, .-. ' J , , -" ,,,.....,, J t fi .' ...... - . ' ;r i -77- evaded with little remorse1. " Dr. Chaining, XHi-.fV j I - 1 5. t f ,5 iffgid mitUiirhree monlhtf or two i airvr o oriy the Editor of a trtsJ to (infi. o W'W 4 "re tht vir& cnWrt to the CcrpHnian, ihaU lace a nthwfprrifrati - -' ' "11 rtfiwi' a&lreixd to the Editor mti$t b porfpttiJ or tluf will ndtbe attended h. tft- These terms will ha strictly adher- 4ta CONGRESS. IN silNATE. it ui la. lmsBge wu rwcnivcd from ttie Pra Juttftlw Ugited Statea, by A. J. Uo Qtntlewx of SeneUct" - W Ior of Meprtmlatlttix In my amiutit Uiuwo'j;e, b the com-Itt-venient of your present auwion, 1 ad wrteif lo tli i oppdwtion "--"to the rwentm hot io a jiaiticular quarter of the Uoiied , fllAfe rft Ijai ejt V ti ot 1 nf'ty Jo their efecution but to etidtiiigrr thf liiiejjriiy ottTje Utilmu And, although 1 ttien vipreHHed my rliunce tlwt it luiglit fc overroa.H bv the prudunceol the olfa k of l!i United States, viid Hie patriot iiuut ihc K)ole, I ktated, that sluwM tiy eiiM'ruey arise, rouduriti tho xu aboil of the eiistiDg law impractical)!, frai uiy cauae whatever, prompt notice liwld he gimrto Congrea, with th au jtMioo ot aucyiewa and nicufeurea tu Hrlit be necessary to nwel it. Event which Lave occurred in the quar ttrlhero alluded to, or which havecoim l my koowlode subaequcuitly, pirent 6 emergency! ;' tTux-e )h dale, of tny loat annual me I have had ofikutly treatni.Ued t cc by the Governor of South Cariiliiw, vhich I bow comuiunirate to Conffreae. a Cnprifthe erdtitetre unmad it tL' oa- WMtuO, waicb jmuiuUc4 at MJWibta in C'roL'oa, Tii NovomLer last, dock r mi eortairir act of Cen?reii tlierein mea" Aoned, -witbia Ute luwuof Uiai-Staie to U!iiuttly null and void ; and inaking it Ike duty of the LoiiJature to past aucli lawa u would be Doccary to carry the Afi W&ct (rwa 4um1 ailar the let Fhruary uexU JTU cumaxiuence to which lbia extra- ardimiry-ilt;riaieeof the Hurt authority of were clxarly ftreeoeu, aud it wu iuipti Ue in id to hesitate aa to uy own duty k Mch an eaaeriwic tmnystwi. -K Tii ofiinauce bad boflii pawxl,' how em, with, ut any certaio kuortledy of the rem-iTK ,h;i!iou, wuicb. fr.mi a view of Cm Tut the natroii at larjiC h eierattve hid determrrd to aubrnt to C(r,'tn( hope wee io.!uld that, ay fraiikly aipliUiaoff hit sontinmata, ana w ruiure ot thote 0u(ie wtiirn toe man Would deviate unnn him. the authurrtiM nil e r- .7. j . win uuttiina mif ni oe inoureo ie retrace (heir tt-tm. In this hone, I dinnind lo lean my ima-laruatioo uf the llh of Dr- ejsa.iyr lat, a cipy f which I new iay I fVgret to inform you that 'these res ebh) eipcctatintui hfvn wt been real ia and that the wveral acts ..f the Le Idature of South" Carolirav which I iww tf Utm you, tM whK h JutvJ ll and araol Iwm. fiimllv naad. altera ki.. dw ol tlie (Wire of the sJihnutrti.m f lify the laws Complained , tlr are' m f'H jbdculatdij biHh, iu Ui;r jpfwiti W Ortninu and in the npiril of ujipiMVn ekxhthry ehriuuely encourage, w Hi Jly cUuuct the e.Ikction if lbs rercuue hin tht- tiniiis of the Statr. rjitn tH.Nt-r.wt M.iih.tU t.itOj b inr6T4f rfrhstWate, uu rt arndAiM iif the Lxrcutive ia rerard t 1 euj fhiancKil policy mA iinpM syatem, the dipositioa niatiifcsted-by Vrmzv , proriipily to act upon taat subject, not (he lniiivucaleirpresBion uf t) puhlk 'wiU X all parts of th l oion, appear to twve nx'tjred any relntati adotitd by Ih wao.t4mwa CeeoUuaeuja then aujt r1i lo hope that tha ordiuanca and law ''i br abamlwwl. f.? . , T7 1 Ua j kaoe UJffeT ikaL aaaiieuet ,lWo nude, or that it ia in eontempla. Um, ta reMwmhle tithrr tha Convention W the LetiaUture, and it will bd perreitfd tbat rh intml SrCfe U fir o( Fcbra-j 71 toe short to admit id" the fm ltii,ina ry ste rnoeeaiy .for that purpfev Jt , Pprar, enoreovejr, that the inte auroai. wea.ra aiitivalvoririrnixine lljeirmHifirf in;ra,ao4.priwidin5tte sneeji' tl i&Mtb-CaHmaVaVi sdbcers wnd ouaeae ; PtiJ tha tnoal uAeum aaTrafteef per. I and all pr-'ieiare, rmtrarU. aa4 M-piy-m tectin and iwprt to aO who (he!l enlist! rnade.t eMrrwd njtn, vnia pww e ea oppoui.ia to lh reeemie law. 'A rccetrt prexUrriatiiHi of Ihe ardent yoveroor of Sivuth Carolina ha '-..ponlf f MOteauthorily of the', Ttwa rva tf vawtuop. atJ rawai ejdeta Cxm ria head qua ijrf rf the Sti nafufteJ Ji w t-rBnnuti to ccrit the hvxs til V"luuteer, aod Vw te&i that AT4 tfcrir fiwutry need t1iir tfcy r iB ie F'lUnd at the post U b.mr aod duty, itt are directed Ut Jk14 Jhea3irf5t'i rr- line4 to iUa finld mt a iwnit-siCa wmt- ithia a crdlnrtina dtstrirt and a pt of try , a rendezv'Va has bra opfned f tW purpose of iluitioj f4 the emj? ami niuiiiciMl guard. Thu SoutV Care linn preMoutaiieritelf in the attitwoe 4" kra tiln pr-parutKn, and rutdy tvrm tor, tta!i turv VM.Ietice, if needs b , towiferre be taw'ttlprevciittoj tteoJliT7 ttlc du(i) wiiiiio her limit,. .. Pniceediugs thus aououoced mod aea tured, luuat be distinifuiiihed irow meuam of unlawful renistiitoe ty ixrejular hu&t cf people, who, actW! wider tMnawjr dtiiuiiM), may be 'mdrained by rr&or iiud the. infliMHK-e f public omihub, fro the coaimisaiou of ax ual outrage, la Uif prt-ent iuktunce, jik11'4 re ardod as rommiHed wbeu it is 2Bf ttUtiuirizRd, and the tatsaua f cnijrri it fullv nr-viilVd. -Winter -hese ertcwfoirtaaeoa, -Jrf aw be-m- UoutA t W it k mtrjitiim-q. Jtic. aothoritios t t South Caroliua tTy to car ry into fhVl lUr o? dins i ice end Hw af ter the" firet of Fidjroary. It dam&ti bocomea ray duty t.. bruig the sBljert to the eriMU cuoaideratioa a Ceojiiwev ie order thut such mtaure a tiieji, ia tWsr wisd.mi, ay d.tem ait, ahall be eeaoM prvW aod tW U mty let lkweif jit,., iltTstood. that,. white the G.vtnKa u flisrmeod i remove all jut cau cb plaihf ." Dl 1st ns may far rrartioaMe- -- isu m: .uh a .pr.oT.t ."',y ihi! of th couirouuity s". Urye, it nitventkies owt-rioiueo inat i"" of the Us shall be utaiutaiuML In making thm coniinuuiratiui, it (leara to ine to on propyl oi u should1 fiiV-trfnre'-i nil the" 'saiJ'Sew eeel- f i!aMti rnroliua, tAl Ant I liiilii also t'ul'v artjuainl yeo en mt t-t -irii mhii'hl have alrcadv caused to I liiki u for tlif do- C'4W u catl meat and with mv v" a tUe mti rental lv, that ih u.iictwsjs which fiemsH tuUow rvquires esete wake, a tour future VjtalaUOB, Bay be faore aa c'nrsi'Xid. - anxious attcBiiowaa" ia Cxecwu, ae mmm as it wae probable tbet-the esaduratf1 SouUt- iTarolma araoiMly-Jit t tboe to the faithful eiecuuoei "ef ii rW ertue Law, rr wai doojd aiviMiUe titat the SocreUrv of the Treasury iluuU r tubularly UMtrurt the oflk-ersttoc Uiuitd, Biatee in thai part ti the Dsrioo, i U t uature oT(ha duUoU preaenbeti by ttwn istio lava. Intructt-ui were. sccordjntH twat oalhe th of Noveoiber U tW CUluUori in tfut Slirts poiutMi euttUKeaciai4 duties, and -niuiitiu lipoa each a Sne an! vigUaut, but discreet pfifsimnee i( m la tbeeurrswicy Uiesj appw.ufflrv.; I hemwith traumi.it roaes f thsW structious, aod of the letter aoctral to lt-IluauaJLtloaa;j..reucsii'js re (.peratmn. Theee uistrwtiie ee sW- tatod in the b'lje th s w Keyoatom a I'm, Ua bv the anomalaws uructtdms el nnl'ificatinB. as tetweiK.otd 14 be d" a ' ' rtae - rt inf to the ftrsns 4 ta mid without rt Trior, in aov f ree tW VHnee, 'he ansr 4 m mi voratea Wtiuld be Uk-e ie c iWea wh u,-h pn-desiii ; and, io sura Mtptf the ineaiin aB-uxi ne ttiset u aild have brew edeqmle te einfiiwcy likely to arise. Ii was, however, we aunthle aJtorrter t., Miirr at'iwrt oeiwioe el lv- ese m te which the earttemetit pAn im Art qurtrr might Hid; txil it rertaudy w rxii frseea that the eWitated waistrwc tka li the lsw wnold m efetdy asv Maw -He ftmJ- haraftcr... tt.bKHf!ntij to the dite sf tWoe sa stmeliins however, the ordiaere,dtkjr ronveiuioa wa rewipd, which, if een.W P.'tiur IHI''U weistsSHM ass a revenue hwe wjihin bet huita. . -That ordwaeee aWleree ad that the n verel wrtewnw peru acta'al ins ye be law tr the mpmf feiu and imp-seii the imp"rtai.ei Wr l&iUidW!') hi, awl wow aavute m4 i tfTt itho t;e raaei Sw,'ed Iimxo e.wTkllv " An art ia alesti sfi ih' several acts"uepf duir eaiif -ca aiHvrwvedoo the ltHhof Ms, 12 a-4 . l. .i.i'.tln ta mrt Si aterr aJ iewmd the several acts iwipiwiaf ehwew ea irirjwrta," aejwwH a the I tih Jury. I S ,ere b&aulborizrl fay ibeCoestiWeei'f j TuHfd fitsfc-a, awd eeJate taWtrwrwJeat Utxl lawinini there-d; mad are aaJ aad -J Uitiaares) the Kate U 1 CUr. Sf r ir.prf V tbe u ect. 'and aR ri4r' jL) hftSt Wat i toVj-e-.'" a - n.laha.! V 4 :-'f M -4" Vlla'ertrit'alattUi MK ltiU Ws-Uei wbrtier f tV SteH' ktla- CarIiia er fa rwIWdl aStaeifla eef'StV te-" w tantrf 'afieeavii I th smt rt. wfeJai iW uf the- State Tct rht ii w h asters Jtrf- ftKaa-ijicta a.auy tc twtaKarvJte cn- JUi eS-et kt tW eet aJ avet(WDeiri ol" the eatd acta asl fawta af tsta ef I5 im VmJtii Stoats. wuJin the teiits at the Sti Sfesaar afire ta IrfefFebrtmrv amt ; aas) it (aJ be, the eta f alt other ctssHtjMtce) ass Wtf isjsv sibt af aS other eer a mia ea leeta withai the bittit t ef LJlMtfH aawfanaby wain's J ea Q&rv awf rrve esS-ct tothi .-it-e, ami. math aod awaiwfee 4 . te. IVwftrtitre c ai be panieed adp lniweiW4wtiweret.Tb7 . It anrlr f&.il,1n ancaxe of law - efr.JertS-4 ia rfc crts uf f he wteseia aeJl be drawn ia jiBemt) 'MaMW of dL 'rduMiire. f thevali &sy it mrtt act e art ef the LegnfMortt as was; be trw-J teethe wip.5ae nf iviejr eSrt Ufeenmf e i'm aahin of the jC rt. Kail Js Caaa.reae eom mg Jutiee, shaU am afytal Ie W .e Lrr re the fewaran.r tV'--raW'fe7 AaJ ajixjwtaeaatl.afctf f aSttntil t'f .pHrpoee, awt the eetil er feewva xtmet.ir- tn tfte -w. it mpft) iy be ee3 woi& aa fi r a cnnteaipt of emu. It LLeatie mhnmiK "that r t fa sat "fee f fr' n.r. fi-t-.tif. W rnwt. ar4i r swan. m.li th- Sute, shall. ti-rxM-nr 'its ao wSrwe fe fjHe-ei a4 msrh- art--t er c tr I-,i'.i4rir xe ntav be paMeti a) rw!se tljee-HL ai-cwfluig an the tnsr vwq al ruenang nt the aame, and aw tlie ssW( e ewiM-n-a of ai.v Mich prr ns w r as hie or thrir aJti p KCirm he Bjrtheith varat'ti, and Aal:'fa 'SSeflk a)eW'r"'BjeVwn or pr- -s ata 9K3i. ac H jirdi ,t dL. ao fenwa iMWROEef- tled b any office ef faiej. peiL ee tne. rivj or militarv, sftiaiS. scrJ t&e IyptVw.-r ahull mllPrwiM eat'ai ditf I. eurer the rvpctitioe oHss rr er $r nr arjy rvpett ennpr- aweWaare 11 th-TT-f, unfit i tsaal, ss hie aisate. tun- taleneim W mai ; aa4 ar jutht VviA ee empannet ed aa azi f li pi " -ta Ajic, m any ieaansi..aa sruek.akiik be m u tUa .0u7iitiMre. act ot tM Ltuuse pasji aa urw-usre rwnt eekaa .hr. i: i"C ea J tu&-asfc t5e teuul naf&, ha tt'Vra ' wt aa4 truly rifM mmt ta'' rx" tivw Oriinunre, ad mm tut ee act mi ia Lrt4htre as xavi V sew" a curry wiMe iol. e raSMa a-t a8"eu)Hiy w the tree tacts aaeaascjf. th r- C Tse e6ikar: CHoiwix AnJ we, li feijoae aTSiatV Cee mn-v "t- "the' eod tflsa av . jssaa ---aw G, eersuwral ' tHr TtuW 5tr nn4 the srw4r f ths?rw-tarst!ial ee ere dtr claretxa at eeerr bart, d. liittir ir ciart, twst we wttt a4 auhfiHt b- upolt cuipa 4 (we ea ih pert uf the F-:-r.il timt-jni a reduce the c?taie. to obe? ar ; has aWM a tU cemislcr the je aw C:tn ea anv a-:t aiuhoruiua twe faielsraasatefawiliriry er naval h.rc? Acuaet tScHt.aj(at5t. fdmajter eassMsWesl awtasanbssK r sstianal r any art afajUWie: r rhaefi the porta' nf iiu Aaae,er awe ei rbawa. ervtawrwiNe ok Si'ei aa fee iesreaa asjd irrf vf r mrU atasd rVwoa the seel sort ; er any favactea the part f the Federal Gov ereesewtlseeeecc the 5ah wpber wru. Siwrny er kame her eo "rwrv, e te eaiwee th art berrfar aWtaml to he ami assl tee4 etWeew- thea through thft nr3 iiiaeiiSs ef tk ewwrjt ae aaceojae tea xh rJU bia cr raermuaoce of South t'ara&M as th ram: and thai the pee pVef rfas taae wiS theveanA kit tSera Hee miitdni frwaa aS aarther eUijrstioa w am'il at see arm ant aWn sjrawsiweA tweaeupki ef the ether 8utes, ami a rtent pewcreai la erraoia a arawjaVxMriH-ljgJtj oW tfeJiii'W litr a anawMijs ana. Bade wVoStt ssbt afrytit T Tkas awScaaa aVawsciatviet ef fhw" laws W aeiWtfy f t.W IWrd Sutae has bra f AwsJ wWi r W efts the pari oftaaui'aiiwet laatStaie, which nsa ioV4 4 sVtoaw3sa) a reatkr iwev itaUea reetwt to tV aerma ef selt-aN Cnwe alj.i. t t.T?!"r y rhe Federal Vrr hut i the eJt'P- l',r afaikwttoifrvrewel pew d -ev eeiae Uj 9 iAeavuweJ n rtiaiJr etassare, t wtiireta (rotw the Fui-xv Chj lV ?Tla ef Vweler the L2wJ lews snrai- at CJuoJ-ta ; a-vd .s . t,Vit rrtKj the ti -rwrr ktJ lkar taem the fi ' r af ik CUMeotjtjiw" Ie hisme ee. ea tkt he aewaod t that -ttei inTisww he th beome aart f ibe ba!aa.aJ taw d R atta taro- t tV k- W-w at best ca-t, aw whCrJje aa katftb appeN a wN avetar aea wtember Sn - '-tw'. aei baa aUatet hr. - e 'v-d eiSuw Te fU'nt'J ir-v;V a a-K-n m aei baa aUete I hr vaatbl tvf kJ 'av aa. liaijextks itnVroi tKat she ha willed it, and that the act is done; nor ia Jtsatrict eorripati fcfiry with eur ewistTtutioiml ollignUo"to a8 la ws passed by the General Government wrthift the awt horiaed jrrenta of power, to non ie e jerteil fa gfo. hi whicb.4 corn pact' has Jieen patieblvv delior-ratulv. and daar4?iulste45HiTat'ttfe a eonjimrtare of dwp and rnonientoua in teresr in iieither, to be concealed nor do. uteo. I hie crtxtr presents a class of duties which is reieraUe to yourselves. Tou have keen commanded I by the people in their highest aovereienity7- to take care that withiu the limits of this State their IwiH' shall JThe- -measure ef lesuHauon," he says, " which you liave to employ at this crisis, is th preciiie aimmiit teuch enactments as may lie necessary Ui render it utterly inipoUe to collect, within iwr liniitf, the duties, inipowd hv iSe a.-otectire taritt thua nunified." He procted, "th,at yrt should arm every -hiapft with a civi' aroce&s by which he may clitre, if he please, a tv.-ei'ulion ofi lit ?oml-., seized un Vr the exist ina; iiitpowta to. Lis grjviry cuntv lo abide tlie iaue ofi a -stuiat leiw. air. ut (he Mioe tiuie, dofioe hat shall -e'WuJjhgifcao Sliiie, iifay a llf faios aud pouulitiea, 'a bvtyP'4nU t'-- novum to i(nire any Ur&e. In word, J'tii omi!4 sune-y the whole jrr.Mjiiil. Tru rofiat kiok to and pmvidc f(r all ps'.bler runlii.i.' iretickMfc'-- It V'-or own Hrnt-f, your -owh -Hft ,4 jwMntum m4t nt oufy lie -u. pr. mr, but y 'i nmit look to the ultiQia'tej ts'Xii).JC0Bfiict of juAsdictiQudty- er between them aad the eourtsot the l'n i tied fAntee. I . T)e (.Mtvernnr aW aks tat power to jrat.l c'eanuirea. iavilaiiofthc las f i he Unin ; and to prepare for tbe atrmw ttve, which u.umI bnppentUiilrstlie Unittx) Slan t -.hall j-assively Mrrendor their an ifrity, and the Evrutive, ditrrarding hit oath, refrain fnMn executing the Let -if the Virion, he reewwnirnda a tlvrtsh rcvwKJO of the inihtii ay atua and that tjic uovrnxrr ' authoriaed to accept fcr the defence of Charleatnn and its depea-d-TH-M . iIh wri'M.'ta of two ihounand vol imt-eit, cunur by coiopuitios or filea ; bod ttmt tl.ey be formed into a legionary bri fute, eotifiijiUn of infantry , rnknieu,, ca valry, held and heavy artillery ; anIlhat thry be aratud and equipped front the butdus" arsenitU cnJil;UJy tut the told ; and that- wperoeriatiuew tuate'ur aui. piywe aM.UftM.trocws ua.,uur juuiuuoiia of 1 wjuJ - Ja adiHtma to the aulttoteer drails. he reco'utueiidi that the Governor be an tliun4 aeept 'lhe-ai-rv1,4i liviu (houssuid volunteer From tits oilier divis kM of the .State, to be orjfraniaod and ar rtmred in re intents aod brigades- the rtflkrrs to be setectod by the Commatdi-r-in Chu;f aod tkat ihia whole iurce be cai hnl tkt State Gtuird." A riuent. bai tjwt reailarly nuule. of the ctry of tlie cHatr.vd; S.ifllti Hl!V; m f r ao'hcUic enpirs of the arts which iute been passed fr the purpose of -uforc ms th ardwaera, bat, as to the date of the laieat advieesi that request had not bwn cep!Ht with j and, m the preamtt orca i)e, t(iereCre,n'f'rwice can only be ni;uie uiVm ktijt e puiijisi'tfj iu Uu new spa-14-rw 4"le 8tote. The acts to which it ia deemed proper to invite the particular atteotkw of Congress, 1st--Jf.An.Vlt 'erry. m erfcel, in part. ewerdMiaeee te nullify orrtaiaacta the Coorrsaef the I oited Dtatee, purport to be law Isyhif Jwtiee on the oior latow of furein cominodities,'' psswd in Cenvrntion of this Sute, at Columbia, on the 24th Nov., 1832. - This act p'rovidea, that any roods scixrd er dVuiutsi, under areteoce of aecarinff the duHea,oe rbrthe aua payment of dutea,or under airy process, order, or decree, or ether pretext, contrary to the intent and meaning of the ordinance, may.be recov ered br the owner or coosisrne by aa act lof rJeVM. , That, ia ease ef lefueuu to deliver them, er renvint them, ee- that t thevrpWiaJveaot w execuled, the aber tfl way srtxe tbe nersoaaj esUta ot too ot- e-nder to double the aavouoi of the food ; and, if an altsmnt ahall htl msdeJtxrli ke ar acigs them, it if th duty of the. abenff ta recapture them, And, thst any persoaTI'I'i; v p who ahall disobey the wcesa, of reiaova the ( wta,er any oue who ahall attempt to irtako ee aeiaa the roods, ttmkt pretence uf seeuring tha duties, or for non-pay meot d dutiee, er andcr any procea or decree coatrary tethe intent oft he enbniuceihalJ h fined ami imervwaed, beatdea brinr Ita bVlti any other cff'Trw invoked im the act. - It sU nrwttde that any peraua arrested or in.) ri. wiej on any Judgment or d"CTee obtained i any Federal Court f duties, hn be eo'itled te tho benefit secured bv hbe bshea Curpus art of the Stat in rase t e ..!-'. - :..r-." H bikoiui arixn, .aim hut inoiuiain u rtin fr d-imsree; anI that, if any estate hall be aidd andi'r euch judrmeat or do trre, the tnlts nha.l be hU illcgaL It sUo eroveka, 1'ial lay jatkir woe receive a perenw coramited od ant proreva or oilier judicial prrreJir.s to cuVce the payment dtite-e, and any one who hires ksa nua a tv J f Rd a ;t a t tad te reeeivo suck pn)Q, ahall be e i impnonod. And, niaJ'r, A pre 4t t re -wu"pi io dutiee tutf uev The next is cnllei M ao act n provide Cr the security and protection of the peo ple oTthe State of Saitfir Cafoliiil.ti - -Thi act proyidca. that, if the jroverti. ment of the United States," or any officer or rnilitarj forcejttemr to .coerce the StahJ South Carolina, jittdlhmiiori to the act of congress declared by tha Ordi nance null ami vow, or to-, resist the en foreemerit ol the Ordinance, of of the. law passed io pursuance thereof, or in caw oi any armed or, forcible rowntance thereto, ine governor ia auinorizea .10 reis ino same, and to order into service tlie whole or so rnuch ol the. military force oMheStaifrr sary ; , and that m ense of any overt act of coercion or inhmtion to com mit the same, manifested by tin unusual as aeinhluga of naval or military farces in or near the State, or the occurrence of any circumstances indicatinir thut armed force is about to be employed egiunst the State or In resistance to its laws, the Governor is authorized to accept the sorvices of such volunteers, and call into service suoh portion .f the unlitux, as may be roquircJ to-wMet tho eukirency. r .., , .. w,,,,,,,,,,-, .TIrjcLtiM.p.royi!leA sejrvKe of the volunteers, and ormuziiij t.tuilituvt'wbcidxij; aUJcoa aiulft uutka IrWeen the ajjc of stxtocu and sixty, aiid for the jhiivHhm ' oT aruit, orJIiifcote, eu3 aiiitinttiuik Ii also duuiures that the pyw er c ufjrred ou the Governor shall Iw ap- nlikta tf ll nf TttwwearfvjTVw erwr i-i - ain (tutu vvr tx iUVif j I aavasvtl ui iai vibk", or wmunout dancer ihareofrand to cases where the law of the slate shall be oftjufv wd .U)teecutipo thereaf firci, , blv reaiitfd, by coitibinations too powerful to he sopnrrd by tha puwer vested iu tm sat rills 3u.i othor civil otui er ; and de-rlur-s it to be the duty of the Governor, io evory au-h caoe.to call; forth such por tiixis of militia urid voluUecrs as may be necesMry promptly to suppress such row binationa, and caune the lus ot'the Siyle lo be executed. ivte.ie An aetceijceruiag thooaVuVyvju quirsd hv the ordinance, piuml iu OMiren Uoii alCotuinhia, tha 24th of November, This act prescribes the form of Ute outh which t, to ohoy and exwutt the ordinance, and all acta patetid by the Iieghdature tn rmrsnaiice thereof ; and di ret t the time and manner of Inking it by the ruWrrjuf.thetBte, civij, judiciary, and militarv. It is believed that other art have been paed,r enibrannr;- proviakont tot eutbr cSig the" ofdinunc', .but' 'IuaWtiiiy'ef been able to procure thenu I tranauiit. hnweter, a copy of Govern or ITsomIi-o' nioMage thabrifdature ofi 5uth Carolina, of Governor Hdynos m ausjural add ret to the same body, as also iifhi irochmation,-and a, reneral orderof theGowrnor ao-leomtnander in ehttH,-fla ledtheWOih of December, riving public nlire that the servicea o( vohiateere will be accet'tod, under the act already refer ted to. - -rrrrf ..-. - If these tneajiurea canool be dufialoil awl overctNae by the power conferred by the eeMtuMeio' oq the Teiknd Govern ment, the constituttow tnuet be cone dt-red as incompetent to its o wo dcfVoce, the sa premacy of the lawa ia at an end, and the rigliurand liberties of lite ciliit'ht can 'no kojr receive protection frora the ee- arument f the I'uioo. They not only ab rogate the laws of ConirreM. comhtonlv called the taruT acU, of l2?and 1N32, but they proslrata. and aweep way7 at once,, ana without exception,' every act, and every part of every art tmpoainr any lavMiiit whatever of duty pnjny-foreign mercfiaadise.'and, virtually,' every tist rng art which baa ever been psawed id tboritinf the eoUerikin of the reveuur, ia. eluding the act or l'Jto, and also tha col taction law y livv, the constitulionaJil 7, of at ten aaa never been euestionel. ia sot only those dutiee which are charred to have boen imposed lor tha protection of Dtanufijeture that are thereby repealed, but all other, though Lid tit tha perrwis of revenue merely, and upon article ia bo deree awoectrd of beuig etyect of pro tectioo. Tbe who? revenue lyvtata of the United State ' ia' South Carolina ie ob tructed and overthrown j and ' ike Gov- ernmeitt i"aTiTute1)rTr6tilt)ltrg"(Tora Col -partijftf within the limits ol that etate ? Ilewew C)rt2i,oof cstdy the citizen of Snxrtl) Coro lina and af the I'nitrd States, but the ob ject of foreign. statcaTiaay iuuiort any de- scrition or quantity ot tnorchaiMiee win Ibe porta of South Carolina, without the payment of any duty whatever.; That state ia thuareuevedfraitttlij pyateaL of.an part af tbe public burthens, and duties and rmpe are wot wly eeexWed nut waform throughout the United Slate, fait a direct aod ruusio preference ia f iren lo the port eftaalaUte over those of all the other atatee at tbe Union, ta maoifoat VtUalwo of th poaitive 'prorUtona ot the Couattta- ti.it. , . .i , - ; I point of duratrn. alto, those acrel ai'iioa npua the 'authority of Conrreas, wkira, by tho ordinance", are made part of the bindaeVHilsl law of Soulo Lit'ilina, aral.Jule,in!ufi1ute.'aBl a illicit Itmita- liiWf TVy itker''prearribe the period wbea tliev ahaU eewse, oor ladicatt auy raudiii'in npat which thuse whol-e thus law are to retracetheir steps and rt i.il their ineasures. They offer to the ,C oi ted State no alternative but vnconditioiuA euhnuVsion. If the scops ot the ordinance is to be received aa die acale of coocegaioa; eijelyjhy- repeal of the whok nyym of rereuu bwi, and By aosUtlittng IrTneIte of any duties and iaiposta wIaUoc wr. - -A 1 . .l'. . . . -.1 ; K. f i is true inat in ino aaurea io me pea . pie of the United State by (lie Convcutioir ? of Soutb'CarolMiriu'hir fixed and final detetminntiou of the Stuvaj - in rehition to the protecting nyMeni,' thty aayThat it remains for us tor Fuhmit -rs plan of taxation, in which wo. would btr willwjjwritcqaieicC concession, provided, we re met iu due time, and in becooiing pirit,r by ""that rrr State interested in waiiulaclure-t." lft the opinioo of the Couveatioo, an i uitnbla i ' plan would U that "the whole list of pro- "' ' " j. tectod artklea should be imported ftus dr ' ? -all duty and that toe revenue, derived" . ; from import d uie ahould fief raised ext IqV .. . sivuly from the unproUctcd articles, 0 ' thut whenever a duty is nnpiscd upon pro- . ; . toctod arliths imported on excise duty..oT . i the 'Jauit, Jf8.kt alialiMiiBtiiaied,. jmmuo .aj 'i,.,, Stm"fl3HSf twnufaewred ifltho vrn twitatea. The ad3reiss 'procreof4 to" stiite bwwever, that 44 they aro winiiy; t make a large offering to preserve irrw Ucvra, and with a dwtinet-deeloring tlntft- il is I concession on our part, we w dl corf SQiil that the same rate of duly" nitt "1 k potted upon the pratected art lo thai liiall be imposed upon the. jinriteetedu proruled that no more revenue i mised' tlinn is necersary to meet i!m' demands of Hie Government for "coHt:tu(iouaT pui'po' sen, nod provided also that a duty subidf tially uniforui be imposed upon aR iot-clgo unporis. ... - It ia also true, thut in his message rV ? the liejrisletore, when urging tjic iiecee. iv '4 proviouuj( " nii ans ot securing inerr Misty by ample resources, lor rtiinie tirce by firtce,' the Governor o Soiitt force. Cnrolit a btwtyee ,t hat. he"comKt i1f think, that on a calm and "dii-piirs''sto'" reviow .y Conxrew, and the lu.Jti ik"' iihs of Uie Geutrul Government,' of ibt true nierit-iuf this csitroteny, lv -ai ' trsiKiti, by a csli "f a tontcnlieu of l! thw Siates, whieh-we siHCerely and av, J(f seek aod desue, will bo actorded U. av" JL FrtMM Uit ihteikiiv of .ternur- iudtct.le1 in these two un;o riant JucuiiwoU. t.iT.c'I iu connexion with liie projrew of iru nT eventa in lltat quarter, -there i iw. u-ucV miMit to ipprebiltLwituiHit Vhftt uer ihmwinj ihe inlentioo ofthin-piil.lia- ulutioiiariea por'djkthft addr'of the convention, of Ihoea alluded to la tke'nvwi'e""oi iheT"" Governor, would appease th excitement . which tma led to the present exceasea. A iaoUeaia, bowsver, that elneild the ktl'e- fj he inaisted on, they presunt an ailomatTvti which tha General Goventmcut, of T'P can by oo p'MubiUty grant, since, by VI expreaa provtaion ot the Coaabtuti.s-r Co tfrtee can Call a eonmitK.fr Lr the jiurpo of proptMung amendihenui "only so i tha aopltcaiiuo of the Luialauirct of JwC. thirds Ut the area. r And it i not ccived that the term presented in the adY dress ar more practicable than thuse re ferred to in the a-essaga--. - It will not eacape attentlon.'that th coodiliunsoo which if u said in jhff adrrree of The i convention they "would b ad'injj to acquiesce," form no part of the ordi nance-" VVhila taw-erdasaaea bear all -the aolentriity of a fundnmcnutl law, ia to be authoritative upoo all wiibm tha limira of Sooth Carolina, aod i ahiutu ud ut eonditiqf ad in ita terms, the aodrer cor vey only tha seutinveqlabf tbe ooovei.tioo, ia nw fyindinf or practical form j ooe uj . th act oT the State, the other only (he sxpreeaioa of the opinion of th nx-mlier of the convaotiort. T limit the (S ct of (hat solemn act by any term or too!iii.mi whatever, they sliojila havebeea iobrieX ia it, aod mad of import ne Us authortta' Gve tluut lhJ'acl JtsjftltIJy-e'psiillrTr" oacUnent of the erdina'net the execufioaj of the law of th Union is absolutely pre hibited aad theatUroa oflbn m other prospect ef their being again restored, era; io the modified frr propnaed, than wht depenii1 upon the iiwprebebta eeniinjjtePyf ttte polV reveiikAt ai,id xtiangiag .attBtaai irctuir: eiciieaseof, th aautineata of fli prwaeat member of the eoeventioo, and of their' -uceeeaora, wiH.tewiaia the aama. - ( v It iv to be regretted, bowever;tht thear coudiUooa, eve if they bad bee oIbredj ia tha aato binding form, ar ao wodes fined, depend upon ao atany eofrtieeeocies, nd aria eedtey.ooposeJ ia ike kaowa opinioM aad interest af the great body of A cnericaa . people, aa tt Jiww hopelre of atUinnenC Th majority f the Bute, and of th people, will certaie. y not eonaeoi thai the protecting dutieat i hall be wholly akvuf eiad, aevar to U ra . enacted at aay fular tiaae. Or in any poa siU oootiofeacy. A Idtle practicable at it to' provide 'that "th aarae rat of duty shall bo imputed a poo tho unprotected j ' which, moreover, would bo te oppreav to the poor, and, la ti moot war.wmdd add greairy to iu ppn. Aad Ibouga tbero raa be oo objectiua to th priocipie, rp ariy ua Wdoud, that r more vne nhtl be raird tbao ia aveasary f" irtti ' tVfV Uf , tvurMH?nl 4; -t I ra -! ft i if '' "sefasi -eWLi'iJ? mem it - ! i al i tM- i j ''' t '