- ' a T1. . r Ynr .M))rnr .?.! ' ,!" ''' liic't V Wnt Vi 1 1 -,, ;., , .'.j. , " ' i ' Ifc Mw r.f I- !-.i mi. S,.4,.A: . 1 l",l,l,ll"Vjll" 4a. lJ I'll iJ u'lUv.a of iiw-j-i-Oy which 31 I nj rr4 W i. , ' 1" Z-lZJ ' a7"'U rtiic.' fl the hurl of ,i4 c.luai, st. winch wl be talc-l wild l.uU Minor. .1)1 nlilUC' VlkAIUIi.l, v , , ,., (111 Iw'fMIIMr, unur .i ' ' - 'I'l II Kill 1111 , ' "'If c . IMIil.ill II 1 . IIIIIK I I'lll V'l'V '.1. .. ... . . . - . . pr.eMnn,' iU eTv-f fed etff f, m, M(r HIT! P. 'N'mi ii trk'ifnrrttnU-. ntt wr.str.itr cxtwirstiy ; jvhUJif J arWf i rrr r Off JMnrl per 0hh in, ipit't rilhin (hrrt mmlhj; r tro Jtlhri Mt'lftpf eenity pu al ay o. ff'ff-frf-tAejm .. lf tlttfwtltur't undl nil nrrearaet net fit t,llri l ihf fclilif's ditrrrtiit. ' ;Vtw'Nyii WW ierrftipfilfora Utt A failure la Ktfiff lh' rjifdf ttf d vh 4j Jm nttinuf, on" "tVA Wf trr thr rtfiUut. ji.nof yar, kV-1 tt ejtu turj at a m.y c (,' 4iy pt rn profiir'nt? lit fiv;! j.vft rri'' t Circuit, thill hutt rt Mtn'k piper zrn'ii. '' A'trtrtiinj I ih) unit ra'"'i. .4.7 rt f r.rff f i (he fHUar ra t ttj4lil of ih'j not be attended 'I . LT 'Dir.-m Icritw will bo tricl!v a !!rr. ffnirtrtiil hat Inn1jr i ntin-h rnjivlw riw(.i lunrn u r, lint n 4 ir. 11 finral of nryif(8m,i whirli PKESIDKNTSM Ci;. ipTijlv CU'r.riiB vf lh' Sci'ttr, ami lluunt of Urprpifttullm 1 It iriwn ino .l. o ir' loc MigmtijI ite.Hi Wt, f"f Um jHirjMi o 'liKl'irgiiii yiur t I lio pil oflho Cttiliil 5l4te-. Jlthfnis4 ' jHsJlcuca wliicli lio'l ir.iT. .i ilu OTliJft.T iTui iiff ft!tT twr" fifTi7 I c.iii(ltI It mvaLTi out iiiurh tif ..ui hIm u rcnty, nnl lvnllio nuinU-rjil Hi irtiio, coenput'-J iU iIkwc mIiu (7iif! ftp u hi nutol btlMir c u:itin,i civrr it Ldi pr'u J il Ivrrori. Not it(itninli la'iviititjiioii, mirc'iinlry pri'.n'im, oti c. n Tdi,1 nail if inp n!y an. I li.iii p.rtiil rf ttic woHi. If wo futty Bpiivri. Id "ur fo:ii(Trativo c .n litijn, rxUiin .iii i)f .Lu-'ontcjif' will .c.ir utivvitrlUy orl:ctiiiiin. uiwl ith licnrK of ihruihful- nt. t. tiiut Di iito IVutg lin hn) UiicJ wirctij) f ,hih i ity, vo V.mll Icol our m- vjiitiu trriitiniiM:J Id pa-jprvc.iinJ hand - iovv (i jkwUt kly I bat libertva.nl Utnt m m irtiirh wh h:iro recenrri from mir Ft lli'Tf, aii'l wlikh . CMiitilulo Ilia autirco 4: l the uSit'ltl ol our TI10 rflulimiii of mir country c-mtimw ti. pr.-'iit tliu winm picturo of aiuicuUla in (Rrcaam:tUat it-lai thi-ttilif4Cl4M tr hnll u to ymir vinw at tljo Jjxmiiitf of ycMir Ut So-)ijiu TliouwffWiniIv uro .1... "-.t :..! ., .? 1 ', inn rMiita UL-ninj 10 .iiin fi.iio 111 our !t.iurUf(1iiz cuuir:u!rcr thu iiuiio dwix. viuut 4o loftiiutirou. iiijtiru uniuttsiiitm- tlly 'iTL'n,i, nn witli frw ocrptitj.isJ rin "intcrctnirso. 'I'hi dc jirnhla statu nf thing Buv Iw mainly jucrilxij t our iimlcvimui pnrtice if tfw ntl whirh has lJsij gtiiileir our iwtionU policy, tu require . o rxcJuiLta (ani'ynsciCDuiiiiurco, ruii 111 iraai ama t M dHily-prorftiriU' it brnrfit iHl riT-iH 11 - the rfKjYTt shoTTTi m oar fla, tho nrncc ti;m if mir citi,ciis OJi'l ihoir pMpcrJy inroad, nj in tho increaw nt 'ur itavi.v Uwt ii.I'lffttoiwoi'orwir irioiranulB ri enstioni; Tlio rotunu whiVh haVn bin Ba'iK arit'JfiWb Wtf T5'i fii'fit.' will fmw iii inrputnj rlunriVfho IxTt proceciling year 01 inorotnuii HIVMJ!) ill illr alitppi:i, niu 'if nearly firty -iiiUliw of l..lUriii Iw ajrBato f mir import hI fp.rtu N-Mhar?rwn fe n.iiiittrt(i'ri'f(t!(iur. tnlvci an t!io p:witioii ul ur p-.liiial tlia'i t wir cTiimjrciul conccnu. I!igvr1 wain i'i th utafo m which thr-r rt-f-ro wlrai I last aij.lrus!.! y 'U .1 stnlo f prwjiritT tart p-nce, the :cflM hf d triiitf ttirfiiill.iiv"t the parting ndvico of tho rctfirnj Fathrr wtinintrri ori this ttt'etfCamteiHAil iitu 1 maxim for tho so of psturit v. hv nan w hi rtiDst distiniirnhfid miccrgM, t tiiltivatn Iron corrtmorea dnd h'liicsl fi foihl ihii with all nations, Ixit ta mnke eiitau liu11iiuicea with ruuie. A rtrict adhnr euceto thia policy has kept 11.1 aloof fronn tte pt;r(ilexin qiiwuiomi jthat now a?itnto ma iumiwan win M, ami have more than -""-SlltH'.lJ th'lBo'sSfjhok unfnrtiiliftti'lv irorilr ho pirtiea to tho cbntiiat may count on a withliil Berfrriflance of ibo -dutiosf incirrrr- fmtnn n3 Us" S neutral nation, and our own t'lzcn3inay equally rtly o i tho finua;r wwiiuniM aily In VM Ifimiicy ofoilP'piilUT- 1 evistence, tho most friendly relations . we subsisted tliro'the lato rcVirfutloriaW :ta Governiiieut, ond, fronHho entof the promiso a pennariootitors ionIt has marto un npprotimation'in aamo of itspo-1 .rem insmuuons to our own, pod mmi mfinarch to tiro throne, who preserves f( W Said, a friendly recnllectiiin of tha oorl- ftHirmT wtikli: ho acquire.! 'titts' our n!iH.i,e uiu, cfinsidsraHon thai cmilil Jaan.,ha hwTw1triJ fry hre'rirtsjii if, "r imimere) with that nation it gni. "ly animh2i miitilallv hcnclicial char- ter, aad tho ailjustnurtt of thv luim of -wwwiiittf-wtiiwaitrij J10 lliere W,, to tin intercou.e irot only lowanive. but productiro of literary and ier.inj tmprovemerit. . Fwm Groat .Rrttain I have ('nriftt '"toruforra you that l eontlmte to ro J imnaeia of tlio.nioM. amicabl4a &wiM.n, which have, on part,- on pro. wea.sioB,be oroinplly aod sineerMy pi jjiuc-.I 1 1 xita.. iul:'U, AiiA otcry tlTui on inv pnrt wiil Ik m.iuV f r a ritUljc-t ,ry i'lliiiHil . I ji 4 rU.'lloii, inliTeoti.iw in llm L'iiiimi c-in lllv , uol iitiularly o to oiiii if il ini'mlfr. Tho cl uiiitofonr citifm on 9iaj:i nrr not yet iiclni ii!.lo I. O.i rl-M-r me ' nr. on- , nilti 3 HiiiriJ lM)Hiti fj.i,p fif fho emp! IjUK'nf f mir ,h,..-. V kl .ht llP'tf; VTnrMi;TlMinrTiirTi7 ofnl ofliie in aiy, 11... ,,fiwr',; , n llm . pnfiit.iti.M i.f 0,1 HtAfm A.klTurr. i ha Ui-fi pr i nf.fH' wiih.!r,in, a id w mow joy tho tmdo an.1 invi;jhwi .f tht. n'm h V, no I i.ra!l Ihn Km U lmn tn lh- Tlirki.li K llj.i re ' ( ,t ,,,, ni M p.nit f. taiily wuh ail f.,nl -n 1.4 Cl'ilK, I widi farnrtly, that ii) annonm-lr tu ynu iiw cfiiiuiiaireof r.i-iidhip, on. I (lit i h tcau! of a jir 4fM romiiMri il inter i-our with '.Ii-ihH, with 'euirtl AiihjiI r, l llr. 1 i. ..f tr- Bomh. I cciuM c cuiMpany'it -it! th mvirvro M ,.- aH am W mill ihil int.-fmil tiri'joilli. iy and f ttfi ji rnri? wlueh t'lrirlicroit ""' t" Hie emt of !icir in l'"n 'Liire mrril. In i iiro, a aanuiiiiirv ini. jlo i now carried n, whirli l.ii cnuH mmu (imlitirraMirient to our roinnirrr.-; hm both purtiet profew t',e m .t frio'idlv di4.Kmiti.Mi lowur j To the terini'm' ia uf ,1 In r.ui-t, wfl l.ik for tho iMah. Wiish4 4rWt winj HitiTp-mrr', rrt n-' niiHoin f loan icrrilorii' f CyuliiriUli. , Uj iitiru-Uwl 41 wtJ iw in U, Wii may cu!tu!al from tho fict, rfn 10 tin lol iiVut m1j17 vliiiofW iim11', tliat rfjrf ni.tnt coii.iiicri f hi im-ruutd, aiwi i inl'!MiI tndu n einiTani. fioift bl. Loui torf.mtj IV', o'Hierth"proH:ti'mofeKroria fjrouhed by t!u tj'tvertiith.' d, 11 cnrriixl on to jreal a i4ni", and m daily iucrean in,;. Too aenli protidml ti.r by tint Ire i- ty w.tli tin l'owcr, to ikiiijmile tn Ihi i li.lll4 Wllit'l il .!. lUiJi.-J. Iuiioi l.i.-n coiiinifiH'.Hj th 'iii Willi aoiiK' f'otvn of uaa My gro;ti iddMet w(h ffitTrit of (JUImnm wtiioh t'l-WH lt itornmut, mitflit lierrafu-r b rend uol-T f irru o la -ri that w.hiIJ mi lnn'jer l!m pKiil mi ih rlfioilin ,hirli it U Ibi iuiri-xl (tarlie lo proo-Mc inn. .life, -e.o"ril-d n il w by a eoimiin.iilf of laiiyi.in, m 11 iM-r kimI an iul l;aIiH,u-j by i!n hi.-h oh lisaliiii w . ima toiMir li-ilih (t h l (.ir f tf many of our ium( thiuhle UMiiltitcvn, an 1 1 r thai "Nut -in '.ti'preMl.itirt ( eninviil wiiic'i hai t.iablt'J u to nru-M!r aod iniprovi tlicin. ih't iti-i..ii nf cmr North lnt ru I'l'umLr !;: r vwiri uii iiin I. In ovj l.k: anuiul iik:m'0, I etnUi'i.! loc il '; ituutt ft m winch I fmihl that Ui.i. ui on coming irtt.i (illV-", el llm iiif un I ihiHiirht it mr liy In purun for "-ituiR Lot ni-l oflho t'liiLnl Htat- rn 1I10 K.orror:ii w!ii li ul lx 'ti f h 'n by my (riducfrir t ilHenmn lhMiir' ti'.rj ; uud u!.l.'rtJ Uiaaat m wJiicii b hlld lJlMr-r(l f il. A picia! UMIJII to Cie rt'iml ) in thoir eeeuiu cajiarify, af luru ardi itrcu'it before idem l!i" ii"rtiin uUuUc.thiiv ,mlJ4 aiuinif ion the upioion of the Hovewiii arbiter. Thai IkmIv liivuii; h:riMi tha award venot obligatory, and adviurd tho tn open a fur tlir ner'iriiii.'O, I lie proixiiou vn im luedial'Hy inadu to the ltntili (Jovcrn. (uoit bui tho ciru-nttaairi' to wliwh I havn lliib'J Iwv.i hillioit.. prevented any anvrrr bin cien ti tho nertitr. .'-'b., "Ii-3li?.. i.wiYC btW . b 'alu4iwi4i.witp4rl4 InU mm(Mtmi4f twt?TW2 ffWUi-n 'o tmni pw.iih .ir a rerriiiir e.iern meiii, rajwihU tf uwM'ihU lh u-nul re lalion. with t ircin ration j 'b-it if, a il ntppo if, uii I a t'ttv urovd to Iv. ifwf tH.WKlr pf.if-wrrnrr.-j n.ri mu x !!(itivtt...t a V l!lr W.T L'.'""' friin I k ' aiT"i"o 1 lhi ia. and lif t-flVf ' f"'ein iiK-r-i.iK d r-Vrl Cr our lli in (hi-o di.ta-it em, aoJ a ldifiaa! ieourify f r our rmaien e. I of! n vw.4 I h,vn jferi f 4ir e.f!'ie. ion v.lth fir-inn n-rM. t. Aa. ..,. Im.- Ik"ii mad l i jht jr .J j.n,4ie ili-ouUm-e, i.r birein war, f . i!m (r r vi.:.iti,.,ior id "faiuifc It WMiy m pi.ijM r . bei, that th ii ilnji- .Jiy 'in hrrr th ro tVi-ilt nlTrt our'p imIi-mI r.!itlu Wltl them,' of l'Vkl'..V ', u- '.'.j."rt.ir-i'r 01 imr f oiiiiiM-ref. l-'mCu r Vn i'miu i iitlr"rimrpfM'y c ,r i, t.'t f .f. rp 1 Ihir l:i i w'.'i.-i on h. i hi i'n, .mr k i) oll.!..w!i. t-.v,,,.,, itl L. i,;r.rJ-.l, ! pmmofii llm d.Miii'.tie IranmidliU nut C.r. d."i 1aiiiM f.fa!! ' n Li , .... hmtf ,1,y iijer'-oitim. ii,t,.V.-l.l. 1. iii llH ir aiFi.r UMlii r I mo lht. cn n Us the iin: in, ,,f 4IlV .an,.,..! ,- ,; ,. i. . . 1 ? . .JIV 1 uiif iMiiii ii-lin ., iiiii,ii'',Moal fNy',and wi3 4 jy, av "T b'-.T." Tim. rt-.n Wliirh h I'fi, j j-y ...f the I falr i,J mi due ti e, by l.f,,rft Vi-u. U-'d iK.;e of nir ro;yj' i"rer) reijerp "J, wliich liai ciMllil lh irn-!m fo f'i,fi! thi-ir P!i3.i;;'!ij.mt .wi'n tho ,.( ioMiii-iit, tii't r-n-ijiin (r.,n rutom dunr, the rur i!l fcC"-!d the e-lu,aie nf . mIii! ai the la .f fk-hviikij aoi wit, i i', tin: 'IVaniry mil j,r,,Vi ii" "i"" ' I W -1 I in liu '.'0 r ii'-nii Iul v iiili iiuai d , Cmj-rm , f hi' iib. rl ami 1 rim id ti h altempf . mav Ut imnmtU ibt.il if mr J H v mi th pnnf eiiinn, ately 11.4 lo. ' Kiiouhl tha aigeocy ariw J""' "r'f" " rm uie. iieiiftnn tM Mi irrtli th eiiM-nti.A tI the etiollo lb L9:;iloturfl. Tim miifer mim law i'm.mf tiraUw frum any fmrw. wjiat',, .,.,, J of prrdft'lt-fflinTalTif 'fWihi "ujiofi 'i'-ver,"'pii7ijit "inriiei id fl V3f io giea" wjik Ji ir ftfjwWli'aii Mifnfmf ttt taw Cm-rtw, with th 'Mtinw of ' tuc h 7-r : del, fcemnnwrrl a prjr a fa'titfwi H t be ie end mr.uure a may b Aemo4 fwn lotlw fM)ialitim, imt Ar-jr" nerraarv to vmt il. ' ' , """ return that ttt i-tp-nditnr nhall bo lim- Jn nHiforiaity aiih prlnt'ljAVt hen t.drtf tied 1 1 a-hul, by an kmkmihV tt adinin'urra- f iplniivn!, and ih l)i h..p i.f ledncinf ti Hi, hall bo cwrit' nt with tha imjilicf. I be U irral GoterniiM.nl to hnl unpl f) f Ibo Oore rmuent, ami ifemtry to mictiiiw which the t'omtitulioa crcalvJ an i'flV i-iil public fender-.' ' f.i rff rtina and vt witbdrawintf from , tha State aU ttiinaonHnieij, it Udiie in lunt'ire M the in btlmr lufluenca lUn tli&l id tmiurmJ ' ler. .( ..f tb ibff re.it Kinfe, and ren fo Iwu. fbrur in ifertiii peare aUPtrJin t.e ptewrtfiti.t f fhrt l.'ninn jf !f; ihai an innt'-rin rurrency, inaintaiuing lb iiw the pMm timi a(Trdil by atri-iiiij ti wi to rinlhbilif f foolract, dilftiwng jufelli. any braorhetiiflbenati aiuliududry kltiiutd em-r, and li-harr.injf linHU, it tlhel not pre.H-J what nif br frcroMry U M riolen.linjj fuocti.ni, 1 reiNimnJi eni'if'-rnrt Hm. rfVtiiKia irf f.rein M. Ihut wrotUion m trwdn to tliNpoMt af all. .i, aiur towfii r aMipply i,fhoearti- ludk now held by it . in corpurotiuoa. r!- r-f inaniifart.ife,e ,,rt.iri.i fhntli.ta whi lU?r f renfe.l 17 lU Oma ral or 6iUI il in fep.nl. iK'e and jMy lit ii.n ij"w nr. tJuioriiinriil, an.1 dafiii)j the prurwd I. upfl iiiriati.Wi il hall Im f!,id, a lbeTraury. AaaHireecd"profi-.thoi ' if i .elir it will I., fhal tbfl lWa. ktm k aro of little or no value s a a nieaeV, ye frntt'W'prairfH fo any rtirulaf lef ii.lliM-iK-e aiiKie !ie flotru, tliry krf nnrrei 1 jjfan'r man t iiK!ip.iWiMr rt in.ivri to u, punty our loatituliona qoisife I till. i-bj'Tt, f rTommmid l!iatTti wh'Jo priucii lo on winch they arc 11 m gni i'iary unni!ie,t, nti.i ti.m nk far tiriL 1 leeine l.i mauy uneonefilulm a'my ' W c"..n-rtfrl with " iheao o!W rf, J al, and lo pemil in th policy which lief fH wtttAs acUuiflid du'iea bo hn!u!l to I itMlieul la eoiinHrnrxl Iim W YrArf ;.. i ' Hw rnvemm tnnde.rd a mn a a jiM r It emy .Ljiy to raiaiiil vrm With- arj,.-x; J.. jr liti hitfi ul tho t.orvmrtim'fenti arranr'inoin niad Thy tho Tmi f f 'a : nniffTfTtiriwi oflho7incTipTriil Iii-"tTailod Klub-a with a H.rlMflrjhe h.ll'r, J veted in rfRbliibiikul' JouiuaidiuJiU nftha 8 per rent, lock, by "which th ' fry will permit'.' (T.ivernnMiiil will lw dvprivm) of tha oo of t I hat iiianUlacldre de joule to the" auplbe (Kllilic fUndl blcr Iharj ws anliripai piy of our iioufniie ronimiitiMi wmil.t, m 1 tcj. Uy tui arruneuif ut, llw vivd rn.iw yn.5 tier, baa 'been, that l!m Jri,.l neui i'lli . o n! w-Ihlii ill. y werti 1 c.MiperalU U Uut .JU Una atmou.ircd U u. T.1.1 (J u-Mili-iit of ("tntrnl America 1 'mi in 1 rini.ir. inn pinyi ivri'inr ei 'it rn-.tlun '.. '...1. ....... : . . 1 1 ' 1 I , ' , 1 1.11H.U ihiuu ti.iui w.H-i. iiflirt"l 114 piMcn. pll!) I.; Uliloi, however tiiiali.MtoClhomtiMU.Ap'Cirxta Ui hur.v Douui , vf . CtvwmtbU ii lot irulukou plico, it wj aisCuVertd luat j pjwUji I iwarLioiv - h b.w imi- umh .nin rt!ien .lman lH, howevi-r trn 1I1.111 0110 wx in u In en nwnc-d by tin in they miaht b. u,nu the e'iity of tli.it '. voniwn', wee not w'h iU bbdn the Milijv-t of iiatninl iiiteronrice. . , CfUbilil t lhu priwiplu of askiii.; ooIIhiI but what w-i clearly ri jfit, ahtioinl in- tructiom h.ivo been .a.'ur, t-l iafiry our demand a In AmbraOil lhr only on whifji. nreordiitf t' th biw of natron , W5 bail a, atrict right, fa .ttwiiW.7tfVi"iatvv,. t ihoj doLiy in prucuno tha diMiuni'mt n tereniM rimiiiry, I uiadoa on(l lU -io,!!, in tint rrar, tnrttabbjti aditlomntie inter. ma!e $ foliar. Y-, Imt T pnmei.i 01 ail the public t. In tK' H at Pmu .bvm.ibo. Irt tl. C-tiumti-1 tli.it lie1 .MtoiiM will yield f th"5 l'r ai ry, ilun i tne roe'!!! venr, uiiwar.l of 0: .dollar. Ino have proved c.uit w Willi, tlfiu i but the JcatU uf I'm di 4 taaboul wvhen nnlu.MH, wh.bt n Mtli birj. j by mnay einja, and whether it dura ihI j ih foatttution. ambnuHiis riift bineli al tenjto imjjrn m inn iiiiiki 01 a, large por-1 weij a 11.0 pnnci,y pardi ,tty rmw, tionni our.conr.trymcu a ajuni r uiscon jlur.ly1 tuacrdrt which. 1 pvo.;Trmij!H rjew ui3Uii.'d cillim wh m i tmd trrtpnoitorl fir that piirp., hi n;iard:l tho exccn ti.ia uf uiiiMii.fixMM vviueh I-h-wd rnueh nJvau!fu .Mir co.iMH'rco. Jf lia uuitia ot" llm tUroa Sutca whujil. tnit.ml 4lu He. puhiipTjf t'o!'tn!jrt bnj l)etdvHh4vtl I bul iliov all, il i btdievjul, cim-ad.-r iliemlvp r eum vtsrVei'litecri Tniltiiu i.f i!.,'!.u, will have been apdiott to t!. principal a nl iimrv of wrntiOTif "iMif7 : it i etjuvcted, bowrtvor, th.it in fon. ipieiH-o oi ilia phJucwJ rMlo (tf July whivh w-.t! takii cif ct aHcr th.-- 31 of March inxf, there win ti'iVKiiiif f,iSTn-:fart1:T T,nh crary f,r tlita -revi.! of thOTniriti fhTWja.iU bjU.Uiy Iho.Tn-ait : whwhbho reyenua Iram'cuJui iulllu kMtctWL ihuao claim,, retard, d tlu iifxrulioit, xux trtai uufiHiiHUiMV tMMKy which lt at dictixl ui CulIioJio ijj'WV. .prlvtMlel a exn iiinnti.n of iheni. Hoiiii now lor tho fiM liiuo prannilod ui an uuJxeeptioiiablc t'irm, it u eiiim Idiittv 11 riied tlwi aoplica ikvt will bo imcroM. -" - - I havo Itie sntHlactnm to Inlorm ynu lliat llu applicuti iu 1 dirocte J to be liiad t lof lb) tllw?rrf awort of thonrcbtyes vt t bv ida, which had hcn carried fof he llivaonn ha4 prJ.(e'f my4- -order? lbet r M livcrv, and thai inoiWUrea hava'Doei! 1 fik on t-pricure it execution. I'v the repott uCllie Socrelary o Ftaic rotiiuiuiiirntoil to you on the V.i,o Juno lul yttrl wero informer -nf tho rnmhrmrrat rG iliietion. obtained by the Mmitter of th lliiiti'd State at da.lrid, of tile dutio on 1 11111040 Icvioih 11 American gli.ppiiig io the port id 7jiani. llio condition of that re t 'u.'lndiMVia 1mhi i4jhd-with m ur pa.t.liv Hid act panej thn 13th of July (ast, I Ijave tho aati.-daelion lo iiifiirnl you mat our am m now iwy no nitucr nor inn er duties in I ha continental port ol Spain thin aro levied on their national vassol. Tho demand against PoriU!jal for illo jal onpturc in tlio blockado of Terceira have been allowed to the full amount of the account presented by tfib claiinaat, and payment wa promisyd to bo made m three instalment. The first oft'iejn ha h$tn pmd 4w eecond4 altlwuah duo, bud n.t, at fbe diiloorour (ast aavicoa, boon recei yQ.J , owirf?, it was allo'ed, to cmbirta menfi in tho flnanee," co!i!nienf "011 the civil war in which the nation 1, cir'and. priwhnjjiee than WTiMnrirtiioted rand- wr- rdwj to peefll inforrjHtwt, wrll l"ill hrt of two ludiion. Tho ejr-miitnren f r all nbjert olhor tliau the oul.li.! di hi nrn eMiuiaieii 10 Hiikmiat .1. 11 111 ' the year i; nrrhitpti not rate id tl.ij Motk ny bo pipoM. unH nU oulfrf a b3 J. OctUniiv.lUii.auJ 4bk iu- biw.r fr llien I il.a (iovemroent,' after Ha ability fo c'i. .I'LL. 4 Matt whu h will M tho abf rut f. I-. b im-Ph iul lo tnir rou-itrj-, I paWieulurly fipUinul Ly Umj Ecrrfary of mere 1 nor. avmt. d..niit ant toed s t j lliq Iffaaury, a aurrculor of Ibe ccrt.fl t'irir etnl,ll.meiir. lh-ra ia' rwrlutni; no I rale of ihij nlnk mav bn MMiiniMMsl 10,1 1 -. ... . a - j r 1 - e icii It I AiiM-rieiiuejtij J i A 'riild OoLf !iTreV'rrruIi.Bi1 fc-.i Juuj 1 1 pjv a bidiir 1Mb1 Pv . ; !.!. f .flti" nnTfjrt'in piichW",ll TT"prrttTiM-J iTittl'ii I ttmrju lhu d(-tt,Tiuiy bw eonlimibtlr 1 ,.r.ii ..1 1... 1. r. ir..'....rn.. r...i. 1. r ... .... uIpn.tiM-ii.ai, barn,".d int't tho mimbtcf Kurh meaaun a aa aro wilbln I!m rcaclf Inil f'-w of our efatnomeii. The inaM thry' of tho rVcrttary flboTniaucv lai'e lirert have anlieip iled i a le nporary and jrei- Itikcn to cu.illo luia lo .judgt) jvltttliCf lbat - cratly iiM't h-nfal piritrvfionrtrndiTtiey public ; JujKfcMla ir. Ihat tutiitutbtii oiy bjf uiuiiitaiii hut th ) elf -cf to reduce llm price narilwl aa entirely aafo but a hi lion by flonyaieconiirtiUiw bbjw that ij'lbe bul Bownr-tnay.Biwa iiabni- tbalr "! e'wjn arlrido. - I'TprrjiTire,- hrtwnyer.'ntirj obji-pT, I reroauiiond lho ub ITCIhtfafc CM sniuto on tin, a m ullirr iiiijtct,l tinitio0i4 (iigrt4, umu-r 4b ft:tn w-ImJ j in.. ke ti doubtful wlii-ilt'ir lho advaiila- Ithat it ik uoilbv tf tin iraerlou inrcirttra 1 -..r;i j :. 3 r.; .... .l:r .-.. . . - ' ..1. . i; - A - - - m im, pini.'i.i m.v 1101 1:011.111:1 ooiiiiurtMi 1 mm. ah i-ifiuirv 11110 ine irai.u.riiont ni i .Tlwi pavq-'ent atipulutei -by ,.tho Qqu. veiiliflawilh.I)on!nnrkhay.ft.bp8 ttnaaaramTOirCTrainrtara trihuliori amon tiro claitrmnt a soon n the rKar.l now silting ahull hairo performod tlwir function - - ' ' I regret that by tho last atWee from our Charge d Affaire at N:udes, that gov- ernmenthad wtili dolayw tho atiBr.iction dn0 to our ciiiasna .but at flial alute, tho ffisci xf the bwt mstruotious ;wa .nt knowo. Despatches from ihoaer or hour ly i tpected. rind lh roauit will Iw can. Wiil'iTwTriP'Ea our TeHlToni, pptit'cftTanto eciI. NoocmhofM ore coifi? oft, to put on ncrmamuil basia tbd ' tiooraf frystoio "Ol 1 cwnaWre' carrieif oatwtweea m aaa igreninire tf Konai'i ' The treafy rjrttfCrU' bd with AUMtriiTi xoeufod bV'Uia Im- porial WajekTf, with ; the . most peiTocfJ wrsid fiith.ntrl a we hare no dinlnmntie agent at bis court, ha personally inquired into and cnrrertwl pDceeffmsj if om of hi snbaltom . ofl'iecrs, ta iho injury of j t. s- a. .. t n )'- (fUrconwu i'i wii'J vi ur-f"M i- .a jilJu ia lliuir fuJcrul .eajwatv. -Tb Il rtid.-nwrtli'de! V arojdvai(fii'ieui t, , '""""'"i j I'lVTiuo lor un tin. Jim oi inn Jiiui).'; .-r tsol Mtitki .Twi-nani,-tor nrnsr thw" Oar Ttrr, iirruwl eyen uivirt a librral a ; er.itnentjil No .GruiMdi', and haie worn .and for rftn''Ve?nmpjim iul pure hue "of emu-iamuu, mat a lie union wuuu.oe.t Uro roiiSiirhler ol th? puhhc thibt. Va i'n t" riii botwiHJii iho Mjanit. StiilMa, all first .r J.i.vnry net, the .'utiru jaiMiedrlif hint fir V,io piriiwe T tartli'l "iiitor-1 of tor ( Viiie"! SliiV, ("iiii'Im ,i? I itnulJ. ejiirvi. - ()jr M. miter hn boeo lortriiclo,l I will 1ms reiloei-d i i tiilmi (Viwii.m .J',. tu una hi imJ offkee whmitvertlir shall jei million of dollar: of wliicli $.VJJ7, j . ua..v ' 'i v.. Ill V '" M wltNimMllL. i-MtfU IIU. U-H AH 4 1 'I riOO.MM-ll,l (0 to bo wihIio.1, f..r iim-d.Mn'wtio trnilniidlity ' lt of Jimtary, l";?!, a;: I 8 l,3 ),?!d, not ..... ',V WV.I,. MW lUkll.l ol kircigu coniioorro. . . Motuu agitation iintnnillv attendant on auiufuut raiit luvti pevmled mlhi-oio-piio of Brazil, w Inch bnva had tho H":ul I'flect Uimil Couioicrrtial oiierutioii; n id while they fUipended Iho'.cmiatduratiOilif cluim created or Mimilar occaMou, tney haveyiven rim lo new eoniphiiut on the p .rt of our citii'iiw. A prop.-r coniJora em r whimi 'ld diiiicwilM" of - the naturo ha inm'o ih ley iiirnt umi per- emptnry in ouf demand fir justice than Tuty to 'mir TtTlo'enil'aoafitrW''' othor ciR'Uuvitaii'.-e, liavo required. Hut their claim are imt negtwtod, and will on nil proper occawon bo ured, and, it i h ipo.l with elbict. I refrain from pwikin any cnmnniuiea lion on tho mh'ycX i.f our alfiir with Ibi euok Ayrc, becauw the Deotiution com .ie wa, at tiro dtit of wrtr- lnntadwiefMiv Mill peihliu, and iu a stato that would -ten d ;r a publication of thodotad meBjieUi. rilt. " " - .- .-- - ' - -- r . . . : A Treaty of Amity ami Commerce ban bcea-ir(pod with the. Republic of "hili, rreiirlilxr9 ; and it porta beina thr) fVnrt (if o'ie ship wliicli aro employed in the hiahly important itnm- of Iba Imhore ihi cominepcial CJm-eotion cannot but bo of irrcat advantan to our fotlow-citiaon oned in that perilous but pnmtablo bu- -Our ' rommorco vith tiro, neih Wins 4lateotwriw4f tcv9d on oor ormcipal article fit et port, TfanwHroS'iTio " lrfSfoTi tw iwTttrrir nit airfttfiflh )ir biiherto proved Iruitles. With IKiiiviu, tto havo vt Ho djplomalid intercoar; and th con- tinifal ctmfest carrii.-il onf - botifeetr jf and M ha' iindo rrfc-dttfK unl yowrabfe period, the opponilinetit oanr a gout lr that purpos, uiu.i i.m . i u j i.uiarv, I . i o.i niia-MiMKir d ITm i?iM7i4oii-iri lieniij !.i?OHtcl with bill atithmtly In jmr chirsirthT debt nt thJ "marftt prieo, iuid Iho iiican of thu IVn.nUry bt ity au.ple, it may ba'ltupod that tliu wh ik- will bu o tin iiirihcd mithiu tho year 1XL .. -I cariii if t-j eorbnlly fo'HjF ifihilo Con erf Hal my follow citizen on thn near Bpjironcll ol i!ut liliMiofuh:. mi J yyent Ihi gr.-at and fre.o iiutimi. Faithful to I ns wio and patri.iiio iiolicy marked ri iiv i i ir 'i .i.r.i.iii i i uiu c Mioiry lor una olijeet, the prrint aduiiiii.-.trelion ha do Vititd to it all the mean which a fluiirish iu coinniorco ha auppliod, and a pnidnnl economy preserved fir the public Treawi ry. . Wiihui iho four year for which Iho people have c.mtidSJ tho eHociitivo pnwer lo m cha.-", filty owht million of dollar ilE--kt bei appWl H tiro-' pwymnft of tt-pw'tlteHnir.Iiirt;ttft ;l benii (. ac cniiipliihe Without Minting .Ihe'ekifonult ljireA(oLaILuucripwrior seen iiy rciurring n mo iinenu prttsiim niado diiriTi2 Iho e.ino i;hxl fr iho nip - portaihl iifereawi uf our nx'auaof'inarilime II we!J a l l.e principal ank cft;; r.llo4- . . . fur bv llm ermtit wrl.irh i. ni vrn z b rnifh - Iniif mid jeulouiy dan 'arou lo the Hability lout iho cou.it ry lo many terinu .rhrge .J-jk lf..;.. - - - i-......t.:-i -:iv .t i : r :i" i; B' : I IropeaiAia&lla'rfqiriicI of th. Union. What then ihall bo donn t La ro inter. tnay- ju"lyncitw the wpirrhcr!ioa e lmer'wn'up uii.TorlhaiiiipIir'jjdcJe "l rt no mnjier a aalb orpifettory .W thf " iUiw'iia(iJiU) tiNlut i-Vof-viwH it 'would Bioncjr.ef Ibw jwle. .-7;-. : eriolHfhrtVm!j!ir,fi"ithauddefily-to Aw li-iiitorcfa wliMtl irk tit ';' abandon, jN'ojbi.rjircj juify buttho forMwaof Cay reaa, .it.'.'" wUiic aatuiy. whwll ia the NunreiiM law. "eut of ilw nubfic JiLLoiia'i ibo'iim!- ""-"- Uul ih-e wb-r fiarn-tnrteij i Vi epifl-fcj itoporlaiil 411 ayrjr tint i that tftht pnNW - -1 mauiu'acturluaf niabliMhmiif caniHiferi brad, -t're viua bMh ormalbui of our .' - peer l!i it Iho pMjJ wiM rrnif inuo pormnri 1 wiauiuiion, it waa recommetMea j. rjilCj.-e. p-iy .hill Uxcl.fotihuit.bcnufit,. Jr. Omffnjhitt. a fflrorvof . the wsm( . wluiu iho ju-uwy i thA re4iirl f. ny- laiulaowiutLay4hata4vaabdil.l b cedwd - --? -retttmale wtrpose in tho aibninintrHfton of' be United States, f.t the- rawpowee o 1 ' .. .. . ... . ... 1 11 . . 1 . , . i 1 llm JjuxantinUiUl4U-luLciiuuj!alUia igf ucramarwuny- ana aa loiro-wrwa ihe hi;h datie hi W' been nai J ii lohi'aa I M a!He1 if lha wats -The recrniiin '!)1, not J iho uhiiiey jlrnin from them could be op. dati w wa adopted, ami at difiorent peri- I : j si J Ui c.;ijiiiiiLbii-'At w iiweiiia. '.tor rr;rfi:' SWOIWta 1 n'rT "tiiHhornt of the ruhi'ic debt ? XowvYwk; Virginia,. North aolSmiifii -i- - I m. 1 . . . ... - r 1: 1 n . 1 .I.- i I ' (!i3 c in.liti'Miof our country lined b aati. Jcanl aoil for tba ut 6 which Ihey hauK . ficd that Ibo itulicy of. orutotttiou Juiui.ba I boon ikcd.Aa lhakntbi. Wawntiw.. baa iiiliiimtely limitH o Ium article of do coosiderwl a relieved from thiaj plrdoe i wfie fu'inufct.re which aro, indisiprna Ibo objecf f rj which they : were rcnejf j. blu to our aafcty in tiiiw of wars; iViiliia' boon accomplished, it ia in lb9'Ak"i .7 this acoiro. on a roasotiablo aoalei it u ro teiim of Coiun lo diapoee ol Ihem in JcIt . - - f )nch of that uiuoiorubh. mi I Imppy conmeiided by every consideration of pat- wy abeaHooiMiiea to the quiet, hartiKn - ' '"''' "f I1 'Itntiirn liildury;:Whic1iiirdotlUtrai'' Hl-.-j fjr 4 rrf HHti'eal.eftlM Anrfrrjgin pWHi f: way eecure lo it ri liiierpl ami ellU'iout pro. -.in exaoiHim mm quemion, iMocaiT ; t.tfp!jr.'frr B'lt jcyio J tliia-..uli.y.lf wnJiat-eUu'l aoctiownl tiling alhwld be dfo-trdotUii, 1 . . . J 4" .1 a. . I a...l M.a ul,..l, nt...l W t nil ? alnmdv THm tho oiK-rnlitni ol tliu i vloui I wbofo Uuileii "Stals rei(rded productive of . di4iitent. f i.?ieJ jc wt pM.jiljt iaterretel alike in the proa f t lion oflhd. riMiblic it iuftiieiice i denre-Ifwrily otlhoir commonjuntrv. i ... . -i I' cntej u tcadm t ronycnlrato weallh in- U cannol be doubled that the speedy, to a fu hand, und a creating tlnwe n'ttleinent of thelanda caistifute the. . jrertri of dependeuce and vice - which in " infereel of tho republic. :Tho wealtll : other countries have tharacerise'tb et. end strength rf a country art iia popoialmn,. ihlence o( niononolie, and pr ed so do- ed Hie best part of Hint population are tbo) atructivo rA'lar ivojif rrtexanjl ccHC io portion ol luo rwoiileniiijono m& I iw-eory:wher.h basil of society t l.-kt i.i -A.u.l.1!i lL,.fHMi .'' n..s I . . I arit t t-tivrtnauu.a af lilaurlu.-. - - -. I'm ui uju 1 c fiauuv uniBir i niy ' -a i..a- ye aaj v yii t , aj-. rT : furbini (lie equal relalioiia of property by tion have already arisen and may bo erv j lrrfln lion, and tlrorefarO-iincunstitutiimal I niil hni-Afnr tu &mw nhi t,f ih hulilln . ! ' ."i- Ti ., , - ir--: .. ... . - mm unjusi. 1 imfvwfiicn inrotvtfiiHi ngnw oi tiro new j r r tTitdte!bmTourrThartiayrnrnnnt,nrnig -mcmiii-uf a-TiStiyatjraCT rrmy Iw. nrrtherl 'jrtinitMii r au.l 'tiiitivw libergf Hiliry be to be established, and at peace-with it m othI oiidptegcrvation of tiro .frv.linoif, and tolmwfaken view of lhoounaidcriu iww adoo'tod, f here ia donser tlutt t)iee iatfy thd gaffitirt vo'lorau of .tho rcvul- utton. ". Tho finaf removal of this" irroat farrllkna frtm 'tr resource aflord tho, nifaii , ol blither proyisijiii or all tiio.objoctcol gn oraf wollVe and fHildic deituca which th e'iwtijitio(l aifih'uristosY and Jroiol tho 'occn'aion f,rr.uchurth Vrmn Iho report of the Secretary of the I reaaury will Ueemt tnl utter Iho pro. ll k uiisiu&uo Tii-w. ui iuu . i:oniuuunMtuu ,ihw auojiiou, mere ia o which bnl ff, tiro9.' adoptipn of fbor.Tariji' qaoetiiNi rnay spe'vdily 1 .System j but they are ncvcrtholn impof tniwe not now gnuwrally t sent year uah dtwtii may bniHtbi Ut ticoimiiroramo exIoiiU Jiui tho suhi'ct 1 eariHwtlv recommondod ta tho cmwidere- Ifliiwi w.mi'illl Wl .110 voIl'4rIlv.lll VI'B .1 the pooplo "wil dovimi such means of e fectiiitf that salutary' olnex-f,' f may, re toove thoe burthens which shall bo found An act of atMcion -riirk'ey having btscp-Mowe Ihnav burtheiis w mhiitredori ono of ourlra'din shi by , t- ',1 Uo"t'iaIhrupnn comhiitred ori ono of ouMradinjr shis by't fan Une'ialhr upon ny, and as may fafiitihafitanM ronkt'ofwoVMi-a. Wato. wa '.-denfch ' raiinify: ' ". . ' ' . ,; . . ' . - , , ed with orders to domanJ satisfaction for Long aid patient refl.iction ha slronjlh J ' Our treaty jvith MhV $kblim" Tor to" (i j the iijury, if tfcwft wg gmtpittod it ahouH Ow. ooiuions I bar hototoire fnreV theso i -J- t.utne an inipVir ""7 anticiimted.- Tho t ' MntM uibllrtl us to review; Iho iubjel jiuibwiiceof a soclimad.iBtorWwhcai.'"'' wiiii a urre uijrinH ftjiwwtvpg? u uu i urooni , linn) iuu ; ac. ion,) will pp inuna.j bearing upon tlib, roat, ntereatt of the mora dangeruaito lho harmony md iinioa 1 "v repuWic, a4it. . -doerniiimtjkai lo d,is-. tW &tRle .tbaii. wf ..oilref cause of dis- poart 6f it ia that riouo can with iuaiicB 'euulent i aad H ia 'tiro part of wisdom aod Itia-mv, naiufulJuty ' . e t. J U.-i. . : I ....... : 1 . i . ' ti ' : tiou to Ih evutnw law hue t riaon to a hiitherto pnrtRal to regard to the cUspl" - J- otjiOT i WHi:o riHrai-nr jir wwari. iIWri( executio7, if not. to eodangor tbo iiiteg rily I th mi ro approliatioo of iho National liea I ?l of tiro. Union. Whatever obetructioiMtlwtninn.. tiotu Imnrestied wiil.'ih,. f ImiiovI wifkloin or the repreentiitivea ofi Autbwritios of. tbo .t.taaml puvernuront, I TOnirement of the atibiect, i deem it my 7 T it ia hoped they, will bo able peaceably to ty on this occasion to orgo it oponY ' cvprcoine tlwm by the pmderwe of theirlcimsidorniion. and. to the DroWd.l owtji oflkera and the patrioliwii of the peo I which have- oeen heretofore au-iTeniiy ; f pic. T Rut ahouki tbi reawtwb'e) retiauca. othersitocootribtite llroaereflactiunsime,' ou iita, ja'rfftrarjim alii ftL'KtufU hveourr4 to bm in the he thtat...',---., ... portion of, our Mow oiti-n bo disnp. may assist yoo ; (ti your future deHli-fa't'ie, pointed, it i bt-liefed that tiro JuWaflrom It an. -m' f. mo to be .at trtft. poVl ' .TWJ!3tJa"l. t 'l,MWHUbttU puhio Utud aimli owtta- 'y -V-

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