4- 4 S S 77 0 o it 'W1 Waft. "Prise, Pi . we as..,.. Olbf 'nj.n. tout to "tare wnsf" si na.. a felloe the he tet' jump.' of our "Ut lot flier ItWinf M iat vftk metis blahs ri- noe t 4 ; tturt: liloflj ir pur 'Tt hcrbst I en'ef . Ao bokt( ' conn or of tslen: able i ' rate llrif. . i II COO' or m ill M jtii r iriiijif; ide tf ettutf. . en to ingt of is. td er'.: It. til,. .id ireUlf EN, .. .jtt oiof abject " GHA UpeeO roinr 4 t.'h ' d tob7 ir sn ,t i resch-mcofl-""" iU V 131.! 93il dil I urJtd. t nKsi U rvloof H un, I mkis y nc'u .1 llr. .. . I s. ' 705 ,1 lit UTO.N CUAIGE. " jnAlUhcd we a .trcek jit two dollar$ per dolurt anJpjtf eenii, tfptud at any c'k. ir time within the war. JVti 'ancr jriZ ffmuhtcriji'h will be rtmtedfira len 1 X tt' re f o to i ifAe if tTo'ii1' " a inK 4xJiSfionSiauea3Jttdkbcfft tint frra- Vot of a ymr, will be eonmueri at a nc engagement. : termer (f ts C.imH!jaa, ,a(. Aarc a jreculh pnprr gratis. Jvorlisiii at ihri unl' raton. AJ if .Vers a Idrcitcd to the Eliior mtst ji ? post paid or they will not be aitcrukd dtT; 'rheso tcrme will be strictly adhcr- MISCELLANEOUS. From the DuiuHr of the Comiitulion. "T k-lTIhis.Journul, of tho it Ui IlV ny'i .-) r -y (uinuin,ij trry Ou.i ( 73 - of tw Tar..TUojventitn beld in New i ork nt!ie 25th Oaoher, 1SU1 The incmo jrial presented ia, CongreMS Juring its last lessioii. on tho part of the same Convcn- "!lllV.r,iiatkri repubTislierrand circulated ih the July .Nuuibcroltho rtonh Amer icu i Review occupying 49 pag-' I' is ...jiitand by Alexander Everett, Esi, and is u ffriitoo whh ability, with excetlcut " tern Ur, and with ereat frukne?, and, we w.rti!.! say, sets Mrth.tnd lartcied Irlesjiq eiut if viow as they: aro susceptiWo d", airJ supports them with.as powerful arpti IH" il ss it ispmiilila te44u4e. Utrt-tt Ceverlhek'w, replete with erroneous as- umKios with fitlse coneliHKm and with imjim.l doctrines, as will be apparent to awp"4itrcai economist wta may peruse it ; hut, these beinx put fir,h, as we cer- - -tandy think-; wit t wacwc r liiest b4 iief in their correctness nrtH'xloxy, caeyare entitle J to bo exairiAwi with can ior sod courtesy. Our limits will not si - Jew us toeittcr into minute wit ion of ill the points io; which we dirl'er from .the writer j and we shall, thnretore, cmiflne ursolvestoa few of the most prominent, 'tm.ngst thenv . . And first, it is obsemhlev that, to ono rtpitat error of dK:triiies iny oe i ayibod Jciptor of. econoTTiWl science, whir h" is dis--. tbyed throughout rlho 1 Memorial It re- ttiuU ono of steam poisoiied at its source,? Trom which proceed oil tho deleterious cl - jfoets that are etpertertced throughout the imo dnetrine true, we admit, at Once, than Ml rle concliisioiis drawn ffcom it would li bu txua and honco wo cmsider it ot parirawit inrportance that " its" unsound- nil' h..jj. i ' i . I t ire uuvmnc uu jbu 10 is, inai incro ex of 'dprmana capital ijnd laVw, which, "without tho stimuliis of Protective Tariff, would remain totally Idle and unproductive : and thut, conj. ,ieo uy mat stimulus are to muoh clnar gain to tlie country, in addition to all that eouu possibly gain mjer system of I jitb iradc; If tt.is proposition were true, there could not then be any doubt of nJrroihing would be clearer, than that, Ue tiirhtcr the restrict iil.'l. ami thn irrralnr UieoxtBtit of tho articles t which it was Pi-ibJ, the treuter the. benefit. We hardly know how to go to work to tf'H'MejwcU a; projwiiitioivilia- Ailhiey of ""wit appears u ui bo ss selfovidenl at its soun tiioss appears to bit to fbiltetj.' Jtut, let us ak, what UUL tnore exstj.ttiat tt.vt tho Restrictive -tettt not been tinrtKlitccd fnt'o fhis'iMun- try, there would ksva been. iany dormant Mjfltal .'Ojes.. nay body rucollect the n? wlnn an-41 llsjikor cauOalisi wh lxxi Jnuny to" lend, couTJ not baJ borrowers to uie full am unit of their capital", at six per pBm ll If . to it oulJ only hare been laio --citictjwhere tho M jilueo of hi. e'g capital w felt, in tho cont;etiton of to maiicct.- In tho country, and'especial JTJB tho oowitry, mull a ttiini as a unemployed cipilni was never at tnv tllTIO htinrit iS and it ia - W no ptrio 1 havo tho wecrn roojilo fiMini - ws3iryta solicit Coiiiisi'CalJ io; ;iiahle tlwtta spi ihaorJiiuryfruliUof "thrpSrl.iJ'wlioVany coiisilorabie number ,.Hpp ewld nx obtain ;ompJ yntTOt, if vuoj wero liiJastrioiuawtwillinj ta lab.r -Ult Ic r.ilu ml. urUIW frsM 1 mi rt.Mi .. -.iMuad in oinor onuen wm inter o, at times, with tho resident laborers) , p werlookiiis tho labor market, there , wserV 4tlimr, a temporary - want of T'iymenWllo.actioos from over tra or overbankjng, also, in largo ati, castooally dUurb the re jularity of env "ymeof, nut, only leave thCMrreat upon tho vdy politic, la t$i tfitiea, f into Dm interior, wlmn. a tis!tli 4 weft balance, J stato of eopety jjtt It U even wist to abstain from lain, which howsver wiso anl 1 10 Wisdom nTlnvia U -S....Mu. .. : ; hi. . t ' - . ' nnJ tattling' is, or ever UM bofin,-there licard of a want ofinploymeiit. Upon thi' wiljcct; we pcSk with onn knuwl w's?. lba ikcUJiVo Uavo. Iwico vtMted tlit State of ()!io and re hae never mot with a inaa who bm evor entertaim-d uhv "V inner uiiiuuu iimu nun i;ie uumnnu lor Ih alvray hat been, a most tuJimiK-A alvray hat been, utmost Uidimitcd.. No ono will certainly vetituro to nrt that me uuiiLuiiy oi prot-unn cni)inynv)it, in the W Klera cimutry, iuducej - htltabtlmrts to Apply to CwgrDsi for rcstrielivo law. StipKsitig, however, thone portion to le diip'jted, thyre i, at oil eVeuti,.on.a goact- principle, which musf Imj acknowledged to bo sound an'l'indioputable by every one who ciosciy examines it. It w.t hat there can bp ho such thing as dormant capital. Capital, according to the proportion whicTi exists .between the supply and the ..demand, may be dear or cheap, high or low, hut it CiUmfct bo Jofiuiutl.- It mey be wortlrTcii er centum, eight per fccntum,. six five, Four, or three per centum,' but in iio coun try has it ever yet VerwilSduTdihT;ind. Ii'.t. ' t . it,,... . i ii mo capiwi actually exwtinr in tliHeobo tfS iiv uumon oi ciortnanr. A lie eonn- tj'jeimo mignt ue that i value Would be di tnutisacd that i, t!mt tho ralo d interest Uemmidvd lr its ue miiiht Iwlowercd lo nr. mrnv rntipin i ii... to such an abundance lliat any portion of it should lie dormant that "is. oe without . -, -v --r.-.-,.-, l..,,,,, WW" ent ofcapittl asthat tno lure 91 it should be worth nothin : i .i .... . i n 1 aim uiose who uuiilt otherwise do so be cause they think it-h6.sibIo thai' A's cap- Ital WlfoTTonT!sm employed at ten per cent.:, whereas the ruin u inai tne onipeiiti.in it tiio two lenders inmt have tlie eiT)Ct uTacttlio,! tlio rate of iut'ret at jive pr centum, orme oilier" iuterlnwliate miut. Nothing is clearer Jhaii that there cannot bo t .vo rates ofiutert upon the sumo s-cuiitv. at the am ir... : uuinuiM lur ilia cniiiiiu, wuiirl v i.. .- i '.. i :i . i can get nothing; and it may be safely con cluded, when we hear or a mail who says he ...caanot .employ his capVtul, that lie means to say thut he is not willing to len l it at the market rate that is, St tlie rate which a tlwr open coinpelilion betwoen borrowers aad hn-lerg Would est4bfcli."r .Having thus 'shown,-as wc think, tliat tbofoomiot'ba"Rnr sue th1n2 as 1 uof-" fnahl capital. It follows, of neccsry can setfpaBSit o operate as a stimulus upon capital. . It would .be, very 'stranic.indi.Med if a lUmintu tion of tho number of branches of industry at any tima.iijoyed by tho -capital of country, conld increase its productiveness. ' ""'P'""-1 rate at which vnmUl wu U loaned, at any jriodf ' depends poa tho greater or leasur.yaricty of -employ hwoU io-nicn -ti can peapptier. rne m i nu merous these are, tho roaterP(V) H !Ke deiHAnd f r 'Wpttaf j "JaW"cOTW!iJaeniWt' greater (ho rate of iutorest which can . be nHdined f iritr V tideV av s v sfe irl" of ren Trade; all the branches of business which 1 are connected with agriculture, f ireign wj" domestic tommereo, as well as minufact nrea; arrr Tpeom)"com tals. Under the Restrictive System, somo ol them must necessarily bo closed, la the former case, thou, capital has a more extended market than in t(:e latter; aad. fap4it-mi ew be wiid to-be"dormnt,j it cw nly be unlr thar system whrch plHGes limits upon its cmploycwnt, by pro hibiting it from being drawa into somo om or more of (he channels into which it would have fl iwed if left in a state of freedom.' Thus, prior to tho ytiar 1813. when du tics were imposed solely with rtforenco to levontio, t!ie tapital of tiiO Unite ! Statos was at liberty to go into any pursuit, ex cepting thoso Which had been necessarily closed bylho' rie ProioctivfrTarirf was imposedr" The effect of this was to. -lose soma of the then exist ing avenues to eapyment io-oainore and agricn!tamr A turthct cloBing tof)k-place with tba subsequent Tarilfs of 1824 and 1823 ; and, by '-tho restricting tho "range ofwptmttftilurirair markcTmTiJI noressaril have boon diminished. Tims, if a dormant state can ho predicted of cap- Restrictive, and not under a Free Trade Systom. lVhat is tnw in relation to tapital, is ertualfy truo In relation to lab.ir. " The tooiMottiusrflaiJthB the lo ltMtry of a puople can bo directed, tuo monj. exlcasive. must bo tlie ent uid for labor. If ariciiliure, oiniinsrce, anl trUaiifliCtiiros, b alloluea to the competi tion ot'tlw labor mtrkeUthe ten loncy to a dorra wit Uta f must, bo less than if some of these branches of business are - w. In lh!3 country to any great extent, except temporality. U any largo number ot per sons cannot, at any time, obtain employ, ment in oar large cities, it is because they am not willinjto live in the gauntry, where a.boundlos9 fielLis open for them, in tho shape of a thovviH millions of tcru of ttteant (Old. .When all this land becomes ocenpiod, and not before, it will b time enough to talk of dor:imnt laboYt 1' C3,tif iimntf bf tr, it can, frnhj H bs g 1 -i tUemrWa 'hw tU . '-',-4i ItaVO tdO J.tj'jliiicci of .! . -r cause iitB&L&rpiHg ( worin . at5d thoso who, Iwve t'mt projwurity, have no (miins to bo suitjwrtei uiwa tho '-public WSItjty.- :- , llut it is tyvfajt . that tfio Committee JJi!h tea UB. IhCLJJeowrkl H,;. . .. . '"nowiwige this fact; Bud, liy tlieir cndor they have uuiraywi a were, orrpnallv let out by Mr. Rush, whik SecretarV of" the Treasury. wh.cti is ofva4 cons -q,,,nc"0 trt be known. no loiiowmg is their secret, which wht to b wntteu in capitals and iKxrtod over the door-W vry tavern, mill, and Wa,.k. smith shop, m tho wWo Western coun- " Tho last advantn? which vonr iwm orinlisu prnnsie to mention, as resultih win me ,ctubUhment of domontic miin ufuctures, is tii'kik zyfsxv ;s HET.U5i.tc BI0R4TION F80H TU& JEirttuaos t.vsKf ilkd pnr or ths cocsthv. It U true, as a general principle, tliat mano lac t una, add to tho wsalih and population of a country (lie whole amount of the cap. ilajjnd alKr;o which they cive Omnlov. hiahII I...1 "..I .! . ! Vl nura Elates, whero lur tracts ir itcvh uaiccupiodkud OreoBtiwmllvfar irnf low prices, it is probable, aa your irtemo-l riaiiKi nave, already remarked-, that some i .... . " "" ,n0 lW .. inaiiufiirfiiri irnl.t - , , - , - ", 'J I tit Ife.tl of emplownent bad not beta antetl m .L-... . . i.i . . . r- - r.r now, nare emigrated to lomeof j i,dmhe,ria,ul anj beta When Mr. Rush's suirirestion tmbii ir fv'ct was firm inaduvit wasnnsidered Tath 1 cr nVihemr aumod a c!i a groat p,irty Jt has now laracter which constitutes it a tin ft iiltftirr'.l iif - a.- . w-pii i titgfiii on iim JH"rf s'OVufcni an I we now f:-p warranted in procfuimin" that the Turiff 1'nrty has avowed its hoiC tihty to the growth of tho . Western coun try. Yes, let the Peojtle of the West be tolJ that there exists a oriind comlmw. tlio Eastern and Mid lie Slates, who open ly avow their determination to uiscourairr 1 eniigiaiion to the JVolurd. ... Aud if. wh such evidonce before them, they are willing totlirow tliolr wuighl iuto tlw'srwlc of a olrcv which is calculatod to retad their wealth, p-pu!atiin.aad pidilicalpa.; erT wa.iwpo they wiil nwet-withthe-ftra now so uiirqoritedly .esperiencHd-. by-the v J1 - ................ .... ti'.'ii.it uuuwiuutt, ui titbom btatef pf being triri'ihry tof wants; cidlod tittatgiddrima tnnir n'rti'o4Ar : ""' 1 -L- " -i a ... . . . Cimmttoc,have aifrded usd remarkable smj rf fiiem oe.nymg tiint the olFict of restrictive laws ts to divert capital from one pursuit t an other, they are comtelled to conf that in that instance, capital is drawn into man. ufacttircsiTwhich' would adinissiort, we ciwoive, t.'cy bavr given up l&Q$yfa.ri&fa hn mUicssod the progress of wealth iu the :ttjnj.:ounmr tijwea-tliavl' burious hubbahdinan looting himscli in the woods, without any capital except a cow, a hog, irfd a spado-wlio has boheld his w!f8 -l!i,,n .Ly.!n..,0.r,!l!iM..'J-jahJrU. and is child rocked io sleep Si a sugar trough and who, in tc'rt years, has mieila comHtrtable farm of eighty acres of la-td paid for, conifortaWo buijdings, luxuriant fwlds, aild a stock of cattlo and horses Mweh a' ft.-wa itt gress of this piorieor of the lorest with that of the drudge in a factor) , an l say whethr er capital and lalur, forced from ngricul tdre to nianuf ictiires, havo not boon farced from a mora profitable to a less profitable pursuit. Upon thii miSjcct there canuot a'Iruit or a dodbt ; and, when we add td this truth the important consideration that, in ono csiso, wo see ansa a nation of inde pendent froemeri, each otw of whom poo iog o farothr of children as fi-eo as hi0jf!'.' and, in the otlior, 0 nation of slaves, depen uV.ot, Cr their -dnily brend, upon the 'will of a master, wouro at n loss to conceive how any man, possessing the truo spirit ot lihortrnhflB chooia. " For ourselves, wtf venerate the character of our. hardy yeomauryofthe West; onl, though they may m.t have abit 1 them the wilmiiwive deaortinBht which characterizes those who aro subj'tc't bi thi daily discipliuo o a factory, yet they have about them ths ntmly air of lreodoin,na Jiowi!ist Huiy are in the en bmtfihsjtm for .L-Ll-J. .k: . IT .... ... a Fron te GreennVje S. C. Jlrtniaineer tmiUD ATTEMPT AT MURDER. ThtJ tircurrhtances :ar briefly these. William; ficXLi, a dtf sher by-oecuwUo, married Mary Parkinion, of this district ; . ,.,.,, ..... j . . ........ w i.ii.uinnti some timv they separated she retaining an I refusiitg to glvejiiin part of his Wear ing apparel, with other articles which lie deman Jod and which the more effectual. ly to secure ffm him, she determined to have earned -off and ertcrered.- For this ptrpose her sister, Sarah Parkinson, a we man of ift fame in ber own nWgbSofboVid, aoplie'f in Jerry, a slavo sustaimni hlirh character" for honesty, and btdougm to one oi cur mmi sea ana. respocuibia tt.li " - f - . nwqlaIUy which fi'uJ no XAIlri. AflilMM. e S.'A. - . . - ... . H.rwiMueSi 1'iit not C4itrnt With m!ihiiir P.f'r maniufIJi properly, it seen they had forwarded the1 hellish dmvitt of detwi. ll ,wu. r i . . UAinsonr again applied toIMyfjwboin shoprcVailed upon by repeated solicita tions; sod a promise that be should lose mittylC.ifijwlortHke the 'Ihocking deed. After a forniaht's bililimfirtn ii M XfykMy, hs prsparqd ft hickory rluh, ana tixstt sunset, went froto ths AoM which he was ploughing to the h-aiso of. fwJ"'J.!rM.qrto . no ijutkl riutda am t I.:. uoor, enjoy tng his evening'! repast, grrct ed him in tho most cordial and frifcndlv , ... .... -"-a manner, enquired after bis health, and was invited by Mr. Fields to partake of a cut ""'"i "icn us rciused, and inquired in a low voice if any njje was in the hotise. Una toW there wn -irorr lum irlarJ tn 00 yo i, Mr. field's. I know whore vimr clothes are, and have comb to tell ymi : they are hid In t woods rliSebV. aaiJ If jruu u. luiiiMv mo, i will show them to you, and when wo arrive at the spot; will .....a r ii . m .... . i 4httrrHrrere-FwHhr4 m-i puriecuy iriemuy WUn. and hav nrr e. ety-eonfidenw m tttr rhgroiinto"0ll oflipfs" wno anew mm, behoving him perfectly h(ntt, tinm.sdity rose from his seat, ttnd wilkHiirtnimiiiit toy liilijr,uHyupCct iugly followm i him to atnle of rauVud lo.'t, in a Very private sMit, at eoine dis lance in the woods. llore the negro atop. od,iid strrhmg witlt tho stick upon tho rails aaid youcUUct are in hcrend as Fields stoojwd to look under the roils, he struck him with his club across the back of hi? nead, which threwliim on liis knees; tuaviriuaoii it4iWnis' and' ycpeativJly "cried wr nwrcy ana nis lire ; but his rHpoutod cries werotwly answered with repeated he sink quivering ami sjwechloss uimii the ground, and then writhing in the most in tense agony, uscaibly crawled into a flat about fitlccii fuct below them, whero he grasp. Ahuut 11 o clock, however, bo ro wed, and, to the utter astoUinlimiint if everyone, was enabled mangled, gush i and bleeding to find his way a milo oiT, to Mr. 1'arkiwMi's, (the brotlie of the JwliguloM of hi mii-Try,) who heard his shrieks, as bo fainted and wink i.wo and exhausted, near thoedire tjf hisyardv M.r 4iraion ran io nis assistance, conveyed him inti -hi hon;: theemi authoriiy- to whwrr Fpldi tleposfi eaas.auoveGautns tlie artnirlnf-fcrton. tioa in which he IcftJiis lablebishaUiinl kibraj things about his house.whicli the officer, niwn examination, touud corruri. Jerry was iinmsjiatelv taken: hnflvo. on Ins inmirencB ffit tliraiice ol the &ri'n' l5dgd. t stated that ha hadttuui'iri: 0 1 ftlj- nhU al.Jdu tntrDrwd tid Jii hifpiotatooni .by thd bleed ing of his mtse, bJl WdS unable to tell how thOspfits ame;nvhi''tecf Umn coiniDmed t i jail. nud coutmuod toavow ..- iiinivnTa uoiu unmiii im nivi convey, ed alfiVMrt to the plice of trial; where he mot throe or Tour jreiitlcnvu with FteA cloak, Which tliy found in possession oi mtiMo, aad oiaurjrticietfcuiid uuilr.Ui fltKMr of his cabin, which xonfmiihlod him mid elicited ft full confession of his guilt. On his (rial he nlua.l rniiltv. kuid S .r,.l. Porkiiwon, with Whom he Aad beim iit tho hiliiti-of trainckinjj, nd , h"r siller, the wulJ'oTlwHBJ' aViiw kivew of h"!s mwmirn to murder him ; thut Surah, by rerouted entreaties, and a promise only,- 4 that ho sliould lose milling ly it," had called hint much agaiiitt his will, toatbynpt tlie oiur dor of ooefbr whom lie always; and now had the-greatest friendships II said af ter be sti-uck the first blow, and Fields bogged lor Ufo, he would have girert the worm, cuuiu nu nave rccauea it, but il was too late to stop, and he hastened to end hi ones, which went like daggers to hit hajtcfe. inaijiigni, no sum w sjieut slwploss, and ha4 '!lo.,i..Hioirtrinti. ing lormoni. ; v line the Uourt retircr.to arningo tlie particulars of ihe eentenoe. lie wiis iod into tho room where JFields-waa ewrrieortiinr tutknd ayer't io AhuTn ar. fjir with porfoct "compjsuro, and toe negro asaed aoj received on forgiveness. Tho Court, with a fiw very tMrtlrfent and sunn u priato profaralory runarks, tjoiitanced biin to be hung on the 10th of Aajurt, a near tho door of Sarah Parkinson as ooasible. lie howevqr eVidod tlie sentence of th Court on tho next, day, by bvigiJ himself who a suit tiaoaioronienrtftn the grald of f Mrs FreWo Inrt tlowirely'-fecovererlv tnongn many long scarf remaining up.n hU headand whotlldem, will godowo with him to the grave, as sad mementos of t Iris tngk. Uaaaactioo. -Toa-fooch cannot lie id in eommendatlori of the humane1" and flwmffitMoou(Ta si whose house the unfortunate Fields was confined, and those gentleinen who were mterested in tho slave Nor can too mush bo said in denunciation of the perfidious conauci or tne woody slave, or of those two inhumane irtoosters in Worrian's form, who could bo to insensible of the ties ot patriotism, of common philanthropy, of Kinureo, ana ot marriage, to bribe hun e rretly to murder the" brother of the one ths husband of tho other 1 tull who, unable . V . I rni.m. k...-, i . . J Tern tra. ii. u (l, wrmino county. ctm"irT, to prra mat ix;aco aiiMMKT ij2TrJ which they never could uniov At UU111V. - , . RACE FOU A WIFC - Hacinj and running of tvery description have becotfle so common 'it tlie prewnt eriod, that it may well bo douUoJ,wiither n raHwsiiua.Kir any ihmg new or woniler. V,', M td bo brought o light) '! o ww .Kiww.Uowevcr. tluit wahave heard or read of any oefcurrpneo of a more pnvsicai paturo . Itmo we shall prcLeblly toll, I here, is to be sire, Ulo of a rnc betfrrn Atlanta, and Hippomeneii, told by soma ancient trdditioiiisL which h ii thertnith, asthe musty myiliologians of moom wona called it, orr.tble.as the wise men and learned; How l wTara'this niuch reeuiallaiico to our nmtnt hininnr both heroes ran lor a wife ami a simi lar earne to. that Whiek gaidriKm)iiio': oe 0 bride, nearly M one to our hero f Paring with bank note. . , rrA lew weeks agont TcmrnTry- ttrtcinan," whom we shall hold nainles-, resident in thecmiiity of Maury, and state of Tenncs. io ono oi me uuiignters ol irjen, sot uut tldo fine luoniiitg for Columbia, the chief place in said county, whore the chirk nf ' auiil county had his head qdaters, for the Hir pose uf . procuriuiraa-lia xprssed it, a jrtir of liceiwei This wedding Was a thing" llo had arranged in his mind aixmt four months - previoor oinl WoulJ linve lid it 0MWUHHMt0H?t n.lMMiWwl laft .k Ilhi. I. " 9 .....v.m .ni dm (jHiiiini lawgivers ot our sti'ttt intended shortly ldeduce the ' . w, ,uaT",S yo to the eoorMHnicaldtspoHition of his funds, he de termined to tarry a little until the law should be passed", calculating, and correct by iifiUirty three and ono per ent.on their costal tlmt time. Well,, indue time, the law was made, and our frioiid as we meutwued bWore, net ottt with t beilt: ing heat a a.uihuj cyo, and a thousand bo tttilic visioas of the Uessedoessof a mjrri. d life dancing merrily throUgH hu briliii ani m gooa season arrived at the Uestined place.- Here, We'F'ooW'irittiTLilavVia Irditleasly -ewlsaVatmzrtoy tradaseiiiiii ;.l . i- ' -"w- . ----- .ulll ... .' II ! . . . . . s"miw w iwar tntairiLjttJiiijuuoiiV triumpii wail hispiiier, a liich aulhoriiod any tmulstef: tlaviiig the euif Inxliof to any magistrate i Juymg ihiKaro of souls, to solomuiw tlie rights of matrimony between r lllil i He nud and- TV- reu(l Ihe procious documcut soein.a..'l though ho- twildmeriliruaTot pumi; ."BV-.t-wwa-r 'wwtO)-ittqauhtt invu is arouuui and actud as r h. i.n,i burn yard fowl, wbicb ,E.p in hit book ol laiiu!s.batij wrutea about; ho crowed; too ooojbi bjasiiac - was miuiui anJ ia the cud cW him pwtty tear.- S'ino half unm wagwii lollcjws determined to show their Wit a id smartness, uoon our ionni cuiO-tttai iumU lika tfjjijuajjjcorituijtj v -nu win jucugmmiiy occupied in perusing the invaluablo paper, which united twosuiglo folksaa ..tightly and aaxlosuly togutiiorahui they made but one in the a v. ol the la w-th)o M thim, oocosiod Uim nu a proposition jo soil his hcaime. which was backed with I pilcou tale i of his hav ing bought twicor that ho had fortunatoly lost both, tnd the chrk bavina soim-whal mimiiy against him, ha refused to fufuiah mm wunauy m ire, add wound up by oi- wring utiii live dollars f r tlie " pair'' h had put purchased. Our friend taken With tho liberality of the ofltir, hesitated but a short tiirto 'it was a good specula tion, mid in an evil hour tor hi happiuess, ho ckMaJ tbo lwrgain. v , ;5 ; y -( Not being ablo to get married wHhout lu saoettott, be trodtred ttai'k-t,rrT.i"7.rK;,i lor tooro liwatt,a.Jisra a duBculty await" Jk.l U ...I .LLI .. . u uiui wiiiwn no naa not amieiimtod, lis toi iw wM iM uw allowed no man to be luriiishud- more- than onea tn m wddiag41 was thuiidorstruLlL ,iJ begged and' nraved. h lit alt in vrjin Ih w ( f vwssva a iiv r - - . w UVISI heart, lie retmnod to find out ih f.,1!. who had outwitted him. and tradud m swappodhimoutofbis truo and lawful li- con je, ro Bud him was an uasy nwttor, tor thO roguish weirs who first 'nnuxiawt ilm joke, omttiived to bo uiiobsorvaa wliliniii WaJi tbaibtaJwii. jtieOliw fim WWt- Ow'Oow-'appearadrto Wityiow,' inaking meiry over tho can of his per plexities. Accosting tlie man With whom lie had bargained, and showing (ho.. five dollar JJl'ho wformwl tim he WailtB.1 tA lie wuuiu novr ao, not eveq of Juu times that amount. Almost driven td madness by this unwelcome news, and thojoket they ha-l constantly passed upon him he resnlvddon adesperato pnsh for ths recove ry of his troasure. Placing iftn'tlie hands of oiiO ol too company, bo loudly asserted it wasa cour.tertuil, awl while all were busy eiamiiiing it, be seized the liennso which tormentor held carelessly mhis hand, and commenced a race as if f u life, and death. A. thairf puisait Vai'tmincdioiolf raised t vol., xnr ,.:no ' ' f Tii'i- III ""lift ii., and laid hollo raided. ' John tlilpiii's fjmotw race wus nothing coinpared so h!n- ' Now that ho had secured his .Ijcf rise, M ' tojipcd not to pt ril life and limb to gi.ia -his destined. graiL-.rj!i,id !by anil hi fences, while in thV ubitrbs i.f the f own stnpid (jut bis career. The tartrlcd thick- el and the brush neap of the foreKt st.i ci not his coUrse-i-he Iitte bills be Jmnn4 ovrr ana ino ingii lulls Jie jrninromi.la. creeks and , lirauchns: were crossed, fbo Cries of Ms pursuers Coristantlv oundd jn his ear till bo .baO''jl'.housioil! Iii terror and fatigde. juck river at last sin. -' PCarcd in sight, and immediately plunged. ' Ir., trosting'to the mctf jf of the wiyd and w waVe" rather than those behind Him. ' ' ' Thie proved the Rubiean bevimd wklrb his hunters dare not go, and being saMe"j ith having sped hint thus fur on his iour. ney tetho house of iiir beloved, thiy 'te "-T turned, yelling and ihoUtintt at the ctoriaji . ur hbto soon arrived at l!0 op IMMMUI bailb:'aaii'tninu4 IWtM It.. t , j ...... u ...l ,ttt .Hill oui wuni a gin I Had lis been rtisem- buliod spirit, iiist is scaned aftor suffi-rlh'i have apiieared in i more pitiful conditio. U. . -.. I J ' . . . aiMi omHHng a Hewas, he wmMm oaj uufil lie arrived at-the bouse "of hi fair one's Culler; where fid nsrrateiallhU l8 fits Irid diSaferiilnVd himself outward' " y by roasting fijf: mwardl by alum. bterof hot puncli-ent Tr clefgyinMn prwluctheliceiisci Which had been tho procuring; cause dfilll liis trouWe"r ami narried . to hit bride tho- same eweinc- Peace, plenty,and happiness be round thee my worthy frwnd, procporit'y 'and fruit fyl-. no ine ponton i, my- a, ,re," aiur tna jf Ikj WWrewHliriirtm4h0-''otWoTfM round thy house. --; rranUih 'Rri""' " ' )iiiiATililiiLlrri The e New-York Mercautjlo iH' JUomiay A uittll," bolleVta tii hate beeiilaiO- says, oi tlie crew of tho sim p Ajax which wus robbed aud sunk near Mobile settle tonitht - iism: -won trrwea .te-ibit UfU.Fiwy'" and w now in prwotu Tbo A jai, it mil . 1m recollected, was coiniuamied by v pti TulHiw, of this port, and wueu pirated wii Ott her jkissago i'roui Aioxico, fur M. uiib " we ticlicvei , che had on board about -Odd io Kpccie, and one or two paaMJOcio. , mi nin wupiiui ana tlifl uuiki, u su iisin lt4M.it u.Mta.1-. L-I.i.: I.' . T '" iu turiua ana JUlut. laliiWsri3wrte :,; inly wave fond their, way: to this city, T ' '.. vmuuy-.'wee Tecopi,'","?-?!:' , nired at ft sailor!a bowrdwg boue iu Ware : ' streot. Oy twotoamcU WUd kiiOw if hn "'" ' ''' being ww ol tba crow ot the Ajaxi and it - ia mrouu mcir miormatiou that me olica IW.:PMI!, f h r Ja: hi jtuissLuoB was a wafciu, wuh a cwrtttieate, as cleaned forV;Tuterautt ft TfyasTlnme io iao iicou ine pr..ja;riy id t;upt Th W isoiief t about to t vtuia old.. ed Charles Mead, lie has b moiithsatthe house where ho wa.i ii.tr-i, j, ml it is said has uniformly oxhKfa.4 for Id bo left alone in room. , lln ha thus far declliwd to give any sfttisfictory occcont to the police, and saw he nurr!,. . At!iJc!liiUid tiwHi him t avaa- uah Creat tiace.OM ol the rWt on ti?ciml took placo on Saturday, on ttM" Umoti lu l.)cvurse; when four boraea were eutered for the eOlW purse, 4 mile m-aia. s uean were uiach Marta, I rifie. Relief, and Slim. They started I AIM 11. ' clock. The first heat Waa Intf.m ku 1:1 iasLi Maria, who was closely nusiied bv Tr.n.. by whom he was beaten on a nrevuuis oe. caaiotit and tbo knowing ones wera com- pieieiy wwn in, as tucy betted freely five tooiro on 'Irifler Blim iTid Lady Relief merely saved their distances this boat, tbo sniuw girin oi mo tatter- having - broke.; i ua aouuuu u -was prorhHinced a di'tul m lafly Trills ovortaking Ulack iiti jus.uioiiuuug. poUln-.k uown in tins heut. The third heat waw lMutilully Conlesteo arWlai l.v I'U- . ty-M length, b,la aba lourtb beat fcii? l! the horses tooklhe lead alternately,-amf r- r was won by Lady Relief by shout a loiigth " - ' m-y aguiu, sianeu lor trie tilth heat, w tl . the1 tftird mile, and Blaclt Marift wod tlm hent and race by about thrfio lengths j thus coming orf victori.au in a coritest for twenty-oiilcs," and sdstaliung the reputa- mwi ii ma uiooa oi i.cupwo, lof OHlom M weu .aa-apeoij-i rille, who was tho ravtos ite from the beziirmriir and 'until fhefirth Churtes." lidv lC'iIuf is an Uoliose eolh " '' Nm York commercial Adeertutn, .1, trom the Umiorahla Littleton WiTazis ell SrSorjator of yirg'uiia.in tho Congress ef m-jwiiiwu siaws, resigning bis toatia- that body. . -'" - . - Tbo firm ond thorough Stoto Righto principle! oMr.Twwell, his admtrabb private character, am! his Hue tulouls, which ranked him first in the body ef which ho was a member, all conspire to render his .is at this time, particularly ta tie rrp'tted, wht-n firm unwavi ring juoif ore w muta neodod. Virginia J.4 '--C