Tcsleni UarolM:::i. - ; - ' ... .... ; . i i . 'l . if rf. ' " . V ' ' -itB.jBrMtria""! w POETRY. hum tbi rrarirr. sraetavoa. THrWACGOES, . , j . T tef ibmtcbt, Wt.wfTf ' . tVbme lot I ired ' Vf man wmmbered bo. ""Vd m I'd be a oHni borT v " Aflddrw enbf boyi" - r ' Wo bov ! I'd cry . AnJIirVtt f -. . retnrM W -lit MM'k i - - lWiat atviie i so nwll . li Narks I'd Irjtre f Swote ebeSt, A etreyww Wfh t'M koV'-' Jbt uraf ? J 1 In thkM StBS) sri'b fiaciii: 4 tl.ilH''a.i s(WlWPPP-- mn, ye laws -r . , Jtftd meb t T4 A'Wtw boy r Audi wwld ' V Jjr b4fnM tikfte. tiak4uif . - t - Bick rtch btr tki 0p ' ; 4nd m I (hcai tffof m4 tviiA -"V f d R tfc iMrriMt elB i 7;. -7 T, thM I'd b aui bon ' V' Wlbwrtrderr ' Vr vorikavld If . 1 prh boia tkouid riofc bktf . , WtH'3gbCMd eh5, "... : My kmbtrisf via . -i. .m Would la it tutar. lV"n Tift-I'd Viid H np pith tif . J - Of blurnf ininf red -in Artf you knom, tbi ' bft tPb bit uW boy I " . W Ko ! ll ejr ' ? Cteh bnra v , i'i ir nld imb bam v 'Tbrv'dwM t wmb toam.7- fvVl rbB ih bit, ttd liaf tb fca, . w"- 1 tVr dnr cd mv W4- - And I twU thinb W tbi d'otat baa, - And h'ittr oa tbt M4d i O., would I aitra HMataia . , . 4d dm a is how Uiwo bey I -; ., WghaylPderf, jCdaoeaardrivf tboat Mm4j 7nrTUa via tanowa, 7 " V Or waa t r -Wna bj vletnrtout adi i Z :7l Tj J of erntMoTt praat tti bvaculd ba4 And boaltb the wsarer abu' nd haltb tha'aarer aluMT-...Ll 1.-. , VJC "7 . . Aad rietory. tramalinf aa the dead, 1,- JL- i MJ da fee (Lathi a.d Ual ' - tba wiC-rtthaj-hafa aa e rw OHMiMaia M aad wgx ban.:. .: 1 llinlla Faijntril, . . ttuLU' tt mre is averted, by a tripping -t-i .-v-the. liUskLJroni tl c ear rha the .. , ijm; r-ip i4 wtf had berefflBcedwhli .'"'-i-.p 'TrnCaoiattbeoiot4csqueat op- 4 1 '"t frost Wa thereby preveated, and X" i t"4raHle crap '.secured by ' tk tar :r.r,' ;bJr?nrhard. b that.aiiUJttioo. v -t - T ;'uiKMto.ttetermt J i SDUti ., ha uteful. bartirolarly. as tbe ;-., .WbwMaic4jm-:r.. . ''' i thia"yt"art'xpaear t-to reri? frwsn . oI wntimn. " jfif Bwtgtf. ffflT nVdl ou fjlendaToai tba Wett.UU -Of tWB:,e tt dge. oil pwtkular 4 ' - Jr"mtiU i in. " - - - ; fUc f h r - ' m W"""oaa ' V-!y??r'i.rt?,"W:. ?r?riit.ihtU be applied to any dec'dH lying on the Catawba River, - . "' a'ibsmttajleMreaua piotig, other thti bfinchdocumenu adjoining iht lands of James 8. Bv- ? r --Tr J9T T PPm t coatUd with th. t.d otbtra, coataioig6U0 Kre'a, ' JlIVM trvi1 h,-V-f ifvM r - - V7iyj,nf l-tH-r -id Jlouaeorderid during it. ,'c IUVTTHM 1 1111 , tar, Mhiie general practice, be tar, agreeably to bn contracts, except- Of the best q-ialitv there are two waaea the hogf U cald water , jmrne jng such aa may have been ordered by settlement! on the land, both of which lively previous ti traldiog ,it, It ihtjoinl eommitua. frr Dteoariae a with the feacing are in excellent re- vanera ot now now ftot tbjf water anay be with which the hog ia Acalded, - - . 1 t a- . . . u coia auter is trit uadd la the wavlKa.. bertAfiua h,. tAn,A b. iK seaefihedthe-naircan-Tbr, nkw M , daagtt teed be aeprehe idedtf the hair o. woig f, aa ia oftet thi ease whet . thia taode rs.o4 ceaortad to, owing to parvjcuiar temper.turaal tba water, l&udUai.mfimmiiMA. to wa hii modea'syiba l.aa practiced it rorr ran tTrV TrrnT mhi tot, flonsa tnat, rUse. espvrieoced . r . . . wm.w v, ft tat',.. IK.I AUm ..u.:JLjl, . ' . . f.r rV.fficultv ip acadiog higs. : !t ! 5trs.trg yyUg p'g fcr Foaat Ttl. tt west dips ft ia cojd water, and thmen lnt,byAhich rrocris be ill r tiw (9 tdl Mir HH tilt t.. - . ---I- ., . ) ' m riaaaih'av av,.-kKU X. w f w aw -i-a" m.- ,Hvts . 4- - jr- . As th'i i te season fnf Villiot hoes. h mav U y II fur f.'Bsers nd others i, vih'AiJCi Oisu. LavaaiiidU..i Wyjiuis (To.) JtrpuUteaju ' - t Cofir Extrwrttinarfk get. ikmMjuJi'toM ua that while a jout wg ecof the t iwna la .Yirgiuii, he eftcut.tfrel ia the street,! stoat sli-e-Vrg'ts! oegrtf, riq g..r' a hand tU stoat macfuHy after f Mrg at it oowie iwr, t'e i--iiow eVie a dea bait, and hrltoe4 ! ftoelhing W h foUow'iog f fv j t l'S.ltlis turht fryin ban endi. r.s, Wk, rrT ktlves. at. 4 .-el.Je Oea'Cii-ee I , jie .P iUiirai I'sullhbmtnt -by ticlar deture Mr. Hr!ct HI give iinntauona obcr. rim 3 of 3 dozen, damaged d'- cassion goo locks, and, Rev. Mrr r. Q. will dclibcr a aarmoot oo temper ancer half past o'clock precise ; dat not all ! widout price, the great bull Philip will be atatit"at Squire S s, and dat'i oot all neither ! dare will be perl ite and select color led Ball At Mrs. Johnn' juit arter dn it bip done ! Uagmlovn Mail. a-. "M" Discourteous Knkht.-lt Hmphire Telegraph, sitesking oi Phrenology, ayi-' We- once had our craj.iuro cxaoittted by !aa wno made no inconsiderable pretenslonsto Itfie science. . We recollect tliat ur a7iyily twett twttttpigat?! sar the least, but what was todtcatea thereby our memory iaith natgaesi mochl6he..ljowcer. made, ns trat a ert iclever fellow! but weal- i ay suspected her f somejdesign ! she, was the wring side of twenty-five unmarried : 7: Jl lAmne.'K genttemsn one mor- mag asbed a iittle hareioot boy what his BAuther did fort lit injr r She I eats cold f ictuali," was te ref. Dangerous Dalry-mald.'Lt week a man nmed Ward, in a fit of w.aB) m Vi cs ss iisr w n io s i ' despondettcy caused by' the rejexttr f his passion Ht a d air maid, pn tion poi oaed" himself, t Thoueh obne t ti iecjse thejdairy damsel ofbeira for : Bjmkit must be . w n 4 Hr had Uti tie 'f the milk of human kiftdnris in aer d'upmition.J WW r mm "7: JiAWSOF THE U fir A I'M. PoaW mi tk tecmd Seuim of tkt TvfK- if AecoM Lmgrtu. . T. . AM ACT mbav'pfistiM, bpart, forth sappatt cl fiotewiiaBV fop the r-t thouwrx) aajbi anmlred and thirty-thret. tnd far certaia ciamlitar of t b year one thoe wwd oifibaHftd and tbwtj4wo.-.''-r.'." Be U knacied by the Senate and tlouse oRtprtsentaitvei Aif the UtU ted States of America in Cvngrtti umdye -That the -iutlowiog - aums U, aid. the sme is hereby apprtjpri. ed, 'jtu be paid Ut at anf uoappro pria'tcd money in the Treasury, viz.- for pay ana mile A -l me mem. beta of Cearrsss a ad deleiratea. three 1 hundred and seva"4twwMd ona nor I drVd and p'Xty-eig hi dolls ra. For p-y of the ofieers and clerks o bothr i Iouw ;Tthf if 46ur -Ibousind thre hundred dollars. For atatiuoary, fuel, prinfmg, and all ether incidental and cootingent ex- pcDaesfht Beeste, twenry.five thwu sfid a'. .hun4.ttd iJollan, - -For atstionary. iuel. prlntir.ff. and and covtingeai rxpenaea-of the House ol Represents Uf esone hundred thoussad dollara. 1 The said la- sums last tamed to be PPJ e payaeBi ef iht ordioary pndtturet of the Senate and House of 'Repreaent.iivea, aeverally and to A.laA aiitMAft A a J . . C k. ! joint committee. lr ptepanac digest of law! for he District of Co-1 luaabia, for such printing and boats as ff j Houaar T" 7 1 foi defraying the expenses of the Ueveral eoarta of the United States i Uk., for jurora and witneasei tod Tor j defray log the" expenie a .'if auita ' ia .hich the Tnited Btatea are eoatere- cd," xrfd "rf :"prcir t attn-f pr Tt nets committed agaiaat the iVited e?ate, lm r.:."i.r..f: i.-;-- . Idurina the er one thiiuaanJ i hundred tad thirryatwe, it addttioo - to the sum hejetolort ;appr.pUcd for these purposes, the farther ana tf ht--tbo.n A ix- bnndret! I . . T da in. o biii I m hit. t Imimi(tkl Sttm art tr. Ajwt4, Jaaua , I&33. " 1 " v . . . . -7- 4r'.'i"'j AN ACT making ir.p jpnatioa. tot tb KevoW liavafy and oikv I.mmmm of 1h Caited t atea, l th. year aH Owmmad 'rtt baa- He U tnaeted h the frnateani Ildvst of Hrpresen-'iUiva of tie Unit- td Malts of America i Cvnzrcu Miicthtkd, .Thar the - tollonlng aum t appropriated, to be rraidout ol anv moocyia tne ireuurr tot whcrwiaei appropriated, for thb pctsiooera of the I r L'nited B a' e a. (or the rear one thdu- iaaw aigni n tndrtd and ih,rihrrt under the several acts priar to that of the aetentS June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, six hundred and twenty-four thousand six hundred and eighty. five dollars in addition to an unexpended balance of three hun dred and six thousand five hundred and "forty dollars. ; -l,2 For the invalid pensions, : in addi tfon to the sum of two hundred and one thousand nioenundred and forty. two dollars in the Treasury, umety eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollart. Vc ?" Tor pens'toni to widowa jkni orph. ana, , five thousand fivt hundred doU lart. r 7 '-VT7i7'.. -';- 7 Jkpproted, Jwuit IA.1S33. Art aPT tlrf ipproBritimi for carry mjf twnt nf me rine soo . the yetrona fbotuiod eight hundred thirv-thrc fiouw of Representathes of Ike (Jnu ted Mutes of America inCvngtess atsemhted, That tht following sums be appropriated .to the several objecu hereinafter itmed specifically, to be paid out of any tnonty in the Treasury ant otherwise appropriated. . For the preeratiofof Csstle Is land, and repair of F rt Independentfe, Massathuietts, in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated, seven teen th mand dollars. F.r Fort Adams, Newport harbor one. hundred ihousnd dollars. - For rcpaionn F ft Columbus and Cistle U.llums, Nrw York, fil-j .tafai,4ioiiara.. ! - ii F"r Frt7M 'nroe, Tirginia, forty six th-tts?n? dollara, r F'.ir Fort Calhu, ft rgnia seven tfivr ihousi'id d' liar. -; -For- compIetiTTjr the wot kjr (hk Inland, Iffrth Ciolioa, twMyto thousand ninr hundred d liars. For the fortifitattops in. the barber of :CJl irlcston; SoatS CroIii, - e v ef rfflve thousand dollar. ' F r the fort at C tkspur Mand, Georgia, sevrnty-flve thousand d d-j lars. ' -" ;" ;; j "Ft the comp!ft'i'n of the fortifiaa-' tions at Pe"acIa Florida, one ban dred and thirty-tvo thousand Hollfir. . For rompleiing the fort, at Mubih Puint, Alabam. hftv thousand doMa-a-. Faw,!ligtttmn ' li teV thousand "dollars. Approved, January 14, 1813. Notice. nOUSE AND LOT FOR "SALR. BY virtue, and in pursuance of a deed iiftrtinr. rxrr.xtrA h C. f. Bowers, t Peter K rider, and for the purpbseijherein set' forth shall ofJ fer the town of Wilkesbo. rough, on Tueiday the .Jih February next, ?- . .; " House Lnt ; lVfngrn jieryiid Charles Lr oer, and formerly the property pi Doct. IIS B. Bstterwhite Terms of ssle, CASH PETER KRIPF.R. StrJl- - Rf Htaaf Kaipa WoflSffv- aVC r. YD FOriS.lLR. rp HERE will -sold,-n th pre. -12 . Taf a s dav the 1st dsv of February, 1833 : pair. Any person can view the land by apply ing to tome one of the sub scribers. -Ter mi will ha ansde knows) the dwr-of a thr. TIIO'8. DYERS, cnnT nvrfiu JO'S, BYER3, ROBT. BYERS, Jfl S. BYERS, -Ww.. WHITE, As R. KIMONTON, JOILN FILLS, T. VT. FALLS, MARGARET- BYERS: The aubcribers will attend, -for the pwrpiiaif Survey log the sb-ive Isorj, on Wednesday, the SOth Jnasry, 1833. . ifil . IrtdeaCo. X. C-i (cc, 831. Strayed," 4- 1? ROM the Subscriber, L the tpper . r part of Cabarrus County a u 3 milet from Mill Grove T1 Office, am the llti iaat..- 1 vcry duk BAY MARE; about 4 years old, II haads high,' a winta apnr ia the face, and per hapa a tittle matked with tbe Saddle, was shod on the for .feet whet she left- home. She wsi raited ia Hav wor(I count ,Dllt UJlkclI kmg Vl aT - . . . I rcasoaLlc rtward wUl U give r the f'"orerr ln' r- f , J m 'JJ , r'ul 'M ,"FYiVk !QflTIWlTlWTl ctjuj 4UiiU sEXKt trTKD M'(rf XlllT- '! VC.V.9 And MS PI T'JU, uable Tract of land, i t7 t. B . Mt la DJlVin Li POOL VTATCH L. CI0C3 I. .' ; AND JE.VELLtR, ' I J ESPECTFTJLLY Wf ill Hfc t "-y lensor ansoury ana r N ' e' rcon,j ace nt Vf jlV -I cunties, that he ha returned from Pnila- delphia, where he ac quired a eompetcht practical know! edge of: Ha arty and established his busibessio Ais town, id the tenement lately occupied by Mr. Benjamin Fra leyr Tailor, one door above Messrs. Ikckett Csf Lemlv's Store. His work will be executed skilfully and perfect will be dune in A nen, tasteful aud elegant atyle, not surpassed by any artfst this part of the- ctmtry; r fCbrrJ)ofntrti J)fntfli an Ecatta, on hand for the atcommodation'of his patrons also a g)'d assortmetti 4 TfTCILMTKKULS, among which areJPatcni, Plain, -and Lever GLAPSKS. Mr. P" l't flattering himstlf with his ability to do his work weH, respect fully solic'rs a shire of the patron ir ol those who have use for hu skitl. He, however, xsks at least a trial.' , 60:f f.i ir 'TAILOR." rjfl VISO re'nott,; . n ho Uj (i''ii d b Sntnu-' fr ;;. l'aern, hei'r i irareil t,i i. . ni.' 1 thot who tihv f,vof:b"i wit i 'hi i.t-..-1! tta iur rci-)(A N--- Y r k ik( TW!Wpbii- llsnwkM;wwiS; rTS r Irom Pni, ft. L'nid'W, 'sJ hx) jf w' ' punibrr .f S'- ra' oiiea, in hit a.-itr,! h viil'da woi-k nn the '!orttn r A: j -v t 1 md' io i ur" rior ulf 'i i y if it . , , . ; the tfiU'Mff,' nd m;nte(t' ta ft- kinds of commit wil) w !' "i n nidk. All orkri for rk. (tr u i. V a ll a momnMv :".iidrtl 'o Bii Arr fir th H'" ..'. f tr Sn(ri. n Wit' n. ' v- 'i .'.itm; I a'V (r A Wtrd. at Pni!illciM- -'r-'"Tri-n--' n T 'iw, 'h' nt wtit .rn ,. n.. irjr c -nn'fefiitnk h,a aieef r?, u. u Tri andl'ie puhlie gnrmliy; trr "u- Ibf.J "r rp-ii1htowd ip'in h'.a, a.d hc." i it rurtkrf , by a erwt a'hmli) to boiA soif 9 r liar sftkM oT MrON .riAfTJ. C..GRA. f (t; i-Ja 1 KjSa,""r"rt ll" urnmr-( in i-tint n- t- - i (.'nrtc'on and rbt rawesnipgjaf fVo. f 90-00. h way uf and don, will resunio her Tiii s tn the eotjrse of a few eta'yf tif) Is Intended t-i be continued in the trade tha eosutng tea son Her" exceeding light drR of W.tei driving when loaded only aoout fo ir and half feat water will enable her 'u reach Cheriw all limes esce?: an uncom moo lowjieer. vi br cargo wj)) b lightened j rjheErjnta of 1W-- nt:. ClbsWesras) Sept'MSmii': If. B7 5he h c'mfortSi dalioo I')' isngor JC C" v m ..... d . 1 'lib -i r ttrta t-' i'te ifirt t' puh- a lie. aod ill contiaje iu keen 00 nsnd. a very -w urge, aaj gener.! as orimeM t Grocftlti. Uard-Wikrft, puleffCfocfrryt 8addlery, " Irnn, Stt?el an.l SIt, fTUh a 1 nag Selection of D'lYtGO!Sf fill t!tr Hjrarst Coanitlr Ttmn. liberal advances, i cas , will rfe'""ra """LX'J . "VUVS TiA.:z.t - -t -,--t rA- Anwrtrlr TeTniTirtorr;-iiidibt7 Tbt llde to thoae who prefer atriis C it. i , ... . .... . 1 maac 10 tooae wno prcler atrna tun or other prbtlace.- And the hJgh- cat of the mrker pnee n be paid in CASH or B A RTKH. Va tK se w ho with to sell .., . 58 f mmwawaw nail mm I inW7HTT Ttfi HT Chrratrt Jan 8. 183U. Rwuncay FROM the subscriber nrther night i the . 31st 0' ber . negro msaTOM, about 51 or t5 years old, bNck com. pletteJ, hd on a bio 4, '. clottv eoat d pantalocns, black fur hn, (fehioiijleabotjtJ feet 9 or 10 intbe i hlgh, atout batlt. From what 1 caa learn from different aourcea, 1 am tnd iced to believe, that be bat been persusded toleive ma by tome white person, who haa"promised him his freedom nn. their retching some free State.' 4 1 will pay ten tfol. lars" to 'any person who will coo fine hiav In lay aU ia tha etale, ao that ! get bim ajrsin- " t .' 1. ;: ; ; 8ENtc a turner;; c Cabarrus -Co'JVVC liltf ' gt every deseriptla, ely rrin-ed. and 1 NBW.BTOltE Murphy (2. Taylor it U&Tluc rrt'LLi; aimoanet t tho public, uat they u iu ;recie siiare opening mt Moektrilie, in the Store opposite opening w mocitnnt, in we oioix oppwiic .hrtofiL S. HWK.4 a Urg .mlniireiyls nr Kock ol' Fmttutnable (f tuncf Drf CA- Ci, trtctirry, oJ MmhmJ Qrtemei j ' FvramU fftU Haiti Ligkf, JhnututU, ' itiU JYvurin (mmm 9A ubi -7 1 'iMnoi'jf; tog etber wiih ever jpwnerTnicle ecenaiv t makes full and. commute snort tent t 'l ei wbkh hing beea bought fur Cash, anj selected by one ot the fir ib. out of . The Latest Importations in j with eoitMsnt regard to a-jortraenl. adapted jjtabatoMBjwa uifno purchaaersat tbe lowett prices, ana up tbe nwt accommm!!inK ttrma The variety and amount of their aesortmer.t, being large andextewive. they . earaestljtolk cttthnae wwbing to purcbar gouda of anew and tacellent quality, to call, eiamine, bear term and price, judge for tbemaelveH and Muy, their ha uiicreat may require. Atre-Oor. 1832 Sltf NXW &MNCY SI'UIXO S-SUMMKB GOODS. mcKiyrra lemi.y RE d w seceivmg and opeaiog gcaenJ aaanDrwrut of sprixg y summer goods, elrrtcd itb (freat care from the market! of !Vw VurV tad Pt)iUd14naol tnewtoai impw ,!'.i'i!S--.Their ojr cowiBt iu pajraf, " -tTocr Brne aod Black rfothi Do. Ctowi. i. Br.twit olire do. . H i. 'nviMbl-tlr4sn do. Pauey Casjifierr, rMn k blacb lutitJ t, xr.o du'i., Rrochstiai a.d ciroattuu, "frtwn . v.-4ixed Tnalbctta, yWi-t'---jr.T.ita tnd tn cbecba, f ;-'. 1 P'fll'njp, " ix r'fr 0- -a linen, " " i'.iga, - , . i'v m Irisb lintaa Liar- i id towl diaper Uo. , . t d Vr,,i, Vratinga, t ' 'iva rjMiarr or r.orcr i O'lnphtfnt id Mutlioi, '.' .knr, Kir4d d Browa, .';iii,4f Ahirinfr, pur, ' jre dimity and Cottoa fringe V-v Itatiaa Silk, c-rh : tfianiinst da r olarb a!k eambleta, Cha- g" de Kar-lea,' r"7" " j'lir -d de Bemanki ntuae. fne?e- a-g sod bandana HaaUjercbie, ' &n'mija3 ifaefaa ipwig'alo"li'1.' tt ny.' Tr.fy ! and Crape do. Sr-'. .ilk uin, and orh fieured veatlegv s;"Ik i,nd cotto" Hoier t OHBATTAUIMTT RICB f 4nrv rxiimat, bl and cap ribbons, -lb aorora; .- tire esTibrie handkerchief, faaa, tfa niamond 8trs Bonaeta, fpl'sh . dp. ... do,. .: . Belgian do. do., PsUp leaf bUk - Leghorn buoneta.iutaad woof dW J.nfln t4 Oretk .Scboul Bocka," Siiora. Moroco skins. ' Tia'ilareaed Gv.tleTT,;; - ..-.:.,. ... ""Utaif in i t Crockery" art, "Mo. cVa. JSOOJlTMKSfT 0 . Carpcoier'a TivJa, couaUtiog 0 erevy art) cle made u ofy Carpcatcrs it tbil part of th. Country, 8a Jler Trimmiuja, raited, Rrast Japnaa, and Prince S a&rttle, Harnes m.ontinir, coacb (ring, and lace, . - A faktMntof GroMtiea, AsXta, , ALL vf wbicb thay art determined M teU iilw. u fitadt a be bd ia Vm pais of th. eowtry ' PrfchaT wU a. weu to cat tod arf . our stock and bear prices before ihy - H. It I ara gratefqt to tbe Public for th. 1' I'i'i tiSreal patrooaga berotofore, aod hnie i) a'.rii attention tq buaioess, and sell ing oodi ch.-ap, to merit t cootinuaaoe of lha aaaic 21tf . .1i-..4lriJJaAia3?. - THE : HOK W,H BRED H0&33 TITILU wsod the V V teaaoa al Be. ties ' Paid, L'meoln Cuon'y. Hi waseotieoby ih juv Jy Celebrated RACE HORSE and breeder ntd sir Arcblai liu dm, 1 fit abided mare her pdiptea tn he tracerl to many of the moat diatin I B a a J . A BI. As to 81 col s, and their dsscenr)ants,ar so well rtsiIished, that u Is scarcely nccuury jo say say thing at .tha. pxasant, dayr asl the. bsvc been among tha most tuccoss ful tlisice borses, Intb States ol ir finiaKwrsbawd 8tb Oavoliaa, Oaovgis nd Tontess Cor lb last bueeo years. . .. . .. .. ftlllT Is a bandaoma bar. ie feet threw lock es hiiih four years old text spring- It ialbouitbt thai he will malt a kood brae dsr, at hit form and b!ood art botb good. -ParticoUrs mtda kaowa' la dus time " " rif s . .-i. ICO. BURTON. " ' R. A.tURTOX. l?eTtaer 1 lr I8tl . - - . aVKrT BLVDERY TT71T1L ttito lotbttnora. eiLckti YV prottcatioa of their butiocti, tbt Bt)rsbtrt bve-tiinnca a Having procured the beif Mt trials from ihaHorth, and amptoyed.a Watkmsa who comes etl recommended, thev art prepared fw atacui oo-oodcrait tatais, all crdert In ihra lint. t , Actonnt .Books, Records, kc. rated and raids to order i and vcry kioJ ol DindihK oromptlv ttacuavd. in the bat ind assies mvanusr, saaaotardetrrmijl) lUIlls, IF ill laltAi 3? v 1 rtALtS k 30 1 XicrlyfiiAtcfon Fine fr cTi '.' v'!' ."'V .'' '''' ' ' ' : . an Washington; Dee, i9 f m2t Office of the Commissioners undnj the Convention with, iienmark r v f-HE Board of Comm'tsaidnVri hii -I hoped to -close the adiogtmerjr fti claims' tinder1; the Convention with- Denmark, Itluring.theuf. present ses.- , j " , ?nuV?"iD5rCfled eial aa. Iiibaiiuus iur ic-ucai iu$, u a Of iqi. anxious to, afford toe tlaimanti eyery -poasible1 chance of establishing fte;t v clalmsTln those casesr'iid'tn others ' where there'waa a deficiency of prool havo detel mined to adjoorh until the first day of March, 1833, and is thera it but ooft month after tfii period sW ' I 4oetttry-fswTSft7Kir r ' 1 . j. . .it . . funds, it has become necessary to or der, and NOTICE is hereby gfoV that na application Jotj rehear or for filing original or hiippkmt. .7 tal memorials, or: the introduction of ! proof, will be recehtd aften tin jirtl day of March. 1833. By order f 5t64 ROBT. FULTON, SeC, " . i-UST AU BULLETIN. Oo the first Siturdav in JamnrW . 1833, the Bulletin will be united : with Atkinson's Saturday Evrnitii FoSU Tiie publisher of the Bulletin has felt for a considerable time the duties and labors of in publication. ' a ouraeu irom which he was ansioui to be tetieved, at well from ill heaitS at otner cauact j and ctose hil dieaai t 'jlFalhcj h succeeded in making an arrangemcDf " wnn air, aiKinsoa ol the Saturday V Evening P at, which he fully believe will be agreeable to all partiei. The , patront of . the Bulletin wilt he" grVkdy ? the gaioert by th transaction. "Tht S iturday Evcuiog Pst has maiouiocd ' for eleven years ao enviable repuia" tion among periodicals; The uotuav :"1 mg industry of its Editor, by whict, ' he has weekly crowded his Ample co. 7 lumna with the most intercsuog q dings of the "litnes,' h s been amply jl proved, aod hit aucccaaful excrtiora have been repa.d by a constant accea' . sicn of subscriber! now exceeding. 1. llwirtcYTi thousand. . f Ave fost ii lreadvof larger di mentions " than tbe Bulletin, and it" wlllWatitt furtlttrgreatry?locreasej;r in site -at tb time of the unioa of , the two papers, 4 Renewed t , crtiooa will be t improve ' thr character 1 1 tkit Saturday km wg rosi xr jjuuaux. in order t&atit muy obtain xi keen the first stand amonaA-aaericasi nenodicala.fur ouaaJ tify tad quality of paiter,auwW' , and Uatelui rraaoment beauty"-, ptlotlog, and iupchbr " quality of pivZ par." '" " " . " bjotwithatandine tbe treat number of copies "to be "published wtekJy7" wbict after ihe union will exceed aiO.OOO, the facilitiet of printing, on 7 fico muptrior power pressesrfo blc the proprietor to preaent to bit readers the very latest intelligent!, aod ImnqmwtA ce'twia.affdT ample apaccr fur - the importaQt ittta J pipers that, are-weekly' divulged la 17 con sequence ot the critical tute of aii urs ai nocae ana aoroaa, w uncus curuiling . the .' tmuxtng nuattlUay.T;" prepared for tbe sentimental and tbt' overt of w it and amusement the ay riculturaliat and the man of science b poliikiaa or the: fireside circle- ' and affording advertisers a mediuar . of communicatina their wishes to tbe ... . .. . , fiubiie unnvaUca oy any otner simi ar vehicle in the United Siaics having Jby, fax the greatest cirtui-too of any ncwapapcr through all the States and Territories, but mors pas . ticularly through the States of Penojr ' trlvania,Kew. Jersey, Maryland and Delaware. - j As but few pipers after tht ooioa ill be printed over tba actual nam ; bcr required for subscribers, it i3 . bs , ailsuUe XW-iLuaa wha-wub ta4 rammrui mlth th. vrm mt'I llMtTOU V ed series, to forward thchr names ear-, - ly accompanied, by (he cash! m year a subscription, free of poetigc u the publuhcra dctermiacd to make his n-oer mor lolrioskally-i luable than tny other, to receive enfy 7 ., ,r . ,;..,.(,. r ,,r,Jy.F., a iter; ia dctmrmii.ed to .exact a atrict t".' pliauce with hla icrmj, and those vhn arc not aw or willing to comply wm them, must seek ylsewhert for amuse Jw merit tod instruction . Th nominal price of the P". 4; - Bulletin wilfbe the same aa forvsoy , yeare put. From aa wo pay P advance, two dollars. .mill U-Muali.- fully received; but if not paid vithA six months, irons jne tnnusi.- mencemenV S3,S(7vill be required " If not paid during the year, thrtt' dollars Will be insisted on. and CO-' pulsoty, measures' a-lopted toward. delinquents JSI,SJ will receis for six months subscription in ad, vance, but' oevert less' sum. " The present Editor of the BuUetiA willcomirrueto girehia tervkeato th baited paper. y.4 lus) ias ftatV tytbntp W hi JTm w W feianailiHy U aJa a tUi -

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