i' n r t y J! 14 w 'r.-i by i, tut tKifcr. e ' t a'' ir, ,lle.l an hit rich .l'i't'.'t ttm esaheranet fcnr. S"4 ml.d.HM fl . U rWW, a mlUHW l- ebaraelrriaa me. , from Lt f" llnw''"lii"t'" -..,...... are pa'Mlnfwiih hHwtt"e u.MMW.sarWf h.ut. tJ't- (UiIcA .V!f A ATT ''' " r.- I" ,'",,, ""'"S B' ", n, , 11,1 fr.iwi al'v Twit, kf hili Of, t, tk. II piinS tart Ur Mrf P t , Wy U I ril Wh V aft tltaa a vk.wi.-a f'nr rt4 0 t. ra af ttia unH Wnr'W-l ' t ' ' ' ' ' i Of Alp. a!uI ti" ' rrrr w. aair tu n, niTiance dy r UJf nr.r t. U4 I"- fctMI i B (t- j, io, bit, of tlioae ttetidwt T 1 f '.. .k at peak, Ml ihf left b a rat N 0tVwa katbf.tflopf r, tk MitVjr e Maunain aiill towii!y - fcmif, " ;" - itM taat tunw t'P '. 1 V j lwm Urn mtmmx U tutk to EV"1" cmi'iff " jUl ho WJult 'f, atferetWif ant frtw trW C . till tb VrUicV J ati Uraee, w tbotUf ' ? iWir M 81,4 Mi a4 WrWta t"J ta tHa aky, titrkf jraar'fifpr"akyl - 8ti kf Vt lb lomiUma thai riHim! mt at - jj,,; a,UTim tiofUdt nf mirtctrt - - Tkow Alpa bfyoftd tp. aUhouteo4 aercnf t!kt ike tft af tieritKjr-thrrt art tf'tj " enat I ' T ' llrf tl I tiTQVoT 'lir -wtiVtrwy fawy r o'ef :rfeal. - TV... hut rlnnk of the Einr. aol mtw art m ptore I Mwr lii't tkta dKclil, tot tha ktart, heff R'jfUitf tf, lif- ' auntie f'etma. I , fim Vrr Hd-1t o ir'wA W V'-ttoit eW!! '. " etrtninf .h .. I Kri mam this mififlj tetnr. (t eJ.tul arret. aitpMtrd alynf bo,e bo,i trjout rnt itf ID ointin, trh'tch. on . a.i. ik Mm it Mmr, were T rmre tnioethat painfully diijHi'tA" Swui. lDrp-l,Vil rW 'hff l I 'o hnil4 tl'h kumtn tk-wphtt a , W'-rr h .B tilt bxk'inf like beMtaoue Itttre Jim" irtma i out n I'feathiaj li .."rr" : J. Jjj t'Ji piriitVra. HikiteimNne -lgaj ' itkfyf -tti tttrt It fhrwidBnt ! V fhitet -: ' AruuixJ-Hhe atirt.q lM Xary tgSiSii, ; . .Aa4.thrt hearea on earjli, tijil btavanfa - r . ; .. . . , . . . t vTft, ttWia f-oreihr ateaiffut and )ha true,., .- "i """'r i. The Unotial larjr'wiiicti hath ter art - " t. ktear,- ,. f - f. W alt life'a aweta he vary twee- yet T U Vj trHv) tat ealt tkt r thty ttat ; ,y .Tft bwa'h .in ..voita jreet y!k, Jheif rflrt i...". ; r.". ;ounj vow ;'r ..M..'.'.T.rruri i ;.p-ffl(Ua; aamnw. ftoirtn whJi.ooIjgtit :rt.Twerit et 11 " AnJ w'tda t'lfkad aoO arouml the mount in'i 7J tVaJtll WMrojMwre lEen hkk b but atrcMf floftnf'jniiy'vreaiililfie tlbtoWbt7wTS Btyt, And jVry poor her treaauTVt at hit feet , Th'Vatftmtnwithiieflwniry'eboiietipraJie)-. y r aturttnt aid Ommeretai oar e)iretaei j tiwrt--aht1 wkee capoattaiant tweet, . '.f.. , " r ViiM th ottileaZtTwie gtffirerAafcr The !t't) peattiHln bit calm retreat, Fin.ll more of happlneta, and IfH of ere, -"Thin hr arti onwtrmrd by LOVE Wubt palace O ' hl!t tiiiat bear.' , ' 1 ' tf " " i f . . iFrom tb - N. Ti l" 'eiltWM. Or, ihe Uuubtfut eve D't.l pobitut - uR)$uet must hangt that Jdrywn fin y dine''-'-PoVti-" - .Tf puMic hve tbubtleea he.rd of the fa:e of nont Duvid Dubiout. whote . tjjt u mjy not be onintereatlug to iiAe 'of our readers to atatef a- few of V p-nicuUr circumuancea attending . BUat ikciaion, -...,. : ; , s It w.a a case of life nj death t 6ut ;. one d gbtful and difficult. to be decid. V cd.,tlThf evidence wat entirely cir. Cumtta .tnlr ancf in tiujtV reapeta .)comradictorv. i-The orisoner. TitM ftiAiribt. w;f ortuwateltr; brtw;reryr tf4mk(atr!af Sfrini e, wattl ruJ at iTITLn,.. J . , p'-vi.at'Ta pa. taw aj f if VlMiatlCf ? nd many pe pla did ot heaitatet to , ay, hat If he did not coromit murder ' ,'Jje wu Boae tog wood to do ir. lut .k-t nli9tio4Pi ;tAllmbr . onfriunate traa, he eondMtoo bf ihe - ontwKa the jury. - They hVd been 't ' lmtall night, they had. etet lieU ..' . : I v.t '" 'I - " iner toTpe '" Drcai.ian j ina jcwai ' 1nr rreartV o dictn. .7 r:, j, jCt, C'!der thn the perilous snadiUAO of rhe poo prisoner, hU life depend 'ij; liuMtri 4aeW ttntiiwrdf ci'f umliAncci p leiuwptive c vi-ence, i doubtful char awatjBWBaaWiM , tur. u fit hit ' II TO ,'h' I .a got over the two nrtt lui wo to hi in hut' Me depends o llc Utt. A t mlorubly filled stomach U one .l ihe Uil g laramrel fur acit of j.jttice, kindneti and charily. , Tnul hu W ju,y 'in n' Me! Never. Hanger rrodcti rnanavage and he who has stomich to In, hit sel dom iny bowels of ompatilin. 1 the'eate of Davi Dubinin, ie" timf-ike w-were for btinitinf:. arid five for acquittal, Thai they ha J t.wtUutd f it ma wiihMi ny prospect of ever thinking ilike, ,11 .th idea vera conscientious t both felt bound in huneity nd by their' oath, to idhrre to what thev conceived to the true atatr of the Cite, HaiJ tnot'e mi rwf "irh.giig ' "The man U very evidentfy rmitv, and wjQull answer neither to Ood 0'f nur country, ibould wt tooient 10 hit ac .until.' a a a 'a Whilst thoae on ihe nifter itue aaia W have aerlona doubts of hi guilt i the evideoce it entirely circum Manual and exceedingly cocitfaditi'o. ry and we could ot tuewcr it cither to God or our conscience!, to Wkt the poor fcllow'a life." (Je'tlemen, said tne constaoie, for the fiftrenth time, have you a greed p"0 your verdict I . No," laid the foremm, ' and what it worie, we are not I .'!y t" a gree wherefore e beg once more that yi'U will conduct ut mt i court." There'e no uie in it, said he of the tall sulT "tre Judjje will aeud you back." ... At alia ventt.". aaid oue.of lr Jury, "let ut hive t meihing 10 eat, and out keep ut tbV up, here atari. The more you awe, the sooner yrro will be likely tt'tgrce,"' returned the contUblf. Besides, y. U know, it it strictly against the dw to alio fmi any thing to e", unt.l )Our ver dict a made op." The Jury agun to k up the tu'ject, and endeavored wi h all their mighT to acree i bit wiin ho oriier reuu tnan oetore. i ne ihcui u.- born ne .nd would not yield to the unamm-ut detirc fur agreement. The Jurvwef e t length permitted tn return into Court j where, cm-tint, h g to the Judge, iliut it wt inleily impoatible for them to m k up a ver- dictMa Honor gave tm. a ty av.r,,rti cjte a monterrhtt harrf "ce: ver rrprimand for ttreir iabilirr-terTt think alike, ra peremptorily enijjmncf ,,mc Mir landlord in thera out again dedar.ng, wiih aa , formrd mc he tboold cook thoie fine awful ahakc of hit tic;, that they thould neither cat m-r drmk until the cite tf the prlaoner wn decided, Alai!" taid one, t'e mutt eilh. tr-igtee- on ' yerdict, -or agree to tarve." , Th laiter, are f in never agree.to, wa.anotnejw-jLfeji.jreaerv4ii:.n . (ne srtl law oi nii'irc. ii nai uuic d?y H it tigbiiT; , .'.'.It waula half aa hour to. dioaer limi" ' Only haia hour f We have but llttlcTime'to ipatc, "Vt'i matt agree before dinner time by aome meant or other.. It it alnvoat 24 noun ainee.we have eaten a morsel and to m'lis an. maer Meat trnatdfoeboltttt autcide. ""Ileichho! thatVa fact," aaiit jo- Dthcr, i and au'icido ia ao'unfarda4 bit Vin If a man commt,ti murder he eniy hive itme to repent but if he enmmiia tuieidt, ht wutt -go to the devil at once, without benefit ol cler gy." a,,:, t Thoae who are in favor of hinging are usually more fixed in their opin. ions than tWe on the other kid? thus exacUy rcveiaog ihe onjy cUariuUe maiiqn jf criminal jurisprudence, TiX. (t ia Wtur iWijuy-gulliy-pe-f-tons should escape, than that one in. nocept one should suffer.'' This ws most .unfortunately true io the case of poor David Dubious H would be a thousand pities, said nn of his friends, " 10 hang an innocent man.' . - That Is terr true," replied one of know it is better that twenty inno. cent persona ahould be hung than one guiftyone should escape-so the mdx -um saya. " ' ' Wby i (o tTte marum," said Jon- tatrtyffawdoattw thing io if.it. Hut atill l have beeu t l . ! r-. r . i t .r hitherto i fayciof the. trquittal of poor David. ..brcauie I had nw cloubta .about bit being guilty. I Io wame ver, all. manner ot cloubtt mutt yield to circunnuoces. So far as I can see, the evidence ia by no tneanj cWar as to'the fellow!, Ciutt; lUx then, on the other hand who is he, that twelve MafMGUbleX his life f k fellow at best of doubtful gh'ttty bf thw, or lomer other murder, may very well be- spared fruo iht; worldif,' ;j :;., i . "There is imicn truth 10: wfiat yoa tayVaid tf h'abijd very but the consider how shall we antwerlo Ood ,nd; gureonscieTtces for, the verdict in S.Troe,? taid teph Judgement,' " there't the -crtowledgethe prikone.r to be of tittle or no Vilue to Jietcenamiini y, n(J.t liky.ly. to, be guilty of mvidtt tt the best of on. Western n t ihrq f re b und 10 decide ac in1ine to evi'lrnte.' Am! what," aaid U'jjri.ali Link. !r j, ia (o breom .l our tlomtcha in the mean time, I'm aa coutcientioui it any other mac. 1 Jm cirt who he it and f ih.njt I've proved U pretty wrll , in ttand ng out aa I-mg I have I Hut I1 thing mutt yield t cir. cuinaianrri. aa neighbor Pia'dout t) t--ai)d itlf.prtitrvalion itiht firat Ww of iMturfjae ! gentleman oh icrvc) hcrtfref fjf one I'm fur harinjrarpjif -dintwri ' And I ton." laid Chrittopher Comeabout l 1 pi'y the poor devil of i.ritoner. tud at vovi all know, have foueht hard for hit afqulttal, Hut l go thejvHolajengtli .f atarvina onjiit 4ccunt, TcuuU'ut tlilnlt ofli. ' Hut I hive no mercy, no btweli of cotupjtiiufi laid lihiibod A r ry. Rwfli of compattion ! cXitaim ed ObaoiaS Lnkley, preiirg hit handt tadly upon the gJiinc reeion h w can a man have bowcla of com tuition when there it'nt mortel of any thing in bit itomach f The idea it prepoiter'.ut.' You ure eiidly of mv mindiaid Jonaih4n S.andout, Charity brgim I ome and it it our Bbunda.it duty to lake care of ouraclvei. whatever my become of other prot!, Y my part, the evlde&ce of David'a gudl b. gmt to look to me much mopt cl ar ill n it did a thort time a? . At any rate considering all thingt, J think e c ant d i oil er than to hang him.' " can't .igrte with.ynu there," laid J -i.U Jalgrnu ' I mutt tii.l 4 tcte to the po r ftllow th. ngh I'm .tjrving, I cau t get over my oath, m : .ii .u .. " Vour coritiiei eel taclaimedChr it opher Cnmeb.nt what tort a cooiciente ia tha. which pre fen the lite i a p or devil of doubtful rep i. lion, to the comforta f a good li m r which no one among ivs ia ditpot. c( ,) ,b. At to the pritoner. f i jfg to.him till all wt blue, if I ai- . tn infernally hnnervj. (j it J avo 0 lt oouna to commit murder o on my own itomach. Wherefore, gcntlemra, much at I reget the liking of 3'.y in noi tot mr,' life, matt in thii case gre' to i verdict of gu lty.' Well, ell" laid Joieph Judge mei.t. lookinz at hia watch " h'i a wrtms but a 4'l jfleT of an Votif of carvattbackt. The pritoner, at far at J can uuderitand.lhe evideiiCc, ia at likely to be innocent ai giiiliy. I don t know what to thu.k, indeed. 0 tiling ia certain, however I mutt have tome dioocr1 can't think - I 4rvitg y ooaciecr won't let me. i (jntlemcn, I'll . agree to aay.ihiag that's reasonable." -.'.H I'm . vry- gtil, air' taid one of .the original seven who were ia favor of, Ranging fm vcrv jjladyGu have &o illy conclaJe J to liticn i j rea son. We art til "grcedi now except one, . and. I l tun k he'll come in time todiae What Bay you friend Avery! ay, or no Why,1 Indeed. nndemeTftoifr iuO w w hax to, aay , . I see no sautLo rory proof of the. man being guilty. Ii't a h.fd case, a confounded hard cate. O r dinner mutt be i.e.wlv rea dy, and loafethlng ouiht to be deter mined .upon loon.. Really, vgemle- men, i think you u better agree to ac quit him." Oh, we cant do that poisitle' aaid another of the original seven. I . A maj itity af o have beed lu'faVor of hanging from the first i and now all rhrmheri have come over ecrpf yoOT eleven at.onst oDe." "It want but ten minutei of the dinner hour," snd!adiih Lankley. 0 ly ten minutes etclaimed Kh ahod, " I've done gentlemen, I've done. Ob my stomach, let th m.n be hung.1' . V are all agreed then,"' said the foremaTAtd vftjrcrrf taritTT was returned fi time for Dinner I , . , Country without Ilain.U the part lof Peru ealled.VaUWs, which - liea on trjfi..Bcnh iind,aouiKxde of -Litna, in aoutbJaitude2tud eitt by the Ande, and ,w ibe west by the Pacific Ocean, n neter raipfa. all.l Bat during winter the earth it covered ' with so illicit a fog as to in tercept the raya of the sun. Thit fbg appear alnaost every day during: win ter with a density . that ohicurea ob jects at any distance,' About ten rr eleven o'clock it begirtf to rise, but fmout being toully dispersed, though .itiae.ct;...itcape4imenf:.Wti interecpiing? only the direct "rayi of the sua b da and ihe ttar by night. Sometimes it is Io fir ditperaed, that che dis .o tlra ci becomet visible, but the beat from' his rays it mt VII pre. eluded, ; l -the winter teaanQ these y,por.cliolyJnu,, ferjf lmalt mist of dew;. which they call C"", fv1 thus 'evert wtiere moisten the earth. TheaeirsrunTitverall iiranyquanti; ties lufGcieot to damage the road s or incommode'' the, travelteel" fut thtv j reader arid aad bajreo part fcrtllo. Carolinian, They convert thr ditRrrehle chit! in tha tlreeta of Lima into mud. lit that Country the wind tlwayi hlutt from the aouih, thtt it, from colder to a warmer region, Himetimet it vren point or iwo It the eatt. Bn it alwayi Mowt between thctoutn and touth-eatt. When the fi.gtcome on, the aouth wtnd li barely felt, and a ......i!l t . m ...ma lArntnv fr whiclrformt The obvwua reunn ny U never riut iajhat eoootrV. it. ibat '4 t0"' etanrlr Uow, from Mjeri part of the wrtd. . W tet tlto the caute of the foal i they are oce iiioned hy the miiture of the hot W from the n rth witH ibe colder ir from the aouih. , . lZ EVKNImT . Whet Cet la purpling ti ff a! r" -Thttrlwa tl iht fct, kw -4t dot NcH tuftre iin Ike vtvim ttt Tlit Koklm Knet fi'fl I Tkt all, b chttat or ft't J. Like ipiei'a cryvif tpot the tve i Th few Uktd.lU one ft loveJ I AaJ ikt tkol bctrt U wry. rnoiT VAUa &W1VT.VL OODa IN i.. UDHT. , ffY-t.Mr Tr. rmrt, 0.1 tia Vurtttf and l-urii. i) t 'tti anil "' FaiMniuiMi- FiUtf Winter GOODS Se!eC'l ilh iU uiatwM aivt b.Mirht-ea- tlrVIv for "eat., Tif t'rim Ihr tstlfl V'J e f 1032. Hit rtialiVert ltd llir (ilrli: trr mil.l um. ,il reloetied !ieM, te, heir i ude, each and erry ona for himvh. The estentir tMorvmrnt and lu rale of hi, price, iint motl rcr'ainlji in luci the public io hrlirre that f:oi! cannot be lu!d loatr n il.it aretinn ofnMiitr . J. M. h-t tb r.lote ami tti-t.ty tttcntl-m bnlSncaa; aud afree and iWhmirJ3 to nthtft o all hn may faor hit ailh their calla, m. h aceowiBodatioi.i u thall merit their conli.iu ane.e. n Alt nrraoiw t.uli htri) to me an Mini ed to mike payment by t e flrat d.v uf J i.'utrs nf. or gira iiwirmrea -i u-rr-.r, , r,n nr. ed. MlIRr" AVrra.,113.. M'VI '". "."TT T'nVa'jl ri-trt j ted, within the time prescribed bv WILL sell on the 1 3th f P. cema l.iwtr this notice will be pie id in bar ber neat at ihe late residence oljof h-ir recovery. Jame. Moore, dee'd. in the lower end fiKORdK I. SMITH, F.s'r. of Irarlell county the foUowingpropera.) ' ,bv. 2'2ni, 183T; 4t5 " IV Kit n lir r i .,, ... - ... ... . ...... " "KK ""c oi iiichi nrw, one nes-tam;ty:tjam.ge arttif. tlarne. tlornei, Cntt't' - Shtcn. GoMSWorn, Whrnt, Oats, " aOwtw tfrttt Vntirltr - 1m99XW1?. . ;t.t Ctjf .ffltff aUk(l , . ..III. tl hM twi kitchen furnitUTcrxShttulA MuJl d!cArjruettllrff awl vem'U farming vtrnsils, e. nd .tnahy '.'other th.ngt" uiuairv toIJ by administrators. On that day, alio, O e c egro man 1 wum.tn and 3 chil- ihea . wiU. lx, h.red our rented," A-e; Thf usual credit given, bond and security required. - - . JLVYUS JIEID. toV,. , Xov.toth 215.1 WA.VVVaVJ im'i. 2 NegTo Hti v anil llirl frm 15 In 2Q veai g nld, of n jjood character tor whicli- fair trices will be given bv. - - - - ' II FORSYTH;' Fifth Creek Iredell co. V. C. 2w "" , ,ljjroLS. CuL'aT- - (STifuAHTiit ttlnas urnorn .tar aioit :n ia . J COB PARKER w IIAMBLIN V. BNELL" Original : Attachment uiiijiiiii. n.ink'ii.1011 levied on personal property, nap-'. pearing to .he satisfaction of the corlt, t thatTlamUin V,Soell,thfc .feadr fis riot'ao inhabiMnt of this FtaU-. It t tlieref jj.Qjrcfered he "appear at the nett County court of Fleas d Quarter Sssstons, to be helJ for Linpoln county, at the court house in L'.ncolnton, on the third M'.day in January next, replevy ind plead to isaxie-ortodgment-by' defaalt,will be publication hereof be made six weeks successively'ia the Western Carolioi- n. . '. . . Witness VAUDY M'BKR C C. STILLS 1XJ) Tt Y w.int:. TWVtf- tubscrihrr erntinoe tb mihuracturt X oT STILLS It TI.V W.iHR, warranted to be made of the bett materi'utt, md in a tnberiot style of workmaruhin. - Uavine a lar aloc f 8lWr aivil-.T.i af o iaiid.. oJ hcins detemtoaj totellatMdd"pra, merciiai(t arvi otcert wouUtlo well to call on him and pet their topplr. " C Oid Copper, Pewter, Feathers, Taliow Beetwas awl Wool liken kv etohant;. . ; WAN rER. (volhtt rat juurnermet Thi plate wofkmenTbf ateaily haljitai that are tS customed to work on machinery, to Whom eon tttnt employment ' att tlheraf waprt will bt - J " DAMfct, II. CRB8. , V , J 0f. : . EXECUTED WIT1PWEAT- 4T TUIS OVWCaV . . i i I HIMlBliri iBMsatMBttll WKWKS4 iiiSf I N I'lMlU N(;r. r f a peed of Trut. to mi r it rated, by Jiti'i I.Img. be irin'g iHte? the li'.hnf N veniSer, 1 8 12, and for the purpottl thertio mentioned, I tvilf eipoie to ; VUIUAU HALVa tt hit rc.i It.iie, on Tufaday, the 1 8!h d'V of Iteemhrr fiex't -A" voim xiumo mv. VWie' .SYjr.tii AVomtm, . . tc W IV 11 !J or 20.ooa&. Srt l Cotton !!vi,!F,xt lrt, 1V!it & hue Straw, Cattle. lUeht Head tJ I tort I. 4'ine Sirf't Sloek ogf, Shftp, OmHr Two U'aggoni ani Gran, p.nt. Cm aiut Ihrnftt, One Srtl IH'ickiihith Tonti. one Still, One ( vttdn din, Ihuir hold and KHehen Fur niure, and a great variety of other article Term made Innwi r.n the diy f -le. M. BROWN, T'Vttif. Kofi. S3. 1822 4 S ii i:.y j. lmi v ph. 1 is n y TAILOn,. Kft VINO re.Fi d !. th t.ir f M'-fMrl tr. cTJ euni-d b oihm) f 'Icy, i r.nnti-ciiiin r dmpi f. 4.1 t ',. M' 8 yiMiV. ratert, w'tere he ra prvptren 10 r iiftfniJir t'llhn dfl enn fjror hiti whh'hr j tlrtn . llfhaljul' r-C.V.1fflm . Tir ti.il ruiia-u l.l,n, ll MUM laIUMi, KB imporTen I "Uiii'iii ri'tt ra'e wiuk'nm, hi In rm,il.iv. tir till d i .irlrin 'tie iVrrr noilr1-. c.it .mt m.de in t uprri'-f t Ir lit nv i'i Out part til i the rMii y, ami wurinlrj lo 111 sr.'l. t , I L .1 t .. , l I .1 - . kiwi U at un Ik n m i',e ntrrr- .Sn-itrrtrrf fur w t, frmr t thmrerf .ill he Pr.,,.y .rend,.! .... B'i.tr' 1 Iht p.tentr.J.t e.liinR fiae 9 ijii-, nr U'llji.n, of Ac Y Tk. and a1n for Wnl. of f'hi'a I. hihia, h H intrrt '.) l a 1 .r lint may aant iu rudiun in culling 1 th'h .fig. II.' rr oirrt hit tinarre tharikt In hit fiirnd. '(J pUliU K'n iVIy, tie lie Ubrral pat I roi,a,'e hrelnartd j;nri him, an hn,, lit merit J it Fu'tt.'-r, hy a ttnet atleii'iuu to hull . I JOT B. F. ' ' 1 11 " ' "'' ' 11 ' ' ' "' I I C a r1H' tulitcriber !i ivioa; q ubfii il as Kiccutor of the rotate ol John Stewart, (lcc 'd., refjueMt all persont ntJtbtel, ,ft ,ne t,,,,4,e tu cme r. 1 m i rrl an. I ni'iV n,i'ta.nl wi.limil Am , ' lav. and the crcd.tori are required 1.ti.......jry . , ... " 'j'pr'taeot their claioaa laly aheniic neniic i Ai'i!iin v iO !!" ' - n11, . . , . . , , ' I ""urr ,Tlru navtng qua,:n" r . at a 1, aa- aftt.ar aiif tlia L t.ttatsv . II- la , wtt wtttwf'i v ai ai t aw v 't f . .sjos tQ wlwrn live same rc indebted", le pretent ihetr cUime pr.-rper!r ah thentkated within the ti ne preset iieU i anu 3 chti-l , ,i ' . , - . i ouc part,Ue will t Ireouemle ..h-. l..u:.lV.li. l"f of recovery. Ttt l.h, ,Ls.fc;:ii.i li I t L hv law j ftlhenvite thit notice will l:e jdeb ed art requested ti m.ke,carly settlement. . JOHN CLEMENT, Fttr. Ilanawug F ROM the subscriber "O the nieht -t the 3lt Ort"hef "my negro man TOM,' aSoar22 or 25 years old, black cum plected, Kad on a blue cloth coat d pinfaloons, black fur ht, (fashionable) aboot 5 feet 9 or" lOinehel hlgh.'-ttout btilh'," From what I can learn from different ab'urcea, r'amTnduc'etl Ivrb'eiieve, th ii he hss been persuidfd to le.ive me by stme white person, who has promised !him his freedom on their reaching ! . 1 ' M ,'11 . r ... 1 'J a anT..Pf " ho W,U co V.jail .n rte.te.jaihat I SI3N2.0 TURNER . . . - . WITH a view to the more efficient proteemtoa of their buVioett, the Subbcr'tbees hnytetiablisbcd t ,, Having procured the best Material from the North and emotored a lVmltm,ii . . i - --- "who comet well recommended, the are prepared to execute on moderate terms, all orders in thi line.;" - ". Account Books, Itecbrds, &e. ruled snd rattle to order t and every kind oj Binding promptly executed in the bait and neatest manner, on reasonable terms. - 35tf J. GALES Sc SON. JIOTICFs. rTlHE undersigrjed having received letters of administration on the estate ot Godfrey Ckm enfdee'cC re ej'testt alt pericmt havrrtg claims a. gainst the same, to present tnem with in the trme peeter-brd by law other wts,e ihh notice," will be-plead in bar .tir0''?' tl.Tho, jnJcbted will pteite settle IhTsame as early at pos aible. ' '" Kon, tlx. - i;f. I j l'jiiiriiMii.H 1 Of anno LttrrpLry lrfo!icj, To bt ttiMuhrd etiry werkj U W..i llng'on dif, D. C n i ter iht i.t bj i TIM Mr.TllQPdUT.lv. . tnc, nil the J? Artt. Cktve frcqictily hetTd mt. 'ii.nrui p t miner u iu,,.' tht the metrr.pollt of tha Uii, h , , ntyi the whole 1'itiflrt of Coi;,,,,!,; iliould-.nut bft..aftJ t Ut tf p',. dc cl leiJIy hterarv In r-t .el.tr.clcr, iy'. frr tfct nur w .rhiy ctliiaen,ln ofbt, ptrttbfthe UploK, till think ourm,. phere u thfjro'ijjfhlr, (i tet tb-,Wi tty to purtlr J pUiiUW. th.t Lli,.-... cannot breihf it tui i&jI Jt, l, , un',n,ji "Weotcli P"m, ever, wh iht eo cotrrion t, our f. f l.i..M IN .a.i!ib'iL." 1 -4lt. thi United Su.,1 ib.t. tuck it b.J j ii! r-n i th.t the liicrarr lft uf lhf mllet U4rt it not ro-iCoed to C,,J 1"0jI reporit, and Hint doeum..,. (hit there it not or.lr a a-reai or,,r . great coium,,'. C)ci Lellera bere,brotJ ' partfih. L'nW,b,,h lion of the ftel "u,n"V7 panxitne Vo w, hu, .: Can prudue'e a ft .fart pap.rr.f.H,; ... wvjii, wf tvK r. the Aletrefiitiiui ibe pjirnoigi of tr1 tar vtrs ol liieraitirt f.om Maine (irtt(),i therein Uadawttka) to (Je0igi, JI more panirulaily . tolicit that tZ dcnitei.aoriha UumIci and nur i,utfJ politan filendv. The Mtitotiiun ,pi he cicluolvely llitrary and triemid, I'olHict till nm bt mcd lltd tiikhti,,' columnt at any rail (ill lha enlJf lht inielleeiual mi'lrnlum whetPrni. denlt thallromjiota their mitagri. t membcri ol Cone; re ihair tnetrhr, if rh)me, irit lieoict. Our pl.Q y comprehend Um wide and 4ru4rnet fa litemy rnivellanr. O.iin-I .i Reeled ftreT of- fiTtatTfn(f TutLi J ' f.e,,. or frf , 0f .rniimcnt W kt " , . . , '-ww. v ... wm uV tltllaVffl ?rrTiTT I'ne trtdi i.m, or veriRed aioriet ofihj ''idin iimrt," enc' ol our pngrniion j witt be pytKularlf telecied for our pr. potes Citi,both prave sndxayib) oraphictl tkt ifhrtof auihort md ktrott iiirctin; tne'.i.riet, t . kt. wift en'er into the compotiiion of our work. An. rA'lietlitfrMVta'ni' Tea' tire "will be Imnie tial reriewt and noilcet of ne b-xikt both literary and trlentlflr, at they corns fmm the pren. To 'he poetical d'twv ment ptr ku!jr atten'ion will be (Ittat tind we flatter ourtelret, by the fitorof tome poetic brethren snd tit. en. at 4ZL - ''?T!!r pee not-qnknon to faroea toUahlalt ;,fr,k ... . iilTerour readers tcmciini? more thai mere H lintinal.ulatn of rhyme." ll.ta. en forbid, that wt should be 'goil'V if bots'iog. ') In addiiion to the literary ciin.if ibe Jlletroflot.'a er rumher il'eo. t iin onr paic of Muir. i oricrinal or if Llccied i-ani-.aot we irutt whi h till finj u ue in the t vet of the e;omn.whtJ f iir i and although we mar occ.ajrfj'i in our )rr rrnrxh, delvtr-s tfratTe t tta.ijt l L fiuio ui pouoilr affV ihe?., nnw aii-r th. fi. lo crafirf thi'ticY ; uluurXIr re Ait. tMh .. graphic- cleltnet' ilunt of the nejtCJt fathioil., . . . Jf S ill fui'lier' to imptil an interest It in,ertifll.c JPJ 4 ' -.J.ij.e.IU, Ppiop-urfsu'itecit.- fhe Mr rofiotttan ill bt punished ef ar S'.(ar, in t cprta furm. It' till S r.'j'.lUd.!") fi j lcr.and .wiiaaw i.'rri'inn r.i lit'tvpoerVnhrraf execti ia. Term oi ui.cipiKii-, g 3, ev atDtt, tr pt in mNntce t or I54 it not pjt tTI ,l,c , n,f,"f,ht . n.i I.- itert re la: 1 re to ihe wort,m ht 't pi-id, :o erurj Vteril1onr"Tli lint number ilt appear oii or beToreiwt fii si of Dcctmbei . - - -r- -r purr tsRECKv' : PRKMIUMl, . To e!?clt the exertions tf litertry lii. ran, t h t pu ir. t(if pffpf r H9 -foioJ iretnnim ; g.-eF oBit-ke MrrttenltVj'fln-t sa'ijtU- WI.IIVV.VM " I i. .. IILIIV.. J , - - - rtrr v i)OLL.(fts. r or ;;ic uti written I oem 03 a iuj ject of t strnilsr chara'etpY." TWENTY- DOLLARS.1 " Articles- ofkrcjfjfar' the prtfn'u5r muti too sent free off ottne and ti'l he received upon Ih- Lai of Jjnuarr - - . ...j. .... !..! ' n . J. I f cotntnltt.ee. of Kt.er3ry...Rentl-c." whose names will bs p-tblishccf prtM To that time. Rtitor MelrofitHitam,. To editort who will Copy this notitef L- I T,l . J J' .1 ,U ttatj idttafi win mitj UJftJ aftj xni7mTno.yraiilrcmiawr u . is. ., atu , - r r n- mi i i r- . TilE STEAM.. BOAT- M ACOM J 1 - - f aplAPT. J. C, .f RA ' I- . ir a ftf K,.in net .epgaKed last stimfMti tn running ot' en ChiirfeVon and t riff raw calling at Geo. Town on heresy.!'? and down, tl resume het-.Trip in M course of a few daystfltlN loteritrtt tVba continued in the traeJe rhe ensniBf-W' son: j r- n --, -----1 . urswing when loaded only about four r a half feet water wift enable ber to rfsci Cheraw at aUn'ealScep' tn' one mnh' low il(e.rr when her, Irtrgo wiSIW ligbteaeJ i i the fit pelee of Bonn -y r. . -., , J. B CL06l. -r-rii ", OjatltlK-'SUf 8t, I'JI"' N. B. ?fieh,as tmfprtabje.accotna dations for' a few passengers' 9' Uavl.VC DEEDS, , P every 3ptcrIprKMi,iiea'ty.rnn,V kentcoaj" sally fct sale at IbU 9&&, '

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