4 f iZ.I',--,- Jt', .Vi il.A-A--i--l. i ' raoi in Biiritiii -T4i. Mcs. EoiTon ; Cun uttarablo excite inetit ha ko created by Hie amirse which h'm. Korwior Matiu n though proper ' , in take, it a late tnti nullification meeting fa Orange county j sad the frr-u ! and tlpi oemios of that gentleman have been mu , tu illy astonished at the apptirtni iiiconsia. tCUCV UI JM political , CUillliCV UIB PI tire firmer sorrowlully perceived, a they L tU.ujlit dciarltwe l"roia those great prin. i;w-w, eipi f liberty which lio had avwed and ,ci4 upon in hi previous iide ;nd tbelnt- ' frtll greatness," which they delusively . ' fc.,,;4uiuJaUe ttertoct 4"lliitftftlcp. ""'ATiesdy fuJ th wfl liiifjtM't, who live, not by their owVmorU; Jwl uunn the jjeatroc.' ti hi of the fUgno of honest tmJ,' kgnu to ,,u!t u.1 ivuki arudfld the Tmrral m!j . i . t ' ...... ..... ' P,,l writers'; DHiwww inq ncsponuencj ..,"..-- .... .V. i .e 'lhr fri"(wr initthrtnctid1r"Bf jrathr and "'correct pritieiptew,- wilj aooq willffiv?pl: -1. to the bright c jtivirfioa, that thi man f thrir hope u pgr jold," and untouched "lV the alloy of political degeneracy au.l -- the exultation of iumw uS.rai vampires heUerJ and leaded thomselvesn an ' ticipatina on jiia apparent discrepancy iit , hit. politic J opinions, (lull Lrt quickly changed for tin! muttc'rings of chagrin and 'ftiorttki'Mi. . ' Tiio writer hat long known Jhic Man llp,ni " P'''0 ,ntn un! enj 'yd the li-Kior of hi pcrNutt acciuaiiituuce, aud, Iwt flnltr hiai4f, hi t onfidfloce al) " ll.rhm had fr(vijtiii, hv aud fall Codver. " iiiJltm with hiioTiiwnall lhe: lvadirii to piciuidiwuiuiuolurabvcrdlyeara. liiuao orttifnatiwni ha?e hwn unrciwrved jm 'tiTi:!t, u id)n opiuSaiis upon the great conftitutioital quotifni, which have, and do aziute our UiUed couiilry. Ik; 1mWard bim exprt Witouiwm kotll "tT.Tar9 iufiiuce ttur llitl.b'ir'rtigh mar- iiiifialtbmighj may ho Irenohin JJtf-Mllw priilcOT jot a" frimT77iIr""i III wt-Jfcpl ali : whK'fr'-wittiHrt -t Cv;-1it the mingmnja of hia Incmid, an J the "gjfrn anticipatl'MM of hit nt:ii,ks. 'I'Iih writer wiil (ive an aUtract, brief, indeed, 'rX Jul'O MwuumV b4itical -oiHmimit in rwlifion t ifiti nature mid atructure of our -Crntwnt, f tie Hj1ittt tlm State, nud the powera (tli Federal Oowrmneiit. ? IIr beg that this brief outline will be re "lc-iiud wilif Iruf T fo lio liwi llui't. "m wrricii njr ocenv- ana nm are neit ny l.i.lri) Miinyun, aud upH) whieli are f-uu; 4mHta-efaetiinr WhhmitHhnh- Vr rouiTrloTITtlinrw1ttiWtn : th-J Tirwt nd.ipMliona held hy Jude M,iu ' tt n, and - be-tjmkf the putient attention n PfineoUMderation of the reader, and tolfianey ot the manner mav be oiorirej CtHiw tujioriurity and rot importance of Was iuulter ' Ju Jn .MUn jam thinki that the Fetlrmt , OwritiiMmt ta a cHiiNict ainoiq the , ul, at $ui-k, not aa comprixitig cojnN a parU of tiiu KnmlaKreffatv, but tut IiiuctarerHiUii awl lh:it tho people Tf the tiMrte-va aep-raU and imlrumdcnt j pjOift of eacli Buteacfinx an d ilecultrt f r tlififtsutrei, tlifiKifit-UriisujIiiid prfc (n.r ouie BuiB'jniiesi.- i imt me conttuiu luti i ta no i tha work" of the AnieW " .; ' cn triple a a mau for in thatTB, tiw - .. TchatU-oVowuo4 would bo,. eimeultaJly- . ti C')i. li Intod, and w ai d be capable wiilmm lu . Air.urainarv loroeu action oi bncom 'izintfif b4a in the ciyili.d world. -J. fi?Vi kfa. pWi and privults ttpmaly. and tjtwipitvoca.ly deeinred, that the action : indoeil, hat far mltaitrtd toward that dia f -tejv-t,nim NNlrkklMaHHty hifmiiAj-. a' -: , tiiined. wre !. (joveniinent. l'i fact, emu. . . toli'luted. But he believe the tiovern- , Imvit to be a compact that it wa formed jutdaioptedby ioroign authorities, art- a tuch, u power under Heaven hav a t'.wi-baJjw of rijit to trceor rejtr.un he. aJ"ptiua ol tha cumpart, but th dm tinct partie or aovereintie, each Cr it eifT- It is he taya, in the articles-of that jNMipnet, tlwt all ttva rotruiuU th 'oVei.'ijn autli'iritie aro t j be, looked Pr, nd all such reMraint must be clearly tx- " ri$$td or bo based upon an impliCatiiMi y inditprnmbli necwwity. 8o much fur ' CHir Senator' opinion upon "the atrm-tHre ol tho.FiordlliiveruuK.iitLA'ow for his Mew with regard to the right of tltc Jt.ijcs. ITu think the Statea, in the compact or a jrrant of pwer totlie o tit ml governmont, '- taw uimh4 nothiue,- frnr w Ihern an? .thioj; implied by. indiopoiimihla nactwiiy, , frstrauima tlwirnchta irriRFuanrm. "WimUrw rederai (ifrfeTnrnent-afrittefity: rarely, and paljauly, and injuriousty.tran y"". power sinmi :refl tiyiiio,couiiiu.. - mih, r Hn, ta ii ao manner, vwrp ine iimn of .lb Stale , H,. therefore, In ika, nothing being surrendered by the toi.-U oo tnei powit, Hint they. ti ruch st it iu it place themselves upon their aov '''Wiit "nd ttn.pbwrrmjrrii(y - . iXiatra'a tlHnn:7 .a4iccordiq u tai view tha jude, and the aolii,judj, wiiiii and in what mauuer,-, provided tlte .nwiner be not incennpatiblo" withHjhU - U)rred by the curiititutioti oh tho other - parties to tha compact, lie believe the i luuirccuy aijrruiii(j inuso ngots which have never boon mirreixlered, and Htnmly .tend to tha wort. pecie of dcsp.rim, a .4anputwia of ompct. od interested i 'r'fc!jm'l.Jonpr ot Luropo. lie tbiuk that if tho south . chull submit l i tho proem tendencie ao j manrw poticy, uw, ouiy me iiitere M ta wth will be crwed, b.tt ilol their m i tl 1. .- V . X - B. ' m ,-n".r M9 rav j .i m jKttU ot gjv I'm a,eut t? ijc Ut li-lioiKtnillrt aurfiidT oftiit li!"riy. Ho b'liH'' (he fiberly of tho nomli u.in Iho lwnJof the'aimijwri) p'-oplu, nn l Ih tt ttmyiiuiy priwre itj jl tkrij iJtaM be rrr totksmirlHi. Theaa 'arviiia anti.n"nt id rcUti" to the rwture of Vir Cinvern incut, the right rf th Hia,es and the pri imi alarmiuj and awful mtuiif)tati'i!M, on ile part of iho Firileral (lovornmont, f a ilnwifwin, tf awp prwer not Jelntruwdi tuaUi'ie and miwiae its tru power, and. in a word, to erect itwlf into a aplendid eonvdidatton, mercini alt the right of the evtal Stale tuii the mptrut uttM"- ty of the I piUthI head, an! Ihuv aubvert inj mo conwnuii'Ni, orcanmz op me miio marka which define it power, vmA, finally, annihilating (niihic liberty. , . . It niw become ncrtry to aay tome thinj of the Muife a view in TeLMM to Soulli Caroliiia , BtdHfituili lutf-mrxi; uym t!u (uhiftct, the writer i uN able to give v-ferof, thowgh ttplicit-iitirtPmTnr of"hfr npiuiona emeruiiiiua aim cipregswi, iroui fint to lnt. in . relation to this doctrine lie object to nullification, a a rctpndy, hnraue aa an attraction, it invoKci con- tradiction, and, thrVr, pfcnl wliut th Viffinan would ilonoini.mlo uhiurtlity. II think it may n:it bo prrtwi'iiM'i tho ei f rwment of the penal ennrlmfnt ofl!i nullifying oiafe inay give oiramon to tu nitiltuou riHiny an:l rc-qituncc of thu mi nontymtne nwiojaH, i r intiaKrr, in enura of arrest and in exocutiuj t!io w.-n ti-nce of the court!; and tho Mini arm Would find mnnv pretext, on midi ccn ion,' n inals e i" 1 1 tcTf fni li 'It To" ft" jih y 7cii power." Ilethiiilii nullifM'.ilioii inullicirnt and thut it will nimt probably produce a pretty and protracted coutst Nf re. fiy courts, and involve nil t'leiuimrnerublrdif frultie of eonflicthiT jnritlictims and powers. Iu micb a coutrft, he Udieve the Uenenl (iovcrumMit would have jjrentlv thr advntae. - Hy- prntniftmir the emi Irriti whW'h it mnr e;iily do, without M tenTirif jnhiiTto itself," tf-tlfiw-f-iU ttolrtftrnj-KtaW-nwr Jifr irrwt grievri!tty j annoyed, in all thur interest, comfrnl and enjoyinont, nni would not improbably result in the discomfiture end liuniilintion f ihe nullifying 8tatt. 8r tiinrh mire hMieuit I it for the patriot to kiuiuI upon mv arm, and receive tbe nteady awl con taiitlv reiieated fire of the enemy, whic prwid duanter and denh ainouj( frien'W, than i to iii.tke" an gnlTiuf n"clmri a-mwrwaitrWitlirtily'fCiljk-vido nit in the wmi nl'lhr ;lorv. Hut, Imamse Ju;lje M innu n entertain th'e yiewa of that doetrttm, mtMt he firll Into the other cxireinofT nm huppy tli it i in my power lij.net liii fric wh as well a hi f c riht nnthismtiijrct. lie think it not onlv indr HcntK- b -unjuit to ilo ii.ufte vVtlfiwnl.f patriotiMtn the ptrrril losder in Souti uroli.Ki ; imcic.io, Ik chum each Siaielirid, originally, and where hu it l-Cen surrondi'ro'l and MH h, thy undoubted right to interpow, even to tile tliilut'in of the confederacy, ai fur si re sards t'nrJf. A nullifieation propo"- t b a middle remedy, it dj not, ho tv deserve the uaiuI unsparing dcouiciuti.ns with winch it uwiil('d. It ennnot IP:ct to tho mittitj ifi It'-AlJlhisJi liefthiit h4tTderaw&-itlltimjttM have nc rxrJJXanw.doI JiintonT mw rnnrEFV I acorn at tue iiijiit impoTulia ; an l that iny ar at puirenic a any iriou wnonve lived m the best period of tiio . rcpuhlK and thut their caujo n h'dy c.uhbjiT coiHinutiiHml and well rculutcd- lilierty. It is his opinion that every patriot uuvla to be ittTiwed to a io,-Wrt! t)f rhe4)ppre isiwiauf tiio ceutrulXjoveruuiiuit ; th.tt tie Sbutlk (roiiiiiam'Mie. aiiijjjeel tlMin ; aud that thewdyf-bjetwwst eminent to it purity nn! jiwttew that troai'fy -dietinruiidind it wVn if first cani. in nn the Jbaud ufihn veiutUu i-wh. torniod it. ' An I wli't!ier their prmon. struggles fir coustitutronnl liberty slmUla.- for we al or f r woe, tho writer of th? ix coufi lent in tiio nsacrtion that judzo Mun jrmu'a heart will bo with them, and that hi M wtll iwrerf be niar them. Us believes a common dcrtinv await it and no iKiwer un t:r Ft'iiven. ioulii jinlpet vto to mie a mij m 4 of ih ep preiir, to betinbruel m tho blood of our uHI'riU' and oppreteI brethren' ol the south. II reganbi the oppressor, as a fojtto?! tyirtT, eoaif lor," and will not (rive him aid and comi'irt , nor iIjcj he Udu'tetliat many uf hucjuutrymtm vouU be mduced, when uifoitned mi the aubject, torhennh for a moment auch an idea. But there may beexcejdion to thi aiter tion; but if Heaven, in if 'wrath, uluill ewr pormitth mfrai whoh any of our people shall nuke tw.-h a iiDvement, he believe tlify will lie p..eili- mmsfreidtiyitii vmyht ffpub'icoprvrtm; or the weight e pub.icjitngejnct. v nh aJfuTf ooiMiirjitn witW W Hrf?ifn I'frt h em" as to the rfijeojr.ho ilitTer witli them a to the rem&Iy. IU hn hfiver ubu.'d nor denounced them for adopti ng it ; ""'Art? Hfa.ieBiri'if ;"anrl tin iMott h. li... no right to object until, by itsapplieution, it shall prove injurious to tho righta of the pidUical community of which he i a twin br. He doea not chooew to indorse far the remedy for he think it Will tttoM probably BMW ini'fficieht. Ip'bowevr", ho.! mistaken, and it shall work out then remit M eoofidentlr lintieiputed : V It I'rir freemen, fcel that the eourrrrr-wilrown tha great 4 nan wmr ha revivN the doc trine, a larger del of gratitude than bim and free hat been the egression bt his sen iiments- h the writer fhfct Jbn ia able, at least, to affirdlrW rebtjtaf onrt atif ictioii on thi piht al:; lie has, on several oc- tn4()avTW?-st"ed , remedy,., the distin. miiiing a;ore oTwhicli were omewh.it 'ike the", I That the otiry e!B;ient remedy trhyAnf in' verted acti hi anion the RgjTjc-ii-hi VUlZj. ' Tb vxu ouAt U b- in in the If'litte b- Utureii, and be ioci uMied bv t;:'idiilie procfedinir.' Licet. in due and rejilur f rm,' from dirtrict to b d inated, member to a onveAtion to ronnuU. Can lidate will canvas the pn'rt Af t b' lorb H people, and the ic:rtilo will auntaiii the aclof thrwo eervanU whu fitiriifiillr ren'en'ii't thir opiniNi nnd wishe. "In tin way public opinion wilt lie fairly acortttiiwd and fully" emli.fiotL A othe HtAf.thero can bo nodiubt. Il muv be a rain aAod. when, tnd where ha Ihi htLrl imhatftftrrrereijirty been aur ajariered State sh:il rnove by one immil the w jrk will hate oeen fuiuhed. ' 1 here rnusd be no f-ar or the Union ; it will br prcHrofil. The opprewor, whonlw-fiudi a iiiirit that will not aubinil to hi exuc Iioim, wHl a'lgjliojajv mi wU'd thta- r.tHjiuliject miht bo w-rw were it evo! necf iary, tiiosny never was ...' lng pre?rvw but by Urn hardy ami de prnmed virtue dv wnicn u wn, aeuiov ed. II by craven fear, or Uvnh tuhini aion, wo I'kwo i, it will. ntewrth. 'ilic iiiin of inquiring whether tho present go nerstion are the degenerate bud worthier oo of hard ptitriolic anl wortliy air-. Nomah doubt but we will all defend the Unionbut Lilwrty " mimt be prtf1reetl.', The writer, utantleinen, Im lliu given a brief view (J the npiniiMH of Judte Man- KUin, on various as;itHtiiiiqiuwlions. They huve lyon ki:tch(ut witii baite, but are ulMtariiinily true, as tar a they o. if? hsi not wily cuilenvored to pre-rve the iirit of hit rcmnil. on variou oceasiini, but in aoniq caics, .d JubtlcM tlw. yery ex (iroioii will be recognised by those who are fiiinillinr with hi lylo of conversation alth'Mnh lh7 Une all tho efloct which if L'lven to them bvthe emii'iniie nod ix'cijIi nr mnnrrr of Hiw Jurlje. The nuth'r f dle.n idtoned with i!eli"ht to the vivid nnd lwilUl.nuraU.l I'ftU'lX 8"" ci'xpienee which frrrrriirrrrlrwo''''ur whrrf tir frr t the existing topics of the rfnv, more pnrtic ularlv-the utirrinu' utrain of indiiintion which IKiws from hu lip and flasln. frutu hi eye, hen lie tou'hei tho mibjert ol Mithem HufU-riug, nnd northern rapacity and opprewm. -All-thi will hr- I'wt tri the raider of this, although the senti ncnt -here detailed are milwtnntiallv hi.. , ...fn..wlaiimioJJwcir-.pflKiiasj4u' cy pr'ffrrol atii;wt Jo le Mjujoim, bv a wntermlh ILilei'.irJl.ir, who aumns tliu co(jna)tM " Allmniarli!, a low w ri J ill .itisfy the autlnr of tIieckircTa well As every fi ieudot the J .1 lire, ih.it 'in- jilMii-e hu Ixwn frtiiw K ll.l oll-iracter, In the first, pl iee, ho never did uvo hin self a nvHrVwT'vmthw r(.ntrery;iht; writer of thi Willi rememlwr J he ctnohatic do rltiratiou irwd" h hi mat timnvile Ccu'rt, l'Vlru.i-v l"3l, that h' vie.ved nullifica lion u aosiiru, inninueii ni u inrv.j u contradiction; an.leven if it were nm an absurd ibictrinc. it win at least an irHfi cieot remedy. Yet did no on then- us pert him of hostility to too tHith. On the eontr.iry, when qualified by hu dedar atim ffnd niiiniiHi, - n piverr in thi rti lrti"M-" friends were" CTtisned timt he was and doclarnfioiis atlndcdto by 4 AlbanH'K le, anil what do th' V prove T hy, n it that Jude Mangunr ia-incpnubtoHt, be cue they ore the siinio ho nlway ex pp?eed puldildy and privatt Ivi "Alhil XwmuIo" Jia i4-pndued-n smle qiiut.T' tionor oxpresiou whicn gmt the charjo that ho h.nevttr avnwcuv the (toeirmo ot nmihoition. His opinions nrenow the sam a oppress bv him oirtho " ik'ntini t!M- the annul a hM by hrnat Ra icw; dumfilif "wfrifcr oti Wl "The'v aro'the aa no us avowed, luid ably too, llQ nirC-ounK'H nl" tin wrilef f this derie,Alb:imnrle"orany other fiieml or fas to lit tho charge of 'uicoiMixieiicv, on the honorable Seii.it.tr. AI m( true, tht declaration mitde hv him in the IMlsluro meolioj; are eulcuhited to lead his ftieud into errorj Isutjitjihould borcinembt;n;J tliai the q:ietiin at that ni'fetinj;, wa tint simplu ducirine if nullificatii n, uimecLin painoi by any ot thoso uljct which aro MiMlert.indio; of i gut ditctrine. And thij writer is inkrtnOd," and no d-xiht fth fact, that tho chairman ofth.it inevtuii;, (a thorough golu. tartlFuiBii,) restrained the 'ubjeri.ufdebato to the nu.;ud question of nulhlieatt-stj ttfceqneHe;-t whictr-he ww depi ivo.l of the power ofoxplaininij and qualify inj his vich. and opinions, iu they have boon freely dououii all other oc cation. " Had Judo Manfim been pormitd n occujiy tho whoje, -.Kind m Unt occiwion, nn friend of his1 would mti sounded a n.'l" onTtaaificnoiK" Ddf Wwas"rogSrJoT at an intorioncr m that as-mhl uw. ami e.:..i . '..... .. !..' . . IIOU I.UI1Y iijh cniairit u orjre" ou'Xclle uieut not often .witmweti at mndtiassdnblii.' ip"s of th" pjple. . Tiio tarilf tiioo bbcamo atarrtiPd 1'ir SilSCr1 oftheij1 -.heuie, nod i'very exertion was iniJo to arrent bim in his do.ii j.i ti briiitf aUmt an otnui a'id fair di u4iou (4" tho whole matter, "fhe di vi-doji which t,.k !ae oucht to aaiisfy oyery, JRialrtv ,.inirr a j the ciwia. tor ..and luwiitn- 4f -tho-netiojff tfa1 -. n a norrrfcvuous unetinj, tliere nit advocates at any collection of thpco. pi to Oiutiir "T tiveono It called upon. all the foe of nulhrkalion atiu disutuon to a4Herjdetn4 tiio oWiVik wa tot ju II Jth at t i -1 a. ritfi ttji r Id fffe expreSuwrofaii opuHWttl1i"vAitsij be takeuby our . Hothero opprcss-xiTlo be it not a direct approval, ot at least ah r qhiesricnce in the imtsitica ef a arotect- : ( nrt.:- !..: r ive tariS This! opinion i Confirmed bv the tact, that the oinctal account ot the meettngmiHts altogether lb isjaututloit of. fered by Senator hnjnnr, reprbktian tb'iVtariif. and ihn v ii'f.graJton opon it.l,Ad I thi t!i trwjw-tbatJha-nri,n.i ohect qf tbft 'Qecting vu (ft od lJ, "to i! iiipry of thi time U'. P. Mungufn, a:i 1 1 n re the candor of Altcwarlo will co"m pel bini to aeknowlndrf the injustice d ie Uiour aonaior.iiy inecnar'eoi nieonmv leocy. It i underst.d tint the adjourn 1 mectinir was not neiu on tno win m Oioher, for reasons perfncily satislaetory ;o Jhoso coirorned, and therefore, the ta riirmea cannot draw any favorable con cltnion from thd clrcuiiwtahce thaf It was ntt lieW. .' . '" . The allusion raado by Alliomare to ibe circulation 4" certain pamiinlet nndnr h-frkiivs' -privilege, cannot p'osailily orovo Mr. Manurn- inon-uxtcnt. iliat pa'inpluVt contained a b-dy of information, which evcrv man ouht to be in posnaion of. It contain tho Virginin rrtsolations of '9 Mr'. Mad'Bon' report of UO. ihe Ken ttfckv.rckoluiian, framml by Mr. Jetf-rsonj and ihejintwer of thb "iither' Sfa"lc,to aether with Mr. ChIIkmiu's expose, and TWTTlafBnmk6niitcWf;. Cfl"'d ttiert! KHibly be any '. "objection 'to circulating tle d- -Uioont, which embodied, a it were, tho very creed of faith of the repub lican of 'S., which contained the widum of Je(f;rson and Madison, and which con iaiiiedthe original draft (d thoe very doc trine which were triumphant in the down fall of fedcralUm, the election of JelTorson, and which inVied the civil" revolution of that period? If that wu nullification, then are we all uullilier ! I Hut it was tor thn valuable int irmation thone pamphiut con . taiued, in relation to the formation of our roverumc.it, that Mr. M.ini;uin circulated them, and not tVilissemina'te nulliuVufioii, a nhout to bo practiieil in H. Curolum. Had ii"t t',.i writer already transcended the limit of .moderate e,ay, 1jc would drmimstrato the correctness ef Judjjo Manuin' opinion, by thi standard of reason and the C'rtnlilu'ion -entirely voiilu be jthow the truth l the assertion that our gMvern-tiout i daily tendin to a ! onuohdated d'-spotism, whieh may bt eai Iv done by wmply reciting and aimlymng tHset tbnlra powerfor m numbor. if years past ;. but h'will defer it, with the ptonise, i lint should ocension call lor it, a may usaiu bo induced to olludu to the -inject. I will now coneluile by requesting the friend of the south and of Stnfu Rights, imt to liMeu to the croakins yf tantfin mi, l.i'ho prejudice o tho able rcpre;ntalive orthe ,oxccij;nty, .prurtli ..Caw'.iiia.it! ihiri-'edeni Government. TTiey are op posed to him, and are determined, if they can, to prostrate linn. Many of thn old ifidf. ra!iitan4 raiawd.ari3tiKrat3.: have elui)hed their forces, and will leave no iii me unturned to bring him t their level in iho ufltx'tion of the peoplo whom he taithftfUyendenvor -fo jprve; and wTio, we trust and believe, i.ow aipreciate him cor rtrilv. SOUTH. Oxlbrd.Oet. 20, 1S3'.. rBOV Tlia B.iNNBR or THR C0iTtTTTIO!V. THE CIUSIS. It heincr. now settled, 'jcyond the possibility of doubt, that, prior tithe next meeting of Congress, t he ienplo ot'South Carolina, nsscmbh'd in Conven liunf will declare the j'rotSelirt Tariff Llwv null ana void, Jtful of tun-Mre within tbelimitii of that Stale,-)!" bcSopycsihe Pcophrof the Ndflhefn StaiN to dir wlutl they bavo not hurutofore donuT reflect uj. on tho ptsture in which they have placed the country, by their refusal, at the la.it session of Conjrres3, to listen to the rcison TiWrnnlT jun7iTuinuil "of TTiat portion of their fellow-cituiens, who consider not on ly their pecuniary intertiiits);tlut their very liberties, uneonstitutiooally violated by the acts" of ttie Fcderat (loycmmiim. Wo ifo illiwt sincerely bidieye tluil a f eryr nioder to displayVdh tbo pari f tie 'inaniiicinf- rs, of sjiirit.iiC couiproiaio, .would, LiA wnitcr, hava reconciled irlarje a porfion of the Southern People to-a very hi jh rate of protective, duties, thnt tha imp-jtidtn crisis, if not indefinitely H)stS)ncil, would, nt least, hHve been put on to a pt'rtod so distant, as to have given time tor a correc Uoti 4" thtvi!eMtdeined rf, br tmrprrv" cc "I arumeirtr liut what did we be bold? From tho-beffiniimif of tho session until. the. end of it, nibraci:i( a period of, ami'riAijssjA'AjfWiifclhejuuiiupultsiii,- by their admits in tho lobbies, and their Keprsentutives aud rrrji crs on the floor of both IIoiihcs of Congress, protest, ing against the slightest abandonment of the pmtectivo principle. Wo aaw thorn even reject tiio overture iT coiioi-ssioii of tered. by tho Administration; which, al though not satisfactory totlio South, -was still yielJiii'' much inm than wa's eranted. -o behobl -tlvun, in fine, -contending- fr i'v.'ry inch of jjrotind wnieh they occupied, and ncrer voluntai'ilij concetlin-; ono sing!.) point. I no little that was obtained from thcm,"vMT5xfirf J. thojr nautical . colleague and it- ii therefore ovKiwtit, that -not the fdifttest claim to the inagimuiniity of tjie South ctin bw sctnp by the monopolisrta. They ac'tod with a ainulA r2r.ird to their own selfish interests, and latwlicd at the coiunlaints. tbo remonstrance, and the desperation, of those who were su.Teniijj, by their policy, nnt voluntarily viciuod not ono folitarv half per cent, of their exictii-c. Suoli conduct il about to meet it 'reward: for, tetrh-J-nsotjiofthB imiWrfifin crrsTrl7ns i may, c.Hilule!fce in the talajity of tip? lb cjuutry, must disappear. Our reasons fir this epinion;" we ill procoed to give. 1 Cohgresa, at its session iu December ' w'jlt iseivftpSiciai noiice, from Sijutfe, n oo one or ine pamet to- me t ea- tr . en I Comjxict, has prooounoetf the Tari.Tl Laws, so far a theV pmoom to lew dis. tie tor the protect ton-of ono branch of in .1...... .l' 1L . ' ,1 i j. .... . . . f duatry al the expense of all kliera, to be onconsniuuonai, null, end void, ami that they ajAlt bof be executed witliin ihe limits nt that' Slate afler tlwith of March 1'33. It ,wiir also be aiTvised, thai the Lesisla turn (XSjutli Camlina, inoboilience to the i03WiuBiq( Uj9 f8r'plo1-4aCTeatwp isMpihled, have onnet''d the Jiw tHvcr y to render tlic Xct of Nullifira'ion elli-c- live. Vhattho5 law v. ill too, wecamtoi foreifll ; but they will oon be known. " iv hen advised nfthee prxceiiins, x-n grc.in'uiil id nwessily ct. II muwlb er repeal the Protective Law, or it must counteract the Nullification of South V olitm :'for, were it to adjourn without do tiig "one or Iheofher," tlie counlry vriTd Wi inuiMla'ted with foreign ;eoU, free of duty, through the free port of Charleston f and thus would tha nmnufuclui' i l0 N'iicd. W'ln resident wntot interf .'re-ras re;a wis tho cm(liymcat of firce, without the au thority o Con 're:' for, by tho Comtitu tion, u!tliaii-h it u declnrcd that nlmll taM care that the law Ihi faithfully rxe cutcd, vet to that brly does it nloue be Imij -'fo provide 'for caltinj firth'' th" militia to c xecuto tnfl law ortntj u'ui.in. That he ha no riilit to blockiido ( .'linrle tonir wliieh is nrt act of mr; IS, it rrn7rp done cun declare, i admitted even by Mr. Webster, one of tho moit steadfast champ ion of tho Ainencan'Sysfe'iiias Tin been scn by tho extract from his Worcester Sneech, publisliml id our last pnjier. Will Congress at onro repeal the Pro tectivo Law T Wc think not; at b-ast, cer tainlv no such idea is entertained in this quarter. "Nearly all the flinids of tho, A uieriean Svstem, thut wo have heard ex press a sentiment on the subject, nie of opinion that south Carolina miut bo put down b'j force. How thi foicc would be einploied ami against whom, it is not ca sy (o iuinL'ine. lihe opposition "of Hontli Carolina, as her writers sny, would be in tho display of a mnral, and not oi a Ay cel. resistance. . Tbcro would be no unit ed bodies of insurrenls, coiubinin tocoib inif nets ot yyeiicc. Tlieie would l.l0. r'stanee to the laWs, but throuijh the vcr dirt of juries, iho prohibiting of jailors to c'rtillno prisoners under process issued ai mr suit oi ine untieu nnes, tne reiusy .i . '. .i t v. . . . ;i. r ."i of the Suite Courts to eertilv tho record wbiuk ,.wuliijiuij;ut au ajkpeal to the Su preinC Court, and other Minilar acts, ll.it altiioiirrii these measures may all appear, to tho Eolith Carolina writer, simple ntiif plain, yet they are not to learn, at thi te day, that a Government which can usurp nncntnistittitional power, would not be very ant to hesitate at a resort to uiiconslitu nl inea is of enforcing ii. What would pro ,viif .C,aiithM fraiii'lotlariilji llie fMrU"nT .S:. Carohni tolicuo lon'r ports of entrv, and thereby render it illegal to impart jjoods into the same ! It i true tho Const itu tiau- ikclarci--that sNo pmfrronc shall ho given, by any regulation of commerce or revenue, to the ports of one State, ovtr t hose of another J nor shall ycssvjs,, iound to or from one State .be obliged to eatiii;, clear, or pay duties, in anotlier." tint, has nut Congress Hiwer, as Mr. Adnmn tdls us, " ta provide for the cooynon do. fenco and gcneni! welfare and is not this provwion pura'ihount tothootlier7 Af;ain; said a writer not fur fro'ii us, licfore the appearance of Mr. Webster's speech, Why cnnim! Conjtress blockud' Charlc-.ton T Did not Don Pedro, of IVnzil, bl.Kkadc the port? of a r.eJjcJli('iiipriiyjucclYca lic,Iiiis XoJo JjopuUrtbat as w-iu- tiie ekt I dil( but thut nrosyfrjco-wa tin iotegral pwrt of one tonsnTidat'ijd empirOr ''''L"..?nth' Carolina is nol and wo tru4 nver will lie. Tho insurrection in Brazil was like tho wliirkey iiiMirrcction in Penusylvawa an oppositioil '(' indieidualt to. thn establish oil laws. . Tho opposition in South Caroli nrtTTtnn'-ofaiTCTe havo the authority of one of our most em inent lawycrn, .Mr. Diuucy,) for asserting that such opposition litis a dignity ah nit it, which ctrtiiiulV CAundt te predicated of a treusonaWe insurreciiHi.r -'- fiutx;nrtrwitMrre'tywer r?fCoh;ri!i"irt'te' feretiro.to trscsdn he stntnetl to reach the M8im oflhe'NnHiSeftf -What savl tiio ('oiist.tution T " Treason against tho Uui ted Slate shall only Consist in levyin; war nainst them, or in adhering to the f neniies, jrivin them aid add comfort." Hut S.iuih Carolina would uot lvy war a fiuuisl iho United Stales, nor would her individual citirmM, by adherins to her, be adhering to the oneini.-s of tho United States, or ijifing Jlicm .aid and cyiufort. .iW.yiiJwfls.Hrax,..w sovorcis;n duto cannot. If a Slate were disiiosej fo levy warayiinst tho U. States, sl would, ipso facto, put licrelf out ofi tle luuon, and become a foreign Slate. Ittrt, although wo are not able to see what course of f rcibte- proceediniayrinst Siirth Carolina could be resorted to, yet there may bo sonv eoeneive measures, which' will, in all proliabtlity, bo brought into the view of Co.ijrresui, . Jn sijchjureut. ihoir adoption or rejection rmy depend u on ihki course pursued by tlie Southern State as a Ixxly. Tiio question present- ed-fitr iheir conle ration, will wt be. Are . i -1 . . ..- you m layor oi or .optHifese.aK) isiuuuuca tiotn-but, W'balara yonriiiioi'ia'iiii fc the cercivo powers of" the Federal Gov- ernnvwt, in reference to the caso before Congre ss ? Tha trreat body of Vie S- mih- crn roople hold Hie f diowitui principles to bo tlie. fundamental doctrine of qiir Political System r FiriU That tho t overnment 4 the H fi led Stale is a Confederacy ot Freest Sov. Tiio Extract-1mm a Sjteech delivered by iHr. iHuiiey, at a puhlic Anti-Jacksnn a Oth r " Vow mark ttio proof. Ttia ProsiilcnT js opposed to S juth Carolina Nullification. And JAIiwt ,3ot; Jbeeause 'it4;Iiltialnir -Uiatt.jfW 4b liultijwrsrfryresidential Nullification n thick r than the bin ef tawB SVHI9 Vi South Carolina. . Tin i aNullr3cation by States, which, dulkult as it ie NMindcr stand, ha at least some dignity rboiK it bQt (hat it NulliTication by every man in the United Bute who i able to take an oath of office, lie i opposed, to it be cause it is not kit Nullification, and ie. cahse tbero ia an object dearer, to the par ty .f South Carolina, thaa tho -Trvsidcut hiin!." .... .: y.V,";, .:- ; 'crcijn, jind .Indrpenilent Ulates, whtrH have Ltulrd tfether f rrWain tic'ifi.j bj-Hi, and no mhers, and not a Hngle idid'ited tjovertitro'iit." ( faeondh. ThattlieCotiKtitoti.mrJ'ii' J'nited Slates is the de inKnmieut U hn li tbo nature of the nuUi.t,,,,, pact can le known f ol d that. v.,?u, ,, ... iiisttuiiMint confers ujKin the Federal trhnif nr'juiiwlk'iion "over tl.li ...... whicn have been deleeuted to it. it i,.,r none whatever over Iht ri.-jhl rest rvetj kr tbo States, and nol didyaied.- X -''rWjr-Thnt neither -dm siuuuon pniriuu any eoinm'HI trilMjnirt a umpire for the settlement of diimii.J of Dower. Ytho Siiiiretnn dmri I.,,;. .'. ..' .. '.. imi. uw t'S iv iiii HIU Vt1 III Iinlk it, I il iiift.f!ij.ti..a A la 4. jvjt na list jxi ssjii iiiit i4 " CultfH u and equity, nritinv umler this Coiwio.,! jvjt na list jxi ssjii iiiit i4 , rtFJIfJI jjj the! ofthe Cnifed StatesViftd-tckS n.d, or VhlfH shall La awde.uiid,., (hJJ fllllhorilv" to ulnrli tUnrm ... ... . mentiMd lo tho fli'oiss of the Court ) that, consequently, tt "rcnritaH"ri i etoofan infraction of rlie Feik-nl t' -sict, catdi Mate possses. a, 0IW f . r,rrcd rj'h tho right of jndjjin of, infraction, and of tho mode and inesUr. r redress. , . Thus far, in the South, there . . lie little diversity of opinion as t Jue ' coiisliltitiotmlily "of tlio'"HestncHve L tern; but the caw is diffident n the mode or menstire of redres,wienr stance should be made by one Slate W or by sevcrnl in conjunction by tli SuS l.Pfisliitim- nr In. (Im P..,...l lion at the present day, or n a fiit are time by Nullification or bv Secession. fjtiir . O- J "J. .'''1'15.41.J( however, nr, according to the thenrv of n,. vtnmiiminn rriu ny me nnvocate of tliee vnri.sis menstircs n sjieclivelv, escli Stats l"tS.!!o.rixbtto judps of the inodeanj sure ol redress, it is hnrdlv tolo;n'.;...iV that, nfler S-mth Candina has m' h, choice of iihsW, tint other ytatra ivirrsr sist in ptiftiiu lier down i for, in tuck t' vent, the right of a Statu to exercise judgment a ta ' mnttirtJtn: drtii, would Iw forever nnnihiUted; bV Vith these views, wo cannot help : jtarding the apr'nchiii esi(si of Coq. gross m the most -important thnt bus ever been held under the present Constitute The Coveruuieiit is now upon ittriiUi4 the devolupcmenu between thi end i!j th' f-Msrei1 wnefl thfr 'p iniin ciirwj its luiwrs, can.M tail to decidj soinc of t'i most iiniMUtaii. xlitiol prot leins thnt have ever been preseuted to tin Amcrumn -Pwipb) i 1'j'relution to the prospect befireus.tL Dirsviilc llucorder, a imiier Dublisbed in. ,v, " SaUlt Ciindim.- Tb roeent eks' lions have tennuiatod, in Charloston iu4 ev.mi (,tnnr HiMncta, in the coirqleta iiiuiiiiuitiie t ree iruoc ana aiate KUlu !.. . . l ui.ijr. : T, .... -.- . m las oppoiiio,i toonr lei ill y.tm. i . e i- .. . uiHieuu oi uecreasinj;, is mus eiKtently ffumuz struiath, and not onlv in &hK Carolina, but in all the Southern State (jooria is uluuist ndv for an explntkafi' : riHiwarr wmr: Tms tiuesuon will be tskM 4 a a -AnHMKifralbitr. -: Hitherto, tri merits nave been too much estimated if its su,ipose4 bearing upon tle pocket 4 certai i indivtdu lis, or, at host, by its iirV dieted euet uixm certain local district l lie t eopio ot- the booth are in earnest. anttwenitno rsortli oudu to kiW OuaJ bcfjjo it li-tuu. luto." : A Desperate Kidnan;xr:- ta iWfmrmjjf patched ten Canadians in a canoe dowa thj The third evening aftor quillim; fit Cirt wliilc they were quietly sitting fouba &' blazing fire, eating a hearty dinner deer, a larijo ball' famished bear cautioMj ly approached tho group from behirru sli . adjacent tree; an I, before they were awr.r of his prcsenen, he sprung across the firt seized ono of tho meti (who half a Veil fnN ni died bone in his hamf) round hi walJ, with the two Oro-pawsiund rah abeiit ' yanls-wflh Hrroort this hmdwj- lirfore -- t.ippe.'l. His comrades were so tliudjjr struck nt the mjexpectod oppoorohce ol'siirk a vniter, and his sudden retn-at with'poor Lisneson, that they for sorrio tims !t ill I,.!!l,!?-?.-0f n"dj jtudj ia a jstatoj'f l f , and confiiTion, were ruminj fo attS'fro, each" expecting in hrslurn tri"" lie kidtiapnoA in a similar manner ; when at Ichgtb, B i) tistoLb Blanc, a half brd ksiiiter,' s tuL hitgun, and wtis in t'ltyiict of liriti'nit th bcrrr; but was st p;v I Hi1 aomo of.tije eth er, who told him he would inevitnblY kill. their friend in tbo jwwitjati 'ha'"', Jj... placed. Ddriiig tikis pirlevBi'iim ndax- :ti.3 KHp Of Tnr ri'vsili.j jecafcly under him, and vrvlca.surely !"" Jpm pu-king the bono which the latter t.uo drop;wd, Once Or twice ' l,rhi Vd'alttai ' tsd ti e wnnei which unlv citifd th 1 1' "' to watch bim mor.e closely; but o:i tiiia making another attempt, he again soil sf L'Hiisson'around the waist, and ccmnivti giving him one of tfi'ise inertia ciuhraCCI Z which "enernlly end in death.1 . .'" " The poor fdiow was inw i:i irreat aWi and vcnt'od'tho'mwt" frightfuf,credin'" rand.obsorvin? Ralitiste with hi mi it tea-? dyuiiMy:wl to fire, ho cried out, Fire ! fire! my dear hrothef,if thoo wotiltfst laro - tTir-ffiwdf Fire, for the love of God ! At hi tiM -'tn.hi:'-.iieaJ.,.TkW--wasyeiiou tMwervfc'rttsrtmrrt!rn bsnr oyor tho right temple.' lis 13)11 at the nine time dropped LoursH w ;Ji ho gave him an ai'YscrafctVJ van' hH claw across the face, which'rif'ue; iurf alforwnrds spoiled hia bcautyV, w , . hff shot, Lib. uiane darted to lit - - -0' assistance, and witnihrshai))" " -xe)f finwheJthe sulleTuigtnf the r - ? "V.j. li t reiind KU fnA' tmt& V , death f jt whhotcr' " irler"' ...a.;: