t w .e ' - ..t h ' i' riffr " ' .- ,. : c-ni- fr such purposes as ititU b- litre, poiutud Out. 1 ' ' Sit Journal tf 0. ' Oa 'the. 7th day f i:76 'the !; 2ps from Virginia moved in-obe-&jice ta instructions from. their eoostitu entsf that the Congress should declare that United Colonic are and of right t;-nt to be, free and independent States.' Ji arose on thi proposition jeonia -. X'tw D-degale thouHt it. prmitiir j jpih'- ged the want of power froinlh:ir xr n-iuutunt. The following is an extract . Jhrafto debate;; It was said, that ton f rtritrfihecotainie) had X'edy fit V "VjiVn t'wif delegate to conm.-ut to such Ji UCt UWUIiW, 01 puiers oj . - ' I ' . . .1.. A ffl tve Kh rnwrnl.' ' that ifthe delegates V nv particular eoLny had no power to ' 'ics 'nre such colony independent," certain mm-to. the4bers could not declare il ; - . V delegate must retire, and fumWj "' i-'-t sit ; ! Albeit 4oiiee aright ipcedi .from, tUelY " - W' tT ' t " ' Hloaaiy, 1 si of JulrY m6-.The dele: f T Jktna from N'ew York said they were, as "' WuJnc, n4werc Mwred,tliat their t wjiluenti were font? hut hwvw " .1 :i ' 1 : Wtion to vote for ft,, they asked leave : ' " to witbdrawirous the question, which was I ' i. Wordingry " gWen thtmf and they did I : ' wr i the declaration of IndepemWce ' ' lurid alter they nao receive Vo to do from tba AwemWy if New Trk. Tba vota on the declaration wa taken, colonies, each colony giving one rm, iujoordtngti I previous agreement entered aW moncr lha deleiiatea. f At tba tame :iia thai tia daupR.Cl!rf Vi BpMgrumawuo-ov-ouo rata (rani each Stata. waa at work matur- m Ka ariWlo Itt a coufrderation of the ' J;atea.7,f'w'' 'irtwTSlreporteJooThe 1 !th of Jdlv.7e. lava MM JUfllraotvwejgi sVbated from day ta day, ad tima lo tjnw, -' -for twa yean wen ratified July 9th 79 livrteiT8tafe rtli othort," at ubaeqttflit . " fen!, feUfri, Maryland lwWtng out two 3 rear longer telof ana ;n m . .Hi t it, cauaff ofdolay in deciding on the r'Vh.ch Hie Siatea fth against irtttnjf-iipte 4 lh . fioneral iwrammeiit pertain vowers IjehnisinS to them aa free, sovereign and , totlfiwodant Mates ana me wnoiu mo- jrf tba linjei shows thaf n'we of the ' 7 blares would haw ew aeceded U thecotv ikterati.iB. but lor tha declaratW contain- in ihe yecon article, in tbeae worda ;T ; f i;.icb state retains lis aoTrwinmj V Wj A and Indonf ndence, and pwy power. E Wwdu'ii.m and .rirht. which law by this "'m-'. 1 w. Ti-rr:: m-i Jar - 'I'luft. ii MI anrmar. from these bintori " 'ialwrthai the Joloniea never were uo any -ather- owcii ilcepLtha BritUh rjruwn,to tbey aciinowioagey manr cnrtacnttcntlT. that-, when this ab "jnfteato tbwttrUiHti Urow. waa mmm ' wnd. tl became Free, aotereicn and in r ouiit Staif'a. la tin net I will pro- k -Cftt to prove, by inj;ojilatf Wei. facta, that ; ; i clng as I" aovewgn ana inorpeiw . ftf 2-t Hiaina. i1m!y- formed -compact wrth . ''iWwtther tb cistiltrtios, H tb JLS, .. . - ftereto-' ; cna, 'fisher. January, ii TJf. Poisbtmi m'fM tb Mlowln, , . iwwa,..i nai infti rBpociw pi w i '- Patt bi requested to caoae to be laid be- ,1 ' fore the 8cnat, copiea of tba orden whkh j..f 'illi fast been giw to tha Camajianding Olli - - pcf (b Mililirf Force aambjed m pjit nearnaneaton, e...janq aim copies f if tha orden, which have been given to t lha i ConimanaVr f tba NaVal Firce,-as-"7 sbsaUed tfw Harbor of Cbarleaton-par. " tkulf rly; each orders, if vf. such have v en giVeri,' to resist the conatirtr'ed autho '"'K ntiea 'if the State of South Carolina, with. fii the chartered limit of said State. --- i.fr, PptnoaiTBB '.hoped tha reeolutioa ould ba immediirtery. adopted, by onan- immia consent, as, the facta which it cat !H 4 fir might ava a "important bearing " Apo the diKUsaioa of tba. bill now before ' ; bo ftiiate. -;,;'r : . lvK objection being heard,' fto cba v4iwtWl thav reaolutioa to be again read. - pd tatcd the question, or adoplion. x.7.irH rVtVijafii aaia, we wrjni w eocfl a a , jpsoltitiiiO nu'bt be very important. , He r wa Dot aware that any thing e? isted which ej!vr paired ju immediate aAt'ionbr IXjiBuI.tIcIayjB doptinglirhropf J.bul. revutin bad better jay one dtfy on nhtirni!tcnhBtBndiriir rule. " , Tim Cd Art said, ao.l4ctioo' lad I-fa raailfr to tt conkTatKo, and it w bow frfjre the Senate by onm.mous consent. r' Mr.;Pot5BXTl did not propane .o dis fjjs t'Je" fewtOW'at 4b tiuie, it ceiled for nothing but what should be spread be. jbre the pubiic Tbecoun'ry was tn a Atit?.bf profound : peace aod no occasion could' xiat lor keepbtg the ordera issued 16 iminiryfani "offieetirt wtm w fjrfte of peace T. lis nresujnea no genue, man would obiect to the adopt mn af the re aolution oa the ground that we were in a tali of hostility. . But a state of hostility ! 8i'ht ariae in contravention to order of tbe bxecuuve. nm onjeci wa io get at ' the ifuih and", in c:o horn ili ties should arise that reajwnsibility might ret where it be4onjrL Ileconid see no reason whv the ed ''iition'of. Jhe resolution ahould be eoeii- n-iV I be miyriuatioo sougnt might svw aa importrst beans; tfpoa ti in' UiiiliT d' ! iti. II AHt firw h'ped no ili !ny would tnke 'ffv in ii ;l'iitttn. Mr. Cki'MDT did i't ipp;n to to ia oat hn the resdution. wa taken up by uuaniiitHi4,eoniiit H hwld interp? no ol)jctiio to its adoption if ii was of the proper character at .preaont he was enti rely ignorant of the design and object ol the resolution, A "great dwil hud Un statcd. and much nvire iiiiimatc-i than di rectly stated,alMiul ii'tilo m'-aurrs ty.iut'. the Slate ff S-ijith Carolina. He f. It a much anjHtfv as any Senator to kruiw the feets irt -relation to that aubjert J nnd he wished for au ojiportomty to exaritie the re)!ution,' and .ae whether oil the one haod, it Jul not go f-jrther than was proper, antf on tne oUier whotucr H went lur enongh. The circumMam-o of gpntb-men bAppemng out of their :liiccs wtien such calls were proposed, wa one reason fir Iho ula that repi'cfd tnerrt to lay oiie oViy on tjia table f n Jh? jrfifW&K! was no occasion for . lnu.Jeniug Iho call bo yond 'th;"fUTeJ 11 ther1brtr:oM1h'tf the rewjljrtion be i on t!e labletmtrl te morrow, aiid pnn'.edf wbicd was agreed to. January v. In the St'nale yesterday, 'aAer , I wo or three bilfs were carried through stages of paiwage, tne resolution olkred oo the pres ceding Ait by Mfi Poinrhkr catling i Hie rrcfKlent for tutr orders msueit ti cer tain officers in Smith Carolina, came wp; AMr. tiarsnV was in. lav or the ailop tion of the resolution after tha modification which it was asuul lotonnle with such call should be-jnwrtfd, and a, greater extent given to the tall for all rrlors ailoctinit the cvixtittitcd authorities of Slate oftouth Cnrplina." ' Ho moved to amend the reso lution bv adding l the 2d line the words liwTar, Ji way. jh ,Vm jiwjment Jba.. cum ixlU4 t J 4 be jwWwititetf-fit-- T JVr- roiNeziTta aaulr the geraiernan, with an amendment which entirely do Arflyed tha elTwniribe.'trrW'iltiiirtti. fie onniRa inai any anrrerton oe,iongca to me Executive 'relative tojhe communication to Congress "ofjirdera given t military oflTieera-in-timeKf peaee, -There ww uatly two exception msde in fiivorof tlie discretion of the Eieeuiiva uponealU from eithtf nwi 'irrCoiif reW.' Oiie -' w'ai ancra" paper relative to a nei listionf (he other when ord'rihnueir ti military oflicer in tune. 1 1 war, should be ratled for. In inch cac only wro the dortjaVihti 16 b'jTranaiiiltfcd; referr'd to faecutua . diatrctiuii rin all olhero, the, Ex"cutiv was peramptorily ,niiirnl to send the inT-m'stion pointed out. Why should not tlie inforniati"n pointed out in thia resolution be sent t The country was m a state of prof nod pr-ace, Iiolh at home ana anrono. inn me rnmmrc naa com- ihaiidoff "ITieLecktiife of iimZiit the Slstrs to retrace its step. -land aiwl nn val forces hod Ixten aeinliled within that iJtate, ty ' order of ifw Etectnl vtf i-nd gentletneat. eoroa here and any that the Prawleot may bava secret which it may be improper 1t communicate, respect fn the ordera gnen to the comtnamhrra of ffieseT force, It maybif sunpoxed that order had been giveii todisirse the gi!a1iHe T ,.e rooy , mipp that-ororfi had hcerr iwaied to appn hiuid teitita ob noxiow individuals m that slate, and exe cute' thenUHukr thaaecuud sect kin. Sup- PtnairiduairalW!srr name, In these ojdera, a bad been done by Lord North ! he would uot aay that m'ich things had actually been done; but, fvmaJftteu)?ing qfffoiHlerneflk vioujhaUhflrwatwnthiaglroriem Uo waa tatiaflcd lhal it waa the , Mention civil Mr in the 8lnt of .South Carolina, AT'i-iwrnosct of &nhnff fctrft kit apobv ay f.r flHtircbing an army Inta that State. Ifno orders tad been given, which were (Kit improper, why should Ihey W kept secret t lie rerrelted the amendment. If it waa m hi rawer, after it ehould be adopted, he would, withdraw'. the, rcsolu, tion.' At all rrnitt, b should be jvatihad tfr UrilWtil III si fWH llllaIBf ItVal II IO 'tllv? character of the ordera. lie' could, not say by whom the. amendment had been ang jeatcd, but he bad heard that the Fro sioriu nem a arawmg mom uw nigni. : Mr Oat'FDt would meet all infnrvnce which might be drawn by the gentleman, is tn anything improper being eonlatncd i6 the ocuen transmitted to the milifary or navaJ officers m-South Lamlina, bv a poe itive denial.' He undertook to snv that no stich ordcrt had heeti given..- He, d -pro- eated ever? thing which mirht give occ a si on fbr civil strife amort r the citiaens of outh Carolina' in their present state of excitement. It wm a reaurl he was ani lotil to guard against, s tar as might be had bririf-received" from c1tiemi."of tb State which wa recited .in nr. order fom ded opon it, would it not be proper to omit 4 pa me. of imbviduau xtung aucn infor. matuonlWpuldnot a Jillbrentcnurse,at thia time, give, rise to a . state of fooling hic.h would probablv leai to hlooilxl tftbe name of bKlTvlduals were recited in order a having given the information which ot.raioned therb,.wpulil.the gentle man front Miasissippi wish them stated f . air. ToixoaiTsa i,wjMUe4.1aa whole and evert part or tne orders. i Mr.Gir?"T had no objection to placing the whole of everv order, ae fur aa related to tie act f the"fevcutive, in the power ,0111)0 gcntlehiariv TiJuf arty recital orcoh hdenrtai wfrtrmation, which "tghf be fon- tiund in an order, oueht not to be given Coneeqnencea might, follow from such disclosure, which oughr to be avoided. Before gentlemen indulged themsolvea in denouncinz thetrderi which had been is. uel to the ofTwers in ?outh Carolina, they had better wait until the order themselves ,eeme, . Irt the mean time he could tsmirt tliem that tlere w nothing warlike con tamed in them; Tliere were no oidw kiU' tltf o C avuOP 'cfoxt&Sfa Bjt l,n fj was a Gi.ri'tinii uoceiary to b r h,1 in the i'reHideiit relative to.th eMinmuiiK.itioii of them even ia p?ac Huji)oe BiioiTi erin 8. Carolina UJ ma if-mfed an improper degree t teelid ,W.H favw ot one of tha iwnies, anich now happily exwted there, wetild the gentlemai re njirn that the or.lcr trccruling tlie ofiice alxml.J l.e laid boftre the Senaleu t - Mr. rouuiixTEt answerej in tha aftr nniive. r t . , ,', j . ' Mr. fi rs nt could porcei ve no sufBcfri reason lor degrailm an ouicer by wmb ; course, tie had n orticiiMi tj callii on tlie Executive for alj aubatautive ordt relatuis to tlie action or movement of tS furce8 in South l-'aowia but where eiV ofders related to information received fron A, B, or I- the communication of such field could do no g'lod, and idight do mi chief.' , Ho nln mid propone lo extend the call contained in the reaobrtion-tiyajking M all rtfWi &Kfv&fo i-bnti gi venV to act atrainet Uw consti tutad authorities ol Soiith TarolihaT ""He ha J ni ajprt;(ieiwiiB that the Prewdeot had traowk)il hn a tbority, Gentlemen Vrmld o a j well to fjrbear from the indulgence X)f uch re marks M related to punish mjut Under the 3d section.' The whole coirwr-ot tl Ux ecutive in relation'tlie Stateof Sou:h Car olina had- been; mow modffate and. con ciliatory- It - wa beliewd by. most Jof tmwe who had examined xie suigect, tiui t)e J'rridont, ttnde .cuatoglawa, p'isats, -d all the power propef to bo given hiin Cv the act nriW before -tie' Senate;'' exeep; tmg that conferred in thebeginningof tlp timl section; ; Lut the ea wa a" new one and the president had preerred laving jt beftre ..Congres for it tomtideration. Did this course look like executing cttfWs under the 2d' section.' Ib wa himself di-noscd to have all -ttifofroation which Itelore the benatn. lie wa claa the gn- th-maa from Mixsi'ppi VlivPoindextr riarpropasea nie rn(.iinnin :iiiHjia u w withdrawn, h would himself aaiu oit r it. .As to the inftrenciH a juch the gemUnan proposed tuilrawTmihtlie iniiirmatiua; h must acknulcile Lis inability ta u stand bin rtmarks on that subject. , "M r. PojHOKXTta lad sntd thaf, if the itiformalvm wa 'withheld -he sh(ilJ be juxtUiabk-ia during hia..nM3),iufsu.J;i.. Mr.likCMUxcuuldaaaiureuie gentit-nuu ttiui tiHire. wss n j wish to conceal anytci bad been made, which iiught causo t'loj I'ru-th to umnediau? battle wltn oneanh- er. fcwrv order wuea ey tne iiTwgnve he was willing should be tait S.Ve Wi ijenate, 'The allusion ntaJe hv tlie (jen tlcman,. U Mies fcVdut!a :-.4rai st -e he did not comprehetid. -Frfm ii hta,Uh he had not been able to atum.l; but if tlie gentleman did, he hoped lie likd en)t - biniKtlf. ...... u Mr. t'ALHots was greatly aurpritrit r. the ol,jaciioo-torUa-rMu w---4 oi tne i.xewiuve relative to; ine p.iw.r ,,rJll;,, tllt 1f R , ,,nillH,1V(.Si South Carolina. Hut, at the' sainetiiiiej it .!.;,. .,, ,!,.-. rii.-i1,. .nrf..,- miglit bo projw to-prolnct thchirof j,uv; r,,.tome lirht ; hut avarice and lliat State from diaclueureai' if any -Meh I ....i,.,;. .. u, ..'.rt ,..-v i tUv uutaliajw- lt. did not tH. fut vfl4il. tw m,18, nd bbvmcal private correspimdcnce. But Jhu ..Scuat .r from 'TennAste 'aayathet order um ha e been founded upi the cWwspoi4 t ifiditidyalsfbol. .Jm.l maJ he ftatei m thoordeK H&wai antontehod af.tbe'te niark. Waa ho to undarvtajid thit rnili L . . . . . . a tar? or naval oruera naa reuuef irum ofS-mth Uaroliiuu' What ! I the utiier Magistrate 'of tb) t"; States Irt corrfespnn deuce with, parties so 'deeply excited as South Carolina t The disclosure was mol ttraordihar ufa 'aemi-nflicial character it couta "aol fail to have. an . important lufluciCe alae 13 o'clock having1 a friverf l"r,, i. r TiXit AijtTtotod, 'tb at byline tcs$rit tion be bad placed upon the, rule recently adopted relative to the BpeciaJ Ordene, the Chaib was directed to call ft at 12 oVIock After some remirls between Aft vs. knee, CaLHOrW, SstrrH anTbT, upon the oonetructnat of the ruyv. -, ; Jiir GaiitDT iriqutreviTictfirVws re ply to theremarks f the Senator from South Carolina (Mr. Calhoun upon the resoluUon uiust be uspeodd until tauncjf- rOWt: -.v-i: ' I . "-. The Caata waa anxious o learn arheth- air hi-coiilructioa of Uuj rule aould.be anpealed from bv any Sepator ,. xMr. Kix9 aatd getithmen had aowiieeri before apprised of tbe imperalive term io which the niK had. been worded tt.the first time. . lie wa satisfied, and ha lav ievo c4her ireaucmen;wcre, tni ine a a ' a ' . . corwtroctiou given to it by the Csuiwas correct. i. i ' "' i ' Mr, PotyDfx7a.niored to lay.thv1 sintilSr -VnJhejaljjejJthe proceed mg to jdnoM of W Ksaoiuuwat thin tinin ' " ' .ft' ' ' i Ttii motion wu loet-vet 11 soea 23. -fli ti in imaJii nrgintarrV'att friml it Witllnitoi CU A greaf reaction has taken place in this section 6f the country; wtrh regttpi lo.the proceedings oCthe Soula tarolma Lonven tiflnsnd thecsidentsproclamstlon ; the motive and principles of the flullilier.s were not correctly understood at list, and they, were tnoked. upon , a rcbelp againsf the'remiblie : and the proclamation made deepertliiiee;imt'iesiw'l5Tt'jimeTtained' that Governor Itoyw e anawetvf r Cal houn's second Jettef, the adilrtV ,n people of. the rjnitad State and South V4ir olina, a letter by member of fh convea tion in answer to General Jackson have been bV many rcal at teat ion,' and they havegiven great satiilaetion. Some lime m.jo then wa n4 a on;Ie ham oow thv . wiwM . amount to nearly if not hali'thn' toiukinf men m tha coun Ti.vt. O't lilt U u''""41 ' " - r.Trr.DiTou, Dear Sir: The political . l .... l.u ;n nt Munect Hi Hit changco, only, that iti Ix.th bo)cd and belmved that the propod power - the Pred-nt, wil be o cut down by aineniimenw.a to tniiair m fnjlit ful ctmract", ao as m hiukb it-s nassWL'e of ittlo conmu'in:e to tne lib erties of the count ry.'.. 1 almost wish rny jf, that a couI.K jmss with tta entire on. uma features i t nut the oeooie mijini ix- Dropcrly alarmed At it hideoua and tlan- reroui iiiiporu. inoiiiing win";' ht be;1 exnectod W renult beneficially to B.rt rnholrv; Trnm lint do iberatHMI 01 Ae riresent aesHioo tif Congress ; The r clntlv' coraieetcd tiartv. composed" Priuci' nillv of the" efcre-ira hour Jacktomht.wA tse old EiiHtern' Federaliits, bf : llarlford nehrfirti hat combined to driti war fjtn ff i rri Uiaciou.lv porsitod in by them ' l-wlr a tienry Ltay tuu wo wstuig v,uie in both hou! upon any, anu every jue1 tioa".wdded an,ew Trtticr American Sv stem, being its god-therat leant; be ill stilld tveryHffiirt that I, making to reduce it. r 111 fainom bind hill, should K get through both 11 jusc, will be assuredly vetuc bv the t 'retntent.: lie has ao fle dared, himself upm it already."" report is afloat; end haa i believer -very nrach. lUut the .VifthcTn and LaMera nintittac tui' iiT, cxiifes gte.it alnrmat their itua timi 5 and that they , very earneHtly desire indeed, t le let alone (and nil lunger to he ligitlated. r ; They. iadi to go on ia their os-n way, ao4.ta .!iriive r tuem- selves, their wo tiioaj'urc't and . iiilorcat t They di ism the great iame now playing to, le a strong t)vftic.dlrfe, '"of. a deeply artful p liti'Vil partv, t S jhvf.'l, the truo prliirjilfi.'of )htXi:'VMfB!lL whole riiitii)i"V '.(-'mirtti tritmtrv to of priiicip! ; unfO"ws i- the fj'v'rnnitnt and hnrtf5w.','K:i'?'-i.'fut'oifol the lahd. They vir , iod-iel, hat the Union ia in vcrv uttef !nt ..t ; 4l)d lictire it is, hat they due 4- bs thiu "oiu rtf the itnfej.aud t.untcc:iorw of the. 'artful dunign. ing detna j-iU':. 1 . . : b l. -'-v -'f AWiwrot.eh. fltrr,' ! - Dtnr fr;tv r nu tt-r, the pronnett.-i ut i!f ims.i;;e o! Vrrji am k hill, I iaytUtHiHidcrshle dilhrulty in predicting, wlnt wil the fi':.irresu!t." " Thtf three ami iwfiity Van l'uren iiin from New Toil, have this bill in thoir riVer, ,and i'l- tiii'j i'-ptid- ttjnn (tie inHtrutioni they lay, The intemperate speeches of J. O, Ad ams a.d lYrram RTirgcas,.produced some Vt rv wstto ami noun Heimaiioei in the 44iMr- AnHHktne He cause of tlie fiir.4m.v haxptodedVand the airoog arm xif j.iiiHi(C lw-ri.ie,of tlie soutuerrrmem- rHfra, theie irei.tleiiiefi awumotl a' veav loflV p'h r-I tin muw;le and pRvmcal trtceuth iit toe rnrtnT ttm superiority of tree tiver slave lab(jrcrs, and expressed tiiwirlinrdctt;iimnati6iCii;;i a beilriveul Jirii tiieprcttKesyjiterai by the weaker part of 1n" i 'iii''i. , 1 u TWrihger, C4. Uraytou aud .Mr. Patt.si, replied to thene . cltanndonK f a hih tariff, uui cave them a, ,l'V)W".htfi TrT.M'rile,! easli nition. .J.ir..S.ftW'lfV'f? .''n. hia 'ai u day, and Mr Adams looked somewhat sub lued. . Hie frieiHl of these trentlemon, I thmk, felt ashamed duct;or rather px-rhapat the result of it I pesa njoii are u . ht to live under a repub- can gwrnment i tbr :they Vanm-t or,will not, appreciate" "ita true principles. 1 oi day, b the &-natc, Mr. Ty.lor vinade a ve ry powertut spoiscn agamst the bloody en forclng bitrand one which reminded me 'of the old Dominion, iu her best days. discussion will be spun out in the Senate several days longer, aud then 1 bould not be aurprueuVif a juotioi4kiy ihe bill on the table the remainder, of the session. would be successful : for it is eveu evident that "the collor neh are "t reiCTtuTwitn fear of aria); jorihe. : Housf ;;.Tbf y will not, dare not pass this bill; for puMic ipuuon as the debate progresses, is st ttmg stronger and stronger against ft. I be old democrat a in Pennsylvania are raising then bniuoa, and it u aaid that a strong efliirt'a dl be made in a day or two, in their legislature, to rescind from its journals, tlie shameful vote given some time ago, in & vor of the-doctriue olthe proclamation. -A aingular document arrived here this momma, in the iMewioik flandard. It iaa report of a committee of the legisla' ture npoo the federal relations, and must have come frpm the pen or the dictation of theJIanctari. Lrom.lhe aliirbjjienuali have given U, t am induced ta believe that it t intended Iq promote the .following ob jects. First, to ehake off Webster from the embracaaof the President. Seoonov to, Ivoojhe Sou fhjnttt aiiapprobatioq.pf i r. t . .... thi mcnaea .version oi state nignta ; ana rthTrdTyT bovi to forsnhie inaugural addrcs, so at to relieve him in some measure, from the almost prostrate condition, into which his passions, and the advice of hi federal cab met, have plunged him. .the author ot tbif ftlatwWe arM ringwmt nvOTir, fmav gull the President, if no one jclse, as to the identity between" it doctrine and those of the proclamation : and ' I would .act be aur priaied of -lha A ooUta-h4Ui it Las Ibe true and, expected 4 interpff talioa of the edict of bia imperial Master. ' ' Toun reapectfully. , - Alt intelligent correspondent ' ask a to republish ."iirorri lfurae'e History uf "the Coi"mairaiAn the .following extract Speaking of CooxweliV desire to be crown ed KING, ther historian say, 'iCol. Jeph t.son in -order to sound the inclinaU n of the Hotise, ventured tr move, that the M PwHsoajt apujd btftot' t trof a on . . . .. . ' Cromwell j and no rorj4i.v -r r. Itictmire was discovered on the o ca-i-m. h n pu " Cromwell arterwanUa-ked jepiwon wn ;it imlui'ed him to niaiie so n motion, ni " brfi", said Jephson, ' us I, have the honor " to Kit in I'ariiamem, iiW1 'oiiow tne "dictates of my own coiisctwice, whatever "olH-'tice I may le a unfortunate us to 41 "ive yoti.' CJet the,e gone, aaid Crom- fwill; giving him a gentle uiowontne " shoulders ; get thee gone, for a mad ftl " ow a thou irt.'.' ; ' 'J.ri ':T-y'r ' Our corrcHpondcnt ay, that lie will eive out reader to make the application. i'tr ! ' 'r r y l'1""- s ' i iZ.Frfi IAtrieJerJr Eefnitf Pott., ' The time 'ta near at hand when the Sen ate of the United States will be called up on to: protiounce " Iheif decision for or a iraiuat the tvitf bill now under duicussiori eyes ot jjhinktng nien, oi an. parlies, and in all flimrlers of the UmonVare I timed with the utmost olicitU(le towards thatliody.they rigniiy juuging nai jm ineir voruiqi ue pend results of yaatr if not d iital impor tance, jo this Uuiiiii. There aeems to be . i . ...... .1. " : t'.n a eefleral conndeoce eutertained that Mr. Verplaock's bill will paw the Ilmisei hut "shadows, clomls, 4 durkuess," rest upob the opinions of the . Benateand the whole people of the . United Sutos are waitiiV moat anxiously lor ins giooin io ue msai ftit.-.-w'.-, ''r ,. . " ' ' . On aoute member of assembly, la particular, attention, is strongly rivettod, iunl every indictjion furnished by rumour of the course they will be likely to take, ia seized hold of with an avidity that show bow important i considered the crisis' at which we hive arrived. To Mr. jyebster, perhnj morrvthan any other JSohator, the eves ol" the nation areturned.-'t II iaknowi ibaUiu Lla.hea.tt-M. Ml .nevftr.. approved. IW! wrqtchoa, measure ao aneurdly tolled t!iC. American ay atcrn but on. the coat r- ry, hnt he Wm a roalou aud ipfluentia! opponefit of that aj'stern and oil mdra than. one .)CC4nKHi haa prov4 by the most hi controvertible arguments, .expressod with tne utmost tervuur, tnat it is a measure ttu.:qiial, oppreaaive and xinjtn.- Oirrnim sfances" subsequently occurred to change his conduct with reference to the. tantf uowio nuppoaee that kiaefMaion hasander icwtn any alteration. Indeed, t is current ly reported and believed,; that during hi recent jiKirney to Washington, he treely admitieU he was now convinced tbat.Pro -".:'-'"" .' ": '''... lection ana union are incompatible, and that the time had arrived when one or the ut her must be given up. A few days will i1hw which he ha concluded to sacrifice. Whatever may be the termination of the present difficulties in South Carolina, it must be evident to thinking men that7 a w oiiiiiiiaiiicu wiiiiokv pniuucing a senous and erhas irreparable breach in the.Con lederacy. The doctrines of nullification the General Government may, for awhile. hold tho State togetherTdespite the efforts of thvae. who aasert the right of peoccat4o eceaaion.: - But the smle will not hms be letwe'ia siaple State and the Govern. m o( the Union. - The whole Soulh. a , it ... a .i n I - . : t ... . wen as ouutn uanuma, -...n grievously opv preaaed by the tarifi; nor can it be doubted if all hope of relief from Congress ahould fail them, that there are o thllTOifeferacy which may be goaded in - ine l,it to violating the compact and into having recourse to the ultima ratio of an injured peop'e. , , ism we yet entertain a sanguine that niiflire will tMil be uried to trcnuty.. We trust to see a portion, at leastMihfiTadrwaiesifm Set!ale,"ihow; on this irrngtetitotti ottaaumJ that ihey tolue .tho integrity and prosper rty ot:thrwhntg UnlwoCa.TiUjher rrle than the pecuniary intereata of one class of the inhabitants of a bart -that they .will show themselves willing to give up I frac tion of the iuimoderate advantages enjoyed bytbe mamifkctuTer', fitf the -' sake pf a verting crmsemtences which no one 'can contemplate wjth Kit a .shudder, and which fin - hwr - pfttgraaa c.-iuld, sea rcelyfatHrf loyerthrowirig those yeryeMabllshmeots, upludd which all the existing and most la- and the north haabcen Created, ''V"; . It ia uaoloaa, in the present emerrenev. to argue tho constitutional poiau involved in the diKUSHtoa of the tarur question. Whether thi existing law fa constitutional of not whether the oppression of which the south complains ia real Pt imaginary 11 must oe reauceo, or tne union cannot be preserved.. The Southern atatea be lieve tliemselves .inauimortably aerrieved. and if this jt a delusion, it ia one "which no process of reasonini can dispel. The rrr a reB?wu" PV T J nf eaawJ8.Tjafc-w ' The Armtntent used bv ' some, that to to reduce the Tariff now, would be a truck Ung 4f-the General Govern meut to t sim ity, might be disastrous cooseo'ionccs her ie"td"ine1ffi CidfiOfattpM rq aori.oC Mudalioo ia truth. 4 It i not to apneaae Soutfi Carolina, that the reduction of the protective dutie i urged upon' Congres. t Tljo President baa shown, and CongreM' no doubt will very .1 il .1 .u.. .1 T- ....... V nuuiuv auuw, ii'Bt mere ta 00 lllieiilioa Of whaetiiuig an alluring South CaroUwi im obedience. . The ione of the Executive i firm, dignified and Commanding But while the national Government opposes UUetf toibai hoabmgcowrae-ot'South.Car." fotow Jet tt-aot fwraeeetC in t. sjsTent ol measara inevitably calculated to alienate all the enuthern states 1 let it not, for the sake .of reducing t one refractory child to otiiiencBt reiuse to lessen the intolorablc burdens of other,' who bave mildWcom. plaimed of itsharehnes and partiality but never denied the oa rental authority.. ' ..'e do most aincerely hope that neither any false notions that it would, be imprt (icf 10 reauce, the tantr now, because u n.ir any cm ii. rowing out of tne in. s tiroo-ht la-loie Congress by the pre. mwm a wie comiiiuiucation, will jut with the success of a bill. 'which, if n. V uto a In w c.imiut fail ,Jt bavins- the r t-t in hiMilin4 thediase.wio.iof iL" 1 Tltl! "? ,1" tr,ber hail. If dote,V d, Will be billowed by a state of exa.s, 1 ion in all the otithflrn section ofl, r, fodency, which it perhaps will then be toe' ! laie io appease . l he ti ohf tu. i paper at the Scat of Government, we glad to see hold's aimilar lammage. VV ' hope," aay that paper f Thursday M that no patriot in Congres, will suffer tbl iii,iuivh.muii ui iiieso ' topic (alludiuir ta ' those embraced in the PreHident'icominu. nication) to inllueuce bia'couwe upon M,l arm in mn bii'-iiiom uegree. It ahould1 L remembered that South Carolina is notlu whole South; Jtnd no irritating cour . Bi)r in iulber House, should preyenilm fct.?'fi1wtc toti? friouda oi the IVa -nr that lection otaurcounlryr " from ike 5aoHr ,Wt stated yesterday our firm w ' lion, that ifhe modifications jf the tariff notf under the consideration of Cr are nr; adopted, either the protective eria- .:nl.' l. l . .. ..... r" "'r'j ""w: .rf- wwny noaiiuoned by tla) end.,,,The aauthoro people Will not aubnat . M.,ijr vi una matter, on t't) miserable pretence that ia it not fittoykld them the jujtic for which they bave e long been petitioning, because a sinW state ha clianged herpetitiopt into threaii. They , cannot tutHlcrtand that logic by " "vi pwuitmiia uempt o prove the reverse of the old mitim, tt,ot it I Ui-1 ter ten guilty should IPacape. than kent MH be punished. -They cahtiot jiefc"""" cSiln.,m.whl.L tba atataa e.xcept South Caoliya Jvhichareoppr- - a refractory, spirit, ahould cootm., b Oppreaed,'-liecaiie ,tthat .single ataW. in wiiubb acu lucy save; van no sort of parti ciatioB, ha been apmewfiat hasty ,ai4, heterodox ia asserting ita, right. - 'hit it ia not the southern statei TkloM- which a girjed "by Ihf . tariuV:. those states, to be sure, the people area one tuey are au Opposed to the pra." teclivepriacipte there u hardly a dwsea,- ' ting voice. But there are other states de cidedly. opposed to the existing tarut-t Maine i.opposiad to itNew ilampsluie -j is opposed, to iL And iu those slate i which the majority ia the other war. the minority in many is very large, and ia aft respectable, It ia a fact worth noticiag, that while a number, of states ara uuuu. . raously hostile to the taruf. there U ttata single state in the whoki Union in which of lb Doth in Pennsylvania and Naw Jos aey, (perhap the, moat decidedly tariff tC'T any two memberaof the Confedoracy)thertl ' is a numeroua. aad iutolligent party ia kW. vor ol the prineiplee. of. free trade AJ froin the first otheee two tateari-Uwv)i'", out ana, cejjtrftoi tht jVawitcaaAatiaw-,. more than one oppvaentjpfthe preiehltaii L iff.bas been-'chosen o represent "tlwauC. on the'.llwr of. Congrcts. For our es paru, we have not the amallet doubt M ' : if ilie acntimenUof the American people could be ' individually obtained on the hue (retained a it isttbere would be Caindi decided mnjorttT in ftvor of reduction. t"'t ii, in uie lace et all these &cU,. eilherl House ol Congres uould negative, or bf ie hopojmeacui of any parliamentary; abuffluig.avoi4 thliex4lJeciMono by ao doing, assume arful fespenaAilK--tyrS The rcjjuetba po n)Boaei.willa'' acsas tlw,- fcVmth."" Eveii' tlie- Culumbs TelcacopB,-tbaorgaa of trat tmllifier South Carofinai adtttits that itjviU be islactory. But if thia measure of half-wf justice ta denied, the manufaetureia sunt- male up their miud td givif op, wlwluV seem to yolue, at i Jwta pricvoul Um l In reference to the very tystem oC"1 urea which bave ao exasporated the ov' em states, one of our nationar law givent tbua effireiMiKt hrfimelf. iA . Bpint' sfofeew.Tirlla agant or enreasonable is not likely to e ! aureT Thercjwill totntf' t onvii- -strong reaetirmj snd if 0'odefa,'oB shown in laying duties on, there may.", little scruple; iBtaklrrjr them rfi.-? moment o reaction anucipBiru j Webstera arivedand. it depends apeV the dispositjoo, wbich Congtesf Bjjakefoy tne qnoetion ;now bclore .inem, wiwe those iborjave borrie gross lmusice fr the taruf states so. long, will be 1 by mere diminution of iljeH bun ff -appew ' burdensi,1 hether thnv witl thrniir them orfentirarfi' though to their Ci - . .J. v . .... ?,Tn!reVupt "4rnMuC5Tttre,T' hideou ruinaodl combustion in Ihe ir Cn 1hTf ahou d.rssi veHe The Glolai i'a'urndertakinsf to wlltlf wiairMrrLiyth (it flimtitis their apteehea.on the suDfEt, ot to.. Oeh. JvliapoTind .Mr. Crnndy f HiiiiiiaLiini. . . w u iiiiiiv - u:. iv in al thai tt snay be at no. loaa tor, rpe r1 dent's opimon, we refer, tl cnonwtr thwlollowine; article Xtoni tho. tfrf JACKSON AND NULUFIU X- iVashingtW coriTrwndcnt. Kr...VArl- riirUr and. Ennuirer, yrrttesTmoVrrhetptntuttW The-Bff iaosliiogjand whoiie IrigMy sw live, liberal, and tntorcsfihg letter. recommend to tb sttentioa of eAjr rt era, a confaining much valuable wfrrtT cr ! his eelnbrared speech, aW' an Jrmie. . r th mnr1v.thosri who luud I tht-f"' atiofl W the; people ot tne anuirr'- r f dlnwtng qtiestbm to, the official f V? Jacki.on, :he Waabimrton Clqbe Gen.1 lackWiJ or did he noV iti! MoY s llavne. .te j Cotrac?5cjf (j;ntiitiop,ld3t I icW.V-?' - a . .. ..,-.. ... . . . . . . -f- ' -r- . . . ; ' '.' V. 4.'--. .; "''...' I---.-"'-:":,'..''- - - : ..; r-' ' V ''vl. ' "1 tr ' IV. ; ' -l'. .,..'.'" '.. ' " " ,;' - :a L. 1 4 i V 1

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