crcuntmi.: p a n T R Y . VsR or PHAtXOLOGT 7 Ak with 'J doubt and emgntng, . , flow cfttr mutt woo by tbt boot Theft"! i nd lo H trick and deceiving, 1 Nornm cifl eeujflrt by i look. ' JJrifet eye or laie-hrwdiog di ajW ' Mo longer ttieif witchery Bif ( - That beet Indeed must ot linrple " 7" " t'tTOe yields to so t thing. '" Ho more need eo 8y the height t'Biet - Whence Cupid shot trroot pf yore To tkuHt lei M limit our faitc'tea. And Wve by the Immii wo eiplore ( Ob,jso vacant! krrownKi Who, bio win be pen wbee wo weds The Wert lot oo paorion within it ..... a Tblais eot engraved en the head. lrtt iI.m I studied too science rr U oat tiQ the 00 of itlitace' " 1 eowght too Irt gimpst of JSet brew. CaOMoVy I nelt eapanding," - f -"V ' " "Tlo hugest 1 happeed to test rr toco rfOnert 4u Too commanding, Tbfl)H, t U pnetieed 00 me. Then Neney cstu erst, nd etch feature j AM hiW Nil tagefr Spprsrsi - -. I vent-red, the tweet little eieoture, Tn teles peep ever beretrt! " ... JkttrucHtntU, terrible Omen, A-oti tilery developed did Bel " " (though perbtpt it it common in women, AndhrertSlDty eelltbeydetroy.' lrprrt 1 tnd the wretch who rn Wanda fee 1 leetlv teofRng Uttre, but vrnerttay bed thr'k back from the tottering stiff with trembling Da vow wieb far 11uetreiMMf The pr 1- gttr't unwritten biforywiH furrmb it. H" tnoftenaive ho emmeneernt hnw eudaVri j ltd Ail itt WM'rophe ( Let review bit life. He eommencee with pU' 1 but it te nT I foremoeemeot.- Nett ho htiM trR to Rif iMereit, tnd (arpriaed when be ftiul I (Ciioer by the ht2rd, lie then eenturea, '" without mi:(frinp 00 deeper biM tnd the (tiilt opnreoo him. He drinkt " reWe hittoirito. - II i tpiriti retired. Be etke to retrieve hit fortune. 4ribeit untdcecM ful, tnd (pun hit ipiriu flip, cxd rin the ine briitinr cup taoreviret then, ire ho it aware of it, he bit become t drunkard, be hu become t,bnkrupV tetoitrtet bit him, bit fortune ' (rortcfait ehtneter one 1 bit ieiKiriK w comcrcwc w. jtqnctod- Ai wiibdrtww bit p'trit from him. The deoo"detplr tke poHewtoO of hWDoeomi reuo oiioni row. lie beeomet 1 bwniM, thw piol r the potn. 4 Ctaort ltlO-oecnw, a wnn wine m I plungrt, Bept ftd fcrirrt tet into hell. w : . Atwt htrottid, with which be beaut, woum meei, tnougn Ui membH were motrrmr ffbef wotiw meet tbonsb the fife of rendczroui wero the lehamh nf-tha dvinwt the would meet thoMh it where to tparnnent in the eharnal houteu-Nut evra the death uf- kindrnl rn jd. feet tbo fambler. He would ptav upon hit I brother coffin f be would p'a upon bi itn en tepulcbre. MMrnn AinericAH. I ncut &iani frm D'nL(t. Irt. If ou are ditTauediti mmd iii aod f may yet dawn apvt or kmiL 2d.. If vm hare been .happy id eheerful ej nd d.fl"ethathptnetto othrt. - 3d. Uinirfortune aaul you by the Kuitt 01 otlien live 1 yoi hv niMUinj thereitb to nlam ytmruxl. . '. ' ih. If mifortoi he tria-n trom your wwa -orxlue- lire 1 and ie witer in ruiur. J If vow ara tad a-unl and belulcMbvc the faoe of thioKt, like tbo rwnewirg Maaunt, may yet happily change, , - 6in, If y 00 are rich and irotperoua-uv j and enjo what you poM Tib., If another have injured you five k tb crime 'win brim itt own puniubmenr. ; Bib. Ifyouhaoeinjureaaootiier uvei no re co m pome good far -evil. . ' - 9b. If your ebarr,!fjrl)L!)r'j,"',f tttked rrrK'fW'ai fe4'''U"ote'ri pruvrd. ... , 1 ' . JOtb. If the reproacheo be well futmced live 1 and de rye them not for the future 11th.- It ton ore eminent awl appiauaea re 1 and detcrve tbe ttoeort you have tc quired. " There it no clan of people more ani.oyinif in eommunitv than thoae who treetrr.ially in Hie habit of hormting whothrou(h estrenie saraimonv provide thcn trlvea with thevarfwit articles which ar eon.dfrcd in dUoentablein t well recutnted Tiiftilv, and tub. t.k'jjj . .. - laeucbbor. But it m ' outonout fot,wlch we TbeK led, for I'd rather that ay "TUaa tliat to wife h(mLi hUr, 0 . . : t mix lumen my Unej to Mary dare tay Many of our reader will hear wiineu to. ttat tharo lire tnjt ioua, m make it tbo chief butmeit of their livet le 3er. few. . k a N 1 . dh. aiiA 1 1 . I ; Mv Jear, laid eirv. i.reen to ner nutoann one w r Mr. Black, tie w dayt ago, w ehnott out, ana i mutt back tormorrow, ;. Woli, taid her buabahd, tend tnd borrow half a oiuhel at Mr. White , be eeul t mm y otter And when it eom, atiaii re return the peck we borrowed Bore tbao a month tf 0 from wid ow Crtv f Ka, aaid -vlio hatband grafPyY the en' eh for it when aha wtnttit - John, dn you go down to Mf,Brown'a.andeak him to lend mp bit tie to chop wood thit forenoon ourt it qiite dull, and I taw bitn grimlinf hit lt nigtit. And James do you go to Mr. Claik'i, a aak turn to lead Bit t haiamtr and do yuu hear f yoo inayM well borrow few noil, while you ore iboutH. A little boy now enter! ndiivM rahrr tent me toak if you had dune with hit hoe rUIitJi4 Jtfc aod'tbi:rmteVc6uIrTa7yT " ootijht but flft did I too, r- JEfo6Vjr, havaying . ,..loiiiM oeatkm to- " vpok tueh predilectioo for trt)tig,- ' Z "OOIOI l-r-OMTI fc, mw km,. h t tost vero to alow in the ftreJwaJL r wettrronld teltfe' iyCtiiiij ' . WhnV. other had til tbatOHhunifl r :'- In lerilbJe awcllingt bebitid, tt lengv Hwae ny lot to ditcovet Taaloeotofakolla.ilKlirre, w - r mtcr, -r Tbt Spwiheita or CaH could eonoeire. Vywo'd ttke oholt 1 oge to decipher Tno oumpt apoo Emily! bead 1 So I taU, I win oat tie fur life here, - A r ..ndv th aTr vero wad. "V. Who that hat evwe Imi JaMil.a w.i;.:. . oiurf win not thake bit aid. i the follow Ing diatoime o the ohiraetertf For ahbomth br f,rlemt tcftt are not 'hbOmi m d'f ppiprfvirmpig in ataigmog to (tea wropwawaru - . 4 MILITIA TRAlXWO. Tendon, tit huliT thuldrr von were t WfcVaooWaftiuu'wRfc: varar r da t be want! lo ur it Wanta hia hoe. child I What can ho want whh it f I have not half done with it yt ,bnf if he wantt it, t uippoae he mutt have it, Tell him to tend it back, though, ej toon u he can tparc it. .viThtw -iolt - .do" kkrati: ift b wwelwir Mn. Green, there it not particle nfbuner the houar Jtmee, run over to Mra. Notable's ahtalwayi hat excellent butter 1 in her dairy tad uk brr to lend piarenii. Atert few tmntrteo Jamtt retnrnei IHnf. Notable aavt the hat tent yau the nutter, bu beft, you 10 remetrmef that atie bu itreajy lent you ntneiarti plaiefuls nhich art teorwdon the dain door. .. - Nineteen pUtefule 1 reclaimed the aetnnithed Aire Greek bokEnf. up both her handti It U A ll D I S t$ .8 U A V E Bj RESPECTTULLY iolorm their old" customer ooi the pnblie gncT slly, that they tre t prewr.t carrying n their buaioctt very tenivcljr-t their new ettablithmeot on the tiret, rtinning ouih-est .from - ihe.Cotirt Ilouae, just below the ihop of the late Doct. Fertand. There ire li or ie ven wdrkmea engagrd io their ealw lihment, by whom work . will fee ext cuted on ihort notice in good otyle. -Hr 1 .1 1 iiuch thing, (Wheel. f?triL barrow not except A JuirnittutA . with a the hiirrhat.rT ch')OBCt. Ffona iheif nerH-live , in tbe hoppv coutideTauot of e,Pc.""ce m X " mi? dWrvei : T '"' a much competency a can be found elsewhere in this aection 01 lr.; state. Their price are low, and they will warrant their w 01 k men lib. If your eneeent be beyond ywu mem lie I in tboub'hfulnett and humility. 14 h. Ifvou havn beetf neKient aitd tie- ioa in aocw-ty livet and makoaownda 7 1 jih. If ou have been active ana ma it- trioui-. five 1 and communicate ) our t pproe- mentt to o'hera. ' I61I1 'If you have riiteful eoemiei bvej tn4 dittppoillt their malrvolrece. mn. ir yu hive aiod ana raitotui rrierRii-- ivt 1 to prwtret them. . 18th and 19th. . If yod have been wue and virfuout Jor the be.flt or maukiiNi, h. If too hope for immortalitylive ; and pre oar a and enjoy U. Tneu doauniKnia are ticribed to tbo pen of a popular and able poet. It U related that toon'tfter tl lata wtr ti Americtn ahip arrived at Liverpool from New (Meant Wing on deck two or three f tkute apparently wnwicHjiy noiuucay oar, ooon ai tit the hauled iutocWk, few visKert aent. 0 butrd, who promiited by ai iriinl$rial ipiril what uae they were eonatruct-d. "Thev ara uacaoa board, ttia pna't whiaii navigate the Miuiwip i and Ohio," and the Cp'in, - no other dttcrirriorr of oart art Uied bV Kf -tuckiant " All kinds of re Dairinu done in the mot ttable and perfect manner. We have hit emoloved first rate north ern I 1 arnet Maker, for the purpose of supplying our work with' sets, o that nothing may b wanting to rush from our ahorj in ttvle. It wtll aflora lis much plean ire . to nccammmhte our friend and receive compensation e-jut- valent,, IURRJ3 & Sll AVEIl. aiiiiry, Oc.r I. im. 4lf JTILLS AM) 7 .V H1RL nilllR tulcrih. r cjn'iKnrt the manufacture warranted 1 9 I lVV.MHV.Vti. RESPECTFULLY INFORM their lriBds od the public io general that 'they hire moed their BTOCK of GOODS ti tbi,'ore ittathed to tne Mansion Hotel, rcrsons witmug to buv would do well t) call, Ind price fjootdi at bargains will beiven,' the usual credit will be given to punctual dealcrsv., Iron : CoUodieaihm Dmtcajc. Tallow, tow Clotfi, if it. ftc. will be taken in exchange convenient place f r hitching tneir Horses io a tot between our store and the shoe store of Mr, Thos, Mull jr. which is neit doon r--r itf '"' Of anew Literary Pcrhildt, To be published every week, h W4,t rngfotCnr,D.Coidtfr tHti.eof run mc th 0 po litji v Apazdtc of Micr'tfurc,1 Maiic, - encet ani Vis FincArU. . 1 IV ILL be-sold rffK at the Court House,.. in Salis bury, on Tuesday of November Court, the plantation on which Robert Uradshawt dee'd. ft ov erly lived, lying on the north side of the Yadkin; river, Containing between 3, nnd 4 h-tulrcd acres of first rate land. On the premises, is a good lWliLaI.ViJ.UOJl3i and all oetestary outhouses. Tbere is also a good .. U-: - on creek, which runs through the plantation. Any further description, is deemed unnecessary, as the planta Wab Da.raarMKT. Pennon (Jftke, JfiuAinj-itn, Ot$.4, M2, ItllE number of apSTaatsfiif pen - ..on. under the recent jciof , Paf; , g together with the state of the health A this city for somr time past, bst ' Whj. Deacon , Mi hael ieW, -ml yntrl waum thin-! never had half the nuatititr y!! :JC,, thing W'mvifci '4mfV I hsd,htlr Rrttr trttrelut of tWR . rerattco. paper. - i u report tea to- rha -Chum 1 1 ui ef . el.uld Hunkvoi Keopinff so aeeuwnt ':asi or.'--lr!r"" ""' - . I aim a infline affair! declarer. I hive mat :iT4 iltl hntorteti on'lour om'tmlk lownei never 10 borrow sny thing of that mean SSi'wUWl back tha. rear tank Tr rma. " ' I ereatrtro agsmViM l0n att Irre.-f"""'-- ' -uap'ain, ny int.ditrnt don t you put the I After bmakraat, Mr, ureon mutt tnavw. iiiar la fc.Her wnorfhataiw ehap bonnet I fM"r loof'orti''0'1"wh'e,, 4viawMckrlght-atraigfit mto Jimttrowte m. hone and Stttpf hill ra'hnt tuns ha won't ai . .u I ' ami fur ir-rh mher dav. air. and itldlir " UUIIVHJI -. - . . fbek athaoaed to.' atwald like to, have tht privilera of Utinjr it .-Jaa,MttM4oshlcToohaekn,fclhU ' . - M y.loa.t:--r-'--:'':-;-' lent fiwUMmrrerrtnentT H might at lettt --'""Ti"' weldIUIp WTthbhere have waited iiB I wa done with It. WehV go ctI' aLouldarin Arelork ; atprk Jilt bafnnef;ltoro.oM--ti.'-lwNl U Jw.ialgtt 4htoatg4-.-ilw Hm of my ekrer, mohitbeansorilell him mini bao.dutt lean t'Hl 1 iatnef goett a botv anyTin jpa would jerk do nothing with it, 1 know he hat in eiceilent .TWW .JBeta 0J."S,.e...iaMl..l.a.;, awJ oee,! ,0W.. wm ".vce t.r. ftneke. , MMer,hsn4 mo down my hit . Cant H I wait till the eanth Vdtr trmav woat briny; down mr firelock VittKrut orders if roar brad wit on toy n't.' Tiat's rifkt Joe, raUanter I tell re only Ker tt.nahoitcr your nrewct perpenaikill r. n you've got a . re lock, what made yon bring -Vowr uiybtuir ' 1 " ' . . a an ' &i t t a . t W'h. Cantinr. the wind waa aaat. I -'wfw"ekrd Xho lurkiea' scfeecliln; ao 1 'W we'd bsve thoaer.' " . .; .. ."T; 'rV:.Tnikiwna irayii bowtin bout L Wby, Capting Jim Lnmmitia baa tmaahed tmy toe with t out of hit gun, and rather guest ItS 1 3d pounder, for it'i tarnaahun heavy.' . 'J:m Lnmmins lift hava the perlitrneat to take your gbn vf 1'al toco, and kk out bow - yoo amaah arter tbia.' Captrnrrt "Ti There's a enrarement, tf lother oo witnch ow the right Hk, , , 'Why, Uft't y donl tay anlwbal Why. Parks Lummint tnd Gcorce Knr fghtlng hke bntasf Well make a ring arter ptradt and ace fair felayi only tcD them to stop till wa Kit dune ri-rin. I tay, LaftawaM, what feWe ysaj fat fat Arthot hrtbo frmt rank F '-- ;" ' , "Ttt at bow, CaptiiVg.Tie'i io tarnal awitchol -t bellied hell keep the rankt In open order I avb -r gneoi if be etioutd ever bo promoted to Majweino,tt lofk Sko-o tach of fart ow hono. hark. If weeWd go U battle and all be klTed hut him. ha wouldenH bt the i'.ifln bf tbo rettltnent.' . v - . j . j 'CTned Birnnirr yon ri bb ret rr" . anm mm atomnanv , 'What .fbr Captlog P -.;-f--- - Kaso at bow tbo tato moo alwara dot yoo nrot taof attne Oiwd CttwVl opt op fch or too Ojnrrter tvoar t telt ywar If yon aWt k nirit off, well saako a lightning rod tftr.t . ' ; r - " 'Caottm. f mv kit artor tundowo and I rtth- awwwraal wwdSttwitT hmger wrding Oohrw- Wen, Prn screed Now gM wto a atriKnt Tma owek at creajed Urhtning. Rjgot tact! Grant t Store. Be tore and get tut new 01 o. A little rrl totem r Mother tent me to ore if ptlng telle He to I you bid done with the teeond volume of Mil tltai int'ory 01 Wit wnicn yo mwwta of bar a Sew moothi ago. bbe tayi the would bke to fwoin hertrlf. - " " " My dear child, why did not your mo'her end for h before t I declare I don't know hero It it now. 1 W it I ff ret who) I'll make Inquiry, and ifeaAitd i: I will tend it to hit In tbo tuura uf a JTcw wre,ka. . . - .: - n the sAernooa it raiosi Wife, there it my great ooat f My dear, your great root hat got two ureal holrt under the t"-pi't betidet, it it to ant by I til ashamed to 1 0 you ef U. Can't we borrow one tewewheref Hr Jamet, ga in Deaoon Itavkfa, and etk him if ho will lend your t.W,r hu new tnrtoart. at H raint, and bia ia nor lit to weaf-- Ho will take good earo of it. and retora it when bo it dono with it. And to on to tbo end of tbo chapter. - A Mend ooco Informed! uo Ibst ,tbut ten o( lock one cold ttorwy evening in the month of febroary, whoa hio fcmily. were about re tiring lor the night to their reepective apart wotava bud rap waa heard at tbo-dooo, which a being wnenerV there enured t httlo urchin, who said bit mammy, who lived but s lew pce dittant. had ttot bee reepocta, and wuhed to arrow wanau Am lo warns bef bad, aa the house, wat Cold, and they had none in the heuaa,-.- Tbo-wsrmmg -rrtw-wasrbnhwvth bronttit from the kitchen and haoded over to the little Mlowi but he wsa not yet mtitfted : Mmherssyslfywi tend us. the on mini. ysn. Indeed" esclaifned John Bull, at the tame time vainly attempting to lift one end of tV oar 1 ft it nt Unger a wtmltr that Jut knnf. r get PmiriaeAuiai a- -war wrlrrf by ftthm wac $uU hantM 1 acn ear at rnete Penre e Kimttvt.--- f he' following" article from the Luntlon C iuiier tpeakt well fur tUe etute of letter, at.d their humanizing mflu- ticti It u uow arranesj that the Kneliah eovern- mcui iuall tend, Tor the u i-flbf Frenuli pro. pit, to be drpotiird in the royal library at Pa' 11, one copy of the whole of ihe worka printed in Great Bri'aitii fer which the frc nr.h r ivcra- ment ill, 111 return, trnd to the Britith mute- urn, frr the brneflt of Jhe , Engliah. nation," copy of every work printed ui France. And it it further understood, that thit intellectual jn tercMnge thall not be interrupted by the vie ciuitudrt of wtr, but (hall rominut in ite ol any political djtaerverrent, WLhai' ,.t-J)J,d;. fight an eehTwftTch rehinvet the n'ott vaitlnbie part of human inta-rcmirte.ihai ot ku !!. and science front tbe intrutiona of huttility. We uoderxtand thit imnottaat Mcaaure aal ff ctrd by the Joint commercial coauoiion, coa- . ; .r . m i . , it .1 anting, on tne pan m nr.gianq,. 1 "icttra. OtorKtf Villert tnd Bowehng. tnd, on the part of Franco, ot baron Frtraml eount Puehatel. -aeia ' Srm tnrtnttm We have witnewd wliin a fvw dayt patt, Torpedo In be uted in Mowing up notiere during a fire, lilt very airopl and we 'dmioVrwit 3t Olrt tto JNttd Io-iuia-ih PM-poee intended without the uiual riek attand- lmdrleal.firffl:"" Ks leiijjth It tboulli iochtt, u diameter U, On the tide there it a tube eoOr munkfating with the imide.of the canniater. througti wlucp. taa poOeri oi;poatiulad tiia match ia tecured. Tha match it about ait'y frelJpiX-and n kept in a . --P r 1 l"! lo g w jU tnaO tho-latUr-oiHy ink boa which iafurmid on ihe tide of tbo I . Toroeda. aui rounding tbo tuba.- Tha bni it of sufficient dimehtjoni ibcpo'ai the nmtch vhcA proprrlv wrapped up... It wm invented o ths Kev, larvia B. Button, lieotw of St, Jdhn't eh rt, i thhr pHcer- W are pleated to learn that our Police bare taken measures to mpnty the town whh-a number of thit bipiily vful (tt we-ittink) weenttenr' rent0r Jear. of MlLl.SU TIVIV.iHK, be wale of the bt m Wieuli; urge 1 tuck of Slide and Tin tare on and being determined to tell It rM.icrd pricet, merclilnta and otl trt wotiid da well to ctll on him and et their auptilv. luf fhd Conrwf, fewtef. frttWH Tsllc Be -fwtl tnd Wool Itben tn en-hang. w?iiku, twobrai.ratt journeymen nn nnn'T K rT) imp customed to work on machinery, to whom con- n It A ur 1 1 A J . ) it employment ami lihfl wagra will be given. . ... . DAMtL . CUC8. , hand ' " PcrSOQ WlSJltoa 10 VIW tna pre mtaea between this and Court, can do so by applying to either of the sub scribera. TERMS made : Icaown on the dy of sale , fl;49 ' An trrsot of owe of Dr. Rotti adJreoaes t tm am tnrr-ar -tht tr..t A IRlB'rVtT' " -W feut too do not mean to ramble or advweato h t kn .w it lut I alto know W 'you play at aU wou wltl ultimatelv do both. It la but lino that aenara'rl between Innocence and otn. Vnoewef rVorleatly approaches thit linei, wiB tp. n hts Crowed it, To keep at a distance, th.M-frw it Ihe bart of tnadoov Ko men one ade tip h'w mmd to wmMga to peMiiKm feltj oil at once. M ow emerea in nnoa bj perhaps you would lend us tomo ctt too, to put Into it, M our fire it lmot gone out I , Tv MnlWnL who humtilv tnuc'llt tJnritt vour torn, toUs eau thai U l b child of - nv, and aia qaej' " "' ' eonflrtt the tale; Vow cheerfully render- him aM the oMiataooe In your power, coMcioua that virtua aomatimel dweUt .Ve'ies'k tattereJ gtrb. Tbo highwaynun, who knocks you dnwa. and than aummOno WU tottind, givct o tyivlncing. lhiugb. unwetcuino proof, thai knaevar deeradrd tbe wra'ch may be from the wteeenceaf wtwefyct wwiwftllooi! hlrahia heart. But the AVwri4r Aatrawee oot.oyteaS on 1-15 jjjjj 0 Jfttjj commaod our temper. prevented the examination and dtci. tidn of these cliimi, with as much speed as it. aoiiously. desired, by the Dcpartmctit, and seis due tO'tftrsefi vices and luflertngi of these merits, i ious veterans, entitled to the bounty of their own country. When it is re colltcted that these claims contain a mfnute statement of bets by the ap. plicaou, embracing their whole revo ludinary service, together wih such Corrob-irating proof, circumstantial and direi as they are able id collect, fan d.itewtSaHst i g ated and compirea witn rous Ana outer r cordt of the Djpartment, and thit this process is neceesary fairly to estioruK just claims, and to prevent the- grant. ing ol fraudulent ones, rial that nothj. Dmt. There it not an hour m the diy in which a man to much like to tee bit wife dree. aed with nra'neatu when he leavet brrbrd- room, and tits dowavto brenkfaat. AI any ether moment, rumly ttimulatcs her tfl'irtt at the toilette, for ahe ttpectt tp be tcent but at tan reun d aud early hour, it is ft the very take nf cleailiurt for tbe very 'take of pleating hefmhl.rhat ent,this appeart neat s4 nice, $one one aa a, a moman aliould never arrpewnirHdthrwbadry oVeomd Jtte-preteoce of her huttiand.' While he vat a lover what a aid piece of butineat if be cought her drr to di adunttre ! " "h dear, thee he it, and my hair an in papera i and Ihh trigmiul unbecom io cap I I bad ou td'e ha would hava been here to early i Irt e off to my loiMt !' But now he ia voir huthand, ikar me, what eon. rqueaeef Myohject it gained, my etfurttto winbiawsnd alt mv little tit' ctutrrt to can tie- I t, htvt been MicreWul. a d it it very bard if I woman tt to t an her I f in en!avounng tt nleate bet hwbaml tt r I rcmetnbee greatly ad miring a Udy who lived among the moaiiuina, and tcarceiy taw anv one but hsf nutnand. She vu rathrrla plain woOan f iiwvye? when the mttobrktartemenig( aJ wU tha -day lonr; her estreraenestntis, n4 be attention to the nicrnett ot her appearance, made her qitite an agreeable object and her hutenl lov. til her. and woukl look at her WjUh more sla. wire Ibaa i M i poUy woniaisurVated t Sted nud wntrlvT- f i believe mo,-thQSBJhtoe--(Thouffh vntir hiuhaml aonean But to notice thenv nor pirhipt it he coneioul of the esuse.l ttroogly iyi MSraODXS P HT Vlff BOOES .1 lane tupphi of genuine Mdho- dixt Hymn Itooks, puWuhed lu J i Emaru if B JFausL Jllso. Vki. idtM nndt'onftrmft' MWdei 'far. me year 1832, jor trie at John C. the most' careful, examination ud rig. id scrutmr, some idea may bo formed of the time aud tabor- requisite to ef fect these nbjecta,, :t ia impossible to go on with tne current businet of the 6f1iCf;indlolusiiier they are received. , - , And this notice is given that appiu cants msy be satisfied the cases will be; investigated in, the order , of tlieir reception, and as rapidly as possible j and that each person will-be advised of the result, whether favorable or atV ?erset or whether suspended for fujw ther pro'i f, or explanit'toota, aa aoon ara his cisc can be taken up. And all may rest assured that the most vigr, ous efforts will be made to bring this whole matter to A close, with as little delay as possible and nothing in the power of the Department will be an ting, to give effect to the benetrlcnt intentions nf Congress, By order: JAMES JL EDWARDS. Publisherj of the La ws 6f the TJnli red Stales are requested to iosert the above notice four times in each of thejr October 6.. 4t49 a'tabiii7;Trw--1tmrTTnr 24i JVEiV BLWiEUY. VV tioncd, as it rnjft. E have firQ'Kr.tly heard is a ma'tercf ausr,,!. . that the meiropcilii of tbe United S ! -,nty, tha who!- Uulrkt of CoIumU,., sh'wld not bo sble to-4o4at of occweniy literary in us cn.,r.icter. v. Lear that oiir.WQrLi,-rj-fi'" parts Of the Union, will think nyr vm ' phere so thortiuhly, (at were abmii m tay so puTely !) political, ihf LiieratuH. rsnnrrt jireaibe ir.j .r.d thas ScUrriwinj- ' tint iit uiuv w uner benettklii unnenwl Inflarnck 7 Wat Dremn ever, with the to op ration U our fellow" tiuaens, io convince t6 good peop;e of the United States thst such i not tt( faci f that the literary usto 61 the tea' nuici v'j'idre is not connneu lu Von "oosl iepori!ijii(J JSlatB -documeoti, uiai uicis it not pniy a greti coommpJ lion of the Belles Letters here, btou"bt from every psrt of tbo Uhijnt buukH. we can JJroduce a literary piper of our own. To effect this object tk fut the Mtirofii'datl ihe. pttrunsgs of B fa vers of litertiure from MainencliWlnf" therein Madawaik) to Qeotgi t . more particularly we solicit ihji vf thf deniaeos of the D Unlet end o if mens, politau fijendb...TJja JIAtraAaflteo be cxclutiveiy literary and fcitotift, Politics wiii not be med:id with In ha colunitts at - any rue till 4he strivit q that ioiellectuai miiknium whenPrcil dents shall compote their messages, i:,j inemlitwHrt 4t-t be4rtprtrlio1ii, rhy mev-and heroic. Dc oUn - loniithend the wide end vark-d nogt r ofa literary- aiw..lUny. Ori(il,.i,jt telected tales of fi.iion md truth i f 1 feeling or fan) . of aeniiment t4 a. mour ; will foi in a prominent feature; Xbc. irs(UUivenftrd-TOrteirti olden times," tnd of our progi niton will be particularly selected for our pur pow. K.wyt, both grave and gty Hi Jraphkal kctc)ieioT au' hort trid herues uucres'mg anecdotes, If . etc, will enter into the cotnposiiiun ot our work. Ao o UCi imuit4wro"-wiiJ ioimpjrr' tul rcviaws tnd notices of nr buk -both literary tud scienuSc, at they cumr A'SH Pf pre.-,. Lo the ioetictl Jipurt. ITlI s tiew io the more efficient utotccuiioo of th-ir buiiutss. the Having prucuie'l tiie beat Miteuals from the Korth, and emjrfoyed o-Workmtn who conut well recommended, thee ere prepared to execute on moderate termv all oiricra in thit line. .. . Account Cooks, Records, kt ruled ami made to order I nd every kind of Blading promp'ty eneetited In . he btst eiiJ aewett naefiwpont)itTro. r.'.-vastf ; ; - j-gale3 it'-sox-r :-: H U'lVJIEKIAG. :. TIIGsulMcriber would respectfully inform Lis old customers and the publit ffenerallri that lie taOfflenT ced butchering in thifplace Mod thit he wiu continue to butcher d.triftg the lie will' have beef in market mcnt punh.uUr atunuou wiil be Kiveq - nde flitter outselvesj bytho favorof -some poeiic brethren tnd tUters, ea whose eld we can rely, arid whose talents are not unknown to lume, to he able to 1 mete u tintiiul uljni of rhyme.'' Ilriv. en forbid, that we sbuuld be guil'f of boJiiin. . i in addition to tha - literary e Wm of - ihe Meuotoiian every pqn'iher will coin tiin onu pjga of Music ) original or to Ucted ; ml em we trust wbirh us favor io the eyes of tbe AccompiistKi t fair i and altho-jh we may occiiwiJ!y incur urate. . mo4' Jeiivor a tit tlc t gainst all fjhiwrt W,,roposedrTiretf rbclejsitiri iniJ,tno:CtAUl'jiiei'ii;- 'r .. .:..!. .iin .. ui vuriotc reaort wtia, gramme uciuica- . ilops of the :.n(ewet.fshlrja-.naR!a Still further to Impart an interest to our page, they wtU bejrequenrty iigh I y einbtlltthed gith wood engravings of Too AtftPchoUtan will be published ef-- ere Saturday, in t qufto. form. I: till.. be. p tinted o fine pper,"sid - wit etrerf - season, ne win nave beet in market atteminn to in irnnirrsnhlrsl eiecu idti. Mo4ay,3Wnadaf ttd5l mornings in . eacb wetk ' at from two and half to $ Intents Pet oound.' lie. would remind those who have beeves to sell that he will give the highest cash price for them -t his rc Sidcoce a miles north of S lljbaryfoh the road leading from Salisbury, to Mockesville Jjneiville aod Wiikeabo. ro Pasturage will be furnished gra. t'S to, drovers, who .... may Call. at bis bouse. , . --T , . ,; .SStf TETEn J. pwink; 4. . i i Craat CamftfiawwStrante U h mat tmir.d to EnglMh oars, it may truly be said of Amenta. -Jhi eountrv which was treated with so much eupereiitkrwi contempt by tbe Quaiterly Review only a rw the poraot ettut Tinny, aiw, tm' " m ' -- . j . i , iiiiitii tne twoer ur pt -tw-g w u (A taper to a new married chuple.'J Taw : KEAVT DAJAt.F.S Jt'rrttrowree.,h"tif pvuioive'f oierrltyeiind aetluction, waa tried before the Circuit Court, in tkia City, oo Wedneaday and Thursday Um Ike. partus Miat Clark of Clark County, phun tl(T, and Mr. Rodgert of Fayette, defendant were eowrins. f at danssfstwert UlJit ViW 000 1 and tbe Jan. after a paiont invrttiration of the cate, gave a venict in favor ',he nisinhlJ. nr that turn. n unaeratanu inat inw circuw itancct of tha e wete ttt ageravatej, that the Jury would hava given a verdict for a much We gee turn had been claimed. We believe Orit irrtte tirgetrrrrtcrrv? ta-tne"trsBa Slates la any simimr eaaa. AVahacfry (Mat h wmat f AwtAiwl A youag lady was fete. Iv told by a married lad)tat the bad belter precipitate hetaalf elf tha Taai Pans into ihe baam beneath, than marry. The young lady to- -Land For SrIc f?yS pUTlSUANT io .decree IjlJ of the Com t of Eqittv yetrt tiaee-tbal al hat gives) o plied. t would if I thought I could ted a As tut bef moot populae n ttem of di. ond at the bottom." ker beet EtgliA leaicrm. It is aear-. T,! .1. vu j taauch an end. with a Oelt oeeeatart for Ot to. add thai we are verorf. n-n irwiw- rrrndnind-t tt'VS Thnd M j An Inthm'n wet atked, tf ko would Rghi fur at n vei Or M Apg g (na lor Rowan- County, made at Ui ; tt Term, 1832. The fjlerk and Master will expose to public sale, w rte-rmt,ioir"the I7tttrdyt November nctt, all the lands , hich Hi chard Tajrkrr, la'.e of this couaty, died jseized, cposisuog f .aeveral Tracts, conuiatng in all about 1590 acres, on a credit of , 11 months for one halfaod IS months fur the oth. er half,' the-payment tor be secured by bonds Aid good personal security. ' a . 1 convenient sized lots containing boat 300 teres each, ond smaller as cirenmstances may admit. This land lies on ' the waters of Duch second creek, in Rowan . County, near the line of Cabarus, and h generally of a good quality. , : lBAML. 81LUM AN, Cr.V.1;. , . IitoriL (ouarr, - AaSustTerM 183S. PIIE 6uhtcriber, having obtained Inters of adminlitration, m the Estate of Washington Byers dec'd. requests "ill peraonj indebted to the same, t make ptymenc, ird allKev. ing claims against said Estate, to pre. f.1.1 ihf ! ;fly x Ukc tacnted amd i iv the time prescribed bv law. 40tf ANN C, BYERS. Administratrix. it pd io advance f Or So if odt paid Uif - Hi Hidof Ihe' ysf;-,c,"4"'w -r AU letters relative to tbe toork,masf he pott pjid, :o secure attention. The trst number will appear do or before Uf Irst ol Ueceinbor.- . DUFF GREEN, FRE.flGil3. To elicit the exertions of Htersry ttpf rants, the published offets tbo folloin premiums i .. .... . . ....... For the be wrj'ten isle, oH a u6jei connected ohh American litiorj, Fifty dollars. Fof the best written Foem,oo a ject of a similar ehsi sclcr. TWENTY -DOLLARS. - - - Articles offc red for the premtoirti - must be sent fee ef poetage j and t be recti red npoft the Brst of January neat ; when the , prises will be ae-rJcd . by a committee of: nierwy' ntlnne - whoie names will ba pnw prtyMwf to that time. .U(r JltmMit To editor wh -wiU'?i)y ainwiV-i the lavor will tt soy tima bo rrrtproeau. Comiiiiitetl, aiO the Jail of Li icoln Countv. jm .rhr 4th of ScntembeH 8327 a Negro man about 52 years of ap,e, yellow complected, aVmt five fett ve or aiz inchca high, nan mark ton hrh-rtrat bctlsioned bf tm calls himself w . ni saya he belongs to j jhn B. Prin. lice, of Jlichmond Virginia, end ran sway from his Master near Yorkville. Snith-Caitilina, oa Ws-wir'ta the1 Stste of Alabama. The owner it it'. Tto-T.lBd ttl M'lTcrerfdr'laTeian -eeftnrif ilTpfSe pro pefs Pf cnarget 4. take him away, or he will be dealt with aa the law directi, 44tf J. BEINH ARDT, D. 3. U Ja? EXECUTED WITH SE.JT' jtfESS And DWFirOf, At THIS UWICi?. CHARLES mX 44 CIIE&M' THE STEtM tOJ MACOrl 7 1 ' ' I tfrata. eAIVJ,CGlL HAM having nee emrsuea lost smu't in luiiniug Ovt'Cen Lharieslon nq raw xtllirtg at ficoTo on bar wg:u?i. and rfowrt-will reftmr beTwtiilM.,, course of a few days sbd L Intended to be . continued io tbetrude tk ensidtig . . ij., ... . w Her exceedmir fltrht draff oFWad" drawihif whioloajed eiily kboWt four m -( a halficet water Will enable her to reitm Cherew at Alhtnjcf tWifWT mon lowilrtr, when her cargo wiu rrrnetrTW-Expcircrnf Bor."-- - J. O. UliUMU. Ckark$Um Srfit. 56, II3U N. B. 6be his comforiaWe aetotV: ditions for a lew paagerts.1 . '"W aJ b. i BLANK WAURllAMTS, PRWTEp ON A SUPERIOR ' QUALITY OF f A PER, ' ton saix at ta omd, - ' . 1 foil mk ncie ' J 1 hi '. c -'-fill Co' -ufl of I on i "'UK V' is j Jer W.rt . .- put. air. set sui: un 'tt it; ; ..tar "licl the dui - Ion of' ,tbe etn m tl ,;lr f ';pti -jai In m i r ! u r. I tr Hi It u tt k; t i a ft d t j ti tt L f L i ti A ti a -li c -tl o A -t t i .: .-... i.:,r

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