Carolinian. HflPti ' ..." . - .... .; : , . . J7. the UxlUdJeeMe Va.j Rrrorlir. IX. McDL'FFli AND A UEtMWIA "I'LANTER Afi UXSf THE WOULD. TA Forta Bdt IWf" Eiamwd. tlLm i Piaiaers i--Could the ridicule ' fcf lb world have Iways triumphed other! 4 ruth. w should at this duy b ignorant et the uUimost' truths of philosophy ; de. ' prised of toe' 'most usefof ihvcniuHu wfast ; and ivbWof the consolations of even our tiered rligiUolC lwli"putaW as is! this remark, the world is just as closely Veddod to old opinion, and just ready, to denounce, reject ami ridicule novelties,! hs it has ver beeli. Hence it is, that the tie ; but if I cui J bnug utabpl wbwiij your cotton would purchase, int j lhis6un- try, and other merchants could, do the. Mine, (that in if the tarilTweco abolished) ihefirsUaml only effect, for cry :hort time, would be, that good wuld fall fr j ty per cent. -That would Wp you firm en rry much. Cut the next eifbel would bo, thai tfwnejnaaulacturerii who arenow, sending their goods here lo compete with British good, and all the inercUftnU who are trading on their goodsi would be run. ning here, a they used to be, to buy your cotton to purchase good with Jn Kuglaud. The demand for cation and British -jood oukl be both wonderfully mcrerwed. rise, and w would cot- . 77 ?.,. iil wouiu- oc omii wwi .V''dcut proluor Mr. cuuu . . thou ri adttHdby eMrymaa wnosee. ; 'M,., it lake, but a small part of is Tms bs uuk ywr crop to Ripply jour farm, you mid 'from abroad, era p Titers ol tfeMt foww, "'7,.r- ,1 vour 'tv, crop for two or three cent " f I ..... ' -relilly a. the a 9. '77 " JL-I ""-T-l 4" I tides vou cousnme woO emileTnarotaiswrtbat aotmeor du-f Vr"i: JTTTTT' .w! .u ,Kul bright Eto tUclnper. than Inhere country, is jiiS the fame as an export ilu" ty to th laiM imount, u tven Pf those foods, T , supposes cotton to be the now.Qr there miffcHw-mrrv tty-go-idnand "Vt 'ff'rrrt U U EAIMjri UU I . ... x t .1' I . urvn thir articles ,he re0 sates m i-ngiand, iiwjy mtgiu article raised in (H8 m,hl ;'" ' J'' " t!ic continiia'ivf a firm' snil intf1?inf JudifiHry? .Gentlemen, the Judiciary is the appgintme'it Of the1 exctriife piwer It cannot ctinue or renew if'wlf; Its vacancies' are to b filled- in the ordinary of ExpcutiyV apfioinltnianL;... ILlhfl time sliatl ever coine which Iloaveg av eft t-when nvtn be placed in the sti preiiie tribumlof the co.ttl ry, who enter tain opinions hostile to the jiW twwers of the Constitution, we shall Jfoti be sited by air evil defying all remedy. 7 Our eoj will tie "part "surj.'ery." from that nvi-inr-nf, tlie &nirtitiiUim is ut fth end. , If they, who are appointed todtTcnid the eas tie, -shall lKtray it, woe betide thfw with in t Ii I lis to see that Avctnne,l hIkiII dennir of the country I'shuH )e prepared, to give it back to all its Ctriucr Wnich a child, and see how unceasing is ( the motion requisite to keep hinj in a itate orcomlort confine him tir a moment and he is uncomfortable, and unhappy.-" la the early davs.of his inlkncy, uuablo to movn himsell sulBcientTy, the riurae keeps him io constant motion; having acquired ttrength, he swings t about jus arms, kirlu with his little legs erawlsj-jaod, throws binwelf into every Kiblei Conloriioiji; Tlie boy runs, leap, and iecpa tiimsclf in one inceiant lurmnU - It ta not rctjuiwte to eirplaio these facts 1- atate why this mofioo needed I snfiV6 it, that it is o ded, ,; ut t!e action of the child u never spoiitaaoou.4ly a - continued yuti&Bttri sort.. Tut hint to turn' a wheel, and you wiu lu's health and stop his ' growth." . Is there a bosom so indurated by avarice as .tiL-imUfif e;tliion are witherins andl . 7.".'"Z i ' I which more co(t(Hi. Hiitnr nn r '' r'J p..g-w,,.. , V,., -r ..... I . ...;.. ' ? " "Itltr if, bcLvocn one oirj lij .ceqti per aoi which inoro uutiou. Blt'rir ami ...l .r.A f unnjstmn unit thoM that rem a I than on land in Louisiana ' . are oi wtci'iuiw " .-.-, vin, pernrii 1 .1 rr:i I .,n;i;.,..i .-i- .... 1 r hnrdlv havinw strenirth sufficient to austaut I additional advantage. ndoi .a ' their faimshed belies. . ' .v I irthortance, is - tbo Wrior .?'!l0,! -'t ftl afflictions ta ihfl h$1L MJ&dtt&femA tKHi. I. know no security, gentlemen, ;ag- monotony, ainl toil, 10 tupa a nature, with, ainst. tlie p-mibility of this evil, but an 4 out pity suit indignation f For the honor wakMied liuWic vigitaire. know - no. oThumanityjjveJjopejhere is jboJ, 32. afty,but iif "that state of piiMie opinion - In defence of a lir!iMM.V wnicn snift teau n xo renuae ana piiraowa icaiurus, man iue siave iraue, 11 is anegea T wnnl.l Via riiffimtt tn oresent to the I the climate over all rmr reader an adequate idea of the horrid con This is not merely Kpr.cuIatiVe but 1' C ditiooih which the inhabitants were pla rs fullTcrified not only hy many inr a ced when Capt. Ridef snilcd.- At every mon of distinction, am f wh0l lKlS port at wliicli ho stopped, the utmost mis- gone' from among u but ly the cx cry. eUM among ail clatMe'sf It was no of thousands from tho northern tinT'1 iiiiAiimufin thmir to see women aifd chil- stateswhose remdonrn it,... m,liJI dren eaflierimr from tho streets, old baiKwtyoars lins fullyietrtiiu .'' , "'ral that had been thrown away, and eagorly the mafig'nnnt state of fevurs 'and' 11 devouring them, ry-'yrr:....-.. diwases so fitaj in the south. . The inhabitants of the Isle of May, and The eVr" green meadows ;!. iu . t r. . .1 i.l.f :ii... 1 : . ---..n iinnM. Itfonaviua, nave 111a aavamngfj 01 ine ru.ii 01 whu biki lame norans, cattle an-l w. I mihtj wUthfuh. ariiga re jtotnaDfi nyumm t mx )imtf hn inn, ...... r. ':jnr ' ' ' 7 ' ,.,... ... .a,'i.)iuiBnii)to k,i from vessels 1 that stop there, part tcularl) Ihu.Talo ami every species of tm io whatmirand geatmir vessels, uui mo icover me tractlcss Dra ri r.r... "'"' . . . . . . . ..1 . . .1 vi mar 1 every attempt, eitheif to gratify party by Judicial appointments( or to dilute, the con stitution by creating a omit which shall provisions- if Montbers att mitu v""ia j-i-'v 1 -j .1. a nr 1 i . ai rwmip mwRV tr LTK iurn his Congress betray their trust, the People Ji- im.rldaf Loan th Voods. NOW. P"" "1 Tjiis, if I understand it, is MeDuflie's k w ninfMioa tarn Hunters about . . .. i.k ., fl-ntf bale tneory,"iUi4l t torth SO SOT WW r-J""5 v'"."" .U ii Lib ll,n. .rUn. .Iter n.v. M i buodred bales eacn, to exchange furl. 'V ' .,....,.....,-...,-. l n.r. .. ' i.Vl:'i . I iiiir the government fortv rer cent., trtcks F . wre iney sau uom vnanesion, . ., ; C s I - .1 the government oemanus or one o. ,uem, amJ bU fiu -k m, tl,roW) isa . m. nrmn I he amount of his crou J I . . . 1 . .. . . ::HTi;: i . , ,e upj'n tcwumer, is an stun. .v r . .in I think I uliull orove lo von. that as a gem;ral rule, this is unpowible, ami lhat .7Vindrod to the aiwif-eTrwhais the hum thing, sells lorty, and bands the xnoney over to tlm gowrnment. They now sail f EneWnd, ha with sixty, and -fctsMrigbbur witli a hundred. Tiwy in vest their cotton in goods ; and on their re turn, the government takes from his neigh .r firty balci worth of his goods." lie lks whether they will not both be left vitV breciscly the sanie amount ol gooils, 10 wit. toe worm or sixty oaics : ana wne few men. would ever sell avard of British goods in this couittrv, if thut were tho case A GEo'uoiA I'lAn . The Iniquity of the American Suitcm. The following transaction lately Look place iu this citv. ami wilt serve to anew the V'urkings of tlw Aiwurican Systom. wAiorchahf fmfwHed Flrhair invoice "of iir thev will not both have lost Cirtv I boon iron, which cota as follows : lli of theie rot llavioxthof plawd ft tiffls", irClff 'Hi rrTon","X5!t 1 6s.. it Uvond disrate, that if the planters car-1 equal at par to, 8237 7 ' . ' . . ". I ... ........ tl.i-. . he4 lUeir own crop to ma rnei, every one I wiipointf cnarges in cngianu Jtuis, IdT Pchnnge, 0 per centum,. Bond and- permit, J02 14 43 00 SO 4! td them would lose lorty bales m the nun sired, ' he next supposes the i merchnnt to take their crops to England for the fame rsirpose. The only dilB-rence, Itiae K'rln'a(ninl' nsTrcluTiif v;re' "Xnembers that he hai to givw forty bales . to the aroverament, and therefire will only -pre the planter the price of sixty for his l Making tlo cost, free of duty buitared that ts, h oxiucis iroin eacni ound of the hundwlt as. many cents nst nnaltneMifl o2per .. - ""vaiKf in Enchtnd. , lie admits there 1st pound, the actual rate, was ?39, whwh ifcfth'ifig aaid about tliis in (hp trade, either! would have made $675 40, or 1133 08 4v Armas or nae reliant ; aerliaps neilher I per ton ; but. on being lauded, it was Usiwl ;-1 tlw-Ur'rtWt byilie f rjcAi;happeu to W .to-ba-liMDaal utvki te iifty eewiwmv iujt wjial it is t. but the natural cmrse and or half Us value. In consider .'noorfltifltt-of. trade brintra it to.thi.w'Cli9 . atiojwof thii dwat, the ci'stom h-nise .... -:igcta)l atatt of thingt betweeu them, if midc an aUWinent of precisely ont third rxikna out, wuld run this i I 't me auues j ana rne imponer nna ra pay Friwrv What witt you rive me Tr(usu5s4 of the full amount, only tJkso hundred baUwof cotton ?r I . $39133 ' Merchant. I will give you eight ceats, - Whtch.s l lodW tho cost, as a Karmei'.'M jw meon to l ---rth this cotton; 'a(er tm it f MnuV,tis the coat of the invoiee; 5farchatirl mean to take it to Bug- wthTtnchdmgmfrestprofit,; 014,73 IfZl'.. ;.fWl aad buy goods fritli lU".lviff . .l. t :. . Emwl .to tlWW p'r.ton.1.,.'......,.., r-; - ; r.nne-ll'iw muoh eash can tort get .' These hoops, as was said, having kw ,4Lt" Urn- England f" '"".. 'teiwlK tlees .1 wiil find it out before they they are ruined ff the Presiditat should at any time violate j! hisdutyhis tejrm of. olHco ii short, and ixiliir elortioiis iniy apply a seasonable reruedyi But the Judges of the supreme ourt p!M, f r very ; good reasons, an imlerteiidnt tenure of n.Tice. No election reaches them them. If, with this tenure, y betray their trusts, llivcn save us ! Ll iu C'ipe Pr better results. The oast certainly, mayencourage us. I jet us hoie we shall never too tlie Jime when there shall exist such an awkward posture of our, aiurrs, as that the Uovernmenf shall be found in opposition to the Constitution, and hen the guardtarw of the Uuion shall be come its betrayers." - II seins from the fireyeing parair raph. ihalJJCliatfirtirit& all the confidence in the Supreme Court, ns the proper and tfywlwiwwnptcnt t',iicrfupiii' constitutional quetioiis, admits the possf hility of that court's luting so const. tued as capable of brtnpittStltrWlt ?Jow, what is this but an asscrtimi that it isrft the Supreme Court, 8S an lhrtitution, winch Mr. Webber so much admires, but wrraminmvwiw-wo may-sit aonrr-tts that the poverty of the children make this labor a rditi ; or in orther words, that, when roiiuortuno falls Uton the weak and inaaftfttfrtho way ir a L'hrwtiaii and phi lauthropidt io felievo them is to seize on aud enslave them, drive them to a toil, which, combined with I he other hardships of .their situaliou, murdert them by. hund reds : and, for this, generous bcucfaciors !)' they give them clothes to cover their nu kedooss, and food to preserve their lives anJ protect their misery. The argui.icnt may conviuce them, but docs not sutisfy us. There must be somctljing wrong when tilere is such snaring and oppres sion in a free and civhized couutryv So. ciely owes tolhie hiduless innocents pro tection ami subsutence ; and, buatiul - tf jts auiuence, is welt prepared to dischurge the debt, if, therefore, charily, which, in these days, is too prone to wander to wan der to foreign and idual objects, should be deaftothogroHnSof (he witferer, and dead to the eall of Immamty-iKitityf the ordin ary dutv which all ciyiliiod. cmuieci act Knowledge to the wretched, should commd them to rescue the innocent victim from the whip of his task mauler. ' It Ts,liowevcf, a TiuinHratihg T)iit uri doubted fact, (hat, to produce a public ben efit, society imnt beconvineed, not -that it is its dutv, but its interest, to effect a ehhn&oir Itis'thrWe'resf fif tho Worth if the other islands have not this email I rcnoVre it not onty voetlv aMj-J.'?l!,'rJir iiyjgrarMlJiiitK The inhabitants have been drpendent so enameilsd Wadowe"onhe Nii - long Sir subsistence upon the little proper-1 And from tlie accoara hf.u .l 1 ty they had accumulatm!, that they are ever visited and studied th. ?.Bar exceedingly poor and unable o purchase I and productions of (hat countrv' Hwt. vessels is distributed gratuitously. A ship ugc ero Tong will not be surrMimted t from New Bedford touched at Bruvo, and uess or value by that of the nc left a quantity cd provisions that had been Who would then hesitate to ev ii voluntariily eent to their relief. I few hundred;.. dollar. r ...Limt-. W--- Several vessels liad been sent to the make them and f : -k.i.i . w ' A fVipnn rnttat fnr nnrnnoi, r nktiiininn I forever T T. bfl ..l. .... ... 'TWtDt .... . .i. s . . - w uh nuvil WW Wnnlf ' a . i what coarse rice could be nrocured: one I at tho first settler. ntli.- of them returnod without beine successlul, whom lor a fow cows and f bench ; and thnt, if too judge do not j that swells the Tariff to oppression it is, iip3p lourjnra wun me pwiiycai opinion , the uiterest of ihe South, that urgo Nuili I. ftlerchant- -Veryrtittle i indeed' more I values, were sold on account of whom it - ihaa I offer yoin-f et enough' 4o pay freight I might eonwnr, at- public sale,' and "were - I, ..I. t. . ..I ... . - . I I eind insurance, sou psy nn amaii prom i si rue a on at eooimr ''Mnaamgiajtojsi fiTHiv I rouble ia uking-thflncOTonoTtrihe owner, of 'the nTlTiirence TicTwoenJ tJuxland. " . that amount nfllOi the cost of impor- " Fanner Why Aen- don't "yetf lake tation thaf ls, or3 79 per ton-wpmj, our : niohejf ft Euglund," Itkl r buy' goods withm' i trirtsr to the violt rat cost, tn litb'iifi.. z:TZ.. vr;.;--:.;-:.. (';?)!Mbyahe: v; Menanl. Ba'nlj working of ihe'Alivenoan system, a dam" -lul Malftut pass th'audlhcicfitrll J aivjuallo iP.)er converted .ftiuitt eet gold or silver, which -I cannot iutoe loss srars Ma, .et, aid which would be Inconvenient. and I But this is nut all. There is another f Mr. Whtcr, as to " the iust p iwers of the Convtitution,1 he can have no confi dence in the Supreme Court? Tho ground iipoa.KMci tbopecwiaf oejefits toacetw to the nation from tlie existence of the Su prcme Court have alwuys been heretofore llaced, has bee? its independence on the "xpcutive and Legislative, and even the opufar,'wTtr','Tne hienibers hoIJiug iheir appinttnents during good behavior, and oemg oeyonu ine power of congress in regard to their salaries, bae. been sup posed to be' peculiarly fitted to -give the most tmbiassed and rniprejudieed opimmst in rofereucs to the matters brought before them for adjudication. It seams now, IKmever. thvrt thvre isaposiribitlry Thfitflie oench may he Blind y persons ,who- will jot lie iiifalljblel bv men who may "be Iraj their trusts arKlt Jntb.ll casebe. orator woold.tbink tliat the Supreme Court did not possess that pnjsnrvativeffHieiple Which ha been usually thought to be in herent in It, kaiardou to trnsixrt if I could t or 1 1 feature, in this affair, which show tho. A- iu4 buy bills of eichange oo Digland, mericaa System' to be a moat wicked de. nd p-iy eight dollar in every hundred tor vice against the intorest of the Community, it. after rvnnins 00 and down the country. Iron hoops, we all know are rcnuired lv i know not how hug, before I can Aud a our navigation, for the water eurksof hiiw I 1 .. . . - it . J . A tl ..I i . 0 r . .l - . . r f T Krxia 10 sen nn our, ana .nor .it, u uu i J our inrmerf, i r inoir iiius, parrels, mo back protested, and then I shall lose land cidorcask, and by all classes of the .. -V 7 ,r , . "JWii i ircr utll, IIUIIMU II To us it appear. Uy m this honest adrtrissiim, diHie niffnTo" wnaken tlie eonfitlmee of his own friend tri Him ixfidlihilitj of the Supreme Courtr lhan any thing that has ever ben Bono by his jvdittcnl oppnrtnnts. :. His remarks KavHint lo this. 'T'If t hiid(c of ft Su premo Court should be appointed by a cer. faroTrtr;ifc tle itdvoeates'of limited construction of the Constitution, we shall ihen be past surgery." v fication- iuto treason. Were he voice ct duty listened to by either, the patriot would not weep oer the epnrjchmgiliii hi(ifih of fh"e Union. In the same spirit, we should, perhaps, convince the community that the benefits Which accrue to society, by enslaving and qpprcwtng lhflttsand of .hei -GUildrea, aro more than counterbalanced by its disad vantages. The task is not a difficult ono The extension of ignorance, servility, and crime, is too great not vitally to afi-ct the common weal. Our furtories are now the schools in which the tender nnd pliant na lure otyooth goes through a probation whichprepftres bptltiieart anl.4wad for the blackest and boldest deed of critno anatnmmy.- lumen into n promiscuous assemblage of girts and boys, with no par r4ilcare to watch and restrain, lo teach the H)veliness-ofvirue and the lonthsoruc oertj orvlce. lo direct tlieir ixnornnee.atid sustain their feebleness, who can diMihl the result r -They tall, irs huroAn nature, tin sverv-yrcfr Frost the PkiMeTa. Timt$4frte Prtst. CHILDRES IX FACTOIilES. tt is impossible thnt an intelligent com- miiniiv can learff, without disilst arid in dignati'in, that ncrmimenmsniirxfeiisive whole sesjon of bnsines, and all my mo j comhaioify, for their rain watee .easkrj VtSrleTaM w.oilicf!m'iidlwiiully hy tViV in' (he bargain. Now your cotton is I buckets, and various other utsntils.- D un tint s good tome as eafh nd rather aged boopirou may be restored by labofv ettor ror reasons just stated. If cotton or applied to many inferior purpos"! and . ehould ris b Awr 1 get your to England, this very iron would have brought $00 per ' 1 shall make a profit on it i if it fall, the ton for the use of coopers. ' fosa will come upon me. But these are But the advantages held out by ha ex- the mn chance of trade. - My object is port4tion-,-weire too great not to attract . sot to speculate ou yoi, but on the goods the attention ol merchants. ,It was bought - srhich your cotton will purchase for me. Cir exportation to aome other country, nd FarmersWell, certainly, if you take the exporter will dra back all the duty 4te trouble and rik of gettine it to Cog. paid upon ifv equal to tM 26 ' per - too- lnd off my handsi I ought to let you have (bus Waving the real tort, to nim, 4y " " t httta eheaper than I woujd sell it In 1 1 1 T4V J ATerejto bejiure U a -besutiful ' ;lj-Und myself. But what amount of illustration of a paternal Governineut! - fnode snil my oottoo pirrohaM U) England 1 Whilst an American, cooper ts not allowod -7- n Merrhant?-It will twyan amount worth byihe iettam hrjU0,16 empTij' his Ainei- hou. t2,400iu England but worth 4J,i ieaa indutrtry upon these hoojs utlci he "7". 6W, 10 per cent,) ia thi country give for them more than 103 per ton, ? . ; FarnserVeU, surely, you can afTrd Jorprner t allowed to has ths m at $1 3 to give roe mors than eight cents, or twea-1 74. Talk no more, after thi v ab.sit the ' - - y-f"ur, hundred doHarir for tny cotton prutectma uf dctiuxic i&Hty-U is aBlge-HA . Then I I . Cheat ! and. If anv nun ifna nnS ma i m 1 fr ! ',.; Merchant. I certoiul.coakL er 4t I thie porttctrlar; hoTaost htve'"ilic'aI "Too . r -t . . . . k. . . . . ii I . i i . . ... Xjoi itr mo jjoTrruiurm j nut you wui rs i iqm.s ever w pe penetraito or reason. , . tactabe thai I hare to give the govern j Bin, if the Co. fjamH bHm hitudrwl and etxty dullara voribl i u . v - I'm uouds, or lirfU much out or my pock-1 Tbt Suprtmt Crt On a rt ponrnl U ta prefect doiiiesth..iiUiiwfacturesroj.'f Mr."Web.ier's speech at the New Vork childnH wlio,' aroentitlcJ to an exemp tion frem labr - arid caro, anl-wlHise proper place" would lfirir native hill., as tree and joyous as the wimts which pisy Martiund them7...Th'msonds on tlHHisands of these tittle slaves are driven, by sun rise it a pals and taddened faces, and fieUs ami mluclant limbs, to- tlieir .ts1-ifrwn hich, with a slight intemil at norm, night alone releasi-s them- Day succeeds day, with the same heavy taw, and the same heavy bear! to 'perform t' " ean ed, heart -sick rittawiUotrt -eioy-to pouliven the present, or t hope' to brighten tho future deetitmer Inetwlews, Totsakert sinking' beneath the utieaunl burdim of toil, poverty aad opprcssiop-hi realize an toe ins 01 sge, wmioui ine nrmness oy which age is enabled to endure them, Tir children of frrcmttti?yTifc'ilUtde'klatct j---thatlarmH only bring b.wne twenty f.sjr fit Trmdt DinnerT in March H3I- ww " "ISuudred" dollars worih. Now, i( you are re were forcibly struck with tha following V to carry your owa cotteh to England, you passage, to which wu wish ta drw the rouM bring home no more goods: for yuu rcader't UitioHi.l, -tf'cvi'. -r tm& have to pay the same aiuount to the I I have said, Motjemenl what ,! Mrile .Usr":'"; -rrrMn-? ak UWIM tbeta-iaattangat , Fsruwr. WrlTcortaiuTyTyou would bejio the tuioa from open anJa vowed atUcks . aUJ to give me mure, if the tariff vould I on it esacnfial principle. Nothing ia to ' 1m .nil t lull . trniM. tliinf MniM tn Ik. Ia. -a J L.M .L i. 1 1 I . . r ."...-..-..(, ...... w mil - mnn iraq inapa woo win marcQ up ; .. Iter ! According to joor eccouiit; you J boldly to (heir own itroptibna,' and tell . ,vroiiiii be" aui to pv me more for my cot us that tVV mean to annihilate povers ex . t-Ki lere Ihoa voo could ret I r it ia esh I ercised trv CoairreM. R,, n.Pt.;ni.ikM "in Euglandj andl oeverbenrJ of such a are danger to the Coostitotion, and Ve 'thing as. that. " ' ought not to shot w eye to thens We Merchan1. And aol certai ily shoul.r. know the inwl.mce . firm .nl in..!ii. 'sU.lwilToriceiofiwcrw utuvcia4jidajf bu4to'it4rf The dead and dying are to be met with with what would now be priofcelv f h on every side. Mr. Gardener, acting and yet those who are., laughin! "IT American Consul, computed that from 12 f Ily and want of foresight, re'Ju'ii to 14 soUls perished at Port Trayu Oaily, even greater in refusing foas iojh?I A (rentlemaii who was known to have a sideration, ta procure land In tt,;. i.'i60 iiii. t ... i . . sniU suoolv 'of nroviniorj. wis obliiied" la J America. -- ' fit - rr l ' r l guard Ins door with his sluves, to pre- wor uocu any apprehensions j vent the common people fr)m entering uod opinion, be entertained on tha M7. taking it from his table. I government, as wo ontertuin i. , Tbo ii.habituU earottrtly ijum Capt. fidont hcliof,that in a. verv few ??" Ridr to lay theifc condition before the ) happy and invaltmblw retion tt,:n "!. "- Aajr-ficau puopk, astney rio not oxpeet as- a pirn of iho tru J St.c. RefleciS siatance from Portugal, or any other . Eu- what..wUl l rnplari nation: They Cotifidcntly expect on accouiit ofanliiiwjllinjfness fo part iritw- aid from this country, and the parting a few hundred dJlars, will find ihm.i worus ot ino governor uener.u io capi. Ridor were -" For GtxT sake toll them send us something." : We cannot bul hope that luis. luforma- tion will bo extensively circulated, and .. . ... i ..I . . - proper mesmv- Mlteti - toward .relievin(r fu wH-aau sainreiiv. 't these unfortiinalo Islanders- ITiereinre,! JUllx MILLHY. Pre'nt of 7?.. M W. BARROW, Strretin. deprived of lands of an extent a.,d ,!J excoadmg dukedom "111 '13 I Ulhloh 4ar.ll 1 .... t ' . ughbor on whom thev "ke L ! 1 I. wnicn will lie fiirtUiiBto nei I. : " ... . V u, .i, i.-.ngus uuunorto ihemselves both we believe, from 00 to 70.000 souls o i the islands, who unless assistance be speedily rendered, must perish. ,( Distress! v Shipirrerk.Th brig A- melia rapt. Dickinson, with a yaluahle car go of Dry Goods and wino, and ono hund red and two steerage and three cabin sengers, .sailed bain N. Yrk ont utt. bound to .New Urleans. On nOBFUT It MEWES MATI'HF.W WATSON ANDREW MYVKS. JOSEPH VAULX, ' NOBLE EPITAPH in iwn MwnprionJs'founcf on a crave .tune. the Pfis. i w tin the 20th i,rrL. 'voi t i sage Ihoy experienced very boisterous w lish fell upon this fo,vn with fire and sil ther, lost bulwarks atal leaked bailly. 'The 700 Americans defomled ih S. , TT! captain, in consequence, cnncJiided to put whom day , Ut in tho even) .1. . . I - - -" huwih m into mis pon, croeseu our rmr on J'uesdov o'clock it as luln.ii. Ti, j afternoon hurt, and anchored in Five Fath- tho besie-rod delivered un hi. Jl om note, alter remaining there about Englishman, who 'f.nniediaty 'gtabheJ' ... . ,r,i,Mi, nuiiTO iwin ; an jus comraue her to drag her anchors, when he was I swurd. A iinaT twwi empolled to put tosea. In crossing the from tho magazine of tha fort to' the L bur, she stuck aoveral timeswhicli in- thenjo l lighted. creased the leak considerably. - It then bo, into the ainr William HotmihJ WtuT 1,5 c,-M.!Ji7yjL(oM of the J not fcir mstamV-wouiHled by three stnAa; ...v ... u, u..., ... .in.uiu uu i iii a oayouci in nis Oocy, bebelJ'il, run on shore, which . was according, and said to one uf his woundod friends whe' iy uons.on louy isiana ueacn ; wnere she was still also alive " we will r-ndvnr faTa'tll1Te sulTrrTnMorT'laciorT tii iranhood itself wilt often.. Hunt. But the heart ikken to think that little innocents. treeh and tender from the. bosom tf mator- nalafuc'ion,.who live butio a joytow free dom from restraint, and whom, ander the impk" fnstitutionTif rjnrtather; no tut enuld depress, no proverty Nid len, should be cooped up, by thnuMiids, in 4 diseased tauphere,to toil and I rem Wo 'boath the wh-0 4 tho os-erseeri until blightrs bf tppressWa aaa aaftrt M us the grave.- - , An intethgent writer speaVa' of children eery justly, when he remark that, to a due traipiag of the mmd it is requisite that the child should grow up m a certain ear. leeMies of spirit. .The natural aobility of . a ehild reqiijres, fir the fulf eVvaloptoent of the meutiil as wHjh physVal powers, li4iave complete plav. c'ttf trafdf fe? in , lt j (a CPVtUU it ttfii&H. which unbridled passions, evil habits, and dangerous associations, can prompt. Ev try. tcmptaliuu to evil surround them, without a voice to warn, or a hand to re strain, arid it can be a matter of no astntj: ishmrnt that they becomo, at an age when their bosom should he unshadowed, bv a single i.iuii; o imu in ce as wtjf art young in year. Falsehood, ditil'onety, incontineoce, blasphemy, and a total dis regard for the decencies of virtue, are en grafted upon their youthful natures until humanity shudders at their early depravi ty, and trembles for the com riiunity which contains them, At a more advanced age, the fj-torf reject? .uvand..ihay. "are thrown Iuto tho iwetwn of ocielyT fitted, hcth sexes, for any thing "which passion, uiterest, or ininji.ity slmuld auggestt lg. norant to the lowest degree, besotted in hab its of vice; servile from long slavery, they are unprepsred for iny participatiou in the duties and privileges of a citizen. With, out resource, save in tlieir boldness and io iquiiv, they naturally turn to crime, and sink into habits which fill our alms houses and penitentiaries. ' 8uch are the schools tn which America fif anxious to form her children I " . - Whctherwfl T0fisu!t The oTEu manity, the interest of society, the char cterrfrjfir ppti-rortTie preservation ol our institutions, we are admonished to pro strate us untoaot ihepoor oml the pnvm notrw,-were imancy ana innooence are pomsneo, wnere tnmisaaa ortboe who will hereafter oopstiiute the freemec of tlie wtlWrwhile they are enslave tt, ere tortured' rouiidihr ixerWTln thislu, we Will completely wot 1 he Vessel will be totally lost, but the the powder with cur blood : thus will wC cargo win most prouawy oe aaveariuougU 1 with the little life that, remain ta ut,i u . tminagrti wnw. i no pawnRers were the tort and manine. and rjerhans a fee lanoed on the island, where every attention of our comrades, who are only wounds was paid ! io their! -ihstreise4.. ntuatioa by. lle-'alone had the .trength iv ? accomM : the propietor of tho Island. Andw. Miloe, this ntile deaigo.i. In hit thirtieth year be- tjsq, ahoV . with lb moat -praiseworthy died on tlid powder which W Vvor3iwtJ proiuptitudo, gave up all hi buildings for wiih hi Wood. Ilia friends, and veo of rtov rat, (mass.) atairrti DISTRESSING FROV HIE CAPE X .DE TERD ISLANDS. By the arrival from this port on Sidur daf " afternoon of "tlie schooner" Fredooia Capt. Rider, ia 90 days from Port Praya, we learn tnax at a universal famine ex !d?AhrouAJ the once tfsly Verdaiil Island. ' ; "Threr yegrtl "have oow tapeT'pic they have been, rusted with rains ia any considerable quairiiuo. The land in tlie mean time ha become perched and unfit for Cultivation, am! haw- yielded little or nothing to repay the toil of the cultivator. The' sea for the erop of lb present yealr" ha nearly jroo brand the seed re. maind in the earth without sifns of com ing to tnnturuy, unless it hduld be speedi their accommodatioo. Char. Et. Post his wounueri companies, by thut me had their lives l reserved.,' (After tins. simple narrative, are the following war 5l m largo character:) Here rests VVilliat) Uotman. : r Vow the Nasknlle (Tenn-l ltefullican. TEXAS. The undersigned, stockholders nd nrnL Drielorauf tha rant knows .ad - A busy pay da-k proflinat ywo i . . .r. . 1 ii .r w ' . "... i tj: bv tue title Uoasjrrsot, have mploydllLU0Wt1w oa a.iawyerjututoos ueneril William Arnold to proceed to ""d, on a eorUun. muster, or general in- Mexico and obtain from that Remihlir. I spoction day, purchased a horse ;nf an if some modifications ami a confirmation of rant farmer, engaged to pay for it said concession. j the uext inspection day. He gave a nolo Ofh;nre th.M. Mn U m ' hut instead of inspection, he inserttl hA ooahle douU, as a valuable consideration w,or1 rnvrrtction-maiinf it pajahe: was civen by Roes, both io moner evneo- wwi-recnon any i- hen the next wvr ded the benefit of said Republic and ,,,on da come, and the farmer, iiusUTt . ' s a .... I ri.Ul rtF that f vo(r aiirt,ruiyAl in tuJ' at LKT nuiuary services remiered, which have mt t- "i" been respecUvedy a'ckuowlodgeJ bj the nclled P0 tlw youiiif inaa w.M'r Mexican government. The oualifications nM,"t" The ,aUor Pd greatasiue- of tho person aolected,i(&r additional as- tt he ihould call.ur,; sj .? surance ot success. Oe. Arnold is be l,,n Jne DoW wls oul' . Iiu u lieved to combine more qualjficatious I ,,!.m?Iiil P"4 sucli a mission, than any rfher .selection "I"00 day j the time Hcoawrowifl. that could probably have been maile. Ho an" wai" w'7 " J?? wu ' is not only known asaa Infiemd and" valua- th ?sani. said tho youag wan rir hie offlcer during the Ule warj bnt his yw-wiH find that it ha a hmg tiwel acknowledged zeal, diligence sod unwmr- run yct' Tha farraer mn th?, u nnnnrP.u.n ..M.J i. i.:. l i.j was due or ouzht ta bei but on pellag P pviwiviairyo wwri i" i i m I - l n ji a assise aJ a1 T slum - j, , over carciuny, no louna t uisjai and experience of the habits, institutions and manners of the people with' whbmlie' is to treat, aftord the best assurances ot the wisdom of the selection and the bast-guar. tntee of he success of the mission. . 1 ho undersigned wwiii adJ a few re. marks in regard to the value and impor tance.61 too tract ia country - svvered by their grant. It border for a considerable distance no the United States, contain eighteen or twenty BulUoo of acre, which both in soil .nd elimte. ,nn.t.r il un.l C ... .-7.. i i i x V M - - "HW'"Ht f - - iu falue for all asncultural Durnoses. to I ft.. V. Yn,,w state tb w a I ll ww awiwi'tviv uL'F 00 tla order, hare been issued by the Secretary itable globe. Cotton, rice, sugar and a , . ... 'i.Affourdif' the prodrction. of our Southern stitos, .re of tho S"0 ,he "fL produced there in the greatest perfoctiou knat quadren, to use every C,M ' and in quantities unknown elsewhere. the capture of the pirate who recently P1- L-AdJtothi tho feci, that land can be dored the Mexican, of Sehjm. One ef had for less than in any other country . . i-.-mtr hsr CIO lo anv one want nr . home. . I w "ui. r-' mont that tTwr nerttae sratil fee' -f"n reel ion day. lie remnoNtrated with ttw young ecapngrace ; but all to uo Porr", a.nd. he rlnally.laid.tho befbrehis W1", ft, the la wycc-Thc but - took hit ,.. out, and told hint he bad hotter settle tb thing olouce l Jbr though, said be,t&ep,7. day is tar off, you bid tar to hare busio enough on-yrmr bands that day, witbw having, note ta cttle.Tlie advice mg an miuiniy, unie ss u auoutd be speec:i- cia to any one wanting a noine, as,t!iej'"OTr'' ! lltJ If rijjod pejegjra vTfteijctrUbt, Uodj cat aTod ma la proourtJ Jot'the Cr4 yocfftJl w.totefMW

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