Fes f mi Carolinian. tSoasai 1 it I.:... : p 'tr.Tnr r ItOlt B-'tTUt Ut U. - , - , I SIE TMKK .TILL. , I rotk-J brr In ber eref , And laid bria ike tovb. trie if the ywjnti Vti.at lrf.(U(lrtI hath KM fall the ehaffW Of ha' tir P th yiMngrtt f grow 1J, - Vm ikW acnu tf tut earlier ile) I . wn krt) lie in thens, end when they die. loir youthful we bury wild the." -1 M Ullli nMamiwftH lhWM0f failtrta) tWlTf ' Clto I be in beauty trots tbe dswt . - Thaw nwh w th taanurf fifV,, Ttaw rt Willi mm tbroejn tbt fktof algbti TdrfcWi)asawtlbta6fol ' , Tbn thy A era my atck tnfolj, W Iby twwel voice U in m every MCM ! MMrjf tfcaT, " tsetlbcw eUHt t ! tfery hollowed lokca founj . Tbit liidc ring ih infer bound, ; TUie takU teir thy fcrthtwl shewed, .Ttiille chain by ibet wat braided, ..... These (hwera, all wUheeed, mi likt ibee, Bweet wtter.lbwu it das euB lur M tan baok wat ii.lne, kert did thou read ( Xhle picture, ski yet, here, Indeed, 1 kc ibec tiill. ! Bet thee still l tare m tby twttraer noon's retrttt, Uvt wet thy louriie fireside teat t i 1 thy chare ber here, rack day, i ft Mt mi wticlted thy nd decay i P Utf, n this bed, Uum Ust did He, Here, mi thia pillow thug didst die t M ibet I taw thee, pel ftMl Cold, ' Iks thee rill, . . I sec threat ills Thwi t ot in by grat H,6ofJ, Let cuth date o'er Its ttcrcd trut . . . f "J'' diet not iu lUr duetj O iny M', Ha aat ibea - - b ni.ali the c iQi'i dj I er ( Thou (o fairer land art fonf Tlirtf , lr mt hoi, itijf journey door, la A WtlflTERN ADVENTUK K. Early in the spring ol 1780, Mr li xa .der M'Connell, of Lexington, K lilvkys eat ihio the woods on foot, to hunt deer. 11" soon killed a large buck and returned home for a horc, ia order ia bring . ji. b, Dor. rxr .v i,j iu absence, a pwiy nf ,.Iadi.. on one of their usual skulking expec! aions, accidentally stumbled on the Cod of the deer,. and perceieing'that at had beco recently killed, they nat jjrallv supp osed that the hunter would pecdily return tt secure the fltsh Three of them, therefore, uk their : - station - within close n Be shot of-the " 7 "sJterj whiftr ''ttie Kertwo? f llowrd ' the tr 41 of the hunter, and wavlaid the path by which. h, Lft7Iifml,H, ,l," lht irmight twe a to . return. MUonocll cinectiDB no Jant;er, rode Carelessly! ng ihe path hith the two'aenuts wrre watching, sjn'tirTielsad" eome' Vthia view bf thi (Jeer, wen he was fired upon, by the whole party, and his 'horse killed, Vf tie laboring 'o extricate himself frim the dying animal, he was seized by hitenemie. joitntly overpower. s,f d, nd borne off. aa a prisou.er. Ilia ptors,-; however -seemed to be a . Bierry, good nature d set of fellows, nd -ptrmrtttd " him f-r actrjmnan hem unb und and whit vat rather extraordinary, allowed him to retain tin gun anrt hunting accoutrements Jle aciompanied ihcm with great an fsreot cnccrfulness through the dy, n.i .i;.u. kt. a.. .w . ing deer for the use of the company, until they had began to regard him frih great partialitT.- llaving iravi. ,.d,4iitkilw,, this -manaer tWl aeveral day., thev at length reached the binks of the Ohio River.-Here. toforethe Indians had taken orecau. lion to bi d him at aight, akW no, re oau rcmonsiraica wun mem 00 ,lK.j.ndtriPl,id,w, ryot ne pato wnicn tne.cords gave hm, that, hey merely, strapped the buffdotiKr looselv aronnd h . .,5... . 0-- . " - I ... .. v -" -vucu 4 ene eairemuiei 101 me rope to ineir Si.Sr'.l,w'ir - w witsraip xnov.ng wim-ut awakening them. I ith'-tti awakeninjr them. 1 1 'JhsjLvery WmpoaecUwent to sleep, lw.a.rt a.. 1 I ..S.M .,..., tncirexaioegifctea. dnected. reifctfrf nlr ample it not as h pleased. M'Conntn determined to effect his , f scape that sight, if possible, t O0 the following morning tSey wpuld f?S .'jyefr whicfrja-oold. rfUdcr it much more difficult. He. therei fore,. lay quietly untjl near midoight, anaiouilyjruJaijrjg ... upon, the best ""tfteinitif etflTig Wi'bjfTrKe -elentallf tatting hit eves in the direc tion ft his fe'et they fell upoo the glittering fit de of i ?tift? which! ;aa etrapea ntancam, ana wnicn wat 5 ' odtiria. To reach it with hit hmdi, 1 jr(.h ut tStturVmg the two Indiana to j whom he wat fastened, was impossi tt and it was very hazardous to kU tempt to draw it up with hlf feet. ; tth motkh 4f!ichy he grasped the ! dfe betweea hia toes, and' after; rv. j l,4fpet&MXr rontt u-t eftorts stte. j tjfederitrt length in VWijieg sr within I " tZifi tis faaafo' T cut th cor is ihtbbui Jie work el a mon.rni, d grdu4llv iiud.lcntl turiciio) hit pcrion (rom the urmt of the n Uiaot, he walked la the Cro and tat (lutto. J(e taw th( bit ,wuik u but hall doi.e. That il he should at. tempt to return home, without det. ! L - . I . . iroyminitrncniHt, nt would unit. w. le.,, when hi late .-would be cert.ia, '.' ,'V "nm - .v. w.. v iuui.u., tren although unarnrrrj-! atleep, lie t"uld not hope to deal a blow with hit k ife, to tilently and fatally, at to destroy each of hia cnemiei without awkeolng the real t Their ilum. brtawwf pr eaUyigtttmf-rrtT iefiaoa il nc laucd with a ooe, reniut! instauuv ue oferpowef. ed by the surmors. Tae kn.fe, there- Alter actions lefltctiou for a fe minutes, he formed his - plan. . .Tue guns" el the Indians mere stacked near the fire their knives and tonwhawkt were in sheaths, by their aides. , The Utter he dare not touch for fear of a. wakening their owners but the f ,t. tnerhe carefully removed, with the exception of two, and hid them in the woods, where he knew the Indian would Dot readily find thtm. He hen returned to the spot where the I.. J! Ml . , . uiuiaot were in. i sleeping penectlv .g.orant of the fate btioK prepared ior tnein, anu taking a gun m. eacuJifeoiocuca W.aud three ia ci I L - J .1." u, nc re.nu me rauiin upon a I . i - r r . . ng wimin o icei oi nit vicumt, anu having taken deliberate aim at the head of oue, and. the heart of another, hf pulled b.th iriffKert at the same moaocDt. ISutU sbnts wcr MaVAt the report of their euns, the other tprung to their leet1 and started wild. U around them.' Xf,ConnTlfr'wK had run insta.ily to the spot where the other riDes were hid, hattily stit ed one of them and fired at two of his mcmics, who happened in tUnd in liue with each other. The nearest feH dead tH-me, Hot hrnih-rie-tf f 're. of tbe body i the second fell a!t bellowing loudly, but quickly recover, ing, limped off int the woods as fast as poatible, The fifih and nlv onr wiiQJeaoained unlurt', darted fj like a deer, with a yell which announced rqual terror "and att ishment. M' Conuettj; flotwihtnw; - to fi hr " 'afiy ' "ore ii tf'iuti, ricc:::i "nis Tiwrf I. ..1. .. I . 4.'.'.. une from tne stsck, and made the best of hit way 1 1 L-xingron, where he arrived tafely within two d.iys." ?r m tht Biftoti Attts. To Tint Fata Sex Tr.e ;subj lined c-.m Miir.at .ort . jj o ; mis. f t handed the publisher oi a rel'iRioua iicipuniniuni in imiiifv uy xm marnlf: IV" ' 1 uuunc nunusne bring f opinion thatlts'wteruoa in a ne wapiper .woal J more read;ly accom. rvltatK lk n .wt n.tpfa na a,i, . t .1 MC xlUiUUJ4elUa .... Wl'ICbii. Of ... I fft J clergy miao's w-hff has forrdcd itl ... f - tL..a air sured ihere en be n-, cTo.bt th.t the clergyman il some unhappy bachelor. and commtsaeratiotr as we Hh f, sad exprrtence, vis forlorti eohd'tiion . a. . - - I u wouia give us great pleasure to be ia the slightest degree iotrumr plU jn aweeumng ihe. reaniot of hi dtvs i ith a wile food love. Should the Application fiil of success, we would by all mens advU him, -when he s . w a woman thar.filled his eye, ti turn.' a'."' - 1 I mn up ait nit resolution, and as we exhorted our political rVir-nJs to da ome u l0:e K &ni try. Kd. Atlas. p:Mr' Editot; Sir Permit me through' "ke known my 'eUcumsTaV,;; .rTrr ' T To bein ,-I aov . M ;!., .u. .ke.?; . r.eS" Goto!. br,.e fnr,v ' A " C ' 7 redXe.'r. old I wUh " iTl"- n-r over hunt Iimrim unnutr, Rood people th nk min.ttertin h,. 11 iatheVohtU btV H. P , ' . 7'7 1"" .w eiiv . uciu uiud u 11 cn B'Wnihini . 1 wun tonnu ior a wile.- ; 1. lad rather not marrv a wid .w. 9 I not to marrra ih not to marrv a diail uh nnr i marrv a d'u.,..i.,i ,1.. appa - nted, weather-beaten, whimsical. s a a - . - . ..Ti. . . . - . " w iney tay, : 1 witti not to marrr a woman of great fortune, if, as a mar. ter rf course, she would wish g keep me under htr thumb, as thet aatr. Amtkmt lQ,m'atry.jDae..o.taXbc) ty, nor yet one .dreadfully coarse, 6, I wish to find one educated to mii. ncuse-keepiog t one that wOuld lore mtf tenter than anr -other maat-aod nome petter than any o.her place, f wiali teTlobVpioujs, and intclltgeot, and well informed. I wih lb-strf perrnrri-amf bafcs ong. 1 wish her to be cleanly ia he pjfcarancr, tod habits. One that woutd rather do than receive gTod, A real chrittain but to find one, who wiq b willJijjrji any where, to do arty thing, arid suffer any thing whereby the glory of , God, and the good of npnkbd are nr.imn. ted - The EJitoraof a fchoulJ., ooe cf the fjir icz Gr-tici ihit article, bod iobtily think hr, la aomegooU drgree, poncttcitha tlixte named qualification!, if the will nnke hrrtcll k iowo, i'ie ahall rtcrivr tu aiteotion, A Frio To Voni, . . ' ' Extr&ordinarv l)rtarl. X i ncrc were tuw prinonera o wjit tm. fined at II .chetter Cattle in HimpJ tnire. une oi toern, an it ilian, w cuc'.err- i tiiudca treasure, Jht place where thry wrre confined wat surrounded bjr very high w.ll, and ociupied nearly two acres l ground Tha Italian dreamei out thai, if he should dig near the iaareiTrrrreclo ire, w ih depth iin uneieioi tniv.fmi f t t tfJ-ni 0f immen.c valur. He applied ,o Cap!. Lick of the ltay for leave plain was a Hcoicr man, and likely at superstitious at the writer f this at all events he believed in dreamt, and reality gran ted permission t dig. Manv of the prisonrrs who koew the Italian, de tUied that to their knowledge he had frequently f .uodout concealed treat Ore hv dre.mi, and eagerly volun leered their acrvices. When they had dug to the depth of IS feet, a quantity of female's . hair was found In perfect rreicrv,tion. and . r.--. ........ nearly three f;et lnn. " A. ,h. ...!. t - - oftwentj.wo feet, a Urge try, four- II ' . lercBfC Wai dun- il n f lanil .1 iK- ..n.k .1 n ff ep: oi iweoiv.iour Jen, a bac c r a a- a rit4inin( irvtral thousand coins w.ia Tiuiid Tlte Italian, however, dnlired tin the money he had dreamed of wat n-t I'HHmI, wliitW wat enrrsliv firtrr-rr;.i. The eommunicatrir (J C Isq.) nev.. Uiinbargh Paper, The CrowUle.-Tnt crocodilr the hippopotami arc very numer'Hl nu inc ucin oi o'un is eaten. I fi.u f the cr. c dile is eitrcmcU fi.ir i i tine 'rrrttt; t'tn fat; ttreticlv resem b!mg the turtle, and the callipee, 1 the.eolor, diver and Crmneis f ti.e fi. . nest veal Denham and Clapper ton's'discovcrks in Africa. TiriIEj-I.VliinL.lND. The Jullowiog ia aapuiud oiciur. Ot 0'Connel.r ia recent speech, ol the manner in which the Inth tithes are not '.paid. Tne eoihn,Uar,c p.. trioiitm hich can thut tiiil the m pulte of avarice, a d deaden the ttnae of intertst, cani.ot but challenge Hit admiration and pra.se of a liberal ne. . pie ii is nigniv to aermic of the 1 r a warm freartert aone tl i Kna - j and af an admW-able proof of the imoo. ".! ...:.-" ... It. Jui'Ucc i a( i?i? preation,me system wmch now grinds na nooie peome the flusi. "P.d.h s .ys the p.rs n, vou owe mr t 17 6d." "And what ma V if Tic" fort'yoiir itvtficliceY say s Pat, laughter. "Tithes" rah 1""" ' ' .PP7 . ' Vm! uc..,TD,nt.1 wa bu". 'or nave t eyet ,ee.i ainee lAurt nl Mil mhtB w I uara ui lausatcr. I . . ui your rier( P. fl L . It we, l suppose, has Um lor it t Bi ss tne i.iw your honor, -and I wouldn't be .'fte.t g lng to dilJbey If, b jt pf7t"e roar rivertner, I fi.ive n V maurv't rcat Iiuphter. "At. P.it, but you ve a w there Y s, yourttverince that s ihe cow that gives food to N, ry and the U cbildcr. " Well, p4,. dr, then I mutt diatrain that eow." " If vour honor has law for it. to he tc-re yu will.r raddy'd.7. Well, what does V"U w' i?"e". 2 J.. 'r0 hftw " u - . - -i.""3-'"" ." w"en in7. 6 (.nere.mry nuu .a er-.wa, assembled kmc parson ruua tua hand v. wj,h glee. I. . ll . orr of customers for the cow oociih he t. himwlf. -The. iTT -rS5IIU 20s. $s 61. I l-2-((Cheers) ri't a siUl will bid, ar.J bftk.-goes the (contiuued cheer.) D it the Irish parsons,, poor fellows, must no loose theirtithes.so thev apply to theEngliah parliainent for jO,0QCJ anr when nod they enn't tret the cdw from 1'iddiY they make a milch' cow of "John Bill, (hear, hear.) Lef them tcsotve notto o humouged, aex f ty turn to parliament, rreo who wfll itke equal care 01 John nulls parte and person hit friend u Ireland look care of Paddy Uulls cow. " - 'M!cf Reg. Fluket ani Fi'n3f The' cirr foliV tale deligot in miking a great parade of good things, such at turtle aoun. savoury veniton and the like delecta btea. N w to bsoisft the aggrav. iiont 01 mis won, wnicn saianoera have endured from them they wiQ please to't.ke notice thitrce' 'ometitnes have f -at of good and tthipgs, oct think they of eating whales, acuaily, literally, awalloii: thtm. PjcH t have been trailed to associate sperm candlesaud lamp oil with the monsters oi the deep, will hardly believe thut ihe fiat, fldkn, any, even blabber (tavc Hie Dame .') arc tt tty dcliciuUS uirtcli', and Si'iigfu alter and dev .ur ed by (tie von tlCOJlt, (your only true gentry,) with at much 011 as any ting ever served up to Lords1, Dukes, add Kinx'. We have lost riseirfrdm a loinltfialjle act In. and we icei as if we touUtpout a volome of commeu datioo of t e ticcet, rtfitei fljvor oi whale. We have itfoggerhea'lotout own, nobody d.mbts ihat, and wt can . I t a m w piay loose anu last like manV brethrrn at like tusulal&iilmcuoi t Won t(W a a a tocjcci oi wnaie .we are true tn the bone eyery tcrait true. We am nr.i doling in tr-oi. nor carried awav ty d lint i ci iggeration, when we aver that your freth fin. fluke and blti. ber are infinitely to b preferred, in our estimation, to the spicy Broths or semi-raw and quite spoiled Venison ol tne city gourmands. Xantjickct Inquirer. Good. Idcicf. la one of the eoum ol Nv- York, a blacksmith wh-i had a gift of stammeriug to perfection, wat called into court as a witness between to journeymen of bit, In a law suiti me atnouai n q lesiioo being ab u :eius. ihc Judge aHer hearing Metlimony, a.ktd why he had not rjvitej tit workmru to Settle, the cos being five tiruri the amount of the dis puted tuin. f i reply Ink witness ob. served J I u-.t.:..oId Ae foo.o. ,li to atttle. I Y.-ta.d the Con-con.ua. We-wimiM t ,kc their co-o-jts; the taw. vers their thaldrts, and ty i-jing if they Rot .to.yuur Uotul JonorN C"urt; t' uM il.Uktin 'em. ' '7fft.? ran Til': il f:.i l) h iZ.Mhlllt m -nr. nniiuiT lucr at 803(7 r&E4 WQAT'QV n VOUWJ.VU, New Tore. Miatnuf dftrpmm -SCMVTLKR ugainHt 4 tvom.ni t . Bravt! Uio!! ery wU..Io.m, Jally CJinpanio' i every one-, D-..i-,? of theOW Xjmm.tk Utter Cfr 7 fn JTjy.uhV"".-' "-- AT ii i SI' 3J-31 13 63 29 33. J. ..I;. . l.:.k r. i . O". tor .l...;...,-i...i i. ;,T.': '."-" niv.iur,-l.l J HI ia.; I'va-M. ... "tZ 77 "77"' '-'""i ei7.-bo de. w.. ..,n UIS n(m4 miM4 rml'fio - Th r wj'urr lit- w-uwjnr KfW Uilft .. - . -mw Hi,ea in Schuyler 'a at a eonriadne; pronf ki fnerB M in i iue worm nt acamicrt for the forlablca .... cum. Order Lt ticked tumuli .1 . V11I.--5 or RIO tlwirt reit a eooJ rK 7. tww. w stiss itEW-IOral Iataaaaaa Uli..- nat a X tk. PJ r t . T w-v in ANni(yjfscnuTLiyi. : f5l . m arm wrw. aw ... . I RESPECTFULLY inlorm their td customers and the ptbUc genr. ..... loey arc ai pre,e , carrying n their buhineta vrrv .. ti ' Vrlv ai tn tir new establishment nn k. ..... . -.. ei running aou lwast from the Court! huse jost below the shop of the late ias. rerrano. There are six or sr. vea workmen engaged. n tSeir iitib: usnrrient, by whom W9tkjm. be aWatraai . . l - .! 1 fcuiu va anon ngtice m goolITtvTe" BAnOUCIIESall vh things. (Wiieet ""rows not except. ) furnished with r without IIarnJ at tne purchaser chooses. From their experience in their business, they feet as much competency as can be found elsewhere in this Seetioo of the St i'c. Their prices are low, and they will ai aaitdie3 ioat ataUe and perfecTmanner. lanner, - Wet arst rate nort ern Harness Maker. f.irrK. o .. ..t supplying our work with sets, s that nothing mty.be wantinir to rnH from or shop i style.-it wllt arTird us Ll?S!swe tQ...acsaminodatA.,Ur 'riends and rreeive compensation enui. valent. IIAURIS-Se SIMVEll'1 wnaarj,, itcuhtr 1. 18?1. 1 - 45if TT71TII a. view to the mfjreteffiaent - V f prosecution uf their bunineat, the lMrilta lalisnendrrra,- Having procured the best Alaieriala from 'he Nenb, and employed a Workman bo comet well recommended, thev are prepared 10 execute on modersr il. all orders in this line. : ' , Account; Bookv Reenrda. "aLi and made to orders nl hj .1 Btndm hrotnptly executed In he best anc! Oea-eM manner, on trttnnl," terrnw NIHW t-'AWCY SI'lll.NO (S SUMMKlt iMCicnrra i.it.m.v tliE now ttttmng anJ tjitninj a geucrtl VPIlLYa C SUMMER GOODS, elected with fTtt eire ron tfie mirkiti N.w.york and fhiM-M.it of the l.'ni lnnyr. ,rul ,n iropolia ..I the UniieJ ji ' ' ftiWTbeir itock cm U.it'in pi i'tf -ByttlfiWtrtn'lMctoTrofwu2- ianerflne Uiuaaad Dlaek elniha Do. Urowa L Brown olirt do,' tto, inriiible Often do. fancy Cawimeret, Saiiinettt b black Mmet, Menua do's., Brachellat i.kJ circartiaii. llrawn flo s .Mitnl F.rmnirllr, Tell w 5suketn and cUtcka. If. ..-i. ...... I,:. IK....;. ' Mriicah rniiure, Craas linen, r.ijlith caasiuaiit,Umiaq if lrih Imtnt, Linen Tt'ilt aid towel diaper, Ui. . JCK YttlAf. ASSOtt I'MKST OF Mirt lIK vand Vele.Hit Vetonat, A 0 It SAT TAltlETT Ot FA.VCT trim, UtneHamt end Mn.lint, ' Ti!kift, Baehed and lire a, - heeling ind )thirtinys Furniture dimity and Cottoa frinret. Black Italian 8.1k, f crncHcw y irk!ntt JrL lll ie black ailk etnlilell, Cha. f rnt U Najl, , u . . Milaneae and de Homanit Cani", r"Ktt,iig tud btnJaha llamlSrrc'u'.eri, Crimaon tongtf Fancy Cause and Crtnt d. fearfa. ailk aali.n, and rich ffrured verl'mira. ilk n.t ...II... tl.. " . GftK.rrrAuiETrnicu Fancy bonnet, belt tad cap ribbont, Kitk iprunt, Linea eawbrie handkerchief, fan, fe. tliamnnj Straw llonneii, Fjlith da. J.i. Brleiaa )'.. ita r.lm Ir.fK.i. LegUotrt boiinttt, Tnr anl w m.I da. VHt i I" VAltlL'l T Of . taiin a.l Creh MmoI Buckr, Shora, Mqrnrro akiaav . . . Mardwaraaad Cntlrry, A CFJttH II. AISOKIMKVTOF ' Carnn'cr'a Tm.U e!a nude u of by Car-nte, in tb.a put of ilin Country, Sadler t Trimrfiina, ' J-laled, Uraaa Jappan, an I Prince 't incite, Harnett mainline;, coae h fringe an Uee, A eoo-lt-tortmrnt ofOroeerira, tVe Uc ...owKx.. can be ha l in thie pari oflhe e-wmry, Pwchtw-wllfrlo wr tn ratt tin b"r " tm l"" Pr, bef" they xx. sl r. ,1 ' . . , " '"W I UlfllO I 'IT 'ir frr, liberal pa ttv sulci aUeai to fcoZ nalmnao kuaAi Kulnu curap, 10 men a cmt nni rJ ,1.. a i' it- .a 1 naii worn Man'sSi IdL- w .a found a. in the h uth Vt .1.:. . sown, on th.: common. t,:.i. Vf ow,,r can have bv applvirg ...... , ,.,v :. -. r - p-t"-!: w lnia adver iitement. - StradiWaya OTRAVEp away, from the plant, lioit of the aubscriber near Sali, wit r, n oaitaay venintf,-the '2t.t I...... . e. .. uir. two bay borte. " and" one iorfelf mjrecolt. Thet' were aeen. on ik Lincoln ro id, about two miles fro . . a . a - . . iowh on cuaoay eveninc. One of the Horses has a few white hair. luaTolw(.a&d'.rB D'odtre'si other ia shod all : rooad. . No thcr maikt.rc,;olJ ted.rT ,4tJO ntlL- CH'fHTOP TRTl LTERlaV. iii2M.G ti US t:KsS. rVm Subscn be' respect I'lliy inform the mliabitantt olRo wn.Aod adjoiuing sviiunties, that he hetrgim,-rcrm menced the (Jin- making busihett in all .. . 1. 1. . "-- , . .u uraaencs, a lew doors S Uth of tne uourt-IJouse, where he is prenar. ed lOlIa all kinda of work io his line 01 oiisiDes on ihe ahor-tt notice and 00 thc-mosr acc Tmodailn ir. . His work XiLba""diwe sub&tii.ti.l tn.i in a work-min-like manner. As be h-ss ag'iod supjdy -of thc best ma teruis on hand, atul as he lias woiked iw..tHe butioess.. -forhe. last "-twelve years, with the exceptiomr of ff?fiy,io pronoun- H oiajauiB-aa giMxl as awv in the ta S t 1 I a,, 1 a l . rjitJici1" ne nn1 mt anil cvill i"aif!r.i to hve good supply of work on hand, which will enable him to attend to a1i Orders from a ditianre promptly SAMUEL FILILeYt SqltfbwriitJlu. 231, 1833., M.D. Ife iviU alh rmiir r.;, " wuiaflau Uhort notice and, all distant orders raaoc pi me utrt materials, and 4 superior style of warkmtnAin. ltsrinr a and bemc deiehmned to arH . reil.nd pria nerel anta and otters woukJ da w.U to call w bira and xct their wuVpIv, , .te::r!.;!r'r?ih"VT.iiow ..wosiwcnnincoinn, - Sjas a avi-wawter. ' '' ai WAITED, two Br rait lourterm Dtaatff) srwkmssA. avT m-mJl met Tie Mull mA I. k -- W w va nawur HMTttlWi. intl - haMtt, that v.un isls , Of ant v Literary Pcrbiie-il, Foot puUi.he.i avcry week, l-i W4,c . Ingion Citf D, Tn nn lr il tin, cr riili MUMOPoUT.ly ' .1 OKette of literature, .!;. cn:e,a.vi m Fin! drlt.' WE hsvt frequently heard J, TO il'neil. st a muter of ian,,i U that ihamctrnpoli of the UniieJ I should not be aHle to boeU of a t, .. decidedly literary In I's ehtracur. W. Tear that our wnrhty eo citiatn, in 'hH parts of the fnlon, will Ibluk our aim J pacre so tborou'rhlr. (wa . a. .k.T. . ' at SO UrtliiHUUa, that Liter. !! cannot wreataw it and that g. f Bi ,fiJ ...its in 'ii wngcr Dcntf kkl' un,-eni.( injaenec 7 Wt ptrpon, koi' ver, with the co operation of oar Liu. riiiaent, to roavince tbt Rood 6t(.m. u ...... .., m it nij( ly fact I that , the literary tette of i jT .iiilet tc.jars it not confined to Cutfrtwj iinal report, and S ait doeu.a?... that there U not otdy . great eoaw Hon or the Bellct Laitcra here, brot ii from every pin of the Vuhm, bui t'J . .... r.v..l . .It.... . we can produce a liter. Pf of .nc net; ii.it OOjiCI WtKlli ike .Ifcrezeiae the ptroriin. j .1. . I .IT... . I ' i 1 ..... ..1 . ... in ui n rra s ol li rra.uia fiom Main, ;ntJi rein Madawakbt) to Ceuifli r psnhtilarly we solicit th... ihe more denizens of ihe DiHiciad our et,eirg polittnfiict.dk. The AtrtnfahtJZ . be excluiivvlv lilcltiv and Bar laittil. roliiics. aill tot fj toedolerj wiikink eoiuinotlat any rale till the siri,4 ihai imeltccttial mi'lcnium wbeaf!i (Unit shall compote their meatakt.t4 oituibert ol Cooirress tbeir spetchu: k rhin.. ai.il Ii.n2. 11... .1 ccmiaUbd ll. wide and Viritj tinj uf ntcrtrf""ri'T' eTioy O.JKiBij 1 selected Islet of fi. 'iiin and truth i J mwr - rf-. ... r.i. icciing or lanes ; u ttntirrier.l arte. mour 5 will form a prumititoi fenws. Tk. .....1; : ..:e .. . , . iiaui iuii, ur Tcriucu tlvriet Ci m oldtn times," cl of Our pri)t. JiM,t Will be pirilrularly seltclcd tor our am. poMt..Estyv, both grave and e?i ;i ; ographicalskrtcltetol authors anJ hi rota iui.er.evJog oe,cdois, LTJu. diae. into the compoviiiun of our work, ay wher impmant feaitrre - wHi bar- foipiir lial revicwt and notices of prw b w bol!t literary and scientific, at they cue Irom Ibe piett. To "he poetical d Darf. pirikular atieniion will be Rirrs j nd we flaT'er oufsctsrv, by tot torrf- soms poeuc brrtbrer, and tit'rti. o whote aTJ we cao rely, tnd whose islesii" trcnot'dnkhowrt to fame.-to be ksb v oiler our readers somcung roon mere'' t!ntluiulam of rh.mav Il-ir en forbid, that we should be guti'y d boniing In addition to the idcftfy ciaoai at the M(tr6fioitan every number wii to tain wt of Jluk oriKiail- cr letted an lm wa -trual whkh W W ui favor in the eyea of iba ceontn.Hn' lair 1 and altbough we may -occasinnilhr- iri VH.r' Mwr't'n.uiry-.-.i..i..a L ii..j i -. -. ic",i(.-."Str.t'.lt .f'.'.. gainst ul( fashion, jt it proposed, neirr rbefetl, now and 160, to (tmify h t yrt- ol our Mr readers wi'h graphic delloea Nonsor tne newest fashion. a ifl Tunher""t6 Imparl sn" Inlertlfft our pages, ihev. will be Irequentlr n'H l erotKlimhed glt) wood, mgrasiiiKitf interestir and approp-ia'C sutiects. . The AJr rakalitait m ail tu nurttik.nit . art 3iurda, taa-oijiu furmK:-l. iil be "printed on flue p.iper; end with tyT sltentioh ttfiTt ivrMirranhkar' exectt t'i.' Tfrmi 61 uaicriptiuui'. 11 paid ittradaaocai or 4 d tiot paid.M, me enaot the. yetr. aii lexers relative to the woritmaa e pn.i inn, :o tcrurt aiiemion. . la fust ntunocr will appear ou or befort :bs IcttofUeceinbcr . v, DLTFG.1ELN', . PREMIUMS. To elicit (he ettni.ms if litersry ran's.ihe ptibliihet offers, the.. follor premiums 1 '' ' '-"" Psrtnr.bett wrfttfiTatftWIanlarr connected with A net lean listory, fifi y dollars. For :br beat wriuen Poetn. oat lite jetl of a similar character. . T WENT Y DOLL VUS. - r Articles off. red fr ihe : rnjiuii'i must he tent free- of pfmtif--in4-- e - teeet vert -troon tire ftrst nfV mojit - next; when (he priest will bi tw.rd.d by. a committee of luenry KtoihrBKi wrhose names will he ptihli.hrd prrriiiii o tnai time. utor Mafhiitc, Totrdfroewho-sv''tnM''S-w? -JLiMsi. fUltut evcivi w .. no an'.. .w iai'a vJWt.4ri TlIE STEIM BOAT MACON APT. J. c. cn.v Il.VVf having beet enirairrd lust tumintf 111 lUHtirH iieenriarleTD9ahd f-h raw calling at G0. Town on htr waf ? nd down, will resume bar Trir-s ia tkf course of a few dayt and Is imendrd lobs1 MJ:lw trad tbt wig ' tOO. ; ' , I17rexceingniihr"drft of Water eawHHrwatTafiairf half feci wat, wiil wahla h,r tu rtir.b Chertw tt all timet etceot. tn unennr' wonflsr' rfte'w'r.erKer ignteDe J 1 the Lxpenre nf Bom. , J. B. CIKilir 'thatlttlon Srfil. S5, II3IV N. JR. She hat coTOforlableln',! ations for a ft w passengers. V2d - - j b. r - BLANK WiKRR A VfsT PRINTED ' 0! Jl fiUPEVM, ' ,r , .;. . 11." w v, mi 55 r v J. n ALE a rtir "rwsviM Afwrwi ware will h s, .., ,W f VfSa. i QlMLttV OF PAPER, V

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