' i r, J It i even wis h abstain front hws, rbicH howevsr'wise ail i ii thi nlei, have the m nbUaca of ineq itVerbJch fmJ no r p.tn in thehoart ot the citizen, ami have t'ie m noit'ica of mat''1 F m" . f VAN COUNT?, N. C.'.Jm which will be evaded with little reoonsj.' , Dr, Channinp, ui iiMinnii Rfprcinu iccd io nmnfl met on ronirirnr UV qUUTON CKAIGE.. Salisbury, now MONDAY MAUCII 4. id VOI,, Mil t 1 I.SWBMtWi r . Tit f (.Us ' - -' ' TV WESTEJIX CAROLlXAXii aM'irt, tf paid tetlkin three montht; o ifO . ... ,. ' dull xr awl fifty itnti, it paid al any vlh- ' 'fa ditronttnutd until all nrrtaragfiart '; ' aVu Kibtcripiion will ,sr rtceietdfor a leu ' ' ' time than one year. A failure to notify tht Mitt of a with J io dwunttnue, one monlH orjore foe tiptrt tion of 'a year, mill lit conttdtnd at a wwmf " , Any frrxtn procuring tii tolrrnt nib- " "Scrilxri to the Carolinian, ihall hate a Sttcilh paptr qratit. Advertising at f s usual rate. AH kllerl addrttnd tn the Alitor mutt hepotlpdid or tht y ir not be attended . (& Tbo tonus will bo strictly a'l!i!r Jd to. .1. YliCW.SIA LCGISLVTUUG t CO JMliKlOXtaTO 4. CAROLINA. jhs fiiiUf kiJ UAr IUm- ILrtiae tha 'i i hi.. . vV- r Eu:ci'iii DiPAiTiitT, ( fr firMr liA. 1933. ( 1' 2VJ &nalc aullhutt of Dtltzatei : Jmt,'rm.Bived '.; ui i!ic II tt. l. W. JXeiMiw.CiniiiujujiJat'r .it. the liimtut u( Sxutli Carolina, C 'jin- "I a " - ' C -ere tpmdtiice which hat birn c'vul i'iH L-if i I'tui awl ih cmwdtutuj u'liiiori (j . i (ai Ci'intmHUWilih. ..Ik-w- ... V- V.. bav htrtinitli. encliwrd, ci- I . tit; CaininiiwmiT'n cinrnnuui t.i ui', from which it will be por further Snitruction (n tho uhj-cl niwui n may not uuiiccpiiharv. (I full tube gratify in to every I'libortV ami twac, to oorcs-vc that i 1 1.1V thr lurh'iritiea, of that State, cuiJed bv an - ii)ituu4 iMtruiuum, m::a viny . m pnj ftftfwmwWea from ax;ri'lon, in enw the miliurt and oaral power now conceit. TTf nftl 14 Iheif Uttmx ihmi be prenpi .'r1 ipwlfuTeonalderatioa which the Z'.' r,I'Hirxi'of the GHitertl Awembly he JJr ut 4hTleral 0vr romont, whom Toil 3i!ro jddreaaftd, will not disregard vour ' threaten lltat . govermnent itt miliary 'frr weewn, whickxan alv-leiaailtoW m dia ' avatar t6uVoumrv't would anem man- x?-i:'..?i&t that irpeal of ihe opjireaaive TirifTi - :. hv-Cjoarea..ur ita nuiK!iUQ.ine irfP-a .rVsiitaiidarm, tMymixtai io the. wants . of the sore minent, is all mat i neceasary to Vr wwur-4jarmnny and confidence to the , X-s- ifcuutry, and take trom ine auinonuea oi j .S.-the Fdlorai Qoveromeut all pretext for i v. '.'pilitarv lorci -:.ZiiliaaiIiv:l :Cobf ehtt(: of the ret'T"Srtuth Carblini wilt taiemWe H J'- ' VenTeniei't pe'i"dt which will indical :;ii!C24 4th& titftpttelt ef1wstwieini'ewCWMwii' IV J .' aSoner t remain near that Government, as rr A&ti, a it he deemerl nerewtary to cf jvlactuate the object ot his miMot. JOHN FLOYD. "PlrvLetgH tGn. Floyd, pnHrshed in ""' rfT T" " Ik No. I. i'tr-' " - VJIUUiUiUI JffK K.A y-". n - r. a iB4i ' RlVhen t ad the honor veste Ha v jf laying before yojir Eicpdencj tfia (le,. - luiiona of tlie General AtseinWy of Vr iniu of the SOih Jannary last, and cullod our atiwtion particular! to the Rtn. 4 "t- T Jution of the Gcriefat Astetnhly it "h A- - ..'-. i.'i..M..e .v.- i- r .' .1 ..fwuw H unxauowuv. uue puoput fi,;,-4( irinia, that the' compcteiit authorities 'o J3aii1i fmClllUA -tte Aiutftn. ilArAktf 4PM. I tV ..'' BHtW'and' ieatie!tfullf .rtqueted ami eu M T; ,T reatof. ti nmSt'lher Ordinaijce if the "V . -Kl'iW Convention of that .State, enjrtled u AiVOrifiinince 6f'inli(jf. jct&fo the Colore! if thU'uilQd Sfeteij;' rW?. rortift to be lawalotiug dutiea and uu. swMts'i thVOTwaswiVsf''iureii?i' emi? ' oiixhtwai" or at i&M-to witneml its-Aen- 'llnrt Qinrl thwywaa) yt'SiHifistaiiitf wgt'; -tht nettyon jrcg&yaa. iniormeq jipv tnat ; jht otii v nuMiority cuiin(wtvtu3,t'j ; cjrtutjity with that request, r eveu to coiwidor it, is the Convention T the peopleTli'iulh CarIina, wlileih hiaJe th Ordiiyincsj 4ml that th p't'verii'f e' aiiiLnn Coti' tent ion la ve4(jd H jth4 Prwaiu'ent. of Hl taxlv. " f'haift inlTlt?ier Sirci fir.TOfiiiest Sia . ...t.i 7 . . . . " . . - ,s Eacullencjr tcoiiipiatittatetqn fresoluUuw J' vi tlteGenor'al AssnJijhljif , Virginia, nd "this letier'also, 14 the iVaident of the . . sjiKiveultoo; conn leiiuy nopur, (tmt mat filTmer will not refuse 6 hesitate to re as 'euibleihe. Convention, fn brderthafllie yj It submitted to it, and thit the Convention , 1 inny consider whe lbt, w$ how" ja.tf.4he " fjhriiest and respccthil request' and ant maty f the GentVal Awa'rnbfy shall and ought , '. 'JA w f ' p! ted with. -. - v . iav(, ,!1C 1,,'u 1 1 be4"C. A-e. (Yfcsjsjsa4iBaiAaVjsj si itx" ' 1 T tr ' - v it. Vs.. . No. II. 5' Povtrnor Uoyt to Mr. LfiL t'hariit.i, tVu 6, ;J3. I -. Sii--I hjifa faJ lltu lwif a f nirc your ttiF'iribu'5ii iuUii, uui m c uu pliJift:. w ilia iiic rmjm-a lUorm etiiaim-d, cnmjfiuiiicdted lU f.mliinU, (o-imIk r iia tbu Kcaolutiom nl ttw LruUturo nf V.r yiina, ui' whmli )ciu aro the Ix ar. r, .i (i n. Jiiiiii II iimli'Mi, Jr., the 'ri i(h:iu ot ttie I oiivwnii'Mi ; I Iimvu it'iw Hie ii-4 Ure uI'('Im:Iimiu y o Ut amwi r, by which yoti Will hjki'ivi:, tliut iA c.inij.liuiitu Willi th request uuivi vuU thr.Mih you, he will promptly r mv iiiblii IIki C'n(iveiilutl, In win, in tuc rcwiluitoiM uliiluU by Ih Iij. Cmliiture ol Virginia will l nuhmittts'l, umJ liv whinii tlit-y miiI dixilt!v-i roci'iVo the mil Iriru'll) ait I rcsH-rtrul cnuiJi-r-at ii .ii. In iwug )ii ihii Mil' irniulu ui, i i ii Jim In Hi1' lul'TLnt iii.iinl.;nic.l hy Vir ijiniu, ill like eMtiig ciMiiruvcri-y 1-ii i ii Siutu Cardiiia and tliu FcJi rjl lioverti iiiiiiI, In tti:, Hint an wmiii unit iauiPt.1 br uii.crit.H.i timt ilio Iji'KiMl.ituru il ' i r fimu hul Uk'ii up thr iulji i I in u p.iirit nl' Irn'iidly iiitt'rpuilini, ami tuat u lull I'nr the iwi'lifo'Mmn of the Tanir wa.4aciiij!y brlitre CMt);riM, it witMilrtfriiiiiK'il, hy Hid luaoce luitil ikr tufa 4.nmTnttiri till further KiKpt-tiaion, can 4 cuurao ou) Iw Jckrmiiicd by the tinvtifiori it wit. . U al rrgurJ t.i tho aulu:itiui 'prHMMl by tin; L-gHUturo of Virginia, tli.it ,lin nlwul'J be ''noapjritl tofrcf' on.l,ilie p ill of eilh'-r lhj livnviul vvrrnujcut or Hit (ji)eriui!t'iil of irtith Carolina in the contToveryy now unhappily cutting le tweou lhe.ii," ami that tho (ien. (J,vtrn uw ui jm1 tliu liovcniuiciit oJ "ouih Caru linn, and all purtona acting under the au thority nl 'either, slwulj caruiully Mlx-tmii from any and all acts whatecr, which limy Ik- calculated to dUiurh (ho trtmpjillity of the country, r t'liilaiiiT tho euateute ol the L'ui. n ;"" it in pnKir that I ltuld dis tinctly mud (tMphatrcallr atate, that no de figtt'mir biisbtbrttoir hMetwte'Vifllhe' part of the (j- vernmoul of South Carolina, or any portion ut the people, to 'appoal to force,'' onlesa that mearore thould - be rendered indtja;uaablo in repclhnr wJaw fill Violence. ; z?' .1 . . . "I beglee toaswre you. and titranah Uusabn4?.c0xuj! t mattes. iiertares, that no acts have been dune, or are contemplated by South Carolina, Ucr 4?tll,rao'l1i!rrttic'ror,ig;u, in Teferenre to the present criairf, but eurb as are deuid utemwrea if precaution. II" r preparations are allogoiher defensive tn their chJracter,' and 'iiitw4!itiiding the concenlration of lnr''e imv.il and militarv ircesiu.tlie harbour, and the u loiitioii uf other nioaiurea on the part of ti:e Gen. (I veruine.ut.whicli- mn v lie eotwufered a of a churacler tnreateiun the peace and en laiH.'eri!igtlietrunqiiillitv and m'-fv if the Stai, we ahull continue tin- ut:n iM DoHi. WetrbCTTance7lt:ti"n2 :.'Wr.IdiTv7f.tiiiI"J' tirw.'-nrwirf'HVrtrt W e7tinrn;-1,;,-'; of violence, but prepared a fir an our instM'snf-Ktfid, 1i wit arwfc Nothing, you my bo assured, wunl 1 irivc me' pers-inatlv, ami tho people 'of South (.'arlina,m.ire satisfaction ihnii that the ex ist in ji controversy shoul.rbo happifv ad- lusted, onjuirt and Iiixi at term; nml I brg you to be assured, Mnt nothinir can be runner tmm oor desire, than to disturb the tranquillity of the Country or endanger the existence of the Union. 4cet, 8ir, for yourself, the assttrnnee of the high conniJoMtionof yours, respect- tuliV ami iruiv, (Si(nHl, ROBERT Y. IHYNE To ihe lion. U. W. Leiuu. 'SVs-'n. No. 111. " "6cS. Jlamilton to Gov. Ilayntt. Charlistom, Fed. 6, 133. Piar-i-Iilo myself the b n.r of atk Trtwloilging tbo receipt of your letter of the oin, encioiiiig a co v oi a coiuinuaicution Vnh. have ivroived Ironi Hifniaiiiin Wat km iipijrt; fcs.ytoratniwi'rtier from the state of Virginia, coverinir certain resolu tiohs passed by the" L-2iilaturo of that SlatK, 'h Jell tlml eentleiiiart has been de- .ne:jl tCOTeyirt!lQ"t ccativb'tf 'flic aiHie. - . ..- ,lo reply to the reference which you have made to inc, as rresndent of the Conven troiMif ffie reoplo of 3-ait h Carolina, con MjtH?:t on the application on, ho part of tliat trnnileniitn f r the meeting ol that body,! beg. Itiave to cominuuicate to hiui through vour Exee!lencv, that, apprecia itng--very "iriy ine kiihi (ii,"inioo, an ths) patriotic solicitude, which have induced the hwhlv reiwotable . Commonwealth ,JidilL--J'lii:iMetil8. It) m JBjdaam!S friendly and mediatorial offices in the un idly happv eontroverfy subsisting between the Federal Govern uent and the State of South 4tavltiMi'i;'Hrlni UioM disiHMittuns nn her part, and 1 ara quite sure, to the feelings of the people of Nmih Carolina, if I did not promptlv com ply with his wishes in reference to the proposed call. You are therefore authorized to any ilr Wghr that-htr.Coiivrritirm will ) I assembled wjih as muehdepntch as ..avbichlr;y will uct VCntura U eWipw! and with rlnfl ttptrA to tVwa circufwian ccp wli h N-t rwomiwe a full conmd' ra v n, m fH! (J..cihi.,o r tl prnpiwitixa rS n1iu.ll IkM id fit. e m "W i.w . " 1 ' ' V .1111 I have the honor tn renjaia, rPriKfiini'jufinJ(vinHMferatriMi Mleirf,' .-4 Vottr 1 t"llni' v -l ledtent nrrri JAMHS 11 MI MOV, -JiT Prfridrnt of the Carprntt"n of tht Prtplt of South Carolina Hm Cteellenry Rumt. Y. IIitks. ' Alier the Mcae and documentf dad bei'u read, Mr. Drodnat roae, and after limiting (w pertinent reinurk, rfliTed the following preamble and ntlutiJi,(l. int rrrhally aim mlcd on motion .if Mr. Knox) were adoptodi Ikiijuuiin U'atfcina Leigh, IVj., 'lie roinmiMioucr recently npMtn(od by, the legndature of Virginia, in 1h;hi Io the conipelcul aiitlxiriin.il of South Carolina, certain reoiilulioii of the fiirirn-r and to liillil certain other duiieit mdirat''d llien iiij h.ivin;,' through the (Juvernnr of the Coin. iii'MiMi altii, coiiuiiunicated to the liencrii 4v,iihly, the gratifying iiilelliy-'ire, tint the CuiiViMitioii which lutt ly iia inhlud In the Stale (JS. Carolina,'" ill re-aweniVe al Biietrlv day, toe.aiidi'rof the fraterrial n.tT)"tJtatvrjaJ.p''opgiui.jia.itli Inclj he if charged miwJ having roqiK-xted la be run ftt.-Uil TKfctrj x I' j (Uhw- laitou auu at in vi (Uiauonorai Autuuuy, that he ihotild remain in the character of Commiwinner, in the State of 8 n;th t 'aro. lina, u:itil l!ie Conventiuii nlmll again aa iieiiihlt', wit!i a view to personal C'Mifercnco '.villi tliiil body llo il.iliej'tforo. . . Ri'udved hv the (eiH'ral AtemUv ofl Viroima, Th it IViijniiiiu Watkirm Iieijjh, Lvp, ( iiinti.ixMinni r nn behalf of thta btnte. ami In- i hereby inatnictfd to remain in .South Carotu until the LV.ventin id he penile ol thut State thall rn-avsenihlo and that he coulinue there during ill cion, or uch portion thereof, or for mich time thereafter, a he may deem moot nx pejient to promote those vreat and desira bio resulja winch constituted the uhjuU oft ins mtsition. Rt$olci(I, That the Governor of thia Commonwealth be inntrurtrd to f nwanl imnniutteiy to ueiijainiii v. i ih. b-q.J Lonmin aier triNn thia State to iaiili Carolina, a cpy (dtuefuferptug preamhlii tad resolution. i MR, CLAY (xjm PUN -TO COM . :: rRo.uiMrntK-TA kiff..- ' Tt Helent Mr. Clay's -prrjrct, there will be a junction ot llie loll, itvuig interests: t. - The htrh Tantf i'ariv. Tncy hnre Ireadv sp iheti through tlitir irga'i, Mr. Nile. Tie v opiie it as surri n lerinir "flic pr'H rV ri fnnciplrt; 'as ' fielding' too initcn; x. inf irm niu j.uKsonians who are ulo Van Burenites. They o' tentihly oppose it, as not yieldiat enough ; iiev, patriotic nu n, want nil, aud'ut mice ; tftty rWire tfre-svstem tn thr torn np,.nx)t and emwhvftim f.ffwrttt f tT Wast a ihey pa'leiid ! Theso person, who uuii:o all at tmceHiw loflyrownrf, "are ttw aA who have been teui)orning until Mr. Clay hasbeenrrm the a.lv.icalti id"a revenue Ta rilf ; they are tho oainu who are upnnt- r j oienly or secretly, the I rociumation ; hey are the same who aro driving things toextremtlyy aed lemre to march -an ht' my against South Carolina, for resisting this very laritf, which they say, is uiicmhk, M -fomfuccdeiited aud uucalkd tdutional, opprea.sive and ruinous I Uuti li," Cl4ly.'j pr.ijeci a WM preseiUeitkeyj preleudud great solicitude lor a compro inise ; they were ostensibly supporting Verplanck bill, not so good as Mr. Cla)s; but they cannot support his, although Mr. Calhoun and the South Carolina lelega tion, whoso sincerity cannot bo questioned are willing to support il ! There uuver was but ouo party in tins country, capable of the same degree of hollow hearted base nsM and frontiers duplicity. Nevertheless, we devoutly trust that this project will rally aroun l it the moderate men of all parties ; tho sincere patriuts from e wry quarter fall who desiretlweoun try to be lince more sejliled m tranmnlhty atl who tothia great end; are willing lo abate souietltittg id their demanui." The tntl may be defective in detaila, but who can' reasonably lie disutistiod with its principles i no is unwilling bear TV with Hie 1 arm lor w years, when its. pres sure iu be oonataully diminishing in the interval wneo perinanei relief, will fol bw at the end ot that tun! when that pe riod is necessary; lo save the Tariff States from heavy I the ptan wifl es when the adoption of aro;ic(?risFr0' attlhlt clouds of southern discontent i Can the mail be found in V irgioia,, who will have himself to - T this glorious coauuuaiiuu i' . rolSuT ihtre vra those opposed la it for all that earwigs of Van Burenwretched minions of W 'inbitkwapctartioniWT had rather see the liaulementa rocking, and the Union trembling to its foundations Cian that Henry Clay or 1 John C. Calhoun sh aild acquire the fame of healing their ' I country diiitractnns.t These Will g tJ toTwork suUeraneously, and endeavof t6vr be Htf iw-ry iwppt and mining; the work -T-- i . e"1 AOVOCSTfti KUrK KIGHW MECHNGv r, . IHrAitnt lo uotice,.aUut two trtntdrwd tmmTtWtt-imAemmfm'ifii lota iA lUlic tni newlayr the- 1rh niMaot, -' The irtertin wss organised by aspoiuling Willis AUtou, IV-mdi iil, Ixham Matthews, Via Friieiii, ami TlnmiaH I. Mmtiiti and Charles aintl.l, iv-creiaries. M ij. -'. Ge tntrmlj.ted the f Mowing I'reamblo and K sofulioiis; herean dors hits arc now beins; dis semuiated thriMlMHit he, i wintry, the more dangerous an they beur the impress of autlmrny which tend lo alter entirely the character of lb goverumeui, from a glorious coiili-dcracy of sotereigu and in tioKtMjrnl btateg, i'u a consoliduicd il,i.i. tiHiit U unlimited ., i: it i,oi.l only the right, ait il become i,M duly of eveiy good eiicn io add Ins toitu lo Ihe ecu- oral i'ti..sion ol (Hililic wjiiliiin iii, and lo uxr cvtrl tjort i prew rve pure and un tiruisheil (hiwe vulm-d iimiilulioua bu (jin aiiietiL us by ur latlu rs I. IleMrtd, That utM. loliU'rtt itself. we vem-rAo tin, l oom, and we nlud o our lva t-tvitu cherish and di tou I it. when. wlach tt was intt-nAeiliii ttea-fwrufll) f J igriT irtd tjV lfjo, H.Uili-Tr lit, hut r uliall Lo ready toaiunJ 1.1 it, whoi, evew shall l.ecoine an iii-tid.neiii ofop preJ in, or wheuevei it i e pi i el led improper uses aad uohy muimmo. i!iKM'dtd, llul lim Cu,mM(u(-1i ol IhtTii.ted States la a coinpui I hetMeen "feign and ludepoiiilenl puliiu tti mi atujtie; "that t lou conijiatt u I. Hiy acceded as a-Sute, ami i an integral fik, its CO-Sialetloiiiiij;: m t Iim I:, the ullfr party" tiiat tho Gem-rul Government ynjie creature of !hi compact and the 'igiil i f llio States, tlu.t A i., n me de ti.it. I and II. oiled by to'! cvpn -s terms it ilia L'oi.-ti:itiou, auJ u.l r.efsHi "ex- eij-tively or tT thepOdplc.0 "8. Remlred, That whenever the Gen erol liovcrniiieiit shall asiiinc a power never delegated, or ahallgrtiy abttt the tiLvious meaning and intent of the Conul tuiion ''each State, at io all other cases of compact among parties having no corn- I,-, v hfi(N tf j'ffisa tt ft lf, es well .rnTiac!ions, as ol tho tntxlo kd umaura of-redrcaa. . i. Jletolctd, That Ihe Tariff lawr are equnl oppressive and UojobI, and fur they are intended to protect domestic .uiulactures, are groxs iulatiua uf ihe iistitution, and as such ouhtnot to be bnm ted to. S. Remltrd , Thiit any Slate believing m ti'bc tjncrmrtrtutioTial, has a right to Lai than, as being assumptions uf pow- lr on the part of the General Governtnenl and codseuuenliv "unauthoritative Void aaiuf i;o forcc,"-4ind it: belongs "to the rpl tlw Slate r a inajority Wt 'tltem to dcterinine uixm the iivnl of resistance. xiTcr,-'TbAt'iaV''Watextama' entored. voluntarily into the Fuion, has the uuduuiiUtd (i"ht ttatHittde peaceably, uud resume the rcsnsof (ahvernment, wheiiev er it shall become necessary for the hap piuisi of her citizens. 7i llumftil, I hat we condemn the p lii'irance oi ine late rrociainanon oi in j.s i. ia. r . i for, as calculated to inllamo the puhiic Blind i' aod add to 1 he -excitement at ready existing in South Carolina, but we con denin still more ths principles of that ex taordinftry document, as being snbversiie ol the rights and liberties ot the people and destructive to the Sovereignty ot the States, that surest wall of onr defence a?ninst tho encroachments ol tederol power. 8. Remlctd, That we solemnly protest ajfsin.si the Judiciary or enforcing Hill fnow bePire the United States Senate as eonlering liiKui the President unconstitn tjonal aud despotic powers no Jess than the power to use Ihe army, navy, aou mil itary of the countryt-agaitist the p('ople of 'iSove'reiinTtale whenever we 111 his wis do'ni Hwll think it necesfsarv eypedientil 9. Rr sa'wav" I hat we denrecatexh re- sort to force on tht part nf the General Govt rnment agaiiwl Sooth Carolina or any other Swe'rein State of this confederacy it bmng a power withheld from the Gener I (iovernmeiit by the Jramors oi ine uon stitution in Convention as being totally at war with 'the genius of our institutions as well as repngua oftne re: r uant to the euligliteuett spirit 10. Reiohed, That wo approbate the cotiducl of; our Senators in Congress Mtssr Brown and Mangum for the very Turmunu'ont uihTleariesa umniie It) fchtctr they have dcfen.ledllie rights of tho Slates aeainst the usurpations of poer. . f- The &Vh, Tth; h, 9thi ami lOti Rosoliitiotia were unanimously adop- ted;.the5tb was carried. by a large m joriand to th 6th there were but two disWiHMts u motion, Etaolrtii tliat the procefl dis of this meeting be published in the T1" ... . '. . .. . 11 RM lice Advocate, and that the NOrMk I11L..M .ui...Ji i.ft: ;. IT.' W. I "r"-" . ' " ' 1 :'" . .: ; frwvllr to State Rlhu be requested 'j copy them. , . wir.T.H Ufitos, pr:-. " Is HiTT'JFW?, V, pre.'. Cwaar.n fnuu 1 S 1 ' TkosV P. WamTrwaT now tmi r. s. Tt;i.FflRrw. PRINTER Tf THE MOFSE OK REP will be i seen that we have paid ihe penalty for an honest maintenance l otir principlea. The shook does iiol come m, us unawares. To say that w do i. l, and senmlify feel, this revere of firtune, would Iw a ridiculous itllixtatiuii. Uoi we will aay that having chosen the alternative w hich led to it we are nut mbdurd by it. 1: brings with it this couwiluiion ; i man other teat o ihe sincerity of our Htlarh ini'iil to lhoe principles which this press has LiboMd, Ii b y we adin I, but t er Z 'alounly and feailessU, to ihsiutaiii. Il giv us renewed tlaiiiis upon the confi deuce of our f"llow-citizens ; and nay Wk not say Umn their gratitude? for, in I hear tunea of nuhservieiicv, is not he eniiili-d lo IImi raliloie ol a free people, who ttmttt- laiiis Ihe Ireedom ol Ihe pics, in an Hide ieiidrnl support of Instil hiii Ubwry ?-Wt cuuld tiave rrtamed the txtnrtive patron-' sv'j j wecMild have slJ retained tho pat- VS.dJ. vyu'-' bud iirt-fyrred I our owemoWuM!tAtiptiGu-1 ',.. f til bare rradetur rteeitW, ewt we wrt tn re-1 inn, for this woulJ be to despair of the public. W are not without hope. Bo long as. we wir tn thr Terpi of ihe patronage t'j nnfrrrvH we wete too proud to appeal to ie public to supMirt this press ; but to ithlinld that appear now wnuld Ie to e. uy the ri'Hi mierest w hich it is our duty to support. ' "e hate lield tHir pees a a rut e f ir the public. ere we to permit i failure, without due notice to those in terested in Ms ci ntimmnce, wo stiouiii tail f our dutv to litem, ns well as to ourselves, One of the ins! pu-iful considerr-lion connected with the loss ot the pnWic prirr llo conttnunity which harw ttecee tdetm fied with our establislimenl. let, in this country, honest industry will command a competency, and that must be thdr con solution, as it is oura. . ; One other cotifcidera!wt wetghi upon u t is, that iu consequence of the perccu- fjnn of thorn in power '. w ho, not - dotitent wrfrrwithd rawing alt llK pairm.s a w it U jrf- jheir contnd, haye hauled up our subscribe ra, and forced -many-f - iIwhh to (liscrailinuc their, aubcriuliohs. . nr add, that in Consequence oi this persecu ton, this paper has been for the last two rara, prmled jrt I r& of seneat thousand dollars per annum; and we are bound to annouiice tho mortiTviiijr, truth, that unrew thC people will Me it Under their .patron- e, it will be discontinued. e irui that nn ono wilt believe thut (his lact is announced noie, for the purpose of enlist it uubiiC sviiipathv. Il w truth which our riiiatiou.io liie puliJic inilkes it our iw nenous tiuiy o siaitj. nuo nut u.n tered power : we have not bout before Oonirtesa; we whiW j piifcrHas- tiie natronai? b ...aerv ieiicy : wo should not be snspected of saying, what we.aow. say tor effect. We aik no man's pity ; eo long as we have health, we can earn an honest auhsuiienee : but if, after having stated die fact that the subscription to the paper docs not defray the e.xpeuse of its publication, the oeoule do Hot interest themselves to ex tcud its circuinti'Hi, ami tiiuscouiriwiie ine . . ... ... . i . moans fur its continuance none eaa en- sure us f it relinquishing it We ask atatir, will the people permit the Telegraph to bo discontinued ? We do not believe that they will tor, surrouuuea as we are by the Corruptions of the day nio4ifiuds we admit ourselvea to be by tho reverses that have come upon us we are cheered with tho codsciounebs that they bring wills them au assurance ol the firmness of our principles, and of the up rightness of our purposes, commanding for us the confidence of our countrymen. As aaileoV deserted,, and ferswtlqd, as this ores now is, by: those, tu-; wltoae. URiiieritj .d clevalion.it hai aa largely contributed jt has now no other hojw bat in the magirart mitr;lbgerirW the interest ana groKW 01 tne peipn "go. we aslt all and each of our subscribers to constitute him. self as fair aront we ask each to boar the condition of this press in remembrance and, by extending its subscription, maK.0 it as independent in tact as 11 is in principle Wejr4inise, on our part, an uuaoateu geai iu the cause of liberty. CALUO N ANi) WE33TER. A Letter from trusAi'tfo. , 'ai'iinsrtoti. 17th Feb. 1413. " Dear Sir Yea1erdayrwai a. day full ol Isitareet.-fiarly .iAthe.vjmuriMP44ttt Avenue was thronsred with persons going to the Senate Chamber ; before 10 o'clock the galleries were full to overflowing. Manv ' nersom were unable to obtain ad mission. The floor of the Senate, and the CuJoMoV Ch.nJ ths President a .chair, I..I U. V 1.. ...I.. n.lJ f.jl..n. -wee eeuowi nv .wm; iS the e tv. A1 ti"V":i. Mr Culhotm e-ufi , : .t- ehwcit.rjoosiisws iwa to BSAsjiMsis,tk-. (led at two. Mrr.iebHler rv, ami 4 dressed the rVnaie until half pa4 veft, w it a recesi f two hours. .Yel, eticU wis tltftjifoflsw interest exedM, 'u,L tia mxr:xrrti.&':, attention. Yesterday twine Wfig Ii,wDll'al W. vi cower w as io y speak, the Hickqry -Club, Ihe kitchen aj "r m il as the parlor Cabinet, William D. Lewis, Kendall and the Globe, not wih- ' standing his defeat of the prtvioua day, came out with all the power of the oflicess The coim'Iusiini o .Mr. Wdsera Ss-cl4 was fallowed by a show of approbation fmm the gnllenes, Mr. Poiiiili ftrf Tm ; to move au adjournment Mr. White, thsj President, pro. tern., refused to 'receive tl motion, until the gulli fies were cleared I Andrew Jackson's dniks flapjiing Uaniel Websters ileiuiHistraiion, that thiaovcrft. nient is a '''uprenie Government, "a co ixdidatul Governtm-iit," that it is not, and, never Was intended to be a cunledcrncy 1 1 Such was his declaratiou and Iiissecii4 , friend, as Preside I of ihe Senate, giving" a stage effect to il by refusing to rt-ceiv '""" ' a motion to tuljouru, imttl. jhe galleri ' were clearec, " is sonittbing nfw- ULdcf the sun! . , , J Mr- Wtlier ia a r re a tmciiif L and a powerful speaker, ft w have hh w a ri.'iiuimii'f t f tone, words, vf- nprrniiai! " ' ami lie several limes alt. uipied !! k un isUii tluiuis : it wls a,Htrei.l ifiit h9 '... f Ss tin i (.' "-i.i '.raTTifahoni.- llie rinv'ispifsfiihia hung, upon the irsua" of Ihe eantest, aut could ha be less than, elxpicnt ! Ho wa eloquent, tn look, in inanner and cxprea- stoii tiil fllff rliig with Win," m WfrlpT? ciplwr,ai I.tlo, I -cwsKlered tie argMwii a failure nor have I seen one, and 1 have he.rd many fs?nr-TT-t,-w1io are iiotujr opinion, that in all, hi apeech of jester Jay, fin below m former atton.r pecch on Foote s rraoluti was the bar vest, that of yesterday the g-eamngs. U ' both he labored in the Ultra federal field, and the grain which he. reaped is filled with cockle aud cheat. Proud in the ift streriirtir. In the triumph whtrfr hh ptn Hes ba aehtersxjf tbru tUs pVLi tton and the transtcro te'KMia p"twr ri ty ; he said thai as he gre w nldor in y at a, -he grew yo'uger in affection f r ihis fi r enuneiit T Myrm-n mind irked why-1 but -7 yeslctJay jMr ?ebter was in despair 1 this govs rn went shut : lH day before if , . was wielding the whole of his commanding iakuts Jtis sJcaianreriJ tyt :tov.. u -; its arm; alimjusii Uai -arw..swiu,.tuu.a 14 defence of his own re aide although lh inmdtn if liad p wsf 4l4 soilof alasFichusvtls herse.U bat has prKta ced 'his clunge t Uy"ia it, that as M M'i, ,,r.,wa older ui vusrs. he becomes yHiiiger ia 'his altioiir tVthis- -pnirri inenll Is it- not tni't no fiiienaiti Hr - . y hope that it is to bocMs such a g ..vvrmneol izmi:! ".:'..'. as he baa always wished it ty be.- Is -it . lcauso ho is in favor of avcwiVolilaicd " " .. Government,'' and execti.l( lime" it se r'.; l bv engrafting his principlea 00 J ksn .? ' popiilarity and cxtemliiig b-tlt-behMHl il - ' -v- parse and the awoNl cf.'IRe iatiotj plj ' 1 ' ' cing in the handsof tlie PrcmMent the Rev. J .,.., . enues, the Army and Nary,"and the AMi ., Ha of flte tfootitry I l rir the 4im t ptr , f , fathers will Old Virginia become his con-I.-- A vert I He is lh-bold apuslk-iiCjCtaiijhdas..'. tion even the term has lt its terror t Uim, and lie boldly avowed it in the facenf tho American Senate and of the wo-IJ, Will Virgiuiasurrtmder her relrveorrig"IitS -r 'j at his bidding ? I do not Udievs slio .will I . ''J but is it not time lliai alio haf awakeoed f - from her alumbcrst If she alecpa Joif , It wilt be the teep of dwhv'V? Oflhe power and etoUTihci-", Ihe' clear; . lucid and unanswerablo argumtitt f Mi. V Calhoun, I will not now apeak, N -te bd heard him, can doubt lna patrvttisu., bis apeech was a lucid apalysia of tlm puncii plus of theGovemmcat,4s caVar & c micIu. aive demotistration that ours in tlio best nf governmeuts, only because it is a confed . eracy. It was erotnontly calculated to a r, foiise his sleeping country uien, and parties , ularly those if the South, from their most . culpable lethargy nd will add a new and - imperishable wreath .la. perpetuate hm . fame.- Wr. Pode4erJUawailrLV 1- irimiK-have vet to speak, and Mr. Lai. . .rJfl tn Mr. Wchster. ' IMHIIr 11HS"M l.llfi.wf,j1. .Si v . . . 4 k word ahmlt trrrarTmr - aler yesterday explained his course, llo - adqued Mr. Rives' speech, with a slight n ' . uf .fii.slinn. and tftat neauriDUieu mcim. , - ly edmation. Mr. Rives having thu b admitted as a disciple, the link wh.eh U to bind Virginia to thear of ultra fedsP alismr -M r &mUtt Hill' yesterday aswr tSJthsTiWilKr.tialw 'aeswn as printers to the House bad grten ea milch offence to the Administration, thas llie Northern friends uf the President had resolved to ueTJat aU adjustment u iba Tariff.. ' aj of Commerce of Friday afternoon, aavs, 'Seven hundred share of IL S. Bank stock w-eresold to day at the Exchango B.mrd,at IH a 104, being an improves -:x..t ,.fn-,,, nrriii. aoott prices el ie ' YrimitZ f bring tliei 10 the rrful ".Vf,nre . . . ' 4 . h This ' advance s aiinouiwum J -fc .;f rr - t t t mm ' ' -i 5 ,1 - i . . .' ' .- ,. .- . v ' ", ' -v- - " ,"" '. ' - 1 .e. .... , . ". ei ' . W3 f 3B' .AiijU 5 .v,V.v Ijfc ...V t, f, ",,. .. - -if; --' VsHN 1 t . a"

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