tfcslcm ilarotiiUnn. 8 1VC to, m. "ja LrgUtitm tf A. Carolina. . ibi pubr.e)Un of eur U paper, tn ired af T mt "'fM ttc.nt lHt,cloli of a Careere., I i-TTh. bUMfi rib cifki u n un himim Ttori.vo roi tytrmsvn. ll 3d;4:bib ffcTk -nolfHI. rl W 80 71 77 14 tS ..a JO W B. - - - j. BaaM. J - k ha MNtuI trhe election of Judge ..a 6coiiN County Hpn the 7H bit. ka baring reied V? . I. appear -.atiiethe int JulC.Bw.ia wu f".ij wh reeiJ .'I th '" 'r -l. ( b.iu;g vi Mr ihe iff "1 . . . , ., Mr -0v ft to HE rmNe-.f (tniftitit r..a) . itir J U if Wat wr kt, eiwlrr On hr1, wt nAxailled f'WTrmaikl le Imiw, Ibal M cm t rry fimetkl l'.el r'l Wtr Will be lb t!tel uJ by Sooth Carotin. We 4. (niM rr , ?, h Cttfftf WiH not etltmpt t rr luuth Carolina Inte tuhw'iMie O) Ik Ti(f t iuj Mibmttted annt quoialiime, fore the 0iol.M4 ef prcaidewt Jck c bimerf, I huW that At htrrW. h. eppeerd ta My thing lake the tmphf meal ef fere agtlnat Jmrrrfa itau.. . . Ye fxirfi -, la rmmic lh tubjeet I M at. a .... mm iKn Aik KILjImm .,,,rtll " "" ' ' ' ,11 to few ! elterto of ht C.nfi(jf, ...fiof Court (1rkll Iht ft tih'tU ' pMH'1 '" l'",J " .T il ,.,. oi ''" Th i ,nJ "-u cor. or CJitiouv.t. for hWb Uuv. Uaf1o Tie irrw w .f.K. ii;l'uff. mtt lut'.'icr io tlx ,r., of the r-fftWI! rrcri.v 'llilion. brr-htnf ery tpinl r n my, tkf. V't hM no ,,! h Vht !lin)f m he L. iaj a i Km ft .. thf it mi tl f W " "" tf A. r,l.e,i.wnl..luJb Sjrther Tr''(T ,, ,n4 do mrt r.V b- i-nrtrntnhor feeling Ti J firing m Cff , IW Tif HKhle rf I(iimi kt pt,l, f f' ll b ri-"ill-i'l, intl i tli4 'ttr tf iKg' M i forllj( Vlif4 llxrs, lHl K tummi:', t'l n1 fki'tilv riili it ,rt W e'wifti) f lh Dm rid ptat, mi ft bl Aw1nff ir.ln j bukl AlbM m Hr MV Ttnilafy i B U4 p. . MT itniik (livotgit) ettip'Mt ) f mtty ofl'ie fire) nn li Hf hl K t ! y U lf 0nr, tittiMlmg (lie c!i gt eBnwncmit, DitiHl aff 'f ttdi Mvbrr, ! Ih Conn- from rimi pMt if iki bide, "f hf meilnf connM be yreupeil le lb D'- .Wpe4 ftn 'mi, UNHUf ill pple U ecl ri- U nnmnUm 1m kl pfMrrnbrr anj U W ie, WfatM b; net du it !(() rule ..ijr mrb l)MllrigriIUelb( ZJ i,(,,"on- p,rn ., tl le mrmhtnt Ik1 M bef la Uk Into tofrnJeratbti Ilia mIJcI f nm 1). He fur ee, tod . for ! m ih iha TV iff, ! i eiiit talfia bm p'i e uii fimt, '," '. - (4fHltf ''y e-U e nte mtk 4 )! - i t f0 ywe 4x, ll prrwM r)f rWi 'fcijf. aounwlf wnt IntalHa ir, anJrra , 4 kU beta Utd offlnfnir lie f'irb..T itfJ"f . JtlW( tup-UwUMLUft lby.k V Uu--rf g. rf ifcew re eefy Ute- e il ' lHl C"retawniiee4lf Maitwird, ta pm e Mi, tUrUf i ha eMp';etiM al fwree I tine) Umid Camii A, and iHel lU rnewSeal m iulm efalt bk form rtV al UijJuiyVW favlla abe'y Uiir aitirry d ret, Imm W-it intfw-fix .. i e k touad U Ibf iwt eUnta J lha Orn el luk CuU. la ti Ofdiae tha p opw ef South Crolus ia L'im caiioa neembltiJi w Uainljr dela ta ih Ffkrcl Uetcraniefiaiq e ib peopla of ib eoSuie, tlui artaald a bJKl a force ;t lb, that aMimtM h aill arerat frtrm Iba Vkhik. kd H wp a , jural gicraMiil for brrlt ! Ur iha tUca'iriiua ouU aeMirM a at (vr.n. Ilaaene uf lb Aolcullhi lrfkraj l,l le rb fie Ike t'fcioe f If a s- bt itai, nA, tbca on tottth Ltrvlma itrcwi' thU I'bi, alt dMrr of riot aar and Blood brd, a.uM b i aa od, for il it not raauiublt 19 Mpu( lUl Iba Federal U roin. ei march arauc ad aicre aavict la prrni Souib (rvlina, frvet dok'f , bl il ia adnitud In li right lo An. Bci) i if . Cerelim or toy other Ivc, idarpMd ao( la rmiq I the Union, aJ quilt U t bo kh la be fore , J btk laio il ) bbe may be emtJrrd br irmioiy evtmin wiik buatile troejie, and hT cni-B ikitiifin'rd, but b"WC'i tl be for crd into ibr Uoiuti f boa can die be forced ta LuUokclMMrff uief 4ay lascNaadia ct n fit her inculkfuf ' t Hcf k'' Uir I -w.e It )i, bsi a (rue oniaj Til If u !- Moatt TO rea tT Mica rasavr Jit atv Dane " huii'tJ Caroline may Or cumjiierou, ab BUr 0'1 eUii, but not futttl back inlo lha ft.', in, on lU fontlt'g of the oilier 9'itrt, contrary 10 tSrir UL B it it iu, iht a .Venrhd a tigM to rr ftir Horn Hie Ui J Wa btle ibi until t iba liia appuintrd, ibere boin tboul tUI D J nich pmCQit aaher ra iy rpie prt, 1 k. Rr p io f hene'SonM be et. If a Ha be aa achtlrww prrparaiary le ib .rt,a.e.iioa f .ihe diirW iH U V pmkeoiWr aii !hc?,w rf V .'""Tt 1 alb ana a .ul lit wUiuh .w alt ifult. ht.if ooqirty, ad(ck)ra4ifir waa wle ahtirmae, I (OAiininea 'ftir 90 y era. eitlrly la kmf a Thtj rtrnr priieweM ta rrrera-fTaiUw uf j rrtr, irniirina ad r a W tla Contnn, aHf a f Uicmr Q Imtr I ouf laatitutiana. a dcdtd rritwur ma cltoata. A la'x NEW snoujsswi'ii'.s,. Mnrphtt U TayUr , irrciril.l.T nniiNtie the ,mv Dial ih y ha yu reri. ad are aoar ayetiy tlae t.'eU e awmperid of t war mm, ibry cell ittoiaMlieaU Contra d.aoncliofl la Hie r'i" mldm Cottraor liilmr aa takuif iKe etair re- umrd li I Sank ta U Cnavratioa ta a pir. Ud t Ulrrtl ih abkli kt ayn "Hi ipniKt of llil lbrond andi'ne Tbe Ceevcaiki) of tuutb CaVelina, before a, praptl le kld'e i an le be prople of n-mih Carolina ami the onner ia me piKUpf Or Cn 8ttt. Ilia artilrratla rtie prop or iTMlftite,!! vriitra ai'h f tbill;y, and bribr a apirit i but an in- heeiloe of h deep imrrr which of onedfrai to Kb wl.ieb ironrly , M frh Ihfuuhmit our il. ami bi rond il. p mi,uan f the tlorj'trnl (! ptper l'f an ibatohiwi arr dhlr' . We ar m, . . lh, ,,! ClMpril 177 U c- I I 1 . I .4. 1 I . .If iwiern, pririii w rniwwm-m eunr ie n i . , . . , . lifc, j i l niataa ina nnncinir oi our iw'ni'nrm w J ntapmie grBim'n-, m wtw in am i - t , couairy, a a iru(f la aluch ia about t em-1 feel .aerepieutiy. loinn'1hai I a Corfe'L i.c, whit" h inj'ra errrair eommn ten, I j,,, n)j an ( Coon.l Oomnen. Tie beiatea thecal w Iba ana kw U d 'b ,n fc U f ,.e Cie b.-e rutrrr.rr.rnt oo the other, for iba poracutonef I .. ,, . . , .k w r I nH yx-t ft-t ri(Fi We prop t hole of II pr that toMMaWe, men ia differ. he-dnrmnt. la nyr r'lrr. 1 wilt ""Urg l. , a mt pant ef lha rat were erry aa ire in area Ug ea any dclrgitce of their party it pnetihlt lo Ih" enrrnionand U eorrmllon tbey ri'id omlrr Mr. rrryik ha did aP. ia hit poerr lo eaabarratt. Iba eooriutton. . Da.orte occtauio b offered aercral RetnluileMm and nuid a la bntiml and toln epoectj la Ihelr hrour ( (fg. rtaf till iptrcfi b wit filaard In the man mriceThit mtuner by the Imatcni crowd la the gtlli-ry and Ivbbire f inal'y tfr Fvriyib emi about W other, offrrad a prrvftt end backrd oat Irom tbe Cnnreotuin, chile the balance continued in artiioa k adopted aacrte of Kraolulioae utrrling Slate llighi and krratlilnf lha 1plil of I.ibeny. Tby oill be fuuntt ia aeoiker perl of ibi paper, al anoUie .r.k- ..r r..R.. . 11..;. mm i cTiurnrv ui in, i.riro x . " ' a ykrarorw,'liriUiwt-ataJened.Jw Rrar-hrtiwn ttere hr imrn- to bcl " !'" b7 ''r,rf " , ,wrd i a hreneh f,lh UeW.'ure (the bv Ibe .irifei peny. nefraimter rrry k Coasneiioe thrlr publication. Tli trtt'trrt. frmth f Uot gia Cnre-nti.m in in rtywlion wliich thr) hare,publithril. mke tiae of iVn Uiirutgu. - The StcfLut Wi-f i'f tTff W irtttmnt trfWtA Tn-f that i ll anrJr, aaiatl enJ fiMfil viifiA vv.tnutv.-s Ur A S T U D . 'MIIJ1 Pii''i riSrr thr t, puunk mn Miannns, un.ui,..g of .i:.v, HOMKX, JJOYtfU GIllLI. ajjeu i . ?j r.t it, lureiin ft(lnff W,.nit, In lha l ore opr-a-a a fl-Dltyrj il ihr Slat Of I)uUl4ni,! i,, , M Ni'trirt, I larr 4 n l-rlr aeer rn of rU wicu r-r '"f I Crtt, tVarewy, a Htr raei "iif Aitin ff.aiwio ' , jMri, lorviher vnh tery brr atica L.,ii a. k. I.ii. .,1 ..taeeaeory n axakea run nfl aompia anv P""f' J JcUtrrj4jU.4,te e, Jfa1 N,f Vr't hslrr-ta- tab, tad teleeied by aee M tha Arm. aui The Laletl Importationi W r ' XEW.TOBK AND rillUDf.bllU. T with eontttnt regard ra aa aortaarat.- adipraef -la lha rartiuiaauMa ml the Benole. the aeer otrMa-.urc1tur U 1ortr"prlcu, upna Ibe bmi teeaaHMcTag ttrma . . Tbe eeriely and Mmal af tfwlr nritrr, . beipg Urge nd rtttmir. Ihry Cil ibe Hiu le purWe gode nf tad tint Mr ul cjuaKty, re call. eialne, betf Irnri md pHeee, !'! fur thl, 4 Aa. a their km atrl atay rtouire. .i . . .... (. - f r which ih- CASH will be paid. raotH hieing iuch property , wrwld J. airUlo apply - immeltailjf al tnj rrtidrocr, Biithnry, N. C.t , filhrr ire. which thall punctiullr aitmd. a d r. , RICHARD W. LONO. , N. U. I aUo a'ulj.lo purchaae Carper,- (lrkklaycr al -a Uialy fitgtn rllow, acqtiaintrd 'with Ibe fr'tidt ii'oTlji JThTrif brTcliT - v -. ,;Prcemrrr, tth If n. Z.JLVJ rtClMLR ,S7;.I.VeiC J'. rPIIK ricnic . I the icmale Wcm. mry in fltatnvillf, will b tut txndcd uolil the firt Monday In Jn nary, Tcf m l heretofore, I e. $0 per acttion if ivc roonihi, u ' Irinruoion o the fiaoo rorte,' by Mi" F.. J. Baker. S20. Wan IB33. ti SU3niKil. GOODS, iM'druliTij LiUilr, A UK e reoemng and ,opniog a geoon i a- i V I i. iaV aaatariatiifi af ; . . ' . r b,me ciiScuh ha. .IwiTi been spR,yQ SUMMER OOODSi 1 . found Id pr.Kiirinj boarding for to 4,,. ,h- au.k. of , . lafgr antimbcrof young laJie at al- New-York ad rMladelphia af tbe Uteei ispo I. conterJtiently. it t'"- Their irli a-w ia pe : 1 r.r.fjfn il il,. laimiMa Biu and BUctetoiba gratifying l the nr. t Prowa allfa da, , , geatlem.nof eiriet re. nvMbtaUeaea d ' . pen a priTate boar "oy Caawiwera, $ilneii k black ilawl.gV L .Lm.A.ti- do' iweklreaaadeirau. lnil Tier tben ca o-i in 'bt thr r lur a NrtiiVre rwnti u tl,e 0t nrn in ft; L. Mil. lid of ih evil. . H?5mr aral. I . H i -I ." Mianrm. h RalrirHiih Snd orr. Sythe . , 1 : .1.. T.IT .,r m a. III., via. Lrtat. Mb.T . l.tirt ilUroeu senile 1 ucnw.ii.K - 1 " ...... . . . - . rf . .k. a,.ini.. efona of tba.artarnl . ' , , ..... . il lubil t MtH FRtI1 L".U 01 IU -- . I lure J If rm mnu uTciniing na ul our Superior Court . Judge Muu , u att'a ou be adopted to Judg- formrr plafe. On rbn'ly 37J ul'. by l. Won .r.ia bq. M--re e-ntntr. iUffi S!i-'im M r srtaim trnd Ihia aehnol, conteriiienlly. ,ttaii. Their n-ek ai la part a wuul1 be highly teacher iiaoroe i .a a moraii'v, wuia l4 rVmaw for -I heir attornmodation. It it ptobubla a cornmndiovia houae wuTl be ottaTneil ' fuf ih"l purpme, a-5J H. J. BAKER. sl,-eoMnnr of lU Rcataci tt iucemdd-ar rt rowe im.. -mrmwmL p,.i0r,iou..of ,bi,FnTn.-fn.I.h to in Augwai la-TO, P.a in a letter w next . ff (K. ttj.,ine.t r,h Sa-h Jjop and C f then c r.uror. o mi. paper j Th lej,ljOBi ,hrn panose a Coorennon he following ..piBMn i - I i ,""1IM' ortteM'.-Sie!-e. "r troet'L to aUf tatt Sorr int 4 ' aa on- me wm wwea.f"'--.rcK.nrrirtrr .r. rr..- no ra.a.cTta. tun ; . Ahmit twtrre m,ih ag, a iiumhtr U in are ttV trcby Urixluced araong ta. It iro i; TMtT Til co.meil .Poat M.ilril in ll.r amlliero Slalet. rteeied I f thr M. v, fh'l.-e limlfio St.irk Tina ... . .. i.k.. l.w, ia naa of 1 ...... . .t i .l . 1 fc .. . . .. i . nk ti tan rli not cry -mi uaa rt"- . I ........ v K...I,;., ... h, mo,- : thr- ri,;io ire le'ter. a.u:rrra io mrni in bn.tVy do hat is . .... M--.v'a. JM a . wmird cirrular. a ba aol in n'mH 'ijftinil iiihhiu! m.w ...... - !(' it Ju.lg Martin ainru'ar to ll.i npinion, j ,tl aeen any notice 'akea 4 il io Ihe oewifi, fol kf will findl imflrKtn erv rnn"' rnmrnv.-rprTt, actln rmp-nprirty in mtr .iraiuMit c u, tr.'.i 1te-traat ..Htw ale rur F. J il u a nJ S'a of tb "imrf tt th phra - - - D - 1 - prifidftAVl At? TOlTlSi- I .k.t q,af ha a Itrnw nf --. - u". " r.- . . . .l" i i . u- ! - it-Srnirrri hat e nr-w-T: a rntnT enmra.t TO Id -0,m u i Cir" ej.urt b.l.-Hiey lull oa the feder ai.Cotaruauot ettrcUlog mora tb.a kingly 2ofr. Mr. Mtraelr. wwof th Reftrfrrra f- 'Kuilaii'ti "ittj ipccb bcfiro tho Elect f7rla. mutina tt t'f thn' wrdi f V M in a4Viv " ultu'tlniial ric'jbut a fili bevood iba wuttU lUiUa. ...... .Vr j'iV lb prcavni Secretart f . . : . . . . I.i M li;,hfinr H'.f k.-natla'Titer VI l.w. .il bl.ek .il u' aloore Count v. t',v.v.'i r ,-a eaaaay.ritrn;ntigjg-Trr l thai Mnlr on ThurfUa IH li b -f ' tmhrf g.-! ti yra Hi. .'!? wi.-ed I. . ...t. i... 'l..rl. limlr m St.irk... rin aifrd diacipte of Jitua altinugn arp'i"d IC tiUura aliun! U'iprc'cted " P- .. .ar.l h. r i ml lit n MX-ce' U'iih a in mwa. mg Se rlVJ Iniii -he fi'M ol hcra . . trn nie glnnui ara wi t ti-.".". ir.r nriir'i! if ant elation by tliil ent hat !ren d pned of o wUic lit n br'bt pat'fn-ui triuiu aerou an.T.siifiM:.r ., aimiaviBjitt, MatetviHr. Yor. 1 4th, 1 8tt.; For sale. Lnnfh On ThcXorth side Of The TADKirV RIVEIL , S puttuaoce of . rr.d ( ,Truat, ta me deemed by Jjmfi L Long, and for the nttrpotea therein meotiAn . I 1 - ;m ....... ...; ..I. at thai rw. a. - 4 r Prtmeon Uurt home in ojnauury. un toe iti ilv of imuurv hrtft. if nut brtvl u. Iv dip(ied of. at privtte tale ) T0 Tractt or parcel ol l.anJ, iitufttU, t Ij inantl rK ing in ihejCounty of Row. "taa." oiahrkorlKklde-ol the Yadkin River, 6n the- road lending by Jamca I Ii'inn'i Ferry, One of which tncl contiint 900 acrea, the other tract conuioiog lFtacrci, known by the jnte of BUde? Tract. . Tle Urf tract will ha Cwhled tn Rrawa do'j Miaed EraVneiie, iTfllow Hnkeoa and Itnaa check, . " French and plaid brillingt, ataaa aiaavaaa linea,, i - .. Bngtiati eaai. ta,erwea V !"! ItaetnJ, - Linen Tibia n4 lawef dMpef, ea. LJi otxiMALAssotrMK'TrLPK . Mtrwill-, and Valeria, a iikut fABittt or rjrtr Prim, Omrham and MuJiaa, - A Tickiutt. Blraehed and Bream. af BheeiinK aad Di)itinra f j Furniiura dtmilf and CottoB friBgei,' ' BW2V llali.0 Iilk, crncbvw ty atrainel da. ' Blua Vefc .Ilk eambWU," "--4r " - tha. gmada N.ple, . ... mm I. l.ta. Milaneee.ana ue Kooaaai waiwr, raneae, flf and baudaoa ttoilkrcbicO; . tJrinwan font Fancy Unuaa and Crafi -dev- Llt from theJfl") ty& "f r-r J(0 iUl-e of Coll in b lb lcKerJoirt of Itie Tar.ff. a ill nt, Uie time nwrr authnr'ie ihem,Tt Itarti M i nta: rs. AllJLml FOS raKUOa OF piaCTSU.Ar.8iien.a-perb ""' VmI i SiU.3entc, f n yi H,irrf f (beawelvea. to eet aba rw "or wosmtP'M I At auo fob TUB awaking ef the rrm d) a S-ite ms bate to "rw,f,rt and turn thtm laM mi t iclety i ni.t Hienn SALlBUM,f);a. . at aa a . a a . a . OF 1 -- a- IJ.a... k . ... a . . al A.aaw- . 1 I . . . . . .mm. a " " j . Km nrniM'ftnfii of rf vTi-TTf i "v-,- 'Mil T il Mmr r we-wmr-'ininw-ww lit -r.rr-.".--: 4 -i --..v.. v . ..... .. . . . ... . . .,v- . a UM wltaaa tif II niB- I Ttir rrW. tani iKlnV tfi'ni rWYtVafi. W9 Mvl ltflCT!V kt I - B g aj'r"aTMia-a, a . JUCnx. - a. ai - - .. , ea mo " . --f ' ' ' Tri FtDBS wniCK VC AXttwnwii w wiJCB t ,T .tU4T(, ciot as tcaatr- i ,enJr j ,0 thf trWBf, i kgieV on thU aub " we ex sell DKaBEt, AHu in,"" ..;.,, .. St racati I 0CaT. A0 t ia WeCA!! Bl CUAPKST. I FIHMtT KT.. tlM tea 't tT-wiu. 1 Tea nioa tit' Tra at,.... T,iit av JrT LKtii-iLATIOX. 0.1 iiiiml III KIM or WITnH"'! most BR 4LLBVI kTEO, OB BIliOVSD." ' TSr eauaa f Froo Trada, ia gaining . ground rapidly in Cocland. iltafni OM ,ttrf a-foat'tirg .... , Wo learn, that durinj the week of Meck iniwri Couuly Court a public Masting TttMeUedL' ( Uw.fwpoaa denouncing ij.'iofw and to prop up tha tottoriug Tar iff Syateni, aa boa heretofore been done lo verul of the Weatorn eounlies. Ac eijortJiiijfly lha Tariff men in duo aeaaon .Cnusieied their furcea, and were very W.rt in organizing the mooting and very -fVnm)Mty offered Reaplutiona about Ci il Mir. Blood JuJ, Ntttifatfon. tUunion, Mfo'dc. But here their part of thtj'gamri imled, and the State Right Republican ttlutioiia were' offered qio of a dilTemit Jlarctcr, and mwr!fi3UKs?e.C:-"'Volinioj-mjorii,wo have not yet sec-Y 5jji;iHaiJlotfLteJ!K jeel for tbe paat U )er Oat uic! CiHea Sad ,. .. 4.. u-.. . . i. n. rommii're, nr Htnittnttf Pi'tfl wer -iwrtie rVrrrai C W Oe ftwri, .wVMer lA Aw j. mwi kt A rrarrwd " irfret J-"'. ' 'w ' 4' ffiftifoiu At. - jbOut afcawfJefeJlg &jvMKB!?JX::0JUty irpwietA , le A Z1 rMct.fa lAr tAitrarfO f Slate ,. lh( "Ikat, iktrrtf. t rettt re jaatlun. IAm ca'HI',. ' e'!""?, nmpirt. Anil, " lAal fnrffur.i, me, www . .1- v TV. I, ike riatit i Am what tt lit utmmmm . rr-4 pinit it thai it is risk'M "rrmtdt. il Ihnl SiciMta'- , But it it uKtrt to aa'nontiea. w prore what reqnirrt no proof, what eyerj ftee- man freta to be to .K , " ' if iho a State Ml a righl to Teeeae rrora the Unio', aad rfmith Carofina, think proper quciiion, and tbe Coofedercy i nna state. ; . to aa coatisnM4-.- 7n ffeawta .Vewn'l aid Rinmitrmtti CHgrtnugainl TariJT.. . 7A'tlOThWrjf-tri - oaperr- .We understand tliat 0. W. Ulurriaon, En:'rfMniiaeabdi MaH,,ttt' Ewl of tredol!. wore the 1 genllemerr who tik the leal in propoaiuj'wd audHining iba Ui-Turtff Retolutions. They deserf e : the Watm thuiiks of the poople wboae Hghtf . ' .an. 1.1! f they thua dufouded : and aa to tno ncpuoii- if of NfociilenbuTi?,tbe Uriffmen will now Iart" ii&ttSmin nrriinworthf 'of - .... . i...... 4 -ftetr Pa'Acri wTw 59 year ago, were tno 'l 6rst in all' A'mbfica,o hoist the panncrof Imktwiirtr LtbertY -Tha) trI Iawyef, by'whit , ageftcyhw mei tin? and indeed all the Tariff, moetingl iield io the weatern counties, wer galled, 5o' doubt were gatly mortified at the re sult, and' we think thei friendi have aoine - -reaann lo complain of them fbt not attondihg ;-4la Heeling V helping them out.. It ia how- xrr oihj thing to itorfc fAe jnirrjand an .f,any, &rer Sli lMJ. 6ia A or!Conlitutloo aa,thal all men I oaH re qua' i ! a l J Vaa "created at mitr wtb j - jj, all Ilia iuUionorhe Earthy aaJ aatne Ne.-roe I , yienwa'a are aa amrae wae-rorn -thVV tetrtj and I. TaJta' at ttiM ti im prriapeot Unrtu Wmrrlary reee4 Fhiun of Ibe alma will be ttT-eted lo any great da cree. I hereby make known, thai I" tl and other reoM. I iaHfii ao" Tr.dividaat,. aU booerable meaa la aeecf tbe.iroa band vbat u"'1'- tK .! to. their mat'r. Andeu longaa lhranaiUol uloep (tlavery) renaint upon a part of the Bepuhric, a duonioa it nigniy detirable. ll ia a diRfee lotha WiiiteJ Wie. rope. What I a repubUo booking Ua equal . . . . . .. if rurnte, wnea a won n. iv ( if rilh ta be found I It it a hn. Vor reaoeclfullr. SHERLOCi: S. UBEUi'iu. C0NGRE3SIOMAL OISTBICTSi. Wa re thai h h berq referred to a Juint i. rmmitiM to Inaulre into the etnedieacy w"?' .. . '--. T of layinf oft aaaa tha tongrtiminf tHitritii. We hare baatily rua over the catouiationa to aacertaiatha JiJtrtU nuiftbera in each of. the pr.dMicia ry great. . For example, we ana tn .me eond dlttriot ei. fForthampton, Bertie ffe. eop; iaiaa only a federal popular oI I 'f while the eeyenth dietnct.Bichmnml, Anion, &c ennt.'.nt $7,761, lha tenth dirtriet Burke, ftTyhMjtdryeetnTmm- iff yart'-wni 8, J3. I 8 to 10 ' I S te3f ""i - 0,00 -- ttU"?J - JO to ? ISloVO ' " RI.3J ... 4,..L - lfti! . .. t. --........ . a-. v " -ga.iMi . ikU 9l a3- Crapa do. . f, . f rarfk. ailk mtlin, and itch Igutad natlnf Silk and eottoa llnaiery, a ghkat ariktt f met i . Fny buanet, belt aad tap ribbon, tlh aytima. .nr - -r- --ow --,iwao :iio okiubrt hainlkertWtfi, bu. Iliamond Strew Doiinctt, T Folih do. da. i ! -W- - Win F1m leaf harV - - - LccUorn banneta. fur an) wool dov . , a ot' Uila and Urerk Schaol Boukf, T K ;--iha Mawoow eAtta w"--;- Hardware end Cutlery auit Pi.rchaarr.-Xerm w'tlt be wade L..??, knawb aPIlic.t,oor oo th- day hjKJftlffl eta aude itw af by Carpaattrl ia Ukta. ptA- . .. at ih Country, - v Badler'i Trinitlnf-r.. a "r. . ' '---plated, aramJafpn,nd Prlno' rltrtlle; - llama mow at wig; en ok friag trnd Imtri-r,-'---'' A good aart meal af Oroe riea, Ul.Ue. . . ALL of whieh..tbe are U-ter mined to el! , U low a gnnoa can bf had la thie part oHbai aaajatryvPtjaahaeei a wilt eWereM 4w-aatt piul-i-'--..- eea- ettp atuck pad beat pricea before lcp buy. .. v ; . I JX.h la. are graleful Iba Fublia law" . ' JiMrai pairoaaga . areot(rrT.. ani .. , .,.,,,-. tuFnedtdthforhmmf week, ft la hishly creditable to the people that ... -t.iim rrrnerallT aiefieJ thern.. in aomoof ,m . o- , - t f - r .k. lha airrnature oeerv nun ol 111V Vlil.j o ... . mature tee be been obtained i In other, a few pertoM liare refwed to eu them. nJ in onir-T , parte of tha county the dtttnei wtoiihiki m jiet hare been preaantad hy eifcumataoeea front offering them' to all for aignature, and fbr.tbjt nurnbae ther 'it1 retain them af few weekt autAj.awuma.a avia, ...v . . T- j -f.J ' ',''"" '" aammr the rreet whrttieo he-Tar have aa-ned tbi memorial l Tboee i .who k..a aafnamt. .ra MnerafN vbeletft Tanff- Ue. or are imdtr the infroenoa of ai-rieai Tariff leader iaahd about ntntoory 54recoHected that the, twa, Tarittj papera eome out and warmly aatifedjwie p-op", . tign tbeae meiboriala, and dmt or pretewi ..mhera to the leeietatare from tha aty. ued an their Influence' to the earn end, it il a highly gtayiniC eiVcgmtlante ihJ te algnlnf hu been w general It hw.tlit the oeople b gla to uder!nd tbe iiibjrct, fc what b mora, Hrandy. VFliitkcf Wall i -Uaf9uga lead P...k. . Wheat ... ' :. ? South Carultna money uiWHint. 4 t a HcUTtfra - OinA , FATETTEVlLLt, Nne. 29. Brand. Apple pa? gai. r.... 30 yyti tVedi,w'ii':iw.. Jk. W .9a(). 18 to ?0 f . 8 ia 10 7Jte'4 0B Baeoa " Cora Cotton, Flour Salt f, Iron, , .i Suirtr.brova UiNamee - -FUueed . Whrat .Wli'mkry i . 81 a n , M a it K103S10 " TS ft ID 10 IS to 17 L n i w 0., TW.WW (Kl to 3 . of, ' 3t55 - Dec -sib i8J2.:.:.:..:'w"-; . PLANTATION d FERnt OW The FOB S iLEa: m-KJ ....... .. - n.J a.f T....I t.. I tfrt I ti pmiuaiiM aaav i a m mwm w : ' . . , . ' r i . . . I hrm Of errant attaatioa ta bawnr, end aril Z. -m eiecuUd by Jtmea -1. Long , " 1 V . - ,.2. mllil hearifig data? the 10th Nw 1831 and JMIB,. ...-y tUt Z . - i r rns-u-L Z . aa.i i.a fnf the purptiiee tuereto nenttoDeui..,jHri'T-' w;. . . . . 'jt. y;lii h.l epoe lp puhfip aale pt the court j .-ea;.! aTbP 1 T l' """"" ouein Siiiabury no the lith dty.ol , il VJ X lyUi -- Dec. neit. that raluabla Plantauan I jr r UL JbeiyoUJUi -Tneadljr ibi l - ana lerry on in ibobih mer, V fBth ef December DtiLait . whereon Jamea I. Lnng now reaidee, L u reaidenci of WaaSiottoa Bf j ' containing about 1000 ac-rea: :Thelfft COTIUIiiuiia ' am i iau auy.u Yul Wit the day of aale. . . rillLIl h. fclMk, irwfC. .V9ir.-14th,'1S .- rrr -lf r ? a- rmreWaMiWetaai- Pthf about 45.C00 each, et-.ept the ftiarth ditriet which' eonUlfla St .OO.-:- - - ThiifTeaUneqiilityend"Mrtaiolyhnttld be altered, "La doubt eery mtib whether it Viirha done. We underitatd that tha pre aent memitera of Oong-e are- oppowd to aay ehanga,' and their influence will ga far ta pre. rent it, certainly tbe ehanee oi reflection io aoma vf thkm wi be Vmewea bt a ehnge, hut I jhWfhould bTf,nwiemewit tor " Th ojM.ehh hw M'w Vf0Pta of even nart of the Skaheve eqiw repreaea- tioa i not tw alltrtt A).00i oule in one part of ih; Atata. 14 araeeava wpa a kjw another, we oofleed ioaa time aeo a throwa out In lha .'" ConetUuiioaaliai wheiher 1 mivhi aoi be eBsedW to'aatablbb'fhe Oirrn ermf ncial ton ia 6eorjgui the plan,' would Viee the State more weight In Conge by ae euring tbe ananWty of her d'tegalioo, hit there are aaeny, eery' inairperahl ehjrwHnaa te it on other eodv-K, wUI bring e"er if ibe raueut 8Ttemi-one ofthe greateat ruretht eluf Wittaduteafiato a freA Caiintrjr,' TV i 1 4 'iiuiiiv.c. FN. TWOMULVX , . -H0Q3, 3liP. ai'COwA, and about 16 htindjecl buhca of corn, SO or 50 itvmsand weight of. Cottoti i wata'x ur ar kitfll k If ani . TIIOSE indebted by note or no JL count, must' Call tfnd maae - ..- on or before the Mh December neat,) In the aeecf, Wheat, Date, Hat , f ocU . . . .i k I till !.. .11 at--" -'-Ji' alter tnat lime iney win nav iu aeitie i aer wci i wijn bu vi 4iniiaa-uwiw. w ith my net friend, r which to tne,Hilk, ; w r 7-,' .r-;,v ; r' will be t diaagreeablt way of doing ,v TWO .WaffoniOHd Peat, 1 buaineaai but oeceaa.ty eompe a me lrja M 3lQ,nMJllILYbm o tnie courae, - nty tormer patrona i , yuaruuy oj m-ccuicr, vipcr v J., a,11 mt' ainrlere .thanks -, tot I SarA. 'r r-.-i-,";1.l-.--' . .V--' Aheir liberality to wa orofession. KIAIi l HAKIvIa.r1a aooa ajBortuieot ot tr, v t .. .. . . . . . I . , m .. f I 'i a .' Vonora. lfec. in. , ; i30! ; . getner wttn an tne iiouar.uoiu pan ; k'itcheff furottarc.a-Xt which timcf r New YorW $ PliUadelphia. WE reapectfully aolic1V9nTd"alo call and e.amioe before they buy,' we give them our thankful aclnowled,. menta for their Libt'taV patronage ince we eommeoced Busiucss, and aWt ieet grateful for a continuance of fhe etrhe. ' ' V ! . tiniitiitriftkCTist TB3Ti'52tf - . Noticur the , JVEQflOKS, SALISBURY V va 1 Tr: I ; mandea W sjJpeir at nqxiire(L ; .- . " St5l '. L . af - WW 1 O. . . ' . a. aka.iMa)a'k f'' Ja'l m tia. Pnnrt-IIfkUic in flails- a . w-'fiw v w a m " - fC: bury, on th 8th 1 day of V li January net, eqoipped, a thelaw'direcM - By OrdeF t,f the Captato, : GEO. M.' MUUK. Orderlr gi-rgeant. ON the &hi day of Januaiy next, 2 IX X5aM0KiU, - 1 will eKpoae to public aate, at ,eiBti.g WMBJfj:- W(iSiEJf Ip .iLl the Court Houae. in Saliaburf,"from CUtLpREX wHl .either; be hir4 twelve," to twenty fikely negrneaoo a for twelve mout!ia,"or told The ealej credit of tlx monthi, I. will hire far to continue from d y to day until alt . . twelve memthi' ibbut fifty Kcgrcwa, t' Bold. Tbe tiaual credit will be gt. ; alio which belong to the Estate of yea; and due attendace by! ? V thrf. Lie eohen;, L.Fr " ' m ,; ... ... ; I a Uf r a : . . .'4T"epf '--A --f y-I ir4l fw'w afmVIIWVf' i- will be ented for ; tweUf rapnthiTaef eral valuable lots lying in tbe Town of Salisbury. R- MACNAMARA, JnV. kaOell 1 ovnit, U TUB Sobscriber having tvSinc3 , letters of admioittration, 'art tho, -Estate, of WaahiaetoB Bytrs dre'd.. - recjueats' all persons Indebted t? tho ' 1lO 3ttlTDi3taeil TtxUoTt. f bme. to make payment, - and all,haw " ..taB a ' . . i . m Ina t a i aa a ' atabtnaa aatl Ia Tata ' ta nrai w wiLk, eiveonauoi ampioymesi aoa a;ooii u..-,.t " " JL wagMlatwB of three Journey wba eaa eome will re comaker aeu. 1HO, TAilora,' ent therri dulv auiherlicVted, and U ' ik. u..iu.1 ka to. if 4Atf ......... m. ' nin iii iiimuH j 1 Mil mm... M.I.I K... r ;tbt ttfj w WXrn'yF!a ... U. i . . . . a i-- i '

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