18 wi to abUia troth Iv. which hW? ; wi'iJLl-I : : V' . V- ., -0 ilam oC!.iaUy rTVafti u Zr - 9n unVwj wn.cai no rens, the hatrtoT th citizen, mi wbichII bo with little'remtiW : .A , , I t J ; : f i f i i f i i i J 'i if I M M rii! tWSTEl$ CAtlOLTmAX ji J a. ftMtid within thm vwnlk's i or Ico r nwHi wntif aI orrearactfre 5j7mffi the FMitor't diirftion.- fifriflion teill be rtctised for a'ten tM thm m par,' '" -1 , . ' j " i fifc to mtiji 1 Fallot of A vcUK bfycnimi vne monJb before tht trpifiu fanf $ jtark iU b considered fu a - jy prr procuring tit HW?prf ttrSJ rl?rtcr iddrttuH 10 IhiFdlitof mud tpotlpaid erthejiV!ill nUbt ottcidrd at. --iT- f Caption of; tlie Vljiw-; ' i fatd at the Sestfon of the. General i fyrtmMy of the Stale mT JCorti Toting V 'le. i"Uuy eouftf or M on. tturke tnti Butherftwl power to m iuiol pl.itff fcf pubirc'daloTO laid cnttnttet. 4 To prelvent7diiute 1o' consequence if a lMKurfcy vt h -line" dividing the totii!ioof,Ans.n anil MJk;kteuburgr ; .S V krliTofiici in"A8hviIto.' I d tt.ittring fo cretlit Thumas Davei of 4TX 'heanrif tfie wt of 1 W9"CTtHM an -K'aliiiir thrf several actn. f'xtabtixhifli? ingutatio the ajaoiul Court of Durke , 8 ProvKiinjj compensation lor jarort tn ;Catrru couiitylL X.:.i -- J -'frr.' 1 ,9 .iiJtttoryof tjct ofA? -HO AIrinrUho-.liii-tf filoctiog.. and fft. wu( tbo bond wf certuia otHcer o w ll Authorising the'aUerinsr undanienJ' r rat fM Sfate tCoai) wnmnj ttiroujjti my t it Altering- ana anwnuiug.-, insaci 9 lS29, lor the improvement of the iyJd fitm QW; rtitf'BarttirAiherilK, 'hiiiisfmion oi juatice. tn thecoamiea l ,8urkeV Buncombe,: Lincoln: and Rutljer ' ;- 14 ToteDMlid wrf in actif tlie Gefi- ' tral Amblv. nanid in-llie -ear 182(Lj,eruot to Durcha-se MbmoI N'rth Cnrolina emrtW.-ah art to rvpsat an" act of theilew ;liai ACiHDiy, paittiea inej ypr iou, eilitjed f(ctdi,reftinir thpwty;55R 'Lib pay fce tii iorUiivolIippri tjiorein nain--Ipi w certain canea, ad fararTolatoa tojhe I flwt,(Utoi)ad.ip itmcJUrgXij. t 1 To pravontff the frlirug of ti nUmr in, , iotherwisa bbrfructliigtho'channel of LiHle river, "Ironi: Bumper 1 fork to the fumy line, in Mootgomcry county. -. 'y 18 fnnccminf baods working on roads, lplht ounty of Burke., i :.i j ! 1 .'P.To regulate the courts of pleas and . tvaner asstuinsW Davidnon county. '1 Tft restore JosliuaPeoheJof Wflkes vpouiity, to credit.-' " . '19 To amend in" let, passed, in tie, rear l.v 1 ' 1 : .f . einmea an aci w aoep ,( ,u " , Taiium-agy and, TeuQCsiea rivers io Hay '"'toedenuiitv. " VTV i, f ' 1 W To alter the tune ol holding one of TUi-:; ron 14' the. County Court ol uun fjibev-.. rt f 2f T repeal part of In act, passed A -.ft.I?29, entitled an acU appoint com- I pu.Viunert to euperiuteud the builtliuf of a r C'iurt house' in the county of Burke. ir. li For the better reizulatwri of the town . 'bfShtwvUle'ir. tue county of lreoVIU- - i loautttonse me nwa.nsoi a ium. 1 f yk rota, in inywooa county ,uh iu in . ' Corpruta a ConiTwnV for that purpose, . alter thf liow tnf.lHiMiAff 4b-U Chit'l'lll! iKaa, l.ktavil siiu) IUkrTTlTC7'4ll" Siillll aurv. a. 25 To Inoornorato Ihe town of Rulhert SrAtoh iiinhoeouiilV of Rutherford , i rtS8 uiug a uniform time of holding the 4 aieriioiis in h third cofi2rosiHaI district af Vorth Carolina in the cmotiea, therein. a To incorporate tu Cabarrus Artir v ryr.' ; ; : x ' "c ' ' Td authoTirt Rolwrf Henry to erect aimllroir tlOrt'iny Crpck; irt Btmcombe aoemy.- -,. f- r V 2'j To exlnn'l the provisions cf. an act, 7'JHdia'tbe..year 1831, eutidiMh.ao act tto,jiend ait act to cublil and n-irulato ' ; , $ WrnjuU road is tbfr eootit v of ll tywooJ, tbe-TonneosL-e Rift-r., Uuiid, pns.d i lathe oar lva.. - - . - : . 3Q Te iuthoriao the completi m of the ' ' "nnesset Rivor Rosil. h the comity f acon,. tiS' i,; ; : v" . w -it Toimid tKai. lajfl-fpjiif Jo the V Ctetntv courta of I reAilL . ' : ) . 4 Teincqj-poraty the.Trnp Ildj RifUh ,x Jar n, in the county of Wilkr!.. -.'!' . ; 1lVf tfi 8 To iotbofiie the wmota! "of build wig on the gubiic lartJs W -Uo town of ttie CourU of Plead and O 0f flay wiwJ County. ' - " 87 Cwjcbmmg jhe vto.Wn of Rockfurd Surfy county... 1- . ' -i'33TAjTwlul,,u4 9nimsaioncTi to build 4 britlM kcroM South Yadkin river. , : "3 Tu alter .t"ho tim ? tb Sheritf jo Ttwkl.irscTtrc1neit witH. the'pkirt "-ol Pkai ami Qiiarter Bessioei of tue county of Wittea.V.V.: ig-?. 49 Ipwuntins lay dnyl on Rocky Wet, joining Ann .and Montgomery 'cmmffea, pawed in 1830, to cpeal ah act concern ing'tho public 'fnndft in the 'county of Hay. wood; ao far4 a retpccU baildmg on said lamtt. " j: ' U Further to improtetho Iowa oJ Mor- gaiit'm. 4 Directing the manner In whicn con- tablet ahall hereafter be eWed in the countiaaof Davidaon, Buncombe and Chat bam. RESOLUTION 1 luthnrwmK and inirtructinjriliTom- mittce of Fitmnf to burn Treasury otea io the ofiVo f tte Public Trejrt.r. 9 Expreiwie of Jhe feeling or tho leg islature on the death of Charlea Carioll. X Relating to the cTerka of Hay Wood and.Macon coantiea. . 4 In fuvor of Ephraim Christopher. ... JJ ln-fevor of Daniel Graham, 6 In ftvor of Win. C. Butler and oth ers. ' , 7 In favor of William Ellison. d In tavor f CUfia Balilwia. 0 Concerning th finid Ih1-Mining to the aiateraofthe late Jame N. Frytho. .10 In farorof the Public Treawrur. 11 Iiwtroctiiitf tho Public Trasurr to settle conflicting claims with the Capo FearlBank.: ' ' T I4 Fn feVof of Abm'll Dnww.. "1 8 Tii tavor if Mary-Rlwardi and oth : era. ' '' . " " ' J l 4 iqtitvor of Freifcrick and Elia Ljy- erman. - , 15 I iv tavor ol Jwph oolch H 1 In fuvor rfjoiialhni William. 17- PiitUo-Attwit'vG'suoial. tiS J)n.'lar...a thn atturhincnf of the Leg f liiUre to foiwliiutioiL uf the . t ill ted -19 lit favorrf F.litaboth Forliis.- 2 ft' lit favor of Fiulding Slulefi sheriff of 1 In fiiWitM" Alexander.- fri In ftivor of James Grabatn. -8" jrof ( rWr. -i J4. Authfirizing it roquesting the Gov $f o1irr 31c Ra, to be presented to each of tbo Stall's and Territoriee, esJaJatornfCtttritx.W, county. . "So.'Aothomntr repajra f in fcecreta ry'a olbcond: Gmuatm IIuao.,;;,: , 37 rrovitiuig lot tl.e, scie ol the rubDian of the Old Capitol S In lavor of Daniel llama. 39 Concerning the Government Home. 30 For the Treasurer Rod Attorney Gewral. HI For the Public Treasurer. ti For the Adjutant General. 8S CoucerninM PuWtc Twurr. 84 lafavorofBujauuiisulbyofWilks. 93 In (HTorTf Robert Stinwm -34 In favor of Richard Rhrta, 7 In favor of Joseph Welch. 89 In ftor of laac T. Arerv Ac 39 In favor f IVvir ltnvr. T.ENKRAL ASSKMBLV. SENATE. The Senate proceeded to take up the ensmined bill to egtab'Ii the Bank of North Carolina: which waa read the se cond and third Hn',aaauJed eud paased, and sent toithe I ram ok Commons for tlieir coocurrerlce in the a'mendnients-- Aves o, iiif wMhiiaiy tun Messrs. Allw.n, Boddiet Brif tnift. Carter-Dishonib, D'lson ilarrim, Ilmten,- Hoenn, Hoke, - iliHwtow, ,Karr, filly' JUrtiu, -,l.vy, tM ctfil, tf orris, ParliaiOt Parker, ?tcdmnn, Skinner, i oot mort Tyson, Vaahook,"Wll(ru,J'?itJeir. V Mrsstif. Askew, Bailey, W:r, Faison, Gavin,- Hill, JIkius" Howell, Huy, Lamb, Latham., Matthew, M-l tiiMiirtaBBervXU,AUututfryf,Q Moyeef U. Moye of P.-Normaii, Bay. Svawell,' Speigltt, Spencer. liliauwMiJ son.,;-," - . . Mr. Srawell. from the com nutoe l hiu wae ssforrod tho i report I J.p!j Gah's, E-o. Buromi'wioner, t j cullm t old Journal,' Laws, dtc. .niiJc( a report thereon, etfttihii that thr inject yt the re fcronoe had bren antii j : I bj the pas- saje nf a njsolution st the preat-iil session, and that hoj, further legislation was peces ga'ry uyufi tBeijn'j.'d. MCt: rcdittC ,'"'4'. " & ' .' ' v., ' Mr. A awelUrom the Committee on the Ju!'e;a.rv,Jt0 wbopi was rffofH the res- ,t.,iA Liii TV -i , i .i 'i hi i r i, . ut-iw mi uirectora o; ino txaiw,KanKr by whicU' they have' Mctcd mtere.H of far er cent, on hiS rcserVkd alock.'at'faiil .i t rt that it appear to th cominitteo tiitit the Ba.ok have inaintod 'wpoir nothinif which wai'notamhnrawl by the conseiit"of tlio State, jOn'moiion' o! Mr. 'Vilaon, the The following bills were read'a.id inHoi iijjtely postponed t ,Tho engrossed bill 0 repeal part of aef art, pwed at the'' lust session of the General , Assembly, chapter ?8,td. regu1ate retilere.of anlrjluous li ouorf f and the engrossed bill lcr4Wnpt trotn execution, r certain portion' of the farming utensili and household ami kitchen furniture of tho citizens of thi State. The engrossed bill Id estnblwh the Bunk of"Ntf'th Parolina was received fruin the House of .Commons with sundry amend. iocit, which were concurred in A yet 24, Noes 24. The Speaker voting io the allirmative. 4a Messrs. Allison, Askew, Baifev J Buddie. Brittain, Dislionab Dulwon, Har rison, 110011, Mutoii, Lamb, Lil ly, Massev, Montgomery of 11. Morris. Mye of U. tMoyea.P PMrkecr SnaAelLJ 3might, Steduian, Tyomerj Wilder. ivofs Metwrs. t owner, Faimm. Gavin. Hall, Hawkins, ilintoii, flowed, Rxrr, Latham, Martin, Mattiiews, Melvin, Mof fit, Montgomery of 0. Norman, Parker, Ray, Skinner, Spencer, Tysou, Yauliookj Wellborn, William, Wilson. . . The said bill was thereupon ordered to be enrolled. On mUiob'of Mr. Hinton, it was re'sol ved that the Public Treasurer be author iaed to subscribe, for the uh of the State, for as many share of the capital stock u( the Bank of .North Carolina, chartered ut the present soxxion, as all the money in the 1'iimic 1 rpnurv, r ulijct to the or der of the Tomirer, to whatvvcr fund the same may belong, (not immediately needid tor the public ns,) will pay loras soon a tke aaid Cauk gos wWncratiour, W A motion was made by Mr. Lamb to recohsidor the vote taken on yesterday bn tke rejefetiori of the engmswd bill o ex- empt fpuu execution a certain portion of tho hrming utotnils and houoh:JJ and kitcbeu furniture of the citizens iifibis .Statef which was ifecided jrr ttw itegntive. uii iiKHion ot .nr. vvnson, u wa v " Retolvtd, That ttiQ thanks ofthiS II u odttO . to-- thTIIouorauJe VViHt Kn. J): MiMoly, Spoaker thereof, for -the able and ! mpartiat jnaiuwcoa. which. -di. charged &m duUes of the- Chair the' pre- sent session. ' . The Speaker thereupon made bis c- kmiwledjreinerfls to tho Senate, and ad journed tho ameih dir. HOUSE OF COMMON'S. - TVerfvsffW, rrn. 9. Mr, Sumner, frout the cp'miiiijV 1 uii the Judiciary , to whom was referred the bill to authorize the trial of titlus to real eatute wheii the same shall come in question in iotiti'HM partition, r.porltd the same without amendment, and moved tlmt the maid bill lie on the table until the SJ ,Mou iiav o November next. The following bills were read and rejected 1 ibe wu 10 pro von t tue iuJ mil of wnU of V "ti iu'lmenti hiained belbre justices of the peace m the fiat instance; and (lie engrossed bill to amend an act, passed I lie present session, to vest the right Meeting CViiaof the County aid Superior Courts in the several counties within this Stale in the free white men thereof. The following bills were severally read and iudcfuutolv puatpooed: The bill to compel sherili's and jailors to advertise io ine oiaie uaacue un runaway ift- cu:n- milted to their rettpoctive jaihi; the en grossed bill more effectually t prevent litication and to avoid suits at law," the engrossed bill to amend an acU passed in the year 1829, to provide for a division of negroes and other chattel property netd to. common and 4he bill to repeat in pan an apf-nawd in 19'2.toamoil the taw with respect w thaeoiTmrwxiPrl o'tatos of deceased persons, end the law in relation to the levying 01 execuuous issaea W justices bT tl peaces ; " 4 . llie resolution nerey)iorev suuiniucti 07 Mr." Polts:lepi ecating lhe TfSvrt to force "itlieV bv,"lhe7 GCnanhGrrtrnreertt or im1i CirnriTwcjwa vm .m:tion: of Mr. Polk.Jai'd on tlie table Teaa73, N iy 22. Th'v'l'"s, rej'fcted the nvitioti of Mr. llmnul u reiMuidec thur.te seteetin the oncrwd bill to reduce theialainee nf ' eon instructed. And that where no suoli tlte.- Sopreuw ,GHirt. JulsVeas 3'J,tdpe.ncer,or1 lejnonaibility eiieta to en? Avjfi..' " - . -:i force coinoliajice, it is an idleanduunro The So!:rse(f b toestayHttflio Bank of iN'orth Carolina was rrreiv from the A ante with a anety .i arnf-niiaiot)ts ; which wore agreed lo,Ad the snid UII was returned to JheSenate' with two other amendments. ? " ' The enjfrswed teielutioa di seeling the Public Treasurer to stitcriba fir shin In th'e Bank of Hirthtr.Jina,"wa read three aree times apa nrosrr j it pn mirming. vf- Mr. H ot-n prestwd 'the followini ret e a a . . . want(w;;That tli Ihtrafti '. lt,lJ1',us M pretienird to thHxakcr thoffoffef the nWfldiSBifiod kw iirifr ijai inanner WJiipii m jpnmvlea ovrrt its n . ' i - ' I . ' . . i' . nowljedbmcnts to the lious in an apnra- pjinje . addrebs mil adjuurncd- tlte eaute without day .V Htm 1V Virtue bf a DriVlIcpH.. mmrniA'ln the ubdersijned in oiilrnojL.Uhjivery,.ia-J uuvwuai member or this and every other General Assembly" ol fins State, he jvill take occasion "todochire his protost eg anst a relutiou of this iCgislatUre, pas sed tle 8rdof Jahuary,1833. Tho resolu tion to" which" allusion is hud, is iu these words". ' ' V t ,. RoBolved, That our S'nators in Con gtesi bo instructed, and our Representa tives be requested to u all coutiturional meam in their power to procure a peacea ble adjiitmenfof the exiting controversy between the state of South Carolina and the General Government, and to produce a conciliation between the contending par tiee.;:; Among the recorded votes taken upon tntsresomtiJtth;iMtnef 4heerlerHigf ed is io be found single" and alii'Tiir "op ;josiV' t it. Were hia name but fortuu atory associated with thenamenf Iwt three Of twr .individuals on the same side of the question, he would readily forego the pri vtlfe, of the Wiefittt -of which he is now seeking to avail iiims4iU But standing an it does -alone, and unsuitiiorted by t lie luanvfl 1. of ftiiyotlier , piw ube r . of the. branch oi the JLegisIoture, be leeb that a wmlsc ol ju'tfiire to himself and of duty to thin body require of hi ill to state the motives that in iiucWJus vote, It is fearfd tlmt by Home it nmy be thought that his vote on that re solution was dictated bv a loolisti and ri diculous ambition toevhihit the oppoar ance of singularity. His vote on that oe CHhion was directed bv a desirei to gratify no Mch. childish prpenputy. A eourm of j.jhlu.t thjtKU4 laU4-uwy . Joiexcite lecluuid ood txuiM ion oi nurprixe, he has never admired nor iuht to cultivate.' He vote on that res- Iulm proeerded Troth' principle,' and was iouiided upon the- hijju considerations ot duty iuij 'justice, '1 he underHincdhas tlay.6ecji inthe bhitltifTf fiarding the members "of ttie Legislature of this and every other State as agents' of the people fivrcertaiii fairpbses, while he looked uivih theinenibt if Cpngrcss ar agenta of the me people lor entirely diffijreiit and dis MHi-nuNxweerrr iiiairueour aeuators in tSmgress-are elected by "our L?islature ; but their responsibility is directly to the sovereign peoide of the Slle. That peo pie have, for considerations of expediency, transferred merely the right of eloctiou to tW legiHlature the provinrt of determin ing who thoiie Senators shall be, without meaning or expecting that , tha direction oj' iwir- responsiDiiiiy wnuiu db bi an cnau' g'0. : r r it is betievMi uwi 00 proHxii- tton Can bo more consonant to the suge lions of commori sense,' and more plain to the moat limited comprehension, than the one which assorts that the responuibilitv of every ajent if directly to the person or p raoiu from whom he received his power of attorney. Our Senators in Congress have, f irthmr power of attorney, the Con etittrtiua of be United, Stales. 'Thatcoo suitatioa so far as the state of North Caro lina i concerned , was railed intoeiistenre. mi ified and confirmed by the people of the Stats in convauliuo, and ul eHiJcquence, our Seuators; as well as our R. preaenia tivea in Corurress, owe their oltjriaJ exii teuce, and derive their authority from the people, and to them axe responsible for all their conduct. Sq. that the member of both' houses of Congress from thie State are as much the aguts of the people, as are the' memoers ,m iegiwarure, tlhMJiih they ant their agents (or eiitiruly separate anj distinct objects the former being the agents of the people for general and national objects the , latter being their a geoU fur iocal and State perposes. - Now the understood was unwillins;, by givhiij his vote "in fa fori of (be resolution one agent of certain persons should under take to iiutntftJinoadviHe another agenl of the same persons, wheu there is no sort of connectiaa between the eiibjocts of their agencies. ,. It js coustdcred that ta all ca see the jigkreither t irmtruct or advise should be regiilatod and deternriiied ly the dopendonce aivf responsibility that subsist between the- advisor and the person adyi a themstructer and the per fitaMe cUnsumprtofi at timft todlftath to ( aftempt to counsel of instruct. "Ttie whole . aasiuae, ana -wn aa uue oemrence do u id, proceeds from confounding thrf lwo eepsrate and distinct characiera io which we at thie time. appar-by confounding out rigUu af iitural persons and as mejn bere of tnf treat . body politio- with our rigbu and privilegea as oOkial persons- with our ri-hu and privileges as creatures 1 ii ios consul niion 01 vur narr, ana, vj vir- tue o( such ereutiaa, mernbere of this L- e ' 1 . iiUiuja-' Wljag w baU out flnf- infojo the Jigdi:Hiii' wo are but crcaiurca of the coiitinti.waseiit- fU iwrforming certain dufiiufo indmPcrfied -olip'ota. ao4 we e anoot frightfully go beJ cognise lio such ri"hl as that claimed by m eaasaee'ofla resolution alluded to. When we 1 are Out vof the LeeUlature, liowever.we afe tbn a portion ot'the jv- cimy,rTiiay "aan9itirw:, feqwre- hu comnel our Kenresentatives unon any and every ttbjeen Bui further thanlhis, ftla- believed to be the duty of our Senators ami lleprcsenfatives in Congress,- both by tlie constitution under which they act and by (heir oath to support the same, to attend to such general concerns as are referred o, and about which, wo are seeking to in struct and ad vim- them. This, at all events, is admitted by our undertaking 4o all their attention to them, and to. en force the necessity of speedy action upon them. It 1 respectfully submitted, then, r consideration, whether -the adoption, of such a Resolution docs not gwm to autici- mle a ooreliction, oh the part of the whole four representation 111 Congress, of their appropriate duties, and whethor it does not u.anifust, a disposition in the Lejrisla lure to piwiuu dauce a", vote of censure np tbofte hteorell meu. - it these views I tho mailer be correct, the uelicncy ol the task, and its extra, judicial character, must suggest itself to every one. HI.XKl a. CiiAKK. -January 4. 1933. The engrossed resolutions requesting lhe -statcxif South Carol inu to suxpend tlie- twration of the ordiiuince of their conven tion, were, on motion of Mr. Settle, laid n the table until the 8d Monday in No vember next. Mr. Townsend presented the following Protest, which wa read and ordered to be pread at larc on the Journal : lhe undersigned, availing birwcll ofthe priviiejio guaranteed to bun bv the 1 on- stitution " of dissenting from and protesj- ling agkiutitr.ny act or resolve: Which, ui may tiimk iujuriou. to the public or au iiKlividuul," resiectfully suhinits tl'i!,fol: lowing as the views which governed him in the yte he gave on the 4th resolution reported by the joint select committee on thq-outo .Carolina nocuments,j In o doing he (it not state tho reasott&.wbich have brought him to such coiiclusiouis. but merely tb conclusions theraselvea.. In the first place, he believes that neith er the General not .State Governments are in the strict meaning ot the word sove re.'g! ,.ere.'S0- being one who possesses air power." In the second place, be believes that the States possessed every attribute of sove reiguty bctorethe formation ofthe federal c6mpact ; and that by the compact the Malee respectively delegated soirio portion ol their aoveieigtity to the General Gov wroieoC . Thai .hu believes : whenever I rmt'stroiVarttea1 whether by that compact certain pnwvrs are deUsgated or not by the Sta(es to the Uoveruuuml, (as there, i oo umpire creaiea iy ine i. onstuutton or compact itstilt to decide,) it clearly results tluU each party to the compact must de cide for itself. That if any other State, in forming her opinion on any question thus arising, should come to the conclu ion, difPsnng from the conclusions of the other members of the compact, it then be. cornea a question of expediency with such State whether site will submit to the opm ion of the majority ef the State, or act upon) her own. Ami that should a Slate thua act upon her own opinion, as the un dersizned believoa she has a right to do, she by such action peaceably withdraws Irom the compact, and ine .majority the Mules would, hi such case, bave ao moral right to eoerce her into submission. lie repudiates the doctrine of INuilifk-a ftcMi, believing that no one State can milli fy a law of the Union, and still bo a mem ber thereof. lie uopptsedto the exmlini; : Jt mm . . M Tariff, boliering it to lie unconstitutional and oppressive on tbo Southern 8tates That notwithstanding the -State of South Carolina may have actei precipitates ly end unadvisedly, ye ber cause is tha ritntM lhe xrhote-Hnitth wnrt the tit dorai:ntcd could Dot -cunahrtentlv vote for any. resolution which might act as a dam per oo her exertions te freeUhe South from the eyils of the protective systewk- 1 ue uudersigned does, lUerokire, tuost soloinuly protest against . the aforesaid resolution, as uncalled tor by.lUd etisttng crisis, untimed and ungeneroos lowarls a sister SuteT JOS. W, .TOWN SEND. k . irvi. ii i v - r. .v.U.-. V.' Tut rrAsy t r: CONVENTION M EETIMO . those meinucranj the uegisiaiurcef norta Carolina friendly to a rctiliori ot tba Con stitution ofthe State, wa bol at the Go vernment House,' ia the city of Raleigh; on the 4U at Jauuary, n-a. . " Tba . meeting vu called to order by Mr. Kerr, of Caswell, wue "nioyed that General Thomas G. Polk, of Rowan, be appoioted Chairmen, tod that Samuel F. Pstutrsoa-and Williaaa J. Covin be. ap pointed-Secretaries ; which mot ion belt igl agreed to, thj tian opoy toiyfl w "Ti- - -ir - 1. 1.1 1 r , e a.-;t-jM cliatr, Wuciitate tbe Mytjf ot tlie iwutt- i,vynen Mr. Uewa wihimttfd to uVot -i sideratiaO of ' th nn-ettiig f.dloajuf IWItt K. Jived'TWrH'-th rnrtnintnn ka Cir it L., 1 .1... ..1; . . . , . wm w uinnr WIIN ... dbt- tbe iid-et'.- legwlajrve iitactpiexr rha sMise: of the lieefben tif North' Crojiis':"' upon tlie subject Xd a ievmibn of tbe cirti. Mitotan; awm ttppouited to 4nto an address to the wn i r -Ve pleofthis Statei explanatory of tbl oWecti'T'- 'i Wt MM UlWUlUg, A this nioetmg, f ihe ameii4einte:ug-;--- icsted by the joint select consmUUie ofth . f v ? f1.. a'fi.i !' - . " ges Legislature, qnd of the mode proposed by that committee to render said aniendiganta" a part of she coustituliAn." J, 'jkjr Remdved further, Tliat it be, etftdT tfi 1 & same is hereby recommeiSded to ihe.pher i iftV, Inspectors, and othi'r officers holdlpj the next election for mcmheni of rhe Geny ' eral Assembly, in the several countKie t l. Ulal.. .1 L2 l! L I , uii? bww, mi ine uaie s oihi pieces o noia . ing said elections,' .and mideMhe haunB - rules and regulatior,'to rvccjvelue votei of all free citizene of tlieir rtjpcctiv coua ties, who are emit led 10 vote for qjonM bera of the House of Commons, for an4 aguinat amending the eonstitutioni arid to make a returo of the Volet so giveo iq his couhty to the Governor. . . BsoJyd jlurUcr;j-.bB! the Governor', be requM' to communt cato to the next General Assembly the res turns' niode to him io pursuance o th. foregiiihg resolution. " T , ." Itcsolved further. That committee of three persons, in each county in this tate -be appointed by the Chair,, who, togethvr. with such others .Jhey may .ajhocuite ... Him tnci shall form aconuniftee-of cr respondenee, whose duly it shall be to dis tribute aniomi the eood people, ef their it. spoctive craintieii the address cf the Cf'liT- mittce apiMiilcd for that purpose, and such other information as thev mav think 'in. portnnt. inch resolutions, after beimr read and discused, were unanimously adopted;..; .' Vv hereupon, in mirtmahce of the first r"!M .vx-'wr v(.l cnuuiuce toivaif M the address to the people of this Stato, te) r wit: Richmond M. Pearson, RotHnIuaM.' ' 'l t Sianndcrg,. Wnt llT Havwodd aid Thouia ' 2 :S liewa: . v . f. . , . f , . : And in pursuancc-of the last reaolutioeu TO!?8 jertisrwerV altoiriVi ,tt ;. tiZ oiiijuww uio v-ommmeef ot.vofiepoa Aiion-Wm. Johnston, Alexander Ltul, Joseph White.-- - ------ T. - t , iasnn weorge ixiwers, -IviCDaru uewiT, ..Alexander B. Mmm&"TJ::?X&3. 8cTOtort-vWmv hi. BhimrtfJoksSinllejii"!" -"rj, Joseph B. Hint jn. ; ' ? Borti Duvid Outlaw Stark Armistcd,' Josiah Holley. . . ' - , Bladen John. Owen, W J-Cowaiv Iswiar Wrijrht. - Bruuswick Jolm Julius Cause, Harsdei Campbell. Daniel B. Baker." t-r . .Ji. Buneembe-Richa'rd E. Fiirtu'ne, Wm.7 IVeWts, Hctijamih Rtchardson.- - - ?arkeT,w TV Avery JobtT.Burgio,; ""Senf." William Dickson. ' Cabarrus Paul Barnnger, Jamee G. i'lars, Daniel Coleman. CamdouJotieph Doaier, Geo. Fefrebee, tla wood a. tHu. Carteret David 4Bordent Otway-Burns, Thi nias Marshall. v Caswell James Kerr, Dr. Willie Jqnea, . Psul A. Ilsrnlsun. t Chatham Isawh B urnet, Isaac Hearten, ' . DevtdiWatsua. .. "-.. !' S'"y'-..i'f xJ'i.'.iil Chowan Joeeph B. inMrIC Johnson, Richard T. BrOwnngg. ' V Columbus Jbua, Wjlllamsoo, ; haa' Powell. Luke R. Simmons. ' '. : Cravpo William Gaston, John J. Taa. teur, ThoiLuis WaUoa, Jaa. C Cole. -Cumberland- John D. Toomer, Junwej Hooper, Thomaa L, U hart, Louie D. Henry. . J s Currituck John B. Jones; Wilbuglib D. Barnard, Benjamm T, Simmoiaa . k Daviilson-J(lin A. Hoganf Witliard. R; Holt, Jamee WienmaA.. ' y - Duplin Milhaui.Wf ntbt, iuauimr.f Jerciniab PcanU-L . -Edgecinnlsj Jamer W. Clark, Dr.' BT ' . kin, Ji'sepn sv. ulovu. . , . , f t raukUu-focf'O.'lftW'kmf, itcrr'Jvxtr158 RuflinrDr.WiUie Perry;. - rt Gates John 'Mitcliell, n ..... . Granville Wilham n, Gilliam. M'lt - . omiiu, .ames vooper , - Greene Wjtti Meyc, Cbarlei Edward,1 WnVV. Poeighf." r,,.'"7V. T " Guilford John M Morehead, Geo. C IJali&x lr. Bond, Dr.. Reed, Jolt. Crowr.H. . . . (lay wood Rolss'rt Lovp, ffioian EdfrnoQ. , to4. Josepb-Catheyk- - -i-m-.j Hertfif(1BridgrrL Montgomery, David ' " 1L Summer, John H'tdtes v;; -tw...;.-. Ilyde Benja min SandereopTnomii Siif fieion, v'uimm rHJlDV.. , , Johrutfoer-Juaiah 0, yV'atsoey John Mo. Leod, David Thompsoa. Jones Hardy BrJ:an, . William Hugginf James B, Laroque. i Iredell A beer FraiulinrVVilHam F. Cew - - -t- en, John Young. ''v' . ' ' " r Lentiir Willrartr DJvfoselr, laiao Creeqs , " 'it u 1 r; r. . ... S..i 'I h s JT :4 . "t . - - , - -' ' I t .1 .