ffcsfmi Carolinian. . -v I. -iriiot svatem. that baa alt f at laat, whin aha aaw that' aha rtii wa iu anawea TituHw tairinl rather than endure thw, toaullcr Win ir;ftnai.iawiefa,ji' !" lir. Tha chai'e. af ahe ta to be huolod down, will find her nut fly inf. but at bay. Tiiav threaten ut with war t ana iwy mtifWto( pcaca' afld Union;""'; Are thust 4 m-MMir, that deaolate-oor whole coutitnr, aatcn-f-1 lha , wuica piwa wirav ejiTwIv c'ruefi jwijihti ri B iaW-'inim'it-nsI - Bat tjTanny U pafpntoal war. TUit eyhii'h they nm ttryin againtt a, may not . ,iMiiiia iwr aUajhur amiea. ..But it Aaewa.thnfl wtnot, ara wquaUV fiOal. :-: hyWcrtv and deaolatioa raaroU with it and T" V' "frr'ntile fcrinjff up itt ifi-Tr!t''pnr.'s.' -; vil- ' If wari therefore, or aucSf peace ia ifiie, $e t!rt alternative, that they are delerinin- . -jfaj to flirije upon na,thn ehoice ieantaay w. LH it be a brief, but bold atragle, Ciat ahall give ua, at once, either blind and bniul alarerjf or a secure and hooourmbl Tiie course of flie central Ooverhmefnfj pj!iowover, as cjearea ofrr ownw If cannot, mimm", faTt4aka llahl pi la r rr- hie ordwleracy' from diawdution, iiJ porhapa blood, tt mfinf, and, we dare oaay it, will caff Convention ef tha Eiatcs." ' ... Ju'EW TAHirr. . , Bom Oct., - ... : " 'fethrXiy an adjourn Mretitiji on tlie iljjcct of the propel Tariff was helJ in fniiio.il Hull Hon. Win. Gray Chairman, VTm. Poster. Jr. Secretary. A Ion an intertsting rephrf waa read I , L nicotioj which coocluded wilh the Mww- Rnalrti. That we have rejrarJed1 with fnqsurt the MUWishinout and weeess of jljifiorea arnwiy-ua, ami wmwjdornei jrowth when iwtaral vaA -enontaneon, and t the ra)ct ot a . aysteraoi iKiutities mno "pritctions ab evidoiico of general wealth . turf prosperity.'' :il...;.,..,Jk.,.',-r.,. , JZt$olM4,Thf retyirij on the Ingenuity, entTpriaf, and-akSUf our fellow cititeim, w bnlieva that all' Maoufcruries adapted Co our character and'clrcutnatahcea, will be htioduced and extendel as joo; and M far a will prontoto the puUic ihtorcat without I n v further ttUoeJaejaow . iJ3oZad,. Tbja.riO Io l-o n'ie to any amount of Taxes equal ' V apiionod, and Imposed- far the pur pnn of raising revenue neceiary .Cr tha upporf of tha Ulovernment but that taxes 'jmo'Kied on the people for the sole benefit c anyonrclaaajof men, are equally incoo- Distent with the principles of theruostltu' fjon and with sound policy. : RrJif. That the Supposition that an. fil tne pmposeir tarifforsome similar own". jur he adopwi? we are, and shall be d . yn''nl on foreiirners for tW irn-an of sib- . iien &d ickutt ia ia ottr opmwa aj.their isUbitaats vn fcst euitod, ti i(, i .1 CiH r i or i!m therefore if y H fr-j ' i v 1 j. (Vial pflJrU on uo that the farmer , he now does f r alt 'VmrVaH aewU" kh impoaitiiFaof duties Is, & d-ired by large ple o be unequal and m as . il eucoyrages ilig limr. it we are of pinion the lud the principle on which jod would, if adopt!, , however diiPwnt mat be mmo who roewmrneiM iimtn industry, Imirmle the proe. rupt lt worele I the jo. lusfia and tha lion. Daniel feesed their fnllow citizen in rpoft and resolves, in speech i dirtingunned lor closeness variety ofillusiratr-io aud bet. '. t was thMi Mrptod ; ot tho ra SuModoJ Ly lua commit lea uo tutted. thank to the lion. Mr. Otis and to tboaa kMititbara IVyin ji tha H'MiMof Rfotalif I'iMer. '.VJfBE VTll. jt TIm wbukj liidi- J to tlm liiiiltxl 8atoa, .j i n... u iaty aurrry id aa aoou oa fettiM and aii it at mjUImi i niaiiurr, and iu Hi" airw fpecU a ottkr public lanla fbai nude a xi aa I ho land It i atipul-iled that llio Li. to anlnct tnr inwiiaBlvrn, a : ot tho Miiupr rivir .md liilhofff'aaay lK tor thf fiit ir laoda. n.ioutJ tii'V t-e teinovo Ixi'irn mai itsia, un v ited to retain a tract oflanJ lr Ly Xo livo ou until llie) fix uponj I ol tftfTr futtirj TTwImiC'). tt" tn , asroed huwever, tlml il.cy will otaomt 4luivtii-v-.uuJw?..;o , be4d w tlw ottiW Inifila - arc.t i Iiuliai) territory nut Dm hcch- thoin,i t bo .U, wtii-n stnviv. d sranoe are pi-unitlvl to niovo un eileil land, uiit,il tljelil tili plarpcrpi.d to'lh 17tl Oi-rjb;r t'fcalber with nlrnTi i J j i r'"" -t r t drivrooiT. TIio Cliir.kauwa arc Ut re eeiva the nett proccod -arwiii from the ale o( the..4ndcdi-dctiii2 aiLii'ciJ'mtul exnonnrn coneifctcd witn lbs aorvy and mio uf the aaino. . -Tin)r.irll of all lli moorydVriretf frwn tho Tanf li,'-arti in be vcated in UucJt at uttorotf nv tne lien- end Uoverunwnt,' f r iho bniiefit of the Oiicluwaw 4Ututtvl.wiiiif ficm.o uaa the interest, but never tocli the prineip-l reservMif thai aea fund.-fcir the nae-of tlit oiUiuii' forever Tho wdt territory la obnit.lW iiiilui tqoarf, and the .ouwber lutacreaiaeatHnatedut 7,000,000. Florttct Cat Cite7.s rvrw sen ATpn r . :, The following jft-ntloinon. have Uecu na Md as caudidMtsa Uv auiiply the sacaucv wrsiiioned fey ih r(rniii.it-f Air. 'luxe wtH. nMii.iiniii utkma Lfili, U v. Flovd. Judt9 Ibtrlioor, Vm. s. ArrheF, Jude Tucker, Wjn. C. Rives, John Han. dulph, Philip R. Tlioiiipsoii,- and primp some others. Why have the nreleiMknof Gt Wm II. Ddna been overhiokod 7 ' Wo huvo hunrd his name meutiniied in private ! aud .iao tiI.. if,Juji.;j..J,cy AwJa'.'f vetersbtfrg. ' v ho ta to be the suncesalul candidate, is alUit tlwir nv.ttor ol coojih; tiir. Virginia ma ds a firm and hono4 own. Rienti" who noiniiwtos (!ov. Floyd, sliuii certainly appear in our next. " : - ' Ji'Jcrtcniaii. Composition of the Senatt, after the ttk y March xl. ITio vruiiintou corres pbtofcht of fh N. York- Journal of Coin uwrcw muket the Mlowinjr estimate of ili strength' of parties iu the Senate of the U. nitwi Statv, alter the 4t of II arch next t i6ksoWf---ohiionl Maine, t 1 S. Carolina, 0 J t ' 1 Gmirgiii, S O 6 3 Alabama, 1 t 0 2 MissiaMppi, 1 1 Vermont,' Muiv 0ar !uijwaita,-0 Rn Wiratlr-a Mew York, r I New Jerseyi 0 tt-Missoartf -a- f Itlimni, ... 8 Indiana, 'T-fl: 1-Ohio. , . 1 9 Kentucky, 1 9 Tennessee,- 3 Pommy Ivauia, 1 Delaware, a. II MarvlanJ, A Virginia, 2, N.Carolina, 3 0 TM, 81 37 It is true there U aomo difficulty in mar hallin. such wen as Moore of Ala baina, Buckoef ol Miaaouri, and Hen Kentuckyr RobrnsotVof lllinoi''Thy huve the qualities of the Irishman's' pig. wtueh'fitv about so that ha could not eotiut lfit be a wise ordinance of Providence that one nation ia dependent on th proa " perity.jf another, it is a foolish ordinance ot man which- endeavors to counteract that superior decree. - Countries when toft to thprnselvw-flinrrish, in tliose branchef bfj industry f r whoh thoi'r several positions, soila, cliinate", and the different genius ! thy bvo freedom if i tTC'fiK, ' su periority id eh eotm! ii it own, pur mut U (J U other.' ' Il i a brnefrt to IrrUnd that tl pwU En land, by their pouliar akili, ereeuabW la produce cheap nwnufactjret it Is a bene fil to Enalanif that the people of Ireland n rsiae chap food because;, bt the tree landeaay iritereourae between the count ries, Irrhwvl buys cheap manufactures with if mpf rflii'iw agriculturnl produce,. and England can rt food mora easily than it would otherwise obtain H, by the rrmnofae lures which it da not consume at homo. ''in vfattkmfrAj nwtwmc mtr ufren brx to cwQ tha benofijs f commerce, Hid to countered th arrangement of na ture wilder which each nalim Km some pe rtt(itr,adviitage in prluaionsukh,b mwnaof tTWsm 4 tn(j,tatDw nv mon blewiing to the huinau race but whm ireighboring countries alredv enjoy free dom of iiilercnuese, it would bo a mure than ordinary Mly te hrrive tltesn wf li advantages of iu London Club. Jcfum PonrAaTc TIki "good aoci Hy" of Lnnd'in am qoitv ahorked at tho M AmtrUan habiti of tha'E Km. t ing invilod to tha hnuao of a Unlr of the km, ha aetonlly took leavn Imfun ! rt of tlw fititera arrived- Tha hour of hall pt km Piond tho Rojal Ion amofwhul afcttwy, and bo wmiI umo ! He baa loia Hr iiial a viiat of curioaily to tha lUdk of EnglaiHl. It i vry natuml bo abould like to look at. (bo airmg Ui wluira bo luaaiat to kfp ku uoy. roIlElliN LXTIIACTS. I Lufaftt waa lately m-oled ot Uii;iM!ntl, "iull 1 U.d. L.M to BDmi MM- riJt: r-r" I fu-uik ytu," rolled the Eu hup, ujIimu Ftttly." " Yiw iH.fid nH be afraid, tin y rJ fwrtil au maigrt puri;ly fir yiw.M 44 Tliev are like your utiiwu uiouurcliy iiieu, rvplifd the (ire- late, which wa lir-utwl fa rrpubui, to ind JC'C V il tf BCtrpt u." J i io IhwIiii ul d. I'uliiriMic hw vuQLr d Utcly fromru cupti.ity, Il has hci-n preying on hi nutuj, in apito v( hU f uti tii'l and of the cmwinnt mid BtF.CIloiwtv attciitiuiut of In k'i lli-iil lu !v. bha ia at ll.ini, aid 'pcriniH-d to Visit liiiri IVoni "tJ to lialf-pUNt 1 I I UlC llflWlHXXl. lilt IS (HI I'rM'iiJIy in uih M. do CuriKiti Kau illi:, a id t,li ir wtlicr fallow pritfoui r : but M. ilo I'rM Jii i-. t aceuut-j have :ccilcd , fi.jriTTf--4-.-wJuiiv. (JovGniniciit lias ' Jm.i i .c' J th: !.! nuuit-J (j'.tk-iimii ol hi i u.v .mi . i , u occuut of lul-j'",: aJ - xfif L-iiifrm Kng!aikI.-Thf) fir, j iup ,mnd,i up. Atkius, wlucli arrived ul tin pni'l )cit-rdM) , Lruu'lit tiics of F,nj liuli pu ik) r. IHwluu to tlio loth, and Liv i-lii-lil uina iu .il" iuuii UJII.-I. i ueM! p ix r lunimU very little political now in a Mil iron to tliat afirendy puulishud. . Tlw new Krwncli -ministry M-sairl,-trpon tha authority of the luteal r icucli- papvr, pot Jfl J unptntlaj cilitoC-h the rood gracrs of the oliticiaui'or" ih'tboC'Hifl. (Jrrice.of t!w fnonicd people uf tho capiuil -aud the presi nctim ahoodt uuauiuMiuly to bavo sworn tha destruction of toe in; w rabioct. Since its formation no leas than 0? oew prcra have btHM creaMJ. - The Oirwttlod dilRrMooee between Hol land and tMiain cuutinucd lo excite wucb intoioul in England, and the ciuiuercial interval, irlicularly, were treiublinjlv uliv U tho jMiawbilify 'of ; coutiueutaj f-Vr-.'T..-'.i".---T-V"- ...A roriwpomlunt under date of the Ujr I (rue, ucu iz, aavs tor tais week fwHt- 4io''lHsrf' arw ft tnymt' tis V Dutch ditch." There appears to bo nothing later from Portugal. A! en and amis sro eoihrttuttly dinartiii2 from England, dostiucd fwf tlw service id Da Pedro. Aineriean panors to the 30th September. had rtMchud UhuIjii on the ICili uit. The statement thut the lirilUh fi-iet been ordered totlieSsclwtdt, Is pronounced to be ucorrect it was merely to hold it selfin readiness fur nmnodiute service.. The lute galos had becrt very destructive to tne snipping on tne cotut ot .niana. 1 he biwly ot uupt. l l ul, ol toe kitip Wnt Xtiliott, (or New Orloons, wrecked on tho 8th ult. had been found near the XortJi Buny. - Nouo ol the other bodies had yet beetf dnind. ... A Mr, Smmnorvillr, nttai lied to the theatricul profession, with hii two daughters, wcrepassontrs in this unfrtnnaW.fliipV Fraineuts of her vrock less than S3 persona are suppose! to have priMiea tiy uie wivck h tnis vetMei. Oil board tlm ship Creeia.i, fbf fftatdn, which sunk in Butle Day, jit tho sarun O-tgtn' and ticr-sorfi boy lwnr 5" years "old; were drowned, when hv went down. fua cnptaiu and crew bnd a narrow is- cape in gotting on shore in the b-ials. ' ' lite picket ship Algotunttn, which Wat sunk in the same gaU of tho- 8th ull. Iwd been raisicd and taken into dock:. ; : The increase on' the laa) quart'era revw- hue over tha corresponding quarter of last year,' wa (J9urS to sterling. - r STPRA BO IT tWLTilcrnrEEyTi NEW TORK-AND CHARLESTON. ' It wiHM pnrwivwJ 4ha en' enterprise of no small imftor lance to tneapoedy coroi munication between New York and the South', hue been set on foot. The David Brown, a neatly built steam boat, srell cal culated" for apeed, by Kghr and narrow construction, and under1 the charye' of an experienced eoiiihinndcr, Captain Penoyer, wtii set out on ner nrst trip to wttarri'stoa in the course of next week. The pasit will be made directly t Chariest', with oat. twclji'ij'at any interajsiiate wrV It will b p"f'rd ii CI of 7d hHir. A LfimiiWiiUali'l rlPrtrd ;,iiVhorl ifmra i lliinc (Till LflHlll' S,mlh to wr rv di.ra an I th travi (iinr .n71 fill li Miri arill MM front tbia Cll in Aarta. Tha I'avid Brown U iw boal With a nrw and powerful anjinfl. I'1" furac4i8 tra f4 with anthrarito cal 4h Lm kaaima jf which a aoiri4 H-ul qnonu- iv ran bn taken to Uit tha whla aa. tknrlrton 4 Sew 1'or ti'fam Park Ton fioa ateainrr Datid Itftr, riwt m Wednesday aignt, anticipating fhfrinaitbv lhrwdat. h fend fouh nfltTtiMniHt,iititfy:Mpmr9 nr-r (wkwh aa a aea Umt i and we ara loli dial Luiixf mnr b-(l New York. llr aniii6iiwnla re erv fomoMe, awl be conaanUrrCipU funotrtiar U U and nVawtaawwud fcimwa io f citUKOf botfi citiM, aa an aijierU-ncod, acti attd c.mrutu "luor. (3 K N K ft A li- A SSK M H I Y SENATE . . frilap, Xot. 39. Mr. Ilinton presented tlm (dlowinr pre amble end rlutio, wbU.li Waa read and adotitedi Whereaa il i4in hapna that the Wid ows end lulaiit Clultiirn of uilevtalPs, a a k-tt in pSMi'im of some property, but tim Mn-onoKiiMie in aniouiit ' b yin rorture iueut u any persou to adminu "f .tfvyo, and uodrtake the rttlrinnut of the debt ut audi uitoUltn by reaatxi of which sue widuwsaod childrv-u caiUHil li fully di of any "irt of iic'j Jr rly, upon liicu to auliM't Rtmlve4. That the eommit'te on the Jj.licinry be inwtr jttd to inquire into the i-xiwdn-iH-v of eiviiiii tho riH'l to sue urid'Wk, vf lu4 j.ijUui.jr iiO,.yeflr's Mj;jrr, and luvo the auiue litid out in Iho same maim- a tt JiiiU allot m. u hem erauioj such ctatc; and that they Larci Ici'o report ty bill or other wn The bilteonccrnina l!io rcmwal of cau srv fir trial, wj read tho second time, aud refer red to l!o cumuli!- mi tho JmJiciary cnn J hill dfi Juratory of the law nur in force civ'ini to the Lourtk ( Plena and Qiwrter Henaioiw uf tho aevrml cnutiti'-s within this State, the power to a tcr nnl fit separate plicn .ilfctinii, iras n.'Sl thn first ttmo tm(Tpcn. " ' Saturday, Dee. I. Thconrow;d lii!ihcluriVry of tlm law now in fiirco, civing loth'J Courts if Pl"as kuJ VJuartcr bomioiui, ot the several coun In s wit liiu this state, the power to fit and alter separate nlaces of election, was rea l the second tune and passr-d r Mr. Moore rnTWrttftl arbiH t rfpeal n art to prohibit the circulation in this ntale uftrr tho 4th day of July 1S.TJ, of Knu notes under fiv dollars issuod by banks of other Mates i which waa read the first liino and passed. 4 .... ..UbUSE OF COVMOX8' rrsa, .Vos. 29. 5Tr. Ii"T. Sawyer Introduced a bill to alter and amend the Criminal Laws of the State, which waa., read Uie Lmltiiue, poa sud, rucrrca to the Committee on tho Ju diciary,and ordered to be printed. Mr. Courts presoiitrd a bill vwtlrti in the Courts of Pleas ami tjnarter Sessions of the several counties within tins Stare. the rijiLu iuf establishinff additional places of Public Sak in their rvapeclive eounttes. Mr. Allison, a Ull to repeal in part an act passed ui the year 1800, entitled au act to revise, the Militia Laws of this Stale relative to the infantry. The bill li voit tho right or eletin; the CWks-f tbe CrfMMtty aod Superior Courts j i llua tlie soVmI. ountie wot tliie t3tat,-j in the free whito mou thereof, was rcai tha second time : and after wrrral amenJ ments made tSoroio, Mr, t'Mnonstuu nio-. ved to amend toe bill lv aildine after the words 44 Superior Court Clork," the words 14 and louiity suhcitors j which was iq, iected. ""Avss 3 J, Nays 101. Air. .M'Lo od to amend the bill, by adding after the word 44 Clerks, the words 41 aud Coiwta "lik-CXWhich 'trM "tV rieji v-e&TYeos 21, Nays lOi. Mr. Outlaw moved that tho saiJ bill ba postponed indefinitely j which was divided in the negative, Yean 30, Nays 01. The question was then put on the passage of the bill tho second time a! amended, and decided in the aJfiruiutivo Your 08, Nays 29. Friday, JVoe. 80. . Mr. McLecd submitted the following resolution, which was read anJ rejected. W hereaa the Cbartora of the present Banks are already ao otl rerid, as Ju render their ussfulnossas such to the com merce of the 8tate of but little benefit; and whereas the continuance of the Lnited States Bank, any longer than the period off its present charter, is put beyond a doubt, t duTT thcrEggaxtoalvianpa'nustf: lotiiiv to raViue c4heritod ne,w means fir a corjwcjrof. this State and whereas, both extteriiance and the nature of our go. trnment present1 us a cautioua admonilion aeaiost the creation uf any single banking corporation, with a capital large enough lor the demands of the State, and with pnw er to establish its branches in various, sec tions of the State, such: an institution may. and will,' hi' times united for such an occa aioW, either direcfljr :'or 'iisJueiinfltiM.. tne flrst privilegea of the citizens- through I lis vsriiAis unuKuva, mutt iuosv ,couueoeu wkbthenw , Reiolved, taerefiire, that the' Joint se lect committee on Banka be directed to in rpjire into the .expediency of creating dis. tinct and various bankinz eorporations, lo cated in tha different sections of the stale, and each with such a cabital otitv as the cmMlM Ratione mav actually require, with amnio provi sions for the soundness of their issues, by a retained supervising power of the legisla Miainras, . Vnth-rk "I I" VU', uiikii-ifcn to l-nr mhXs"k and hrarwhea and thnl lU 6"mrtiitUo trjx.rt by bill m iitherwia. . ' ' . The Cllo4ina ee;fo-.d litis and fre-j. lul.oot w.ie r.f ih flrt fmni and Md, tu wilt A bill to incorporate the C". mnisl Hail Uoad Comwny. in tha rity of lUUiiiih. A biU to abuUb the cuien of county tr'i-le iq the eouutief tun eomlm, Nah, IfyOe, Guilford, Rowan, Onabnr, (i jmbus and IVaof.rt. A ImII Io rvtjuOs lU CmsH f PIm eaJ Uuarlar goiwimii of Davidson, Udo ud Ouslow Mr", lyxlfotd Produced a bill, directina the rnsnnorlnwbU;bonMs,bksaliallhere. after tw aUjcted in tlie ity of Davidsonj wbickwaa read the AM Uamr, H rcftrrcj tu tUmtif&lJ&l' Mr. Murray preseiitid a Ull to repeal in part an act, entitled an art to sine nd the taw with reaped to the collection of 1 ty front lBe. eUtc t4 deceased persons, and lbs law in relsiioo In the levytoj.of x tutiiNis issued by juxtices of the pence; ami Mr. Brsptf iutroduced a' bill to compel executors, ail minislra tors and uanliuns to rnqke dtte returns of inventor ice and ac counts, under certain penalties and - Mr. Piorce, o bill reqilirins; Warrants i uod by.justiccs of the pence, in civil eases, Io be returned in Ihs dUtrirl in which the defendant may reside ; which bdls were read the first time, pajwed, and referred to the committee, on the Judiciary.- . , . The bill to vi the riirht of ectins tho cierks of the County and Superior CtHirK, within the sryeral counties in this a a . s s i ilate, in Hie I ere white ns-u increoi, was rrfcrred to a committee of tho wfiolu llouse, and made tho order of the Jay fir ; tomorrow, - , J , . frtturJay, Dre. Vi Mr. A1ernathy f rescutrd bill U e.- euro the inoro perfi rt ailuuni-tration juire in errta'm ca-wi which. wai. read ih first tune, pa!d, and rtrtrrtu to tue committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Ecdrs, front the committee en tn Judiciary, to whom was refcrtwt the bill lcfi.11113 and limttiri the power o courts in inflicting puuMunieuts for cnntonits, re portnd tho same withuut amendnH'nl ; winch a- referred to a committee of tlm whole lliiue, and tnado tlio order of the duv for Tuesday. , , Mr. Irvine printed a tull u .tenVuil an net, entitled an act to prohibit tho circuU tifn in this Htato, alter the timo therein mentioned, of bank notes under the drnom ination of fivo dollars ; which wbj read Iho first lime ami panod. I he Hiieaker laid before the Mouse a Communication from tlie Public Trua-nirer, irn mu 11111112 biuuiiiivh ui" ji.oi i-i mi Bank orOpe Fear and the ?.r,w Hank trnimuiittiiiu a statement ol llio ail.nr ot of North Caroli na, received at bis otrico since (ho dnto of his aniiunl report ; which was sent to the Scnats, illi a proposition thai it lo printed. The Ilixise, now rwolved itself into a comniitioe of the whole, .Mr. lolkiii (lie ehriirjW!'tni.1( op tlie bill to tost the right ifcloctmii tho clerks of the County and Superior Courts, within Iho several couu- ,m-j ... -T"'- 4 - therwif; and arter some time spent there-f in. tha Hneaker resumed tlw chair, and the chairmsiion behalf t tlw eotnmrttoe,- re. ported tlio Mid will, with sundry aiud,: menu - wnicn were coiKwrrcu iu.-- j ue bill as amended, was I lieu read the third . ' - m lime, passed, and or JcreJ to be engrossed v t - rin r v . . . w, Thoso hn voted hi the affirmative were j lllowe, Boddie, Conner, Br.uer, Ksrcin, CuiibJci,. Carter,' Clark," Clstwi, Clouiar4 Courts, Cjiice, Cromwell, Cuunuuihau, CuthLertsftn, Oavid-ionllewta fXickerV, RVfifcrrjiiiflfEnlu.ndffi ('illcspie, (tla, Giadv, (Juthrie, llara m mil. Ilardison. Harrison. Hart. IlorUin, Hunt, Irmn, Irvine, Jarvis, J. B. Jiwei,'"t R. Jones, Jord.in, Lancaster', Lee, Lid CrJ, Litlle, Locke, Loitdermilk, Lyon, Manum, !rtller,-Ma, ' Mnwtshy, Monk, Motiti'omcrr, Mullen, Murray, M Laurtn, M Neill: M (iueen, Normsn, O rjenAFark, Pcenles, Pol Rand, .Rctfe, RidliT. Saintclair, B. T. Sawyer, F. A. Sawyer, Buttle, Simmons, Sloan, Ninth, Staltincv Stephens, Thomas, G. A. Tliomi)sMi,Towniend,Tunsliill, Urv, Wad sworth, Ward, Wataoo, Weaver, Welch, W hitaker, iscuwn, W itchcr, Word, ig- lar, Allison. Those who voted tni the nejittivc, were Messrs. Baker, Barrinsftf, Borden, Bee. man, Burns, D.iniol, Ecqles, EdinonstoH, Gary, Gee, Graves, Gynii, Ifurpcr, Hart ley, Hill, Hintiiii.-Jtidkiti', M'Cloiise, MV Le-od, McMilJan,.ipU)n1 PJrce..P(Hkfe. ter, SUoimard, ckinnor, apruin, u. i nomp. ton, Tillett, A. W. WoptontC. Wooten. I dwelling lvthrr.f" CSWaVirteJ". Andrews,. decJ." Ifcrsci, Ca'lie. Host, VAfT, tw& waggons, one set nf Sxtrreyttag tnstrumntt, Uoutchold and Kitchen Fttnutwre, Farmms ! trnsiit. Mieat. Corn; 0:US. Uaa, with other ariiclet loo ted'roui to mention. . . ' ; ; . i , All persons indebted to tatJ estate. are requested to come and jtettle. pretenl'thtSni ,;irRinlhe''tirhir"r(he' air; JNCJ. HOUSTON, Ex'r, zfi&m'iirtfn 832. - - awj " ' B. The utaotatiin tin which said dee'd. lived notr oflered for air t it cootaint . 47 J acres', lyioff on- Back -Creei, ao County N. G, noiog the lands of George Andrews, oho P. MeCorkle and othert. Anv pirsiVo' wishiog to'purch ttc' caq get further : tnformatioa by ppljJDg Jo ?Jr, Amc Andrera who lirrrrti the co.tiuiciri')v me tut wtiraaa caaottsu,, Irtr. 7Tjftcr I tin on, of that r las of rrwn relief w rrt.but who smieyrarssf.i wrre!i,j tltpublicant. Our pririptft tf, same flow, asthey were in I7M, but uiif- tunately, e are rw caM bj t which bov roailo our prior ij sor-, gnp'.pularThe fact Is lUe CTay mm, fi4 Tariff own and the Foderakst, who XevshV'Imked-fwihef aavr!': great nnie about Xltjtetiat,ntHl sueeeedi 1 in making aaany ignoa,j wins believe jUl 1 it is fiem thiug u. Qt with Hrib!iraii a in J7f 7 1 A irmr4, I Ihnt time, was looked upua wuk Vrrrv io many parts of the CouUry, but iq jim )cart time a Lrs wj.,i",iy of iha p " became democrats aud in llul North Cjn olina went f r Thuiuas Jenerwin u Prssi. dcnt,who msi a real Ltmt rt and tU ry futhur U Aai'.irefipe. Iu a 2l ks with Nullification wheu u becomes Uftar umlerstood 1 However, oiy prcsoat objtct is 1x4 to defend Nullification but Io g'a you an inManee of tho cxtremo di-Iuiiots) that haVe born created on title lul.jci j designing men. Biung known as a " Nul. lifter" I have on several occasions iinrs sed what ridiculous ideas prevail at mo places about it. I will you a short hiHlory of a scene that occurred the othsf day, in which, 1 acted rather a ca ous part. For tfw purpose of transacting iom la-" smess, 1 bad hccsmou to ymt a VilLufcajt Car from where Inre tfwoh in a diftrwrr county, I am perianal! j luwn then ( ' some of tho ciliiuns, aud it appears, I tai well kiHiwn by chsractcr tar the nv4'af ' them as a NullifW. I rods into Iha VJ. lage and stopped at one of (be nKtst pvbus Tavcnis, where 1 had several times brfuoj put up, and ol course was known to ine Landlord. Alter ordering my hort 1. way, he scarcely look iimo'fo" sc't'ounii whi.ikcy, os is lus practice, before lie tUfi peared I soon di".oveit)d that the chit dreu aniTscrvants all soumed to eya ue very slyly as they pasaed around, and tL leaser children I could discover peeping at mo from behind Iho room doors. I thouLi t ,. . . . . - l .Uu very U 6i la y the kt of it an evulcuce or ill breoding. As nopnMk seemed dispoMed Io come, and keep sj company, I took up my hal, aud atefi -round to the stable to see what notice jif horse haiLjiitrarteJ; as I passsd out tsiat the Landlady peeping at tne' throuah a ! huck window ; as I Vent by the kitcheot j uoliccd the Cook, woman lookrri- thrari; r tud cracks ai me ; and io abort it appesr- , - "iTf'. I me that I waj aa uVct of grwter j curiosity Co the whole ealablishmeut tbaa the Klephaat himself wettld-1 be."7Artti . .... stable f rame across" the Hostler tn ki ricau beyiNid tlw Diiddle are. 1 said ie hi'm Hey! Old" DudJy Dlie.pnic'ri" at "iv houae 1 guess dont often see it ran ers : lor ItlOV are ocprunir at nvt aa if 1 wnl J r I a - tho d I himsoli f-Tha old genius gave a cunning grin - and answered " 0 ! J r$ maiaa dtyebry day Soe Jrvgcrt btit-"aw" 6Tlfcn' coSul!uu" is that satJ : 1 7 -Oil? I begd to understand it; yo4 ' mettu Xulllficf f Yci ; masa dat hf f joO no NullumlMr nussq ? Well old man wiui . harm is thero in a NulliRor T Oli J, (nana) you knowr dey say fib for killCJkiT f.lks! istlpitaU? yes nisisa dat a!l.-J Tiien old mau you tell tlifc folks at the hmisi ' if they taircforr VaTcViog' ; W Illlk'tW" kill some of f heirt but I'll eat them in th. bargain. 1 further learned from' the ol' nian that; tho Landlord had gone d"a ' street: to let' "de people know dut t Nu'JuinV fief was comc.,, AsJ passed down street where myj0 stncKj Jay, such a peeping' from armrl cernera, from buhiud doors, and wiiI-tf curtains, was never be fire witnes.: makers their tisfV, thest-Mre' ys t'-ei' counters to get a glance nt the NulHiier. --, I conl i tee tha wy ir a lwoiirt-of "ei ; wurchmglay apTroach" an J woiiW rda offa 'w g'j nci ner, tq hear 6'.ii Crclun, say 7 anoturg; Soo, Twv there he goei, liw ha nwdie lie roots, rcU 1 run I ww-.t run Bill, ftiii t'he'other, for. he dont look' like h'ed hurt'' body why he looks liie any boily eW.' Iii short, Mr. E-JiLor, I was an object or universal curiosity, merely lMansa tnS. Landlord had passed down the .street acf. iirkn - If 04W of the i hamalodisclpley'i' tho School of OS, eould excite such iriifi ity in the good VitlngHf v; f j: would the people do if Iho FatticrV'j liGcation, Thomas Jefferson hirnsW ouU hayo passed among theml I tiir ' thS" Village would have been deserted f quit the, place in disgustpTr . , tb ignotant inhabitants, but at lip '(b do gognee, why hare eo' mi'. ; ihJy "jrluM thCm. I

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