga. xine. the receipt ot which, at tmi osice. we aentioaed in. ou bat: . ". Memoir of Oaroliniani .florae of oldei) Jtitne Lee Boo-Performsnce of FTorisel j Chor. later" da i Ainer'tcae Wild Horse i Match parn or t 'rue i(on'mal i Anerdotea l i nai F' I r-th.mmli Dlonatlnf or Per- rioa .ck ayittwi 'r virnoXMt afthe wta. . .. ' ... " . .. ...... .mf at ih. lr annier.,ry dinner 0at lap IWr Humlnf at Berkeley anrinea. Va. i K'a ia in Km., Trn to catch nnln.ta ,t rk. i i . ' tniinvniit.rrvri T'" i.mi,u,i.iwhin f rinmi(r horte,for ISit nd 8. Chaf - B - rtrano, Jr. and l,ritle.yerij aetnat I' . - m , im I. ... w 'ha n the (real trottiaf matoh no match at afj t luuki - - billed aiock, MroadrocVrareV-corVacted wr O'llO. II . - I l i. a j .0J?fl.r,v; g.a,Ly!l,r:l.4: lhefifl.dajrjCtoberyl-Brtl lfe Jr-CfMf.rTiMi? , .I-.. al. aA)a1vlfaaaKata309 St Oc,W,5'',Blrfi'" Rpfll f 1 I"? " , ,"jR,nlatri tnerinan tpeed. bottom and blood, I none better i Prdi(rrea of celebrated 'al bt. k.r ,i.- t, i...: . i.-j ,d n Hir rciv'a ret , Of Ameriran F-clipae- In fi.ll i OrSirCharlea, in full i f thirty e'al. Horn ailrertiai-d in ihij, with their price, Ua. Of twelve atalliona advertiard in England, 18- 5(1, with their prio of aeveral hoar of the oklen time, atlccted ftonr. tbe Maryland ua letle.. P.M nF.I.Lm II W ENT- firtrailwe if C A RO I.I NUN, engraved Bitnncrmun frp.m an origi- aal paiming. (Cj- Pernm drtinunf irtlnr the wirk maw .1 " " DtalK of Jlmnt.'Tht Wettffn Irreurv rnnt.ina the f,.llr.iir brief obituary notice : Pied, at the Mohawk village, near Brentford, Jo'iin, Brant, Esq. Cheif of tbe Mohawk tribe of Iuduut, and ton of the p:tll ant Chieftain, who thv tincdithed himself t rohly in the re Vfilut'fnarv and Ute wart, . Mr. Br4nt was an atcomulithed gentleman, and died Mitccrtlv regretted by a numer o'tia circle oTacquaidtahcea of the firn resprctability. The came of the death of Chief is not mentioned, lie wat very generally known at meriting the character aoove ctvtn him j and his loss will he Iclt oy manv. lie wt euacatcu in iviaunu. Most reiders will remember hit cr reopundence with, the in vindication ol hit lather's memory fr 'mtlie charge ofcrutlty a Uched to it, in Gertrude of Wyoming. An at tempt wan rnJde. ontjMi!tQKaa-J.Q Tmphcite C-tpUio Brant at being eon tulted during tke Morgan transaction by the abductors. But it was fount that he bavd boiaiog ., whateycr .to ,.4. with it. lie hit kit behind him an unsullied an enviable reputation. AT. K. Com. Mv. I, la V1 ltaTit al nl aona after tKa late 7 v 1.: - Atnerican amp arrtveu lyiv- erpooiirom , urieant j navmg on dcik twb or three of thoae apparently unwieldv Kentucky oars. Boon al- terhe-hsuled fnt doc a few-m ort went on board, who prompted by tn: inquitUorial pir to Taukics, reqiietted to know lo what use -they were constructed, w - " ".The? are used on board.the bnats which niwt gate tha Mississippi awtl J hio, said tha Captaio, no other tie acripumof ari are ever used by Jtemuckiaot. Indeed" wilaimed John JBull at the aame time vainly attempting to Packinshamif he was backed bv fellows who eotdd handle such oart ai these f In Montgomery County an Sunday the i3nl Inst. Mr. Benjamia traith to Mist Sarah Moa. man. 1 v 8AL1S0URY Bacon Bef Cottoa in seed Dn. clean C0ra . Oats Sujrar Coffee Salt Iron Molaate Beitwas Tallow .FioH 'Brandy' Sarr. 29, .1832. 8 to 9 2 to 3 3. 00 8,50 to 9,00 35 20 9 to ll 13 to 18 ftl.l3 4 to 5 SO IStolS 8tol) 4U Whisker 31 a 30 Loaf Soger --- - - --- ' - -18 -- Lead 8 to 10 . Wheat J5 South Csrelina money discount. 1 to 1 4 Georgia do. 3 to 3 FATETTEVILLE, Sep." 18. Brandy. Apple per gal. SO to J Do Peach, Bacon Corn Cotton, t00 SS a 60 8 a 8 l 50 a 00 - 81 to Salt 70 toys -- 4 SO to 8" t to 9j ..UitolS 34 to 38 gl.OOtol.IO . 80fe 38 to 3i Troil Sugar, brow CoffetfS" Molasset. Flaxseed . Wbest - Whiskey CIIEP.AW Sep. 22, 1833. B andy, Peach gal. Apple Bacon v B. Cotton . Core ; . ' bush. Coffee"'.' "'"'' ',' R. 50 40 8 8 61 id 45 8) 70 18 - Flout frwat Wsf ,) kbt t-3 Mnlaase rL 37 14 40 lt(iahtt!k) Sugar - " Whiskey " v Wheat bush. ;.fI. busb, TS Iff 35 .75 3Q . GIRCU. RBHPKCTr'Ul-Y infor na the cilljrol of Howan Cmmtr, thm tl Cmnnanv of will be in Salisbury, dunoK ih week af the at Superior Court, They will perf..r- eve ry day of the Cour. Particwlara will b made noq in hand billa. 2'hav.will alao perform at MocVeaville. on the day of tha (i.-ne-almmteri (Jib Oct.) 2U1 FF.M.ILF, SEMIXARY. .. rpiIK eirreiaet will be reaumrrj on at Zr per m6hlh. -The price I lui ti-tl per ieiti.no ( five monlhO RlO SO, Drawing and Painting, 210 Mjtic 820, pt in tJvanre, Jnfitit 11, R3. v ; : - 444 UVa.UW.U " KSPECTFULLY INFORM their friends and the public in general that they have moved their STOCK I of GOODS to the store attained t he Mansion Hotel, fersnnt wishing to buy would do well to call, ami pr'ce Ooodt as bargains will be g ven, the ual credit will be given to punctual dealers. Iron. Cotton, FeathfTS. IlecsiMjc, Tallow, tow Cloth, Lin gey, je. will be taken in exchange for fjootl. Utir inrnds win imd a onvenienL pi.acejfor vJllUibiPg ..their Horses in a I t between our store and the shoe store of Mr. Thos. Mull jr. which is next door. 32tf jsnir mm nun r. w ITII a view teHWe-tHure eRicleat proaecuiion of their business, tbe Subscribers nave established a Having procured the best Material from the North, and employed a Workman who comet well recommended, ihev are prepared lo execute on moderate terms, til orders In this line. .Account Jlooasr Ht-twA - fcjc-fuled and made to order i and every kind of Binding promptly' executed In tbe bvtt snd neatest manner, on trainable terms. Raleigh, Aut. 3. 1822. nurctinni.yGit ,-Hy)nwilijaf1.ii- WOULD . re-peofully iolorm his old cu tomcrs, and the- p nibltc geTxerally, that he hat com mcwosdtkaiiuitckertAg business ir this place. j.He m ilatEteerTrr on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday roomings, t each-wcek, dnrtng thr seasan, or at any other, Itnte to Suit the convenience f bia customers. ftt Afif peraoa havina beeves fr'i sale can obtaiu the Kghcat-prkeB foilferSM Q.uahr1i..!r.ll them. Ih cull i 'b annlvind- to the auhJcoodt aod thattlea. riehta and ere.l. f ' " :i - tl cm ri w - i I o SWIWt,-- -r - -aa- - V hUr jrtifji83a:...'..-s'8ir (BBlf tlDif jCDIifff MAKUSG BUSlJSRSSt rnilE Subscru K"--iiwsr: fully, informs the wan and adjoining Countict,' that he has, again., com menccd the Giiu making business in all jts va riotis branches, a few doors South of the Court-House, where he is prepar cd to do all kinds of work in his line of busineae o the shortest notice and on the mist accorno Jatin g '" te rmt. His'wrjrk' Khali bedotit''iubatS6tiiit and in a work-roan-like manner. At he haa a good supply of the best ma terials on hand, and as he has worked at the business for the last . twelve years, wun tne exception 01 tae last three, he feels no delicacy in pronoun- cing his work good as any lo the State. He now has and will continue to have a giod supply of work on band, which willenable him to attend to all orders frdta a distance promptly. Salisbury, Aug. 234, 1 83J. SAMUEl, FRALEYi V. B. lit will also repair Gins on wUtUpmdmumtcndcdt&t 38:1, 8, F. - STILLS AMD TIX WARE. fTliHE subscriber continues the msnttfacture Ji. or 3JJI.L1 U TIJf fTARK. warranted to be made of t he best materials, tnd in a euperior style of workmanshto. Havina, a large stock of Still and Tin ware on hand, 1 I J a a . 1 a . . anu oeing oeiermmeo uiaeu at rediieed price, otcrviiama aua.otcera wouui ao Well to call on bi nd get their aunnU. : . K-T 'id t-opper, rewter, Feathers, Tallow, BOetaat and Wool taken in eiuhane-a. . . in? WANTED,; two 8rt rate Journeymen' -Tin leents a day and night, foe the nrivilege of the plate atotkmen, of . stead r babrta. that -.lvarJ.h.M of wMwt k.-i - J:... .' i customed to work on machinery, to whom eoa siant employment and liberal wage will be feafeMjvMKa&DASIaXrRfCRES Befit. 7th. 1833. 6(101 JVI0SE, Gentlemen, whtioiA '."T- fooks belonging to my Office are respectfully requested to return them. parlkalarlytrmer'i targi Diction ary ana Inez, tol. of Mumhu's re ports, in which look is written the name of A. RRujftn Fsq. sstf JOHN GILES. ; -jimvJ FANCY - 1UCKIITV V LEJir V A KE nnw receiving and opening a general i aaaaortment of SPRLYa, tsf SUMMEIl GOODS, elected with grvat care from the nwhel of Sew York and Philadelphia of the latest i.npor. tationa. Their Mock tonslata In part vt aoperflne Blue ad Ue Jth - - -Do. Brown L Brown olive do, L IH; , ...iliviribje Creee de. - laney Csaaimeres, Saltinell ai onca i.....6.; Menne - e?., rawh.llM aud etrfaMuuiaj Hrown do'l Mixed Erminelte, Tellnw Nankeen and linen check, French and plaid Drilling, - " " " as.b...-i.,... naa (man. . -' . " -.. .Hll,l w, . . w , Envliah raasinetta. Uerwian U lah UntUt, tJiun Tmi,im aiut Inarvl dillber. UO. ' J OEXCRJL JHXOrMKt(T OF Maraelllea, and VeleMla Yeating. " A a kmt fABitrr or iwrvr Print, tiingham and Moalina, ;:'.. Tickings, B leaebed and Hrow n - aheeimga and Hhirtmga, fumitute dimity and Cottoa rVingea Black Italian Silk, . , Venchew U aaralnet do. ' ' - - nine bUck (41k Cn,blela, , . Cha. gene de Jiaples, ' Milanese and de RtHwanht Causa, Pongee, Bag and bandana llaaMtkercnler Criinson Pangee do. Fancy Cause and Crtpe do. ,- Srarfc, silk sal I in, Snd ricb figured VaetH.gv, ilk and eolton Hosiery, ; . A GREAT TARtETT tf MCa Fsney boanet, belt and cap ribbon, nua tpreac -t Linen eambrie handkerchiefkj fans, Uo. Diarnowd Straw Bonnets, 'f ' rolian do. do. Belgian do. dow Falm leaf tints. Leghorn bonnets, fur and wool oo. J CRIAT TARiETT Of ..... Latla and Oreek School Books, i:i-rT: Shoea, Morocco skins, Hardware an4 Cutlery, - ' - i Glaa and Crockery-ware, Ue. Ut. ' ' A GEMtR.1L ASSORTMENT Or Carpenter's Tools, eonsiaiing of every artV u ek made mm of by Carpenter la thia part of the Country, ' Saller:a Trimming, ' '' " Plated. Bras Jauoan. and rrtneeTi atettie, llarnea moaMitiog, eeaek fringe and Uoe, , . A good esenrtment of Qroceriea, Ut. Utr jr ALL of which, thev are determined to eeO aa luW ugood ean M had In Oiii part oma"': country. Purchaser will do well to call and our stock aod hear prices eciore uicjr buy. - L . . ... . . , . . a, .1 1. r II. SX Ii- wrglwTrf rui to -rnvi: rsnnciiir their very liberal pstroaaga heretofore, anal 'f hope bv strict attention to btisineea, and eelL wig got -da cheap, to merit a eoMiauaaee or tarn .fuiAare.r38lS31. . I i j ii -a 1 ... j. ........ .TO JOUO E YMENjrVf tV-OM, VAJS TF.D ' i.' wo or tnree jmirnevmea i auort or .tesdw jL fiabtt and good Wirkmea hablis an Applvti -Applvti SQUItR LOWRltT. . Vlajrwmji; M. tr- -. -.-- -.i$ 11 -nit. i i4L ' A " T Augujt SctajoDA 1832of Ho wxaj v I i J- Counts Court of Pleas and Q :at--tt " I T ... ... .- r ? itajtlJlnct- Mila A, tiil.a. .wo- - . ...... " , - tad to tha Rabaeriltrr. - Tkr L - bava ctatiirKairtsr"the Estate: wilt - pre sent them; and lhoe indebd W" .'"""-;l tbe Estate arc requested to make pty ment j sucn as are indebted by account, v I 4 who may find U not coovvoient to 2 :rt f'Jf doom ana Medicine, the autMer.bcr would prefer to sell at private aalet s . the Books are valuable and the Mcdi i cine vas forwarded by 4 gentleman . of Philadelphia; of high character. Any gentleman who may wish to pur a a . . chase, will find theterma - to auitHit convenience. my absence Mr. J. II. llardie will attend to the business Sfpfemfo ist, I3Vx . ; -' IWTCtlKMJSG. THE subscriber would respectfully inform ilia old CUStOmera nrl ika , public generally, that he haa commen. V ced butchering in thia phee aod that h will cobtmue tO -butcher-durtog the season. He will have beef in market - i n Monday, Wednesday md Frid.y. mornings in each week at from two and a half to 3 t-S cents per pound. He would remind tb,,. -K J beeves to sell that he will eive the Ihkhest cash nrice for them kuwi aidence S miles north oLSli.k Mocke'svinOonesvilse and Wilkesbo ro.LPasturage will be furnished gra tis to drovers, who mayall at his' house. - - '- 33tf PETER J. SWINK. WAOGONIiUS, . Driving to FayettniUe. WWyrLt f rtdlt" to their advaatage, stop at lT-Uw.Jf '4aww , ToiHtVwbwra Man , ' S a a a, a - 1 shelter. Attached to the Yard, are a Grocer I venteoce it provided for Man andIIorew,tomake I them aomfortablat. at thaoJ.M, .1. in. end Provision Store, Bread Shoo and nnnfeo. tionary, tnd a KtWa for Boarder and Lodgera . ib m uiauu cucau, wooiesoDM and eiuaitni-I.Slav vivie. rnv7'w n-na. 11 imn :dx49 OF every descriptioa,neatly Printed, and hep: nonfat ly foe sain t h'm ofRc EXECUTED WITH MEAT , XESS Ant DISPAT-M, : . . AT THIS OFFICE. i

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