s I s U wnn ..." 1 i. . )e. fkMruHrr. y. , VOL MU ...NO r?v. 4b WmU(B rn. UU) , ; I Ti xrnartHSCxnoiiytKSik . oif retk at dotty ftr iit'l riXi fse solAs or -ti liirinftnucl until all art jaJnlrii at the FJitv't iZtserrfiot,. ',$',i!!(iirnyi.oi irTi rrcdW fur a leil txt than oof par. I fail to , ' Mitt of am tst if a era,-, waj 60 ro wiu.rc i a - r tt 1 111 Hi Itlint, . ptrn prefnrinf ix mlrtnt m.b vn'xrt t the Carolinian, thill hade a With pnprr gratU. 4 UfrtMMiiif tt tho uu rlc. lllh'Un a Llrr$HI tit the EUtor murt l-witpi. 'd or tfuy uill KtMbc altaulcd it. t? These termi will be strictly alilf- Uto. P IJUYLRNOR'S MES3ACL. 'Ty iX' Itonmlti tht (nrral'JtiKtnlty if the State J .W(A Carolina ; ('ttmtit.t ; Thn metm of the Repre 1 B M - " l - ' ' " 1 vfrm l'flm niisf, if at ull litiio mi t.i r4 thftt they como (run thotr home -Irxn t'l'ur f;rc kiiIcr, an J rcliitqiikh ihb tjnif.rti if Jomitic lif to atloill U their fj'.lic dulic: When f!;"V mako ret Kn1ci of tirno, btJ of' their trivtta 'wraroi, picuiutcd ,L ni other inotita tlwi tiu "il!ic ;-Kluimirn nor tri.ri.ij exnicj'jfife ; it i not nn cm tnk pri"rly t enttmnto t!i inm of nit. itl !.:h ! ilm from .the Pebpte- to tlwir f-.iful Ropri.talivn. Oa the fvrn icc3itn, iuiTtid1? to congratulate fM nm the appftrarw" of (rnm prtn- iuitu in tho 2utot mi tit th njy(nwt ui a c nitmn tin re of health by iu citi 'n,-nfa tim whrn bthcr poroi jf ttiq "WlftiWeliceu' v:(ed by a moi afflic- tin.' mahdy. Fnf thw r!c)lf)js of knltH anJ pTperity, 8 hav reason fo llianktul to ' Almighty U1. Anl i( ii-f i u iut caiiM to ruly witli confulnoo pw lit eostirwd wrry in tTcrting thw ijimltM wlnca tlirojtort the poacn and liMwuy of .ur botnd rnmtrv-. Fot it V ai td bo ileiiU c! ixir liui-cil from otir r'v't, tSat tho mewures recommmW " y m eicitwf jxirtioB of jlw &iut)icrb'pr- i Skd lpww w ml,, v tendency V;kuu tho tin which have herrtoforo h.ippify united u together m a' nation. Wlvm-ver'thay be the tmv of thiw rtra fie, I rejoice lha! tho IVople uf Norft h t' ili.a hare wisuly-avuidod any iuUir fcruic c:ileulatej tit disturb the public Jraiquility, It i in vaiu thut we lok (or pirf ction in any liuiimn institutional An ivrruim Providonca ha ordained it to .4irWs Uut w Cira we hare been "taoHt by UM.tMneiic oi: nearly, fifly . . . ) :iir-uii jur..our pxcaeut ibrm uf uuvoni in we bafo" haiIe'usoa to be satisfied it ; mi it i hoped tbnr we iut!t cling It tlie'Uninn of th H'otrt ni uJw cojinco. V'J, with'Hrt adventuring uikk hazucdona iperi;iii-uti to change die twins of that -wfWMMR. ' Having hMi 1 pnouitej by fho Presu. ' ie.it of the UnUau State, a CorAniiaaimter 'tntroat with the Indiana, and fir other tHirixM!,l have thought it my duty to ac : Vjt, Jfpoint iuqiU, .uwrnucb,. a ,tie i'peareabie aett)ement and location of Ue laJiaui reiuuviug beyond tit Muwiwippi, u a matter of great importance to tho Tnited States, and not leaa ao to North- Ctr Jioa 1 especially, ai regarda the re , thuvol of that portion of the Cherokee na ton uow reading within the limits of this ia(u. !i Is kliowri to many of yott, that tlwtso IaJiana have' fot a totig titno been trdcrly and pexcaWa, and theif conduct hat not made it neaoswarv for tho Lens . Lrture uf Niirtb-Carotina to extend the - law of ihe State over the Territory they ""WlWVr"ofun3?"ariner' "to ititerTere . .itl4 Uteit H)na,- eaetpt for thvpuiK n IS : $Lp rulsctioa..l'Li yrdcssrwiihel loeruigcareof the uenoral Oovoruatent, 4 t ' 1 1 hare 00 doubt Will receive iXi h rettrjug Com'Une " (Jutics"of uiy ita? ' tiun, it haj been" my earnest desire' and 1 intention, that no part uf the busmen coin raifted to my eafe by the Legbriature, ili-uM be cejltctcd ; and it if belired, that my retirement at thia time, will cause c incui veniertca ; in aifty - depa rt meat -of . , loe uorefnmerit. WrTS this dcterrmba v too, I have devoted ijrty whole time and terted my feeble tnlen&in promoting the :ilSK,S M the U (tmltrtuTe, by Resoluiion or otherwise, ha ' iirwfed. Under thcte eircuifistsJices, I 1 Aave deemed it inexpedient & unnecessary ...j .. of rendering you a faithful ac- thrnianrier t which I have exe- ; tbe task fount of th8' CuUuf the trusts confidod to me. A Resolution' of the General Assembly dim-ted that a " contract should be made 'h Mr. BalUhii;hes for the restoration tfthe Statue of Washington, upon the ba- tisojMhe principles set forth in the Re - ort of tbe joint sr4ict Committee on tba,t rV"'yct." cbadienc I) tfcjs Resolution, written rontrirt wi ma-U with itr. II'ihM, ant sowhi tim in May Ist. hi r.ttmtwwM the nnJrrtikini, and so far at I w.ii sbfe to in tiw, in a maixwr cnturin- aWtw-swcttattltr5m1niH ttoi" pnrt:'"neini-nV,irn( of ye niovli)' l,h hmilr iimi inaterial t-i this pU e, 1m ro tunH ( iN.Vrk sUwtllK ftt of July unl-r aii etprex ynmwm to. return and prnwcine ike work in f.iWrt diya. With a etMiM.U-nt n-liamse upoji this pf rt4, aiul !u LiciliUla tlw KiJy ruhtMiU uf 1m fdiiitly, bis workmen and in-itnriuN, a stfm f niorTey Was advaticnd, prritap brynd the portion of hibor dirnn acordmj to the term of tlie nmtruct. Ut tbi, huwerr r, 1 eHirm myself not a coihik-JpiiI jn.c. The wltot um adva.itcd to Mr. I furies amounts to two thousand r,Ut liundrrd dollar. Mr. Ilnhrsfmdiii;;, I uulrr. sttnd from him) tlml sikiM-iH (irevailed to an alunninu extent in New-lVU, he re moved with hi fumilr to N'ow-Jirsoy,attd has not reiuronl to Nortb-t'arotinu. He has sitKe rwiji-bt' J tlmt the moulds and tfWs for the repnir of the Siahfu nh's.l l be lorw'iurilmtio-NMW.YrltT wkrtv be int'in dod to proscntfi tlio work I l!jaht pnjper to forhiil thn rnnoval of uuy l!n.i' prtaininz to thn Htirne, as t!rj contrnrt wnrriMhat thn retmiri I'j iltLo ondoat Ralpigln 'I'het'mitnict.tojfnfK'rwith lha Mitrsof Mr. IIuui's, an Irtrcaitlmib- mittoik . - -- A Ucsalution of thu General Assembly Jirtts "that nil tho M.ips Drnfls and I'lans, lately in tho nofunwioh ofthuKn Zineer of this Slate, shall Unlaced in the Ltecirtive Ollicn, and thol llioy Iw rejwir edat the expense of the Stteand bo kept wider the direction f the wovi-rnor, sub enl Assembly., 1 lus duty has been per formed, jiid the Mapi, Dnifls an I Vlsns hnre been repsired, and an securely de positel in tho executive (J, are. Tbo Resolutiuu dirotjiiijf tbo " employ ment of an aent to arrange in proper or der all tlie psfiees betongiug to lh ibwate and House of Cm n mens, and others, which Were, fated jfortnjr, the frwdijrati of tbe Stato llouso, Sod that they bu doliveio lo the projier Oilicer's oflho Slate." has besn comdiod with, m fr fts tho assort ing arrangement ; but owing to tho waul of sunVieot casus, uud shelves in t'j.7 Gov eruiwnt Il'jtwr,- tj hoU lh? natK-ri .be- Ion in lo the Senate and llotise of Com mrms.they hava been carebtlly labelled and fije 1 111 a room in tin) Olfi of Urn Secretary of Slate, subject to such disponi- niter maaev tun nrra!ij)'emeoi,wia, ta- ft . I.' Tl . , borVHisoiic, and luis lw;eu faithfully tier firmed by inv private Sicrefiry, Mr. Wil liim R. Hill,; the fomrr " Librarian: uf tho State: 'The Acl of AsseniLy jiubUibu5g..ra3 roads, kavij boon atlomled lo. Couidera bbdif.c.itJiiifJ;Ly oecurreJ ii procu ring au liO!.'iooor t uSike the purveys re quired. 'I hq.HtTj'icu ofMr, .f rpneis W ilawbi, of I em Ivauia, wtra at list ol- tamed, &. ho has been engaged iu t1a wirWy ol both Routes, which it W hoped witt ir jre'saiuTli')! f , Ai sow thi Sai vevs-are emnnkled, a purticolar Report on that siiblectat Well as on other ob jects which engaged tho atleotion of the lloaid of iiitenral improveiivnis, will be Inid before vou, by the remainiag tnern bers of tho board. -r-f---w- Pursuant to4he Retolution dtTec (ing tlie Drediiii! uiaebiuo Ulonjiii-' Ux the Slato to be secured fn. suA.h manner as lb LprcM'Jvo it fiout ruin." I tfnro Jirociimis tur Captain Ulaney in wnoaa ptsessi(ut it ' was, to deliver it to Gen. Idwaf J B. DuMley of Wilmington, for the, purpose of liavmrz it soeured.. On exatnination it was found lliat the Vessel contaiiuug the Machine was so much decayed as to be un Rt for use ; that thn machine itself wait ;reatly injured ; and that it would cost the State considerable aum '. of money to have if tnkon to pieces and stored in safe ty. Ip tho ofiinion'of many persons, the cost would be more titan the Mac h into was worthvL Under these circumstances, ; 1 W'rTiWcW ip Fewr NyigtiotGornpaoy,iit which TO.atBte;t-tnaeh'-tfflercateJ f-ma -thetr Agent has engaged that it Shall be taken c&tre of. , - : -'- The Resolution directing.. IS appoint nftnt of some " intelligent person to act on tfte part at the State, collecting testimony, and causing such surveys as may be neces saryt the juat prosecatin w tlie suit pehthng in the bupremo Court in the narteof the Attorney.. Gcncfal .focVafa.: ting certain grants made by tliis Stale;" has been atteaded to. ana 1 nave appoin ted fhr this puritcwe, Thomas Dews of Ku inoriuru 10 wnMKMwwgriiy 0M.'iiy s have" tlie nost perfect reliance ' rA . With respect to the Reflation' in fiitor of the Sisters of th' fulr brood1 of ante? rorsjine, t ua-vo 11:11 Riycu somewiidi made rW the money, nor do 1 know wbero faiy resides, ; thave nof N. Forsfthe, f have fclf rtyIf somewhat made the transfer of the Shares to the Slate as directed by the Resolution, inas much, as in mr a.nceoce, mere was no Derson'attthorisski lo rcceiVa and pay away the money appmpriatedfor the said ()t Shares. . J have therefore tell the shares as thev were, and have "deposited iiv the State Catjt, Ut? money placed its my bands M Guardian, tx rtfeh, of ames N. tor Mhe, amNiutio to 174 di.IUrs 'A cno. Til's moary . i suliject to U djrft my suer esir m 0!. Thn Ti()ClBtf. rWK ti the lMir sliares, U tlt qJh,o han-ls rf tke fulfit TlasiVrerr . The Resolution rc'iamus tlw Governor to appoint Hiie persisi rsid"tit it tho City i Riileijli, who shall eorr-om! with Jif. fnrent prsms in this Htate fir IWK pirymi ( procuring cpi of the "Acts and Journal of ih(,eoersl A'mblv.''to re. ulucti tbosfl d.istroycd by tho Imniin of 15. It . . . . I 11 ti' . . I mn oisin uouv! ami s iiiuc Library. Iius lirn atteiKlixf to and Mr. J.. ph Uiiles, f Ralrih, has been appoint for that nrpnor. 'l"k prolans he has made in per forming th duty n-qmred, shews lluU tbe bsiNinrsa omU uot luve been pined ui bet ter bauds. The Resolution rejMiri-i the " Govern or to make applieaiion to tlio jimMT an ftiorilie of tho tailed Slates for as many PiMoli and Kibrrs as may be nectary to supply sih;!i troojHi tf t'avjlry as arw now cri;iiii2ud or are alu! lo bt oraaiyzed. willun Ibis frtts," bun- bmr Trnitihed Willi, and otic t!i'sipl pair of pistols and fvo hundrrd sabres li.rv 0 been recited from ttio L'nitod fetates, as part of this HntgjitjLi'lUuUciruiJ have tee;t psrlly ilisffibuleJ CfeaMy fo the btw on that jJJ et,' mid the remainder are in inir.trriijirfaTeiiVvTn?: la oboJieucA to tho iluulu(ion direettn " .U4Uiefiiiitic ii iierruineiit b.'.niiii to the state, no. lorinerlv Httai hod to tin: hngmecrs IVpiirttrii'iii, 1 1 w eollrrted and idnrri! twder the ruM of I). II. Rin ham, of tho City of Rulcifth.sn vrdur was imed to luat eifoct, and 10 mv of tUr In- Ruu'liam. It is to be regretted ilut thev wereniu:h injured befire they came into his possession, anil some of them reiahrid unfit for use without rormin. A lut u those collected, u herewith f:ir;ii!ml. Since l!w aliouriiinent of thu Leiisla lurc, 1 hate jec eil td from the !jLrreiary o Smte ol the I'mted States, a number of. eopssw wf thw Acts f tfew ssjcon beaetn if 'ho twenty riist Congress which are in the Kxeculivu Ollioe, subjert lo yisir order tor tht'ir diiributiou i buve also received from the 'same sourec, (hreo cooies" of ilic nun census, oTetiuuieratioii ol ttis in-( beliituMs dUIus . L'niioJ Sute-ukti in IWW, to wutpti U pretuwl a Schedule ol j the wholo luimbcr tf. perns within the sevcrnf districts of the L'nited Slates, ta ken aceordin to the Acta of Congress of naa,:l3t0, lSlO viyiOr oaaor.tiic. UexiUvo Ollioe, nod wk tor tacit House ot tho General AssumMy This is a yul. ualilo Document, and will be delivered to ymi by fny Private St'crctaryrivilh'tjMS rlcsige. . Ai4(.8giw4 mm ami- AHa,- witlvstatis- ticatytevt'tof . the J4taU-f Mditte-, has by (he Jircctimi of the Legislature ol that State, "bwn prceleJ to North Carolina; (uid I It leave to rtcoinmond tltal a aim iWJ.Miafn btffl-ulo m return, as soon us the nowTMap-of UiisSUte n conrrdetod. -Uv oevo4 oiMioiMiiiieahofn- from the Go errtur iihl LegiaUturcs of aef ral States, whit h lam requested to lay bcAre yrsu' 1 nose trom "ilassacluisotts, relate te the unsettle' quosiion of tlio North Lus tcrn.H oundarypftljo Uuitcd States. Those from Tennec. rehito to the suWcct of the powers (if the Senerul Government o roake appropruitions lor lntertwl Improve, nifnts ; and approving tho couduct of the President of the. l'nited St.wt.cs in jdaetftg his ycto1 on the Lexington and Miysville Turnpike Road Dili.' Thos from Louis isiana. relato to tho estabtishmont of a Rail Road from New-Orleans, lo pass through th.0 States Of Louisias, Mississip pi, Tenhassec, Alabtfmn, North Carolina and Vfrginia, to tho City of Washington. The Resignations oi Militia Oirkers sxnd Justices of the Peace, received since the adjournment of the General Assembly, are laid before you in the hie marked A. In this last act of my political relations with the State of North Carolina, I should be ttrrjrreMiil'irt withMmrhehfrs4. wm rfrryntwgnc4 thanks tor the rowry testimonies - of - conhdorxo - w . Support 1 whichT uavFreceiveff Troin tneTicgisTi Wre and from the poople. in the course of SptiUic life of forfyyen yeais epfcut inj their service, in various trtstions: In all of which 1 hwve received the most unequivo cal proofs of thei r indulgence. .. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, , MONTFORT 8TOKJ53. .Vowmfer 19, 1833. V li:."..j..u 1 1 ' i..iteuJi This beinrf the day appointed by law for flteTMetrtritysjrr . . . Vi j . the Goveriuwnt Ho t 8 o'clock, :Ar5r f,:" JfancLiy.A'oe.-ia, 332. A quHruro, consisting of a majority of the whole number being present, Mr. w u liama moved that tlie Senate do now pro ceed to the choice of Speaker, without mak ing any nomination for that appolntmen ; wJucJl motion was agreed to., A balloting thcreibre took bIoco, Messrs. WiUiahs cud MwtfjomerjT of Pranjjo bring appointed telkirs, mi iiirtMMi of Mr. Spaiiht, W eon-ovlafc- OnrmintirtCtSa LiHoU. MrrSVit. TlAn rul - Lmsl - a s "ssj Vlfraf pnl 1 sjf f JTWTj 1 I ' 'J a inrjyruy taizaiuUm ia mtUck OfEmm, au coiwurrty, Mr. Wiltlums' thersjupon moved thai !m 8eiite prrs eej 16 another balloting for gprnkT, whicli was ajreed to, and tho tna tellers ai-poliitinl t-,cno duct it. Oa counting tha UIMt Mr. Wil hams reported tlmt Wm. D. M'isoly, Va. l!i Vj,i,tor rroni tlio" comrty of rwwr, had rrceired a nwjorify of the wltole numlmr (f otf, ond was duly il.-cted. WKrre' Cpon 011 irw.lion of Jlr, Skinner, Mr. Mont guiyry ofOran cotKluefed the Speaker olr'cl to tlie Chair; ft-om whence he nmdn bis ackoottloilpimtnts to thu House, in an appropriate sddress. On rnotioti itf Mr. Matthews, FamiKl F. Putiroji was appointed principal elerk, amMViM. J. Cowan, tVrk assistant. U motion of Mr. ViiW.k. Thos. D. Wheekr was appoirital ptiiicipol Poor Kejr, and Orern Hill awistuut Uxr Kerpsr f the S"na?f. " O11 inoliim o Mr. Montgomery, f IIrt ( ird, orde red that a messuje bo snt lo the HijUmU'Couuimmi. informing ikal lipase, lliut thu jkaijs its duly ornmJtd, audffa. Turtday, Ato. ?. orrtnn-6nrr7. a c immittee of five persons ba apkiiuted to prfpnte rules of orlor for tho tjovrrn niMit of thn Semite during tho present ses sion. M.!Hr. SMiij;hl, Toomer, Unwell, W ilson iiml Builey utro apjinled to form snid cominitler'. Joiiivlhitn Parker, the scnutor from the credi.-ntinls, was nualihed and tdi bis c:it Oo motion of Mr. Hawkins, ordeied tlmt tliC tub's of tho Sj-iwIO ol the krt sessi.m . of the Ieislattrre, bo rules of order and oVeornm frthe jrovermnei.t of tlio Senate lllri-'lS 'e present section, until the retep- ''w J of the eom- opp"iuteu lo prepare rules tar uiai A mesaa;e wos aIo rereived from the House r ComoKsis, projMisinj tlmt the I wo hMtes br.llot itnuiediatelv for lhre Fji- en-sstn.r Clerks, and Matins tlmt Djiiiel Lolcu.uu, Jdu W.-.&winnn,. '. . r.ew, Thos; L. West. ahd Irar V. Tat ri.lc are inixiMUHtiotvfiirtieappoiffnvfif; w!'b:!i rrnn,;ti. n-r.,l In nnd Mmi. s-. "Isniii and M'mtzomery nf Hertfird were appoinfud suiieriiitenilints of the liaj. bMing thn part of the SUrwe and the House rt Common was tnforiitcd thereofl by message; Wjiereutnm a messase was received fromtho House of Ctrnitnons, Mait iug f hat Messrs Courti aid Wiwlen atteuu llin Seriate, Ucontluet (be balloting ill part nf that TjfajsoT" Iv-'"- - Received from the House of Commons a incshsgc, proposing that a Joint select committoa be anixHuted to wait on bis lit- reUeney the Governor, mvl inform him cf the oristation uf too; IgWalure. aw W its rendniess to receivff any communica tion .is y. iV&k isMkaiatiJ stating lh a Messrs Melvtlnd ShepWru1 are appointed to form the commiltest on lie part of that Hon-; wliirh proposition was airreod to. and Messrs Williams and IU ere arnte.f to form the com.nft. by mesMge. Mr. Viliiams. from tU committeei an poiutcd to wait on hia Excdlency tbo Gov.; , reported that the committee were authorized to state, that ba would make a written communication tn'the Legislature on to-morrow at twelve o'clock. Mr. Montgomery, of Ilert(!rl, from tte committee appointed to conduct the ballot ing lor three F.ugrossin. Clerks, reported that Daniel Coleman, Jlm AV Covinirton and Thomas 0. Stone.having eacli receiy ed a majority of tho whole number of votes were duly elected tVednceiay, Xot.il, CaVief T. Moore, the senator from, the crerientials-j was uglified and took his seat. Vorman. senntor from tTranvillc Juw leave Ue from thossvyvicaa flie Sahwii anfil Friday next SVunrjiewireisisiiA-J4f H'..i Mr.' farker Dresenferl the pcfition of Henry Ilunrphreys. ol the county 01 u uu ford, praying the Legislature to psits an Act exempting from taxation, for the term of fifteen years, a Coftott Factory, with the slaves thuroin employed. .WVjrjth the hmds and appurtenances' theretS be longiWsf." situated in and near the! toTsrrfof OreetwbnfswK motion- oTSR." reilborn refCTi-t's;''' Parker, Wellborn, Matthews, 8klnner smd JenflPQo; jre; appointed (ofamwAiim? mrttee ' 1 , Mr. Spaighf, from the select committee appointed to prepare rules of order f r the government of the Senate, during the preJ ent session, reported accordingly. . The" following Stunding Committees were appointed by the Sonata Conmitee of Propot'ttions and Grievan etf Messrs. Montgomery, (ef II) Matth. ews, Move, fof G) Kerr, Dabjoii,- Hoke, Morns and llusaey. . " Comrnitttt f Caiw MesnH Aew, Ifswkins, lltrruMi, Vstiliook, ilartin, M' Duwrll, Howell and Simmons. rV-rf, Latham lMifshitn,-MoRifr?fasef, flsry, Tysnntnd llatt. ' ' r Of Irttrtht jmftrrrmf4fUmn Till Urk, rison, 1 1111 tul, Norman, AH. Dritsin, Leske and Lamb. On the Judiciary Messrs. Ilsiley, llnd r!ie, Spal)lit Sea well," Hdon, Wdloorn", Tooiuer and Melvtn. 0. I'Jur&tio ami I.itrrdry Furnl' Messrs CowjNir, Williams, Rhodes, Kerr, Psrker, Parhsin, Gavjn and Uis bongo. On motion of ilr. Wellborn, a message wasseot to tlie Hmtse of Cotntnoim, pro poMng to raise a joint select committee to revise the joint Rulisnf the twollouses. iiorsi: OF COMMONS. Hoadiip, Xotrnbtr 19, 18W. A riiorum, eoiwiktinj of a majority o the whole nurb"r, being prtstut, Mr. Uwyna moed that Surmx-IT. Sswyer.tde member cb-ct from tlw town of Ldeut'ui, be sppoiutftd Kpesker and Mr. Mc Wilhui nnved that Louis U. Henry, tlw member representing l!ie t-wn of rsyetteviKe, be tfUfrA Ut fhTinmivWroTcThirhntlseTiror cemled lo ballot under the SMnMiend fk-e )'f .Mj. Gar.tJta amL.Mr.-MatlUu,. st iiimmi count mi; the ballots, reported that Liyrs D. Henry bad received a tiuijwily of the whole nunrtar of votrs, and was duly eltxted. The House coneurreil in lha ie Krt, and Mr. Henry was conducted to the ehsir by Mr. Mc.M:llan; from which 1m inaJs bis eknowledqir.ects tollrt tuuse an appropriate addresm ' OifiiVt!rm'eT M r. (la yfon ,' Cbrtries Ma nly was orinniuioti-dy npKiin(ed I rincipnl Clerk, and i'Jia. D." Freeman Ork Assis tanr. Mr. Hinton moved that Richard Roberts lie appointed Door-keeper, which was a erecil to, and Messrs. John I.nnilon, John- Co"ke. John ooner, iv-Wrt4 LwioiV Tlwmas, Farbwmj-ljr- s. Willie fl. W'illinins ami Wm. Stokes were twiniimted lor tlie nrtpointnicnt of Assistant Door keeper. A balloting wns then had, under.l'ie superinteo'leuco of Mr. Draj and llinton. who, cpon rminting the votes rjwirtcJ that Do "person had rccdv. ed a uuijority of flie wholo number. , , Tut$dnyt AVe. Cfi iinldn C!monston, ons 'of the members leet frrmthermmtvof II.iv wood, and AI-1 Men ferpiesaifl lMn4 1 homtson, 1'rt r presentatiTes of the cocnty of Gnitf ird, ap-1 pearej. produced tlKir tr.Jtnt,4iia, were ! j .1 . . .....'. quuinieo, ona tooit taptt scau. ; On motion nf Mr. 8umncx, it was reset sd titat s seiact eemmitteoof five members be ApiMHiiisitt,' ty the, 8peakor"to prepitrV At report roles for ctauluctuig t!jc business 0f the bouse daring the present teisionA until sttch report be nle& eonmss, that 'he rules adopted by the house at the last T ker aprsniite.. Messrs. Bumne'r, .Sawyer. t'lOk, t'cagg and frareo e eesnpswe oatd Committee.- Mr. O'Rrien from the rommitte appofn. ted to conduct tbe balloting r Dmir-keep er, 11ler three nnsuccessful attempts at So election, reported that John Cooper was elected. , . . . On motion of Mr; O'Drien, ordered that a messnse be sent to the Senatcfroyrininf them or the rtrgamcation of this house, atns of their readiness to co operate with, tlid body in the despatch of public business. .On roution of Hr. Gary, ordered that a message be sent to the Jennie', nronoaing lo ballot immediately f!r three' engrossing clerks, and inToruitug that David Coleman, Thoi. G. Stone and John Vf . Covinpton are nominated for that appointment, The names of Isaac C Tatridge and Titos L West were, on motiorr,- itrWed to the nomS ination. A message Mm the Senate con curring in this proposition, and informing that Messrs. Montgomerycf Hertford ami Martin form tlieir balloting committee. Ordered that the ''Senate" bo informed Ihnt said. coiBuuttce on the part of tiio- Com- Dions. 1 Oti motion of Mr. MeLeod. orifered tllit message be sent to the Senate, proving "ii-r 5-v:i-a-:;;t-.-: r.-.'iii.-:'''t"A,ry7- to raise a select jbinfcommTttw ty it smrH be to- wait upon iiis Excellency the. Governor, a'nd inform him of the organization of both branclnrs' of the Leg islature, and of thoir rc'adiiiess to receive anv communication whfeh ho mv sen Hi tomake,j3aid cmnaliitree: on the bnrt of the Commons, consists onientcXeSri; and Shepherd. :: A inesssee 'from the Sen ate, eencammr rn4 tb jiswieitroT lf oo,ari4 Mirinuig thai Messrs . Williams and tioke compose their commiltce. Mr. Shephenl, Iroin the select jofnt com- mMbto1ote4 Wft'rntoeaocttiai foregoing order of the two tfouses, rcpiirt ed that they bad discharged their duty, and that be was autborsitod to say, that the Governor would on to-morrow at twelve o'clock, make a communication in vVritiog to the oenerai Assembly. ' Mr. Courts, from the committee appoin ted to conduct the balloting for three en. grossing clerks, reported thai Daniel Cole, man, John W. Coviu-jton, and Thos. G Stone, had encb resetted .mr-jintjf pf tht whole numUr of votrt, ah j wcri duly rice VTVJsfsV0jr,-.Vi.SI. tJwld Our.irw,tue tfthe uivrfihsfsilfsir 6mm thiwMitr ssf Kert,atvl John D Fv- eles,' one of the rhoinbers from the cltinry J of Cumberland, appeared. frv)oed ilir cmleirtuls. were qua'dioJ otal took Ibcif seats. .,',. y Mr. tlrsvestubmiih-dthe f.llowlng re sidifiion, whh, on rdoti'jO Ut. Lragg, wss laid 00 the table) '. - Jtrsofrri. Tbsl tbe SpeaVt of this llssissj r be rrfjuestsd to assign' stats wsthiq tha Bat v to one or nort Stenographers. . ' J!r. dinner, from the committee kersj. tofore appointee to prepare"'. ri of order (uf the government of the H ese, dunnyf lb prsfenl sesssow, fepurted sccordingly. " ' ' The fjlluwirg s'andingeomuiittees w tret appointed by ll House, oti (lis motion of Mr. Long; , ColHuiittee of Claims Frederick A Jaw1 er, Henry 8. Clark, George A Tnomjisoft, AlssswcW Watson,' Charles ,'fM llinton,, Ihuiicl M. rtarringer, Wm. E. Hinmit, RoJerlrk CfDary, CsinciT We..len,'Johii Frsgg, R.;nj Settle, John IS. Guthrie add;' Jairs Wesver. r I'roposittes 4 Grwvaaraw - Jos. . TownsfH.1, famnel ' B. rpniiH Jur-ph Gil " kspie, Moses W, Cuthbertson' TUo. G 1 nu.a.uun.xiXius Jutin estUiU;.SAr-u. vid Outlaw Abner Hartley, Oerfrce Bot ifie, Iletij. Suinticr.'r. ALcruatLy, and AI l.nlte. Of ndneatioft, 8. T. Stfwyct, 3J,n W. Potts, T. itill.U. MoLuirin, LL A. Gwyn. J. D ohorty, V. W. Csirts, J. R. !. Dan id, J. Ilsrr, J. a Kelley, T. G. Fal dis, ffdgh McQueen, 0myn R. Irvin. Arteomite:- Th8: TillctTTh.' Jnr-' Jao, i. (. 9IcM(l(aii, Wm. Wadsworth, David Thomas, tJeo. I'rr: T. H'ltcher, Chas. Cce, JiXf McLeod, A. A. Lam is terNwt. G. UaoJ, Win. WuoiimO, aitj itlney BUrgm. Ot Internal Imnrovrments. John I!. Jones, I, S. Norimin, Arrh. .M Kik, Di vid McMeJ. Philip hton, Uy.lWr, 'P. f JVWord.'t T.hrttniW, D. IT! B.r,Trtrf "T N. R. Turwtall. P. II. Mantrum, Burton 7 Craige, James W hi taker. 1 nviieges and I. lecterns. J. 11- ?KiO- n.-r, II. If. Bminer, J. v. Ward, P. M. Jtsk, J. T, Poinslexlef, h lTa"rt,iCeo. F- Dandson, J. L. O. Baker,' PTCWutwcrt, Sjicuccr O'Brien, Robt., Jones, A.' C'uno- uiglwm, amLT. P. Glass. , " ' ' nf'ltanoH presentru the petition el M. il. Alexander, eraVinj that the seat If BWtuw Cratgf, (be aiuiug iuemler'frorfii S."' ll-tiwi of hslisbnry.be yeatrt, stne thai he, the petitioner be permitted ta oalirjr 1 , in bis s(eat, stud uoied, that' it be refaA. red to the coinmittaa- of I rivileges aba Eltctiont. ' , ."' . ' ...... . -f RRASUREB9 REPOlit.? Thereport of tho Treasurer ol Hits Statt", subinittcd to the Legislature show a tbat- Of the public, or unsppropruitud . - Tcreuuo ana expeiiUiturcs-. " Tlfe batance of tasV jruinajn'-, hit in I he mihlir. Irejtcirv fin the 1st Nov. 1 630, wa IfJD.tSO, Tlie receipts, during the IWal ' year, ending on the 1st Oct. 1831, amounts to . , C5,73n,fP The diSburtWncfifj din-ing (he -saino J32,tC0;5 Which sjjows the belenee.rera-. . ; aifrfnjf in the hands nf he pu- Ma Trejesurer to be . . , 33,Q22 The receipt at (he Treasury ; frMn thu fst Oct: 188 1 1o , . 1st Koy.1937, araouuts to ; if,30')lJ$ Which with the hatamca above elated show sn aggregate a . 7 mount of . 2723,18 The disbursements at the Trea-, aury for tho -same period a'- mouutlto .... , .. ,n,olw,6w TfJ. The balance of cash remainiD ' jreasurer im .ov4SiM m-mM&J4M-msmm!m,t THE tlTLARr. FUND-" 1 There has beenttoesrienjituiei. from this fund during Iho , r- 1st Noy.lttSl ! w,$73,tl55.(rl The rec'U up to I, Nov. 13,Ui),0 MsUing the balance on jiand 99,t 506 l I OF THE AOftrcULTURAL FUN D. Tamoui of cosh receive J ! f'i' iiuiu ao ouruca Kill if iv - 4 u The disbursementa ." ' -' " '"' .03,40 Sfiowinj a bafance- uriexpc4d":S:-- cdof- $l29,7i ' Which has been transferred to the LTterary ' fund, shewing . an aggregate ani'i. of casll ; on' hand bolonging to that fund, on the 1st November,' t p' 1832, of : ; : ' -V 14888,321 jOFTIIE FUND FOR (NTERNAL 1. IMPROVEMENT.' f Balance on 3TtTkL U 31 .T lleeoiprs from the 3Ut Oct. 13?ttol8tNor. rw S,B0I,3 - ' - " - t i ! ............. -s- - 1 33 : r f - ..--rv-r-r,, f

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