IPcstcm Carolinian, T.lf1 1 1 llo.fJ fhi I -rju? xr"'B- .fVXsUSUttP, JLNDREW JACKSON " ' or TBKWE. frFj rtpti-pitEswefrr," riHUP Pr-RARBOUR ... l. - L I ;v- p'vmcifiA.. ,m9m EPtSCOf IL QUARTERLY vtmrrixir " (. Will commence at Wealrys Chlpel, Ten mitro NKint of tS ilishiiry the- 13th, No. ti Preachers and friends (r( generally, invited, to attcoJ. ... , Moors. In bit life of Lord EJ a-ar.l Fifir.ral,l that rih Patriot, in speaking of hit character tnkte the following remerksi Adiwr tlioae tralta of ruBratWar wtilrh aitum. ed .him M member of enc.l life, tlirra la una which, on tvert account, is far oo lititmrtan. not lo b brought prominently forward In any profeaaed liictiire ot hiin.and.liiawaa.heatMn.. and purerne which he entertained of K.'uinn. so much ii it the fi'tom of thne who would bring discredit upon freedom of (nought in ooL iiks, to icprewnt U connected invariably ... ujiinuf upuij rciiginn,.inat h oi no amaH imoortanoato be ntlo to refer to two wen instance b Lord Edward Fittgerakl and the younger EmmeL4ii bolb of whom the freeet range of what are called revolutionary princi- flra combined with a Wain and itad be id iu tbe doctrines of Chriit.anity. ' ' Fafai Jlcciiknt.-Tht Rutherford. tin Spectator jays t We are informed V OTIC 13 u Hereby given, that an 11 election will be held in this couii ty on the 2od Thursday of November (itbeiogthe Bth day of the month) for the purpose of electing Electors to vote for President and Vice-Presi- dent of the United States.'' 'The nulla I '111 ft a m . at by correspondent, onder date of MeCannell'a tstore, Macon county, Sept. 1 that on the 30th ult. the peo- plo of that neighborhood were called ori td witness, a scene of the greatest diitrces in the sudden and Mchncfco ly death of Mr, Lamkm Failer. Several individuate were engaged In I be opened at the fallowing placet, "deer driving," and as Is uiuri each -M , . ; took his atand. Mr. Farler took Kt on Salisbury w Neely't Mill, - one tide of-the Tuckaaegee river, k?l!iThOiftpaoi Mill,' while Mr. John DUiard, Jr. tdok hia H'ne'i, , Morgaojnd on th't npnotiie ade biit both aome BrjckhonaeV, Piukbtun' Store, distance above. When, the deer went I being the placet apnuiuted.' by the Of the rifcht of the oDPte-ied to realat. fe into the river oDDOaite Mr'. D. Mr. P. I Couniy Court for h .Uinu elections in "'. J rPre! left hit ttand and ran up the river to W couutv. , SLAT Kit, AA'ff. 'T p "i-m,hgnntmitt li.l - ft.niij;ir-t- O. t. 1 TM t nil. -aa-w. Mr. DillUrd. in shootirtg at the deer, tfTalfalllff lutw m AO : On W'ediea'lay it eommpnccdllie arnion of the Prr!yLciiat Syno4 of North fcaiulim, in (biipUse. ' --v.. fa BtrtnUm -It ! really MtonWiing to wij. nrtiilu-tfflTceta Tin Buremtm prod icea on the pin it of anie or iti Vrttarita. fte mnit truly be a afr4.w for wherever he wavei hi Vtnd and throws hia magic iell.-from theft tvery thing Kbe politieal priiuijle (lie away. We blve a v'uful ejuropla of thia before oa in itH'd of Ibe Van toiren rP1 Pbli!t?i in th'j fate. fTlx-M ptraet out, pruf.uin) jbedoctiieeaot the RrpuSlican party, and fur a b'.lf supportac them i hut an sooner am fan nler lu"r cojumna, tbaftj ttepubli. yii(T. diaappcart. You bear nottiir g now about Itne-righta, or the "woetrinet of '98 1 all are (orrotten, aud Van luraa b the bulea of their Htg. Tbe bird of night It bot ttior unceka- -tojfirr bif Cry of whip-poor-sjill whip-noor-nit; J than these editors are with the cry of "Vin Buren ! the great Van Bnrea I tbe sweet, eit little fellow that ever lived I At the offiet these editors peofeased "to b srint the TarilTi but, nowi we hear hut Jit llsoftlie Tarifrfrom ttem unb-ss it Is s left bnJfdJiis'iTicatiouofit. Whence conv ithi .Why lere Is the I cret.-Martin Vat. Buren fxedfr the iTaiiT.-and now Jcis ifita the Tariff- id it will nit do for hi followers to tbe kaaauat, iot tear id utjurieg tba a Citnot theae tditors raise their minds s little sbpve the trammels of faction, of mere moiri 7WfTto, snd loojr, -to priBcipJe t Tlicy ought to ranerriber, that they litre in tbe South, and that ws are contending oat on- dtence having long sine fallen into diirepute. tu be atia t Its, however, with any prenMtun, the uoiiit at which obedience mav eraae. and i . ' i . - rcainan s t me unUus stretctiet or suinority t k iri.s sr.. tn s .i.- begin, is a difllcuUy wliich must foreae UlTt vagiiek undirected theanpliution of the princi (- a vaguonesa of which ihfl habitual favrmew era ot power adroitly tab advantage, a:d while ilwv c-'ncedc the rifrM of resiaiance as a gen eialiiropo(ion,holi thcnaelvc-a fica to-object to every particuLr iuatanee of it, JJtre. ; , ' Wat lkfAMay, Penin f(li:e, tnrttn, Oct. 4, tj3j. ffl II C: number f nt!iesnts fir pen -a- nA. ,k. n.r,-,r,ru Wu ..nor, i.me. Congress, already tceedio 12,000, Mr. IV ia i ax a rririHrf iSl. riit-n . F. . 7 f IVBAWVAU' n KSrCCTFULLY INFORM their friends and the public ia treoeral that they have moved their, STOCK of GOODS to the atore attached to ihe Mansion Hotel, persons wishing to buy would do well to call, and price Cpodt. Jt. bargsins will be given, the usual credit will be given to punctual dealera. - Iron, - Cotton, - talhtrt Beeswax, TaUow, tow Cloth, Lin seyi f3c. will be taken in exchange or Goods, Our friends will fiod i convenient place for hitching their Horace in alft bttweerf our store and ihfi alifjeLitorc aLiXt -ThoiJlull ir. which jt next door,,- z ,; " .02(1 ," SpiI his aim and the shot struck Mr, F. wji a respectable crnlea of the ncighborhd.id, and has left a wid owed wiftf and four children to thouro his untimely fate. THE SUrilRME COURT. " If the time shJt ever come which Heaven avertt-u, 'ten ten lill be placed in the aupreme tribunal of tbe culm ry, who entertain opinions Uo.tile lo the joat pnwera of the' Cona'ilntiort, Mr. Raniolph.Tht Charlottes ville Advocate, of the Slst ult. .ob served From tiharJrme county, we together, wiih the stau of the health ot this City for sontf time past, has prevented the eKiminaiioa imd dcci sroa of these claims, with as mnch speed as is anxiously desired by the U-partment, au l s is due to thetcr vices aad sufferings of these merit" nous veterans, entitled v the bounty learn that Mr. R tadolph s health is Uf their own cmintrv. " When it i. r. v .. : ' . . ! i .1 . t r j' i .. . s . . we ai.aii turn be visitei ty rnevil demg all now ocucr man it uas Dcerrror many collected that these claims omaia i yeara and tltat it it likely (should he moute statement of f ,cts lv the an, consent to tervej thit tapt. Richard- plicants, embrsciog their whole revo. tan, tne member elect lor that eoun. lutl.nary aervice, together with aucK ty, Hill vacate hia aent In the Hotne corroborating proof, ciriumst tutial ol uclegates, in order that Mr. .l and direct, as they are able to collect. remedy. Uurcaau will i "put urijery I'rom that n'wnt, the Coneiiimiun ia at an end,'' . "If the President ahotild at any lima violate hia duty, his term of ofitoc is abort, and, popular elections may app'y a sea aooable remedy. But the Judge of th'j Hj. preme Court poateat, fH very good reaauna, an iiulependent tenure of office, Noeleetlon reach ea them. If. with tliia lenurn they betray their tniata. Heaven aav aa "lVtbtfr'i Spttck at Aro J-trir.in 1HU. After quoting the above, the Burner lAa rtrni(ud"(ia ay To u It appears that Mr. Webrter has. In L. vW'.r't .ad uiaon, dune more to weaken tl, eonldenee ol'hiaown frienda in tbe ivrsLt.iaii-l , v of the Hupren'e Coirt, ttian any thi,:g that baa ever been done oy political piponenta.' mav he elected to that body. 1 hat Mr. Ft. -will be a candiJate for Con grcss oext spring, we believe there is but little doubt. Mi iwA Wf , bot fur traaaTT msisv What is Martin Van Uure.o, or aiy of tbe can didates fo'rjhe Jfics Presidancy (compared to the great principles of ftka it and I.taeaTlr, (or which the people of tbe South are now Cui.teodiog. aud that t.11 these are investigated an compned with tt.e rolls and other re cot Js of ihe Drpartment, arid that this process it neceesaruf.iHv to etUbSish j ist cl.ti.ns, at.d to prevent the pram. nnnnr.n.n . r . . I- . f t . t " -f I Uiurttf 3 new novel " lb lierrten oi irauuuieni ones, and tnat noth. mauer or 'ha Uenedicunes a lecod oi nv still ensure ttju latter obtetTTnat -.. . . . I 1" ..a w T the ivt)De un it neao tnen rrom i trie most carclul examination and riff the press of tarcjr and Les. We antici id scruttnv, some ide may be formed Date great pleasure l .the perusal. The 0f lht. tj(fte BUj m,(,r feqil,.5te t0 ef. Minna is a spo, ,o. romance worthy oi tne rtfet theae.objeclt. It is impossible to KCHiua o. vz-oper, " ".vr-,. 0J wjh bu 9 th. nun upon nat.ve Rrona, iUr...nR ,n- offic j ,j j , arene. Ilm minnf M. lha tititn in the I . ' ., hitorv of America, we shall bn K'd l 7 "V"' . . ... , follow him to the banks of the " be.oti- AnJ lhl notl" 14 8'v ppl ful Uhiue.'.'. and listen while be recounts Cant . m:y ...? .taV"?athe...caaet.. will tous aleiranti of The old' dav'i.'TaTfand 1 W tnVettig-rtVa to the order of their which is now awakeniog so deep sn inter- reception, and as rapidly as possible est throughout the civilized world. A and that each peraon will be advised Mfiff Ql.thllbuie olUsrmanr?-toMloItht reaulu. whether favorahle ocAd. by Cooper, csnnot but- be sttnrctivtr-'md f yerse, -or wh2therniTOCTided"for Tar; popular. We shall betake otirselvet to .., nroof. or eVnUnatinn. na rn . i ., i ., . .. . ... . . r 1 l -f .""nt-.a.?4"t lVK4 b' case can be akeiMipr Atn) it) TwIJ lUljUa wtUU iUO laUaiKlUt) I HI CI WUV rr is 1 I ft a i I Ail tvffrkrfa saw ill Is. m n,l t s rS thia wnoie matter, to a cisc, witri ,$ ittrl . STinnT or Libs.itt. Aanernl IrVeU'', at a fultivsl given Ao him io Boston, on his latt visit heir, offered tbe fol lowing toast The Ci j Botton, ihi Crijtr t. - hhrrty. May Fannuiel IU!I aver stand a mo WIGIXLl ELECTORS. It will be remembered that the Charlottesville Couveruion, atsembled in Virginia for the purpose of devising the best means of tecurtis g. the elce tion to the V. Presidency of an indi vidual of sound political faith and op posed to the unconstitutional aud mis '.iJuouai ct)auw.oT.iite-iiWit)' 6t- erotbrot; noaUdiled r. P. Barbour for that station. ot uelcttltng Oen, jack son f ventioa adopted the Electoral Ticket already nomiuatcd by the Legislative Caucus, which ticket professed to be uncommitted upou tbe ice Presiden- Jcy, the plan intended was, that the Lvoter should endorse on the back ol his ticket the name of the individual whom he preferred for the Vice Pre- ildencyv; and tharthejciort'ihdutd give the vote of the state to the per ton whom a majority might prefer. ament. to teach the world, (bat reaiatan.ee to p- ev''nia"aniJT1Vn(J wilCundes true R-pub-"A. tifculaf tvaS Stddretssd td the Cau - fieair iftitttutront beec-me t bteainf ,t t would w,th great relucuoc, agree to it. , . . , In locking oer the debate Jn the North Citoftrt JCpnvenllonttmblcd. jf cuniiJf ring the Tederat caotUlution, we were struek with the folWinr remark of ..ilft Spencer t after expresaing bimaelf ia fa. .Tor ofgiving to Cqngrcta the powar to lay and eolleet rer- Ssses, he said t confess thsti Ih that ass Bona a at Tii raavs ot TaacoatMDNiTT WNiraao wjt ritva roa vMBMsaLVas." Ilerd. we aee that Sptntt in part ly iureaaw, what is now fiU by the people of tbe South i tbal Hit Nen-Manufoctuing States ps all X taiesv .--..- . -s- , m Taairr. : Seme jime since- we quoted , aome ei'jrsjcls from res 'liitioi.a adopted bv the LgiU(tirkt of Korth Carolina ml Atlbama, tipiwi iht au"j'et , bf tli Tariff, with the promiie to mike limilar extractj from the resolutioni .of Tifiniki VVe bow Ri!fil qdr promise 14 VlROl.Tti. In reply to resolution passed by Sou'h Car. Witt and Georgia in Wis upon tbe auhjact r Ibe I'arilf, Virginia adapted an SddreM and res- - elutiOfls, the latt of which, alone, we will quote Stprrten'i ? RrtihJ, thai this General Aembly" of tfia,aetutfi by jthjdereefiiring the tonatitittion from all viulation, ankiout to preierve and perpetuate the Union, sfHl to ese - eute wfib fidelity thetruvt Tepoaed in tr by the whether they would abide by toch Iti atruction given at the polls. With the exceptiotv of twoor-threertheae gen tlemen replied, In effect, that they w u!d NOT ! They tay they wilT car ry into cffvCt the iutcntiont of the Cau cus that nominated. thefflV and not the From a grave-stone in a church yard in Dorsetshire, Enj;. answered by a gentleman, on the widower't mairyag agtln tu w tortotght EPITAPH. t For me deceased, weep not. my tar, I am not dead, but aleepeth here 1 Your time will cojie, prepare, to die t '1.; Wait but aihiie. you'll follow I. delay as possible t and nothing in th power of the'Dcpartment, will b wan ting, to give eff .ct to the bencv lent intentions of Congress. Bv order: JAMEs L uDWATlDa. Publishers of the. Xy of the Uni PRESENTS bit Hspwcta to bis former patrtJna, and to the eit a'.-fia of Uowan in ceiteial and in- lornai them that be baa returned home with a,'!aat A Maimtlniv practice wf medicine and surgery, fiinow he lert home, be hat devoted tbe whole of his time m me s uoy 01 tua tirofcSdion, la Mt various branches, end he fititers bimtulf that Lie time his not beta amiruAtablv trtent. bia ODrortuiii. i for Improvement having been very great, surh a are afforded ia tbe medical institution) in Pari and London, generally acknowledged 10 oe ine oe in me world. When not p"olriooally eneared. he mav at way be found in bia office on Main Street, ad j lining the store of Mr ears. Ilickett h Lcinly, and, will alwaya give strict attention to those who may fatmr bun with their patronage. A RE now receiving and opening a general. iaV aoasortment of , 8PRWQ y svMtER cbobs; . aekcted with great care from tbe markets of' ncf vort aod fb.laUbJda uTtb. taiewt kapor-i tatioiia. Their Mock eonMat in tart of uparfloa Oiueand BUck cloths t Do, Uroam h Browa olirs do. ' ' f Do. inviiible Oreea - d. . , Fancy Caaaimerea, Satdnetta ft, black lasting,, MeruM dn., IroctMlta and Circassian, Browa do's- Mixed Erminette. ' Yellow Nsnkeea and linen checks French and hlaidT ilrilirna-a7"".:-' Mexican mlsture. (Irass linen. -: l 4- gliab-eaaaim! rts. qermairjy -rrMi tttrerii, uoen isoie ana lo wet diaper, fa. , Marwelllef, td Vele-rtla Vesting-;' Notice. fffllirc undersigned having been ap pointed to execute the latt will and teatament bf James B. Hampton, dee'd. will expoae to public tale, on the 15th day of Ndr.-ncxt, at hit plan tananr the late retrdence" of Muhe lioekei-dccii'5ntlf antsXrteTtTThc following property, to wit t Six head of good work IloraesT 6 or 10 head of tattle, about 100 head of Hogs in good order, a 1 hreshmg Machine and plank to make tne cotrg wneei. r an Mill, S1M1IX& 0 SUM M lilt fioooa. - g a 5jJ5.rr TAitiKTr or rAScr Prints Uihghama and Mualins, . " , , Tickings, QU-sehed and Urown, Rlieetingsand Shirtlsga, j Furniture dimity ami Cotton frbgef, -Blacky Italian, Silk, , - - f . , oenchewCsaraUiet ia. . v ' f Wtafl black silk. Cambists, 4 "" ,: . Cha. aro de Naolca.'. . - -,-- ' MilaneBa And Jar knmajtla jGatia. Pongwe, flag and bandaii Hndkercbieflr, urtmaon rongea, . ; do. Fsnev Osuao and Crape : do. , ' Bear, silk sattln, and rich figured Vbstlnfb Silk and cotton Hosiery, ; . r A GHS.iT VARIETY fit CB . ' t Fancy bonnet, belt aad cap ribbon, Bilk aprana, . 1. n ' Linen csmbrie handkerchiefs, (ana, Oe, Diamond 8tr4 Bqnnets, - , 4 Palish , do. .Uo. ,. Belgisn dA. t ' do Palm V f bte, ' Leghorn bonnets, fur and woo do. ; A CWB.ii VARiETT OF loitln snd Greek School Books, ' ! Shoea, Msroecft skka, . '; -w ltardar and Cmfery, , . y )a. and Crockry.ware, UaV. APEAEitL assortment Q.. Carpenter Toola, eonsiMitif tif eery arti-a cle made die of by Carpenters In Ibis part of the .Country, - - ; ..:.----r Sadler's Trimmings, , 'A , ' ' ' ltMl-t' Im.. .l.nn.A a'n Skn-Aa Ma. it v" r tlarnets mounting , coach fringe and lace. Waggon snd Gear, Farming 7ST Utensils, an. excellent Gig and Hare-1 a Uw a good can ba.Jiad.bi thia part eftb uodred bushels eouauy Fiucuaaair. essil d weU ell w Ma Krc ue fmle Vliindr of old Corn, teven" or eight hundred itockaftd hear priest before tMy brnew XornrOaU7Tl'jy,"Toddef; tCKtV efsreftaVWtiie FwWieJT hope by Strict attention to btuinees, and R ing good cheap, to merit a eoatuwanne of (he Whekt, arid several other articles, j 'betr very liSeril patronage heretofore, aM The usual credit will be given, All those indebted to the cttetet ire required to makeimmediate payment and thoae having dem tads against the Uamer are. requested u present men withltiihertimeprencrtbed bjrlawr- t johm c. Palmer, ExV. Safithuru, Od. io4 liJ2. itij t ''HE tubtenber offeir hit-pr.nrfS X sioos on Yarrow Branch, Barn well" iiatrUV0D"tVng of four thousand acres of piimf Land. ' unexccpuonaoiY flranQy auu pica;ant.-r L . . . m m . j . Subscribers have eaiabliabed a tedStatct are requested to roaerl ttie HtinitPctired,lheriest Materials from hove notice four -i met in-each of tM ,na m'"7ta their traprctive newspaper? -r-r TTTITH a aieai to the mor emeient I wiin a tet 01 prime -NILLo, saw bjmI V V prosecution of their business, tbe Orlst, with two pair of stones, one of WQicu ja prime , iorjaourvv..i ae saw Mill U i.f the lirat T.iffht urnnrl anrl. i sound ana good aawnen hrst bpil,: A great rjuaritlty of esw timber Uyet witm.t mile ot the Mill, irom.which I am not gHeve3, my dearest nTe 1' '' Sleep op I've got amildar wife 1 . And- there Ate csonet eome. lo thee. For 1 mnit.go to bed to Shu." " leekitwtf Hmnrd te dedtre; sndlt 1mtVf mst' " tulsmoty declares, hS -deliberata conviction, "ttUJ die acta of Conirrea wettalW denominated lbs I'an.Tiaw, peaed avowaor.t foa Tns Pad. iscrtii ev DOwaane macriCTonsi Int wot asTHmiuiD as rnc rl.uv eoastneerioa, TaeisarajT Aso'vaasise or fas coxsnro- the Caucus! Tnese doctrtnet are fti-bVed t tepulHt"MrglrriS ! Shame, shame ! The Richmond En. qdirer has been looked to as express ing" the sentiments of -the republicans of Virginia. We now ask Mr. Hitch, iej in sincerity and candor, if he ap proves the principle a vo wed io the re plies of these gentlenhn ? and if he does rot, why does he remain silent and suffer the'beorilelftTje roWied tdM their dearest right Will Mr. II. hav the kindness to answer? He can do much to arrest the progress of this fa tal heresy in the Old Dominion will he do it? Oxford Examiner. Judge Jtfangum. At a meeting of the citizeus at Ilillsboro', resolutions were passed expressive of the confi dence and esteem which tuey eater-1 taiced in Telatioa " ttrnhft potitical course of tbe Jddge during the late session ;pfC.ungrei..od requesung thconor of rhi-ompany-ai A- poUic ihonev ywica--odewned,ettiflg J that when- he looked at the past his tory of Orange county snd hei public men, and the long' and distinguished service of some of them ia various pobti: ttationt, remembered that it hat never been our custom to erect 1 them with similar demonstrations oft zxzn, In th's town, nn Thureday tie I ith inst.; Wil. ham ion of Mr. Horane H.- Beird, aged about seven montbi. In'llm vWtmty of Qui pla,"i Tueaday M I raiuunt--.WOtfciSat':.frai-!: thr Court II A lt U I H Jj 8 II A-V E.R,: IJESPCCTFLILLY intorm their old customers aiid the public n:ener elly, that 1hey are aVpreserit carrying on ih;ir buiinejs yery..exttnslvely-at their new cttablishment on the stree, a tvorkman who com sa -well recommended, thse are prepared to etectltS on moderats taiitis," aTrrffeihSTrttmtTme; t bsvw jwliitd from glJOOXsiUood- illy,- eicloMv-ec4srraCr4t rU.- AccbuhrlSook's, Rscordsr tc. "roUdt OnTthe premise ire Tgobd Dwelline" anit msdetrr nrde'rt and every kind of House, Barn, and Stables'whh jraod Bindbg bnlptiecnted Jtfs Jftat tiIUelUI emS nesiett manoer. oaaoaonaWe tor rat grf hfttteM.'- sAI -wit shtngle.of i a "'-.r - l,0 brul-Uhimneyi, wilti, Mr. John Pi every ne- cetsary out puii'Jin-, t Urge etw nafrr ST.L.S JAi9T-VViliJlelJa 7 " . ' T-i j tj i a fUHE subscriber eontintina th manufacture ctearetj, jjaiiu tu gaoa orocr, bbu : -JL -otf ... STILLS IX TiTiyARK,- onantity tf etry vtcta Swsmn Landveo .Creek, - cre ilrared and tot warranted to be made of the belt materials, and I,- . 1 : n I 8.U.t30tJUV Oct thcon Beif Cotton ia seed Do., clean Corn ' -.V,,cha6tb GTiHiWbml e man -of deli- cacywouid reati.ty-coflapreneouae reasons that" render s "compliance' on his part absolutely impossible. ; It is, and Miuaai,ii adooted similar reoluttoni So- thai it will alwia be aeen thaysvery one of theae ."Jctwij Statfis have pronounced the Tarifl' hws, qet only oppressWt and anjuit, but, also, twcsWlutionat. We winoMinue to "make v ettracts front the rcjplutlpnt adopted by the fcg'iaHl Wa oftKcfe Ststes. " " ' J"" - Tlieeleotioa for members of the leglalsture la South Carolina took place on the 81b and 9ib : list The Nullification party, at -it is called, have supoeeded by large majorities la almnat tery district The Governor bas ieaued bis proclamation, for tbe purpose of calling an sxtra ' acuion of tbe TeiWIa'.uier It yull BRct this it.. 30, 1823. .8 to 9 2 to 3f . - 2, 00 8,$0 tt 9.00 30 to 35 Oat 20 8iirr lrtto12 toffee -rr.r.-r- r-xSS; I t JJ i Salt . . gt.l?J- Iron 4 to S Molawes 50 Bc-awax 16 to 18 Tallow V to !0 ' Flour . Ri.W Brandy - 4) Vthiskey 2t a 30 Hail 9 o 10 I.cafSuat 18 to 20 Lead 8 to 10 Wheat J- - 55 South Carolina money discount 1 to I J Georgia do. 2 to 3 j ' FATETTEVlLLB, Sep. 25, "Bran(lr,pple per gij;" - ""5Tf.'Ji Do PeacMi 55 60 Bacon v 8a.:BJ . Clin . - 50 (- (nr- J0OUav-.-;.8A Salt T W Iron ' , - ; - - 4 SO to 5 - Sigsbrwi' - Bf o9 Cftet - 144 Molavaek 3 to 35 Flasaeed jjl.00 to 1.10 Wheat 80to82J Whiikey 28 to 33 CtlJIRAW Oct 13, 1832. aVaady, Feacb . gal, - - -0 - Appl 4o .P. . . ver. warkm.n emred in thir eatali- 0H - priees, round the MlS ) 111 of WhlCh is offer sent, by whom work will be cx cuied on short notice in good atyle. -,-M.I..-ia ait fill-.a Mr'iilil.1 (L, Wrfll Ia i-ll am I 1 1 - . . I. . I 1 . IUhm.nt.bv whom work w ill be c ae J Li .-j aj. " " - ii i eu very aeuuecu price oiai T ' . " " IIIIIl RJw.v , r.W...seVr lllrftaSl Mtft K ftK a.h tiiwuisiuvi wytiaii a sji vawe a ft ,7-"jai niA r . b: twk-.a. tnoutana dollars, one tjiin cash i oai- -r. w ,,,,,, a . ,, a w.. wm . HI tvW 1 ' " ..... . n .... I iv. .,1 ..W.. t. ...v...-. - I inra In f,i,P annual lnat .lmnfa j.,-- Aft, rm, lan.WU BilU n wi ..M. i. ...h,.. u.aa . ,a M , - aw. tix. MlJIylVHS, -waNTKIl. two Brat rata inirnrvmen Tlnl rru.- i-..U .t.Ka I... ty ,nn,-.,,T,c . . I . V - C ' . . 7 A. ,i .. T IA I"'1 wiu w K- i.v luu- DAHyiwivUiaii piate Ql0 aev maiintr. are redutatedto call and cuMomea i wwrft as wiaciiinery, 10 wnmn eon-1 , . , , ..... .riin.-n- mnri-VK.r.t -,:tif,.Teirnine - tor xnemseivei.TT uarrraiDS g.ven. u.s.titL ii. cKBs. alto Can be had io ttocl of every kind . Sept. 7th. 1SJU. BAl l sutb thingsv Wheel tarrows not except- d) Jurnished., with i-f wkhotrr- Ilsrneel, as"the porchxser chootes. From their experience in their.businett, they feel as much competency ss can be lounq elsewhere in Una tectton ol the (State. Their' pricet.sre lowj sad they will warrant their work, f , All ' kinds of repsirirtg done" in the most stable aad perfect manner. We have just employed'! first rate north Raiuiway ft T?nOM the Subteriber B-.pt, t7 land Corn, Fodder, Prts, wheat, Rye, 4C. provided the tr tpites are told. - KUliLUr WILLIS. 4t47 oo -the nicht of the itBk 31st Aoeust last, my ne gro man CUM, about 32 or 83 years - old, - black complected, nad on s blue broad cloth coat sod pantaloons, black - fur hat, (fashionable) about 5 4 a w rki LAWJVOTlCi: , ,i . it. i... r.. .v.- f mi ern tiarne Mer, - feet g or a Ucfltt hi(Thf-,t0U, buUt. , t r af w . LalUsk4t.aMMftaft.M Wae.ft4S.iw. id-Aasja nornmgniay ue w.- .w lm t-j-cedta believe, tht - .- .!.-,( ;n - it tvtii ihok m I - - . ' t . - - much pleasure to accammodate nur r. : r ' :r f. rrtcn 1IAItltl8fIIAVpilt7 lrtirWl ; 45tf he has bees persuaded to 1 leave me . ... . .. i.-f toy aoruo wimi pcrauu, wuo tiarpro valeot. Bacoa.. - Oitton Corn 50 ft id- io) CHARLESTON and CIIERJIV. TH? STEAM BOAT MACON. IAPT. J. C. GRA HAM having been r . i .. .Mipag-a is ". r, v.- , ... reouested lonubltsh the in rttitMnf.fteen nUJWVJUxA -t tnl A j. I own on Heir way up I . n at .j tag-some tree te. I will pay ten d'dlars t any peratmwho trill 1 con ! fine him ln anyjsil ia thettatt, so that I eel him again. SENNAC A TURNER. Caburrui County, X. C. (Vn irk. -i. ti:...." M Molaaae Rat "Bart fia Balk) buh.- Sugar ' "Vtiraf bmh. 37 1-2 40 " 10 ' buvh. fid he) an honor that should be re- TT '""T: Kiri.a i Kiai VVV..IVM. mm .v. 1 Molaaaei hismoiis - services;- And ; betides, -1 have so much respett for the" plain unostentatious and respectable habit of our people, that I am sure you will pardon me lor saying, I doubt whetn- -y, j JfotTS3J er they would be improved by the in. IjYvX FsX AT LwW 1 ,k',nt la mn "wT7IU. practiae in ine Court of tins County ord.ntlT 'occatioftvj think, ' V B.vi.U-.n, Mecklenburg k Cabarrus. honorable ia ip brtacB than to tne uit offiee j ici01 u,, court4ione. 1 rt:-. in.. courts of a few days shd Is loiended tobc -oa ,n"'i 00 'UIU' - lenntlAUed iatha tradft th. ansulne Sta I . : ... SVfi.-VK.ia. I son-- ' - I ; , . " TrrirvvTa Her exceeding IieK. draft.,pt IVf tsr 1 ' 414 lA4 --i-. drawing wbeojoaded only aboutout and! Cheraw at all times except, an unconv ,, ... . -.! - ....J- s.. moti low liter, hn her rgo will be 'WW,T? ' X n. iJJlTZ "' lightened 1 tbe Expcnce of Bost. 7rr.y irunv, nt $c mskhuh CAeWrfo Sfit. 26, IM!.Hfwrtt. j ' N 11. Kha haS rnmlortaol. . ICiomO I muamrJa- a ai; t ? 'ubtow Cnstoa will htttiietlavf In the counts courts ol Kowan.- lie mav, si all times, be found, at the ofHce of tbe ' Carolinian- SO 8 ' 11 1 1 . 1 ,i.,i Runaway fTZX W lOiK" of ieptenite - J J 1 J iaat, from sty plantation ia L. ? Jonee ewinty, two begroes, ont name, -n mame, iMnrwmv 2r years of age, a very bright ....... muisTto, en out of biraiiiU' " 1 ' 1 there is si scar eceaaionwd by a T"-m0ih wiH change hit twrnaZTr aad aiulraror to paa for a free man. The uib-r named aUll.N, a common mulatto, about JO yeavrsitf age, very Intelligent 1 be will probably , pats a the servant or waaningtosi, ana .change his name. A reward of 25 Dollars will be given . tor tbe delivery of either in any Jail, ao that I -ea get tbe.i. - . JAMES LAMAU. lCLfTbe Geowtna Savannah r the Telet tope, Columbia, 8. C. I "d Hichmond t.nnuU ' w.TrwTi!rinTted-to -pubijab the ahava wskhr 1 aaiil forbid, and then forvard their sceoimts t J. IJVMAIt, - J . datlont for s few pastcneers. f 2tf .... ." 38tf- JOHN GLLES.i -WAOGONEUSf "mmiJataycttevUl WILL BnJ rt to their advantage, to atop at - -y'WrYar&- et9 every'; cWr"?: emeuce la provuiea tor Man and tiorte.to make . them comfortable, at themoderate charge of 2$ cents a uay ana nigiit, tor the pnvuege wf the " Yard, tbe use of a good house, Are, water, and alienee. Attached to the Yard, are t Urocera and I'rovision Btore, Bread Shop and Confec . lionary, and a Hous for Boarders snd Loderj t la plain, cheap, wholrsom) and eomfbrtal)r - t! i October tihf : ; .. 1 1. l. V. A02UTtC8ih,183Vi ti i-r"f . - - : . ' - - ' - . . - .V:';: