r ! 1 mi ji i i i , -j Itjsevea wise abstain frwn hw, wbijH hlwpver -wise anl goo I in theuWelvds, la l tho sotnblanco of fawfiality which fyil no lespttusj id tb heart I tlM Citizen, arid whicd) will 1m etyle t with littla remorser ' ,V. I UomJ.Au of IflTiHhtinKefjemllwoi in grafting law ort Conscience. . ;. - -';""' "l1!.,. r- -r; ;.- :s ,;T , , , . - ,' - Dri Chaining.. - " SALISBURY; ROWAN CQU VTV, tf. C 'm - mi i i 'i i in' i tn'i in 1 1 1 r i ' .MODAY OCTODEH ' VOU XIII 0 . V TERMS "Woa".. Vm Dollar per . lu all oibor hcroloh.ro eu ". .. ' 1 a. .v A,ornfL Mm 10. liW. , - Ur"timt w'Wrt ike yat. Tfo faprf will iliwnmnnued 'vnttl all Arrraraernrt MeM.inlrn at the filitdr'i dim-rttwn. X bicrttion wilt be rccciced for a h$$ ttfit than - . . - ' .-. v A fulhirt to noti fy the hiiitor oj a imJl Ii ditcontinuf, one'moiilfi before the ijipi, dtiutofaiKif, will bn oonu&trtd at a tuv fgagr mtnl. . r ' Ami virion procuring ti iolcenttuh. icribrrf to the Carolinian, skull Kate a tcurnth pnprr gruti. AiUtrimng at the uml mtr. Alt Utter aMrrri to the Editor fnvi bf porf paid of' they will not bv'at. fyniul to. T TIicjo tcrnw will bo slrictly aJ . fcf f;il ' JBK 1 II... - ' proved by hnt anfl' rinrtinncd "1nrCrt in LAWS OF THE U. STATES passfit at the ftnrfmwn of the Tumty-ticcpnd. Congress . If ACV (r lterii, time of tiotdlnjf thf iMTict Court of the United State! for t1t C.iiii.l of Indiana. ... .llZhe'U. .tmcted .htf lh Stnnie and Ilnuscaf Representatives oj the I lu ted $tati of America in Congress ' tntmUid, Thut the District Court u the United StutM for the District of Inlianif Jl!wlLl.hcaflt holdon tn Hie Im Moo; iivi of May aiiJ Nmremlwr, j eah year, instead of tins firet Munduys of ai4 pKHitlis, u ii uow required by law. ' llmt a!! frreedinis of a Civil or wiaiiiml la'iin-; now nding in, or returiiablo to, laid Court, ahull U proeewUsd in by eaid Court n the mme manner as if no aliera tjoo of thft llme.A for Bujdiug said Court bad taken place. A. STEPHENSON, Speaker of tne TTotie uf Kerrnt niniivea. VittJresidcj.ti fi' s taitrd Sia;tand ' frfii.I:i' i fihf Sfnale., ' AVprowiU. i.it-i'9. 4li ANDREVACKSQN,- 4t ACT ftif (ftvii- j effect to a eo.nmercial ar "ra: nirnt between the t'uitVd Stttf and t'" ' (tei tiLl.c Colombia I l!ou.x ol Reijreseixi alms ttf the ivcmbUil. 1 lint vessels ol tin Republic ot AN ACTbir tl iii(rtiimrnt of -ItefTacff. lativtr Bijoux (lie aevcral Haiel, Iceorduy to ttie fillii cri, ... . lie'U' enacted '"hifVieSenrtie ami hut.-, o f heitrcscnt itices of the Un itrd states of America, in Conri sx aewmw-d, lliltlfroiii ond after ilm tliird day of March, one tliomand fiylit hundred mid tlfirty tli-R0, tlm IJ.u-") ol Kt-prem-n l itives hIiuII be compound of mcmljrf, elect''d iircL'iib'y to n ralm ototio rt-prc aefitalivo for every forty .iteven lliousaud mul seven htiiulred persons in each Stare, couiputod according to tho rill" pr;feribcd hv the CoriHtiliiiMin (, the '(Inilfid ritafs, (hut is to anv, wilhii tlio Stnlo of Maine, ei''hl : within die Slato of New llamn liire, five ; h illiin tli(? Statp of .MaMsarhu- wttn, twdve ; within the Slate of Connec ticiit,si ; -within the Stato of Vermont, five : within the Slutit of Nsw York, forty; within the htiilf; ( cw, Jc&y, w ; with in th Stale f Peiinsylvaiiia, twenty oiphl; within the St;ile (.f D-deware, one; within the State of Maryland, fiijht ; within the Slato of Virginia, twenty one j within the Slate of ortli ('arirfiiiu thirteen ;i within tho Stafo of S.iiilh Carolina, uino ; Within tho 8tje ( Hn'orgia, nine; within the Slato of Kentucky, thirteen; within tho Staid of Tcnnc&we, thirteen; within tho Stale iff Ohio, niueteen whIhiv- the State of Indiana, sevenT; within the State of Minsinsippi, two; within tho state of Illi iinin, tlireo ; within the State of LouUian, three j withiu tliitStuto of Miuri, two ifii withiu tJie, .Sluic-ot AUlama five- - - Airotd, May 22, 1812. eighl1ii1riiJrTaSnTMrly-onf, by which timiwn ((riinied to imT rerrilory for the pnrpiwte of ruiainit a juhJ fir the emcfion '43. Wfnr. wuldmi at Littln. Rm k, 4 eat of Ujvejiiment ofaaid TcrrjffiyLL Pec. 2. ilid be irfuririer ewtM, That hofliln herein, coutuioed ahull bn so cooatruidji-.aiitlriin!'at7rpen the part of (tie Lniteil States for aeUfettng nid lurid, or bnildiiie said houne'. other than the nfjrewid grunt often sections of the unappropriated public lumlv Ai'pronl J ' 4. tiijn, nnd ty bun paivnl to tlio proper . Be- AM ACT lo privi.ir fpf litiaift and pi"K ei-rlirf e'aifit id tlir ttnte bf Virginia. Be it enacted by the Semite and llounr of ReprriHitta'ivtt of th' Unitvd States of America tn Lougrttti auemblcl, I hut the proper aacountii!; officer of the Traasitry do liquidate and pay the acconnts of the Commonwealth of Virginia against the United 8tatentor payments to t lie office n commiindin;' in the Virginia line in the war of tlio revolution, on account of hall pay for life promised the officers aforeim by that Commonwealth, the sum of oim hundred au! thirty nine thounn 1 five hmidred and forty threo dollars and sixty nit rent!). Sec 2 ,1iid be it farther cnJcd, rhutthe SeCrelaryoJ the .Treasury bo aii'IUe Iherbv,;feqiiired and directed U pay to tho State of V trginia tho amount of th6 judgment wJuch havo been rendereil against the said State, f r and on account of liu. .promiso contained in an art panwd by the Oaueril Assembly ol the State ol v irgioia in inc monin oi .nay, ah no ioin ini one tnousanrl seven hundred and seven tv-ninc, and in favour of the othc'Uj s or re C4tM&o? ouwftsof tlwf-TintirylHfwftMiit Rr aettwmeHl! andill letters iiul packa ires Ki ami rmm tho saul eomiiiiwuoiier, t'Kichiug l WmC9 of bis oifictf, shall be frea of hostage ' Z:X" $t.c : Jinn bill farther rnftcrm. That nl ardent apirita sliall bo hereafter HitleH;der'OTy"fruKri inaian country. - , 5. Tid he it further enacted, rhat th Secretary of Var shall, nnditr th' direction el the President, causo to bn ilia- continued, tho services of such agents, sub- agents, mlorprcleri', and mechanics, a may, from lime to timci Bei'oiiio rtnnerei- srtry. in cohsequenco of tho emigration of the Indian, or other rnuje.i. AS ACT to ulttr the lime of holding the Die tritt Court of lla- United Statu for the wt Ifrndiit icl ol Loutaiana. -UcU tnm'k-d-by-ikt- Scwtt nnd House e kvprctcntatitet Of the Vni ted q States of Jnurica in Congress assembled. That the District Cuua;V . ot tlo rt-: ". . i- . . i niiuii states ior tlio weiero uwirici i Loiliniann. shall bo hereafter holden on thesecoiul Mondiy of Jl'ne, in each year, instead of the third Monday of August, a unow required by law. Sec. u. And be it farther enacted That all proceedings of a civil or criminal nature now pending in, or returnable to, said Court, shall bo proceeded in by the said Lou rl. in the same manner as it no alteration . pf tho. Jimo for holding said Court had; taken place.- r A.N ACt' w illiorismiKr rewt' rt tus t.- rfllce from Mount Sahlt In the' 6u V of M- I'irtpi, and to remove the taal ORkr from 1 Funklin to Fivette, in State of Miw niri. .yitMiQCLtdHen df'RcDnsentcttives of the Iniled m"2iJ!'Z. : ' V.':'-""-rr of America, in - Congress ns ar,u,h,a, anTflieir :'"r Mr-UaA -ffietml -Mount y$.VM-and he aaSplacit in Iho TSSi tHhd lpnyuQ greater dut.rsM importtio. , fiA of tha United V.C. 1. 'A id be if fitrth'rr tnnete-l. I Secrolary of .thn Treasury the Wiemrt TlMtho"Trrtary of War te7fitrrhir U 1 cmtertrreTiap 'Ifrnwrw-rWeiiulf-o'TrTr? AN ACT t( eiiaWe ,Jt frctilcii( to es:iin;.iwi' Induii liltc within tl '8''r of InJiaiii, I.li l oii, and Teiriloiy f Michij: hi. He it enrirted by the Scnnicni Ihnxeof Representative of the Uni ted shies of .'hnertca in Cunreux ant-mbltd, That the. s'im of twenty thou sand' dollars be, and the Mine is herebv opp' priated, for tho "purpose oi holding Indian treaties, and of li.t t'ly extiih-iiiHlniig Indian title, within tho Slate oflmliuna, and so much oftho lands of the IVtuwali tniea as lie in tho State oflilmoi and i'or- ritory of Michigan. Approve,), July 9, . AN AC T to extend the period'' wini.ii th charter of the ProviJjut Aiociailoa of ("""Clerki am limited. He it tn-'Cted btHhe Senate an -l FfoHie of Represent! tires if the t'ni ted st ilia if America in Conxrcss hereby, aiithorizoiJ and directed to caUwe ; any un-titisfied r liutiis of J Jin if.- Flow, er, Nithalas I,Uer,.Vilhaif Drew, and Josoh " U.xlgcra, ClKiMkeo- Iailiana. for ocHot by themV rcf"clTvly, by iiHlia ,,i"ilt!l!llil'l!.,''LXXitias oX JlialLitc4 , S(aiei, iii tho yuan one thousartd eigltjl hmidred and twoutv eiht. and otie thou snl eight iniiidred aiui twonlyoiine, in the 1 erntory ttv Arkarwas, coded .to tho United Mate by iheCherokcejnlic pi Indian, In tho month of Mayk one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, to bo settled ami paid in the name manner as ir such filiation had been commitlod before- the cesiiai 'f the said Territory, on the prin ciples iT tle act ol L'jngrew, approved March tliirtielli, one thoiund eight hun (I red and two, entitled " An act to regulate tmdo and inlernour.te with tbo Indian Irinen, anil to prenervo peace on tho fron tier ;" and that the Secretary of War bo di reeled to eiil;uVor to uncertain the names of the persona who commilted tho depredations upon the property of said In di.lns, mid take suitable steps for tho pro secutioti atod punishment of tiieli person ; nntlal.o. fir tho recovery of the vahw of Hie property plundered or uttitroyed by them. Sec. 3. Ai l be it fattier enacted, That tliu .iid sains l) paid out of any money in tho 1 rcasury iK't otherwiM appropriated. Appiovcd, July U, MJ .i... -.t r nrpMil!ittpii ill (iMhrpr ni tlu T4.triuiAihll . i--- r. . i.. . " , . i Co on the fill cent h Jav of ruhrnarv. eiah- t-'en h-jiidred and nineteen, entitled " An act to inc-orporate- the Provident : AssVfcia. tion ot Clei Its in tho Civil Department ol tho United States, in tho Dibtrict of Col umbia,'" and.." Anttctaiiviidatoryff the act sntitlod An act to incorjVfrato the Provident Association of Clerks iu the Civ il Department of tho Government .oL jlje ltnnStnres,lrr-rfi' biu.'t approved the third day of March, eighteen, hundred and twenty-five, idiall continue ill force until Cougresp, shall a mend, alter, or annul the same. nproviJ, Jul' 9 iK3 and corps herein.iflor recited, and not ex ceeding, in the wholo, the sum of two hun dred and forty.ooe thousand three haadred nd forty five dollars, to wit : t irst. I o the officers, or their legal re- prrsentftteves, -of the regiment comniunded by tho lato Colonel Ueorje titbsonl the a- mount of the judgments which thev have obtained,' and which are no unsatisfied, oecuiio. i o inc uiu' tis, or uicir tuui representatives, oftho regiineut denomin ated the second State regiment, command ed, at times, by Colmiel H rent and Dab- ney, the amount of the iu.lgnvNits which they havo obtained, and which aro now uiMatishcd. Third. To the officep, or their legal representatives, ol the regiment of til ouel Clark and Crocket;, and Captain Cviiers's troop of cavalry, who were era- ployed ia the Illinois service, the- amount ofihepdgmfirrrTwhich they bavii lobtaiue and which are now unsatisfcw. Fourth. To the officers, or their legal representatives, rvuig ia ilia gioHffi State artillery commanded by the late Col otiel Marshall, auJ those serving in the State "-arrison reginvwit coinniandej by CokiieliIuifir:.ani.atr ingjn. ihc-JJiaifi-fhq-Tn-tjf tww -todwHhTwaaittl ihllars C.( inaking ppr;.rik.int ior a cu.ioi huau in the city of New Yviik, and for other purpifA. Be it exacted bj the Sentte and Kn AO " eiieiutnif; tu'iticr I lie right of d ben lure to the port of. Key We, ad wlterin the limits of Ihf tlirict of K'V Went. lie it enacted by, the Senate and fed ' States of A.nerica in Congress assembled, T a', all tihip or vessels 4 anrl -rnerchandnP', arriving in the Liiited Slates; from and after the first day -f Au gust nett, from, the Capo of Good Hope", or lYem anv place ley net lsmfrlraH be admitted to mak? entry u! the port of entry of Key West. . Fee..;,?. Jlad- bs d, farther enacted That, liereafter, all the port, harbors, shores, and waters, of 1' at part of Florida extending from India ru'"r Tumpa liny and of the isl.lnds oppoiito and ' neardut thereto, be, and the samo ore hereby, an ncxed to, and shall forma part ot, the col lection district of Key West. Sfc 3. And be it f miner enacted Thnt the proviso of the third section of the act of tho seventh offllayione thousaiHt mployea arauthonara yy tm eirjpjo.ven i r -the purpoana oi the rcVeuueahwiUl'-b wlficient. joiid jo.llie eaecuttta J tha nnarsntine and health laws of any ptaia, of t. tne regulations made rmnuant thereto, tha widticcratary aay-wias4 be mplye4 -- mtrh additional revenue boats and revenue ojnVeraas ho may deem necessary foxlhat j . pUrtioM, the said revenue boats to do ei aiicn sizo and description- he may ae proper. This act to con t nine in I'frce ui til the. fourth of March, one thousand uijrs hundred and tbirty-tbiee. Vprovt-d.Jaiv 13. t An ACT to eiiend tb nine ol ulns; 'nvf Land V arraii to fii jers and soldiers of tba R-volu ioiar A' if... tie it enacted by the Senate and Hwie of Reprcscnt'tticft of the t'ni ted S ntes of Ainericn iu Consrett aniKmbled, That tho time allowed for is suing military land warrants to the olfieer) and soldiers of (he revolutionary army shall bo extended to the first day of Janu ry eighteen hundred ami tlti-ly five, Kaoi 2. And be tifurlfifr ' tiflrBt -That the further quantity of tbfPirlratT dred thousaml acre of laud -be,' and lh same is hereby appropria.ted, la addition to the quantity heretofore appropriated, by tho a:t entitled ' An act tor the relief T certain officers and soidiers of ihe Virginia line and navy and of t he cMitmenlal army during the revolutionary war," approved the thirtieth of May, eighteen hundred and and thirty, which said appropriation shall be applied in the mannner provided by tha said act to the itnsatiHhed warrant wnicn barn beer) or mav be "issued as therein reeled to the ouJcera and ; aoluWa and- - others as descriM in tho first, filth, and BwVenth socliont of said act 1 fr eV 3 And be it further enacted, That the last paragraph of the first sec tion of the said act which authontes tna issuing of. warrants upon an affiJavit thai tho original was bst, and upoti the pre- duction of an ofliei..! copy thercot, snail ; be, and Ihe same is hereby, njfiW.....,;,,. Api-ruvrd. July U-.iaJ3.. struct''.! thereon to bo ud as a custom htuv in the port of New York ; and that anchorage, tonnage, or any other kind, than are now, or here niter may be, levied iia the vessels of tho United States. " Sec a. And be it further enicte t, :-TUat the restridiori of coming ttirel-t Iro-tn " a port in Coronibia", cbntalncsl in thepro reding section, shall be tnkoji olr, as soon ailJie President hal receive aatwfactory tviJcpce, that alike-restriction is, takeu nff " from vessels of the Uiiited- Stares in tlio 'ports ol tlio .ltepublie of Colombia, and atia'f muta known the sHiiieiy hiprocla Oatii) declaring the fact. ,. Ere 3. And be it further enacted. That if thft President ottho United State shall at any time rcccjvo satisfactory in formation that the privileges allowed or lliich may bo allowed to tAmoricnn ves i! and their carsoes in the ports of Co- . Imtibia, corjesponding with those, exten- nod, or tii .be estenduj by this act, to l-o. .Tiimhinn vessels and flicir cargoes in tho . Purts of tlio United States,-hava been re- J edaiinuTIc'iiT-Jie .hereby juitbor - lvl. by prorinmnrirm, tn intpin ; - strwrof enhcr or vXb of ttio prdvlglis of! this act. as the case mat be, and Id with. hold any or all the privilege allowed, or -t bo aUowed, to VoVnubian vesslOT their cargoes. Arpnnd, May 19; 1S.12. - 1 1 f . f C? MM Oft' td eftrMwa of iVit rtiles and regulniuas of the Sv .service. A , lie it enacted hj the Senate and House of RinresentativJS of tke Uni MM9fti'nf:J:mrka.MJ0onstt.ss ,,f4Tnrt1hefretlerir ofthe Cut ted States be, and he is hereby, autltoriaed teeonttitate a board bf Naval ofjicera' to boj coBtposed of the Naval Commissioners il two rW Csntains la meet nt the Seat f Government, whose duty it shall be, with the aid and assistance of' the Attor- cy General, carefully "to revise ana en State may direct.il in hi opinion any ro inuvtil be iieeussary and that the Land Olfico at Franklin, in the county of How aru, Slate f -MtsTart;-8luill -be" removetf to.aiKl locateil in, the town of Favette in said cotmtrv : and it shall be the duty of y;e.JlegilervSJid tho lloccivers ot puw. inoncy fr said Laud Oificea within sixty days, frorh'nnJ after r "fhe 'jssagav,SriRis' act, to remove Ihe books, records, and whatever ehr Wongs to said offices, to their respective places of location a here in provided for., . Approved. May ?2, 1S32. AN ACT autlnwisisc-h Seere'ary of ihe Treaaury to permit a wharf to b built uer the tite of the tight bouse, on Stratford point. In Ihe State of Connecticut, ar Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ItcpmenlaiiM oflhe tTtil- ted States of America in.jiicas msmbleJrTfttfiw Secretary of the Treasury ia herebv authorized to permit a wharlla ha bOut-near the UW the light house, on Stratford point in the Stato of Connecticut, and to grant the use of such land tclonnini! to the United States ai -may boTequired for that purpose V Pro tided. The use ol Mien wnart enoit con tiiuie only, so Jong as, in tha opinion of tha Swretiv of the TreasurTi it does not in terfero with Iheiuterrste of the United Stales :: " - Approved. June 35, 18W. cavalry commanded bv Major Nelson, the amount of th- juguvnts which they have Joined, and which are now unwMibfwiv 'Fifth. To the oificers, or their legal reffeseotarveiv, who enrveif in the navy if j Virginia durinj? the w'lr of tHsTrevolutioit, , ho uniwut of thy J i L'ineiil which tney ,iavo ,'jtumed, a:U ivlucu ait) uovv uiumu- fied. . . - See. 3. And be it further ennctedttin the Secretary of the Treasury Ijc, ahrl he is hereby directed and required, to adjust and sctlle thoso claims for half pay of the officer. f..-thAafoweiM4 .fegtrftlrrti vnd corps, which have not been paid or prose-j rtTteTto'3j of Virginia, and for Which" sahl Wtate would bo bound on the principles of tho half pay cases already decided in tno iiiprouie Court of Apeulsof said Stale; which se veral sums of money herein directed to be settled orpoid shall be paid out erf any mo ney iu tho Treasury not otherwise appro priated by law. Approve", July S, lJJ. . . ..... .....i Ihuse of Representatives oflhe Uni- f.3py as-ienbled, Tliat the Secretary of the Trea sury ahull be, and he i hereby authorized and slireuted, with the approbation "f tjte ffCTt'iilof the Uuited SIhIps, to purchase a site, and to enn.se a building to boon- the port of Key West,- together with a: such.othcr parts of said act a aro incim siatent with the provisions of Jlw presout act. ' i a he, aiiJ t!ie same 1 hereby appropriated, V if a iv money in tUeTreasurv not oth- rriS3 npwrripriatea, n tie appuoa loine j)urwse aforesaid.---i. . Sfc '2 : And be-it further tntctcU That fortheiinprovement ofCustorrt hnu.'e squares at the port of New Haven, in Hid State of Connecticut, nine hundred dol lars be, and the mime is liercby'nppropriut- od to be extended rmder the direction of the Secretary of thoTreasury, provided the same ahull by him be deemed exjiedient to be nuid out of any money in the 't rei "iiryTMit otherwise appropriated. -srtc, 3. Ani be ft fmhef enacted Tliat the following "sums bo appropriated, out of any moneys iii the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,, lor ,tti nirpose hereiiiafter nientioood, via I lor the erec tion or Durcliase of a Custom house and public store at the- port of Middleton, five thousand dollars for the erection or pur clnise of a custom-house and public store at the port of New London, five thousand dollars; for the purchase of a lotj and tins erection of a cttstoni-honse and puUie stnre-1 at the-por 'srf .NwlWfor4i-iteei thfn saad dd ersr-and -for: the purchase ot a custom house at tha port of Kerinebuna sixte;R'buielred sIollHrs for own An ACT authorising H.e entry ..i .. merchandise arriving from tlie Cipe i-f tiod "TTope7oT lryrTiil tlir ssitifPaTTLc purrol - Bdnrlowfl, ia Mitwhosfs.- lie it- enacted by the fennfc and An ACT anth.insmg the Secretary vf r ta ' pny to the Seneca iribe of Indiana, h bai nee ol an annuity, of I ttinii.inid doliaifc, ii'iul'y pa.d to said liMia'ia, and rmMties; tiTtpaid f.ir the yi-aron tboutabd i'gh: hua. dr d and twenty nine. Ve it enacted by the Senate and Houteof. RmeicnlafuHlqfttertii teil States !"qf 'America in ( ongms at tembled, That the Secretary of War ba authorixed to pay to 'tla, Srijoca., tr.ba.of . Indiahf. lhe siim. of Iwji JhotLsahd six liua- dred and frtrP'f out bf any money in the Treasury not oth erwise appropriated, that feeing the lailancft due on th annuity payable to said Indians for the vear one thousand eight hundrhd and iwentjineV1 A;!pruv.d, J .iy 13.-1831 '' -ih VrHr ' -Be UnatUA to'-lAFSaiale audi House of renirscvtat'vet of thelfff - m t A 71: l"h -'?';" -,.".1' "T.l oca tn. unless Mapiftr., That from and ;MlLnl Xt lirijailx3 IF. I' irvll lis Xliv IW4" meiw of August next, all teasel or mrehandis, arriving in the United rtates from the Cape of Good Hope, or from any fdaee beyond the nme rnnT-he-CTtercrt arthe - m. m, .' -I port of hdgnrtnwn, in ifla&saouusetts. . Auprwtsu, July 1.1. iXJi.. .... . , i . . AN ACT 'to authorise ihe Governor of ihe tt r riW' vi m saaiiBMsj nu wwmw . land, crn,ted to faitt Territory for the pur few of boildlTiltegtaTaitiv i bouse" for a 3 Tcrriory, and for other purpese. Be it enacted by the Senate end ltou of Ucpresentah rrv of tht UmlQ State of Anuriearin Congee atntmblcd. That -.. .1 -. - . i i. i i... &j urn aumoruy ana power nensoy ? . , . i ' .1.1 i nc .1.. hirae the rtile end reffulations fforeruinff lied in, nd given to the Governor" of the " h naval servye, with thjfr view fe adapt Territory "6r-AljT"ar vested "them to the.rM-senl and Ctture exigencies -in, and given ta,the Legislature of theTer : f thisinano'rtnnt arm of national defence. torvb4 Arkansas, by a:aef Congress 'talea ajii rejukuiuraa .'t'-t'af,t.togod $ ftfarcb, no thousand IN ACT to provide for the appointment Jf a , rjnrnrniMiouerf lndiaa Aflir, and for. ethsr. nirrpoiet. - lie tt entered f ii the' Senate and House t nrnrfmtnfntinn nf the ifjuidd JStaU ofl PreVuTeiit 8hairaj.pinTrb vice and consent of the Senate, a CommJe-L AuPf?vta, jmy tJ, siooerof Indian AlTsirs, who thall, under the; direction of the Secretary of War, ami aoreeably to such regulations astha Pres ident may, from time to timr jrrescribe, have tho direction and management of all Indian out ol Indian relations, and shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars per an- - ccr 2. And be it farther tnaeted. ,:ftiitiw or appoint to the said oflice tho number of c crks necessarv theretor, so a notour crease the numbcr ftow employed and such sum as is necessary to pay the salary of said commissioner for the year one thousand eight t hundred and- thirty two, sliall be, and the same hereby is appro priated out of any mtMiey in the Treasury. ' -j?tc. -i-jAd'ibe. $!itfet:tycle& ThatltllTaccounts and vouchers f ir "claims and disbursements connoted with" twliaa aSatrs, sliall be transmitted to the said commissioner for admiuutraUve cjQUVt. ted Stntes on vessels owned wholly by suo- jectsofflain,fiirilrlfr fn-tn a port iri Spain, tlian shalh by tlt Sfrfttary'Tif the Trpt sury be ascertaiiied to have been pn'id oh AmeHcan Vessels in the ports of Spain previous to the twentieth October, or thousand einht hundred and octenteett. --7 eri9?'dndbeiiitrthcfsin'ictc(l. That vessels owned wholly by Spainish ll . r.n,,l,f.V r(A f Fnt.suuieriifi coiiiuik ""J ll(ftlr, bi .rj;iri m'mii J vj ,.n. k- I , ..,..1. 1 i. i ipA.StiM nf America' in Cnhftrns 01 JPI"1,'e"Mru -or..,oucn" An ACf eonerf oiiif; lUc kauing of patients te a'ier. f(riicfuyicoveies aodinveslioifa. j at anythct port or place, shall pay, in the ports of the United States, the aamo rate of duty en tonnage that shall be lev ied on American yessols In the Spanish colonial jjort" from ' whence such 8ranUh vessel shall have hurt departed; the said amount to be ascertained by the SecratarV of the Treasury, who iaherebyauthorized, from time to time, to rirodirectioiw to th 'qm&ttt tli custom of the United Statesi AN ACT to carry lot 5' effect eertaia Indian .' ' treaties. Btiii enacted by th'. $aiie and House of Rentesentativet of the Uni ted SlnieB of"AncJierU Ciingrtt That th suns of one hundred and fifty-seven thousand huitdreaand rtinety four dollars be, and tha samo is he. r. by, arrprtipriatedj in addition to the bal nce remirimng nnCTpended in the Tfeasuv rv, already apriropriated to defray the ea .)!j4raaspotSjg;aaia subsisUng autll portions of tha various tritfcs oi inuiam as Irave herotofore emigrated wesri oftho Mit-. jiiippi',.oras may emigrate during tha pre sent year, in conformity with tha provie inns of various treaties entered into with (hem j For the payment of the accounr of Joha urew,aWBereo aaiaut urOT iiiuu sand four hundred and thirty -five dollars and thirteen cents. - For the paymeut of Jidin W. Flowers, Chcrokca Indian," live , huudrod doUartv - atnembled, That the privileges granted to tho aliens described in the first section of the act, to extend the privilege of obtain ing pafenti for uscfdLdiscoverjcs and, in veutions to certain persons therein men tioned, and id enlarge and define the pen alties for violating the rights of patentees,' approved April setenteeifthaigh'een hun dred "t be extended, in" like lnanW "15' - t rrtiK!iS;Si 'OniCOT'M me Ctwomt m i w I- -- . . wjoti, ygJH!Pg" V ' Am.nciot izeo tuerajt t reooia, a un wry timt granted by,tirttM m this set and the privileges thereto appertaining, shall cease anil deferrable and becorrio absoluroly void without resort to any legal process to an. nit! or cancel tljo same la case of a failure 9te. i. And be it further enactiat That whenever tha President ehallHeeat tufted thai (h discriminating or counter.' vailing duti of tonnage levied by anj forenm nation on the snips or tesneia ot r- ...... . . on the" uarl ofinv patentee for the Strtco of tba United States, shall have been fboliso- Oflineiranui. i K t - I . . the tonnri datw irom Hie lS-SUllllI iuei o imiu im uqiiiaj, dW imo pifbliduse in tlie United Stales th invention or improvement tt which ih ient shall be issued ; or in case, the same (at any period of ait mon'hs after suCh- irtrniluotioft sMti not csinue- io-e pnbHcly used and applied m the United Htntm' or in cas of fuiidrr trr becoffiff t tfitiwri oth UnrWHJ States, agreeably to on fb vesMtls of such nation i nhall cease td bo levied in the ports of the Unite States; and cause any duties ol toima.re thai may havo been levied en the tessela of such foreign nartwmbser of its diseriminating dujios of tonnage to b reftrndedr ! , " ... - . .."".i " alii . ' -T ""V--' Ja-i'.; 'Pre ::And be 11 fmvw-tnamtt. notice eiven at th earliest period within j fhnt the' second and third sections of this . .i.:.i-J - l t. . .- j t . j . whioh he shall be erititlod to become a citizen of tho United States. Anproved, July 13. l3?. -. - . ;'; ; ' An ACT- toenfntre Quarantine tga'!i0. Bef etfnctM by"UeSendie and tlouie offjlepresentatives of ike Uni ted St afa of America inSonprrss atxmhlci, That U ia. ih opiaioa tf the act shall bd in fbrce and takeelTeet fruta and after the first day of January next, f Approved. Ju'tr UtM, 131 ' - EXEVkTK 0 -WITIL.XZAT . ' " ' '-J : v'V '"-. ' .tjf-i '4.- I t ' 1 .V ' 6 4 -: