II f ! ' - I" ? v. I! Jvv i .i; 4 as far h to r disadvantage ie them r aad at is rMr inferetV to keep hef, ihe that! sot go, no matter ho much the may desire it. God know we with to aee ao Slat eecedr from tto Cnion we wish to eeeth LVhi prei eervd, and devoutly hop it will b preserved ead subsist for .revolving ages to Come, but, f one thing we are certain ii never cm be preserved by (9rr.-there i but one way to preserve it.--u-' h F Ieral (Journmrnt do jutfiog, yri $W futUc I nil ptrtt lit ta aloag without aomt- emrrf aOawnl, or otb a -web as' laA, ?V,'ft;M'Sbj"lhey rrUaiiihri ii.4ir aU. tifc m iiir'i'kJi"'t'tev lavj? been'ar'customed to e'etv P i?sTTi (if tfiem mav wish frvhm bsek in "VesH Street and,- MeV eV.,"," 6e(ore thry vn reaUi South Car. r he serinua, this feeti-igt of ev-ry true kjM -.d Southere-man, Bhtitd , well with ; wmfrt.-aml w.en nothing c4n drstrov the Wsnd indignation, at the" ftnperip-nc of Union j and without this nothing un pre A.s city bfirwtt t hew dandy jack a. TV blusterint it snrneuh in the ithnte . jffw, iN'iWtcoVAVreSrb dawrter Jul Sew Toot oo f outh rngr4ini wi'h a ma in bM. will o tncK Carolina to pollute bet soiL. P nm oo'rarev serve it, IPaiftinflea fity: J.uar 13,1133. the- pfopl ot IJuv. an. bat jdone wite for the ec.essary-eotpert ol' mem. are determiiud not to submit to any ttiw.y beyond, it f Let the term' of tlioee whose nam . have been imiortaliavd In hittnry by reiiftanri; t impwper tatatinn, and wltiia ' memorVl u II future time have beer, cheriahtd ii Hit warm arTectim of a free people answer the fj.if I'lnn. But what iet thii unwilln f eai to reduce taxes thutt 1 Oi 4t not show who "avi and who receives t If these manufuctureri were conscious that they paid these tales, thry would be the last people In the world to g it war to enforce their collection. Ofttv Proclamation I hav not time to ny much. .-P perct. from hw or an here, and from Via Riehmohd correipondrnts'' that he has rrpuriiatrd many of the inevitable inferences drawn, from tor jtha; WViean a, In its l 'Sracier, ly it liefore our PaocUaiTioa, - ticle without attoniah. tnf greatly deceived aied In a Northern paper, would have deoounC J it r naualtfted reorobatioil i ail' ttr such publican ma here in yiv..ViMldirig population I ndent "aaouihefn man"HeU at Viar 'lK,"t ' at thioutrage, vtnui faaouaui. ' Mtrda tibacrther ,ttte favmi hin jroqr pajicr, an .editorial -At , C froltna Wrrhrri ti' l I WlH'l It PUIIS M (I tfcrft viiinciples of H C Jonci, urc. 1 thMk'iio lowihern rn-in t .tn read 'hi urtilwfrdtn the pen of M'. Jones iih caltfi feenjga. Inthi nme of com rrion entlwhi caft Ihi dtludtd m.o mr.nf DiMttlfc format that he m reM 1 1 1JiZ!.Wi wtrctel 'weJa proWalir.g ithiaJ Jibcra.. amj eol.ma J prcjamatioiu. I. have, m doubl herepeitu ding in ihe. rnit ef avc.-hoJdirm pop til Mioti, -or.it He about to hrromi i lihrturtr tbe in(anouvGa.RBt now k Lm Ejitois of tht 'G ul U'l'ts'vn E(ntnription ? Theiruih ti Mi. Jooeate ma to have no feelings in mmoB.evlib tk people of the Soo n. but takqa all bi opinions ftern a certain rWscripiKin of P'peis published at the N ortfu :; Wj of vfie' wofle of JJ& n Ul recollect that not long go io a pub Itc meeting At niroB'-l-ori y- een ;b- Nit and the, 8ut 4 pwrer ano jnioicrur navoonen 'notices ink oen'fiorrl the slave, hov College, and at the Mtlk where the rtisciottne is tloi. - 4. he Army and Navy. It i womiered it, that men who reared in the nojionthai they tay to rule" with the rod, should b under authority and should rveA c ttpiiit of inuhordiit4tion into the c cits of the country, Nona it matter' wonder that Nullificaiion, which we Cal hut regard as a spirit of opposition to al, r. KUtnr govcrnntant, should claim Us or trii f om pampered NalMibs or declining lordlings ; but tiie wonder is, that plain unpretending men, of indusNriou and re gul jt habits, should fjli into the schemes l kftkr Amnee.og::sla.v.litviilg ntiga: bors. We. do not mean to say, that the possession of slaves hi all cases produces thU unchamened epirit of misrule -lo moaf-eeves, where the numoerht lew, tney are treated at inmttea of tht family artd" affection often miiieies the rift or oi i heir, . rmdjiion, ud.. preveoU;. th d;. Haticntng tendency of slayerf -in aome other tasei, even where the csUblish rm ns ire Urge, correct edacation, and enlighten. d principles ol morality coun teract this ditgusting effect. Bu' ge u Po 1e South V GeorCv, form against this ane..nattutknaJ atttem ot oo. deeply and sincerely of ever having published. iatlw peoltlc Vf ttie in,w;,0 i4lw-.T,k?..l fo.T i'rn. i'l .r...V ioth. .jnild lla hrWBbrtbown luve j temrt to Jractae tipon its pnoeiplea. There l lainf fcfteried on ioittnern lahrl Do ther I iio grn() to aay. and evea to bTar, that Nrtb I will be no war if St.olb Cronna hou d; tera. kihear-Twiiaor ain our eo'itiplatnfal rotina a, u "& Itep.rming jfW.T italeT A 1 V l&vt:t&s1.ria whn aupr.iirt v4 wH 'ut fithrritt to'fiie yo"ki!itbptit aibonva, we know4t is uot aoand th aio s'atois 1 1 d him "rom prM iple purely without rora-d f'r- We mutt not wnly be s!avet,"bu we more decidtdl r opposed to.tbe Tariff ; abroad, J to tht .spuila of tTiarherwnw tllaiilTi?rn l.i!l0lAv xmtM 4iat!iing the U'and in t Mt 1bala "araiMt any attempt rl .Tari, com.calMhe way fn. j Nr BilI (TartfT) reported by the Commi'tea of V"eajth Carolina; Si, Barrt'Tnr ff 0;"Wa sand Mean lThe Tar ih mVn alone aaak CTTltJanilly taia, not many pif rieii, p-erneis. "TbV aoutk'wrn 'nVmbrra.ltavK de tenwined not tp rhsrofa njrrTxrmoitirpe W' rrturnrd t if thia n. uui ut U 111 "Ht'i . V . 'lr'si?ss't: tfttnirreaj, tSe OanisaMci o hou h tHow'thw with iiSki to (brow any adHli'iial In'ht upon, this subject, an4.ya times demand tiMf . we feel that the Tariff party havr the, deaieiofjhecpuntrf iq thriBjm dahda. an t are' determined to throw uom them the- reaponsibifitr of rejecting the- wxoerce by m'.litiry power a aeeeding s'ate The idia of military foereion ia to me a tnoa abh6rrenr intrThe ftrsf tap' of (he drum in agchVewicf wmld Vt JheJute ral knEHjiiT the liber'ies of this country X, aihrr a.an bridcs General Jackaon could pro! mulge och doctrines and live, it the Sooth. Thev'itrike a fatal blow at' the verv root '( rnir Itbcriv, and our ptonertv, and would idtimate y Urow litem both two the trands of on wr the Bill of 1832. It reatnrrs s midlife reven. ue dt'y unfm,'',any of the fctfwn'at ttf: which were made fm rfuly by the bill if last sea ion, while it brlngi down the duty upon the protected article! to the ttafrtard of 1819 and in rome instances much below that- sealer "e valuable fcature la the billis that it rej -ctaboth the-awiwaiilm and the p cmtum nrinciple, and 1lwlMfM'"Twwf if hundred dollars worth this will enable eve v body to undetf and the antrtinf of taiation im . bum aaaaaavvaaav' W bo, now dnab's that the birl of laa trm'mn was all a mere boat? and who ran doubt, 'hat but for the? nand made against It by menibrri from-the 9nr , it would have seated onr fate forever t Had 'bntnpponed that bill, and been suarainrd by their friends dirmigb the country, ihe voice of free trade, would no more have beta heard thmufb our bordrrs i h would hate betti bashed Into the wiewee of e grave anft buakad Jeravwr They kw the vwle-wwa orriloua woe to thtnt terapnaliv.but prwmr tedyth spirit of a generoVis pmriuttana, thev arm oa. in a ; rcch of soma . ,, & k uii if oe- 7 ",K"',l'Wniroetit. ia to eontimieto be a Wcany lun- et ulPIB ,. time h mh. u . . . . ur give riSce to a RuJi in f'ewam.' 4 '.; . . Mia rKo ta vatou Tvrmy y,, mj,h ofl piW fl4n r( (1,j J, -wt,i. tkr1of, S ... t-nl tctfwt'rrutftji a1 i t ! up on Ihe bill to refund i ihe heirs of Ma'thr Lyon the pt-nallv of $100C icl hy him under tbe Alien and Sedition Law I honl I b surpriard if h whole d .ctrioe "f "98 brought i' rv virw ttpon tbai bill. Mr. Byrg-t has take llw ItjatUot eomewfaram under a wrt-k. to that ttoV be ran distil i od d a1 if poison, he doilStlrst will rut hi dwmww Wf twfl wWanwy in UrotlrM." I.'. II TV.Kllku.llA IfU Mill -WmA !Ti ih ""K 1" ':-jamiiwf retw If it "wan - twnHi H w,l empire st.tes. fA"Mr Vh yrt I9nl Vii,. imroirment ur.,.n the orin'iB'es of " the ' Sa'trdav a debate iprung Z ".."Jf r. rnrrri, before Lhe Mea-. ''td.'waarecortateained to defer fefHiaCeatlontintil neat week, wbeai we hope I rvS tSiwbg of i Without dWisioS. tKIr Pt'wf th Uessag ia made op t cWnti ao the OrmaMea and othr mea. "lljCvfarmaHa ale twnrmetdl i r . . .... v- aruua measures tc- be adopted by ! vfTirnm uliiic bci 1 y'.UH Waaurrs Tafl'lpro-" w - " - f-a jaif m ITMUCKI sW b tere.ardVpr. Boi; a disrrelioo, Vie lm bim man ioiia, tccqmrnrnd tW ffcetrt W.r fiiw Sou;b Camlloa, dear Ircrn U tenor of the doco tklhUwbaltfl, a..ing,ia p fhai direct km. "r '''Ajhe'tigniy .aaw. to are.? V-t liki) aaaowibera s'ate will verri ud. 'rW peapbi Veeme more diajioaed lo 'H GseaiamroVttu' we Vlitaa. tbe'y - a " H " , ws; wars wm aat- v mwr. nr. kiLiwUin. ri wM. nrui a i s beslMHiH'jfiwye reorean'i a hta kitf if be Miw?i 'ba vert f.t epporiamty odeny - naa utxk-ratpod tbe Cbio Maiatrte ' w ' fject ftouvb CaroKiia. aouing hrt renea'fd, deejat, lions to the " i. to, he t'niow. ainl rirh'f ' Uf U Mr. Cellm pging, s.Vdjdf sN Aeoari. ,fj tke awfsJ , "ttTwv.! asore drote tp" the (JiMoih, " an I represent Be then eMBm(.runi.ttl,jM(-MMi. --"v.. rnar.wu? U cite in wr IV. Bt - - . hoot. T , Nqbth he said 'W.ia like n Induvrt ui . rr. i .. hstd s'udvine. and hati'-ortig4oy,Bnd therefore ;-got along very well indeed i but the Sous H wai tike, ligv, loutrov, who Jt.,il-;4.i ;n, .tnq waavtoo tria-igio woik, lui -ATl-Vi . a ''kv" VOU wilf parade V oi t coruarv netu l id a ncrl ruliets navcrthele" true, " : d 0 lhc uniform 0f tlv hAWm. rt4 It U lh rank' llilrtt nf I L. - a . . ' VM . : " . r' " IThote who do not ittenrj, ec loin of ulivery that has given the lead to NulrtB" lionj Gorged and fatted in do le lkc. to. all ages., and ... counirLes. iftora especially wherw the means ot revelry te about to be taken away from the sen UJlis' has associated itstll wiih -ignor atrt en'.isied-Qrrder jimblilon and flnully may real sured that the law wii enforced against them. r .By order of ,thr..C nutr. - J. OW ENS, 0; tS, Jan. 26. 1833., av!;iCie w. uuio U boya4'r'e i1"! in effort t4 derof ?tnuou M . Clayt land Bill will ptta the Srnate hr k I' will Of h at in toe lt.ue. 1' is y. 1 und rstood h' re that Stevnso . will go minis ter lo Eiig aod and Lirlngstosi to Prance. Ti e tatter dialled the proclamation at.d the fo mtr subsrribet to its dtcirttics I 5k f!'i mwuM traiuxt. .. VOU N . FtltlNQ IN SOUTH CAUOLIt The veitaTithta, is Hill goin on in S u b Carolina with h gra est apirv, snd alacrity. May a4 tbe the " Union party1' aince the pub- . ItfUoa f ik -PtwaiamMtow, are- wow joining he ttate-rigbte 'weo.and turning auras eefaa. wra,-in one inranct.'t Captain and b s wkbta pent rr-mi-Hrne to trUtiujZ$ m Jif elling. and ihrrelui e rtujid not get along sooner ot his cond-t f But ii is now plain, that nor sstifl-d ith advocating system which, tales he ptople of ihe south for Jbt beneil of ha Nmibem- matvufarturers, ba must also piopoga'e the seditious opioiuna ol tb VViker pamphlet on the,iubject ofsta very. , It i : no. very. ryiUeota. 4haj nn- iea be is detarri Q from ao dotog hy n, fear of the hw,' he will soon gD still fur Utet wA adVos-.m -ita right of Congress to set the nrgroea tree, and in fact, hr has already advocated piltuiples (bat cad directly tp siicli a, rciull. To sliow your-eadcra bo closely Mr. ) nes is, tracking aUer certain morbid ao l misguided pilaDihropita at t a North, 1 iU he give you a few ex rat t a f r ara suruc . of . t,heir . publ'waliwns V ra:eiiivg lattly held in Bos on a ler ftr was 'jrlivvradby acartsin Ktv.&noai . JdCfiStOniA-wwUk fee dwcUfev that the 'i.ti feature ol Nullification, i'i real c-,ov,--i Syer, thai Shvrrj rauat he aboluheJ. or, I be Uaion destroyed La. atif one compare this wuh M . Jones' remark, sad ace how closcljr tbry 'Ktra A Hither writer' says ''Slavery is the 'u' i'a in our poUiical system, mJlick mutt It bfort f'' A i u.tr one syi, " that if they can nUi i ttd Vn putting 8oq h Cailina down. i'ii rmoKtliaiHt r aiiisre W'Uftiih ararar ' . ' '' Far vr-tt from mew quote iHe ae as the g' fte'.l senilnen of lhe nonhetn pco plr t.auch it no the case i ii m at much oori, . anient ouote .trie remt'as o government ! We. 'nank UtKfr that this dcQrave4. Te. Wit ft slavery has yet eitended but little tniine pure tova ot counjirw, ana or Votinn 4a good wrder hav ao far counter acted 'his ,Madgiacaf .pOtaon-'io ,oui vtio.r There ia f a hope, that befu thefuU llmer pfji t destroying, energy shall ome,that the atisdoW-antf irtu of America will , have el polled it from ncr ayacm Del UD I J. POOi. WATCH le OLOOH SOAKZS JIND JEWELLXH.: ;,r i V Tr Tl siZlZj rrruf ed from TJJUU. qui'fetS tompeM-ftt p'raciicat kboltr ' edgt of hil krt,'nd tiUblwbedT WfiTV; V. are Southam In hirh. education busmese in this town, wine t6rtnen rJ V i and fawlins bt wotaofar as to diminish latefr ejccoprrd 4y Mr. Bffljsrrhitl Vfkx- 'r'l priraaTf and - soperceding devotion to J !ey,-Titot,- one loor bove-M crtrrJt"i' our country as a nation. We may belllacleit fcfLrmk'e Store, Hie work - will pc executed ek ii;.ully..aoa peiiectw: v.Vc :ry ft WitK if r-'vtf tut drr.er ..w permitted, therefore to touch upon a to irvagstMt the drscuasiam--ef -which, the lauaecaaragaggco. i.Q.t.ir, mW, tYntWDOWM .' "N dispicaaa tbe porse proUd end arrog.ni Jihl J'vLI l h Y JJi 1 " . we art Doia :o attnoure mese nini ... , , . . . ., i .ii, will h'V uuii iu m t' ... kiuifww "w " " ' . ' I v . ! L w T .L , . sv w ho " aleep soft and wake merrily who P" OI P """;. . 9. are fed sumotuuuslv. and clothed nroudH rWdlrti. alai FFZvm.' . ' I " ' ef-oawaquenars to rliriasilfai. TUS' k potf tbey had conatituenta mreVigent enough to iia. deraad the wklom ot their oures and f nj aruua rwoiigh pwperly arprviate h - Tie fraafect, bowvvcr, ia wow changed j the vert C.inrreS wUO pard Hst Bill are bnally en. ff;4arsiWf trttttf-tU hs paaaing aoothef te iaat hs pl '. This latt bill ii of a eKamcter totally d flVreat frotsi the fi rmer, tola It redume the duiWufwa tnalaiwraniria" aKk naarfv odb ha t at mtarM.a..At!HbbiM revraoe awry ipoavmaay ol the hiirt$ v V hie were maala free pf 4ntj by the Will of in laat Saaion, WHat bar produeed hW giral cbangrf tK'n (iiVpnei ae wa of juttice in the la'iffpaiy in tSa rtorh and ibrir amithera atliri f Can any ant doubt . ',. . . a , ' The qiiMtion'naw la, will the bill paail Mi o a opinio is it.aill not, tlmnglt la 'hi Opio- inn I mat he arovertied tio much sty my fears. Uniy'of mir frir"!a thi' k li will h f s Wivl. a..rii anajority in the k'luae, aod Hr,' lold n-r Ust 'tight, he I a J i -uht It VjuW paa he trate.ir sxaceviv eaakcaj atWy n rnne, and lovV f i I awer aaajeV. at 1 tt? amw,;H " e. mju h'nt Ib procli ly by the labors of o'ners, would have ever thought ol such uvnlent resistance to law - or if they had, would have been so rerkless aa to avow it. Ages might have rolled awsy and have Bern lost to memory, before the atr.lt forward hard working people of Pennsylvania or M ,s sachuieus, would nave thought of such sophistical delusion. It is no poor man a no plain mn'e doctrine any where but should they emVace it 'hey will have to smsrt under its const sjuences, while the rirh will kin themselves with tbrir wealth, we therefore bcSctch the hones' y of yeooisnry, ' leave it to those who wear" purple and One linen." TISE-aW pwayie-of mrh fantina iauai 'mg (bem.-i- ' , ; ...- r ?. "' A py raon at our elhw asks, what is the obje of a-l tti'ti rut'tstfif 1 V c aaat,-it as awt! to Canfr- jhe V-tild Spates, aa Tariff ftdilot iw.t fmf woe 'iaaertedj.bw. it ia vi b ie reailimMStl dd beir f'gMs tad' beetles Should i bet Vs. eaeaiitd by ra Tariff despot liiuttrCaVkna kaa eo iotes'fow lo raiaa'eea aWaW w.r, aaiasUth .ideral Ooaaro. rneai,-- he, r deetarea, Jftat hue Pir-wq'ia pccab'e. and her meaui ca fonsi ituitonsl. and she will leave every thf g to i" courta ad Jorira r bn be at the aa aa time irivr a notice. If ahllfv waW1w4 Yrwm ti 8f,s!ie will aaredb Hr ml 'Va'einfelflesoir, ad, that, thra if kit Territory be itra Ud.' or her citi. arts mirdered, aha ariB easj tVwe" otuwtrer and a!1 nthcr -orana at hat Oaeimapd, to defend her rights, and wa aa? , if; sheaVa eo sW'wi, ahe wiUdewinr the rata, of a. avis,. -aha will receiac the tot o alarva, sx ail the loeikere SuieviHahr H itt be. J 4 v ' MiC iotia at'y (daoni ia a ettere frie'ad ia poao,ayakt of ttV aef'mwaa) iw thet u 'he Sou. h but the whole romes from (it tin rlau of roluujd. ilotv, many of lb- sn such at 0rrioa If Lundy i er h.d tnee 'and bene h ia the more enmioal fo a Soutbera CdnorAo rt krho tbeaa arditlrtA" oplulons, . Al 'itougb,' the frtainssajDl tbi" people' of tliav Norih. as eel are nut tliposed to i cmeddle io ih( rlclii-tWqaeation, yet if our tvwiee.t4iiofe- taiw aa.UuaMr JuoeedotH itui be ili'eet aoeoorsg. meni (or tkam to dt) eo iherelor, evi-ey Soutber man kith, or lo4ouet to mark w'nk) rfpeAtiation ba conduct tf h Pica aklV p;Jooef. . tut I thiol it mijht be elf ur,Ur Jonrt to rake A look istha 4dl of the Geaaia Aswmolf oft the tirculai'toJS of Kill lout pauks uc, H ay 'rtt asturrcd f be-oiAich farther, be will And t a muck mote danrieus holiness than the V;rl eHir; A &OUT HER H Al. ,: fo m caiouha ATcnix.'t THE xPRoitATICiy-NijUJn fhe .Vaiaao Dtttt a'acOTrtaioed.lo the T 7 Ay v. foa vat waaraaa caaauau. Jkfr. LaaroTke follow tag i aa actual bet. and yea may give it aa auab. Two evea, Mi. A-. and Mr. Bit (tribe puUie toad be' other day, and after soma talk about tbe TaAff, South Carolina aad NulC&satioa, the fuUoviog doa logaa took placei oo hand for the acc rnmojtio.a lijUavIi-I. JZZta,a patr-.na t also a g nl aesorlmrit 't.f , , WATCH M.iTKIal " ; among which arc Pates, piain aa4 iTfv Lever .4 GLASSES. 1 Mr. Pool, flattering himadf with . ". ' Kiliiv lo Ad hi a wVirk welt, rranvrti - ' fit ' . --t lollv eoliciia a share of th I thoae who He, Jffever, . . . trial.' wOtl -t a. f s Huliitmry. 1839 . A ' -" rnrwneaTVrMitiwwWaeW Milnk of ihe timet, toe the Kiwipaptri tettao mny aabattmt leaaleay bow at wCan yuu reeowMwentJ me a newapeper, thai eriaita, oe beef ifeM wUinkett,coet wbe ttetftf - Mr. A t cant aay that I ev name oaw that a i . a a lea ta a mfptt putinee ua, out f win ten yo wnai can dj ' cat baeae eoe iU avw file the TVT aad that ia tbe WaTcaswer PH I epfied Mr. A. I knew that, long eg C U&afteoT the t'lt'Tibete-wmrute' wtrd w-Ww. .WMTTEOf fACr.? IVL imsl m esceptiingiy aappy ta fin! tat the great wait ,oTa excluairtly r.f. fiat) Teaches, in this town, aabUt te be amply. typulUd b ta (loerienced and t, tmong oik era believe, perfretty aoojpeUal toaTuetor.Mr. K4 advert'iaemewt Kid bafore ike ins wura wen, ieaprct, t , a share of tne patrpna2.: r as. v have use for.tii A!!V; 't: r, sk at kif kuit. l "4 . fc . w. . Strayed, ROM tht&iftitjera m ihopii t'A " part of Cflar'U C ntw ua, nilee from Mill 0'" F OKce. the irt,,)at.,.crT ark Rir'V high, a white ipot tith facej d per a,V4V hep a 1'y.tle marked? with the PadJIe, V . -J , ' ay at ahod oo the fore feet rhko shiy .rMtV4 i. ' iv- t t Ml' - t left hme 'he ,'waa faiaed ioa Hay . wood xounty ' and It il Jikely , ahat making that ay. wtj, - ty Vv ,s A reaaonaUe ttward a he rveA . si for th feeotrerrof the mff.' fOtf. rM4iAtniV FT.YPr.flTT mv-,-- 1 t 4 . 'HOLL AND LOT FoVsALdm ? swvr..T.4.-i;''S.iju-'r.r': ' wi iun( inu m uiiiiait ai p . ''dfedif trus executed hw J' ! , Dowera. to Peter KrUtt, and for thai" purpoae therein act f 'rth , J ahU ofa a lferLa 4alr..ia lhe lawn of Willi ! - eitmaa. Mt, abW fully bar iWwe aad rougtttp T-rdjr .the hh ,FebrUM. J , lutatioa.&irttUo,aadfr;aIwha . , ; , .V .. saad a the puljwat. that tagteH alioMr, VJ . r-r iV edvaaea ahlwdawtl th la V.i m; Hotlktf lY f afVof " F ' ' wbhwaauJaoW iafAukhtkatl., v; ".r T ' svry tfesVawi be ahoitld aueawad,-.Thi. r.. , Bfl f? tu fid Ch L. B"erpf ' f tWeraiit fwr.kafcWla pt'pttty f Ek. tlfc " . nu i n n iiw -mo pi aildriwrWtiii.g wal nwiot,iMoeAMi II ,TJ kUtrtrxtls Irta a tfvile. . .a. v a ar.e p - a. .mi. ii -.'iwi..'. , '.i.a'a.- ; . . MLsaw a., iiiwi'n iriiiiii'ii aa 4 - av a. t r - j . r. r toe'a 01" W aoiini. -wwi,wiim mrtf avtig, li 1. 1 a t i . o .. rrt a taw, e V i aaaa.-wt o l niiai sa C'awsaat wenota terar ia )oaiogr t jrj n 7 t r i,tt rkltli'ii.. t,, T I it, A-,tLi iaiui;jr'4'sJat'taM twfcf . tlrtesalil WatUwUti ll-C iUti &013 ti;4; tr ttt auf cUii lUatlsi IH&Ht! aV-Tifk 'ttJbiite tpiaiaaalB tr-ci wliwtfi Bf UajiAm JkAiM CiiomTvL: '';t . 1

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