-. i' , . . . . t . ,.. , - . ' i y ... . . : . , . .f ThklLiilAn.nru:.t.-. - h a. . v Hymvw, navg no Tixictai tnon'iaiity wmch find . I n wiiobi of kgiktio in especially wen in grafting kw on cortiieyee. , . . f , , i ; 1 1. iTTVTi wiae i .sustain ironi laws, wnicn Rnnr ri,t .. it...-.-i..-. t ... .i. . . - .-. ... - . a nponta th heart of the titneo and which win be vaded with little remorse. . t. v V! ItO)VAN CqtiNTt . UUIUIUVUUIl 1 1 . 7v'-t WESTER CAROLINIAN is Uiiktd once 4 vfc tf iiro rfoWaf per 51,,,,-t jf paid idthit three months or two jl JLteontitued until allarrtritt, are paid. V J&i(fVrrtion. .rai'PJ? K ?. rtceivtsdfofiftst than me gear. . - j; r " "A failure to notif) the FAxtor of airm b discontinue, one month before the. eipira 'frm '"'jre Iconndtred at a Dot engagement. Any perton procuring six eolrent tub vribert to the Carolinian, thall have a tejiertfrjwptr graft. Advertisi ne t the nmiil ratw. ill letters addressed M lr Editor mist ft tiuirt naiJ or Anf wnll not ie attended ' - ft. ' (ty Thew terms will bo strictly adher CONGRESS. l awssaje wa received frwm the Pre ident of the United Statei, by A i. Urn Iljoti, Esq. bin Secretary. It i M tA- low : fkitiUmen of Ae Senate, and House of RfprestaUttiee$: conclidsd. Tlie period which cnttstitutee the dtte timf ii which the terms proposed iu the ddrei are to be accepted, would cem to present acarculy'lew difficulty than 'the tynn tbetnselv'ea. ThoHjh tho rerenue la are already declared to be void in South Carolina, at well as the bondiTiakon under them, anJ the judiciaf proccedinjrs tr carrying tlicm into effect, yet as t!ie fill action and operation of the ordinance ar to be auspended until h6 6rst of Fub ruarv, the interval may be axsuiaed as the tun t within which it is expected that the legation, a system of long itaiuTinj;, and tcUni great interest! in the community, tbn rcucindod and abolished. If this ba rqmred.it is cleaf that a compliance . In tbencrUinty then, thai exists a to tfte darati'oo of tho ordinance,' and of the oactihenff for" ehforcioi ' ftr it becoinci ; $jpcnWtbe.duty.oLthEjecutive .of the United Statos, actinr with proper . ftgard. tv kl) the great interest oommitted' to bis care", to treat tnote act at absolute and wnltwitedi; .They are, an -far gs. his tCwy-te cojieomed.- lie canant .euhet eiftVteeerdeiid to the perforipance of the twiitionti lie ...hii; already discharged th wfypirt in his power, by the reeom not'I ition in his annaal message. Tb lest is with Congress and the people ; and, - s.4,i 4tav acted, hit dutr wilt mjuire kia tVLtok t f Uia atuting state of QiigA -I 'Mierinem accorauij to his higii.' Br Iheso.Tarious proofdiflffs. thrn. Ion, 'iie Stat of South Carolina has forced Uh General Government, unavoidably, to Vila the new and dsnrerous alternative w Mrmitting a State to obstruct the execu Con ot the laws within tts limits, or seeing attempt to execute a threat of with arariin frem the Uninm That portion of ine people at present exercising the au j lhwity of the Stale, tolemnly nsaert. their rgnt to am etthr, and as solemnlv an a.Kj'ir;e their determination to do one or - ft ether." - la ray opinion, both purposes are to be l(rhkd as revolutionary in their cliarao tsr and tendency, and subversive of the ipremacy of th lawi and of the iutejfrity 'he Union. The result of each is the feme; sine a State in which, by an umr. pnoaot power, tn constitutiouaj author y of the Federal 0 overnmnnl is onmtlv asfind, anJ set asido, wants wily the form inuppsrwew 01 tne 1iikmi. The right of th people of a singl State Iff llJv thenvnlves; at wilVand without Vt cunsenl of the other Slates, from their solemn obligation, and hazard the sprues and happiness of the millions com "JJ! Untoo.-ramint bo acfawwrodg. (Tucnautnonty is beJieverlo be ut- ,,-yy ryugnfrfl, bytMj that hicb the General Government is eon. "tinted, and Hh objecu which iL is ei- r ""'J loroww attain. ;-. .. 4 if t. .laiiwt all art which msrt aTteged H ra u,c constitutional powerjH iuc Ar sarhtnik mav arwvnarar. - in power of the sward.'' To no fnh'f ' ,tt!tctaniifl fJrVttnwd'wMa7s hk v? oaiwtemly. with the plijatioosW n vjar Jioa j t norther cw such ap- r' ; tjith.saJoiy ataor timwj 1 K Jiswii, wo convtituirmial. 9 rl-)a'r 1 ft tk. ft net- ' , '.' CM w yicki la lo yield a Mlnotia iiai State, n, any other great portiw of Jm jipnrtH-Kvr, n.l4Ving tried ail of , -;iu, ulfilUT HM1T as 1 int'M A., . ... ' 1.IA"II 1J, V M (Coninittii,n its-Of has pre-cnb-id the mooW . J Hfvlt'u the acknowledged attri ' Ma uf fret twtiruii'm, that, d i Jif tln "I OntkiVntJIBM til Ihrtisi lUMPntinM. Ik I their happiness tail be no otherwise secur ed,, and when they caij do-ao witbotit grea- tor wijury to owicrs, jicmdivb llit'inSQlVeS from their obliiatioos to the Uovernincnl. ud appoai to inn Jt rei t, eecus not, on the Dieseut aeajtanHier'iletiied'- V "TW.wiiiuiiico orfi)irriEhtThowev(r7 toust, depend ' upon the causes which may justity its eerci.i It is ine ultima ratio whicb prewpposv-s that tho proper appeals to all other means of redress have been made in good fuith, and which cair never be richtfulty csortel "to unless it be una voidable. It is not the right of the State, but of the individual, and of all the nidi viduul in the Sute It is the right of maukind generally to secure' by all nwens in their power, the tilemnnes of liberty and happiness ; but when, f.ir these purposes, any body ot men vw Voluntarilv associa ted themselves under a peculiar form of government, no portion of them can die. solve the association without acknowledge tug the correlative right id the remainder to decide whether that dissolution can bs permitted consistent with the general hap piness. In this view, it is a right depen. went upon the power to enforce iU - Such a -rignt, though tt may be admitted to pro. exist, and cannot be wholly surrendered, is uecessarily subjected to limitations in ail" fret goveruinents, and in compacts of all kinds tretly auU Voluntarily entered into, and m which tho interest and weU taravf th iudividual beconie iduntifled witbj those of the community of which be is a uh.-mbor. In compacts between indi. viduuU. bowever,deepHr they may aJfect their relnlioits, these prmcipln are c ki owlodged to create a sacred obligation ; and in compacts' of civil government, in volving the liberties aud happtitc4i( mil lions of uiaukind, the obligation cannot be less. ' Without adverting to the particular theories to whictt the federal compact has giveu rise butn as to its format wn and the parties to it, aud without inquiring wheth er, it be merely lederal, or social, or na. uonai, H is euiticieui that it must be ad luittod to be a ciupact, and to possess the obligatioui incident to a compact ; 16 be l a compact by which power is created on tho. one haud, and. obedience exacted on the' other : a compact fretdv. Wunfanlv. tn$ sotemnfy entered itito by the iMvra State, and ratified by the pooplo thereof. T?4it-ciyeyo.?!!(lP: yfRicnrUie,"; several States, anaine. pc.iple thereof, re spectively, ha-e bound taenwoJve lo each othor fnd .to"il - 4l.;pniiimi4 and by vjhich the reUoral (j .vernnientu pound totlic BeveraT3;ate aud IJt everv ottiten nf-th Urtates.-Ttrthi oTjhtYJwpwv CoortT pact, tn whatever modatt niay Jiivf bnim done, the peoplwof uth Carolina baveirespoct asabuility. Notha the -State freely and vohtutahlf -pren iheir assent and to the wholo, aiid every part of it, they are, uin every principle of good (kubint ioiattly IkwihI. Utnter thts obli' eatian hev are brmn l, and siestM be qisimd lo contributw their portion of the public stpeose, and to aubiaitloall laws madfl by the commmi cotucnV in pufsu anoe of the Constitution, for the romm n defimcw and pwril welthre, tmtil thpv can be changl in the nvxle which the compact has provided fir the attainment of those great ends of th ftovernwrnt and of the Union. N'tlhin less than cause which would justify revolutionary remedy, can abwlv th people fnm this obliga tion . and for nothing leas can tht Gov ernment permit it to be done without vioU tiuj its own o'oligations.by which, under the CWptet, . it is bound to the oilier States, and to every citizen of the United States. Thtse deductions plainly 8 w from the natur of the federal compact, which it one of limitations, not only upon the pow. era origindlly possesM'd by the parties thereto, but also upon those conferred on the Govern men t, and every department thortjof. It will be freely conceded that, by the priociiJo of our system, all power fewwtad intbe4rtai.but to be exer. cised in the mode, and subject 'io the checks which the peo))n themselves have prescribed. . These checks are . undoubt edly, only different modifications of the same great popular principle which lies at the f. junjal'n laTof .'the wbio.bul trf-nol, eo that aocouat, 14 b Its regarded or )ess Upon th ni'iwef of Conrres, tht veto of me executive ana ine lumoriiy oi tne ju diciary, which if toeitiid t aj raws in law and rnty, amon "under th Const t1 rolkMi and tliff1 LAW tf fW CiftJSratcrf mad in mirs icice ihercof, are the obvi wi chocks;. anJ thoxind actijn of public opinuwi, With lh ultimate power of Ihiv! rntnt ar the salutary ioiily limita- tionrnpotf the powers wf fbo wliole.' ILwevcr it nm be alleged that, a violar tionofiha enm-t br the meiMnrtf orthe lsvernme:it ca a;i'sc( the objigntioaf of in ptrti,'irttqaw trenM preren ie that ac yiolation 'can b preLcavIof loose mcsyure until ll th 6oistitutiMa rtmediet shall bar binTully 5 trid. Ifrime,aid !a evrv initn, :n1 tf f any the Pc lerat (Jjveromjut einrtyii powers nut wirr.itej by !! Cwifitution, and imiwedialelv' aff jciini inlmlm!, il will iarcely be deoiel that tk, yt'itr raJf is i rtcMirsa tt the jj liCiary.. 3 rJi. un loHStHy, is the rsio-! fr thjt whp i) wn lher acU ton rs lyis? d jtjes 14 1 imid M I tr y'i fiii f tlieir a-ilW'V ........ irt . l .1. ojieration of suclt laws it' up ni tail tajivid- iiiip". fciii ,iT7Ai.;itaiKiiHr aQllCH abdutery prolabi ted from bvint UniMata wM'0-uwporiT;-wipnr fltnnt af Conrev ' anrcj.nnciT boCne party sumUi ilitm kaw vWthont impartrng ia her own 'fiamey or wrongfullr iatorpov in j her authority against them By thus iaterposirig, iioreipWnnoln(bfu11y obruct tho'' operation V'thtkwa opntf ju. divitluals. for their disobedient to. or vi olation of, theiaw, the ordnary remedies inniugn iiie judicial tribunal would rt main. And- in a ade where an indiyidu al should be prosecuted for anv ollbnce a. gainst the laws he could not act opjifrjus tificatfon of his act, adaw iif the State, which, being unconstitutional wtwld there, fore be regarded aa null and void. The law of a State cannot authorize the com mission 0 crime against the United Statos or any other act which, according to uie supreme mw 01 the Union, would be otherwise unlawful. And it is equally clear, that, if there be any case in which a State, as such, is alloc ted by the law bo ynnd the scoiie of judicial power, the rem edyonirlira er 10 encct a Change in the representation. or lo procure relief by an amendment of the tonslitatjon, But tho measurea- of the Qovernment art to bo recognized as valid, ana, Conseqtueuttyl supreme; until these remedial shall "have been effectually tried f awd any attempt to -subvert" those measures; or o render the laws subordin ate to State authority, and, afterwards, to resort -to QoMrtottona TtjdrW.ratae. than evasiver Tt" would not be a proper L resistance to. a government of unlimited powers as has been sometimes pretend ed, but unlawful opposition to the very lim Itafionsn which the harmonious "action of the Government and all its parts absol uttly depends.. -South Carolina has- are pealed to none of these remedies, but, in effect, has defied them all. While threat. eoing to separate from thr Union if any attempt be made to enforce the revenue law otberwtsa than thrttogh t civil f ri bunals of the country, she has not only not appealed in ber owu name to those' triltu. Dais which the Constitution has "provided for all cases in taw of equity, arising undor the . Constitution and laws of that nitad Statos, but basentieuvored to frustrate their pwpeLaction on berjiifizuria by.jlrawing the cognisance f taueaHuder the revenue laws to her owftlribkaK- Sr pared and fitted for the purpose J" enforc ing tne act pa wj tythtatafe to obstruct tlioee"lawa,;nd both the iuducs and iurbrs of wlwc"wi!I bV "bound by tht- imirt r T' -i r - r- V. T tutMin ifid tawarof the Umted StatTtlri this Jitide the proper appeal 'To pubr.c" miimon, and to th? remedy of ameadment. . For, without watting to learn whether the other Mates wTtfmmtfnno- I effftf ehUohdrrif triey, wm.MB8tnie or amend the Con rtunpf to. soft horvitiwi, sbrli'idber own -am Uohty alt pred the Mrtjwrt of 'that inntruiuAiit, anl givti immediate eflect 10 the chango. la haa, alia baa tL ber. owa eilt and atilhontrlibovr thelawsIThas made herirarbitor in ber own cause, and has passed at once oVe all intermediate steps lo measure ol avowed resistance' wbichfUiiTesfMyie remitted to; can b wifiirced only by the sword. . r- ' , ; la deeidin nnon the' course which s high seneofduty to all tht people of the United State imposts upon th authorities of the Union in this emergency, it cannot ot over-ionked tbat tlisre m no sulUcieul cause C the acta of South Carofinl, or lor her thus placing in joopardy the kappTmws of 90 many million of people; Misrule ami oppression, to warrant the disrupt i'I of the free institution of iht Uui.A, aliould bt great and lastine.defvinf all other rtnv edy. . For causes of minor character, -tb Qovernment could not submit to such a catastrophe, witnoti a violation of Its moat acrerl obligation lo tht other Statei oft nr union, wno nav suonuttea fu Cur oaf Tiny to Itlliaftda;-";; f , -Tr .- . Tbre it, in, the pretent intan6."no suck Letuso, eithel in the dngret of railrule or Loppression eotupteinM of, or w the hnT t lewnesrot redrets b ertKiTTliTI J Tlit JiMij sanction tbej hav received wtn ne prop"" amiiuriiieaanaimtntnf pvpTo, not tef than tht unexampled growth and increasing prospeniyvso mafly millions orrreemsa, Mttot that no such oppret)nf a'fwrwM justify 0? even palliate u6h a re. son, cut ue jjiijy unputon either to ih present pi.Kry or post nxjavurt of lb Fd- eril liitvernmen,. TImi fame mode of fol ioctiuf duties, and Kf ilia Mine roneral g.jt?k wnjci trgia witXtbe G-w Wwaofj the tjvfrii;ni"an.f which haj conducted th MititrythrUH itj Mhss-jurut step to its Dseut'e ivjabJ C.Jti4.tiva AsTktppoe awl roowa, on boej chsned. Tax atfui afil r?!re sentaticrtth. nt n,,a. t'&J VilM fAmintm rev lutiou44uv cotida'Mlly g n hand in h.oJ: aud tt all t 1 a . ! aiU4 na Dei miisej wna il their par tictpti'wi---nd,,lnia ia-iam-os',, which have be-m crnplaineJ of, with ths etDress aasprtf of a psrt f Ihe itpmsjcntatlvcs of Ami. Carolina ia the pninedg of tt.s (lot.! rV!K';tt. U? t ths orssent prio.l nm-ft-.H liitlHirn rafi-.) b-ywtl lh"h(vsa., ry wi ti 01 'a; ridinr. 1 !1 t'i au: i r.z a soon as the burthen of the Dublin debt is removed, thoseth&rceJ with tlie admin. I Wt rat iott have nromntl v rer.nmmftride. vuiiiwiHMiiw reduction 01 revenue. . ... v Thai Ibta systerrH rtut porid."nasre. ' ut oj sucnoppreasion upon Smith Carol luft. needs n wher sroiiTlhan tlie ! solemn and official declaration 1 of Jhe, late cniei Biajjwtrat of 4hat 5?Ue, ,in his ad, uress 10 tne legislatures J la that he s.iys, that the occurroncea (lit past, year, laconnectionjwith our dohtestic.coticern are to be reviewed with a sentiment of fer ment gratitude bth great disposer of -bu-man event j that tributes, of grateful tc knowlegmcnt are duo for ihe tarion and multiplied blessings he ha been pleased to bostow en oar people tbat abundant bar fekts in eyery.niiarterid the State have crowned lhoexcrUon'of-ajricultuni la bofj that health, almost beyond fornior, precedent, haa blessud our ' fctimes ; and that there is not less reason for thankful uess in surveying our"ocial condifion.'. It would indeed be difficult to iraagiue opprea-' aoii where, in the jcial coudition of a poo- al. . . a ' - . PSl erif.ai5V,'Lc, of-thaukfuluets, as tur anunilsnt ' harvests, snd nrmt ami niutipliedblewngs wilb wbicb a kiud pro. vidence-has bv'ored tbora. -. Judopendeiitly of titest eonsiderations, it ' will not escape observation, that South Carofma still, claim ta ba a component part oTtlit Union T tbMrtrcioato in tlie national -cooncils, and 16 aliare ia'the pub- no ocnents, without cxmtnbuting to the public, burthen-thus artii.g the dan gorous snomnhr of contmurnginan iwioci- alion without acknowledirinfl' anv other ob. ligations 10 it laws than what dtfiwudsuo- on her own will. 1 In this posture of affairs the dutv of the Goversment soems to be plain. It incul cates a recognition of that State as a mom- ber of (be Union, and subject to its authori ty ; a vindication of the just power of the constitution ; the preservation of the inteo- my ot ine union ana the execution ol :tic laws By all constitutional means. Thcor,tWohip fkeviblige him to suppoJt, declare , tbat tlie Executive "shall take rJre that the fcttM befalthfvltj executed ? ami In ipro ykfin that ho shair froinlime fo'tlme give v ?Vnwl5., jr'nalton of tlie state of the Unitjn. . and recomniendto thtlr contilJer afion such measnrea aa ht shall judge ne eemry and expedient, imposes the addH Uufikl obligation, of recoramendtnir to Cou. gress guch mora efficient provision (nr ei ecuttng the taws; amaj fmOi time tu tiiwi oe rninU rwiiimte. , y The same inatrtnuent eonferw on Con grew thr j.WOf b"iiererrio fiyandeiJ: le lexer, rfocr,1pp(rudxchw pay the debt and provide fir the common1 defence and general wallare j but u lo make all 1a wa, TWhicb hafl bo" necossa ry and proper for carrying into efjbct the forego ing power, and aff tit her poweri rested by tfn Cunstitutiot in the Uovtrmnentof tbt Uniteiiftatevor' Iri aiy departinsDt oe of 1 Bcff thereof aud, also, tt provide fur CaJ- Jiug firth tht militis forexerutinxtbe laws ti the Union. ' la all case similar to the proeaf, tbe- dutie of tbt Government bt- come the measure of its powers ; and whet ever it laiLitoexerciso a power necessary and proper to tbt discharge of the duty prescruwa by in ConstituiHSv, M HoUtes tht publio trust not less than it would in ttansce tiding it proper limit. Te refs ain, thorcfur, from iha bigh-Mii aokinBtutiaw thus enjoined, however ptiulul tlie perfor. manct mar be, and thereby tacitly permit the rightful authority of the Oorerumcot to be contemned, and it kws obstructed by a singl Stat, would neither comport with its own taftty, nor tbt right uLthe great body of lb American people. (1 being thus shown ft be the duty of the Executive ta execute tbt law, by all con stitutiooal means, it remains to eouaiW tht extefit of iboat already at hi disposal, and whaf if nay b proper urther to pro. vide. i:2'.-y.r .i : .r -----. r In the jnst ructions of tot Secretary tf I Carolina, tht proyisionsaod regulutroo made by the act of 1 7 99, And also the fine. penalties, and forfeiture for their entoro. 'nieiifTart particularly oVJailelaiJf if lain. 1 li, It may be well pprehmideJ, bwv. affhai t'usse pr.viHWows aua peiWiaxk (jualt to ruoeT sucTi aaj 0wa, powutfut, r gaaiiced.oppsilioR a i to bo eoaiuunoed after th lit of February next. 4 , . , SubjcquouVy lo tb daU of thasa iiulruc. tion, and tt tbt Iht ordinanct, idf wmatioa has bono roceived,frotn sources entitled to bt relied ta, that -owing to the pooular excitement la (lit Sutu, and tb C'fuct of the ordinance drclaring ,tli x eutioa of tht fovebut laws unlawful,, t uf fkieiit number of person in horaronfi dVnio mc'ht be pU-od could not bs iodjc. td io tactjittbT e;fe of mspectorf tt oji ), with any prob.ibi!ity of success, the ibrco which will, n douU, "be uv 1 wbaa an attempt i truil t rtmov vesseU and thei cargje from ll e et jdy of the e!li errs of tbt rttstoms, tai) fl'!eti,-lhtt t would fie impractiral for the rollodur, with th aid of ey nunbtr ttf insioctora whim hi may bo au!h irisd tt smploy, ft prt ssrvs to custody silbst suchso attempt. ' The removal rf the nutom house from Chirlest ,n t.i l'i! Fincknyws deehu ed m asur of necnr trecaution ! and th u t t ani'iariiv toa-iv that irvitiot ent tfiata "fimilar precaution cannot be . -4 r - - - - twWaMaSeaMfowb niwerven, in regard jo me ports of Ueorge tht present lawt. remain" a bort of entrv. 10 that (junrter. , V-. J , 'Iu consi.lering th besl tnenn of tvia'd- gor bf. pre venting-th apprehennVd ob traction to the ctUlecllon.tf Hit revenue,, hnd tbeconsemienees wliich mnyurvmo, it would appelirjtd.Vprope and jncceiMtary to enable tbe oflTiccrvol the custifh: to prt serve tho custody of vessels and theig tar 8pr8,hich by the existing law they Ire required ta take, until tho duties t. which they art liable hall be paid or secured. The mode by which it is co'ntemplutedjo deprive Ihem of thaVcitttody it the procet of replevin, and that of capias i teither nam in, the tiaturt, of a distress from the ?tat tribunals prganieed by th ordinance, , Agaidst.theproceedings in the nature, of a distress, it is not perceived that the Colloc tor can interpose any resistance wha'ttver 1 and against the process of replevin autho rised by the law of th State, he, bavin mmi kw flower,-ran'-otdy oppose such uijiruiiire mm lie is oy RiaiUlt auU10 rised, and may find il practicable to tm ploy; and these, from the infurmation al ready adverted to, are shown lobe wholly inadequate. ' Tlwrfspecl which that process deserve, tnust the rufort le cousidered. If the auttmritio of Ssutu Carolina had not obstructed the legitinude action of the court of tht Dftitsd States, or if tliey bad permitted flit Stat triliunHls li adniiuister the law according io their oath under the Constitution and the regulation ot the kws of tht Union, tht General GoverrrnjOTit tiiight have been content to look -to them for maintaining the custody, and lo encoun ter the btlicr inconveuionces arising out. of the recent proceedings. Even in that case, however, the process of replevin from the court of the State would be irregular aud unauthorised. It tut been decided by the the courts of tlie United Slates haveexclu. iv jurisdiction of all seizures mad on land or water, for a breach of tht laws of the,. United Slate, and any intervention of Mate authority, which, by taking the thing seiaed out of the hands of the United Stales officer, litight obstruct the exercise of tlie jurisdiction, is unlawful j that in such cose the court of the J7ntod State, having cognizance of tht seizure, jnay tuforce a riWIolivtrjT Ut thhig byt attachniflut pt ctuijrjwmmafy process j mat jjbe qtwistton unuur sucn a seizure, whether a forfeiture hat been actually incurred, beTtrngs "exclil sTvefy IS tht courts bf the UoiteJ 8ui, amlttoVpendiir thfl fliral dWretTwbetuef Iht teiturt ito be deemed rightful or tor tutus ; and that mil until the teiturt be finally judged wrongful aud without proba ble cause by tht courts of Iht V. States. can tht party proceed i ctmuion krjhr damage in the state court. v " f' k-. But, by making it 1 44 unlawful fir any of tbt constituted autbtritiet, wbttber of the United Statee or of tht Statej to enforce the law for tnt payment of dutio, and declaring that "alt ludiClaT roceoduig wlsch shall be hereafter had in affirmance of ihs contract uiado with purpoat to at cure the dutiet imposed by the anid acts, are, and shall bt held utterly null and void" she bat in tffrct abrogated tht judicial tribunal within ber limit ia thi respect, bat virtually sksuad th United State ae ccta to tbt court tslaUisfMid by their own laws, , and declared it unlawful Cr tb judge it diachargo tho duties which tbey art sworn to perform. In lieu of tbste. slit bat substituted those Slat tribunals already adverted to, the j'tdges whereof ait not merely fbrbiduaq to allow an an- i. - ... peai, or permit a copy 01 their record, but art previously sworn to disregard tie laws of tht Union, and eiuorta those only of Soulb CaroliuA) and, tbu dnprtrtil of luo (uacutej etseotiat it-tht judunaj char acter, of inquiriug iuto th validity of th law, and tht riilit of the matter, become werery'mTma'e'r.iar tbt Concerted obsUuctiOD tf. tht kw of tht Union. Noilher jha procaaa Oor- autbority of tnesei viuiuai uiuaonuiiuioJ, sKbe ryspected, consistently with (lie stinremafv tf iht laws, or tht nghtf l"d tt'lity rf tbt cittrcn. j II thej ba submitted to, tho protection dut frooi the ,Gvram6nt fb lUoflkera'autl titisen i wiibfieM, Vnd lur is, at once, an end,' not tnly? to the law, nut to Tne union itself. , : .Againat aucb a forcu a the sheriff may, and which, by tht replevin kw of Booth Carolina it U hi duty to tserciat, it vcan- not oo ttoectcd that a cix'lertor can tsrtain bn'ctmotly witb the aid of the' Inspiclor. Ia such case, it is true, if would It 'com petent to Issue suits in the United Stales Court against those en2a"e4 tri"Ui uo- kfurproct)f dirig f or li property might be seiced fir a violation of tbt rtvtnu taw, not oumg tiMiiedm tnt proper osjrts, tn order might bt made for ita rt. dthvery, which wrvoid bteomiuitttd toll Marshal for tiacution.'.But. in that caaa tht 4th aoctioQ of lh act, in broad aod uo quahnod term,, make tbt duty of the Ueriff Mtt. prevent, aucb recapturtsor ciaura,or to redeliver th good a th cas may hn, " tvta under any. process, order, or. dcrrp or other pretext, ewitra- ry to ine true intent Ind meaning of the duty of the sheriff to op(os'- tftr prt .r ot ' ...... v . w lira Vlllltutoilirs, int courts 01 the united . State, and fo amiov tn jrhole powtf of tht ountrywAnd ttrtf ttl ; prewty-rwieTVitonfm-l inaepemieiitiy of Its provnwrn, bt could . ; hayt used-' a this reservation it obviou- 1 ty ontetrip1ates "a ,rc6rt lo other, mrf hiP, T than those particularly meiititmed , . 4t 1 not to be disguised, that the powejf Melt it ia thus enjoined upon th sheruT i to empjoy, is nothing less than the poesa eomitatas, r in til tht rigor iX tlw"aiicint commjin law. Thi power, thimgh it may ' be. used against unlawful resistance to Jn-"-"-" dicial process, -is in it character forcible, ant) analogous to that 4 ouferred. up.Hhf -Marshals by,thactof 1793. It is," in fact, tbt embodying of the wbela mtus ei the population, tindor ht command of ; -single individual, to tcoompligh by fheif forcible aid wbaj, could not lie effected pnacably and by the ordinary means. ' It ' may properly be said to be a . ralick of those age in which tht laws could only bt' ', Shcritrs of Liighmd, to enable them to j . fend iheir county against any of the kingV nemie wb'ta fhey enme into tbe kwl, f -well as for the purpoao of txecuting pro cess. Ia early and ! civilized time, it ; aa inUitdcd ta kcludo. Jh id and H tendanrt vt'-sXt khiflil InJ other wh were bound to have harnras." , It incSt.lei the right of going with arm and military 'r'Wd Ombrace larger cms and greater masses of population than can. be cotnpolN by the kw of most ol tht Htate to perform military duty. If ths principles of the common law are recog ntjed lilouth Caroliwi, (hqnrrort tbifl act it would eem they art,) the power pt ' summoning ths possa eomitatu will oom-.-- -pel, under the penalty of fin and imprion ment, tvery man over tht age of fiftetn, and able to travel, tt turn out, at tht call ; of tbt Sheriff, and with such weapon tj v may. .Whisaeaaaart mAmfjtjf? beating, and tven killing, aucb as may rt sist. Tht use of tht pots emitatut i tUmfurt, a dirocl applicti,m of furctv- -and cannot be otherwisw regarded than as " th employment of tht whol tnilitja fbrct ' of the country, and in aa equally afBoknt form, under 1 diffbrent name, - !)fo jir- 1 ewding whicb-reaorta fo fbi ppwr.to 'thj MtenteanlemplsH by iht. act, iaia b)-,V-properly denominatsd peaceable. . ' ,TlitaidM.-uUtb-,Crolinj kewryef, 61 -doei U6t fWaltt)gtber nponhi f .rciblai' . ' romoay-1rorsvsaauempiioi rssist e. - r. 4 diobnjr-t bough by, only 1 tht -Hitiiry 4 - ) t tftctrt of the custornst-Mh nroc 1 . 'J ' pltvin, tEi oolloctor and alf concerned" afeLj: 31! 1 " sutuaelsJ ta it urllisr'Bnteee.tlii In A i . r..--...A, ... Kw nature ol t dktrnu of ibtir psrtoaal effWt ' and are, moreover, made guilty of a misde . uieaoor, man iiauic ia. b punun-- try nut ti not ies ttiao on ; thoiuand, of mort laaa, nya looutaM - uuuart. . l Uu mprunnmenU no txcetdiflg two yert. and bbt . lea than '.U mouths I aod fur'. even atttmuting to extent tht orW of - he court fr retakuig tba property. tba marslial, ay all assUting, would be gnihy t ' a uiuMkmeajxw, and liable to a Rue, of not less than thrtt thousand dollars, nor uiort ' ' v than tea tbousand, aod to imisoameht, - ( not xcetding two year, nor less than oner " ' . and in cast the good should bs rtukaa 1 under such process, it i male lb abto. alt duty of th !ierifr to rtakethem.T f ' It i not to bs sut.posed that, in th act . of that ptoaltie, aided bf tht p6w-rAil fore of the country, wliich would douU. lasa bt bftmglil lo sustain th State offi " era, eithsr that tht collector would rt lain tbt custody in tbt first iostanen, or that tat marshal could tummoa wificmil aid to retail. tbt property, pursuant V tb) J order, or other prtoeta of th court. Il Is, moreover, w obvious that id t aiaT conflict between tht'powtr of the oflMert oTtht Umted Slate and of tht State (unw 1 Ae--i.-. a. a - es mt inner on passively submiilca to tkA Attmi fivlifiri Ia I. j. W lit a m - ... .J ITT "'",i"'V" ' " "ivy . in. vniiniriT.U : .a i the oilictra of th custom would be expo. - J wu, hi tuiiuuiwuu , ih acilMl VMUIIC and lh loss of livtav avould bt see ret! r i avoHiaeto. "" ;-l:oder tbeat eii cuius? aurei, tod tbfpra til-, liea.bli tyeo tarouva tnt ordinary judicial tribunal of.t.h United Sfat.-, TVrt a. i, i .ri it v Km r- -,,r....i.:... . .. j Urn iijvportur,itv pt actutt pljiirnp ttwHi ;4 thai aViTaaaral fS .m ftaalrtaJ laifnai A .f 1 1.. ' " Stale, lt Uiecollcf;tionpfthreveut woiU f bt more eiketually tcard if Meed it' ' j.' can be oon ia any other way by plarnnar J t f " the custom hnuse.beyonil h 1 iuiiuedisit) powrol in county vj i' ..Forth) rurps it,, auighl ba proper t ' t providt Uial. aheoevf ly. ant nnUwful'j!, tt any port, it should kHJouisfviipractica. (" t f. bit, laitbfully to collect .tbd dufie,- tht a ' V I Prtsidentoftkt Uuiiod , Put ihoul l br ', ' f authorised It, altar and abolish aucb of tht." K district and porta of entry as kbould bsf ; r-."t" oecttry,. and to tvtabliab 'the custom kouot at aom aecurt plact within aoass-. . pan or fearbnr of such Hut aud in sue It (ase It ahould ba, tht duty oflht trdlecW or lo reside at iuch plaoe, and to detail til vessel and rnra nntd tht dntie Imposed by law lliouUI.b prAperly secured or paid m crh, deductio; bitreal t that r - . . il ,.sWfclWKlCjtjH -- -.--.-r7r-:-v;3. 4 srr. " 1 1 ' t ;..f 4- V -r ji ' . ,---"-.------ k I. .t . - A . r' - - . - " ,. - .. ' , ji .- . , -

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