TTcsfcrn Cnrolhhn. f fcft con-n'n'ed thn work of di'rctin :h fig1" K001' ' on '""lnff fcjiMh'f '" inil eeireely any meat on hit ei.' io t'f, ,n n' h'0" hn hiS 'n 1 n ""'W detperailon im'ta'one of ihe bold-at il l nvt' sue " f(f4l tumpt at kidmpning ever heard (.. ifiyT'en'ti 'f ' tf, : It.iT. - ..,. f. .1 . . aaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaj rur i Tiri ai'ar digit ji. TOr. 19, 183?. " thh paper fvechre it dee.tmHtun I't'e jV), ir w II be l' Rt'e'gh. If he should, by anv fT. fc e b' seat in thelegielature, he will b tut fO--retume bia laborta if lit ehmild nrtil r' will ant be home j tit or rccn tee. Vittint hie ehteence, the piper will be 'H h jtie htndt of thoee, who are, In every wrwet qualified", fx. the Juliti of Ike fiie elation fir tteciore for pretident and V. evident, are " o1"' erptio of fate that lire rfttwn oy Ibe Biie leyiafa'urre. The rlt ' no necura'rly aecertained, hut ,mlrt, It knn n, to make ue tav w'nh eimft- x. (j,.nl. Jck n it elected. With regard to tlx Vi? frcsHcney, lucre it more doubt, bul te nall ' irahdntwriU of Judge tlAMlOVR. '"itt'ver' did any pi ri7ii (for rfT- rtuiTy dri (o kit 0n prop:-CtS, that JtW IURCOV J i If II i r. '' inland "4 tfily at withdrawal of tiUjkrtim Virmie.ot it A to b1ly timed 7 i-id eottie ui in io ewketd itHnnrr n l jp,jj-the iT;rrwon, th It wte 4ot tk-j (UwiK nJ i' wi is receifed, end ected on l, m.. v riiirti of North Caroli m. ' The eonee- innr vM. 4it, iiie. M-oe tn mprt pleiri wt Jprrt.enaihe Oinw I icex-r run, no niucii ,,11 the fttl'inirt of ihe grtet mee of Repub tcni Vuter. Thin It htppenrd, ihil U me D c iun'ic-t, Vn B iren received efl. or orarly j) pf the o'ra, he'-e, under different circuit riite he wool J he recwed ery few. He kt on the -nee In tf'lh Crolin by the A1 .HtjA b , aol f.ill.. wejee jnHtjek , i, - i mjj 'he t lrr, on the or.caioii. Jrnot Diiirorii rnev errfler,riea Judiret Ik i iww. n at'tria't Judyf, he ffiey rite to th Bench of the Supreme Court il a recency ikouM eoon Tale pfce, b'lt aa a StlriTiiia. r an'Pet bb eourfe I run peace be to hie f... -: rf.?rvsTLTX,rTV." " Tliree now remain -a no maooer of duht at to ''he reiih of the election in the Democretlc' frl'e of F -lliiylvenla ; Jick -n'a maj irtty will b ir neie. or o ute " jO.000 vote I ibe "i ele"ion will be need from 'he Uniee of Ri p" aMitici, where we with oeeragaito WUgo. Kt.w Yonft. , T" . the tlream of die U!v.eiv wtlb reapect New T-ik. witl toon eWieH toto 'bio air. Tne-fWIerT ptcr( itiow"" ! -Tork, iU po for Jarktnn; ' At e, we-lteve hot r erierd returni en iUkU to make it eertiin, but i ;ar they lure c"te to baii, lbe a de i J ilv IVourllc .Weturc no doubt, about IJeTTorkr , OHIO. Ewxifh hnheen tteard fiwn Obloi to leaee ( jtouM . ihnu the yote ofjbyatS:ateel.J She iH 0 f, jfKion bj a much' larger majority In common with mtn of our' Repuhlicaa Vieodt tr tim part of the Rtaae, we were not a I'tlr rttrprierd it the p-t,Senatnr Mangum ar rrprrtrd i0 hve teken.ia the Hillnhoro'TarifT, antUnullifieal'mu meetinir. Reallw. w knew ntske-nf f, and therefore took no noSee of it We had reJ hta apeech, dtli' 1 e Senate itU pleure,and pridet we . , 'ICt(l '9 ac-e, that Ji.onb r.irolin h4, t", in thut body, who felt a a patriot. "' i-t aorkt a I "Trt'e .'"men. ' What wat mtr nir. - pri, in are him atlendine tort of aelect oiee- tir4 "f "hlack foekude ftnerania."-aroweJ l'"llof the Trifr, nd of Clay, and there Bn''e. ai it ! teem, with them, to aim a Mow - blrf rtl. g irhcr-y njrougfi .ihe"eiJee of our 's!cr S .te S'xtlh Carolina We theitjht H rnjH. bat din honrd that there wat aime- thmp si(.j j tj,e fcport 0f (bj'r me'tinr; h h a rmlj u.vt Jujle .Mn,um'a diTactr fir ennjtney, and a ill ho'd him oi in the e- iwt'ion of the npub!irna of the State. t rre (. deceived. ,!ud? Mattgom ra tci nal hi r.hinrter wt atlfMrinif.' and 1e"n OTpro'-et)vfJaKj ;v"'rn in a pnljlic enm nunif-aiion, to rate, l-at liis.vniimi-nta truly are, on the atthJ-.-ct of "r rtfvt. we are glad to tee thia,an(l have -mliwhf his Fftfleat lemimeWTi, win In tm- "'am, n-rtt the approval of all true Renubtieane PfttieJilTeramion ecliool. at least. We mutt ho. ;' ever cdN!V ae, t eanrn etae'lf tee the fenairtener in one reree', between hit prind fK and, one of hit rancienMt. Ileeforetity a I- ""'artproetof what Mr lefferson thought the 1" t, n propoaeeia not eiaVntiany differ ' , "orfrrSn the" one he wat retioriedf to have de I .. Winced in the IliHaboro meeiin. ; tte con V . " rJ ineonaisteociei, etslaint rf. Let ot be anppoMd froni thia. that we ire e lteetin8 cenaurt on Jodre Manjum! far from We like tbe vend ht hu aattimed in Con ,fcreta,, approve of kit course, and we have that kt will ever lck ou from H. . Jfu'ber bu pnnciplee, nor hit ipirit,wiU peeotit ' e eommtmieation to which we alle Je w'dl , .imi m tmrtiier part rf ear papal over tbe , ' ntll.NIH,i)FTIIE UNion. ' I Who ere tlie rcl fiirn.l.if ih- Cion f Thotr ho ih to reel rain the federal G'rnvni, withinjhe tin it laid down by the Ci7ki, or tt.oi who eontrnd, thi th fcJcrl C ,rtt. mnt, Mil pit ti, and the people miirt ulimid There tt two wtvi lo deitroy the Do. inn, lit. p Union be deeiroy! bjr tbe withfowil of tmt of the Siei front the emw fcdiffecy fhie will eertiin'r not be done in lone; Mthe ft lrr) G-ertmn, keept with! I'l due bounle, f while it d xt , U will be jfcSJtoJcrem of rnrt w w ermwio the t loo. 2nd. The otber to drttroe (). lno,t fur the F'derl Cnremment to dUrtgurd the fjontf ittitinn, eeume powni rnrt jrent! n tn It bv the Cnnt'itnlin I. Whtt nityt 'he L'n. .nj-The Crtf'l'e f 'r thro, the Cnniti lu)ii Si et ei.U, It not Hie. Vjitoi ,tct viJ TbeWnroo it more in direr fHm Coneren, thw frm eny other , rjurti-r. The.. Fedrrel Corernotrnt, t entitly tryinj to entt'jre i'l powrre, 'tl to dm !'liiops iirr eoittemjiltted by the iremen of (he Cirri'itiKlon. The Cona'ituiion (ivca Cnnrt powet to lirtiM pay lite ptibHe d :b, and ntpport LGiiTerftmni bu'itciree Congr'M o.j)ower to take money out of the pocketi of the Frnv rn, in ord;rtol.!t to the mtnufactur.rti Trt Congrew, i A wg tbit rt ry thin, end tliere are a ime among ua wbo Contend Hal Cuiifeii have a rijht to do It, ' Li t any plain man poiKMing pobd common, take up the CureliiuiioOj and read it ov er and over again, and ae if he can find a line thai givce Cuugrtaa the powr to U mm elate of people to enrich another. Hit, be I1 find none ebct. but the TarilT men ceo work it out, they eaa turKf jt. jo ia. to (ire. ike power. 'e; they re eery infrenioue men, bul. 'we hope they are not qiite in(enioi f tn'Kh lo m'ce !" peop'e believe their aophin- if., Whnjeer tlie people a'lmit that rrvi nn pahet la it lleireTthfltlfood breto America: freedom. It ia aaid that at.-. Wcbtter, t prepafing an Mr WeHvtrr, it ji known, iaooeof Iheablrft aea at lUt Federal party, aad bit forth coming lpoaition may, therefore, be looked to ai em bracing the vie oi that party. : it more than probable Jbtf thru two .rival eaitieme may Have theefTfCt of dividing par. tiet ae they once were; of making only two portiev PJval,-nd JtepubJkaiWv TUo edtraLt latt have been fniggl'ng hard, thntigh teeretly ever alnee thrir overthrow by Mr. Jeffcrron to regain their former influence : and they think nowib.jt.akiAji a axJttiipJae.abQiiLlheJZ.njop and prnfeeainf great friendahip for ttl perpetui tjr, and by charging alt the Rermbtieant wiib hertig"friftnrt; ; " mrtfart,U!r tHr-e? will aceed. But let the Rrpublkant keep a good look'owl there ia danger abroad. .fcwn CW4 Cenvrtien. Thia day (Won. dai the South Carolina Convention merle, for tbe roi ioae of pptying mat remedy .far the reclrrta of their grirvancea. There remalnt no l-inerr any aWtf,. but that.. St will dpclare th TarifT laws, for pro'eetion null anj vii, within ..rf,. A ,-r.,V--4i'.'.,-4aaaWaaaaa " a, In another ooliimo of our saoer will be Cwnd an able article from t)te Ranoer ofbe fc inrw tutioa hede(!-4Aa CrUU? Wf .hop. ,;lt wjlt be read with al'rnlion bv all of our tubaeribera. It treata of mattert of 4eep iotereat to tvery maiiia the cooiiiunity. . . , , We learn from tbe Charfetfen paport that tbe Cholera bat male ha appearance there. 1tbaa riot' bean' Very' fcf aT vet. - . .1? tTe hare received an pSnuorj notice Which ftill be tteved -to Wmiriactf. ;itr Lkti.vcpn, oy. 10, 183J. Pretnn-iing that yoo are ikiirous of ob. taming a a'atement of the election in thii coun ty, whith may bliedjn, I tike thia Ppor taut fill of rain, on the day of tbe tli-e'too, the! people -ditf not turn ot o any extent. The retail .however abw oety pbtkilpttbat the arne of tne county' baa been cs,ireaied by thoae of the otert who att-ended the poflae t"be ag. errra'e of the votes riven in the county, it at fnllowa, foe tbe Jackaon and Barbour ticket 3"3, forClay.and Sergeant, 53, f.r Jackaon'and Van Buren, 5- . ' ', MTwHf reTOnecn"hat"n tba lew TIneiTal drewd io you aoroe tinac aince.I etpreated the opinion that Van Suren would not get a half a dozen votca That opinion was not advanced lightly, ; or trpon alight grounds facia, Well at feate( fet.-r in my poaaetsion tyhifib g to prove beyond all dubta, that Van Karen would .lot have jfittea'f 'votea fn the eiiintjv'iF the rkoiilelilfc:e iwliaiiRjillii ted tfioeMljEraad,.don rlflU. frulbad not been ussd to divert the votea from tbe direO- tion they would have tikn yoo know Wefl to wh' f allude. Just on the, eve of tbe election. the Carolina Watc'imao cornea oat i'h a for- ml, annnnciatioa of the fact that Judge Birnoor had wirtidrawn. Wetl thi aMCrtion wat ma le in ncb "wn a to "io generally beReved. " But unluckily for thia witeaero' Darbotfr'r letter (ofreaipriatian arrived the tame time lat-tbo ,mi4ciaU.W. fJt WltVIrawal - wat made at thia" place, the " artMn, wat fm!W W- jianeove'ff-onrr 'nteqotIf .. Ta Oufen obtained 3 votea, of wb'iCt one. wat given ondcr 5he tmprewflon thtr hhi Ty4 tew";; drawn, anJ the other, try pereon w!io it not an bmabiiait of the oofiy. Aid mark h'tl a JwaWial ab aawai.iaUaaiaaja' . . i .1 J ; fit.' .... LUt . , .... . . ... t one vote at theae ptaeea'tbe repirt bid not bete circulate! But at another .of the pre einet Here tbe report had been believed. Van niren fit SO votes r .ear-U unV bis whole vote waa 55. df which f have thus 'ao counted for SX and. thus you hva. 3 Jfotea aa I properly belonging to hint, ( , , , ' The above statement may berthAtf on, the greater part ol it ia derivedjron tbe ma received the vote at the place wher Van' 1 rea retired hii $0 :. . . Cholera in AV Orlran.- The N. O.'LounijrM Advertiaer. ( the 2JUi ult. aavi ' Yetnlajr varioui rt poria were current throughout the djy, trut iht chnlcn Had reachcj j ur city bv wjtv of the weatero tvaterat niul . we ere informed by a ret pertable tWfU ciao. that. a pstaicnfjer ciicd yrtterJjy morning, titer a lew linir illorta. h villi all aymptnmiofipaamodic ch.-lcra. Three men tUrt,died ou borJ Caikaiitution. on her way to thrf twj bni whe havl oVth(ape tain lUtei. the alighteet ivmptomt of cholera; two were firemen, td h liter a patiengrr. who had been tick pre vjom io hi enming-on bo ird;' V Isstrn from thr paHarnpera who left Liumille no the 9ih,' that aeveral cwitjf cholvraiMrd in that Ctlv -cn the 6jh. ofa rbalignant typJ and coo tnied to increase tip' to the Thoae - paaen;rerarr poru thaL'..they comedown to Trinity on board the atemer Express, on hoard of wliich irren death cnrrerl by r H"era, five of hnm were oeqroei, Ye give thje for wht it is worth. 'Tbe Looiaviite p-ipcrt of tne Oid ina;. inclusive, rc ceivedby veaterdity'a mail, make rn mention of theeiiaience of CMcU ut that city, in any eh.ipe baterer. The Sc. I,oiii"a Hacon of the 4h init. aiatca that within the, last wcuk tliere had been -f )ur ee f cholera io that city, whi-h termi iated fitallv. Tiie general bcahh.of,. the ret marlably good. I it ala aaid, by paneffrera, per the Cmtu tit t'on,. that three new case had nc' urrej at St. L uia previous to the laatr ' We refer our reader to the Tdlowing vir-wa tkeh bv f orre-DonJtnt of the Rfrarrferrritfr , B)nthf Ipfljeherfw M f.!VA'VAnnipgnz Interests pt hecountiy. ft it tome what marvelous ih' an manv ehoul I be found in that aec tion of the Union, tamely witnessinij the grrfitlil : deeay of ia'tmportan vwree of their revenue.' Rut the pretiomioal ling influence of the wealth of the mnu rd?uTirtri"op'era1Tng like' a wiThefin'g" Watt, u,on every qjher braneh f He in ilustry of our country. Roe. Pott, II jve the Rood people of M tiac!iuse:ti imd ot yrEot;! r.d Ueenma qwe io-liffe -. nt to the prcpr rity of Mtvigition f 11 a preference for manufactures beromt V'rogTaai"end'er''ti''wlf3rtfTo'$V; :'nGc't lheioterestsof '"Ctimfnsrre' t' Or are the t:l and ac'tTCty of the p;re l dp iuHtts whoae pioperty ia now rhirflv vested in theae eatablia iments.sopdwrr ful a4lo perauioVthe people, thit rom merte if less important than we h .ve he ' f re considered .it ; or "that the present stiff policy ia nt injur ions tojt ? ft appears to me, Mr. Printer, that tbe people ate pVMttHg;ffeWile mi)t .t..iM in "n fiper - f-TTH, in 17 94. 1 800-1 :;8llandJ0, ti.ey Heqtarrd, f'eqnvny trrtowMtyVh'lMy thoujj'i commerce and navigaiion of vi tal important to the United Sietea, epe. tiJIyTifillef iiaiet'Dn the ArlantiOTfliit has wrQUK'it iM g'eat tnanjjq ui.piotoo, . ,T? I. r. i. f,TTWe all thrunkTrom 'he table Tn contter political mo'ivea j pot enlightened, diain- teretied poiiticel views , Out from.eontJd, rir'ation-altoelher'or. JrJ r hiiratar. I loweWcan you'eipfainlomei,' ' hi ooat-ntUawchf-ofpini9n In.ntir tiding; political' tnenfi As;-tt'theRreai pmeiplea- f nw'i'ieat- economy, what aVroI(yT?MrltSVh-WM ar present. . Tn..direrfnt condftloa of our own counlrjr, or rTiffcrent policy of foreign ntuons, might, juttirg i change in some tleuiis of ,sys;em which, wat pro- Bef and Just', flfiectj.'piwemjrearVajn. r.imesuc1iidiivry to hep o'ected "and encotfriKcdat 1t tirtfta.And Testric We meaturea' of t)reitjn nations to be net. by xorrvndin prGvitons In our Uw.' But thia djes, not change' funda- Lratntal pfinciples- It does not au'.hoiiia ihe policy of .1829 and l3?.i . .1-.. And as to the present condition of oo'r government, cqmpared to ten snd Sfieen veari airo'; the reason is mn h lets now frnsn formerlrr ( tbeAwerkan Sft- tern, arid the liiK" Tirfff aow unpot d upon the country Aie you satiafi d Mr. Pointer, wiih 'he given for the pvesent policy f ' Can yon tell me ho to reconcilq the conduct and coute of our eminentlv treat Men, who a few yean .."iro opposed and deplored the tariff of 2f an Who uecurcu epresaiy agaiw tnerotctlvaytem aa onil'9',!l ncrtoiiiuiiotiA!iiut whona . deffPilihe ttirnt policy," when it 1 tn ire unequal and oppressive than in J8?, enl when the ITcl concerns of not call lor a lariee revenueT (a my opinion, one of the: following must be the true reaaon of this change unless' it wifl be contends 1 that tommer-ie and navigation are lett important and lest useful to this part of the country,"than forrrVerly. VjPia- change of opinion ana of policy, ieowln V:thn,1i1iel to"J'pt4B to protect end advance thcnter(ic,ol. i f fcw;tt'p1w?t cry," belp, hep )v.or " la to ne imputed Ht utetiavt and plana of a poKiical patty in the Unioo, Wnich has taken a stand in COTWaTan'lvVaivala, I .... 4 ".. i. . . a alf h roe f.riirii; to powar. " To one or to (be other of "thrto reasons,' I atiri bate the change of opinion, In political, aiennnm a man ir lit. . PerHtot both have a ahara In the change. Bat hoai ahi owners Ibipt miVtrt, ship Jiuildera, aisi.) mech .mcs I ave and farmeri too, or di: inleritted n4 entigHtenal it riota aan who approve ol the p'etent poitcyi s O'iv co'i i e yj!v Ivan, via wat coosidtri BtaVi ley myst't utterly nt o : T. t"' WM'VflrM S-sptlad- t,v v. v ww. - ?w v,i7iYf'i eccr4'.trpnonctriea.l iurev. h Erere tnofih tlrrtoit evert wetk fur nlaiea u wnti tome new dirovery or lin;)iovarncm, t ilniNted 0 incites the uufuliiraa of 11,11 K.urKand add to the ertainty, that1 the t'o bholdera will erxa dily derive a rkh eompenaation f.r the uaa ci the fuhde lovca td In their eon a'tuction. ' , i , From that hfif t0jh?.''M'rkificat. The U.mI H'tod it'timil and Advocate ol lniernl I n roveme.O'.s, puMbhed week ly in Nw Vork, whi cn we atrilo recom mend lotka atiemnanof aver - f. lend ol icicoce nd improve wi nf, M rontaiolng more uh tut Informal iora on the auhjecj of w'ltcr, ft pr(tl.aalf trew't than any mh rr tnib'lcarlon wltMn nor knowledge, we ropy the following Interewlnir errevtif. L.iAVal.wertjnuca.raii&dAjitv-w tinne, bv viMtm the rirhine vhop of Mri Wtn.T. iamet, N . 40, Lldrirlge at reet, whrr; we aa in opeMlon, on a aborr. ternpneary Kailway in bit yard, n Locomotive Coginei tbnMructti on an entiriiy (lincttnt phn from any1 rhat we neve hi f jre seen. --Nw jnn of the-rrnjine eicept the1 builer and amoking pipe, over thirty pine Inches above the tor (ct of the rails till it It so rnnttruc'ied that no tire falls from the fu'ntre, nor h nere a sark , ver seen tn rise from the amoke pipe. Iheeylindrra ar on the ciutaldr , and brlow the lop J the wheels. I it io carry lis own fjrl and water j and thr fl-t) H tlrivstt ny helhwa- worketl 6v the machinery, and is lHt In pro imrilon to the velocity, h, U estirnated 10 weiajb, U' the.ivipp!r..r.rwi,'Ln' I tie I on brxrd, 'hree ami a half tona and :n run fiorni thirty to forty mile an hour". 1 1 joer ia e(ju1 tn'aig'een hor-es, To glee aome idea of the esae with wbtrn ii It tomro'led when nnder way, tw lr ffji a dKtinf "f fifty feat for wirrl ami btrVmrd, einhr time in ainiy Ihrre aeconda. ioclq lini aiopi , ' Sfr Jame nWed it tioon wbeeli u. uv- r the pjvemen,ts ana tnita avenue, o Yjt-kvilie, abiili five milee look bieakrastand ibcn utiirntd iq the city. The netformitrtcei he said, Was highly intrrevirlto thot who aaw it undcrwvv. j and .alio'ether satisfactory lo himteir. hKtJ.t (n erimempljtion 'to t jke Jt to b'tfii nore'in a lew d iysV t'gW-ft -Ute trlil. It will be fjutid, we predict, en in Ceniout and v ju jble a'ddiuoo to those al ready in aoccestiul operaii in on . their KeO-It ada. we wish Mfxiimciucj-i rest in his eff.ins to Introduce Locoino tiv-i ypoo his pltn,..for It IT called ilt , Oatviaisit. "Tnt apeelscla wat trt ly honiO . Viirn 1 entered the room where Jhe eiperiments wee to lake pUce, the nody of a man named Carier, which Vd been cut down from She- jgal Iowa scarce half arl hour,' waa trlng on the table ; and the cap being removed, his, friijhifol features, disfdrlcd with the etttolet f SQffcatlon; werr fuloIerTbe crime ut- BadlbeeniioRH M.wat inuf: der t a brawny, deauerate rulbjia he looted ! None" of tli 'fMf hel' wer Hr moved, lie vert a foUei jacket, ana drth kttebrecbct , The fir a time that h Rilvanio -aSocJt was conveved to him will never, I dire iVy, b forgcllen 'by "ant aoe p nation, with the moment iry bejicl ibtl we had noetiivelv nrottehMh man Wk l iifiji for he suddenly sprang up In'o a awttft potiUre hi arma waved .wildly ' tbe ci,ur .raabedinfo hitcheeks hit lips eee draworapart, ao m to. aho.w plrit.ew Uwc. 0!.yoaMHt man a ,n4r4 tii; d.cnv shrieked. violently, and was carried nut in a swoon. Une geoileman present, who happened to be neareat tn the upper pa$ of the body, was almost knoUed down with the violent blow ht?1 received frofh lhr'Ririr rrn7" Ir war kortSriTrlje" brjre any of ut aouU recoyiresencel of mind afttcteBtto proceed with thqj.cs perimenu. - &iay f tTJijiician. ' 'rSe'CjJuI Cum'. Tne United Stales, tra'm,rT-rt"tlley wcovdetl'' In nb Itining a iudgoeoi againat i'easrs., Ho lms and March, have found it impoaihle H-m'ko the money. Ji hoUse of Mr. Uoimc a' wat aome. Jlflne since le vied op on hy tha Marshall, put up fut .sale, tnd knocked of m State Right, who refused to comply with. the terms of sale, on tbe groind of the uncont'ltuifonaliiy of the u'rlft Iawa7 " "After much cttnsulutlon and dfilUjeration 'atWons the ofBrrof theh- Oovernntent, the house, was again, put up for sale yesterday,' on account and riak, pi So-Tor tnp- tt'::adnal. Wdcould be ,tf?iiieiJt.i?b, fa tbf&aji of pthlie-otntrion here, In respect .to Jhe taullitld by . puMc opinion. . Wo. ought veij for du'iiis'on ati'lmpar ationof coaite Wo-dlcnsj lit which the djtiea were Ira posed an eslustvelv for protection, as to ha arohibitnrri and that' the eiodaia uirettion war Imported by Mr Holmes etjpreeuy lr toe purpoa oi trying, iae 'tjtl'ejitloilv :n;;n'T' yf---'rsr rxr .!X:ii,aMiaaiv"M ' .Vc Vnimsrd Gitijccr.A work of tht. bindTnej jail made its appcaraoca io the Piiv of New Tot k, which mutt In evitably prove a motr precious acquid WvrW-wxftdwf fettaWK 'If rwp- hendt, flxutvo of. the usual matter for a 0tteer a' great variety of atatistl-' ca tabjesti.iooladin(r a censu of all the coiimies," and "principal town and villa ge- Is ,jthe United 3: at as, according to wejrcwni, tUMa.'-.-i.u - xiU AfjititM in Scofoni. -Until ed the iuoah 4 wat cveriopptd at leaat tventy feel by Pc Uiuiluia mono. tin in A ertdohire thehriehtof C nnevit ia 4.3?0 fret . making It the lofi ict laoiintain in Orta Hriin, In thia omtnty.nTutalav. the I3;h Ina. Mr, It Ct0it. en.-avil 71 veart ,i f T t a - M I UK UTS. mm. v -tffla? smmtzmim Balsiititr No, ir, ieu. ft aeon uf. t'ottn la teed D i. clean ' Corn ' ' '''', llata , near ... Coflet.. to 9 , - a mi t& t e.oo SO to 31 ; 20 -;V M'0 9i" Nolntea x.A u--Reeawax f Tallow . Flmif ' ' .'' ' - Itrandy " 1 " ' .WhUkey . ' Nails'" faf Sugar Iad i JBtOlH, ' 9to 19 81.M , :44 . 31 a 3D 9 lo It) Lin to 20 j Itoivi T lVhest 5J I tn ll ftouth Carolina money ditcmint , Georrta do. . i rb SJ' Crandv, K pple per gal, - ' 40 to 41 - I Peach, r Daeon .. . . 60 porn . So a St . tmst 10 fytnoo- 71 to 00 ' , 4'oS II 'olfl piour , ....... Bait -' , Iron ttopar, brown r-'fr 'tetwlr'f Siolaaaea . ; . 3d 15 Flataecd U'h-at WbUkey 1.40 " 0.M , ' 80to"' I . tWt M ' ailSAWIM. lO. t83X : "B-andf, faek ral. .- .. , , ,', ..'.J0. RMon , ft. " j 'A C-.tton r ' i Con r .rah; ' Z' r- Flmr (from War) bbl. - R- ft -a- - Molaaae gal, flh (In bli!k) buab. " Sugar " I 10-; 30 3J Nov. , 1S.13. w'"key jjijm Wheat "huah, RoLtrkaii. 8. C, wttnn. itv, -enra." Coffe", ' Ciwu, per hmhel, , . Twt, e unnowdcr, ' i UCJeU. -jt.U-. IJiH... i3a55 ..l.f5- Mvaon, 1, R' a 1 50 By i'llt I TJC of a Deed of TnV, from AL tF.nT 1 0.'!Ilt:f(F. to me 1 wijtsupM! to r UHI.IC 0AL.K a AUG I KiN, at tbe corner eiora, hi'rlo ueeonied by - - " . ' en Tuey laythe 30b iiwt, anjlh goods tic eompriaing an' ea'eeUent "and f'nerir'iiaort' t for all anma not eao-4in 9,10, C 4SII. t Tor att tuma anove 5 si, ana am etcawuing J.Oi -three nv4ha' ..T ;... ' . . . f ir all auma abov fSO, aiu! not efceeding 1,100. ai aa.'tjtlta Oedft'i fv:r- . foe all autus abota.S10.Jelvr wiontha 'WftUJ'- -W'' i, "-i:v5s:-'vj-. lB-.avA'v-. 'a' rea, (MWJine purcuaecr arniue ycrmunu iv remose th C.O')Dl. 1 V, ';'. ,. 5iiMrj.Jan. lOra. I8 4 IMU UKUU'r. j, yi.wtatioif ajrt iFftrr on tfif rt puraUa ice ofa Dd.of 1mc "lie elcetl led hv Jamet I. Long, bearing date (he 10th Nov. Ittf2.and for the purpoavt therein men. tinned. T shall eapoteto'trtthKtttleat'beCotirt lioutaln Saliobury oa tba lt day of Jpecei'i that valuable Planaation and Perty on Ihe Yad kin River, whereon Jamet L Lor g new reeidee, Containing about tOOi) acrea. The condition! win be maUa anosi th; day ,ot aai PHILIP L SliC Tnutte. ,'o. 14, itn. 3i3l WViaMViVAU fFTTin n iL ri a tv Tk HI iy FlSPfiCTFULtY lNFOllM their friertli nd the juWtc in general piatey fip e IrrtovedT their "STOCK he Mansion Hotel. Peraona wianirie; tn buy would do well to call, and price a i i-jaW!WPygg5iSgS? -hES3Ei irff tf??. : ltrr.)l -.'. ait ill .aaa.-, .-)... .(gas , tfWdria bargtirig wilt tc given,- theiirceTxfirArHrjYtrgtnia; rfr isuat credit. will b given to nuncttt d de dera. trnri, Cottok, Feathrrt. Bcewat, Tallow,. toio Cloth, Lin ffy,'c will be taleo in exchange for Goods, : Uof fnenda wiU find a convenient place" fMg'hitchmotheir ttortea in Vif between our tiore and fJueahoeatortf "pkJfaWMJMfc,, which is next door; . " ' ': 32tf JlugustTetm 1832.- f1IIE Subseribe ( Having oUtained (etteri of admtnistrtdlon,' qh the Etait of Waahirigton ByeVa dee'd., rtqueata '" ail peri"'h "indebted to the tarae.'t t Wale pvhtent,T nd iun iog claims against aaid Estate, 1o pre. sent tnem cuiy BUineuucaieu. "u bhe t'mV jafescryd M.Uh, , f'' f kw ttvlain ia 7iViN V, UlJilW, Wre4i't'. e- . I.J'.- "V -m - ' ... iNOTICK. WIfX be a-ld in Tund ty 1 8th of Pccen.l.rr mxt, tti at ihe late residence of WaV.inptou H r; rr, dcc'd. thi foil iwioj property t , " .Z NlllEAl) OF IIOUSI, ,., lk , and about lr hundred buhela of- H?ro, 20. p 30 thousand weighs .'! flatt iri in the aetd, Whea, Onal lliv, P - f- der, yc. with all the'fjrminp ttierj- J .l, nunH t -.:. ? I. : ana, - 'v- .. T. " --' yr..Tu& Waggon itnfticdr. One old GIG nni 111 ft VlllS t .1 Quantity of Leather, Upprr W Ore. Set,nLtiksMltl TOOLS, y a gKxl aatorlment oj JJOClKH -' geiher, iib, all the II usr.lo:d 1 1 x Kitcheo furniture, Ai.jWbictt.tjmia - 8 l.V .V3.MnFaU, cansiat,i,K of MEtf, Jf'tLMEtf ClIIUJHEX will either rbe i4irnl fur twelve mnuta,or told," Tbaale , l' (oiitirjue Troro d .y"la3ay"iyiiU "alt ia iidd.," The uaual credit w!;f te ci J . , ven, and due, nttenda 7 ' . .U ANN C. M':ilVW.a.wu-. a a 21 tVISO rofoveil io ihe hooae formerly uee1 ,: cuoud bt ?:nad F ralcV. at I Contecuu, ,n etwpt f tSuurS mhoip Mi. auf.l. r'a - Tavarn, where he M prr parti) to ar. o... Ui all thcee who mav favor dim with their pairwn a tlabwajuat reeeivdfrra Ncw-Tirt tiI , ,. , ruilaMphlaMie.iairat ta-auma, at jnipixtea trom Partr. aad Limdon. and. havjnr a1, ir'h. he will do work on the el "irti nolica Sit and nwda la a Wvle loany.ln thia pan of . the cotthtry, and warrantrd to Ml wat Ml ' kioda of tmof il b on 4u ... abueuat -s aotioavv, Ail orders for work. roni a ditiafrea v will be prtimnilv attended to.. . '',' Mut'M ftW'bit'l4vt4ffhvtwtTnw fV Bana ' "vTiHon."bT e '-V lor A Ward, of Phi'ade'pliia. lie will tna.N4, -any Tador, that may want instruction (a tuttinaf ' clothing, ;x,'. -. ' ' t t"'."' '"" fie ruiroe bia atocr.thakt to bia frlmt aWblirr-ra!lyr--fnf -(h--libwl -!. -.. r hi, e or i oirr a opon nim, ana nnp.' to merit ( - , . , . I: further, by a strict attention to buaineaa. . ' "7 --VaX.LMUY.mVKV. lr Hl? examtnitign'of- thsj" femat LJLcbooliiL.S!Jtcifillet: ir ill.t ke t. place on the .ist Tnuradav. a.nd YA- d,v . to . 5ivember. TJia exrciai . will commence at - tea iitl"Ck, on r Thatntlay, ai d wilt be cohcludrd o'a,; Friday, by an ttXamintiun oltte . pjrenti, Ooardians, and ihe ruMica K are reipe'rtfuHy invi'ttl to antod. t I'he Winter aeision will comtnt 'et on the firay.MtrrdayJtr J rpuaxyi- hert.-r th teacherf hope o teceiv j tayi-j-j-uaoce of tbat p o-jBt6i tahich Uf v tllr etridvtieared Iff Tcfallr -r 0t) are hereby ; Cam m an 4 e'et ' to ' 1 arrc ar it the- tJ-mn- M Hi -In adlabury, ' SVhe't;atvlE',tIa ihu month, 1 quipped tn lull Uniform fdr f par-tde; - ' Vl ;J'; - , There will be likewise Cornit i (OclecU . liv ordef of H CupUtn.'-t- '"A U4 , ihoie. who, ir? indebted, tjr V Note, or DoV i count, to tho -i late firm of Kyle MeeVian,Mi;rchantf 4 of 'tsaliabury are requested to make - immroute payment, 10 tne tuoscrioer, aa ho further mdu1p;ence will be giv- Uf MACNAMAUA, Jlam f. 'fltiati sfPcfi. Mftnan, Vcat , CommiiteJ,," ; v, , . a Ncgrn Ttbotit-aj yeara of rgerf - - yellow complected, about five ' fifet ffve or tixincbe Jii:H,'hai. i mark fto t hit right arrniccasionc J fiy'rano,''" Calls hllMMl" -i-r-; e-- -v.i . ind leys tie belongi to John.' II. Fr?n away from Via Master near Yrkvilie; S.uth.CaroIina, on bia wav to tho Svue of A!abama;vvTbe owmer is tr. : quested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay Charges $ take aim iwr or he win be dealt with as the law J.icU;7-TlrT't-.r-44tf ' ; - S. BEINH tRDf, D. 1. U'Jal'rr W.AUUONMRS, V toHmnitdTayttlevilfc; rn.L and It to their advantage, to.ttowial a r th iTar fartt. where evertrt)n. ,. venieneeiaprovdeororHanamIIiorae,toiii4e them comfortable, at themoderat charge ofJ eentt a dar1" n',lf't f,,r the privilege utibo. ' J Yard, the m of a good bonte, fire, water, and :; theltar, Attachedjo -the Yard, are a Urwcera-'1 tnd Proviaion store, Breaa enop ana Lnnrec, . tionary, and a Uoute for Boardera and hodera ' - - ht plain, ebeap, wholeaorot and eom'ortablo i .u ' a-....-iv wi iMim . vtr 'I M. i" ..tiff. iw r ... . .Mm rir.ijvic nnnns. git everv deaeriptioii, neatly. VrfVtel,'tri4 U kepi eonttawtly forage at thwocceit, ,1 a V , '.fAs.- f

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