. litis' question wit!;'f ! ---' j jura B ktlrr, lhecciit4 f !... liv ' 4 l.uiff known U ue, r-J re tk.laa " ;a-y f.tllows : He t'J C-UiH, avaw .(v. llayoM. tbf:rn that LI a, ( Jjugthednrlnoe of tHi!ufjciii.) tie - J,.,t, o B Eft" tT A T'E C i am IrtEiniM mt tvra hub, ase tt V i tub nifrnin an !,Bi4Bv. ros nerir . rrru,.,r ' -VaxTir oreo tiTtxtiriat a rrTKt;j. Sowwvput. ropWir.ay..t i!m etJlobe i dl,ut M 4nv tbe .Vatranr fiere tnJs to tba Oftiwaw enJrrtajfteJ 4,y (Jenefid Jacksod in ls39j aod, if it atV wit, and e chlien,e tkedrtjtal, j Atrr " pj dait upon authority ; aa 4 . abat , Hew litrhti baa ficn birth bilk prurlia- tteUu 10 - Carolina 7 j- Tro ike fsL Laui$ Ptm. To ,tlta lo an bat fir C-4t ea Ibr ptm4ie UmI cTSousk CtnJtaa, We nJ hay in ber mumn&t, Va arosU to t our word 4 die yaw, aigttB it dM to wake ap 0eEa4! Wil lW flj( fur glut utbldol, bear lb niai kla T Or will Oier tk mmt ytctiai. to bleed f D-r tt, M tt Jbod ot stear balma, the ctcW be a juuch U-tter VaprqNire ia w b of the word, wirb but Que miitarj Vnt - iioo that Ihe blond i ' o..!J : bet raa be ' 'nuuie boiling but by LuxJliaj a bht of pnwdrr aBdtbruvingiaa Wboliat! 2u foiniHwif tbpe u!i! juaKtbaW - rolr-TrpuUwn--4lhe- Tadeea a tM St: IffSwL.bi'lSS ftred bYri.wlroca it will tab aSA.!"-':" "J J(Kd6fthat.ao taEltliediaU. Tbea ajutli we hare aone left' bat tbwe w , wjtijTsvwv i-TOjqfcifijft general m - jrt, and tbe; bkaainga ef kbery"kea VrJSlytS wldUtwid fellow., who bU. weai- .(ifUoolyoa aaa bate,) M raa illhtliraa liar aMiiailjaaaaaa ' ha.il aLaar !- A jou.willawtJaaauamaaJri.5" a-unaeame heworW into the rraaUa-ti!! tb. 1. f e!L a .t 7Y tiiljanyoaaStnitiat rfrewJ-'SZ8 aUr TVdar;aad eU -tb.t.'TJW to d'" canei af ajtiwrtina Xha fmmn' nmmpr.., aWrlTWia mTu.1. ' .:.i-n-.-ViTPr Oaseftfc ay oardi41atv tad ibeSiU into tbeaa. after? Kns'. eTaakta . ota kSS" irraal aaianeratki laai Ae EaTc 3 rij - 'Wte.ltfWEab KC y llyatorT7T.e,I,, ITO auiwwaaatu iiiaiaana -jlMrtbtndim.i ttTwmrtliereXara aecade ; al IbV tabarjwbaa M Wtai: n W, t and awoeraj welfare" rarrf aha W wara aaaa U Uaw4ei laW iid tbi ruterfere witb akSaraaa. ?eata btiainee j it it iifff-nnl aad ana .atiiiityjitx a ww bwjhmv4!jbvt ra a iu am nirnuia our ajure u rMt M .- t77w - " .l. i a too oijw cww a owriwwrfie, wr laerf r r;ttariwaJtoet aa-arbBi, body nm.4 aw tftai 4 ta wnrs tbtastwad- !?tlt k ' 'Pa tS" nieeau . at oe rrtima toe egrrt . . ., a peaeraj wel r1 -v s , f -'-airrrnirfaja.'Eart ; oaeaeaOoyfrjaTra-JTwrrtJ Tiie rjNtqN oiiug Ta!rr;f ,' IVHJM1W MW -VaflCJiWC H. . aaw ' thu PlhaJ,ifT-a3 to!rr fraa iTirjtm, wrtttea, aa it aaya, Ate Tariti; yM rtij le fj tU C 'aa. . . j W aoe vT (j'i mm. didtiatishcd . Ae to the Uwoo ww aeJn, 5taraal rp-; Kaeatatfaaa'ia CaiarcaV' whieb-'ar-MiU bleasin :,lV,aa, led aal a ; era," br all tuit a sacred, nothing will be Jwowledge them. Cm aa tt tie Tand, , W bi ar rsiirf ; anJ Iftere ia the most bat ta rtftAhat S iti,aake yea are ealJeJ eaJei.L.&tui detf rmiawd reaituuun to todduffc wor land ia lloL Wba t va. . f. ca tba prUectmtf avsteot, thrfocb a. whose MMtf aatnae are; -2lwY.aitwnaaKtad !:"- -!'' The Tariff ia a fat arhirh ia imro-i hx Ca States Governaierit ca evmia izw- )nr&4 iVm-CrfiattTt!rieaiSa b'yarctt J l! vaited Sutea ataa ckjji.uiua.araa fl.Mitpy IJe"JearnaartXe tcyvjaMat -1 '. ba ben LuJ ia ao amemsal a aaaaaer aa MviA-anavru as aa suitpors ie rwwraataa a , v w iKm aauj iu aw afiK qiau . operate tr tpirviwJr scma eHtS . V ."""l PT indeed b3.te i ,'l''Irt'n ,a frTntortirerea. Tbe j'aa- V leia and lawnera barevbeea tawed bV ia cmta tw.a tt. . . . r , rt RM M . v i,ft -.,Mip.uw..at.ii w.viavaiw iftft.Javaftg S Aaana atwliM''a)at,tid sleU ia' at toft. mTHftlirjHllftaftra' nay .the ta tsm& ata Jftaai nrofila. llrWj: rt !, !a', T. .'..L al th.it wa are in - -T--- krt-'tlwJnlorWit t .r laet nuy aaaWactara to-pr-t.'Et tba hara elaaUaa aiu aval Wa aral atat aax ? (atua to the Guvenuoeot abk-b are avat fint'd Cr its aae. Vat to put aula tbe pxk tJa of other naen. "TVy ay, mad iy ." v t,iuly that Conre aa baa od rJ in tu n citiva ia order ta besef.t smW. They asy irofy thai fir tea year pt atsd i lpoe flie sW hwa oo;5 bare bea ir; veT-f rt, by laeuneuaj eirrartoa W They are determioeA, Jax reJu ""i t J rh ai ""'k1 Ve tl' i'TO- . t. 11 !1r Bieau. tut t.'iB CiT w ti. pn. w,tf I aVa t . . : . f tamlatiit the prtmrf t'rUia a at ta, U ccarm .t hiv J.aJ l-fcf tfce .pl. JwJ l.m aerr rutfe. l their Lbertir ami in 4.fff tbe mU .wer. A atHrcriie w mektiihlp. olia iTtuelm)W beCite tWimi i.,;.f .1 ri';.bTy iaattlf.awl jtt,! rf th iutnre by the : Lr n-r F. aaa mjpv amt ira roHl awa;t waii aatr kt (w U drliiM ih mnn tWcffmajr. Thatlne awing meat em WtW fol.tcraaK.uvf tf:.anmhriir tm nftbe Sbutb. aiw to iuih Uat IW br ef ber gfery, the day cr awraaaaeawarar npBy pnawf a wa. Tbe frranat rrwtt tnam transit with wataiaraa,t tb rnt and future ttfeiataua rftm Riatk'.' Ithw omrpa . liti tW Crom) Guvvmnimit are not mmttEj ttmi, aod ifthe rrm-d . . I " T'" rn,:"!a ner i ZZlvIl t . 7 w , lrre i r""T m w mi win tne th ah of tb BarwryrTi.i4 and aaamiir turer. It c tarn fwti eiMMkH tr tna i , . . . . r re.rrfiw aaweta rf 6ur ami rederalco,,ld be p.irrhaed r fifteen dollar! T.. Gtamaaiaeata aaaaenki, and unleta tllLx- nf rciU raf awwera arc aecured to tbe S-b. at iatiU,th.pe,1)Ie to rri up ' 'liw'liiairita tWliiSaeaIi tar TV av-t ew, be UMdltra - b, taenia, ctb. ri"?.?:- A and at&a ktrmtm, they aaaat eipert 'that - awry abactt tbe mnJI ahewetb anto the aaaw.iiraiMw wea n atani aiyncfond rBowered w ben orou atd Wr t!W icslrresUur the pMstnca afthe rmri Iftba Federal Government ia "r"? h. atatea tnp LL "1? - Prn" " " w .fvww ft uwi V-"ft btia aadwr a eVMnoeratie deHwtiam. denxitiaiii -I F4 ditwa of the) country :t1 Aairwa, but eitmn alt tbtSr. . .: t. , ,. . .r .,....., 5.--'-.-.j. . 7.t,s-nr", ".uufV raeH tpj,r?4t0nt.lf,1red br f-mOr yjS'8' V!' - bW bw ftttew Ji LTJ! - - n" -7.',c "1 '7 7: TT aawrai tarae ei which, aana thaa fruta fgijpgj'.f. w twrranaawTOl ttwat- a .:. Aft"lWa 4 .ff?Ja mtmtomm b a ,jaajean(ii. We cooaidier at aa a Ji-j- jtilS- fta, ' k KW n- n. ika, . -. rJL .1 - .t- ! trU! aideed eadura. but asKr aa a: mcwa. aiucaav inw- annua 1W i, tiV-Iit.i..i ..tal faiMiiWa rit am Raatt4b fled!,!,l.be"i )h axmberifront the, wtbor fr. tt caawet tomata a fre P1 ,. ca. iili lief the anirtt nf turn. Jfrtcmam. r - ft a. - . . . . ffwiardj" and urther afateafactrrakingtaaherfund-BtnyttbA f-is-jy tf-vvu ?!:J,.zurZi?'ZZrz- - ; g'. ,...f,rw4w,, TV ifirrtry Connaiftee of the IfMe . La' tie S ret t crUsex! U eiitv tfi rrei.lcnt witb tiefaf'5iiary"pftwr ft rtaJtly eto- , i . a'.. lL'.ft.I " rftft.,r.f t I. :. t t it Aag .Biu.,,ai aa laMWFtayffwaa ftiav. wwr eV !itt.-a. CwTtef ." of P.MMwlwawi,i ...1. I S Crv of YirYinia, Fxster, of (ittrta. al l.wtV of tk.fftucy, t.r tne report. TaawryaoTSsaiea nkrtayaad wware aev. apr"jijitua ot" tbe lr.etvd ;f p"su-, uuton, aad I berty, aVreter they av ha f w.-vd, f af dot tn-i- ta e'lith t'te Etecutite with arbitrary pownr. - 'Atnl e are par tacalar?y rri:.:iJ lo Sit.f that tbe known abilitr and a !altted im!uc of the dia ' httpataVNl stleautri fr m P"" f'vWinia, M e!Utii a tV a I" of tu rvrhH d the ( ... -t'j:'ac f tmranwiaw jkwt yovTaa reOral IJoveeti t ,a,..i. r.m.. at,.,;-1 i v"i'", .J-r :.n: -tf AarraltCe4?rnjt itJaaTa-W--; . . . . a. I Uaa n a, .i.. -a -nJvi - - tit-r!5aaiiaXtllLa.rt. tT t'vett av-rut- , 1 . I.rj.ff1ture i.f A'n-m'l.iiHctf, ,ir a '.. i.'-i n,., f Turiir 11. ..I.iti. H-k a ryn.n.l. f-ljultlliiLlu. Ua-i:iw- Ia the .,,!,; f the ...ih. Tliiy e!l u that thry m.Vf r will eonwpt to the rel.L-r.ftf the rrtin oCuiLnr the erpensf cf a diminiUW.a of .the trTiU -fit i . r . "i mo naiNicriii-iCllaiiulnu arliiiw. TIipv ere rtwdv J t!i it the Rmth .hr,!. I. t tbeie bwwfii at fTrry hnznr.i,' tvrr. f uie triple to be collected by tho bay-onrt.-s"- , , . t The y fjannimrV NullifcatMm,am rjlftre that it wtMil.l o f4t (a the honor atvl dig. mtjr uf the GoverDniauJ to be influtVured by thMienecoa T State; and then wlib the itHiet aijjnul rwiHtrncy thiy nrooMd theiwlrei ta oUer a n iwoe, lr thev a iiwi nm pawnee nt tne mfMiittration Dill bTixrioal- t .. f .. r T'l' W"J ""'tt rai a pttf mag think pnwr tefcm cntmetioiT with whatrtfl Wlt,. w.t..UkftllJa a-doratHW, tbat tbgh awtb Carolina haa M right tarul lily within her own lim-ualaw wibWtirf ber to trirwitir-Af r Mawbirta has nght to williry any law repealing the tot exactiDtribute in all the Sie. - -' CAarluion Mcrmri . . ; '. . . . . . The follnwrnif trrrertwmcnt if sclwtfld fnnn a liit Lmidon papr-r. Thoiw who are r opinion that a, hieh tariff hweoi 1. '")." the prire of g.iodn, wilt find tome difTtctil- tr in nceoontjnjr f the extraordinary i'l'IP rcemthe priwa here laid down, and the pri'Ve of the anrne artirlee in our wn market. Ifnw a-on would it ruin thia if. .U. ..r , it. - nffprotoft m! . i 31, bUe Jtfertmian. "..a.a. ... ,,i,',,,rI1n' f ' k" nr. i a moor other toMoa tminf A- K i. hai of nwfrTrr'' b ftmnwinr, u i - nr eu'imp oar ttaae baBeartaoftrwnrW., W ,'i aa a rreirince. Jn ITTaV a b leaa a JnTtbert5r(tBiBerfeWaai of rba Tor! t on Wnr-tbe an rblnr Ttiof ta- 4erwr let fci ia tbe e mtw. w - ?!. ba aar . aiHa.a fl JAtt'Jbiraaiirl? ereaevaV . V Krt ?". h m Wa,nnfb, tba, , t:IT alta-.'ftif r aj;b ll fatia.aaoK-f bh::; jrr-ir . r;ir- r wk. a akillW a-vtb.Jr t.r. Wrtre reason assigned m rhe DcxUrn6 - Id .tbeseBre. rF.'.r1o. TO "TiTrt 00 wHbont oar On,,,., - If thia wnea food"eae f e?ip!.in, (m of ertwoj ia 1771 t b Irta a aow, m 1113 0- vr taiucai t the Tfnwt Di-f W mawaaai or noaeart nwil to them for atf .a. - - ...j... emb.r, off eatri. not only ; -- ""- ..i ttut Tr,- bat tbef bare ti ntmnti.b rhwfa SMtnera Bute,.! he aam. -thlif,) b n ? fWl kj an andrttriai jmnoa, ed by Caaaaata. ay aoea lo b .4olrra'ed taaa 9 avl by th Briiitb rarliaaaeat :ApV eeanntjrtftfb tha.edkwa 1 tv of m'0brne, arainat the tint; aid NrKaawat, "for- aHeriaf thmUmenttllr, the Ihrae of oar Cetwaert,-ftand "dite'arlna; rheinothmt titrttlird alth the power to LegUV aa far eaa al eaaat, Tf.iC. V". " h" 'Haie we not aow the sosm cauae of eon Do ac aot sea atteta ats of the, boldest char :.V. '.' a. - . kariia,. Gorae J,tlielai tbratrW iwvdwR poeer to trg'iltta f r aa In atj eaara f'f'r The dt-elara-ioa af Jndepe ndeoan 'goes aa fa stifr-"a er S'ae nf ih-.a o'ppreoainna, are bate ptiititmd f tf rat in the ntt baa bttttrrmav 'rttr rcpitd prtitiona bava beta ' t r?Mle 'J'fT i. f v t ...ft.,.-,, 4 i -. bow been w eaa, Hee we ael Si til a.w aaUkaa afa.aB .. W t . 1 ' a tfionei! rear, after year, anif have not our neti4" iitC atwaji beea a.iaer iiVy"br'Vepea- v-J"iuar. . f,- .' -1 Indeed, it a aatonlahln to tk up tbe Hda eTajratioroftlfttde n'ce.1 anit "iee" T f "arVll it d-aibea our caae.our iCTritc and op previioi s,-jt4 after a tittle longer firSra ance.uerVdr wrilt h arn, that it alao'doa' eribea ear aaAatot ,. r '' '...1. ' i.. ... ' I 4 a 1 . eaeara.VI... , t " Vt perceive that tbe Hon. Rnaeaa la ai. w aaawiaced a Uandtdatf to rtprttci.i fyntUla dauict. A) tba aXt C sr 1 beta war hbw, tat an? jtlaat f pefiili"! or' t'uJl'liS OF ttiS.MtSmcilur.ni.( Cengfw, it th 8f wM'on, i.l .ps-4 u'.4l'.ut.li.e;iui lit Si.ctlr ofUirrii'T tocollec',aid rrport tu the prcaent Sroion, II iUt (r inf infiirmttion atuinabla, rr jj'toiing t!.e eonJithxi of the Mulcmrir ti'hih mreta. ' Tliia diumfnt now before CpnR. ttn. and tl at.! up of fBC'a, a' tettimoni-t. ajrn'nhd b the ttnufciiirer Ihrmr lna - It apetr from thia doeawrnt, th the b-'ft e.mJ.if.t-(l tkhrmhajen'a. ate ani umo a iMrtt profit ef ilUnv ibrtt tHJ third , nnual1v,U.whjle'- tlwae not e(md icvd with 'qnaJ'ikiII,hika U, but ai'.!! W better, thin i y eM a( aay thet buii. . Th fsct r. fuwi.hts.1 Sv'the Mamiftrbrtri thrmmlr Ttriii-ikii u4 aaVrjjw red nroflt. n b5r CaiiVJ! MlThat farmi-e er nUntrr in Nnnli Carutina, ' rr .,- oer cent, on tute f But rw." if a: .r -.a ..... - . '. ..i- Ur. ( V',a. i tar 't 8to,.hoMer In a Cotfoe FeV ttr;drredv aw'tftf "in'oraf a B tbtfbneka thsW aMnufiictirBf i anil tie -arawrj tamifcturrt are opt vi'luiir to pif up a taut e thtir prnn'a, bit, are tor hot. l.ar; en prwa the whole, M' r,rrMarjr.rw patirwat eat 4 tbe hmcn br , tl bavanet I rn inn mmwi ready Be w r lni meaav nrttl No,.-lM their aWto bev MilUona for 4 A . . ft . i - - defcnor ,but ant a cam f.r trba - v - V tHBfLtOFlVMtNATlOS1. ,i The 3i;b5e'. at1 he lt ernunit; vat ii.F1 Kina; on in the Bean.J(.n the Hill fr eloi.tn Uir Pr,ident With itHMmial toarra. Mr sanwa aeiivarr a lonf, kbit anj rlorjurnt Jpetchi(,in it Jhtttet rb will rrae Mr, Broan rery aweb in tht 8'a'e. Our room w.li .".r prrmH J glee tba wbola of it, bur we aAattjtrMjn;a a- ,ii,cr fj, w.ahtl.atrrery frremaa Hi Norh Carlin, xoukl t ui ii MkUl(o-4d Uu-. ptiwUo irwerfi: . Mr. Miiim, tbrr tea ee, baa ah deliverrd t ipWh aa;ain the Bill, bat U Iim aot vet come tunva. w anticira a boid. Mill f. aid elrej.trnt d-f nrp ol Liberty, and e pronle'triirhtw frmr Mr. If."" tjrter, of TitgiiMt, ba alee rvthed to fba e"mha, et'h gtlmt berint:. aid ha abowB hiinrlf rtikmt'inn nf Sit? RiRh'a, not unwor. toi.ritirerRirsri. , -1 anfeartibtf tbe irnorDf Ihtapt Car rina. bai rreeirrd thr idfrr of a grr tt mane t aar'ara, from shaeat er 8't. In th? t'eion. tmonf etbrffitirrr era entny f n the New. r.nt;iand 8ara. d i'tVaUrl from Milne, Wi-biwiw not bnw auarrou are ttiejt ffrM fto Wortk Caroliea, bul. thia aaucb we know, that ll.ouaanda.wbe bare not, off. red thee. aebrea, will do so, all. old the eauee of Ub.rtj ,,..lVVT'i'.v4:7.... 4umn.-.t..-,.-,...... T The great ae of .our people, are not Vet ready to become Slaves, though it eamiot be denied, that there ae aome -to North Carolina. boart aot only ia faeor of tha. ducuipxa'of be Froclaattion, bwt likew'iae, ehtnreertr.f -B?Mra Itckaoa withal! the powers oontaljed ia the BIH brtore tbe enetethei Istoatake Vim A"ar la power, though aot la aaaav f iu- r a,al ' a . ' ... ,rf vy ?t 'ovaftouwane. jnwg aa Boutb CrolVna ataadsea frincipU, aha ran- tbe.wt jffrWB? tetJtCJ yet a)aii;).alf btZZZZTZTZtK M fEOSGE M TROUP, late Governor of Qeor. tPV and. nowxSonator UjZeaaaha' ewrte tjn UtteT,-atb pretearf flail ta WW; aortta4 eonroajuK would aot ba abia ta ntcct any tatufactort amnrrflwat, titrrB. edr aaemi u be Sarttsile, and hi la a! early af tbe ft r-Io fhit the i:ts i eanaoC and oor'ht not U aaAafl match Unf-r ( tbe attiraatlona and.appretaiene of fba Jrferaf tiWroeieo J I a tie aaya, the f"Mmrie hav-aca'ly been oubverted.and anltia irerdihr rearaed. Liberty ... . . . " ." . . . . wiu e iJretroved,Tuit lettee will peottiee a powerful effre lo Ororsjia,--for Covemor T, VafieWah!,lhe fteorgU, b sianda st the head af tha Treat ayj':la'l''"r'' ,.j.-!T.y:-ftfft'.-a.jft!. fvw. -i.f..VaW f rtOfLtef Tift lOUTH.-LBirTttli. The ftiUowfne irtiiAtfU truav'the " Few rtampahira rat riot ana of tba few repvh(iata papers iif lew EnilitxL Sir. BiHithe Editor, merits thjhanki f tvrrjf patriot got eipotini; itila irfamotn tcheibv-but be a about to be pttnuhtJ in B atoa Jut bit spirit and IndeReo denca. kr. H Jl aKbetimea Vtnca vUHed Baa ton, op bueinets and he wait arretted on a writ f..r libel, ukee out, ofbie bed at 1J o'clock at "4 7;ftll?f."'era aid that bt-cMti 'J SnptriivVnd bta ball'at tal nre aoAAblr pour Ma Itovtver gave ball ia a baud of l00aod la Teata aodgr Crm 19 bon e bko.. r;?"', gut, te wift act detala the reader any longer e'nia'fiili".-'". tiDm.n.i ntb rvptat' (. , . "1tt La ittf fit aHieia . teltow' b the aa of Jubbaon, frara Boot on, aa4 to be the editor ofa (tape iatbeteit called die fCbrie naa antdvr." and aa Afsot tf tba " Ami SU eeet- octrty, la on a Mur tbeough thia atate, SM prctcbed a diaoourae in tliia town Utt Sun. 3-' eti.mg, upoo Hvasubkct uf Slvry,4 , o br iot oecaatoo to Belie and vilify ibe ..tale eouib, and taaee'tally tbe Scti hem mean- I K'tf f Caiigreaa. and we are told bt tnae a ana, ptat, tbat miaea-.iaMlrUce'e ana i .-ning uraae waa sever etuttmr it aciore a ft t erd people, tba ibot-ked U aara ftf ...ar ctan on lot occaaion. Mat Dronntca ibe fur taiuftjat aueaeHnaie Kew EtTttiiiit to proruie at i.mnliajtt t ma.tciuatioa of tha whole aUve 7.piilliop pf the B"tih, and placing tha aiavea r a amling of prrlret equality aha Ibelr avatirra'. He Tk, not point out the prnceol hy whatb tli't waa te be brought about, but 'pr. PMari Otai vrry meorr of the SocletS p, to doflaft a vrar.or Sfteen dollara for a lib mtn,,! be money cnlleetrd in thia war. be p'rnim w h einrndrd ta) pamg agm a itioahm thaasoantrt' ,hUatiif tb idoiinii''ra rbwent. He t. ipMM'hn beep bfl.iebcedtr dwgPTOr foqB. tba SUU -tbe graaad.WauA tm iubatVX' h, -feJieafof noa, the oathea States wmdd b. in th aaU iKv, -I' .SV. J;;. J f til wi ... , i fe.'.ij' Ji pr r --, bit! it !,( Iu.ij.-hi ol H..,i,, j, t rrni"i to enmiu l ti.e Kiti'hrni. i to tiS'i t(i their tlan it iiH(.td,U . ly bv Ilia foffnniw of t.n irltn ill N. f i. luml , and IA la III if libc'iut.g the ttt jinpulnioii v lb ahnU- Hwttilj, tid M lf rir.f tl.rtu to rr,nln thi rr on t. rn. (.f rj.ia,'.v , , ,n biles n ton tid.ftil.ita to br of. I'l.ii agel.t ol the Anti.SUtfiry biuicty.con.Umnrd 'he t;4 onititi'in tieijr, bri..N Ih (XMjlh.ri.era rr Inrmllv lo if, aid it avewed to be .lianb j ctio iit.liioe tbe nroole of N. r.n(tlatd t n.rf.li i.ikJ in hini lo tba South, and t the larva a liberty. t'M'rtd of beinn l.rt O'd t b the penpleof delii .,ii rtdird lelm, ri-n b rmpectabl fcnuU-a, aa aaa tfta - U t'lil lon, he oujrlM lo be lk n Ufl a a vtitriit and vigubpnd, indaent lo ttiaaorkbou.",' GREAT. VEEf INC. p CIURLOTTC .COUlf - fr VIRGINIA. i , A Rfat meetii g hi recijly beea held at CUxUiU.CiiH.4t.irp, W B)avotrac. erWnim fV m ill ht'a!'t rot feting ib'e ;io wilk. ciftrried ', thair, Ua atood .Mp te" addreai tbe peple, bat waa . aweak "ami leav-he aowercr tontinned hit epttcb aittlng. and aoaeluded bbffario a atriee of Kiioia- tMaa, wbkh fererilcrrad ta a onniiUf of at tut Ti airn, aba aoae rtpnrted tbe rcaohi tiena wuhuui aweediwaat, at4 tnejr ware a niajoiialy adopted, witb tba axeeptioo uf uaa or two duaenting votck -" : .i , Tbeaa Bi.aolutWat aaaert Hun CiAm, la tbe biranfeai icrroa,"and deaoonee th 'FrocUma tion and iu doctrinea, U bold and ttnoieaaured lantcuaf . The reaolutiuoe ar ia tbeaa words i Ilea lved, That while retain a gratetul seuse, d the toioy great atkl aluablr atrucasrendt red by Andrrw Jjcksi n, Etrj. u the, Uui.cd Btateij we owe it in our counry, aou to our paterityt to. make oura.ltmo prutrit, agarost m$y n the cluctrt ct of hit late PrTc!am.''tt'in. U.iolvcd. Th.rVirttiola "it." and b."8 e'.y fryeyinemgn and lodrpepdent Bute" '2jT ar- ln Uiaaie a i, by. her f wnarparie act) wbtip jiai bertL.atuce. frCogt l;d by all t'tej eivilued or)1, and nm rirvcr beea fiiYoed,-Tt truer d OT iifah) - wtae impaifd or eateat-i) by. any atiteoaer.t act ol nera. s v... imt Rt Ived, Ttt het for purpoaea fare, Virgtbia enterrd intef a strict lr,B jf of amity i'td -ll'ume,' wtih'tha at her m rjv ertnoit Tf IJutl h" pTti rtji AnotricM, she parted with to otTIOa, if her Sottmxnty, wlthon'u (rum th Dcceaattf "I the tut, the autlioritv tJ rnfurce obetjic'uee thereto, wa in car t 'ln catri, and for certain purpiaea, ddrgiicd to the cftinm.'D ngeoti ol the whole cunlVderbcy. , v -FIv parted rttt thrT'ght t? ; rera)t the; au thorny so delegated, tor gtod and auf- cieot . t aue, tur iih the rurht to ftdgeor the iuC'lrncyif autU cause. and jo ;iecd Iron) t ?jf Corfederacr whenaoertr. she shall od the banebu pf Union exceeded by its ila, Un'toa being the" means of ecuriug . liberty and happiness, arid, not' an end Ui hi. t. tuese ihouia be aaatbvcdi "Ri itfti. ft Tliattbar mm'tmm a.1 the. ff ple of.,f irgioia is (Lie to her. That" to- benlfuweeito la Ti al 4 while, toxtn.oijahe -otfea protection agatniv ktt the cooieajueacei of kiub obedience Vi ReaoUed. That e have arrn with lletpUfgret, -that Andrew-J it too," Esq. rresiaetjtf of we United Statea; I- ' . a 1 . - i -. .' the tfrinc'ttiUa "toTwich Tieced hta elerat'toe to tha Chief Maf-iairary of the ir ternment ot theli.tited gtatea. aod to transfer hie reu'frict.da .d aopportrra, bound Khf od; and for)v,u the teoaer. rotrctts xjI ht ar4 tKrir bitterest ned.ies--.ik ultra F'.ilrrJ. Jafa, ultra Baul. Ultra Ttiffl iltj la. teroal linrirovrmenC and Iir.'r.i ,..1 CvnveniLtalhd.U!beI SeU fere aV.ate"!. ghtg, atifti to tlieir. ii atromem.' jttie' eoat "atnd'broiutuii d presl.bv which thry lijyr. codesv-of. e4, ind but too eucctssfullyf lo influ. e,ncf nd mUlcal pui,,c opinion,. . 4 r uesolveJy; Iha, tirgtnu willjhe found hef worn euea.y; whrh'ever ah Cdnacntl iuaiher aniooghif frteiirJVJ tsoae " who afe neeef 'f n'ertd tliem aelvca, batuheohey are fI.e to their fouritry.r:: -v. . tfJ. t Keaolved, That owe it te-ju. i'ahijc .detvauictog thja fibr.ttai '.ov caokUoatUan btiweea (JiacrJ J4cku hta od our eatoaiea, taacii4tAiff if aoy-dtfi etitt km of p i4plerid Icknoaledge jha hejr JbJii bijcie,ti ta their ytkatloB;.' -v.j-m "Uesolved.Tbat ire canntrt eonsenra to(f mt prlociplea tallica we h-ive al. jys di.lVQwedoiertly because thrv have been adopted by the Prridrnt and although we believe Yh.it we artaill be to t lean, and proscribed m'yiority, re m;precdf-aaalflo7'i'ale' a'pltir CfQtt, cot)Ujent of aucceas. under that banner, o toag as we keep the faith anu lao uave accras 10 me puniic ttt SlgntJ, JJUt Btr(DdLPII,0f f- "f. .S,-1,,i...ir' '-.. f,a1y,;iAg ' - Perhaps every mtn In" tbtajtricettnf- t tbe late eletti&n, uJ for Grfttnl arkaooLihr-c leaohitions were raated by tboat ab were ence,bitrkiiitA-rM.at are they newf-J evidently cot yet'eody to become Ms rVf ' it assy juuge froqi this mea'ii g, bow tb Peopuj of the Old Doatu ioo feel, and l ow they 1:1 act If It eonrt (o I be pinch. ' " He Aoeta ia every d. y b.ett g fore t.d I atmii. war wa ait y ajwiy;ta -iy a. aal w 7 w i ,tict'ij a . t'r t., i he I ,lior ot tbe t-'rtr " . ' tmk Cintricr Cf i. oritur U mi ile " : , i ' . n'aaliinc.on. . I', i IXyuu aik roe, are the tziUaryis pirvjil i vir the civil Buthoii y I Am thr State goi TOtnciitatobe dri .ove! and a dee liditud got en-, tnent to be ctrcttd i o their ru.fcy Ate the people, at the lbuf.Zi tf U4 rn'inon, ami the pokt ii thbay-.rictV t be t irtCfd int ailei cef Cv 4h v (ni&locrncij If they now acquit it ti ; r,atn the -power, at ' tKh Ithe-t bro. -g-r asping, u the ruio of the tieiiiotnfi ,'. Cf$f lar.lwer.t'oil N.,'; fTH'MiM- . ly league be rent ia twaio, ty t! . -aij.jeaty of the iteople," The reaciiu , will iwerp from power inrs'jMic.ii ccaeqnrtue thof who would restore) tllf ICtnet 6f t7$i! 6h6tttlvedfi!r be he trtuttpbi oi thai pan who itilt tbe. Wood --of bur ; brttrea t-y h6, s v ptateof tI.rnecVaaity cf nktr worat eoemies-v-fto'oa our-e.r! s, ( . ana wbo," to preientb uur fret j m 'irj'l t aaistaiq our laws, present a. our Jib eoma the byooct of the Berccoar . ' tea efa wairaaa 4,aauu, aa. -uauai k tew duyi a 70, 1 aaa rea.hng aver aa ei a . a sW' t m. tract (rota the J.i-urnaft of , tba IMiee af Cofh" Katwbftbaivt Leralatara, and I waa B.rfa' littfa aurpriatd to a that M two CtVe fn ta Boaaa. Ur. TKlltiON aad Cent lit'OMa AS a. Pais, bet! voted ft tba aarleyndbt "Ijirti agabiat oar aartar State of gt-uib trv ltna. o ahkb ta tbe saM thing, taey tcej agVst A ItoaobiHon a bleb aVprNawd tbe retorl ' -to I oree, and lloodabrd boa b thlrv.e ' . h'oVng out enciMrtiretnenr ta the .Tar ff aae Jorira in Congrra to retort ta ttfe wVk asal raa aayoirei roaep ap tneftign,am nntrcea aary lyau pn tbt people of.tbt 80tiiliaj'iaat ' -t atw (ttdjo Sre', Ur. fiaigt, tbU'' M e4! the atbrr J av, and that ym ira nor t frtw laying aM uoutc nary tktes tepish dfjrtit k's4y tbt Job "afe"o(:puiif d t' Involving thr rountr ie4he bortora uul arai at: J bluodtbcdv'1 m. .?.-'!5,.v,. aDI2lj-'rir ; ' after a lo .f and painful illacta, Mn. 1 4,;4. Star ihif. pla, aarVWUvjbe 1Mb ttitii SraA ten. rvUct of the lf WtUiaat Laat t;- ,ji . .... .. ia utu-rvn t;uatv,n mr sata a t ,-4f . iov)A rW ci,d S I yeara f saombs atL. lOaS ,. ; ,.v-- jL,' e's In Ihtatmnty, lh afl h utt- M . iarobr R!aiiift! Ot tha 4 b ina, Mtaa rthatine ttitat-r Ou Tboraday the TtU ia., t t, aaavW1 el vVilhelaa,--v, ;.,....,,.'. I a f-. v - - - ' - I lwU 47 :- " fJlUEOQvyM oftheSrdRrpBf ' V,? JblwA-Wyrih,' Carolioi Maui, are ht'ttb) couiataDdcd to appeac- a thtf '"TZT Ctmrt'IIfHiaetU SJiaSnryt Jriy;, the jib dV -of1 March v'wt-l' lfjt-:-t i 64c3(.t.k X. Ma wuh maaVr, fr a i'i. ' .mlJr Ordct of lEe Cit'jffirt," ' -'-v - S ' cMPgoi j rroperra- r .e'lVttea'a perancelo erery tl,v, town and .r, latela oar couwrvv We leea Trvru..r on the IJth dfij -cf February, 18331 " . , and it la eartHatly '.hnprd, that they .-,77 V Tewperant '2 St'it ictiea tnay be forrtte J -JB-M U lhiefelierqsw and all .t jt Miig ictiea be. aa m'ttc'ai " " aa itoeVdtly 1 6lareed..?-f ..-sv.-.; it- . ' Jhixr, l&rA tun. lt3;.-. ;':t. "7 U'e wili.thankVtlW Editors ti tl ti alt-tii. give -U.e a We. a. re InteeT tona f-. - WILL. PECK.-: tUnu Ttmf tj;1 iaUi of Xttt-ikrbAtta : ? itei.i a rutattV "'; t-; ('ffir)) fffli (5" Quarter. be$lontY1'' 1 1 ILUAM LONCi ".vrTIftT ' iV y , AF,VnYL Clgfnal Mt-ch. "' J ment levied ta pci a t! property. .Jt ' v sptfiaiVirio ,ft tne -aatiariatitm of tha Coar that Wratiy Anbury,-u-e tn 'r-i. - , J t te hot a wrvtii.ai &f 8uie ' . f4 . t a a . a aW nit inert lors ordered bv leLvurirt.at he appear, at the riet' CeDrn P eaa aiVivQuaiier 8sA?ooa, to be held f( r' Li-.H. (;i ftCt-univ, at t!'f C.ur.!k.f.e U" jLT .t'4. ti , 6n"ihe Fifth" r.'rduy X """. J ttlgfacnt b tltfaulf will he- ntcrd"'' up agiuuai jum. 1 'itrrij ti ,t puniiv tati'ui rtr mt i for "i"werlt ucc,a.,"'"T ' aoiv ti.4te v ettem t, amrmrr.- a 1 VlfW..,;- ".'-1 fi'fiS- "i ' - far :,. VARPUY McPnrf.r. .Jf- , FIRST rats Northern made ful i.a.''kTry' entirely new. with ell. ma ypilUftja anu KMStr t -p, i ( or terms apply at ih M .neiot- IIoi il.i-w. cvi..ti.i'.-.-niKjtwav,a-oftw, Miitury, Jtn, $i, IP3J. 5)tf . siRyfaiArrs'aip.r-- Sllllpubiie is reepeetiadr m i'-np.-d, tha't ,4 , ematroog,e . 1 - WntTLSG SCHOOL ia eoiamenead m ' 'B. lames Mill'a btrgr re ' ba ctaaa ao bein, fall, f,m aetol-a now-i would b received. lUfink Warrant V f 1 - 1 -.rt.t; fi'i-jr,mam a Hi bad l-iiog b? unjid.