- . :: ... .... I-;;,..,;,.; , . ... . . v . ' -. ; v . mSS! Z'1 tho citizo., and Which will bo mdeit'UtaiitttorenloMO1 .mo wiMomotteglnUonis especially aeea-in grafting lawaonietice.:-. ' ' -r V ' .. :- j iV. RUUTO.Y CR UGK. miSBURY; RO WAKlCOUN VOL,.MiT. NO 77i WESTERN CAROLINIAN is yMiskrd owe a- week at two dollar's jcr ikmf V'1' kinihree month; or two yW trithiH (he year. No Paper will lir-onl'mueil vriWairdfr'edriizes are u'ltiv at the Editor's discretion. ,.,'.s.rj'i(wi if received for a less " t "liwe to t'Xv the Editor of nirhh 'i-dnUniir,Tf7te tnontititffore the pj Ami person procliring six solvent sub ir,,rs to 'the Carolinian, shall hare a ,,..1! mcr sram' lvorlifioar nt the usual rates. U Idlers addressed to the Editor must b 'ojt iid or they icill not be attended ( 7" Tbc'se terms will be strictly adhor fit!.. Si rV eat,corner6E Saint Albans; CJoVinnaancl' anj Dexter, to 1 Dovor : . From AUVe'iK hrpugh VVutorborou-'h. Limerick and Ci"fnislrtor Hiwir' JWSTi From the iNort Invest barlwr, to the ; Southeast bar- birm Deer Island. ;;IN:NEW.Il4MpsaiRE. From Derrv, ChekcrTand Cftnad'.a, to South Deerfieid; Fpin Wakfffield, in the :ypuat KL ' IN RHOtip ISLAND. - From Newport, to block Island ; From Pnvi(lenc by Cratistn nuuk, ; LipniU, Phoenix, Harris's and A rk right's facto ries, in the county of Providrnee, tothe.vtK Inge of Fiskviile, u tiuid codtity ef ProvU I VWS OF THE U. STATES pawl at the first Session of the Twenty-Second Congress. i'tf r jnrl ducoijlinue otheri ; aitd fur othef f.'P"-. i (7 enacted hj the Vcnate ant: 11 mse of Representatives vj the I'm'-' , lnt s of .Inter ica in I on 'reus c. . nbkd, That the following be establish'-t-j us p Jt ruads. IN MAINE. Fnm East, Machine, Wliitin j, to Lit- ilrR.Tnr harbor,-tn tl-eou4v-4f Wiuh.-.. : 1V Charlotte, C4oppr, and Alex i. r, to Harin ; From Eiist Machias tu Fiu Uanor,. in PenoWwrt cHin- (y, 'iy Brewer, Pluutatwo number eight, tf t if vvorth, In the county of Ilaiicnck : tb-'iire by Mariaville, t Plantation mini k twenty Mix, in.il county oUhucnuk; Fp rn Waterv.'le, in Kernebeck C nintv, k iiinslow, Ulinton, Miiburnj C1ornille, iutuw, Brllilun,. Fordsbiwa, Fijtown, ci Hlaiicliard, to Monfon ; and from r.n.Luh'ii to U'eHiu::tori, in tbe countv i irset;- Worn- 1 nomastuwn, io tiie !'f LincululbyTnnna:it,sbarbr and Jurburvllo. ft. (ieorjie ; Frin W-.. : .Uirouih, in Lincoln countv, bv V --'T:ngtui and Liberty, 1 MontviHf, in VV i -I i c.Hintv ; From Frveburn, in the liuiv; t cun tinifiHWtcK, in umorri.uid Ci.il,wi)V ijMtiamj.jid ..iy,iiifcjo (J rrene,, iii ' cuuntv oi lc;ineleek ; i rm Weni br k, m Cumberland county, nj the west i - Jr-4iiinrut river, to iiitcrs'cf tin- f-ii !'r "in Mnndish to dray, nt the rarry t w.M'Vtf mi Sf bi ?o pond; From Anson fr i!,icii:ui), in Somerset r.ouuty, by tli" f-r; I K-'iiuclxTk river, tjhonrc on the id ill" (';inul!i line: Train H, i ,i ,;; ron, in Lincoln cuuntv, bv Tr :k' mills iiitd lieepscot bridwto Wis. f ;-i : Fumi Hro'vni!!, bv Kilmnmock, :; ' utterly part of Miln ; From Sari, lv iii.!,rt'or.i, the iioft!i"rly mrt of K'nne !'"k !'H, :ind t'l" cMMix'of Lyninn, t.t AU I : l'r;:m Exeter, by Corriu-i uiul St. AtM.'.:m, to' liib fntersKtion of tv mail r.-tc lr..in Pittsfl-ld t St. Albans ; From i r.-iiTv m!I:i;'c, by Kbitius vill!i,( in L mi. to (Jp'ene Fnim Pi.jiHuiiikcay p"1 .Tic. in tb ( (innty of Pciiobrot, in s it'.: o Maine, I 'll l cc, ttnd the; westerly part of Bobeaweh, W i . ... ' r r. . i . to iiopkinton village ; f rum Lanwiabie, ny Milford, Viiion, lliuuivck, Udlard, Ab stead ijasl par'wli, nuper mill villa w in Al- stead, Lan(;don, fa ChurlestoWn ; Froui Dover, by Madbury, Parriiii'ton,btranird Uuriustad Gilnianton, and Guilford, to .Meredith bridge; From Northumberland, through Piefcy , Winslow's locution, Dum iner ileriin. to. Milan; From Great Falls, by Lebanon, Saudford, Emery's mills, in Shapleih, Acton corner, and Ncwlield, by the post olTices called by those names, mid through the west onrt of ParsonslidJ, to the post cilice in E'.finham ; FromCoa cord, by London, L iwer Gilmauton irm works, Alton bay, Plujnlicld corner, Union Village, Farmiutou, Middleton comer, and Hrookfiuld corner to Smith's bridge, iti Wtiifloroufth and return by thu North iii'!tinLr bouse, in Alton, to Alton bay; ta A Wy i From Cuncord, by London ruills, and Louhi, to Gilmantou Court" house ; From Concord by Epsom, North Deerfkdd, Not t in gha m cc'rrtrei- VVdleih's falls in Lee, to Lamprey river village, in Newmarket; From Concord, by Pem bro .!.", Allenntown, West Deerfieid. Smith DviHeld, Raymond, F.iipin, Exeter, Stratham, and Oireenland, to PorfsiiKwth ; From Concord, bv 'Hookaetf, C andia, Ray- moud, Poplin, tuid Brentwood, to Exeter; From Concord, by Dunbartoa, liolHtown New Boston, Amherst, Milford, Wilton, Mason harbour, New Ipswich, As!iby,am Ashbumhain. t Fitchburab m Massiicbu setts': From Newnoil. lv Wdf!l North village, New fjnndon, and Wiluiot, to An dover: From Newport by en-Jell,-l-ish CMficIuradtbnlV: HeirtkerTTrWciUO-.al New Boston to'Amhersel ; r rom Kutn to LandatT: From Lisbon to Lvman village; From Hfxkseif Iy-Wstcaetert-. Cbetter J fcaudawu, aad UawkeJa Mnjswav-J. IN VERMONT.- From P.rattleboroujh, in' Windham county, 'by Guilford .Centre, to Halifax; From firandou ;i"Rull;mf'"'r"oumyt 1 Sluirpham. in Addison county ; From 'Han cock" iv G'hfTi.io Brandon, Ht tlM?irtKtty of Rutland ; From'Swanton, -in Franklin countv, by AlburV, fo Champbun," in ttie county orCliMt-rt. aiMM.iteol ew lors; From Rin.bdj.'b' to''Cirel5e,'''''n"'0riin miniv K mm I. more to Wa co t. I r'm LvndVnrin CaTcTOIa'wMinty, by Borke Newark, Raodon, Cliarjcston, K ist villasr and West Viliag', and S;tlti, tl.liHU mii!, in Dcrbcv. h the county of Orleans, 'f roiii SiiiitWlana, by StTiittotWv WiriUlvji. ruh ;'From Wnterford Lower ViC.', in r-T&Miin nmn'Jbf Crmwd & StvJohn Irtiry East viHae to LvaJon ; Fro"i:i Wi.idsor in Wi:ir.r c .uiityv DnvnerV inn, in WcutheiMi Id, the North villag" m Spriii;li-ld, Iho North and South viM.i re.8 tn Chester, Cambridie Port to Allien-; From Weill River vi1lne, in Newbury, i i s " . 'I by Groton. to I ops!nui awl wrsi i abam, in Orannn coOu'y ; From Mid die hftrv. bv WevbnJaa IXowcr- Falls, l,t Ad- a;.m . T;mriw. through " WMtirnirr land, n tho "St.ito of , NewhaiKp-lure ; thence tbrotitl- Putney, 'Brooklide, New One. Ward.H.ro'. au.i Htruttoii, t Sun-W !:.. : From Corinth, bv Corinth F.ast vil: Inge, Topdmm Townhouse, Grotutl vil it (. rot. iii mil s, to euiT..nu. IN CONNECTICUT. ; From Tolland to Bolton, in the cdunty Tolland: From -WidcottsvilU. bv Wiii. stcaalitiuHMMsvtlmiiilWt-irart' Imiil, to-Wtrtl coituty Massachusetts ilartfuril county, by InirV, West G rauby, Ilartlaml, (Jrauville, in Alassacthuie1ts, Tolland nod Ncw, Bs. ton;-to StaudtiheliJ in the county ofBork shire From Middlctown, by Meridcn, Lheshire,,Vaterbury, Mitlulebury, Soutb- wry, Newtown to Daubury; From tbe post office in Greenw bich, to Ibc villaua uf Stanwich j It roni Mmv London to cag larbor, in New York; From Tolland, through the northerly .parts of Willingtoii, Oishford, and Woodstock, in Connecticut, j South part f Dudley, South Oxford, .Sut ton, Northbride, Upton, Ilopkiuton, Sher burne, Natick, and Needbiim,T to BortonJ said route is on Central turnpike ; From Esiex iii the town of Saybrook, .through tbe towns of Lyme, Salem and Monlville, to the city of Norwich t Fronn WHtcrbury, in New Haven' county, to Colebiook, in Litchfield county t said route to U.lkiw the Waterbury.rivor turnike rwd in the vul ley of the Waloibury river, to: Lolebrook, interscctiug at Colobn-ok .the mail route which now runi lroin"'WTnsleTfd' Stock bridge, ilk Massachusetts; From East Haddao) Landing by Westchester, to the borough of Colchester ; From Kent, in the county of Lilchfit-Id, to the town of Corn wall, in said county, on the direct road ftouv tho Piut OllUi! iu saidT.KciJt,.,la J.hjj.. post olUce at Curuwuli Bndga, iu suid Cornwall ; r rom Stailorq springs, post office,, by the OIJ Furnace on what is cal led the Somen and ood-txk turnpike Flushing, ria Lonjf Island ; Trom-.AdJj.aon iu the county if Steuben, by wy of Camo eroir and Canistco, to Hom Tsvillu ; from Caiighimwaga1rrFu!totiyi!Io from Pain ted Post, to Number One settlement ; from South Sparfa, to Livonia, piling thriHigh the cast part of the towns of Sjwta, G rove land tnd Cofiesus ; the route iVonrG mills to Siiu'tli Danville .shall priss by the way ofihe Iyfih"Iiake settleHwrt-J from t From York, in York county, by Bril lingcr'8 mills, .to New Holland ; From Cochransville', in Chester county, by Cooo- l..,.!.1taiM.,..A.i.iZjiv: '"'' '"-" T M..wV.n. lsnn Burr, in the town of ("nheadea, iii the county of Alleghany, by the way o!' Rushfind, to Fani)ersvil(y4n4k-e;iiinty of CattarH;jiis; from llio housojol wptaia William Bcnnct, in the tovvn gXCsnisteo, in the county of Steuben, by the.ivay of t'uruy "L.TeeK sctuemciit, aim Aiireii, to Sciortu the eMiiity of . Alleghany t from fort Miller to Craigsborough ; tiom West Bbninilii Id, in the county of Ontario, by North CloouifivKT, and Norlon's mills to NVVbster'a mills, in' the town of Rush, in the countv of Moiu-ue; from the fjtksof tho G rcitt au Sable liver, to Hikioton; from I'lica to New York mills ; lioin Co l..se, m the county of OsWego. thriu:h the towns i f Parish and Amboy, to Camden rinst'oftiiv-hrtVneiilrcottr don bv Pleasant Grove, ntu.LSYrialitv, to i'crsia, (tormcrJy AVest Lodi) in Jhe .cuun tv of Cattnra-j;iis; from Antoirn to Monte una .pasiog through Foster ii)., and from Moiitezuiua to "Wolcett,-fising ttirougii Baxannaii aim butler; lrom Rpra ker s Uasin, in .Montgomery county, through the towns, of Sharon, Cobleski!!, SumiiHst, and f-llerson, to llnrpersfiel'!, in the county of IMaware; exlcnl route nuuiber two hundred ..and eighty -ci;lit COimtii'Iitulg.. t .EotUJ'V.i.' llhc county of 'I'loa, . New , ink ; . and rwuuug from thence to MoCnne Towil, Sing Sinj;, Townsend, and 'nrdsburgh, to Ifarpcn d:ng s corners, in the countv f :iles; road, bv Partlett's inilis. to Souiers'slm't; land the r.oiuiimanceof mimI rout- t. J nt! rrom Norwalk turoii'u usioii ano 1 va, in w.iiano countv, via liiiurmls cur diiv to Newton; From the borough tif jtier?, Wrl Dresden, and frmii thnice to Lane road ; on tho east oiiuly of the- in Salem countvi bv Pittsgroie, to Center- villerf-Frum llackonsack,, to Patermm ; From Cohirnhia to Scliooley's mountain, passing by Hope, Dai wille, Hackettstown, ana Aimrou n oprrngs. . ,; i ZlzrlN'-PENNST ostTJastrnoiiariEah- to Gibson ; in Luzerne county Pennsylvania by Ciybondale, to Canaan four corners, Wavno county; From Indiana, in Indiana county, by Mitchell's mills, mid Cherry Tree to Curwinsville, in Clearfield '-county ; From Easton, Joy H(nrer8fownVKir,i!9viTle, i aud Grimsville, to Hamburgh, in Berks county; From Get ty sbuig, in adam's county, to Ncwvill, in Cumberland county ; I rom Milesburgh, in Centre county by. Glen's mills Hannah fur uaco up the Bald Eagle valley,- to War rior's Mark town, iu Huntingdon county ; From New Castle, by Mount Jackson, aiid Gictrsburg, to Georgetown, in Beaver county ; From Carpenter's point, in Orange county, New York, alon tho canal, to lloiiosdalc, and Bethany, in Wayne county, Petinsy Ivania ; From -M ilEmWn in- Mif lliu county, by Run gapand Ickesbnrjh, to- Lnndisburgh, in Prry countv j -From Harriburgii,by Wormleysburg, t'airview, Jacob's mills, Bowman's mills, Clark's fer ty aiid,Bovad'a.l5Su:rj(;tt'8 .gajt;iu.Cuiu. Urlund county; 'From Wayuesburg, in Green county, to, Union Town in Fayette in Brooko county,' Virginia, to Wellsville, in Qhio from Montrose, JirSusjuidiaunah "... county, 'by AuboriCTlruc walriut bot toinj or BftititwmjljiJL Lnzerno ,-cour.ty ; 4 from Lennox, Til Sasquehnnnah county, by , the : Kentucky-- .settlement, Gibsyifip1- Ver -moot settlement, and Haf mony to', (ireat bend;sTo extend route" No. eleven "hun dred and niucty-nine,' ffoih Blaiirsviilo tit : L.igoiuer,j to ' Coiicuiaugh, In Combni ClC'-U'liyj tq neys ifiilUui said cotj ty f from Y6culiilow'h5irrrim Z rytowti, lo"York hayc.h in the- eoiJnty of .; lorki from Harrison valley, jit mter county, to Sweden, via Cettiinyillo ; front Martii.g-sburgh, in Bedford county, to Cot fee run, .in HuMtingdon-couiUv'pfnmV'rorT near the IFilln.m Penn tavern in 'll'illi :' town ; thence, by th -ny o( Jrebt.tow"T boarding school Darlington s, Parke rsvilh?, ' New Jycd Lion, LouJoa G rover tliencliil by Stephen's mill amt to New Lmnloa v cross roads, in ibe county, of ChcstTri from Pott stowu, in Jhe ' county of-olout gwnery, passing thro' B-iyersville, by way of Cole brook dale, Dal forge, Vnd Reut i ben Trexter's store,' in .Berk's ountyV.' through Mdlcrstown, and thence Ibencarj -est route to the bjnaigh of Nortbamptott,- in Lctdgh county; from Allenton, LeV' I high county, by way of Siegersville, to .: iteersTilte-,- in said tmiy fitm Ireeiufr burgh, y Robbstown in lrestmondand. r county, u d thijiice by" way vfCok'ioiyo, 17 to Browuvillo, in Fayelte; ..county j fronj t Hamburg, via Union Ironworks,-in lerks ' county: to i Jynvjtte: injLI'ifi bitWTrr from Lawreuceburgh, in Armstt'iicxouQi ty, by Foxburgh, Emlcton, Lyon's ferr, - ... m i..:ii !.n r..i.. .... v "J couiny : ironi meiiovi ne, iii rawioru coun-1 i v i t n ,J, , U i . w I aud euatigo village, to McQuiston , ou o, ?er5loI., iu,....,, .u vr..i.- t,C ira,erford and Andorsons creek turn. ; vule, to I airvicw, in Erie comity ; Iruin . ,M M;.,..,.t.irQ k ntAn,' tpr,n,lHHise, by Dreshers town, to n(f j,-,, ltJ tlinston In rr I JkrHowrmMW,tg.eryen v, trom coUl: -- ot Marfet.a, to tiie city of Lancaster ; from tl.ul. l;Ai umg to Newton; rrmn me n-irmign tn tuts, vr:i uresiu-n, una in Bi-iJgeH)rt, in Fairfield cuuntv, through Geneva, by the Lake road N;iciViuw,,!,ii M'Wnbrj pike road, by j) trby and llmnphreysvilie i town of"TamIVriJgVj"Tn tfie'ci to Su'cm bridge in New Haven county From Witton tc Ridgefield ; Fnmi Nr walk .to -Nw Canaan : Vi'nnt Norwich eity throiigb PrftMnnjClriwoldvand Vul uutuwn, u t lie Mictuckcl tui upiive to sen uate in Rhode Island. : . IN Niir YORKr" ; " From Madison, in Madison ounty, V.- t AuVustaTaiua ta R'ima; l'rom Mogul Morris, in Ljvin fctrai county, ly Tucarura, . OssianJQur.r . r4iirmilLsV-tivDo..;Wiit',yaJJey.,..,the. ruiiatv f All'-ubanv : r rom Nundn.in Al crwk, via Jacob Tombs and Babns creVk, to trelisboro i Tmga county ;Jlheiicr Ihrougli Meadows j Ber.iamin thence th.ro.ugh Mix seitknierit, toIvno. St , ny fork settlement, v" to Big ' ; thence up'Pine Crck'a jaiito., " B. Chimbcriain'ii ; ; aiii fnl&.ir , irough Mix sett!ei.ierit, toIvtio. ' ' id- on tlm CowacBque ;" also SEfbSA fiorn'" Jacob Tonib'a:M;MlliaCT-Hct imngo, tiirotign the towns ot Loleviile, and Windsor, to the Windsor Brjil ; from Siephcu King'sr Soul It lV-inbronk, south by the post otlice in the town of Ben uiiitoii, to the post office in the centre of Sheldaii. iu Genesee countv ; froui M"di KlaTtft'Ttie' count v of (TrToaVis to the iilTnge ot Akron, and tlicnce aero? to tho New laJ-poftt office,. in the county of Ejie; from New Wvwfcto:k, througli Dor Riff" f r, Pituhf, Cincinnrttiw, uu.l - LisUrto Bini'lianiiitOii i froHj' llie villa V ol "OWr'aS, Inge, bv Treat's rrnlis. , .I i i nunr.icr one to I age s ruins. mc u- ' ir.i.l t'lr-nmh iiumlier tw, Herd's 1 i' nuiii'x'f four, .Mwhtt's mills, in vil to the tii!agetf Nichols ' thenfce.' throlhe ""l"' "'' i... .... . . r tr:::jt...x-1 V". ' V " ' . " -J m lar.rrmrm'r tn Ossjan rVMtUKVim ,.n iiunmn, hm1 bh-tby-werHiy-, m nr mi-iit-iuiii iioum- 01 inu liilOJlwun Welh-ter, to .be town of Oi wellnear tne 'dwolliiig ItiMisb'oia)iu:l RHjisclCiTronH thence tbro i'.'h the t iwns if R "loe. iuid Pr .n. It ,i . .. iv. u Itaiiiio on esi latfOjhe ea1 pint i f Braintrce, w '-t part .f Brook ti.:W, eit pirt'W Roxbury, to tin; Centre w'.N. e ; N.-rthfieM. ' " IN MASSACHUSETTS. . - Tr .:uf U.ri.!,i, bv Mourn1, in Fraflklin county,and by' Readvir .ugh m: J Whit Li.iL.iu lljhliix. in v: e-;Mnty of Wind- in thr- .........IL'U' i.V 'AtiTe":! in In. n in Nerui'.i.t! I romi ob rain, York : From Gimdeu.i eu Hv of Fiaiiklin, tijtmigh North Heath '.i.. t..tv; I.. , uiiinr imiiu iii " ernioni ; rrom i- villi, in Alleih:iiiv countv, bt Onk!id and TnseMiotrH ! t D.mville-i in -the cuuolv ot Liviligsion j Troni-Italyr iii the eoifiay ot : ney.irJ Wilen crsmiy? to Hammon4prt; Ttigi" county"; trlvn' 'Macvnmbrt -m' Su-quchttiiiiali county, Pcuiuiy lyattiU, by Silver like, and EHeri", totwoo, in Tioga l oiiiilv : From Oiwcgo by Gj(berii fille, to Un. idill i ; From Romukw, by Wnterloo, to Fiielps ; From tli lt;wn of Somers, in the cmi ilv of West Cbte tw Luutlingto i's store, in the town ut.K 'lit, in ihe c ity nf Putnam,; From th'l town ofjF!rtbnh. to .the Um "f New I Wthtv iu the county ul'Kin:: ; From Grtijie, in Chenue'T,! e uiiiv, tv SjweV Spafi Mc D wHsiijIi ; From Marblctown, b lihiter cimntv, by (-'r ite's sloin, in Olive, io tho neare-t pot olli.-e in Siiandakenj n the route from Ki.igtnii, in s.iidcoujfy, to D ilil, in IHaware county ; From tmgar- field, in Oneida co:u:ly, by BfonkWd, in M idbon county, t . MieriiMSio Y rom Sco'.lanl, in Rkhirid eiwnty by Hemp- hteud. E nlis!) Church, and UfrrMmw, to Monroe ironworks in the couniofOrang From Demisiie. in D.laward county, by Stanville and Jackson, to 'G'lU'isV.tft- Sus- nneliannah count vi Peniisv lliinia From StovstoVn, iii Somerset county, by Johns town, ll iiivar India, nod Abneivilie, to Biaii sville, in tfmcsiiity of Indiana ; from I'ottsviilo to Pine grove ; 1'iViihNorrir.towu, by Worcester, and Skippackville, to Smn i;etow!i, in Moiitgoineiy county; from iUtU$j ,'iit il4ii:iitilyt)a'Iuv.tWan . . . l- ..... '. . rr i - ioe; irom rvoiovvii .o naiiiuurg, in u- rr(1 , 1UlI1,.u llf rATt. m .l.tclphia couuty. by llHbonfowM,tPer- Nnv rWl(im in MVcer countyfe iS MWTy c,,un,y ' State of lcnnsvhania,l0.YouWsUrU oife ? rom yash.ngton.n...ngton county, ,kj (,- 0,.; h(t (h, p(;st r,,a.9 by Ilurstuw.. to Htsl Liberty, mir- kad froi0 Mlfflin.0W(1, Ju4itiliiter?1 -'r """Si-. I altered os to e.nbraee Port. R Cioaj-i .oa; III it I i I . - w . .1 ...... i.. . inocpeiine,, -... au.m K,.(,y , M.ffliotowinwd Tuscaror riti rticv estoww. m MtUM counts I ., . '. ... .... ... " a, . . alou the nor l .-ule ot the Juniata nvef '.JxewUrlin to Har.l. ton, IV n county f . V Ata'f ..n ILii,-iltnn fr.ifjm f "fit- llri.kk I - - a KiV , ",U"V w "7Mfrrm. TauH.niia to H tisbirr, via CmT- I . li-Te- n I I liu mill nl Sn mnnl II I At't lk- V 1X71 VI Ui ii v va wiiiuj Bell, to ShirlcysMrg'hj remrnirig'by IPs am.n, in die 'Mute ot rennsylvaiiia ; Iron lageol HonelUvillc : from Ly sunder, in the comity .f Onondaga, to Fuit m. iii the r .niily oft)-wejo, by the way of J).;.'i!iaius ille, in tho eoimly of 0 iondaga, and tJratiby, in ibe county of OsweO; frofn Caudu ia to Young Mown : from Loekport 1 1 K' a p' il, bv wav of Newlan" oft nf. i li.'e, on t'ie wt si creek in the mnntv ham iu Potter countv ; from "TTatsonV" .. . ' . ... 1'inu iii .it'iuiuiiiu..jimiu l'uhi i , u. iimi Lratlon i, to McYeytown r r rHii Gottyit - f o. ., vi ... n" r' bnrs, by l agerrt.w. New Chester, U.ad Hall iu .Lvconiing bounty Hain;,o.,,lo BcrlirT, ,u Je county f Ad- (ftm t( B,1Mldyr5n if fld - ams ; From (he house of J. C. Ri Wy,ox, o t he village or b..rogVV.f'ro War iii,a ,siuia,.i-i'.-,uri..,.;. iv, J . .7 3.r, ,. , .. . a on the I urn nke, by TFarfordsburg, , ueoioru , . u..: , ' ji.; a. lr ; toWij; r rom McVmnelburgh, WMiy,i-ii froni"Nrw York by Hancock in Maryland; From Erie thro' ;j vi-htsvillc lie to VVattslwrgh in Erie county, -una Col...... fruWViiKuUviIle t Marga relta. furnace to"- altered hi to ruii oury 7 ghtsville to Margaretta funucc. , I IX DF.LAVTABK. r ' ' From Milfonl, by Dridgev'Slle, to Sea. . . Inis in Warnn tou.ity, to the .tuni of W art en ; From .west Greenville, via. 4 L. Liiui Itn I n l umuiS - AAiinl ai fi L n ri m I and Duclof Jol.ri Milcheltree's, . t New 5 . Mtllsborough m.tl.e State, ot . t Bedford J From Maud chii.sk to lVttsville. .,.rt,?.r? ,l.v Dajisoprough.Truill s.Hd f,'s . n,le ,.f the eighteen mile' in Sclmvlkill county, by wav of Tamaqua, V"rV 'ij.f' u,, id J.obbmi j T,.f Niajwrr; ln LndH , rfid latk ihuylWii 1 LeiiMM-svilla, ta Tinicum; From Liberty rrom IViseburg, in Baltimore county, tuM.cr .-rock, by way M ,.ut'.s -Mills, ri,rf Middtcprt, and port Carlwnr From HMO Hilg;r s beuieiiiein, in me OOU'UV i: t huiilaiKiue ; from Chester, in an Easter m1 erhiniT, r"'.ttV (,f 1 !. I .uMi u i tr! ii "t-iuntv'of Wnido: From Pmsi-ct field thr.aigh ()i"h a.id Tyring, to Groat V. :!....'.. in J..,iM Warts, in Pros-! Ua rrin -ton : Frnin I'ltobbiirg, in ..rcrs . ' ..... .1 a. 11 1 1... I ....nnltill-rr T. M llfMHl l.lir- iii l!:e cmjutv oluaMo; I rem l;iu- icr " -ouinv, i.v 11110., . I)uii!.table, 1 vngsborotijrii ..Ib'Tmon, Levant, St ft son, Nortlj il.iThil Cru-rinn. to StVAIImns; From .w.rorPi.VtJ.tnd.-lt.hrtilrWV'srtH-iwk,' v'rhii-Buxton, ' Hullis, part of '.'' i!..tou.'i, Limerick, mid NnwfielJ, T'Tiui: iitlit m N'w"1Ia:npslirre,"ly Way ci U.,( tiorner; T.ilVonboffitrfjh rornrr, '.'"l Histonbjrough, pas.-.ing on the south i-Vn'rni'fl "tn-wrirtftin- i V.iwtl-PfllMWf ' ' ;h Ib'ilin, to Weld, in t!m cuutv o 'MlirHf PrirW Rniiir.ir. ill the countv of f " " . ' ' Will, by Dirttou west p isf office, Le " '.'"'irinth west post office, Garland, Do- r.K irrnl, Saugcrvi!le,(iui!lor.l, Abbot, i'ti, t,i the post ollice in Fullerstowii, 1,1 'V 1. muty nj Somerset; From the up !' ' villagfHH Fartnington, by Koitli's mills, "'ill's mills, iu Chestcrvittc, northeast , ,!y corner of Favette, Taylor's--mills, arid ''''''i's tavcj-rij: icMount Vernon," IJovt's ,'lvfii. in UeadlieiT, and Auguslu, to llal 1 1 "111 Vl, r- . .1 Fill" . Ml ''1IH M j -'iiiiij j 1 limn f ia 1 m 1 t ''', ii. t'ie ame tiofir'tiip ; From ' in K..r I'l'iuit-re'l. Ti,.i North Chelmsford, to Lowell, In Hie cnu.-itr of Middlesex ; Imhh New hMtoril, iu Bristol county, to tin village of Padjn arain, in Daitnioulh: From Enfield, bv V. n'eirvtchj Dnim, Puteraliuuw T-eiiijjb'ton, West minster. Fitcbburg, LuiimdMKgvS! 'it' lev. Groton, Westfofd and (ieinsl'nd, .0 l.uc tmrish, in Gloucesl.T, to tho post olhco m said Gloucester; From Greenfield, by m at . I t U ..,r.,l tot be rent re o V bntclv ! I' rom North Adams, in the State of Massachu setts, through Clarksburg, thence through Stamford and Rendsborough, 111 the .t ol V'.'.r in.fit. to intersect the mail route from I.-nitl.Kcri lo Benninirton : From South PlvnilHon to MiddlebmiiUgh Four Corners From Keene, "New Hampshire, invougi Trnv! F.tzwilliam, Wiuchetidon, Askburn ham, Fitcbburg, Leominstur Lancaster It. li mi Stow. Wiiltlmm. W'ntertown a in f Sn.it.rieVe. to Boston. Mrissacluiselts From'Dntivers to Salem; rrom fcorlutk w,Ly ClHrtoa, littlicld rlay rj',soutU-1 to New Marllwroughj-Nortli. fyronnc; in Stetdien couiy to - R-1 k Stream ',. V r?m.i Jonhiti, .M,lV7.a.n.S'i. c,'un." ty, by Coventry villc, to Ukw; rrom Glenn's Falls. in'Warron coilfV.b North- ville. to Patton's mills, in the 't tain.v of Washington ; From Ba.a, on the line between Bethany and Aldauder, in the countv of Genesee, by At fit. and Middle bnrv, lhruu.sU the cast partf Orauge.vlW.. In Wethersfu Id ; FfonT (Vatrrtown, . in Jelf rson count v bv Browiillo, J Fare- ville. to Cornelia, at tha riulb of 1' reneh 4"wsk, on tlm river St. Luf reuM ; IbeuCfl. bv l)e Pativi'lc to Bmwnvib J From ( uba Taitt2nn.Altedny4'r creek, to Mill Giiv, 111 Qttftnigiui coun ty; From ll:ieville by he.peysjer and Washband s;ttl'emonLs', .'0liow, in Jef ferson county ; From Rulil in Erie coun ty, bv Auroi 1, Wales, II land, Sardinia, China. Frced.ro.CHmai!lnnd Bulfast, to AnirelieiK iii AlleL'hauv Lontv ; Fnnn Da!: gtt's mills io Lnwnville' in'Tlogn countv, Pennsylvania ; frdj ,Nev Jkrlnj, bv Pittstie'.if. and Edinein.- to Morss Iv diPH tiou through tbe settlcuu :it at Bri titit .Lake Mills, Brinnt Lake settle incut, and Ihiynshurgh, to-t!ie ,tvii ol Bolton in the countv of Wurreti; from Coideiihani, iu Orange county, by the way of St. Andrews, to Wald'Mif from Searsville, i:i Sullivan countv, iNissiie; hrough the villages of Hopewell, und Searsburgh, and Montgomery, in Orange county to Craw lord in Ulster county ; fnuu Bedford, Court House,.' iu the county of West Chester by Gulden's bridge in South rlntj in- i Irrwrnt y-of Ptrtnnrrrri'mm fbj linglon, in the county of Otsego, "tliruiiIi ewlMrluii.o.heillagot Norwiclv.in the e .u::ty of Cbemuigo ; J'roin Comstork Lan ding, on the N utliern ( anal, in tli" t evu of F01 1 Ann, county of Washington, to (he court house in Rutland, in the couuty of Rutland, iu the Str.tc of Vermonnt; through west and middle Granville, west and east IVml'imey, I m-. . . T. V Ptoga county, bv A,1 Morris' and William Dixon" btanbury's store, at It tiitehaH, Babb's, to Wellsboro' ; IVmi Meadulle, Morrisons teademy,.: atklfla " 4averpv by Guv's sclil-iiient, Kingsly'swulemenl, Fork nieMiiig -house, to Kingsvillef from. ; Cetttrevilh', Oil erf. k. to Percy i', O.Hce, fmnmerfield, in Somerset ,rminty."Jr an-: iu Venango countv ; That the jnisI route Ivania, by Selbv's fori and. Youghiogcny niLiiU r eleven hundred and sixty six, from ironworks, to Yough glade n AUeglaW Franklin, in Venango countv, to -Water, county; from Meclianicstowa, tbrwgh ; ford, t-liutt be allcrcdiu ils'cwurse . as to Sa!iilp?ville, to n ojncshurgh,..tii- JpS.,: incdude Cooiierstown ; From tho borough 'ylvanin ; from Salisbury, by DerickWa 1 of AluiH-cy, in Lycoming county, past crow Mads, Cathell s mills, an-i IKtmhyt i Smith's mills, to tMilliJo P. Odice, in Co. "tore, to i,ernn, in Worcester couuty. 1 lumLia couiilv; Froculie-.villiigeif.H4r. from Kingston, .in..inonetT.auaty.U: risvilkvin the-rountv of Butler. lo (ch Newtown to Snow Hill, in HWesWf l iinton. in the count v of Crawford, bv wav I co""""'y from New Market m FretleriC! If Williamstiui ; From OxTord vi'.Ugfl to County- by Nw Lomlun, .Liberty's . aniL; M rami Vrrmm ?- From Brownshunr 1 to Johnsville, to - Middlcbdrg ' iii, lU. aiwa. Taylor's fi rrv, D.dliugton, and Newton, county; from Unity, Montgomery dainty, 'J. nil 111 Bucks countv ; From West field to by Hoodsimlls, Baltimore county, to Hst. Brook field in' Tioga county; lrom Read- minister ; from Annapmt, by lladdavay 9 f. .. . .. ... I?:' C. I 1 :.. ! l. . . i,).. iu the county of Berks, via ,1'eruvtllC rry, 10 01. miciiueis , in i,oo. couniy ; und Rehrershurg, to Pine Grove, iu Schu fmm Georgetown, in the District of Co. , vlkill coiiiitv; That the post routo from lu nbia, with tho line f tho Chesapeake MeadTliie.' cVatfo'rdV.iiuut'r ItM (yhio Chrml; to Ketocton in Frederick Wurren county, ahull be so'altered as to cotbitVMarj land, thence to Harpers For embrace Centrevillw, and Sparta, in Craw, ry 11. v trgima. t ----- a I .... . ... ...... ,..,.j"it.,.yii:Giii, . land; from Lwkport, .0 Niagara Fulls, bv Hhe direct road through Judd's settle. store in Otwego couuty j on Lake Chumplain, by til way of the'Au SitWc forks, to F.astville tow ij of Lawrence, St. IlrOiiee county ; fci.ni! Dunuesburg to tie!. ! jiroiivNmv York ity by Qtu Port -Knn., anil Ugtion, to 1 iirnm, In i?ip count v onion hUUH to eust lll.Kimlield ; from the taruM T'rom R ic& roe ; lrom bcllast, by King s Mills, and iJOf JcuvcftiVi4 Jon, Brihtpu A.id Jhe Ihmisc, Nottoway court-hou, Luncnburvr RtrdtRiM, - it wer.ilK- tit C-Trtnrajrgiw pyaTIey oT neavcr in';T Sheigir.go, V6 the M- efi)t::tior,'"nM'Wb county ; from South, IForccster, lo U'or- rulltl New c.iste, and llieiice, via New hoiis, lo Oxford, in North Carolina; from cester, in Otsego county ; from IV'alton, in Wilmington, to the borough of Mercer ; Rky Mount, in Franklin countv, bv Jo. Delaware county, to Unndilla, in Otsego 1 fr()1, yinnn(.yiown, by Sihweuck's store, siah Dickerson's, George Turner's, Jacob county j from Mooresvillu, in Delaware J (,, ,10 ,ra, ;' Montgonierv county; lrom Prelliomti's, on Smith riveK and (Jobb'.it.g. county by ltoxl.ury,,llalcottsvile, Middla-Uvindjap p. office in Northampton county town ironworks, to Patrif k eourt house; town, Shavertawn, Pepncfon, T:u!clies.;r,tiv ,arn Greenweig's tavern, and from Abingd bv Salter." H'asliing. East branch patndge Island, HahcoclLt) 1 (ivi,i Heimback's forj'e. Iu Lehigh Gap ; ton couuty; nud Broad ford, to intersect ibe eposi(e;t4ftni l"ep...site,m Delaware couu- j tm, Newcastle, m Mercer countv, to route from ll ythe court bouse, to Taae- ty,hy Masontille M .Sidney I lams; from irarmouv .in Ihitler countv : from MuHin- well court Ik use, at the -house of Jj.hrt I f .y tlinrngli tlte villages n Alhin II yna.its , ..,,),, in i'.,!,...,!,;-. n.,im,i v. ilin.u di Nesco W olfifP. i Hie cCotii:t-Ji'iri illianjsbuT?, to Hill, Sundluke, and Schermerhoru tu the village ol'ew Lebanon Springs. IN NEW JERSEY.- Fr m S.aJem, in Salem county, by Cm )A' Valley, by Martin Rtltenhouse's mills, to Conynghain towu in Luzerne county, Pennsylvania; from Washington, by Hie kcrv, Bitrgeitstowu, Brief4,indV X ronds, V(;as ii rry to IWicksiown ; From Salom, 1 in Wellington ouutyt 1,'euo. ' Man'clicitcr, Shannon, on ibe north side of JValki-r'a ' mountain, irrVFylhe county fronrTeaf-e'a valley to Hcrtoi'ds" ferry frrim . Clarks" burgh, in Harrison county, by Elk cwefc; to BuckluitioiitowH, in Ibe er.uf.ty of Lew KE FolitTU TXGt. -.'; , r. . ... . . .0 - ' 4"S . . .. . , ' . 4T" " i .'. i''. . . . . .' . . "'',, ': v. ''... 1 v;:zr" ""LT..,..J. ' - v.-'a-..-.;!;r--V-"l,-t-'ft'' y . ----- - - . .' - - v - - II'T'L ' "' - - - - -''. ' ' ' i . - 111 1 un 11 i in "mi ' .v.. ....... ..... -.

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