4 - ' ... . - ... . s . ... . . :U -.&UK&1:. I b ; k v ( , hi Ui ; It is to aUnin fr,,,,, hf, Wlirt, h,,.f f f i Pi.. -...! I .1 - i ' ' . ..... ti if" nu..in oi jmon .I.riii!lr MLisnmirrutuvAN county, fi.;cuMONiu)fj.j;CTO1iCu.1D,),: 'vr i a 1 1 ri:imx. 77.v:.v c i vi i' I t ...... I... . L . i i j I .f I I a.l'V'-I "iff o ir hi riro .iuu-r rirr i r.u,. it' irifkl thire mnnthu or . -r I . - - JJ! in 41 s''v" ifpji'l it' uhf oth fr .liimlintfj vntil oil arrr4r'it$tirrm ,lM nifr mil integrity of tho CoVU ,4 fuilirt tit ffi ihf FJitor of a r'u f j tUf0nli mttHlkUt the irairdA li.in r" " 'ir, if7 rjitiiJ.rrf o u r" A' irn U" irf tit miJrc.it rnbr$ In Iht i'llnil'mulH, A til flute rt A'lw'riiynjf ut Mnl rat. ' : :tl,i:.rt aUr, ,t,J I, ikt tllii, J 'V Tin Icrim ni!I L ) Mrirtlj oJ'iPf- 1 1. (;km; t; assk.miii.v. 'I'liiiriultiy, AVr. 2 Mr. "M .it tin r.n a til.!'- "'I'! n-n rr, wimli urrc lunl ,,jm , Ihi- t iM', "II tliCfll'ilifO'f 'Jf..MnUt;( : V.iii'-r i f U.tiV, nil crjiti'd to be , JickK V, HtniWi of diM'p aJ tit.il jni; .'i jiitf i' I.Uj Ailuro v'lliiru of fHlr r M -i: '' mih r ,are ini'k-r ctmaiilvrntiim Hi - i f t!i- Miilirni Sliitw ; it u tlicir. tir.''!r In 1 t' Ix'fllf lulV of.tliin (Irlifr-1 I .WiiiUly, tlii? Rrjirnir'n'ntTVi? uf 4hi-1: iHMjilt- cf Nurtti ("uriJiiu, ri-1 pc'l'hiv t iin ik- Limhii iMir mMiluni-nli, j ti, ' - w Ir iirvn, ttir wntiuiriiU of mu ix.i...ri, - n iwm-.tt iiitorWu'tinCT cM- "fittr-infm ntfiir."' , 1. ; ' i'"rrJrr HrtMrrti, 1 lint tbhHics q t!i0f;io, iu tLe frrc wlutn Hewn', im v frmunui ti rV-rfh duUKiuiiuulj! .L'linsttlultMa .ol'l I'ihI--! Snt'.lni'l rMid?r the adran-1 f . i. . i : H ; - "I ui' i i r.n i iiimi, hi mi-uiiijiii . 'i r.ii I iiuhi, in Tiit nil t t i ii 1 1 ini'l x:rn'liiiilni our 1nV,hi-. t" hs? iiKMltiilahl : That wc dn-Jr-ii't the ff:ictrth( 'r X uinfirhfion', "n ,! d i u priucipli' siiliverHi'vo of the ( i iiMiti'in, and n bating n direct ten !fiH- , if nriu ticnlly Piifncrd, In wyer the V-'J'' bicli uu .umlu .u tigciiM!rt aa w jriut and ow:rfid RpMH . 1 ' ,, 'i. Urmlrrd furihrr, That e KfiH r- in the wikU'Ui and integrity of the ftiOsliluloJ amharitma fit ihe4Jnrnl trd trriiuicii!, ti tuf rotifidciitW look to their (latriotimn fir tittimoftr rdrfiMi of nil our real nanrM and ai fm rtgtr? ure nrrf -" kibi I by the. Ottetrt lUstittt'itib front oirttrnw )ntO allraitrft coinnarts, jr. . njjrcetucuts Jua.-tb$n(M4f'4NS.-tM4 lmg ...awafA. tat - tJicvileuiMit and auctuiKd iculMig w hicit tin Ally. nado the coqtiti-y to n- funrful tti-nt, thi- (Jmirral A-wmtilt, tinder r feting circiinnfaw, deprecate tlie policy 'ff rmthPr (untvnlion. -sidhe H TiCTcii rrnuestd tn-f rnrd a . fujiv i f tlieb reolutiuiw to the. lVesideiii ! Mfihe lotted KtafKemto hr ifM,;iMHn th r-Trrutiv) " " Trtitajf; .TVrl'M." . . .4 Oi mti..n of Mr. Scnur-11, tb Frnnte ik up the Misstis from the H nn of Ltiuiiioii.. rirmioiiiii r iu refer ta iuiul select i i i? ...... . rw!:i,a rrhit to the contract with i. hiiaheg lor restoring the intne of WnoH jngtn. ftitunlay. Sor. 24. j Jilr Uko prcseniad ibn petition tff ,by citiien of the emhitt of Iitocoln, rajin 'be (niisrtje of an act toditTJe the hr. western 'Judicial Cinuits into fiitr, Sd ! appoint an udditioniil Circuit Jtulc 'oa!d in the holding of wid Courts; which a read and referred tt; a eolect coininit loc cmlsisting of one member from each 'hriiil district. Mr ir.ucakc iireicntcd tho foiiowmz pte x t . . ' L. - Wuie and nsolutioiw, vi.. Xvjiercas questions of deep anj increns. hz 4mportanc now aritate sotno of our pwrrf winch are supposed to belong ti Jlie tieneral Uoverirmt'iH on tho o'no bund, fudofihe rights which arc Ma apper- "tain to . ihe Statn on the other. AmH 'lli-n3 nil uTiirnMiTifji t.l oiiiiurt Itn. fwt'tliw LrrgislatTirrswrfms tobecHlfed r, mat aikmce limy not be conatnten into virtual ncouioucouce oi tbe powei's claim J fir the IJeiwral Uovenltnent ; nor yet . i bciii, indifferent to tho consoquence litch necessarily -How "from tho onforce- . tbe.it of Xullificatloiu f 1. Be it therrfore rc otnct, aa tho opin- ptiif thU'lisjislatyro, That while we dis pri)vo of the docttino of Nnlljrtcjrtmn.nfi W6hi"tTtuiiona HmrrendnTrwr Benertheteaa fccl "V1"' to toe trauw which" ha given Mm Ia U - tliisatcti Further! Tiiaf 'the' m.wcra tbich.Tia twicrt eede l ly tho States-to ae Ueneral Government, were ttelognted .p trust for tho aceomplmhmeait of certain bmiled aadoVjfined objecte and that any ejerciae of those power to -foster mntm ' wetures directly, is viewed bythis I.e'rista- A yiolation of the spirit of tho fei- f compaef, - . K Retolvtitfurther, That while wi de"- ; yTMa tlte tijMiri of ulhncetion, aa be 4.V i;"fcn-4 nolont in prfirUi'ir, w it tWsttine limn hih.jJ I . I . I . . m 1 y. . I ... inn rorii r I 4 rill iif nulies Uiohinj la nrntrcii'Sl. asiWa iIm mmkiI , .... .... ffif niifirntu1!. nii'jiMii.'Kf ixiutr. Iutu4 i Witnn of Mm OrwraHiovfn "f " ' ffrMrri. V. I iiBHiiumuon m ouiu t, ixxn in I l.i) v rnt Itiirationof duti',li.Hh ii ll.'" rnt mm in tmi ih;iuil, bt holil it o an in lirinj wmIc, wliicli ilmll ultiftial l Tiit Iff down lU ii)iiint In a meuuc immiiI. 6. llrg JrrJ, That t!i JvpnHr W, mi l ha M hfrrt. PBqiwfteJ Wf irmf.1 a cimv i" tln KrlutMi o ,? 1'rijj.lciit of IM I'imIihJ Sluing, au! In W Rtulivoofcnch ul Slle uf thi LVnlt'ilnrnry. Htich,tM imituHi 4" Mr. Kkirmrr, vrrt ofJcrcd lo be Lid ua l!i0 tallo anj jr ii.t fnU Mr. CorwHi pn-icntcd a till to pr.ri!f dr Ui fplraii'w of miil f..r lanU in l'uSiuti, mIicii iim nrii.ial lm Iivti hut, or b LuVimmJ rtarii T1m party iirfr. lixJ. UcuJ lite firl inuf, 'i!;J, aiiJ f firirj. CM motion -f Mr.- MarfiiC flm S. f!at (Tururtlrd to lW Mff miJ .nJrr (ho wi i rnl n:.liitinu (Jiaiinning tli il.K-irut of Nulltlicalioii, and tlio (4 y rtf a &nith CinitlmIiuti, iiilrmlocml hy l,nn . ihr 'liS ftiMnnt, an irtHOthosC pn nti il liy Mr. Ltdko Mt thm day ; fc, on rii(i!i..u irf Mr. Martin, it wuinrJurud ilraMhf til.f rl iittimn c roMMHiltoit to a coiitmiilin of ih wIkiIo !Iki4c, am! nnnln tin.- i-rdrr of tl jliiy (r 1 rnl:iy nrf. Mr. IV.lnn'n Mviefilcl M n till T"fiii" tiin r'4Tf ffrr tntVrlj lif rti.i "SuiKr. ir nJ CiMiiity l'irt in I ho w.vr-rnl cun- mrn tXiu:fLuLi whirli win r-'aii tlio hrt tinia auJ itaiwud, aud im . HMMitiw f MrMnt4 gtimrfT, of Ownrc, it wan ord'rl 1i b t..j ' I'l liiliu. Mjmlty, .(r. 20. .. XuwJiou wa ronJ by Mrr Allfn lir'trt consrJrr the votn takt-n mi Satunlav. on tin; tt'tn'iii'r of th jH'titiun prenrnted bv Mr. I Ink, (mm Hiiudry citituua of Lincoln oiMiiiiy, prtoinx an nlirration in the thrti wntpm Judifidl CiiSrultit ; of ofiTJiBTIlii tKm, will lh Pomifn rrronniilrr thn vote ? it wai detrrmiiicd in lh atririrmfivt;. -Whrrmrpon, on motion of M- AUri U a ordcrrd thm the mtid p titlni. bn rrfi rrrJl ta a arlcct rnnhnit, roiwiitmj of one rrr ,r1m.f n.r" yTir W VIZ. KM! Hikc,Scadl,- M ilami, MaPtTi;l 'C.'iW.'-f VL. f t.i- l i..;..y tr1 if .i.i: m. I. err of Hnforrt, Atlhorn,(iavfn, Toiniirr, Mivw iifHrivri aiiJf'ii'rscMi, vertnpinn ic(f the coinmiitrt; on the fart f iie!ea-.: ale. A motion w,n made hv Mr. Fii.iiuht lo reconsider the otc. igkca on tiaturday ini the reference 4" flie iwluttftn, Iiilro diied ly"-Mri Martiir, di.tproiitj th tt-ictritrtf NnlltfrntTmr, and the tdict f n V -iittt rn f 'i-rrvrmtiari nn. fKt aTiX.liLli nai ' u fcJ mi !-! w ai V'liliv ! mi in r r'i'iitT'im ,,,,1 bv M.teake, on llio Wibjottti: mietTi:i, i!l ilm Senate recor.:-! jer th" vole It .n derided in tlx iitliuwativu. WTilgji Tlnid re.-ihHiWH were reiid the tirst time and passed; and, ou molwn of M r. AL:iin, nWrd t ta- rfTTd to a' cdiiiinitt ?c of l!ie whoh. Ilmise a lid mado the order of the day fur rrpJuy tie ith proxiiMo. Tt-rsihiy, .V.ip. C7. hill to erect a new couitiv out of a purlimi of llu-'couutieii ot'lliirkoiV Buncombe, by Ihe name of Yancey. Ileud tlio 6rst time mid passed. " irifiiy, .Toc.'tr?. ; Mr. Martin presented a bill to establish the Hank of North Carolina. Mr. Doddir,n bill to amend" the sever al laws of the State relative lo tbo duties of C'ferftt and sheriffs , .Mr. lloan, a bill to regillate" the comity courts of IJavidioni i-,;,H;rniicuUd Rail Uoad Company ol ual- !' ! i Mr. Allen, a bill concerning the Sup- FCine Court. (Provides for the appoint. me ik hi a am jniign i Jib JiuVn.) : ' HOUSE -OK Ct)tOXA , ? Trilift NbrZ?. " O i mMion of Mr. Doniier. rftAsi reWd- ved that tmi committeo the ildiciaYyJ lit! iiwtntcted to inmure whmber any, and f any-, what troiinotM are neceasnry ta be jimdtf irt our bv for the relief of nandrente so m to enama certairr peron, whea uti Boltranf, lo- be disrharired frotaimondOin merit, namely &mmftiwmi:m&fwH" Drnoned for a fnw r non ntfendance at inusleMuncV rcviewsi ii)ao riesotM raipris onedi who have beon- onvited of an of fence, whicn'disipinlifie's them from being heard jw a nuineiw. m court a, and that they report by bill of otherw wo. t , Mr. Pearson suSmitted'thsfdlofwinar re solution, whtcli was read the first, second and thirdtimes, pawted and orderiul to be enprossedj and sent to the Bonate tor jcon currencn t -, . Rewired. unarriniu?lyi by the- Senate w f m m'-' w -w- mm wm- w - irmn it inn t , i : ;.r: v . l 41 Us -mUiy'tllii Mi, J1 aitjumil, " tlMof En, linr f irtuu mid iiM-ir icra.li.HK.r;" and Unit tl,i ihw . ! AwmHy, ith'tJo jfwijilu n,i V rrffrnt, iliorinb jr d(.H-p vairrntifln f. Ik' lixluc, tUju rvKm, an-J iti Hi rVr.fr r oftha ifc ti iwdj uim! vii.il!,i, iih J iiiiiiii), iim inrmu, timl Un ri.unlry, in tuu b-.-rattteinoiit which all Unr nwininiv!. Vijt A'ir; On mmifm ff Mr. IVt-hW, it ro4 ved, ttmf rminiftp m ke' JuJitiarr tt' ..iUuv.. i i imioire mil llifl i.n.f.r.1 i'r ut an amcndinj tlio net of" I emiilrd n ncllo aim ml tU iuw t,it,vc to thr colK-ctkm of fcUi fruin ilia rtntca of d ... iiri,ii1( 'i hk ro miiVhii' lliul hi rful ct,itc ihall ns cfmr;'cd, with tlit cont iiM-nrri'd in all ami nrnnit rtcrutoM or aumiiiniraiom, whrn thn pleq 147 f minithrcd tAlitl iu Lvoijf .tCo tkiUid ant. faliiritfi. A". v. A.ir. 21. ""A nfflW J(T H oii tiift S-natn i.roninJ to ruM ,nnt wtwt "eoinimtJrc. io lv roinXH7iJ ua iliu p4r of catfi IImi-, ofj oim; iwMnUcr Iroin oarh ;nirpi.uniil di tfi?( in tliii Stntu, to inquire what ultrra tinna, if any, nrti ikcc iry U, w nn !e in uttid ilialrif-t, iindt'r the fmlcnisua and uppffrtfiiiniinil of n-prpiHa'it(-i The niiKM.iti.ni wn ronmrwl in, ami Mf ar. S'ki iiirr, I'.ill, C. VA,tt, tlary, M'Md- l.lil, l!ra'j, Iclf. Suimmr. (Jraii-M. Pir. Jin, Cn.isli'K H-jra n.. KminilLcrc . rrp)ii)ti'(t fii"r'r.ii)i;.jen iuJ CMuuuittw ' Mirt of l)m l .uc. " Mr. Ujhiiit prcVutril a hi!l fixing n u . nuorii mo tn WMMlwiiNiit o n-al ra dhrv.V;j ",V,ur""r tlbrt,lll,ufTn1Trf,Z, I."1 "H'rtf 'i.ii.MMfilint'. ,ate- - iwi.'immiiI4 ttowmaHiE"- m pra-Mto moult bit It waa radth tint tun nnl pnd, and, on Mr. I!r.i' motion, it wnn refer. ruth 'iintini!r on j'lnaiwe, and order '."I.10 H fjfN ..-'CU bill jtfttwdn! ilU InnTiamty rmirta of the neve rul coupiica of lhU Slide, nhII af the firH rnrt oflr the first. In) of M.iy nrf.nr, il lhT ahOidd il, ut any .iredinr CVnjrt thereul, a p-nnt on or more prrin u ouvmum, whore duty if nbnll Ue to-all tiro real ptafc-, with tit impr.ftrfmeuU !lu:ru,r, iit llielr rrtprtiy! rntmfin ; roid av?rnr to nmkc put an alphnSlirnl list uf said arc;iiineutf with K iiihw of the ownrr, mrr fnn each cautArtiV TwtricL ..".""""7 ,""''" said aisoasmr-jtu filed, and lo mruo-ii each Justica of.iiiA IW amwnfwi -tT rOtte lUa Imi id". fcmhW. trrth. tt wpp.viTb'otPcri'. Atiflrst,'; Jw:.lt)fti. w fLis- said atseasmeot lo aland fife ream, nnleas a oiajonly of the justice aliall order iii othcr for a . si time. Mr, B'Hincf j?f5sCT!lod tlw following re- aoliiimn h htch wn rtjeefed . . . . henlred, .i hat tho romimlfrfl nrt ilia Judicmrv, bo. inslrucUul t inqnii heth- elltfr Cr'unHHiMawa of the Slats i ii'-W wd art airtYitld;-nit1ft")rl(ili'sTii'lre:' p(i?1v" nwnf of Hrnnttiif, "tnd that they, rejirt liv bill Jr oUcruic. " Mr, tnirie.rpVcsentcd a bib' to vest tlie rirbt of olivlinx the clcrkiof tfio C.W.ily uird Superior Coiirtsof the aeveral ' coun liM. wiihhi lliia Klnli. in tlm fn uhiln itK'n thereof; and Mr. Samtelair, a bill to : 1 exempt from execution a portion of the Innd - of the citivxns of North Carolina Read the first time na'sseil ' ond' ordcr'tl lo l prinTeil. On motion of Air. bawyer, it wrrs frWrcr, Tb-lt the (iovernor lo re quested to communicate lor tho informn- twn of this H uP, tho number r Indians now resident in this State, tog"tlicr with the extuitiif territory they now occupy, tiie clmractcr'oflheir laws and firm of ovemmeiit, their habits and pursuits, the ualure and design of the aggreKsimHi com mitted upon that region of country dry Bonioof fhe citifons of.OeorM rtjid t.tlier &faii$fimi it iW SlatOi nny nullmrily is eited in flo Uxec. utive to rcjiel sucli agg regions, and pro tect aaid Indians and territory. rMo,i.Yoe. 27. ; J On motion of M r, ijUitilelair, it was ro- solved that the committee on tbo Judicia-' ry be rrrtfrticted to inqtitm into the propri ety of so amondms tbo iwii section ot an act, pnd the year 17 11, cntltmo "no act-for the ltter oMerratton ann Keepirw of the Lord's day1, eorrtrminiy called Bun- luivv anfl liflf Hie more eiier.iirai sujipression pf vrce'jMtd iintnnrnfity"as' 16 fpoTiile! that the" bonds tneteirf Mcjtirrreid lo Wgitr- tw.-strttt 1tfi itnre Tne'fittitMfftTKrj Cbatrmnnhff .Oity;--Hiit fofthe ved thaf thocomrnjttc be mtriRtcsi'to inqtiire jnto tlie expedien cy of so nrnendirtg h,ii)"iliti Iows ns to exempt si&h persons as have fiefdxoiwm!' aion. ffnd discimrjr tho ' dutio " assiijued tbetrt for' tbe term, of veyes froirt he perftirmahce of imUfa'ry diitj aftrwsr'ds; except " tnt of 'invasion ' or Insiirrcc- - "! v i v u .V. 5 . ' 'vi : - On (notion of mi. Pews, it was resol- teJ4hat a mcisage in isnt to tjw Senile, . v . . rv'""' lo-raiina I'linifcinri'oiiiniiUPC. I nilcfunfitl to I i .".u i ruiiiiB.i m oi 11U.1..U . -,-i. i . i i . .'. Ost m .tiori i.f Mr. fi n. jf wtta ri!vJ, HStJIw joint pI. niiniililta on .Military Aff.ua iaJntti d o hxpnre iii'tii thn NljJiicy of roUnitf, f.ri.,l(,2 and ,f,tni lu'g t'lllM! (liK-ru!, Siuif; yt, y tl- Mm.ii.c.!rfT ,o .HmU'rr d milfi corniaiMi r h n.ilila of (h i ytate.tlHt tnditia l.ivn ,4 ibiiSu?! j.ii.1 fbij lb- tld ( iirrimiife- K( Airtlu-r imttm lJ In irfpurc ititolh ritM-dieiirv; tl a4ntiuL' l s i;lhr nlwllnru otruu r ta muih Mm- to r and imhlii t'liiiiMi y, a.iato f..iiirl won in prM-tji ii.il.lnry ay 1f in of dull. ..1)4 iiMUfrft Mr. lJ,.rden, ir u oroVr t'd thai a m-wi-fi U aul U I ho iwtc UU-irtiiinglbiu that Hi umiii rd"lichd. l. Spaibl uid,fcl in .tBm ftjn-,. , m , imiiUmti f t;,s (!;,. J 0iicru.)r of tb Siai. Mr.8.itiiiia.T. Sawyer pwnf. a b.H, di finiiia and liuiilinj tl.n iM.rr of Cotirla hi nnn-liiis X'ihmn4Vjjr.cHtltfBrtii; id rrrtTrad fo'l2it Coiiimiticooti ibeJu. dtcbry. k - Mr. Pear!' Jcsofutioa i.f frriorJay, pmpoaiii l' raij a j mil fr Wt Commit ! h ihotittijrrf of a rmireutbiii, oi now telcB up and aj.iptod. . . . v , Wr. Virnian preantil a Ull to amend an nrt pnwd j 1 932, f.,r the tciriTor (I.Mor fir ili bis t burn utiy bo iWwitJ ?0:r iim umxu iUf. aucjuttr-mHW.! - Rintrnirni iMtf-ictin-' the Jn.lirjarv Ctnii'iutlne In iu- rfnireiiiln the ctihemy of cttnimlliii( i .xcctiiort ami aUuimnMrutoM cr ln.lvmtt rUtiiH nannwt the ritutet'of thnte int ir in teat ul. th arti" 2jM Rmais fa the Tsglhturt (f .V. Carotinit. Th rirwnt U lh in i im,v.n.,i r ..L.i .i.-i l" li since thrl.io of tho lUvnliilionnrv war. W ithin mx rrtoiith a eome, th ij'tti.Mi will bo MtflcJ. wbelher onr tfovuruiia-'iil cJihII ttwliniro to Ur a llrpuhlieat CoiW. It is annitnj to look b;ft k thruimb a lapsr) ol fifteen year s,nnd. mark tlw rtf. Wr- end inewmnt rncronchmrit Ct tbo FtdtiraJ C6tnrmciU on l!u rights of ike Staff r of Cotigrtu on tire tiihtf if ilie1 CoafituHoA with aome d"rt tit 'ctintimr Hpprf'hensioni ; but unpniiity has made the n bv'M, Bud.thcy now step over . it aa ! cred ijy with carclc di-ux-. TlioirJ inarcrr ts-mradr it i onward . t'ltvardi ! mjnurcLgnaA unle iw arroMvl, lliey i will ikmiii (iiivo paJ tho k-'oaaod lb j ultnrjnf Liberty will fall bcforeihoitn'dciii of power; ... .''--....;"':; ! j.--.- Y-W' i''nwe-Tnbii'ri Mlhi" Rt'pff'iien ' tatires of mm ol th" invercit;n Slates of tlii5,C!tufedcrary i it well kbiMives yon,. ! ' legislative e.m.ieiKe y u occupy, Lw onvandnn Jho nofiticuJ prospect I "r,"c country, 411.I nee what you sIkhiI.I " crww like this : (Hat you lake no '"P "trenjn nwi iw remrw wwer, nm ... ji .1 . 1 l. . that Vou do all you can to mmtain aiitkiiif Ubcrty. .. - v-.-. nio crisn o af wai an iirnioriani one; the itru!(lo :ben, lis now.washir th rights of t e Slates and of the People There i thi-idi.T.'rence, however, lietweon the two periods Ifien tire enemy bad only entered ihe vesfibiife of the temple irf'liberfy j bow toot have made a lodgement under the cen tral dorrfc itff. fl w leave them quiet, they will soon so fortify IheiiHidves with usurped imweiv, ns to set tho people nt do fnoco. We mmt expol federal usurpation or It will soon deprive us of tlw rights of Pf.ifn f tiililiritw pislature, H ono wllo- has always belonged .heiwho4of 'fWsy,Biifler no( the pro sent session loffass by, without a clear, and unequivocal expression of your osinioti on IU atilijimt nf lrMiliiral iitiiipiiliniia t-.pMak ouQiStlie Dhuioc racy of North CwIrni eee tliat yin are true nino. ' lj warn youV.fUat lUf friends of Cristiltifation 5frf ymir own bodies will I at work. They will nut coma out, and boldly! assert iitcir 0KiriiK!8! dui iney wjll aim tp give! the caiiseof' Stnte .Uii?kts n elahj ihrweh the titals of South Carolina: their emip de mati wiltbe lodonouiice Nul lification, jnd South Carolina. .'..'l,... The question with you is not t whether NullifitVn fce 1 the "ribtful; remedy. ' ItawrjifTjlS jhwvsrtai''ir hats iatiliavhft juijool tuo intraciHHisoi mo ironmiiuuon andTllje", mod .and Hieasiire of.redrc.se ! ( sea And stidy th Virgioia and Kflulucky licsoluiiona.) j Jff so, Ihen South Carolina, ia chooaina .Kuiliftcatiotf ti thn mode Bnd measaraorredrasa most acceptiia to iter, haamilrWrcwed righitbal ,ou admit ; and 1V all those wt deaotinea tbe rme dv take cam Ust thoreby the do not im- natr the riaht. Pv denouncing Soufli Car. . . i . . 1 UfpttJilh -Mi paily j iy, ei i r me (HKp-. J tnm? aid, but fr.0,l tt.ul tt...',3;. .: M 9 liborty .f itlie.tiniattil f w -"m n tiiv univ in im ro are nuv m mrr p ii.h-41y oi .N H thftKl p!u of that lierio,!,-, A . 1 Uiii.id'lniTcrt, tU f.iul dii illN,eiMlth .ldy ny , aa me jyjuiiUtrr la cwwrit pre id h lout batimo. oil Wniin -. - - -f - FI'. Tfllt ifi.l'.f rim1 arcoidwijr i iu v. xT folloina; Reiiorl, V mrmbrr t- "V. I nint cwdi derato ctunpoainj the aauKif .V latat a cxprcaiied hr ttuwe alone, 7- 5. J liul rvert rtt " W(iternun (itt or by - . ofi in noweM m. bt. $. tiim, llotwithiAdDding c mT Cr.n r Inw, is In tclXt -a col Htntna, a un're u-nrK jn a 'Hnmiil "4 t can lime n.. riHistitutionnr,L!y in Ui last reaott, .f it own kp fJ" the in. iters ciM.fcrrvd iiksi itjf wihiIii tie to Ruutiioto for the In LflM CatwlHufioual "cliarbj'r.lUo j f the-BMa who aero ernjihiyH it into -iyrt t.i annihilate ihii iuujiyrMvp Wsvtd fnwif ift..wmieh wTucfi crealod tkau. 4. Tlwit ho redrrnl ovrniin. ivcrumci.l, the power of whir h 1, lPn ' " Vf' l-'UUuli.n, r? - rn!rtl jt.riieltjuttlirt'tr.itiiiivn tx MiMi.nfii ngut to riilo ntUioMlff report of the usoor almse of Uiose pihter. ' y" . That it Is eir ritml Ka'ctm Wcraled! g'lTeintncnt, the powers of which are r. priy Jinuled by tbo Cuniiiutinrtt which erBf. if. thaMSiere. should m4 (.mia where power auilmr?lilivrlr to ifrferprt ttmtite4rtininiit. lo decide in -the last r. sort," pii thu. irst' or abusri iiftlmautborltyf wb:4i -ii ewlrs vnn- -the-rrrninpni agrnt of the cordedcratmj jta57 that; wicl j(t power cannot jieW-to the agori!,- wnci that would bo to substitute his judgment fir the eonstitutioim linijlatiyn. aijtL tbdt in tbe absence of a -01111111111 aiUior -pTfSHly designiitett by i tho Constitution for inn jiurjvwv, . f.itu jtiuhi .as auLU,.ana in virtue of ill soCreiutyr is ; ooraarily IX-lllllllJO i ou.osYCiao-iilNH rtglilr' 4 that rtgbtr-- SlflSarof The' " fi,' That iheaeVernl Rtatn litis trnwn set: wt'Trr1" n'ir FcJeral Constitution, fro, aovereiju bikI in.!? '"jnJi i!ttatci ; J.Iwl ubcy-iuMra v divested themselves of Ibis character Lv tho 'nriiiquishirieiit of corfaiii powers to the rederal , govern menf, baviiig osWiiii. tod with their aislcr Slates .fir prpnta', nlirely comptib!:) with ffm contiuiH'd tx infence of their own oriirinul freedom, ov eroigiiljf aiid ioJ'jH'iJfsio ': '-r ' 7. Tliaf Hie AcY laying ?trtif on im. posts passed in July, r' I, as well as the several acts of" which that', act , ia amendatory ; in si far as it triiiicotu! tho pormises ol reventi, and is intended, to operate, nnd docs ncraus aiihtantively f r the protHction of mainuaetuies, is an ex- ercitie of mwer not granted by tbo eon- stitution, but a plainano: palpable violation of the true intent, raeaniug and apirit, thereof, that ilie said nets cannot be juati fiod under tbe nower-f regjihiting com. merce wiuj foreign liatwos, aiuce ta rtgu of a suhshpitinl protection to domestic uiamiuirturos asuusies, and in sonm in- stances e,terts the pwor of iiiinntniiff k du ty, which eljectuolly prohibits the imp-ir- taiimi ta tiiftin thoo which wbiw pnitected. mid to this extent.desf rqys foreian conuncrco, bfltNid ol regulating it. That they canivit be supported under tho power Jo lay and col led duties since. rjiiacn'ef wa givon solely . fir tbo purosj of cnaMina lh6 (Joveniment to imso i a seyouua frhicn should be adequetato it wain's' and the aniiHiiit of revenue wmch is rtfhiod bv. tlnse JMilyjJulifiajrc gitiaiatc wants oAtne.Jl'.ovemmeM and thut the afleinpti to undicate the exer lr'of -immr-;tyWK;pfamW'm'ih' abor -r4 indnntrj'.V portion of 4w people of the Lnitin Mates, fur tbe licneGt ol anoiner ponionw sue eame peopic, un der the power to provide for the common defence, and general wellafeofthe tutted States, 1 even more alarming thiin Ilia di reel results of the system itself, because 1 frit is jo ascribe to Congress a power to do wbavr m tlrcir judgment niny con dure' to ihe common defence and general wIfarer and thns tn invest the national aim fim'in'ii tour ksjatttjaiitli itrlhiutliWai3rirn''j.".iir iwpccaejtatea, and ctpl r,ro. Hint purpose on Ii .-...f.-.M i l..-n...i. iKiui.i.ii.il'ivs, miu rsnf Hid i i- j.:. i-li.ii..?' .v . - v . are aiiiimj iue .iieci'Sniirus 14 ha- thV rainiot mhtiiit to tho adoption pnnclplej bn.liicnaucn 'duties ar io po"d; af bl rJrtauAji! Mlu.'iple. If Wmfe policy bitl WiIIIV-1 bound tr resist , thd .. - aamt tyjhe exercise of all tWir rights as mof (he Bttterefgo brSiLor jT tlii con. '2 n'llcr.icyraiiJ Pf coiisuliatron ai'id concert twuf tat If sliiTcr fSateajinvirig hlieintr pkU Willi themWifff s, and diposi:H to timtt? with them in rt'Hisf.Tneo to this pnheiplo. l(J.TbatU roioettolly roimtrrTnfr " ti td the '-KircrattMithcr4 Stati a, Tuiv tug .,."X'-'-t- fbibnion liiiereiii with UJn tlifr..irn:oraZ . of the grwvanees umler which-ssre bibptir! - wCoirmiTion' by-A'tegal1rV.nnTie'','r.iTfci"i U?F7if Ibiul KertiutVies in lWgrw,. . . ..... J ' . J -M I.".' and elected lor that purpose eh tliff Ihir.r JUuoday iu. Mawh . to ermshlrTlnrth' 'tt ou tho.ebW-et of thwwr. ftttcudtsiS maP td'rccoiniiiud to the jxtople of their 'rs- ptctirc 8ratrrrmclltnraure as mtr ' 'r conduce to l ie removal oi' ihe aank? auP that the place of aiyh met ting lie (IctCr-w mined by corrrkini1einre imtween ' ho I Kjiegatea c Wtt tt iriirlClirrf WKHrf'' 11. That tho Clerks of the Superior3 Cirtirt In tbo several cointi, be request--ed to o'ien a register ii tbeir" aevf ral ofli- ces, and that tho citizons of each cbinity be mpiested to attend ar an id oflicea ana rnrol their names In Ihe sald'fegiHter, ci- preNsmg tlioir epprotwtion or disapproba. liou of tho prtwoedings of thjs Ciivciiiiii (hat the wiid reginlry he cotiduciet un der the Superintendence f Committees td! Im apjiointedby IbeJ'rfiitJeut of hiCn?t veuturti for each cotnitT-i-tliat the Miid Re gilX vHLPrWvl w ,vJ.3ilj,day of , De, ibiieirff':l tiiercalter, rwitce thercot bnwg fjtven byt' the rilpritttendin Committee in each county. Y .' """T. '."" ' " . .11 3, .That if at the expiration -of tfie tlrno nie"w;vefiiicouuIie, a mamrtty shall lio f itirid in fnvor f "flio brore s proredings of thi ' Conrenitpnttiiha11 be tlfo duty of the sti- penntetmtnj roolmttteerjo each ctaitity tor irive iHilflic nolicu of that fact within aniA county, "aiid lp' invite tlweitizrhi of thtr wi,io eicei oy general iickci oil y.ie nrsi .nomuiy ii t curoary, ini rcniic, tieyen. Deleiratps to reprejent this Stale in thot pcopocfd Contontiwof Stutesr ' f I XTliat wTieimisl5uWi it adjourn to mecjUat this place, iiuihot fo Monk Muui ij,;w.bkhare iio C oil vent ion, le respectfully' roiiucaterrtot . eject deb,g'lpil' rt'presenrtticiu icrelu at the sai adJorJrntid meeting.' , . li,Tbil the redeait of tyCverj;? tion do Conigmnicate the foregoing resol? utions from one to ten inclusive loathe Cov ernors'of tha jfovfcraj Slates, having coin, mon interest with us in tho rejnoval of U" grievances of which we complain, asking' I hem to gtvo publicity otlhonanio w ithiit A.1. 11 - IT" . - - - ; r . -1