.. f-. , w., t W -w 7 , ; -'i - jt t---rT-; .... Ji!",... J" . ;iiJLi.' .us . . : 7 ' " " wise to abstain from fawVwbicji however wise Ml ftoih tHa-iii-tlVc", v J ' 'ne of li,'tlatirt iajeapecially mm in jfrafiinJuwjj eh eorwr ienee. ' . ' jBV,I)irtTO.N,CKllOE. 1 J c 'J V??; ": H" iota, heart ui the citizen, arU 'wiiicli will be'evaded wifMitfle rembWV VV-: V. , WESTFMClRliLtyt.l i ... M' .4 1 i . I " ' r . ... . -t . .i - it 4ifontwuetl vmi eu urrearuet art e .to mt"&9'' 'IXlJH '..Si. jL.4Gulm to notify th TaWIvt amah yffiifortini, one mnnt lefe ike trpiffr r tonnf a par? fill be cdntiJ':K.J fli ne ewpiMnl.'' ' .. Jiy prrww procuring lit toloent tub ttriheri to the, Carolinian, ihall hate a pajxr gratit. ( , -AdwiMiiil t 'he umiil rntc. : J fffw aJ'lremteJ to th E-lUor mt . . .it . ... . . . ffjttiii or they ici not be atteiukd (Kr Ths tprms will IfO irictly jiJher tJ 1 GGNKIUL ASSEMBLY. f ie Rpcser Inid bt?fr tl"l Lmiw a com ' .i . i n .i i: r TniiliiCtt'lOll CH Uie Uiu ruuuu i rcamin-r on I &;fllvnid vlL'Diw.fljUjpMii.a wf the "couwl iiiiiiaj reco(iry ' j'which 4-ciiiiieist on inotiou f Mr.,tXiilBw, wcro ;t i. Ue rfcinw will ptuiitiof U Mr. t'mitfe, pruxetlbill to"a1tei the time riiuUiny the election in the- toyn 4 i1 bonju'i f Sahtbury ; Mr. Mn;igura, h,il a,iilutory of an act pnel i the JMr'n84,lr'iMBMe the do&eurof rwd Tio fur widow, nA to prevent frwli jn tb"iivw;utiii of la will and 1Uhiptir ; wint h wero read thefirt tifiie and paJ, ail tTn tot inLMjtioiM'd fciir, rtii Mr. Toflm tr' m ilion, roforrcd to the conunitteo , ou I i U'liciary fcf ' ' M. Su nner. from the select commiUr-e, to wtvtin the nuhject huu' Wn mfurrod, pr )pl Cuuvention f the tiitf of He lui nfora revimrtn of the Lonxtitutioit ; whi' tl were laid oa the table.' T e- MizroMed bill to prriit" for thft lesJrati'M of C!pi-o irasit- 4aak re1.th thifd ttaiejlAMM ani.iyf '4rml4 be e&roHod. "' ;:r f"- 'r. ' fr ditinct"Coanrf 1y: tti ain.TTj XoceVt wae reaa . lixi imrj timrrfiasaRa am if;wr4-w Be TOgww(i i pus. oa, " AtrSCNniT BrcWWrJd i lltt trtljraiwwcrl tue (. ourtit of Plea and . Quarter Sowsnwi af ilu Sut ta authorite Ina- er eetioa ofl 0 aftrow public ruada withm (heir re - U aonoriie the tnialMitte:t9aa.ier ut, w Iwh -1 he earn hnll eomo jnr tjw?- . ! Brt OotitmiM ' -Tur uartiti.m. ThwJe into ana passed, aalthJlailaa'.ne'i .biUs-WM. ttttainutwafil ,r.. r:Aio, teferracL .' .- ThA entfroaaad bill -id-repeal an act V?1 ja the yM 'f ijO, tajrepqit. paxf on tlie ni sectioa of an act panned in the tax lJfl, chapter 703, to revue the mi. fimlHwsofthitStat wss'read the third "5aK"anJiaWP'reuiJ, Nays 53. , Saturday, Dec. 2" U . CUM. , 1 1 . Ull I1. .l l .iiii eertaia teiria Brors'CiVmilitia ef the tMe ft 'irth CaroHiiar This bill " waa read the ?rt time, ptuwed and referred. , VThM II w resolved itlf into a com Hee--tljB Whole Ir. Barrintfef til.the vnmr, im me uiu nxtnga uniwrin4aass' tor-ot ol'ilts ral estate, with the improve sftt tbren. - Alter some time spent HFrein, the Sjieaker. resumod tlie Ch4irJ w'l tne t-iiownian repteo the bill le the fl"ue with sundry amfludmentw which reBjfaHj to, and the bill, as amended, i fta Carolina; twhich wore read tiie first Mr, Ecclei preaentwl ibili tdWhoriae "w '-oimnustonara ..of. ilia-Twit -of Ey- i-tf tail ? onkred tai bo: ogrwnod--Yea U, Mr. S. T. Sawyer prwned ihaVoIlow, iotioat;yt '-iHwi .Resolved, that aeveml ftatrU Mm. he (Jaited States of A mcrlca re ' ntved that iHe CoSha idn' Jli J?ASJ ...i. -,e-ttdrtr1vW -J- n'ln 5 paawd w the yearlSJr tTSisZf ' VgV? ..1 Th fofeeoirtgretomfions were read and rbtetiefoCdcWaN .lor dohtwhicWav " - . o" r-.y-.t t' laU oo'tfo taole.7-- r' ' U .beemtracted'aftee the fi day A SVH't K1 N-' 'T,, XS.t VjK thMI retiuirintrran I ,Qie State Bank of North .CJaroliim: - 4 xr o"-1',. msutH W Jttticaof the lieaca' UelvJtea is Borrow S JCn.O'JUta tt iavestaPKUfranauwi ieiwiMurfli'4yraL. r t'oflSrcTf die on, the 8th of January toxI Ayes Road Conuwnv. ,ti . kk two. wiiA 1 Kl K.tcsa 18. -1 . '"',".' AV I f'j. tttsti-aedond and thirdtinioi:.; nniwd. IZ Tt. Soniiln TrnVino'"' iUiimiihnM in llin jr hat hv eiirtvt.,'d-ieHefj .ht late, Ira- rvet profrartH ,iiti;atio iy ruhrA . Mr. Daniel, from tWcmni f ttee on the' AfthoWpar T ; '' :- : . V vtujsuirnxuj tjc HP Wied KUtCtt, J PnC W tQlw:U4 watliWtlHia.vr.v.i uu WUSUw w;uwicpj ci iu twrtf WtfUtWlciaiy, IO WUOwiM Bj1 1 wMTOCPL Heaver, u MUMii m " vHt j wtHp-- T ' " "i "- .- i- ; - j J aad uf BirieixlniPiiln t!w rf rill! ,n.lUiirJ ' mil- Am kmU whenever the .tiene'ral Oavomrnaot ). 'w.rt"W Mii-VlrSitH rpwer He a.i re in- aiUhoritfed, 9id aud f uo 6rc: that thja Jofrburuif; created bx?!!??!t1l?ntS''i nwt oiauu me exclusive or nuaji judge' ri nioce tiiaf-wouki lvuve male it diftrreti'Mtj and iKjf Ihe" Couertilutioii, the ' measure. f iU powers; but that a In all oihrt ' (l compact autotii; partite liainjr no enn iiHti judje, ew.h party ban an equal right to jude fur iteelt t at well infrtiettoui as o( tlie (nMle and uiBaiure otxedrcsa. Rfs rived, Tliat this State comd!rs.tlic Federal Uni m, un the feins and for the lurpoe9 sHT.if!i h' tlie cntHimct, aj C " ducive to the liberty aa1 tpiic of the Ht'Vural Stutea; that it foi: im uu"Juivo cally declare ita attachment .to th ? Union, and to tha compact agreeably tr it ubvi Otis aad real munition, and will V aoione the lant to mtk ita di'wtilution. That i t'jA jdnuartmuuia f .tiia'-fleiieml Govi'rn uirnt be permitted to traiwrcm the liujiln ftxud by that compact by a toial ri3reard ..ofiha por-wl d4(vira44NM-f twnrAUrrnm coutained au Ramuuatioatif ttM Statu Uov eruincutsaiid the ,rection Upou thiur piLi of a Fvuttal consolidated ovcrnniut, will be ttie inovilublo 'oustiiiueiio Tliat the principle' mid to' wU,-ti ciin!ejjWI fur bymMMhlry. trf lbKiital Xeialatn-M i General Uovurimiunt i the eiehiHie jude of the extent "of. lbe powers dulea- ted ta it, mop u ithiiii a,iort ot despotism; ktm-0 the disci t-tion of those who aiimi.iu tef the"ocVntneufriid uitttlle' Cotiitiiu t hH i" Would' KFTTie " iiirisiire of t uelr " po'vr r. i nat I lie several Matea who tormeu thartnMrlithc'nf, bolng a'tVprcFn and indo peidont, have. thenwiiKatiooable riht to iiid-of the iiifrarjian; .and that. a..Nulli- ikiuion ey (now invereigtiii wi uououmr iz)d nets done nnilft clor of tht instru ment, t the rightful remedy. Tliat this Siat doeif, tinder the mo ljbriie.io.. ia.d'iiot so nmth tr the inrwsi-i of revenue, aa to protect iloinesiic in.umiuc turess aw iu their opiaion ptilpablo viola, tmnvof-tiw eatd mrwmflH'iat and" howpv at cheerfullj it may be dynoned to wirren derits orflm'ifl. tateittiaUcrs.'tiirainary ana i noiiui policy, yet in mHntntou? ri'jtilat imm hke Ct a itnnt ''aciioautuice aahwtily criminal. ,s.Tbit, aJijJ-jugh .ib.al..U:4.puy.J thrt f ederal compact, will Uo to the law of the Uiiinn ; yet it d-KfHat t he aamo hereaiter, cease to oppose in a constitu- tioad ltcaiir evf rv : attempt, at -tJwl quartreiw.r8;nSlta iolah tha coiii pact. And in crdor that ik pretext or ar- the ctrWinitUiality .of Jhoae luws, 4114 "be thereby used as precedonts foraioular fu lure viiaUoUid"da Fkltja(lipac,this Slate does now "enter "aCTihst them iU omiiiii hcsi. . JEfo-ilvad lurthar, Tliat this Ley slatnro. pntertmniiii; a deep interest and intense anxiety in the relations at present existing the (General Government, doth tmoit di tinctly declare that iu all casos of colli. sion, arising between the Stutea ajul the off !t.tIlml"? appeal tothe ffwordas an arbitprtw nettte euclt Coutrwvorsy : pod. thut the. arm uf the United Slates Can never be employed to stay any State tf the Uniod-fr-tm the exereise 0! those legitimate powers which ttiong tolier aovereign.characierj but that it regards sit appeal to tltaCo State, tiie source ot all power in cases of real. diHibf, adiPfms tl fltost aacre'd of ah oblisjafioiiHi tnd that tbi State will not tamely submit to the eierciw,4if military coercion by. the fWlwvwliraweflt-' ttOTtiwt",herM'gi5tet Stat, S'Jiltlf Carolina; but that it be re spwrfullv re;otifhiflrKledloT)oth parties to o'clock Affes 74, .Vm l&M? 'Jt' j Qu mott'Mt pf JMr-Claytno it waa resol ' tved that a- me9a,w be aeijt t tpenaia, amejaluicnt iC this II hw4 to the enroMed biff to repeal an acJ passed .in the 'year to rejieal part of the 3i sec of aa act, pttsned in the yeaf lSOS, chapter JOS, to revise the militia law. of jliia Statet the said bill wus ordered t) be enrolled; Mv Q. A". Thompsi, frotTCth'J JCiXd- iwm lor bhpciii nlr. (unni1 nrnpnln.l tL.i1 .,. ' Mr. funBlcr- nrnpnln.l tli.i1 .... Ifl nnory innaoitanta ot ' MncohJ t t'fjnty, praytn? an alleratkin in the law Vehtive real the first time, passed and referred.1 trt m Kiooof Mr. Pearson. tW-PwJ :-Tpuri and the AtiMe? Uenem! wt-re ciwon of tlw Siipnftao Couft. whether the pipe Fegr and Newbern OxnkM, in paying twrwi requircJ by lav oaf th. profit i said baukahef ire diviilendu are (Jeclar. ed, havn acted jnr pursuawa uf the proper construdlon of tliat jtart yf their ctmrter, which enact thut a tai: of om pr -enf. t.hall Ih! levied UwticHll the atorkhiddftin, ft: aid -whtdher-the proper cofMtruntioo of tiieir charters An not rer(jire that div idondsi aliould bo flrt declared and that the tax ahouli! iUm Lh rettmirtd otitTif the tliv. idends of tlie individual Ntockholderi, so thut the tax may be paid by the imlivulual stuc.kholderti, and tMt by .the bank. - Mr. CnL'O preseutod a r'-milutton loin struct the Ju liriary committee to inquire into the exidiewv of so amending the crimhial Lm-t (f ihia Rate ttmt" ho "poison miouio o:cinK:iiPO topavtherootanucm. ij from tlio iitieodaiH-H ..f witiirwra nocya-ry- tr-hn dfisnc in aiy bioeVutpN whenever ''fttH acmiiii.doffh,,cTii.ri2'' or cbari;ftn .pr4jfrvtt siinHt hit j nju inev lunner inqni-e tmo the etprdi-ncv ... . .Mr. p. coi, i wntep - "ITw lIffliw thw-prorep(?od in t'nke cp llu. ari-,Bn -I I '.II a . i t ' f .i a- -1 '3K""u inn ui Bsiawuri m nank o iortn Carolina; which, aRcr underafiioir, KUiiui aill:il'llll'-iu, pM"! eecjllft rw, ier.sn Received from the Governor a.c jinnii nia'ioii, enchwing rNolutiwjg reccmlyai opted hy the f.e;rislntute ..f Pennsvlv4,in relative to the Union, and forwarded bvthe Gowirnor ofabai State . Mr. Pulk.fnm the committee cm mih i ry nftl.il ft. whnm i. ltor.l.P m.w. ..f-....-h.i:..; .-..a . all".r the mi we m auiHaiaru certain 0 Kute reportea tlie samo wiUii.ut ukimiJ mr;it. . . Mr. Pearson called op for roiwiderafion 1 t 'le bill t o x roy (lojl r . lu kity . tiie tUM4f-i toe people tor r nrfmust certain ainitu tl'''ts to the. L'.uwlit.itioii i. which, oa iirariiAlarj4yT " n?.1 :JVJ0i';t"nti tntrUnn:a.ti tn'M mriay in November next. ' , .ATuefo! iiHia 4yim;v3pq iuifflMJ4ij .c I-- - . ' .-..-'v. hSIft 'hir tn TrpiAtjtrpart an ac t, pad in me year isb, ta reiioai n actiilaiwed, i iiw jirnr - n, - lurotuurt ; ffte COtimy couftato oy fC tScrtiih onjccfa ttieri ia na rt incwuin cu-tf; w far aa rIat. to the couutioa menti-eied in thia act. U. nfit r.... ,t.i-- 'j.iwc 4 1. -rivA.-1 ,fa.rusvl,uiUMii.ciia aji. rioutturo, to loiri was relorrcd the bill making tbe owaem of dogs hablo lor the value of Shoen that thov kiir oflieiTW'se end moots. Mr. Edmouston presented a bill to re- petU actf paatl ui the HaH l"Ch. tor. 9 1 0. ritiu j tuo auni noreaiter to be paid tit the Smte f ir vacant LiutL. .lt&d t'ut first tiuie aiidtwnodl ... ', ,'. j The bill imikiaaj appropriations for pub t roadn. was read, an L on motion of Mr. 1. B-Jofin indefinitolr pifttiwiied." " ! Mr. Sh-phordi on the tirst reading of the bill to reduce the salary of the Supreme Cjurt Judfi vf North .Carolina moved thatT it be n'j'M wnich wa decided iu thcjiBativer-Yeaa 45, Nayg 72.' 'fMty-Pe4? if' Ntf.TownsendXroIa the counuttee on Pro piinitiiiwatd Grievances, reporlid lavora bly upon theot itioii from Orance County, praying thai stave be prohibited front at tending elediions and masters. 't4s 'MrEccle,frijrh tlie coiiuuitteet on the Judiciary, teidrfi?d a bill ta aaiend thiiOih sectioa f the act f . 1741,' fr the bettei observation ofthe Ijord'e dsjjr, Ac. and ! so a bill to render ; tho Jand t( a' ileceascd df.oior llibl'1'j'e'b''the' plea ef fully admimsteredlvW'W ot , his Jt. tecxitor tif adminiHt mtor t the'flefe'n!anjt iiaajr'rkTalm'lhAjfesil lutioa utstructiug the.n v inquire into the propriety of .tt aaiondin th Uw relative 10 executor ana n iminreiratonn, as to lartlhevh'tit all c"a?'of msorvea Vitates uke Mp vi a Bit cbii mtf acainnt Ute estate -pfbttt testa( at or fif. debate, tu tnVthenj io iniuire'whothpyany,or if any, what provision! are nece-t-iary to be made in fir Jaw lor the relief of imUveots, so as to enable certain 'pfi?ow7wh"en innolvent to. be-' discharged frua timpritwbrao.it, when imrrioned f.ir fines fornon atteniL l;Mr. D mi", from I lie omnutte on the Cank in iNewbrrn m iad the third time , ' .'"j. f.:LZt'. r'. ntvxm lrLortd IfoJuVolhblv ton .WWII to autivirixii tWCowtrrv (Jbuft witliin Jlic siavcs arm lieu M)rnw J color to, preacu, f tit oslxirt i4 public ta cr-rtaitt rfnses Mr. U lin!n moved that the Mouse re coneiiior thoir votii of yfentr'fday ,ospctiiiij ttie' bill lb establish tljo Jlercliants' Uapk intJNewlernj ivbiclrwas agreed to, and the bill'laid on the table. Thp bill to wtabli.sU the Bank of North Cax-4ina,lwas rJ the third time aud re jeClt;il--jeae OS.'iiaja 68. Wtditftdiiy, Jan. 2. mr. Montgomery, oi .Omiwc, presented a bit! to eatablwn th lian.k ol'Aortii Car oliuu ; which wa 'fad Hie Hrst timi a.iJ pasaoj. ',' fhurtday, J,w.. ' Tlio bill to amend an. act Pr t'hn cuinon of Ko'wjii coouty, n'diu iii, wad read the iiitrd time and rejisrted. Mr.-VV'ilIimiii. froiit tin: iuuhOia-iw Education uiHt tlie Literary I'und, to whom was "rtferrtd 'tiif"ri!siuuiiua' iiuitriiciiii.r ineia ta inquire (tilo tno exm;dw-iiey vC ubpiii'iij, ey ,ntw i i;tiAcnt srbool iu t)i cuncUtmg and pl-iwnj;iMrwtr ot'de 1 . ineniurv mci.u j! Iji- t it ir iir.,i ,i..n i . - r ro. ported tout initio opinion of the commit. . .1... . e . . i . .. . . i.: mo iiio oi UK- L.uuriiry lun.I at pro siut Wfiaid hot justify tiTe.estabi'ishuituit $ such wlibolslt tlie pre'n't time, unit auk iwg Ilii4tharwt from the further Con sideration ot the sultject. Concurred in. .Mr. William, Irion the seloct commit tec to whom wan referred the several mejT.irialij from -nirrotB spcnmit of th ' "-till , lrainL' f.-r (lie IimuIioo of HjhU 'l:,ul "hev... i.iUi sf!. ti,,iis of the Statf, We opinion ,. the colilnilt lei- it ifj iiiiprHcticuble tocsin thopmver o! tiie irienlori.ili-.in i.iio t-HLct ul thij time, iyc, i oncurred in. Tiie resolution to adjourn tine die on c.ihted 4V a- vote of litf iv ih- Ftio tiejiate, on mortoii.of Mr.!3pairht, iut a cmimoor- the whole,-Mr cooif;ta UW'taft teta; . . . . . . l(i ttio. Ruik of North Carolina ; and, af ter some time speat jUjc rein, thoSpwiker Ytfsamwi hw ctmvr, "nd the chaimran re partodtha bill Willi sundry; mendamri.ts wliioh - ieM?ee rred n - VV tie reu pun the said bill was read the second time, and 'AIImnj. was paiiswL. .s .. . . . Saturday, Jan. A. I " The lill to entaWish the Bank of .North Cardiua was riSidlUQ thud Uiuejimwuiud paWd "and efdetiid 0 be enod-A'yeir 8d, Noes SI. wa-Meatv.i Aihi,-,fisl Brittaitj Carter.. Cowier. Uuntumirh, oavm, llall. llarri.'ri, Hinton, lloan4loke, Uouetou, IIuoriv Lnmb;- LiTlyrarrin , " Masiey , datthews." M fit, " MoLtjomery of II 'iIoutj;oinefy ofO. Moore, Morris, Purham, ft rtl -. . -U.iutil. A.-ui Z AJW" - - raraer, oainner,' opwicTTT, ciuuutau( on, VanhiKik; Wellborn, Wiboh.' . 1 Noei. - Messrs, Axkew, Bailey, Hate. roan,' Bixuiie, Bullock,.. Dobsoo,. tawou, ilawknuti liowelli-LAtliiim LiiHlstm Mel vin, .div e of G. Moye of P. R.iv, R nodes, twt,ptght, loonrer,"-vv imeri w u- t. ... .111 1 1 aau-B iiama. The ensroaset! bill providlnar for the en. Couraehient iifeducation, was road the second time Mil rejected Ayes 14, Nuos ;V . Monday, Jan, V 1 The engfoased bill to empower the Coun-' (y Courts uf the several counties within this State' to anvhoria th0 erection of gati cnss public roads within their respective IVHinilnH, was tvr'i tn" bdwipi umii;, ttn motion, of Mr. Wilioi mdefiuilidy post- ponedV- .'- -'.t'..' . ''v-'v-f'u" ! ef Jntenut lmprovejrte'nts, ' was rcadnhe McoHd4imana fejwte- Mri' skawell 'areaeOted 1 r'eliition to entitle Gnior David L. Swain, fete one ol the Juk'es of tlw Supetaor Ctmrt of Law ami Equity, to receive compensation as if be IjlW Btteridcd and iicld all the couita in hiclrctlit duria the last tall i; which was( rtad and rejected YS: . S Tuetdav. in. . '- f b 'recliitiona of the Georgia Legi-Ja. tnrej eoncrauith'e caltih'a conveutiun aWMhnR llie'tJidt&rSiulesrahd do- prcat'mj th roie f powei aiwutBd by Cwgresa'tn appropriatirifr rtiioney .for tfo'.JWpQJB&l. &te were on inotioo of -Mr. Williatua, kid on the tabh.C '' " r:f- The1 eoTossritf bill to establish thff Mer chantal ik til tha tovJh of lewbern, was, 00 moti'io (j Uiv Boll, pontpoooa until the third Mooday. jn" Ntwcuiuor pvxtAjej 89. Noes 13,-' . ' . f" , lfOUSE OJ'.COMWS.:-: 4 '( T B 1 . . paHsed at the lait iiMatiire.jrhfipter 2. to rtRterHrtilerjSjrift "V'n'niJ'tTjft rst time and paied, ''- Mr'i Krlrv Irotn'fho comlhltfoe dij'the JliJWiary.ie wliom was referred the en. roKeit bill rrture effi;ctualiy tooievi-uC litK ZiH..:.- j ... ......tJ JV .... .... ... -., Si"i,Wti .lojiyoiu suui at iw, rf.ponna tlio M,m ,witliout tunendwent f ' ad aitftM'ri'fymtf uporr th rrtitrniifif jitsrit?r td Cbn'. vorftbly oa tha Mil to aecure a more pprftct adrijiniatration of justice n,certaih cawsr'; atom theWsoIutiort inntrudtin a'ul Com. niittcelo r-port a jdoclaratory of 'the diitiog ant powers of ,inpectoM,,herttl and deputy shcrilTM hofdinj elections, in this Stuto and aluo on ihf, lill to compel Exe cutors, 'AdiuiiiiKtratorsf and Guardians to make "due returns of invontorie and a; counts ortdcr certain penalties, ' , i - Mr. Duvidwf, frimi the select commit' tre mi the, aflatr' of the Cherokoe Indian, reported bill Coticernmg the Cherokee territory ; which wa reau the first time and parsed. Mr. Edmonston, on behalf of the minority of said committee' presented a untrr report) which was read and laid ou the table. 1114 inHw nwi reftftffl iweumtoaj isi . ii . . i a i A . ' ""1 luiinniiifo oi um wnoio, i.ir. najrinter m .t- -l ... .1.- ; J - 'J .;. ..'ii: i .1. it. IT 1 mo t;iinr, kij lio ;iinsoo rclfllUllOliq (ImJarimf the attafhwient of the Legist tMtfl.tAi.the constitutviat the Uuiteitfutcn ai'd aftjr some time ient iherein. tie Speaker renunwd 0w Cbir, aiid the e ha"- liian flirted the aawf ; Wilhout .iiAl4 menu ,, t tie tan:Q first resolutions wrt ( llinftticxallyrieadji-pai, t.l. 1 :.i it - .1 t-ndod, On niotioii of .Mr, Vo 4tf tierff louiiii utiuif nnucr c.jn-rHwrntlOII. anoBlll'- in? tne worK "ar tiler the word "njxiA. eahon, the House adjourned. Mr.' tTarriiiptor, froia fbo committe "on the Judiciary, te whom wus refeed tho bill to prevent the unlawful cany away mid removal otnlaves, repOrte'J tie aauio with suiMiry urtendint;ntn. Air. Hill moved that-iNe Miusn now jirociNjiT'to take up the" rriluijww nVclaM m'4 tha attachment ot the lepslature to ihe OMMtittttitm f th llmw.fStat'A rtf tlie I'turin rtisotulioti, in tiie .4iwhij word an aunHided, wu read : Rdttd, That ilia (l ttriue of nnlhie.vii.mt BVowod by (he State of South CKroliia, and lately promilnted lAmierduianci, is revolution, ary in it characterf rofrwrsiveof the corf stituliou of fbs Uaited 5tales.and leadx f) I niiKi iiuiion 01 tne union; wmcii was . - w -avajr'--fSJB-- -ar abo adopted .yets Oi,tyB 82. 1 i.? Yea a -.Messff. Awroathv, ' All irm: A r rmjr,:licrl 1Tanrf If loi'KHiJie Brairir. Crowef, Duni'Oi Burns, Cao-iler, Cr!w 3aW well, Cwiuittgham, utUbertsoii, JAuiuil, (iH4 jickfiry p moustonf Enloe, 1 iwcue, Gillespie, Glass, Grady, Graves, Gw-nn, Hammond, Har (JwottwlUrpiwlll li'jrtob. Hurst; Mori, Jams, JL U. Jonoa, R. Jonea, Jordan, Judkins, Laspeyre, Loe, Ledlord, Little; Locko, Louderuiilkr Lv on. MaiSsrom. Marsteltef, Mautfsby, Moiit tftifieryt Milffayt MHiiJlHwe, Witto?iF' lieod, M NW, Nelson, Parke, Peepta, Peai-son, foindoxteri. I'.dk,, JutuT Rand, llelfp, RWtey, Roberts, Mil, Wiephf'rd. SlwrwKd, Skinner, ailafl, Smith, Sprnitl SUtlliaif SUp4ltLrtimft4t4-- i U im( At, K. ThiipTillMt, VVadsworth, WarrJ Watson, weaver, Welch Willey, Wit uiwW-Witchcrr' AWt Wfajtwt, Wnrrf, Zisflar. . " .Vays Messrs. Clark, Craiije, Dews, Faddis, Gee, uuiherie, Irvine, LaneiiHtur, Loaf, M'Milbm, Norman, Outlaw, O'Bft en. fmi-Sivri-'iii-hi Tb'iniMioa, Tnwnaeqd, Tunstall, WaddoU. Whitulcer. "' :-' .'" " '''" '. ? The fifth reanltition. was amendod, on jlr, ManjpjtnV iiiitiiHi, by atrikiiur. uiu. tha word" art bhfore Ibe word a adtuMnent. and inserting tho words" a peaoeubh,' and" adopted ayes lll,NaybU. M Clark vottwl alouo in' tlie nesative,- . ' Among tha .many prop4sed BniendroenU to the resolutions made by diuerent u tk tlemen. and which were rejocted, Mr Titwnsend moved to Insert -the following .A.:i A.. . ... I." TV w,1-;-i.'l " ' I hat ttns JLeirisiature diria aioat , so lemnly proteat ayauwt the use of force by tliaei'ioratTSovwriTiiwiiU against" the ealc of South Carolma." roiuiu wmi.M.ui. Jaa tea.wthaa4wtef tma-airiend menf, were 19 to 0. ! Yeas-Mossr Bakery ClaHf; Cruise, Lon, Outlaw, 0'Brieh,-Pier!; S. T. Saw ycr. f. A. Sawyaf Spruill. V. TuolnptoiT, TownsendiTiinslnll, WadIoll,.-V atd Weaker, Word, ZigtarV ' '., 'Mavii-Mcairi,' Alierrtnthv. ATlisnn. Ar rihgtont Barringer, Blow Diidjiej B ragji Browor.'Bursiir, Burtaa, vuns1v, CaruiT, H'laytotj, t'lonwn, Courts, Cni'lWefl, Cua Binsham, uaviuson aocjtery, uonurty Eecte, Btlmotwttm- Eitleer ,coeTGWj Gla, . G i'ave Uutftrie, , U wyna; Haoi mood,- uduov:lIrpeff lldl, lluti4 Skinner, Bumaert M -A MatfiiM, ? -w-r,, ? Hurtoii! UuiJarvV Jab Jbwe, tt JThmpsoA,.-iTo1rwett(l, -.Uiyif; Wgiuldl,'-"' " !- . -j-j. 1:. 11.1 , r....& 1 -tii'.'j, 1 Wkti.u. HV;itj '- iviumai, k: .v avwa w t - w-j v-r.. j - - Jones, Jordai; Judkuia, ; Laspevrq, Lee, . ... - .1 . - .. 1 .,, Otnra, l4(U atcaey ijouuormua, juy oi. llantrum.'Mftritoller, Maultib'y, M-ut ffoinetTt Murray,-'1 M'Cleeae, McLaurin, VicLeod; NJeMillan, McNeil, Neloe, lke PeepleJ, Prtiudeitof, Potts Ran!, Rflfe, RidleV, Roberta, 8ettKSherwiKid:Pkin j ... . i '.IfrsPwtta presented the following rear 1. if Keiolid: TJMitihis Xecislatur views) wHlr.mw.ias aolkitttda i!n breuM alariavkjt rend and adopted. iiur rr In mir flifiriKBnrt '4i".iifiitf.fittrf ?:T Vi f grass tor relief trom the buid.-iin f partial r . w t ufld rtppressiva taxatuin, ih'pret.a.tei the rt.," V.sl t I sort to force cither by the General Gbv 7 &b - f Cfmnont or the State of South Carolina y2 -v Tlie said soIutioo wa read and, 03 ; ' raHion of Mr. Canslrr, laid on the .luble. ,r Cj ! 0" tnotlou of MtvPolk; itwas .resoUeiJi, "v r. j -1 .. - .. . . ' - . f : . . , s I i ptwng iq TCsCina uic.,rt:!iuiuiuja a.-fc..inj to adjourn atlnO Alt oh' Saturtjuy- next , S 1 Vcas70,ays43; v,. , V"' , V'v i Mir." Pierstf oresehf ed t MH forlI m ' . . t oresenf couragement 01 euurattrm ; which wua reoa tie first,' second and, thfrd times, pae4 ixA ordered to-te encroeswl XT'Zif, The bill rtestab!i3h tlie, I'lanters'-Bank of North -Carolina wae tend- th- ujJ time and rVWd-i AW.SS Jit 53 '- --',- -Mr, Parks submitted tho foil 'twuig. rs& r...: . . -i- ' j Resolved, That equality' repTcsetita- tton easetitial to flic iXiateftce Wa truly" ' ' republiiaui jfow'iuiaptk-'-;'-' .That there i cr.ou .. iwconsiateDCV -ia professing' to ndmire andHi'tnin a system whib.'ava - raiEtaialljr wfifclijjIJ frost it, its main ami e Tliat BteHw&Mif MiKrrtaiioyfeliW' Legislative body of Morth Ctrtihna is pat pably unequal, and cousoquontly unjust. - Thut the interest f any frw tioii of sr comitmnit? eliould, be overlooked when If toaaicia wiumiai 4 me wnt.it ouov.-. -That exoerViia Itath aiiowniOiaToe) Slate can attain to any . reftl rjegrwi - of general prosperuv wuiioui aavm' wiuiiq . her borders one pr wore lare and flour , whiiigliiwna.-.- " .-.'. J'"U';V . Thut in' the present languishing t'Widt. Ikal ff Xar th llarplina iUavlVivej . itetxithr rus of all clga-ati tiriite their ener'i.f "ill ,' .Jjf large ana nourwhinff comnierctai town. - - That the location of the eeal of ftovent. meet at some cotivsn.mil and propor pluce woi mid be highly conutlcie t'J tuu groat a . -v. -i n. : a.V.w end. Thai Hie election of Chief U igistrate of. V . ' jhJ taw ought ntjltt ViCife;fe3w-iJ direct Votes p the people, aoU that n( hould be elected far-a longer term ihaQ r. 1 hat to torrect .these evils and brmir is j- T biHft thee advantaeourf resitlta, a cobver f -. V i ,la.rfjthig:vcgl and it illhorejore roiUMuiiityJed to the peoyr- itoie, by biiUia, whether" or not a couven -in) s'.ittll bf;. held, to cohsider. of aad dttor- mine upoa ItawJiiffhlTirrrrasnn. jir -1 M usonu. uioveu uuu. lue.jiMea' .... ins re:olutioiiB lie on tho tabU'i.vaieh wtra .Tha tilt Weata'aW-telviJIeBBi' r,f noniLBronna, wu ra mo jwuoiiu iiiuc, - fcT . .1 I . j '. J IL T ... J .... . lorth, Carolina, was Mad the aecOtid tune, " itieuiied ..land . pan-ritM .4.;,uaya,4l t',, ending its paaa th- ctUid.tinie, MrV ' t. eute m4Tftd;.tJt.funttt4tr4S riU. U.U -.I.., tt-o. 0 .1 n,. ,1.1. iu.n.'. .41'. a 1 11c Pen Settle rf the UH, which saajletariui. thi ueg. uve-yea 4l,4wys Tc - ; . . i -f ''- .r. Siitutda,'jannary,6. 1 V Tli PH xrtriiTbi i vTete" vad ami iiMw : finitely ptrttpojied t Thp.bllf rquii fy war. rant. isMied by justices ;of tlie pehen it) ci vu casef, jo- taj Jtuurnfa uiaun-t-iwici-an which the defiiikkat may tfrttte f X! hill. ta alter tho "uiode of appointing cetlBun;e ittiWoWvlhjtifW' TrrtlitMni tlia bill ta prevent prytrftcted ' and Veyai tious litigatmn, by 'enlarging the jurUdie tion of justices of the jwttce ou( of c"'0H." Iho following' ?aiia swem tewj an rejected j The bill, to repeal aa ac passed' i the' yehr chapter: 8J0K. Mag the au.ni hereafter be paid tyMp Sf.iin fir vaeant land : the ' bill : tO exooml teachers aud Btuoems e literary w:;.,! front militia duty A ' r: f r -). , Carolina wai read the third lieie amend." - . I f ed by altering its litlp tit th4- Bunk ofL' - ; A M 1 1 1 J .wH -?fart4t--4jaiMiiie,rjpiiiwei aiumninuu je l . v: r . . ma Vat. KfmLL MvtM&xM ArHngvon,.r. Baker .Barringof, : BJiifij , Brower. Buraini Carisler, Carter Clark,,'1 JXkvton, Chimaa, Courts, ,Craige, Lua hinirliaml Cufhlett3on, David, Jewjt- yockery, Uvmeriyr Jljiiidoiisuhi pmoe, ,' (ii!h!ie;Glat GftdyGravii Guthe-' rie.V (iwy'nn,-. lI'arltson lUrt,';' fttalay, ? . llill, Ilinfoi), trViiei,Jariav J.-'B Johea, Rj'Joiies; Jordan, LaspejrQ, Locke, Loi'tf tiuVrrtulU, "Mask," Mullen, Mariayi ;I.urrX-MW:M son.O'Brieu, Parka, Pears.mj, Poindj-xte' TOtTudleyTR' Sa-.-. ' j ror, f . Ay Sawyer,' Shepherd,. Sim n his, ' - 1 "JN'o'y. 'Messrs.', Ali"n SWwei CronV r . well, Eeclei, Emmitt, Faddia, Foseue, Ga- i- V Hi Gae, Harper, Hort.in,.lrion n-'kiiis,'; . Lancaster. IJBdford, Litrte..I,vi. Ma. : t- .1. ..I.:; M,...,? .'Xf "! 1 ranii iiB!i"Yt.,'l'"i'i! """''Ji " t . -v 1 V . ,11 :

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