1 old last May. coating of the ply. the moist it will adhere, c our mother fw rters wife,'' . ' . ana heal any . more speedily ssmi S I in a . ivtsMf ff n the universe iJU juu tu ii v v u vu ti r v . t V' a anueari Vnali vat Still t M the; lie. Bodoury, in Glucrs ylcsidts a certain chimncy t... u tome property, t happens, ever, to be very food of the chase, I it of' en teen with the D ke ot c ufott'i Hounds in the neighbour flood striding across the country in n.;ement of the gentlemrn ol the .kunt, anrtoog whom, however, he ne wer, fails uo mt'otiio conspicuous Uce-The sweep i a reformer, but DukeVbrotber, (Lord Edward 'aVnxcnetj u a Jandidate 4or one du ' '- wision tt the country on opposite pr'w feiDica.-The sweep wav conseauenly - t Its yote.lt neiiita bewitluitg - i,;a'ftfdrm.TTfttl MrMorston - tmi lu colleague, the two jefortrS lS. ... ' ... . w . tr Ult - ,nd j, .derstanrtlng tht - S" ',, lis political creed was favorable, they h ... ..-.-uiicued hlBfO?tw.ith..epofiJenc. . T - mctr surprise, the aweep refused -V -. V' . ".i4 nn hvinv rrrrl fnr Ma 4 V " O r - 1..:. . reasQn w;J VTaieii you toe twin. ' I BUOti with the Dake. Bath Herald.. (MRRICff. tn a natpphlet ritte' by Ooct, aftrr r.ls B'ivj.' HitU 1 botanical memory mA pti'ilthed 1719. the Oxtor a vrt. that io the srds virtue, ttirring (f C ramcV pr'"nced the letter I Iikr ie letirr -at. i nis orew irom . - - ri i r , Dsyid ' hwtHowinj epierammatick " fenl-, addressed to' Dr. Hilt. , If't t u you ssjr. that I've hficA s let-ter. y tfl ehsn wij Wet soon, snd, I aof, for the ilv ftit Jwl riff's of lettw. f ' of wen, '." fi.-Tfrr b? ised by the tongue rxi thr pt t Mutt Uoiilr 1 sh r bota bs their T 'aV tst f awf V new mntsken nr f. " ' BENEDICT ARNOLrX v 'The n.M ol this misceant was XitTy associated y ow Tatners with every thirf sord'd and unprmcipltd ' n msnt nd will gotlowsj to posterity 'woolf anothef oatna (or treason ai d traduced th wmn t. the g lltnt "Larl B.lcarr4. thlauer,t t)Voo Botiee of J jj,i)l(Ptti 1ruing bklv o Ms av ' rf gtt.'rXclatBaexl, ' at ! it traU lor, sire !! Futhis itMl'tguity ht was .. ttalleoged . bjr A'noUl, and received ,the,&r fi'iKuutrigotnf ti xttuia Jc Vat luog his pistol M the traitors' head tut iog, as br jilt ed the field leivt - TOU to thft oaAgaJti-J-. . fjrnaaai f s't efv vartabi B'md who '"""iaiwodHhe h ordered-bn thing . la aptvo'aktndoo his first taste,' au J slrdef woother- lateljf , brcakfast'ing . 4t a refectory in J.ho street,' called f r V ajoaiebuckwhcat cakts . But h hd 4 aooaer 6Voe io than he concluded tn Him India.! ctkes, "Jemmy, hc LliH 'ter, ha,U I erf tccon. sja mg fellow, oawiea thii io n co) k plate .f buekmkrni enk't ? j Vhac capacity are" you placed V.' am an erraod boy at a shoe-tVs." i Where did you receive your edu- tWf "At a school in the Rue du Crocs Cheoot. "Are y u happy f Vtty much so.'' 'Can I do any thing for you V 'N thing but lei me ruu off with this packet." Now do yriu think thUJad U a.wOt tlerful exception f- -' - . No, J tell you he is not J I tell you be represents the rising generation of France, the generation so much cal umniated ami so milch (Treaded by the advoi ates of peace at all nn- es. Thete pi i Ciples he ai tVjirt with Lord Br o.ognj-m s pf trntr I Da Z yes, v u cannot teach a cnild his l':uer in France withont giving him the pivwer d the taste ot. "prlling " Liberty J' I will cccasiooallv give you these sketches of rel lite, phave hundreds these deligh ful advent ires in m intercourse with the people, with whatour aristocrats call the C .llcf' "CanjiLIr," indeed; BcUe me, tins t-anatlle" shall emancipate the world lor iheidav or the peopl approaches, as the day of despotism is drawina t a cl se. Jf m msy swear this I As the moon plays ;up$nHt, wives, fid teems txour eyes tOi Uvor -with a p-collar beam, on bog track amid Oie waters, leavjng jherest io com; pranve'.i.bscuTttr f yet arl: the while she it no ttiggard ly :her lyste--for '"''URJ.?.? J13. that meet .not our eyes, seem to us as though they were not, vet ffV,with an ewual and u iM vouring loveliness, mirryrs hers' lf on sverv wv ven , perhaps, lh; ptness tails with ih same brightness, sod power over the whole expanse ol life, thou eh to our limited eves, she ems onlv tn reir" on" those billovrs from which the ray is reflected hack upoo our aignu. Eugene dram. We ought, in hum.iuitv, no more to despise a man for the misfortune the mind, than for those of the body, ... -i wneii iney are suci as tnev cannot nelp. Were this thoroiightr considaJ ered, we should no nv re la ich at one lor having his brains cracked, than lornavingnis ncaa nr. ie. MtUe to ITiPff. JLlwtya wear your wedding ring, for therein lie more virtue than ta usually imagined If vou are rofi-d unawares, assaulted with improper thoughts, or tempted io kind against your duty, cast y-ur eyes upon it, and call u mod who gave it t you, where it was received and what passed at that solemn time , Great tatera. never live Jong. voracious appetite is a sign f disease or of a stronr tendency to disease nd not of health, a. . genernlly attU ra- Hilchrnrk pftsrning he ihh are m r plai sod imple r an those -f reitirring ft, j ' ' Jf ce. frn Btksf,r An honest - J.nihsn.l r on his first visit o'the nriropoiis was Bwain t Dal ninhl It. . r- . . I by beating ibe try -t ovvrrt ! bur ttf T'crrsa in ine corioaioiis tnnecTtf one of the veddert f thest lustioos shell. fhh-who w pissing; under; th wr4 dws of, the hotel, A, noise eo new to "hi sear, startled aimand he ferous. ed his ro.miM to inqu'r what it meant." - They re j -su rsi replir dju (el iw ; lodfer' neti i.hl Oj iters f eiclaiffed Jonaihao stoniahmeot, and tt tyiter hotlh as foud as that 1 .VJ-ie pdfofii Gag. , It docs Dot seem thai, tb a sena , rf setiog is My drswbacto the leasur of Cfjiytng hsrm ny of numbers. fl mr nod Milton wr both Sllod, as wre aUo C-rolan. the celcbr aicd r. r In a compaoy -wWre was, the conversation young 5 man, w hex was vet rry no'iaf W turriul il remarked, 4?Tilf but ve a Caruma in such youpg nea it, like in the v it, there, it works nd ot after it is put into a vesa gatheicu its sirengti) togetn . . ' a and is quiet and still." x',LJIh9tm'4 1.'" A burthen which one th ACcusinc i pruvma;, m and power sit judges. A crowd m not c'Mppaivr A th us.nd pr jUdQities m kv ne truio. ...Puf IL or Zt0. -X." youth-Stho was a f .flower T Ze'oh Tiis rrturn I i, l r. . . i ..me, was askd by.hi.S fa.fier, wh J he h d liMrncd ; The U(Lrrplld, th.it wi'u'd hereafter appfcir re after appeal " O'i ) this, the f ther being enraged, beat h,s son, ho b;:irinr it puien l and with- ut ( omplaining, s .id, This h. ve 1 learned to ei dorea parent's anger. Lri'Bacon truly, a great mii fy p. c u lu the order ot .ime, bet wee "': levival ol letters and drat ol the first progress of the pn aical set eoces, he secmt to have m-dc his ap ptarance I6""puv in eiioy ac once, tj th Jt barren idmtratron i- wtrich the w ctenti were .held, and tu ci,ue the tudv in nature to succeed that of b4. k. nd to...tdi.to sjiclchej recon tj Hrred by- the patient- acrutatbrs " of rtquity, and w.th more fertile pro d ucu of an aciti yt Jfosm 'lkejod in indcLtigablt xprntncif., - - . Jiptcian Jlortclt, .t rWnufliVm."We--oveThfird e ... her clay an altercauon, the pre cise suljrct of which is of n cnse- q i ccc to heeader ,-put; the emf . t worn ranfig. . Y i .ire iiar, said ope pnv. 4 UTtnl do yon mean ta town b thntV inquired the oth'-r, - ' 1 mean what I sac, air, ytOre a liar J' ?i Then I shall have no more talk whh you, nor no body which makes such insir-oariow. Jwwf Cmrprni; Marriitz Cert mtmf Extmordi rifiri7 fy- M-fdv ' last, a ' wuiB)4 wi'hout arms w manied at B iry f the ring bet.ig plicrd by the bride groom up ifi one of the bride's toes. (Tiiis indeed it tikig a wife in toe toe 'for better fr worse ) " : i London Paper. A Newspaper Uthe h'story of tne world for one day. It is that history tf that woM in which we now live, and with it we are c nsrqucntly more concerned than with those which have pined away, Ind exist only in remembrance t though, to check us lhtV xh yfofa a . ttW IaA fr1 llVUM . t a A Wki.41 wilt TW-iwi4-skemplry tw-th repositories of ihe-deail, f - tinr , ' IT ..... . I M i.a. -n,t 1m a coQtimielo keep on hand, a vcT large, .and jMnrrJ as sohmtntof . S ': 1 n firry, YCrvcS'iv'r 'vr .'ii-- i iWiikatn Selection of ;.'.nrr r.ooosr o On Cit Eoajcrt UjmiW? Ztmt Liberal advances, in can, wUl le made to those who prefer storing est I tim orotner proancenn tnennri- ts ottPf m et orite,wll be paid In CAllI o- D VRTKR, "those wh6 i . j ' . at t rbU III I r r H i jail " X- UQ Pv. I ) J . . . . . . . ' . u. Cub, and lecll by oo 4f ih ftrrn, out of " Vi Latest Importations in NEW-YORK AND fillL A DF.LP HI A, whh consttnt ricrd to an assortment, adapted tith fvmtiirmanti nf the nfonlr. thev-now ,ofrM.fwtieMSt h lowest prkw, aod upon the nwr asenmmostinf etms r 1 Mr vsrlrtv and smnuni 01 meir nmcrll fc . . . .. eT1prrt)tr,1hfT rKnrt.u P, ,iatr wi-hin to nurehse ftrnds of a new and elceUent enaiTty. fe cafl, et.mlne, heir tfrmi and pnce, Jurtjre for iDfnserves, ano Suf, 'hi-ir b-s' intereat may require. VttmHer. 1832 Sl( A'oticc. flllERE Kill be sold, i.a the pre miseii, by the subscribers, bo Fri day the 1st day of February, 1833 aii't v... .: aJ.:j:.L j- rabtabUrVracl of Land:. Otfiied by :helate:yashlngt5ir"rJy era dec d., lyiotf on the Catawba River, djolnlng the lands of James ' UrBy'i eta, and-otiers, containing low acres, a: large p-.rtion -.f which is Of the torn elahtv, fthert re two setUemeots-on tne laoo, ootn pi wnicn wi h the fencing, are in excellent re pair. - Any person can view the land by apply ing ; to 'aorncooe "of the subi" stribers. Terms wtu be made koown on 'he dav of sale. ROR'T HYEU3, A. IL SIMQNTQN; J3 fl. BYERa, waj;wffrrir. JOHN F VLLfl, T.W.f'AUA MAIKiARET BTERB. " The sob-xriberv will attend, for the purpss f Surveying the above land, on Wednesday, -the fOth J.nuary tI33. dfJl treihlt Cd. X. C, Dee imd 1832. UEAJ.iMt V Fit-1 L fa TAlLOft, Tlfl VlNOreml ti Hk home f..rmertv Uj eupitd b Rarnnel Fnlry, tt a confection ar aUop; s few doors abora Mr i.ufhicrt Tarrrn.w'iereM it prepared to ac-nnmedtte ai tbow who may tr turn wttk their pstton- e. Ht hat JuH rreeivd from NVv-Tark: and riiilad Ipliia, i be latpt fMliiona, a imported horn tun, d London, and having a good pamSer i Irtt raie orkmfn. In hi mplfly ha will d urk ort the etwrtret notice -cut tru iwnde In a tupoHur ir unjr ra tbif pari of ih country, and warranted IS Ri well. AH kinds of entinf-wlH done on tlia aborttt nuttce.' (Ill r)rdrs for trnrk, from a" tfiataoce, ill 94 promptly at'eadrd ta. Bahtf ta kftat . tue tlia patentijt.xttin for Kuti, or VTiUin, of Jtew Turk, and alsn for V Ward, of Philadelphia, be fill i nil met aotjailiu, thai m jU kyt bcImmi ia uMinf l llkmp ii mmm I i , It N'r4 kit thanka tn hit friendt ,andthewbr!eirnrrsllr.'for'th1iberl pat. rorars hinowrd a?o him. ! hnpee to mertt fc forrf.. f, hrj ttrtct Ittjiilwn to jjushiew. - '' i " i i ii. CIMRLtisro.Y and, QJtF.lUtJ . '.Ol' " rfVHl'-. C. ORA (" ; OdlAMhsslngbctt. - - . i... 111 tu raw calimK t 0(Town on htr way tip and down, will rtsama heTrips In the ecu' se of f fay nd i, inteiulcd u bt V Cbarics'.on and t he Cdpunusd tn, tha trada the eostttng ss on.T ; : . ' -- , , Her Skreedior liebi drsD of Water eVswirg wkei loaded eAly alom four'ah'd s nan lest f iter will enable bar to retch taert it, til times aacspt, an uncom mnrr low tlvcf aken haf cargo will bf ugbtepnd f iht lapcDce of Boat M I- 7eV .-V. B. CLOGH. ' k tCa?7re 8'M I3I. numll'alTol whlca lisvtnr Dcn omirni wr l -copies to be ' published viurv which after the Oduq will ctccea 20,000, the iacillties ol printing, on two superior power presses, wul cua ble tne proprietor to present to, his readers the very latest intelligence, and hi JtflwM-sheet- will Jfutd ample space fur the important' state papers ihat are wetkh divulgrd in consequence of the critical s ate ol affairs at home and abroad, wi(!.out curtailing the amusing miscellany prepared for the sentimental and the lovers bf wit and amusement -the ag riculturalist and the mtn ot scieotc the. politician or . tit - fireside circle and- affording adwtisert niedwm of commubioting' iHlu wishes to the public unrivalled by oy other siuii. lar vehicle-in ,thet fj. it4. Btaus having by-far the greatest circuLlioa of any newspaper throuaTuairihe St vtea sntf Tetritoripai but more "pAr- ticularly througtt tne btaua oi.ruii syivania, new vcrscy, iuaryiouu uu fJUaware. -A;"-rr'.r JLVhulleW rpapcrtt:inlo itt be wintedover tHe actuI num ber required for '8ubaj.nbe.rs, lu-Wilf b advabl: lor 4aoif who wish comaiett'-e with the new awl Improv ed tenet, to f rward tUcir aars ear ly accompanied by tAejeatMJjj j year a aubscrtption, tree ot post-ge as the -publiaher is determiotd . to mate nis paper more iinrioiaiiy."r luabie thiaa My tlr4Ho. receive ny good ami punctual subscribers. He :--n. ...... isUcumked to exact a stritt com. puaoct wiui nm Terms, auu snoa? vno are not able r willing to comply with them, must seek elsewhere for amuse ment no J instruction. " .The nominal prteetrf -the IV st 4 Bulletin will hr the same as fumany vears pit. From aH ttho pay in oletmee, tuo dollars vU be thanl Yyy reccitevt but it not paid tntun six months from me annual cotn mencemcnt, 82,50 will be required Tf not paid during the year, three dollars will be insisted on, and Corn pultortj, measures adapted towards delinquents El, 2J .will be received for six months subscription , in ad vaocr, but never a less um. '-, The present Editor of the bulletin will continue' to give his serviwes to the united paper. ' , y . ' ' . i ' TU3 TUdOU'mJBD 110Rt4 iXIiikjtiniiibi v v i .isiuni( ta0i) rat BM'tka Forl, Lincoln Coutwy,r Jfc wo rrMewlv tKe rts -iw r.WKf.ied It. tCC i old sir ArenKt liu d,m, a D ie blwdr-i tmre hef pdic r Can be trred lu man 01 ise mui niatta rulahed racers tf ba fafi 'Al Si, ArCbie, hit re putaiioa, and Ibv ol ht colts, sad their descendants, art to well established, that it ia eetreelt tsceaiitr to say any thing at the prevent nay, a lhay have been anion J the mot-iiircei fu irVsnt turves, inlfa Stairt'orTir tlnis. Vorth tnd Sou'h Carolina, 0yigU and Tsoocuce, (or ts last, tflcto rears. Jt IV I a " 1 1t a hindtome tar, Ere feat (nrtt inch eshUk tur years old nH iptisj. I it tboutlit tbat he will make s fcood brcc . . : ' a der atlt formin Mood sr tnih eoe4. rarucuisrs jnsae iioa in nut i ea. - ' . ru- m ck iiitle ttu- of by Carpenters la til, 1 oi tne Uountry, : .' Sadler iTTrlinminija, " ; -r Plated, Brass Jappan, and PrisseV J HaroeiSnoqntin(f, eoach frinrr ami ImT I Iff - L" L .i . -M aa lu si goods can b hd ia thH ., avuui which, iner are (litiriu.J i ogntry- Furoliasere will do wvtt tj tj sen our Stocr and bear price Mots D , TJL ft. are grateful to .tns'iollie'' tlieirvery liberal patrooage krrtow r hope sy etrin attea'ba to bailntav H ng goods eheaa.-lowirit a ooatiwunieeafa? same.. Nf-'A - vv Jlif 1 REMAlvidujerodlor'i If.' H.;J C on tUe 1st day .fJs..iC HhWaenit Or, :V Ue iirert ,01, .1 vi," jr is'-" I rj'ir -iU.wd Joar ..TT.V'f'hirrir sy,. Ktlrrtyp W. IaM f v df SK-il rinnK-oAVsatdarv Mni.eiS at hi Orimna llt tjry r .."3;r J fuiid fer" Hunt yilti'a.;i-tr) bari'4ra'sf lluuk - f aWtrt wnrf tnjm?s MoSi .J'-iiisToai Hpk Up4eo-. . -BafeW-om8str taWVO1.1 ' "" -TieLl-. Il Vk.i L!e Elijak ',. -".Tiftc tL." J ""-ii- !TTl .ai ( ,t,.r Slu Ocfc.btrj. rrjt -fmanTQ.M.' aliiutUf ytirt-clitfltlfc L..P'ecU(J, bid bd.a J ' cloth colt pnatjb 'v black fur it; (f.attul). nbo:. fectO or 10 laajiicktgWf stit. bo' From what I can learn frnm-lif'( i sources, I am induced tu'belirye, ft ' He ha "been persrjid to ! t k some white ptof wtsfirpn'' him his freedom -"a their rh:1 some free State., I will piv lf d lara to any person who Till rim'tn any jail.in the state, so '.. get bin .'gaJ-: rCMarrvt: Ci.TJs", ' (f.'. 5 ttf " I 1 .k7, enw-tlf -new, ilk t!:. i tpring d leather t- p.f 7 - i i0Merms.appiv t tne i'uw i tel'-J .'-'.-y'VVV'i i WITH S vie 10 the more , fr.ccuuiw prtl't'trbu-ii Su i tihei a hat c etablibetl - ". lUvioRlwy- urt'd Ihcbin Ma!n ' tne Korih, -id. empl jjrd . r" who comes well rtrcmmtm iJ. i"f preprrd to earr "'e modciaie : kit rdera 10 Ms line. - .-.. Account' Footi'Rfcordi, ar-.f' i ..I- ,n ..t, fi nd err- ani I' (I Ill.il. 1' v.". " ' aoC lu.tesuaaniicr, c j , ' V f. Ha trig I, ' i2i-, si r v- EXECUTE MTU XE-iT' '-:.V'AT.Tlll9;rtFFirE.. . T I nuiXK pawn M-'tx ratlyrraw' :.U.?t?.e! , i"0dJ ' wMTrVlt T",; ; 7, H. O. BURTON ,; IlLMK PKKU. . . , ' 7--v7' -.rwvna . -'.v ,v.vwv.;.' v.

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