C rmrf' t t rttrnnmtin. i , 4 v r 1 m 'Ac , f'-r-i Y r -'-is. Mt. t LVS I'iUirt). IIION. Ui. i, ,(!. II. i morning, Mr. Clsy'i IT. iT.ii. h'i i I r a n "iiiti iiicwi in in. nil . .... . . i .1.. ir vrn. I '.HlB-f wtth bit manly speech ..'l .! II. llJ I"' HK" IIltT--tHI( p-.f t h, ..f I he d bate followed, We kl f fiu'u'li Mr. Wrbslrr's resolutions, on h it su1 jort, which, WS r to ay, ntifmiiiMy ofinw4 tu Mr. Clsy'e red' frtocial end pecif Course. 7 f r. Cly propositi' kiWn f sriou. ' fy rereivod by th community tbe ultra tan Titea e onoVmntnff H, M an abandon Inent fifths principles fr which be.hs a I ng contended the indepeiulent op. gyoneiita of lha protective eyirtem and Hi (n ib-rnte friend hailing il with joy, an idT-jog ibe attar iif Pssc nd union - l. t. 'f:if v..wntir In ths nir. f iIk- Dtil, when be akad Dh i b ftarCd- feaughtn Mr. ILlrhM), Indeed .wSn brkMin li the latter cl .eeys hat bo will not now ara the avrfi'srs u Jfr. ny" in ooWing his mediatorial pro- fnwiti.rj - in other words, for doing Iho ve rr thins which Mr. K. hse been wrgtng JnwiWo for the Ut iwoyesrs! Perhsp If i.kv" venerable Editor! will . h' " nMivrs in throwing ntf thiw vim hiu m . ho will discover that they were near Jy akin 10 those which prompted lb inqui H of fiw PUtsnic meW-sty, iiKitn'uHfH. . Il-H, Mr.ntv' bill ii wit inljr,,u llif VfX-ml.il' EJilof w'Kild hi it. In Mu-i? ifimk it wa!d puzzle Mr. CUy Vv d nf liinf wbirh wmiM ernHy will ,V."I x-!iiib'iiian. Iflh rt b right, why 4Titu ha wulJ i nilit ins nvrtive ; Tm milin wr uiMio,,i'imble, nv eer amljr ll Kl wnl. b wrKijl " Nine TAinl Uirvxif,"! the KiMuirfr, ip v be lon lime a ker-' with IkU " i J"ii V ITh ' jKiitTeiniuT weferiiiitT.re recintint the tliitetman like view arhili of jpd tbt 1npiori if gradual de f9tfttyW" Wlti t fTM'W ft)f-pHll4' I'ba. period is long" (ay Mr. Clay ion to he a I , I"iiuiiUi drlia wererv n ie and pas , - jI J ayalem f g .wrnibeiiL" v II d tiiia j V'i.na ronvi fr.nn (Jen. Jai kem or Mr. "-.i-;iJrnri,wat.rt it w14 nw Vefl t;" "v..:'." H.,f ,ha ''S'1' in "II i' Prta, ' krl iu tuthor Wiiuld hia been hailed bv V ,f w l'"fl,uw a"W ajfhiai eunntry 4n ii hMir nf evlreme p-ril. "Purh prditi :.-; .-..-..,, iviao m Mr. Rilchia 'wlxi remb'inn and PUul meeura, not an aroount n( thrir " Jnf ntc eveellrnciea or drta, but lie , , ibey proceed from thik or that man, I , . , . ' 4r tiie curwiof fre eminirv. , '. ' Mr. ("lay.tiowver, iinut the man ttbe friren from hia eiHirw, either by the illib- , ral iNieera or tb open dmmwintinnj of i "v"" " " fn irenoetjb benrae tbrjr have M dnehty Injur 'd him. lie will, reifardleaa of iti ff ota on hi own peryNMl Ofmci, do 7 r! ".'.f dil'f.Thal duly poinU li the aalva. - , linn of the Union a its chief rnd I and in irwnnVinjr bis own farorite poficy, in order -. t- rescue the Unioo from the danert "i"."!' "iiimiiI"VI u,rnminA U. b awl viiKlrr.fm hlf " ' - ' xlaim to thtitl 1 1 Bn''atid diainlnwa. r.-ryW Patrwit thcJtitfhe;fuIo(ry which -r ; ptarmKrcan'ik; "AadhB inbe an": r ' .".Jll iT'i'la cbeiwliwd by posterity; how. i' 'r.X"'- ?Vflrc-Pio('orarjr pmjiijui Aiid Vrnflict- V . "ir iiit'ireats may mimnteroret his taouVaa ' " Jud uisrf'priieiit bis trtiona. . $rom the ttrioawa it Hriii'a Tssks 'i-l twruJor.-Viil find i iur c'lluinin an Wfisslinjr dnbata on Mr. Clav's project am 1 . .1 a. ran . . a . : .... I1'' rjnicii'jn..,oi W8 4 arOTj . which, as t, BisHfr id great "puWie jntorest,, w insert io ine rciuioo w mucn oiuer matter. , r-w-AirM'Wrtbrtmfrlf'ft'niwtrn we hail ibis rwn i' iraninuiae in wwuitry f and by wiiiiHiiiin2 lira ictfiHiaiiiMol lie Con. gress, on Hie barn's of jiurt and equitable principles, to give confidonce in its future Actinn. " The dctada of the Bill, or raihrr d tt a ?T6iwsitiin," are certiinly dvficiive. Tba wsiuw- iif tbe-duties on low priced wlt fr mt 9 tu ') per cent ths annO- tl lelu.lHMMif otrly oej tray percent, r- w'"J J' fi.md wdjttaint -o tlie'-revenoe maxim rvn, m tlw scaltS bf 2 J er '"cent at aijrf , art til objecli.wfthle. The first lsuK;nlltfif,oppreisivftand calculated ' to eratwrrase the subject. The second is t w swill and the third too high, Still ' fie principle ot an uniform avf valorem du :v- fv, miK bo rcfarded as maiiifontinir a dis fo-i-tivi to aVdish a( once and ficcver, the etii.His Jiicriiniiiitions which have, contri- -'r tuteM 'i much tu Wjender at rife between ..4iirniit sections and interesti ft holds i 5ul 'm,' 0'nPr"'ise, nnd we sin . v - - -"ly ''P8 that the details may be to ac torn nodated, as t restore harmony to the . .. . wnjrt';iil aifejorwrnttna Jmit 'bam- f i s 1 . a ., . . c- m&L wraca nave w ; jooj laarred at sluice - , 6f society." , . ... -yitBgw, p uinon oi inis surijnct, mwhich'ityim. wnrranco apiicars in a sironzer-iiirht. It V y.!U f it mcceeo, prevwit lliw effusion of ... Uiiriian blood. It will arrest thar course afmMBm which would inevitably luad lo tli elahlishinent of a tmilit Jry uVsjkv. v fitrri, on the ruins of thi R -publk:. It will dnmppoin: llie machinatims iif a or fupt cabaland baflln tttffyeariiliijrsofncri fon.il vonj;iMice. It will utterly stiflo the ' rfft nfirlTf VSStfBatrVi w(a prevent tin ini ng-ies nf Van Buren, and the thirsty .. nun irMM iriuiniinmsr over the 'V. it mUTmcaltitr lh wb inoiits f , tUiU milW allt fnlttrrifi ksa tweu Webster, Otis, VonCuwo udJuk thil. - i ue r nsis is an awiul one. Freemen fcave nson op to assert their rights against " corrupl and Irrexponsibln sovernment. Each hoiffr is hsstning by witlj .tidings of Wil if tfoe tft-'ilie KeiHiblic. And canliha waina nftliM taiiVirnnwnft Tl. Kill .r "it, uitUJt bo tclitM that, at surb a II r, I ill" lluur:iiJil:.ie V . ,rmmy 01 u'ii , ili ii 4 limn n fi-ii4i ir, e oM U Mjifl iH 1 1 all l'i it 'lil" t'i hi' cimjii liv, 1 1 !', I jmtii', au-l i I.Iktiv, iilnintrt illiirl an rrumin'olali'Ht l llm ririimg iml furful qiK-ii.nf Will il be b'lM,'l l'i! xrb t HiMinf C'mjIiJ b f mtxl Houlh ief ilia Poi'irnac f Mr. Forty III may barlodia llm niM. f jrnliuj ii hi jiKljjuwnl J Uil bi ll-r1 topreteui the iiilfrxliKiiini of lli !ill hi r-fui i grant ! t bring il in, while It oibib ii ! at im iMivrr l f re wiUiewJ in tin- hil'rir f( mif l;'iUiinn, omt at tune Uv bun lialJe In I lie jnat renmime A enerf man (tea from tM trainineU f rar tjr. T'i what uni! mir cwiilry Iw rrdiMd, hrn man can. b I finl, al ma n inie a Ibii, willmi ft baiard lla rora of a wur, ratMr ()an it k IK rlmnr M a fyrifn ('liilWuienl i ii r I lie Mien chmIiImm iif the lime. II aliowi the alurmiiif fart, !i ii tli intrrnti nl ptrtymi Ire mnre rfKarib-d in lir liiiIa Irnq than the nU nt of tb duiilry. mt. an Biiru nr bit fr inula i Tfm tlmi tli- iHH.pIn of tin rooi.try art ilejfrmled a in rut i-arh rtbrr lhraii ft hi Iwnrlil t IKa he dnNirn flrat Indrenrb the ami nfHouih I'anluw with Wd, in iUr U ! rid if rival, Mn h wilt bring kit frUmttto rftfrot ihi Tariff lie ani tliey hare rocfc'ioed With ihoir boat itrA.j( ire. V tkf Punrill Rrpnrtrr, MIL CLAY MLL For ike reduction of )ifiri- Mr. Clrty contrary lo yr ft iiectalHai, baa lf -red a prmerl Pr barnn- inning lh cetmlry, bikI eoniprnniiiiiz ibr diKince eictm b( wu I lie Tariff and Ami Tariff partie. He prefaced il l.v a aiiech of conilrn &)tiuxlliStwuirJt Ly Lia ixU.ituu-d elu- nucoJC, and it is said, eiurruiig iImj iwm! uatrintic devotion lu I lie country, and a williiigri! In surrembv the prinrilo of .JitA lit f..ftiiitA"jS-'llrhfh --nir tiyf an ' iiunir. and M mtei)ry wf erlsd biia r a a ttierijite (t h renrd ill wliirh was mmoletl hy tM'ilungm "WitO wbicb wc ar Mirrutirtdod. Ruorulutiixi as to Lis motives, are vari ou. W'e shall be rc dy to iie tl-u by ins future conduct, and I do him jinlu r A We bate ceirureJ brieiiir-d bim wilhiMit stint, f .r some of his firmer eon lort we will imt lie wi uix liarnalilf, alo jude rMiljf ur hsrttily 4 bis a-4ivcs mi Him important nci'imm. If bia cmirv shall C Hitrilnite to anve our CMi'.try from eonsolitlatioH on hic band, amldntunind m the other h" will ajMUivdly inTiiaod $ far a we are concerned, siuill r-c'ive I lit erati ful llianks of thu iM-iiplc. W e haw alwat rvgardoil him ax a dmii'rn.u ix.liti luuun'll the feyerit oulUui ut.KAtu4.4t - i . . - casion, Kut Ihn rtulili-wd Kill Ppe.ik f r Itaelf. Hecaiiinta V'l Jinle of 111 mer its. It wewd to be aafisfncWry to in if the Houtbern delealinn The time dtluwcd fur the final reduction to the revenue Stnndard is .more n-tiKte than we could drains - rdwHi ie 4" t per cent ff wri will h-ve t thw end of the term, thnt rreai Mb-Mie of e'-nlen ton3 the 4erihutiw of a birge7 Surplus revenue to distract the cvtintry ajjain. We are not 4 Ion- nnmber Tif ttins hnwrTrcr, who wish to sew the nuiiiuTiiclurinf inter ests prostrated by tsuidu rmloctiiin tii the revenue staivlard that w.iull b- a lireataiid uiuieceMiry sacrifice of NatiHisI weaUh. - ----- - - ----- - M R. CLAY -AND lH TARIFF TOO. x , s IITIPX.- v . . ,. . We Mbjoto a few eKiiseta to show hw fdvoralily MrTCIaVa projet has been ra- ceised bv certain leading and indcpcDdeut ' -k.nii.M.ili1':?---t-:""'-,--'--" j ........... frost ike Journal ofCmmrrte bfFtb.lb, Mr. Clay's bill fur a final adjustment of the tariff, has excited gra interest in this city, and is received with universal sMis CiclHin.' - We have conversed with hijjh tariff men, and free UaJe uwit,. Jticksou men and euti JitckstHi twin arid bar not yet beard a disentini( voice, The pros, pert of a return to annd followTiptm tfjrm ai'i niiniirslJ to all, has crested something of the same fueling among -our citiz'n whk'h a sailor experiences when he find hiinscll sufo from un i'iirn'n linr teirpsl. .While we give. Mr. Yerplanck great creJit for Ins cffirls to put at rest the ex citing quetinn of the tariff, with its cw annuitants, nullificwimn and eeetionfll hn trod, we are free to say that we yield the prnft-rencn to the bill of Mr. Cl.iy. Both ullimutcly Come to the name n-su't, viz. the gmduatioo of tho duties according to the revenue necrsxnry lo the support of' uovermneiit, buttliO Jiinnrr. pruNMes to reach tw point in 138, while lite tttifr tfinTiiJEKe re extirnds the luw.ofeajjjlnsinjaj.v. Hie drmnd of South t ur.-!in:ir pti-i id that they do not nband.m the principle .)! protection; but they do it in such m wav asnciihcr tu cniupriimiso the dignity of the ueneral tiovernmont, nr oftvna the pride of South Carolina. - -MoreiiVfji llm btll of Mr. Clay proposes to do it s grad uaiiv. Hint I he iniiiml.tifurers cannot com plain l)oing tak"n by surprise, or if n-rt hayinit oppiirtuiiit y to a(xiuuvtkte ihom-. selves to the chann. The New Englniid men have gfiuerally said that the present hi"h duties Were not a thing of their own ITinz, but that havinff been once estab lished, they cannot be sudihnty repealed without causing distress and ruin to thou sods. There in tmn' rti. anH therefore we have always been inclined l ease off ths system gradually, so that none might ayfler beyond what was absolutely Mr. Ctav is vrsduaterl on thi. . Snrinl . I , UnU IflVO nillll IA I'll ,1 mi.ui. n.ra ana g.ve ampie t-,, , pmim, nira re il'l 1 I - x r, 1 l. I-IV, Bui . 1 1 a , . f li.a.'rr as eat-fts in uoM " f Im-ini-. S i. oe of lbs fn"vl of bih irS msv fil'-d un ihink llist Mr. Clav hss tr ocpa4rily fir in thq wav n ett urn" fe ilio-il tliiiik ait U.I on Hi that be has ai-li'J . wiih srsat ill in I hits vihmleerine: W W-ad, wbei rfWwi have ben eomprll'S II is gl'l-iuM'vlly the la4 nx mi h art sttempl wi-uld be svsi'm t wnsij, the froiolry s w' yi the siiniir biS 0 Withiait era B CoiOIrili V langtinge rd Mr. Clay, "if iija svatrm ispnNwrfwJ at the a. (I will be by or-ans u4 w buuu from A rVVie Tar Ke swafgatfSfrssyaaas.wa.s-wl- -- " Till -' mrrf-i."Nnt.mcrii.-isii rffrrfire tfi mir r"Os(rwil, pr r' inira. il will w iH-rreiveo and wt rvs hrarlilv rooiira'nl.ile tair rrt-r upon it rrnl thit theeted k"ej of lM lanfTj is aboul ibetJ..r verpwt at rei,fH nulli hVatiim by the same ar rtn-hita'W-f Thora ts imt, iliere canM W a pair-iiic mun in Iho country, who will im hail ihu siinuuclati'Si with ein"4on " wi.sivo.1 uWssure, and anMniKlv. joyfully, Midr iinlo him wno has arnewoq mis row Sirable obieet. the (illl need nl snphiba (in whi h he so richly merits. And who is ke t Is he not lb untie individual who i aMv and ene'srliHy siisttiisvl the war of Hit, and who wasllwnrfnd for many yoars afienrsnU, the fnvontf of Ibe ilmniicrHtic parly f Is be lr ane diKtinituished stnlrsin in Hid runnsienl r Mihlicsn, who, until Ifil, wa all frbghled tnhisvir! " ' ll is true, thnt in 11 he sin lb then cbnrlv er "-d wi 41 ajairit L-4 nf llm lifrVroiti I furt jetaidrii'ljr part V. ThiT f.r thhf aT 1,0 b-if llm full ettnl f hi error, a bat as we are cec.'ried, hal. we now kiMw id"lHe drliryXW lain . wIwhii be Ihei his supf"n, weh"kJ is.rUiv rvm af.cn . v . , , . J- - r f..w iii.ni F..n 1 wire, bil o the nUefit opjiniirik id" ll' iirj tiny, wa put it, wbethorbtbt h'MK-al, li.KKimliK and pnlriotie c n i 41 this nioftKrf of dmiL'r ts the cni'iir4'Kl ill liNlilulioiHH whnhor bis fninkliid manly McroVe of bis fsvorite lhiHrio4Df miK-b edeem'-d " Ann-rirsn systein'lon llie altnr of his. country's linpiduexsJhc ha not ui'iro ihnn C'iniH-niii"l fir hiwf. parent onitiiin trt ti e rcpiiblicin y in 1"J4! We any, Ac km, and trlik limld stsnd si thi in-iineril on the an Li, if imiI on more Hosted ground, thsn Be did in 1I13. There, ( lcal, we nW rf it idi-r linn, a id kn in ma at do. ht Iv ami c i! .'ii !. iO'- rsey, hi pnlrj.iil ami nn n.-v m, '1 1 rv) ot th" iiln. we -h.ilf c,n--ii',r Ki n am nta iIkwci who mn wii'i pr. ii'.i-iv nk of th iv-imfr llwir f'ltiirn mifT.-Hs f.r l!i hiliii ntficj' m lueir jjiR..,..'Ve jm D'd cmiuuilied .tp any man, or inv t ! nipn whatever mir motto 1 ernyifil", nol men, and when the lime arrives l;t wj rij-1 nelorrt airK-nthe randi.li f j l. i.t (f ncylhe nsri iilnry Clsy wiILpr4 o.-nl iixell lo us as iron from ensure if oon-'qii'i.ro i-f'hi!!! course, as. em thi Nsmes of Tiewie Vnm, MsHnt Van Bnml J ilm Mcliosn, i mi if iheolhor distinl jnisne innividu!- wSvhAve fson hamr 1 as I lie suceessors of-Andrew Jsrksnn.' - From tke Pkiladclpkia Inpiirer, Ft b. 1.1 - Our columns are Julo4 asebniit -w cUpiedthik niiriiini with Mr. Cliiy Vjior in tbr dotmte, and the- tntcrcsting 'debut (hat eiMued. n also inserl lh hill f4r - . - . - -, - V - , L V -- V modit) u.g iii 1ur.11, .ibiniiien by that dm. ungmsjicu siai-swr- ii epprnrj- to calculuiod to satwfv all-pertrc; tbe 'meiw - . .... - . m . fuctunnj as well aa the 8.utlifini Slates, Stld.Hii toe te,nuji4 the Miminwi Lute, wi: melius lu llw opmnHi thnt with very trifling amendments ii will become a l-i. Mr. Cluy's speech is lui-nl, convi'i' ring, and. pslriotic. The only gcntlfttnen t!ial opKed the hilt id The Senate, were t. Forsyth and Mr. Webnter. Tho I r. im r ns iu his remarks altoueiher ondiiri efTrai4Jrrf jrtHls,aMapr iinosed lo the lull, not becauw be thoncht H TPftttVTiujJH iiiHiiible, but oeciittse tt wa; enursfi appeara 10 us exirunrunuiry " As tkr as 1 understand iho bill," and he, "from the jteutliiinsii' statement nf it, there are principles lit it lo which I do not at present see bow I can evor concur." He continued ; 1 he b mora bio mem ber froni Ri"dH ky ssyt tlmt the Tnft is in imminent d.iu;er; tiul if not d"troyed this scs--ion, it cjn lot hepe lo survive the next. Tlii may oe But if it b no, it is bcnii-v the Aiierican pMp!e will Hot sanrtion the Tiriffj end if they will not,' why limn, mr, it va u.i.t be itistiied at sll. I-in n it miii'i ii"MjHf..rm j honor, ablrt nteinber nrntn t tie.- ' I 'know" notli'-' '."gyffyfl.Jr.','', "-'yg-'b-'? V.t!uii.i!ie . Just ,llje pt'J ,-TV'Ui'l'r l ;;ri.'l. . ,. -,'dr. Webster m.U4 iiajtf.ioniHt im.i.d 1 ? - . . -i . . he knows of iMmo thnt biw li.imnod withWsix or eiaht tn i.iths uim i..i,i ma tcrially the priwpects ul ilmUnJ rf.is n4 m election (tr ftiii' tJonrpsa atr4 a 4feHltiMitkeA pinee-wirrn- the . 1 a i - . ; (') " t. , WOCW I., .41 , O.HWaUl b itli Con;ress and Iho Presidenf nrenp - .. . .1 -2? - I . I .1 . "... monieui iticy are u irj.u iuv jpp inmiriy of working together, cut it down I as ex We trust Mr. Webster has not deraiiied to opKo Mr Clay's bill, simply b;!tiiiMe laaa-'ftAjaWilll We should be glad to have, the opsone of some of our mauubtcturiug frieuds with ! 1 .1. . 1 I ll , RIII'll J 1 lunuary "iow aj'd I fuliw. en! wnn 4 s, H ls Ibe W tiirllVe wttum, h regard to thia bilt, ifhe tiimir deeding ; hew deep inu f w It were hiscunvietiunsi dpiat it is rief, ami a they are betteruat-yllis dnunci. na l he bill were bold and ified to jiKlg ' or m opTHtimi th!i ivur- 'iJive.a Jtw.wuciiciiio uiiiet.ftUaVMitL ! ; mtelligen. a-,,,., tu.- o might b,T a Wp- From ike ll'irrr i..s ( V. (' ) H'p-'fUr. Mil. i I.AV.H l.ll.L Ma. 'i4 bss mir !.i. '.U H.H f-rthc nviltcaiiiHi l l ie I ri! 11 l! rviwio. Id bill pMp-ajr s a lulimi im filiie f9 llltCtl MI SIMl Sll UitllllulO alM'ld KlllMl III the tth'ile I srilf p-.liry and rVi'ii of lite priiM ipIs of priiicfiH iiwlf. Mr. lliy aHers Xilio e.N. l'Mi Hi it llw nhnlv lanirswlem is Unfrii-iullv t ilhn U.iioiiaod lurniniy if lhe Hist", S'nl mhiI kn-iw that Iho wtJ n, ju-Jirn sill toMlne! 11 I Hie Am-rn s i p-w will rr 'itnj an ul ler annihilation d Hist U'lli'ihjjxfliry Im h can Mify be u,ih':lil by llie'sword and Hie bay 1 MX I, Ilia course bs rerlsiiily shim m iiHire siiil seue aikl sincere pa tin 4 ism than Ins can-or dunnf Ibe I ml -ivq. His M.i iwrt m VM-wr-4 Mso i-w nnii ui itJtara almliw v l ciilm I m IrmiUi-J 4t'r nf political ntfifi de will he rnlilli'd 14 the thank Mud griaitbi of III onli-m, Wn. would crtsinlv prrfor bill ( aduT r owdoserintHSi. wsjJ prrfrr an lid mHale rediwiton to a ralT e!nit an t aftnwsrds a jrrlul one. Yft stilt w were ptessed at fie iib-a that Mr. ''lay IksjU inlrtxIiH a 11 -hoValMm bill of any srt. The great t r of the Anvrirsn sysles) bai run im il 10 its eventual anm hilalKn and to an immeduU redurlisi if anirn prutfcltng dulni the dutmpmh oil nratr of Ibe Wrai has everted his en. rsfrturn eloqitensjn T thai purpMe. This isCrrtsiuly inl hi nj gained lortho Hmih, tod somoihinff wa srdf-mly hope fur th eaue id" fn-e irsde, constitiitimial lib. frrtv and the I'NION, dr we cmreivA thf tn l'i be intimately bN edud with each other. , From ' FagrtleriU 0'nerrrr. Tne Tiaiff. Mr. Clsy ha dne him V immortnl honor. 1 lcf the f t ho r nf 1 tv AtM-ricau rivktum. hss cme Cirward with a till so lo modify the Tariff as lo make il uiiHfrt4ry In the Suoth 1 a bill, " the ifn beMiMaryTTwrirrij ,lftrJj,, of wbifh (Mr. Caibown ds-hVJj'JcliAc,.FniwTtFKis .1 1 1 . : II.. i D.ll I. u - muM 1 'M 1 11 .tn i 11 , , yi jii .v w 1 if tKe Uuon! k bill tbrtt sat ih s Mr. lal boon, cannot fail to meH the aHirobtion of the 8 Kith ; and u intnilm ti'o bv ur. f lay wilt ensure br il the ijjxn ( ine d those who have unTryaAtcJwTth""hTm in snpjiort ot the protective y ii'in. Pieae parties united, render Ihe pino nl the bill, we think, cert in Or, if lime nh -old n' allow of ilcmiinmaiion dur ina' the brwifprnod that remain of the pr-enl semon, ln f.icl of 11 introduction by Mr. HHy, ojreih,f r wiin thn Uter feel. nig Inst fxhibitcd itelf an palpably in Ibe dntiie which look place in the Henste, 'I will imlil-V! fni'h ( arolina to mi'pi-iid still lurthi-r herOiliiiance.tlH the next Hcseior. lhJ, tlmt jl st t ai lajrorahle to -the i.'i.mh a Mr. ' liiv'e, will ims. luis with '.-Iiiis more joyful lhail we can expre. lut wa congratulate our rraibirs no-the iuppy pruspeel if having all sruin.xntip I tw.-i-n jSurth and South allayed of our vhole country beiog ouce moc unilsd i latiekmsj rwnsi An 'nnweverwe may iave regarded, bim who bas opened tbie briihl prKsjiefit, Irt m accord it htm the honor due for his truly patriotic pur pnae. Me is no lonir a csndidid" fir otttccii The purity nf hi motives, there- firej'CSnnot be suspected. -' Mr. Clay delivered 1 Wff speech In ex plauotion of the bill, and of his views tu relation lu the present posture of .flkirs, hreatLuig the nnsU" patriots spiril.- From tke Pt trriikvrg Timet. - MESS&S.XLAY. AND H'EUSTER. . n slinifyHshed .Smmhww end tiro. ..i . .1 r . ' ' miiVeul Poliiicisis4 tji? tnjp.uT.wbiumwfS; ported the otlirr fr the Presidency, and rnefHllv-eiHicurrH with him in the lead- de-ifng rnrirea of the preceding "Adminis t ml 11 ill ; are now at variance, il wuius, hh Li Die proper rmKle of adjusting the Tariff Question. Both have submitted projeti ! Hie Hennte -Mr, 1 lay on Tu'."sday atid Mr; Webster on Wcdnedny Inst. That ot the Kentucky to mtor proposes a Kredual nteof -one4eUh-xcr twenty rudut tiuut- the Ihilieg, to Uke elnxt at per cent; d valorem, trr thfl-rnTTam eVfry other year, dowe Iri 11?, when the Tar iff is tube reduced to 1 permrmont revetniO stnndard, the uiijinsts paid in ready money and the whide credit syKlem abolished, drc That of the Maswchusttts Seuator, while it iu like muinor recojnise the vnnts of tne Uoeernment a the bounds winch the annual revenue of 'the Country ought not to be mlowed lo exceed, nxserts Hint it is unwise and injudicious," in regulHting iniiHwd), to adopt a clan, " which shall either immediately or prospectively, rej-?ct airdicrtminaim on articles to lie taxed ;" end which shall "confine all duties to one equnl rate per centumou all articlee,'' dj-e, fdr. Clav priipoitKn is tli" better calcu lalcd to iitisfy tneS-iulh J and it principles HytspfM bv MriCal1ri;i; Uffi... nf tne Mmuli-tnriiiL tntunst-t. ifltlwii as the ultimatum of the North. W lie l I .... .1. . .. .1... the'ryongmss will adopt the one or the other, or reject both, we cannot undertake ; to say : yet w.i must bo permitted to rejoice th:ii the signs Dotn at tiaMunglon aud LliarleHion in lioaW a return to good foci ! xm ait? iii'ffiu leivxsi imx? uia iirrwrr kl.a-iJfi,..-- . wt lll i rvlJo.tloi. ..1 i.-.tr ! " -7: .Tr. i I . , ' Fnm Ike Atextnttni Gxiettt. MR. CALHOUN'S SPEECH. , -We had Hie gratification of listening to .nr. ittnouii a speecn 01 r ntiay. it was impossible to look" unrn-ived upon the Ora tor, '1 he deep" tones nrhis voice tho en- crgyofhiacfiorf--therire of.hiseye and tho expressio 1 ot .s countenance, all told hau- hlv. II e 1 unced it in the alronir st htwy-Vrr--xn-slfonji'i' iMjnVr. 11 ' vl .rej -Ii i. , was au ertrnt to le- ,1, taotrfl. ,y !i!i 1)0 Irir-nii ifi! III I liCfltil'l I 1 xi-!il" rr p Minn ' IfMlil n, Ihe nil.iH" i of his prxm uliuw od h" iiMfh In mind w.i S2ittiid. A llie i linf-d b m, nurr'Hui I' d by Ih-y Imiilpf, exhibiting In piwrr to ih" ll. If" p k wiih'Kii luriiiug l'i a n(" or a rf. rfin-o, ant with ana unirrni)iti'd auiinyinm, and wn ldl-d only when he bid become no di.iv In proceed. Wa rxiocl to sre a report of the speech at a i eirly div, aaJ will oe no tune in la itia it l f ire our res lor. IVosi tk J frriWtan it Tiffin! Tswfc ANORKW JACIWJN.' We are xiierers of the lift I rat sod if We were,'lhis (s tuA a time to 6st. tor Ihs nowrrful. It is a lime lo rv nk li-si and ch'iraclor, are senkniK l'i embroil iliociMiiilr) in f'ivil War. Tlre is no msn Mi bold as lo denv ihitt Ji Lki ib-mro lo Iijvk ih" military and naval firco put uniler 'In control. Th-re sre n ne so 11 iKirsul n-S lo know, lhl be wsnls rirh piwer in ont r to imbrue in baixl in tli Id km) of his ('Uow-ciIiumis the free poo. pie iiflhi tree country. Thi is wdmou. uUo, and 11 is enough tor n. We a re nol lu be Kllld by Hie rant eb.it the necewiiyfaT etecutis 1 he laws. Vrr llie n-iinee If-rnd to their exertrti'in, Iho furcrful set if a lawlra mob, Ibore would b" wmie col sir for the risirwi of conduct ho pruiKMP1 opursur, lliil tho fact i fsr iKhrwnr, as we all know. Tho oppniti.m 1 the u omn art of a w-vrreign Pnofilo, not bv foree "farms, but thru' the ordmsry rrcan of cei proem. T mi'i-l thi opfMMilion be Im roncrntrs'i'd an armed f iree in ibe liar. "ur of ('h.rli-kt..n, sn-l al other point, ami now alU for the ihrlnlonal pnwor of i!i n clinit ! his own ph aire Inr iniblarv and nnval fiTrr nf the hole Tnton." Clothe tin iimtirr a yoq miy, 1 urn im' ,il lint oa req.ie! lobe nwde DICTA TOIL No ssan in fc.tm w'r' axked !'r,iar ruccirl tuore power-rniis it .. eoybv (.j - confur iiHire. Men are the same in all aje; and the ren". wbtrh hnre led t.i the doWnHiIl of iinpiwn, hjvo lnM-ii, at bottom, invenulily anl univrrijly thn-utinc, A ib-f-av in lli' pnrrhr sptrrr--a fnriil t-tnnry"'on the jinn f the reopl.' -siid in ov-rwninij Confi Irncein tho virtue and iNttri'ili'in ot hoiih' popular (Miief 01 Leader, havi ever been the prorurtors of rev dution and ruin. No msn ever ertio!v pUtmed the des miction of hi country before he wasrlnth ed with oower sml 00 inmi. when rlolhrd with it, cvertoptdwithin it n htfu! tun It. Cosr thoii;!it not of iho Riril'- win n i. . ... r. 1 r. ... . ne wrm 11,1,1 usiii. . nnnwcii li;i 1 ihi 1014 of the Prolectorute until victory jjhvo In n the puwof bi do iniwlnrf. (ll" even de frlidid Ctiarles at flr-t sjsin-t I he" pHftia" ment) iHr did B-'imparte look to I he con suliihip, mucl) lea lo the crown, until hi Inu nph forced him to ties traitor. Then is something in the arasr of p er tucli wilt not permit it lo' rul u nied ami all hiMorjr provee hat its employment is unArr iMreeuiriii circumtsnc thmi in lo- fberisiwrcelTiCO,iei-tvableti'ic wbcriiiiia inua c.iihei with treirdm,trvj powers, is nit eompelled to plsy the f y. rant. And we woulJ stake our besij up . . 1 . .. . on ims UKue, mat i-imfwet--rttftn Jack1 the p'wr pmpwed in the I5(m. fy Hill, that he Wilt," whether tie 'ho jn tend it o.r not, overthrow tic liU rti' s if his. country in twelve m ntli, He caa not help it if h w nild. M irnt caui-i arc strotiicr than ciHmI amL tho.e. under hich hr mvxi nd mill net. will make hiiu a D s)ni u. .spite of hunnif. .- rhrre i tenrhtt irnilantv r the prm tninent facts and cir--mmi ine the pre. sent lime, simI ih-ise whe-h preceded the downfall ot the Rotnjtn Rrnublic,. vTheJ same per Wral fedTs 1hi's;MiP7i'inTr'or ship the same Intliars,'y nl the public nind the same party asperities the a'ne de cay in tho piMic morKl tin mvm office serkmjj spirit the same host of larasiic and dcpendniits arid the me fatnl confi rlence in Cn?nr. He who will glance at the works of Cicero, cannot fit Ll lo mark Ik graphic portmittire nf our own limes ski.'loTied Z.ni'O years a. Itis letter. to Alliens,' givins him en scrisi.it of too o. KticaTtisil'of Car,'and tho Ctmracler f bis myrmidon, almost suwrs the hu 'jry t r'W of parasites yvhi;h wait upnithesinileii of Jackson. Let tho reader refer to it, aud judge for him If, for we have not time to copv or tratHlate. But iflhe country iinwt have p Csnr, we trut it will out lack a- Brutus. One oTwl),,,n '',e fn'tir" llistoriiin my say. did Cicero. " Omtiis voluntas M. Brnfi, P. ('., omni coitatio, tola men, nuctnri-1 latem acnatu, lioertatein Ppuli Ft nnani, iiituctnr: hmc habit propositi!, h;w tm ri vult.tentaverit.qni 1 paiieuti-i imrficernpiw sit. ''.Nihil cura porftMsret, yt contra tim cxpcrii'iidum putnvit. " 1 "Here "ore fwiMiien now Tn this country -ww-emwenirv1 wNrae" the - public ntti1ji: ' h oft. The onfl U ANU.1KW JAt 'KSJN the. other, ,1011 IV CALHOUN. The oue is clothed with powor the. other is but as j private n an. Tho ooe is im periousintempor.and implacable as death iu his hatred- tho other is mild, bland and benignant, Tis not necessary to say fhat the former is straining every nerye lo destroy the latter. J All that undying hate, nursed by a sleepless. pint, can dictate, is called in to mini'tor to hi vanenuce. Tlicre were in Rome, before its lall, cV otv i men who filled 3 like place in the public estimation. They were D illabclla and Trebiniius The Roman Orator ami Patriot thus d ff rfebihis) consilium, ingnnium, human itatein", innoceutium, magnitudinern auiini. in patria liberandi, quia ignnratr Alien, Dollabella) a pueropr i deticiia -cruJelilas tiiit : dejnil'3 ea libidinuin turpitudv ut in hoc einM!-la!Uiui, quod ea facernt, quip sibi ohiici ne sb win cdqui Tcm puBsejit ve recundu." Doliatx'lla hated and iw-r cuted luoi in 1 11 ( il eii',111 in 11 eii o iM hut n in uy . ,11 ' l.e'i full il hi 1I1 n l bo. dy t I'f vi'i'vlo, cmn siiiinii n uimre lesl pwlt, oriilo piivril i i! I) i,it misorior, I) !) ! Ihi, pwn i!n, rji nn tit moneriini in e- viiiii f Thoxi 1. 1 be f mi1 in I'm eli-y-.-mh I'liilloinj the CoiniO' iitsry i brt lo Ibe evador. ' rrow tke I) )ytf,ia4, fhmnrrnt'. If we are 1 1 ju t.'e 14 the w-iiiiiv;it Lf nut stale, bv the l-rne d Iho newprrV prrsn, we iimI sav there never was a ib-. (net, epnfl whieh ll IS Wmfrd, BS lip is) Hii (he reilnrlion of Ibe duties to tim expenditures! the government. Wbst lure we lod'iwith the Isriffl In (frfml ier msuuCK-tiiros ssy the American rty (' m u. Nw it is well known that we s'rw mM-m-mwwofriimif, bit an aynrt rrtirtf' jjH()ie timrfni'rirare ComfMfalivery f-a? msnulariories of roHon or woollens In imf into, ami llmt ill the cloths enl C'.tt af rim h are u'rd here, an made to fixf eastward, ll rtiinnl be then, to protect or own riiizerm that we pay high tsnlf ny, Imii lor the boor fit of iho easier a manuf.irlurrr. lite tariff d'S?s iMtteuricb) Iho niriiK-r It ds-s IhI procure him A higher price for bis grain, in pit!' , of bis bsy it lays no duly Uxm Hie antclosj which would rIe tlx' oricenf the product if his Uod, but ll t'oniiiela bun lo pjy more tor his clothing, bis su'sr, bis !, 'olr e, .c The grsiu which he rsirs Im not go d iiply tint iriuiiiil'nliirri. bul Kg' lo a wsjihern markt, wimt, r' tfulalf the prn e ol' It sllogether. Ths hiioo7 dor not pun tii-e hi li-ur andv ie a g'Kxl jirice for it, Uau-- there 44 a demand for it, in Khoile Maud or Con necticut ; but acrordiug lo H;e ib-iiun I ia the aotitlieru 1 arket; It 1 vurv obviove then thai s Inli Isnff due not Ix-ncfit the Urinef, bur .o) tti c ii"tisry'U iujau4 Wt ll, t ut oiicourae our own uiuiiulaciuiki av Km sy sii m umn. And So ,e v will Macodraje theut by JlowmJ nn.t 4 fair k rcsjosmble proftt, but ni4luejv in.u-i. .Tbcv iiiuU bu cooxcut aith that. it is Imt whet Hie tanner roectiauic will ct mid sobwuU lite uMiuiliselitror.M- lli- 1 s i u'd to nuki i, by a high tariff, hi thooiMiil a yejr, and thnt 1 0.1, on the industry of iSIiith, tituls eaodorate prait i entirely out of lh n urtton. If be d-e 1 1.1I make a fortune n. few years, the) Iiihiih- i bad, h inuot have a higher Ur iff; while the farmer will duvole hi wh ile lip) Iiumj to tho iutKoveiuout oC bis (arm, and is stiHti.il with that. But we muni take snother new of it. Toe miuth have comp'aiiied fur years against it, ImiI whrn the money wa wanted for governrn'mt rli''ne, I In-v pud it. ll i nut waned any I uger, and they have drelared, rsihv or than wihinil lo it: they will di-rlnre ti r.rB iike7m Wto bedoiie. Will iVmety-lvama isiber -e -dewdfitmnr"' id tin happy u-iiuii, than a nWilkali m J' Hie revt mM'. U ijld nhe rather see the) union cut t pieces, nr the -great ninnufto-r luring cMiiminrs ilinde a b;M per roiilse, beCHii it 1 only , a struggle bolwumi the mniiitw ai'ilni' simili anu,linH"lilJHi)l(;1 turiuy i-.uiujj.iu.ts .nl the .east. Wa Uavav no h.Mtiiti .11 in sayiltg they Win decide in JJ. fivor of the umotij eyrit if lliey eufeul r- j somewhat by il. - "FRIEXD8 OF THE r.YaV.',. - Iea4 tieldhwin-i4raiparpbv--- ' lr. Apostate, from ibe Wincbesier Vr j gimnn, and si-e with whom you are tabor-. Biuh, if yo can--Wusw, --fiif. -Ireacheriais course ; towards the Houili. fhew are ' y'nur "friends ef the Union, are ihev Shaois on yiai War rathe -than mo protecti. Tariff jMTa .Ejiywjirthv jt disti.uguishod .mmiU.m'L-." of Hie U.Mine of KepresuntaJivus, front he - tate of Connecticut, thus expressed hi uit w-If tlwi 'iibee biv-ia dcluw opoo . lo hi!) w ' for a reduction of the tariffi . - ' 1 " If we inuit lisve war or a M.tl alrnv T donment nf ur prrniit prHi-clivJ pdiey I LET WAR CO UK. .-Mr. E. sunlUro i lie would lake bis stand, and aee. hu Hu j people would bear him out " S. Caci- lina has sworn yo slcill have no pence wtiiio we have a tariff of even incidouiaf pr.'t-e1"" tin. M r. E. said be wae ready hi S W E A it. v f r Wio, Ihsi Me prtnrnt ''pollff'-'ik 4t NEVEIJ ht, abandoned,' P.-.Ai E t V Alt !' Tin lun-uage will doublle.-. bw esteemed mild, moderate , and jitilriotif, Iif , many of h'e who have been forein 1 their denunciations of the rah aud pncip -itate conduct of South Carolina I and ye( yve venture the aK'rtinu, with ml tlie foaf -of contradiction, that none of the Knilh Ctl rolma politicians have ever, on any m ra tion, nid laneiiane evincing a more nick less dnrejar.1 of the iieaeeand Itirmony 01 the c u ilrv thn 1 tin.- And mark, tons Hie, difforence, Tlie S .nth Carolinians are. aC. tin? in opjM iti hi to a fjsfem, 'wlucj!;..i; onunoii with the whole smith, tne) w ltrvxo have been" itnpoamt'itf mm.v thecoHTitmiofr,artd whfrlt they knw atyd,- Am4 toJnUnjust.. uiiequaaiiJ .rui,tg-;;- thoir inlei In n nvulem wlimn UiK ' . motiey o(it of tliclr pockets t plscc ir 10 the Docttets of others without nn e'j'Vva. lout ; whiljrt Ihi gentleman wouldbrin-r tip on his cnuntrv alt tho horror of, civil war and disunion raih-r than relmcmmli hm hold upon the ill gotten gains Jm"'1 thi IMilicy secures to himself nd n cwwtiU;" ueots.'-. , JfamiMTinmtCm- " TimvtuEOTTiiir:Niav-J The South Carolina' tiuMera, it Kcemr aruit the only people who have r'n r aU rulating tke mine of the. Litton. Mr. lili. worth, Hf Connecticut, has been. rym u hand at jt, and, haarriyedl jM, Ahe,f!t;fei, ion that it is not wortn as rvu' h to liiov. self and his constituent as a, protective tiff. But M rr Ells'iforlh is willing to fi,4h-' to keep up the taxes, end. tlie southern Wl.. hfiitrs to reduce thevu' SUruo (acc;o ddif tu the .tariff logician) Mr. Ellswortlv b?: t : i; hi accord with hi-'.'lf,"''i(repr''--'-while M r.' M c Oo Haji Hamilton . ic. are (rotri j , . v , t n m W - vr i i - i ' .-."''.,.' . . ... '-, ...! '. ,

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