IFcslcm Carolinian. i ; J . i - -I : ii.-. V. It rr- Si 1 V.- t ... It I v. - POETRY. - . -1 HE TllUr'.fc IIOVIKI . Where k thy home I I Mk a child, . . J W lio in ibe mornlnf air, . , ' ' Wae IwinlnK Bower most iweet and wild, In garland forherhir. , ' JiO"ifj!!i''JPi y teirl w Pr,"'i Ami (iriiltd in chiklith lce( It en tba iir.ny mountain tide Where aoft wind o)rr fret." ObliMingl fall eavrle jroolb, r . And 'l ill risy hour, ', When erery tird ii joy nd truth, . ' And treasure live In flaweril ' '(V-jy - H'M1.! 'ISln ' fN T lTllln, BM -T m, 1 iiLmbiiii Wlut. it Ihr.bowriliMkf d of on H'lio ben', with flashing fiicej To hear as artWVtendtr tone f n the WwV e'et ptee ? ' " . flhe sakeweVbw. her -varying cheek , The !! Alight veil imparl . The borne of hr yonns; apirit meek Wu in t kindred heart. Ab ! touli ihal vcH might ftr above, To earth fondly cling, And build their hope! on iiumin love, Thai light and fragile thing ! " Where ii thy home, lliou lonely man I I aikcJ a pilgrim grey, Who came, with furrowed brow, and Man, Blow mining on hi way. v He panecd md with 1 anient mtin, Upturnrd hit holy e, The land I rk thou ne'er hut Ken, 1y home i in the 1 kiet ! 01 bint thrice bleat ! (he heart muat be To whrm tiich thasighNare gtrm That walks from earthly fctieri free I's on1 hnmr in h-avrn. 1 A mm ", lawsIjktuh :.o. states Vassal ot (he first Session oj the. Twatiy-Cong 1 as. . AN ACT Pirple mrrttory 10 tfr tf rral act ma. kimj appropriitioii tor thr cival and military awic luring tbe yert 011c thouutud eihl hurjrfd anil thirty ti. w. .- .,-Be, iL. twisted, Jy fa3&qte..an'l House oj Represenlutim s of the Uni ted fUqies of Auicrka in I'ongrtss assembled. That the following sums be, and the me are hereby appropriated T"u b pilj out of any rhonty In the Tttu tury riot oihcrwlie appropriated, to the follnwin( ohecra, pecth!raflri namlj- , " For the pay and mileage of member of both House ol Cong re and delegate - end f hc join roiumiitee . lireoed.tt pttpare a code of for the DiMtict of Columbia, one hundred thousand doll . :-r r For "altratton ln th Hall of the Hoiise ofltitpreaenrariTei- on the aphof, nine Jiunded and sixtjr duliara. ... ... ' loV'cWnRinK te courie" cJ Tlbtr Cretk, three thousand two hundred and two dollar. , For completing the building now erec led in the lity .of Thiliidt ipiiia Tor the Jlttit etaUhmenlof tbe United .Siatea, eTenteen thousand five hundred dollar. : To'f the employ ifheot Mtfm(HMrlarjr tlerki, to enable the commUioner of the Central Innd OfTice to fating up the bu atnrss of hi ufike, five thouiand dollars. F.rf rlefrav'mii the expense ofremott Inn fir.rn (bo buryitiR ground oi llock Crtek Cnurch to the Congressional ctm ctry the remain ol iamei Jjckson, and JitncsJotie, formerly members of Con gressfmrn the State Georgia, Ucl sum as shall be requisite, not exceeding five " fiondf ed dollars, ' expended " tinder (he direction of theCltik of tbe (louse ol R preeiuii. . t . Fot defr)ing the increased expenses of the ('tartermastcr's Department, in - curred in the Indian war one hundred thousand dulUrs F'or the completing Barrack:, Quarters, lfopital and Store Houses, at Key VV. at, fifteen thousand dollars. For the expenses incurred hy the Scr retaryofthe Treasury in collecting in formation ot the extent and condition of the manufacturers ot the United Sta'es, incompliance with certain resolutions of the House of ReprecQ:tivet, eighteen .;ihodand....dolUrv,,.,::ii..;;.,i.J.,;;.r. Tj enable the President of 1 he United .1 Suiea.lo coniracl wiitv a-ktHuUrt)it to 40 xerute. ia mrbio a pode a train a tat ue of George Washington, to be placed ., in the centre of the Ketundo of the Capi- lot, the sum of five thousand dollars. For the construction under the super intendence of the Commissioner of the - Public Buildings, oj substantial brick or tone Vault in ihev -'Washington Parish bona! ground, for the temporary Inter Janti aollar. T v , For arrearages irUlh from 1 dr ficlenry i' tt apprcpili! ton Tor " 'pTinTilhTlawi' of , ,-Jhe 'r; of,Fi0,idfa.,Bd for the pay tneui orCTCUreenup remaining unpaid s , esiimaud y tb Treaty UepsH "en , one thousand seven hunditd and ' v nen dollais and fif-y cent. Fr diStirnicr of appropriation fr tbe ' lry of -the t3overuor of Florida five bunered dollar. .. ln 'dition to the contingent fd of . Ihe House of Representative five thou- . nd dollat .. . , aM . .- .' F, the salary 0f the Surversfifpub- JicJ .nds in the tenitory irArkana, and tomy psation to dughttnon and rlerkt In hi 4mce,Tlur,fti the remuimlsrif the eurre it jer, one ihouiai.d six hlindred ': doHate. For the pay, subsistence, and forage "I turgeoni, itni euigennt and oth provided for by the art of June ei;h tccnih,)iia 'thousand one hundred and Mrty three dollars. , F or the pay, subsistence end other ex pctue of the mounted ringers accord ing to tbe eel of June fifteenth one thou nd eight hundred and thirty .twc, In ddi'ion to the sum of ftf y tlMuand dot Ian hctetofve-appropiieicd, eighty three thottitid-tx huna'red - end (ort.crn dollare, .. ...; , Tor the expense of militia end tnlun teer called Into trie service of the Uni ted State in addition to the appropriation of (hree hundred ibomund rtoibra here ofore-rnad fo1 thtoJt,ot bundeed thousand dollar's. - ' , For the transportation of the ermy, nrdance subsistence and bthrr oojrm connected with the Qiatermuster's 'V pirtmrnrrene hundred tid twenty thou sand dollars. For the lubsittence of militia called into serviac to. suppress livdian hostilities Rfiy sit thousand two hundred and fift dollars, . Por the payment of the pensions to widows and orphans granted during Fa : present session, three thntistnd doll-rv ' In order to carry Into effect the act suplementarr to the art for the relief of teikiin kuiviving officers, and soldiers ol the tevol jtion,the following ituns, be expended under Ibe dirctlion of tbe Sec etary of war. For the compensation of tempprry clerks, three thousand dollars. For rent, punting of form and rrgu Ji..?5.j ix hundrtd tid.fii' dollata.. Sec. 2. Jtnd be. it fmt'ier enacted, That the SLtretaty t f War be uu hoiix d to apply a turn not exceeding three ihou land dollar, out of the amount appropti ted for the purchase of provision .fm ihrtltefei the Seminole luduwv Ky the art nuking app'opriationa for 'he Indian I't-partmtnt for the yer one thousKitd ci(;ht l.uiidrrd and thirty two, to defi y Lte-xxpreruciof dclegitionolthe sji ' Indian to explore the country west ol the Mi,,iiippj, for the ptirpnv; of dcri ding upon a removal thither; and o much of theprnpriMon h.r the py men! of laborers in the ordinance D. pffimCaTwTnWBe ".Tit; r .- iutni.c 111 uir new orr ioiz HIO 1 fit tnc Ordinaiire Department, shall be transfer red to the jay departmen1, t enaMe the tyri r rcj werT 'TnTitftfHzmat e spFurffrnr; s (i which itiit nrgsniztijon iiij-i c. Sfc. 3. And be it further ennifiH. I'hj: it shall be the diity of the 11 t ic t nay rriajtet cjf.tlie. etrny i..f , the. U'iied S'dies, in addition to the payments re quired to be made by thrm. to the rctu lar troops, to mak p-irment to all othei troops In the service of the United Sia'es whenever required thereto, by ordtr ol the Pictidcnt. A.STCPUBH'AT Speaker of tba Houaw of Representatives. - r i. C. CALHOUN,- Vice-riTiiJent of fie United States and . - Peheni i4Aweetw-..w.---Approved. Jnlv 14. l&tf. ANDREW JACKSON. '. -o."ioa' ' AN AT PfOT'o'inr. for the pturrinte hy the Uiii ted Sutea oi the right ot ih . Viinf.,,M . Bridge Compiny, trtthe liittnct of C jIuiW4, and lor the erection of a public bndge uu tbe sue Merc or. Wuxbia it is represented to thit nrearnt Con gre that,' the Waabingtou. Bridge Co)aiiv are wining ana arairouo to act convey ij trsntfer to the Liiiled 8'a'ea. tbe biwlf by - them owned, in it present condition, with all their rixhta, prnperty and prmletfea, ana ; eompsny, under ie eTrtting hur rncttttttttg llleir nnu picra, luimcnn, niuut, ana wsyt, . a well ai ail rnstrrmls by them owned at llie site of the aul bridge, whether worked up in the eonsiruclinn or re-comtrud ion of the tame nr 110', fot the sum of twenty tbouaand dollar Be it enacted by the Senate and llnige-fif Represent ai ins of the Uni ted States of America iu Con st ess amcmbltd, That provided the said VJSb ington Bridge Comp-inv shall at a Ijwful meeiinKilihe storttholderi tberecfgcee to conv;v, snd shall actually convey to the United. States, the said b iilne as it now is, with all the estate, right, title, and in teres', either in taw or equitt, by them owned, as a company under existing law, io laid bridge, with lis piers, abut ments, roads and ways, together with all the ms'etials by them now owned as a company, at the said bridge and wavs. either worked up or not, in the construe tion or re construction of the said bridge, ind all other Ihejr rights, privilege, and immunities as such company, within two calendar months from the passing of thU act ; which conveyance the laid comja h hereby aliQri&d;, and. mpo,ejed to make, by deed, under . their cot parate iealr lo be flpftsl'fa WltW thfr SeTretaT-y of tV I reaoury 01 tho U. btate, then the said Secretary shall be, end ne -here by ia, auihoriiud and required 10 piy to the said company the sum of twenty thousand dollars, otr of any moneys in the Trea-ury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That, upon the executiun f such run veyances by the said company, ihe Pres. denTcTffieJIWi authorised to cause to be creeled upon th ite of the present brj iuffictent bridgo "across the rive Potoni ac, of, such materials, and upon such plan of construction at he shall approve and direct, 'rei'iif if, . Thai the said bridge be to constructed as to have a dtaw there in suitable for the tafe passage of vessels of the largest dimension capable of na vigating the Potomac rlverabove the said biidge, not less than ixiyix feet at tbe least, and, alo, on each tide of the a:d diaw,and at a suitable distance "there from, arcb ol ufRilent elevation 10 admit the patstge ur.de r the tame of an ordinary steamboat ; which uid draw and arch hbir be at the Virginia channel ol aid river And provided, further, 1 'hati there trll be. a yimtiar draw at the il r;laDtl ctaDtjef, of not leu than tbinjfiye fret, swith a similar arch t Mt, firov drd a!i, That In t'.ie selection of material k in the construction of the iild hridg, draw and arches, all practicable mention shall be had to the preservation of the navigation of ihe said river. Sec 3. Aid be il further cnaeled. That toward Ihe construction ol the tald bridge and work hereby -authorised and directed, Ihe sum of sixty thousand 1I0IU. ba end the lime is hereby appropriated, payable out of eny moneys in the Tie a rrrmroi herw upproor ire4- . ---" Src. 4. And be it further enacted, Th.it the ijI I company shall apply end distribute the aid sum of twenty thou nd dollar In the following manner, thu U49.4ay4 .fica. to reiniUuriehetlfn es tnctfrred by the said company nut the fast 'adjournment of Congress, to the stockholders advancing the nni'end (be balance among the s'ork holders, pro rata, on the cost of each shire, ro the presen' hoIJer thereof, to be (scerij'mcd by the company if necessary, by the oath or af firmitioo of the present holder. Bee. 5. And be it further enacted, That the provision of this act shall have no effect, unlets three yatum, to Ixt ap pointed by the President of the U. S. a having no in'creat in the s, id bti 'ee or in uy property In the District ofC'oium 'lia, and no! being inhabrtar.ts of the taid Misirief, or a mjjoiiiy of them, shall, on olh, decide that the property of the nid hiidge company, so to he convey. d to the U exclusive of any opened vUie of the piWilegea by them held tin Icr t rii charter a a compunr, is of the value of twenty thoumnd dollar ; or unlets in rase ihe said valuers, w - TOttjortty l :hrm, shall value the sl I property at a -urn less than twenty thoi'Sjnd dollar, the s .id biidge company will agree to ceep4 the rnn unt of such valu uion. This act shull be in fjtce hoin the paas- ti Hereof Appwiv-d. Jnlv It, I ft 12. lV.,,T, .. , 1" "u. , . , AN Ai. r Kir the dischargi of tmlr jn(ment agaiuattlie foni.rr Marahall ,,f i,r K.rni I'JU dtwtct of I'ensihania, ii.d tor the rchet of I. & w l ipprocti .,i i:.mp, nr urnnrnn vy me wire uouse oj uepresenitiiers or the Urn ted Slates vf America in Cmrexs nxsrralilt(lri.'i 'hnt: the Htcreiar y f- tlt l'rrarii7 be sntl 19 tiriT;- 'r"nrtrrt snd re- inir.d to pay out of aitv rnmi, y in the .Treasury not otb?rtii approprialc.il, i lie an-.i'un'.a t:o evrrl;y Hue oivm certain jii.tgirX't'i'a rtiKlar (rt In favor of ' rtal tmnrain'e Compawira f ihe citv ot'.Ww Vorlt rrint the Ute Mariliall t the Kaati rn iitri(.( of Temi "")'".!, that ,s id. red Sv the cir- ict f iv .n.vtv.n!. . v : upon a J tdetneiit reu cuit CMirt of im rs-tffmoitrict .4M.aIu Uaw'y fiiaiLw ifUy,.eiUie4iu.liuru. trt'O son tn nv, 10 Tavor ot the ''ccin Insu rance Com; ny, aKainai Jnhn Con ml, f irthir ty one thonn'njtliire biitidrr'd ih'l thirlv firre J.. Lr and loo-teen centa, alto upon a judg ment TMidi ri d in the ainie cjiirt 00 the iwen-u- sccwuJ May, irtliteit buiklred and thirty, in fav-.r ..( Hi,, t'acifii lniTne Cnmpsnv, againal liir J,n Coaud, for. Wr two tlmuaanr five hiiiKl-rc! and ninety one Sonars ami nrr eiKni ceni 1 alao upon a jud "nent rrndrred in the sffi court the twenty acennj ( May. eich- l-n husib-fd n4.lhi:tia- fvr.ojC tb Mep. ua, t durance Compah) against the raid John Couard.l'ar eleven tboiuand eight Luodred and ciuhty-'wo dollar and twenty-five tents j also, nnnn jl?meni rend red m trie nme court, tm the 'w-n'VJecund.ilav of . May. eighteen rmodrrd and thirty, tn favor of the National Ii surance fusipaiuea against the amd Jnhn Offlifil, for atxti'en IhrXiaand ight hnndred ami foriv.i'io lHtsr and eiehtv-aii cent also upon a juJ(mei7rre"ndered in the same court on the twenty -eond of May, eighteen hundred and thirty, in favor of the American Insurance Cwmanv, toe twenty thousand. two hundred and ninetv-three dot 'ars and one . een 1 s'sn, upon a jinii;tnrnt in the Tte etnt-t rendered the twenty tot.rh of May, eighteen Imndredl, sou toiety.-in iavoe u tns.iagafs.. Inauranee (Jornpam, fur a. ai. cn ihuaand two hundred anl one diillars and e;ghty-fi cents, against he said Jnhn Cona-d i also, upon (judgment rendered in the same curt Ihe tenth of No vemuer, e'njhtern hundred and thirtv, in favor of the Merchants Fire Ii mirance riomnanv. afrainst tlie anii! John Cnnard, fur twenty-five tltoos tnd eieht hundred and aesewty sit dollars Hl iwn'y-nve centa ; also, upon a judgiiicnt rende red in the aame court the tenth of No vember, eighteen hundred and lliir.y, in favor of the Atlantin Insurance C'impanv, acsina1 llio said, John foftwenir riehf ttrmrsanrt rme hundred and seventy. avea dollars and fiftv 6ve cents ( togi- lier 'vi'h the interest and all the lrj;sl emti which hxsefirref,irrt on -the id jiidirmrnt against the aakl Conard, either in the said circuit court nr upon the adirmaiire of any of (lie said jodmenta in the (Supreme Court of ihe fi.it.-d nirs Hrc. 2. And be i further resolved, That tin Secitarv of ihe Treasury be, and h is herebr irtirird to adjust ami settle tin claims ol I iJ vV. Lippincott and '.'ompany, Piiiiadi-lol ia. for dkmaiea snslaii i H h th.m rfn consequence of the illegal geisure of teaa made in tile laid ci'y of I'hilaCeliihia, by ir Collector of that Tor', acting under the orders of ihe Secretary of the Treaniry, tp be paid out of any money in the T'eaaury not olhcrwiae appropriated : t'rtiited. That no allowance shall -be. na4 "fof any damsi auaiatned by them u her tl an the interest upon the amount T5nmrprnT'ctW enee in the value of laid property at the time of i delivery ia them-on tbe aubalituiiuit f utlter s c-..t-'v. - 1 Awrowd. Jnlv 14, 1831. Haimimij ON the 10th of Septembei hurt, from my plantation in Jonc cosinty, fwo nrgrgea. one'i 27 yeamttage, a very brihT niiit4i 11. ma uitew iir niti hnn.i,. If J ' fTii i ii I WAP hrrniinhAJ k.. - cm 1 hn will ehanire hi. .,., and endeavor to fora free man. The other wfimtf .JMfN;'-"s "Www imiHttt - abmjt 36 year of age, ve.-y .'Heliitfot 1 he wilt probably pas a' the servant tirwshTrgton, m ehane'e hi name. A rewnrd of 25 Hollars will be given for the delivery of eituer in any Jail, so that I can get them. , . , JAMES LAMAR. October 6A. aVJtf ICPTlie ticortrian. Savannah 1 the Tt. cope, Columbia, S. Cj nt Htebmond Knqui. until forbid, aod then forward their aocounta t. ' XOT.J. JOKBS t A'VTin..VK AT L.WV. MYTiLL' practiee Hihe Court of tuia County V T ty. navidson. If, eklenbttrr k Chrri. lit pfTiee i a fe w door below the Couit-Honae. VcHitr ath, liiJl. f - N O IV I C 13 . "IIB Copartnership e:iiting uti JL der he name of Thomas Fuller is this place, end Jones Fuller in Wil- Iington,"was dissolved on the 28th ly, by the death pf Thomas Fuller, ihe Subscriber at surviving Partner, ill proceed to dote the business of e'epneern, and reque j those intlcb ftd to it to make immediate payment, r their accounts w ill be placrd ia the anili of inoflicef toTt'o!ltio.--w-Thr umainder of the Stock will be fold at PUBLIC AUCTION,' com mencing on the 3rd clay .of October Ijext and continue from-dayC' dy intil tiie whole it ltsLoei ojfii con lists in part, of the following articles, viz: .' SALT, SIEKL, in ox. cotx, OATS,- COTT'hW BACCANC, XAILS, (cut and wrouehtj COTTON CARDS, llAllOlVAni) f- CUT LFJlY, DRY GOODS, HATS, sunns, iviXDOif.d i.a w, 80LR y VPPKR I.KATliKU, CROCKER Y- WARE, LOAF b LUMP SUGAR, POWDER, MINTS, 01 1 A, DYE-STUFFS M EDI (AXES, bfi. Terms mad kno-on div of tale. JOXIM YVIA.VM, sure. Part. FatctfevUte, Seit. ,8, 1 832." 2i43 IfUUCLL CoUNlY, August-Term 1832. 'PUT! Subscriht-r, having ob-ained letter f( -adaHtaistrsitiun, on the Kttate ol V'sbiiigton Hvers dte'd., ! :rnurt all per-ns indebted to thr I 1 in, 'ln'p tJ m,ke PVmer.t, and !l hav. ing claim agVuist said Cvtatf, to pre t(M thrm tluTy authenticated, and in 1 tPe .ime prr.criht-d (v la. 40tf ANN C. WWAlAlininlifratrir. latMit t:rstT In 'y.i'fy. Spring Term 1832. . . . Att.t till 4TD OTHRB Amo Wcsvia IS wifk (J Otbsb. yr appearing to the aati I , rV, . . ... , f 1 the C urt, that the deft- aatitfjctiun of nd sr ts Wil. IIia!Tt..lh.p'rrt.is (nd J lenrv Car ill, Hugh lli. K ng and wife, and VVfiTii.irh'YiunR Kxccutor of Widiiim Gill, du.u.u re side within the limits . f jhe S.ate of North-Carolma. It is therefore or dered that publication be made for stx weeks in the Western Carolinian duo. lisle" In flr,.burV?' IKinTiTiald KT -fendsnta appear at the nest Superior Conrt of Kqijit'v to be jield .for, the County of 1 re dell oil the "6 th Monday ftT the -4th - Monday, of. .September neit, and plead, answer, or .demur t.rj the bill of comprint, filed by Allen GUI aod other 1 otherwise ataitj .liI wilt.be heard Ex Parte, and Judgment entered up accorrlinglv. Witness John Mashat Clerk and Matter of our said Court at Office the 6th Monday aftrr the 4'.h M nd-iy of M irch 1832. t it IO (IV MITfJi I A T f 1 v ltufijiway IROM the iSubscrJher on the night of the 31st AttgHst last, my ne gro man TOM, about 22 or 2J yeara old, black complected, had on a blue broad cloth toat and pantaloons, black fur hat, (fashionable) about 5 el$ L?rJ,P. Jn.Qheihigb.-tautJwiJu4 Prom what I can learn from diffi-'rent! sources, I amHnduccd f believe, tht he has been persutdedto leave me by some white person, who has pro mised him hia freedom on their reach ing lomc free ate. I will pay ten dollars to any person whr will con fine him in any jail io the state, so that 1 get him agnin. SENNACA TURNER.. Caburrus County, X. C. i fjTJ Tnc ' Miners' fj? Farmers' Jjurnd, are rrq.iesttd to publish the above until f orbid, and forward tbeir jccount to J), Storkei 1. M. Cor.Cord Jl baU be JiqaitUtefl rt i(.htf 40tf S. TL'IINER. x.iir.vorctv URTON CnsiOl will hractict law in the county courts of Rowan. He nuv. a jH times, he found, at the oflice of- the troiniiin. 606 (JjmiLHii TOX4tn4CII ERA IV. THE STF.S.M BOAT MACON rwx. J. C. GRA tojlM.flavhiKbeeh ienKuced last summer, '!l.r.un" b'ffnljatleston aod.Jie rw calling at Geo. Town on her way up aMdswtir -will resume he Trips in the eoure of a few days and is Intended to be continued In the trade tba ensuing tea rV- ,.:.,.I.i .'',:;:, ;; - Her exceeding light dtaft of Water drawing when loaded only about four and a half feet water will enable her to reach Cheraw at all times except, an uncom mon low ilver, when her cargo, be lightened I the Expense of Boat. J. B. CLOG II.- Chartetton Srtl. 26, F831. - N. u, She ha comfortable accomo dations for a few passengers. 92it ' J. B. C. - J T? OR carrying the M41I of the TJn- JL itcd Sta'rt f r two yfars, from the first iiv of January, lftJ3, to ihe 3 1st tUy of Dtfcembcri, 183 , on the folfowing pust route J in North CarolU na, will be received at this office un. lit the tecond day of November next, inclusive t to be decided 00 ihc.'Jih day of November. " 218r;r-From Columbia to Spring ftrltl, to 'Vyrrcl County, and batkoncc a weekr -'.'.,. i r, Leave C!umbia every Monday at G a. Til. arrivp at Springfield tarns day by 6 p. m. a ac :..'v- n. 1 pi v A. PI. ttiv vwaiHu-au dlV 1)V 6 P. M. 2188. From Kinston to Trenton, 50 - ' . . 10 lit t and, bat k , j?nc vf k . Leave Kmston every edncsd:iv Tt 12 na'tn, arrive at Trenton tame dv by f, T. M. r Leave Trenton every Thunday t G A. M. arrive at Kintton aame day by 12 noon. 2189. From Greenville to Stanton, burg, 30 miles and back, once a wrtk. Leave Orecnville every Wed -estliv at 9 A. M. arrive it fltantot,burg same day by 7 V. M. Leave Staotot.burg every Thursday at 5 A. M. arrive at Greenville tame day by 2 P. M. 21'JO. From Oravelly Hill by Isbor, and Taylor't Bridge to Clinton and baekj once sveek - - . - - Leave Gravelly 1 1 ill every Tnuri- day At 0 A M, arrive at Clinton same d.y 6y 3 r M. Leave Clinton every Friday at 6 A M, arrive at Gravelly Hill aame day by 3 P M. 2191. Frum Bedford by Sh'cco Springs to Warrentoo, 28 . milei and back, once a week! LeaycBedfiird every Thurid.iy at 7 A M, arrive ut Warrcnton aame d.iy by 3 I'. M. 1,cjvc Warrcnton evcrr Tuesday at i& A-l. arriat. UdLxl ..same, day 1)v 4 P. M. 2l9i. Bv Ilillsboro'bv Pick-t's Oil MiW, Ths.'Reochairt, Htster's Sioie, iRlcJiMJunock's and Potter's Bridgf to Uxlord,40 miles and bick, once a week. Ieave'IIilUbo'ro' every Tuesday at &X(...9crtvvat.U&fvr.d,jaxMy by G P. AL Leare Oxfrird everr Wrdnesdav t 6 A. M. arrive at Hillttboro tame daV by 6 P. M. 2193. From ULkelv by Stolesburgh t .Germantown and back, once V week. " Leave Ulaafely every Monday" at P. M.: arrive at, Gcrmaatowa . aame day by 5 P. M. -Hare fJermantown every Monday at 6 A. Me rrive aU . Blakelv same dir by 10 KIU 21 94-, From Roxboro by Hugh Wuodj to Khck-.Walnut,-Ya,-22 mile and back, once a wetk. Leave Roxboro every Thursday at 7 A. M. arrive at Black Walnut aame day bv 1 PA1. -Leave Black WwInut. every Thurs day .it 3 1.2 P M, arrive at R jxboro arne day by.9 P. -M.T,..;:,,:",.,:,.; 2195. From Leaburgh bv Hichtow era to Caswell c. h., 15 miles aud back, once a week. Leave Leasburgh every Wednes day at 6 A. M. arrive at Caswell c. h., same day bv 10 A. M. Leave Caswell c. h. every .Wednes day at II A. M.. arrive at Leasburgh same day bv 3 P. M, 2 1 93. Frm Rrck ford by JuddsviHe to Rower's Store and back, once a wetk. .. .. Leave R ckford every Thursday at 3 PM. arrive at B twer's Store next day by P. I. r Leave Bowers' Store every Wed nesday at 9 A M, arrive at Rockford next day by 13 noon, 2J97. From Concord bv Milt Grove and Hickory Grave to Beatty's Ford and hack, emce a week. Leave Concord every Wednesday at 6 A. M. arrive at Bcauy's Ford same day by 6 P. M. . Leaver Beatty- Ford, eyc s me day by 6 P. M. i ... l -r... 2198. From Lawrenceville to Wades boro,' 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave La wrenocyille every Friday at 6 A. M. arrive at Wadesbotough same day bv 5 P, M. " Leave i WidestofovefjTTfiursSay at 7 A. M. arrive at Lawrenceville same day by 4 P. M. 1. The Po&t Master Gcnenl reserves Jbfe rigbe, expedite. .ihejaitssA,ta. alter the times of their srrival snddepar tore at sny ihne during the Ttontlnuance of the contract, by ' giving sn adequate compensation, never exceeding a tro r ta allo-eance, for an extra expense which such alteration may require. 2. Seven minutes -shall be allowed for Opening and doting the mailt, ta each office,' where no particular itme shall bt speciBedf but-t he Post Master i General reserves to himself the rfght of et tending the time. : "; .J. , For f very ten mlnuterdelajf in tr Iting at snrjioint after the time pre scribed in any contract, .tbe contractor shajt forfeit fire dollars. . If the delay tSall continue bevond Hi tu, . depsnuieof.ny undin, ,,.. ,,, f.ur.ah.lH.;tu ho.V:'1' allowed for aiiowea lor carrying th, mii, '"" If it shall b. mad, LD3.T: '!! by W4 occasioned b . dent, of which ih. Po,,m ,;V; hllbeth.juB,,Mr,rfe;,; reduced to th .,ne-jr f p,.f' " but In no case can that tm,l.V ted The fotfeitures ar. comHiiooal, md will i ,l Uut forced. ? t if. 1w5rwTI5Ti5,e' 1, tare their prices brtheyf-;' lobe1deq...r.rytl,lh, May, August, NosenDer' md r.J? one nianth uf:r tk -..:...! I . ' v -A-Aooe W a free whhe m be Impfyfd to Cany tb. mfil - t - L.. 6. ProHHaU should Vate wk.,i... 1 persoa ptoposts tocarrv ,.a7!,, wise. 7. If the person ollVrlo trn. wuhe the nrl.it,... r ? Pl per out of the mail, he m,...-?.'!,''1 hi did 1 otherwiie be cmpot lft:,)t privilege. ' ' ' 8. . I ropotliians for nv U, mentt in transporting the m;!, mannrr of Cirrying, i,l(rtu, titlZ or aiiv oilw r innwiu. . r - .. ... ,l( ,rt to be tiated in the p.opoiab, ib ,lflt alalia. rnr.i.i.l raJ 9. The number of the mm, j, beginning and letn.ination.i, h.uld be stated in every bid; proposal, nitiHt be tseatleH, diretrdteZ " Oer.eral Post Oaker0(ncef MflfiJ facts ;" and Supersctller Prufn The following a prop, fa proposal! . " v:!l ntvrtj tie matt, BftMk advertUetrtrnt, un route ,Vo - I , 'f -"tlkrymft irntntion jf tlollav,'' Ife mutt state the pUe of kit rr dence ; and if not a contractor, accompany his bid with satisfactory commendations. iO The JrsuncVs, 'sV ttitrd, tr erj, mated, and nruy not be entirely wrrec but if any errors have occotrtj ,4 tion to thern, no increase, of coape. tbu will Jbe IoeiLoa.thai4ccHHMTv contractor will inform hiuuelf ttm JJOIIH. 1 1 . The Postmaster General tras he right of annulling snywtrsttsi r veTTiepeatTd failureiTolrrTve ajiUsiS contract time iball occur ; or tliatij one failure shll hsppen amoun hijie'sj rss pf trip : or whenever.. mi di'tttU which he mijr g.ve shall oot be proD'ti I obeyed. . . . - ...v- ,. I I i. No bid shll be wjthdriws ifiar tV? time for receiving it k.s ttaKtst s-J should any person refuse 4ostsy r... at his bid, he shall forfeit iH contract i j,m ithiwa. partrjoent, and be held rcsponsiiil law-A damage that may result from UiU o ennplr -- - 7 tS. No eorrtrict nor bit! tut h tw ferrcd wil ho.u.t..!h tpecJiL to.i.s .rirt, approbation of the Postaier .Gcnttii and an I.awiriroYril .oLa contract. a without. consent, first obulqed nwriiii; shall forfeit it. . This rule, till stitts dr-parted from "" "' "r " - I If a contractor or hi teeot tUe the f ost OITice law' or shall tranttnKcsi mercial inteligtnre by express mwr fpidty- -thun - the mail,- his wrww be forfeited ; and la all cases haits tractor s,hall run a stage, or othrli mor rapidly or more - fretiefftw-isw a 1 a required oy coo tract torairita, Ua'lhaitglvriLTirrrfit' BcreasTRfW ty and fioquenty to the rhjil, ttiilesstw post master Ocncsal shtll otherstut rcct, and without increais of compett lion. I J. The Posmst'er Genrnl rw be right of cortailinir or of ilicoitinis; anr route, w hen, in his opinion, ifcipt lie interest thall rtuiure it ; and s case the cootract ahull cesw so far lutes to the part curtailed, or tothewhw if diconinuyd.an lljwinc of1 mWihVextrapiyliXwgroatlc'to'lii''' tractor. ' 16. All contract! for routti emV in this srivertisemetit shall conmenc the first day of January next, ad to"- ue wo yeats. Decinions on bids will be matf? on tbo 9th day of November rnf WILLI M T. BAKKJ, Post Muter Central General P. 0. DepartmisT, ! P' 1 1 Ut4r Jufy2i,Wi. ;, -1- TITTl., m,: rnminrnct OS 1 TURF, will commence os day, the 23d day of Octher a and contio'ue "tnree dayiTi y .... atlAM .r V three mile Heats, purse " i ond day, two mile heats, purs I j Third ,fv IT .ndv dan Piir ?4 ..... v. ""f r - . best in five, for heentrance 0fthe'preceflTn horse. To be governed by iM; of the New-Market Coe. 7 JOHN II. IIARPIM,' Nr BbeWvio-btJia:. at the stand. . sv-SiiKaBaflia!i Infona their "r, thefltiWieres"", they have ret"" to their aew Shop two door ' sr reaiUence er ur. rerran. . hre tbey are alway readr . an call, of their friends. I M such a the making and repainnf " Oitnu Sulkev tie. . nm . " ... .'. i..:MaMo" . all it vsriou branehe, & vf wr Sfft VEUr at Lit 0ld tAtL. -- a.

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