1 I ! I 11- t - .--"fss-WjMH- is-v-.'::;-;:H ITi'.i f tp .-iid.ture tal to 0,7 J.l Balance Sih' food lo the l RKCXVITVLA710S, The foreman. etettroa,1 ebw ct ufH oalM.yt blh fir Nuw. I3. es follows i - Ani'l.M mibliflTrfunrar . T.Wm'I Io." Trr of UCry fotvl H3'8,3 IK' ). of the f. itxl for Id. if)VOOrs SOVTII CARQUSA. , Conveni . wa Mui'vA Jmm UuMkiA. jr. M k1e4 Prkn'i tod W. Haya. Secretary. A fteuJuioa a ai-pted, to apfoinl Com pule J twenty pcrscsta, to take' Into coosiJoretioo the act ufiheUd lcgiIiklur rAMMaUiftd tb CieveutitfD, A to toowWr tnJ rejo t th several of tha 7AJral Gowomeni Uytnj, dolid rpon Vn' for tb flection c4 domestic VMnaCtctarM Tb eeromittea, (C J. Clcock, chairmen) wmoim(wii1 by lb ffM'Vnt of lb Convetrticsi. A sub com Tajite otic wu ppiiilol to rynrt to fWi General CoMaine, an Ordinance de liana; tb Tariff acts null and aJ Wadlrese JoUepeIe th" WtW 0' --m-b Bldrrsot tut Co Stalee at inay be vrmmitt iaeonvpnard of R. J. Turulill, Chairman, ft. T.'llsyn. II. C. Pmckmry, Xb Jornanf,, Ceo. Mclhifli.', Jacob Bond fr.bnatw has been ifwfJ wbkh bull. -afoubtrdly passed. Wt give it to our prcvi.1 f i trrtint the opprntntn ( trtnia Xdt 'f tbo Confrww of tint If. ftnl-fi, jwrportinn to bo Ui laying I M ttrt arwl Impt on roe unponauon m rut I .v,U bereaa, It Cooroat tho TniJ ftaien by rartotie bpW, pni-porUn to b ac Uvins ilntiea and iinpotta wi lreij! tmuoria. Nit trt ffahfy JntettoViJ fit the ptn trtioo of omMtie manofarturws and the mn jf loWitiea !o r laara ami imliViifuaU a 1 I k. - lUrMj 10 pfUCUiarfnii"yiHri, i iiMnM ami to the injuni atvl opprewion i4 fr,iin tainti-at. certain IbrtiKii comnvMUtioa, focU' aa af no! pnwocf q nrtmrmincmTM in lb UuilcJ States, to aff ihl a pretext fr - - laiaiax wgwt and exccwiva oiiiiea n irii.-lM nmiUr to thowi IntnivMiI to be nn- erieJr balk eaoeeJoJ it iut power un Mhoolifirtiobrhicii enf?rf on - W lothority fc aSjrd ueb ptwtactUni, ajal Ulh ritJawd the low meauinf mJ intciu . f h Cocalitutioo, which proviilM fir walfty in pi"4' bunleitt of (a 7 JTl'ii p0 tlie cerar Statct anl portiunn : CubIuJuiv An J." MTherca. thr ;y."fai-l Ooof res,ccccdtn ItljM P"jr,i f it . a e.i tit. U'UM a '5u--BJlt1 "" ""'ftiruTw of edcetiflff anJ fcccwnpliabing the MCla IioctavJ J" pVrahict. lh 7- CMitiiaf lb Uiiual Sut-taTiutW; .91 it to(X-ft qnd afflmnjiluh, hath raiaed fu I ejected luaocewry rctennejfor 6b uiuuthoHind by thv'Ci'inMitutiia wv thhl!ra, thn paoplo cf the,6tatfr rs.utu Carolina in Conrentin emwiHi, --;jir5 inif ordain, and i berabjr da nJ or diiieJL Jhaj tbo. jc reral wt - .,4tiWac:of- tlw Cons1" the V;'",,:J Statei, porportinf to bo lawa .(iUttiiiijin2ofdutiiMMiJimr'rton tha liiiiKirtation of foreign coniiiwJiiieatid Vw bavins ictual ojicration and eflwf lt!iiotUe U. States, and more wpraially fU act entitled " an act in altoraliofl ol Use ' Vveral atta ifflpviV? d'itie;od lmrta," ir"'c3 on' the nineteenth day of My, ihoimnil eicht htindird and twenty. T, rJ w if act Entitled an act to nil amend fire aeverai arm impwni initio on itnnorta " apprised rr thd Rr laouth day W', one thoimnd eight hundred and Ihirtf two, art unauthori'd ' lv iuVC tnatitutinn ofthe U. Sutca and 4n tuo truauietinipj-and intent thel-oof, . jid aro otill, void, and mi law, nor binding "cvn. tHia Blato, itsolliccra or citiiena J and $11 prami!",4 contraefa and obligntiona , made or.onterad into t to be mado or en- i with mtrnniM to eneure tho duties I rnposea Iiy anid acta, and all Judicial pro iecdince which 'ahall hereafter bo had ir auvft! f tffinnanc IhetW; r 'uill to held '"'''Ih'iti'Ji ittf mm Ytlfff; MtVJ2l WtofiVteaKt thi Btato-orof the Ifmted Pliitet. toarrfora the payment ut iutiea irnposod by tbe-aatd attt within tho ' Ji noitsj of tlnaiatc r &i! fhiit it ahtrlt . b iheTTuty of th LrgiaUttnrY: trrarinnt gh nasurea and pa mKacfaBffms.y bj) no enry Id gifulleflbct tcrthi prrinntico, .nA ... nrvani the enforcement and' arrest ' tha oneratimtif tha aaid ett and parta of .tcti of the vonree ui mo v . oui -aviihiji tholiirtilS of thia Siais, from and af h M iay ijof JfBOVftSfLflHi' r"Wr' T'. oTwiatittttaiaofttia, and of ill pmi'reiiidiibr being' within tho liraite of this Sstatia, od thr.y aro ijero U., rniaLiMit att.1 eniolnud to obey BlfJ EtVe weaaurea f tho Lcgwlnturo a$ may .oe ' & eaNd r adopted in ohedienca theretos: " Aad'rt ia forthor ordained, that ta rn cBoolbiworluity,"decidodin theCourta nfthia Suto.' wherein ahall bo drawa in qiition the autboHt'y of thia Ordmanca, ''. r prfiw ttfidrty" irf auch act or c,ta Tif the t gudatare U fny do passea vr ine pur -J afaivlns 3oct tbceeto, or the val TditfU th 8f.raidacU of Cn.gre.; im' wut duliea, ehall any appeal be takea t-4 fiair.. it. r shall a-iy cpy "f," ',r"''1 be ir ;rm.tl.J i allow 4 for "w P"P" and if 4y w-li U "-"I'' la tM l.krn. lha Cnqrttfif 14 U. ah 4J all prort-rd to tiwute tft-l .f -re b JU;f;et MKrt, arcord.njj to the Ui an.1 o!' i1m but, wilh"it rf fcrenei lo i ai tml appeaW. and pni or prK aftnnjiliin to Uka aKb app" wayU.laait viifi aa fr i cox'emj't or lb Ami tt U further i.rJrtineI, Tliat ail per- ma now boblim any o.1k hr, f IU or tro-t. crril er wditary, im.fcf.tW Miar. kl.all fcHlrirt aoeli time, aixl Ml wm U nunner aalho I3itatar alian prwwrio", uka aoMtb. wdl ind jwly J? .f cbIC b-kI enf reo lh ir'Iifie', ajiJ fUiTl rt r aeli if tho tWitt-iMf. may be iWm intmii bimT tiieanirur "f le aan". wIm ibaawjci or oumio (J .fVh pfwrn ov pemma ao to t, m or meir n fira or oflWea. ahall be fwthwitfi varied. and their be filled up, If ouch R"""" or f t trrre drad. or hud rf"iznei, ai mt peraun imroftrr eleied to any offlro of aowtf, pnnt or inun, citu or nn 'iji m.td flin lea'M.Utnre ahull ollirrwwe protido or direet, enter on flieeieruti.o of hi itri or bo in any ree-i e.miiof.i Li d.arhar! tha diituw th. ref, until he .k.ti i r.k mi.nfwr. have tn ken a ainnlar cam I aaa no i'inr mm. i" in anv if the t.'.mrti d"t!u Pint's, m V caii-o in which ahall l q t thu onlnmnrf!, or any art uflle legislature. (Mwaed in pnrmwnrr tfsereoi, unn-w ni K. U LI.iiftM tn the tl oath, have ui.i, ... - - - ---- luken an oath, thJ he wen ot miiy bry.eiecute aifl tmforro thie wdiiware, uitd rb act or act of the OgndntOra J a itav bo na.l lot arrt tiKi aaM into f- era rhe peophj of the eoiaw, thai w terrmned to maiHai tlw, 'r ordiiumce ami oVlnratwi, at every hatard, d i fur tb.fcrare, will tawlr'H.lM tlm applK-atKfli of torec, onthe part ii'fm Rd ernl Oovernnvnt, to fx-ducO thi Hiate lo ithedienew I h.it that we will conu'ler the peajae, by Conirreaa, ff any art, nnthnr iin! Hi empbvment of a m;litary al tureo aj( Jaai the. Hbtte (4uith Curyd lina, bar c.alilutej autiK.riif or ciii-h or any aet, abiahiug r cl-wmg the K.rt d thi Ftato J or any of them, or other i .dtMnnling the free ingr s anj egre ' I velaria, to and tnm the aaul p.rti ; or any .t!er art on tho part of th Feden.l (Joy. ornment.to coerce the Plate; shut up her jrntr, ilvVf"! ?t KmT' nfr !n?'?fl .r in anfirce tho acti fci'rcby iftcUred" 1.1 be null and t Jd, rrtberwiVthan through the civil Inhnnala of tho county, as incsims tent with the bm-'er contimmnce of Km:h Cnrolina itha tnion and lint" the pe'ph .flhia Qtalo .will theneeP'rth hTd tlmin serretabaolred trvm all Airther obligdUun HNMintainorpreaeryo their politicnl con oeaww wiib the peoida of the other Stales, and will lorthwitb proceed to irn..w a arnarate Oosrernment, ami do sHotlmr urU andlhinisj. which aovereicn and tndepen dept Ptatci mayiif rjgh? dot 'ijariiif ovt'tif ffijj.f.TheTffKe practice; wUh tha.TarjlLi njCl avnii; " " " . at Cing IIHIirCBII"0 OJ inw nniiKiimni -.. pMitionrwhich are trwo m tnemaeif on. hicn convey erroneous r wisw in..n-, . .1 - ...l.li Inillia siiina, owinz to'wir buiog fcft out of ajgJiaOt thM-nvmhee t - - - . ' aLMMmlti nf .If. oewsoHimrs, in the rnH.iwih wonla 'It is calculuied tbatSTthe' Votl.m rored Iri thB Southern-Bfatea. t,nW twloa aee a .1 at' 1 ll ft t 1 - Ointiufncturod in ut bikmiio aim wnani Statca." -' - WhaltaWIVoittfif aiiht hfir, wtimt, in oftlor thai .Una quantity of cotton omy he mnnufactured in the Middle and Hanlem Ptatea, the Southern Statoa aro prtvonted ffom eelling afoW tA q nattily thai i 300,000 balea of cotton to f .eaiait nations. If wo are asked for the proof of thi, e fit if tlwb r:r.-7:ip?z'rtTr-' , These 130.000 bnl of cotton, which. coat 10 eta. par bmJ, aro MJvarted . iaio cloth, which aella fif at jeaat 40 cent per pound, aa ma be evident when it ib known that a oound of otton will make five yarde ofchth worth 8 cwrta per yard. A Iwle ofcottim weigha about 800 imtk, and tho niiantity oontaumd in lSff.ODO haloa ii eooeeqiirtlyf 45,000,000 pounda Cr which tho mananeiurora, ai iw av. pound, pav W00,000. Dut they Bt :iie cloth made imt of hia cotton, U the am ouut of four timna- that aurathat w, to Uio -m,ini of tl8.000.000. Now, let any 40IHMhl Lmtha aouthcrn .J'J". thorn rott-m manufacture! to the valuO of 118,000,000 1 . Ami wauluV thoy not, be- U1... mra ua thoir coo.! mncn emmner : rk. ia not a douU but thnt ' th Tariff ! enablea lha cotton hianufacturers to got at lea two cent pef J wd more tir their tn-, hnr liMir M areraffo than tho tame auuniti eoubl bo procured fot clscwliere i. m - - i - I mmntm This increaaa nt price a vyvu iu icy r mund of cloth. tTie United Statea, '' ' yl.- J All.iii- . mtiniir.e.flirH. i Kan itirtv Would be if WfcT . wore to pro- eirroallther cotiainrta fromi abroad, and rilih .fbratwaiiweiirer mo, materialor wawnif. sro w "y a ppOar at rang; .but w" will aubatammtaF it twaeratriTWo iHunBiwir ' A rarmer haa M raw a tMisnei oi wneai worth one dollar.. He; wanta Uyard of doth, for which !h' American roaiiutaTfu rer aska 9 1,-and will tako hi liuahol of wheat in pnrr vovmnt, at one dollar. foreiffnor will furnish him yard of tha tame quality of cloth for t& 1 Now, it ia iitlclear, thnt to the firmer it rtier it makes no wrwt tbaV.AaVU HOC. .id eH-t, .ccoroi... Ul . .n "''Te ld hue .he m and meaning wr ""T """'..r I'V ... , )P(t. . Aod rr,thopeoPhjr-itbt'anIina,to .mvrfti; rt-unn3 . .... - . . .1 ' ... r..n ..,!.....-vl f'.,.t i ,U iv enno. t d.i. Iw iweri. r ",v,ln, " r1" c .it u: n ..w be vi l he uovemmeni w urn vhj "-. " Western Carolinian ',vMif(irr i.)ar.Jaf.ah atl, hun Ihn ah-ul in M't piym-iii, w tLfcrb-jyailJib f.f.mr.t IJ, a- wr l.im lha wiH-ai r u .u.hii. iTt.aJih.;; '"'i '" "d-'f-ww ik'iWH he tan pewei0 tlt tlt In"t wouWN rnk atnpi'liiy, and th iRrfiwir iMto fcttdt'i pffM the ame rewih l iM-nnirfl tho md (oliwt on iaealW tlie AhVrfcin'Hittttti be bmbor.W io tha belief that it wHiH nnkinily bf hit infer to Rive bi wheat nomm 'at Prwir mtiat W f ia ebMlw-; iktween the C1 -f tbO fl-Kir tnd the cott.. tliem i rw li.T rriv a ( awl, what tatrwrfif 1'-Uat, U mImM H0,0t)0 bah. 4" Cjtt'U. TU T?ftTytfthrl'riti Vm lmhera id'lU Auierifaii SyMern ii Tt., c Mi -fliarflrf'tr! areiimiiMird, by (iofwrameut, if H' HT ule fvxiM bo e.mirned M work, ra f...,t ,.annmliem.b.Hrrer.by tlieir M.tidtl .rfHre eeikn., areui to b rajber uwm toat.H.1 work lheimlel tt""i u. tha rapit-li. we all Tuv.w tnal mry l.lw.r aa bll niaiikiiw rfgrd it. .i . .k.t r.J-Jv wuiild enuaje bi il i.. r.M tu-tn .1. Wo irtthk -f nwnual la W n.,t tl lUr oj th: lieud, ir that prta of tight orCMjmtimi which ao.iMi Imm a vi.limtnrv priw;ile, unaert4ko Cr ain-wiMi.t. Inffcwl. f" f""" ,',,'0, being B !fcifiir, l'y I""""'"'"'"'' 4 Ve find rt denwn.cod in i!k 3d (TUai : r ..i-i-:..-.. In i ho awrat f thy fwe shall rood eat bread tiU U rtl iril unto the (jr'Xi xl- i i M in: npnfiunia ciiu!J be inatiul at o'l In Intfrf rmp with tt uuL.f by Ubuf.aud orlj by the t?1?1 .b.M can they bo brs-Ui into tsialeo. U it not. Ilien-fom. U.iwi-i4 U Wi cr.- . . . I... 1... j.m I ,yy. , idi V iff UV UCII'I 'U '-' ,vf i it iwt ickr J-tr Gvern;nM.U tu f(ho T raiortC ! uJ tlio ti allaxt fp.l fJ .lavs to pr.J lAto Sut0 0r s,j(!l Carolina ! Sho who riir.- Ih bread r 1 1 clothmif whicn mi'1;tycrf(f Bnj MrdW freely In thw-foriU ut d iv'a lalmr Could eoiiiinttml It thty were I..IV freto-emt.Uv tlieir imJuatry in tin wiiy hnawa bv Hm-oi to bo nvt eonducivo to tfjiur puralc lOtcrtjJ LT.b'i'H wlwt. thtv ntenfrt. the mlv.'.leB of tho K'ifnc. tiy !vsiem, wl.erev.-r they may eiiM, are in(1 tin ' a wound um the b-!y ocial, which a lonH' In'" of renla.K:o cannot mi. Iu EngUa-1, they ore atarving th InWrs; .! country, they are treezunr ilierf. In Vafi'.d. H-7 "V. ,r 7 -hir to ennr n til" wenllfcv la-l owners, tne TaVwif;. f"T abiUmg bw- np.-nnydonf;n tWciuntry, tbey any, that, in onler t enrich th - weitlhy mnnn hvUm i cspilKli-ts, I he htmrins people shall p.y' for a yard tif ftmnH price at whK"h it rnn le had m other pla eo-u la ouB cmintry il UcV.Icd the Cora lw Syatem. in tl other lh American Syn. mi lHltbh fimd precisely the Mine r.-sults an oravotwrtJ. by brfman mean. of ibo nriiuituo aciilcm ? ol coiiuei rmlion. - : . . - ;(: r ARL! .MnTART imUkxeihxgs. XicirMbF.(i,!lKN;- .... Mr, Itunt preae.nted a petiti- Marv Hmith. of Mamt.iH.re, iirin pnm that alio and otlicx. (pinstrrt. m j Iw. ..rloilnd from the riaht d w.mi ht mien. k.- l,nv a v.Uco in the election of hmji'h ber$(laiizhter,HTho prar 'eotnplaiurd part the constitutmrt, ltiHujl Iboyvre. epuh or-lled to coutribu'O t. tho; tuvw ctieeit and laughter.) The lion, intmh-i -saw no EWl roanonlortixcluiling women fruui ju- SirF. French obscrfed, thnt there mi.'hlboanwkwardreM ifjurie werato corwist of an equal nuinlier of uien and wo men, in bkin them up without fire or candle (laughter.) Ho P-nred that il would ormnrctrrn y .d'iiooranlu BtUtt .i.u.aniiit la mnnv caso with Jtiries not to lonkea ifocdy derision, however eleaf the eviileoee (bnghtcr. After a lewd ro mark from an ln.rlorablo mourner Mr. Hunt, aaid, that he saw no objection In jhe mixture f mer. and women on junea. ho bad no doubt tlwl tho Hon. member (Sir F. French had often beenall night In Mm company et w?mn " them' the lrat harm (cheoram laughter ) Sir F. French : But wo wero not lock eiupfngrfter.) Mr. Hunt -move.1 that th. n..iiiM id" Mias Mam Smith, of&and more, oravina .a voie in uio en-mwu w. r . .- .... r member, b? printed.-Mr. Staidcy aid oala. Mr. Uu.it oWrvod hal Mi.s8.h StRudiiigOrrfcrm besides ahe was a ladynd . ' ' When a ladvV in the ca", .' . ' 1!! other tiling. f cmr eive place. Paushtcr.J Jlo-put it w tne gauamrr w thetliMisa wnetner isa pinn.mi oy. go to press, and would abide by tkat teat in a ihvisnon, but none v piaco , aim wo ... dorrfood that rf waf agreed that tbw poti Uon aaould b prmred. mii'ifia-Fhtt-Btiiitrtn ffcily AdTer- .tUcr contUina mo loimwins wbiboh.ii... The import oT mrrjh mnnuracTBre? mind, paving i pcf ct. dirty, into Mont rea.kduring ltew.(,aif on the JOth, excoaJed that the e-wreapohding qiwr- i r ihn last vear, try X l a . 70. That Of tho JuW dUarterof thia yeaesccedod that or the im quarter ot iwt vear; bv 1 iwa. Bay -Hpoo- thie text, the Ne, Hampshire Pnr.;nt mnkna tho f illowini comment i '; "It i wxjII known mat a targe partem Jwaed single, nd jet cxcl.i.W ?wrt frnm a due rrtwitWi1Tlo.rfcoucfiloC theaeIontrear;importationa pmfists.ofr enough :'maoy are buried in cloth imrrted to J vemletf directly in the IV. ted Suit'sa, by aiuhlry American lutein" jeniryg iij all tf brja tewtu- The T-n(Tn o- )et . 0mk.Ii rr'l'ieed l"'!' . i,f,.fill.: let-.."' l-f a.mi,;m; r" 1 Ul driven. Iv mi. h n - tax . I . . at tlaarall b I . aim ii rri i " f mi. li ny.re autn paiii l" '"""J II Cl.v and tho " Amrean !"ytm, the nuwiirlurer lin-Iea. fcwaaiaia i... t.aiai- '"' rvv1 . -'-' ',' ' SOUTH CAkOUVl, ut swUtflCD 'tifjtTiairr atTt. ' -" I erC"wairif f :iiT6'roll,"eiTr; that tHtrtii f South. liinJuia,. J.y their Megatea, wer then in aofcnm Coi. vBBTtoiaa-rfnilded, for tlie epresa pir , p.e if iiilcrp.miiig tho 8ovr.t loiry ol tlM TaTt, to prvw-rvo tilt rtntt Cosj. eriittto.-and tVir own fig'rta, afsinsl r'ederal naurjmti'iii, and oporeawn. 'We can oow aniKMince, what wo then anticiji ted, tfiiton th5lthtniit., tho Coiiven. 'li.,o a.V,ied an OltDIN'AN'Ci:, .ks taring ihoTaritl'ttCts, f?firVt'W, ami, thnt Hie amohall UM tt.aml Voiu, witlnn the Mate ol ooutn wtrmnia, ancr mo dy of IVbruaiy iieit. The Onotuxcr, iiself.will bo found in another part of thi pjicr: we aak our rradcr to h-0 It rarefol; and attcniivc perusal. It ii drawn up with grrot rare, and prov'ukt aaina! every poamblccaan of evaeion : Tho Inn irtape is, bull, nd di;mf:-d, nnd tlie A Ordinance, iliows that it ie tho work d" biwI hrnrr. that uiderstand their 'mlu, and daro maiulain them. . d-mm-ratic! i , . . - 70, now njaitt, has throwjn herself in the hrem-h o Liberty, am! of tlie Conifititlrnn.J .ti!jj ahepe to prttrte Willi 1 Bho alam'a tn the p of a political Tlicrmofjl, Hie champion of Htate-Rights II, l aoc reds hi choking the mnrrh rf I'enritt U nrATt.iJ', CTV tj.o rtenrcd righta of ihe MBtea, and tlie liberties of the TeopJe, (h n 1'itr.r.DOX will be aafr, and our glori aus Rrrrci.tr, mey euat f.r age, on a. get to cpnie Uit if thtfaih, ITie IN. ior is "it an end, and the Constitution wilt be no mors. U'e, aro not of flial claa of mm, who ever wero diaposed f lietly to aubmit to l!ia inifjuitou Taritf; On tho enntnlry, we bate litld that the Tan comt ojf. W however, emild havo winlied ltiat mtf aister trrrsuc, bad delayed tb ac tion tl her frrcipiry, at len4, oha year L'mger, ui wler to fiivo tho now fngreaa an opportunity to d jutico ia tho Sotru. STitre, ' howeTrrv the p4e (A South.Cjro tinn, hoVe theoslrpr.perThot to bca the yoko Buy looctr, but to throw the State on i,or rratrrrJ rfcAM, wo wjr, may tho Cod of Liberty proper bar, for her raur, ia ur cjuwatbo caua0--fcf.Uia whole South, t Fct;toii ItJttf! " Wo call lha Btteiition ct our rcaJcra lo n communication, in thia pnpr, oo the Cholera, by our fellow citiien th. Smith, who has been oxtcasrvbly conversant witu Ihii diaeae having been ofRcialty attaclh ed to one of the Hospital ef Tarte during tho prevalance of Cholera in that city and who witneased-it aubsoquenrly in IVon dlffiffwJrOMcMrjq Sew York.- Wicn wo conaidor Ilia ti lenta and attainments of Df. Bmitb,lii hab-' it of clue and minute ohsertation, and tho opportmrttiea he possessed in Europe, par ticularly (n Tari wo aro Inclined to tbjtdt that no phynciaa hi thia country can impart more accurate & useful inform ation relative to the Cholera than he cart As an,evidence of his assiduity while en gaged in the Neckar ILpit.il, we nabjuin a certificate, from the auperintmdant of that institution, which we found prefixed trr. ' "'-'1L-4;I. -Mi flmrAmwmt BKaakKuiSiBfft tV Ur. amiunn iew iorir. , aV,raH,'anJmm6jfr.J,taff rliv ot Mcaicina of ne .w wij scm.., h.i tatibcl Sinitb M. D. bat been nirared. d.i- riiK the-Whele fteie Ihia dia! (the Cholern) .aa prevailed in thit City, i the treatment nf (Miolera iwirntt of thu HoanlUI. tm thSt lie u attended lni"" wnn a umtiuaa in aeai letcrvine ib hiihai -praise, an.! s hich hav: pracurad riir him s reavincraiton from the fee ral aaniniatraiK)n or omm'p"',wj in c treat oT ti'ia brethren', the f hrticiani Bnd aur gonaofthe Ii 4oitii "''.' rris Neckar H 'pSl. Mckefeau 0. M. P .'wswrtflawwradtw - The late accounts fron New Orloana, art of tlie appatirng n'aruro7' -Tbo1 ChMird,-iYelh-Feeer, and Cold Pla- gut seem ail to have met there, and prove oWriietive beyotsi ill fofrmar example. For a time, there were 200 deaths per day. Whole femiliesjiaye been' twe'pl off jn toe course oi noure cyuuw caomM botes ond others merely TJca.aj outr and thprjwn iato ere dUcU4 War tWU tha fl..injclrvl fromfclleraaud faptM' Ktirart olt Inter r m nerttJ u-i In Saw Or!raie, datH Wit Mf. M f ha ttrkna haiabil-d in Blwir inra my Uat re-rt-la to yJ, n4 wee. ,rt il alt ii-ribtr wakatilo w & Ul'that iHir c ny wdl ai ti'vo ai.-rai-o at thia a""" d'ha artivo aj.f tear. II 'i Nf pi-lemira bar r-o i U..w la ll.U State, and it will U aoirw Uu ero aho will reefer from t. . It l thul Iwenfy eiat.t hundrc l Negr-wa btve died til thia City ainca the eornnmnnnivnt of tl Chob re. Very Bny bav died, on .1.. ..I,,.,i,i,.,w mi, the nlmitrM and WT- ehinta ara to fmner ted, lha misforfuW Of iha one nn1 oeri aarly ltorlno. oiaer. ilra-wiU .Botbti much bi.incaa d-mig liera bep.ro the middlo id" IWmUr. vl. v. n,iAMu AJvertiwr f tho 7rnMrt. wvtfWe'aro hffV 4a tho aidhoriiy.of miny . rei-n-.tsblo ami t pri'i ted rhy"ieion, ,thtthl sirK which bn spread cor"4ern;iii'ia oMrcity-j for the nt few divs, Ims roimtOeratty ao atcd. TbaltliWrawhiidi rur m.w are mure mann jU uiidtheref m the d" trucriow hy tlw cHit4iitt urt ki Ht' 0 i v.. We are induced to Iw-p thalfrin ,Uv In .Vjv frmn the tir"llt. WO lliull have ton agreeaMe ink ol anuouuemg liiniriiitioii in iho nrilaily. A b tt'T, d.itod '.'.I Nv. depiffs.rbe fol lowing b'lrribW atato ol'ihinrs in New Or leans i ' " Thesifkiie at this p!ac eOtitmues to increase to an olarmin attetit, yettt-r Li y wo had 177 deaths, llrfiday bclure t? ) 3hI r.u Tuewlay 110 where H will tiiwl Cnd knowt. 1 lie mh:ibitAnts are com plctely panic at ruck bmi ftrea td tar and pitch aro now b irmiij in every airrsriniiM cr.ntimml iHing of cannon j wnai tinct an ibis will have ujain tl alrmsiphere renmina to tse seen. Ytenlay, at night, tbera r mniiM'd nearly 153 corutea uiiburied in the church yard.' Chalrra nt .Vra Orlrn: letW from New OrbaiK, JaUmI 'M N. receiv. e.1 to MlIhI", giv.a the folluttin accou.it ofujti'rmcntaforlhe wrrk,codiii It Nov: FrWaV, 2"ih (Jd. Rafardny, 27th " r?ti:i,7aT; ' 2Wi Monday, 50th ' Tueadnv, h WodiK-iilnv. 3 1 st" """Tliur3j"lt'?fo. "' ' 1070 - Tt dot about the anme as j-eierthy. Chit day rtrr. An i ltmct d a letter from New (Means received by this dey'e mail, dated the S.linst. itatea that there were on Mm aecond inirt., 170 iniernients, U a ereat mov n.4 ccMMUd.bun2ari!r2 in the night in tbo . vncmijjl'ts eitV. The mprnes onthe pluntaiwiw il ii ad t-d aro flying fist, a'io the Catib. Tie Ailillery Cornparn.;3 Were firing CantK'ii, andlhc-atreels Mazing with fim. kindled in them from Tar, which had burnt two !itrie homes and injured ntlmn, - v . Breud t mud lo b cry acarec and the people imiiii2 all over the city ! Iwv it, most if th"? Nrg'roea w-l mpin to tlw Ba ker whops bcirij itk, one' Dulcr loiing 1 1 In one day.- '',"" .:.,. ,:.v.iiinia. ;; ; ; Two Scriatora will bo cisctoi, by flie Le"iilalure'al.ifs Uet "actiaruif." Ttii a't term will expire ne tt JIarcl), anJ ilr. Tlnwtti. hm retigii.fin..i VVjIAT NOW 15 TO VS. DONt 1 fyoKTB CaioUxa haVrng i'itcruJfJ her Sovkrsw.I powon,.d, f Kjtt bar jcryed right,' aijist. fodural usurrsitiun, the quoatioti buw wrcea itseu up, wuu u Coiigrei dot llio tn-thuilting' part of liial'ttrikTCicliotiftt tho North, amJ, in dted, their aCics ticre,- answer, why, let the GEXtJiAl oovfKXHE.vr put her down! Men, who, for years, have been- heaping very specie ef a bus, and contumely on Cent Jackson, ijow cry ortt, ah tfie old llero, wilt soon put her down,: Ho will toon blucliae herport with "Revenue cut tera," and a Frigate P The rnnre thin king portion however, of tho. Tariff men, already soo thnt thii will not do. " I' raise my ruice in advance; says Rtniel Webster V against tne "employ rrtent of forte there is a dignify in Siute Nulli- ficution, says the great I hilade Iphut Law. yer, Horace Binney, there can be no ;liemtorsays the Ricumoxo Wnia,-(.ur. Clay's leading paper) but that Nullifica tion, is thO Republican doctrine of 179S. ....... . ,-..,:- ft. - iliiwum-Te't BlWW' E ..kin1iir V n1i i ti r i-.nru KAmi wh.no' .... . ., ... . , , . iatobedono' A little reibxtion will, show us that Congress -ha three afienatires to choose fromltTtolrbiafafjUeBi(Jjyi me.nl a( forces -2d. The repeal oflheTarUT, to a strict revenue point, and, thirdly ,to caj t Convention of all the 8tatea7Th1oartiea to (he compact, and submit the question to their decision. . As to ihe first alterna tive, the eindyy ment of force, it ia not bfo. babletri,Ati-will lia-reaoftcJtoor, thtfficstirfall wason,-Conyrr?f Har m rigkt 14 id to. ThA Constitution' gives t h iierreral Oyernineiit tier powers to i forte Against a Sovereign' atate. That the Government has a right, and it is its dirty. to put dowii ecwliiuatiohs of turbulent uuli viduaU, ui tfny part of , tha country, who resist tho laws, such.as tho iriiilrey in. imeiioHth PenbsylfatMa, ort' Shay'i surrectioti, in Massachusetta, ia beyond a aliadowolT doubt ;--but when a Sovitxiclt J ? Srt anodgoa that iot agect,' tha "T 11.1 161 "ma- ir. V i d (J .rniii' i f, has iiver.ir, ,i , I - tra M fim in lh Cmtiui.in f a,,nt 00 ie'-.Ul 44 r'aie, xoctnlj ar,v Lie thnnwIieti.gotiH'r, in a4nni;i Gi. Vention, and tln, and there, uVclara VI unfoiulitutiitnal, 'umI, Cw.arijtitlr, null ami wln're, van ask, U lha grtu clo, aetilOTM, or wrd, tA lha nnttitui" that tv by age tmplitBliim Cmgrtaa p9r to put twr ewa f Iiri). im4 bo found. , If lU fixlerkl IJ ai-miM, t , atlnmjt tit put mH CarJiua down hr''. nee, ii in iJ aa mittwg aetHa ,i ol tyranny, and H-mtU LanJma, wi() ft nil . fi b:nd ffirirtjinjtrp for her h evrrt J5utaTT' ii mi i iiKm. 'fhetTrrrt are the frtetn-rtu the f. J." " cral tompiifif sl-y -rmrl-d, jartr f iriaTT' ami ctfieiK-c to the rcd-Tal Uivvrr(tiirof; Ibey arnthe fKltcirAii, lul tho jf. trnmtai la .aily I ho agini la etorufa t'f ' lain power ajM-cilically f iten to i ;u " written articb, tallod ton CVajrrwa, the L . Matin, la lira Of rut nrri j,t(j iho priu-ip tlf h, tbl CKiUurt btcotiM ni're powerful than its creator f SUnjfo AorsT lie permittea t overall p ui ud do acts ofiiircMive to o.m, r more t,he rlicir'iL,hndth. ft heu ilnwe pri.t tipatt coinyhiin, ri'rjrt to die Uvomi u ' enforce its uqMitMit? If o, ttn-n tLV f ceref l.ovcrnment bat imleod bctao Iba judge td.ia oan pewera, and e bart. girtrcrnineiit vithnt limitation ojoavrt a wu'iso evil aTiys TilJiaua hSLtiw, lhaf disunion it If. The J'trdi rul gavennnenl Ins no poJy tooMrce a aovercign stale, and tJJeTan conslidutioiut iiu v Branch for it, ta (U - cmMitutur) V"'il l')"Uf44y.illi(ut. ing rt. - In the CTnwntionj ulno'j tf,.im:l t. r e.ltral conlitutou, wvrral lUluiuptt vtm mntlo b' the monarrhlral part if, in LuiIkt Martin, callt them, to giro tha tjei(r& 7nernment the pfwer to rt rrr a refrtc reMie,i. UimvoI Uiese jrop.iuons standi - on the Journal in the f , Mowing word "If shall oppoa", ot j.rcvuat (lie carrying lib) esuculiuM iMch acts or treatir(,f lite IV Ion) "tlie folcral ex"ctitivo aludl be'ad. thorizediaxail frth the puwisMf tla Cotkfuicrutcd i:'kjlL,or aa much Iikkm- shall entorcc, or compel Oio bbe.licoceTa' auch ort.., or nlMMlicnce of auch treali. Tliit firop.wition wj promptly rxicL Here, then we see that tho power to co- erco a rfatp was atfeinprcd to bs givei and cxprewly refuscj to thu FeJuru! got;r Ltriimeiit ; ond, yet there aro mou aiuoog. mi, wno cinnn tne power lor mo general oovvroaifflitv and are ouxiouj to eee LLcfI crciscd atinl 4 saej Siato What.ahi we tlMtkAwktwrauo? ,They tniwi ke-C, long to I hat r.h)Lof pol.iticia,TI...llJfcC Uio words of the v Irginia Resnluti'ins wisb to cur ''Reouulican syslem t'i) ft States rraasformod iulo an absolute, or tt bojt a uu'xed inonorchy." The FIeril jnvernmvtit then has no power to use. "uinsl 8ulh Carolitia, at least, no slitutiiMiuI (Kiwcr. But, "suppu-io ilul lha "." ... v..Si.j, a .ki.. ty, should so fr forget themaefveV as ) puss an net to employ f rce cither eft land, or water agmust Booth CareluiS" will I'roiilcirt Jackson, give his signature' to such au act ? Wo answer no,' , h 3 not ; and, we have bis own authority in aj. aualognus ctjse, fir answering on ! jTlwa- J.ha ...piJUj pliiUiUhrjpis of v. North through their still more piouiagest Worcester, fll Culler," now aiiugl) Wf" ed In tlie Poniteutiary, were atimaU ting tlie Indians ia resist the laws gi, and urging tha General (JovermneJl . to pul Georgia down Ir military .forcaj - what did fcehl. Jackson say tothomMo . j - '.Vil lus talk to Ross and the other Indian un e-jfttion in April 1820," be 8ays, '"T'a1 word of iho V. States might be ljokeJ ta as. tho oriticr in suoh an iiilorrVreoce. Hut ihi$ enn mpcrAe dtMTmMfSltm. dent cann'oj, and will fi'of beguile vbtftfiA'' such nn expo elation. govern rrnt con acwr m tnvMveayi rr , I attt Siati ofthe Unmarmff.lheJt'fe'k f those legitimate povrera which brV jm to Iter bovkbk i-tarV.firthi- solemn Bvowal of Oenj. Jackson, toy one siippoee tnataa trouU jiAty jorti.. even if so authorised todi I jy Congress. . BuVthis is not all. Ir, Jj, first meiafl9 !o Congress, heexpr" asserts that "V eoVerwrntnt ir r jf lotcT0'''"'' excre'isj of any power considered doubtful bttinterielM gresi to aubmit the dispute to lha sqw8 1 1 . ti oi ail power, namtv a convcuiiuu v. - States. ' .. " '' The'ee areeoly a (ew of many Instruct rere Gonyacksoa baa vow'1 010"' entfrelyTat irirttKffoi;"a piny moot of orre against' a'JorC, State But tjfailifiW"'

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